EDLT Science Lesson Addie Model

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Addie model Lesson plan


 Design of study- This lesson is intended to last over two class periods. The students will
remain in a classroom setting starting with a group discussion lead by the teacher. The
classes will then divide into small groups and complete the lesson.
o Access prior knowledge
o What do you know? How did you learn it?
o Students who do no demonstrate mastery of each standard will continue to receive more
guided practice interventions and the time needed to successfully master all content.
o Students who demonstrate mastery will be move to the next unit with and continue
building skills.
 Audience
o Elementary Students grade(s): K-4
 Subject area: science
 Objectives
o Students will understand the following: 
o Students will learn the process skills of science as they apply to different theme.
o Students will-observe, compare, sort, and organize, predict, experiment, evaluate, and
apply the s essential steps to scientific thinking.


 Procedures
o Watch video on lesson
o Ask the students what they think of when they hear the word Scientific Thinking.
o Students are divided into groups, each group will meet to brainstorm the seven basic
steps for creating great science studies should be included observe, compare, sort,
organize, predict, experiment, and evaluate.
o Next, students will use the classroom laptop or tablet to research the seven scientific
thinking and how to use them.
o Students will write their seven elements of scientific thinking on a construction paper
o When all groups have completed their writing, they will display them around the
o Google Classroom Question.

o Vocabulary: Before the lesson begins, we will review some of the words that will be used
in the lesson. This might even spark a different discussion.
o Video Lessons
o Instruction
o Modeling
o Scaffolding
 Google Hangout or Zoom
Use the chat feature to ask questions and engage the group
 Edpuzzle
o Engage students around your video content with questions and monitor their progress
 FlipGrid
o Allow students to teach each other concepts by recording videos.

 Materials needed for lesson:

o Research materials on scientific thinking
o Computer, laptop, and tablet with Internet access
o Construction papers
o Pencils

 Procedures
o All-important data from the previous stages were implemented successfully.
o Students investigate in the context of scientific thinking.
 Make connections
o Connect concepts 
o Connect concepts to life beyond the classroom
o Connect concepts to art, literature, music

 Apply learning to new or novel situations

o Tackle quirky real-world  problems
o Document your process as a group
 Explain how
o Articulate the process you would use to solve a problem or approach a particular situation
o Student-created study materials and resources
o Take the information and design a review resource

 Did the students achieve expected learning outcomes?
o Student assessments are not used to determine pass or fail, but are directly tied to
student achievement, performance, or mastery of knowledge and content.
 Demonstrate Competency
o Students will present their inquiries and findings in a written or creative way. Student
presentations must demonstrate mastery of each standard.
 Adaptations
o Have students choose one of the seven elements of scientific thinking include observe,
compare, sort, and organize, predict, experiment, and evaluate and write about it or draw
a picture of it.
Have interested students work together to make a science project of their own using the seven
elements of scientific thinking.

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