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Kirsten Waterbury

Dr. Alteri


September 9, 2020

1. Throughout the past few years I have attended many events where I am considered apart

of an audience. I have seen the production Legally Blonde, The Lion King, Romeo and

Juliet and Hamlet too, I have also attended a few concerts.

1a. My role at these events was to deeply pay attention as to what was going on in the play’s

I watched and listen to what was happening so I could follow along with the plot. At the

concerts that I have attended I was expected to listen to the artists performances, sing along if

wanted and have fun while being there.

2. If I was to pick one of the events I attended, it would be the Legally Blonde production

because it was the best play that I personally watched put on by high schoolers.

2a. I watched this production in the New Hartford high school auditorium, it was a very large

space with lots of audience. Once I walked into the auditorium it was quite dim with minimal

talking and background music taking place.

2b. I attended this production with my friend and her parents, we sat in about the middle of

the auditorium, we wanted to be a little higher up so we could see everything that was going
on, there was not a set place for us to sit, that spot just attracted our eyes and there was

enough chairs for all four of us.

2c. The space we occupied that evening was meant for a passive experience meaning little

movement from the audience and to just sit, relax, and enjoy the show. It showed that it was

passive because we were in an auditorium filled with chairs and people.

2d. I knew the production was about to begin when the auditorium got completely dark and

silent. Soon after it got dark and quiet the teacher that put on the play stepped out in front of

the stage curtain and said a few words about the production that was about to be put on. I

realized it was about to come to an end when the storyline was completed, the audience

began clapping and when the stage curtain came to a close so we couldn’t see the

actors/actresses anymore.

3. Common audience etiquette would consist of:

 No talking, unless audience participation is requested by the performers. If

something must be said, whisper it quickly. 

 Use good posture, you don’t want the performers to think you aren’t enjoying the


 Remove hats, it’s the polite thing to do.

 Turn your phone off or at least silence it so there are no disruptions.

 Once the lights go out stop talking and avoid getting up.

 Control bodily sounds like coughing, sneezing, etc.

 Avoid other sounds that can disturb the people around you and the performers.

When going to see a live performance you should consider following these simple rules because

it is just the polite thing to do for the performers and the rest of the audience.

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