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Jobs for Nature –

Mahi mō te Taiao
We have been allocated just over $500
million over the next four years to
create nature-based job opportunities
for approximately 6,000 people.
This is part of the Government’s $1.3 billion Jobs for Nature programme
to help revitalise communities through nature-based employment and
stimulate the economy post COVID-19. We are working with other
government agencies to deliver this work.

Our work programme

Our Treaty partner is at the heart of our partnership approach to Jobs for
Nature programme.

We will create jobs on private land and public conservation land, in

predator control, restoring wetlands, regenerative planting and improving
tracks, huts and other recreational assets.

The programme includes:

Kaimahi for Nature 

$200 million to work with councils, iwi and local businesses throughout
the country to provide nature based jobs both on and off public land,
through a regional alliance model. This funding will be targeted towards
helping businesses maintain their workforce and do conservation work as
they move towards economic recovery.

Kaimahi for Nature 

Restoring Nature
 $154.3 million for ecosystem restoration on public land and private land.
DOC will work with the Queen Elizabeth II National Trust, NZ Landcare
Trust, regional councils, Treaty partners and landholder groups to create
jobs in revegetation, pest and weed control, and riparian planting.
Protecting Nature
 $147.5 million for jobs in pest control and eradication, including
advancing Predator Free New Zealand and working with iwi to prevent
the collapse of North Island forests.

Funding allocation
Much of this funding is already allocated to specific projects and
organisations, while other funding is more flexible. We are developing a
process for how businesses and organisations can input their proposals
for this funding.

More information will be available soon. In the meantime, enquiries can

be sent to
Work has begun
We have already shown we can provide jobs in nature for people
impacted by COVID-19.

For example, DOC received $3.9 million in March 2020 as part of a

redeployment package for forestry workers. We have delivered job
opportunities for approximately 340 people employed across about 60
projects with that funding.

There is also substantial new funding for Ministry for the Environment to
clean up rivers and restore wetlands, and to Land Information NZ to ramp
up pest and weed control on Crown land, in rivers and lakes.

The Ministry for Primary Industries gets an additional $100 million over
four years for wilding conifer control and $27 million in new funding for
wallaby control and to support landowners in protecting biodiversity,
freshwater and improving land use practice.

More information about the Government’s $1.3m Jobs for Nature

programme . (external site)

Connecting with job

We are working to identify projects that will produce great outcomes for
job creation and conservation. We are also using criteria to match jobs
and projects to regions that are most impacted by COVID-19 and the
downturn in international visitors.

Most of the jobs are being designed to be temporary, with a higher

number of people cycling or rotating through them until their previous
employment/business recovers.

You’ll need to either have specialised skills such as project management

or more general skills such as pest control, planting and weeding. In
some cases we are offering training to help upskill potential workers.

Most of the jobs will be advertised through our partners who are leading
these initiatives. You can also check the career pages of your local and
regional council, iwi, Landcare Trust and QEII National Trust.

We will have more information on which projects have been approved

soon. The intention is to track the projects regionally and so we expect to
have further information once the systems are up and running and
projects have been identified.

In the meantime, if you’re looking for work, check out the government’s
new jobs website Connected.  Or, if you need financial help until you find
 (external site)

a job, Work and Income may be able to help .    (external site)

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