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Matura task exercise 5

Hi, A! I’ve got an idea! There are many new movies in our cinema, why don’t we go there?

-Good idea! But what are they playing ? Do you have any suggestion?

I was thinking about the newest thriller – 3 people. This movie is based on a bestseller. The trailer is
really good and I’ve heard a lot of fantastic reviews about this movie. What do you think?

-I’m not really a fan of thrillers but after hearing how you praised this one I think we should go see it.
When should we go there?

Maybe we could go in the evening?

-Today? I’m afraid I can’t. I have an appointment with my dentist. How about Friday after school?

That’s fine by me. We finish our classes at the same time, so we can meet at the bus stop and go
straight to the cinema.

-Awesome. Shall we ask C, E and D to come too?

Good idea. They really like going to the cinema and C loves this genre of movies. But I’m afraid that E
won’t be able to come with us because on Friday after school he always goes to visit his grandma.

-What a shame. How much are the tickets?

I’ve checked it on the cinemas site and we are actually saving a few zloty. Usually their tickets cost 20
zl but on Friday they always cost only 15 zl.

-Alright. Let’s ask our friends if they would like to go to the cinema with us.

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