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Past and future : vaccination against Eimeria

V. M C DONALD 1* and M. W. SHIRLEY 2

Centre for Gastroenterology, Institute of Cell and Molecular Science, Barts and the London School of Medicine,
Newark St, London E1 2AD, UK
Institute of Animal Health, Compton, Nr Newbury, Berkshire RG20 7NN, UK

(Received 16 January 2009; revised 26 March 2009; accepted 30 March 2009; first published online 15 June 2009)


Eimeria spp. are the causative agents of coccidiosis, a major disease affecting many intensively-reared livestock, especially
poultry. The chicken is host to 7 species of Eimeria that develop within intestinal epithelial cells and produce varying
degrees of morbidity and mortality. Control of coccidiosis by the poultry industry is dominated by prophylactic chemo-
therapy but drug resistance is a serious problem. Strongly protective but species-specific immunity can be induced in
chickens by infection with any of the Eimeria spp. At the Institute of Animal Health in Houghton, UK in the 1980s we
showed that all 7 Eimeria spp. could be stably attenuated by serial passage in chickens of the earliest oocysts produced
(i.e. the first parasites to complete their endogenous development) and this process resulted in the depletion of asexual
development. Despite being highly attenuated, the precocious lines retained their immunizing capacity. Subsequent work
led to the commercial introduction of the first live attenuated vaccine, Paracox1, that has now been in use for 20 years. As
much work still remains to be done before the development of recombinant vaccines becomes a reality, it is likely that
reliance upon live, attenuated vaccines will increase in years to come.

Key words: Eimeria, chicken, attenuation, precocious development, vaccination.

INTRODUCTION safety if the primary administration is not optimal.

The use of spray cabinets most recently, however, has
Species of apicomplexan protozoan parasites within
improved the uniformity of vaccination and thus re-
the genus Eimeria typically infect cells of the intes-
duced the risk and the products. The use in the EU of
tinal epithelium of a large number of hosts and are
live vaccines is currently restricted to products com-
responsible for the disease coccidiosis. For the
prising attenuated oocysts within a sterile medium.
poultry industry, coccidiosis is a major problem and
With the long-term aim of developing a safer
prophylactic chemotherapy with specific anticocci-
vaccine for the control of avian coccidiosis, our work
dial drugs has for many years been the preferred
at the Houghton Poultry Research Station (later to
method of preventing and controlling the disease.
become part of the Institute for Animal Health)
However, drug-resistance is a problem that has to be
during the late 1970s and early 1980s focussed on the
managed constantly ; no new drugs have been in-
derivation of attenuated lines of Eimeria from all
troduced for many years and legislation increasingly
7 species from the chicken. From 1980 this research
favours the use of an expanding portfolio of vaccines
was funded in part by the British Technology Group.
that are almost exclusively live.
A body of earlier work by Peter Long and colleagues
Infection of the host with Eimeria spp. leads to
showed that one of the most pathogenic species,
strong, species-specific, protective immunity and the
E. tenella, could be attenuated by serial passage in the
earliest studies showed that, in principle, vaccination
chorio-allantoic membrane (CAM) of embryonated
on a mass scale should be feasible within the intensive
eggs, but attenuation was not a stable trait.
poultry industry. About 50 years ago, a live vaccine
Our initial attempts at passage of other species in
comprising small numbers of wild-type, naturally
eggs met with only limited success and our attention
virulent, parasites of different species of Eimeria was
moved to a method for the attenuation of E. tenella
introduced in the USA and variants of the vaccine are
reported by Tom Jeffers in the mid-1970s. During
still in use today. A disadvantage of the live, non-
serial passage of E. tenella in the chicken, Jeffers im-
attenuated vaccines strains is they offer less margin of
posed a repeated selection for early completion of the
endogenous development by using for passage only
the first oocysts to be produced during infection.
* Corresponding author : Centre for Gastroenterology, Two attenuated lines were derived as a result of de-
Institute of Cell and Molecular Science, Barts and the
London School of Medicine, Newark St, London E1 2AD, pleted asexual reproduction. Jeffers referred to the
UK. Tel : +0207 882 7202. Fax: +0207 882 2187. attenuated parasites as ‘ precocious lines ’ because, in
E-mail : comparison to the parent strains, their life cycle in

Parasitology (2009), 136, 1477–1489. f Cambridge University Press 2009

doi:10.1017/S0031182009006349 Printed in the United Kingdom
V. McDonald and M. W. Shirley 1478

the chicken was completed faster. We were appre- formation of a new generation of oocysts. Thus the
hensive about investing time and resource to this endogenous life cycle of Eimeria spp. comprises
approach because in the intervening years there were 2 distinctive phases – asexual followed by sexual. The
no further reports of attenuated precocious lines newly formed, uninfective, oocysts are released into
from any other species and we believed that E. tenella the gut lumen and shed in the faeces into the en-
was an atypical species. vironment where, in the presence of moisture,
Lack of success in our alternative approaches, warmth and oxygen, they undergo sporulation and
however, led us to re-examine the trait of precocious become infective (Norton and Chard, 1983).
development and within 2 years we had derived at- The 7 species of Eimeria from the chicken vary in
tenuated precocious lines from each of the 7 species. their pathogenicity so that, for example, infections
Crucially, infections induced a level of protective with E. tenella and E. necatrix may cause considerable
immunity against challenge with virulent strains that mortality whereas E. praecox is not a cause of mor-
was absolutely comparable to that induced by the tality (Tyzzer, 1929 ; Long, 1968). Pathogenic species
wild-type parents and, moreover, the lines did not are typically characterized by at least 1 large endo-
revert to virulence when selection was relaxed. After genous life-cycle stage, which may be asexual (e.g.
many fundamental studies to comprehensively second generation schizont of E. tenella or E. necatrix)
characterise the precocious lines with regards to their or gametocyte (e.g. E. maxima). Pathology can be
endogenous development, pathogenicity, immuno- exacerbated by migration of infected host cells (e.g.
genicity and genetic stability, more practical work cells with second generation schizonts of E. tenella or
was done to formulate a vaccine that was launched in E. necatrix) from the epithelium into underlying tis-
1989 as Paracox1. sue. The least pathogenic species, such as E. praecox,
This article will describe the work that helped to have comparatively small developmental stages that
change the way in which avian coccidiosis is con- grow more superficially in the epithelium (Long,
trolled currently. Beginning with an introduction to 1968).
the avian species of Eimeria and their importance and Signs of coccidiosis include weight loss, listless-
economic significance in poultry production, the re- ness, loss of appetite, diarrhoea and huddling.
view will go on to describe early research that led to Disease occurs when chickens ingest large numbers
development of vaccine strategies, then our work to of oocysts – frequently within the environment of
derive and utilize precocious lines and, finally, an commercially-reared poultry where very large num-
assessment will be made of progress towards novel bers of susceptible birds are held together in a con-
recombinant vaccines that could replace live vaccines. fined space. The continual re-cycling of oocysts
through birds within a flock leads, within 3–4 weeks,
to high numbers of oocysts in the litter (Williams,
1994). Good husbandry can help in reducing the
Eimeria spp. within the phylum Apicomplexa are overall level of risk of disease occurring, but ad-
protozoal, coccidial parasites that are the aetiological ditional measures are absolutely essential. Since the
agents of coccidiosis, a major economically significant late 1940s, prophylactic chemotherapy with anti-
intestinal disease of commercially reared livestock. coccidial drugs given in the feed has been the primary
Coccidiosis is especially important to the poultry control measure against coccidiosis. Inevitably,
industry, which worldwide raises around 40 billion massive drug usage led to emergence of drug-
chickens annually. Eimeria spp. are monoxenous and resistant parasites and the introduction of a succes-
the chicken is host to 7 species – E. tenella, E. maxima, sion of new drugs has been accompanied by drug
E. acervulina, E. brunetti, E. mitis, E. necatrix and resistance soon after (Chapman, 2003). The outlook
E. praecox – which inhabit characteristic regions of for such a heavy reliance upon chemotherapy in this
the intestine. Parasites are transmitted faecal-orally century is now uncertain because of drug resistance
between hosts and the environmentally-resistant and a lack of new drugs ; in addition, some anti-
stage, the oocyst, contains 4 sporocysts, each en- coccidials have been banned by the EU and future
closing 2 infective sporozoites. Sporozoites excyst use of others may be under threat (Shirley et al.
from the sporocysts in the intestinal lumen, penetrate 2004). Hence, alternative means for the prevention of
epithelial cells and, depending on species, develop at avian coccidiosis are necessary, including greater use
the site of invasion or enter immune cells that migrate of vaccines, if the national and international poultry
to specific niches, such as the crypts, before re- industry is to continue to meet an increasing demand
entering epithelial cells. Within enterocytes, a lim- for its products.
ited number of cycles (3–4) of asexual reproduction
or schizogony take place and each generation of
schizont can often be identified by size and/or lo-
cation on the intestinal villus. Merozoites from the
last generation of schizonts develop into micro- or A number of key observations from some of the
macrogametes and fertilization of gametes leads to earliest research on Eimeria of fowl indicated that
Eimeria vaccines 1479

vaccination against species of Eimeria from the complete life cycle in vitro. However, E. tenella was
chicken should be possible on a large-scale commen- shown to reproduce in the CAM of chicken embryos
surate with the global scale of the poultry industry. and serial passage in eggs resulted in significant at-
Firstly, infection was identified as self-limiting with tenuation of the parasite (Long, 1972). After 37–42
the sexual phase of the life cycle starting after a fixed passages the attenuated, embryo-adapted, line when
number of generations of asexual reproduction inoculated into chickens induced strong immunity
(Tyzzer et al. 1932). Secondly, birds could be in- against the virulent parent strain, and after 62 pas-
fected readily at a very young age and infection could sages the parasite was no longer pathogenic in
be established by incorporating live oocysts into feed birds but was still able to immunize (Long, 1974).
(Johnson, 1932 ; Tyzzer et al. 1932) – a methodology Attenuation was attributable, at least in part, to a
that obviated the necessity to dose chicks individu- reduction in the size and invasiveness of the normally
ally. Thirdly, chickens could be immunized against very large second generation schizont (Long, 1974).
re-infection with the same species of Eimeria by in- However, the trait was not genetically stable within
oculation on one or more occasions with small num- the population selected as the reproduction of the
bers of oocysts that caused no pathology (Johnson, egg-adapted line in chickens increased with serial
1927 ; Tyzzer, 1929). However, no cross-immunity passage in chickens. Subsequently, embryo-adapted
between different species of Eimeria was found attenuated lines of the highly pathogenic E. necatrix
(Tyzzer, 1929) so that the common pathogenic spe- were described by different workers (Shirley, 1980 ;
cies had to be represented within any live vaccine. Kogut et al. 1983). It proved not to be possible to
Work led by S. A. Edgar in the early 1950s led to derive embryo-adapted lines of most other species
the introduction of the first commercial vaccine, because the sporozoites either failed to develop after
CocciVac1, and it is still in use today – albeit pre- invasion of the CAM or led to a complete endogenous
dominantly in the USA (Williams, 2002). The vac- cycle but the small number of oocysts produced did
cine contains oocysts of wild-type, virulent strains of not sporulate well (Shirley et al. 1981). In view of
several species of Eimeria and, until the late 1990s, the general failure of the approach to derive embryo-
vaccination was usually accompanied by a short adapted attenuated lines, it was necessary to identify
period of chemotherapy using drugs with an efficacy another means for attenuation.
that both controlled the worst of any disease and also
allowed infection to proceed so as to induce protective
immunity (Williams, 2002). As methods were de-
veloped for delivering uniform infections of vaccinal
oocysts to chicks at the hatchery, any need for at- A simple method for attenuating all species of
tendant chemotherapy was found to be less necessary chicken Eimeria emerged from an investigation by
(Williams, 2002). Jeffers (1975) on the ‘ flexibility ’ of the developmental
rate of E. tenella. The life cycle of each species of
Eimeria from the chicken is defined by a genetically
pre-determined number of generations of schizogony
An attraction of the use of attenuated lines of Eimeria which leads to characteristic pre-patent periods,
for vaccination was that the required re-cycling of i.e. the time interval between inoculation of chickens
parasites (needed to ensure optimal immunisation with oocysts and the appearance of the first of the
of large flocks) would not present any prospects for new generation of oocysts. During serial passage of
occurrence of disease. Early attempts to attenuate the Wisconsin (Wis) laboratory strain of E. tenella,
parasites by heat treatment (Jankievicz and Scofield, Jeffers (1975) selected only the earliest oocyst pro-
1934) or by x-irradiation (Albanese and Smetana, geny for further passage. After 25 generations of
1937 ; Waxler, 1941) were not convincing. Later selection the pre-patent period of the parasite was
studies showed that when oocysts of E. tenella were reduced by approximately 24 h and an acceleration of
treated with high doses of x- or c-irradiation, both endogenous development was identified as the cause.
the infectivity of sporozoites in cell culture and re- The so-called ‘ precocious line ’, Wis-F-125, was
production of oocysts in chickens were decreased characterized by a marked reduction in oocyst re-
(Jenkins et al. 1991, 1997 ; Gilbert et al. 1998). Infec- production and pathogenicity compared with the
tion of chicks with irradiated oocysts induced sig- parent strain. In addition, the trait for precocity was
nificantly fewer pathogenic effects and conferred stable after 25 generations of further passage without
partial resistance against reinfection with the hom- selection pressure. Infection of chicks with this pre-
ologous virulent strain. However, it is not clear cocious line induced a high level of immunity against
whether oocysts derived from infections of irradiated challenge with the parent strain (Johnson et al. 1979).
parasites in chickens were stably attenuated. However, following further selection pressure dur-
Attenuation of virulence of chicken Eimeria spp. ing which a more attenuated line, Wis-F-96, was
by serial passage in cell cultures has not proved obtained, infection induced with small numbers of
possible because none of the species undergoes a oocysts no longer protected against challenge with
V. McDonald and M. W. Shirley 1480

the parent strain (Johnson et al. 1979). Cheng and Table 1. Effect of selection for precocious
Edgar (1979) subsequently derived precocious lines development on the prepatent time and
from another strain of E. tenella and a strain of oocyst reproduction
E. maxima, but reported that these were not at-
tenuated. This disappointing result may have dis- Pre-patent time (h)b % Reduction
couraged an immediate pursuit of this approach for in reproductive
attenuation (Williams, 2002). Parent Precocious capacity of
Speciesa strain line precocious linec
In the early 1980s at the Houghton Poultry
Research Station we set out to attenuate each of the E. acervulina 89 62 92.3
7 avian species of Eimeria. Further efforts to derive E. brunette 120 89 91.6
embryo-adapted lines were not encouraging and E. maxima C 125 110 95.9
E. mitis 91 64 97.4
consistent failure led to a re-examination of the po- E. necatrix 138 120 75.3
tential of precocious development. Within 2 years we E. praecox 84 60 91.5
had attenuated all species by this approach. E. acer- E. tenella 132 109 93.1
vulina was chosen as the first species in our attempt
because it is an important pathogen in the field and a
The virulent parasites were the drug-sensitive Houghton
we had failed in our attempts to manipulate the (H) strains except for E. maxima C, the Chichester strain.
parasite to complete its development in chick em- The time taken to complete development in the intestine
with detection of first new oocysts.
bryos or in cell culture. In common with the Wis-F c
Based on oocyst counts from chickens infected with
line of E. tenella, a precocious (HP) line derived from 2r102 oocysts except for E. brunetti (1r102).
the Houghton (H) strain had a significantly reduced
reproductive potential (McDonald et al. 1982). At-
tenuated (HP) lines were then obtained from the In the precocious lines, the events of sexual repro-
Houghton reference strains of E. mitis (McDonald duction and oocyst formation appeared unaltered.
and Ballingall, 1983), E. necatrix (Shirley and However, asexual development was significantly
Bellatti, 1984), E. praecox (Shirley et al. 1984), different in all cases, and any of 3 major effects were
E. brunetti (Shirley et al. 1986) and E. tenella observed for each species (McDonald and Shirley,
(McDonald et al. 1986 a). With E. maxima, pre- 1985). Firstly, in 5 species the final 1 or 2 generations
cocious lines were derived from both the Weybridge of schizogony were depleted. Secondly, in some
laboratory strain (Shirley and Bellatti, 1988) (work species 1 or more generations of schizonts matured at
with the Houghton strain was unsuccessful) and a a significantly faster rate than in the parent strain. An
mixture of 4 contemporaneous field isolates from example, shown in Fig. 1, was the more rapid entry
the UK (McDonald et al. 1986 b). During the course into development by the sporozoites of E. mitis HP
of registering the individual precocious lines within compared to those of the parent H strain. At 30 h
Paracox vaccines, the genetic stability of the traits post-infection, 55 % of the intracellular parasites
for early development and attenuation were con- of the H strain were still sporozoites whereas the
firmed in sub-lines isolated from a single sporocyst majority of parasites of the precocious line had de-
and passaged without selection for only the first veloped into immature schizonts by this time, with
oocysts of the new generation (unpublished data). only 5 % remaining as sporozoites. Partly as a con-
Table 1 shows the effect of selection for precocity sequence, second generation parasites appeared
on the reproductive capacity and pre-patent times of sooner in the precocious line. Thirdly, the schizonts
the 7 species of Eimeria. In most cases reproduction, of at least 1 generation in precocious lines of some
compared with that of the parental strain, was re- species were distinctly smaller and had fewer mer-
duced by over 90 % and the pre-patent times were ozoites compared with those of the wild-type strain.
reduced between 18 to 31 h. This phenotype was most evident with the second
generation schizonts of E. tenella and E. necatrix that
are responsible for most of the severe pathology as-
sociated with these species (McDonald and Shirley,
1987). These smaller second generation schizonts of
The morphological and developmental bases for the the precious lines also reached maturity faster than
phenotypes associated with precocity were elucidated those of the parent strains. Interestingly, these were
from many detailed comparative histological studies the only 2 species for which the final generation of
of the development of each precocious line and schizonts of the precocious lines was not depleted or
the corresponding parent strain in the intestine. An deleted. A histological study by Jeffers (1975) of the
additional benefit of these studies was that they also precocious lines developed from the Wis strain of
provided accurate descriptions of the asexual devel- E. tenella similarly showed that the Wis-F-125 line
opment of the wild-type parasites of some species had smaller second generation schizonts that pro-
as some previous work had been less than compre- duced fewer merozoites. Remarkably, the hyper-
hensive. attenuated Wis-F-96 line was found to lack second
Eimeria vaccines 1481

Fig. 1. Differential counts, expressed as a percentage of the total number of parasites observed, of sporozoites and
second generation asexual stages of Eimeria mitis H and HP in sections of gut taken from infected chickens at 6 h
intervals between 30 h and 42 h post-infection. The latent period before transformation of sporozoites into trophozoites
is shortened in the precocious line and parasites of the 2nd asexual generation appear earlier (based on data from
McDonald and Shirley, 1984).

Sporozoite Gametes

1 2 3 4


Precocious Gametes

1 2 3


Fig. 2. Diagrammatic representation of the endogenous development of Eimeria mitis H and HP showing events that
lead to decreases in reproductive capacity and pre-papatent time in the precocious line. Each generation of schizogony
is represented by the numbers 1–4. Compared with the wild-type strain, the precocious first generation schizont took
less time to mature (see Fig. 1) and the mature form was smaller and produced fewer merozoites. Gametes of the parent
strain appeared to develop only from merozoites of fourth generation schizonts while precocious line gametes could
develop from merozoites of the second or third generation schizonts (the majority). Few fourth generation schizonts
were observed. (Based on data from McDonald and Shirley, 1984 ; McDonald and Shirley, 1985.)

and third generation schizonts – which explained the by traits for both precocious development and drug-
exceptionally low reproductive capacity of this line resistance (Jeffers, 1976 ; Sutton et al. 1986). In a
(McDougald and Jeffers, 1976). All 3 effects de- recent study with E. necatrix, selection for late
scribed above contributed to the decreased fecundity maturation of oocysts during serial passage led to an
and pre-patent time of the precocious line of E. mitis increase in reproductive potential that correlated
(Fig. 2). with an increase in the size of the second generation
The finding that precocity was retained through schizont (Dong et al. 2006). The complexity of the
serial passage of parasites without selection for early phenotypic effects associated with the endogenous
maturation of oocysts indicated that the trait was phase of the life cycle giving rise to the trait of pre-
genetically stable. As further confirmation of genetic cocity suggests that numerous mutated genes may be
stability, co-infection of chickens with parasites involved but, to date, none has been identified. Since
defined by either precocious development or drug- our early substantive work with chickens, precocious
resistance resulted in genetic recombination with lines of eimerians from mammalian hosts (Pakandl
the production of progeny oocysts characterized and Jelinkova, 2006) and turkeys (Matsler and
V. McDonald and M. W. Shirley 1482

Chapman, 2007) have now been derived – suggesting long-term goal, therefore, is to develop a new gen-
that abbreviated development may be established eration of vaccine based upon recombinant antigens.
with Eimeria spp. from many host species. A likely advantage of recombinant vaccines is that
they should be relatively inexpensive to manufacture
and have a longer shelf life than live vaccines.
However, despite years of investigation to identify
Extensive experimental studies were undertaken to and characterize parasite antigens, no successful ap-
measure the abilities of each precocious line, either proaches to developing recombinant vaccines have
singly or in combination, to protect chickens against been reported. Optimal progress towards novel
challenge with virulent strains. Early floor pen trials vaccines will depend on a combination of a better
demonstrated that chicks could be immunized ef- understanding of the mechanisms of immunity to
fectively by infection with precocious lines (Shirley eimerian infections, selection of appropriate parasite
and Millard, 1986). Subsequent studies in the UK antigens and identification of the best route of vac-
showed that vaccination of broiler (meat producing) cine administration ; each of these issues is discussed
birds with precocious lines was as effective as the anti- below.
coccidial drug monensin in protecting against coc-
cidiosis (Evans et al. 1989). Successful vaccination
Mechanisms of immunity
trials with broiler breeders and broiler chickens were
carried out in a number of countries, including Italy Novel approaches for design of vaccines may have to
(Govoni et al. 1987). An important feature of im- take into account detailed knowledge of the host-
munization with precocious lines was the presence parasite interactions that lead to host resistance
of oocysts in faeces or litter (Bushell et al. 1992), a (Lillehoj et al. 2007). There has been considerable
feature more usually associated with drug-resistance progress in elucidating host defensive mechanisms
when chemotherapy was failing. since the 1980s and much of the work has been done
The first commercial vaccine comprising pre- with the murine parasite, E. vermiformis. Studies
cocious lines, Paracox-81, was launched in 1989 have shown that immunity involves T cells (Rose and
to protect breeding and laying flocks and it is now Hesketh, 1986) and in a primary, but not secondary,
used worldwide. In 2000 a new vaccine, Paracox-51, infection, CD4+ T cells are required to control oo-
was introduced for the prevention of coccidiosis cyst reproduction. The results of studies in which
in broilers and the 2 products are currently estimated CD8+ T cells were depleted showed that these cells
to protect about 1 billion chickens annually (In- were not required for elimination of parasites during
stitute of Animal Health – primary or secondary infection (Rose et al. 1988,
press_release/2008/2008_8.htm). Introduction of the 1992 ; Smith and Hayday, 1998). The cytokine in-
Paracox-81 vaccine and the Livacox1 vaccine in terferon (IFN)-c, produced mainly by T cells and
the early 1990s (Bedrnik, 1993 ; Shirley and Bedrnik, NK cells, had an important role in immunity to a
1997) led to many other similar products and in late primary infection (Rose et al. 1991 a). In addition to
2008 the newest attenuated vaccine containing pre- its pro-inflammatory action, IFN-c inhibited in vitro
cocious lines was introduced. Whilst most efforts development of sporozoites in epithelial cells (Rose
scientifically have been directed towards the deri- et al. 1991 b). B cells, and therefore antibodies, ap-
vation of further vaccines based on precocious lines, peared to have a comparatively minor role in resist-
another form of vaccination has been introduced by ance as mMTx/x mice lacking these cells were
Wallach and colleagues in which hens are immunized infected only slightly more heavily than wild-type
with gametocyte antigens to protect their chicks mice (Smith and Hayday, 1998). These findings in-
passively with parasite-specific antibodies trans- dicate that elements of a Th1 cellular response often
ferred into egg yolk (Wallach, 1997). associated with immunity to intracellular pathogens
are crucial for control of E. vermiformis infection.
Some differences were observed in the nature of
protective responses to other murine species of
Vaccines against avian coccidiosis have been available Eimeria, however. During secondary infection with
for more than 50 years. The use of live attenuated E. pragensis, there was a clear requirement for CD8+
vaccines based on precocious lines is highly effective, T cells for resistance (Rose et al. 1992). Also, NK
safe and obviates any requirement for attendant cells but not T cells were involved in control of a
anticoccidial drug treatments. Nevertheless, the primary infection with E. papillata, although IFN-c
large-scale manufacture of live vaccines, especially was required for early development of immunity
attenuated vaccines, is expensive because oocysts (Schito et al. 1996 ; Schito and Barta, 1997).
usually have to be obtained from specified pathogen- Investigation of chicken immune responses to
free chickens, purified from faeces and formulated to Eimeria has been more challenging both because of a
high quality, possibly within a sterile medium, in more limited availability, or no availability of im-
specialized commercial facilities. A medium to munological reagents and transgenic gene knockout
Eimeria vaccines 1483

birds, respectively. Significantly, findings suggest DNA-encoding parasite antigen could further im-
that the protective role of CD4+ T cells may depend prove the immunizing potential (Min et al. 2002 ; Xu
on the parasite species. Treatment of chickens with et al. 2008). Most immunization studies have limited
CD4+ T cell depleting antibodies increased the level investigation to a single parasite species but current
of primary infection of E. tenella but did not influ- knowledge dictates that a vaccine must contain
ence the course of E. acrervulina infection (Trout and antigen(s) from each parasite species represented.
Lillehoj, 1996). Depletion of CD8+ T cells increased Furthermore, components from more than one strain
oocyst production of both species during secondary of Eimeria maxima may be required as there is often
infection, thus showing these cells are necessary to poor cross-immunity between isolates (Norton and
prevent re-infection – although it is not known Hein, 1976 ; McDonald et al. 1986 b).
whether the protective effect involves cytokine ac- A basic problem in identifying antigens for vacci-
tivity or cytotoxicity. Although there is a strong nation is that Eimeria spp. are antigenically complex
parasite-specific antibody in response to infection, (McDonald et al. 1988 ; Tomley, 1994) and it is un-
chickens made B cell-deficient (by bursectomy) were clear which antigens induce protective immunity
no more susceptible to a challenge infection of during natural infection. T cells from birds infected
E. maxima than were controls, suggesting that anti- with 1 species are activated equally by oocyst anti-
bodies are not necessary for elimination of the para- gens of the homologous or different species (Prowse,
site (Rose and Hesketh, 1979). Administration of 1991) and anti-eimerian antibodies often react with
recombinant IFN-c to chickens during E. acervulina different species (Constantinoiu et al. 2004). The
infection decreased both oocyst production and evidence to date indicates wide sharing of T and B
weight loss, indicating that the cytokine had an im- cell epitopes between parasite species and, because
portant protective role during infection (Lillehoj and natural infection induces no cross-protection be-
Choi, 1998). However, the results of tissue-specific tween species, it must be concluded that few antigens
cDNA microarray analyses of the inflammatory re- are relevant to the induction of protective immunity.
sponse suggest that elements of both Th1 and Th2 A critical, but technically challenging, first step is to
are expressed during infection (Lillehoj et al. 2007). identify the antigens of the parasite that are re-
Such studies also indicate that there are variations in cognized by the host as vital to the protective im-
the composition and dynamics of the inflammatory mune response.
responses to the parasite species, including ex- A novel genetic approach is being applied to
pression of IFN-c. identify regions within the genome of the highly
Studies from both mice and chickens suggest that immunogenic species E. maxima which encode pro-
the protective immune mechanisms may vary with tective antigens (Blake et al. 2006). The methodology
species of parasite and that a multivalent subunit used to date has exploited a complete lack of cross-
vaccine may be required to activate a broad range of immunity between 2 strains of E. maxima (H and W),
immune effector mechanisms. Taking a wider per- which were also susceptible and resistant, respect-
spective on vaccination, a successful vaccine may not ively, to the anticoccidial drug robenidine. Chickens
necessarily need to stimulate the protective responses were infected concurrently with the 2 strains to fa-
required to eliminate natural infection. For example, cilitate cross-fertilization of gametes and the progeny
hepatitis B and measles vaccines protect by pro- oocysts were then passed through chickens in the face
moting production of high titres of antibodies of a double selection for resistance to robenidine (the
whereas during a natural infection by these viruses, drug was present in the feed) and complete immunity
potent cell-mediated responses are essential and to the W strain (induced in the chickens previously
antibodies probably play a relatively minor role by infection), i.e. selection was for ‘ hybrid ’ parasites.
(Englar et al. 2001 ; Permar et al. 2004). DNA from the parent strains and the selected para-
sites was characterized by the genome-wide finger-
printing technique of amplified fragment length
Selection of antigens
polymorphisms (AFLP). Comparison of the relevant
Numerous antigens of Eimeria from the sporozoite, fingerprints made possible the identification of DNA
asexual developmental stages and gametocytes have markers critically associated with killing by either an
been cloned and characterized (reviewed by Jenkins, anti-W strain protective immune response or killing
1998 ; Vermeulen, 1998 ; Shirley et al. 2005). Priming by robenidine. The markers eliminated as a conse-
of chickens with antigens with, or without adjuvant, quence of this novel type of immunological selection
has usually provided at best moderate and in- were found to be clustered within 4 distinct linkage
consistent protection against challenge infection groups and work is ongoing to determine definitively
(Vermeulen, 1998 ; Jenkins, 2001). Immunization whether they are associated with regions of the
with antigen DNA incorporated into either plasmid, E. maxima W strain genome which encode immuno-
virus or bacterial vectors may be more promising protective antigens (Blake et al. 2006).
(Min et al. 2002 ; Konjufca et al. 2006 ; Yang et al. The challenge of identifying relevant antigens, if
2008) and concurrent injection of cytokine and approaches other than of the type described above
V. McDonald and M. W. Shirley 1484

are used, are likely to be further complicated by the parasite evade immune recognition whilst completing
possibility that immunoprotective antigens are ex- endogenous development. The totality of the find-
pressed only during part of the endogenous devel- ings suggests that recombinant vaccines may need to
opment of the parasite. Studies have indicated that incorporate antigens that are present in different
some life-cycle stages are more immunoprotective endogenous stages if candidate antigens that are
than others. In immune chickens, intracellular ubiquitously expressed during development cannot
sporozoites from a challenge infection are subject to be identified.
immunological attack and fail to grow (Horton-
Smith and Pierce, 1963). However, sporozoites were
Route for antigen delivery
reported not to induce protective immunity since
chickens medicated with drugs that inhibited intra- Vaccine-induced immunity should be strongest at
cellular development of sporozoites without killing the site of pathogen development and for Eimeria the
the parasites had no or only partial immunity to mucosal surface has to respond rapidly and efficiently
subsequent challenge with oocysts (Long and on exposure to infection. The function of the chicken
Millard, 1968 ; Jeffers and Long, 1985). Other stu- mucosal immune system is not as well defined as
dies suggested that, during infection, immunity was that of mammals but is likely to be similar (Lillehoj
established mainly by asexual reproductive stages and Trout, 1996). There are 3 compartments of
but sexual forms contribute little to development of the mucosal immune system : the epithelium which
host resistance (Rose, 1967). contains intraepithelial lymphocytes, the lamina
To investigate potential differences in the im- propria beneath the epithelium which is rich in im-
munoprotective nature of the asexual stages of mune cells including lymphocytes and organized
E. tenella, use was made of the Wis-F-96 precocious lymphoid structures such as Peyer’s patches (PP) and
line that undergoes only the first of the 3 generations lymphoid aggregates where initial priming of T and
of schizogony (McDougald and Jeffers, 1976). It was B cells occurs (Brisbin et al. 2008). Luminal antigens
shown that after infections of equivalent magnitude are constantly sampled by M cells in the epithelium
of Wis-F-96 or the parent Wis strain, chickens overlying the organized lymphoid tissue and released
primed with the precious line were more resistant to from the basolateral membrane where they are taken
challenge infection with Wis than were birds primed up by antigen-presenting dendritic cells that stimu-
with the parent strain (McDonald et al. 1986 c). In a late adaptive immunity. Activated T and B cells
histological study of the caecum where E. tenella migrate from the intestine into the blood and return
develops, it was shown that a primary infection with to the intestine (or other mucosal sites) to reside in
Wis-F-96 prevented further development of sporo- the immune effector sites, the lamina propria or
zoites from a subsequent challenge with Wis whereas epithelium. Studies of the population dynamics of
second generation merozoites of Wis injected directly blood and intestinal lymphocytes in the chicken
into the caecum developed normally (McDonald suggest indirectly that such migration occurs during
et al. 1988). These results demonstrated that, quali- E. maxima infection (Rothwell et al. 1995). In
tatively, first generation schizonts were more mammals, the emergence of homing T cells from
immunoprotective than second/third generation blood vessels into the lamina propria requires surface
schizonts and, in addition, there was poor cross- expression of a receptor for a gut-associated chemo-
immunity between the first and later generations kine and an integrin that attaches strongly to a spe-
of schizonts. cific ligand on endothelial cells of intestinal venules
Seeking to explain those results, the antigenic (Holmgren and Czerkinsky, 2005). By comparison,
composition of sporozoites, first generation and T cells activated in the periphery have poor ex-
second generation merozoites was compared by pression of the mucosa-specific homing receptors
Western blotting using sera from chickens infected (Mora et al. 2003). Hence, systemic vaccination,
by Wis or Wis-F-96 to detect antigens. The peptide which has been commonly used in experimental
patterns for first generation merozoites of Wis-F-96 Eimeria studies, may not be the ideal means of
and Wis were similar, demonstrating selection for inducing immunity at the intestinal surface. An
precocity did not affect antigenic expression. alternative route for vaccination could be in ovo
Although some similarities were observed between (Ding et al. 2005) but this approach for delivery of
the antigen profiles of the 3 invasive stages, signifi- an antigenically complex vaccine requires more
cant differences were also evident (McDonald et al. research.
1988). A subsequent, more detailed, analysis of the
antigenic composition of the invasive stages of
Antigen delivery systems
E. tenella demonstrated a lack of cross-reactive epi-
topes between sporozoites, first and second gener- Assuming the mucosal route of vaccination is the one
ation merozoites (Tomley, 1994). The significant most likely to produce good immunization against
antigenic modification that takes place during suc- Eimeria, a number of challenges remain to be re-
cessive asexual generations is thought to help the solved. Overall, a live, attenuated line of Eimeria is
Eimeria vaccines 1485

likely to be the ideal vector for delivering protective tenuated viral or bacterial vectors. A recombinant
antigens. However, in considering a non-eimerian fowlpox virus expressing an E. tenella gene has been
delivery system, the oral route may require the use of reported (Yang et al. 2008). Some reports have de-
agents that protect against stomach acid and bacterial scribed the cloning and expression of eimerian genes
proteases in the gut lumen. More importantly, the in intestinal bacterial species and that oral inoculation
complex mucosal immunoregulatory network that of the recombinant bacteria induced antigen-specific
prevents inflammatory responses to harmless anti- T and B cell responses (Lillehoj et al. 1990 ; Pogonka
gens such as food and commensal bacteria, termed et al. 2003 ; Konjufca et al. 2006). Chickens in-
oral tolerance, must be bypassed. In humans and oculated orally with Escherichia coli or attenuated
mice regulatory T cells and a subpopulation of Salmonella enterica expressing the merozoite surface
dendritic cells that produce anti-inflammatory cyto- protein EAMZp250 of E. acervulina were partially
kines, such as TGF-b or IL-10, probably play an protected against infection with this species (Lillehoj
important role in gut homeostasis (MacDonald and et al. 1990 ; Konjufca et al. 2006). Fusion of
Monteleone, 2005). Infectious organisms override EAMZp50 to a S. enterica Type 3 secretory system
homeostasis because they may be efficiently taken up (T3SS) protein allowed the parasite protein to be
at immune inductive sites such as Peyer’s patches by delivered directly into host cell cytoplasm and this
M cells or they actively select M cells for attachment process boosted antigen-specific Th1 responses
(Sicinski et al. 1990 ; Jones et al. 1994). Sporozoites (Konjufca et al. 2006). In contrast, delivery of pro-
or merozoites of Cryptosporidium, an apicomplexan teins to host cells via the S. enterica Type 2 secretory
related to Eimeria that also infects enterocytes system (T2SS) induced both Th1 and Th2 responses
have been detected in Peyer’s patches inside both and fusion of the E. tenella refractile body antigen
M cells and macrophages/dendritic cells (Marcial and SO7 with a T2SS protein induced stronger immuniz-
Madara, 1986). Whole organisms are also likely to ation than fusion with the T3SS protein (Konjufca
have components with adjuvant activity that are able et al. 2008). This live vector antigen delivery system
to activate the innate immune system (Neutra and could provide potent immunization against Eimeria
Kozlowski, 2006). Dendritic cells and macrophages infection when combined with known protective
(and other cell types) express Toll-like receptor antigens.
(TLR) molecules that are important sensors of in- The ideal live vector for vaccination against coc-
fection. TLRs signal for inflammation when they in- cidiosis might be an attenuated recombinant line of
teract with a type of conserved molecular component Eimeria expressing protective antigens of all species
of microbial pathogens such as bacterial lipopoly- (Shirley et al. 2005). Stable transfectants of other
saccharide (TLR4) or flagellin (TLR5) (Medzhitov, protozoa including apicomplexans such as T. gondii
2007). The innate inflammatory immune responses and Plasmodium spp. have been established for a
initiated by TLRs can promote the development number of years (Sibley et al. 1994 ; van Dijk et al.
of adaptive immunity and TLR ligation is required 1995). Transient transfection with Eimeria was de-
for control of some protozoan infections, including monstrated with E. tenella using the b-galactosidase
orally induced infection by Toxoplasma gondii gene linked to the microneme protein Etmic-1 and
(Sukhumavasi et al. 2008). enzyme activity could be detected throughout the
Mucosal vaccination with subunit antigenic first generation of merogony in cell culture (Kelleher
material might be made effective, therefore, by for- and Tomley, 1998). Recently, a stably transfected
mulating delivery systems that target mucosal in- line of E. tenella expressing a fluorescent protein was
ductive sites, perhaps by attachment to M cells or generated that completed its development in chickens
by providing stimulation of innate immune responses (Yan et al. 2008). The transfectant was attenuated
via TLRs. Incorporation of antigens or DNA into and such an organism could be advantageous for
particles, vesicles or self-assembling viral cores de- the formulation of multivalent anti-Eimeria vac-
signed to have one or both of these effects has been cines – but many technical and regulatory hurdles
shown to induce strong mucosal immune responses; still have to be surmounted for expression of multiple
similarly, mucosal administration of TLR ligands foreign genes.
and antigens together has boosted a local response
to antigen because of the adjuvant effect induced
by TLR activity (reviewed by Holmgren and
Czerkinsky, 2005 ; Neutra and Kozlowski, 2006). Eimeria spp. do not appear to have the sophisticated
The problem of bypassing gut homeostasis in immuno-evasive strategies shown by other proto-
mucosal vaccination with non-living antigens is un- zoan parasites that make control by immuniz-
derlined by the fact that there are few oral vaccines ation highly problematic. Indeed, immunization is
licensed for human use and most of those are live/ straightforward and arises through a life cycle of
attenuated (Holmgren and Czerkinsky, 2005). Oral several days (up to 12–14 days) that allows the host
tolerance may be less of a complicating factor if time to develop a durable protective immune re-
Eimeria vaccine antigens were expressed in live, at- sponse. The practical concept of mass vaccination by
V. McDonald and M. W. Shirley 1486

infection with non-attenuated parasites strains was Bedrnik, P. (1993). Livacox, a vaccine against coccidiosis
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