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Task 2

Writing Production

Jerson Estrada Díaz – Cód. 1125552409 – Group: 900003_39

Septiembre 2020


Rosa Inés Martínez

National Open and Distance University

School of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities

English B1
Screenshots from the Ebook

Module 1. Exercise 5. Home remedies

Module 1. Exercise 6. Reading e-mail messages

Module 1. Exercise 11. Understanding phrasal verbs in context.

Module 2. Exercise 9. Talking about actions that are not necessary.

Module 2. Exercise 11 Understanding necessity and obligation.

Module 2. Exercise 12. Understanding necessity and obligation.

Module 3. Exercise 3. Infinitive after certain verbs.

Module 3. Exercise 7. Infinitives after adjectives.

Module 3. Ejercicio 11. Exercise 11. Understanding important decisions.

Module 3. Exercise 12. Understanding a text about study abroad.

Module 4. Exercise 9. identifying verbs followed by gerund or infinitive with a change in


Module 4. Exercise 11. Understanding qualities and skills employers look for.

The answers to the questions proposed in the forum.

Student: Jerson Estrada D


 What is your job?

I work in an electrical equipment factory.

 Where do you work? Describe your place of work.

I work in the municipality of Zipaquirá

 What responsibilities do you have at work?

My responsibility is to comply with the work rules established by the company.

 Describe your activities at work.

My activities at work are the manufacture of various electrical items such as: duomo, switches,
plates, pushbuttons, outlets, among others.

 Do you like your job? Yes, No. Why?

If I like my job, because they treat it well, there are not many overtime.

 Describe your skills and weaknesses for this job.

One of my skills is teamwork, organization and analysis.

 What was your first day at work like?

The first day of work was a bit tough as I had no practice or experience.

 Do you have or know about any superstition in your business/work/office?

I don't know


 What do you study?

I am study psychology.

 Where do you study?

I study at the National Open and Distance University (UNAD).

 What is your favorite subject?

My favorite subject is the cell phone.

 What are your responsibilities at University?

My responsibilities at the university is to consciously and responsibly assume the teaching-

learning processes.

 Describe your activities at University. Do you like your career? Yes, No. Why?

My activities in the universities have to do with the development of the activities proposed in the
Yes, I like a career in psychology, because it is one of the most beautiful professions that
involves analysis, understanding, research, solidarity, understanding why people act in such a

 Describe your skills and weaknesses for this job.

My skills are:

Problem solving analysis.
Autonomous work.

My weaknesses:


 What was your first day at University like?

My first day at the university was a training in the management of the virtual platform, it was
very good for me since it facilitates the use of computers.

 Do you have or know about any superstition in your school/University?

I don't know

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