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Home-made Robotic Education, a new way to explore

Pedro Plaza Elio Sancristobal, German Carro, Manuel Castro

Plaza Robotica Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
Torrejón de Ardoz, Spain Spanish University for Distance Education (UNED) Madrid, Spain,,

Abstract— Robotic Education is becoming very popular these The aim of this paper is to propose a tool which ease the
days. Simple robots are being used within STEM (Science, learning process in a STEM (Science, Technology,
Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Education as a Engineering and Math) educational context at home. This is
powerful tool which eases the way to teach STEM knowledge. intended to be done in order to provide a communication
Additionally, Robotics also provide an attractive manner to channel between parents and children.
transform boring concepts into an amusing learning process.
Along this paper, a new way to use robotic is presented. Instead Nowadays, there are lots of solutions. Although these
of using robots in classrooms or remote laboratories, the proposal solutions usually are expensive or they have not enough
is to use robots at home. Currently, there are some alternatives documentation in order to be used by parents and children
on order to introduce educational robots at home. Along this joined in the same activity. Crumble can provide an ease and
article, Crumble is presented as a tool which can be used with the cheap way for learning, enjoying and communicating during
aim of deploying STEM knowledges at home joining adults and home-made educational robotic sessions.
This paper is divided in five sections. Section II presents
Keywords— Robotic;, Education; STEM; different Crumble as a simple and powerful STEM tool.
Section III details a learning session using Crumble to
I. INTRODUCTION introduce robotics to adults and children joined. A discussion
Robotic Education is becoming very popular these days. related to the exposed content is provided in section IV.
Simple robots are being used within STEM (Science, Finally, the last section summarizes the achieved conclusions
Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Education as a after the performed investigation. Moreover, Section V
powerful tool which eases the way to teach STEM knowledge. includes some proposed activities with the aim of moving
Additionally, Robotics also provide an attractive manner to robotic education to homes,
transform boring concepts into an amusing learning process.
Robotic kits facilitate the ease with which students can make
connections among STEM disciplines [1]. The Crumble is an easy-to-use programmable controller. Its
programming interface uses a block programming language
Technology is scaling day by day and it is entering more which eases its use by children aged below 14 [3]. Educational
and more into our daily life. Internet, social networks, robotics can be implemented easily with it due to the board
connectivity and mobile devices lead us to an increasingly connectors. Motors and servos can be managed by Crumble.
connected world, which has generated a major change in our Additionally, different sensors can be connected to it such as
way what humans are relating and communicating. This hyper- ultrasound distance sensor, infrared distance sensor and line
connected scenario is affecting relationships between detector sensor. Furthermore, Crumble is able to manage up to
individuals and it is introducing new opportunities and new 32 RGB (Red, Green and Blue) LEDs (Light Emitter Diodes)
challenges [2]. independently and using 16 bits’ color resolution.
The Internet and video games is commonly used by Fig. 1 depicts a mounted Crumble robot kit example. This
childhood New generations get better and better with the robotic platform includes the Crumble controller, two DC
technology, that they get to use it almost by instinct and that (Direct Current) motors with wheels, an Sparkle, a battery
they handle a wide technological knowledge at an early age. holder with an integrated switch, different mechanical elements
This phenomenon can be both positive and negative. In one and cables to connect electrically the components.
hand, technology eases the communication process with new
channels which bring people closer in a digital manner with
solutions such as skype, WhatsApp and social networks. On
the other hand, these new ways of communication create a
dependency which reduces the physical communication

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2017 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON)
Page 132
Fig. 1. Mounted Crumble robot kit.

A. Crumble Hardware
Crumble controller is a board which includes the following
characteristics [3]:
x Two input power ports hardwired internally which
can be powered with a voltage level from 4.5 to
5.5 V DC (Direct Current). These ports are
marked as POWER in the PCB (Printed Circuit
Board) with their polarity (+ and -). Fig. 2. Crumble software snapshot.

x One USB Type-C port used to program. There are six commands groups: Basic, Input/Ouput,
x Two output ports that can control DC motors up to Sparkles, Control, Variables and Operators. Each category
1 A DC. Motors can be managed in both contains related commands [3].
directions. Additionally, the motor outputs can act Basic group provide commands for moving motors, use
as high power outputs for many types of device. Sparkles in a simple manner, commands to make waits and
These ports are marked as MOTOR DRIVERS 1 basic control commands.
and 2 in the PCB (Printed Circuit Board) with
their polarity (+ and -). Input/Output group presents commands to manage the
board’s inputs and outputs: output digital control, motor
x Four input or output ports which can be used as control, status of a digital input, status of aa analogue input,
analogue or digital ports. These ports are marked servo control and sampled distance from an ultrasound sensor.
as A, B, C, and D in the PCB (Printed Circuit
Board). In Sparkle group, commands to turn on and of the Sparkles
can be found. This can be made for all connected Sparkles and
B. Crumble Software for one of them. The Sparkle’s color can be selected from a
No programming experience is required a graphical, drag- color palette or from their red, green and blue intensity. The
and-drop system inspired by MIT Scratch software is provided color intensity can be set to a value within 0 to 255 scale for
freely [3]. each color.
The programming interface is a block programming software Control group allows the use of wait commands. If, if-else
which is divided in three zones: program start / program stop and loops statements can be found in this cathegory too.
buttons, commands panel and programming panel. Fig. 2 Variables and operators can be also combined with other
shows a snapshot of Crumble software. A simple program is commands in order to build complex and powerful programs
included too. for the robot.
The depicted program is intended to: C. Connecting devices to Crumble
1. Wait one second from the startup. Port D is able to manage up to 32 Sparkles independently
2. Move the two motors straight. when the Sparkles are serialized. Sparkles are LED boards
which contains a red, green and blue primary colors. Crumble
3. After one second, turn the Sparkle in the selected controller can independently manage up to 32 Sparkles and
color. using 16 bits’ color resolution [3].
4. Wait other second. Furthermore, servo motors can be managed by Crumble
controller. The servo control signal has to be connected to A,

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2017 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON)
Page 133
B, C or D ports. Up to four servo motors can be controlled at a For the first question, the following answer was provided:
time. Robotics combines mechanics, electricity, electronics and
computer science with the purpose of designing and building
Moreover, ultrasonic distance sensor sample values can be robots.
read by Crumble board.
For the second question the following answer was
Finally, a line following module can be connected to two of provided: Robots are programmable electromechanical
pads A, B, C and D on the Crumble. machines that include sensors to make decisions and adapt to
A small educational robotic workshop was performed with A box with the robotic kit was provided and participants
the aim of getting information about how adults and children were invited to open the box and discover the different
can be joined within a group. The session was held in the shop elements that were inside the box. The elements were: A
El Baúl de Alexandra [4], an art and craft shop located in Crumble board, a battery holder, motors, wheels, a Sparkle, a
Torrejón de Ardoz, Spain. line following sensor, infrared distance sensor, screws, nuts and
an USB (Universal Serial Bus) Type-C cable.
The session lasted four hours where basic concepts about
robotics were put into practice using Crumble as robotic Once all elements were identified and described the
educational platform. The group was formed by four teams. mounting process began. Participants made the mounting
Each team was composed by an adult and a child in pairs. without any guidelines. The teacher only answered doubts. In
Adults were aged from 35 to 45 years and children were aged this way, the teacher was leaving the participants the
from 8 to 13 years. For programming purposes, four laptops opportunity to discover what and how had to be mounted. Fig.
were used. Furthermore, a wide table was used in order to get 4 shows a step of the mounting process carried out by one
space for participants and their laptops and the robots’ test team.
field. During the session, the group was working with motor
control, line following sensor, object detection sensor and color
Before the start of the session a small query was filled by
participants. The aim of the survey was getting which were the
participants’ knowledge about robotics. Fig. 3 depicts the result
of the survey.

Fig. 4. Mounting process.

The four groups were able to have the robot mounted. After
that, the programming stage commenced. In first place,
Crumble software was explained: the command groups, where
the commands were and where the programming canvas was.
The next step was making a program which moved the motors
and hence, the robot. The instructions were:
Fig. 3. Initial survey results.
x First step: Open Crumble.
After the survey, the small workshop started. In first place, x Step two: Add "Program start".
two concepts about robotics were defined:
x Third step: Add motor control 1.
x What robotic is?
x Fourth step: Add motor control 2.
x What robots are?
x Fifth step: Add 1 second wait.
Before answering the above questions, participants were
asked in order to know what they know about robotics and x Sixth step: add stop of motors.
robots. Robotics was defined as science related to machines,
programming. Several examples of robots were exposed too. The proposed activities for motor control were:
Cooking robot, vacuum robots and other familiar robots 1. Move the robot in a straight line and go back to
watched on films or news. the starting point.

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2017 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON)
Page 134
2. Move the robot in a straight line, turn right and The second question was: What do you liked less? Answers
move back in a straight line. were: I do not keep it, lots of information in a little time,
nothing because all is fine (four responses), the rush and
After robots were programmed and were moving along the programming several times.
robots’ test field new instructions were provided in order to
include the infrared line following sensor: The third question was: What was simpler for you?
Answers were: screw and turn it on, the mounting (four times),
x First step: connect the left infrared sensor to port understand the operation and the mounting, answering the
A. surveys and the programming.
x Second step: connect the right infrared sensor to The fourth question was: What was more complex for you?
port B. Answers were: the mounting (two times), make the infrared
At this point a simple explanation about the infrared line object detection sensor works, use of variables in
following sensor was provided. Additionally, some programming, programming (two times), think and connecting
clarifications about input ports and how they were used when a the cables.
program is being made were provided too. The fifth question was: What area or areas of knowledge
The practical exercise was: Make that the robot follows a related to robotics (mechanics, electricity, electronics and
black line on a white background. computer science) do you like more? Fig. 4 depicts the
Once robots were programmed and were following the line
along the robots’ test field new instructions were provided in
order to include the Sparkles. Again, simple explanation about
the Sparkles were provided. The instruction in that moment
was: Connect the Sparkle to port D. And the proposed activity
was: Make a semaphore with the Sparkle.
The last introduced element was the infrared object
detection sensor. A simple explanation about the infrared
object detection sensor was provided. The instructions were:
x First step: connect the cable to the infrared
distance sensor.
x Second step: connect the red cable to the + port.
x Third step: connect the black wire to the port.
x Fourth step: Connect the yellow cable to port C.
Fig. 5. Responses to preferred areas of knowledge related to robotics.
The proposed activity was making blink the Sparkle with a
frequency proportional to the distance measured by the infrared At the end of the small workshop all participants were
object detection sensor. satisfied with the session, the content and the things that they
were capable to do.
Once all elements were presented and explained; and the
participants were familiar with the robot and the programming IV. DISCUSSION
software, the following more complex activities were
The obtained results from the educational robotic workshop
demonstrate how adults and children can share experiences in
x Build your own line following circuit. the same classroom. Adults and children can complement their
knowledge and creativity. Robotics drives easily two different
x Program the robot to detect your hand and follow generations in an STEM educational context. Mechanic is
it when it moves away. smoothly performed by adults while block programming is
x Program the robot so that it detects another robot easily implemented by children.
and does not clash with it. As exposed in the workshop description, adults and
At the end of the session, other small query was filled by children were paired. When they were paired the budget was
participants. The aim of the survey was getting the participants’ reduced because one laptop was shared by then. Furthermore,
opinion about the session, about the robot kit which robotic the robotic platform was shared by them too. Hence, a
knowledge area they preferred. collaboration between the pair members is required. From the
collaboration some competences such as communication and
The first question was: What do you liked more? Answers teamwork.
were: the robot, the class was very entertained, many results in
a short time, program the sparkles (two responses), the On the other hand, while adults and children were sharing
possibilities of the robot, program and test, the line following the same session at home, parents and children has the
and the tests and mounting the robot. opportunity to be in contact more time. Nowadays, due to

978-1-5090-5467-1/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 25-28 April 2017, Athens, Greece

2017 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON)
Page 135
parents’ worktime and children’s extracurricular activities, the of UNED, and the “Techno-Museum: Discovering the ICTs for
time which parents and children can be together has been Humanity” (IEEE Foundation Grant #2011-118LMF).
reduced. Other advantage from bring robotic educational to
home is increasing the time which parents and children can And the partial support of the eMadrid project
share their free time. (Investigación y Desarrollo de Tecnologías Educativas en la
Comunidad de Madrid) - S2013/ICE-2715, IoT4SMEs project
Finally, attending to knowledge from parents and children (Internet of Things for European Small and Medium
about robotic, they need simple materials which can be used Enterprises), Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership nº 2016-1-IT01-
easily with a short setup time. The material has to be very KA202-005561), and PILAR project (Platform Integration of
visual and attractive. The findings acquired along this Laboratories based on the Architecture of visiR), Erasmus+
experience has being included into a doctoral thesis; a novel Strategic Partnership nº 2016-1-ES01-KA203-025327.
approach to collaborative robotic educational tool is being
developed. The authors are also thankful to El Baúl de Alexandra and
the participants mentioned in section III due to their
V. CONCLUSSIONS collaboration.
Along this paper, a new way to use robotic is presented. REFERENCES
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The authors acknowledge the support provided by the
Engineering Industrial School of UNED, the Doctorate School

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2017 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON)
Page 136

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