Readings in Philippine History: Instructor I

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Commission on Higher Education


Nabua, Camarines Sur
FIRST SEMESTER, AY 2020 - 2021




Prepared by:


Instructor I

Module 2


For the learner:

Welcome to the Readings in Philippine History Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM)

Module 2.

This module presents varied learning activities that help you understand the content
and contextual analysis of selected primary sources. It consist of five (5) lessons: Lesson 1-
First Voyage around the World ; Lesson 2- Customs of the Tagalogs; Lesson 3- Works of
Juan Luna and Fernando Amorsolo; Lesson 4-The Political Caricatures; and Lesson 5- The
speech of Corazon C. Aquino.

Additionally, learners are required to:

1. Read and understand the instructions properly;
2. Write your answers in this module;
3. Answer the pretest prior to the lesson proper;
4. Take note of the terminologies (mark and labeled as bold) cited relevant to the
study of Social Sciences;
5. Self–check and compare your answers against the key answer to be discussed
during the online class;
6. Perform critically the activities instructed in this module; and
7. Answer the given assessment test after thorough study of the lessons.


This module will help you understand the content and contextual analysis of
selected primary sources; identification of the historical importance of the text; and
examination of the author’s main argument and point of view.
The complete knowledge of the past through credible and reliable sources is
essential to the understanding and learning of the students of their own history. History
must be studied carefully; hence it necessitates the application of historical method.
Historical method is the process of critically examining and analyzing the records and
survivals of the past (Gottschalk, 1969).
Content analysis is a systematic evaluation of the primary source be it a text,
painting, caricature, and/or speech that in the process students could develop and present
an argument based on their own understanding of the evidences from their readings. The
students will identify pertinent information from the text/document and explain its
importance to their understanding of history in the Philippine setting. Contextual analysis on
the other hand, considers specifically the time, place, and situation when the primary source
was written. The analysis as well includes the author’s background, authority on the subject
and intent perceptible, and its relevance and meaning to people and society today.


At the end of the lesson, the students must have:

1. Analyze the context, content, and perspectives of different kinds of primary sources.
2. Determine the contribution of different kinds of primary sources in understanding
Philippine history.
3. Develop critical and analytical skills with exposure to primary sources

What I Know (Pre-test)

This activity will enable you to assess your prior knowledge from the topic that will be
discussed in this lesson.
Name: Zildjian Xavier Llagas Date:_______
Course & Year: BSIT 1D Score: ______
Directions: Read each question carefully and encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. What was the important instruction to Ferdinand Magellan who led an expedition to
the East?
a. Circumnavigate the earth and record it.
b. Find the islands of Moluca from where the spices come.
c. Gather minerals and other resources vital for industrialization
d. Discover more islands for expansion.
2. What is the name of the island in sight as Magellan arrived on March 16, 1521?
a. Feji (Fiji) b. Mapuan (Mapua) c. Zamal (Samar) d. Zubbu (cebu)
3. What was the Tagalog’s customary practice which was to establish friendship and
a. Alyansa (Alliance) c. Dori (Dowry)
b. Cassi-cassi (Kasi-kasi) d. Pandot
4. What was the term used to refer to the Tagalog worship?
a. Anito b. nagaanitos c. paganitos d. pagdiwata
5. What is excluded from the practice in offering sacrifices to the gods?
a. Decapitation of goats, fowls, and swine c. proclamation of feast
b. Extraction of virgin’s heart d. singing of poetic songs
6. Which concepts is relative to the Tagalog custom on burial?
a. The deceased was thrown wrapped in a mat.
b. The deceased was placed beneath a little house constructed for the purpose.
c. The deceased was placed above the tree in a basket.
d. The deceased was placed in a wooden coffin and burned.
7. What is the largest and most valuable oil-on-canvass painting of Juan Luna?
a. “Cleopatra” b. “Palay Maiden” c. “Spolarium” d. The Parisian Life”
8. What is true about Fernando Amorsolo’s “Antipolo Fiesta” painting?
a. celebration and scenery c. celebration and harvest
b. celebration and livelihood d. celebration and feast
9. What idea is connected to political cartoons?
a. expression of feelings and emotions
b. illustration of social challenges
c. sketch for the delight of viewers
d. used to present criticism on situation
10. What is untrue in the speech of Corazon C. Aquino delivered in the US Congress on
September 18, 1986?
a. The relationship of America and the Philippines.
b. The restoration of the government and foreign debt.
c. The Filipino struggle to achieve democracy and its meaning to them.
d. Development of the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform in the Philippines.

1. d

2. c

3. a

4. a

5. a

6. d

7. c

8. a

9. b

10. a



Activity 1. What you do

Directions: List down activities that travelers do during their voyage.

Where do you want to go? What do you want to do?

Spain I will build a house with my family in this
India Buying enterprising street vendors like
bags, earings and etc
Africa Havng fun I will go to the mountains with
my friends
South America I am go to the amazon rainforest to explore
and discover any wild animals
Pacific ocean Exploring and catching fish
Philippines Experience the most beautiful river in the
Indonesia I am Going to the the popular beach that
calls saminyak
Argentina Im, cycling, diving, hiking, rock climbing and
mountaineering, skiing, surfing, windsurfing
Chile Snow boarding

1. How do you find the activity?
2. What is your favorite place to visit?
3. How do you relate this to our topic?

What is It

Content and Contextual Analysis of Selected Primary Sources in Philippine

History : First Voyage around the World

The historian’s primary tool of understanding and interpreting the past is the
historical sources. Historical sources ascertain historical facts. Such facts are then analyzed
and interpreted by the historian to weave historical narrative. Using primary sources in
historical research entails two kinds of criticism. The first one is EXTERNAL CRITICISM
and the second is INTERNAL CRITICISM. EXTERNAL CRITICISM examines the
authenticity of the document or the evidence being used while INTERNAL CRITICISM
examines the truthfulness of the content of the evidence.


The development of Portuguese maritime empire, apparent scientific and

technological advancement, European attraction to Asia’s wealth and spices, incited Spain
to expend for an expedition. Subsequently, Spain along with other European nations
engaged in discovering and taking possessions of lands beyond the continent.

The period of discovery and expansionism began in the 15 th century, henceforth from
Europe came to the East huge vessels loaded with merchandize and men under a command
to discover and cover lands in the east. This was an eventuality which adjoined people and
nations and such encounter had far-reaching consequences until 19th century.

The Philippine island in 1521 has been “rediscovered” by the Spanish commissioned
authority, Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese navigator who gained confidence and support
from the monarchy of Spain. This information on rediscovery which the world is cognizant
of is attributable to an Italian chronicler, Antonio Pigafetta. The details of the world’s first
circumnavigation were accurately recorded in his journal. This chronicle serves as the lens
through which the voyage and circumnavigation of the world can be apprehended with
certainty. It specifically furnishes important details on the discovery of the islands and
people inhabiting the place, these people were to be the Filipinos’ great ancestors who lived
peacefully and with abundance in the area. The comprehension of the cultural life of these
people was made possible through the chronicle of Pigafetta.

The narrative of the voyage which is a translation by Lord Stanley of Alderley is

presented below. However, only the necessary and important details of the narrative were
taken based on what is useful for the students. In brief, the narrative as it was written,
commenced with the description of the preparation for the voyage, the captain and his men,
the dates as to when it left Spain, the time when oceans were crossed like the Atlantic
Ocean, Pacific Ocean, and Indian Ocean. In particular, Pigafetta wrote appertaining to the
description of the different places he had seen, the people he met and their distinct and
interesting culture. The historic voyage began in 1519 and was successfully completed in

Since there are several curious persons (very illustrious and very reverend lord) who
not only are pleased to listen to and learn the great and wonderful things which God has
permitted me to see and suffer in the long and perilous navigation, which I have performed
(and which is written hereafter), but also they desire to learn the methods and fashions of
the road which I have taken in order to go thither, (and who do) not grant firm belief to the
end unless they are first well advised and assured of the commencement.

Tuesday, the 20th September of the said year, we set sail from St,Lucar, making the
course of the south-west otherwise named labeiche; and on the twenty-sixth of the said
month we arrived at an island of great Canaria, named Teneriphe, which is in twenty-eight
degrees latitude; there we remained three days and a half to take in provisions and other
things which were wanted.

Saturday, the 16 th of March,1521, we arrived at daybreak in sight of a high island,

three hundred leagues distant from the before-mentioned Thieves’ island. Tis isle is named

Monday, the 18th of march, after dinner, we saw a boat come towards us with nine men
in it: upon which the captain-general ordered that no one should move or speak without his

Friday, the 22 nd of march, the above-mentioned people who had promised us to return,
came about midday, with two boats laden with the said fruit cochi, sweet oranges, a vessel
of palm wine, and a cock, to give us to understand that they had poultry in their country, so
that we bought all that they brought.

The Monday of passion week, the 25th of march, and feast of our lady, in the afternoon,
and being ready to depart from this place, I went to the side of our ship to fish, and putting
my feet on a spar to go down to the store room, my feet slipped, because it had rained, and
I fell into the sea without any one seeing me….

Thursday, the 28th of March, having seen the night before fire upon an island, at the
morning we came to anchor at this island; where we saw a small boat which they call
Boloto, with eight men inside, which approached the ship of the captain-general. Then a
slave of the captain’s who was from Sumatra, otherwise named Traprobana, spoke from
afar to these people, who understood his talk, and came near to the side of the ship, but
they withdrew immediately, and would not enter the ship from fear of us.

The next day which was Good Friday, the captain sent on shore the before-mentioned
slave, who was our interpreter, to the king to beg him to give him for money some
provisions for his ships, sending him word that he had not come to his country as an
enemy, but as a friend…

Sunday, the 7th of April, about midday, we entered the port of Zzubu, having passed by
many villages. There we saw many houses which were built on trees. On approaching the
principal town the captain-general commanded all his ships to hang out their flags.

Tuesday morning following the King of Mazzava with the Moor, came to the ship, and
saluted the captain on behalf of the King of Zzubu, and the said that the king was preparing
a quantity of provisions, as much as he could , to make a present of to him, and that after
dinner he would send two of his nephews, with others of his principal people, to make
peace with him.

Saturday, the 26th of October, about nightfall, whilst coasting the island of Birabam
Batolac, we met with a very great storm, before which we lowered all our sails, and betook
ourselves to prayer.

At last, when it pleased Heaven, on Saturday the 6 th of September of the year 1522, we
entered the bay of San Lucar; and 60 men who composed our crew when we left M aluco,
we were reduced to only 18, and these for the most part sick.

Monday 8th of September, we cast anchor near the mole of Seville, and discharged all the

Then, leaving Seville, I went to Villadolid, where I presented to his sacred Majesty Don
Carlos, neither gold nor silver, but things much more precious in the eyes of so great a
Sovereign. I presented to him among other things, a book written by my hand of all the
things that had occurred day by day in our voyage. I departed thence as I was best able,
and went to Portugal and related to King John the things which I had seen. Afterwards, I
turned towards Italy, where I established forever my abode, and devoted my leisure and
vigils to the very illustrious and noble lord, Philippe de Villiers Lisleadam, the very worthy
grand master of Rhodes.


A Brief Summary of the First Voyage Around the World by Magellan/by Antonio

Who is Antonio Pigafetta?

– Famous Italian traveler born in Vicenza around 1490 and died in the same city in 1534,
who is also known by the name of Antonio Lombardo or Francisco Antonio Pigafetta.
Initially linked to the order of Rhodes, which was Knight, went to Spain in 1519,
accompanied by Monsignor Francisco Chiericato, and was made available from Carlos V to
promote the company initiated by the Catholic Monarchs in the Atlantic. Soon he became a
great friendship with Magallanes, who accompanied, together with Juan Sebastián Elcano,
in the famous expedition to the Moluccas begun in August of 1519 and finished in
September 1522.

– He was wounded at the battle of the island of Cebu (Philippines) in which Magellan
found death. The output of Seville made it aboard of the Trinity; the return, along with a
handful of survivors (17 of the 239 who left this adventure), in victory, ship that entered in
Sanlúcar de Barrameda (Cádiz) on September 6, the designated year. In the last years of his
life, he traveled by land from France to finally return to Italy in 1523. He wrote the relation
of that trip, which was the first around the world, Italian and with the title of Relazioni in
lathe to the primo viaggio di circumnavigazione. Notizia del Mondo Nuovo with figure you
dei paesi scoperti, which was published posthumously, in 1536.

– The account of Pigafetta is the single most important source about the voyage of
circumnavigation, despite its tendency to include fabulous details. He took notes daily, as
he mentioned when he realizes his surprise at Spain and see that he had lost a day (due to
its driving direction). Includes descriptions of numerous animals, including sharks, the
Storm petrel (Hydrobates pelagicus), the pink spoonbill (Ajaja ajaja) and the Phyllium
orthoptera, an insect similar to a sheet. Pigafetta captured a copy of the latter near Borneo
and kept it in a box, believing a moving blade who lived in the air. His report is rich in
ethnographic details. He practiced as an interpreter and came to develop, at least in two
Indonesian dialects.
Pigafetta’s work instantly became a classic that prominent literary men in the West like
referred to the book in their interpretation of the New World. Pigafetta’s travelogue is one
of the most important primary sources in the study of the precolonial Philippines.

In Pigafetta’s account, their fleet reached what he called the LADRONES ISLANDS or the
“Islands of the Thieves.” He recounted: “These people have no arms, but use sticks, which
have a fish bone at the end. They are poor, but ingenious, and great thieves, and for the sake
of that we call these three islands the Ladrones Islands.”

The Ladrones Islands

The Ladrones Islands is presently known as the Marianas Islands. Tendays after they have
reached Ladrones Islands, Pigafetta reported that they have what he called the Isle of
Zamal, now Samar but Magellan decided to land in another uninhabited island for greater
security where they could rest for a few days. – On MARCH 18, nine men came to them
and showed joy and eagerness in seeing them. Magellan realized that the men were
reasonable and welcomed them with food, drinks and gifts.

Pigafetta detailed in amazement and fascination the palm tree which bore fruits called
cochos and wine. – He characterized the people as “very familiar and friendly” and
willingly showed them different islands and the names of these islands. The fleet went to
Humunu Island (Homonhon) and there they found what he referred to as the “Watering
Place of Good Signs.” for it is in this place that they found the first signs of gold in the
island. They named the island together with a nearby island as the archipelago of St.

On March 25th, Pigafetta recounted that they saw two balanghai (balangay), a long boat
full of people in Mazzava/Mazaus. The leader whom he reffered to the king became closely
bonded with Magellan as they both exchanged gifts to one another. – After a few days,
Magellan was introduced to the king’s brother who was also a king of another island where
Pigafetta reported that they saw mines of gold. The gold was abundant that parts of the ship
and of the house of the king were made of gold. This king was named Raia Calambu, king
of Zuluan and Calagan (Butuan and Caragua), and the first king was Raia Siagu.

On March 31st (Easter Sunday), Magellan ordered the chaplain to preside a Mass by the
shore. The king heard about this plan and sent two dead pigs and attended the Mass with
the other king. Pigafetta then wrote: “…when the offertory of the mass came, the two kings,
went to kiss the cross like us, but they offered nothing, and at the elevation of the body of
our Lord they were kneeling like us, and adored our Lord with joined hands.” This was the
first Mass in the Philippines, and the cross would be famed Magellan’s Cross which is still
preserved at present day. This was the same cross which Magellan explained to the kings as
a sign of his emperor who ordered him to plan it in the places were he would reach and
further explained that once other Spaniards saw this cross, then they would know that they
had been in this island and would not cause them troubles.

By April 7th, Magellan and his men reached the port of Zubu (Cebu) with the help of Raia
Calambu who offered to pilot them in going to the island. The kind of Cebu demanded that
they pay tribute as it was customary but Magellan refused. By the next day, Magellan’s
men and the king of Cebu, together with other principal men of Cebu, met in an open space.
There the king offered a bit of his blood and demanded that Magellan do the same. – On
April 14, Magellan spoke to the kind and encouraged him to be a good Christian by burning
all of the idols and worship the cross instead. The king of Cebu was then baptized as a
Christian. After 8 days, all of the island’s inhabitant were already baptized.

When the queen came to the Mass one day, Magellan gave her an image of the Infant Jesus
made by Pigafetta himself. – On 26th of April, Zula, a principal man from the island of
Matan (Mactan) went to see Magellan and asked him for a boat full of men so that he
would be able to fight the chief name Silapulapu (Lapulapu). Magellan offered 3 boats
instead and went to Mactan to fight the said chief. – They numbered 49 in total and the
islanders of Mactan were estimated to number 1,500. Magellan died in battle. He was
pierced with a poison arrow in his right leg. The king of Cebu who was baptized offered
help but Magellan refused so that he could see how they fought. – The kind also offered the
people of Mactan gifts of any value and amount in exchange of Magellan’s body but the
chief refused and wanted to keep Magellan’s body as a memento of their victory.

– Magellan’s men then elected Duarte Barbosa as the new captian. – Pigafetta also
accounted how Magellan’s slave and interpreter named Henry betrayed them and told the
king of Cebu that they intended to leave as soon as possible. Henry and the king of Cebu
conspired and betrayed what was left of Magellan’s men. The king invited these men to a
gathering where he said he would present the jewels that he would send for the King of

– Pigafetta was left on board the ship and was not able to join the 24 men who went to the
gathering because he was nursing his battle wounds. – The natives had slain all the men
except the interpreter and Juan Serrano who shouted at the men on this ship to pay ransom
so that he would be spared but he was left on the island for they refused to go back to shore.
– The fleet abandoned Serrano and departed. They left Cebu and continued their journey
around the world.


Activity 2. Petal Web Organizer

Directions: Using the petal web organizer, write the characteristics of the
document- “First Voyage Around the World”


Conquer the word Travel


1. How do you find the activity?
2. What are the important characteristics you find out about the document?

Activity 3. Give me the details

Directions: Write the most important details about the “First Voyage around the

Date Significant Event

1480-1521 Ferdinand Magellan Was born in
Sabrosa, Portugal, to a family of minor
Portuguese nobility
In 1505, Magellan and his brother were
assigned to a Portuguese fleet headed
for india.
He joined the enormous 500-ship,
15.000 soldier force sent by king
In 1513 Manuel to Morocco to challenge the
Moroccan governor who refused to pay
its yearly tribute to the Portuguese
When Magellan arrived in Serville in
October 1517 October 1517
The grandson of King Ferdinand and
In 1942 Queen Isabela, who had funded
Christopher Columbus expedition to
the new world.
Magellan bade farewell to his wife and
On august 10, 1519 young son, neither of whom he would
ever see again, and the Armada de
Moluccas set sail.
Magellan’s fleet sailed from Sanlucar
In September 1519 de Barrameda, Spain and crossed the
Atlantic Ocean, which was them known
simply as the ocean sea.
Magellan finally entered the strait that
On October 21, 1590 he had been seeking and that came to
bear his name.
The mactanese fought fiercely, and
April 27, 1521 Magellan fell when he was shot with a
poison arrow, Ferdinand Magellan
Magellan would never make it to the
November 5, 1521 spice islands, but after the loss of yet
another of his fleet’s vessels, the two
remaining ships finale reached the

1. How do you find the activity? By analyzing and reading the history
2. What are the important details you find out about the topic?
3. Do you find it helpful to know about the details of the topic?

Activity 4. Make a travelogue

Share your travel experience of your recent trip in any place in the
Philippines. You can make your travel documentary through slides/video
presentation. Your output must be submitted through messenger or e-mail.


1. How do you describe your travel documentary?

2. How do you relate your travel documentary to the document of Antonio
Pigafetta -“First Voyage around the World”?

Activity 5. Reflection

Directions: Write a reflection learned from the discussion. In writing your

reflection, you have to complete the sentence below on a separate sheet of paper.

I learned that no matter how big the world is, you can reach it with the mind

I realized that there’s is no impossible in life because when you can dream it you
can achieve it

If given a chance

What I Have Learned

Now, tell me what you have learned about the “First Voyage around the

Name:____________________________ Date:_______
Course & Year:________________________ Score:______

Give a concise explanation/discussion on the following items.

1. What is the primary reason of the author in writing the document? How was it
produced? The major cause of the earliest European voyages of discovery was
economic. The Europeans were searching for sea routes that would allow them to
engage in more direct trade with Asia. ... If they could get around Africa, they could
sail their own ships to Asia and trade directly with the people who had the spices.

2. What is the main theme in the document? Explain briefly.

The main document of the story is all about discoveries of an Island

3. What specific information of importance is provided in the text? Explain its

importance to the understanding of Philippine history. Studying Philippine History is
important because can learned the past you have to understand and know the
things that happened in the past for you to appreciate the future and present
situation of the country.

4. What light does it shed on people, their politics and economy, religious and cultural
practices? Analyze the text.
The literature of ancient India sheds light on the way of life of the common
people of the time. Those were prosperous times, due to the flouring internal as
well as foreign trade.
5. What is your personal evaluation on the impact of the document in the
understanding of the 16th century people and their culture in the islands?

Influencing the popular perceptions and opened up new perspectives.


You are almost there! Let us check what you have learned about this topic.

Name: _________________________________ Date:_____________

Course & Year:___________________________ Score: __________

Identify what is being described in the following items.

Francisco Antonio Pigafetta 1. It refers to the complete name of the chronicler of the
document entitled, “The Voyage around the World”.
Limasawa Island 2. It is the first ocean where the sailing ships headed by Ferdinand
Magellan crossed after leaving Spain in 1519.
Strait of Magellan 3. It is the small passage or isthmus traversed by Magellan’s fleet
somewhere at the tip of the South American continent.
Pacific Oceans 4. It is the vast water body that can be found east of the Philippine islands.
Mazaua 5. It is the term used by Pigafetta which refers to the island where the
historic mass was Ecce Homo (Ivory Bust of Jesus), an image of the Blessed
Virgin Mary and the Santo Niño as part of their baptism, and a strategic alliance for territorial
6. It refers to the gift which was given by Magellan to the native queen.
Lapu Lapu 7. It refers to the name of the chief of Mactan who had defended his people,
territory, and defeated Magellan in the battle.
_April 27 1521 8. It is the complete date of the historic battle of Mactan.
Juana 9. It refers to the Christian name given to the first baptized queen who had the great
desire for conversion according to Pigafetta.
September 20 1519 10. It is the exact date of arrival of the remaining fleet in San Lucar,


Directions: You will make a document analysis by identifying remarkable facts

presented in the document. After doing so, you are going to make an outline out
from these pieces of information. You are expected to make logical judgment and
conclusion from the text.

3. Write an outline of the interesting points in the document. Avoid the use
of meaningless comments (this is an “interesting document”) and personal
form (I, me, my)
4. When specific information is raised, and inferences are made on one or
more paragraphs, cite it specifically in a parenthesis (…) or have them
quoted and provide the number (#) of the paragraph.
5. The analysis must be typed, space 1.5, Times New Roman, font 12.
Margins must be the default margins of the Microsoft Word program.
6. The cover page includes: name, date submitted, title (Document Analysis:
First Voyage Around the World by Antonio Pigafetta), and course title.
7. The source or web site consulted shall be put on a separate
bibliographical page.


Ligan, V.O., Apsay,L.C., Espino, C.S. T., Salinas,E.D. & Lemana,J.J.

(2018). Readings in Philippine History. Malabon City, Philippines:
Mutya Publishing.

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