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Getting Started

1 Go to


2 Click Login (upper right corner)

3 Choose Account setup method

a. Sign Up

Sign Up
E Partner


b. E Partner (EnGenius Partner) Google E Partner

c. Google Sign Up
Google Google
E Facebook
Partner E Partner

d. Facebook Sign Up Sign Up

Facebook Facebook

Note: Once account setup is submitted you will receive an email

confirmation. You will have to confirm before signing into your account.

4 Login into your EnGenius Cloud Account.

5 Add an “Organization” from the

hamburger menu.
6 Add a “Network” within your “Organization”.

There are two methods to register cloud devices; Cloud GUI
under the ORGANIZATION icon or via the EnGenius Cloud App.
This guide covers the app method.
EnGenius Organization
Download EnGenius Cloud App. Cloud App. Icon

Login into your EnGenius Cloud Account
via the EnGenius Cloud App.
9 Register your EnGenius Cloud switches and access points into
your new “Organization” and “Network” via the EnGenius App cloud.

a. Select your created “Organization” b. Select “+” button at the bottom.

via drop-down menu.

c. Select “Inventory” via hamburger menu. d. Scan QR code on the back of your
EnGenius SkyKey.

e. Add SkyKey device into your created “Network”.

10 Select the network SkyKey you assign to and click on Cloud icon

11 Click “Connect” to access SkyKey graphical user interface

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