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Game Like D r i l l s f o r

Pregame Warm U p

Table o f Contents

1. 1v1 3

1.1 1v1 Wolf 3

1.2 1v1 Block Finishing 3

1.3 1v1 Veer 4

1.4 1v1 Attack 4

2. 2v1 and 2v2 5

2.1 Handoff 2v1 5

2.2 Sideline 2v1 6

2.3 Line 2v1 7

2.4 2v2 Weakside 7

2.5 Arc 2v2 8

2.6 Tip 9

3. 3v2 and 3v3 10

Created by @PositionlessBb - Powered by FastModel Sports® pg. 1

Game Like Drills f o r Pregame Warm Up - Contents (cont.)
3.1 Line 3v2 10

3.2 3v3 Closeouts 11

3.3 3v3 Space 12

3.4 3v3 Space Change 13

3.5 Attack 3v3 13

4. 4v4 14

4.1 Circle 4v4 14

4.2 Advantage 4v4 15

4.3 4v4v4 15

Created by @PositionlessBb - Powered by FastModel Sports® pg. 2

Game Like Drills f o r Pregame Warm Up
1v1 Wolf
Defender starts near the center circle with the Frame 1
Offensive players starts closer t o the sideline with
a couple steps advantage over the defender.
X1 passes t o player 1 t o begin the game.


1v1 Wolf
On the pass the game is live and player 1 tries t o Frame 2
finish at the r i m as X1 tries t o defend player 1 .


1v1 Block Finishing

Players start o n both blocks. Frame 1
Coach/manager can be at the free throw line.
Coach can pass t o either player 1 o r player 2 .
Who ever receives the pass is o n offense and tries 2 1
t o finish.
The player who does n o t receive the pass is o n
defense and tries t o defend the offensive player.

Created by @PositionlessBb - Powered by FastModel Sports® pg. 3

Game Like Drills f o r Pregame Warm Up
1v1 Veer
Players start shoulder t o shoulder. Frame 1
On offenses movement the game is live.
Player 1 tries t o veer x 1 o f f t o finish at the rim.
Can vary the starting position.

x1 1

1v1 Attack
Offense and defense start o n the baseline. Frame 1
Cones are set u p at the elbows.
Game starts o n offenses movement.
x1 1
Offense dribbles around cone i n front o f them and
then tries t o score.
When offense moves, defense runs around cone i n
front o f them and tries t o defend.

Created by @PositionlessBb - Powered by FastModel Sports® pg. 4

Game Like Drills f o r Pregame Warm Up
Handoff 2v1
Break the team into t w o groups. One group i n 5
each corner three point area. One o f the lines has 2 4 7 Frame 1
a basketball f o r every other person. Player 1 has
the basketball and player 2 is behind h i m without 3
a basketball. Player 1 dribbles following the arc
and player 2 follows behind. A t the same time,
player 3 follows the arc t o meet player 1 and
receive a hand off. Player 1 now becomes the

Handoff 2v1
Player 3 dribble hand offs with player 2 and they
try t o score against player 1 . 5 7 Frame 2

2 3

Handoff 2v1

5 7 Frame 3

3 2

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Game Like Drills f o r Pregame Warm Up
Sideline 2v1
3 Lines o n the sideline (baseline, t o p o f key
extended and half court). The basketball starts i n 3 33Frame 1
the line o n the baseline. Player 3 passes t o player
2 and sprints t o the center circle (must get one
f o o t i n the circle). Player 2 passes t o player 1 and
sprints t o the t o p o f the key area and will be o n

2 22

1 11

Sideline 2v1
Player 1 passes t o player 3 and they try t o score 33Frame 2
against player 2 .


3 1 11

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Game Like Drills f o r Pregame Warm Up
Line 2v1
First t w o people i n line are o n offense. Frame 1
First person has the basketball and tosses i t o u t
and runs after i t . The second person sprints t o
proper spacing.
Third player i n line is o n defense.

Line 2v1
Frame 2


2 3

2v2 Weakside
Player 1 starts o n the block and dribbles around Frame 1
As soon as player 1 turns around x 1 , the game is 2
live. 1
This gives the offense an advantage and will likely
create a decision by both the offense (shoot o r
pass) and defense (rotate/stunt/don't rotate). x1

Created by @PositionlessBb - Powered by FastModel Sports® pg. 7

Game Like Drills f o r Pregame Warm Up
Arc 2v2
4 players o n the court. 2 o n offense and 2 o n Frame 1
Players fill the corners and slots. 2 x1
The t w o defensive players are o n one side and t w o
offensive players o n the other side.
The defensive player i n the corner starts with the
X1 passes t o x 2 and sprints t o close o u t o n player
1 . X2 passes t o player 1 and sprints t o close o u t o n
player 2 . Player 1 passes t o player 2 and the x2
players play 2v2. 1

Arc 2v2
The offense can only score and play o n half o f the Frame 2
2 x2


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Game Like Drills f o r Pregame Warm Up
Coach passes t o one o f the guards o n top. Frame 1
Offensive player who receives the pass can only
pass. Defensive player tries t o t i p the following
pass. 3 3


1 2

I f the t o p defender gets a t i p o n the pass f r o m the Frame 2
offensive player the defense gets a point. This
also creates a 2 o n 1 &1 / 2 situation. Player that
received the pass f r o m the coach is new t o p 3 3
defense and t w o new posts come in.
Can vary where the other offensive and help
defender is.

1 2

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Game Like Drills f o r Pregame Warm Up
Line 3v2
First 3 players i n line are o n offense. Frame 1
Last 2 players i n line are o n defense.
First player i n line starts with the basketball.
First player i n line tosses the ball o u t and runs
after i t . x2
Other offensive players sprint t o space. x1

Line 3v2
Teams play 3 vs. 2 . Frame 2


3 1

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Game Like Drills f o r Pregame Warm Up
3v3 Closeouts
Defensive players start o n the baseline. x3
x2 x1 Frame 1
Offensive players start outside the three point line.
X3 passes t o X1 and then closes o u t o n player 3 .
X1 passes t o X2 and then closes o u t o n player 1 .
X2 passes t o player 3 and then closes o u t o n player
Player 3 passes t o player 1 and player 1 passes t o
player 2 . 3
Once the ball reaches player 2 , the game is live. 2

3v3 Closeouts
Frame 2

3 x2
x1 2

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Game Like Drills f o r Pregame Warm Up
3v3 Space
Three offensive and three defensive players start Frame 1
i n a straight line.
The t o p offensive player has the basketball.
The t o p offensive player must dribble t o the left o r x3
o r right t o start the game. 3
The other t w o offensive players must find proper
Players play 3 v 3 . 2

3v3 Space
Frame 2


3 x1 1

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Game Like Drills f o r Pregame Warm Up
3v3 Space Change
Offense starts inside the arc. Defense starts outside Frame 1
the arc. Coach shoots the ball and the defense gets
the rebound. 1 C
On the rebound, outside players (defense) must get 3
t w o feet into the paint before playing defense.
x1 2
Inside players (offense) must get t w o feet outside o f
the three point line before scoring. x3

Shot clock-14 seconds o n the rebound
Defense must defend someone n o t directly across
f r o m them.

3v3 Space Change

Outside players (defense) must get t w o feet into the Frame 2
paint before playing defense. C
1 2
Inside players (offense) must get t w o feet outside o f 3
the three point line before scoring.



Attack 3v3
Coach has ball. Offensive player begins t o r u n t o Frame 1
half court and coach hits h i m with a pass. Offensive
player catches and attacks hoop. When offensive
2 2
player passes half court, the defensive player can
move. 3


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Game Like Drills f o r Pregame Warm Up
Circle 4v4
Coach starts with the ball. Frame 1
Defense circles up.
Players are constantly communicating who they
are guarding while circling. 4 x4 x3 3
When coach passes ball t o a player, the defense
closes o u t t o players and correct help.
x1 x2

1 2

Circle 4v4
On the catch 4v4 is live. Frame 2
Can add restrictions that a pass must be made
before attacking/shooting o r they must r u n a x2
certain action before shooting. 4 3

1 2 C

Circle 4v4
Can add the offense circling as well t o challenge Frame 3
the defense t o stop the ball first and match u p
with closest man as well as challenging the
offense t o maintain/find good spacing. 4 x4 x3 3
x1 x2

1 2 C

Created by @PositionlessBb - Powered by FastModel Sports® pg. 1 4

Game Like Drills f o r Pregame Warm Up
Circle 4v4
Defense closes o u t t o help. Frame 4
1 x4

2 C

Advantage 4v4
4 players o n offense and 4 players o n defense. Frame 1
Offensive player with the ball starts i n the lane. Can
be anywhere where you want the action t o occur. In 3 x4
the image the player is o n the block and the x3 4
defensive player o n the wing. Player 3 dribbles o u t
and around defender. Once the offensive player x2
turns around the defender and gets level with them x1
the game is live. Play with your offensive concepts
and defensive principles. 2 1

The game starts with three teams. One team starts
o n offense, one team starts o n defense, and one 1 2 3 4 Frame 1

team is o u t o n the baseline. The t w o

teams i n the game play one possession. If the
offense scores they stay o n offense and receive a
point. The defense sprints out. The team o n the 3 x3
x4 4
baseline now sprints i n o n defense. If the defense
gets a stop then they move t o offense and the
offensive team sprints o f f the court. The team o n
x2 x1
the baseline then sprints o u t o n defense.
2 1

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