Global Warming and Word Economy

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Isabella Velasco ramos draft text


The change climate had been a problem that independently of the perspectives
that look it had been bad and had affected to everybody. The different causes of
this phenomenon had been developed by the human that had seemed involucrate
in each one. There are the factories, which with all their productions had damage
the ozone layer. Have increased the number of transportation means what have
made extract more raw materials of the earth and use it more. The greenhouses
gases increase if the extraction of fossil fuels does it too. In the recently years have
died millions of animals and have been take million forest areas by the
deforestation. The production of plastic tones have made of the water a grimy
place where had disappeared so many marine ecosystems and animals.

Nowadays the factories have been able to become in danger of death for all
humanity producing year by year so many gases not good at all. The
consequences are the disease increase like cancer or pulmonary problems owing
to difficulty breathing. The gases that have helped to greenhouse effect that have
made that a big hole is found over the Antarctica. The majority of people knows
that, but when it puts to choose between have so many unnecessary things and
climate change, is obviously the choice.

The way which everybody have used the mean transportation is in an excessive
way .each year so many people have wanted to buy a new car without the
necessary of and that means that it has been had to produce more materials for
made all those cars like steel, aluminum, plastic and others, but the problem is
bigger when it needs to manufacture an airplane or a train, it needs the triple of
materials and the triple of fuels that is extract of the ground, damaging it and
release gasses that worsens everything .the sad is that in some years it will be
thrown away and there is the moment when we ask if someday will conform with
the good things that we have had.

Each year it has burned millions of forests and with them millions of animal’s life.
The reasons vary but the most common focuses on the need of ground for sow
palm oil ,for livestock or for the use of wood, those companies need the space for
make more rich and satisfy the peoples life. Sometimes they have burned it or
have cut them down, but independently of that the nature look affects, we have lost
animals, fauna and Flora, and with the years the majority of the ground stop
working by the overuse of it.

The problem of plastic it has become the bigger problem which all the humanity
carries since overproduction without having alternatives of reuse. Everybody have
Isabella Velasco ramos draft text

knew that the companies are not going to do something because It does not suit
them so what they have doing like Coca-Cola company is blame consumers
because in the end they are who have bought in great quantities, so the solution is
stop to buy food or things that are unnecessary and our lives will have improved.

As we see everything have been caused by humans and in a future it will come
indeterminate if we don’t do something to stop it or reduce it, clearly each person it
have seen involucrate directly or a good alternative first will be more
conscious of the things, if don’t , everything will have been lost for nothing.

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