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For Students:
1. Application form IMM 1294 (BSB)
2. Family Information from IMM 5645 (BSB) (Please provides your Parents, Sisters, Brothers, step brother & sister,
Spouse and Childs Name date of birth and present address.)
3. Appointment to submit visa application (BSB): Please DO NOT use MEHEDI on your hands.
4. Passport (Original)
5. All Academic Papers (Certificate and Mark sheets) One set Notarized copy (BSB)
6. IELTS / TOEFL Result (Original + 1 set copy Notarized ( BSB)}
7. Letter of Acceptance from a Canadian Educational Institute (BSB)
8. If under 17 years - Custodianship Declaration form (IMM 5646) + Parents Declaration
9. If between 17-18 years: Parents Declaration
10. Recent Photograph (4 Copy, 35mm×45mm White background, No Border, Must Lab Print )
11. If Running Student; Running Study Certificate + ID Card {1set copy Notarized (BSB)} Semester Result (if Any)
12. Birth Certificate
13. Original Police Clearance Certificate.
14. Any other paper relation to the student (Original + 1 set Notarized)
15. Embassy Fee- BDT -16,930.00 (General Fee), BDT 20,457.00 (Special) Effective from 01.09.2019.
16. Write a Study Plan in English: (Word File’এ স্টািড প্লানিট স্টুেডন্টেক িনেজ ইংেরিজেত টাইপ কের িলখেত হেব, েস যিদ না পাের
তেব তার পিরিচত েকােনা IELTS এর িটচার বা ইংেরিজর ভােলা েকােনা িটচারেক িদেয় িলিখেয় Word Fileিট েপন-ড্রাইেভ কের এেন, িভসা
এপ্িলেকশেনর ৭ িদন আেগ আমােদর এখােন েদিখেয় িনেত হেব। িনেচর ৬ িবষেয়র উপর ৬িট আলাদা Paragraph কের এই Study Plan টা এক
িক েদড় েপইেজর মধ্েয টাইপ করেত হেব। Study Planএর একিট উদাহরণও এই েচক িলস্েটর সােথ েদয়া হল):
১।তুিম েয িবষেয় পড়েত চাও েস সম্পর্েক তুিম িক জােনা যা েতামােক এই িবষয়িট পড়েত আগ্রহী করেছ।
২।ক্যানাডার World Class িশক্ষা ও অন্যান্য িবষেয়র িক িক ভােলা িদক আেছ যা েতামােক ক্যানাডায় পড়েত উ সািহত করেছ
৩।ক্যানাডার পড়াশুনা েশষ কের বাংলােদেশ এেস তুিম িক পদবীেত এবং েকান েসক্টের জব করেত চাও বা িক ব্যবসা করেত চাও, েমাটকথা
ক্যানাডােতপড়াশুনা েশষ কের বাংলােদেশ এেস তুিম িকভােব েতামার ক্যািরয়ার গড়েত চাও েস সম্পর্েক েলখ।
৪।তুিম েয িবষেয় পড়েত চাও েসটা বাংলােদেশর পড়ান হয়, তবুও তুিম তা বাংলােদেশ না পেড় ক্যানাডায় েকন পড়েত চাচ্েছা।
৫।ক্যানাডায় পড়াশুনা েশষ কের তুিম েয েয িডগ্ির অর্জন করেব তা বাংলােদেশ েতামােক িকভােব েতামার চাকরী/ব্যবসা ক্েষত্ের,
অর্থৈনিতক ক্েষত্ের, পািরবািরক ক্েষত্ের এবং েদেশর উন্নয়েনর ক্েষত্ের সাহায্য করেব তা িলখ।
৬।েতামার পিরবার এবং বাংলােদেশর সােথ েতামার এমন িক িক বন্ধন আেছ যা েতামােক ক্যনাডার পড়াশুনা েশষ কের পুনরায় বাংলােদেশ
িফের আসেত বাধ্য করেব ।
17. If you are married:
a. Kabin Nama (English + Bengali)
b. Marriage Certificate
c. Invitation Card (If any)
d. Marriage function pictures + related pictures (If any)
e. Spouse Passport copy
f. Birth Certificate
18. If you have child
a. Birth Certificate
b. Family picture
c. Child Passport
19. If you are doing Job:
a. Job Certificate
b. Salary Certificate
c. Salary Statement
d. Appointment Letter
e. Statement where the salary is transferred.
20. If you have personal Account:
a. Bank Statement
b. Solvency by bank
c. Source of fund related papers
For Sponsor:
❖ Bank:
1. FDR/ Sanchoypatra from bank (6 months matured & not under lean)
a. FDR/ Sanchoypatra copy Notarized
b. Solvency Certificate by bank (Original)
c. Interest transaction Statement (Original)
(Note: You need to show the supporting documentation to show the fund to purchase this FDR were accrued by your sponsor)
2. Savings Account
a. Last 6 Months transaction (Original)
b. Solvency Certificate by bank (Original)
3. Current Account / Business Account
a. Last 6 months transaction (Original)
b. Solvency Certificate by bank (Original)
❖ Source of Income:
1. If Business-
a. Sole Proprietor
1. Trade License
2. E-TIN Certificate.
3. Income Tax Certificate / Tax Assessment / Tax Receipt for LAST THREE YEARS. (IT 11GA & IT
4. Blank / Business Pad
5. Cash Memo
6. Visiting Card
7. Audit Reports
8. Proof of Business Transactions
9. Export- Import License, Work Order, LC copy Import
10. Chamber of membership Certificate
11. + Business related as more papers as you can add (As Challan, Money receipt, Cash Memo Etc.)
b. Limited Company
1. Trade License
2. Proprietary/ Partnership/ Pvt. Ltd./ Memorandum
3. Blank / Business pad
4. Cash Memo
5. Visiting Card
6. Balance Sheet for 2 years
7. Current Account Statement
8. Audit Reports
9. Tax related all papers (TIN, Tax receipt, Tax assessment….) LAST THREE YEARS.
10. Company Profile
11. Proof of Business Transactions
12. Export- Import License, Work Order, LC copy Import
13. Chamber of membership Certificate
14. + Business related as more papers as you can add (As Challan, Money receipt, Cash Memo Etc.)
2. If Doctor
a. MBBS Pass related papers
b. Previous practice in any hospital related papers
c. Passport copy with visas if practice in abroad
d. Previous money receipt related papers
e. Any organization related to this profession related papers
f. Present practice related papers
1. Practice related license/ Govt. permission
2. Pad
3. Visiting Card
4. ETIN, Income Tax Certificate, Tax Paying related papers for LAST THREE YEARS.
5. Any other papers related to this profession
3. If from abroad
a. Job Certificate
b. Salary Certificate
c. Salary Statement
d. Payment Slip
e. Appointment Letter
f. Visiting Card
g. Income Tax related papers (TIN, Income Tax Certificate, Tax receipt, Tax assessment…..) LAST
h. Passport copy with valid visa.
i. Taxpaying Certificate.
j. Money transfer to Bangladesh related papers
(Note: If any photocopy is provided it should be notarized from that country)
4. If Contractor-
a. Trade License
b. Tax related papers (TIN, Income Tax Certificate, Tax Receipt, Tax Assessment…..) LAST THREE
c. (If Limited) Memorandum/ Partnership deed/ Incorporation Certificate
d. Blank Pad
e. Chamber of Membership Certificate (if any)
f. Visiting Card
g. Contractor Certificate
h. Work Order and Payment Certificate/ Details
i. ID Card Photocopy
j. + Business related as more papers as you can add (As Challan, Money receipt, Cash Memo Etc.)
5. If Service:
a. Job Certificate
b. Salary Certificate
c. Salary Statement
d. Salary slip for last 3 months
e. Appointment Letter
f. Income Tax related papers (TIN, Tax receipt, Tax assessment…..) LAST THREE YEARS.
g. Any GPF/DVD Fund
h. Visiting Card
i. ID Card Photocopy
6. If Advocate:
a. Advocate pass Certificate
b. Bar Counsel Certificate
c. Govt. Permission/ License
d. Tax related all papers (TIN, Tax receipt, Tax assessment….) LAST THREE YEARS.
e. Pad
f. Visiting Card
g. ID Card Photocopy
h. Any other papers related to this profession
7. If Retired:
a. Service related all papers
b. Retirement related all papers
c. Money received after retirement related papers
8. If House Rent:
a. Land Deed copy (A4 Size Paper Copy)
b. DIT / Municipality / City Corporation Permission
c. House Plan
d. Holding Taxpaying papers
e. House Rental Agreement (Should be Minimum 100 TK + 50 TK Stamp)
9. If Shop Rent:
a. Shop ownership deed
b. Shop rental agreement
10. If Land Properties:
a. Land Deed Copy (A4 Size Paper Copy)
b. খাজনার রিশদ,খিতয়ান
c. Parcha copy notarized
d. Income from land related papers
e. Land valuation Certificate
❖ Forms:
1. Affidavit of Financial Support (BSB)
2. Sponsor’s picture 2 copy 35 X 45 mm
3. Document to prove the relationship of the sponsor with the student (NID/ Passport copy)

❖ Note:
1. If someone other than yourself or your parents is providing funds you must include.
a. Please provide a written explanation as to why they and not your parent are providing the financial
assistance. In addition, please submit proof of your relationship (where applicable).
2. If you will be under 18/19 years of age at the date of your departure for Canada, You must provide:
a. Custodian Declaration form is available in

If you have any confusion please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Riten Chakma Deder Hossain

Head & Sr. Visa Consultant, Visa Section Visa Consultant, Visa Section
BSB Global Network BSB Global Network
Mob. 01720557115 Mob. 01556342461
Email: Email:

Md. Tofazzal Hossain Tofa Parves Ahmed

Asst. Manager & Sr. Visa Consultant, Visa Section Visa Consultant, Visa Section
BSB Global Network BSB Global Network
Mob. 01762688131 Mob. 01762688162
Email: Email:
Date: 17th July, 2018
Study Plan

১।তুিম েয িবষেয় পড়েত চাও েস সম্পর্েক তুিম িক জােনা যা েতামােক এই িবষয়িট পড়েত আগ্রহী করেছ।
I have views or opinions on the world we live in today. I feel the need to embrace my creative spirit and fuel me inquiring mind.
I think that through writing, TV, radio and photography I can explain to an audience the important things about world events or
about what is happening in my community. I think I can ask the right questions in a live interview. I want to learn how to write a
headline on a web page; those five to ten first words that would make people read my article, watch my YouTube or look at my
photograph. To fulfill these dreams, I want to be a Journalist. This is the challenge of a career in journalism today. A degree in
journalism and media communication prepares me to work in not just the legacy media of radio and TV print but also in social
media and web design with content. The media and communications sector is in a long-term cycle of fundamental change with
new technologies and new media platforms and content creators emerging. This is an exciting time to be a journalist and to
study journalism. The traditional distinctions between print, radio and TV have collapsed and graduates can now work in media
where they are creating content across a range of platforms. Journalists and media workers today are in a unique position where
they are not only commenting, reporting and investigating on local and international events. They are shaping the world you live
in. Based on my realization, I have applied to the University of Regina and university has accepted me for ESL followed by BA
in Pre Journalism. Ranking Web of Universities – Web metrics has declared rank number 28 for the University of Regina. So I
strongly believe that, international environment and world class education system of this university will help me a lot to develop
my required level English proficiency through it’s ESL program to start the main program, BA in Pre Journalism
২।ক্যানাডার World Class িশক্ষা ও অন্যান্য িবষেয়র িক িক ভােলা িদক আেছ যা েতামােক ক্যানাডায় পড়েত উ সািহত করেছ।
When I decided to pursue my undergrad studies at abroad the name of Canada popped up into my mind immediately
because of it’s world class education system. Canada is among one of the best countries in the world for higher education. Not
only does the country boasts few of the best universities in the world but also it provides with the opportunity to gain a valuable
education at a lower cost than many other countries in the world likes its neighbor from the south. In addition to that, there are
also many scholarship opportunities for International students. Canada is one of the most beautiful countries of the world
welcomes international students from all over the world and the ethnic diversity of Canada is amazing. Canadians are known for
their friendly and open nature and the UN consistently ranks Canada as one of the safest countries in the world (8th in global
peace index). Lastly, Canada’s high education standard which is recognized all over the world will help me earn a degree that
will help in the long run.
৩।ক্যানাডার পড়াশুনা েশষ কের বাংলােদেশ এেস তুিম িক পদবীেত এবং েকান েসক্টের জব করেত চাও বা িক ব্যবসা করেত চাও,
েমাটকথা ক্যানাডােতপড়াশুনা েশষ কের বাংলােদেশ এেস তুিম িকভােব েতামার ক্যািরয়ার গড়েত চাও েস সম্পর্েক েলখ।
I am a native of Bangladesh, a country which has recently moved to a trade-oriented economy. So the lots os opportunities are
growing at an exponential rate. After completing my Bachelor I also want complete my Masters in Journalism in Canada. After
completing it, my intend to return in my country and join in a renowned media and publications company as a Journalist
which will be able to deal with a broad range of people, companies, financial situations and add value to the company with the
knowledge and experience I have gained.
৪।তুিম েয িবষেয় পড়েত চাও েসটা বাংলােদেশর পড়ান হয়, তবুও তুিম তা বাংলােদেশ না পেড় ক্যানাডায় েকন পড়েত চাচ্েছা।
There is no ranked university in Bangladesh. So, I have decided to pursue my degree overseas since the level of education and
facilities provided in my countries educational institutions are limited and thus unable to match the standard available in world
class education providing countries. Canadian universities with great diversity with a mix of people of different ethnicities are a
true microcosm of the world. I am, therefore decided not to complete my higher education in Journalism in Bangladesh and
looking forward to join such an ideal place like Canada for my higher education.
৫।ক্যানাডায় পড়াশুনা েশষ কের তুিম েয েয িডগ্ির অর্জন করেব তা বাংলােদেশ েতামােক িকভােব েতামার চাকরী/ব্যবসা ক্েষত্ের,
অর্থৈনিতক ক্েষত্ের, পািরবািরক ক্েষত্ের এবং েদেশর উন্নয়েনর ক্েষত্ের সাহায্য করেব তা িলখ।
All renowned media and publication companies in Bangladesh rate a top-notch education like Canada’s highly. So Canadian
higher education will enhance me a lot for sure to achieve the goal I have set for myself. I cherish a long career and help a lot
of people this way, thus helping the general development of my country and become a leading professional in my field.
৬।েতামার পিরবার এবং বাংলােদেশর সােথ েতামার এমন িক িক বন্ধন আেছ যা েতামােক ক্যনাডার পড়াশুনা েশষ কের পুনরায় বাংলােদেশ
িফের আসেত বাধ্য করেব।
I have grown up in a joint family and our family bond is really strong. I have my parents, two sisters and one brother in my
family and they all live in Bangladesh. They are my main family ties in Bangladesh. As a family oriented person, it would be
really tough for me to stay away from them for a long period of time in abroad. I want to see my Bangladesh as a developed
county very soon. So, it will be my responsibility to come back Bangladesh after completing my higher education in Canada to
apply my knowledge which I will achieve in Canada. My intention is very clear, I will return to my country immediately after
completing my graduation to support my family and country.

Syed Mohammad Kazem
Passport No.: BJ0247466
Date of Birth: 01 January, 2000

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