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2 | Research Criteria should be within your means ass a researcher;

otherwise, it would be wise to think of the
possibility of looking for both financial and non-
Research Criteria
financial support from within the
The research problem should of sufficient institution/company or from outside sources.
magnitude and scope to fulfill the requirements
that motivate the study .  at the same time,  d)  Size – you have to exercise wisdom in
considering the size of the problem and the time
the research problem should have enough
variables.    It is also important that the researcher to be consumed in the conduct of the research.
should have interest in the problem area ,   and 2.  External Factors
finally he selected topic should be within
the researchers knowledge and skills . a)  Uniqueness/Novelty – novelty has to d with the
element of newness. Will the research to be
  conducted contribute something new to the body
of existing knowledge? What features of the
Criteria in Selecting a Topic for Research
research make it distinct and different from what
1. Personal factors which includes interest, has been done before?
researchers capabilities (technical and economic)
and limitations, and size. Although authorities in research say there are no
new topics in research since all disciplines have
Personal Criteria means researcher own interest, done research, one way or the other, still there
time and cost.  are some topics yet that have not been explored
thoroughly; hence they need to be explored more
Personal factors which includes
uniqueness/novelty, importance or value of the
research, critical mass(availability of data and b)  Importance/Value of the problem – the
materials), department or unit where the research problem should result in some value in life. The
is to be undertaken. investigation of such problem should have some
practical or good contribution to the field of
a)  Interest – you must be interested in the
problem to conduct the investigation with much
willingness, dedication, and commitment, c)  Critical mass – data and materials should be
otherwise, the research may not reach accessible to you. In addition, the must be
completion. enough materials and sources of information to
study about; or else there is no reason why the
b)  Researcher’s Capabilities – you might be
research has to be done.
qualified in terms of capabilities and training to
investigate the problem related to your field. d)  Department or Unit where the research is
More over, the choice of your topic must be conducted – in order that
“doable”(can be done) , and achievable as your management/administration support can easily be
position in your institution is concerned. In other solicited, it is always best to align the nature of the
words, you must not enroach on areas beyond research with the department or unit where you
your authority. belong.

c)  Economic capability – means that the amount 3.  Moral and Ethical
of time and money to complete the research
a)  Moral, Ethical questions – there are value,
judgmental questions which are impossible to
answer objectively; they cannot be tested
scientifically and are difficult to draw conclusions.

b)  Philosophical questions – they maybe non-

scientific. Difficult to measure and not appropriate
as research questions.

c)  Theological questions – these are questions

which are purely religious in nature since they
cannot be subjected to scientific measurement.

In planning the research project, it is important for

you to:

-not only choose a workable and feasible research

concern, but also to consider the nature of data
that is required of the research;

-to have the means of data collection

-to consider your technical skills, capabilities and


-to consider your interest and support systems

-not to get spellbound and enthralled with the
allure and attraction of a topic , without
considering the possible consequences that the
research will bring.

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