A Review On Mutra Pariksha (Urine Examination) by Ayurvedic Perspective

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Impact factor: 2016: 5.210; 2015: 5.

223 ISSN: 2320-7329

1 Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science

Website: http://www.ayurlog.com Volume: 6th | Issue: 7th | Oct- Dec 2018

A review on mutra pariksha (urine examination) by Ayurvedic perspective.

Sanjay G. Paikrao*1 , Arun S. Dudhamal*2

1. Assistant Professor,
2. Associate Professor and HOD,
Dept. of Rognidan and Vikriti Vigyana, APM’s Ayurved Mahavidyalaya,
Sion, Mumbai- 400022, Maharashtra
*Corresponding Author: drpaikrao@gmail.com 9922577551

Abstract: attempt has been made to elaborate the

ayurvediya mutra pariksha collectively in
In modern medicine urine examination is respect to odor, color, quantity etc which
used as the one of the important diagnostic can be a important diagnostic and
and prognostic tool but in Ayurveda urine prognostic tool.
examination is used in a systematic and
scientific way for knowing the diagnosis Key words: samhita kalin, ashtasthan
and prognosis of the disease from samhita pariksha, mutra pariksha, tail bindu
kala. Thousands of year before, for pariksha.
diagnosis of the various aspects of the
disease and diseased person several Introduction:
methods has been described in different Acharya charaka has rightly said that
Ayurved samhita. These methods can be vaidya should study the various aspects of
broadly classified in to Rogi pariksha and disease and disease person by rogi
Rog pariksha . While explaining the pariksha and rog parksha firstly and
astavidha (Ashtasthan) pariksha Acharya thereafter the treatment should be chosen
Yogratnakar has described the methods accordingly[1]. The patient is the true
examination of mutra pariksha after the element of the examination and patient
explanation of the Nadi pariksha and Mala should be examined to assess the life span
pariksha. He has also described the of the patient and to assess the strength of
another important technique of the mutra the patient and to assess the strength of the
parikha known as Tail bindu pariksha morbid pathology of the doshas[2].
which is used for knowing the prognosis of
the disease. Mutra pariksha as such in Several types of the pariksha
systematic way is not described in vidhies has been described by different
brihattrayi, scattered references are acharyas in different samhita. Acharya
available in relation with the physiological Yogratnakar has described the Ashtasthan
and pathological state of sharir. Here parikhsa vidhi. It is a one of the important

Website: http://www.ayurlog.com Volume 6th | Issue: 3rd April 2018


parikhsa which explains not only the Mutra, mal vayu, sweda[3] . Dhatu mala
methods of clinical examination but also are formed during process of dhatupaka in
some laboratory investigations. Beside this which seven types of dhatwagni acts on
he has narrated a special technique of urine the sara rasa and respective dhatues are
examination i.e. Tail Bindu Pariksha formed along with their respective Dhatu
which is used to knowing the prognosis of mala. According to Charakacharya they
the disease from samhita kala. Mutra are eight[4] and according to Sharangdhar
pariksha is not described in brihattrayi Samhita they are seven[5] . To perform a
systematically, scattered references are mutra pariksha vidhi shadvidha pariksha
available in relation with purvarupa, rupa, of sushruta (prashne, chakshu, sparsh,
updrava, arishta laxnas of different shrotra, ghran, rasana prakisha) can be
vyadhies and in description regarding the applied[6].
physiological state of the body. Hence this
study endeavors to elaborate the mutra Formation of Mutra:
pariksha vidhi with an Ayurvedic Mala are formed in the large intestine.
perspective. Jatharagni acts on the ahara dravya and
Aim: To Study the mutra pariksha vidhi then they are digested in to sara and kitta.
with an Ayurvedic perspectives. Absorbable part is sara and non absorbable
part is kitta. Seven types of jatharagni and
Objectives: panch mahabhutagni acts on the sara rasa
and then respective types of dhatues are
1. To evaluate the methods of mutra formed along with their respective
parkisha with an ayurvedic dhatumala. Non absorbable part of food
perspectives. material i.e. kitta from which the solid part
2. To elaborate the till bindu pariksha is purisha is expelled out from the body by
explained by the Yogratnakara. the purishvaha srotas. liquid part which is
1. To evaluation of the mutra goes to the mutravaha srotas where it is
pariksha as a diagnostic and called mutra. This concept of formation of
prognostic tool. sara and kitta from digested food after
Material and Method: action of agni also applicable to
Conceptual and relevant references are
taken from Ayurved samhita. After Properties of Normal urine (Samanya
studying the related concepts, the efforts mutra guna):
has been made for a conclusion which Acharya charaka has told the
based on discussion. predominance of the aap mahabutbhava in
Literature review: the urine. According to
ashtangsangrahakara mutra is the seat of
Mala are the waste material that are the kapha. Rasa of normal urine is
excreted out of the body, it is a byproduct kshara(alkaline), tikshna, lavana(salt)
of the metabolic activities in the body. rasa[8] and resembles as a kupa jala (well
Mala are classified in to two i.e. Annamala water) [9] which have a clear and
and dhatu mala. Annamala are Purish, transparent appearance when there is a

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equilibrium of dosha and dhatu is present. Dosha prabhava Mutra varnadi guna
Acharya sushruta while explaining prameh on mutra
nivriti laxans has mentioned that Vata dosha Pandur varna
anavilata(clean), appicchilata(non slimiy), Pitta dosha Rakta varna
visada(clear), tikta (bitter), katu(pungent) Kapha dosha Safen
of mutra represents the arogya[10] . Mutra Vat prakopa Nilam , ruksha
Pitta prakopa Pita, aruna, tailasam
praman is four anjali[11]. Prabhuta
Kapha prakopa Snigdha, kamal jal tulya
mutrata is mentioned in prameha samanya
Rakta prakopa Ushna, Rakta varna
laxanas[12] indicates the poly urea which
Pitt vata prakopa Dhumjalbh(dhum-mishrit
has a diagnostic importance in prameha.
jal sam), ushna,
1. Mutra Prashne pariksha: Vata kapha Shwet varna,
prakopa budbudabham(water
Vaidya must take proper history regarding bubbles)
micturation by friendly and caring attitude Kapha pitta Rakta varna,
with patient. The complaint related to prakopa Avilata(turbid)
urination should be noted properly. Sannipatik Mishra varna , jeernajwar
prakopa sadrush pitam
Questions should be asked about urinary
flow, vedana(pain) during urination,
Avrodhajanaya mutrapravruti (obstruction Mutra varna Pariksha in different
in urinary flow), Mutra praman(volume), vyadhi:
ahoratra and ratri vegsankhya
Shukla varna of mutra is mention in
(frequency), Naktamutrata(nocturnal
udakmeha, pishtameh and kaphaj pandu.
polyurea), mutradaha and abnormal
Krishna varna mutra fouds in kalameha,
constituents in the urine etc. If there is
kumbh kamla. Haridra varna mutra is
previous or present history of ashmari,
explained in pitta mutrakriccha, kamla,
mutrakriccha, mautraghata, prameha, yon
and pitvarn of mutra fouds in pittaj pandu.
sankaramak roga etc should be taken in
Neel varna mutra is a diagnostic feature of
the neelameh. Rakta varna of mutra is a
2.Mutra Chakshu Pariksha: feature of ashmari, mutrasangh and rakta
meha[14] [15].
Mutra should examine in the natural light
after sunrise for appearance(bhasmodaka, Mutra varna Vyadhi
gorochana, shankhchurnavata) varna, Shukla Udakameha, pishtameha,
kaphaj pandu
accha, avil, anavil,rakta puya, varna.
Krishna Kalameh, kumbh kamla,
Mutra pariksha for Dosha and Haridra Pitta Mutrakriccha,
doshaprakop: kamla, ushnavata
The normal appearance of the mutra is Pita Pitta pandu
clear and transparent. It may be altered due Neel Neelameh
to dosha prabhava, doshaprakopa and Rakta Ashmari, mutrasanga,
vyadhi vishesh[13]. raktameh.

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Mutra vishesh rupa: snigadhata, picchilata, vishada of mutra

which has diagnostic use.
Sometimes the appearance of mutra
provides the diagnostic and prognostic 4.Mutra Gandha Pariksha:
directions in differential diagnosis of the
diseases. Avil mutrata i.e. turbidity of urine Normal gandha of the mutra is
is diagnostic feature of prameh and Anavil mutragandha(aromatic smell). This can be
mutrata i.e. clear and transparent altered in various disease condition.
appearance of the urine is indication of Nighandha mutra (odorless urine) is
prameh nivriti which has a prognostic present in udakameha[20]. Vidgandha
value[16]. Accham mutra (Transparent mutra is found in Vidvighata
urine) is a important feature of the Mutraghata . Madhugandh mutra is
udakameh, Prasence of sikta(fine granules) present in madhumeha. Amagandha mutra
in mutra is indication of siktameh, If also found in manjishta meha.
sandrata(sediments) is present in mutra, it 5.Rasana Pariksha of mutra:
confirms the diagnosis of Sandra meha.
Thus on the basis of presence of the Acharya Vagbhata has mentioned that
sandrata or sikta in mutra we can diagnose varnadi changes in mutra are due to dosh-
the sandrameha or siktameha[17]. Mutra dushy samyoga vishesha[22]. In context to
having appearance like the prameh Acharya charaka has described
bhasmodaka(calcium hydroxide/lime that mutre abhidhavantati pipilikasca i.e.
water) is feature of the mutrashukraja crawling of ants towards the urine due to
Mutrakriccha[18]. presence of sharkara in mutra (glucose in
urine) [23]. Amla(acidic) rasa mutra in Amla
Mutra rupa(physical Vyadhi meha, kshara(alkaline) rasa in kshara
meha[24], Madhur(sweet) rasa in
Avil mutra Prameh
madhumeha and ikshumeha are the
Anavil mutra Prameh nivriti
diagnostic features of the respective
Accham mutra Udakameh
Sikta in Mutra Sikta meha
Sandrata in mutra Sandrameh With help of modern urine chemical
Bhasmodaka pratikash Mutrashukra examination the rasa of the mutra can be
identified by the anumana praman. By
Shankh Mutrasada
urine glucose test we can confirm the
churnavat/gorochanvat Mutraghata
madhur rasa, like wise amla rasa and
kshara rasa of the mutra can be indentify
3. Sparsha Parisha: Freshly collected by the testing the PH of the urine. If ph
Mutra should be examine by thermometer less than 7 then it is amla rasa or if the ph
to know the Ushana/sheet sparsha(Temp) of the urine is found more than 7 then it is
of mutra. In sheet meha and udak meha the kshara rasa can be confirmed.
freshly collected urine temp is
[19] 6. Yogratnakar’s Tail Bindu Pariksha:
comparatively less . Mutra should also
examine by viscometer to know the Acharya Yogratnakar have described a
specialized, scientific and systematic

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method of examination mutra which have Prognosis disease can be identify on the
a great prognostic value in ayuveda. basis of direction of the movement of tail
bindu on the surface of the mutra [28] .
Collection of mutra for examination:
Vaidya should collect the mutra of the Direction of Sadhyasadhy
patient for mutra pariksha vidhi before Movement/spread of tail ata
four ghatika in the last yama of the bindu (prognosis)
ratri(night). Addyadhara (initial urinary of the vyadhi
flow) of the mutra should be discarded and Purva/Paschim/Uttara/Da Sukh
mutra from madhyadhara of the patient kshin Sadhya(curab
should collected in a kanch patra(glass le)
dish), kansya patra(bronz dish), mrutta Eshanya Death within
patra (earthan dish) [25]. one month
Agneya/Nairutya Immediate
Method: Mutra pariksha vidhi should be
death of the
carried out after the sunrise in a natural
light on a vidhivata collected urine sample.
Vayavya Bad
Mutra should be taken in a kanch
patra(glass dish) or kansya patra(bronz
Involvement of the dosha in the samprapti
dish) or mrutta patra (earthan dish) in a
of vyadhi can be identify by tail bindu
sufficient amount. A drop of till taila is
pariksha it is as follows[29] .
dropped in mutra with the help of trin
kashta on the surface of the urine. Then the Shape of the tail Dosha involved in
movement and the behavior of the taila bindu samprapti
bindu is observed[26]. Sarpakara (snake) Vata
Prognosis on the basis of movement of Chatrakara Pitta
the tail bindu: If the taila bindu spreads (umbrella)
immediately then vyadhi is sadhya(disease Mukta (pearl) Kapha
is curable), If the tailbindu does not
speads then vyadhi is Prognosis based on different shape of tail
kashtasadhya(difficult to treat), if the bindu is as follows, If the shape of the tail
tailbindu sink to bottom then is bindu appears as a Hala(axe),
asadhya(incurable) [27]. kurma(tortoise), sairibha(bufallow), Krand
Movement of the Sadhyasadhyata mandala(honey comb), shiroheena
tailbindu nara(head less human body), shastra,
Spreads Sadhya khadga(sword), sara(arrow), gatra
immediately vyadhi(curable) khanda(body part), mashala patti(spear
with masoor dal shape age), laguda(stick)
Dose not spread Kashtasadhya
and trichatuspata indicate asadhyata of the
vyadhi(difficult to
Sink to bottom Asadhya If the shape of the tail bindu
vyadhi(incurable) appears as hans(swan), karanda(duck),
tadoga (dark green pumpkin), kamala

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(lotus), gaja (elephant), Chamara (fan pathological state and in relation with
made up of bas grannies used for fly-flap) purvarupa and rupa of some diseases.
chatra (umbrella), torana (ornamental samhita. In samhita kala mutra pariksha
door arch), harmya (home) indicative of was carried out by pratyakshya and
the sadhya vyadhi. anuman praman.

If the shape of the bindu resembles Mutra sangrahan (collection of

chalani(sieve), Nara akara(human body), urine sample) for mutra pariksha should be
and mastaka dwaya (human body with two done before fourth ghatika in the last yama
head) indicates kuldosha, preta dosha, of the ratri. Adyadhara of mutra should be
bhoot dosha respectively[30]. discarded and madhyadhara should be
collected in kanch, kansya, mrutika flat
Discussion: dish in a sufficient volume, And the
Dosha, dhatu, mala concept is one pariksha vidhi should be carried out after
of the basic fundamental principle of the sunrise in a natural light. First morning
ayurved. Formation of mala is carried out urine sample is also preferred by modern
in intestine. Jatharagni acts on the food clinical pathology as it is good
and digest it into sara and kitta. representative of the urinary pathology
Absorbable part of sara which is used for because there is over night collection of
the formation of the dhatu. Unobservable the urine in the bladder. By examining the
part is kitta is a solid part of the kitta is first morning sample even minute
purisha which is expelled out through pathogens can be identify.
purishavaha srotasa. Liquid part goes to Sushruta’s shadavdha priksha i.e.
mutravaha srotasa and called as mutra. So prashne, chakshu, sparsha, shrotra,
any abnormalities in the processes of ghrana, rasana pariksha are useful for the
Ahara parinama i.e. digestion, absorption, mutra pariksha. Following elements should
excretion of food can be diagnosed by the be incorporated in the mutra pariksha
mutra pariksha. vidhi.
As per ayurved perspective
Mutra Elements
diagnosis of disease is depend upon the
rogi pariksha and rogpariksha of a patient.
Prashne Vedna, mutra daha, mutra
Mutra pariksha is used in ayurved
praman, veg sankhya,
practice as a diagnostic and prognostic
Vibhakta mutra dhara
purpose from thousands year. Mutra
Chakshu Appearance(bhasmodaka,
pariksha vidhi is one of the important
element of the ashtasthana pariksha.
shankhchurnavata) varna,
Ashtasthana pariksha represents the
accha, avil, anavil,rakta
clinical examinations as well as the
puya, varna.
laboratory examinations of the mala and
Sparsha Ushana/sheet
mutra pariksha. Mutra pariksha is not
sparsha(Temp) of mutra,
elaborated in the brihatrayi systematically
snigadhata, picchilata,
but some scatter referenced are available in
relation with the physiological and

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Ghrana Madhu, vidgandha, cm. Reference value for healthy individual

nirgandha, amagandha. are spread time up to 30 seconds, split time
Rasana Madhur, kshara, amla, up to 120 sec, direction uniform in all
lavana direction. In this way tail bindu pariksha
Dosha Dosha, Dosha prokopa are useful to know the prognosis of the
vishesh disease in a particular patient, and also
Abnormal Sarakta, sikta, sandrata, used to assessment of the healthy person.
constituents shakruta,dhatu(shukra,
rakta)vasa, puya,
Vyadhi Vyadhi vishesh rupa related Ayurveda is science of life which is more
Vishesh to mutra. based on observations than investigations.
Tailbindu Sadhyasadhyata. Laboratory investigations provides the
evidence and confirmation of the
diagnosis. In this era of modernization and
While performing the chakshu
advancement of the medical science urine
pariksha we can use microscope for a
examination is widely used for a diagnostic
microscopic examination so that we can
and prognostic purpose. Since ancient time
rule out the sikta, sandrat(abnormal
thousands of year back some laboratory
sediments), blood cells pus cells, epithelial
investigations(mala, mutra, rakta, shtivan,
cells etc. For sparsha pariksha we can take
shukra etc) were available and used while
help of some modern instruments like for
practicing ayurveda. Mutra pariksha vidhi
thermometer to know the temp of freshly
is not described systematically in brihat
came out urine, for snigadta we can use
trayi but some scattered references are
the viscometer, to know the rasa of mutra
available. Acharya Yogratnakara has
we can use glucose test to know madhur
explained the mutra pariksha vidhi in a
rasa, PH of urine also help full to know the
systematic manner while narrating the
kshara rasa, Amla rsa, for lavana rasa we
ashtasthan pariksh. While examining the
used the bile salt and bile pigments. To
urine with a ayurvedic perspective the
confirm the presence blood we must
shadvidha pariksha of the sushruta are
perform a benzidine test.
useful. Urine should be examine for
Important work of the prashne, chakshu, Shrotro, ghrana,
standardizing the tail bindu pariksha is sparsha, rasana. Some medical
being going on at Banarasa Hindu instruments and techniques are also handy
university, Varanasi. They have framed that can be used to assessing mutra by
certain criteria regarding standardization of shadavidha pariksha. Tail bindu pariksha
tail bindu pariksha of this as follows. is very cost effective technique, can be
applied to assessing the prognosis and the
Morning first urine sample should severity of the disease to plan a therapeutic
be taken for test, test should be performed measures and it is also handy for the
at 1 hr 36min before sunrise, round glass assessment of the healthy condition of the
petri dish having 8 inch diameter should be individual. As this is a very vast and big
used for test, oil drop of size12 ul should subject further research work is needed in
be dropped on urine surface from height 1 this regard.

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1. Agnivesha, Charak Samhita Vol- 190.
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Website: http://www.ayurlog.com | Volume: 6 | Issue: 7 | Oct-Dec 2018

commentary by Dr Bramhamanand 19. Ibid Sri Madhavakara’s Madhava

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16. Sushruta’s Sushrut Samhita, with Nidanam, Chap 31, Verse 19-20,
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Gayadasacharya on Nidanasthana, commentary by Kaviraj Atrideva
edited by Vaidya Jadavji Trikamji Gupta, edited by Vidya
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edited with the Vidyotini Hindi Nidan Chap 10, Verse 39 page 256.
commentary by Kaviraj Atrideva 24. Vagbhata’s Ashtanghridyam,
Gupta, edited by Vidya edited with the Vidyotini Hindi
Yadunandan Upadhyaya, commentary by Kaviraj Atrideva
Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan, Gupta, edited by Vidya
Varanasi, Twelth edition, Ashtang Yadunandan Upadhyaya,
Hridyam, Nidan chap 10 Verse 8- Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan,
16 page 254. Varanasi, Twelth edition AH
18. Sri Madhavkara’s Madhav Nidan 10/14 page 254.
Nidanam, With Sanskrit 25. Ibid Yogratnakara, Verse 2, Page
Commentary Madhukosha by No 9.
Vijayrakshita & Srikanthadatta, 26. Ibid Yogratnakara, Verse 5, Page
Edited with Vimala Madhudhara No 9.
Hindi Commentary and Notes by 27. Ibid Yogratnakara, Verse 6, Page
Dr Bhramhananada Tripathi Vol-1, No 9.
Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashan, 28. Ibid Yogratnakara, Verse 11-13
Varanasi, Reprint edition- 2004, Page No 10.
Madhav Nidana Chap 32, Verse 14, 29. Ibid Yogratnakara, Verse 4, Page
Page no 645. No 9.
30. Ibid Yogratnakara, Verse 19-20
Page No 10.

Cite article:
A review on mutra pariksha (urine examination) by Ayurvedic perspective.
Sanjay G. Paikrao, Arun S. Dudhamal
Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science- 2018; (6)(7): 1-9

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Website: http://www.ayurlog.com | Volume: 6 | Issue: 7 | Oct-Dec 2018

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