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CHECKLIST UOM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
(Unit of

         
1. No social media during For the whole
online classes class time

       
2. Limit to 1 hour the time 30 minutes
spent on social networking

           
3. No more than 3 sweet 1 sweet snack
snacks per day per day

          
4. Advance topics for every 2 topics ahead
subject my professor

 
5. Sweep the floor everyday 1x a day

   
6. Sleep early 9:30-10:00pm

             
7. Wash the dishes Every after

             
8. Wake-up early 6:30-7:00 am

       
9. Reduce eating white rice ½ cup of white
due to workout rice

 
10. Eat raw carrots per day 1 whole
“medium sized”
carrot per day

Claudette Ann C. Manalo ACT 181 September 7, 2020

After completing the project, answer these questions:
1. Analyze your Checklist. What did it reveal to you?
Honestly, I don’t usually make this kind of stuff because I feel disappointed if I can’t do all the tasks that I must do consistently.
But surprisingly, the majority of my tasks have more checks which means that I’m a more productive person than before. Also after I
analyzed my checklist, I realized that I can do the things that need to be done if I jot down or write it on a piece of paper to be like my
reminder that I have to attain those tasks daily because it became a responsibility to me to make myself better. At the end of this
activity, it made me into a conclusion that if you have so many things to do in your everyday life, you need to organize all of those
things first to help you achieve and maintain of doing those kinds of duties, no matter small or big it is, more effective and efficient than

2. On areas where you had “defects”, did you find your standards improving because you started measuring these “defects”?
As I took a glance at my checklist, I saw the three activities that have lesser checks than the others. But the one that got into my
attention is my task of ‘sleeping early’ because it is the only activity that I’ve seen a development among the two other tasks. Since day
one of checking, I completely can’t put a check on that task because of the hectic schedule we have in our online classes plus the
adjustment period that everyone’s now facing. However, since the 8th day of doing this activity, it became like a starter of my
improvement regarding sleeping earlier than my body clock does before. That’s why I conclude that as long as I know that I need to
check all of my tasks daily, it helped me a lot to upgrade my standards for my activity’s improvement every day.

3. How do you think this will help in a work environment setting?

This kind of checklist can be a great help to an organization or a company’s work environment. Just like in our everyday lives, we have
endless things to do like in a company. In the corporate world, we have bigger responsibilities that always have enormous targets that
we need to attain each day. Hence, having this kind of checklist makes all work more organized that can help to do our jobs effectively
and efficiently. It can also help the managers to see where can go wrong because it can be a good monitoring paper for each and every
employee. To all of the procrastinators out there, this checklist can be a great 1st step to change their lifestyle totally. Thus, it can make
every member or employee be more productively organize than before which can be a gateway to the organization’s or company's
abundance for the long-term of its existence.

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