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Escola Municipal “Dona Alexandrina”.

Anápolis,____  de agosto de 2019. 

Professora: Cláudia Dejane Borges.                    
Aluno(a):__________________________________________6º ano __

English Test  -  valor: 4,0

1- Leia o texto sobre Leo e escreva os nomes dos seus familiares nos quadrinhos abaixo:


My name is Leonard. I’m thirteen years old. I’m from New York City. This is a photo of my

family. This is my father. His name is John. My mother’s name is Elizabeth. This is my sister.

Her name is Katherine. Her nickname is Kitty. The young boy is my brother. His name is Tobby.

We lives in that beautiful house with Fido,our best friend.

2- Leia o texto e escreva ( True) para verdadeiro e ( False) para falso: (0,6)

a) __________ Tobby is Leo’s father.

b) __________ This is Tobby’s house.
c) __________ Elizabeth is Kitty’s mother.
d) __________ Kitty is Leo’s mother.
e) __________ Kitty is Katherine’s nickname.
f) __________ Smile is a dog.

3- Leia o texto abaixo e marque a alternativa correta:

I am Bruce. 

    I want to introduce my family to you.

    Peter is my father.
    Kate is my mother.
    Peter and Kate are my parents.
    Johnny is my brother and Andrea is my little sister. My family is
very happy.
4- Who introduces the family? ( Quem apresenta a família?)
(   )Bruce
(   )Peter
(   )Johnny
(   )Andrea
5- Relacione as colunas de acordo com o texto: (0,8)

a) I am                                           ( ) mother   
b) Kate is my                                 ( ) father
c) Peter is my                                 ( ) Bruce
d) Kate and Peter are my                ( ) to you
e) My family is                               ( ) brother
f) Johnny is my                              ( ) parents
g) Andrea is my                             ( ) happy
h) I want to introduce                    ( ) sister
my family

6- Escreva em inglês: (0,6)

a) Há quantos homens nessa família?_____ 
b) Há quantas mulheres? ______
c) E quantas pessoas há nessa família? ______

7- Relacione os substantivos masculinos com os femininos: (0,8)

a) uncle ( ) sister
b) son ( ) grandmother
c) brother ( ) daughter
d) grandfather ( ) aunt

8- Traduza: (0,4)

Father: _________________________
Brother: ________________________
Mother: _________________________

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