Overview:: Remarks

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- Project: Upgrade capacity of Hiep Phuoc Power plant to 1200MW run by LNG
- Location: No. 99 Phan Van Bay St., Ấp 1, Hiep Phuoc Ward, Nha Be District, Ho Chi
Minh City
- Test procedure: Testing procedure is implemented according to ASTM D1143,
ASTM D3689, ASTM D3966, ASTM D4945, ASTM D5882 and the method
statement has been approved before starting
- Implementation time: July – August, 2020 year
- Tests performed on PHC test piles include:
+ Static axial Compressive load test
+ Static axial Tensile load test
+ Lateral load test
+ Pile Driving Analyzer test (PDA Test)
+ Pile Integrity Tester (PIT Test)
Test report has plotted:
- The connection chart between settlement – load;
- The connection chart between settlement according to time of every loading step;
- The connection chart between settlement – time – loads.

Total amount of settlement and surplus settlement is shown in the following table:
Empede Design Maximum Surplus
Pile Diameter settlemen
No. d length load testing settlement Testing date
name (mm) t
pile (m) (kN) load (kN) (mm)
1 TP-1 D600 27,40 1400 4000 22,98 8,63 18÷20/7/2020
2 TP-2 D400 24,75 850 2430 93,68 09÷10/7/2020
3 TP-4 D600 24,20 1400 4000 93,89 08÷09/7/2020
4 TP-5 D600 28,50 1400 4000 21,82 4,20 06÷08/7/2020
5 TP-6 D600 27,05 1400 4000 25,79 7,79 20÷22/7/2020
6 TP-8 D600 28,50 1400 4000 24,14 8,17 02÷04/7/2020
7 TP-13 D400 39,00 850 2430 46,51 20,31 24÷26/8/2020
- Pile TP-2, TP-4 meet failure load at level 250%. Settlement of the pile increased
suddenly, can not hold the pressure of piston. Can not obtain surplus settlement
- Pile TP1, TP-5, TP-6, TP-8 work normally during testing time. Settlement is fatly stable
in every loading step. Quickly stable settlement at each load level, obtain surplus
settlement table above

Based on the axial static compression chart of the relationship between the load and
displacement for the piles, given by Adcom in the Report, we have the following table on
limit load capacity of the pile “Pgh”, in Then we choose the factor of safety FS = 2.5 to find
the Allowable load capacity design formula: Pa = Pgh / FS

Break Break Total Surplus Initial Allowable
Pile Diameter point point settlemen settlemen design capacity
name (mm) coordinat settlement t t load Pgh/Fs=2,5
e (mm) (mm) (mm) (kN) (kN)
TP-1 600 (20;3850) 3850 20 22,98 8,63 1400 1540
TP-2 400 (18;1912) 1912 18 93,68 850 764
TP-4 600 (22;3150) 3150 22 93,89 1400 1260
TP-5 600 (18;3850 3850 18 21,82 4,20 1400 1540
TP-6 600 (20;3850) 3850 20 25,79 7,79 1400 1540
TP-8 600 (16;3500) 3500 16 24,14 8,17 1400 1400
TP-13 400 (31;2287) 2287 31 46,51 20,31 850 914

The basis of choosing the factor of safety FS> 2.0 by according to Section E3, of "TCVN
9393: 2012 Pile - Test method by axial static load", the following:

- Works with high requirements for settlement.

- The friction pile in the soil is sticky from soft to flexible.

- The number of test piles is limited in complex ground conditions, with strongly changing

Hiep Phuoc power plant construction project with capacity of 1200MW, is class I project,
belongs to the above category.


- The piles tested for axial static compression gave consistent results with design
Testing pile information:

Emped Total Surplus

Design Maximu
Pile Diamete ed Test load settleme settleme
No. load m testing
name r (mm) length (kN) nt nt Testing date
(kN) load (kN)
pile (m) (mm) (mm)
1 TP-3 D600 24,30 650 1300 1235 93,97 17/7/2020
2 TP-7 D600 27,70 650 1300 1300 10,78 5,26 29/7/2020
3 TP-10 D400 26,55 500 1000 875 7,76 04/9/2020
- Pile TP-3 meets failure load at level 190% (Eq. 1235 kN). Displacement of the pile
increased suddenly, can not hold the pressure and obtain surplus settlement;
- Pile TP-7 work normally during testing time, with surplus settlement 5.26mm;
- Pile TP-10, pile material is damaged at level 175% (Eq. 875 kN).
- Note: For piles in the GT foundation, pile D600 shall be carried out to the load level at
which the displacement measured is 23mm. In case, the load is increased to 200% design
load but has not yet reached the 23mm displacement, continue to load according to the
load level of 10% of the design load. For pile test TP-4, TP-5 and TP-6 do this.
- Record the site data based on the testing procedure below:

Empeded Maximum
Diameter Design load
No. Pile name length pile testing load Testing date
(mm) (kN)
(m) (kN)
1 TP-1 D600 27,40 40 80 12/7/2020
2 TP-2 D400 24,75 25 50 11/7/2020
3 TP-4 D600 24,20 40 80 13÷14/7/2020
4 TP-5 D600 28,50 40 80 17÷18/7/2020
5 TP-6 D600 27,50 40 80 24÷25/7/2020
6 TP-8 D600 27,30 40 80 27/7/2020
7 TP-13 D400 39,00 25 50 27/8/2020

- Table of testing result:

Horizontal Horizontal
Maximum Surplus load load
Pile Maximu correspondin
No displacemen displacemen correspondin correspondin
nam m testing g to the
. t t g to the g to the
e load (kN) design load
(mm) (mm) displacement displacement
of 6mm (kN) of 10mm (kN)
1 TP-1 80 3,20 0,52 1,23
2 TP-2 50 5,93 3,30 1,71
3 TP-4 376 23,12 1,63 0,90 160,00 224,00
4 TP-5 288 23,91 0,65 130,90 189,50
5 TP-6 380 23,68 5,37 0,78 168,00 238,80
6 TP-8 80 2,78 1,13 1,08
7 TP- 50 6,27 2,37 1,37
- Pile TP-5 is broken at level 720% (Eq. 288kN)
- Pile TP-1, TP-2, TP-4, TP-6, TP-8, TP-13 work normally during testing time.
- Based on the testing result, designer decides the horizontal load capacity of the working
The test by PDA strain method was performed on 3 pile. The following are the results
obtained from this test:

Dimensional Pile name

No. Item
unit TP-01 TP-08 TP-13
1 Empeded length pile m 26,40 27,50 38,00
2 Maximum haed pile load kN 5098 4654 2279
3 Maximum displacement mm 16,80 18,00 11,50
The final displacement
4 mm 4,30 3,30 3,00
The greatest energy
5 kJ 65,60 66,50 19,30
Modun elastic dynamic of
6 MPa 45659 44068 52650
7 The density of pile kN/m3 25,497 24,517 25,497
8 Bearing capacity of Friction kN 3467 3231 1725
9 Bearing capacity of Toe kN 739 867 623
10 Total Bearing capacity kN 4206 4098 2348

Note: The index are in No. 1 to 7, which we synthesize from the spreadsheet calculation
sheet the CAPWAP method. The index are in No. 8 to 10, by Adcom in the summary table
of the Report.


- PDA test can be used to check the load capacity of working pile.
- The results of PDA test have given results close to those of the axial static compression test;
- However, Work testing done be to BTA and LTD index, to assess the extent and location of
defects and uniformity of the pile experiments.
PIT test, also known as small strain dynamic test, tells us the quality of pile pressing
construction the results shown through many different quality criteria. It includes:
- The integrity of the pile, also known as the integrity of the pile;
- The contact between the ground and the pile bottom;
- The contact of surrounding ground and pile body.
The following are the results of the PIT Small Distortion volatility test reported in the Adcom

Diameter Testing date Result
No. Pile name length pile
1 TP-02 D400 24,75 31/8/2020 No defects have been
2 TP-03 D600 24,30 31/8/2020 No defects have been
3 TP-04 D600 24,20 31/8/2020 No defects have been
4 TP-05 D600 28,50 31/8/2020 No defects have been
5 TP-06 D600 27,05 No defects have been
31/8/2020 found
6 TP-07 D600 27,70 No defects have been
31/8/2020 found
7 TP-08 D600 27,30 No defects have been
31/8/2020 found
8 TP-10 D400 26,55 No defects have been
31/8/2020 found
9 TP-13 D400 39,00 No defects have been
28/8/2020 found
- In addition to the above results summarized by Adcom, through the Graph of the
Relationship between Wave Velocity and Depth, with the applied amplification coefficient as
the value of the exponential increase over time, we have more the following comment;
- The graphs of the PIT-tested piles have relatively similar shapes. Particularly, the two piles
TP-03 and TP-08 have the diagram of the first pile with the amplitude below the small
horizontal axis. You can take the chart of the pile TP-02 as the characteristic chart of the test
piles. With representative indicators:
Hi : 3,4m 707,5 Hz.
Lo: 1,00m 2406 Hz.
2W: 2,00m 1203Hz.
- The wave diagram of the TP-02 pile at the depth under the pile tip is very clear, there is no
sudden change of wave amplitude in the same direction as the original wave, from the depths
less than the tip depth. The reflected waves from the tip of the pile are clearly observed. So it
can be concluded that the PHC pile is pressed against the defect-free ground.
- Here we analyze the relationship between the resistance of the ground and the change of
impedance of the PHC pile.
- The first section of the pile has ground ground which is sand leveled, has high resistance, has
a length on the horizontal axis from 2.0 to 2.5m, high wave amplitude due to the change of
resistance of the high pile.
- The middle section of the pile body is 16 ÷ 18m in length, the pile penetrates the geological
layer 1, with the composition of high plastic dust, the loose state, the resistance of the ground
is very low. The outstretching velocity chart is almost straight, indicating that the resistance
change of the pile is very low.
- The lower section, near the tip of the pile, is 1 ÷ 2m in length, is the length of the pile
attached to the sand or sub-sand layer, belongs to the 3rd geological layer, and the state is
medium to compact. The wave amplitude is amplified very clearly, although the ground here
is highly resistant. Demonstrate the change in resistance of the large pile.
- Through the above analysis, it proves that the test piles only attach to the stable ground layer
that is sand or sub-sand layer from 1 ÷ 2m. This explains the reason why when pressing the
flat nose PHC test pile, we encountered a false rejection, and could not press further through
the 3rd geological layer. On the other hand, because the flat nose pile, we met this geological
layer, can deflect the pile. That could be the cause of broken master reinforcement in 2 TP-10
piling tests. This has an important meaning to offer solutions for mass piling construction for
the project. Upgrading the capacity of Hiep Phuoc power plant to 1200MW running on LNG
Results of the tests on the PHC test above, we would like to propose the following technical
index requirements for PHC used for popular:
3.1. The technical parameters of PHC pile, 600mm in diameter are as follows:
1. Axial pressure load: Ptk = 1700 kN, with the factor of safety Fs = 2.25.
2. Horizontal pushing load of the pile: Ptk = 150 kN, with the factor of safety Fs = 2.5.
3. Axial extraction load Ptk = 490 kN, with factor of safety Fs = 2.5.
3.2. The construction indexes of pile presses are as follows:
1. Maximum pressure of top pile Pep, max = 5100 kN.
2. Minimum pile head pressure Pep, min = 3900 kN.
3. Minimum depth of the stake plugged into the ground: Lmin = 28.50m.
4. The maximum pile length Lmax will be determined after testing the D600 spiked pile
type and the wall thickness of the pile has been strengthened.
Note: Here choose the coefficient Fs> 2 for the following reasons:
- Construction works for Hiep Phuoc Power Plant are class I works, requiring high
settlement requirements.
- The foundation pile system is the friction pile in the sticky soil from soft to flexible.
- The number of test piles is limited in complex ground conditions, with strongly changing

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