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A Research Paper Presented to the Faculty of

Saint John’s School – Senior High School
Bacuag, Surigao del Norte
S.Y 2019-2020

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Course Practical Research 1
General Academic Strand

Ma. Elizabeth L. Lico
Jarden Y. Jimenez

The researchers of this research paper would like to

express their gratitude to our God almighty for giving their

knowledge and wisdom which they needed, and for providing

their needs, financially and spiritually.

The researchers would like to give thanks to their family

who always give their support, may be it emotionally or

financially, the encouragement and guidance which makes them

more passionate and dedicated to finish this study.

The researchers also would like to give their warm thanks

to their teacher, Mr. Lito L. Wines who given them the

opportunity to this study, for the encouragement and academic

support in making this project possible.

To their friends and classmates, who help them from the

beginning of this study up to the process of distributing the


Lastly, to the respondents, thank you for answering all

the questions and sharing your taught.

Without God and the people involved, this would not be

successful. Thank you and may God bless us all!!!


This study was conducted to determine the



Background of the Study

Through the years, it is evident that there has been a

significant change in the way courtship is done. Especially in

the Philippines, where culture is dynamic and ever-changing,

it has to the researcher’s attention that there have been

great changes in the way courtship is done between Filipino

males and females. With this, the researchers would like to

interpret the changes of courtship. The landscape of male and

female interaction has changed over the past 100 years,

revealing a very sharp contrast in shape and form.

It is apparent that today, old styles of courtship

“Harana”, have been replaced by the modern lifestyle of the

20th century. The twentieth century has greatly influenced the

country with the use of the cellphone since its arrival into

the country for almost 10 years. The country’s status in

cellphone use especially in texting as GMA quotes it from Joy

Weaver “texting is a way of life”. It’s maximization for

communicating with anyone anywhere has also reached to

creating a custom of courtship in the Philippines through

texting (Rules of thumb, 2007). Upon approach of the cellphone

technology in the Philippine, adaptation has become very

rapid. The change in society became rapid as humans maximize

the use of technology.

Technology has become one of the major factors why the

traditional type of courting drifted to the type of courtship

the Philippines exhibit now.

Conceptual Framework

 Older adults show a more complex understanding of their

emotions, as shown by more vivid descriptions of their

emotions in which they integrate their subjective experience

within a larger context (Labouvie-Vief et al., 1989). Factor

analysis of different people’s emotional reports also show a

greater number of dimensions, suggesting that they have a more

differentiated emotional experience in courting, so this shows

that age and the profile of the individual affect its

perception (Carstensen et al., 2000).

It is considered important the understanding of age

impact on the quality of both problem-solving and decision-

making. In some empirical evidences it has been found that

individuals of 40 years old were able to identify more

alternatives than other age groups (Denney and Palmer, 1981;

Denney and Pearce, 1989). Artistico, Cervone and Pezzuti

(2003) found no differences between young and adult people,

who showed a high level of performance for problems and

situations they considered particularly important. Referring

to decision-making, Thornton and Dumke (2005) concluded that

with age the decision-making skills deteriorate and as a

result the quality of the decisions decreases as well as the


What are the traditional How do the traditional

courting style? Filipino courting styles
change by time?

Figure 1:

Research Paradigm
Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know the “Perception of Bacuaganons on

the Modern Filipino Courting Styles.” So, as to provide

additional research to the study, thus, the research answers

the following questions:

1. What are the perceptions or impressions of some

Bacuaganons about the modern Filipino courting styles?

2.Is there a high possibility that the technology is the

main reason why courting style of the Filipinos change?

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of courting

through the use of technology?


There are no significant changes between the traditional

and modern courting styles of the Filipinos (Solis,2007)

Significance of the Study

The pedagogical outcome of this research can serve to

preserve the traditional way of courtship specifically to the


TEACHERS. As facilitators of learning, teachers will find

help in this study as they find the difference between

traditional and modern courtship. This study will aid the

teacher to identify the usefulness of technology to his/her


PARENTS. As nurturers of change, progress and development

of their children, this study will be a guide to the

traditional way, proper way and ethical way, proper way and

ethical way of courting in the Philippine scenario.

TEENAGERS. This study will open the minds of the youth

with how traditional way of courtship becomes a priceless

culture of the Philippines. This will also become a way on

helping the new tradition to preserve the said tradition.

FUTURE RESEARCHERS. This study will help other

researchers to conduct investigations on other Philippine

traditional courtship and they will broaden their knowledge

about the changes brought by technology in the courting styles

of the Filipinos.

Scope and Limitations

This study focused mainly on the people of Bacuag,

Surigao del Norte. This study also focused on the Philippine

traditional and modern way of courtship which is connected to

technology. This is conducted to see if there are significant

changes in the traditional and modern way of courtship.

Definition of Terms

For clarity and precision, the following terms are

defined to ensure a common understanding between the

researcher and the reader.

HARANA – In this study, this term refers to a traditional

form of courtship in the Philippines wherein men introduced

themselves and/or wooed women by singing underneath her window

at night. It was widely practiced in old Philippines with a

set of protocols, a code of conduct and a specific style of

music (Aguilar and Enriquez, 2007).

COURTSHIP – In this study, the term refers to the

activities that occur when people are developing a romantic

relationship that could lead to marriage or the period of time

when such activities occur.

TRADITION- In this study, tradition is not just a

conservative force, but rather a principle that ensures the

continuity and identity of the same attitude through

successive generations.
SUITOR- In this study, the term refers to a man who

pursues a relationship with a particular woman, with a view of





In Philippine custom and tradition, courtship is

more subdued, discrete and indirect compared to Western

Cultures. This practice which dated back to the Spanish time

strictly abides to conservative norms set by the society for

pursuing a woman. Traditionally, a man cannot just approach a

lady and ask for her name or address. If a man sees a woman

she likes, he should seek the help of a mediator or “tulay” in

Tagalog, to ask the permission of the girl’s father if he can

visit her in their house. “Harana” or serenade, sending love

letters and “paninilbihan” or servitude are just some of the

traditions being practiced by traditional Filipinos.

Today, although a lot of traditional courting practices

are still being observed, there are modifications and

“evolutions” that have been made that give the traditional

Filipino courtship a modern version.

Now, the modernized courtship in the Philippines revolves

on the liberalism of Filipinos. With the influence of Western

culture through the intervention of modern technologies,

modern courtship these days is going fast. Our very own

“Harana” turned into a song dedication on radio, love letters

evolved into text messages, and “pamamanhikan” later becomes a

family dinner in restaurants—-making the traditional year-long

courtship turned into weeks, days or even a couple of hours.

In our present time today, the way we communicate and

socialize with other people have changed because of the latest

technologies we have. Finding friends is a lot easier through

the use of social media and online communication apps,

especially a partner to date with (Karahassan, 2015). Because

of the influence of technology throughout the past few years,

young single people who can’t find dates in real life have

been using online dating sites to find the partner they want

to be in a relationship with (Hopkins, 2013). Through the use

of online dating sites, many people can express themselves

easily and interact with others with confidence (Duerksen,


The Advantages and Disadvantages of Courtship through the use

of technology

However, many people think that doing these types of

methods can be bad for them because other people are so

focused in interacting with other people online making them

avoid real-life interactions (Ferdman, 2016). Other people

come up with dates through the use Social Media such as

Facebook, Skype, Instagram and many more. With a click of a

button, you can easily change your status from “single” to “in

a relationship”. However, this can be very dangerous. A

preschool teacher thought she had found her one true love but

because of just one mess in the status in there Facebook

accounts, they broke up (Pastor, 2013).

The Effectiveness of Courting through the use of technology

Courting on social media are already accepted nowadays.

People court like it doesn’t matter whether you’re a male or

female who’s courting with someone. When engaging in a

conversation with another, words are not the only thing being

shared; body language, facial expressions, vocal tone, and

other emotional indicators are displayed (The Impact of

Technology on Social Communication, 2012). It is important to

other people who is just knowing about “courting”. Technology

sometimes give more confidence to someone who is going to

create some closure to the people that you are interested

with. Thus, creating more ways to communicate with each other.

However, as courting online becomes a viable option

amidst us millennials, users are unabashedly taking their

quest for love onto social media to find suitable mates that

are compatible with their lifestyle. Speaking to the ubiquity

of social media, the concept of social courtships pinpoint how

consumers are showing a decrease in confidence to the point

that they are utilizing digital means to find mates within

their existing friend base (Trendhunter, 2017). However, as

this dichotomy expands, consumer consumption will follow suit

with more services and subscriptions taking precedent as a

means to further denounce the need for face-to-face



Research Design

The researchers used the qualitative method to conduct

this study entitled “Perception of Bacuaganons on the Modern

Filipino Courting Styles”, because the researchers preferred

to receive views and experiences from the respondents based on

the study objectives. For instance, respondents provided their

views regarding the changes brought by technology in the

Filipino courting styles from what they had observed and


Qualitative research is a type of social science research

that collects and works with non-numerical data and that seeks

to interpret meaning from these data that help understand

social life through the study of targeted populations or

places. Within sociology, qualitative research is typically

focused on the micro-level of social interaction that composes

everyday life, whereas quantitative research typically focuses

on macro-level trends and phenomena.

Research Instrument

For this study, the researchers will use a Structured

Interview type of method in collecting their data. The

question for the structured interview must be open questions

and must be relevant to their study. They chose this type of

method because interviews are mostly fit for qualitative

research and it is easier to collect reliable data from the

respondent’s own perspective to the questions.

Research Environment

This research conducted only at Bacuag, Surigao del


Subject/Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study will be the citizens of

Bacuag, Surigao del Norte. A sample of five random citizens

will be chosen as a subject/ respondents of this research.

Sampling Technique

The process of choosing our sample will be snowball

sampling which is included in non-probability sampling.

Snowball sampling or Snowballing is a process where we ask a

member of the sample that qualifies to our criteria to

introduce someone who qualifies to the same criteria of our

sample for our study which may help us gather more data for

our research accurately. In accordance to snowball sampling,

we researcher choose to find people that engage in traditional

courtship with each questions.

Data Gathering

First of all, the researchers looked for necessary

resources that could assist them in their study. They did a

fierce observation. From this, they were able to construct

ideas and question necessary for the questionnaires. They

conducted an interview and take down all and analyzed the

different perceptions of the respondents.



In this chapter the researchers provide the results and

discussions of their survey interview in each of the five (5)

respondents from Bacuag, Surigao del Norte. Each of the

respondents’ perspective has been taken down by the

researchers and get the main idea.

1. Does technology help you find the partner you prefer in a

relationship? How?

A. Agree

For Mrs. Sixta Tejume, “Yes, technology help me find the

partner I prefer in a relationship through the use of Facebook

and social media, especially through the use of text message.

And other means communicating a partner.”

Mr. Reymundo Lacano, “Yes, technology help you find a

partner at this moment for it is trend and we cannot just find

partners by just looking around, I much prefer to look at the

social media.”

Mr. Jidan Jimenez said,” To answer that question. Technology

somehow help me to find my partner that I prefer in a

relationship by engaging or by going into social medias. For

example, Facebook, twitter, Instagram and all the social media

apps that is available today.”

B. Undecided

According to Mr. Diether Lomotos, “It doesn’t mean that you

cannot find the partner you prefer in a relationship in online

courting. It depends on a situation.”

Mr. Riel Manlimos said, “It depends on the situation of the

person handling the technology because sometimes the person

who is engaging nowadays cannot be flexible to it.”

2. Is it easy to court in technology than formal courting?

Why or why not?

A. Disagree

Mrs. Tejume, “Base on my experience I haven’t try this

type of courting which is through online because I use formal

courting. For me it is easy to courted in formal because there

you will be able to see the true feelings that is possible to

show by the guy who courted you.”

B. Agree

Mr. Lacano said, “It is so easy to court in technology

because you can tell lies and people tend to be more

attractive. If you see the person in face-to-face you might

not interest in them anymore.”

Mr. Jimenez said, “It is easy to court online if you’re

still young and still not mature to things but as you grow

older, you may preferably go through formal courting. It is

because you can easily express what’s really you feel in


Mr. Lomotos agreed to the second question and he said,

“It is easy to court in technology than formal courting

because you can easily put some twist to turn it like a game.”

He cannot guarantee real love in this online relationship. He

stated that it is easy to court online than formal courting

because you can fake your identity to someone’s special

because many anonymous face and accounts in social media that

you don’t know who they really are.

Mr. Manlimos said, “It is very easy to court in

technology than formal courting because in technology you just

have to seat in a room where you are facing a computer while

when you are facing the person you cannot speak it directly.”
3. Can you guarantee real love in this online
A. Disagree

Mrs. Tejume said, “Well, based on the experience of

others I think it cannot guarantee well because on

psychological studies finding someone to be able to create

genuine relationship it would be better you would really talk

personally, go personally with one another.”

Mr. Lomotos said, “No, I cannot guarantee real love in

this kind of method in courting because as you can see you can

fake your identity in this method.”

Mr. Lacano said “In technology, I cannot guarantee real

love in those online courting because it is very nice when the

girl says yes to the boy in personal way of courting with

personal effort.”

B. Agree

Mr. Manlimos said, “Nothing is impossible when it comes

to real relationship. Sometimes it works sometimes it does


C. Undecided
Mr. Jimenez said, “It depends also when we talk guarantee

because if she/he loves you then she loves you if not, then

not. It still depends whether you got fooled by someone


4. Do you consider Online Courting informal or formal?

Mrs. Tejume stated that, “It’s a sort of informal because

you could just express yourself without observing the

etiquette in courting rather than the formal way of courting”.

Mr. Lacano said, “Online courting of course is an informal way

of courting someone.” Mr. Jimenez said, “As you can see

courting online is informal.” Mr. Lomotos said “I considered

it as informal.” Mr. Manlimos said, “I considered online

relationships informal.”

5. Can you really say that you’re in a real relationship

with a person courted online?
A. Disagree

Mrs. Tejume said, “I’m not going to say that I’m in a real

relationship with online relationship because you cannot see

the person face-to-face. You are not talking in person so you

cannot say that the person is really in love with you or that

person is loyal to that kind of relationship that you’re

having so I could say that we’re not in a real relationship.

We’re just having fun.”

Mr. Lacano said, “You cannot have a real relationship with a

person courted online because it’s all a gullible thing when

we court online. For example, when you ask the person you

court where he/she is. He/she will say he’s home or she’s home

even though he/she is in a very far place.”

Mr. Jimenez said, “I can say that I’m in a real

relationship but I cannot say it’s true love.”


Mr. Lomotos said, “You can’t be in a real relationship

unless you meet them in person. Then you can be in a real


Mr. Manlimos said, “It depends when we talk in real

relationship because sometimes you need to be with someone so

that you will know that person.”



This chapter clarifies what research has indicated about

courtship through the use of technology. Following the summary

there will be a conclusion and recommendations for future



Research has indicated that most of our respondents agree

that technology can help to find their preferred partner in a

relationship. Like Mrs. Sixta Tejume said, “Yes, technology

help me find the partner I prefer in a relationship through

the use of Facebook and social media, especially through the

use of text message. And other means communicating a partner.”

Two (2) out of five (5) of the respondents is undecided that

technology can help to find their preferred partner in a

relationship. Like Mr. Riel Manlimos said, “It depends on the

situation of the person handling the technology because

sometimes the person who is engaging nowadays cannot be

flexible to it.”

Indicating that one (1) of the respondent disagree that it

is easy to court in technology than formal courting. According

to Mrs. Tejume, “Base on my experience I haven’t try this type

of courting which is through online because I use formal

courting. For me it is easy to courted in formal because there

you will be able to see the true feelings that is possible to

show by the guy who courted you.” And four (4) of the

respondents has agree that it is easy to court online.

According to Mr. Lacano, “It is so easy to court in technology

because you can tell lies and people tend to be more

attractive. If you see the person in face-to-face you might

not interest in them anymore.”

Research indicates that 3 out of 5 of the respondents

disagree that online relationship guarantee real love. As

stated by Mrs. Tejume, “Well, based on the experience of

others I think it cannot guarantee well because on

psychological studies finding someone to be able to create

genuine relationship it would be better you would really talk

personally, go personally with one another.” One (1) of the

respondents is undecided as Mr. Jimenez said, “It depends also

when we talk guarantee because if she/he loves you then she

loves you if not, then not. It still depends whether you got

fooled by someone online.” And one (1) of the respondents

agree that online relationship guarantee real love. As stated

by Mr. Manlimos said, “Nothing is impossible when it comes to

real relationship. Sometimes it works sometimes it does not.”

As indicated in this research all the respondents (five

respondents) are considering online courting as an informal

way of courting. As what Mrs. Tejume stated that, “It’s a sort

of informal because you could just express yourself without

observing the etiquette in courting rather than the formal way

of courting.

Lastly, research indicates that three (3) of the

respondents disagree that they are in a real relationship. As

what Mrs. Tejume said, “I’m not going to say that I’m in a

real relationship with online relationship because you cannot

see the person face-to-face. You are not talking in person so

you cannot say that the person is really in love with you or

that person is loyal to that kind of relationship that you’re

having so I could say that we’re not in a real relationship.

We’re just having fun.” Two (2) of the respondents also are

undecided that they are in a real relationship. As what Mr.

Lomotos said, “You can’t be in a real relationship unless you

meet them in person. Then you can be in a real relationship.”


People court through the use of technology because according

to Mr. Lacano, “It is so easy to court in technology because

you can tell lies and people tend to be more attractive. If

you see the person in face-to-face you might not interest in

them anymore.”

As base on the results the advantages of courting through

the use of technology are that people can connect with each

other from far away, and people can just sit and without

efforts in courting.

Research results that its disadvantages are that it

could lessen the culture of formal courting to the next

generations and could not properly express the right way of

courting personally.

Base on the results it is not effective to court through

the use of technology because according to Mr. Lomotos, “You

can’t be in a real relationship unless you meet them in

person. Then you can be in a real relationship.”

This tackles the “Perception of Bacuaganons Towards the

Modern Filipino Courting Styles”, and the researchers would

like to recommend this study to the following:

Parents- This study will help them to understand why


children sticks on social media and depends


technologies. Also, it will guide them on how to manage

their children when it comes to relationship.

Teenagers- This study will be benefitted to them. It will


them to know that traditional way of courtship becomes a

priceless culture of the Philippines. This will also


a way on helping the new tradition to preserve the said


Future Researchers- This study will benefit the future


This will be their guide and can be their source of


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