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Republic of the Philippines

Roxas City
HAPPYVILLE ACADEMY Government Recognition
Cor. McKinley-Luna Novicio St., 5800 Roxas City ER-026, s.2015
Tel No. (036) 522-8755 Cel No. 09092889698
“Where happy learning
happens” 3rd Quarter Examination

Name: _____________________________________ Score: ______________

I. Put a smiling face ()in the blank if the following statements show truthfulness and put a
sad face () if it’s not.
________1. I tell my parents all the things I do.
________2. If my parents do not allow me to do something, I disobey them.
________3. I just keep quiet if I do not understand something.
________4. Kheyan tells the truth to his parents if he did something wrong.
________5. Edna corrects the mistakes she committed.
________6. I just go out to our house without asking permission.
________7. Lovely tells God all the bad things she has done.
________8. I confront my friend about his wrongdoings.
________9. Lary found a wallet at the park and he hid it immediately in his bag.
_______10. I appreciate others who tell me the truth.

II. Answer the following questions. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. She was born from Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu on August 26, 1910 in Albania.
a. Mother Catherine b. Mother Teresa c. Mother Mary
2. Where did she taught for the girls in 1929?
a. Calcutta, India b. New York c. Spain
3. What is the meaning of NIrmal Hriday?
a. Good Heart b. Pure Heart c. Golden Heart
4. She became the comforter of the poor, the dying, and the unwanted for amost________?
a. 30 years b. 40 years c. 50 years
5. Why did Mother Teresa died?
a. heart failure
b. cancer
c. stroke

III. Write R if the statement shows good traits or habits and write W if it’s not.
______1. I assist a person with physical disability even in little ways.
______2. I laugh with the disability of anybody.
______3. I treat a differently-abled person as one of my friends.
______4. Ann and Chris laugh with their seatmate who is blind.
______5. I explain to a deaf person what others are telling/saying him/her to understand
others well.
______6. I cheat during examination.
______7. I raise my hand if I have something to say.
______8. I am talking with my classmate while the teacher is discussing.
______9. I can recite our classroom rules.
______10. I respect my teacher and classmates.
______11. I talk nice words to my friends.
______12. I ignore my classmate if she/he needs something from me.
______13. I envy my classmate if she/he answers correctly during class.
______14. I thought that dark-skinned children are annoying.
______15. I admire children from an ethnic group who study hard.
______16. I include ethnic people in my prayers.
______17. Whenever I see Aetas, I laugh at them.
______18. I read stories to understand people from different ethnic groups.
______19. I am returning the things I borrowed from others.
______20. I ask my classmate to help me when I do not know what to do with my classmate.
IV. Write the appropriate rules in the following picture. (5 pts)

V. Check the box in each picture if it shows

concern for the sick. (5pts)
VI. Essay.


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Parents’ Signature

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