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Topic : Discrete Structure & Optimization

Concept:Discrete Probability

Sub Concept:Properties of Probability

Concept Field:NA

Question :1

A traffic count at a highway junction revealed that out of 5,000 cars that
passed through the junction in 1 week, 3,000 turned to the right. Find the
probability that a car will turn to the right, and to the left.

(A) ⅖,⅗
(B) ⅗ ,⅖
(C) ⅖,⅖
(D) ⅗.3/5
Correct Option : B


p = [(successful ways) / (total ways)]

In this case s = 3,000 and total ways= 5,000.
Hence,turning right
p = [(3.000) / (5,000)] = (3/5).
Hence, the probability that a car will turn to the left is
[(2,000) / (5,000)] = (2/5).

Topic : Discrete Structure & Optimization

Concept:Mathematical Logic

Sub Concept:Logic

Concept Field:NA
Question :2

Consider the given arguments

"If he is a college student,then he is intelligent. He is a college student. Therefore, he
is intelligent."

(A) Valid
(B) Invalid
(C) Satisfiable
(D) Information incomplete

Correct Option: A

Symbolize the statement "He is a college student." by p and "He is

intelligent." by q. The argument in symbols is:
p _______________

∴ q

Topic : Discrete Structure & Optimization

Concept:Mathematical Logic

Sub Concept:Logic

Concept Field:NA

Question : 3

Consider the statements

(i) "If it is raining, then the streets are wet."

(ii) "If the streets are wet, then it is raining."

(A) Statement (ii) is hypothesis of statement (i)

(B) Statement (ii) is converse of statement (i)
(C) Statement (ii) is inverse of statement (i)
(D) Statement (ii) is contrapositive of statement (i)

Correct Option: B

(i) "If it is raining, then the streets are wet."
(ii) "If the streets are wet, then it is raining."

Statement (ii) is converse of statement (i)

Topic : Discrete Structure & Optimization

Concept:Sets and Relations

Sub Concept:

Concept Field:NA

Question :4

Let A = A = {1,2,3,4} and define a relation R on A as follows: ) R = {(1,

1),(2, 2),(3, 3),(4, 4),(1, 2),(2, 4),(2, 1),(4, 2)}. The relation is

(A) Both symmetric and reflexive,but not transitive

(B) Symmetric and reflexive as well as transitive
(C) Both symmetric and transitive ,but not reflexive
(D) Both reflexive and transitive ,but not symmetric

Correct Option:A


R = {(1, 1),(2, 2),(3, 3),(4, 4),(1, 2),(2, 4),(2, 1),(4, 2)} is an

example of a relation that is both symmetric and reflexive.
But R is not
transitive since 1R2 and 2R4 but 1R4.
Topic : Discrete Structure & Optimization

Concept:Graph Theory

Sub Concept:Simple Graph

Concept Field:NA

Question :5

Total number of the spanning trees in the following graph

(A) 15
(B) 16
(C) 4
(D) 12

Correct Option: B


Total number of Spanning Tree 16

Topic : Discrete Structure & Optimization

Concept:Group Theory

Sub Concept:Group Theory and Its Application

Concept Field:NA

Question :6

Which of the following is True

A. Set of all matrices forms a group under multiplication

B. Set of all rational negative numbers forms a group under multiplication

C. Set of all non-singular matrices forms a group under multiplication

D. Both (b) and (c)

Correct Option: C

Explanation :

--Set of all matrices forms a group under multiplication-- False statement

--Set of all rational negative numbers forms a group under multiplication

-- False statement

--Set of all non-singular matrices forms a group under multiplication--

True statement

Topic : Discrete Structure & Optimization


Sub Concept:On Solution Methods

Concept Field:NA

Question :7
Which of the following is not used for finding the initial feasible for the
transportation problem

(A) Northwest corner

(B)Minimum cost of the row
(C)Russell’s approximation method
(D) None of the above

Correct Option: D
Methods for finding the initial tableau for the transportation problem
- Northwest corner
- Minimum cost of the row
- Russell’s approximation method

Topic : Discrete Structure & Optimization


Sub Concept:On Solution Methods

Concept Field:NA

Question :8

Find the cost using LCM (least cost method)method —

(A) 80
(B) 85
(C) 83
(D) 81

Correct Option: C


Cost = 7 × 2 + 4 × 3 + 1 × 8 + 4 × 7 + 1 × 7 + 2 × 7

= 14 + 12 + 8 + 28 + 7 + 14

= 83

Topic : Discrete Structure & Optimization


Sub Concept:Discrete Optimization Problems

Concept Field:NA

Question :9

Consider the following LPP

Max Z = 5x1 + 7x2

Subject to,
2x1 + x2 >= 8
x1 + 2x2 >=10
x1 x2 >= 0
The solution will be
(A) Feasible
(B) Feasible as well as optimal
(C) Unbounded
(D) Degenerate
Correct Option: C

Max Z = 5x1 + 7x2
Subject to,
2x1 + x2 >= 8
x1 + 2x2 >=10
x1 x2 >= 0

2x1 + x2 = 8
x1 = 0 x2 = 8 (0, 8) (away)
x1 = 4 x2 = 0 (4, 0)

x1 + 2x2 = 10
x1 = 0 x2 = 5 (away)
x1 = 10 x2 = 0

Topic : Discrete Structure & Optimization


Sub Concept:General Principles For The Design of Heuristics

Concept Field:NA

Question :10

Find the Dual of given Primal

Min Z = 20 x1 + 10 x2

S.T. x1 + x2 ≥ 10
3 x1+ 2 x2 ≥ 24

x1, x2, ≥ 0

(A) Max ZD = 10W1 + 24W2

S.T. W1 + 3W2 <= 20

W1 + 2W2 <= 10

W1, W2 ≥ 0

(B) Min ZD = 10W1 + 24W2

S.T. W1 + 3W2 <= 20

W1 + 2W2 <= 10

W1, W2 ≥ 0

(C) Max ZD = 10W1 + 24W2

S.T. W1 + 3W2 >= 20

W1 + 2W2 <= 10

W1, W2 ≥ 0

(D) Max ZD = 10W1 + 24W2

S.T. W1 + 3W2 >= 20

W1 + 2W2 >= 10

W1, W2 ≥ 0
Correct Option: A


The Dual of primal is

Max ZD = 10W1 + 24W2

S.T. W1 + 3W2 <= 20

W1 + 2W2 <= 10

W1, W2 ≥ 0

Topic : Data Structures


Sub Concept:Complexity of Algorithms

Concept Field:NA

Question: 11

Find the complexity of using Master’s Theorem

T (n) = 6T(n/3)+ n 2 logn

(A) Θ(n 2 logn)

(B) Θ(n logn)
(C) Θ(n logn)
(D) Θ( logn)

Correct Option: A


T(n) = 6T(n/3) + n 2 logn

=> T(n) = Θ(n 2 logn) (Master Theorem Case 3.a)
Topic : Data Structures

Concept:Linked Lists

Sub Concept:Traversing a Linked List

Concept Field:NA


Time and Space Complexity to display a Linked List from the end using

(A) Time Complexity: O(1). Space Complexity: O(1).

(B) Time Complexity: O(n). Space Complexity: O(1).
(C) Time Complexity: O(n). Space Complexity: O(n).
(D) Time Complexity: O(1). Space Complexity: O(n).

Correct Option: C


Time Complexity to display a Linked List from the end using stack

: O(n).

Space Complexity to display a Linked List from the end using stack

: O(n)→ for Stack.

Topic : Data Structures

Concept:Stacks, Queues, Recursion

Sub Concept:Circular Queues

Concept Field: Implementation of Stacks


A queue is set up in a circular array A[O..n - 1] with front and rear defined
as usual. Assume that n – 1 locations in the array are available for
storing the elements (with the other element being used to detect
full/empty condition). Formula for the number of elements in the queue
in terms of rear, front, and n, when rear!= front .

(A) Number of elements = rear-front+1

(B) Number of elements = rear+front+1

(C) Number of elements = rear-front+n

(D) Number of elements = rear+front+n

Correct Option: C


the number of elements in the queue in terms of rear, front, and n, when
rear!= front ,

Number of elements = rear-front+n

Topic : Data Structures


Sub Concept:Balanced Binary Trees

Concept Field:Height-Balanced Tree


An upper bound on the number of nodes in an AVL tree of height h a

(A) 2h + 1 – 1 nodes
(B) 2h – 1 nodes
(C) 2h + 1 nodes
(D) 2h + 1 +1 nodes

Correct Option: A
The upper bound on the number of nodes in an AVL tree of height h
with 2h + 1 – 1 nodes

Topic : Data Structures


Sub Concept:Transversal Algorithms Using Stacks

Concept Field:Postorder Traversal


Consider the following Expression tree.

What will be the postfix expression:

(A) 5y2*^3y*-2+
(B) 5 y 2 ^ * 3* y - 2 +
(C) 5y2^*3y*-2+
(D) 5y2^*3y-*2+

Correct Option: C


To generate postfix representation of this tree need to traverse in Post the output

Topic : Data Structures

Concept:Graphs and their Applications

Sub Concept:Warshall's Algorithm: Shortest Paths

Concept Field:Shortest Path Algorithm (Dijkstra's Algorithm)


A famous solution for the shortest path problem was developed by

Dijkstra. Dijkstra’s algorithm uses

(A) Divide and Conquer Approach

(B) Greedy Approach
(C) Branch and bound Approach
(D) Dynamic Programming Approach

Correct Option: B


The shortest path problem uses a greedy method: Always pick the next
closest vertex to the source.

Topic : Data Structures

Concept:Graphs and their Applications

Sub Concept:Operation on Graphs

Concept Field:NA


How many simple directed graphs with no parallel edges and self-loops
are possible in terms of V.
(A) (V) × (V – 1)2.
(B) ((V) × (V + 1))/2.
(C) (V) × (V – 1).
(D) ((V) × (V – 1))/2.

Correct Option: C


Since, each vertex can connect to V – 1 vertices without self-loop. So

total possible simple directed graph (V) × (V – 1).

Topic : Data Structures

Concept:Sorting and Searching

Sub Concept:Sorting

Concept Field:Sort Stability


Consider the sorting algorithms:

Insertion sort, Selection sort, Merge sort, Heap sort, Which of these are

(A) Yes, Yes,Yes,No

(B) Yes, No,Yes,No
(C) No,Yes,No,Yes
(D) No,No,Yes,Yes

Correct Option: B

Insertion sort: Yes

Selection sort: No

Merge sort: Yes,

Heap sort: No
Topic : Algorithms

Concept:Pattern-Matching Algorithms

Sub Concept:NA

Concept Field:NA


Which of the following is String matching algorithm,

(A) Rabin-Karp String Matching Algorithm

(B) KMP Algorithm
(C) Boyer-Moore Algorithm
(D) All of the above

Correct Option: D


String matching algorithm,

- Rabin-Karp String Matching Algorithm

- KMP Algorithm
- Boyer-Moore Algorithm

Topic : Algorithms

Concept:NP-Complete Problems

Sub Concept:NP-Completeness of the Satisfiability Problem .

Concept Field:NA

Question : 20

Let S be an NP-complete problem and Q and R be two other problems

not known to be in NP. Q is polynomial time reducible to S and S is
polynomial-time reducible to R. Which one of the following statements is

(a) R is NP-complete

(b) R is NP-hard

(c) Q is NP-complete

(d) Q is NP -hard.

Correct Option: B


Q is polynomial time reducible to S and S is polynomial-time reducible to

R, So R is NP-hard.

Topic : System Software & Operating Syst.

Concept:Process Management

Sub Concept:Processes

Concept Field:Interprocess Communication

Question : 21

Which of the following are interprocess communication models ?

(i) Message Passing Method

(ii) Parameter Passing Method

(iii) Shared-memory model

(A) (i) and (ii)

(B) (ii) and (iii)
(C) (i) and (iii)
(D) All (i),(ii),(iii)

Correct Option: C

The two models of interprocess communication are the message

passing model and the shared-memory model.

Topic : System Software & Operating Syst.

Concept:Process Management

Sub Concept:Processes

Concept Field:Context Switch

Question : 22

Which of the following actions is not taken by a kernel to context-

switch between processes.

(A) Save the state of the currently running process

(B) Restore the state of the process scheduled to be run
(C) perform many architecture-specific operations,
including flushing data and instruction caches
(D) None of the above

Correct Option: D


In general, the operating system must save the state of the currently
running process and restore the state of the process scheduled to be run
next. Saving the state of a process typically includes the values of all the
CPU registers in addition to memory allocation. Context switches must
also perform many architecture-specific operations, including flushing
data and instruction caches.

Topic : System Software & Operating Syst.

Concept:Process Management
Sub Concept:Semaphores

Concept Field:Semaphore Usage

Question : 23

At a particular time of computation, the value of a counting semaphore

is 10.Then 18 P (wait) operations and 14 V (signal) operations are
completed on this semaphore. What is the resulting value of the

A. 28
B. 12
C. 6
D. 42

Correct Option: C


Value of Counting Semaphore = 10

18P and 14V

Resulting Value of Semaphore:

10-18+14= 6

Topic : System Software & Operating Syst.

Concept:Process Management

Sub Concept:Deadlocks

Concept Field:Deadlock Avoidance

Question : 24

A computer has 10 tape drives with n processes competing for them.

Each process may need two drives. What is the maximum value of n for
the system to be deadlock free?
A. 4
B. 12
C. 9
D. 11

Correct Option: C


Demand< #process+#resources




Topic : System Software & Operating Syst.

Concept:Memory Management

Sub Concept:Paging

Concept Field:NA

Question : 25

Consider a paging system with the page table stored in memory. If a

memory reference takes 200 nanoseconds. If we add associative
registers, and 75 percent of all page-table references are found in the
associative registers, what is the effective memory reference time?
(Assume that finding a page-table entry in the associative registers takes
zero time, if the entry is there.)

(A) 200 ns
(B) 250 ns
(C) 225 ns
(D) 275 ns

Correct Option: B
Effective access time = 0.75 × (200 nanoseconds) + 0.25 × (400
nanoseconds) = 250 nanoseconds.

Topic : System Software & Operating Syst.

Concept:Memory Management

Sub Concept:Demand Paging

Concept Field:Performance of Demand Paging

Question : 26

A computer system supports 128 -bit virtual addresses as well as 128-

bit physical addresses. Since the virtual address space is of the same
size as the physical address space, the operating system designers
decide to remove the virtual memory entirely. Which one of the following
is true?

(a) Efficient implementation of multi-user support is no longer possible

(b) The processor cache organization can be made more efficient now

(c) Hardware support for memory management is no longer needed

(d) CPU scheduling can be made more efficient now

Correct Option: C

operating system designers decide to get rid of the virtual memory

entirely, hardware support for memory management is no longer

Topic : System Software & Operating Syst.

Concept:Memory Management
Sub Concept:Page Replacement

Concept Field:LRU Page Replacement

Question : 27

Given page reference string:


The number of page faults for LRU algorithm using 4 frames.

(A) 6
(B) 7
(C) 8
(D) 9

Correct Option: A


Topic : System Software & Operating Syst.


Sub Concept:Program Threats

Concept Field:Logic Bomb,Viruses

Question : 28

Match the following

Group I Group II

(P)Trojan Horse 1. Program that initiates a security

threat under certain

(Q) Logic Bomb 2. Code segment that misuses its


(R )Worm 3.Virus dropper

(S)Virus 4.Grappling hook

(A) P-2, Q-1, R-3,S-4

(B) P-4, Q-3, R-2, S-1

(C) P-2, Q-1, R-4, S-3

(D) P-4, Q-3, R-1,S-2

Correct Option: C


Trojan Horse : Code segment that misuses its environment

Logic Bomb: Program that initiates a security threat under certain

Worm: –Grappling hook program uploaded main worm program

Virus: - Virus dropper inserts virus onto the system

Topic : System Software & Operating Syst.

Concept:Storage Management

Sub Concept:Disk Scheduling

Concept Field:Scan Scheduling

Question : 29

The elevator algorithm is also known as


Correct Option: B


•SCAN algorithm Sometimes called the elevator algorithm

Topic : System Software & Operating Syst.

Concept:Process Management

Sub Concept:Threads

Concept Field:Many-to-Many Model

Question : 30
Many user level threads to be mapped to many kernel threads, is known

(A) Many to Many model

(B) One to One model
(C) Many to One model
(D) None of the above

Correct Option: A

Many user level threads to be mapped to many kernel threads, is known

as Many to Many model

Topic : Database Management Systems

Concept:Database Normalization

Sub Concept:Functional Dependencies and Normalization

Concept Field:NA

Question : 31

For the relation R(ABCDEF) with the following set of Functional


{ A→ E, AC→ D, B→ CFGH, D→ C, F→ G ,E→ FH}

Then {AB}+


Correct Option: B


Using trivial and non trivial functional dependencies,

A→ E,

AC→ D,


Topic : Database Management Systems


Sub Concept:More Complex SQL Retrieval Queries

Concept Field:Discussion and Summary of SQL Queries

Question : 32

What is true about the UNION ALL operator ?

(A) It returns rows for the combined queries after

eliminating duplicates
(B) It returns rows for the combined queries along with
duplicate values
(C) It returns rows for the combined queries ignoring the
null values
(D) It returns rows for the combined queries along with
Null Values

Correct Option: B


The UNION ALL operator returns rows for the combined queries along
with duplicate values

Topic : Database Management Systems

Concept:Database Normalization

Sub Concept:Concurrency Control Techniques

Concept Field:NA

Question : 33

Consider the schedule of transaction

The schedule may suffer from

A. Dirty Read Problem

B. Unrepeatable Read Problem
C. Lost Update Problem
D. Phantom Read Problem

Correct Option: C


The value written by the transaction T2 is lost because of the write of the
transaction T1.This is known as lost update problem.

Topic : Database Management Systems

Concept:Database Normalization

Sub Concept:Concurrency Control Techniques

Concept Field:NA

Question : 34

According to two-phase locking, when locks cannot be acquired?

A. Before all read and write actions

B. Before the last read or write action
C. After the first unlock action
D. Only upon commit or rollback

Correct Option : C


According to two-phase locking, locks can not be acquired after the first
unlock action.

Topic : Database Management Systems

Concept:Database Normalization

Sub Concept:Functional Dependencies and Normalization

Concept Field:NA

Question : 35

Which of the following is true with respect to functional dependency?

(A) A Functional dependency is a many-to-one relationship

between two sets of attributes
(B) A Functional dependency is a one-to-many relationship
between two sets of attributes
(C) A dependency preserving decomposition is that in
which each functional dependency x→ y specifies in
set F of FD’s should only appear directly in one of
the relation schema Ri in the decomposition
(D) None of the above

Correct Option: D


All above statements are false

-As functional dependency is many to many .

-Dependency can appear directly or indirectly.

Topic:Database Management Systems

Concept:Concepts and Architecture

Sub Concept:Three-Schema Architecture and Data Independence

Concept Field:Data independence

Question : 36

Consider the statement below

(S1)Physical Data Independence – the ability to modify the physical

schema without changing the logical schema.
(S2) Add/Modify/Delete a new attribute, entity or relationship is possible
without a rewrite of existing application programs is an example of
physical data independence.

Which of the above is true.

(A) Only S1
(B) Only S2
(C) Both S1 and S2
(D) None of the above
Correct Option: A

Correct Statement:
Physical Data Independence – the ability to modify the physical schema
without changing the logical schema.

Topic:Database Management Systems

Concept:Concepts and Architecture

Sub Concept:Three-Schema Architecture and Data Independence

Concept Field:Data independence

Question : 37

Consider the statements below

(S1) The deferred database modification scheme records all

modifications to the log, but defers all the writes to after partial commit

(S2) The immediate database modification scheme allows database

updates of an uncommitted transaction to be made as the writes are
Which of the above is not True.
(A) Only S1
(B) Only S2
(C) Both S1 and S2
(D) None of the above
Correct Option: D

Both Statements are true.
(S1) The deferred database modification scheme records all
modifications to the log, but defers all the writes to after partial commit

(S2) The immediate database modification scheme allows database

updates of an uncommitted transaction to be made as the writes are

Topic:Database Management Systems


Sub Concept:NA

Concept Field:NA

Question : 38
An index whose search key specifies an order different from the
sequential order of the file, is called

(A) Primary Index

(B) Clustering Index
(C) Non-Clustering Index
(D) None of the above

Correct Option: C


An index whose search key specifies an order different from the

sequential order of the file. Also called non-clustering index.

Topic:Database Management Systems

Concept:Database Normalization

Sub Concept:Concurrency Control Techniques

Concept Field:Other Concurrency Control Issues

Question : 39

The tree protocol does not ensures

(i) conflict serializability and freedom from deadlock.

(ii) recoverability or cascade freedom

(A) Only (i)

(B) Only(ii)
(C) Both (i) and(ii)
(D) None of the above

Correct Option: B


The tree protocol ensures

(i) conflict serializability and freedom from deadlock.

but,Tree –Protocol does not guarantee recoverability or cascade


•Need to introduce commit dependencies to ensure recoverability

Topic:Database Management Systems

Concept:Database Normalization

Sub Concept:Concurrency Control Techniques

Concept Field:Other Concurrency Control Issues

Question : 40

Consider a B+-tree in which the maximum number of keys in a node is 5.

What is the minimum number of keys in any non-root node?

(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4

Correct Option: B

Since the maximum number of keys is 5, maximum number of children a

node can have is 6. 6/2 = 3. Therefore, minimum number of keys that a
node can 2

Topic : Software Engineering


Sub Concept:Software Process

Concept Field:NA

Question : 41
________________ is a consistent method for describing problems and
solutions within the context of the software process.
(A) Software process
(B) Task Set
(C) Umbrella activity
(D) Process Pattern

Correct Option:D
Process pattern is a consistent method for describing problems and
solutions within the context of the software process.

Topic : Software Engineering


Sub Concept:Software Process Models

Concept Field:NA

Question : 42
When to use Structured Evolutionary Prototyping Model
(i) Requirements are unstable or have to be clarified
(ii)Risk, funding, schedule, program complexity, or need for early
realization of benefits
(A) Only (i)
(B) Only (ii)
(C) Both (i) and (ii)
(D) None of the above
Correct Option: A

Structured Evolutionary Prototyping Model when Requirements are
unstable or have to be clarified
Topic : Software Engineering


Sub Concept:Software Process Models

Concept Field:NA

Question : 43

Which of the following is not framework activity of Adaptive Software

(A) Speculation
(B) Collaboration
(C) Learning
(D) Postmortems
Correct Option: D

Explanation: Postmortems is not framework activity of Adaptive

Software Development

Topic : Software Engineering

Concept:Software Requirements

Sub Concept:Functional and Non-Functional Requirements

Concept Field:NA

Question : 44
Which of the following are not functional Requirements
(A) Availability
(B) External Interface
(C) Audit Tracking
(D) Authentications
Correct Option: A
Explanation :
Availability is a not functional requirement. functional Requirements
- External Interface
- Audit Tracking
- Authentications

Topic : Software Engineering

Concept:Software Design

Sub Concept:Modularity

Concept Field:NA

Question : 45
Match the following

Group I Group II

(P)Modular decomposability 1.small change in the problem

specification leads to a change in
just one (or a small number of )

(Q)Modular composability 2.effect of an abnormal condition

at run-time only effects one (or
very few) modules

(R )Modular Continuity 3.starting at the uppermost

components in the hierarchy and
working down the hierarchy level
by level.

(S)Modular protection 4.production of modules that may

be freely combined to produce
new systems

(A) P-3, Q-4, R-2,S-1

(B) P-3, Q-4, R-1, S-2

(C) P-2, Q-1, R-4, S-3

(D) P-4, Q-3, R-1,S-2

Correct Option:B


Modular decomposability : starting at the uppermost components in the

hierarchy and working down the hierarchy level by level.

Modular composability : production of modules that may be freely

combined to produce new systems

Modular Continuity: small change in the problem specification leads to a

change in just one (or a small number of ) modules.

Modular protection: effect of an abnormal condition at run-time only

effects one (or very few) modules

Topic : Software Engineering

Concept:Software Design

Sub Concept:Cohesion and Coupling

Concept Field:NA
Question : 46
Which of the following is not type of Cohesion:
(A) Temporal Cohesion
(B) Functional Cohesion
(C) Common Cohesion
(D) Sequential Cohesion

Correct Option: C
Explanation: Type of Cohesion
- Temporal Cohesion
- Functional Cohesion
- Sequential Cohesion

Topic : Software Engineering

Concept:Managing Software Projects

Sub Concept:Software Process and Project Metrics

Concept Field:NA

Question : 47
Consider a Basic Constructive Cost Model model where E is the effort
applied in person-months, D is the development time in chronological
months, KLOC is the estimated number of delivered lines of code (in
thousands) and ab and cb are multiplicative factors while cb, db are
exponential factors. The basic COCOMO equations are of the form.

(A) E = ab(KLOC) exp(bb), D = cb(E) exp(db)

(B) D = ab(KLOC) exp(bb), E = cb(D) exp(db)
(C) E = ab exp(bb), D = cb(KLOC) exp(db)
(D) E = ab exp(db), D = cb(KLOC) exp(bb)

Correct Option : A
In Basic Cocomo model Effort can be calculated by E = a b(KLOC) exp(bb),
and duration can be calculated by D = cb(E) exp(db)

Topic : Software Engineering

Concept:Managing Software Projects

Sub Concept:NA

Concept Field:NA

Question : 48
Restructuring or re-writing part or all of a legacy system without
changing its functionality
(A) Reuse Engineering
(B) Re - engineering
(C) Reverse Engineering
(D) Reusability

Correct Option: B


Restructuring or re-writing part or all of a legacy system without

changing its functionality Is called System Re - engineering

Topic : Software Engineering

Concept:Software Testing

Sub Concept:Regression Testing

Concept Field:NA

Question : 49
Consider the statements below
(S1) Regression testing allows the software team to assess its project on
a frequent basis.
(S2) Smoke Testing re-executes a small subset of tests that have
already been conducted.
Which of the above is correct.
(A) Only S1
(B) Only S2
(C) Both S1 and S2
(D) None of the above
Correct Option: D

(S1) Regression testing re-executes a small subset of tests that have
already been conducted.
(S2) Smoke Testing allows the software team to assess its project on a
frequent basis.

Topic : Software Engineering

Concept:Software Testing

Sub Concept: Performance Testing, Stress Testing;

Concept Field:NA

Question : 50
Which of the following is not System Testing
(A) Alpha Testing
(B) Recovery testing
(C) Security testing
(D) Performance testing

Correct Option: A

System Testing are
- Recovery testing
- Security testing
- Performance testing
Topic : Computation & Compilers: Theory
Concept:Regular Language Models

Sub Concept: Finite automata from regular expressions

Concept Field:NA

Question : 51

Consider the language over .

(i) Alphabet is Σ = {1}L = {w : w ∈ Σ∗, |w| = 2k + 1, k ≥ 0}.
(ii) Alphabet is Σ = {a, b}. L = {w : w ∈ Σ ∗ , w does not contain substring
Which of the above is regular language.
(A) Only (i)
(B) Only (ii)
(C) Both (i) and (ii)
(D) None of the above
Correct Option: C


Both languages are regular.

(i) Alphabet is Σ = {1}L = {w : w ∈ Σ∗, |w| = 2k + 1, k ≥ 0}.
(ii) Alphabet is Σ = {a, b}. L = {w : w ∈ Σ ∗ , w does not contain substring

Topic : Computation & Compilers: Theory

Concept:Regular Language Models

Sub Concept:Decidability of matching

Concept Field:NA

Question : 52

Which of the following is False.

(A) The set of regular languages is closed under the union
operation, i.e., if A and B are regular languages over the same
alphabet Σ, then A ∪ B is also a regular language is undecidable
(B) A language A is called regular, if there exists a finite
automaton M such that A = L(M) is a decidable problem.
(C) Let N = (Q, Σ, δ, q, F) be a nondeterministic finite
automaton. There exists a deterministic finite automaton M,
such that L(M) = L(N) is decidable.
(D) None of the above

Correct Option : A

The set of regular languages is closed under the union operation, i.e., if A
and B are regular languages over the same alphabet Σ, then A ∪ B is also a
regular language is also decidable problem.

Topic : Computation & Compilers: Theory

Concept:Context Free Language

Sub Concept:Context-Free Grammar

Concept Field:NA

Question : 53
A context-free grammar G = (V, Σ, R, S) is said to be in Chomsky normal
form, if every rule in R in form,
(i). A → BC, where A, B, and C are elements of V , B !=
S, and C != S.
(ii). A → a, where A is an element of V and a is an
element of Σ.
(iii)S → eps, where S is the start variable.
(A) (i) or (ii)
(B) (ii) or (iii)
(C) (i) or (iii)
(D) Any of the above form

Correct Option: D

A context-free grammar G = (V, Σ, R, S) is said to be in Chomsky normal

form, if every rule in R has one of the following three forms:
(i). A → BC, where A, B, and C are elements of V , B !=
S, and C != S.
(ii). A → a, where A is an element of V and a is an
element of Σ.
(iii)S → eps, where S is the start variable.

Topic : Computation & Compilers: Theory

Concept:Context Free Language

Sub Concept:Context-Free Grammar

Concept Field:NA

Question : 54
Consider the languages
L1= {a n b a2n b a3n : n ≥ 0}.
L2= {a nb na n b n : n ≥ 0}.
L3= { w ∈ {a, b, c} ∗ : w contains more b’s than a’s and w contains
more c’s than a’s }.
Which of the following statements is true.
(A) L1,L2 is CFL but L3 is not CFL
(B) L3,L2 is CFL but L1 is not CFL
(C) L1,L2 and L3 are not CFL
(D) L1 is CFL , L2 and L3 are not CFL

Correct Option: C
L1= {a n b a2n b a3n : n ≥ 0} is not CFL
L2= {a nb na n b n : n ≥ 0} is not CFL
L3= { w ∈ {a, b, c} ∗ : w contains more b’s than a’s and w contains
more c’s than a’s } is not CFL.

Topic : Computation & Compilers: Theory

Concept:Turing Machines

Sub Concept:Different Types of Turing Machines

Concept Field:NA

Question : 55
Which of the following computational models are equivalent
(i) One-tape Turing machines.
(ii). k-tape Turing machines, for any k ≥ 1.
(iii) Non-deterministic Turing machines.
(A) (i) and (ii) are equivalent but (iii) not
(B) (ii) and (iii) are equivalent but (i) not
(C) (i) and (iii) are equivalent but (ii) not
(D) All three (i) , (ii) and (iii) are equivalent
Correct Option: D


All computational models are equivalent

(i) One-tape Turing machines.
(ii). k-tape Turing machines, for any k ≥ 1.
(iii) Non-deterministic Turing machines

Topic : Computation & Compilers: Theory

Concept:Turing Machines
Sub Concept:Computational Complexity, Computability, and

Concept Field:NA

Question : 56
Consider the statements
(S1) ANFA = { M is a nondeterministic finite automaton that accepts the
string w} is decidable.
(S2) L = {(P, w): P is a Java program that terminates on the input string
w} is undecidable.
Which of the following is correct.
(A) Only S1
(B) Only S2
(C) Both S1 and S2
(D) None of the above

Correct Option: C

Both statements are true.
(S1)ANFA = { M is a nondeterministic finite automaton that accepts the
string w} is decidable.
(S2) L = {(P, w): P is a Java program that terminates on the input string
w} is undecidable.

Topic : Computation & Compilers: Theory

Concept:Syntax Analysis

Sub Concept:NA

Concept Field:NA

Question : 57
Information about the name is entered into the symbol table during
____________ and ___________.

(A) lexical and syntactic analysis

(B) lexical and code generation
(C) lexical and error handler
(D) lexical and code optimization

Correct Option: A

Information about the name is entered into the symbol table during
lexical and syntactic analysis.

Topic : Computation & Compilers: Theory

Concept:Intermediate Code Generation

Sub Concept:NA

Concept Field:NA

Question : 58
Syntax directed translation subroutines generate --------------- code.


Correct Option: A

Syntax directed translation subroutines generate intermediate code.

Topic : Computation & Compilers: Theory

Concept:Syntax Analysis

Sub Concept:NA

Concept Field:NA

Question : 59

Consider the following grammar:

S → S and S | S or S | (S) | true | false

The first of S.

(A) FIRST( S ) = { “(“, “true”, “false” }

(B) FIRST( S ) = { “true”, “false” }
(C) FIRST( S ) = { “(“, “true” }
(D) FIRST( S ) = { “(“, “true”, “false” ,”)” }

Correct Option: A

FIRST(true) = { “true” }
FIRST(false) = { “false” }
FIRST( (S) ) = { “(“ }
FIRST( S and S ) = FIRST( S or S ) = FIRST( S ) = { “(“, “true”, “false” }

Topic : Computation & Compilers: Theory

Concept:Code Generation and Optimization
Sub Concept:Basic Blocks

Concept Field:Dead-code Elimination

Question : 60

This optimization technique works locally on the source code to

transform it into an optimized code is called
(A) Dead Code Elimination
(B) Strength Reduction
(C) Loop Optimization
(D) Peephole Optimization

Correct Option: D

Explanation: This optimization technique works locally on the source

code to transform it into an optimized code is called peephole

Topic : Computer System Architecture

Concept:Digital Logic Circuits

Sub Concept:Logic Gates

Concept Field:NA

Question : 61
Consider the logic diagram
Logic expression for above diagram
(A) F = ABC+ AC'+ A'C
(B) F = ABC+ ABC'+ AB'C
(C) F = ABC+ ABC'+ A'BC
(D) F = ABC+ ABC'+ A'C

Correct Option: D

The Expression for logic diagram

F = ABC+ ABC'+ A'C

Topic : Computer System Architecture

Concept:Digital Logic Circuits

Sub Concept:Map Simplification

Concept Field:Four and Five Variable Map

Question : 62
Consider the Boolean function in sum-of-products

F(w,x,y ,z) =Sum (2 , 3,4, 5,6,7, 11, 14, 15)

The POS for above Function:
(A) F=(A’+C)(B+C)(A’+B+D)
(B) F=(A’+C)(B+C’)(A’+B+D)
(C) F=(A’+C)(B’+C)(A’+B+D)
(D) F=(A’+C)(B+C)(A’+B+D’)

Correct Option: A


The POS for Boolean function in sum-of-products

F(w,x,y ,z) =Sum (2 , 3,4, 5,6,7, 11, 14, 15)


Topic : Computer System Architecture

Concept:Digital Logic Circuits

Sub Concept:Sequential Circuits

Concept Field:Flip-Flop Input Equations

Question : 63
Consider A sequential circuit has two D flip-flops A and B, two inputs x
and y , and one output z.
The flip-flop input equations and the circuit output are
(A) DA = x'y + x’A; DB = x'B + xA; z = B
(B) DA = x'y’ + xA; DB = x'B + xA; z = B
(C) DA = x'y + xA; DB = x'B + x’A’; z = B
(D) DA = x'y + xA; DB = x'B + xA; z = B

Correct Option: D

The sequential circuit has two D flip-flops A and B, two inputs x and y ,
and one output z. The flip-flop input equations and the circuit output are
DA = x'y + xA; DB = x'B + xA; z = B

Topic : Computer System Architecture

Concept:Digital Logic Circuits

Sub Concept:Registers

Concept Field:Shift Registers

Question : 64
The content of a 4-bit register is initially 1101. The register is shifted six
times to the right with the serial input being 101101. What is the content
of the register after shift
(A) 1111
(B) 0110
(C) 1101
(D) 1011
Correct Option: D


Topic : Computer System Architecture

Concept:Data Representation

Sub Concept:Data Types

Concept Field:Number Systems

Question : 65

The 9's complement of the following eight-digit decimal numbers:

(A) 87650123
(B) 87650133
(C) 87650113
(D) 87650132
Correct Option: A
99999999- 12349876= 87650123

Topic : Computer System Architecture

Concept:Central Processing Unit

Sub Concept:Addressing Modes

Concept Field:Mode Field

Question : 66
An instruction is stored at location 300 with its address field at location
301 . The address field has the value 400. A processor register R 1
contains the number 200.
The effective address if the direct addressing mode is used
(A) 400
(B) 301
(C) 600
(D) 200
Correct Option: A

Address field has value 400

Topic : Computer System Architecture

Concept:Central Processing Unit

Sub Concept:Addressing Modes

Concept Field:Mode Field

Question : 67
An instruction is stored at location 300 with its address field at location
301 . The address field has the value 400. A processor register R 1
contains the number 200.
The effective address if the register indirect addressing mode is used
(A) 400
(B) 301
(C) 600
(D) 200
Correct Option: D

Explanation: A processor register R 1 contains the number 200.

Topic : Computer System Architecture
Concept:Central Processing Unit

Sub Concept:Addressing Modes

Concept Field:Mode Field

Question : 68
An instruction is stored at location 300 with its address field at location
301 . The address field has the value 400. A processor register R 1
contains the number 200.
The effective address if the register indexed addressing mode is used
(A) 400
(B) 301
(C) 600
(D) 200
Correct Option: C

Indexed: 200 + 400 = 600

Topic : Computer System Architecture

Concept:Pipeline and Vector Processing

Sub Concept:Pipelining

Concept Field:NA

Question : 69
A pipeline has 4-phases with duration 60ns,50ns,90ns and 80 ns. There
is latch delay of 10 ns.The pipelining cycle time

(A) 90ns
(B) 100ns
(C) 80ns
(D) 110 ns
Correct Option: B

max(50,60,80,90)+10 = 100 ns

Topic : Computer System Architecture

Concept:Pipeline and Vector Processing

Sub Concept:Pipelining

Concept Field:NA

Question : 70
A pipeline has 4-phases with duration 60ns,50ns,90ns, and 80 ns. There
is latch delay of 10 ns. The pipelining time for 1000 tasks
(A) 1003
(B) 10030
(C) 100300
(D) None of the above
Correct Option: C


Topic : Programming Languages

Concept:Web Programming

Sub Concept:Scripting

Concept Field:NA

Question : 71
Which of these is a correct method to create a new array in Java Script?
A. var myArray = ();
B. var myArray = [];
C. var myArray = new Array[];
D. var myArray = {};

Correct Option: B
correct method to create a new array in Java Script
var myArray = [];

Topic : Programming Languages

Concept:Web Programming

Sub Concept:Java

Concept Field:NA

Question : 72

Which of these statements is not true?

a) By multithreading CPU idle time is minimized, and we can take
maximum use of it
b) By multitasking CPU idle time is minimized, and we can take
maximum use of it
c) Two thread in Java can have the same priority
d) A thread can exist only in two states, running and blocked

Correct Option: D

Explanation: Threads exist in several states, a thread can be running,

suspended, blocked, terminated & ready to run.

Topic : Programming Languages

Concept:Web Programming
Sub Concept:XML

Concept Field:NA

Question : 73
XML uses the features of
Correct Option: D

XML Uses the features of SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language)

Topic : Programming Languages

Concept:Programming in C

Sub Concept:Command Line Arguments

Concept Field:NA

Question: 74

Assume that the size of an integer is 32 bit. What is the output of the
following program?


struct st

{ int x;

int y; };

int main()

{ printf("%d", sizeof(struct st));

return 0; }

(A) 4

(B) 8

(C) Compiler Error

(D) Runtime Error

Correct Option: B


The size of the integer is 4 bytes. So 4+4= 8

Topic : Programming Languages

Concept:Object-Oriented Programming

Sub Concept:Encapsulation

Concept Field:NA

Question: 75

How can Encapsulation be achieved in C++?

(A) Using Access Specifiers
(B) Using only private members
(C) Using inheritance
(D) Using Abstraction

Correct Option: A
Encapsulation can be achieved in C++ using an access specifier.

Topic : Programming Languages

Concept:Web Programming
Sub Concept:Java

Concept Field:NA

Question: 76

Which of the following is FALSE about abstract classes in Java

(A) If we derive an abstract class and do not implement all the abstract
methods, then the derived class should also be marked as abstract
using ‘abstract’ keyword

(B) Abstract classes can have constructors

(C) A class can be made abstract without any abstract method

(D) A class can inherit from multiple abstract classes.

Correct Option:D

Explanation: A class can inherit from multiple abstract classes is false


Multiple inheritance is not allowed in Java.

Topic : Computer Graphics

Concept:Computer Graphics: An Overview

Sub Concept:Video Display Devices

Concept Field:Direct-View Storage Tubes

Question: 77

Aspect ratio means

(A) Number of pixels

(B) Ratio of vertical points to horizontal points

(C) Ratio of horizontal points to vertical points

(D) Both B and C

Correct Option: D


Aspect ratio means

- Ratio of vertical points to horizontal points

- Ratio of horizontal points to vertical points

Topic : Computer Graphics

Concept:Three-Dimensional Viewing

Sub Concept:Clipping

Concept Field:Viewport Clipping

Question: 78

In Cohen Sutherland line clipping algorithm, the logical ______ of the

endpoint codes determines if the line is completely inside the window.


(B) OR



Correct Option: B


The logical OR of the endpoint codes determines if the line is completely

inside the window. If the logical OR is zero, the line can be trivially

Topic : Computer Graphics

Concept:Three-Dimensional Viewing

Sub Concept:Projections

Concept Field:NA
Question: 79

Type of Parallel Projection, when a direction of projection makes 45°

angle with a Projection plane is called………

(A) Cabinet projection

(B) Cavalier projection
(C) Oblique projection
(D) Orthographic projection

Correct Option: B

Explanation: Type of Parallel Projection, when a direction of projection

makes 45° angle with a Projection plane is called Cavalier projection.

Topic : Computer Graphics

Concept:Three-Dimensional Viewing

Sub Concept:Projections

Concept Field:NA

Question: 80

A point P(7,1) is rotated by 90 o about a pivot point (2,2). What is the

coordinate of new transformed point P'?

A. (3,7)
B. (7,3)
C. (3,5)
D. (5,8)

Correct Option:


After putting value we have new co-ordinates (3,7)
Topic : Data Comm. & Computer Networks

Sub Concept:Reference Models

Concept Field:OSI Reference Model

Question: 81

Match the following

Layer Description

--------- -----------------

a)Transport P)Framing

b)Physical Q)End-to-end connection

c)Data Link R)Routing

d)Network S)Conversion to bits

A]Transport --> Framing,Physical-->End-to-end connection,Data Link---

>Routing,Network-->Conversion to bits

B]Data Link--->Framing,Network-->Conversion to bits,Transport

-->Routing ,Physical-->End-to-end connection

C]Transport-->End-to-end connection,Physical-->Conversion to bits,Data


D]Network-->Conversion to bits,Data Link--->Framing,Transport -->

Framing,Physical-->End-to-end connection


[C]Transport-->End-to-end connection,Physical-->Conversion to bits,Data

Topic : Data Comm. & Computer Networks
Concept:Network Layer

Sub Concept:Network Layer in the internet

Concept Field:IP Addresses

Question: 82

A company having a network address and using the subnet

mask . How many subnets consist of this network ?

a]8 Subnets

b]12 Subnets

c]4 Subnets

d]62 Subnets

Correct Option: C


Total bits for the subnet is 2 so the number of Subnet is 4.

Topic : Data Comm. & Computer Networks

Concept:Network Layer

Sub Concept:Network Layer in the internet

Concept Field:IP Addresses

Question: 83

A company having a network address and using the subnet

mask .How many hosts per subnets

(A) 32 hosts
(B) 64 hosts
(C) 62 hosts
(D) 48 hosts

Correct Option: C

Explanation: Total host bits are 6 in each subnet , so the number of

hosts are 62.

Topic : Data Comm. & Computer Networks

Concept:Network Layer

Sub Concept:Network Layer in the internet

Concept Field:IP Addresses

Question: 84

A company having a network address and using the subnet

mask .What are the valid subnets for ?

(A) Valid subnets are 0,64,128,192,228

(B) Valid subnets are 0,64,128,192
(C) Valid subnets are 1,32,64,96,128
(D) Valid subnets are 0,8,16,32,48,54

Correct Option: B


we have 4 Valid subnets are 0,64,128,192.

Topic : Data Comm. & Computer Networks

Concept:Network Layer

Sub Concept:Network Layer in the internet

Concept Field:IP Addresses

Question: 85

A company having a network address and using the subnet

mask What is the first valid address for the host in
above the network address.

Correct option: B

The is network Id so host address will be

Topic : Data Comm. & Computer Networks

Concept:Network Layer

Sub Concept:Network Layer in the internet

Concept Field:IP Addresses

Question: 86

A company having a network address and using the subnet

mask What is the broadcast address for this network?


Correct Option: C


For the network have broadcast address

Topic : Data Comm. & Computer Networks

Concept:Transport Layer

Sub Concept:Transport Service

Concept Field:NA

Question: 87
Stream Control Transmission Protocol works in layer_______

(A) Network layer

(B) Transport layer
(C) Application Layer
(D) Session Layer

Correct Option: B

Explanation: The Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) is a

computer networking communications protocol which operates at the
transport layer

Topic : Data Comm. & Computer Networks

Concept:Network Layer

Sub Concept:Routing Algorithm

Concept Field:Link State Routing

Question: 88

In link state routing algorithm after construction of link state packets,

new routes are computed using:

A. Distance Vector Algorithm

B. Dijkstra’s algorithm
C. Bellman-Ford algorithm
D. ARPANET routing algorithm

Correct Option: B

Explanation: In link state routing algorithm after construction of link

state packets, new routes are computed using Dijkstra’s algorithm.

Topic : Data Comm. & Computer Networks

Concept:Satellite Systems

Sub Concept:Basics
Concept Field:GEO 173

Question: 89

Geostationary satellites are not useful for

(A) For radio transmission

(B) For Television Transmission
(C) For mobile phones and data transmission
(D) None of the above

Correct Option: C
Explanation: Geostationary satellites are not useful for global coverage
for small mobile phones and data transmission, typically used for radio
and TV transmission

Topic : Data Comm. & Computer Networks

Concept:Data Link Layer

Sub Concept:Data Link Layer Design Issues

Concept Field:Flow Control

Question: 90

In GoBack N ARQ,if sequence bits are taken as 5, then what would be the
sender window size and receiver's windows size.

(A) Sender window size=24,Receiver window size=4

(B) Sender window size=31,Receiver window size=1
(C) Sender window size=32,Receiver window size=2
(D) Sender window size=27,Receiver window size=5

Correct Option: B


For 5 bits sequence number in GoBack N ARQ,

Sender window size will be 31

Receiver window size will be 1

Topic : Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Concept:Problems and Search

Sub Concept:Heuristic Search Techniques

Concept Field:Hill Climbing

Question: 91

When will the Hill-Climbing algorithm terminate?

(A) When stopping criterion met

(B) Optimal Min/Max is achieved
(C) No neighbour having higher value
(D) All of the above

Correct Option: C
Explanation: The Hill-Climbing algorithm terminates when no neighbour
has higher value.

Topic : Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Concept:Problems and Search

Sub Concept:Heuristic Search Techniques

Concept Field:Constraint Satisfaction

Question: 92

Constraint satisfaction problems on finite domains are typically using a

form of

(A) Search Algorithm

(B) Heuristic Search Algorithm
(C) Greedy Search Algorithm
(D) All of the above

Correct Option: D

Constraint satisfaction problems on finite domains are typically using a

form of

- Search Algorithm
- Heuristic Search Algorithm
- Greedy Search Algorithm

Topic : Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Concept:Advanced Topics

Sub Concept:Planning

Concept Field:Overview

Question: 93

Standard Planning algorithm assumes environment to be_______

(A) Deterministic
(B) Fully Observable
(C) Single Agent
(D) Stochastic

Correct Option: A

Standard Planning algorithm assumes the environment to be


Topic : Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Concept:Problems and Search

Sub Concept:Problems, Problem Spaces and Search

Concept Field:NA

Question: 94

Which search method takes less memory?

(A) Depth-First Search

(B) Breadth-First search
(C) Optimal search
(D) Linear Search

Correct Option: A


Depth-First Search takes less memory since only the nodes on the
current path are stored, but in Breadth First Search, all of the tree that
has been generated must be stored.

Topic : Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Concept:Multi Agent Systems

Sub Concept:Agents and Objects

Concept Field:NA

Question: 95

Agent can improve its performance by_________

(A) Learning
(B) Observing
(C) Perceiving
(D) None of the mentioned

Correct Option: A

Explanation: An agent can improve by saving the previous states on

which it was earlier, hence in future it can learn to respond in the same
situation better.

Topic : Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Concept:Knowledge Representation

Sub Concept:Knowledge Representation Issue

Concept Field:Approaches to Knowledge Representation

Question: 96

Semantic Network is____________

(A) Way of representing knowledge

(B) Data Structure for representing knowledge
(C) Data Type for representing knowledge
(D) None of the mentioned

Correct Option: A

Explanation: Semantic network is a way of representing knowledge.

Topic : Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Concept:Advanced Topics

Sub Concept:Natural Language Processing

Concept Field:Introduction

Question: 97

Machine Translation in natural language processing

(A) Converts one human language to another

(B) Converts human language to machine language
(C) Converts any human language to English
(D) Converts Machine language to human language

Correct Option: A


Machine Translation in natural language processing converts one human

language to another.

Topic : Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Concept:Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)

Sub Concept:Multi Layer Perceptron

Concept Field:Introduction

Question: 98
An activation value in an artificial neural network_______?

(A) weighted sum of inputs

(B) threshold value
(C) main input to neuron
(D) none of the mentioned
Correct Option: A

An activation value in an artificial neural network is a weighted sum of


Topic : Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Concept:Advanced Topics

Sub Concept:Planning

Concept Field:Hierarchical Planning

Question: 99

A plan that describe how to take actions in levels of increasing

refinement and specificity is ____________

(A) Problem solving

(B) Planning
(C) Non-hierarchical plan
(D) Hierarchical plan

Correct Option: D


A plan that describes how to take actions in levels of increasing

refinement and specificity is a Hierarchical plan.

Topic : Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Concept:Advanced Topics

Sub Concept:Game Playing

Concept Field:Minimax Search Procedure

Question: 100

Commonly used algorithm on game tree for making decision of win/lose

is ____________

(A) DFS/BFS Search Algorithm

(B) Heuristic Search Algorithms
(C) Greedy Search Algorithms
(D) MINIMAX Algorithms

Correct Option: D

Commonly used algorithm on the game tree for making decisions of

win/loss is MINIMAX Algorithms.

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