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PRE-SANCTION INSPECTION SHEET Annexure HLM. SL.NO. Particulars Observations of Asst. Manager! Dputy Mana (ade Name ofthe applicant 1 NITINA PATIL, MRS RANIANA N PATIL 8 MRS PRAMILABAIA PATIL Home Loan amount 1050 LAKH + RinRakana "Name ofthe Buller (Incase of Home loan for purchase ofnew | Wa {ay fet under consti) Is the Bulder on the Bank's approved panel? YeoNo/ RefNo NoBuld ernoton approved paneled Property Plot No 9A, Sr No 152/1152/2/159/3Near Pumping Road, Pchora, Pachora. Tal -Jalgaon. address Flowing portion (5a tad) o be competed only in those cases where the bulder i nat on the Bank's approved pana Feedback onthe eedentals/ antecedents of ne Bulder From a few cepuied builders inthe ares and nameldesignaion of | NA 1 person contacted From the industy body andinamaldesighaton ofthe parson | NA contacted From the offcer bearer ofthe Society Apariment Owners NA ‘Associaton and name! designation ofthe person contacted From a few residents) of existing projects promoted by the NA ‘Builder regarding quaity of construction, mely completin and conveyance of oanership ite, information on itgation disputes. ‘Vaio the property (should be made independently and wih surprise element) ‘Whether the propery could be located based on he tie Yes, ‘secuments ‘Land marks forientfcation ofthe property Near Pumping Road CCommants on acoossiity /approachabity ‘Allmodes of tranaporcat/wo-wheeler ony! narow wating path no access ‘Comments onthe locally Pech uppor miata class) middle elas lower mide clse/ slum area CCommants on the area Residential commercial industial underdeveloped ‘rouble prone Feodback rom the neightours about the ownership of propery, Information on any disputes! peneing Iigaion onthe propery and name ofthe person contacted “SATIFACTIRY FEEDBACK RECEIVED, OWNERSHIP. CONFIRMED Condon oftne hous i. whether tis kept in good and tenantabe conciton Under Construction, RCC footing column, work ‘completed up si level DATE: PACHORA PLACE: 08/09/2020 8) whether he property is vented out ) 50, for how long itis rented cut, «) name ofthe tenant. 4) and monthy rentals ‘Adtonal RemarkitAny No Plinth work in progress, Annexure-1 Personal Segment advances (other than Home Loan) PRE-SANCTION INSPECTION SHEET (RESIDENCE / WORK PLACE OF THE APPLICANT) For Salaried Class SI.No. |Particulars ‘Observations of Asst. Manager/Deputy Manager (Adv) (Officer-Field Visit Team) Date of Vi poy 1.__ [Name of the Applicant MR NITIN AJABRAO PATIL lna77asi322 ‘Account No. (If existing customer) Application received register number PAN No. ‘TFPP4699C [Address of the Applicant TL NO 34, AMRUT NAGAR OPP LAXMINARAYAN SOCIETY NR GADGEBABA |AGAR PACHORA, ‘Address of the Office SBI LIFE INSURANCE CO LTD, DHAKE SOLONY NR ANGLO UDRU HIGHSCHOOL, |ALGAON, Loan Amount Rs. 1050000.00 + RINRAKSH Visit to Residence of the Applicant a. Proof of identification and whether person YES identified on the basis of it? b. Proof of residence and whether it tallies with the |YES actual residential address? c. Residential telephone number 22S39BSS d. Mobile Number, if any ©. Educational Qualification BA BDE f. Designation, Name & Address of the Company, Experience( for salaried applicants) g. Current residence Owned/company provided/rented, If rented| Monthly rental Rs. h.. Credit card details, if any Name of the Card issuer Credit Card Number i, Educational qualifications of spouse” |GRADUATE j. Education qualifications of major children who |NA stay with the applicant* HOUSEWIFE k. Employment details of spouse, if employed ie. designation, organization & Address, experience and salary drawn (approx.)* |. Employment details of children, if employed ie. designation, organization & Address experience and salary drawn (approx.) and whether they stay with the borrower” m. Number of school going children n. Number of dependant relatives staying with the applicant ©. Whether he owns a car/or two-wheeler in his/spouse's name. If so, model and regn. Number of the car and name of the financiers, if any TWO WHEELAR P. Feedback based on discreet enquiries about| credentials/antecedents of the applicant made| with the neighbour(s) and his/her name ‘SATISFACTORY FEEDBCK RECEIVED, ADDRESS CONFIRMED g. Whether he/she has availed any credit facility? if so, Name of the Facility, Account No., Name & address of the Bank. 1, Feedback from the applicant's bankers * (if deemed necessary) CIBIL REPORT VERIFIED NO |ADVERSE REMERK FOUND. 4. | Visit to the office/work place of the borrower |Date of visit - 05/09/2020 a. |Name of the organization SBILIFE IN SURANCE CO LTD (Constitution LISTED PVT LTD COMPANY How long the applicant employed in SINCE 2016 the organization. ‘Contact number of the employer 922539853 Nature of the present assignment BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT XECUTIVE b. |Feedback from the salary —_ disbursing] SATISFACTORY FEEDBACK jauthorityhead of institution on the RECEIVD FROM CHETAN PATIL antecedents/credentials of the applicant and|EMPLOYMENT CONFIRMED name of the authority cc. |Whether genuineness of salary slip has been _| YES verified. d. |Feedback from a few colleagues (where deemed | SATISFACTORY necessary) 5. Other observation : NO Place: Date: aso a0 20 Signature :, Name: dif. BranchiRACPCIRASMECCE ean. Annexure+1 Personal Segment advances (other than Home Loan) PRE-SANCTION INSPECTION SHEET (RESIDENCE / WORK PLACE OF THE APPLICANT) For Salaried Class iL.No. | Particulars Observations of Asst. Manager/Deputy Manager (Adv) (Officer-Field Visit Team) Date of Visit 5/09/20 1 Name of the Applicant. MRS RANANAPATIL, Account No. (If existing customer) sete sess | Application received register number PAN No GYPPOBIOC [Address of the Applicant PL NO 34, AMRUT NAGAR OPP LAXMINARAYAN SOCIETY NR GADGEBABA NAGAR PACHORA lAddresa of the! Office ISBI LIFE INSURANCE CO LTD, DHAKE COLONY NGLO UDRU HIGHSCHOOL, JALGAON 2. [Loan Amount Rs. 1050000.00 + RINRAKSH 3. Visit to Residence of the Applicant ‘a, Proof of identification and whether person identified on the | YES basis of it? b. Proof of residence and whether it tallies with the actual es residential address? c, Residential telephone number 1922539853 'd. Mobile Number, if any e. Educational Qualification ES BDE {, Designation, Name & Address of the Company, Experience( for salaried applicants) g. Current residence Owned/company provided/rented, If rented , rental Rs. h... Credit card details, if any Name of the Card issuer Credit Card Number i, Educational qualifications of spouse” (GRADUATE |. Education qualifications of major children who stay with the [NA applicant* HOUSEWIFE k. Employment details of spouse, if employed ie. designation, organization & Address experience and salary drawn (approx.)* |. Employment details of children, if employed ie. designation, organization & Address experience and salary drawn (approx.) and whether they stay with the borrower" m, Number of school going children 1. Number of dependant relatives staying with the applicant ©. Whether he owns a car/or two-wheeler in| TWO WHEELAR his/spouse's name. If so, model and regn. Number of the car and name of the financiers, if any p. Feedback based on discreet enquiries about| SATISFACTORY FEEDBCK credentials/antecedents of the applicant made RECEIVED, ADDRESS CONFIRMED with the neighbour(s) and his/her name. 4. Whether he/she has availed any credit facility? if 0, Name of the Facility, Account No., Name & address of the Bank, . Feedback from the applicant's bankers * CIBIL REPORT VERIFIED NO (if deemed necessary). [ADVERSE REMERK FOUND 4. [Visit to the office/work place of the borrower a. _|Name of the organization Constitution How long the applicant employed in the organization. Contact number of the employer Nature of the present assignment b. |Feedback from the salary disbursing authority/head of institution on the antecedents/credentials of the applicant and name of the authority. ©. Whether genuineness of salary slip has been verified. d. |Feedback from a few colleagues (where deemed necessary) 5. | Other observation : IRS RANJANAN IS HOUSEWIFE. * To be obiained if applicant is willing to give ““CSpoconr 6 Place: fa phe : Signature = eS Date: w lame: MI OK 2 ste : a ee ‘BranchRACPCRASMECCC, ‘Annexure-1 Personal Segment advances (other than Home Loan) PRE-SANCTION INSPECTION SHEET (RESIDENCE / WORK PLACE OF THE APPLICANT) For Salaried Class iLNo. |Particulars Observations of Asst. Manager/Deputy Manager (Adv) (Officer-Field Visit Team) Date of Visit 15/09/20 1.__ [Name of the Applicant MRS PRAMILABATA PATIL Account No. (If existing customer) 33419128490 ‘Application received register number PAN No. |ecypposioc [Address of the Applicant TL NO 34, AMRUT NAGAR OPP LAXMINARAYAN OCIETY NR GADGEBABA NAGAR PACHORA. ‘Address of the Office SBILIFE INSURANCE Co LTD, DHAKE COLONY \NGLO UDRU HIGHSCHOOL, JALGAON 2. [Loan Amount Rs. 1050000.00 + RINRAKSH 3.___| Visit to Residence of the Applicant ‘a, Proof of identification and whether person ident basis of it? tified on the YES b. Proof of residence and whether it tallies with the actual WES residential address? c. Residential telephone number pees d. Mobile Number, if any e. Educational Qualification ES BDE £, Designation, Name & Address of the Company, Experience( for salaried applicants) g. Current residence ‘Owned/company provided/rented, If rented rental Rs. h.. Credit card details, if any Name of the Card issuer Credit Card Number i. Educational qualifications of spouse* |. Education qualifications of major children who stay with the applicant” NA k. Employment details of spouse, if employed i.e. designation, organization & Address and salary drawn (approx.)* experience WODOW |. Employment details of children, “if employed yi ie. designation, organization & Address and salary drawn (approx.) and ,experience Whether they stay with the borrower" m. Number of school going children 'n, Number of dependant relatives staying with the applicant ©. Whether he owns a carlor two-wheeler in his/spouse's name. If so, model and regn Number of the car and name of the financiers, if any TWO WHEELAR P. Feedback based on discreet enquiries about, credentials/antecedents of the applicant made with the neighbour(s) and his/her name SATISFACTORY FEEDBCK RECEIVED, ADDRESS CONFIRMED 4. Whether he/she has availed any credit facility? 'f so, Name of the Facility, Account No., Name & address of the Bank '. Feedback from the applicant's bankers * (if deemed necessary) CIBIL REPORT VERIFIED NO ADVERSE REMERK FOUND Visit to the officefwork place of the borrower Name of the organization Constitution How long the applicant employed in the organization. Contact number of the employer Nature of the present assignment Feedback from the salary —_ disbursing ‘authorityihead of institution on the antecedents/credentials of the applicant and| name of the authority, Whether genuineness of salary slip has been verified, Feedback from a few colleagues (where deemed necessary). Other observation : RS PRAMILA BAI IS STATE GOVR "ENSIONER AND MAINTAINED. PENSION ACCOUNT WITH OUR BANK x05 * To be obtained if applicant is willing to give detail Pace: { Signatura:, Name BB Date: 0 Oy} 0q\ 20 steal Designation: ‘ox. ar Cy TF; BranchRACPCRASMECCC,

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