Black Beauty Lived With His Mother and Some Horses in A Large Field

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The Black Beauty

.Black Beauty lived with his mother and some horses in a large field-
. His first owner was Farmer Grey and he was a kind man -
Beauty's mother told him not to do like other horse and to be gentle -
.And never kick or bites even when he play
the horse grew and become able to pull a carriage himself and some -
.Times with his mother
His mother hoped him to find a good people because all people is not -
.The same and advised him to work Hard
Farmer Grey sold Black Beauty to Squire Gordon who lives in Birtwick -
.Park which include large fields and comfortable stables
Squire Jordon was kind and has a helper is called John Manly who-
.Was kind too
." The horse met his new friends " Merrylegs and Ginger -
Merrylegs was short ,fat and kind, but Ginger bit people and because -
.Of her the children stopped bringing apples an nice things to them
Squire Jordon's wife called the horse "Black Beauty" because he was -
. Very handsome
When Gordon was riding Ginger, he shouted the man who was hitting -
.The horse and said horses is not a machine
Merrylegs threw the boys who hit him with a stick on the ground and -
.John was angry, but he didn't hurt the girls
Ginger advised him to kick them and he refused and said "We must -
.Always remember what a good place we live in

Black Beauty pulled a light carriage to take squire and manly on a business journey -1
The weather was windy and rainy-2
There was water on the road and many fields were flooded-3
He had rest and they returned late afternoon during a real storm -4
a big tree suddenly fell across of the road which made them change their way -5
When they got to the bridge they started crossing it, but the horse stopped -6
because he felt that it wasn't safe
the man from the other side told them that the bridge is broken in the middle -7
John and Gorden thanked the horse and took another way home -8
Gordon and his wife drove Ginger and Black beauty to visit their friends -9
They reached a town after 35 km and stayed at an inn -10
a young rider smoked a cigarette while his horse was brushed -11
When Beauty woke he saw smoke and heard Ginger coughing -12
There was a fire and a man with a lantern tried to save the horses, but he -13
was worried and the horses didn't want to move
John came and spoke softly which made Beauty went out of the building -14
Black Beauty saved Ginger and the other horses by calling them-15
Gordon's friends were surprised and thanked John -16
John has a new young helper is called "Joe Green" and he was only fourteen -1
Joe was a hard worker and John wanted to help him as Gordon did with him -2
when he was at the same age
Joe learned to sweep the floor, bring in the food and wash the carriages -3
He was too small to brush Beauty or Ginger so he practiced on Merrylegs -4
Joe was a happy boy who always singing-5
John ride Black Beauty early in morning to bring a doctor Dr white because-6
Gordon's wife was very ill
John arrived at Dr white's house quickly and told him-7
The Doctor rode Black Beauty Back because his son took his horse and John -8
stayed there
The journey back was too hard because the doctor was heavier and not a good -9
rider and Black Beauty didn't have a rest
The horse become so hot, but Joe didn't give him hot water or cover him with -10
warm blanket. He gave him cold water and left
,The horse felt badly and couldn't breathe, but John came, stayed with him -11
gave him hot water and covered him
Gordon came to see the horse and thanked him, but John was angry with Joe -12
one day Joe was riding Beauty when they saw a road rider hit the horses with -13
.a whip because they couldn't pull a carriage full of heavy metal bars
Joe said that the wheels will not move in the mud and offered to help the -14
rider, but he said rudely "Be quiet" and continued to hit the horses
Joe told the rider's manager who reported him to the police -15
John was pleased with Joe and the rider sent to prison for two months -16
Joe become happy again and everything was good until Mrs. Gordon -17
Become ill again should live in a warmer climate
Gordon left England and all horses were sold. Beauty and Ginger was the -18
last horses to leave Birtwick
The new owner called Smythe. His helper is York. They live at Earlshall -18

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