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1/14/2020 On Study Skills and Learning - How to Succeed in Your Studies | Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences



Study Orientation 
The ABC of Finding Information 
Reading Techniques 
Oral Presentations 
Classes and Attendance 
Exam Success 
Assesment and Feedback 
Time Management 
The Right Study Attitude 
Free Advice 
Further Reading

When we start our studies, all of us already have different kinds of study skills.
Our motivation springs from different sources, as does our general attitude to our
studies. Nevertheless, regardless of where we are coming from, we need to take
many things into consideration in our studies. Study success requires clear
objectives, motivation, planning, self discipline, self con dence, good study habits
and a positive attitude. Being physically t is also helpful. Now that’s quite a list!

It is relevant here to ask if motivation and the ability to make plans and set
objectives are inborn traits? And what about good reading and study habits, a
positive attitude and physical tness? How self con dent were we when we were 1/24
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born? Indeed, we must assume that we are not born with the above.  These are
not inborn traits; we have learned and developed them and many others through
the course of our lives. (Ringom 1994.)

As a student, you are given an excellent opportunity to develop not just your study
skills, but also many other skills useful in life. These skills will help you to succeed
in challenging tasks after graduation.

We hope that the following pages will help you to re ect upon your own study
skills and habits. The discussion proceeds on a rather general level. Should some
topics raise your interest, however, we encourage you to dig deeper, for example
by familiarising yourself with the reference literature provided at the end of this
guide. You can also nd lots of study tips on the net.

According to Entwistle and Ramsden (1983), one’s study orientation refers to both
one's study outlook and well as one's studies in practice. Study orientation can be
classi ed into four basic types (Lonka 1996):

SHALLOW ORIENTATION is characterised by learning by memorisation at the

expense of understanding. The student who adopts this orientation often simply
aims to pass rather than to genuinely learn new things. He or she pays excess
attention to detail and external formalities, and routinely simply does what he or
she is told. The student may answer exam questions correctly, but nevertheless
an overall picture is missing. This type of study orientation generally correlates
with poor or at most mediocre performance.

DEEP ORIENTATION involves a genuine motivation to understand what is studied.

Students who adopt this orientation have an easier time learning both the detail
and the big picture because the topics studied are placed in a meaningful context. 2/24
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A deep orientation fosters interest in conclusions and how they are made.
Motivation is driven more by an interest in the topic, and less by performance as
such. Exam answers describe, assess and are critical. In addition, the student
shows that he or she has understood the big picture, and may illuminate upon this
by means of examples. Students that have a deep orientation generally also enjoy
their studies.

SOCIAL ORIENTATION is characterised by high interest in the social aspect of

studies, rather than studies as such. A strong social orientation often also
correlates with poor study success. On the other hand, it should be remembered
friendships made during one’s studies can be in nitely rewarding!

PERFORMANCE ORIENTATION involves a systematic and structured approach to

achieve set objectives. Students with a strong performance based orientation are
able to tactically change their orientation from shallow to deep, for example,
depending on how teachers reward performance.

Students with this kind of orientation plan their studies well, set timetables and
develop successful study strategies. A deep performance based orientation
combined with independence and a positive attitude are traits that lead to study
success. A performance orientation is a skill that you can develop throughout your
studies. (Cf. Lindblom-Ylänne, Nevgi and Kaivola 2003).

We encourage you to re ect upon your study orientation at various stages of your
studies. In what ways are your study habits successful? What should be done

We encourage you also to learn more from the literature on good study habits, e.g.
Lindblom-Ylänne (2001).            



1/14/2020 On Study Skills and Learning - How to Succeed in Your Studies | Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences

Independent information retrieval as well as its processing and critical evaluation

are an integral part of your studies. It is important that you learn to identify when
and what kind of information is needed, as well as from where to seek this
information. An information literate student will consider that information retrieval
and utilisation skills are a fundamental aspect of his or her expertise also after
graduation. Haaga-Helia’s library and information services actively promote the
information literacy of students. They offer students both printed and electronic
information sources, and also provide information retrieval training.


Each unit library mainly stocks literature on the topics studied in the unit. However,
students have the right to borrow materials from all the unit libraries. There is a
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other units and check them out from their own unit library. You can get your own
library card by presenting an ID card with your photo and social security number.

Haaga-Helia library materials, such as books and magazines, can be browsed

through the HH Finna database, from where you can check the location of the
material and availability. You can also check the status of your loans and also
make loan extensions through the same address. The online library is open 24-

The Haaga-Helia libraries offer students access to numerous different kinds of
electronic information sources, which can also be accessed remotely via the net.
The electronic collection includes e-zines, e-books, news archives, market
research studies, dictionaries, statistical information and more. To access these
materials, follow the links on the library's web site.


You may sometimes feel overwhelmed by exam literature or pending projects if
you don’t have the right reading and study habits. Indeed, as a university student, it
is probable that you need to constantly develop these skills. 4/24
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Reading is integral to your studies. Reading scienti c texts is very different from
leisure time reading. Scienti c books and articles are written in a professional
language speci c to the eld, and it is therefore important that you become well
versed in the terminology and jargon of your eld of study. This will allow you to
thoroughly understand what is discussed.

Even though eld speci c terminology may at rst seem di cult, it is absolutely
necessary that you make the effort. It is true that eld speci c jargon is often
di cult to understand. Don’t let this hinder your learning experience, but rather
actively seek answers by active information search. Consult your teachers and
seek answers from other sources!

If it feels di cult to start a thick book on the rst page, why not start elsewhere,
for example the last chapter? Once you’ve whet your appetite, you’ll soon be
interested in the full course! You can even try moving from the end to the
beginning if this feels like a good strategy. (Ringom 1994.)

The following ve-step technique is useful for reading both books and articles. Try
it and feel the difference!

Five steps to better reading

It’s best to start by browsing through the table of contents and headings.
While doing this, think about: 
• How important the material is to you: very important, important, or not so
• What kind of background knowledge do you have on the topic? A lot, some,
not at all? 
• What do you want to learn? Check the requirements in the course
description and think about your own needs. Look for information that is
relevant to your objectives.
Instead of reading the text proper, pay attention to the headings, highlights,
images, charts, models, examples, exercises etc. At the same time, take
notes, e.g. by means of a mind map. Jot down important facts and 5/24
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headings. This kind of a review provides information on the book’s

objectives and main arguments, i.e. with "hooks” on which to hang
Take notes at the same time, or, if the book is your own, highlight key points
with a magic marker or by underlining. Don’t underline several words in a
row, but rather seek key concepts and thoughts. On the rst reading, it’s not
good practice to stop for long to think about things you don’t understand; it’s
better to just mark unclear passages and then return to them later. Once you
have a good general understanding of the text, it is most likely that what was
at rst unclear is no longer so.
If the material is especially hard, read it several times. It is possible that your
chosen key words will change quite a bit because you have a much greater
understanding of the text with each new reading. 
If you still don’t understand a passage, stop to re ect. Consider whether the
information is relevant to your own needs, or with regard to the book's main
lines of thought. Consult a dictionary, the net, reference literature, or even the
teacher or other students. Try also the phone. Discussing the matter for a
few minutes might help you get ahead. If things still seem unclear, continue
reading and taking notes, and make a note that the passage is still unclear.
Reviewing key terms should take about 10 minutes, and has the objective of
ensuring the quality of your reading and note taking. It’s good to do such a
review right after you stop reading. 
Review the key words (e.g. in your mind map) and try to recall key
information packed behind each term. If you are not successful, pick up the
book and go through the relevant material one more time. Also seek new key
words and deepen your grasp of existing ones by means of images, arrows,
symbols or numbers. In general, the more images you have, the better you
will remember. (Ringom 1994)


1/14/2020 On Study Skills and Learning - How to Succeed in Your Studies | Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences

Writing and written assignments are a part of just about any course. Before you
start to write, you will most likely have to read a lot in order to gain a general
understanding of your topic. The process involves a lot of discussion with the text
and in this way engages your re ective faculty. Information search, processing
and analysis always take place before the completion of written assignments.
This is done either individually or in groups.

Writing during your studies has at least two objectives. On the one hand, it is used
to assess your learning and, indeed, you are expected to be able to complete
various kinds of written assignments with success. On the other hand, writing is a
way of learning. Writing allows you to gain deeper and more exact knowledge of a
topic than that provided by reading and listening alone. Indeed, writing might very
well be the most challenging and demanding aspect of your studies.


After you have your topic, let it digest for a few days or even longer. Think
about your headline from different points of view and jot down notes on
possible themes and associations raised by the topic. During this process,
you will start to have a feeling for the scope of the text.
Recall what you have already learned about the topic. Search for information
from the net and the library, for example by following the trail of key terms.
Take note of interesting ways to approach the topic. Make use of the 
library’s website.
At this point your ideas don’t need to be correctly formulated or expressed.
Rather, just use “stream of consciousness” to jot down your ideas. You can,
for example, make arguments for or against, or raise questions. The aim is
to make a list of as many ideas as possible. This stage helps you to get over
the problem of not being able to produce any text no matter how hard you
try. You don’t even have to write complete sentences. It’s enough to get your
ideas down on paper. 7/24
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Re ect upon the results of your stream of consciousness in relation to the
assignment and topic, and start to organise the material around some
theme. The aim is to come up with a tentative structure for your text, and
also to discard ideas that are not relevant. Generally, it’s best to keep the
organisation simple.
How to express your ideas so that the reader will understand? It’s good to
write as if you were having a conversation with the reader. Use complete
sentences and liven up your text with examples. A good practice is to raise
questions and illuminate upon the topic from different perspectives. The
bene ts of good preparation will become apparent at this stage at the latest.
Remember that if you try to collect information and think about the style and
content at the same time, it is very probable that you will not succeed with
either the style or the content. It will be di cult to get a proper ow, with the
text proceeding smoothly from start to nish. Sometimes it’s best to start
from the easiest or most crucial part, and then work through the more
di cult parts at a later stage.
Read through your text from time to time by taking the reader’s point of view.
You can also ask a fellow student or someone at your workplace to read and
comment on your text while it is still in progress. Early feedback will improve
the end result considerably! It is also good to set the text aside for a couple
of days in order to get a fresh perspective on it. Reserve also time for editing
on the basis of comments given. When reviewing your text, it’s good to pay
attention to the following points:
• Are your sentences easy to understand? Does the text have a nice ow and
does it make sense? Is the paragraph division sensible? 
• From the perspective of the general reader, does the text clarify things
su ciently and are enough examples given? Are the headings in line with
the content?
Read your text aloud.  If this seems di cult, e.g. that you have to stop mid-
sentence and start again, the sentence may be too long or not logical. 8/24
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This is when you check the grammar and nalise the text. (Lindberg 1998.)

As a general rule, it is good to take notes both in class and at home while reading.
Note taking clari es your thoughts and encourages deeper thinking about the
topic. You can also review your notes at a later date. Research shows that the
most successful students have a command of several note taking techniques and
can switch between them depending on the situation. (Lindblom-Ylänne et al.

We strongly recommend that you develop your note taking skills throughout your
studies: for example, lists, images and charts are often useful. (Vakkuri 1998;
Lindberg 1998.) Mind maps are de nitely worth the effort. They allow you to
organise information on different levels and add new information when required,
e.g. by adding your own ideas or associations. Mind maps offer a very good way
to build associations, e.g. by combining words and concepts, or via colouring and
spacing. (Buzan 2000.)

Try also the following: Exchange notes in pairs or small groups. Then discuss
what each person has written and how. Going through the notes of others will
provide you with many tips on how to improve upon your skills with regard to both
content and technique. This also offers the opportunity to review matters that
remain unclear. It may very well be that you are not the only one who does not fully
understand. It is then easier to ask the teacher during the next class, as you don't
have to worry about asking "stupid questions". But please keep in mind that there
is no such thing as a stupid question, only different ways of reacting to what is

It is also good practice to use your notes to try to explain what was covered during
class to another person. Guess why?

1/14/2020 On Study Skills and Learning - How to Succeed in Your Studies | Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences

In companies, things are generally written down on company-speci c forms, either

on paper or electronic. This ensures that the company’s correspondence and
other communication adheres to the same format. The result is the
communication of a uniform “brand” or “image” to the company’s target groups.

At Haaga-Helia texts are written in accordance with Haaga-Helia’s own guidelines.

This eases both the student’s and the teacher’s task: Neither has to spend time
thinking about what should be the proper format; both can focus on the content.
The content, however, will vary depending on who you write for and what you aim
to accomplish.

During your studies, you will be required to write many different kinds of texts, e.g.
essays, memos, reports as well as your thesis. All these texts are to follow the
given Haaga-Helia format. If you learn and follow the guidelines given from the
start of your studies onwards, there will be no need to backtrack before every
assignment to try to gure out what the text should look like. Remember also that
you must include your student number in all assignments that are to be graded.

All reports, seminar papers, instruction manuals, software documentation as well

as other assignments are to be written in standard English using the terminology
of the eld in question. The format is to be either standard or follow the
instructions given. Written assignments must always indicate sources used, and a
bibliography must always be included.

It is important that you learn to adhere to the guidelines already at the start of
your studies. Then, once you start working on your thesis, following the right
practices should no longer be an issue.

In an ESSAY, the writer re ects upon a speci c topic. The essay can be subjective,
in which case the writer expresses his or her own thoughts on the topic: e.g. by
providing criticism, by offering comments, or by creating associations. If the writer
chooses an investigative approach, the essay will be akin to a scienti c article.
Such an essay clearly expresses the underlying idea, and also includes detailed
reference to sources.  Exam answers are often in essay format. In such cases, you
are expected to provide the relevant information and usually also your own
thoughts on the matter. 10/24
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The MEMORANDUM is a summary of the notes of a meeting or similar.  As

implicit in the name, a memorandum is compiled to support your memory, for
example after a meeting or brainstorming session. If a meeting is involved, the
memorandum should shortly list what was agreed, and who is responsible for
what and when. You will need to compile memorandums if you are active in the
student unions.

The LEARNING DIARY is for reviewing what you have learned. You can organise
your diary chronologically or by topic, for example.

The PORTFOLIO showcases your achievements. You can organise your portfolio

by courses taken or by topic, for example.

The SUMMARY is a clear and concise review of the key points on a given topic.
The summary can be based on an oral or written presentation, and itself can also
be oral or written. You can present your own point of view in a summary. If you do
this, you must nevertheless indicate what your opinion is and what you have
gathered from other sources.

The ABSTRACT is usually a short summary of your own text, focusing on the

explanation of key points. The abstract can be written either informatively or to
raise the reader's interest in the text proper. Nevertheless, the abstract should give
a good general picture of the content of the text. The abstract is placed in the
beginning of your thesis and other larger reports.

The REPORT can be a review of research, of a journey, of one's participation in a

course or other assignment. The report can also be a review written at regular
intervals, for example a weekly report or monthly report. In addition, the report can
provide information on how to develop operations, be used as a basis for decision
making, or, more generally, to provide information on a given topic. At Haaga-Helia,
you are usually required to write a report whenever you participate in a project. For
more info on written reports, please check the guidelines (Student's extranet).


1/14/2020 On Study Skills and Learning - How to Succeed in Your Studies | Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences

Communication skills are very much valued in today’s working life. In your future
job it is important that you can express yourself well, i.e. inspiringly, convincingly
and professionally. You will have the chance to orally present your written work
many times during your studies, providing you with good practice on your
presentation skills. Oral presentations communicate information, experiences,
opinions and thoughts – and are an integral part of your studies.

When preparing for an oral presentation, it is good to think about:

1. How much time has been reserved for the presentation? What is the forum
2. What do you want to say, i.e. what is your objective? “The teacher ordered
me to do this” is not a reasonable or challenging objective!
3. What is the audience expecting; how will they bene t from your
4. Think about a) how you will raise interest b) how you can communicate your
message as understandably as possible and c) how you will satisfy the
audience's need for information.
5. Organise the contents a) by choosing a fresh perspective b) by limiting the
scope of the presentation to what is most important and interesting c) by
building a logical ow to the presentation and d) by providing a review of key
6. Liven up your presentation with examples, comparisons and analogies.
7. Presentation skills are learned only with practice. Therefore make full use
every opportunity to do so!

Remember that most people are nervous when giving presentations even though
they might not show this on the outside. The audience is generally on your side,
they don’t want to see you fail. Remember also to listen to the presentations of
others with proper respect. If you nd that giving oral presentations is especially
hard for you, please discuss the matter with the academic advisor. It’s better to
seek a solution together.

1/14/2020 On Study Skills and Learning - How to Succeed in Your Studies | Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences

DOMUMENT CAMERA: It functions like an overhead projector, except you don't

have to write on transparencies, you can use normal paper. Use clearly visible
colours and font size (min size 24). A larger auditorium requires an even larger
font. Don’t keep the document camera switched on unnecessarily during your

POWERPOINT PRESENTATION: Don't write too much text on one slide. Rise

interest of the audience by using pictures.  Use videos only if needed. Use at most
20 slides per hour. Check how your presentation looks like in advance. Don't forget
your USB ash drive to the class room.

FLIP CHART: Write and draw so that the audience can see clearly. Use different
colours to separate topics. Make sure that there is ip chart paper and pens in the
class room in advance. You can ask more from the IT HelpDesk.

Find more AV instructions here


Working in teams and groups is increasingly a part of today’s working life.
Studying at Haaga-Helia, too, involves a lot of group projects and other

Successful cooperation has many prerequisites, for example trust among

participants, openness and listening to others, as well as taking into account other
group members. Moreover successful group work requires not only that the group
reaches its information objectives, but also that it is successful in its decision
making, problem solving, interaction and management.

It cannot be taken for granted, however, that everyone has the proper cooperation
skills. It is very common that problem situations arise. In this regard, it is
important that group members learn to solve their problems in a constructive
manner. Please make an active effort to develop these skills during your studies.
Don’t hesitate to ask for help in this area if you feel you need to do so, e.g. from
your teacher, academic advisor or school nurse. 13/24
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Contact hours play an important role in your studies. For example, they allow you
to gain a deeper understanding of the course textbooks and the opportunity to
engage in group work and discussions with other students.

Teachers, too, do a lot of things in class. For example, they present new
perspectives and research ndings, teach argumentation skills, discuss the topics
studied in more detail, as well as tell about their own experiences. Indeed, the
classroom is an excellent place for students to sharpen up their thinking, and
active participation ensures the best results. Successful teaching is successful
interaction between the teacher and students. (Lindberg 1998; Lindblom-Ylänne,
Repo-Kaarento and Nevgi 2003.)

It is important that you attend class as much as possible! Remember also that
many courses have a minimum attendance requirement, which you will be
informed about at the start of the course.


Haaga-Helia offers many online study opportunities. Many courses are completed
either wholly or partly over the net. Courses provided wholly over the net usually
cover the material studied, various exercises, online discussions as well as guided
work individually and/or in groups. The exam might be completed over the net or
during a separate exam occasion.

Moodle virtual learning environment is mainly being used in online courses at

Haaga-Helia, but also other digital environments are utilized. Students get
guidance for these at the start of their studies. Remember, however, that you need
to have basic computer skills and access to an Internet connection to complete
such courses. Some systems require a headset with microphone and web camera 14/24
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(not compulsory). If any special software is needed for an online course,

noti cation of this will be given in the course description. Signing up for online
courses is done in the same way as for all other courses, i.e. over WinhaWille.

Online courses offer you the opportunity to study without constraints of time or
place. Remember, however, that the courses have their own timetables: start and
completion dates, deadlines for assignments, and preset times for online
discussions. Successful completion of online courses requires independence,
planning, time management, media literacy, interaction skills, and taking
responsibility for one's own learning results.


Students are expected to study actively from the start of the course onwards and
complete assignments on time in order to ensure that learning takes place
throughout the course. Information on the exam/s is provided during the rst
lesson. The nal exam is usually taken during the last week of class. At some
study modules it's possible to take an electronic exam in a separate electronic
examination facility. See more information electronic exam.

Plan your course load in such a way that there is room for exibility. Start
reading on time. Reading a 200 page book can easily take up to 10 days, if
you read 2-3 hours a day.
Try to get a good overall picture of the materials covered for the exam and
organise your materials by topic.
Take notes, e.g. using a mind map.
Discuss the exam topic/s with others. Try to explain di cult concepts to a
friend. By teaching others you learn yourself!
Think about the exam technicalities in advance: exam date, place, duration,
materials needed, maximum time that you are allowed to be late and the
earliest time that you can hand in your paper, how many questions you are
required to answer, the types of questions that will be asked. Ensure that you
have a good pencil, eraser and calculator with you. Answer sheets will be
provided. 15/24
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Be prepared to prove your identity during the exam!

As a new student, even though you may feel that you did not prepare well
enough in advance, we recommend that you still take the exam. The exam
experience will allow you to better anticipate future situations and to learn to
do away with unnecessary stress.
Read the exam questions carefully a couple of times.
Estimate how much time you need to answer each question. Even though
the questions may seem di cult, don’t give up. On an extra sheet make
some quick notes on the topics and concepts that relate to the questions.
After an initial uncertainty and nervousness, you will most likely start to
recall more of what you learned.
Make a brief sketch of your answers and start writing. If you get stuck with
one question, move on to the next and return to the di cult one later. Start
with the easiest questions!
Write as legibly as possible and use standard English.
Write your name on every answer sheet. (Lindberg 1998; Pintrich et al. 1991,
Laurila 1999.)
Remember that you must also write down your student number on all graded


You don’t have to sign up separately for nal exams, except the exam is taken on
Tenttis as an electronic exam. For retakes follow the guidelines provided
(Student's extranet).

You can retake interim or nal exams two times during two retake dates that will
be noti ed at the start of each course. You can sign up for a retake whether you
failed or passed a course. If you retake the exam for a course that you passed, the
better grade will be registered. Raising your grade will no longer be possible after
you have completed your degree. 16/24
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Any incomplete work must be handed in no later than one month after the end of
a course, unless otherwise agreed upon with the teacher. If an assignment
remains outstanding after this date, you must start the course again from the
beginning and all previously completed work is nulli ed. A student that is not
enrolled as present for the semester/academic year cannot take retakes or hand
in incomplete work during the period of non-enrolment.

Teachers are obligated to notify students of exam results within three weeks after
the exam. The school les any written work that is handed in for a six month
period after the grade has been given.

Retakes are organised by unit. The units inform in advance which exams can be
retaken during each retake date. You can take two exams during each exam
occasion, the other of which can be your maturity examination. The exam duration
can be determined by the teacher, which will then be marked on the exam
envelope. You can take material speci ed by the teacher to the exam, e.g.
dictionaries, calculators or other material indicated by the teacher in the exam

Signing up for a retake means you are committed to take the exam. If you fail to
show up, you will still be considered to have taken the exam, and as such lose one
retake opportunity. Remember that you must always prove your identity and leave
the exam envelope with the exam supervisor.

Degree regulations on retakes (7 §).


Cheating is always punishable. The actions taken (for example due to cheating in
an exam, the copying of an assignment from another student, plagiarism from a
source that is not disclosed, or other offense) might be the nulli cation of the
exam or assignment in question, the issue of a written warning by the president of
the school, or a temporary expulsion, which is decided upon by the school’s Board 17/24
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(Act on Polytechnic Studies, Chapter 38). All work is nulli ed for the course, and
the student must start the course again from the beginning. Cases of cheating are
always recorded in the student's study register.

Act on Studies at Universities of Applied Sciences (932/2014), Section 38:

A student who has cheated at a university of applied sciences or has otherwise
breached the rules of the university may, depending on the severity of the offence,
be issued with a warning or be temporarily expelled from the university, for a
maximum of one year. Before a nal decision is reached, the student has the right
to be heard on the matter. Any warning issued to the student is decided upon by
the university’s president, and any temporary expulsion is decided upon by the
university’s Board.



University studies involve many different kinds of assessments. Teachers assess
the performance of students, while students assess the actions of teachers and
the university as a whole. Active development of your own self-assessment skills
during your studies will prove useful after graduation. Indeed, learning to be
constructive in evaluation/assessment activities, whether receiving or giving
feedback, is something we need to practice throughout our lives.

Students are graded on the scale 1-5 or on a pass/fail basis. The grades are
recorded in the WinhaPro student administration system.

Course assessment criteria are likewise provided on our website, under course
descriptions. The regulations governing assessment are given below under norms
to be observed.

We strongly recommend that you keep a list of your own study completions, even
if they are partial completions. This is especially important, for example, if you
decide to complete an incomplete course at a later date, as it is important to
determine what you have previously completed and for whom. Not all partial
completions are registered in WinhaWille. We also recommend that you review 18/24
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your grades, especially if your grade is clearly not what was expected. It is
generally good to get in touch with your teacher during the teacher consultation
hours to discuss your grade, for example if a separate review of grades has not
been organised.

Remember that a performance orientation (see above study orientation) involves

a systematic and structured approach to achieve set objectives. By developing
your self-assessment skills, you will be able to better plan your studies better, set
timetables and develop good study strategies. In addition, you will become more
comfortable with working independently and more easily adopt a deep orientation
to the task at hand.


We need feedback to better develop our university's activities. Course feedback is
the most important channel. This is where you can let us know of what was good
in the course, what was poor, and let the teacher know your suggestions for
further development. Course feedback is also sent to the university administration
and students are informed of key points.

Haaga-Helia units also organise occasions during which student representatives

meet with teachers for a general performance review.

Every third year students can reply to the general student survey gathering
information e.g. of students’ well-being. Upon graduation students are requested
to complete both a graduation survey by Haaga-Helia and AVOP survey by Finnish
Ministry of Education and Culture, covering the entire study period. Later, after 1–
2 of graduation, Haaga-Helia alumni are approached by a survey where there is an
opportunity to evaluate the correspondence between studies and working-life

Former students also supply us with feedback as to how well their studies
prepared them for working life. We actively promote an open environment at our
university, and for this reason all feedback is welcome. In addition, we also strive
to develop our feedback system all the time. We strongly recommend that you 19/24
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contact teachers or staff to discuss any problems when are still fresh. A great
study environment does not arise on its own – it requires everyone’s input. More
information. about Haaga-Helia's evaluation systems and feedback systems.



As a student you have an excellent opportunity to develop your time management
skills, and to simply learn to say “no” to a world of requests and invitations. What
does Haaga-Helia’s career advisor, who is also an expert in time management,
have to say about this? “The main time management problems encountered by
students are leaving things to the last minute and having the feeling that there
simply are not enough hours in a day."

A few examples from students:

“I have a very bad habit of leaving things to the last minute, especially things that
seem troublesome or tedious.” 
“I should get more sleep during weekdays, but it is sometimes hard because of all
my commitments – work, school, homework, hobbies and social life. I truly wish
that there would be 26 hours in a day."


Learning to get things done is less a matter of self-discipline and more about
increasing motivation. Think about how you can motivate yourself to get even
tedious jobs done on time. Try this: Set yourself a clear objective, divide the
assignments into parts, set a deadline for them, and shut out all interference (yes,
you can switch off your mobile, radio, TV and even Internet connection). Promise
yourself a nice reward. Act.


You will have enough time to take care of the most important things as long as
you make a exible weekly schedule in your calendar. Reserve su cient time in
advance for the most pressing deadlines. Also remember to leave at least 20 20/24
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percent of your calendar free for surprises or if you need more time. For exams,
divide your reading into blocks.


It’s good to be sel sh in a healthy way and to sometimes simply to say no. This
might involve temporarily forgoing some hobby or obligation. And it’s best to
reserve one day each week for relaxation: a calm atmosphere, su cient rest, and
no pressing engagements do a world of good.



Sometimes study problems hinge on your attitude. Our attitudes and thoughts
make up reality as we perceive it, and it is good to sometimes stop and re ect
upon them. For example, you might want to test what associations are raised by
the adjectives given below.

Jot down on paper what the following adjectives mean to you, and which
subject/s you associate with which adjective. 1. tedious 2. di cult 3. boring 4.
exciting 5. interesting.

The adjectives tedious, di cult and boring are negative, passive and non-
motivating. Do you associate these adjectives with subjects in which you have
poor knowledge, bad experiences or lousy grades? And do you nd subjects that
you know well and in which you have good experiences to be exciting and

We often blame the teacher, the materials or the course organisation if we are not
succeeding. True, they may be at fault, but then it is best to discuss the matter
with the persons involved. Before blaming someone or something, however, it is
best to rst re ect upon the matter and try to determine how you yourself can
have an impact on the situation. And the answer just might be in your own attitude
– and that's de nitely something you can change! There’s an old saying that a
one’s attitude is one’s best friend or worst enemy. 21/24
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If, instead of labelling something as “boring” or “di cult”, you decide to adopt a
more favourable attitude towards the subject, most likely you will then start to
understand it better than you think, with the result that boring transforms into
interesting and di cult into challenging. (Ringom 1994)


When you participate actively in class you are also preparing for the exam, and
also gain valuable tips for project work and other assignments. It is good to ask a
lot of questions and also to question things in a constructive manner. If you are
absent for some reason, remember to ask your classmates what was done and
discussed. Ask them to clarify what remains unclear – this helps them to learn at
the same time. Attending class has its bene ts.

It’s normal that things don't always go well during your studies. If you fail an exam,
you just have to live and learn: what will I do better next time around?

Avoiding di cult subjects is bad strategy. Be especially active in courses that

seem di cult or unclear. Be bold and ask questions. Most likely you’ll be doing a
favour also to other students, as it is probable that you are not the only one who
doesn't understand. “If I don’t know something and ask, I remain ignorant for only
a moment. If I don’t ask, I will remain ignorant also in the future.”

Sometimes you might lose your study motivation. That’s quite normal too – and
then it is good to go at it one step at a time. Once those course completions start
piling up, it will once again be easier to get motivated for the nal push. And
always remember that employers like to hire graduates, not someone who has
dropped out.


Decree on Studies at Universities of Applied Sciences 1129/2014. 
Buzan T. and B. 2001. The Mind Map Book.The Bath Press. Bath. 
Act on Studies at Universities of Applied Sciences 932/2014. 22/24
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Laurila, E. 1999. Opiskelutaidon opas, vinkkejä ja ohjeita. Haaga Instituutin

ammattikorkeakoulu. Helsinki. 
Lindberg, J. 1998. Oppimaan oppiminen – opas oppimistaitojen kehittämiseen.
Painosalama Oy. Turku. 
Lindblom-Ylänne, S., Lonka, K., Slotte, V. 2001. Aiotko opiskelijaksi? Oy Edita Ab. 
Lindblom-Ylänne, S., Nevgi, A. and Kaivola T. 2003. Opiskelu yliopistossa. In
Ylänne and S., Nevgi, A. (eds.). Yliopisto- ja korkeakouluopettajan käsikirja. WSOY.
Lindblom-Ylänne, S., Repo-Kaarento, S. and Nevgi, A. 2003. Massa- ja
ryhmäopetuksen haasteet. In Lindblom-Ylänne and S., Nevgi, A. (eds.). Yliopisto- ja
korkeakouluopettajan käsikirja. WSOY. Porvoo. 
Lonka, K. 1996. Rohkene tutoroida – opas uusien opiskelijoiden
pienryhmäohjaajille. Helsingin yliopisto, opintojen kehittämisyksikkö. 
Pintrich, P., Smith, D., Garcia, T. and McKeachie, W. 1991. A Manual for the Use of
Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSQL). The Regents of the
University of Michigan.
Ringom, B. 1994. Opi oppimaan. Kirjapaino TaPo Oy. Helsinki. 
Sahlberg, P. , Leppilampi, A. 1994. Yksinään vai yhteisvoimin? Yhdessäoppimisen
mahdollisuuksia etsimässä. Helsingin yliopisto. Vantaan
Vakkuri, K. 1998. Opi tehokkaammin, opi oppimaan. Tummavuoren kirjapaino Oy.


Career and Recruitment Services 

Codes and Abbreviations 

Contact Information 

Degree Regulations  23/24
1/14/2020 On Study Skills and Learning - How to Succeed in Your Studies | Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences

ECTS System and Diploma Supplement 

Evaluation of Quality in Haaga-Helia 

Good Behaviour 

IT Services 

International Studies 

Norms to be Observed and Appeal Proceedings 


Open Badge 

Orientation 

Pedagogical Strategy 

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) 

Student Activities 

Student Counselling 

Sustainable Development 

The Finnish System of Higher Education  24/24

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