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OSP User Guide

Table of Contents
Notes................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Overview ............................................................................................................................................................. 2
Login to Portal ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
Activity Setup ...................................................................................................................................................... 5
Add Activity ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
Activity Lookup ................................................................................................................................................ 9
Edit Activity ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
Remove Activity............................................................................................................................................... 9
View Statement ................................................................................................................................................. 10
Activity Reports ................................................................................................................................................. 12
Viewing Reports............................................................................................................................................. 12
Printing Reports............................................................................................................................................. 14
Exporting and Saving Reports......................................................................................................................... 15
Adobe Acrobat (PDF) Format ..................................................................................................................... 15
Microsoft Excel 97-2000 Format................................................................................................................. 16
Save As ...................................................................................................................................................... 17
Returning from Reports ................................................................................................................................. 17
Returns.............................................................................................................................................................. 18
Lookup .............................................................................................................................................................. 20
Enter Statement in Accounting System .............................................................................................................. 22
Bookkeeper Login Management ........................................................................................................................ 23
Create New Portal Account ............................................................................................................................ 23
Edit User........................................................................................................................................................ 26
Assign User to Schools ............................................................................................................................... 27
Update Password ....................................................................................................................................... 28
Return to User Accounts Page .................................................................................................................... 28

This manual contains all the functionality of the OSP product. Please refer to the “Quick Start Guide” for a more
concise tutorial on the most commonly used functionality.

Online School Payments (OSP) is a school activity funds payment solution that allows parents, students, and
guardians to pay with a credit or debit card online using a web browser from any location, 24 hours a day.

The system allows for school book keepers to easily set up school activities, events and other activity items
online for purchase from within an easy to use web based portal. Parents then can go online, view these
activities, add them to a shopping cart, check out and pay by using a credit card or an e-check. After payment is
made the system will automatically deposit those funds received online into each individual school’s bank
account. A receipt is then emailed to the purchaser and subsequent email is sent to the Teacher/Sponsor of the
activity notifying them that a payment has been received for a student. In addition, reports are available for
teachers, bookkeepers and administrators from within OSP to view online sales activity.

OSP is capable of operating independently from any school activity fund accounting system. When funds are
deposited from OSP into a school’s bank account the bookkeeper is notified via email that a deposit has been
made and a statement report is available. The information from the statement is broken down by fund account
and would be entered into the system as an ordinary cash receipt.

Login to Portal
Open your internet browser and enter the web address of the OSP Management Portal.

Enter your login credentials and click Next.

Select your school from the dropdown and click Login.

If you see a school in the right corner, you are now logged into the OSP Management Portal

If you have received a Login Failed message, please verify that you have:

 Entered your username and password correctly.

 That Caps Lock is turned off if necessary.
 You are at the correct OSP Management Portal for your District.

If you still cannot remember your password, click the Forgot Password link.

Fill out your User Name and click the Send Password link. A new password will be sent to your email address.

Activity Setup
From the Transactions Menu, click Activity Setup.

Add Activity
Click the Add New Activity Link to setup a new activity.

You are now at the Add/Edit OSP Activity Page.

Enter the information about the activity you wish to setup. There are several required fields when adding a new
activity, these include the following and are denoted by a Red Arrow icon.
 Activity Number: Unique number generated by the application when New is clicked.
 Activity Name: Enter Activity Name.
 Activity Description: Enter a description for the activity.
 Sponsor/Teacher Email Address*: Enter the email address of the sponsor/teacher responsible for the
activity. If the email address is already in the system, the Sponsor/Teacher Last and First Name will be
populated. This email address will be notified when changes are made to the activity setup and each
time the activity has been purchased online.
 Sponsor/Teacher Last Name
 Sponsor/Teacher First Name
 Date to go Online for Sale*: Used by the system to determine when the activity should be available to
the public on the website for purchase.
 Date to go Offline for Sale*: Used by the system to determine when the activity should no longer be
available to the public on the website for purchase.
 Price: Enter the price of the activity that parents will pay for the activity.
 Fund Account*: This is the account that will be credited with the sales revenue when the activity is
 Grade Level: Each grade level is available along with the options NA and All.

Other fields that are not required include:
 Date Activity Starts: Not required, but this date field can be used to give further information about the
date of the activity being offered. For example, you could use this to put the day of the field trip.
 Course/Class: Not required, but can give a parent a better idea of what course/class the activity is

* Denotes information that is used by the application, but is not visible to a parent viewing the site online.

Click Update Link to create the activity. If you do not want to setup the activity, simply click the Cancel Link and
you will be returned to the Activity Setup Page.

If you remain at the Add/Edit OSP Activity Page, you may be missing a required field and it will be highlighted
with red text indicating the field is required.

The activity will now show in the Activity Setup page, with other activities that have been setup.

Once the activity has been created, an email is sent to the Sponsor/Teacher associated with the activity.

When the activity is available online depends on the Date to go Online for Sale selected.

Activity Lookup
To locate an Activity from the list of activities on the Activity Setup page scroll through the list of activities or use
the search field.

 To use the Search feature, enter text in the search box, and then click the Magnifying Glass icon.
 It may be necessary to check the box Include Inactive if the Date to Go Offline has already passed.

Edit Activity
The following steps are how to make changes to information about an activity. Changes made to an activity will
immediately take place on the website. The teacher/sponsor will also get an email notification of the changes.

 Lookup the Activity. See the Activity Lookup Section of the Manual.
 Click the Edit link next to the activity.
 Make required changes.
 Click Update.

If you do not want to accept the changes, simply click the Cancel button. This will not delete the activity, but will
just clear it from the window unchanged and bring you back to the Activity Setup Page.

Remove Activity
The following steps are how to delete an activity.

 Lookup the Activity. See the Activity Lookup Section of the Manual.
 Select the Delete.

The system will not allow you to delete an activity that someone has already purchased. If you cannot delete an
activity because it has already been purchased, but do not wish it to be available for further purchase online,
change the date to go offline to a date in the past and click Save. Refer to the Edit Activity Section of the Manual
for more information on how to change the date to go offline.

View Statement
Money will be deposited into your school’s bank account based off the schedule your district selected. An email
is sent to the bookkeeper when the statement has been made available. To view the details, log into the OSP
Management Portal.

Click the Statements Menu option. Here you will see your school’s unviewed statements.

To view previously viewed statements, put a check in the Include Previously Viewed box and click the
Magnifying Glass.

Click the Display link to view the statement.

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The first page off the statement is the summary. To print the statement, click the printer icon on the Report
Navigation Bar.

To view the other pages of the statement, which include detail, click the VCR Buttons ( ) to navigate
through the pages.

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Activity Reports
Viewing Reports
To view reports of what students have paid for particular activities, click the Sponsor/Teacher Activities option
from the Reports menu dropdown.

Select the Teacher/Sponsor from the Drop Down List and then click the Magnifying Glass to view the report.

To view activities that are no longer for sale online, check the Include Inactive box.

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The report will contain all Activities associated with the Sponsor/Teacher selected. Each activity will have a list
off the students and parents who have purchased the activity and total amounts collected and count of students.

Students that have had their purchase refunded with be marked with an asterisk (*) and will not count towards
the activity totals.

To navigate to
o other pages of the report use the VCR Buttons ( ).

To print or save the Statement see either the Printing Reports Section or the Exporting and Saving Reports
Section of this manual.

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Printing Reports
To print the report, click the printer icon on the Report Navigation Bar.

A popup window will be displayed to choose the print range, and then click OK.

A new window will popup, where you can print the report by using the printer icon in the top left. From this
window you can also save the report as a PDF document on your local hard drive. See the section entitled
Adobe Acrobat (PDF) Format.

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Exporting and Saving Reports
A report can also be exported and saved to your local hard drive. To do this click the Disk Icon, which is the left
most icon of the Report Navigation Bar.

This will bring up the export window where you will choose the format from the drop down window.

Click OK, and the report will be exported to the format of your choosing.

Adobe Acrobat (PDF) Format

From this window, the file can be saved using the Disk icon, which should be the second icon from the left. See
the section entitled Save As later in the manual for more information.

The report can also be printed from this window. See the Printing Reports Section of this manual.

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Microsoft Excel 97-2000 Format
Click Save to bring up the Save As Window. See the section entitled Save As later in the manual for more

If you click Open, the report will be brought up in Microsoft Excel.

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Save As
Once at the Save As window, you can save the file as you normally would save any file on your local computer.

Returning from Reports

Click the Return Button in the top left corner of the page.

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Choose Refund from the Transactions Menu.

Enter the Order Number that you would like to return an activity from and click the Magnifying Glass Icon.

The order will be displayed below. Click the Detail button to view the activities purchased on the order.

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Here you will view the lines of the order.

Check the boxes of the lines to be returned. When ready to return the amount, click the Refund button in the
lower right corner.

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Click Inquiry from the Menu bar.

Select how you would like to lookup the order from the Search By dropdown box.

Enter the name or beginning portion of the name and then click the Magnifying Glass.

Mark all schools to search for the order at other schools in the district. This should be used in the case that a
parent may have made a purchase from the wrong school.

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The list below will include all orders based off the criteria entered.

Click the Detail button next to the order to view the activity line items.

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Enter Statement in Accounting System
Your statement will be a summary of the deposit and withdrawal made for the period. The deposit will be
broken down by account and this entry should be made in your accounting system. Typically this will be handled
as a cash receipt, but your entry will depend on your district’s student activity fund accounting system. The best
analogy we can give you is the deposit is like you just received $1000 from a PE teacher and $700 of the money
is going into the General PE account, while $300 is going to the Football Team Account. The only difference is
that you now do not have to go physically deposit the money at the bank because it has already been sent there.

As for the Fees, they will automatically be withdrawn from your bank account. This will be separate from the
deposit, so your bank statement will show both a deposit and withdrawal entry. The best method to make the
entry will probably be as a cash disbursement, but again the entry will depend on your district’s student activity
fund accounting system.

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Bookkeeper Login Management

Create New Portal Account

Under the Setup menu, click the User Accounts Option.

You will now be at the User Accounts Page where you can highlight the Users Link, and then click the New User

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You will be brought to the Users page where you will setup the user’s account.

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Enter the information about the user. Assign the user a password and to the roles they will be performing. If
they are a bookkeeper, choose the bookkeeper. If they are central staff that will also be setting up other users
and performing administrative functions like resetting passwords, assign them to both the Bookkeeper role and
the OSPAdmin role.

When you have finished the setup of the user, click the Register link. DO NOT assign the user to a school at this
point, they must first be registered. To assign a user to a school, see the Assign User to Schools section later in
this manual.

When you click the Register Link, you will be returned to the User Accounts Page.

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Edit User
To edit a portal user account, locate the user account and click the pencil icon to the left of the user.

You will be brought to the Users page where you can change the user’s role, update their password or email
address, and assign them to schools. To update a user’s email address or name, make the necessary changes
and click the Update link. To update a user’s role, put checks in the necessary boxes under role assignment and
click the Assign User link.

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Assign User to Schools
Scroll down the Users Page and check all the schools a user should have access to and then click the Update Link
below the listing of Schools. You will see the page refresh, but you will remain on the Users Page.

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Update Password
To update a user’s password, click the manage password link. Then make changes to the password and click the
Change Password Link

Return to User Accounts Page

You can now get back to the main User Accounts Page by scrolling back up the page and clicking the Users Link.

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