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International Journal of Project Management 25 (2007) 423–436

An epistemological evaluation of research into projects and

their management: Methodological issues
Hedley J. Smyth *, Peter W.G. Morris
School of Construction and Project Management, Bartlett School of Graduate Studies, University College London, Torrington Place Site,
Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, United Kingdom


A unified theory of the management of projects does not exist. Projects are context-specific and located in open-systems. While this is
now widely acknowledged, research methodologies often continue to overlook this. This paper addresses methodological issues that have
yet to be fully resolved in research in projects and their management and evaluates how these issues have a direct and indirect impact
upon research and practice. We argue that the pursuit of explanations that rely upon identifying general patterns based upon cause and
effect marginalises the particular, while a focus upon the particular frustrates the emergence of common patterns, shared meanings and
normative recommendations. The paper reviews research practice in the light of project management paradigms and their more general
epistemological underpinnings.
Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd and IPMA. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Bodies of knowledge; Causality; Empiricism; Methodology; Paradigm; Positivism; Critical realism; Theory

1. Introduction it must also be the case that progress in developing the

knowledge base for research and practice in the field is also
The aim of this paper is epistemological – an evaluation weak. Thus the primary question being explored is whether
of how we know what we know through research about we are careful enough in the selection and application of
projects and their management [1]. The objective is to eval- methodologies.
uate the extent to which our knowledge of projects is being
developed through the appropriate application of method- 2. The theoretical basis to understanding the management of
ology in research. Research methodology is informed by projects
what we know philosophically and its application affects
what we come to know. The paper discusses the epistemo- The absence of both an integrated theory of manage-
logical and paradigmatic bases that underlie research in ment, and of project management [2], whether defined in
this area and it evaluates whether recent research is apply- its narrow or broad (‘management of projects’) senses [3],
ing methodologies appropriately in terms of epistemology, can be observed in its multidisciplinary nature and the
integrity of the methodologies and the context in which way it draws upon a range of social (and natural) sciences.
they are being applied. This diversity of theoretical bases leads to:
Research methodology has a key role in generating
knowledge on projects and their management. However, 1. an eclectic mix of concepts being required for under-
if the epistemological base of our research is weak, then standing projects or aspects of them;
2. the professional project management associations’
* BOKs drawing on different conceptual and theoretical
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (H.J. Smyth), pwmorris@ucl. underpinnings, as a result often causing confusion in (P.W.G. Morris). the ‘profession’ as to the basis of the discipline;

0263-7863/$30.00 Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd and IPMA. All rights reserved.

424 H.J. Smyth, P.W.G. Morris / International Journal of Project Management 25 (2007) 423–436

3. practitioners finding difficulty in assimilating and apply- tion’ view of the discipline, completely omitting reference
ing such diversity – echoed corporately where articulat- to the crucial definitional stages [6].
ing practice and integrating knowledge encounters How paradigms are categorised depends, to an extent,
conceptual difficulties, particularly across the enter- upon purpose. Recently, for example, Winter [7], drawing
prise-program-project interface; upon the work of Hobday and others [8], identified six par-
4. application varying as practitioners interpret knowledge adigmatic approaches:
differently according to context, circumstance, compe-
tence and indeed whim. (i) ‘‘Systems analysis’’ that forms a rational determinis-
tic paradigm [9]; this is the dominant one in most
A particular problem, which we shall be addressing later textbooks, teaching and practice.
in this paper, is the assumption that general patterns con- (ii) ‘‘Organisational design’’ that considered integration
cerning the management of projects can be identified, and differentiation [10], including characterisation
which have explanatory power. Even if this were the case, of organisations as ad hoc [11] and temporary [12].
we need to recognise that recommendations based on these (iii) ‘‘Project-based structures’’ that draws, inter alia,
insights cannot be applied mechanically with the expecta- upon major projects [13] and project activities in dif-
tion of automatic outcomes: applicability is contingent ferent economic sectors [14] to analyse the strategic
upon context. While the importance of context is widely and front-end factors within a project and the exoge-
acknowledged [4], epistemologically context is frequently nous factors that may affect projects.
overlooked in the selection of research methodology, as (iv) ‘‘Strategic direction’’ that links projects with business
we shall see in the review of research given below. strategy [15], with emphasis upon context and contin-
The absence of a received theoretical framework for gent capabilities and competencies [16].
project management, and the importance of context, puts (v) ‘‘Information processing’’ [17] that addresses project
a special burden on ensuring that we pay attention to epis- uncertainty as an overriding feature by drawing upon
temology and hence methodological issues. In fact, we con- economic concepts, such as transaction cost analysis
tend, we fail to do this. Often the term ‘methodology’ is [18].
misused, thereby obscuring epistemological issues concern- (vi) ‘‘Critical management’’ that draws upon critical
ing research. Methodology is defined as a system about how social theories and investigates issues concerning the
we go about something, in this case research. Research general maintenance of the status quo and whom is
methodology is located in the philosophy of how we come being served, at the extreme viewing project manage-
to know things, that is, epistemology (Fig. 1). Methods ment as one instrument of social control through the
concern what we use, in other words, the detailed approach control of projects [20].
and tools used to undertake specific research.
From the ‘‘critical management’’ approach, Hodgson
2.1. Paradigms and Cicmil [19], drawing upon Fincham [21], identified
three perspectives:
Having an appropriate research methodology is only
part of the way we epistemologically perceive (construct) (a) ‘‘Rational/normative’’: creating structure and goals
knowledge. We create intellectual frameworks – paradigms in a simple cause–effect perspective (cf. (i) and (ii)
embodying systems of ideas and beliefs [5]. Paradigms above, 1 and 3 below).
shape the way practitioners, professionals and academics (b) ‘‘Processual’’: socio-technical interaction through
perceive the discipline, and directly shape many of its tools and inducing processes to create outcomes (cf. (iii)–
and techniques, service offerings and certification pro- (iv) above, 2 and 4 below).
grams. Project management has been subject to several (c) ‘‘Narrative’’: interpretative and critical perspective
such paradigms. PMI’s PMBOK GuideÒ, for example that can provide internal disciplinary insight-cum-
(and its newer standards on program management, portfo- development, yet tending towards providing external
lio management and maturity) reflect an essentially ‘execu- critiques (cf. (v) above, and 4 below regarding inter-
nal development).

Artto and Wikstrom [22], analysing projects through the

enterprise as the unit of analysis, identified eleven topic
clusters of research on projects, which they organised into
three foundational categories for project enterprises:

(I) ‘‘Organisation’’: open-systems that relate to the busi-

ness objectives of project enterprises, under which
projects and their objectives are subsumed (cf. (ii)–
Fig. 1. Applying epistemology, methodology and methods. (iv) and (b) above, 2 and 4 below).
H.J. Smyth, P.W.G. Morris / International Journal of Project Management 25 (2007) 423–436 425

(II) ‘‘Process’’: product and service innovation and devel- tionships are not only actor-to-actor, but actor-to-object
opment, performance criteria and multi-project too; and incorporating perspectives from ‘‘critical man-
activities are viewed and organised as processes (cf. agement’’. This paradigm is not a substitute for, but is
(iii)–(v) and (b) above, 2, 3 and 4 below). complementary to, other paradigms. The approach is
(III) ‘‘Technological and social change’’: social and behav- theoretically diverse and certainly not linear in thinking,
ioural theories, external technological and economic and arguably has the broadest definition of managing
change (cf. (v), (vi), (b) and (c) above, 2–4 below). projects of all the paradigms (cf. (iii), (iv), (vi), (b), (c)
and (I)–(III)).
Pryke and Smyth [23], drawing on project context rather
than management per se [24], identify:
2.2. Bodies of knowledge and guides: the problem of the
1. The traditional project management approach – a strong general and particular
emphasis on control techniques and tools [25] and tend-
ing to have a task-orientated, efficiency focus [26]. This is Different paradigms directly inform the BOKs. Gener-
highly aligned to ‘‘systems analysis’’ – see above. Sched- ally, the scope of managing projects has been conceptually
uling tools and earned value provide two classic exam- enlarged as paradigms shift from the traditional onwards,
ples, lean production and supply chain management yet theoretical difficulties still arise around the definitions
provide two more recent examples (cf. (i) and (a)). (We of projects, project management/management of projects,
acknowledge that recent developments such as critical and so on.
chain and performance management have brought an The PMBOK GuideÒ [30] is the formal model of project
added social science and behavioural element, moving management for a very great many people and enterprises.
away from predominantly linear thinking.) It is the most simplistic, with a primary focus upon task
2. The information processing approach – a technocratic execution and fails to refer to the management of front-
input–output model of managing projects [17], which end issues, exogenous factors, strategy or human factors
contains social theory and tends towards an efficiency [31]. It is a product of the ‘traditional’ paradigm and the
focus, drawing upon economics and managerialist soci- information processing paradigm feeds into this. PMBOK
ology to address information as a means of reducing is epistemologically closely associated with positivism,
uncertainty and improving attendant risk management seeking general explanations and solutions for practice,
(cf. (v), (a) and (II)–(III)). This paradigm tries to graft tending to disregard context. The IPMA Competency
a more integrated approach onto linear task-orientated Baseline [32] and APM Body of Knowledge [33] reflect
thinking, and human dimensions tend to be subsumed the functionalist framework. The Japanese BOK [34] is
under the technocratic and managerial considerations. more eclectic, not quite reflecting any of these paradigms.
3. The functional management approach – includes the stra- All the BOKs are value-driven and reflect differing epis-
tegic, front-end ‘management of projects’ approaches temological approaches – primarily positivist and empiri-
[27], drawing on organisational design and social theory, cist, with some interpretativist aspects [1], as we shall see
and being more holistic with a focus upon effectiveness as shortly – as well as differing paradigmatic perspectives.
well as efficiency. This is a more integrated paradigm, These theoretical bases affect the way we articulate and
embracing structures, open-systems and processes in provide guidance. The paradigms shape the scoping of
pursuit of functional outcomes (cf. (ii)–(iv), (b) and (I)– the domain. The epistemological base affects the way we
(III)). The task-orientation gives way to a broader appre- seek knowledge, affecting not least the deployment of
ciation of human and organisational behaviour, indeed a research methodology – and the manner in which we try
range of people issues. It considers internal and external and state good practice (or generalise-able rules). Positiv-
factors influencing the project, the result being a broader ism for example seeks general explanations, whilst interpre-
definition of the project linking into business, strategy, tive methodologies seek particular explanations [35] and
portfolio and programme management, as well as issues empiricism either the general or the particular. Morris
such as learning, competency development and stake- points to the critical realist view that:
holder analysis. The thinking is less linear [28], although
‘‘. . . reality is stratified: there may indeed be causal rela-
research methods have not always recognised this.
tionships (laws, event sequences, etc.) discernable at a
4. The relationship approach – views managing social rela-
level of observation but these are just subsets of what
tionships as a means to manage and add value to, and
can be observed, and what can be observed is itself a sub-
through, projects [23]. It is based in social theory and
set of what, at a deeper level of reality, in fact exists.’’ [36]
tends to focus upon effectiveness. This emergent para-
digm argues that people add value individually and Attempts by the BOKs to systematise the knowledge
through relationships, because relationships are behind required to manage projects are largely based on the under-
all the other tools and techniques. The approach draws lying assumption that there are identifiable patterns and
upon a diverse set of research [29]: addressing the generalisations, from which rules, controls and guidelines
object–actor dichotomy raised by Engwall [16] as rela- for best practice can be established that are replicable, even
426 H.J. Smyth, P.W.G. Morris / International Journal of Project Management 25 (2007) 423–436

if not in absolutely every circumstance. Accepting that pro- some analysis pertains to both. Both positivist and empir-
jects are socially constructed (‘invented not found’) they icist traditions explain events based on the Humean law
have a reality; inventing that reality may, reasonably, be of causality – linear thinking. This creates a preference
seen as normative; project management is close to an for closed cause–effect models, yet social systems and many
instrumental rationality view of the world – ‘‘rational natural systems are open. Seeking linear cause–effect rela-
action oriented to practical goals’’ [37]. Nevertheless, many tionships tends to atomise research. The search for com-
believe that the pursuit of such generalisations is futile [20], plete explanations becomes especially problematic.
arguing that the variety of different contexts is too great to Mending a car may be best approached in this way, but
allow for much to be said that is useful. Others however, restoring a violin would not be. Managing projects requires
conscious or not of the epistemological difficulties, have a more integrative, holistic understanding.
pursued the attempt to externalise lessons-learned and to Positivism has been dominant historically in research on
generalise practitioner insight and research findings: projects. It underpins the PMBOK GuideÒ. Positivism, in
its various forms, pursues generalisations in order to estab-
‘‘The trouble, of course, is determining at what point
lish principles or laws to govern its object. This might sug-
such (theoretical and conceptual) knowledge becomes
gest it is the most appropriate methodology for a
so generalised that it is of limited value, and at what point
practitioner-oriented discipline like project management.
it is so specific that it is no longer generalisable.’’ [35]
However, there are general and specific criticisms.
The difficulty is compounded by the range of disciplines A general criticism is the induction–deduction problem.
involved. Conceptual and theoretical diversity has some Positivism first used verification, proceeding by induction.
benefits, but connecting such a breadth of disciplines is When further evidence subsequently came to light con-
made much harder when and if authors fail to make expli- tradicting initial findings, the generalisations and laws
cit their theoretical, epistemological or methodological induced from research, were challenged. Falsification was
position – which, we contend, most fail so to do. Hence, Popper’s alternative, stating nothing can be proved posi-
everyone involved in trying to articulate knowledge in this tive, but ideas can be falsified where evidence no longer
area needs to be clear on their theoretical bases: the profes- support hypotheses [41]. A further variation retains ideas
sions in their bodies of knowledge; researchers in their where evidence does not support null-hypotheses, that is,
methodologies and methods [38]. a negative proposition. Popper’s causality is deductive
rather than inductive; however, many positivist project
3. Research methodology and philosophical underpinnings management researchers do not work deductively – there
is frequently an implicit normative agenda of what ought
This methodological problem has been faced before. to happen. Furthermore, many management models are
Geography does not have its own theory as a discipline, developed intuitively and through experiential learning,
spatial activity being understood through other theories rather than cognitive learning supported by empirical evi-
and concepts. That does not mean that space is benign. dence [42], thereby reinforcing normative agendas. Experi-
Indeed, space has powerful contextual effects upon the ential learning is inductive, and normative application is
way in which activities are worked out in practice. In geog- considered unacceptable in positivism. Positivist claims
raphy, Sayer argued that positivism neglected such contex- for objectivity are compromised. This is a problem occur-
tual effects or tended to infer too much from spatially-led ring to some extent in any research where the subject choice
analysis in efforts to identify generalisations and causal laws is value-laden, as in projects [43].
[39]. Management, and the management of projects specif- Normative agendas, which tend towards the search for
ically, faces a similar situation. pre-determined outcomes, are sometimes difficult to distin-
A critical awareness of the methodological implications guish from the instrumental approaches in positivism and
of the different paradigms and the different theories that empiricism. In such cases particular tools and techniques
underpin research on the management of projects is long may be developed for general application, proof of their
overdue. Just as the various BOKs can create self-fulfilling value being perceived successful application. Although in
perceptions and self-serving reinforcement amongst practi- practice follow-up research to substantiate claims of suc-
tioners as to what constitutes appropriate knowledge, so cess is infrequent. As critical management tends to point
too an uncritical use of methodology can create self-fulfill- out, despite many general tools being produced, success
ing perceptions and self-serving reinforcement amongst remains elusive [19].
academics [40]. The following section briefly addresses Many positivists construct models for general applica-
key epistemological aspects of dominant methodologies bility, which may be contingent in practice. Economists,
used in project research. for example, exclude factors to create closed systems.
Assumptions are made about such contingencies; models
3.1. Applying positivism and empiricism are built and tested; some excluded factors may be intro-
duced one at a time subsequently as variables. Recognition
Positivism and empiricism are closely aligned traditions. of problems with findings may lead to reintroducing such
First, we consider positivism, then empiricism, although variables, yet these are often not taken as challenges to
H.J. Smyth, P.W.G. Morris / International Journal of Project Management 25 (2007) 423–436 427

the model. An example is trust. Trust has been excluded an extent elsewhere [1], are not prevalent in the project
from the principles of economics in transaction cost analy- research literature reviewed below, hence will not be consid-
sis [18], although this view was marginally moderated sub- ered further in this paper. It is worth noting that many crit-
sequently [44]. Subsequently game theory reintroduced ical management theorists have switched from seeking
trust [45], yet retrospective introduction subsumed trust general towards seeking particular explanations. This fol-
under market forces rather than recognising the impor- lows a theoretical shift from theories employing reflexive
tance of some trusting behaviour being central in market and dialectic causality that sought general explanations
exchange. Thus tools and techniques are often applied towards postmodern thought based upon interpretative
from theory in ways that are out of balance with reality. methodologies that seek particular explanations – the
Project management research frequently investigates ‘‘PoMo’’ flip [48]. Sayer [39] argues that interpretative
models and concepts from other disciplines – Supply Chain explanations paradoxically tend to maintain the status quo
Management for example – the tendency being to apply the – they ultimately lead to division amongst researchers or
theory to project management without acknowledging the indifference amongst onlookers. While other methodologies
contextual nature of projects. This poses a serious dilemma may embrace the particular and need to do so, it is impor-
for positivist methodology. Positivist methodology is sim- tant not to loose sight of the importance of the general. This
ply unsuitable for addressing many project issues, except raises the question as to whether there is an epistemology
in the few cases where a simple closed system is in evidence, and methodologies that not only potentially embrace but
providing positivism is applied appropriately. require consideration of the general and the particular.
Empiricism acknowledges that insufficient is known
about something to conceptualise or generalise, hence the 3.3. Applying critical realism
facts are investigated to find the story. Empiricism takes a
number of different forms. It places primacy upon observa- In this section, critical realism is briefly introduced. It is
tion and data, usually seeking to observe without theory, not intended to explore this in any depth here – that is for
using evidence to induce generalisations and build theory. future exposition within the context of research projects.
As with positivism, there is a strong instrumentalist current, The aim is provide a few pointers to (i) show the possibility,
endeavouring to identify practices and tools that may prove and (ii) stimulate consideration of this option amongst
useful. Empiricism has been used where researchers are researchers pending further exposition.
trying to decouple themselves from existing belief systems Realism is a philosophy used in natural and social sci-
– theist or paradigmatic. It has been used where little or ences [49], which along with critical realism [50], includes
nothing is yet known, which is not the case concerning the an emphasis upon contextual conditions. Realism as a phi-
management of projects. The weakness can be an inability losophy also offers a methodology that neither seeks the
to clearly identify causal processes and hence explanations. particular nor the general, instead measuring causal powers
Empiricism can address context, and for this purpose in the essence of the object of study, according to structure
has application within any of the paradigms and BOKs. and mechanisms or processes. These powers are triggered
One approach to empiricism is case study research, which according to the contingent relations or contextual condi-
is used extensively in research in management and the man- tions that are external to the object. The strength is its abil-
agement of projects [13]. Single cases consider the particu- ity to engage with causality and complexity in context.
lar and/or are used to build theory from particular data to Objects of study are viewed ontologically, that is, in
apply more generally. Several cases offer opportunity to terms of their essence, which is understood as structured
compare-and-contrast – attention being given to the gen- and embodying powers and liabilities. These powers and
eral and particular. The case study approach can include properties of liabilities are causal in the sense that they
‘‘war stories’’ [46], which can introduce perception and have the capacity to cause certain sorts of effects – events
interpretation in method and link to hermeneutical or or outcomes. They are necessary for the events to be man-
interpretative methodologies. There is a link here to the ifested. The structure of the object of study is the first
grounded theory method [47], which also begins to intro- major departure from the deductive or inductive cause–
duce other methodologies by implication. effect relation. The object is structured in terms of concrete
and abstract elements and internal mechanisms or pro-
3.2. Other methodologies cesses that trigger the necessary powers and liabilities.
Examples of such structuring include material or physical
Hermeneutics or interpretative epistemologies, hence relations, physical–social relations, social relations, lan-
methodologies, cover a range of issues and methods, includ- guage as a structure and process [39]. (Indeed, language
ing aspects within grounded theory [47] and case-based has been cited as a structural barrier to moving away from
methods [46]. Hermeneutics or interpretative methodolo- linear and rationalistic thinking in managing projects [51].)
gies embrace ethnographic methods, phenomenology and Specific abstract project-related elements might include
other approaches are excellent for understanding percep- guidance from BOKs as abstract constructs. A specific pro-
tions, which are part of the particular, yet poor at address- ject mechanism or process might be how a BOK might
ing the general. These issues, which have been explored to influence method statement development.
428 H.J. Smyth, P.W.G. Morris / International Journal of Project Management 25 (2007) 423–436

gest whether researchers themselves pay sufficient

(epistemological) attention to the selection and application
of methodologies in research about projects?
To help answer this question, a sample of papers from
this journal was reviewed, namely those published in
2005. The findings may be marginally biased through the
selection of this journal, but it is assumed the choice of this
journal is both relevant, appropriate, and of interest to
Fig. 2. Realist causality.
readers. The review covered 68 papers, 8 editions, including
a special edition: the Sixth Biennial Conference of the
International Research Network for Organising by Projects
(IRNOP). The review considered:
Realism recognises the role of the external forces: the
contextual conditions. These mediate and filter the enacted
1. Whether the authors were looking for explanations that
causal powers and liabilities of the object of study in its
were general, particular or both;
environment. Hence final outcomes can be changed or
2. What research methodology was selected and whether
affected by these conditions, each of which may have their
this was made explicit;
own ontological states. If outcomes occur, the forms they
3. What research tools – the methods employed – were
will take depend upon the powers and liabilities of the con-
mobilised within the choice of methodology;
textual conditions (see Fig. 2). Thus a range of events or
4. Whether the authors explicitly reviewed their choice of
outcomes are possible:
methodology or methods to reflect the extent to which
their research was epistemologically robust and their
 General events that are not always replicated.
analysis and findings contribute to the understanding
 General events with particular features according to
of projects and their management.
 Particular events that are not replicated.
The findings are shown in Table 1. We found the
majority of authors – over 90% – did not make their
Critical realism recognises the value-laden nature of all
methodology explicit. This rendered categorisation diffi-
science and the interpretative nature of scientific endeavour
cult and some may contest our assessment, however, this
[52], and incorporates a normative viewpoint [53] for opti-
difficulty is simply a reflection of poor research practice
mising and addressing critical factors [54]. Realism asks in
(recognising many of us have fallen into this trap for
context how processes work, what produces change, and
practical reasons, such as word length). Many authors
what agents do [55].
used the term ‘methodology’ to mean ‘method’. The
Critical realist methodology accords closely with the
resultant focus on tools and techniques as ‘methodology’
working environment of projects. BOKs are trying in their
serves to obscure the philosophical, particularly epistemo-
distinctive ways to outline the necessary knowledge
logical, requirements of rigorous research, such as
required for managing projects, yet application of this
addressing context, causality and general–particular
knowledge cannot guarantee precise and predictable out-
explanations, relations to paradigms and knowledge
comes – effects. The intentions are sound and doubtless
frameworks (such as BOKs). It also encourages by
efforts will continue to get closer to the ‘ideal’ set of guid-
default researchers to omit reflecting upon methodologi-
ance and ‘best practice’; yet the ‘ideal’ will remain illusive,
cal choice and appropriateness as part of the review of
because projects typically carry uniqueness, asset specific-
their findings and analysis.
ity, and high levels of uncertainty. These contextual condi-
Positivism appears to have been the dominant research
tions are critical.
epistemology – over 66% in the sample. Positivism seeks
A primary weakness of critical realism is the way in
general explanations, yet some authors simultaneously
which researchers interpret its emphasis in application,
acknowledged context specificity, for example Crawford
not least to research. One realist who tends towards ‘struc-
turalism’ may critique others for being too ‘empiricist’ and
vice versa. Whilst there are weaknesses, this section has Another important issue in considering project manage-
provided pointers to the possibility of critical realism as ment competence is the nature of projects and the con-
an alternative for project research. text within which they are conducted.
Although a wide range of contextual, qualifications and
4. Recent research on projects experience factors were screened in logistic regression
analysis, only the level of organisational project man-
To what extent does our analysis have foundation? The agement maturity, country, role, application area of
coherence of the epistemological analysis hopefully pro- project and industry sector of organisation appeared in
vides part of the answer; but, what evidence is there to sug- the best reduced models.
Table 1
Review of methodology used in IJPM articles, 2005
Authors Edition Topic Context specificity Epistemology
General or Methodological Explicit Method Post-review of Post-review of
particular basis used method methodology
Crawford (1):7–16 Perceptions of Project managers General Positivist No Multiple choice testa No No

H.J. Smyth, P.W.G. Morris / International Journal of Project Management 25 (2007) 423–436
Garcia et al. (1):17–24 Decision-making Meeting efficiency General Interpretative No Ethnographic No No
Positivist Game theory
Bing et al. (1):25–35 Risk allocation in Public sector, UK General Positivist No Survey No No
PPP/PFI questionnaire
Sing and Tiong (1):37–44 Life cycle costing Bridges in General Positivist No Case studya Yes No
Xu et al. (1):45–53 Contractor China Both Empiricist No Pilot interviewsa No No
Shore and Cross (1):55–64 Culture Science projects General Positivist-cum- Yes Semi-structured No No
interpretative Interviewsa
Case studies
Deakins and (1):65–74 Product/service e-commerce General Empiricist No Case study No No
Dillon innovation
van Donk and (1):75–83 Knowledge inventory Project knowledge General Positivist No Case study Yes No
Riezebos Survey
Partington et al. (2):87–95 Management Programme Particular Interpretative Yes Phenomenography Yes No
competence Management Observation,
Shi et al. (2):97–107 Human decisions Simulation General Positivist No Conceptual No No
Case study
Wang and Liu (2):109–120 Subcontractor Schedule control General Positivist No Conceptual No No
management modeling
Case study
Mavrotas et al. (2):121–133 Cash flow forecasting EU Programme in General Positivist No Public data Yes No
Eden et al. (2):135–139 Project cost overruns Time and delays Particular Empiricist No Comparative No No
Winch and (2):141–149 Project planning Negotiation General Empiricist-cum- No Case study No No
Kelsey critical social Interviews
Cheah and Ting (2):151–158 Value engineering Southeast Asia General Positivist No Survey No No
Labuschagne (2):159–168 Sustainable Project life cycle General Structural No Conceptual No No
and Brent management abstraction
Wang et al. (3):173–180 Leadership Team performance General Positivist No Survey Yes No
(continued on next page)

Table 1 (continued)
Authors Edition Topic Context specificity Epistemology
General or Methodological Explicit Method Post-review of Post-review of
particular basis used method methodology

H.J. Smyth, P.W.G. Morris / International Journal of Project Management 25 (2007) 423–436
Milosevic and (3):181–192 Standardized project High velocity Both Empiricist Yes Case study No No
Patanakul management firms Positivist Survey
Danilovic and (3):193–203 Project uncertainty Relationships Both Interpretative- Partial Dependency No No
Sandkull Social matricesa
Action research
Parker and (3):205–214 Management Project life cycle General Positivist No Survey No No
Skitmore turnover questionnaire
Cioffi (3):215–222 Project management Ecological S-curve General Positivist No S-curve application Yes No
Maheswari and (3):223–230 Project scheduling Dependency General Ontology No Example/Analogy No No
Varghese Structure Matrix
Willoughby (3):231–236 Process improvement Owner-supplier General Empiricist-cum- No Interviews No No
relationships interpretative
Diallo and (3):237–252 Trust and African General Positivist No Survey Yes No
Thuillier communication perspective questionnairea
Dvir (4):257–265 Handover Defense projects General Positivist No Survey No No
Israel questionnairea
Trietsch (4):267–274 Project buffers Estimation bias General Positivist Yes Conceptual No No
Yang (4):275–282 Cost estimations Elements of offices General Positivist No Historic data Yes No
Iyer and Jha (4):283–295 Cost performance India General Positivist No Survey No No
Dillibahu and (4):297–307 Cost estimation Software General Positivist No Survey Yes No
Krishnaiah questionnairea
Al-Reshaid and (4):309–320 Prequalification and D&B General Empiricist No Case study No No
Kartam tendering
Public sector Kuwait
Olander and (4):321–328 Stakeholder Sweden Both Empiricism with No Case studies No No
Landin management positivist
Teo et al. (4):329–341 Site safety Project General Positivist No Survey Yes No
management questionnaire
Artto and (5):343–353 Definition of project Firm General Positivist No Bibliometrica No No
Wikstom business Network analysis
Cova and Salle (5):354–359 Marketing-project Interdisciplinary General Interpretative No Conceptual No No
management synthesis
Brady et al. (5):360–365 Integrated solutions Value creation General Empiricist No Interviews No No
Case studies
Gemunden (5):366–373 Project autonomy NPD General Positivist No Survey No No
et al. questionnaire
Ruuska and (5):374–379 Knowledge sharing Project General Positivist No Case studies No No
Vartiainen organisations Survey
Alderman et al. (5):380–385 Sense-making within Complex project Particular Empiricist-cum- No Single case study No No
projects interpretative Qualitative
Dietrich and (5):386–391 Strategic intention Project success General Positivist No Survey No No
Lehtonen questionnaire
Hellstrom and (5):392–397 Modularity Instability General Empiricist No Case studies No No

H.J. Smyth, P.W.G. Morris / International Journal of Project Management 25 (2007) 423–436
Muller and (5):398–403 Principal-agent Contract type Both Structural No Conceptual linkage No No
Turner problem
Kujala and (5):404–409 Customer US and Finland Particular Empiricist No Case studies Yes No
Ahola satisfaction Triangulation
Manning (5):410–414 Organisational forms Stability– General Positivist/ No Structural network No No
flexibility empiricist Case study
Linderoth and (5):415–420 IT Change projects Particular Interpretative Yes Ethnographic No No
Wadeson (6):421–427 Information search Solutions General Positivist No Conceptual model No No
Yu et al. (6):428–436 Project value Execution and General Positivist No Conceptual No No
operation modelling
Taylor (6):437–444 Risk management IT project Both Positivist-cum- No Interviews No No
Hong Kong empiricist
Eskerod and (6):445–453 Staffing renewal Project teams General Positivist No Survey No No
Jepsen questionnairea
Case study
Zwikael et al. (6):454–462 Cultural differences Japan and Israel Particular Positivist No Survey No No
Chen and Chen (6):463–473 Supply chain Taiwan General Positivist No Case studies Yes No
payment Survey
Uher and (6):474–482 Adjuication Payment Both Positivist No Survey Yes No
Brand legislation questionnaire
Dzeng and Wen (6):483–491 Project teaming Taipei 101 Particular Positivist No Case studya No No
Fuzzy Delphi
Eskerod and (7):495–503 Changing team Project life cycle General Empiricist with No Case study No No
Blichfeldt membership positivist
Fung et al. (7):504–512 Safety Culture, Hong General Positivist No Survey No No
Kong questionnairea
Gutierrez and (7):513–523 Managing Information Particular Empiricist No Case studies No No
Friedman expectations systems
Reyck et al. (7):524–537 Portfolio IT projects General Positivist No Survey No No
management questionnairea
Elhag et al. (7):538–545 Tendering costs Quantity General Positivist No Survey No No
surveying questionnairea
(continued on next page)

Table 1 (continued)
Authors Edition Topic Context specificity Epistemology

H.J. Smyth, P.W.G. Morris / International Journal of Project Management 25 (2007) 423–436
General or Methodological Explicit Method Post-review of Post-review of
particular basis used method methodology
Yand and (7):546–553 Repetitive projects Resource constraints General Positivist No Case studies Yes No
Wu et al. (7):554–563 Design change Change Both Empiricist-cum- No Case studies No No
management positivist
Taiwanese highways
Mahdi and (7):564–572 Procurement routes Client type General Positivist No Survey No No
Alreshaid questionnaire
Whitty (8):575–583 Knowledge processes PM paradigm Both Positivist No Evolutionary Yes No
Barber (8):584–590 Internally generated 9 projects General Positivist No Group workshops No No
risks Interviews
Kutsch and (8):591–599 Risk management IT projects Both Empiricist No Semi-structureda No No
Hall interviews
Wang (8):600–610 Project duration Soft activity links General Positivist No Simulation No No
Beach et al. (8):611–621 Partnering Supply chains General Positivist No Survey No No
Bryde and (8):622–629 Project success Past research General Positivist No Survey No No
Robinson questionnaire
Chan and Yu (8):630–639 Design management D&B, Hong Kong General Empiricist No Survey No No
Wierschem and (8):640–649 IT projects Universities General Positivist No Survey No No
Johnston questionnairea
Method incorrectly labelled ‘methodology’ in the article, the definition of methodology being, ‘‘a system of methods that is informed by philosophy, particularly epistemology’’, and method being,
‘‘the detailed approach and tools used to undertake specific research’’ in this article. [56].
H.J. Smyth, P.W.G. Morris / International Journal of Project Management 25 (2007) 423–436 433

Examination of other contextual variables in tree analy- of relating different research outputs is made more difficult.
sis revealed indications that those project personnel Similarly it can be difficult to relate research within para-
working on projects that are quite different from one digms and evaluate how outputs contribute to paradig-
another and where either the goals or the methods or matic development, and hence to the theories and
both are not well defined at the start of a project, are concepts being drawn upon. It also hinders relating
more likely to be perceived by supervisors as top research to the BOKs and using findings to develop BOKs.
performers. The combined effect is to potentially to hold back progress
in developing the fields of project research and practice,
This shows that analysing context and attributing cau-
whether operating within the paradigms of theory and
sality is difficult using positivism. Across a number of
practice or offering an external critique, as given by critical
papers there was a lack of evidence of understanding or
integrity of methodological application. For example, pos-
These conclusions have been demonstrated epistemolog-
itivism was applied in six papers taking a case study
ically and through review of a selection of methodologies
approach [58]. Several articles applied positivism using a
and methods evidenced in the review sample. There is a
single case [59]. This is methodologically contradictory.
lack of epistemological care taken in the selection and
Many authors using positivism generated questions and
application of research methodologies.
hypotheses geared to improving practice, hence the
Epistemological issues that address context, and which
research was conceptually underpinned by a normative
seek both general and particular explanations, are not typ-
agenda [53], which goes beyond the scope of instrumental
ically found in the positivist or empiricist traditions, so it is
methods within the tradition and hence contradicts the
perhaps surprising that they remain so dominant. It is rel-
methodology. The majority of authors using positivism
atively easy to apply positivist and empiricist methods
tested propositions or hypotheses in the affirmative, per-
mechanistically once learned. It is perhaps surprising that
haps wishing to feed their underlying normative agenda
critical realism, which addresses both the general and the
[59], although the boundary line with determining instru-
particular, seems so under-applied. Critical realism philo-
ments and normative agendas are sometimes unclear and
sophically places research endeavour in context in theory
authors fail to make their epistemology and methodology
and practice, hence encouraging critical evaluation and
explicit. Whilst we do not have a problem with a positive
reflection on research endeavours.
approach, nor with normative theory, positivism as an
We conclude that while one of the current features of
approach has a problem with both, as it is primarily con-
research output is its diverse nature, which is to be theoret-
cerned with what is rather than what ought to be, as we
ically welcomed, the current absence of transparent and
saw above: it is not possible to assert absolute proof
robust methodological application is hindering progress
deductively, but only absolute proof of what is not –
and tending to obscure weaknesses in methodology selec-
tion and in integrity of application.
Empiricist-based methodology was used in about 22%
of the papers, although some papers could be classified as
instrumental variants of positivism. As would be expected Acknowledgement
there was variation in seeking general and particular expla-
nations. Theory building and conceptual development, We wish to thank John Kelsey from the Bartlett at UCL
however, was not a prevalent outcome, affirming an instru- for valuable comments on an intermediary re-draft.
mental leaning. Table 1 also shows that other methodolog-
ical bases appeared in less than 10% of the papers, for References
example critical realism did not appear in 2005.
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55–64; [57] Crawford, see [56], p. 11.
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in Hong Kong vendor-driven IT projects. 2005;(6):437–44; Africa, Eskerod and Blichfeldt try to generalize from a single case
Teo EAI, Ling FYY, Chong AFW. Framework for project managers concerning changing project team membership [62], and Sing and
to manage construction safety. 2005;(4):329–41; Tiong try to generalise on life cycle costing from a single case of a
Trietsch D. The effect of systemic errors on optimal project buffers. bridge for Myanmar, which in this instance they admit as being
2005;(4):267–74; ‘‘somewhat crude and imprecise’’ (p. 43), see [56].

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