Book S Lessons Vocabulary Grammar Function Reading

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1. 1. A 1. A typical American 1.3 Oral 1.2 Reading: We all came to America
Book typical 1.1. Vocabulary. presentation
31 American 1.1.1. Immigration

1.4 1.4 Immigrants at Ellis Island 1.6 Writing: An essay on Reflection and 1.4.1 Reading: Immigration today
Immigrants 1.5 Vocabulary: Idioms immigration Analisis
at Ellis Thought-provoking, melting pot,
Island blend into, salad bowl,
intertwine, barge, outstretched, immigration
beckon, disenfranchised,
homeland, ancestral,
forefathers’, loftiest, abject,
ballast, bow, gravel, logs, (be)
herded, pens, enclosures,
bewildering, forbade, prospects,
indelible, decay, body politic,
wretched, teeming, joyous,
tempest tossed, storm weary,
ailments, extoll, streaming,
prescreened, streamlined,
forgery-proof, public charges,
goes on and on, in hand, line up,
in order.

2. The Respite, frenzy, embedded, 2.3 Reading: Declaring the spirit of a people
American psyche, myriad, incarnation,
Spirit. harried, frazzled, tapping,
yearning, allure, alienated,
bucolic, connote, foray,
etiquette, makeshift, outskirts.
2.1 1.5 Vocabulary 2.4 Proyecto escrito Critical thinking
Contrasting sobre los picnics used-picnic&seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents
Idioms : Cut across, hold
cultural one’s own, break out, come of
traits. age, school of thought, set
aside, harbor of stability, pot-
luck, in large part, fast food
Oral exam:
 Enviromental problem (9.Our environment)

Using the vocabulary from lesson 1, book 25 talk about an enviromental problem.
Individual, 4:30 minutes
Due date: April 24th- 25th
*Description of the problem
*Think and explain posible soutions
*What has been done to try to solve the problem? 
 Ships (10. Ships and submarines)
Using the vocabulary from lesson 2, book 25 talk about a ship or submarine.
Individual, 3:00 minutes
Due date: April 3rd- 4th
*Name, description
*Type of ship ( freshwater, mechant ship, naval vessel)
*Design considerations
*Repair and conservation
*End of service
*Ship pollution
*Important facts

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