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Test on unit 7

Name : ...…………………………... Mark: ………………….

A ) Listening ( 12 Marks )
1. Listen and circle the word with the short vowel : [ 6 Marks ]
1 2 3 4
sit knit beet sun
see kite pen blue
2. Listen and complete with one word : [ 6 Marks ]
1. Ali…………….. have any soup.
2. How…………….. are these?
3. They are one pound ……………...
4. The cats and …………….. have caps.

B ) Reading ( 12 Marks )

3. Read and tick True or False : [ 4 Marks ]

True False
1. He has some perfume.
2. She has some shampoo.
3. He has some money.
4. She doesn't have any soap

4. Read and circle the odd one : [ 4 Marks ]

1. cat cap bee duck
2. this his that these
3. cheap late nice time
4. shampoo perfume chips soap
5. Choose the correct answer from a , b or c : [ 4 Marks ]
1. There's a lot of medicine at the ……………..
a ) Pet shop b ) chemist c ) chemist's
2. I don't have …………….. money in my purse .
a ) some b ) any c ) an
3. My head hurts. I want some ……………...
a ) Make-up b ) shampoo c ) medicine
4. The cats are …………….. the mat .
a ) to b ) in c ) on

C - Writing ( 16 Marks )
6. Look and answer the questions [ 6 Marks ]

1. What is that? 2. What does she want?

..................................................................... .....................................................................

3. What are these? 4. Is it medicine?

..................................................................... .....................................................................
7. Look and write THREE sentences : [ 6 Marks ]
8. Punctuate the following : [ 4 Marks ]
ali and ahmed don t have any money
Test on unit 8
Name : ...…………………………... Mark: ………………….

A ) Listening ( 12 Marks )
1. Listen and circle the word with the short vowel : [ 6 Marks ]
1 2 3 4
bee egg bush case
duck eat beach box
2. Listen and complete with one word : [ 6 Marks ]
1. There are glasses under the …………………
2. The nurses eat ………………… with the witches.
3. Don't drop …………………
4. I'm ………………… . Where is the bin?

B ) Reading ( 12 Marks )

3. Read and tick True or False : [ 4 Marks ]

True False
1. There is some wild life.
2. There are some trees.
3. There are two boys.
4. There is some grass.

4. Read and circle the odd one : [ 4 Marks ]

1. tree sand grass plant
2. feel look snow sleep
3. beach orange apple banana
4. witch nurse girl beach
5. Choose the correct answer from a , b or c : [ 4 Marks ]
1. ………………… is the bin?
a ) Where b ) How c ) watch
2. …………………. drop litter.
a ) Doesn't b ) Don't c ) Have
3. What are you ………………… for?
a ) look b ) looks c ) looking
4. There is ………………… grass.
a) a b ) some c ) any

C - Writing ( 16 Marks )
6. Look and answer the questions [ 6 Marks ]

1. Can you see snow? 2. Where is the bin?

..................................................................... .....................................................................

3. What are they doing? 4. Is he listening to music?

..................................................................... .....................................................................
7. Look and write THREE sentences : [ 6 Marks ]
8. Punctuate the following : [ 4 Marks ]
mona and kareem s class is on a trip
Test on Unit 9

1. Listen and circle the word with the short vowel :

1 2 3 4
tree in hot prune
pen price broom up

2. Listen and complete with one word :

1. What about some ……………………………………………..………..?

2. I am not ……………………………………………..……….

3. ……………………………………………….……….there any books?

4. I like ……………………………………………..……….very much.

3. Read and tick True or False :

True False

1. They are at the chemist's.

2. They are in the kitchen.

3. There is some pepper.

4. There is some sand.

4. Read and circle the odd one :

1. spaghetti hot pickles mushroom

2. what good how where

3. cheese strawberry apple peach

4. Tuesday there Wednesday Thursday

5. Choose the correct answer from a , b or c :

1. Is there any ……………………………………….……..……….

a ) salt b ) pickles c ) carrots
2. …………………………………………………..……….it isn't.
a ) No b ) Yes c ) Where
3. Where ………………………….………………..……….the butter?
a ) are b ) have c ) is
4. Let's …………………………………..………..……….to the shops.
a ) goes b ) go c ) going
6 Look and answer the questions

1. Do you like chocolate? 2. What is this?

………………………………………………………………………………….……..………. ………………………………………………………………………………….……..……….

3. Is there any hot sauce? 4. Are there any pickles?

………………………………………………………………………………….……..………. ………………………………………………………………………………….……..……….

7. Look and write THREE sentences :




8. Punctuate the following :

let s play at 7 o clock

Test on unit 10
Name : ...…………………………... Mark: ………………….

A ) Listening ( 12 Marks )
1. Listen and circle the word with the short vowel : [ 6 Marks ]
1 2 3 4
now puppy drum cross
look pound purse cry
2. Listen and complete with one word : [ 6 Marks ]
1. ……………….. ticket is this?
2. What ……………….. does it start?
3. Shaimaa wasn't at the ………………..
4. The tree is next to the ………………..

B ) Reading ( 12 Marks )

3. Read and tick True or False : [ 4 Marks ]

True False
1. She is sleeping.
2. She is at the hospital.
3. She is playing.
4. She is crying.

4. Read and circle the odd one : [ 4 Marks ]

1. hospital cinema start bookshop
2. crayon was pen pencil
3. creek truck van car
4. ask go trade drum
5. Choose the correct answer from a , b or c : [ 4 Marks ]
1. She can ……………….. a car.
a ) wear b ) drive c ) eat
2. The crabs ……………….. the creek.
a ) ask b ) buy c ) cross
3. My father ……………….. at the restaurant.
a ) was b ) were c ) are
4. We get milk at the …………………
a ) cinema b ) bookshop c ) department store

C - Writing ( 16 Marks )
6. Look and answer the questions [ 6 Marks ]

1. Where does he work? 2. Were they at the hospital?

..................................................................... .....................................................................

3. Was she at the cinema? 4. What is this?

..................................................................... .....................................................................
7. Look and write THREE sentences : [ 6 Marks ]
8. Punctuate the following : [ 4 Marks ]
abdo doesn t live in damietta
Test on unit 11
Name : ...…………………………... Mark: ………………….

A ) Listening ( 12 Marks )
1. Listen and circle the word with the short vowel : [ 6 Marks ]
1 2 3 4
bye flake hall on
slug have hot side
2. Listen and complete with one word : [ 6 Marks ]
1. ………………… bored.
2. I'll ………………… for the ball.
3. The ………………… sleeps on the slide.
4. He wasn't ………………… the garden.

B ) Reading ( 12 Marks )

3. Read and tick True or False : [ 4 Marks ]

True False
1. This is a kitchen.
2. There is a bed.
3. This is a bathroom.
4. I wash my hands here.

4. Read and circle the odd one : [ 4 Marks ]

1. sleep slow play float
2. kitchen fourteen bathroom bedroom
3. hall thirsty bored small
4. Wednesday Friday elephant Monday
5. Choose the correct answer from a , b or c : [ 4 Marks ]
1. ………………… wasn't in the hall.
a) I b ) They c ) You
2. You ………………… to clean the kitchen.
a ) has b ) was c ) have
3. We eat in the …………………
a ) bedroom b ) dining room c ) garage
4. Let's ………………… a new bag.
a ) buying b ) buy c ) is buying

C - Writing ( 16 Marks )
6. Look and answer the questions [ 6 Marks ]

1. Where do you sleep? 2. What is this?

..................................................................... .....................................................................

3. Was she in the kitchen 4. Were they in the bathroom?

..................................................................... .....................................................................
7. Look and write THREE sentences : [ 6 Marks ]
8. Punctuate the following : [ 4 Marks ]
ahmed and i weren t eating
Test on unit 12
Name : ...…………………………... Mark: ………………….

A ) Listening ( 12 Marks )
1. Listen and circle the word with the short vowel : [ 6 Marks ]
1 2 3 4
brush smile cook my
Spain number bake pen
2. Listen and complete with one word : [ 6 Marks ]
1. ……………….., it isn't.
2. That's …………………
3. ……………….. idea.
4. I can ……………….. my teeth.

B ) Reading ( 12 Marks )

3. Read and tick True or False : [ 4 Marks ]

True False
1. They are cleaning the room.
2. There are three girls.
3. They are dancing.
4. The boy is playing.

4. Read and circle the odd one : [ 4 Marks ]

1. cooked played dance cleaned
2. nine snail eight five
3. teeth arm eye piano
4. Marwa Esraa Tuesday Ali
5. Choose the correct answer from a , b or c : [ 4 Marks ]
1. I didn't ………………… the piano.
a ) practised b ) practise c ) practises
2. Did Ameen ………………… the cookies
a) b) c)
3. Is ………………… 2348769?
a ) this b ) these c ) those
4. Samar ………………… her friend yesterday.
a) b) c)

C - Writing ( 16 Marks )
6. Look and answer the questions [ 6 Marks ]

1. What did she do? 2. Did they watch TV?

..................................................................... .....................................................................

3. Is he reading? 4. Did you clean your room?

..................................................................... .....................................................................
7. Look and write THREE sentences : [ 6 Marks ]
8. Punctuate the following : [ 4 Marks ]
naser and islam didn t go to the cinema

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