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AXA Solutions Kit Performance Assessment


Presenter’s Name Evaluator Date

Start Time: End Time: Passing Score is 67 points –

__________ ____________ Maximum Score is 96 points

Scoring Guide:

Each presenter will conduct the whole presentation in 30 minutes or less. Assessors must check if the presenter did each
step of the presentation by following the instructions (instructions are italicized) and delivered the mandatory spiels (in
bold font) for each step and provide necessary scores and observation at each sales step. Assessment standards are
provided to Evaluator and presenter must be scored according to the set standards. Presenter must achieve a rating of at
least a "2" on each criterion to demonstrate competence.

Rating Scales
For Completeness:
▪ 0 / NO POINT – Presenter skipped the stage and/or information is misrepresented and incorrect and/or did not meet
the requirement

▪ 1 POINT - Presenter was able to deliver MOST of the parts of the mandatory script. May miss out a few phrases but
shouldn’t lose the essence of that part of the presentation.

▪ 2 POINTS - Presenter was able to deliver ALL parts of the mandatory script, was able to use the script completely.

For Impact:

▪ Plus 1 POINT – Presenter was able to deliver the script with IMPACT. Adhered to the prescribed flow of presentation and
wordings. He / she may even inject additional information that is relevant to the presentation.

▪ Maximum Score is 3
Stage Script Assessment Score and
Standards and ObservaUon
Part 1 IntroducKon of Self Good morning Mr. Santos. My name is (full For Completeness:
name) and I am a financial (advisor/ 0 – did not deliver
execu4ve) of AXA Philippines. Here is my
business card. 1 – delivered MOSTLY the
highlighted words

Thank you for accep>ng my invita>on to 2 – delivered ALL the

meet you today. highlighted words

How do you want me to address you? For Impact:

1 – delivered the script
“(Name of client), I’m grateful that (name of with IMPACT and injected
referrer) asked me to give you a call as he/ addiUonal informaUon
relevant to the
she felt that I might be of service to you. But, presentaUon
I have no way of knowing how I could be of
help and that is why I insisted on this Maximum Score is 3
appointment ”

Part 2 Reason for the Call I’m sure from the >me I called you, you’re For Completeness:
probably thinking that I’m going to sell you 0 – did not deliver
something, right? But what I am going to do
is tell you why people con>nually avail of our 1 – delivered MOSTLY the
highlighted words
services. And, if at the end of this mee4ng,
you feel that you don’t have a need for it, 2 – delivered ALL the
just let me know and I won’t bother you highlighted words
again. Fair enough?
For Impact:
I will be sharing simple concepts on financial 1 – delivered the script
planning that will help you iden4fy your with IMPACT and injected
financial priori4es. addiUonal informaUon
relevant to the

Maximum Score is 3
Part 3 Request for Personal In order for us to have a meaningful For Completeness:
InformaKon discussion, I will be asking you a few 0 – did not deliver
ques4ons and you might find some of them
personal. I assure you, any informa4on you 1 – delivered MOSTLY the
highlighted words
provide will be treated with utmost
confiden4ality. 2 – delivered ALL the
highlighted words
Lastly, if you find this beneficial, I’m sure you
would be happy to recommend me to your For Impact:
family and close friends. Don't keep me a 1 – delivered the script
secret. with IMPACT and injected
addiUonal informaUon
relevant to the
Shall we proceed?” presentaUon
(point to the cover page)
Maximum Score is 3

Part 4 IntroducKon of Dreams Mr. Santos, everyone has dreams in life. We For Completeness:
dream of a beJer life for ourselves and our 0 – did not deliver
family and we hope that these dreams
become reality for us, am I right Mr. Santos, 1 – delivered MOSTLY the
highlighted words
If I may ask, when was the last 4me your
dreams came true? 2 – delivered ALL the
highlighted words
(Listen to client’s response).
Right now, what are your biggest dreams? For Impact:
(Remember client’s response, as this can be 1 – delivered the script
your anchor when handling objec>ons and with IMPACT and injected
closing the sale – advisor must show addiUonal informaUon
relevant to the
empathy to client’s response). presentaUon

Here in AXA, we strive to make our client’s Maximum Score is 3

dreams a reality.
Part 5 IntroducKon of AXA (open folder and point to Who We Are page) For Completeness:
I’d like to introduce to you our company. 0 – did not deliver

AXA, is a Global Leader in financial 1 – delivered MOSTLY the

highlighted words
protec4on based in Paris, France. It has
been recognized as the #1 insurance brand 2 – delivered ALL the
by Interbrand, the world's leading brand highlighted words
consultancy firm, for 8 consecu>ve years and
has been making its presence known in 64 For Impact:
countries across Europe, North America and 1 – delivered the script
Asia-Pacific. At present, AXA has over 103 with IMPACT and injected
million customers worldwide, 166,000 addiUonal informaUon
relevant to the
employees and exclusive distributors. presentaUon

In the country, AXA partnered with Maximum Score is 3

Metrobank, the second largest bank and
recognized as the strongest bank in the
Philippines by The Asian Banker.

AXA Philippines ranks among the top life

insurance companies. We help individuals
and businesses with their Life Protec>on,
Educa>on, Investment and Re>rement needs.
Offering financial protec>on to more than
800,000 individuals through our group and
individual life insurance products.
Part 6 Why plan for your (point to Why Plan for your Future page) For Completeness:
future As you know Mr. Santos, we all go through 0 – did not deliver
different stages in our lives. From being
1 – delivered MOSTLY the
single, to married, from having kids to highlighted words
sending them to school, from re4rement to
sustaining ourselves through old age. In 2 – delivered ALL the
highlighted words
each stage, we have different financial
needs and priori4es. For Impact:
1 – delivered the script with
IMPACT and injected
addiUonal informaUon
relevant to the presentaUon

Maximum Score is 3
Part 7 Introduce each Life Point to Singles: For Completeness:
Stage Single persons would desire to have the 0 – did not deliver
luxuries in life for themselves (e.g. up-to-
date gadgets, bags, travel and leisure). 1 – delivered MOSTLY the
highlighted words

Point to Married: 2 – delivered ALL the

Married individuals would desire for highlighted words
security and comfort. They would want to
have a house of their own, a car, savings for For Impact:
emergencies, etc. 1 – delivered the script
with IMPACT and injected
Point to Married w/ kids: addiUonal informaUon
relevant to the
Priori>es further change when there are presentaUon
other dependents in the family. The focus
would be to provide for the kids. Therefore, Maximum Score is 3
the desire of the parents is to be able to
send the kids to good schools.

Point to Mature Family and Pre-re>rement:

When the kids are all grown-up and the
parents are about to re4re, parents desire
to have a comfortable life, doing those
things that they now have the 4me for.

Part 8 Explore client’s dreams Which stage are you in right now? For Completeness:
(Must be able to connect stage to the answer 0 – did not deliver
men>oned by client when advisor asked
earlier - what is your biggest dream?) 1 – delivered MOSTLY the
highlighted words

Earlier you've menKoned that your biggest 2 – delivered ALL the

dream is to __________. Can you tell me highlighted words
more about it?
For Impact:
I agree Mr. Santos that what you've 1 – delivered the script
menUoned is a typical dream of someone at with IMPACT and injected
your life stage. addiUonal informaUon
relevant to the

Maximum Score is 3
Part 9 What we can do That is why, as a financial advisor, I help For Completeness:
people like you, iden>fy their financial 0 – did not deliver
priori>es then create an individually designed
1 – delivered MOSTLY the
solu>on according to their needs. highlighted words

I also help them improve their net worth and 2 – delivered ALL the
highlighted words
protect them against any form of risk.
For Impact:
I also help my clients integrate an overall 1 – delivered the script with
plan in managing their money, minimizing IMPACT and injected
addiUonal informaUon
their expenses, and maximizing their cash
relevant to the presentaUon
Maximum Score is 3
That is why my role as your Financial
Advisor is to help you get closer to your

To achieve this, allow me to:

▪ Determine your life stage priori4es

▪ Redefine the meaning and importance

of insurance in your life

▪ Examine the type of financial protec4on

you need

▪ Assist you with your financial needs

progress yearly

▪ Make sure that your dreams become


▪ Start your journey to financial security


How does this sound to you, Mr. Santos?

Part 10 How to achieve (open folder and point to How to Achieve For Completeness:
financial security Financial Security page) 0 – did not deliver

Together we can FailProof Your Future and 1 – delivered MOSTLY the

highlighted words
achieve your dreams simply by knowing
what you want and knowing what you 2 – delivered ALL the
have. Then we must bridge this gap through highlighted words
budge4ng and managing your expenses.
For Impact:
Through our exper4se and your 1 – delivered the script
commitment, we can create a plan to help with IMPACT and injected
you achieve a financially secure future. addiUonal informaUon
relevant to the
So, what are the things we should plan for?
Maximum Score is 3

Part 11 Expected and Open FNA folder to show EXPECTED and For Completeness:
unexpected events UNEXPECTED: 0 – did not deliver

1 – delivered MOSTLY the

We are in the business of SAVINGS to highlighted words
prepare for the expected events; and
PROTECTION to address unexpected events. 2 – delivered ALL the
highlighted words

For Impact:
This business is all about (Lig flap) Building 1 – delivered the script with
your Wealth and (Lig flap) Sustaining your IMPACT and injected
addiUonal informaUon
relevant to the presentaUon

Maximum Score is 3
Part 12 Expected events (Focus on building wealth flap) For Completeness:
0 – did not deliver
We build wealth when we save up for the
educa4on of our children and our 1 – delivered MOSTLY the
highlighted words
re4rement (point to educa>on and
re>rement). 2 – delivered ALL the
highlighted words

(point to how you think about savings) For Impact:

However most dreams fail due to lack of 1 – delivered the script
discipline because we only save a^er we with IMPACT and injected
spend. addiUonal informaUon
relevant to the
(open and point to how you should think
about savings) Maximum Score is 3
But the correct a_tude should be, we save
FIRST and then spend what is le^. Regularly
saving a fixed amount will help you plan for
educa4on and your re4rement.

Allow me to show you how important it is to

plan these.
(close expected need - building wealth flap)

Part 13 EducaKon (point to Educa>on) For Completeness:

0 – did not deliver
According to Dr. JeaneJe Tucker,
1 – delivered MOSTLY the
highlighted words
“Educa4on is valuable throughout your life,
and the achievements you make today can 2 – delivered ALL the
determine the salaries you earn over a highlighted words
For Impact:
1 – delivered the script
with IMPACT and injected
addiUonal informaUon
relevant to the

Maximum Score is 3
Part 14 ReKrement (point to Re>rement) For Completeness:
0 – did not deliver
According to Robert Orben
1 – delivered MOSTLY the
highlighted words
“Re4rement does not change our lives that
much. The biggest difference is that all 2 – delivered ALL the
those things you never had the 4me to do highlighted words
now, become all those things you don’t
have the money to do.” For Impact:
1 – delivered the script
with IMPACT and injected
addiUonal informaUon
relevant to the

Maximum Score is 3
Part 15 Unexpected events (open flap and focus on SUSTAINING LIFE) For Completeness:
0 – did not deliver
But it’s not only the expected events we
should prepare for. We should also prepare 1 – delivered MOSTLY the
highlighted words
for the unexpected events (point to
unexpected events). 2 – delivered ALL the
highlighted words
We sustain life when we protect the future
income of our loved ones (point to income For Impact:
protec>on) and ensure we are ready for any 1 – delivered the script
health emergencies (point to health). with IMPACT and injected
addiUonal informaUon
relevant to the
(open flap unexpected events)
Our LIFE has an IF in the middle.
Maximum Score is 3
(open hidden message from L flap)
It is either we live too long with disability

(open hidden message from E flap)

or expire early.

These events are unexpected, we don’t

know when this will happen to us.

That’s why we need to have enough savings

to sustain us through old age, funds for
medical expenses and replacement of income
for our family when we are no longer around.
Part 16 Income ProtecKon (close unexpected events flap and point to For Completeness:
Income Protec>on) 0 – did not deliver

1 – delivered MOSTLY the

According to the World Health Organiza4on highlighted words
in 2008; Out of 100 People now aged 25,
2 – delivered ALL the
highlighted words
▪ 8 Will not reach age 55
For Impact:
▪ 12 Will not reach age 60 1 – delivered the script with
IMPACT and injected
▪ 17 Will not reach age 65 addiUonal informaUon
relevant to the presentaUon

▪ 25 Will not reach age 70 Maximum Score is 3

Part 17 Health (point to Health) For Completeness:

Although this is not all bad new because. 0 – did not deliver
According to the Na4onal Objec4ves for
1 – delivered MOSTLY the
Health Philippines. highlighted words

Life expectancy of Filipinos will con4nue to 2 – delivered ALL the

highlighted words
improve because of advances in medical
science, public health and nutri4on. For Impact:
1 – delivered the script with
This implies that more people will reach old IMPACT and injected
addiUonal informaUon
relevant to the presentaUon

This may also mean that they will be living Maximum Score is 3
with disability, which requires expensive
medical aJen4on.
Part 18 Four Basic Needs A^er seeing these FOUR basic needs, and For Completeness:
considering your big dream that you 0 – did not deliver
men>oned earlier, what do you now
consider your number one priority? 1 – delivered MOSTLY the
highlighted words
(Before the advisor starts to discuss the
infographic por>on of the iden>fied priority. 2 – delivered ALL the
LISTEN to the client’s response, empathize, highlighted words
validate and summarize the client’s
responses as advisor can use this to anchor For Impact:
during the closing stage). 1 – delivered the script
with IMPACT and injected
addiUonal informaUon
relevant to the
Why is it important to you to prepare for the presentaUon
iden>fied top priority?
Maximum Score is 3
(Use value based value based selling - why is
it important to you ques>oning – create a
mental picture why you are planning for it)

What do you want to happen during

_________ (child's college years, your
re>rement, when you get sick, in case of your
demise – create a mental picture of the ideal
state in client's mind).

What would it mean to you if you are not

able to have a provision for this priority?
(Ajempt to close)

What should you do to prevent that from

Part 19A - EducaKon (Advisor discusses infographic based on the For Completeness:
Infographics top priority. 0 – did not deliver

(point to educa>on) 1 – delivered MOSTLY the

highlighted words

Are you prepared to provide your children 2 – delivered ALL the

the quality of educa4on they deserve? highlighted words

THE COST OF LEARNING: Currently, a four For Impact:

year course can cost between 300,000 – 1 – delivered the script
600,000 in top Universi4es in the country with IMPACT and injected
addiUonal informaUon
relevant to the
ALARMING FACTS: Because of high cost of presentaUon
college educa4on, only 1 out of 10 students
who enter grade 1 end up with a college Maximum Score is 3
degree and the most common reason is lack
of funds *2012, CHED

THE SAD TRUTH: this is made more difficult

with the rate the tui4on fees are increasing
by an average of 10% per year, so it would
cost around Php2.5M to send one child
through college in 15 years.

As we know, if there’s:
▪ No tui4on, no entry

▪ No school, no degree

▪ No degree, no job

▪ No job, NO FUTURE

WHAT YOU CAN DO: We can prepare for

your child’s educa4on through educa4onal
plans. Educa4onal plans allow you to save
in advance combined with investments
provide a realis4c way to cover your child’s
educa4on needs.

Mr. Santos, if I could show you a way, to

achieve your educa4on need that is within
your current budget, would you consider it?
Part 19B – ReKrement (point to re>rement) For Completeness:
Infographics 0 – did not deliver
Are you prepared to re4re in comfort?
1 – delivered MOSTLY the
highlighted words
The monthly amount you will need in 15
years to maintain your standard of living, 2 – delivered ALL the
assuming a 5% current average infla4on highlighted words
rate (point to graph), will be
▪ Php156,000 if current income is For Impact:
Php75,000 1 – delivered the script
with IMPACT and injected
addiUonal informaUon
▪ Php104,000 if current income is
relevant to the
Php50,000 presentaUon

▪ Php52,000 if current income is Php25,000 Maximum Score is 3

The cost of living is rising. Did you know

that in the 80’s the price of 1 liter of coke
was Php10.00? In the 90’s it was Php15.00 –
Php20.00? And now it’s Php32.00

According to NEDA 87% of Filipinos have no

re4rement plan, and currently:
▪ 75% of seniors are living poorly

▪ 15% are just ge_ng by

▪ 9% are living comfortably

▪ Only 1% are living in luxury

WHAT YOU CAN DO: We can prepare for a

comfortable re4rement through a
re4rement plan. A re4rement plan
augments your company's re4rement
benefit. A re4rement plan is a hassle-free
and a rela4vely less risky way to save for
re4rement since your funds are managed by

Mr. Santos, if I could show you a way, to

achieve your re4rement need that is within
your current budget, would you consider it?
Part 19C – Income ProtecKon (point to income protec>on) For Completeness:
Infographics 0 – did not deliver
Will your family be prepared to face the
future without you? 1 – delivered MOSTLY the
highlighted words

ALARMING FACTS: The financial needs of 2 – delivered ALL the

the family le^ behind typically includes highlighted words
death and living expenses
Death expenses such as: For Impact:
▪ Medical Bills 1 – delivered the script
with IMPACT and injected
▪ Funeral Expenses addiUonal informaUon
relevant to the
▪ Estate Taxes presentaUon

Living expenses such as: Maximum Score is 3

▪ Household Expenses

▪ Debt Payment

▪ Educa4on Fund

▪ Emergency Fund

▪ Vaca4on/Leisure fund

THE SAD TRUTH: only 15% of Filipinos have

life insurance coverage according to
Insurance Commission

WHAT YOU CAN DO: We can secure your

family’s future with life insurance.

Life insurance replaces lost income by

providing financial resources to help your
family maintain the same standard of living.

It is an expression of love because you

con4nue taking care of your family’s needs
even if you are no longer around.

And the minimum income protec4on should

be 2x-5x the annual income (If you are
earning P600,000 a year, the ideal coverage
would be from P1.2M to P3M).

It is false love to provide so well in life but not

so well in death.

Mr. Santos, if I could show you a way, to

achieve your income protec4on need that is
within your current budget, would you
Part 19D – Health (point to health) For Completeness:
Infographics 0 – did not deliver
How will you pay for the treatment if you
diagnosed with cri4cal illness? 1 – delivered MOSTLY the
highlighted words


▪ 276 Filipinos die of heart disease highlighted words
For Impact:
▪ 1 person dies of stroke every 9 minutes 1 – delivered the script
and 75% of stroke vic4ms become with IMPACT and injected
addiUonal informaUon
permanently disabled relevant to the
▪ 142 people die of cancer every day and 9
people are diagnosed with cancer every Maximum Score is 3

▪ 5 out of 10 children are afflicted with


▪ 61 people die of diabetes everyday

ALARMING FACTS: We know for a fact that

being ill can be very expensive;
ICU confinement is Php30,000 / day
Dialysis with medica4on is Php50,000 /
Chemotherapy is Php60,000 / session
Brain aneurysm surgery is Php400,000
Coronary artery bypass surgery is
Kidney organ transplant is Php1.2 million


▪ Only 1 out of 10 have some form of
health insurance, majority of which are
HMOs – in reality, 53% of Health Care
expenses are shouldered out of the
pocket since HMO is not sufficient

▪ 9 out 10 are forced to use up their


▪ 5 out of 10 have to borrow money


You can protect your family’s future with

Health Insurance as it supplements your
exis4ng Philhealth and HMO plan to cover
cost of medical expense beyond your

It also covers loss of income due to hospital

Part 20 IntroducKon to the (Close the AXA Solu>ons Book) For Completeness:
Dream Map Mr. Santos, I want you to start living a life of 0 – did not deliver
comfort and assurance by planning ahead
and addressing your most important 1 – delivered MOSTLY the
highlighted words
financial needs.
2 – delivered ALL the
highlighted words
Now I will be asking you a few ques4ons so
that we can start addressing your financial For Impact:
priori4es. 1 – delivered the script
with IMPACT and injected
(Get AXA DREAM MAP form) addiUonal informaUon
relevant to the
We will start calcula>ng the need for your
iden>fied top most priority. Later on, this Maximum Score is 3
tool can also show us an overview of the
other three financial priori4es including
those that are most ogen neglected.

Let me write these for you.

(It should be the advisor/financial execu>ve
that writes the informa>on in the dream

1. May I know your full name?

2. May I know your birth date?
3. Do you have dependents? May I get their
names and birth date?

Part 21 Client’s Monthly Mr. Santos, needs are based on your For Completeness:
Income personal financial requirement. May I know 0 – did not deliver
your es4mated monthly income?
1 – delivered MOSTLY the
highlighted words
A rough es>mate is okay.
2 – delivered ALL the
You men>oned earlier that ___________ is highlighted words
your top most priority because
_____________________. For Impact:
1 – delivered the script
with IMPACT and injected
addiUonal informaUon
relevant to the

Maximum Score is 3
Part 22 EducaKon Need To calculate (name of child/children)'s For Completeness:
CalculaKon educa4on need, we made certain 0 – did not deliver
1 – delivered MOSTLY the
highlighted words
A child would go to college by age 18
following the K-12 system. And we assume a 2 – delivered ALL the
5 year benefit payout period in case your highlighted words
child chooses a 5 year course. If there’s
anything leg, it can be used as a gradua>on For Impact:
gig. 1 – delivered the script
with IMPACT and injected
The assumed educa4on need is calculated addiUonal informaUon
relevant to the
based on your income range. Assuring a presentaUon
reasonable amount that you will set aside
from your monthly income. Maximum Score is 3

(Income based educa>on need)

Based on your income range, the target
educa4on need is________, this gives you
________ (need divided by 5 years payout)
every year for 5 years.

To have this you need to set aside anywhere

between 5% and 15% of your monthly
income given you're paying con>nuously
un>l (name of dependent's) start of college,
depending on your child’s age. Generally the
farther your child is from college, the cheaper
it will be. However if you start late, there is a
chance that you will exceed 15%.

Do you have any exis4ng provision for this?

(write the need. Write the provision.
Calculate: need amount – provision = gap)

This means that you s4ll have to cover

(amount) of your child's/children's
(calculate: provision/need*10 = exis>ng
provision in the pie. The answer corresponds
to the number of pie slices that should be

Right now, you’ve covered ______% of your

educa4on need. We need to cover the
remaining _____.

Let’s park this need and quickly I will show

you the rest of the other 3 financial
priori4es I men>oned that is ogen neglected.
(this script has to be applied correctly to the
top priority)
Part 23 ReKrement Need To calculate your re4rement need, we made For Completeness:
CalculaKon certain assump4ons: 0 – did not deliver

Following Philippine law, the default 1 – delivered MOSTLY the

highlighted words
re4rement age is age 65 and based on
research the average mortality age for 2 – delivered ALL the
Filipinos is 80. With this, we assume a 15 highlighted words
! year benefit payout.
For Impact:
*If this was men4oned in the earlier need, 1 – delivered the script
no need to men4on it again to the client. with IMPACT and injected
The assumed re4rement need is calculated addiUonal informaUon
relevant to the
based on your income range. Assuring a presentaUon
reasonable amount that you will set aside
from your monthly income. Maximum Score is 3

(Income based re>rement need)

Based on your income range, the target
re4rement need is________.

*If this was men4oned in the earlier need,

no need to men4on it again to the client.

To have this, you need to set aside anywhere

between 5% and 15% of your monthly
income given you con>nuously pay un>l
re>rement age, depending on your current
age. Generally, the farther you are to your
re>rement the cheaper it will be. However if
you start late, there is a chance that you will
exceed 15%.

Do you have any exis4ng provision for this?

(write the need. Write the provision.
Calculate: need amount – provision = gap)

This means that you s4ll have to cover

(amount) for your re4rement.

(calculate: provision/need*10 = exis>ng

provision in the pie. The answer corresponds
to the number of pie slices that should be

Right now, you’ve covered ______% of your

re4rement need. We need to cover the
remaining ______.

Let’s park this need and quickly I will show

you the rest of the other 3 financial
priori4es I men>oned that is ogen neglected.
(this script has to be applied correctly to the
top priority)
Part 24 Income ProtecKon Based on your income, we assumed a For Completeness:
Need CalculaKon certain level of expense that you need to 0 – did not deliver
guarantee your family for five years.
(Income based income protec>on need) 1 – delivered MOSTLY the
highlighted words
Based on your income range, the target
income protec4on need is________. 2 – delivered ALL the
highlighted words
! This is the amount you need for your family
to maintain their lifestyle that they are used For Impact:
to, in case something happens to you. 1 – delivered the script
with IMPACT and injected
addiUonal informaUon
relevant to the
*If this was men4oned in the earlier need, presentaUon
no need to men4on it again to client.
To have this you need to set aside anywhere Maximum Score is 3
between 5% and 15% of your monthly

(If you're client's income is below Php50,000,

premium may be higher than 15% monthly

Do you have any exis4ng provision for this?

(write the need. Write the provision.
Calculate: need amount – provision = gap)

This means that you s4ll have to cover

(amount) for your income protec4on.
(calculate: provision/need*10 = exis>ng
provision in the pie. The answer corresponds
to the number of pie slices that should be

Right now, you’ve covered ______% of your

income protec4on need. We need to cover
the remaining ____.

Let’s park this need and quickly I will show

you the rest of the other 3 financial
priori4es I men>oned that is ogen neglected.
(this script has to be applied correctly to the
top priority)
Part 25 Health Need With the high cost of medical expenses, we For Completeness:
CalculaKon recommend a minimum coverage of 0 – did not deliver
(amount) based on your income range. This
would provide for your Health need in case 1 – delivered MOSTLY the
highlighted words
you are stricken with a cri4cal illness.
2 – delivered ALL the
To have this you need to set aside anywhere highlighted words
! between 5% and 15% of your monthly
income. (If you're client's income is below For Impact:
Php50,000, premium may be higher than 1 – delivered the script
15% monthly income) with IMPACT and injected
addiUonal informaUon
relevant to the
Do you have any exis4ng provision for this? presentaUon
(write the need. Write the provision.
Calculate: need amount – provision = gap) Maximum Score is 3

This means that you s4ll have to cover

(amount) for your health need.
(calculate: provision/need*10 = exis>ng
provision in the pie. The answer corresponds
to the number of pie slices that should be

Right now, you’ve covered ______% of your

health need. We need to cover the
remaining ______.

Let’s park this need and quickly I will show

you the rest of the other 3 financial
priori4es I men>oned that is ogen neglected.
(this script has to be applied correctly to the
top priority)
Part 26 IniKal Assessment Based on the informa>on you provided, our For Completeness:
assessment of your financial needs are as 0 – did not deliver
1 – delivered MOSTLY the
highlighted words
▪ Point to educa4on: An educa4on fund
worth Php <GAP> to pay for your child’s 2 – delivered ALL the
! tui>on during his college years. highlighted words

For Impact:
▪ Point to re4rement: A re4rement fund
worth Php <GAP> to live comfortably 1 – delivered the script
with IMPACT and injected
during your re>rement years. addiUonal informaUon
relevant to the
▪ Point to income protec4on: An income presentaUon
protec4on fund worth Php <GAP> to
cover for your family’s daily living Maximum Score is 3
expenses and other basic necessi>es, in
the event of your un>mely demise; and

▪ Point to health: A health fund worth Php

<GAP> to pay for your medical expenses in
case of cri>cal illness.

Earlier, You have men4oned that

___________ is your top most priority.
(write #1 corresponding to the top priority)

Now let’s rank the other needs based on

your priority.
(advisor writes 2, 3, 4)
Part 27 Risk Profile Mr. Santos, we also need to find out about For Completeness:
your Return Profile to determine which fund 0 – did not deliver
would best suit you. Each of the following
funds has a certain level of risk and return. 1 – delivered MOSTLY the
highlighted words
The higher the risk, the higher the poten>al
return. 2 – delivered ALL the
highlighted words
(point to the graph)
Risk free Porzolio For Impact:
If you prefer to put your money in a 1 – delivered the script
guaranteed instrument even if the rate of with IMPACT and injected
return is low. addiUonal informaUon
relevant to the
(point to risk free porrolio in the graph, presentaUon
explain to client that this porrolio do not
apply to educa>on and re>rement because Maximum Score is 3
the amount needed cannot be met by a low
guaranteed return)

Conserva4ve Porzolio
If you prefer a rela4vely low risk
instruments with a reasonable growth
(point to conserva>ve porrolio in the graph)

Balanced Porzolio
If you prefer to invest in bonds for income
genera4on and stocks for investment
growth. This combina>on is to help mi>gate
financial loss should the stock experience a
(point to balanced porrolio in the graph)

Growth Oriented Porzolio

If you prefer to accept higher than average
risk and price vola4lity in pursuit of above
average returns.
(point to growth oriented porrolio in the

Which among them would you prefer?

(encircle the porrolio that client chooses)
Part 28 SoluKon Matrix and (pull out the Solu>on Matrix and locate the For Completeness:
Product RecommendaKon product based on NEED and write the three 0 – did not deliver
op>ons on the Dream Map).
1 – delivered MOSTLY the
highlighted words
Taking into account the informa>on you have
given me, the best solu4ons suited to 2 – delivered ALL the
address your top most priority are the highlighted words
following #1_____________,
#2____________, #3______________. For Impact:
1 – delivered the script
(Discuss brief Features-Advantage-Benefits of with IMPACT and injected
each product and rider recommenda>on. Let addiUonal informaUon
relevant to the
the client choose the product that will presentaUon
address their need. Recommend addi>onal
supplements/riders i.e. Waiver of Premium Maximum Score is 3
for Regular Pay).

(Let the client sign the Dream Map)

Part 29 Financial Needs (transfer all necessary informa>on from For Completeness:
Analysis Summary Leder Dream Map to Financial Needs Analysis 0 – did not deliver
Summary Sheet)
1 – delivered MOSTLY the
highlighted words
Mr. Santos, congratula4ons for having taken
an important step in securing your financial 2 – delivered ALL the
future through AXA Solu4ons – financial highlighted words
needs analysis tool.
For Impact:
[1] Through our assessment of your current 1 – delivered the script
financial needs; with IMPACT and injected
addiUonal informaUon
▪ Your preferred AXA Solu>ons for your
relevant to the
top most priority is ________________. presentaUon
(Most important need and product
priority based on the Dream Map) Maximum Score is 3

▪ Your preferred product to address this

need is ______________.

(product selected through Dream Map

and Solu>ons Matrix)

As men4oned earlier, we need to save un4l

before the need happens. But let me ask
you, how many years are you willing save
for your ______ need?
(Refer to the number one priority if the client.
Write the number of years the client is willing
to save in the FNA Summary).

How much would you like to set aside as

your monthly / yearly budget?
(Write the budget the client is willing to save
in the FNA Summary).

[2] Also, based on the informa>on you

provided, we would also like to present you
our ini>al assessment on the other financial
needs which you may wish to address
▪ Need #2 write the calculated financial
need, current provision, and gap

▪ Need #3 write the calculated financial

need, current provision, and gap

▪ Need #4 write the calculated financial

need, current provision, and gap

With this, let me prepare a proposal to

show you how the AXA Solu4on can answer
your (need/s).
Part 30 Next MeeKng Our next mee4ng is on ______ (date). For Completeness:
0 – did not deliver
You are well on your way to make your
dreams a reality. AXA is your most trusted 1 – delivered MOSTLY the
highlighted words
partner to ensure this happens. AXA is a
worldwide leader in financial protec>on as I 2 – delivered ALL the
have men>oned earlier. You can be confident highlighted words
that you have partnered with us.
For Impact:
Did you find the presenta4on beneficial? 1 – delivered the script
(listen and thank the client) with IMPACT and injected
addiUonal informaUon
relevant to the
What's the best part of this presenta4on? presentaUon
(listen and validate discussion points)
Maximum Score is 3

Part 31 Asking for Referrals Mr. Santo, s earlier I have men>oned that if For Completeness:
you find this beneficial you would 0 – did not deliver
recommend me to your family and close
friends. And since you have, who among 1 – delivered MOSTLY the
highlighted words
your family and close friends do you think
would benefit on this kind of presenta4on? 2 – delivered ALL the
highlighted words
(ask for specific name of people that are
connected and related to the client – these For Impact:
names ogen come up during the discussion 1 – delivered the script
ex., newly married sibling, new parents, etc.. with IMPACT and injected
Ager asking for specific names, advisor can addiUonal informaUon
relevant to the
go on into categories ex., doctors, OFW, presentaUon
businessman, etc.)
Maximum Score is 3

Part 32 Closing Thank you very much Mr. Santos. I shall For Completeness:
meet you on ______ at __________. 0 – did not deliver

1 – delivered MOSTLY the

highlighted words
I will be sending you a text message to
remind you of our mee>ng. 2 – delivered ALL the
highlighted words

For Impact:
1 – delivered the script
with IMPACT and injected
addiUonal informaUon
relevant to the

Maximum Score is 3

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