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My Story


PEÑA GONZÁLEZ, Edison Fernando C.C. 80.803.314





Condiciones básicas para el desarrollo de la actividad:

In this forum, you will write a story depending on the genre you like the most. You will choose
ONE literary genre (horror, children's tale, romantic, comedy, thriller, science fiction) and write a
story according to the genre selectd as well as using the topic we have studied in this unit. (with a
lenght of 200 words minimun).


Chose one of the available treats (one per genre): horror, children's tale, romantic, comedy, thriller,
science fiction.
Participate by writing your own tale. YOU are the author, so you cannot use an existing tale.
Do not create new treats, only the responses within the Thorror, children's tale, romantic, comedy,
thriller, science fiction treats will be taken into account. If you open a new threat it won't count for
the final grade.

You have to participate at least one time with your tale and at least two times commenting your
classmates’ stories.


Suspense story

This story happened to a boy in the city of Bogotá, his name is Federico, 13 years old. One day he
decided that he was old enough to stay home alone, since his parents organized a trip to visit his
grandmother, but that boy preferred to stay alone, his excuse was that he was old enough, but the
real reason was to stay playing video games. Federico had the company of his faithful dog "Tony"
to protect him.
When night came, he closed all the doors and windows, but he did not realize that one of them did
not lock. After many hours playing his video games, the boy got tired, he left his control on the
table and went to sleep. Your dog took his usual place under the bed.
In the middle of the night he woke up to the sound of a constant drip coming from the bathroom.
I was too scared to go see what it was about. He reached under the bed and felt a lick. That calmed
him down and he went back to sleep. Later, he woke up again to the sound of the drops. Fearful,
once again he reached under the bed, felt a lick and went back to sleep. He woke up again later,
reached out his hand again and felt the lick.
Worried about the dripping sound, he got up and walked slowly toward the bathroom. The sound
of the falling drops grew louder as he approached. He got to the bathroom and turned on the light.
Right there he witnessed a horrible scene: hanging in the shower was his dog, with a cut along his
entire throat and blood dripping in the bathtub.
In the bathroom mirror, something caught his attention. Written in the blood of his dog were the
words "NOT ONLY DOGS LICK". The boy panicked and ran screaming to his neighbors' house,
to this day he does not know who or what killed the animal.

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