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Advanced Image Processing

Lecture 01

Dr. Md. Ali Hossain


■ Name: Dr. Md. Ali Hossain

Email: Ali.Hossain@cse.ruet.ac.bd,
Skype: md.ali.hossain
Course Structure

1. Introduction to Image Processing, Application and

2. Introduction, Image formation, camera models and
perspective geometry
3. Color, Image enhancement Techniques
4. Binary images: thresholding, moments, topology

Note: Some topics may not be in order to maintain coherency and running
time requirements. (Bare with us …trying to teach first time !!)
Lecture Outline

■ Digital Image
■ Image Formation
■ Range Transformations
❑ Point Processing

■ Reference books:
❑ Digital Image Processing (Gonzalez & Woods)

❑ Remote sensing image analysis (J. A. Richards et. al.)

What is an image?
■ We can think of an image as a function, f:
❑ f( x, y ) gives the intensity at position ( x, y )
❑ Realistically, we expect the image only to be defined over a
rectangle, with a finite range:
■ f: [0,1]

■ A color image is just three functions (red: r, green: g

and blue: b) pasted together. We can write this as a
“vector-valued” function:
Digital Image Processing
■ Process digital images by means of computer, it covers
low-, mid-, and high-level processes

• low-level: inputs and outputs are images

• mid-level: attributes extracted from input images
• high-level: recognition of individual objects

■ Pixel
— the smallest element of a digital image
Sources for Images

▪ Electromagnetic (EM) energy spectrum (e.g., sun)

▪ Acoustic
▪ Ultrasonic
▪ Electronic
▪ Synthetic images produced by computer
Electromagnetic (EM) Energy Spectrum

Gamma-ray imaging: nuclear medicine and astronomical observations

X-rays: medical diagnostics, industry, and astronomy, etc.
Ultraviolet: lithography, industrial inspection, microscopy, lasers, biological imaging,
and astronomical observations
Visible and infrared bands: light microscopy, astronomy, remote sensing, industry,
and law enforcement
Microwave band: radar
Radio band: medicine (such as MRI) and astronomy
Image Formation

f(x,y) = reflectance(x, y) * illumination(x, y)

Reflectance in [0,1], illumination in [0,inf]
Sampling and Quantization
What is a digital image?

■ We usually operate on digital (discrete intensities) images:

❑ Sample the 2D space on a regular grid
❑ Quantize each sample (round to nearest integer)
■ If the samples are Δ apart, we can write this as:
f[i, j] = Quantize{ f(i Δ, j Δ) }
■ The image can now be represented as a matrix of integer values
Sampling and Quantization

■ After sampling and quantization, the images changes a bit.

Therefore, the sampling rate must be taken care for better
Origins of Digital Image Processing

Sent by submarine cable

between London and New
York, the transportation
time was reduced to less
than three hours from
more than a week
Origins of Digital Image Processing
Examples: Gama-Ray Imaging
Examples: X-Ray Imaging
Examples: Ultraviolet Imaging
Examples: Visual and Infrared Imaging
Examples: Visual and Infrared Imaging
Examples: Infrared Satellite Imaging

USA 2003
Representing Digital Images

■ Discrete intensity interval [0, L-1], L=2k

■ The number b of bits required to store a M × N

digitized image

Spatial and Intensity Resolution

■ Spatial resolution
— A measure of the smallest discernible detail in an image
— stated with line pairs per unit distance, dots (pixels) per
unit distance, dots per inch (dpi)

■ Intensity resolution
— The smallest discernible change in intensity level
— stated with 8 bits, 12 bits, 16 bits, etc.
Image processing
■ An image processing operation typically defines a
new image g in terms of an existing image f.
■ We can transform either the range of f.

■ Or the domain of f:

■ What kinds of operations can each perform?

s = c log(r + 1)
Image Enhancement
■ Enhancing an image provides better contrast and a
more detailed image as compare to non enhanced
■ It is used to enhance medical images, images captured
in remote sensing, images from satellite etc.
■ Three basic gray level transformation.
• Linear
• Logarithmic
• Power – law
Linear Transform


s = (L – 1) – r
Image Enhancement
Contrast Streching
Image Histograms
Histogram Equalization
Neighborhood Processing (filtering)

■ Q: What happens if I reshuffle all pixels within

the image?

■ A: It’s histogram won’t change. No point

processing will be affected…
■ Need spatial information to capture this.

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