5 Reasons Why People Don't Vote in India

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5 Reasons Why People Don’t Vote

In India
“All saint without, all devil within.” -precisely explains the scenario
during elections, which essentially is fairly significant. The election, in
the Indian context, often turns out to be a fiesta that sees a huge
amount of money flowing in and around, lies and dishonesty floating
in the air while true and honest gestures are time and again hid
somewhere in the middle of begging for votes and casting of votes.

For common people, elections have become more like any other usual
phenomenon that happens once in every 5 years than to showcase
their right and clout in a democracy. Though the phase of the election
has changed over time, the motto remains the same and so does the
attitude towards it. Election votes are majorly being driven by caste
and religion-based politics in the country and have become nearly
impossible in the present day Indian politics or we can rather say

When democracy hits the polls, though many seek a change in

leadership, the increasing number of population staying away from the
poll booths are a matter of great concern. Let’s have a look at the five
utmost reasons of why the extent of missing inks increases every


Partaking in an election is majorly fuelled by the reliance of people on

the government. The number of voters that turn out from rural areas
and slums is higher, compared to the urban residence, as they are
dependent on the government and governmental policies for meeting
their needs. The dependence rate of the urban middle and upper class
on the state has decreased rapidly as they have gained the capacity to
get what they need with their own influence, background or money.
Thus this sector of society stays away from the ballot booths, for
instance, feeling that their votes neither gives them incentives nor does
it bring about any differences in their lifestyle.


As a result of the migration of an ample chunk across places in search

of a carrier and better lifestyle, the number of people staying away
from their own constituency has witnessed a sizeable increase. These
migrants heed no attention in identifying local politics and hence
decide on staying away from the whole process of election. The
elections are time and again scheduled on weekends, which people use
as a chance to enjoy the long weekend rather than an opportunity to
cast their ballot.


The people belonging to the middle class and younger generation find
it very difficult relating to the so-called leaders, who is either a feudal
lord living in the city or someone with a criminal background, or a
celebrity with least knowledge of politics or even a generous blend of
all the three. They often are ignorant towards the third party thinking
that their vote wouldn’t make the third party candidate win.


Some people stay away from the ballot booths pretending to be

protesting against the prevailing filthy politics. Unfortunately, this
method cannot be viewed as a positive protest, instead is just an excuse
used as a facade to hide indifference and legitimize non-participation.
These people who tend to accuse politicians of being corrupt and unfit
often wouldn’t even know the names of the candidates contesting in
their constituency.

The promotional activities and advertisements by the Election

Commission to make voting ‘cool’ by people and celebrities proudly
showing the inked finger haven’t really helped…

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