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Chapter 9, Problem 21.

Simplify the following:

(a) f(t) = 5 cos(2t + 15(º) – 4sin(2t -30º)
(b) g(t) = 8 sint + 4 cos(t + 50º)
(c) h(t) = ∫0t (10 cos 40t + 50sin 40t)dt

Chapter 9, Solution 21.

(a) F = 5∠15o − 4∠− 30o − 90o = 6.8296 + j4.758 = 8.3236∠34.86o
f (t) = 8.324 cos(30t + 34.86o )

(b) G = 8∠ − 90o + 4∠50o = 2.571 − j4.9358 = 5.565∠ − 62.49o g(t) = 5.565 cos(t − 62.49o )

(c) H =
(10∠0o + 50∠ − 90o ), ω = 40

o o
i.e. H = 0.25∠ − 90 + 1.25∠ −180 = − j0.25 −1.25 = 1.2748∠
−168.69 h(t) = 1.2748cos(40t – 168.69°)

Chapter 9, Problem 22.

An alternating voltage is given by v(t) = 20 cos(5t - 30 o ) V. Use phasors to find
10v(t) + 4 − 2 ∫t v(t)dt
dt −∞

Assume that the value of the integral is zero at t = - ∞ .

Chapter 9, Solution 22.

Let f(t) =10v(t) +4 − 2 ∫t v(t)dt
dt −∞

F = 10V + jω 4V − , ω = 5, V = 20∠ − 30o

F = 10V + j20V − j0.4V = (10 + j20.4)(17.32 − j10) =

o o
454.4∠33.89 f (t) = 454.4 cos(5t + 33.89 )

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Chapter 9, Problem 23.
Apply phasor analysis to evaluate the following.
(a) v = 50 cos(ω t + 30 o ) + 30 cos(ω t + 90 o )V
(b) i = 15 cos(ω t + 45 o ) - 10 sin(ω t + 45 o )A

Chapter 9, Solution 23.

(a) V = 50 < 30o + 30 < 90o = 43.3 + j25 − j30 = 43.588 < −6.587o
v = 43.588cos(ωt − 6.587o ) V = 43.49cos(ωt–6.59˚) V

(b) I = 15 < 45o − 10 < 45o − 90o = (10.607 + j10.607) − (7.071− j7.071) = 18.028 < 78.69o
i = 18.028cos(ωt + 78.69o ) A = 18.028cos(ωt+78.69˚) A

Chapter 9, Problem 24.

Find v(t) in the following integrodifferential equations using the phasor approach:

(a) v(t) + ∫v dt = 10 cos t

dt + 5v(t) + 4∫v dt = 20sin(4t + 10 )

Chapter 9, Solution 24.

V+ jω = 10∠0°, ω = 1
V (1− j) = 10

V= 1− j = 5 + j5 = 7.071∠45°
Therefore, v(t) = 7.071 cos(t + 45°)


jωV + 5V + jω = 20∠(10° − 90°), ω=4


V j4 + 5+ = 20∠ - 80°
20∠ - 80°
V = = 3.43∠ -110.96° 5 + j3
Therefore, v(t) = 3.43 cos(4t – 110.96°)
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Chapter 9, Problem 25.
Using phasors, determine i(t) in the following equations:
(a) 2 dt + 3i(t) = 4 cos(2t − 45o )
(b) 10 ∫i dt + dt + 6i(t) = 5cos(5t + 22o )

Chapter 9, Solution 25.

2jωI + 3I = 4∠ - 45°, ω = 2
I (3 + j4) = 4∠ - 45°
4∠ - 45° 4∠ - 45°

I= 3 + j4 = 5∠53.13° = 0.8∠ - 98.13°

Therefore, i(t) = 0.8 cos(2t – 98.13°)

10 jω + jωI + 6I = 5∠22°, ω = 5
(-j2 + j5 + 6) I = 5∠22°
5∠22° 5∠22°

I= 6 + j3 = 6.708∠26.56° = 0.745∠ - 4.56°

Therefore, i(t) = 0.745 cos(5t – 4.56°)

Chapter 9, Problem 26.

loop equation for a series RLC circuit gives

dt + 2i + ∫−∞ i dt = cos 2t
Assuming that the value of the integral at t = - ∞ is zero, find i(t) using the phasor

Chapter 9, Solution 26.

jωI + 2I + jω =1∠0°, ω= 2

I j2 + 2 + =1
I= 2 + j1.5 = 0.4∠ - 36.87°
Therefore, i(t) = 0.4 cos(2t – 36.87°)
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Chapter 9, Problem 27.

A parallel RLC circuit has the node equation


Determine v(t) using the phasor method. You may assume that the value of the integral
at t = - ∞ is zero.

Chapter 9, Solution 27.

jωV + 50V + 100 jω = 110∠ -10°, ω = 377

V j377 +50− 377 = 110∠ -10°

V (380.6∠82.45°) = 110∠ -10° V = 0.289∠ - 92.45°

Therefore, v(t) = 0.289 cos(377t – 92.45°).

Chapter 9, Problem 28.

Determine the current that flows through an 8- Ω resistor connected to a voltage source
v s =110cos377t V.

Chapter 9, Solution 28.

v (t) 110 cos(377t)

i(t) = s = = 13.75 cos(377t) A.
R 8

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Chapter 9, Problem 29.

What is the instantaneous voltage across a 2- µ F capacitor when the current through it is
i =4 sin(10 6 t +25 o ) A?

Chapter 9, Solution 29.

1 1
6 -6
Z= jωC = j(10 )(2 ×10 ) = - j0.5

V = IZ = (4∠25°)(0.5∠ - 90°) = 2∠ - 65°

Therefore v(t) = 2 sin(10 t – 65°) V.

Chapter 9, Problem 30.

A voltage v(t) = 100 cos(60t + 20 o ) V is applied to a parallel combination of a 40-k Ω

resistor and a 50- µ F capacitor. Find the steady-state currents through the resistor and the

Chapter 9, Solution 30.

Since R and C are in parallel, they have the same voltage across them. For the resistor,
100 < 20o
V =IRR → IR =V /R= = 2.5 < 20o mA
i = 2.5cos(60t + 20o ) mA

For the capacitor,

dv −6 o o
iC = C dt = 50x10 (−60)x100sin(60t + 20 ) = −300sin(60t + 20 ) mA

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Chapter 9, Problem 31.

A series RLC circuit has R = 80 Ω , L = 240 mH, and C = 5 mF. If the input voltage is
v(t) = 10 cos 2t find the currrent flowing through the circuit.

Chapter 9, Solution 31.

L = 240mH → jωL = j 2x 240x10−3 = j0.48

1 1
C = 5mF → = = − j100
jωC j 2x 5x10−3
Z = 80 + j 0.48 − j100 = 80 − j99.52
I = Z = 80 − j99.52 = 0.0783 < 51.206o
i (t ) = 78.3cos(2t + 51.206o ) mA = 78.3cos(2t+51.26˚) mA

Chapter 9, Problem 32.

For the network in Fig. 9.40, find the load current I L .

Figure 9.40
For Prob. 9.32.

Chapter 9, Solution 32.

V 100 < 0o
I = = = 12.195 − 9.756 = 15.62 < −38.66o A Z 5 + j4

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Chapter 9, Problem 33.

A series RL circuit is connected to a 110-V ac source. If the voltage across the resistor is
85 V, find the voltage across the inductor.

Chapter 9, Solution 33.

110 = v2R + v2L

vL = 1102 − v2R
vL = 1102 − 852 = 69.82 V

Chapter 9, Problem 34.

What value of ω will cause the forced response v o in Fig. 9.41 to be zero?

Figure 9.41
For Prob. 9.34.

Chapter 9, Solution 34.

vo = 0 if ωL = 1 → ω= 1
ω= = 100 rad/s
(5×10 )(20 ×10 −3 )

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Chapter 9, Problem 35.

Find current i in the circuit of Fig. 9.42, when v s (t) = 50 cos200t V.

Figure 9.42
For Prob. 9.35.

Chapter 9, Solution 35.

v (t) = 50cos 200t → V= 50 < 0o ,ω = 200

s s

1 1
5mF → = =−j
jωC j200x5x10−3
20mH → jωL = j20x10−3 x200 = j4

Zin = 10 − j + j4 = 10 + j3
V 50 < 0o
I = s= = 4.789 < −16.7o Zin 10 + j3
i (t ) = 4.789cos(200t −16.7o ) A

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Chapter 9, Problem 36.

In the circuit of Fig. 9.43, determine i. Let v s = 60 cos(200t - 10 o )V.

Figure 9.43
For Prob. 9.36.

Chapter 9, Solution 36.

Let Z be the input impedance at the source.

100 mH → jωL = j200x100x10−3 = j20

1 1
10µF → jωC = j10x10 x200 = − j500

1000//-j500 = 200 –j400

1000//(j20 + 200 –j400) = 242.62 –j239.84

Z = 2242.62 − j239.84 = 2255∠ − 6.104o

60∠ −10o
I= = 26.61∠ − 3.896o mA
2255∠ − 6.104

i = 266.1cos(200t − 3.896o ) mA

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Chapter 9, Problem 37.

Determine the admittance Y for the circuit in Fig. 9.44.

Figure 9.44
For Prob. 9.37.

Chapter 9, Solution 37.

1 1 1
Y= + + = 0.25 − j0.025 S = 250–j25 mS

4 j8 − j10

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Chapter 9, Problem 38.
Find i(t) and v(t) in each of the circuits of Fig. 9.45.

Figure 9.45
For Prob. 9.38.

Chapter 9, Solution 38.

1 1 1

(a) 6F → jωC = j(3)(1/ 6) = - j2

- j2
I = 4 − j2 (10∠45°) = 4.472∠ -18.43°
Hence, i(t) = 4.472 cos(3t – 18.43°) A

V = 4I = (4)(4.472∠ -18.43°) = 17.89∠ -18.43° Hence, v(t) = 17.89 cos(3t

– 18.43°) V

1 1 1

(b) 12 F jωC = j(4)(1/12) = - j3
3H → jωL = j(4)(3) = j12

V 50∠0°

I= Z = 4 − j3 = 10∠36.87°
Hence, i(t) = 10 cos(4t + 36.87°) A

V = 8 + j12 (50∠0°) = 41.6∠33.69°

Hence, v(t) = 41.6 cos(4t + 33.69°) V

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Chapter 9, Problem 39.

For the circuit shown in Fig. 9.46, find Z eg and use that to find current I. Let ω = 10

Figure 9.46
For Prob. 9.39.

Chapter 9, Solution 39.

Z eq = 4 + j 20 + 10 //(− j14 + j 25) = 9.135 + j27.47 Ω

V 12
I= = = 0.4145 < −71.605o
eq 9.135 + j27.47
i (t ) = 0.4145cos(10t − 71.605o ) A = 414.5cos(10t–71.6˚) mA

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Chapter 9, Problem 40.

In the circuit of Fig. 9.47, find i o when:

(a) ω = 1 rad/s (b) ω = 5 rad/s
(c) ω = 10 rad/s

Figure 9.47
For Prob. 9.40.

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Chapter 9, Solution 40.

(a) For ω = 1,
1H → jωL = j(1)(1) = j
1 1
0.05 F → jωC = j(1)(0.05) = - j20
- j40
Z = j + 2 || (- j20) = j + 2 − j20 = 1.98 + j0.802

V 4∠0° 4∠0°
Io = = = = 1.872∠ - 22.05°
Z 1.98 + j0.802 2.136∠22.05°
Hence, io (t) = 1.872 cos(t – 22.05°) A

(b) For ω = 5 ,
1H → jωL = j(5)(1) = j5
1 1

0.05 F → jωC = j(5)(0.05) = - j4

- j4

Z = j5 + 2 || (- j4) = j5 + 1− j2 = 1.6 + j4.2

V 4∠0° 4∠0°
Io = = = = 0.89∠ - 69.14°
Z 1.6 + j4 4.494∠69.14°
Hence, io (t) = 0.89 cos(5t – 69.14°) A

(c) For ω = 10 ,
1H → jωL = j(10)(1) = j10
1 1

0.05 F → jωC = j(10)(0.05) = - j2

- j4
Z = j10 + 2 || (- j2) = j10 + 2 − j2 = 1+ j9

V 4∠0° 4∠0°
Io = = = = 0.4417∠ - 83.66°
Z 1+ j9 9.055∠83.66°
Hence, io (t) = 0.4417 cos(10t – 83.66°) A

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Chapter 9, Problem 41.

Find v(t) in the RLC circuit of Fig. 9.48.

Figure 9.48
For Prob. 9.41.

Chapter 9, Solution 41.

1H → jωL = j(1)(1) = j
1 1

1F → jωC = j(1)(1) =-j

Z = 1+ (1+ j) || (- j) = 1+ =2−j1
s 10
I= = , Ic = (1+ j) I
Z 2−j
(1− j)(10)
V = (- j)(1+ j) I = (1− j) I = = 6.325∠ -18.43° 2 − j
Thus, v(t) = 6.325 cos(t – 18.43°) V

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Chapter 9, Problem 42.

Calculate v o (t) in the circuit of Fig. 9.49.

Figure 9.49
For Prob. 9.42.

Chapter 9, Solution 42.

ω = 200
1 1

50 µF → jωC = j(200)(50 ×10-6 ) = - j100

0.1 H → jωL = j(200)(0.1) = j20

(50)(-j100) - j100

50 || -j100 = 50 − j100 = 1- j2 = 40 − j20

j20 j20
V = (60∠0°) = (60∠0°) = 17.14∠90°
j20 + 30 + 40 − j20 70

17.14 sin(200t + 90°) V

Thus, vo (t) =

17.14 cos(200t) V
or vo (t) =

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Chapter 9, Problem 43.
Find current I o in the circuit shown in Fig. 9.50.

Figure 9.50
For Prob. 9.43.

Chapter 9, Solution 43.

j 80(100 − j40)
Z in = 50 + j 80 //(100 − j 40) = 50 + = 105.71+
j57.93 100 + j40
60 < 0o
Io = = 0.4377 − 0.2411 = 0.4997 < −28.85o A = 499.7∠–28.85˚ mA

Chapter 9, Problem 44.

Calculate i(t) in the circuit of Fig. 9.51.

Figure 9.51
For prob. 9.44.

Chapter 9, Solution 44.

ω = 200
10 mH → jωL = j(200)(10 ×10-3 ) = j2
1 1

5 mF → jωC = j(200)(5 ×10-3 ) = - j

1 1 1 3+j

Y= 4 + j2 + 3−j = 0.25 − j0.5 + 10 = 0.55 − j0.4

1 1
Z= Y = 0.55 − j0.4 = 1.1892 + j0.865
6∠0° 6∠0°

I= 5+Z = 6.1892 + j0.865 = 0.96∠ - 7.956°

Thus, i(t) = 0.96 cos(200t – 7.956°) A
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Chapter 9, Problem 45.

Find current I o in the network of Fig. 9.52.

Figure 9.52
For Prob. 9.45.

Chapter 9, Solution 45.

We obtain Io by applying the principle of current division twice.

I I2 I2 Io

Z1 Z2 -j2 Ω 2Ω

(a) (b)

- j4
Z1 = - j2 , Z2 = j4 + (-j2) || 2 = j4 + = 1+ j3
2 - j2
Z1 - j2 - j10
I2 = I= (5∠0°) =
Z1 + Z2 - j2 + 1+ j3 1 +j
- j2 -j - j10 -10

I = I = = = –5A

o 2 - j2 2 1- j 1+ j 1+1
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Chapter 9, Problem 46.

If i s = 5 cos(10t + 40 o ) A in the circuit of Fig. 9.53, find i o .

Figure 9.53
For Prob. 9.46.

Chapter 9, Solution 46.

is = 5cos(10t + 40°) → Is = 5∠40°

1 1

0.1 F → jωC = j(10)(0.1) = - j

0.2 H → jωL = j(10)(0.2) = j2

Let Z1 = 4 || j2 = = 0.8 + j1.6 , Z2 = 3 − j
4+ j2
1 0.8 + j1.6
Io = Is = (5∠40°)
Z1+Z2 3.8 + j0.6
Io = = 2.325∠94.46°

Thus, io (t) = 2.325 cos(10t + 94.46°) A

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Chapter 9, Problem 47.

In the circuit of Fig. 9.54, determine the value of i s (t).

Figure 9.54
For Prob. 9.47.

Chapter 9, Solution 47.

First, we convert the circuit into the frequency domain.

Ix j4

5∠0˚ − -j10 20 Ω

5 5 5
Ix = = = = 0.4607∠52.63°
2 + − j10(20 + j4) 2 + 4.588− j8.626 10.854∠ − 52.63°
− j10 + 20 + j4

is(t) = 460.7cos(2000t +52.63˚) mA

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Chapter 9, Problem 48.

Given that v s (t) = 20 sin(100t - 40 o ) in Fig. 9.55, determine i x (t).

Figure 9.55
For Prob. 9.48.

Chapter 9, Solution 48.

Converting the circuit to the frequency domain, we get:

10Ω V1 30Ω

j20 -j20
20∠-40˚ −

We can solve this using nodal analysis.

V1 − 20∠ − 40° V1−0 V1−0

+ + =0
10 j20 30 − j20

V1 = = 15.643∠ − 24.29°
0.12307− j0.03462
15.643∠ − 24.29°
Ix = =
0.4338∠9.4° 30 − j20
i x = 0.4338sin(100t + 9.4°) A

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Chapter 9, Problem 49.

Find v s (t) in the circuit of Fig. 9.56 if the current i x through the 1- Ω resistor is 0.5 sin
200t A.

Figure 9.56
For Prob. 9.49.

Chapter 9, Solution 49.

ZT = 2 + j2 || (1− j) = 2 + ( j2)(1− j) =4
1+ j
I Ix 1Ω

j2 Ω -j Ω

j2 j2
Ix = I= where I x = 0.5∠0° = 2
j2 + 1− j 1+ j
1+ j 1+ j
I= Ix =
j2 j4
1+ j 1+ j
V =IZ = (4) = = 1− j = 1.414∠ - 45°
s T
j4 j

vs (t) = 1.414 sin(200t – 45°) V

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Chapter 9, Problem 50.

Determine v x in the circuit of Fig. 9.57. Let i s (t) = 5 cos(100t + 40 o )A.

Figure 9.57
For Prob. 9.50.

Chapter 9, Solution 50.

Since ω = 100, the inductor = j100x0.1 = j10 Ω and the capacitor = 1/(j100x10
) = -j10Ω.

j10 Ix

5∠40˚ -j10 20 Ω vx

Using the current dividing rule:

I − j10
x = 5∠40° = − j2.5∠40° = 2.5∠ − 50°
− j10 + 20 + j10
Vx = 20Ix = 50∠ − 50°
vx = 50cos(100t − 50°) V

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Chapter 9, Problem 51.

If the voltage v o across the 2- Ω resistor in the circuit of Fig. 9.58 is 10 cos2t V, obtain

Figure 9.58
For Prob. 9.51.

Chapter 9, Solution 51.

1 1
0.1 F → jωC = j(2)(0.1) = - j5
0.5 H → jωL = j(2)(0.5) = j

The current I through the 2-Ω resistor is

1 Is 10

I= I = , where I = ∠0°=5
1− j5 + j + 2 s 3 − j4 2
I s = (5)(3 − j4) = 25∠ - 53.13°

is (t) = 25 cos(2t – 53.13°) A

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of
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Chapter 9, Problem 52.

If V o = 8 ∠ 30 o V in the circuit of Fig. 9.59, find I s. .

Figure 9.59
For Prob. 9.52.

Chapter 9, Solution 52.

j25 j5

5 || j5 = 5 + j5 = 1+ j = 2.5 + j2.5
Z1 =10, Z2 = - j5 + 2.5 + j2.5 = 2.5 − j2.5


IS Z1 Z2

Z1 10 4
I2 = Z1+Z2 Is = 12.5 − j2.5 I s = 5 − j Is
Vo = I 2 (2.5 + j2.5)
4 10 (1+ j)

8∠30° = I (2.5)(1+ j) = I
105(1+ j) −j s 5−j s

(8∠30°)(5 − j)
Is = = 2.884∠-26.31° A

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of
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Chapter 9, Problem 53.

Find I o in the circuit of Fig. 9.60.

Figure 9.60
For Prob. 9.53.

Chapter 9, Solution 53.

Convert the delta to wye subnetwork as shown below.
Z1 Z2

Io 2Ω


10 Ω
60∠ − 30 V 8Ω

− j2x4 8∠ − 90° j6x4

Z = = = −1 − j1, Z = = 3 + j3,
1 2
4 + j4 5.6569∠45° 4 + j4
Z3 = = 1.5 − j1.5
4 + j4
(Z3 + 8) //(Z2 + 10) = (9.5 − j1.5) //(13 + j3) = 5.691∠0.21° = 5.691 + j0.02086
Z = 2 + Z1 + 5.691 + j0.02086 = 6.691 − j0.9791
o o
60∠ − 30 60∠ − 30 o
Io = = = 8.873∠ − 21.67 A
Z 6.7623∠ − 8.33
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Chapter 9, Problem 54.

In the circuit of Fig. 9.61, find V s if I o = 2 ∠ 0 o A.

Figure 9.61
For Prob. 9.54.

Chapter 9, Solution 54.

Since the left portion of the circuit is twice as large as the right portion, the
equivalent circuit is shown below.

+ − Vs
+ −

2Z V2 V1
− +

V1 = Io (1− j) = 2 (1− j)
V2 = 2V1 = 4 (1− j)
Vs = −V1 − V2 = −6 (1 − j)
Vs = 8.485∠–135° V

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