Daily Report 25 08 20

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8/25/2020 Spent time - Details - ENOVIA_LN_INTEG_POC - BJIT - Redmine

Spent time
Hours: 8.00

Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours

Task Task #272448: Reopend issue for revision not showing for
25 Aug 2020 emrul hasan 4.00
Execution unsuccessful mail body
Task Task #272446: Impact analysis for ReSending Failed Item and BOM in
25 Aug 2020 emrul hasan 2.00
Execution LN
Task Story #272444: Requirment analysis for ReSending Failed Item and
25 Aug 2020 emrul hasan 2.00
Execution BOM in LN


redmine.bjitgroup.com/redmine/projects/enovia_ln_integ_poc/time_entries?c%5B%5D=spent_on&c%5B%5D=user&c%5B%5D=activity&c%5B%5D=i… 1/1

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