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Department of Electrical Engineering

EEE-251 Probability Methods in Engineering

Course outline

Course Catalog Description: Introduction to statistics and statistical methods, frequency distribution and
representation of data, probability theory, conditional probability, law of total probability and Bays rule, random
variables and random processes, concept of discrete and continuous random variables, probability
distribution/density functions ( Joint probability distributions, Uniform, Binomial, Poisson, Geometric, Uniform &
Normal distribution, Gamma, Exponential distributions), expectation, correlation, power spectrum, simple linear
Regression and fitting of curves, correlation study, applications of probability.

Prerequisite: Calculus.

Textbook: “Probability & Statistics for Engineers & Scientist by Walpole, Myers” and another is
“Probability and Random Processes for electrical engineering by Alberto Garcia”
Probability and Random Processes for electrical engineering by John A. Gubner.
Probability and Statistics for Engineers; Walpole, Myer and Myer, 8th edition.

Instructor: Dr. Ghulam Mujtaba

Course web page:

Total credit hours: 3
Office: Z308

Course Learning Objectives:

1. To introduce students to applications of probability theory in the engineering problems.

2. To learn fundamental concepts of probability theory such as conditional probability, laws of
probability, bayes rule, law of total probability.
3. Understand random processes and formulate and solve real world problems in the form of
discrete and continuous random processes.
Course Learning Outcomes:

After successfully completing the course, the students will be able to:

1. Identify the problems that can be solved using statistical methods in the electrical engineering.
2. Counting the number of outcomes in a set, and apply set theorems to probability computation.
3. Apply the laws and theorems of probability to solve probability related problems.
4. Form discrete and continuous distributions of random variables taken from the engineering domain.
5. Apply standard discrete/continuous distributions to solve probabilities related to engineering

Course Outline and Contents:

Week 1: Introduction and some motivating examples. Why do we need probabilistic analysis in science
and engineering? Basic terminology-Population and Sample, Set theory laws
and theorems
Week 2: Introduction. Basic Concepts of Probability, Axioms of Probability Counting techniques.
Conditional Probability.

Week 3: Independence, Total Probability and Bayes Rule, applications.

Week 4: Definition of random variables, continuous and discrete random variables, cumulative distribution
function (cdf) for discrete and continuous random variables; probability mass function (pmf);
probability density functions (pdf) and properties.

Week 5: Joint Probability Distributions, Mean of a Random variable variance.

Week 6: Covariance and correlation coefficient and related theorems

Week 7 : Some Discrete Probability Distributions, Binomial Distribution, Hypergeometric,

Geometric, Negative Binomial distributions

Week 9: Poisson Process and Poisson Distribution.

Week 10: Some continuous distributions: Normal Distribution

Week 11: Normal Curve and examples. Normal Approximation to Binomial and Poisson.

Week 12: Exponential and Gamma Distributions. Applications to Problems.

Week 13: Normal distribution- definition, properties; standard normal distribution. Applications to

Week 14: Fundamental Sampling Distributions and Central Limit Theorem

Week 15, 16: Hypothesis Testing; One and two tailed tests.

Learning Outcomes Assessment plan

Sr. # Course Learning Outcomes Assessment
1. 1, 2 Assignment No. 1
2. 1, 2 Quiz No. 1
3. 1, 2 Sessional No. 1
4. 3 Assignment No. 2
5. 3 Quiz No. 2
6. 4 Assignment No. 3
7. 4 Quiz No. 3
8. 3, 4 Sessional No. 2
9. 4,5 Assignment No. 4
10. 5 Quiz No. 4
11. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Terminal Examination
Table 1 - Assessment Plan for Learning Objectives

Mapping Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) to Standard Program Outcomes


Standard Program Outcomes:

a) An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
b) An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data
c) An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic
constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety,
manufacturability, and sustainability
d) An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams
e) An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
f) An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
g) An ability to communicate effectively
h) The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global,
economic, environmental, and societal context
i) A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
j) A knowledge of contemporary issues
k) An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering

Table 2 – Course Learning Outcomes mapped to Standard Program Outcomes.

Standard Program Outcomes

a b c d e f g h i j k
Course Learning

1 X X X

3 X X X
5 X X X
7 X X X
9 X X X
Tota 5 5 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0


Outcome Coverage Explanation:
(a) An ability to apply knowledge of math, science and engineering. The homework, exams, and
Electromagnetic fields studies require direct application of mathematics, scientific, and engineering
knowledge to successfully complete the course.  This includes application of calculus to vector quantities
and EM fields calculations.  (High relevance to course) 

(b) An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. Students
become eligible to analyze which will help them in the design of different electromagnetic applications.
(High relevance to course) 

(e) An ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems. The course shows the value of
theory, by making it possible for the students to solve relevant engineering problems, which form the
basis of more complex problems in electromagnetics analysis (High relevance to course) 

Course outline Probability Methods for Engineers Page 5

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