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No. Agenda Announce / utterance


Yang Berusaha, Pn Fuziah bt Abdul Malek, Guru Besar

Sekolah Kebangsaan 2A
Yang dihormati,
Pn Roslina bt Bowah, Guru Penolong Kanan Kurikulum, 
Welcoming Encik Airul Anwar bin Abdul Aziz, Guru Penolong Kanan
speech Hal Ehwal Murid, 
Encik Mohd Izaja bin Zakaria, Guru Penolong Kanan
Pn Rahmah bt Arshad, Guru Penolong Kanan KPKP
Guru-guru, dan rakan-rakan yang dikasihi sekalian.

Assalamualaikum wbt

Alhamdulillah, marilah sama-sama kita memanjatkan rasa

syukur ke hadrat Ilahi, Tuhan yang Maha Agung, Maha
Tinggi kerana dengan limpah kurniaNya serta kehendakNya
jua maka kita diberikan luangan waktu dan kesempatan,
dianugerahkan kesihatan, disempurnakan kewarasan akal,
didorong dan digerakkan minda dan deria rasa untuk kita
sama-sama berkumpul bagi menjayakan Majlis Perasmian
Bulan Pusat Sumber Anjuran Bersama Minggu Bahasa
Melayu dan Kokurikulum 1M1S Peringkat Sekolah
Kebangsaan Seremban 2A dengan temanya MEMBACA

2. Ladies and gentlemen,

I am Areena Shasha , from 6 iklhas dan saya Anis Emilinda
MC introduces
dari 6 C we will be the Master of Ceremony for our event

3. Dari Hulu berdayung ke Kuala,

Performance Singgah bersantai di tepi jeti
Persembahan murid menyusul pula,
Semoga hadirin terhibur di hati.

Sebagai Santapan mata dan halwa telinga, terimalah

persembahan ROLEPLAY ‘What Can You Do In The
Library?. Dengan segala hormat dipersilakan…

We shall now listen to the performance from Year 3 With

The song Apek and margina.

4. Thank you for the wonderful performance and well done.

Such beautiful voice, Bravo Year 3

To begin our assembly today, I would like to Invite
_______________________________________________ to
lead the recitation of prayer.

Thank you. With the prayer, we hope that today’s assembly

will be carried out smoothly in His Grace.

Daun semulur di pekan sari,

Batang jerami rebah ke bumi,
Madah dihulur sembah diberi,
Kata perasmi  hajatnya kami

Now, we have come to the main event of our ceremony
which is the Opening Speech from the Headmistress. Hence,
Opening speech
with greate pleasure, I would like to invite Pn Fuziah bt
Abdul Malek to deliver her speech and officiate this
Please welcome.

With the speech from our beloved Headmistress just now,

our Programme is officially launched.

7. Bunting Hadirin dan hadirat sekalian,

Bagi menyempurnakan lagi Majlis Perasmian Bulan Pusat

Sumber anjuran Bersama Minggu Bahasa Melayu dan
Kokurikulum 1M1S SK Seremban 2A bagi tahun 2019.

Dipersilakan Pn Fuziah bt Abdul Malek dengan diiringi Pn

Roslina bt Bowah untuk menyempurnakan gimik perasmian.
Dengan segala hormatnya dipersilakan.

Ucapan Puan Menyerikan Majlis

Hadirin Hadirat Tampak Ceria 
Kesudian Puan Merasmikan Majlis
Bangganya Kami Tidak Terkira.

Terima Kasih diucapkan kepada Puan, kerana sudi

menyempurnakan acara sebentar tadi.
End That’s all for our today. Thank you again for the
participation. With this, our ceremony has come to an end.
Hopefully the programme can provide a positive impact on
everyone involved directly or indirectly.

Terima kasih sekali lagi diucapkan kepada semua yang

terlibat secara langsung mahupun tidak langsung dalam
memastikan majlis yang permai pada pagi nan ceria ini dapat
dilangsungkan dengan jayanya

Lebat kemiri pohonnya rendah,

Tumbuh meliar merata-rata,
Majlis rasmi terlaksana sudah,
Semoga tercapai matlamat dicita.

Bunga dedap diatas para,

Anak dusun pasang pelita,
Kalau tersilap tutur bicara,
Jemari disusun maaf dipinta.

Sekian dari kami berdua, Wabillahitaufik wbt


The Highly Immersive Programme (HIP) is a programme introduced under the

MBMMBI policy that will improve the English proficiency of students through
increased exposure in schools. It is a reinforcement of the 1999 MOE circular
on implementing English enrichment activities in and out of class. It also
aims to inculcate positive behaviours towards the learning and usage of the
English Language.

It is a reinforcement of the 1999 MOE circular on implementing English

enrichment activities in and out of class. What is different is the way we are
implementing HIP. The approach is to empower schools, by the schools and
for the schools. Schools will be provided with a toolkit so that they will be
guided for a more purposeful planning of activities, based on their
local context and capabilities. The toolkit will contain examples of best
practices from schools that have implemented English enrichment activities
in and out of class successfully.There will be a support mechanism to
encourage schools to share, learn and encourage each other on the
implementation of English enrichment activities.


I am honoured to be here this morning at this meaningful and
important event, one that will further transform education
achievement in Sabah. In the last five years, public examination
results of students in Sabah have shown tremendous improvement and
I view this event as an effort to make further strides in bringing
competency levels in this state to newer heights.
I wish to congratulate the Sabah Education Department on your
initiative to organise the English Day programme and to announce
Tuesdays as English Day for the education community, including for
those who work in education offices. By not limiting the programme
to schools, you are setting the right example. 
We need to embark on continuous efforts to encourage the younger
generation to be well versed in English. Although other languages are
also widely spoken, English is the official medium of communication
in many countries. It is estimated that the number of people
worldwide who use English to communicate on a regular basis is two
billion, which is about a third of the global population.
It is worrying to note that some students think that they can do well
later on without mastering at least some of the key competencies in
the English language. In a highly globalized world, it is necessary to
be able to communicate in English as it is the dominant business
language. Feedback from all over the world shows that cross-border
business communication is most often conducted in English. This
language’s importance in the global market place cannot be
understated. Learning English can change your lives and we need to
keep encouraging students to not shy away from this language.
For those who enjoy reading and other forms of media, many of the
world’s top films, books and music are published and produced in
English. By learning English, you will have access to a great wealth
of knowledge and entertainment. About half of the content produced
in the Internet is in English. This does translate into a huge amount of
information that one could lose out on by ignoring the language.
While learning English can be challenging and time consuming, it is
necessary to make the sacrifice as it does open doors to many
opportunities and to some extent, boosts innovation. 
It is not an easy task to start with something new. Some resist
speaking English as they regard it as glorification of a colonial
language. Others shy away when they are labelled as showing off or
being arrogant when they use the language. This is not a good
situation to be in as it may demotivate those who are willing to brush
up their English proficiency.
I understand there are a number of programmes run by the Education
Department to upgrade the level of English achievement and the level
of proficiency among users. Some 23 schools are currently taking part
in the Highly Immersive Programme. This programme is meant to
encourage the use of English as a medium of communication beyond
the classroom. Another initiative is the Dual Language Programme
through which Mathematics and Science are taught in English. Other
than fulfilling the criteria set by the minister, schools need to conduct
surveys to gain consensus from parents for this to proceed.
I am glad to welcome 15 Fulbright English Teaching Assistants
(ETA) from the United States of America to be part of the Upholding
Bahasa Malaysia and Strengthening English Language policy.
Feedback from students and schools about this collaboration between
the Malaysian and American governments has been positive. Apart
from increasing interest among students, English language teachers
are able to further develop their professional network and share
classroom ideas, experiences and techniques with one another.
I wish to share that the Sabah Government is committed to seeing
improvement of proficiency in English among students. We will work
hand in hand especially with the Sabah Education Department to
ensure basic needs in schools especially in rural and remote areas, are
met. We hope this will reduce the gap between rural and urban areas
and improve achievement among students. It is our collective
responsibility to instil confidence in using this language so that it is
used in daily communication and is not limited to just aiming to get
the minimum requirement for passing it in exams.
I once again commend the Sabah Education Department for this effort
to uplift the application of the English Language among students and
the education community. I wish you all the best in successfully
implementing this programme.
On that note, I am pleased to declare the “English Day Programme”
officially launched.
Thank you.
A very warm welcome I wish to our distinguish guests. It is a pleasure
and a great honor for me to
welcome you to our alma mater, Sekolah Tuanku Abdul Rahman,
ipoh. We are honored to have with
us, the officer from the Japanese Information Service, Education
Ministry of Malaysia, University
Malaya representative and also the Alumni of The look East Policy

Assalamualaikum and a very good evening to Pn Jamilah Jamaluddin,

Senior Assistant for the Afternoon session, Pn Nor Zalifah, teachers
and students.
I am honoured to be here this evening at this meaningful and
important event that is the launching of The Highly Immersive
Programme or HIP. The Highly Immersive Programme (HIP) is a
programme introduced under the MBMMBI policy that will improve
the English proficiency of students through increased exposure
in schools. The approach is to empower schools, by the schools and
for the schools.

Teachers and Students,

There are a number of programmes run by the Education

Ministry to upgrade the level of English achievement and the level of
proficiency among users. Many schools in Malaysia are currently
taking part in this Highly Immersive Programme (HIP). This
programme is meant to encourage the use of English as a medium of
communication beyond the classroom. Another initiative is the Dual
Language Programme that we have in our school for 1 Gamma and 1
Zeta, through which Mathematics and Science are taught in English.

Teachers and Students,

I also wish to congratulate the English Panel on your initiative

to organise the English Day programme and to announce Tuesdays as
English Day for the school. By not limiting the programme to the
subject itself, you are setting the right example.  I wish you all the
best in successfully implementing this programme.

On that note, I am pleased to declare the ‘Highly Immersive

Programme (HIP)’ officially launched.

Thank You.
Melati kuntum tumbuh melata,
Sayang merbah di pohon cemara;
Assalamualaikum mulanya kata,
Saya sembah pembuka bicara

Assalamualaikum .......................salam sejahtera dan salam 1 Malaysia.
Yg Berusaha Pn Siti Hawa Binti Abd Majid, GPK Akademik.
Yg Dihormati Tn Hj Wahab Bin Jantan, GPK Kokurikulum.
 Yg Dihormati Tn Hj Norhizam Bin Ahmad, GPK Akademik Tingkatan 6.
Yg Dihormati Ketua-ketua Bidang, rakan-rakan guru dan murid-murid yang dikasihi

Alhamdulillah ...
Marilah terlebih dahulu sama-sama kita memanjatkan kesyukuran ke hadrat Ilahi kerana
dgn limpah kurnia, taufik dan keizinannya, dapat sama-sama kita menjayakan Majlis
Perasmian  Bulan Bahasa  peringkat sekolah bagi tahun 2017  pd pg ini. Hadirin
sekalian, Program Bulan Bahasa merupakan salah satu program tahunan yang
disambut bertujuan menyemai semangat sayang akan kepelbagaian bahasa yang
dimiliki rakyat  Malaysia. Sesungguhnya kita warga Malaysia yang bertuah kerana
berpeluang mempelajari pelbagai bahasa namun masih mengagungkan bahasa
kebangsaan. Justeru diharapkan agar Sambutan Bulan Bahasa peringkat sekolah ini
mampu menyuntik rasa bangga dan rasa tanggungjawab warga sekolah terhadap
keunikan bahasa di negara kita.

Emas tempawan buatmu puteri

Busana indah buat rupawan
Sudilah puan tampilkan diri
Bersama madah kata aluan

Dijemput Yang  Dihormati Pn Hjh Noorunnisah Begam Bin Abu Bakar, Penyelaras Program
Sambutan Bulan Bahasa  tahun 2017 untuk menyampaikan ucapan. Dipersilakan.

Daun semulur di pekan sari,

Batang jerami rebah ke bumi,
Madah dihulur sembah diberi,
Kata perasmi  hajatnya kami

Dijemput dgn segala hormat , Yang Berusaha Pn Siti Hawa Bt Abd Majid, GPK
Akademik   SMK Dato Mohd Taha utk menyampaikan ucapan seterusnya merasmikan 
Bulan Bahasa Peringkat Sekolah bagi tahun 2017. Dipersilakan.
Pihak majlis merakamkan penghargaan terima kasih kepada  Yang Berusaha Pn Siti
Hawa Bt Abd Majid, GPK Akademik   SMK Dato Mohd Taha yg telah sudi
menyampaikan ucapan dan seterusnya menutup secara rasmi Bulan Bahasa Peringkat
Sekolah bagi tahun 2017.

Busana kebaya bertambah indah

Cantik dipakai tidaklah hairan
Ucapan sudah rasmipun sudah
Tibalah masa gimik pelancaran

Bagi tujuan itu, majlis dengan segala hormatnya mempersilakan Pn Hjh Noorunnisah
Begam Bt Abu Bakar untuk mengiringi Yang Berusaha Pn Siti Hawa Bt Abd Majid bagi
merasmikan gimik pelancaran Bulan Bahasa Peringkat Sekolah tahun 2017.

Puisi bahasa resam bergaya,

Berbilang kaum kita ajarkan,
Variasi bangsa rencam budaya,
...........................................kita saksikan.

Marilah kita sama-sama menyaksikan persembahan

Majlis dengan sukacitanya mempersilakan.

Tahniah dan terima kasih diucapkan.

Bahagia meniti indah disanjung,

Mengerat sayhdu menyusun irama,
Bahasa  dihati amanat disanjung,
Bahasa Jiwa Bangsa dinyanyi bersama

Pohon kerjasama daripada semua guru & pelajar  utk berdiri, mendengar dan sama-
sama menyanyikan lagu “ Bahasa Jiwa Bangsa”

Terima kasih diucapkan kepada semua.


(Dwibahasa Melayu- Inggeris)

Majlis Penutupan Perkhemahan Bahasa Inggeris

SMKA Kuala Selangor.

Mengumumkan ketibaan En Ahmad Zainuri bin Loap
Ahmad masuk ke dalam dewan.

Announcing the arrival of En Ahmad Zainuri bin Loap

Ahmad to enter the hall.

Seterusnya, para hadirin diminta berdiri bagi menyanyikan

lagu Negaraku.

Please rise to honour the National Anthem.

Para hadirin dipersilakan duduk.

All audiences may be seated.


Yg. Dihormati,
En Ahmad Zainuri bin Loap Ahmad
Koordinator Diploma Bahasa Inggeris
University Pendidikan Sultan Idris

Yg Berusaha,
Puan Hjh Hamidah Binti Ghazali
Pengetua SMKA Kuala Selangor

Puan Mazyani Bt Mat

Pensyarah English Language Camp Management,

Guru- guru SMKA Kuala Selangor,

Encik Calvin Woo Yoong Shen
Pengarah Program English Camp,
PENGERUSI Fasilitator- Fasilitator Serta Para Pelajar yang dikasihi

Assalamu’alaikum wrt wbt

Selamat petang dan salam sejahtera ,
Hadirin yang dihormati,
Bersyukur kita ke hadrat Allah Taala kerana dengan limpah
kurniaNya dapat kita berkumpul dalam majlis yang begitu
bermakna ini.



Bagi pihak Penganjur, Majlis berbesar hati mengucapkan

selamat datang kepada sidang hadirin ke Majlis perasmian
penutupan Kem Bahasa Inggeris anjuran pelajar Diploma
Bahasa Inggeris Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris dengan
kerjasama SMKA Kuala Selangor.
Majlis juga ingin merakamkan ucapan setinggi-tinggi
penghargaan dan terima kasih kepada Encik Ahmad
Zainuri bin Loap Ahmad, Koordinator Program Diploma
Bahasa Inggeris kerana sudi bersama kita pada hari ini.

We would like to extend a warm welcome to all the

distinguished guests and participants to the closing
ceremony of English Language Camp organized by
Diploma In English students in collaboration with SMKA
Kuala Selangor.

We also would like to express our most gratitude to the

Coordinator of Diploma In English programme, Encik
Ahmad Zainuri bin Loap Ahmad to be here with us today.

BACAAN DOA Seterusnya, bagi memberkati majlis kita pada petang ini,
majlis dengan segala hormatnya menjemput
saudara___________________________________ untuk
mengetuai bacaan doa.
We would like to invite
_______________________________ to lead the prayer.
Terima kasih diucapkan kepada saudara 
______________________________ atas bacaan doa
sebentar tadi.

Thank you ________________________________ for the

prayer recitals.

MONTAJ Seterusnya, marilah kita bersama-sama menyaksikan

tayangan montaj yang telah disediakan sepanjang 2 hari
program ini berlangsung. Selamat menonton.

Next, let us watch the montage for this 2-day programme.

Have a pleasant view.

LATARBELAKANG Untuk pengetahuan sidang hadirin sekalian, kem ini

merupakan salah satu tugasan yang diberikan kepada
pelajar Semester 3, Diploma Bahasa Inggeris bagi kursus
BIK1263 Pengurusan Kem Bahasa Inggeris. Program ini
telah ditaja oleh:

         Fakulti Bahasa & Komunikasi Universiti Pendidikan Sultan

Idris Shah
         Datuk Bandar Majlis Bandaraya Melaka Bersejarah
         IM4U
         Proton Holdings Bhd

BACKGROUND For your information, this camp is intended to meet the

requirement for BIK1263 English Language Camp
Management course, UPSI. This programme is sponsored

         Mayor of Majlis Bandaraya Melaka Bersejarah

         Faculty of  Languages & Communication Sultan Idris
Education University
         IM4U
         Proton Holdings Bhd

UCAPAN Seterusnya majlis menjemput Saudara Calvin Woo, selaku

PENGARAH Pengarah Program Kem Bahasa Inggeris bagi
PROGRAM menyampaikan sepatah dua kata.

Next, we would like to invite the Programme Director of

English Language Camp, Mr. Calvin Woo, to give a

Terima kasih kepada Saudara Calvin Woo.

Thank you Mr. Calvin Woo Yoong Shen.

UCAPAN Seterusnya majlis menjemput dan mempersilakan Puan
PENGETUA Pengetua SMKA Kuala Selangor, Puan  Hajah Hamidah
Ghazali selaku tuan rumah untuk naik ke pentas untuk
memberikan ucapan.
Next, we would like to invite Puan Hajah Hamidah Ghazali,
Principal of SMKA Kuala Selangor to deliver her speech.

Terima kasih diucapkan kepada  Puan Pengetua.

Thank you Puan hajah Hamidah Ghazali

UCAPAN WAKIL Kalau tuan pikat kenari,

FAKULTI Jangan patahkan batang jerami;
Kepada tuan hormat diberi,
Mohon rasmikan majlis kami.

Seterusnya, tanpa melengahkan masa majlis dengan

penuh takzimnya mempersilakan Encik Ahmad Zainuri bin
Loap Ahmad selaku Wakil Fakulti Bahasa dan
Komunikasi untuk naik ke atas pentas bagi menyampaikan
ucapan seterusnya merasmikan majlis ini.
Without further ado we would like to call upon the
representative from the Faculty of Languages and
Communication Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
Mr Ahmad Zainuri bin Loap Ahmad to deliver his speech
and officiate this ceremony.
Please welcome.

Terima kasih diucapkan kepada Encik Ahmad Zainuri atas

ucapan yang diberikan sebentar tadi.

Thank you to Mr. Ahmad Zainuri for the speech.

(ROLE PLAY) Bagi memeriahkan majlis kita pada pagi ini, sama-sama
kita saksikan satu persembahan ( roleplay ) dari para
pelajar SMKA Kuala Selangor.
Dengan segala hormatnya majlis mempersilakan kumpulan
________________________ naik ke pentas.

To enliven our ceremony today, a group of students from

SMKA Kuala Selangor will be doing a role play.

Terima kasih diucapkan kepada kumpulan _____________

di atas persembahan sebentar tadi

Thank you to group__________for the marvellous

performance just now.

PENYAMPAIAN Hadirin Sekalian,

HADIAH Seterusnya, majlis diteruskan lagi dengan acara
penyampaian hadiah kepada para pemenang.
Majlis menjemput En. Ahmad Zainuri bin Loap Ahmad
sambil diiringi oleh Pengarah Program Saudara Calvin Woo
bagi menyampaikan hadiah kepada para pemenang.

Next, we continue with the prize giving ceremony for the


Hence, we would like to invite Mr. Ahmad Zainuri bin Loap

Ahmad accompanied by Programme Director Calvin Woo
to give away the prizes for the winners.

Dipersilakan… (rujuk senarai pemenang)

Please welcome…
Dijemput _________________ mewakili para pelajar untuk
menerima sijil.

We would like to invite ___________________________ to

receive the certificate of attendance.

Penyampaian Majlis seterusnya menjemput  Puan Pengetua SMKA Kuala

Cenderamata Selangor, Puan  Hajah Hamidah Ghazali untuk menerima
cenderamata kenang-kenangan daripada Universiti
Pendidikan Sultan Idris.
We would like to invite the Principal of SMKA Kuala
Selangor, Puan  Hajah Hamidah Ghazali to receive a token
of appreciation from the university.
Seterusnya majlis dengan segala hormatnya
mempersilakan saudara Calvin Woo menyampaikan
cenderahati kepada En Ahmad Zainuri Loap Ahmad di atas
kesudian merasmikan majlis kita pada hari ini.
We would like to invite Mr Calvin Woo to give away a token
of appreciation to Mr Ahmad Zainuri Loap Ahmad.
Terima kasih diucapkan kepada En Ahmad Zainuri di atas
kesudian menyampaikan hadiah dan cenderamata kepada
para peserta kem.
Thank you Mr Ahmad Zainuri for giving away the prizes to
the participants.
Dengan berakhirnya acara penyampaian hadiah itu tadi,
maka berakhirlah  majlis kita pada hari ini.  Semoga
program yang dijalankan dapat memberikan impak positif
kepada setiap pihak yang terlibat secara langsung
mahupun secara tidak langsung.
Marilah kita menutup majlis dengan bacaan tasbih kifarah
dan surah al asr.
Dengan ini, kami mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih dan
Assalamu alaikum.
Diminta para hadirin tunggu sebentar bagi sesi fotografi.

With this, our ceremony has come to an end.
Hopefully the programme can provide a positive impact on
everyone involved directly or indirectly.
Let us close our ceremony with tasbih kifarah and surah al asr.
With this, we thank you.
Ladies & Gentlemen, please stay back for the photography

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