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Marketing Management
Master in Business Administration

Project Submitted to Sir Sharjel Zubair

New Product Launching

Company Product
Fresher Juice Background
The parent company of Fresher is Al-Hilal industries. Al-Hilal was established
in1960 and they launched their first production in 1962 that was Sultan Banaspati
cooking oil and after about 40 years they have now shifted introduction of juices.
The main policy of Al-Hilal industries is PULL policy rather than PUSH policy
that is they want to place their product on shelves first, they want maximum
placement and then advertise their product. They have placement is Lahore,
Karachi, Islamabad, Faisalabad and Multan. They want focus branding as
their main focus is on group a people. Al-Hilal doesn't compromise on quality as
per its name Hilal means pure and in near future they are planning to launch water
called Blue, rapsel oil and carbonated fruit drinks called kooler. Introduction:
Fresher is a new product launched by Al-Hilal industries. Other

Situational analysis:
The situational analysis covers the following key areas:

 Current Products
 Current Target Market
 Current Distributor Network
 Current
 Competitors
 Financial Analysis
 External Forces

Current Products:
Fruit juice by AL-HILAL:
Boomer is a soft drink by Al-Hilal who has launched juices like Fresher and
Kooler. Fresher is a famous one whereas Kooler is a new drink which is seen less
in market. After very little time of launching Kooler, Al-Hilal launched their soft
drink with the name of Boomer.
Product attributes:

The juice packed in the quantities 500ml. Packaging is done on imported
machinery as it considered being highly sophisticated and hygienic.
Products will be stored in cool dry store before distribution because it is a pulp of
juices and affected from sunlight and moisture.
Product Shelf life:
Fresher Juice in 500ml serving packs have better shelf life and have shelf life
of less than 6 months.
Packaging Material Used:
H e a l t h a n d s a f e t y a r e d i r e c t l y l i n k e d wi t h t h e p a c k i n g ma t e r i a l
u s e d a n d people are much concerned about it. That is the primary reason why
packaging has been used by Al-Hilal.


Here are of the some features of our product:

 Fresh original fruit juice
 Provides proteins and minerals (vitamin-c, sugar, protein and sodium etc.)
 Provides vitamins
 Beneficial for kidneys there are many nutrients that show the best
 Excellent in taste all flavors.
 Gives freshness like original taste.
 It is not harmful to anybody, processing of all fresher juices are pure and
Qualities of Fresher juice:
Larger availability. Good range of flavors like

 Orange
 Strawberry
 Guava
 Falsa
 Peach
 Mango.

Standardized and attractive packing that attracts the customers’. Large

promotion and market coverage.

Product Strategy:
Nature of the product:
 Everyone has their own ideas about replacing essential body fluids, vitamins
and minerals - whether it's after exercise or just a tiring day at the office. Fruit
juice is still one of the best ways to refresh the body's essential nutrients and it's
a natural source of energy. Common People especially young generation is
inclined to have ready to consume drinks; in addition hotels, hospitals are also
expanding day by day where juices could be marketed successfully.
 Give values to the customers to delighting them.
 Do whatever it takes not to satisfy the customers but retain the customers.
 In order to accomplish this objective, the company has established sales,
marketing and support teams.
Fresher juices:
Flavors available:
 Orange
 Strawberry
 Guava
 Falsa
 Peach
 Mango
Pricing Objectives:
The objectives of Fresher Juices for pricing are as follows:

Pricing Strategy:
 Al-Hilal when introduced fresher juice in the market set the Price at PRs.
40/- while the competitive price was PRs. 35/-. This above average price
was due the better quality product and a new Juice Brand by a well knows
Juice Company and Industry giant like:
 To achieve a target return.
 To maximize profit.
 Stabilize prices to meet competition.
 Market share Leadership to increase the market share.
 Product Quality Leadership to give the quality to the customers.

Factors Affecting the Price of Fresher juice:

The following are the same factors that are affecting the price of Fresher Juice:

 They are using the expensive technology.

 The transportation, roads are not in a good condition
 The unstable politicians, which have positive and negative effect on the
 The labor cost is low in Pakistan as compare to the others.
 The advertisement is increasing the cost price of it but this is necessary.
 Due to increase in taxes the price of them is also increased.
 They are using good quality packing which increase their cost.
The distribution network includes the distributor then the wholesaler and in the end
the retailer. Again benefits are provided on the achievement of the sales targets and
timely delivery of products. In some cases products are provided to big retailers by
the distributor itself but mostly it is being purchased by the retailer from the

The Channel of Distribution:

 Market
 Local seller
 Whole seller
 Fair Price Shops
Distribution Strategy:
Through the heavy advertisement the distribution can be affected because the
distribution mainly depends upon the demand. In the Fresher they are using the
above channel for distribution the product.
Some of people who wants to purchases very heavy amount of the Fresher juice,
they come to the company directly and buy which is required.
The whole seller are purchasing them for the resale able purpose but less than the
first once.

Distribution Areas:

Distributing in major cities such as:

 Lahore
 Karachi
 Islamabad

Company has the stores to store the juice packets before the juice goes for
Demand situation:
Company always has the backup store juice to fulfill this demand.
Handling order:
To deliver the right quality and quantity of the Fresher juice, they are working on
the daily bases. They have transport to achieve all the things according to their
product. For distribution they are always have the future planning.
Al-Hilal is using following mediums for promotion of Fresher juice:

 Advertisement boards
 Television
 Radio
 Newspapers
 Broachers
 Internet
Doing these things according to the plans, for example

 Now wants to advertise the product more through media by using the
famous people
 Large discount for the people who purchase the Fresher juice directly from
the company and in large amount
 Giving free samples to the people who visit the company.
 Stale operations are functioning in which they are giving the free testing
 The target fragments for Fresher the people using juices instead of the soft
drink like Coke and Pepsi.
External forces:
Trends, events, conditions that are external (usually uncontrolled by the company)
that may impact the company’s products or the market:

Areas of consideration:
 Environmental
 Social and cultural
 Demographic
 Economic
 Technological
 Political
 Legal, regulatory, ethical

The interest is in environmental trends and events that have the potential to affect
strategy. This analysis should identify such trends and events and the estimate their
likelihood and impact. There is no control on environment so it effect the products
of specially juices.
Socio cultural:
Company’s concern with current or emerging trends in lifestyle, fashions, and
other components of culture and there implications these represent the
opportunities and threats according to the market and products.
Demographic trends affect the market size of the industry (growth rate, income,
population shifts) these trends represent an opportunity or threat so it is also
Economic trends have an impact on business activity (Interest rates, inflation,
unemployment levels, energy availability, disposable income, etc.)That also
impact the company’s products and the market.
The existing technologies maturing and technological developments and trends are
affecting the industry product.
Government bureaucrats able to carry out decisions, On the basis resource
allocations made, the bureaucracy facilitate or retard the development of the
organization that are affecting the industry product and market.
Legal, regulatory, ethical:
Changes in regulation are possible, their impact be on industry, tax or other
incentives are being developed that might affect strategy development.

Marketing Strategy and Marketing Objectives:

This section consists of three major issues:
 Marketing Strategy
 Financial Objectives
 Marketing Objectives

Identify Marketing Strategy:

Marketing analysis:
The company’s strategic planning is exactly in accordance with the mission and
goal of the company. The process of developing and maintaining a strategic fit
Between the organizations goals and capabilities and it’s changing marketing
opportunities. It involves: company mission, setting supporting objectives,
designing a sound business portfolio, and coordinating functional strategies. The
company’s marketing strategic objectives are as follows:
 Maintain positive, steady growth each quarter.
 Experience a growth in new customers who are turned into long -
term customers.
Customer driven marketing strategy:
Customer driven marketing strategy refers the strategy focusing the customer
values and customer satisfaction.
Company’s main purpose is to deliver the maximum benefit to its customers in
minimum cost. In this regard company carries out following steps for its product
and for its customers.
 Market Segmentation
 Market Targeting
 Market Positioning

Market stability:
Marketing strategy is to promote the end result. Most of the time, customers want
to know what the end result of buying product of service is going to be like. So
gives the best quality to customers remain the market stable.

Competitive analysis:
In this analysis the company see that how can they take edge over their
competitors. As far as the competitors of Al-Hilal are concerned there are many
competitors of Al-Hilal in Regular fruit juices.
 Company is getting edge over its competitors by following these tact and
 Fresher juices are offered at normal prices and give best quality as
compared to our competitor.
 The Fresher has edge over its competitors with best quality penetrate the
market and achieving targets to attract the customers.
 The retailer earns more profit from company by selling more product
 Fresher juice comprises of 32% original pulp of fruits while Nestle juices are
called nectar juice (that which is manufactured with artificial flavors)

Competitors of Fresher Juice:

1. Vivo Juice
2. Pulpy Orange
3. Slice Mango
4. Siprus Juice
5. Nestle Juice
6. Shezan Juice
7. Rani Juice
The details about FRESHER competitors are as follows.

Vivo Juice:
Vivo juices are considered as the main competitors of fresher. Vivo juice jumped
in the market and introduce same flavor as fresher does. They introduce flavors
(I).Mango (ii). Guava (iii). Strawberry (IV). Orange. But not introduce Peach &
Falsa yet.
The price of vivo juices is same as the prices of fresher just because of capture the
market. So their prices are also 40/- PRs.
 Purified water
 Mango pulp
 Sucrose
 Acidulent and Vitamin
 Free From preservatives
 Artificial flavors

Pulpy Orange:
Pulpy orange launched by Coca Cola company before five years has become most
popular drink in Pakistan. Because of Coca Cola quality and brand. They have
introduced only one flavors in their fresh drink which is Orange and used orange
pulpy in it.
So the price of this drink is 60/- PRs.
 Filtered Water
 Concentrated Apple juice
 Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C)

Slice Mango:
Pepsi launched their juice line. Named as “Slice”. They only introduced Slice juice
in mango flavor. Their price also low then other juice manufacturing concern as
Slice price is 20/- PRs with small packing of 250 ml.
 Filtered water
 Concentrated apple juice
Nestle Juice
Nestle encourages the consumer response to Nestle orange juice that was launched
in 1996, the flavors of Nestle juice was expand with the introduction of Mango
flavor, Orange flavor. Consumer response to these new flavors has been unbeaten
and in expected to gain further.
The Nestle introduce further flavors
Red Grape, Pine Apple, Chaunsa, Guava, Simple Mango, Mix Fruit,

Siprus Juice
Siprus was introduce their fresh juice last year. The company name which was

Company (Pvt.) Ltd. They introduce their only one flavor which is mango.
 Mango Pulp
 Purified Water
 Sugar
 Stabilizer
 Citric Acid
 Ascorbic Acid
 Artificial Flavor

Shezan Juice:
Shezan juice is a brand name. Shezan company its self-control all working of their
products. They introduce their juices in the flavor of Mango, Apple, and Mix fruit,
Twist, which capture the market maximum due to their low prices.
Rani Juice:
Rani juices are introduced to compete the market. They launch their products in the
flavor of Mango, Orange etc.
Big Apple:
Another competitor’s product which is uses in the season that is Big Apple.
But this product is not in the competitor list because this is not a fresh juice.
Competitors Analysis:

Company Name Quality Service Location Facility

Nestle Better Good Excellent Good
Fresher Good Normal Good Normal
Slice Normal Normal Good Average
Shezan Best Best Good Average
Rani Normal Normal Normal Normal
Pulpy Normal Good Good Average

Company Name Quality S

Vivo & Slice Juices has low share in the market. Maximum above juices are
sale in the market.

Market price comparison:

Name of the Company
Price of the J
Name of Company Price of Juice in Market

Vivo Juice PR 40/- 500 ml

Fresher Juice PR 50/- 500 ml
Pulpy Orange PR 50/- 250 ml
Slice Mango PR 20/- 250 ml
Shezan Juice PR 15/-
Nestle Juice PR 20/-
Rani Juice PR 40/-
Country Juice PR 15/-
Uses of these products in consumer point of view:
Nestle 70 %
Shezan 80%
Fresher 60%
Pulpy 80%
Rani 65%
Slice 75%
Siprus 20%
Vivo 20%

Fresher Juice SWOT Analysis:

Fresher itself (Name of brand):
As name shows it provides freshness and pure & fresh quality.
Pure and natural products:
Company uses the ingredients pure and good quality foods. They do not use any
kind of (cent)-flavor.
Qualified sales staff:
Sales staff of the company is qualified at least masters and they preferred the staffs
that have specialization in marketing and finance.
The honest and determined employees:
As compared to other companies our staff is well reputed and honest and they
determine to achieve their goals.
No complains on the quality:
The product of Fresher is pure and quality wise up in the market competitors
according to company’s point of view no complain on the quality of fresher from
Attractive packaging:
The packaging of fresher juices is good and having well reputation in the mind of
Capacity Of plant:
Main weakness of the company is capacity of plant.
Company does not fulfill the requirement of product in the market as compared
with their competitor Shezan mostly in summer season.
Distribution is weak:
Companies distribution is weak because of fresher is available only in big cities
and not properly available in big cities. In big cities fresher is available only big
store or Marts etc.
Less Public Awareness:
As Shezan juices have great perception value in minds of customers so while
competing in the market so people has no awareness about fresher because newly
launched .this is also company’s weakness.

Sugar Free:
As compared with other companies most of companies gives sugar free juices but
fresher does not provide sugar free because of their pure quality. If they try to
create sugar free their quality become low.

Distribution network may be increases:
Fresher company may increase their distribution network throughout Pakistan
other than big cities like Gujranwala, Sargodha, and Multan etc.
Increasing the advertisement, may increase sale:
At this time fresher have weak point of less advertisement. But in future they try
to increase their advertisement in print media and electronic media. By taking this
step their sale automatically increases.
May be added of new varieties-(In flavor):
Management is deciding to launch new varieties of flavor which can compete the
other competitors in the market.
Market growth:
Juices market expands very fast .A new research proves that in future (2017) every
person use 185.5 liters juices per years.

High Taxes:
Al-Hilal Company’s major threat is that it is facing the high tax rates ranges from
17% to 18%.
Competitor’s prices:
The competitors prices against fresher juices is comparatively low due to this itis a
competitor’s price threat facing by these juices.

Maximum sale of product is in the season otherwise low sale:

Increase in competitors:
There are a large number of competitors which are increasing competition in the
High packaging cost:
Due to supplicated packing of al-Hilal juices it is bearing a high cost.
Current Market Situation:
Fresher a product of AL-Hilal Industries arrived new in the market. It has already
captured the juice market by their different taste and packing. Fresher juice is a
fresh juice product that is going to introduce in the Lahore domestic market. We
are focusing to all levels of generation. The kids, youths, mature and olds and
overall families the prices of the fresher juice are moderate, because it is for
everyone in the society.

Distribution Strategies:

 This product is distributed through authorized distributors, who are selected

on a tough criteria, I-e qualification, previous experience of the same field,
distributor’s storage place which should be neat, clean and up to the mark,
his motor vehicle etc.
 Proper planning by following demand and supply rule carries out
distribution. Also the distribution strategy of the competitors is considered.
 Inventory level of juices in the god owns of the distributors is always kept
more than demand so as to fulfill the demand of potential customers.
 Fresher juices are distributed to all the A class superstores of high traffic
markets of posh areas. For example in case of Lahore the areas of high
availability are Model Town, Liberty, and Anarkali.

The fresher juice geographic target area is currently Lahore. We are supplying our
product to all area of the Lahore. We have further divided the areas of Lahore into
4 zones.

A zone includes Gulberg, M.M Alam road, Defence

B zone includes upper Mall, Wahdat road, and model town
C zone includes lower mall, Allama Iqbal Town, Sabzazar Scheme
D zone includes Multan road, Sakeem MOR, Allama Iqbal town

There is an almost equal ratio between male and female and also kids. We are
 Kids
 Youngsters
 Mature
 Old age persons

Marketing Strategy and Objectives:

The market strategy is based on positioning of the product in the mind
of consumers. Providing high quality Juice to the customers. We will distribute our
product on mass level so that we can maximize the profitability.

Assigns sales target according to region and seasons:

 Parameters.
 Sales incentives
 Promotional offers.
 Distributors
 Wholesalers
 Retailers
 Through transportation
Channel management:
 Fresher has lot of control over the channel
 In case of fresher to Authorized distributor to retail
 Shops (defined territory of distributor)
 Fresher assigns a particular territory.
 Distributor under an agreement.

Positioning Strategies:
We want to put an image of our product in the consumers minds compare to
competitors product. We want to target the high school, college and graduate
students and government sectors that have to work hard and need to Fresher juice
them in an instant.

We will target the following segment
 Mostly youth generation

Communication Strategies:
Actually the promotion is a first step when we are launching a new product, but we
make its strategies in last. We want to make a good image in the mind of
customers, so that they will buy only our products.

Main Sources of Promotion:

 Electronic Media (Sponsored to Special program Hasb-e-Haal On Dunya
news (Beautiful people on dawn news)
 Print Media (Jang newspaper, Friday times, she magazine and Dalda ka
 Cable network (local cable)
 Places (big super stores, pace etc.
Distributors Review:
To assure the availability of its product “Fresher juice” juice has established
effective network of registered dealers. The main target of these juices is Lahore
and all over Pakistan.
The end consumer would then purchase “Fresher juice” from the retailer. The
distributors are the most reliable distributors in the region. They enjoy a flawless
reputation combined with business relations with numerous retailers even in the
rural areas of Lahore and near sides. This has ensured that
made available all over Lahore.

Marketing Organization:
Fresher juices chief marketing officer holds overall responsibility for all of the
company’s marketing activities. There are other subordinates with him to help the
sales campaigns, trade and consumer sales promotions, and public relations
Point of difference of fresher juice:
Consumer is considered as the king of market. Their need varies from time to time
due to change in technology, fashion, tastes, behavior and lifestyle.
Customers demand 100 % calorie free juices now from which they can derive
potential health benefits.

Marketing mix strategies for segment:

 People having income25000 to 50,000 and above are included in the target
 Youth an old age people are taken as the most important targets in case of
pure juices.

 Females in emphasis, while males also are considered as a part of target
Family size:
 All family sizes either small or large, either single or married all are
included in its target segment.
Life-cycle stage:
 That life cycle stage is given more importance which includes more young
people either males or females.
Geographic Location:
 A class superstores and grocery stores in the high traffic markets in posh
areas of all the cities of distribution throughout the Pakistan.

Life Style
 Fresher juices are highly meant for sophisticated, diet and health conscious,
smart and self-conscious people who give great importance to hygienic
Use occasion:
 The fresher juices are a part of breakfast. But they may also be used
throughout the day. As these juices are a sort of energizers, so they are also
used after exercise.

Prior Experience:
 It is an important variable as far as any eatable product is concerned.
Because if any customer who has already tested theses juices and has gained
its nutritional benefits and had enjoyed its good taste odor then he/she will
surely be attracted towards its reuse.
Purchase behavior:
 In the case of fresher juices the size of purchase is not very small because
they are the part of breakfast which is taken daily and are used after exercise
so are the part of routine and the brand loyal customers will purchase it on
consistent basis.

Time and location of implementation:

Activities to Be Implemented:
 Sales representatives target all the untapped markets and niches, by using
current products.
 Revenue objectivity should be given high attention, and it should increase by
45% every year
 Product line should be extended by adding new flavors of juices.
 Related and unrelated diversification in the form of eatables, made up of
fruit extracts and food pulp.
 Role of R&D should be increased to help
Target markets most effectively
To get knowledge about consumers preferences.
 More budget and resources should be allocated to advertisement and sales

How Implementation To Be Done:

Develop desirable skills in the employees who are assigned the basics of target
implemented these skills may include.
 The ability of sales force, personnel in finance department, expert inbred
etc., should first understand the nature of the tasks or tasks importance for
the company.
 To increase the ability to put right people on right jobs .i.e. the person of
finance dept. should not be given the tasks of R&D, which is highly
sensitive and innovational field.
 Responsibilities for Implementation
o Create the effectiveness of the personnel to focus on critical aspects of
their job.

Other remedies to enhance implementation includes:

Organizational Design:
Organizational design should consist of multifunctional teams, including at least 1
member of each department to solve the problem or to achieve the targets.
Various rewards may help achieve successful implementation. For Example in case
of fresher juices, bonuses or commission should be given to members of sales
force/personal selling teams who sales more units of juice packets
Rapid and accurate movement of information should be confirmed .To-do so
efficient and effective feedback systems should be introduced. For example in case
of fresher juice the smooth flow of information should be confirmed from a single
member of sales force / distributors up tithe brand manager and vice versa.
Critical success factors:
There are a lot of factors exist in the success of a company that may be the core
competences of that particular company. Al-Hilal is the one of the national
company, which is deal in juices. There are following of the critical success factors
of the AL HILAL

Product Quality:
Al-Hilal juices are offer in market with high quality in both pure and
fresh verities. Fresher offer in pure juices,

Prices Competition:
In cutthroat competition al-Hilal offer best suitable prices, which it’s all type
of customers can purchase. Fresher juices available with high quality and
reasonable prices.

Financial position:
Al Hilal has very strong position in all financial matters due to which it is adopt
diversification strategies and try to bring innovation in all products to attract the
new customers and retain the existing customers.

Al Hilal Company has very educated and experienced management people who
cooperative and discuss each and every thing with each other so the cross-sectional
discussion is very common in al-Hilal Company.

Evaluation and Control:

For evaluation and control of fresher juices conduct a comprehensive audit of all
the departments by comparing the current results of company’s objectives They get
comprehensive information from all the departments carefully and its analysis is
conducted with great care . The results are analyzed with great emphasis on the
company’s behalf. If there appears any deficit then revise their strategies
implement them and then get the results and if there are no loopholes found they
continue to implement that strategy for the specified period of time. This
evaluation conduct twice a year.
Fresher juice is presently on the growth in the business life cycle. Now it should
focus on the more customer centered approach and should introduce more
innovative and up to-date products so that it could retain more and more
customers. Fresher’s retail division is on star and it needs more investment to
maintain the present position in the market.

According to our observation after visiting the company and taking
information from the market we have concluded that:-
 They have to make new strategy for the competitors like Nestle and Shezan.
 They have large capital, so they have to spend more money in the
advertising field
 They have to introduce new flavor in the market
 They are going good but have to improve internal environment
 They have to improve their distributor sector.

As we have mentioned that FRESHER needs to improve its distribution strategy.
FRESHER Is targeting youngsters as a potential so if company supply directly to
the schools, colleges and universities it removes intermediaries and due to high
profit ratio café owners will promote FRESHER Compared to other juices

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