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Bulk Water Supply Project

Financial Modeling Assumptions

Variable Unit Notes

Forecast Period
Construction Period Number of Years
Operations Period Number of Years

Volume of Water Produced in Million Cubic Meters Expected volume of water produced each year OR Original plant capacity then annual production loss can be estimated.
Volume of Water Sold in Million Cubic Meters Can be derived tas a % of 'Volume of Water Produced'.
Production Loss % Annual 'Production Loss'. Can be derived as a % of 'Volume of Water Produced'.
Tariff PHP per Cubic Meter
Escalation Rate % Escalation rate of tariff. Must establish the years when 'Escalation Rate' must be applied (e.g. every odd year, every 5 years, etc.).

Direct Costs
Cost of Production of Water PHP per Cubic Meter If PHP per Cubic Meter is not available, expected aggregate production cost per year may be used. Bulk of this cost is for the Water
Treatment Plant.
Escalation Rate % Escalation rate is usually the annual inflation rate.
Concession Payments % Absolute amount or can be derived as a % of 'Volume of Water Sold', depending on the concession agreement. This is what has to be
remitted to the local government as a concession payment.

Fixed Costs
Salaries of employees and PHP Assumed 'Fixed Costs' can be in real terms. Adjustments can be done (by incorporating inflation rate) to derive annual "Fixed Costs".
personnel, Utilities, Rental
for Premises, etc.

Income Taxes
Income Taxes % Derived as a % of 'Pre-tax Income'. Must incorporate special considerations for the project (e.g. tax holidays).

Capital Expenditures
Capital Expenditures PHP Capital Expenditures' per year.
Useful Life Number of Years Needed to compute for depreciation.

Working Capital
Days Payable Number of Days Supplier credit period.
Days Receivables Number of Days Payments of customers are due within this period.

Bank Loan PHP Amount of loan to be availed each year OR as % of CAPEX.
Tenor of Loan Number of Years Terms of the loan such as (1) tenor, (2) grace period, if applicable, (3) repayment scheme
Interest Rate %
Short Term Loan PHP If operations result in negative cash balances, additional short-term loans shall be acquired.

Equity PHP Amount of equity to be infused OR as % of CAPEX.
Slaughterhouse Project
Financial Modeling Assumptions

Variable Unit Notes

Forecast Period
Construction Period Number of Years
Operations Period Number of Years

Number of Heads slaughtered Number per Year Number of heads of hogs, boars, cattles, goats, fowls, chicken, etc.
Year-on-Year Growth of Heads % Assumed growth of heads per year, subject to capacity constraint of the Slaughterhouse
Slaughter Fees PHP per Head Slaughter Fee per head by kind of animal
Other Fees PHP per Head (per Day) Other Fees such as Ante-mortem, Post-mortem, Corral Fees and Delivery Fees
Escalation Rate % Escalation rate of fees. Must establish the years when 'Escalation Rate' must be applied (e.g. every odd year, every 5 years, etc.).

Lease expenses PHP Assumed 'Expenses' can be in real terms. Adjustments can be done (by incorporating inflation rate) to derive annual 'Expenses'.
Salaries PHP
Taxes and Licenses PHP
Utilities PHP
Repairs and Maintenance PHP
Insurance PHP
Other expenses PHP
Concession Payments % Absolute amount or can be derived as a % of 'Slaughter Fees', depending on the concession agreement. This is what has to be remitted to
the local government as a concession payment.
Other Fees to be transmitted PHP Depends on the concession agreement. Nonetheless, Ante-mortem and Post-mortem Fees are transmitted to the LGU.
to LGU

Income Taxes
Income Taxes % Derived as a % of 'Pre-tax Income'. Must incorporate special considerations for the project (e.g. tax holidays).

Capital Expenditures
Capital Expenditures PHP Capital Expenditures' per year.
Useful Life Number of Years Needed to compute for depreciation.

Bank Loan PHP Amount of loan to be availed each year OR as % of CAPEX.
Tenor of Loan Number of Years Terms of the loan such as (1) tenor, (2) grace period, if applicable, (3) repayment scheme
Interest Rate %
Short Term Loan PHP If operations result in negative cash balances, additional short-term loans shall be acquired.

Equity PHP Amount of equity to be infused OR as % of CAPEX.
Seaport Project
Financial Modeling Assumptions

Variable Unit Notes

Forecast Period
Construction Period Number of Years
Operations Period Number of Years

Tariffs / Fees / Dues
For Stevedoring PHP per TEU
For Storage PHP per TEU per Day
For Arrastre PHP per TEU
Port Dues PHP per Tonne
Dockage Dues PHP per Tonne
Anchorage Dues PHP per Tonne
Projected Throughput
For Stevedoring TEU
For Storage TEU x Number of Days
For Arrastre TEU
Deadweight Tonnage Tonne

Concession Payments % Absolute amount or can be derived as a % of 'Revenues', depending on the concession agreement. This is what has to be remitted to the
local government as a concession payment.
Port Authorites Share in Gross Revenues % % of 'Revenues'.
Manpower costs PHP For expenses considered as 'Fixed Costs', amounts can be in real terms. Adjustments can be done (by incorporating inflation rate) to arrive
Equipment and facilities-related expenses PHP with the year-on-year expenses.
Administrative and other operating expenses PHP

Income Taxes
Income Taxes % Derived as a % of 'Pre-tax Income'. Must incorporate special considerations for the project (e.g. tax holidays).

Capital Expenditures
Capital Expenditures PHP Capital Expenditures' per year.
Useful Life Number of Years Needed to compute for depreciation.

Working Capital
Days Payable Number of Days Supplier credit period.
Days Receivables Number of Days Payments of customers are due within this period.

Bank Loan PHP Amount of loan to be availed each year OR as % of CAPEX.
Tenor of Loan Number of Years Terms of the loan such as (1) tenor, (2) grace period, if applicable, (3) repayment scheme
Interest Rate %
Short Term Loan PHP If operations result in negative cash balances, additional short-term loans shall be acquired.

Equity PHP Amount of equity to be infused OR as % of CAPEX.

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