Factors Influencing Online Shopping PDF

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Sona Global Management Review

Vol 11, Issue 1, January - June 2017


VIT University
VIT University

This paper explores the conceptual model that comprehensively describes

the essential elements of online shopping experience. In this research, an
extensive survey of existing related studies was made and their findings
were amalgamated into a model called OSE (Online Shopping Experience
Model). The factors that have been examined in previous studies were
classified based on their similarity and pattern of their findings. This
resulted in the conclusion that numerous factors have been examined
in the online shopping context and diverse results on those factors have
been reported. The proposed model in this study helps to ascertain the
factors that influences online shopping experience which is wide open
for future research avenues.

Key words: online marketing, online shopping, online shopping experi-

ence, Customer online shopping, India.

INTRODUCTION a broad understanding of consumer

in online environment. Although
In recent years, online shopping
several researchers have attempted
is becoming more predominant
to resolve this issue, only few studies
by offering several benefits to the
have examined the factors influencing
consumers (Nambisan and Watt,
the online shopping experience
2011). Online shopping is becoming
exclusively (Novak et al., 2000).
progressively more popular (Pahnila
and Warsta, 2010) and is attracting a
Several studies says that,
great attention due to its potential for
experience is the strongest generator
both customers and e-vendors which
of self-efficacy and thus generating
stimulates the widespread research
positive experience has acquired
aim in online shopping arena. Despite
greater prominence due to its
the fact that interactive nature of online
potentiality in influencing customer
shopping offers many opportunities,
loyalty (Rose et al., 2012). Online
online practitioners need to develop
2017 Swapana, Padmavathy 19

consumer experiences refer to the REVIEW OF LITERATURE

psychological and emotional states
Experience research typically
that consumers go through while
focuses on the requirement to go
shopping in online platform (Alba and
beyond the usability in overall system
Hutchinson 2000; Nambisan and Watt,
design and evaluation. Mosteller,
2011). Clear understanding of online
Donthu and Eroglu, (2014) spots the
shoppers is vital for online stores to
importance of online experience by
make effective business strategies
suggesting that further investigation
involving technology, marketing, and
is needed to examine the effect of key
Web site design (Rose et al., 2011).
factors on online shopping experience.
Especially, understanding customer
experience adds the ability to predict The growing stream of literature
their future behaviour because prior devoted to e-services denotes the
shopping experience plays a major role importance of the medium. For
in stimulating online buying intentions instance, Parasuraman et al., (1991),
of the consumers (Ling et al., 2010). developed the e-SERVQUAL scale
comprised of four key sub-scales:
Further, the growing interest in efficiency, reliability, fulfilment,
exploring what factors affect consumers and privacy. Kaynama and Black
decisions to make purchases online was (2000), have explored seven features
stimulated by the tremendous growth in pertaining to Web site quality: content,
online sales (Duan, Gu and Whinston, access, navigation, design, response,
2008). In addition, as the success of background, and personalization.
retail store depends on delivering an Another study outlines performance,
effective customer experience (Rose access, security, sensation, and
et al., 2011), it is important to provide information as five aspects used by
effective experiential measures to consumers to assess the quality of an
the customer in online platform. online retailer. Tong (2010), have added
Consequently, the aim of this paper certain other dimensions such as ease
is to develop a general model of the of use, aesthetic design, processing
online customer experience based on speed, and security. However, the
existing literatures. This paper would roles of other types of online customer
assist comprehensive understanding experiences have not received
of consumer needs in online shopping. sufficient attention in academic
Furthermore, analyzing previous marketing literature. This knowledge
studies and recognizing the areas that gap presents an important research
needs enhancement could contribute opportunity which emphasises
to the betterment of e-business experience-based differentiation as a
practitioners. major online strategy for sustainable
competitive advantage.
20 Sona Global Management Review January - June

While abundant marketing literature certain ends. A recent study found that
focuses on customer satisfaction motivation was stressing at the point
and service quality online, only of to having an experience like fun or
few researches has analysed the socializing with others that ultimately
relative importance of various helps in discovering why people goes
shopping experience components. for online shopping.
This study would provide several
contributions to the e-marketing and As customer experience is
retailing literature that both brings associated with pleasure, arousal,
new knowledge and extends existing and achieving a specific end while
knowledge, by developing a clear shopping, it is more often compared
understanding of what contributes with the terms “hedonic” and
online shopping experience. Based “utilitarian” in several studies.
on the existing literature, individual According to Handa and Gupta (2014),
factors influencing online shopping hedonic classifications are related to
experience and their impact on intrinsically motivated intentions,
intention to repurchase has been while utilitarian classifications are
ascertained. In particular, five main related to extrinsic motivational
types of consumer factors such as aspects. As such, pleasurable
motivation, convenience, service motivations bring individuals to
quality, website and accessibility has the interface by influencing their
been identified. This paper provides experiences and keep them involved
a better understanding based on the in the interaction emotionally.
mixed findings across different studies.
P1. Therefore it is proposed that
Motivation motivation influences the online
shopping experience.
Several studies have examined
the facet of motivation with respect to
online shopping environments (Novak
et al., 2000). For instance, motivation Numerous shopping studies have
is a most constructive aspect that identified convenience as a discrete
supports the investigation of customer drive for online store choice (Jiang,
engagement (Mehta, sharma and Yang and Jun, 2013; Liu & Forsythe,
swamy, 2013). In particular, Hill, 2010). Convenience shoppers are often
Beatty and Walsh (2013) have found characterized as selecting things based
that shopping motivations consist of on time or effort savings. Consumers
three various dimensions such as wish acquire greater experience in online
to obtain a product, desire to satisfy shopping because it reduces the
needs, and goal of accomplishing burden of visiting the store in person
2017 Swapana, Padmavathy 21

(Park et al., 2013). As location becomes boosting up the customer experience.

irrelevant when it comes to online Due to the rapid increase in the
shopping, customers acquires the progress, consumers become more
opportunity to shop at home anytime occupied by the e-marketplace.
and anywhere.
Since the growth of the
Another major benefit in online online shopping would depend on
shopping is that customers are improvement in service quality, it is
more convenient in collecting the important to evaluate and promote
product information and finding consumer preferences by offering
valuable alternatives (Pahnila and things for which the customer
Warsta, 2010). This provides the shopping experience is similar to
better experience since it reduces the traditional store outlets (Tsao and
search costs particularly when the Tseng, 2011). Though online shopping
customer is under time pressure. Thus, is enjoyed more by young consumers,
convenience includes the elements of the occurrence of rapid growth in this
when and where consumers can shop. industry is also persuaded by older
In this perspective of convenience, shoppers because of its efficiency in
customers are more likely to gain the servicing technologies.
new mixed experience of “usefulness”
and “ease of use.” In other words, P3. Therefore it is proposed that
decreased frustration will make the service quality influences the online
shopping experience more enjoyable. shopping experience.

P2. Therefore it is proposed that Website

convenience influences the online
Websites that go well together
shopping experience.
with the Indian culture were exposed
to be more positively perceived by
Service Quality
the customers (Hartono et al., 2014).
The service quality is the ultimate Moreover it influences the purchase
measure resulted from comparing intention and attitude toward the
the expectations and performance. site. Reliability, customer service,
Parasuraman et al., (1991) has privacy and security are identified
developed the SERQUAL scale that as the most common dimensions of
gives a wholesome view over service website design. Numerous studies
quality comprising five dimensions has studied that website quality as a
such as tangibility, empathy, reliability, positive influencer of consumer online
responsiveness, and assurance. Service purchase intention. Website design
quality plays a significant role in plays a major role in attracting the large
22 Sona Global Management Review January - June

customer base. In addition, previous magnifier, etc. physically challenged

findings have proven that consumers people finds it easy to shop online
who are familiar with websites will (Khare, Khare and Singh, 2012).
build a high intention to purchase Increased standards of accessibility
online. Consumers will always tend makes the customer online shopping
to visit user-friendly websites and in experiences the best they can be.
contrast, if they feel that a webite is
hard to use and to follow, they will P5. Therefore it is proposed that
show a lower intention to purchase accessibility influences the online
in online ( Thamizhvanan and Xavier, shopping experience.

P4. Therefore it is proposed that

website influences the online shopping

In online shopping context, Figure1. Conceptual Framework
accessibility plays a vital role since
consumers prefer the medium that
demonstrates an accessible user
interface (Overmars & Poels, 2015).
In recent years, people often consider The proposed conceptual model
buying things from online if they feel in this paper suggest a number of
hard in fighting crowds or finding that research avenues. As this study
their product is no longer available associates online shopping with
in retail stores because of the ease of experiential aspects, there are
accessibility in online shopping (Khare numerous opportunities for theoretical
and Rakesh, 2015). Here, consumers and empirical research in this area.
have more advantageous benefits in The links proposed in the model offers
terms of searching through filtering several ways for a detailed assessment
product category, price, color,size, etc. of specific relationships and their
While shopping in online,
consumers expects and prefers the site The first step towards theory
that has no accessibility violations. building involves furnishing customer
As many online retailers provide engagement. There is a need to keep
accessible technologies like voice the customers involved emotionally by
recognition software, screen reader, acknowledging fun and pleasure. While
2017 Swapana, Padmavathy 23

the suggested measure of motivation enhance the understanding of how

may be appropriate, more detailed online shopping experience is affected
research is needed in this venue. by the online shopping environment.
Further, additional research could be This issue has a great bearing on the
undertaken to identify whether there potency of atmospheric qualities
is an effect of unidentified elements that represent the online shopping
on store choice. The proposed model store. Much creative research can be
suggests convenience as the most formulated on the nature and impact of
important variable that influences the this suggested model. From a technical
customer online shopping experience. perspective, research on online
Yet, there is a potentiality for other shopping is booming up and sets a
factors, such as involvement and whole new set of research avenues.
confidence, which may be applicable Specifically, empirical research on the
in this context. experiential aspects of online shopping
needs much attention due to the
In addition, variables produced by physical and practical constrictions.
the internet research is more applicable
to the online shopping experience CONCLUSION
that are offered by the technology.
The objective of this research was
One such variable is service quality,
to explore the components of consumer
which describes the extent to which
experience while shopping online. An
consumers exaggerates in virtual
extensive review of literature across
marketplace. As suggested, service
major fields on online shopping has
quality influences the level of online
been conducted to identify the varied
shopping experience, an empirical
aspects and concepts of shopping
evidence is required to reveal if this is
experiences. An integrative conceptual
the case. A case in point is the work
framework of online shopping
of website dimension which has been
experience has been propsed based on
successfully applied to the online
the review of literature. This framework
shopping context. Several researches
adds knowledge and understanding of
has been done on analyzing website
consumers while shopping online.
dimension in online shopping context.
However, future studies could examine
In conclusion, this research is
the applicability of website dimension
likely to receive increasing academic
in tuning online shopping experience
and managerial attention. Apparently,
through an empirical research. Finally,
the research area is wide open to all
it is suggested that accessibility is the
kinds of theoretical and methodological
factor that triggers the customer online
contributions. In particular, it affords
shopping experience to a great extent.
the marketing researchers the unique
The proper analysis of this aspect can
24 Sona Global Management Review January - June

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26 Sona Global Management Review January - June

M. SWAPANA is a Doctoral Candidate in the Department of Management

Studies at Vellore Institute of Technology, Tamil Nadu, India.

C. PADMAVATHY is Senior Assistant Professor in Marketing Division at

VIT B-School, VIT University, Vellore, India. padmavathy.c@vit.ac.in.

Article received on 23.10.2016 | Article Accepted on 12.2.17

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