LESSON NO: 1 (3hours) Title: Learning History

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LESSON NO: 1 (3hours)Title: Learning History

LESSON NO: 1 (3hours)Title: Learning History


The study of the beliefs and desires, practices and institutions of human beings. With this
definition, history becomes an active factor in the study of Philippine society. It also includes a
look into the development of Philippine culture through time especially with the influence of the
colonial period that would eventually shape the present Philippine identity.

The English word history is derived from the Greek noun istoia, meaning learning. As used by
the Greek philosopher Aristotle, history meant a systematic account of a set of natural
phenomena, whether or not chronological factoring was a factor in the account.

             By its most common definition, the word history now means, “the past of mankind.”
Excerpts from Understanding History: A Primer of Historical Method by Louis Gottschalk
(1950, New York: Knopf, p.17)

Why Study History?

          Looking at the past teaches us to see the world through different eyes appreciating the
diversity of human perceptions, beliefs and cultures. Different and/or new perspectives will
enable us to analyze critically the present contexts of society and being

Ø  History teaches us to see the world through different eyes- appreciating the diversity of
human perceptions, beliefs and cultures.

Ø  History will give you a combination of skills and insights that will help you to:

•Prepare you for work

•Enable you to participate fully in society

Ø  History is very relevant to modern life

•Many books, films and plays are inspired by historical events

•Develop you as a person

Role of a Historian

•       To draw insights from the ideas and realities that have shaped the lives of men and women
and the society.

•       Can comprehend how situations happened, identify their elements, and think how these
situations can solve today’s predicaments and help plan for the future.


Role of history


1. History becomes an active factor in the study of Philippine society.

2. It looks into the development of Philippine culture through time especially with the
influences of the colonial period that would eventually shape the present Philippine
3. You will develop an appreciation of the society in which you live and of other societies,
past and present
4. You will also develop a greater awareness of your own identity and traditions
5. You will learn more about the particular role of women in shaping the past


Relevance to LIFE
evaluating it and recording and presenting your findings
You will also realize the importance of looking at issues from more than one point of view
These skills are very useful in many careers and in everyday life
•You will also develop your ability to think critically, to evaluate the usefulness of sources, to
detect bias or propaganda

Teacher’s Insights

History allows us to know the things that molded us. The beliefs, practices, desires and
institutions of human being. This is the reason why, history is not just knowing and memorizing
the facts.

Why the subject history keeps on coming back you ever since when you were in your
elementary days up to you tertiary even beyond the academe. One thing is to deepen your
learning with regards history and to correct the misconceptions that happens in the annals of the
Philippine history. This subject is an eye opener for us to look back, study persons who
sacrificed their selves to give democracy and to open us a new civilization. Render your 54
hours in studying Philippine history compare to the forerunners who spent their time for how
many years to give and brought us a history. Studying history will not only be in the four walls
of the classroom but throughout your life.

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