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Monster University

1. Answer the following questions.

Why was Mike so excited about his first day at university?

Because it meat all the goals I wanted to perform on his first day to
register, take the picture of the card and because he had always
dreamed of living in Monster University.

Name at least three things that were on Mike’s to-do list.

- His Monster plush

- His cap
- His Books

Why did the Ozma Kappa lose the first competition of the Scare Game?

Because they were not united as a team, and they were competing between
Mike and Sullivan.

How did Mike motivate his team after the disastrous party?

He told them to join as a team because together would be to achieve.

Why did Ozma Kappa win the Scare Game?

Because Sullivan cheated and made Mike to scare away the child although not cause fear

2. Decide which adjectives describe Mike, Sullivan or both.

Determined, hard-working, easy- going, popular, confident, talented, enthusiastic, optimistic

Determined Easy - going

Hard –working Popular
Talented Confident
Enthusiastic Talented
3. Who said it? Match the quotation with the person.

“Quiet.” Mike

“No matter how much we train, we’ll never look like them.” Don Carlton

“Tomorrow each of you must prove that you are undeniably scary.” The librarian

“I cheated.” Sullivan

“Say scream.” Dean Hardscrabble

4. What do you think about the message of this movie? What does it teach children? Summarize
your opinion in 100-120 words.

I think the film is very good, it shows us that we must be steadfast in all what we want to
achieve, if ever fail in something we should continue with what they seek, without thwart our
dreams, believing in ourselves, admitting and correcting our errors to ever be better, by jumping
all the obstacles that life puts uswithout leaving us to affect what they say or think others,
believing in our friends, always working as a team to be able to achieve what we seek to achieve,
this form will reach for success and we will be very pleased with what we have done. This film is
an invitation to us to be always persevering.

Diana Pedreros - 701

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