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D: Hi Mom, have you done in the morning?

M: Hello Daughter in the morning, I made much work

D: Have you cooked on Saturday afternoon?

M: I have fried sausages and potatoes and you?

D: I have performed the tasks of the week

M: Have you washed your uniforms of the week?

D: No mother, I have not washed my uniforms

M: You have talked with your dad in the afternoon?

D: Yes mother, I have talked with me dad

M: Has your father given permission for coexistence?

D: Yes, he has given permission and you?

M: If you have done all tasks you can you

D: Thanks mother, I have done my duty

M: Have you cleaned the car with your father today?

D: Yes, I have cleaned the car and have you practiced on bicycle?

M: No, I have not practiced because I am tired

D: It may because you have walked a lot today

M: Yes, you are right

D: Yes mother, you have not rested today, I helped you

M: Thanks I appreciate your help daughter


D: Hola Mamá, has hecho en la mañana?

M: Hola Hija de la mañana, hice mucho trabajo

D: ¿Ha cocinado en la tarde del sábado?

M: He frito salchichas y patatas y tu?

D: He realizado las tareas de la semana

M: ¿Usted ha lavado los uniformes de la semana?

D: Ninguna madre, no he lavado mis uniformes

M: Has hablado con tu padre en la tarde?

D: Sí madre, yo he hablado con mi padre

M: ¿Su padre dado permiso para la convivencia?

D: Sí, él ha dado permiso y usted?

M: Si usted ha hecho todas las tareas usted puede ir

D: Gracias madre, he cumplido con mi deber

M: ¿Usted ha limpiado el coche con tu padre hoy?

D: Sí, he limpiado el coche y has practicado en la bicicleta?

M: No, no he practicado porque estoy cansada

D: Es posible porque has caminado mucho hoy

M: Sí, tienes razón

D: Sí madre, no has descansado hoy, yo te ayudo

M: Gracias agradezco tu ayuda hija

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