IS 1367 Part 9 Sec 1 - 1993 Bolts, Screws & Studs For General Application PDF

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1s 1367 ( Part 9/Sec 1) : 1993 ISO 6157-1 : 1988 ( Reaffirmed 1998 ) saredta ATA serra & qhare saat A aartiat git we : amg aag fafeorrard ager 1 err rg era, a ite eT ( dteret gacteret ) Indian Standard TECHNICAL SUPPLY CONDITIONS FOR THREADED STEEL FASTENERS PART 9 SURFACE DISCONTINUITIES Section 1 Bolts, Screws and Studs for General Applications ( Third Revision ) Second Reprint SEPTEMBER 1998 UDC 621°882'2°982 ® Bis 1993 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 December 1993 Price Group 6 Bolts, Nuts and Fasteners Accessories Sectional Committee, LM 14 NATIONAL FOREWORD This Indian Standard 1S 1367 ( Part 9/Sec 1) which is identical with ISO _ 6157-1 ‘Fasteners — Surface discontinui Part 1: Bolts, screws and studs for general requir issued by the International Organization for Standardization ( ISO ) was adopted by 1 of Indian Standards on the recommendation of the Bolts, Nuts and Fasteners Accessories Sectionel Committee ( LM 14) and approval of Light Mechanical Engineering Division Council ‘The second revision of the standard [ IS 1367 ( Part 9) ] published in 1979 was based on Draft International Standard ISO/DIS 6157/1 ‘Fasteners—Surface discontinuities—Part 1 Bolts, screws srretude with threed sizes MS to M39" issued by !SO. The standard was covering the surtace Siecontinuities for fasteners for.general applications as well as special applications. The revision Seen mada to harmonize with the International Standards ISO 6167-1: 1988 and ISO 6167-3 1 1988 tocover general applications as well as special applications separately in Section 1_and Section 2 of IS 1367 (Part 9). The following major changes have been made in this revision: 1a) The dents, nicks and gouges located at the first three threads accepting the torque values has been increased to *001d" Max. b) The forging bursts limitation has been specified separately for width and depth. c) The folds at the surface of bolt end has been permitted. In the adopted standard, certain terminology and.conventions are not identical with those used jn Indian Standards; attention is specially drawn to the following: 2) Wherover the words ‘International Standard’ appear, referring to this standard, they should be read as ‘Indian Standard’ b) Comma (,) has been used as a decimal marker while in Indian Standards the current practice is to use point (. ) as the decimal marker. In this adopted standard, reference appears to certain Int Standerds aleo exist. The corresponding Indian Standards which have been substituted in place are listed below along with their degree of equivalence for the editions indicated: International Standerd Corresponding Indian Standard Degree of Equivatance 1SO 898-1 : 1988 Is 1367 ( Part 3) : 1991 Fasteners — tdentical ‘Threaded steel — Technical supply conditions : Part 3 Mechanical prope: ties and test methods for 7 screws and studs with full loadability (third revision ) g. 180 2869° 1$0 2859-1 : 1989 1§ 2500 ( Part1): 1992 Sampling Identical inspection procedures: Part 1 Attribute sampling plans index by ‘acceptable quality level ( AQL ) for lot by lot inspection (sacond revision) 180 3269 : 1984 18 1367 (Part 17) : Technical supply t ‘conditions for threaded steel fasteners — Acceptance criteria under preperation } ‘The concerned technical committee has reviewed the provision of ISO 468 and. ISO 5269 ree coreettnis adopted standard and has decided that these are acceptable for use in conjunc, referred in ie standard. Tho related Indian Standard to 1SO 468 : 1982 is |S 3073: 1967 ‘Assesment of surface roughness’. = 150 2859 hae since beon revised into parts. However only relevant pert has been shown in the reference, +f This stonderd is likely to be adopted 48 Indian Standard with minor modific 18 1367 ( Part 9/Sec 1) : 1983 180 6167-1 : 1988 Indian Standard TECHNICAL SUPPLY CONDITIONS FOR THREADED STEEL FASTENERS PART 9 SURFACE DISCONTINUITIES Section 1 Bolts, Screws and Studs for General Applications ( Third Revision ) 1 Scope and fiold of application 4.1. This part of 1S0 6167 establishes limits for various types. of surtace discontinuities on bolts, screws and studs for general requirements. tt applies to bolts, screws and studs with nominal thraed diameters 5 mm and lerger; — product grades A and B; — property classes up to and including 10.9, unless other- ‘wise specified in product standards or agreed between supplier and purchaser 4.2. Limite for surface discontinuities on bolts, screws and studs for special requirements (0.9. automatic assembly) ore [aid down in 1SO 6157-3. When the engineering requirements ‘of the application necessitate that surface discontinuities on ‘boli, screws and studs be more closely controled, it should be specified in the respective product standard, or the purchaser ‘shall specify the applicable imits in the inquiry end purchase order. 1.3. Where the permissible limits for surtace discontinuities indicated in clause 3 occur, the minimum values for the mechanical and functional properties specified in 1S0 898-1 should stil be met, ores 1 The figuesin cinuse 3 re examples oniy, They apply corexpond ingly also to other types of hols, screws and stu 12. Theindividual figures chow the surface decontinuties exaggerated In some canes for elary 2 References 150 468, Surface roughness'— Perameters, their values and general rules for specitying requirements. 180 896-1, Mechanica! properties of festeners — Part 1: Bolts, screws and studs 180 2859, Sempling procedures and tables for inspection by atirbutes. 180 3289, Fasteners — Acceptance inspection. 3 Types, causes, appearance and limits of surtace discontinuities 3.1 Cracks A crack isp clean (crystalline) jracture passing through or ‘actose the grain boundaries and may possibly follow inclusions (of foreign elements, Cracks are normally caused by oversiress- ing the metal during forging or other forming operations, oF during heat treatment. Where parts are subjected to significant reheating, cracks usually are discoloured by scale. + 18 1367 ( Part 9/Bec 1): 1993 180 6157-1 : 1988 3.1.1 Quench cracks Cause “Quench crack may occur during hardening due to oxcesswaly high thermal and transformation stresses, Quench cracks usvaly follow an iregult and erratic course on the surlace of the fastener ‘Appearance ‘Quench erack across 109 of heed. Usual on fa a extonsan of each tcoer of hed — Quench crack at oot MT #08 Of Ram Transvore ‘Quench crack, section quench crack | aera of ead main CMa OL shat j CP Longtnal quench eck a ‘Quench crack areas washer feco fro depth! wathor face rekees ‘Quench crack onending (Ss racy into filet rock Timi “Guench cracks of any depth, any length, of in any location are not permitted, 3.12. Forging cracks Cause Forging crecks may ovo" Guring the cutofl or Forging operations and are located on the top of the head of serews end bolts and on the raised periphery of indented head bolts and screws. ‘Appesrance Forging crack on top of ha Limits math, 1, of forging cracks 7 < a Depth or width, bof forging cracks: 6 < 0,08 1 d= nominal tend hameter 15 1367 ( Part 9/Sec 1}: 1993 180 6157-1 : 1988 3.13 Forging bursts fo 7 Foagng burata may occur for example ving forging on the fats or corners ofthe heads of bolts und ecrews, st cre ony of Ranged or ckculer heed products or on the rated periphery of indented head botts and screws, Appearance Forga bat aa 5O €® orig bos ayy oe [mks | Hexagon heed ecrowe 1 ‘No forging burs inthe fiat of hexagon bots ad screws shal extend into the crown circle on the top ofthe Meas aero eS emfer cite) or into the underhead bearing sutace, Forging bursts occurring atthe intersection of Ree trenching flats shall not reduce the width across corners below the spectied minimum. Forging burats inthe raised periphery of indented head bolts and screws shal nt exceed a width of 0,054"! or have a depth extending below the indented portion. Cireular head screws, Flanges of bots and screws end peinhores of circular head screws may have forging Bursts, but they shall not ‘excaed the following limite: With of forging bursts. 0,080.2 (with onty one forging burst) 0,04d, (with two or more forging bursts, one of which mey extend to 0,084, 11g nominal toad diameter 2)_ 4, = hand or flange dlameter 18 1967 ( Part 9/Sec 1) : 1993 180 6157-1 : 1988 3.1.4 Shear bursts ‘Cause, “Ghawr bursts Tay occur, Tor exemple during forging, requenty at the periphery of products having circular or flanged heads, and are located at spproximetely 46° to the product axis. ‘Shear bursts may algo occur on the sides of hexagon head products. Repeerence | Timite Ct ey ~ No shear burst inthe flats of hexagon bolts end screws shall extend into the crown circle on the top of the heed aetace (chamfer cirlal or into the underheed bearing aurface. Shear bursts, occurring et the intersection of two ‘eronching fats, shall not reduce the width across corners below the specified minimum, ‘Shear bursts in the raised periphery of indented heed bolts and screws shall not exceed a width of 0,06 or have 2 depth extending below the indented portion. Hexagon head acrews Cireular heed screws Flanges of bolts and screws and perioheries of circular head produets may have shear bursts, but shall not exceed the following limits Width of shear bursts: 0,084.2 {tor onty one shear burst); (0,04d, (with two or mora forging shesr bursts, one of which mey extend to 0,084,). 1) d= nominal threed diameter 2) d, = head of flange clameter 18 1367 ( Part 9/Sec 1) : 1993 1S0 6157-1 : 1988 3.2 Rew material seams and laps [A seem oF lop is 8 narrow, generally straight or smooth curved fine Cause, ‘Seorra end laps are inherent in the raw material from which fasteners are made, “Appearance iacontinuity eunning longitudinally on the thread, shank or heed. _— Lap oF seem, usualy stright oF ‘smooth eurved tine A A a ra | TOMATO RN wm w Lap or sear, uauaty straight or smooth curved fe discontinulty ‘unting tongitucinaly Zant TREN ‘Umie Parmiasibie depth: 0,034 {flaps of seams extend into the heed, for burats (gee 3.1.3) they shall not exceed the permissible limits for width and depth apeciied 1) d = nominal threed ameter - 18 1367 ( Part 9/Sec 1) : 1993 180 6157-1 : 1988 3.3 Voids pocket or hollow on the surface of @ bolt or screw due to norrfiling of metal during forging OF UpsEting. ee ‘Cause "Valds a produced by merka and impressions due to chips (sheer burs) or by rust formation onthe raw material Taam aaias See — C (SS ii» WS WZ) Wy 7 ——— h < 0,2 d1: 0,25 mm max. ‘Area of all voids “The combined surface area of all voids on the bearing face shall not exceed 10 % of the total area. 1) d= nominal threao oiameter 1S 1367 ( Part 9/Sec 1) : 1993 180 6157-1 : 1988 34 Folds {A told is @ doubling over of metal which occurs at the surface of the fastener during forging. [Gace Folds ore produced by Tateriel Goplacerents due to lack of congruence of forms and volumes of the single ‘Appearance [a 3.5 Tool marks ‘Too! marks are longitudinal or circumferential grooves of shallow depth. Pormisbie, atthe intoreection ‘ween fange and driving part Pormisibe, at the surface of the bot end Not permissible, fold Pormissibte, ld ‘terior commer oe ea {at exterior comer at extenor corner Not permisibie, fold ‘at iteror correr T ) | Fods at inerior corners et or below the bearing surface are not permissibie, unless specifically permitted in this ‘part of ISO 6187 or in the product standard. Folds at exterior corners are permissible ‘of the bolt or screw. ‘Cause [Tool marks are produced by the movement ‘ot manufacturing tools over the surfac Appearance toa at \ — ee Soeeetie ~ 7 T | ; 7 Es hemi! ma Dae aouen Tre ear Haace ata arco we giro "Tool marks produced by machining ip the shenk, 3,2 jim when tested in accordance with ISO 468. 18 1387 ( Part 9/Sec 1): 1993 180 6167-1 : 1988 3.6 Damages Damages ste indentations of any surface of a bolt or screw. ‘Cause ‘Appearance its Dents, scrapes, nicks and gouges 4 Inspection and evaluation procedure For the acceptance inspection procedure, see SO 3268. Sur- face coatings shall be removed before examination if identii- cation of the surface discontinuities is impaired, NOTE — The 1904 edtion of 180 3289 gives no specifications on Camping plare for wifece dacontinuitie of fastener. Unt this het been completed, the appicable serpin plan is given inthe sone. 4.1 Principles “The manufacturer is entiied to use any inspection procedures. ‘but due care shall be takon to eneure that products conform 10, ‘this part of 1S 6167, ‘The purchaser may use the inspection procedure specified in this clause at his acceptance inspection in order to dacide ‘whether 2 fot of fasteners may be accepted or rejected. This procedure shall also be applied when conformance to specifi Cation 's disputed, unless some other acceptance procedure thes been agreed between the manufacturer and the purchaser at the time of ordering the festeners. 42. Non-destructive testing ‘A random semple shell be taken from the lot in accordance with {able 1 in the annex and subjected to either visual tests or other Damages, Tor example deni, scrapes, nicks and gouges, are produced by external action during manufacture ‘and handling of bolts and screws, for exemple during loading. ‘No precise geometrical shape, location or direction, Identifiable as external action. ‘Damages as deacibed above shal not cause rejection unless it can be shown that they impair function or usability on the frst three threecs shell be such that they allow the screwing on of & ‘go-ring gauge with torque values of 0,001.48 mex., in newton metres. suitable tests, 0.9. magnetic techniques or eddy current. If no. afective product is found the lot shall be accepted (see also 14:4). defective products are found these shall torm the lot size for the procedures given in 4:3. 4.3 Destructive testing If defective products ara detected by the procedures given in ‘4.2, then @ secondary sample shall be taken from the defective products, in accordance with table 2in the annex, consisting of {the products indicating tha most serious defects and sectioned ‘at 90° through the discontinuity where the greatest depth is expected. 44° Evaluation If on visual inspection any product is found with quench cracks in any location, of folds at interior corners oF bolow the bearing surface, except “clover leat” folds in non-circular shoulder fasteners, the fot shall be subject to rejection. If on the destructive test any product is found with forging cracks, bursts, seams and laps, voids, tool marks or damages. hich exceed the allowable limits as specified for the eppiicable type of discontinuity, the lot shall be subject to rejection, 15 1967 ( Port 9/Sec 1): 1993 180 6157-1 : 1988 Anne) Sampling plan for surface discontinuities (This annex forms an integral part of this standard.) using the sample sizes given in table 1 and using the principles and ‘Sompling for surface discontinuities shall be carried out procedures given in clause 4. Table 1 — Sample sizes for visual and non-destructive testing we 1200 1201 < N.< 10000 woo < N< 35000 35001 < N < 15000 “Ize ie the cumber of products of the same type, size one et propery cass submitted for inspection at one time. NOTE — The sample sizes are based on inspection level $4 specified in 150 2880. ‘Table 2 — Secondary sample sizes for destructive testing Wamber of defective products N wee genes wWencs Be N< 60 sis N <0 NOTE ~ The secondary semple sizes are based on genera inspection \evel I specified in ISO 2858. Bureau of Indian Standards BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote barmontous development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and attending to connected matters in the country. Copyright BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations. Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publication), BIS. Review of Indian Standards ‘Amendments are issued to standards as the need anses on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed periodically; a standard slong with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates tbat no changes are needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the lates! amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of ‘BIS Handbook’ and ‘Standards Monthly Additions” ‘This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc: No. LM 14 ( 0192 ) Amendments Issued Since Publication —_— ee, ‘Amend No. Date of Issue “Text Affected SSeS BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS Headquarters: Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Dethi 110002 ‘Telegrams: Manaksanstha ‘Telephones: 323 01 31, 323 33 75, 323 94 02 (Common to all offices) Regional Offices: Telephone Central: Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg 323-76 17,323 38.41 NEW DELHI 110002 Eastern: 1/14 CLT. Scheme VIIM, V.LP. Road, Maniktola 33784 99, 3378561 CALCUTTA 700054 337 86 26, 33791 20 Northern : SCO 335-336, Sector 34-A, CHANDIGARH 160022 60.38.43 60.2025 CLT. Campus, IV Cross Road, CHENNAI 600113, 23502 16, 235 04.42 23515 19, 235 2315 Western : Manakalaya, E9 MIDC, Marol, Andheri (East) 832.92 95, 832 78 58 MUMBAI 400093 832.78 91, 832 78 92 Branches : AHMADABAD. BANGALORE. BHOPAL. BHUBANESHWAR. COIMBATORE. FARIDABAD. GHAZIABAD, GUWAHATI. HYDERABAD. JAIPUR. KANPUR. LUCKNOW. NAGPUR. PATNA. PUNE. THIRUVANANTHAPURAM. Primed at Dee Kay Primers. New Delt, India

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