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Eternal victory

Triumphal rulership in late antiquity ,

Byz antium, and th e ea rly medieval W est


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N.", Y. ,k Po" Ch, jI" Mrlb<>u,", Sydnry
L ' H O MM E
PuhUwd hy ,be 1'1"" Syndla.« of d", Univ<r~'y of C. mhrid g"
Th Pi" Buildi ng, Trumping'''''' Sit..", C.mhridge el' ,"
. 0 W"" >OIh S'r«", N"w York, NY ,'''',,, USA
10 St.lmford Rwd, O.1t.Icigh, Mdbourn< J 166, Au",oli •
• nd Edi';"'" de l.. M,oon de. Sci<n<co d.< I'Hornm"
J. Bottiov"d R"p.iI. J7'70 P.n. C«Ie, 0<1

C M,i"", dco Scirnc<. de I'Homrn, ,nd C. mhtklgt Uni .... ,.,.;'y 1'1""

Fin, p"bli,h, J 1916

Rop,;n",d 19! 7
Fi .. , p'p<,b,ck «Ii,ion "'''''

Britls/! Uo,"y e",.I",","t I. ""hl;"",'"" 0.,.

M<C<>rmkk, Mid",,1
E«",.I vic'ory' ttiumpholl'lll"r<hip in),«
Ant'qu",y, By",ntium, . n<! ,10< "'Iy m«li"v.1 W""
(P ..,.n.!pr ... n, public>ci"",)
" Triumph. (C .... moni<>)--Europ<-Hilt""y
L Tid" II . 5<";'"
J9.· .• ·09. eTj")"

" U " j>1 '61!0 S

InN 0 J1I )36j9 . P'P",b.iclt
"ON 1 7) S' 003.7 h.rdb, clt (Fn.« only)
" " N' 7J j r O)H I P'p<,bacit (Fn.« only)

To P~111l,
I" loving memory;
And f'" 5te /la.barn and Ih~ Ac~ "f Acts


Fort word Pagt xi

NOIr ro th. paperM,k ,ditioM xu,
Abbreviation< xvn


I. From Con5t~ntine I to Theodo,ius I 36
2. From the Theodosian succe'lion [0 An~,(;IsiU5 47
J. From Justini~n to iconocbsm 64
Conclusion 18


I. Usurpers and barb~ri ~ ns ~O
2. Impcri~l victory rituals; evidence from R.ome 84
J. Imperial victory rituall: non-R.oman evidence 91
4. The christi~niz~tion of imperial victory celebrations 100
S. The divilion of the "npire and the co llegiality of
vi ctory III
6. Victory ,deb rat;"", ~"d the throne J 20
, . Triumphs of Con ' tantine V 1J4
2, An 315" of g~nnJk victory cckbutiOlu in the I,tc
tighth Cl'ntury 137
J. Amuti~n triumph, IH
4, Th~ kgitimation of lh,il I I S2
S, High tide of trium ph , 95(' - 72 159
6. The celebration of victory under the l"st
M,c~donj.n' 17~
Conc\mion ,84



I.'-1P E ~I"l PROV I N<.; •. S
,. Ti<:s that bind '"
2 , God and col,mry '"
J, Liule C.",a" '"
Condmion 's"
!. The king .. triumphal majt·,ty in V. ndal Africa ~6r
2 . Victory cmtom, in {he kin gdom of the Burgundi,m z66
J. Triumph~ l ideology in Ostrogothic 1t"ly Z67
4, Lomb"rd king'hip and vinory ~84

~ THF KING" VICTORY IN V!Srr;{)THIC n " r S 297

I, Roy.1 n 'n'mony . nd Vi sigothk kingship 29~
2 , Roy. l victor y cdcbr.tiom 302
3 , The social corHext ofVi,igothic victory cclcbr~tion\ J IS
4, T he rhetoric of victory 32 J

~ HOM l"T E AS 'rIQUE 'r o EA~lY fEUDAL SDCl f. T Y ;

j, Mcroving ian vinory celeb r.tiom 115
2, The litu rgy of v;elmy in Fr"nci ~ J4J
C""hnl'!i;", ... JUn ,Hc-,w_",i,,1 ,, " d Ill<' king" vinur y
j , J(>l

C""<"I""",, JH4

,-""()I. "" jHM

/!,N" 'W" I'!')' ,:f !"i,,, ,,,), _

" """ " wed j'n
I'rr'i"fwl)' "'cd _,((""da'y " ''''''"' ~ I~
IJt", "'"'1'''li.<1 '1Ji,~'''C5 ~ ,6
t!ld.. x ~ ''.i

Thi, ,u"ty lx'gan '" lki gill lll. II ,,,,... nch topic in the l.te Nicol.,
I-luygheh.nt'< Ch urch H i,to,y S"mi,,,, at the fr.ncophone
U" iV"«it), of LOllv ,in f!"'w into J doctor,,1 di,,"'t.tion. 'VklOty
"",I 01' ""kbra ti "" in thr ll yzanti n... empirc' ,nd the llnbHi."
K ;ngti"rn,. A . D . ~ 7(>-Il)(X)w., di,,·ctnl by my mentur, Leopold
Gen;e", . Jnd ,kfc',,,kd at the Un ;vc,,;ty', In.<till" d'Ctudc'
m'·diev.k,. in r>.-hy 1')7'). It bo.·,,,,ti'cd f,olll th~ co mment< .nd
,ugg"'lio", "I" tfa- '· ... n';n;n!'! «"" ",ille," Me"" Rober! Buicol.
j''''I''''' h""ai,,~, U(Jj>"ld G<'U;C(Jl, Nicol., Hu ygheb,,'n.ju'lin
M"s;.y ."d Guy M"rJilk .
J" lhe U nitni Statc->. ;1w., ,"h". n ti.lly ,"xp~ nd "d ,!ld ,cv;sed.
Th,' (hronolo!,! ;(.lli"';l' \lTre CXlcn,kd .• nd iu 'cope cvolved in
rt"<P()"'~ to ,he' "in"""> I'"",id<'d by till' (WO ,·)(t,aordinny
i"";,,nio"~ I h.,,'" bo." '" pri"il"l,,,d (" ....·..·c. At T I,.. Dl""barto"
Q,b emlcr ror ilyza"! i,,," Swdic, (W .. hington. I) .C _). whcr~:I
nlln,bo.'T of d>"p!n, """'n' lir" pn·_",,,t ed a, 'In(orm.1 T. lks ", my
fri"n,b ,,,,1 col le.gl1e, p"",,,kd 111l1(h insi gh t. ",pport, and wi",
m,nm·1. iu Ih,' rolleg;. 1 and <'nloghtmed '!mmphnc fostered by
,he l)i,,·<"I"'. Gile, Con<ublc _ M y colle.gues and Ic.. hing dutie'S
in ,I,,· Ikp'" "'e'" of I Io''''t)· of The johns Hopki n' Uni",",,;ty.
""d p'rl><"ubrly ,I,,' Eu",pe." Se ''';''. t . ull"r<',\ a (ur<h<'t ol'por-
to",;,y to pJn;,-ip."" i" ,plend;d oJi""";o,, "I" cun",,1 hi,tor;cal
rc'~>rd, em,ccn';"g , bro,d r. "ge u( "'pics ,nd problem"
Any malI' of fh is kiml ""T' " dn'p debt 10 libr.. ie, . nd
lib"r;.",. In Iklgi"",. rOlhn 1-1_ lh>(o." .nd ,he libr, r y of lh ~
AhbJ),," d" Mon, ·e';,,,r. Ih,' S",-i'·I'· ,k, 1l"1I,,,d;, fes .nd Ihe
Bibliot!OC-<;k v, ,, ,k F. ruh,·;t ,In C;udgdcndhcid (K.U. Lcuv~n)
plJynl J <I"6,i "c ,,,k. In A Illerica. til<" innm,par.bk f.cilit;es ,,,,d

"alfof I)urn h.""n 0 .1...1 kft their rn'r~ on ncorly evny The
""d", 'Ill'" know . howe"",. ,h., though ,hi , study h~, bern
co"dltc,cd ,,,,dt'r privilq;ed bibliographic~1 conditio ",. I decided
'0 '0
li mi, (i",;o", of ,.: co ndory Ii't'ra'ltn' thosc ,i,k, which
"-TlllCd, in 111 r j"dgc-tnm'. indi'pc",,,bk, I" my foo"'o'e •• ,h" i., I
havc' bem forccd to OI11i , many "ltd ic" which I co",,, I" 'd on
va rl ou, topte"
I" 0"" ''''Y "r ,,,,o,hn, l11~ny fri""d, .nd·, h.vl·
""''',ihul<'<1 '" Ih; , h""k over ,It" y,'~ r<. C"tlvcn,iun u'ges nt e to
thatlk th oSt' "'0" intimat,",y associ3,ed wi,h it. Space (orces nit' tu
i'ti""ice. I am deeply gra,du l L~()pold Genicn" for ,ht' role h"
h" played in my st udi e, ",,1 for di rect in g ,he di"",,,tion out of
wh ich thi, book ha, g rown . J" hn Baldw in. John C,Il,h,n, G ilt"
Co"'tJblt-, Nicobs l 'luy!:heb~e ", and H" be,rt Silvc" ' c luvc
contributed mort' th an the y know through their conversation"
coltnsel, . nd frimdship . I "we a hst;ng debt to S,ephcn H Jdrovic,
fur !:"iding 111)' li"t, haitin): " t' P' in hi,toric,1 ""die" M ust "f
the,"" ch.ptn, r,,,vc ,' nj"y",r Ih,' d""iicd critici'm ."d imigh t "f
Alcxantkr K07.hdCln and Nicolas Oixo n Oll1 idl'S . Othe .. who hnT
rCJd ,,·ctiom and ",ode hl'ipf,,) ' '' ggl,st i,m, incl"de Robe'"
Benson, AVl'ril C. rrwcon , Ev,ngdo, C hry s.o, ."d M"" in Hcin_
,d"U"'L Fiually. l owe ,III ;n c.rc ul .ble ,It-h, to ,he cttdur ing
erlco""gemcltt ."d "'pp" n of my r,,,,ily, hoth i Irln'cdi ~'e ."d

T ,'"awa!l</a, N , r ,
TI,allbxi ,'i".~, 198}

Note to the paperback edition

The following noles off~, . ddition . l pri"l> ry SO" rce I~Sfi mony th.1
[hH'c cnC<J"nter~d which n,.y be h.!pf,,1 10 "s~rs of lhi. book, A
few ",.. te,; .. 1 error~ - for kno w[~dg~ of which J . m indcbt~d to
reviewers' cue - h,ve bo:cn corrected silently in Ih~ book. I
:.: Ihe " "" of Ibe bishops wh" wrote to M. u,ic~ were in the
Lorn b> rd tcrrilory of A'luiici., H . Berg, •Bi"hofc u"d Bi.chof,-
,il2c im 0' ''[1'''0_ und Don.","um vun 4. bi, zUln 8.
hllndcrt', Di~ a.'Y"" u"d il1T~ NMhb."" r, ed . H. Wolfrom . nd
A , Schwarcz (Vicnn., 1985), PI' · li l- r08 , here h - 4 .
41, n. n: Evangdo. Chrysos has sugge<!cd ro me th. t Con't.ntiu,
[I ', triumph .n t return to Mil." in ljj mighl he .ddcd to,t :
Am", M>rcel1 in u.• , RF' g.'SlM '5 , 4. ' l. cd. W, S~yfuth
dd/,. I (Lcip"i g, ",>78), H·U- 3·
60: Th""dcric S" .h,,', .«ide"ul dellh in 48 1 ,ee"" to
rcsulted in 1 <I",e holid.y : J ord ." ~,, Ro,,", 436. Momm.en
H· 2~---<) ,
10. with n. Il): p, Conte h.. pre,ented cOllvincing reUonS for
identifying Ihe ;,bnd of K.[onymo, with Prot., in the h[.n d, o f
,h e ['rince, (Tu rkish Ken . li.d.): A'~lI,,", 52 (1988). J66,
74-8: for (he [iturgic,[ "'entiOIl of, victor), cd~ br>lion ovcr the

A, ,hi. ,h, fol lowhlg ''''k''', hi'" (0"" (D my ,,,<",ion, R. eollim.

"',,,i,,~ ,
f;"t';.~ N'"~, "'. (19~1 , <In, p, Co"'" II,.,,", )' (,.""), )~>--9; A.
Cud«. C/,,,i,,1 W..IJ. h (19"», "J-~ ' M . H,,,\l<lm.on, F""",,, I ! (,.37), I .06-
" P. Hoc«y , "",",1'1"".,,, .«li,"''''1"'' I, (•• 01), ."_,, P . Lem." •. R,."
iI;"""f'''' '79 (1 ?18) , li l-<i; T. C l""ngh;" C,~~"., ,;v;/"";', ",Wiv.J., l '
(1<ilI.).• 69-" , T,,".
(j , T>b"w. ~o.Ji ""J;",.Ji, ... " J, '0 (19'1) , . ' .-<i, U, Il.~.
)0 (.<ilIO), .,.,..S" R. V. " ll.",. lI_i". Hi"..... ) R,,~. OJ ('<ilI I) , 10 '3-<,0;
H. Wnlf"",, ,\ I/(X;, 11'1 " ."), '"J- <.

Pe"i,ns on 11 Dec.'mh e" A. Dmitrievsky. Opi,~nir /iw'gi/J .
o i<ikh '''kopiJri I (Kie v. 18\15) . p, 156.
I oU : Ihe Bulg .. Kh,n Krum i•• upposed 10 h,ve performed the
{alca/;o o n the me!ropoli!>" o f Adri,nople in 8, 1: Sy", CP;I~II"no,
Deleh'ye, 415 .4- 8,
150-1, wilh n . 67-8: Ih. following ye ... Photiu. referred 10
Mi ch.d Ill's role i" ,h " cdebr.. ion of 861: Homi/i •. 10. 1,
L.outd,s. \19. 2~- !00. '0, cr. c. M,,,go. "l"h, J /omi/i'J of Pholi'<J
I'a";a"j, of Com/ami'lOpl •. Dumbanon O,ks Studi... J (C.m-
b ridge, MoS<., 1958). p. 184; cr. p. 1 7~ .
1. fY1. n . 811: ,eo: Vi,~ Bld,;i. 1 (!lHG 178) AASS Nov . 4.658B fot.
lel1th-century OCCUrrenCe of the term .
133: for anolher victory endowment •• Iso in Ihe empire's western
re,ch ... , 'lee th,t of Nicepho ,"s I for P, Ir.. (Dolgcr. Rrg"'tn. no.
165); on which ~f. O. Kresten . 'z .. , Eohlheit de. ~1r1"" I ON
d e. K.isers Nikepho ros I. Iii, p.tra'. RJ"';JCh~ hiSlo r;s<I,~
MilUil,mg.", ' 9 ( 1977), I 5-7 ~ .... p. H-{),
1.51 . n . llO: for evidence of , hi. fo.m"I •• middle Byuntine ,od,l
diff" , ion. see the g,.mti of Cor inth. cd, B. D. Meritt. Coriml).
R' >uI/J of Enava/ioM', S" (C,mbridge. M. s,., 19JI). nOs. 200 ,
lOj,212.nd2'J ,
336-7; c f. Z59: fo. more 011 C lovis p. ,.d •• nd the hi5!o,ic.1 c ir-
cum"'nee. in which early German ic le.ders expuienced ,nd
,dopted deme"" of impe ri,1 cercnlOn i.l, .ee 'Clovis .t T Dun,
By zantine Pu b li c Il.itu. l and 'he Origin. of Med ie v.1 Ruler Sym_
boli.", ' , D~, R ri<l, oii, BMb~r," . • d. E. K. Chry.o, ,nd
A , Schwarcz. V•• o{f.ntlichu"g~n dc. Instituts liir O"er-
reichi.che Geschich15forschungeo. 29 (Vi~ lm .. , '9S9). pp. ' j j -

3311-9: on Thoudekrt ', gold i,,"e,. 5ee now P. Grienon ."d M .
Bl.ckburn, M,d;,val E",op'" " CO;""l" I, n,~ & r/y Middl, Agrs
(C,mbridge , 1986) , pp , 11 6- 17.
J75-7: in early 757. Fu l .. d, .bbol ofSI [Jenis. coll.cted Ihe key' of
the cilies ' re<tored' to Stephen II by Pippin's ..cond luli .."
ca m paig n and deposited ,hem itt ,he shrine ofSt Pet c" Lib. pont ..
Duche, ,, e. 1. • 54. 1- 12. significontiy. on source ,bout a
ceremony in It.l y . App>rcntly itt 794, John offered symbol< o f
victo ry .ftc< comba' nc ar Burdon. to K ing louis the Piou, , nd
received lond in return: MGH Dip/omot. Kar~li" o ""n, I, cd.
Narr ro rhr p"pr,b~(k ,djrio"

E. Milhlb~ch~r rr ~!. {'906}. no . ' 79 h~r~ 24J.4o-~42.5; cf.

Biihmn_M ilhlbachcT. R,gwm. 110. 128 .
386: ,he tut from the A rI<:~ S>Cr>mcnu,y is now edited in 'A N~w
N in,h-Ccntury Wimc" to the C,wlingi,n Mus 'g~in" th~
P' g . n, (PHis. B.N. bt . l8'2)". R'V"tb"~hii(/int, 97 ('987), 68-


AASS Aera 5.",10",,,,. Antwerp. [64)- lrd

edn. I',r;" Rom~. Dr",.d" [861-.
An Analula Bol/."didll" , Dr"' .... ls. [882-.
ACO Aero (M(iliM"'" (It'IIIn.,,;ror,,,,,. ed. E.
Sehw,r1z. Derlin. [914-74.
ANRIV Auftritg ,,,,d NitJrrgOl'g J" ,;;mj,(hrn
Jl'dl. G"rhidrrr ,,,,d K"I",. Rom,;m
5pirxd dr. "",,,tn F"",nu"g, ed . H .
Temporini .nd W. )·10.",. Derlin, '<)72 - .
BHG F. H . lkin. llib/iMhrro hagiogrophi,a gra"o.
lrd ~dn. Sllb,idi.. h, gi"gr.phic>. 81.
Ur",,,,1$. [<)57; F. j·blkin. Au(/ori"m.

Sub,;dia hagiogr:lphic., 41. Dr"' .... I•.

Biblio/huo hagi"graph;ro lati"a .nd

S"pplrmrn/,,,,•. SUblidi. h.giogt,phica. 6
.nt! 12. Dr",,,,),, IH98-1901 ,nd 1<)11.
as IlFolllino,lav;ro, Prague, [929 - .
BF· BFalll;,,". R rvur ;III""oliM,ol. J" rl"d..
by:>olllj"... Dru,,,,ls. [<)24-.
Rrulllj";J(hr Zr;/Jrhrijr, Leipzig, Muni ch,
[8,)2- .
CCI. eMpU, (h,ill;"""''''''. ,uit< I,ll;"•.
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CFHB G"'p'''/''IIIi"", hiJl.'riar by"a"'i,,•• , [</'7-.
ClL C"'P'" in,aipr;o",,,,, lal;".",m. Derlin ,
(86) -.

eLA E.A. lowe. CoJi((s la,i,,; ''''''q''''''''s. A
paIMoJl.'"J'"j(alg,,;dr I" ","",«aiI'll p,i", 10
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RAC RNllfxiko., flir A",ih ""d Crni,'",/,,,,,,

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RIC Th, Romm, ;mpoia! (oi"n~e, ed. 1·1.
M.u;ngly c' ,I.. London, '9l1 -.
SC Source, dm:'ticnncs, hris, 19~! -.
Sctdlll~"e s.:ui,,,,nc di studiu del (c ra ro it~Ji'rlu di
scudi ,u ll'.l to mcdiocvo, Spolctu,
'954 - ·
TM TMva"x ",,;/no;UJ, Par;., J96S-.
VV Vj~a",ii.kii Vrr""""ik, lmingud, !~94-.
Wml'nbch - W . W, and W. l"vi,on,
levi",n, D",,,ddllJ,d. CfJfioicio/'qllfll." ;m
C,.c/,;cl"'q",II,,, Milld.//fT. VaTU;' 'lMd Karoli''K,r,
Weirn"". '9P-.
Introdllctiorl: imperial triumph as a
historical problem

Dcr Ictzt~ Triumph >! ,m J, )02 von Diodeti.n geh,I,,,,, IU

""n .
J. M..qu"d,. ,RS ,
W., wi""" wit "ill"rnlich v{Jn Jon mindaherliche" Konig"n ?
P.E. Schromm. '9~6
Only . ,m,lI part of the rito.1 ,pr.uto, of Klvereign,y w os !>ken
ovcr directly by the G" kingdom. <".bJi,h"d in lotin
Romani • .
f).A. Bullough. 1974

To th~ modern observer. th. siwltion of the Rom~n empire in the

late ,i xth centu ry . ppe." grim. Barb ..;.n .dvan~es, plague .nd
civil strife engulfed the ancient edifice, When a ~vere uprising
ro,~ed Egypt under emperor Mauri ce (A, I) . 582 - 60z). a R o m'"
gener~l named Theodure w.s dispatched to quell the revolt,
Before .tuc king. he had tWO recently freed prilO". rs try to
pnm.dc Ihc insurgcnt, to loy down Ih.';r arms:

Ob<ervc .11 ) ' OU people who h.v e joined with the rebels: do not war
'I\.in" ,h,· g.""'"], for the Rom.n em pir. i. neither enf""bled nOr
T he reported effcct w as [l'mnhblc: , number of Ji",idcnts
.b.ndon ed the revolt .nd c . m~ over to the imperial forc ••. '

, John of N ibu, <:.".,<1" ". R.' t Ch"l<, Ilondon . '9'0), p. ')9. k;nd ly """,,«I ror
m< on dot b,,;, of th, fth,opi.n by G. F;.",dori. On ,,,. """,K>n,]. M"r<'" 'od G.
W ;"'. M.,h,".x r-' "".i, .; J. ,!i~.p." .. I'tRrr'" MemQ ;' ", d<: no";,", f"",,iI
d ' "el><olo~;" o<;"n"l<, JO IC,;"" '9'0- '9), pr· 'Vl , . The hm;n..-y c;"t;on,..-.
['Qm). M "~""J,, R ... ,..", S,..""'.... I ' " "~, ,d. II. Do,,-," , nd A. .on Domu_

Whether or nO! llie Romans actually used this kind of

argument may pl'rhap' be quocioned. T hat bte R o man writers
put weh rusoning into thei r mouth. nnnOt. As Nar:lC1 sup-
posedly insisted aft(:r defeating the Aiamannians, ct(:mal victory
was the birthright of Rome.' The incidem could be dl. n. incd if it
were isolated or limited to the rhetoriol produetions ofh iuoruns
and poelS. It wu nOI. Abou. the pme lime, the biwops of Isl ria
wrote to Maurice their belief lha, they would soon be
delivered from the barba rian yoke and returned.o the 'freedom'
of th e 'holy common wulth' (s~nrla '~J publir~).l In far away
Arabia, the Koran ",cmed to expect that a lotte ring Ronun
empire would yet ~n>lch victory ftom the jaw. uf defeat by thc
Peuians. Aftel th e Romans suffered > cru,hing defeat during the
Penian inHlion, a Irldition immun e to imperial censorship
claimed that a reblivc of the Proph et reacted to the new, by
wagering on Roman victory. ' At the othe r end of the wo rld,
rumon reached Merovingian Gaul that new, vklory-producing
saints' rdies had come 10 lighl in the imperial East.' AI blC as 678,
when the R on,.n. made a new «caly with the .... tabs,,
rukn may have feared that another Byuntine re<:onqucst wo uld
follow, for they hasoCl1ed to request peace t.calies with Constan-
tinople .• Through the dark"t hours of the ",venth and eighth
",w ok, . ,nd «In •• (.. print. W"'b.>..i<n. '9)7). J9' ltoo, d, iftII .. n, .), ~.E, Stllnmm.
·H<t""luft.... icbcn und S" ""y",boI'k·. H"''''~tJk'''~''' ,0<1 S' '''''Y''' _ &,.
".,r•• i~", c.".~." ._ Mit!.. loil .... ""10,,...,,")•• ,10,.,.,..,. M C II , Seh"f"",
IJ. ) (SM',,,,, '9~6). '067: ..d I), A, Bulloo,h. ·C.m<> ptO~1e pby.d. lJ"m . ... d
.;' ....1.. P'CP>iI",d. in ....,.0...1 Euru",,' , T .......I ...' of '''' R• .,.ll/i",,,(01 5.... '1 .
..... J. " (I97. ). l17- n,. hu" 'OJ .
, A, .. ~,. H I"...... ' .. 140; '. '. " . '. «l R _K' yolo.lI. CFH8, 'Ilkrl",. t!l'l7)_ ~_'_J:
d . •.• . Co<'PI"',. 1,., ;+, ,..,; ,)ii. '. ) " - , ",01 , . J .."to «I.) . Di8P< , ,,.t F.R.D.
Goody ... (C.",bt>dg<. '\170). " - ••nd to. .nt u.: _ h . .. "too,." '" '""on II
""1lnJ ... ,,·I't >c. "",h'R A.., m.....,. Con","" /. b \., 1"";';""Pori ..,_" ) .
) ...... Jnd Jk>-\!. «I. A • . c.m....... (London. 'V76), l ' .owI 1' ·
, C"P' t. R-r- '. 160. <d. P. [ walcl ..... LM . H"' ....... n. ,uG H. F.,.... , (, 117)-
"'.1- ': d . " .11--4 >nd ,I.)O-J. cr. F. 1.oonrom. 11-"";11,01;,,401..,;,..., ,I,..,.,..
.,t ...... "". •, SwdI ....... IJ (Fxnz.I. 19>1). 19) - • .
o q.., ..... SO;'" oI-R~"'. 1«'_" <iKd and""'- b, A_M_H. Shboool. ·!l y.... "um
and the Au,,": l'bo ,m.,. 8Y........... ", .. ",,«I '" A"boc: lu" .... ,,·.
/ly _ _ '-"" . «I. E, "'" M . Jo:""l'" and A. M off.... llyn",;." ........1_.... ,
(C ... bem, '~'). 1'1" ' )- "" h«' P_ . 1-1 w;,h 0,1'- ) '
• C"CO<Y ofT""". /I" .......... !il.i K. 7. J'. «1_ II. K,uo<h >lid 'oN . !.t"I(MI. MCH,
5RM. 1. 1 (I9~')' 1j(l.6- UI.I1,
• 'Tho".,h, ..,. C/o_'tt'''''''' A.M_ 6,"", ,d. C. Do: Il00'. , (I.t,p';" ,Ull_ I~"'-I,
Cl'nl url eS th e church and peo ple of R om~ pr~ycd ceaS( lcMly for
the 'more complete' return of impe rial dominion to il5 forme r
,;<tent.' In par t, ! rcspon",s doubt]"", no'" from the usua l lag
bctwttn eVCflt ~nd perception.· Om ""me p..t surely nme from
deep bd i,f in the most pOient of R oman myths: the myth of the
R oman empire's eterna l vino ry. a myth generated by the
unprecedented ri$e', power and durnion uf R ume.
If the simple f~ct of the empire's stupendous KTowth ~Ild power
crened this belkf, imp"ri.1 authurit;.:s uf succcSlivc ern workN!
.killfully to m. intain it. From the fourth ,emur y, as extern.1
thre. ts grew more d.ngerous, foreigners espeei all y were tHgeted
fot this Imperi.lleg.riom Ir.,·ded 10 ·barb.ri.lI· coum
to illform th em of th e emperor's mo,r recent trium phs. 9 To justify
the ass;!)!in.t;on of. barbar;;.n, twO It oma" officer!
could de";'" no bette r defen", than to cla im that th e kinglet wa'

F. S;W. ~~ 11< .... • "'ii<- _.-.,;~ .w... rl.>II'.-t>. '9' S). pp ' '''- ' . ........
du..... ,..... , .... w i,h ,t.. SI. v;e.,.;be. .,r,t.. 8 yun ..... W..... 1""""" >tt<pI<d loy
<.0.0..._ ... ,. c."Ioot-_., .,~_; ......S ....."' • • •d cdn (M"""h. ' *J). p. '<14
.. ill> n. o. 8 ... ,,,,", ...... _ <~duck. " .... vay 1<0....... tom"'rd .. who ... "'"Iy
.... p6<..... 1>y 1l>NpI<.nn· u'"' old......,.,.-,1 " , " , • .1600. ",'h.o<h mUll be ,t.. Lc>mb..rd
,.,..l4{ij.r. C . 0.. ea., •. C~ k« ",/0-1.,0;";,. «I. l . 1'>',.... 0 (Niort.
"ll)...... " <f. LM. " "'''''''n. c;"rt<.1«< I,dono,;..
'7' wkJr n. ') . pp. '79-10; F. JA>!t..,. /I't"'''''
AI.",.,,,, •. ,
K"',,,.,/r , ,\. k,
«"""ko. ,_I.
/I';''''', .... "S-" " (M""lm, ,.,.). """. >O<-"'oJ T C. t.o.r"i</r;" v, _ ..,...... ,
.,z,",;..-, ,. Offlh, ltp.i, 14foMM'" k,/1,,, "",,,-, ;.~·",z C'o;_, ( ~1 - '09')
(A,hm'. ,~ "'). pp. "'- 1.
, Li .... oft.,"., k_ ....... I""',jji'. '" 00, ,d. H. Fo,,,,,.,,
(lltm. '~j') , '".4 - '7 .
• N. Rei" .. ,. 1Jtr- Ct.. ... ; r .1, ~""__ " k, ,;;",;" 10,, ~,~Io< , i .. ,1 ....1..... ",oIt",.J k,
J ...... f. )_.,1, .... "" Di". IM..,,,«, ' ''''''). h" colk"<d ",ho. "" im"" 1 on ,h i,
• Thu. '" 4so1 '0 ki", ThoOOrri< 11, Hyd., .. ,. ('..... ~.... ,]t>-7, <d. A. T .. ..,~, '. !>C.
... (P ..... 'V,, ) ' Jfo: ,r <om", .. ;!.oj. ' . ' OJ: "'V"", of ........... Ii, . ...... wl>oo<
"",K,,,,I0,.,,,,. ,,, ..........0. 1"" • •;e,,,,,, .....m ,,, ptnum""'" "' ........
• xpb..d, ...... ,«1 ' 0 '" <0lI0<<'"' '
woh .... >011 of Lmrrnl"" : <d. II. 1'<11'<" .11<.011 .
.tA. 6.. ('''I)' *" 'J (ct. £,. n.~. n o' ~"'pl .... m ", p',"",op.h. "" ..m,...,
,,,,,;--.,,,,1: onl, ... "",,,,1M 01 .... d, ......,.n e>n,I"''fI'' "'I' , " ........ '0 M"h.. II·.
irt"- <MI
Monr.o pr<Win<;" , A_It.,.,... r,_u_.•.
<zpl> ... do, ff.. ~ ,,,, """n·••<f<,""""" 'mul ..... "''' . ...... ""' ..... '"
I, >. rd. F. Ku, ... MGII .~ R <.O (' '''s).
'J6: d . 0.;1", ... R,~_ . ..... . 11 • • oJ l """g hn. A ..... , ........ 1'1'. '''''-0;
Th<q:rhil ....
",,,,,,,.,,,,,, .. ~, 01. 'K<Ofy .,...... ~n not"", '" lou .. ,t.. PH"''' A ....... ,
1In-".i...... 119. td. F <.0 .. ,.). V.. U.... d ... d S. Ofmro«r. Sot"'" Ii< I'~ , ~o"< do
F"",,< • • N (Pori •. '1060). )0. on ,,'h;m ct. IlQl~l'f. /f,~P"'. no . • ) I. r'O< '"'V,vin,
, .. K!, .,r.ot. v"'tory cc mmun"l""" "'" b<lu ..·. Cn. J.


undermining foreigner;' belief in the emperor', invincibility.' 0

Nor w~, the insistent mc"~ge of im per i. l victory confined to
envoys and hi,tori.",. The theme w.s oblig~tory for every
panegyri5t from Pliny to PisidCl. 11 Imperial art and ceremony
glorified it, the Rom~n ~rmy'l p~l. word. ~nd bmle cries echoed
it.'2 Rom.n, . n ubiquitou •• nd reve.ling mirror of
government thinking. is covered with .Iog.n. like 'Etern al
Victory ' or 'Victory of the Augu.ti'."
The origin.l cxp.nsion .nd ,arly mlidity ofRom.n power h~d
prep~rcd men', mind. to be1i eve in the myth , but " coincidence of
comtitution~1 history tumformed wh~t might h."c been.
gem·r.t perception into. fundamcn tal concepti<Jn. Th e Icgacy of
the Rom.n revolution, which grounded the emperor's comti_
totion . 1 power I ~rg cl y in hi, po.ition .. comman der_ill_chief or
;mptr~to,. lent unique urgency t<J the mClsagc of Rom.n vict<Jry.
The ruler', milit:lry success confirmed hi, right to rule.'~ To the
con,titution.1 imperative of im peri. 1 victory w .. . ddcd • politic.l
one, for the .ncient' werc n<J le.,
'emiti"e than modern. to the
sweet ,mel! <Jf ,uc,,,... That war ~nd :I huge military est.bli,hment
.. "'g"h'". IIi" . ,. 9. J . K.yd.!t 'J.·1-'0.
" A [.w ... mpln fm m m,n y, Pbny. P""'U ,i"". , 6-- '7 ; XII 1'""'1 1' ;" Ioui";. '0. (». ' •
• . ,J. 1l. ... .Il . M)"nm' (O.fmJ . ",".J ......."'0 I'). ' . '. M )""" 'OJ. '0' '0 (.). 6. '.
,.8 . ,c>--, " , , IJ ). <. j -•. ')~ . ' 1-» . <Ie. Th<m;";u,, o..,i, ). cd. H. S<h<n,1 , lid G.
)).,,,.,,'y. ' Il" p"~, ,"")). "". , , - , " ,r tjh>.n 'u, ,lIu,,,,,, ,m P<'" I ,;,cwo<> " •
<om mon 'op" ;n ,I>< P,neS)" ;" ,dd •..,,,,d '" Th«><i",,", t, 0.,,1, ", 0). cd. R.
Foow", •• (ldp,ig , '00<). <, J.' '-'7' P,orop;u, "[Gu •. I. i,"p""""" 11 .."";",,,
PO"'iY'~.'. ,d. C. K'mp<n Ilion". '9 ,~). I.J -' " P'ol S;kn liory. o,'''ip'"'WOl''''
S'ph.o<. cd . P. h;.dlinJ. ••j ....... " yo. C .., •• J " .. I., S;J,.'iM;",. K"." ",,,~ ,,,' h. ·
t'" j"''''.;,.,,,,",,, 2", (l< 'p.i~ . '~"1 ••.,..- ,(,; C... mg' P;,i<!<>. ~xp<Ji " , p<"k• • ),
<00->7- eO. A. Pm"';. S",,:I;, p,,,,>l,,,,, by"n'; •• ,) if".I. ' oJo1. ')<- ) .
" A. G"",,, L.''''1'''''.' ."', 1'. " 'p"'''.' R"I«"",, ,., I'." +,,11< ''''pi" I'o.i""
W,,;'. '9J 6). pp. J,If. Th< u", of b,,,", uk, 0' p",,"o,d, Ii . , ·u',w," . ·p.lm,·,
'!)cu, 'lOb''''om' 0' '"i'''''phu, imp<",o,k' '''' ,,,,,",,,Ikd by V<8<""~ C'pi'""", or;
."Ii,,,i,. J. J. <d. C. l .ng Il<ip"g. '! !j). ) j. '4- '~'Ju";n"n', >1m"" "d"",<d him
'~Ioroo"~ y 'KlOno",' 1~""'AI,,~oo). <.g. Pfo<op,",.II<II•• '.jO. ). cd.j. H, o,y 'od G.
Wi .. " .• nd cdn. ' Il<;p",. ''''''1. ,."".'
J - '): b)' ,he n""h «n 'u.y ,I>< ,,«n ' h. d
,h,f,cd." By .. n'm. "''''I'' ,",," 'cd 'Th< cnn,e"nqO<'!,J", ·(;"on;o'. R'I"'" IiI.; '" ,
•. '<.• d. A. l<.miilk,. W,,,'''' .n d L Thom. CFIIIl . .. IB<,\;n . '911).66.1'-): i~ .• ,
)0 . 1).Jj - 6.
" \.«. <.g. M. Gun •. R,,,,,,,,
"""I fta", ,.;", (C.",bnJ~, . '9)1). pp. ,)-J' . for ,h.
'''mch;'' " " o[V ICTOIUA AETEIlN ...... V(j " oJ ,dOled ""<11< kgend., 1« .he
,ofc",><<> in RIC. O. 70) ; d. RIC. ,. 1)<-! : VICTOIlIA AVGe <lC .• RIC. I . )7>- j.
,. J. G,~<. 'L •• hiol"t<'" J, ... , ,,ro,,,, ,m~ml<', R,,", ~IJ"''''''' , '7' ('9))) , ' -OJ' O«
"Iuw . CI,. , .
continuously burdened the empire', later hi,wry only enhanced
ttw political appeal of a triumph.1 Ityle of rulership, Cla"ie.1
civilization', athletic etho, added further impetu' to the lioni~_
ation of the imperial victor, especia ll y , ince the late antique
hippodrome resounded equally with "clam .tion, for the vicrori_
ou. emperor and the triumphant charioteer." Since winning .t
'pon. w:1S Sl'mantically indistingui,hable from military victory
(the game. ,hem,elve. weu oft en . gift of imperi.l munificence),
the Roman crowd easily confounded ,ucce" in the race, with the
]]OIion of imperi.l victory, ,. T <'m of rhom:md, of voi,C! chanting
'Ni-b, ni-h" created .n .wesome background for the 'p"c-
!:Ieular sdf-manife,tation of the 'victor and triumphator', a, the
ruler of the Roma", stylcd hi,,,,df. And, f"':llly, imperial officiab
were dever enough to ,hift the lIloSt important rites of imperial
power - including victory cel ebration' - to the V:lU th eater
provided by th" circus and its faIl!,
The cmperor', perenni" l victory c:l n be traced aero", the
phy,ical and menul bndscape of the latc Roman world, Coin"
monument" legal d<'positions, panegyrics, Sunday services and
gam e. - "II rcAeC! the way. in which this facet of th e imperial idea
dev eloped, and the significance it "'quired, Above all ~ .nd this
constitute! the c~ntral them~ of thi, ,IUd Y - triumphal c~remoni~1.
prop~gand a .nd public dispby celebrated and confirmed the
victorious ruletship of the emperor. Thes<: ceremonies in parti-
cuiar yield different kinds of insight into the society and
govcrnmcll1 which produced them, A specific performance of a
victory celebration can illuminate the org.nizer 's short-term
apprai,al of the general political situation, for, as we will Ice , each
perform.nce w..s c.. "fully ca li brated to the patticolat condition,
in which power was being exercised, When :I ceremony was

" Un ,he , /ftnLfY or."""" >1hl<'" ,Old m,tJ"'y .. I""" H, W , Pk , « , 'C, m", P"''''
"hk", . nd od<ology, >Om< "P"''' of ,10< h"w.y of 'PO" 'M 'he C",u-Rom,,,
wmld' , A"." I _ S,..;.,.. Z,i'''",;P fo' C"_~i,"" 0., Sp'''' ""d ." K...,...,..b. lr.' I. ,
1'9711. l' - 10. h.", 76-1. 'l'" I ,"~"",", imp.e, of til< .porting «hoo on ••
", ~,'''m of, ... ;01pt< •• 1.~, ' , I; "my p,O<iu«;"" j, oo tl m.d by R" M"l;db"h, 'D"
~<O<'<h'Kh< W Of\"h", ,",J ~i< Ch,i',cn', Z,i',,",;p fo- r'py,,]oRi,"oJ foJH.f"p. i. , ,!
(''n l ) , w, - ,I, h<<< ' '''' - l o .
,. J. G,~<, 'tuopOC "KO.O'''''. l. ,k,o;'" ;'"pi,i . 1< J ..., I'En,pi« <h,' ,;',,'. RmH
.I'Im,.i"".,. r~il'"ph'" "I;Ki""." ... n"'" '9Jl. )70-_ , h<,. l741f. Un ,10< """",
I'o'phy"",,i« c.,,, ..,,, IO.fmd , 19711,
'I~., ... . C .momn.
, pp. 76 -110.
repeated ly performed through thc centuric,. the histori.n who
collectS the sc~uercd evidence and ~slcmblcs it in its historical
order will discover ,h.t. for.ll their continuity. later Roman and
Byzantine imperi.l ceremonie' were subj~ct to the relonrleS! l.w
of historical change no less than oth er facets of hum'lll .ctivity.
T he changes .rc sometimes evident only when the ceremony is
view ed over ,he long term, but they Can provide precious
symptom' of wider trends in • ,ociety', dcvelopment. In this
regard. the later Rom.n triomph ceremony .nd connected
CuStOm, are p.rticul.rly endcing. Their exp.nsion and transform_
ations in the 'ne w' empire of the fourth century can be tr.cked
acrm. sevcn centuries .nd more, into the 'Roman' empire of
Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus and hi, .uccessors. Wh.t is
more - .nd somewh.t par.doxical - the . ftcr-cffccts of the
fourth century's renaiss.nce of triumph can be tr. ced beyond the
fall of the western empire . nd dt·cp into the history of the 'mcet'ssor
sr.te. ' which emerg ed in the western province •.
Among the m.ny conditions which conspired in the 'Gcr_
IIlanie kingdoIIls' coalescence on Rom." soil, [hal of effective
politicalle.denhip cannot be undereltim.ted. For such. kingdom
to survive, the rul er h. d to exerci.e Ie~dcrsh ip uver two distinct
groups: the newcomCI5 themselvC! ~nd the Rom.n sucie·ty into
which they settl ed. Although it is hard to im.gin~ th.t the
Germanic inherit.nce wa, not a significant component in the new_
born monarchies' m.ke_up. thisclemeot i,so metime. exceedingly
difficult to grasp.'? Assimilation .nd, to some degree .•ccommo-
d.tion with localari,tocracie. were the order of the day . I. While

" Giv,n ,h, w"t,h ,nd 'n'i~ui'y of in~-=" Rom,n. , nd ("""m,nK g"'''p' ,,,,ci,,,d
on one ,nOlh,,,. i, i, o['m vory ""d '" pinpoin' 'he ' Rom,"' or ·Ger m.n;, · ,h""',,,
of O<tliln ",,,im,;o,,, Of ,,,,,on,,. The <kb.t< OV<f ,he d"''''<f of ,"," 're" " .
,ymhol of .urhoriry ;, • good cnmpk: P.I:. S<hromm. H",,,/r'J,,,, ..l«" ".J
5"""'1",""li' .•. '!f) -l (II moo ;f"d by N"""'~. MGH. S<h,;["n ') ' IM"ni,h.
''/11). pp. ,1-9) ""d A. Alfold, . . H.".-'...... ;"'p";;, The'1"" " ,mOOd"",,,, of
IOvmisn'y in Rome" . 11 .... ;, ... ; ... ,",1 of 1I"1Ioo-,1,, y. 6) (r919). 1- '1 ,0<1 'Z" m
Spcmymlooi <1<, Souvcnnit" im AI''''''m·. F"'''"'ifi j., PT ''''~'''"''. 1
(Winb.d<n. '9601. ) -6. FOI , v;gor"", " ,"ment of ,"" Ge ,m,";, "P"'" or
ruk"bip in ,he fir" ~e<l<'""i<on, or , ,,,, bub"i," bn,dom •. JM. w.It,«-lbd.ilt .
",",Ir Ge'",""K 'j"II,~ip j. &tl...I""; '" ,Iu C ... """,, (Oxf",d. "nl). pp. 81f.
" Two ""m <x.mpk>; W. Golf",. 8 .. ..,.!""••.,j R...... ,. A .D. ,,$-j" . rlw
,,{~.i~, of """",,,,,,,1.,,,..
(Pri"won. '!>8<>J ' nd E.A. 11>ompron. /I,,",,,, "",
h'H""" . n, ",I;", oj ,It, "''''".
''"pi" (M,d;"," . ' 0"1 . "'p. pp. '7 ,nO 'jolf. Cf.
Triumph 4f a hi>lorical problrm

it seems likely. for in'tance. that Germanic 'Hccrkonigtum' con-

tributed to the newcomer. conceptions ofking,hip, traceS of the
early monarchies' appropriation of traditional Rom,,,, forms and
mode. of tbougbt . re much more dininct .'· This is .11 the Ie"
surprising for the mounting evidence of [he impact of im~ri.l
iconognphy and ideas far beyond the empire's ancient bound-
aries.20 Wh ence the growing consemm . mong scholars th . t I.te
Roman ideas and cmtoms of rulcrship and administration
impregnated the c. dy institutiom of barbarian kingdoms." Thc
afterlife of the im~rial id eology of victory opens a new path (or
exploring the imperial model'. influence on rulcrship in the new
5OCietie •.
But it is not an eu y on e. Mo.t of th e b,, ,b.rian kingdoms were
short_lived and died a violent death. This scarcely fostered the
generation and prel.Crvation of s jgn;fic~nt amOunts of 10Urce
material. Ephemeral phenomena like political ceremonies arc
particularly poorly documented . Moreover. the progrc"ive
deurbanization of wcncrn society diminished the usual late
antique andience for political display, the urb an crowd. Over the
centurics this worked profound change, in the ceremonies' ..:tting
and significance. Both foc wr. induce the hi,wrian to supplement
the ..:attered evidmcc on royal victory ceremonies by seeking out
the old ideology's afterlife and transformations in other settings,
like the early medieval litnrgy, imcriptiom, panegyrics, accla-
mation. and coinage,

V , llie,b .."",. 'Frilhgt",h",htlid" Ak'ultu",;.""pm,..", ;n <l<n g"m.n;",l><n

St .."n . m Mitt, lm«' (W' Kg""n . O"gut''', L.n~"",,<I<n) .u, d" S;cht d",
A"hiolog,n', ".,; Id ,. "'".I""" ;.,""" i"",k <Ii " ••i ,.11'.1" ."'i",,,,,. ,
.. On <h< fi". po;m. "" W, xhb ingt" 'Ol><r go,",,,,;,,,h« H<"kooi~'",n'. D"
K ..,:ro.,", s.i", J"" .o j ""h,I;'!,," G,,"dl,f" ", Vom'g< und Fn,,,,hung<n , 1
(Con".nc<. !9j61. pp. !O'-H. "p. 'J!ff.
" E,!! . K. H.u,k. 'Voo <inc, .p' "n,ik.n R..ndkulo", ,urn hrolingtKh.n [urop",
PMS, , ('9671, ) - 9). "", '-9: H. V;",k, ./ .. " .... ''" I'",i uDd i''''I''''''''
G"",,,,~ , ,Of <It:, \Viking<rrd". U, " 1' " Not." Br'"'''( ",•.,1;.";,,, B,' ..... ).
• d, R, ld,k, (Upp .. l>. !9311.1'I',6,-,, ),
.. A r<w <x. mpk. from m. ny: L. Schmid,. G, ,,lIk.,, Ur W...... I" . ,nd <dn (Mun;,h.
,,,.,) , p. Jj~' cr, p, Co"rro;" u, V..... k ' " l'''jii1'"' (p.,;>, '9JJ), p."): H. u,k.
'R>ndkultu,', H. Wolf"",. ·Gor.;",h" K';";gtum und ";m;Kh,, K,i .."om voo
T"..oo.;", <1<>0 G,,,,,," hi. jm,;n;.n t.". PAIS, ' l ('WO) , ,- ,I , "p, ,6: 'Die •
• "f .om;",h,m !\od," ",'""oIn .w" in cl<r T " di,ion d« ..",,"" 11'""'. ~"rl .b<,
b,rin;.rn.. 'p",om; ",I>< tn",tulioo<n' ,
To ancien! and mt-diev.1 eye" mo.t ccremonie, were nothing if
not obvious, When .n ancien! writer mentions or describe, one,
he rardy point, out that the event was in fact a symbolic ge,ture
from the rep<:rtory of traditional ruier rituals, Attempts to
expound the meaning of the .ymbolie act arc JUSt as rarc, This " Ill
for a methodology which fits isolated and apparently insignifi cant
fans into the broader cultur3land ritual Context provided by th~
,tudy of the Cu,tom, and conccptio", with which late antique and
Byz,"'tin<' society sought, cdebrated and glorified mi liury suc-
ce's. Without thi, interpretive fr. mework, the woy th e Vi,igothic
ki ng treated th e defcated usurper Paul Or th" chastiwment the
would-be king of the Lombard, inflicted on deacon SenD appear
to be isolated," "f hiurrc behavior. Viewed againl! the
backdrop of late Roman victory customs, however, the pictute
.her! drarn.ltically and each incident reveals the impe,;,,1 model'.
contribution to e.rl y medieval king'hip . In other word" conti-
nnity, COmt-mUS reigm, or i, beginning to reign, that ,ub,untial
areas of continuity underlay, in both E,1St and West, the p .."age
from l.te ant ique to early rIledie,'al civilization, But within the
overall pattern of pnsisting link s, there is many , dialogue
b,·tween change and wntinuity and not a few cases of new wine in
old jug" Tracing one dust~r "flate antiqu~ ,tatc symbolism will
allow us to t~,t • 'ingle facet of this continuity. Even more
important, though, it will sometimes be feasible to go beyond the
observation of continuity - which can conceal remrrec!ion as
well a, p<:rsi,t('nce - and .. k why Germ . nic rukr, apptopri.ted
"n~ or anot hn clement .nd how they ch'lnged it. As Schramm
emph.,izcd, th,' borrowing of dements of SI~4rsJrmbQlik is an
e",emi.lly >ct ivc process which implies adap tation .s much as
.doption,n Thi, continuo", borrowing was generally an of
king' down to the coll.p" ofCnolingi.n .uthority, when new,
terrimria] pow", c<',Hers emerged. Th.t development will furni.h
a convenient, if not compulsory stopping point for the euly
medieval We" .
In the E.,t. condition! of ridership changed significantly a, the
grc.t cri,," of the ,eventh .nd eighth centuries worked far
reaching t.. nsformation. in {he empire, it, society ond govcrn-
TriumpH a, a 1""la ,ical probl~m

melll. 2J Even ~, IOmc titu<ll clem ent! of BYZ;l1ltinc VK(ory

cciebra(iom ~nd tbeir monument~l Ictting proclaimed (b" un-
,h~k~blc continuity of tbe imperi~1 government with the ancient
empire of th e Rom.n!. new (rends in wcicty ,,,,d (he mon~rchy
conditioned the way they were ."emblcd for specifIC perfor-
mances. No ,cc ount of la(e ,n(ique .nd Byz.. n tine ceremoni~1 can
,ffo rd 10 overlook the unique testimony ofComtantinc Porphy-
rogenitm' tre.ti", on imperial ritu~h. Much remain. undcar on
(he preci.e v,lue of tbis tenth_century compilation. The in-
tegration of Cons!,ntine', inform"tion on triumph ceremonie,
into the fram"work of their overall development will offer ,orne
cI,rifie~tion. Thi, implie, th~t the enquiry into Byz.ntine victo ry
celebration, will extend down to the end of the tenth century. The
most (Onvenietl! stopping point thereafter is furnis bed by the end
of the Macedonian dyna.ry to which the Porphytll"cnitus
belonged. Thi, doc, not me,n th at no further v;etOTY celcbt.tion.
were .raged in ilYlantium or, for that matter. the medieval We,t.
They were. /::IUt tk tt.nsforlll"tion of both civili~ations ,nd rheir
incre"singly divergent p.ths of development. not to mention the
swelling volume of ~ourcc m,teri, l,. dieu,,, that the bIer period
be t reated on its own merits.
As it stands. the pre"'nt enquir)" will be long enough. for the
roOf, of thc I.t,· .ntique and early medicval cult of the ruler',
victory reach f," back into the cla"ic.1 p,n, denunding at lea"
cur~ory consideration of rhe principa,,,', triumph.1 celebrations
and conceptions. In the fourth century. a unique constd lation of
f.ctors triggered a renaissance of the idc~ and ritual cxprc"ion of
triumph,l mlclShip. of .. mler whose e,,,,,, ce it w ...' to be victor.
Once the historical devdopment of late imperi,,1 victory cde-
bration~ h", been established. iudividu,,1 ceremoni e, can be used
'" .. window on p],enu"'~n. lik~ the ,ig"iflc,nce of cdebution,
over usurpers. performance, at Romc ,nd other re,idence..
Christianity', integration i"to the ern pite' s official symbolism. the
di.logtlc of unity and the division of the empire. or how power
~nd inA"enc~ were proj~cted within the gove rnm~nt. For m.n)"
centuries. the "fter-effect , of thi .• renew ed triumph ,l ideology
lingered on among ,he heir< to Il.orn~n power. The late ~ntique
" .... P. x"f,J." .nJ .... CUI"". ·Cunlmuil)· .nJ Ji""mlmu'ly in lIynn"n< h'<t"'y·.
B,< " .<> (198 . 1. "-71'.
leg>.cy to llyz>.ntium will be followed through it, transform ",ionl
down to the watershed of the eleventh 'en nlTy. The Ceremuny
Book .nd rdated ,ource, permit a f,nt attempt at uncovering how
the pabce >.dminiltration went about the busine" of nrg.nizing an
imperi.l victory cdebr..ion, providing>. .. re it1!igh' into the
Byz>.ntine government in >."ion. Bu, ,he '_pital wa s nOt the unly
staKe for imperial display ; the mes'"'Ke "fthe emperor', victory
w ", al", intended for the bulk of the popul.tion, the 10y>.1 subject<
who lived out!ide the grc.. bte Rom.n .nd IlYlOntine c.pitals.
The fole of the ChUTCh in foculing the public mind on imperial
victory and prepuing the .. mie, of New Rome for comb .. i,
revealing of the temper of the time, and offen an important link
between ealtern and wc<tern !uccc",or mcictin , The myth of thc
bte r Roman emperor's monopoly on victory celebIOtionl is b id
to fest by one .spect of what must be r,c.'cn .. , the must prevalent
form of imiralio imperii, the victory cclcbr.. iom honoring local
commander< , To help "'Ie" imperi.1 victory cmtoms' and related
conceptions' romific.tiom in the new kingdom' on the' empire',
edge., ,hr .x;"~nc~ and dcvdoprucm of co u" ccremo,,;ai in the
Germanic kingdom' which rinKed the Mcdill'nam'.n will "'quire
SOme discussion. Although th" hi storian of li m;].. institutiOn< in
h. lf. dozen euly Germanic kingdom' is ,ometimes reduced by
the ,tote of the WOTce, 10 ,ix diffcrem kind, of ignorance, the
short-lived kingdom, oflhe Vand . [" Burgundian •. O .. rogoth, .
• "d Lomb..d, each contribute to undersunding Ihe dcsliny and
.ftcrlife of th e i Inre rial victory ideology . The Vi, igothic trium ph
ceremony ,,,d other viclory clIstom! provide new d.ta on the
Hispanogothic elile" intin.. tc f.miliority with imperial civiliz-
>.tion .. well .. on the ",ei.1 contcxt uf roy.l rulcrship. Finally. the
fate of imperi. l victory co,tom, and conceptiOn< in ,he kingdom
of the fr. nb willle. d from ,he .pproprialio" of Rom an mages
by the c.rly Merovingi.", through the >. ppe",a"ce of. liturgy of
victory _nd illlo ,he new development! 'ponsored by the
C.rolingi_m. when local off.hoots of the old tud ition combined
with indcpe"delll innovation and ,ppropri_tio~ from the imperial
p,.. and present of Byzantine
- - - - --

III vincible empire: tile ideo logy of 1!ictory

IIlIder the pril!cipafe

C0l1c~l i vc m~" j fcstatio"s

uf joy ",,,I ,d id .( {he S'KCl,,,(ui
condmioll of a m ilitary mgagcmnlt {x-cur throughout humJII
",cicty ~nd throughout hi,tory , from the ca rl in! time, down to
OUT Ow," V_E >."d V-J D , ys ,,(recent nlen'''t)' _ III ancien' ROTTl"
huwever. the converge",e of ~ series of ,,,,ique traditi ons alld
historical dcvclopnl<"tllS triggcr<:d, in the first (entWt)' befure uur
era, • ""ritable explusion uf viewrr n"kbr'ltiuns and ,ri"lcd
conceptiOn<. Th i, phenomenon wa, aptly summ:lrizt"d by J c~n
G age in " famom .."d inth !cmial article on the pr incip"'c' ,
'th"ology' ,,(imperi ol v ictory. ' D'-'pitl' th,- dr"malic ch.nge. in
R()m~n government Jnd <Dciety which ;.sued (,om the cri,i~ of
the third century , there i, clcar cont inuity between the victory
cekbrllt ion ' of the lata Itom." ~ JI\pit, a"d tho~ of the
It i, Nradox ical to " m lr,, ~t th" attent ion h v ished On the >teh"ic
and R"publi can triu",p h cerc",u",y with thc d"anh of thorough
. rudie, 011 th, hi,torical devdopmc'nt of the ,a",..
cerc' mon y under
the bet tn d o cumented rir curnstam"'1 of thc' principate, Enough
hal . however, .Irc"dy been Jccomphshcd (0 skctch provision ally
the "'''in line. of the early Ro""n Empire" HlU>l uUl>lamling
victory cmton". Imperfect though it mo.t be, th i, ~k<:teh will
providc' the bac kground indi lp"llIabk to l1l1dnstanding late
imperial ;lI1d Bynnt;nc victo ry cekbrJtiom .

• • •
In i" ' cI'I,; C,,1' It"publ ican form. [he pr e'r ig;ous '"",('fnuny uf
gi , •t.' tnio~." ... de I, vi< <0 '" "" ri'",Ie-' . /I",", 1" , ,,,.i'I"', ", (, 9 JJ I, , - oJ.
J r" ~'" •
m,"i"" of ,I.,. 'mn " h" "~'~r' , OJ H"""kl , C """,o,, , J6 1' <:>0,). ' "' 10' ,

hiVinciblr empi"

victory. the tr;uml'n. waS c3rdu lIy ne!tC'd illlhe ,.. chaic formali,m
of R. orn<lll religion. Whatcvtr it, original nature. the ,,,,cicll! rite
",em, deul}" to di'pl,,}" a'pect' of purifrc ation and thanksgiving,
associated with the cult of luppiter Optimm M ~ ximus and the
Capitol! ll y the days of the w~nillg Republic, however, il1
religiou, si,;nifianre had Wm~ to be ec1ip.ed by its politic:!l
value, a valuc which j. only more cvident for the medioc rity of the
accompli.hmerm which could sometime! be used to justify the
celebration of. triumph:' When prominmt m<'n mgagcd in the
"ramble for power vaonted their jrliril~s. their good fortune or
d; vine favor, .' an cnenti ,,1qu .lification for lc~deT)hip, what more
unequivocal confIrmation of jrliriraJ could they d"lire than a
re.oonding military victory, achievcd under the proper condi-
tions ~nd SJ.nctioned by thc Scnate .nd the gods in the spccu-
culn triumph ccrnnony?' It ;$ perhar, no surprise then that a
shuI' upswing in Victory CUllS c~" be oblCrved at R ome from the
third century ll.c.' Th,' preoccupation withjeiiciras and victories
could only h",'c been encouraged by the agonistic conceptions and
mct.phors of wilHling al 'pon, which permeated the H~llcllistic
cuhor~l idiom 00 highly prized at Rom e in the f,m cClltoty B.C."

0/",10,.,,,, ...
, )1. V",,,d. T,,',",plo,,_ "'. '.i" 'T ,"," , ... '''''l'" , 1 "''"'''1 'j '" Ko ..""
"i.",plo. Di". (L.y"'", '910),
j h,mp l" "f 'unw .. "mcd ' ";ump)" ,n , ... hr< R'I'"blK: F.I'",.
I" /I,"".i , (Rnme_ LO'U). ' " ,nd ,,,,. "J , .
• H _ hod, A.....""' , "Ii,,,.,, f"","" /.4",.;"., W,m ,,'''". Di" . (C.o.,o.,'8, '0)') '
«p. PI'· .. -~, w"h ,h< """.!.f""",..", ~f C. Il,u,,,,",,. 'Co... , ""d ",On G)Ue.·, .1/,,,,,",
11.1""",,", ') ('"J'I , 'J- ~ ' , h", 7~ - ._ Onj')'''''' ,nd , i,wy , >« K_ ComO<..
1,"1"'''. '. /1".",1" '"' )" '"pl';,,), ,i1"1',"'i",," "'" .'1,"1"""" "'"'"' ~"""
,i"h)".,"" Pub l,wi<ln' ok I. F",uiri On . ,,"" " ok. ><Kn<ft bum'm" d,
)'U,,,,-,,,,,i "" M""'I"JI;", ,0. (P"". ,<Pi). PI" ",8- " '''" PP , ,oiff, ."d ,0.-
I"''''''''mg ')·n' .... " of 1- G,~<. 'F<i," .... , RAe, 7 ('~I . l' 1- '), "1'_ l' S· Cr. ",,'
1- R ufu, f<m. """"P' •• ,,' ,/00",,_
1M .II.;", ,1«,... oj II" '"'1""" " • "")",,,1 ''''''''P'
" /I"",,, P'f"''' .nd Mon"l!"p"' of ,"" """""",, "",,d,my ;n R~m', '" (RO"" ,
'.n). pp.'JOIf'"" ,~,rf.
• ~ "'''"''od. 'V",", ."J I".,,,,,,, H.,.". llu,ko!''') 1<",,,",, ,0 (,."). ,, '- <7.
lou, "1ft
, Cf G,W , lIu"'o'''''''k, .1"R""" ..,. '" (;"'~ 1t'",1~ IO.r,,,J, ' I>I>J) , rp . 'f('.• no
A. Moon'gli.,,~. AI,,,, "",,1.,,"_ 1lu I; .. i" ojll,JI,,,.,,,.. (C, mbILog" 1975). pp_ , ,f(',,"
H ,II,,, '"'' '"m"" " R 0 m< '" '"" 1""000. s.;,,,,, indl(" " '.. , On ' go",,,,, m." ph on '"
C",k li«","" "'LII b< [""nd on f. S"ulf". ""';W,'. 'n,.I" ,,,1 IN" ..." oj'" .'""W
7-"",","" ,,_ G .W_llwm,ly , I IG""o R'p;d,. LIt6. I, '10 -.0. '''~ ",,"'. ;.,1"
167- 0 ,
Viao'1 ""de, II" p,i"cipalc

Fr/i,iraJ ami the' rnystiq.,c of victory fitted into the c.~ily

idculogica l nock uf thc A ugust,n principJte Jnd quic kly became a
significant bUltrn, of the Il('W order. As G.gc dcnlOll\tratcd and
many othn. hJve confirmed. the e,"mtial ttait uf this mystiqu"
w .. th,t the' nnpnor's victorics dernOllSt r"tcd hil 3ptncss for
rukrship.' Th,· c~l1tra l role of impcrial victurio"mcs, is ea,ily
gu'pcd in light of the miliury n;uure of the imprrortlT, the milit,,,y
overtones ofth~ impni"m ~nd the intim~[e link between po"""ion
of the imperi"m and the right [0 ce l ~br~te a triumph." Th i,
COllllCCtion <DOll led to ~ new and br_rC>ehing dc"elopm~nt : the
restrictiun of ,he triumph to the Auglilti ur mcmbers of their
Un der the princip;HC. w<: 0" ob'ICrvc (he forerunner. o f ~t lc.s(
th ree main dSpeC!> ufthe later Roman "mpnor's celebration uf
milit."y s, ' cee~~ : ~\lppIiCJtion dlY~, thc triumphal p~r~dc ,Itld
victory g~n'~s. At time, of grc.t cri~i. (lr succe,". th" R epublic""
Sm,lt(· h~d "ftm voted off,cial dJ y' "f mppliution (s"ppliralionesj
dl1ring which th" temple, were opened ~nd sacrifices pcrform,·d.
Supplild/jones of (h:mksgivillg camc p~nicularly w hc ;j1S(>ciated
with the announcement of victmy.'o Like the triumph ceremony
with which they are", closel y linked. ,upp liC"ation days undl'r-
wellt clear development in th e la,c R"puhlic ,nd pri,,,ip,te.' ,
Although their rdigiol1' content never di"pp"ared, it ha, been
suggested th,! 'he focu, of tbe'c !>Ctvice, ch,nged. From being
propiti. tory or cxpj~tOry I, erif,,·,,; fucusing On the go<b. the
jljpplil~ljonei elm,' to center on the prince and hi. well_being,12
The rhythm and impon~nce of th~nksgi"ing ,,·rvicc. appc" to

, 'T"" logl<'. pp,6If

• 0 .. ,'~. ",iI., .. y ""<or< uf '''1"'''''' '' C o mbi'I , ),"1"""'"" PP 7 JIf; <f.j. Ikin ing". 'Vnn
de, ,,"<'f"'b l, k "" Munmh~·. DK' U"p,ung< d,,' k""''',,; ,ul,,", d« P,;n,;p'''·.
A,"R w. '. ' ('91')' ' ' '- 9' ' Fo, 'he' hn>. o.',w'<n '''1''''"'" ",,' ,.. ,,;umri>. or.
Mum "'''''n, R.,.. ' ~ "" 51 .. ,,,,,hl , ("'p,in' , 1).", 1. I OJ')' , 'JIf ,nJ "p . "olf .nd ",If
• Mum",,,,,, , ~""'''''"'. '. 1).'-<'; d . ,0)-7.
" n< b,,;< "uJy n''',,;h, l. 1i,lbn, t.. '"ppii,"'i"" .'.<li"" 4.. R'"'" 'i><z k, /(_";.J.
Ijlb l l ~ ,O< q",".k b F, ,,,hf,k pt"I..><0~.~", <t k",", de t'U,,,,«,,,f de u<~<. [.1 I!''';',
'9J '), I",,, pr, ...,If cr, ''''' G, W",,",w •. II.<I{I"" ,,"J K.I",4.., R;;"'", Ii.",lb"d, d"
,'.I,,,,,,,,,, "."""",,h. fI, J, <, '''" «." (M """i>. J OJ,). r p. <' J If, ,nd K. La< 1<, R ''''''' h<
R,I,S"'"'!'''/o''"''' .b,J.. , .• (M"""h . ""''''1. PI'. '<j"""".
" tt.tkin , S"ppi""""'" pp. ,o<)lf.
11 (; . h<Y"Ulg" , h ''' rr l",''",n d' >c,i"" de g';'" '''''' k 'b",.Fmp;"'·, A,",'R 11', ,.

,~ " (tl<,{",. '''' ' ) , ,." J9.""" 'H'·
Invinciblr rmpi ..

h~ve declined with the p'''''ge of time, even though the latest
,tudies maintain that the rite was preserved as ble as A.D. 277."
The core of im~ri.1 victory celebrations rem . ined the
triumph. A ,Yltematic analysi, of the developm ent of the
ceremony under th e empire remains to be written.' " Of the tWO
m . in description. oflhis c"remony from th" principal", the later
concerns the triumph of Aurelian in 274. It i. found in the
ScriplOr!1 his/oria! QuguSlar .nd today is considered quite impbu$-
ible." T he triumph ccleb rared by Ve'p.,i . n . nd Titus in June of
71 is known, on the other hand, in the detailed and reliable .ccount
of Fhvius Josephus. · 6
A, Joscphus tells it. the event Can be broken down into three
main stage •. The first look place out,id" the PQmrrium. in the
Campu' M'lftim area. It wa, e,senti.lly military in n.ture. The
second was the actual triumph"s or parade from the POrM
/riumpha1is to the Capitol. The third compri lCd the religious
ceremooics on Ihe C.pitol.
The Jud:lean triumph had already been announced to the

" Thu, Ihl'in. S.ppl'''''... p. "9 .,HI f«yOO'8"'. ·StJ pplkillon ·. pp. q'!-Q. Not<
how",", th .. ,n bo,h ",h"I",·Ii-lOf IUpplhliolll from :><plim;u, s.cV<lUIIO PlOt"".
on< i, onty i"pli",I"",,,«I by H .. ooI'" ().9 . u . • J . C.R. Wh; " . .. ". , (Cln,b,id8'.
M,ll .• '9691. JZI-. (.*.,."" U "~<i<: "~q,{.,. ..o ®'<P) fm A.D . '97 whil< ,he " It
'" ,II <l<,;,«1 f,om ,II< 5t~.P''' '' .i"..,,,, 11",,,,,., (d. fI<Yoo,~« . ·Supptk"'on·.
pp. '.'!""91. Should ... , bth.., tho! Ih, 1/,,,.,,, A.,.".;, rno", ",Ii'bk for .i<1o,y
"'ppl,,,,;o,," th,";, hll ..... tho ... " 1o II< f.,.. oth<, «"m""ieo? Cf. btlo .... n. '\.
" T .. only ~'n,,,1 1U"",y of In. imp<,i, l «",moor i, C Borini. Tfi·,,,,p/I4li•. 1",,,.,«
"p"" """.."
,0 """,i ... ii,,,,i ,,","nft 1" , (Turin . '9\') . Th, m.n y <l<<<,ip' i,,", of ·,h,·
",umph ,,,,mOl\Y ...;Iobk In , . . . ,,",,", "fmn« work, h,.,. in lI,ntl.t. b.:,n
pl<<<d 'OK«h" froln I ... i'" " " <If of",."", 'p",d O'tI ",,,,,I <.,"uri«. n.,,, i,
,nu, no 8u><,",,, ,h" 'LKh. <ompo~" P"''"'" ,,",ily <o''''' p''''d, '0 ' pm"'"I ..
p<,fo,m,nct of,.. "'''Mny. s.c, nOl><,"k" W. £nI<II . "T,i,mphu,·. R~.1'"
('919). " ) - )II ."m )o l if•• od E.W . M<II<fI. z ... ,' H",,,",,!,,,, I" I., Hi""".
A'J.JI•. Un"""'"'""'" " I. .. P""'J'« On K,i", (;.11,,"", . .. A."I,.. ". A."qui";
,. J (Bonn. '1>6lI) . pp. ,cr-I .
" M,,,,n. H"'''"'1''''. pp.,o, - , o.
I . fl>v;UlJottphUl. lk "11, .. 4.,,.. 7. 111-0'. «I. II. Nin< , nd J. von !">ton.on. Fl •• ;;
1. l<p"; 6 (B<ri;n. ,19'). JM. '6-)9 •.•. Ill." ..,;."" ,,[ ,n .. "',mon, 'PI"''' on
lOt A,," ofTitu" I « I.S. Ryb.:'lI. Rift, of"'" ,,/'S""" ,n Rom .. '''. M,n'oirl of ,n,
Am,,,,," A,,"'my;n Rom,. H (Rom,. '9lJ). pk. )I- H . Fo, oth<, d",,.,,ptiom
~f to, ',iurnph in 01,,,;<>1 li''''''«. >« t" «f<lttK" in lhl<". "T"umphm·.
pp. j"'-" .

Victory linde, rile fI,incil'"re

Roman world with J ,pcei.l rommcmorativc coin is\Uc."

Although the Sen,t,· had amh oeiz"J Y"'' ~nd Titu s to
celebr.,e "'p,r,te triumph •. they decided on , join t ccremon y. foe
th e event which would open the d,y·' fe'tivitie,. the .rmy had
bern led out of the city and drawn up in mi lit;"y or".y in front of
thc PcrriwJ OoOfaviae ." At da wn. the emperors. cbel in tradition.1
purple robe. Jnd wearing laurel ,neath,. kft the Tem pk "flli,. At
th e portico. they wer<· met by the Sen,te. k ading offici.b and
Equites. They mounted" tribun. 1 which had ocm comtructed in
front of the portico and took ,heir p lac~s Oll ivory >calS. The
so ld ier! , cc!.imed them , nd Ve' pa,i. n dnd T im , pnformed tlll"
·costomar y pr>yer". After Ye'p",i,n m,de • brief ,dd re" to [he
urn y. the soldien were dism i'>cd Jnd ~nt loa traditional banquet
furni shed by the emperor. Ynp.,ian "!ld Titus proceeded to the
porra triumph.lis. where they had. bit,· to e"t a"d ch"n~l"ll ;n \u the
triumph.l eo'tun1l".'9
Now the ""cond pha\-e of the ,"ietory cekhr>t;on could hegin .
After slcrifices to till" deitin ofth,· trium ph.1 gate . the· para de· gut
underw,y. Su th," all wou ld have a eh. "ce to see it, the itine .. r;-
wound its way to the C.pital thro ,,~h ""iuus IheOfM . TIll" p"ra dc
inelf ,omined of" tremend ous displ. y of lu xur y itc·m,. preci"",
SUtoes of the R O(l1'" god s. ,",rioo, b,,~sts , ,,,1 \-even hundred
richl y clad '''ptivL'oS wno had b""n ,ekned for th"ir impressive
' PP"" rancc. 20 T hen e,m" fluat' dc·pining va riuus ><:e n" from th e·
w", followed by the boot y. The focal point was formed by tlll"
triumph.ton themselves, intruduced by ,talUe, of th,· god ,\c"
Yictori • . Vespa,i, n ,nd Titus ,eem to have ridden in triumph,l
ch:lriotl wh ile Domiti"" rode ,longsidc them Oil h""eb ack. The
p"r.d~ , "d~d on the C"pitol . • t the Temple "f luppitcr O ptimus
The third ' tag e began as 'OOIl,' ,he jcw;, h leaJer. Simon ben
Goria, had been executed in the Forllm. JOIephu, du<:s nut de,cribe
th~ .,crific" which m. de up thi, part of the c"emollY. At thei r
conclmion, the emperors withd,,·w to the palace. Th,,, evelling,
" S« b.low. n. ! 7- ! .
,. Jot<ph"'.1. "' - • • N",,_mn f)",,;oon . ", . r " . r.f S.II . PI",.." ,00 T . "',"hr. A
'''1'"I''pll'',1 ."''''''"'1 -f _im ' R."", (1.• .,.1<.,. 'O'~ I. p. .'7·
" Jot<ph",. 1. "J- J'. N ;,><_ . nn n,,",", on. J'7 . ~ ,~37·
" Ihil. ,. I II: jiO.' - 7: d~ , . '" '; ,,~ . , " ' u.

/nvi,,(iblr fmpi,.

they celcbtJted, victory b,nquct , while gTnn,! festivities reigned the city'!
J""'phu\ ,,,coum yields <.ever,1 signific.nt f,Cls. In th~ fir.t
pl,ce, it is quite dear that as of A .D. 71, the ad","t", w".llil! quite
diltinct from dIe triumphal entr y. since they were cd"br>!ed
within "" vnal ,1.Y' of on e "nother," The v"iou, ph,\.es of the
{,iumph ,,,n be di.tingl.lished nOl only by their chronologie,,!
sequence; e>ch po>sc",'s • pntimln topographic, l ch",,,cter
which an bc aS$oci.tcd with its intended audience and focus. The
first dement i. military in ch"racter, Its "udicncc i. the "rmy.
Scnatc and ;;ovcrn men! and it take, place omside the pomfTium. lJ
The ,,:cond ph."" of the' celebr"tion i, directed to the urbon
population at luge and mow. through the city: the u'e of the
th,atra i, explicit! y lin ked with the vasmc" of thi, ,udience. H The
third phuc wnstitUled the c,,,,'mia! rdigioll< n:lI1san ion of the d. y
and prcmm. b!y involved a more ,deC! audience bec , u", of the
,p"cc limitatiom of the A rc" C~pirolina." T he first three 'tages
I.. ted so long th, t, then in hi, ,ixtie" i, reported to
u{{ered ~ bo" mOl QJ] his fatigue,' b The tin ~l ,(,ge in the d,y's
eventS onCe ~g,in involve, • selcct audience: th~ gU"'11 .t the
impni"l vinory b.nquC!. hdd , t the p"l , cc_ Ullfortun,udy.
Josephlls i~ mute on tbe guC't lis!.
T wQ obviou s poi ntS c~n be m~dc about ,his kind of st.ged evcn {
under the c.. ' Iy princip~tc _ I{ W.S ..1l urba" phenomenon. ;ntend~d
to re~ch ~ ma,~ .udience. Various elements of the ovcrall ~udicncc
m"y be distinguhhed according to the setting of th~ v"rying

" Ib,;. 7. ' )9-j7; 519 ·!-\9U7.

" l b.; . 7. L' 9-" . NR'",_wn D,,"mun JI6.,Q-\S7_. "" d", . J,,",", ofT,,", " Rum<:
fu. th .. of v<>p.~.". i!i4. 7 . ~ -n Jlo. '.-jJuo. '" do< ?" ..... , "'" of "".
kn",,·I,·d~<, " i, J,if",ull ,,, f" d>< .... " " ",h",h ,he ''''1'''.0,', "",,",., «, .. J '" b<
"I<b,,,.d "'pm td, f.o m 0" '"umph_ Thi, w" ","i" l. '"" "'" by, .. fuu"h
c",,",yThc r'Q~ Ir"'" comphemd by '"" in~"e,,« wh ich t""
","mph ««mooy
«me <0 "m i", M ,h, .,J"",",,
d. G . K",,?1"'1. '''''J''''-'
""J Ad,,",.,., _."
)'~I.",IH,. '6<j (,96\1). 1)Q----9 • . ()fi ,h< J<o,oos"ph;, ,,;.1"'''<, .nd S_G .
•'h,C",m"k . '< .nd ",.H,"UHy '" t,,< '""~" ; 'Y ' II", uf th, ,"",m""y
M..,.,",., H",."" " ( ' 07') ,1" - I' . on 'h< Ii,,,,.)·,,«_
" Cf 1'1""<f- A,hb y, 1);".... ' 1, p. JO\
,. 'l '. N",,,...,,, D"";"",, ' ' ' ·1 - 0.
J' '''' P~'''' 1.
" PI"neo -A.bby. 0;";"""1. pp. '71f_ 0" ,h, .. ,,,[,," un ,h< C.p'''''' ..., £hI,,,.
'T"u mph u'. P_l ' O.
" Su"",, ;u, . fk .", '''''''"'", V"p',;.n . '> . ,cl_ M. Ihm (l<ip. i ~. ' ''''''I. )0>-)' - jOj. j _
ph~J.C' of the cn~muny . Sn:onJly. the triumph of June 7' was
"nincmly political. II e, nno, be forgotten that. Ie'l th." {wcmy-
four month, earli~r , Ve'p,,,ian had NT" hailed as c'mperor in
Egypt whilc Vitelli", Clti0yc'd thc purple in the vcry c.pilal which
W;l1 now the sn'nc ofa grcat <rillmph . Jcrmakm h., bem c.lkd
the ' HH'ian Anium' and it w,. natur, l th,1 the new murper ,,,d
hi, hc'ir ,J" ,i gnate shmdd try 10 max imi ze their politic. 1 c~piu l by
empha'izing the "J:lgnirudc uf the victory wo" over tht· Jewi,h
rebd s.
Ther,' i, .. funhc·r. related facel uf victory celebraliun un which
Josephus is ,i lent. Other mtlrec., ,how quite cle, rly th,t, by thi,
date. triumph.1 game, h~d b~com" a CtlllOlllMY clement Ofluch
cckbr.tiom." Fur inltJllcc. various spectaclel formed '111 imprcs-
,ive rJrt of ch e festivitie. marking C],udiu' Driti,h trimnph
of A.V . .u .H 111 like nla11ncr. Domiti:m cdebraled his PS<." tlJu-
victory over fh"l)aci,,,, nuf on ly by. triumph.l par.dc, but .1.0
by foutro cc'. ",iliUry di,p],y ' in the Circu, and mock se.
R oman e l11 p.:ru" COil tinued to cekbralc Iheir teal or imagined
viamie, down to [he end of the prineip'{c ,md imo the tctrarchic
period. Sit";e ,he evidC11ee concern ing the latter i, too me,ger to
alluw dcuiled cumparison with the renewed cc remonie~ of the
Chris ti an Rom"n "mpire. we cannot tu tdke into . (Count wh~t
i, kn own uf victury cdcbratiuns uf the c"rli"r third (enwry. The
unreliability uf the His/aria augusta ubliges US to focus on three
indepeJ1d"mly attested state ritual" Septimiu, Sevcru, Parthian
tri umph. thc' victory n'kbratiotls of A .D. l3M .nd Diuclet i.n·\
cc renlOni"r ,w. Il_,ong .t Rome.
III '9~, Septimim SevCfm di,patehed > victory bullet in to the
Senate and people of Rumc . • ""ouncing " "d perh,p., exaggcraf-

,. Whet I" , ,h<'" " , ny COIH><"",,' b"""e<n ,h" <"""'<I,, or i", ~",1 V;""'"1
«kb",;o", , nd M nm m",,,', ' '-<'' 'l" ,h " ,ho:- /." J, /l.o","i '"0 .... ",i~i",lIy P' " of 'h'
",h. i, " iumph mcn,, ",y ,,,u.;m.n 01""" q,,,"io,, 5<, T Mom", ,,,n. R . .. i,,10<
r..",,,,,..... ,
(1k, I;n. "7V) . "Of: d . G. W"",,,,,.
RtI ,~ .... PP"P-J .nJ ,h,
", 'i mm of A. {" g",;oi. Ruh",/", '"' I" j'u x '''""'" ," ,'J",,, , ',,,",,1'"1.;'" J"hi""i"
"I,." ,"" . Pubh,·,,;,,", ill· I, F"ui,i .... '"'''' ,\0:- I"Umvwi,i J< S""OO",~ . 'J
(S """,,u,~ . ' 9')) . P· 1) · Accmd ing ,n P;g. ,,;oilpp_ ~J-" n . • ). ,he "jump", l
g,m .. m" h.., I><on '" "'''''"'''0" '"f
of l"e I!.ep"bll<.
" f)", C""",. 00 . 'J. ,_h.rooU.I' _,,,,v.i,,. , ( Hed,,,. ,8 0 8). 6!0.>0 - 68 J .6.
,. Ib,J .. h, . ~. , - ,. B"""",,i n . J (tk, l,,,. '00')' ,,,.'0-17.
Invincibi ••",pir.

ing hil success aga imt the Parthi,ms . t Ctc.iph on. Th e Senate
voted 'full honurs' and granted Severu, th e right to be,l< the
victory tide Pa'lH;w< ",axi""". 3o The ,Ctu,1 celebration of the
triumph wal pmtponcd for four years, when it could be combined
with two other public events heavy with politic.l overtones: the of the fOllTlc'Cn-yen-old heir . pporent Caracall. and the
tenth . nniveru ry of Severus' .ccession. A. in 7[, the combined
fcstinl provided an ide. l opponunit y for projecting the incipient
dyn,my', pre'tige" The celebrations included <I ceremonial
welcome and triumph al entry, marked by accbm . tion" sacrifiCes,
festivals and 'victory spectacle. involving wild bem IhoWI. They
l"'ted ""ven day' and muiled the distribution of comiderablc
brgess, although the I. tter ",em, to have been linked more dor.ely
with the .nniversary." The nat year saw the COmtruction of the
triumph.l arch which Itill dominate, th e Rom "n Forum H
The cclebr<l tion. set off by the conclusion of the siege of
Aquilei. and the .ssalsination ufthe emperor Maximinm (A.D.
2)8) .fford a rne glimpse into victory pr. ctice, Olmide the capit. 1
,nd its tradition.1 ritll.1 framework. The murderer, first ,ct w,.
to lend Maximinu,' head to the senatori.l em peror Clodius
Pupienus M.ximu" then encamped at R.v enn,, _ All al ong the
way, cities opened their gate •• nd delegations of laorel-bearing
citizens greeted the me"cnge" and the head, H The arriv,,] of the
ghastly symbol .t Ravenna and the <I,moonccmcnt of Maximinu,'
troops' recognition of the senatorial empero," wcu immcdi" tciy
"nsw ered by s. crifices and acclamations."" When the ~crifices
produced f.vor.ble orne"" M.xim", transmitted th e hc"d and .
reporr on the 'effortless victory' to Rome. The bearen stuck the
token of victo ry on a pole .nd proceeded to it through the
city. An a""mb]y took pbce in the Circus and la rge-scale s"crifi(es

,. H,rod'.", I. 9, u , Wn;",k". 1.)" . lI,rodi, ", who m~>« f,w oppo"""""" ' "
";,k,,,,, s..pdm;u, s..""",, d,;m, ,h,,"" u"d",ooI; '"< Pm,,"
c<mp';~" I,,~<l¥
bc<.uJ< o>f in po«"d. 1 .Jv'""~. f", "" "pu"';O". hi,...,,," b,wd On .kf."i"g
Rom," .,,">«: I , I , 9. Whitt, ... 1.) " .
" 11'.. comb;n""," of ,"o>< holio..)·, ;, m,d, qui" ,b,"y
Doo, 11 (X'ph il,"", 70) , " j.
1Iu~,. .. ,jn. l-lJ1."-J •.
" Ho,oo;,n, I, '0, ' - I , Wh""k" ' .Jl<-6; DiD, 11- " , - ). I\o;".,.,in I ,1H- ' -Jl!, 1,
J«m, '" ",rOt 10. mul';pli<i,y 0( '1'<""''''_ Fo, tho '''8m. "" RIC, • . 1. 01 _9.
" eIL ,h. I. 'OJ!' C/, K.hl... Rt. 7A , t'Olol. 10' - )·
" Herod,,", I . 6, ), \{Ih",,'« ..,11, " I' il_ , " o. 11 - 7; U'iC_
were unden_ken by the (Oempcror Ihlhinm, while the magi.-
(rate., ~n'tor< and p"0pl~ rejoiced_ L,mel_wre athed m",,'ngcrs
ha'tened to . nnOunCC the victory to ,he provinee. J 6 Maxinlll'
meanwhile headed for Aquilei., where he w,,-, met by it< citizens a,
w ell., emi,s,,-rie. from the town. of Italy . T hey were drc«ed in
while and bore <tatoe, of their god, and any golden crowns that
l.y to hand , .s they .howered Maximo. with <lcd<lmations <l nd
Hower<." After 'pending two d.y. ma king ,acrifice. in the city,
M aximu, . ddre«cd the pacified ,.. my 'Illd promised them a
,ob,tantial largess. '" Fin<lll y, the 'victorious' emperor returned to
Rome, where he w'" met by an O(([mUS composed of hi, impnial
colleague Balbinu., Gordi"-n C,,-c,.r, the Senate and people, He
was received and ."claimed 'like :I triumph.tor',n Th.t these
celebratiOn< of 1)8 been generally overlooked help. explain
how Constantine ', triumph. l etUry of 3 '1 h.s ,ometime, . p-
peared puzzling to 'p"cialim mon° fJ[][ili,1r with e.rlier triumph •.
Two generations bter, the <lging Augusti Diodcti. n <lnd
Maximian m . rked the eulmin<ltion of their rule in " cump05itc
politic.l ext" v. gall» wh i~h included. lung-ddnred triumph, ."
The celcbr<ltion at !tome ~)so marked the twentil-th anniversary
ofDiudeti.n'. ruk , It may Wl'1I have bl'en intended to comolidate
the prestige of the new teu<lrthic ~y~te'" . nd prepare the
populatiun uf the capit.1 for the abdi c. tion . nd tr<ln lition, to
which M .ximi~n was bound by.n o",h ,worn in ,he Temple of
Capitoline Jupitc r doring this 'Try festiv.!'·'
The ,light mr viving evidence of th,' victory celebration focmc.
on the triumph.1 parade, T he ceremony Wal • joint o"e; it i, not
" IhU" I, II, , - ~: "'\KI-', "/,04 .. I. 7 , >: "'w-.,
" !hid" I. 7 , )-7: "'9~-! ,
" I, 7. I : ',)00: . " *'
~0~;~roc ..,1 Ii 6~!,,,,,, '''9~~'';;'''' ""'~'P 9p .. ~p,,;,,Yf"
o>«<lI,O"O.JOO" of An"oc~', ".di"~ ,~p"~~"",,,,,c, if cm«". ",,,,,td m"n th ..
,hI! '''"mp~ . 1 c""y w"
cokb",«1 JOm, I)' b,' ,he coxmp<'o" , To" w"u ld f" ... <It
w; ,h ,h< ,wo <mp<'o« ' co l k ~ ,, ' <"ret", of po"'<<-
.. tf;nd<,J [""oP'"', ~,,, i ,,, ... _9. ' 7, '. ,'J. H Dwy",n. MGII.AA., (, 8,"), ,M , ,"i,
'0"''' ;n " "i."""8 i, ." num,,,,,i, ~",,,"",'_ A, ""r .. '9' , M. m<" i"", h.d
.I",dy ,omp l i ",~""d ,h< Aug""; on ,h<i, h,b" of d<1.ymg ,o<i, ";"mph by o< m~
ov<, bu,y wi,h mo" ,;"o,ie<, XII r"" .. "1. 1.• , J. Myn"", .lj9_'1 - W On ,~<
,<I,b,,,,,,,,,, IIn;n; , T,,'""p!..lo., pp, '!i--9 . nJ "P, w. En"hn , 'V'!o"uo " Rl', 1A,
('9<1) , "'9- 9J, hm '.4~ 9 ,
.. XII p", "\7). 'J. 6. M)'no". 'on,,,
10: cr 11.' , r,m,lin , 'Mmm'. I!~. '; ('9)01,
,;I6-J'", ,",,, >J'O' TO< ,hwry h" b«-n ",,,k,d bu' not ",{ut<J by l;.s,R,
nom." T.W;",,.,., <k l),oci<, ,,"·. I'r<"., ( '01)). "0 . 7. "p_ ' ) 0-",
["vincible empire

unlikcl)' tn :" . ito ord,r to concretize ~!l i"cess~nt theme of

t<:lr~rchic pr0l'lganda. the August; entered the city in the
vchick .41 Th e parade' wa, impressive. The triumph:lflt emperor.
chHiot w:" preCl'dcd by fermla ur h:l!ld_c~rricd flo,ts with inuges
of the c~ptives who h"d been I.ken from the Pe"i~n roy.] f"mi ly
and which rCc>l\ the paraphernali, of the Fbvi,ns' triumph ,"'
Thinee" c, ptured clephJtltl. their drivers and tWO hundred and
f,fty horses formcd part of the parade, . long with other booty
t" ke'll from the I'C"i:"'1,44 Although the I.conic writlcn \DUrees
do 1l0t mention it. there is no re ..on to doubt that Diocledan.,
religious cons,:rv"t;ve, continlled the tradition of concluding ,he
triumph,,1 p",.de on th,' C.pilOl, .s indeed hi, panegyri,t h"d
amnned he would rOllneen years e.rlier ,4S In different temp1c~,
the cmperors dedicated the imagn ofth,' c.ptured Per,ians as well
al th irty_ two l'llem y tunics decor . ted with peHls. · · A sub,unt;,l
l:.rgcss was distributed in thc Circus, but it is llot known whether
this donation was ,pecifically >ssocia!Cd with the Vicenn.]i., the
triumph. or both_ 41
Under the princip.te. then, it i, dc:" th:" the archaic .. cr~l
clement of the triumph continued to be dominated and .ub.umed
i,,,o i!1 politica l dimemion, )u" .s the univenality of imperi~l
victory ideology come into being I.l the expeme of the hi,toric~ l
,peei fi~i ty of particuhr victories. so the imperi ~ 1 victory fe~lt
sel'mcd to be losing .ume of it, link with specific victori~.. , allea'i
imor.r., it was now pm,ible to delay the ceremony ,nd schedule
it at the tom peror', political con veniencc. Moreover. the !riu mph',
combination with other enemonies offered thc "dvam"ge of
'p re>d inj.; it, t.. ditional pre";gc ;md speeueubr impael to the
mor<' routine cxtr.v.gances of imperi.1 annive"~ries_ At a time
when the Rom an gove rnment h"d to face up to a declining
" Fu'",p'u, , ~ , '1 , '. J)"'y><n. ,60\,'0. ""m""" "" Iy 0,,,, ",ump",1 _Of: "n« <U""rn
Ju, " wno' . In ,8~, '" U"'O' I"J .1«.Jy "p«,,,,d hi, «p«"tk>o ,~ .. ,he "'u~""i
wu-uIJ "''" J. ). "lrb,,« , '''"'"rh ,n ,he "pi"l. ,;di,,~ ;n one do""", 'uno <"piun'
m""h; ,u,," ', XII r-.. '0('). 'J , '. Mynon 'JO-7 ·
" Eutmp;m. 9, n. ' . Droy><n. ,60\.'9->0: d_ W. [",,1;0, 'Zu, O"poli,ik d<. K' ;o<n
[);Qkl< ,i.n·. $ i'z'",! , ..... 'c/ot< J" b.rm'' '"," A."",.;, .. , W,=""~4t<", 1'10,1",._ .",.
11 .. , (' "H), '. J' J_
.. C"""'t"P''''· ),.. ,d . T. Momm",n . .ltGH.I1I1, ~ (,"1>,)..... ,. ~,_f C ....
~odoru, . 0"""",,,, <d . T. Momm«" . .\fGf-/-I1I1 . " (,&<.>,)_ t )0 •
., XII pa" .. 10(». ' J, >, Mynon, ,),.6- ) .

" I'i"
• , Ch","_ }J" Mu,"", ,,," , "! ,,.- I ,
Cf. fllC 6, <J Ii" ,h< ,i",,,",li. "",,,i,,".
Vil/o,y ,,,,.Ie, rloc p,iHcipare
C(OllUIll;C , ; m.t iun. tli~ com bination of f~,ti "als doubtless rcduced
the l;n ,,,, d,,1 uutL,y' which "Kh cd~bt"tioTll would haw "nt~ikd
had thc'y ocell ,t'g('d '('paratdy. This w .. all the more inviling
,in~e th~ trillmph remained clo'ICl y connected with a CJpit.1events
and thl' ""'re:TOrs h,,,1 kfllx·hind. Al th e Sa mc lime. th~ ~vent' of
23H ,how [h,t long I",for~ the reign of COTlluntinc I. victory
cd~bra[iu", uf "nothn ,urt wne taking plac~ in the province,.
The'e' w ere nccc"aril y independent of Rome' \ ':lc red topography
JIlJ fo llowed the person of d1<: trillmph,"t emperor; til" p. tteTll
would continue into ,he te'lrnchic period. It fore,h~dows lhe
tetl .l;SSatICe ofittlperi~l victory fest ival s;'1 the fourth century.
So much for imperia l triumph. down to the ('"rly fOllrth
ce"llIr y. Uut dlrl~ cOlTll'ar at;ve'ly rnc ''l"r~lnun;~s war nOt the
ollly means by which Roman emperor. could magnify and
pwjeu the, ir victor y. V""m,,nt . tit\lbtu r~. mu,mr"ent,. imperi.11
eoilllg~ ~n d Rottl~n rdigion .11 rdkct~d .nd refr.n~J different
a ,p~c(, of ,he impcri.1 id~o lugy of vinory , The id~nlifiC>tioll of
em petor and vicw t w ~s e ~ [~rnaliz~d and r"infurced by eu,ton" of
itrlpeti~1 cm! u,,, ,,. A"gm(" , him sel f wure triumpha l drc" at
fc.ti vlis ~nd ' pe~tarl~s, I hI SucenSOr, continucJ to extend it, usc
unt il. in til<' th ird century , an uppmite developmcnt '>Ct in, by which
the r,'.~a niw"I"Jaii< bcc~mc in c ,e~\i "gly identif,cJ with ~u"lular
fcsti vitiC$, 4.
JUst >I ,he cmperor cnllveyed ~n image of hi, funetiall 'Illd
'Iualifications by his choic~ of public gar b. \0 the names or title. by
which h,' "'. ' addres",'" cou lJ III inur vary ing ~speets of i mperi~ l
ideology, In th,' fir't thrn' cc'ntllrie, we find vinor y titles of t wO
m~in 'ype" ad dit iona l pe"o,,,, 1 name, or cognaml'''' derived
froll] the ,,"me, of vdtl'l"i,hcd 1'<.'<>l'ics (,ognomin~ d,viaaTum
X'Mli"",) and the epilb~t '"ncon'l"cccd' (if/via".; 6:I'IK'lWC).
Cog no me", derived (rom the ,,,me, of cOll'lucrcd people, go
bac k to the R epublic and were 'ystenul;zed under the e"rly
ernpin· ... Like th~ triumph itse lf. s,,~h title, \Oon came to he
re"rleted to the cmpaon. '" Th",e cognomina seem tu h~ve Ix:cn
•• \.0 A. A'f'i ldi. ' jm;g" i<n un<! T"<I,, dcr , ,,,,,,,,,1\<0 K.i",, ·. Mi''',I".~ " ,
I " ," "",. A ""..,s".~,,,"," I.""",, , R ""'i""'
A ", i i.Hi , jO ( '9 H), J - , j ! . be« l j -. J.
«p, p lf.
n" "i'l,"",i"", .., ,.... ;" ..." K.;"" V.""",hu"!,. ru "'" $i'R,,",i",-
•• i'. ~ "' ;" ..
""" .., ",,,. ""J ' "'''''" J"',huoJ"i<. Hypomoem, " , lJ (Guu;ng<n. '969) , pp, 2<>If.
,. I', G, o,,,, ", ,""~un do , (AD . •• ) " , f>< I,,, non_,mp<,;" <. . mpk ,;t<d by K,,< ;' ~ .

!",~ "i'u i"",, p. '-f .

I"~i",ihl •• mpiro

confcrr~d by the Senat e, perh.p. in connection with the arriv.l of

a victory announcoment. ' I Several key moments stand oUt in
their evolution. Until the end of the first century, the emperor.
med only the tille GUm"nitus. '2 T raj.n's Dacian victory triggcrs:l
new development, which sees the emperor ."uming a nu m ber of
differen t vinory name. eomtructed on the .ame pattern. By the
end orhis reign, Traj;m appeus with the combinalion Gmll"ni(us,
Da(iruJ, ParlhlcuJ." T he development be a trend under
Lucius VerUl and M arcus Aurelius. The former appears.
moreover , to have adop ted the victory nameS A rm",iacus and
M . di(w$ for two minor victories . This in turn cau!cd him to
innovate by qualifying his Potthims epithet ., maximus.' · T he
whole 'y'tem flourished under Septimius SCVCTU. and hi •• uc_
cessors, wh en bsting innovation occurred: henceforth the
victory nameS were autom atically shared by som, whether they
had participated in the campaigm or not ." Specific victories now
became an inheritable ch aracte ristic of th e emperor, and the
precise link w ith the concrete historic:!l circumsrance, of a
puticul~ r victo ry wa, loo<cned. At the ,arne time, the wg""m;na
d. vi£la rum gmlium con!inutd to multiply. Aurelian (170- 5) 1t-
tained a neW pea k, boasting nine such titles.' 6 The tctrarchy
txte nded to the new 'ystem of cocmpcrors the principle of shared
victor y titubture'7
The development of i"vii/uS is not quite as d ear. This i, largely
du~ to a failure to diningllish 'official' from 'unofficial' us~gc."
Julius C aes.. scem, to h. ve bid lOme claim to the epithet. His
attachment m~ y well have been inspi red by /. f1scination with
Alt xandcr the Great.'" Augustus, on the other hand, discouraged
the use of i"v ir/us as a formal title . He is, for <:x~mpk, reported to
have refuled the Senate', request th:1l the epithet i"viw ... be
.. I.U.. p. I i I. oiling lh< no< of T"j.n·, ,i,]< P. "",,.,.
" II", d. q;_ . ;~_, pp.) •• nd J6. "/0;; .. pp.<\<J-S • .
" lfi; .• PP.9SIf. "11«1.• p_I I).
" IIH"- . p. '17. "11;1 .. p_171: d . I><low. C~_ I ·
" Thi, "i'~'m "p",,,ul,,ly v,lid for ,I>< olh" ... il< , dmtf. bk l1ud y of >_W<m~ ",'.
'Vic"'r .nd lovi«", ', d . hi. ·v""",. vi,,,i.' . RE. ! /.. (I~J!I . ,dS-joo . On In.
nru ..i,y oflhi' di~in<lion. >« R. F,,;'Stolb •. 'Ioo/!i,jolk K.i"",i,ul"u"",, im "-
und •. J.h,hundm h. Ch,." . .\1""... H,I""".",. >6 (196<)) . 11-)9. 1><<< " - '0 .• nd.
in • """,wh,, cliff""", ><1>><. f._ v.n·, D,,~ . ·L. p'py,olo,jo <t I"h i"u;" du Ii.u'_
Empi'" It, fo,...1M d<. <ml"'''"''' 11.'\11< W. '. , (I\"hn. '<17<1. 1)7- n. h". 10ff.
.. Wrin"o<~ . ' Vi"or .nd lnv",,",·. pp. " 9ft".
Viclory ut/ de, ,hf P"tlcip,'1e

to Tiberius. 60 Thi, let may have helped Set tht pmem

by which the offici~ltilUl,ture of th<' emperors, " it occurs, e,g.,
on the milit"y diplom,s, generally ,voided hlV;(/uS until well into
the turmoil of the third century,·' Non-official evidence offer,
, conlr"5ting picture. The tl:u tcring literacy U5,!o:C of inv;woJ is
attested as early;os Horace an d Ovid.· 2 It crup, up onder Domiti~n
in M,mial "nd Swim and ag,in in Pliny's p,negyric On Trajan (8,
2) ,·' Particular! y edifying is the evidmce from the ',emi-offlci,,]'
realm ofimcription. which. as Imhof noted, provide a striking
p.",llcl to the geographic,,1.pre~d of the imperia l cult,·' Thm the
~orli~st epiguphical atteltation (:hf.IKI/T [ (I~)) come~ from Greek
A,i. Minor. in the reign ofTr,j",-·' J1.1It IS characteristic is the f.ct
that the fint Latin attestation ,how, up .lmmt " century later and
occur. in Afric" . Thi. inscription i. H,o ciated with Commodus'
!.Clf_identific>tion ~, Hereole, In vielm,·· According to Storch, the
e"dicst .ttestations frum Rome and It,,]y eome from the reign of
Septimiu, Severm (J 93 -21 I) "nd Car>.c"lla (2 I , - I 7) . BUl inscrip_
tiom with th e invicruJ epithet re .. lly become common there only
after Severm Alexander {22l - 3S) ,"' Th~ ,low gruwth in {he
popubrity of ,"vir/US in Latin inscriptions finds ~n interesting
par.llel in the p.pyrologic.l mat~ri:J1 from Egypt, wh~re the
Gre~k equivalent i. quite rare , AI/HI/toe does occur, however,
rwice in refeunce to Sep,imiu< SeveTus lnd Caucalla together and
three times fOT Caracalla .lone,O"

.. 1/>;1 .. P, 'N
" To juds' by ,t> . h",n" ['om ,o. m il""1 d'plo" .. , clown to A.D. '5<' d . ll.
N,,><lh.uf. elL. [0., '1 . ,nd M, Imhof, "">i",,, IIl<i"' 8' 'u' .1<, Th<"muoub<".
Xl'. Ai",,"," H<I,,,"",,,. [.
(19J7). 197-2IJ. h",
199. Fo, in>i""' ,." <oin •• 1«
.. low, n. 6<,0,
.. Imhof. 'I. ,i""'. p.10?
.. W<'n"ock. 'v;<"" .nO 1""<1"'" p, ....
• • On 'h, ;n",,;I>'"""" .nd ,I>< probi< m uf i"'I'<,;.1 ,,, Imn,,. "" )",001'. 'I""~I"'.
p, '09·
" I/>;d .• p, .o!: ed , T . Ih"kon. [)j, '",,",iji," "'" M.~""i' "" Sinlo,. InKh,ifm'
g,,,,h',,,h« St'dlo" ' u' Ki<i" " ',n. i (Bn.m, '01'). nn, ]. p. 'JJ , d"ed <<KI of
•• Imhof, 'I."",.,'. p, '''"' ed, "'-. e ' g"" ",I.. I."n'p"'"' I"i"" 4'Aj<i,/", IP,,;,. ,.>,).
nu. ~u from ... .IT '"'_., 0., Co",,,,,C>Ju> 'oj, of I!.«uk, ,nd th" in",ript;,m.
Wein>!ocx. 'Vi,w, .md In v;«", '. p, ,,,.
" "'-.R S'm<h. 'n.. .h.ol",;" 'heology of ,i<~o'1' i" pi", in doe I", Emp;,,', Ci.n;"
""',•. >9 ('97», '97 - >06. hm 100- <-
.. P. Bu,"h. L" ,,,"I,,,",,, i"'p"i. k, kI, I" P'PY'.' , I" "',,"" " I" i",,;p''""' "inp1,
If it i, [rue th,t the offici , 1(o"'ecr.tion of inuit/", as an imperial
epi'het coincided with it! acceptance by ,he imperial coinage , then
the ·tirst hint comes from the Ori,..,t, on the revcr",: of coi", i,,,,cd
by e,"e," mints in A.D. ['n - 4. The title oCcur, on the obverse of
.n aurem i"ucd at Romc in 201, i.e., in the reign ofSeptimiu5
ScvcrO.l! ,nd C.rac,lIa. Again, however, tht lide unly beg in s to
,how up with any frequency on obverse, from the reign of
Aurelian .·-
The uveral l p.tte", i, dear: in the' lir" three centuri" of the
empire, «,[(,i" reigns emerge .. more sensitive to impcrial victory
epithets. Domiti.n :Itld Traj:lIl\ era is followed hy 'omething of a
re'pite under the AnlOnine " while, renewed in crease is observ-
able late in the seco nd century, an innc.l<: which (ulminates in
the appear"nce of inviwoJ as an impcri .1 epithet On the coinage. As
in coins . .u in the use of the wgnaminngrm;"m d~u iaar"m, the reign
of Aurelian m arks a high point. While it might be thought th. t
this was a moot unlikely momem for touting the emperor',
victoriOl!sneSS, the chronological dis[fihution of ,h, evidenc e
.uggests a connectiun wilh Ihe growth in populuilY of the cui, of
the 'Unconquered Sun', Sal Inviaus. It i, dear, mureover, thot the
,doption of ;IIv;(!jjj as ~ regular imperi.1 epithet was ~ very slow
process, pi,t;ng i""ov~tion ~g~inst what ,ppears to have been the
comeTvatism of offici.l impcria I titulature. It is equally instructive
that mo" uf the cv idm ce indicates that the CUStOm of referring to
the empcror a, invimH in . documnltary context advanced from
the more dilt.n< ('(helo", of ,ociety toward the empcrut and that
thi, pr.nic,' sprc. d from the Greek East .nd its Hell enistic
""ditio", to the Latin We"!"
Among the mo.! eloquent wime,,,-', to the privileged pO$ition
of th,- victory ideo logy in ,he concep'o. l underpinning' of the
empin' are the vario"1 mon"mcnU which publicized and cternal-

/ J' .f:.·" . p.c'!, P 'rYIQlo ~",. b,u.dlcnm, • (Ill ..."d•. 19<io), rp. 98 .no I~ - J.
Nor, IOc IWO ,,,,I,,,d O<'"n"'«' "f,h< .. no< <pi''' ' fOI V<>p"i, n Ii>; ... p. ) ! ) . n.!
An'on," ", P,u, (" 'J" p. 76) .. ",011" rOc qu,hfKitK>l' of Jolt. [)omn. "1'~l~P
:!" '~l"" alp>,".I"",,' ",hl<h "'''"'' ,h,i« (ji>iJ., pp. ,o'-J). A'/K~lOC. i.
orh,,,.' ,,,, . tt<lt<d only fOI .~",<li , " (,wie<: ,lid.. p. "J) .
•• S'm,h, 'Thwlo~y' . pp. '0'-).
" C, I',e,",. L, "",, .it ", //i,;",.,..., '- N,>uvdk CI;" . 6 (I' • .;" '97!). 11)- 6.
Viaory "lid" the prin[ipalr

iznl th~ victorious acnllnpli,hml'lll' ofthc princes." The 'Cvcr~1

hundr<'d triumphal arche, erected und", the cm pire offer the mo,t
obvio", illustt"t;on of thi! point. 12 Althol1gh origin , lly they ",em
to h. n' b~en ~s.'odated with the ith'erory of triumpl,.1proce"iom
, t Rom e, it W"' not J on~ b"for~ th~s<: ..ches bcg~n to ~dorn the
provinc"s as well, Ilomaniling the architectural I<lndl c ~ pe of
the outlying territorie, and relay ing the mC\s~ge of imperial
victory .n The me"~ ge could only he uinforced by the relief,
show i,,); triumph,l p rocc~,io '" which figured prominently on
many of these mon uments . mlking the cere mony one of th e ' most
fully illu,tntcd in ,,,t'.14 At Rome. thc vicwriou$ c~mp~igm of
Traja n and M ~rt:U1 Aurelius rccei ved spectacu lar ~nd enduring
re<'o~nition jTl their columns."
Pcrl",p' the mmt complete ,mdy of , single type of triumph~J
mOnllrm'm is t hat whi ch PicJrd dcvoted to monumental troph~e':
it provi<k, an .pt illustr.tioTl of the dcvelopm ent of onc f" cet of
trium phal art. 7t' From A ugu,tu< on , m,ny kind, of monumental
troph,e~ were con'trucu'd in the capital, and in the prov inces Oil
site. of ill1peri~1 victorie,. Prec i,ely in his r~i ~n, the ,,,me kind of
fmjor shift (all be observed th~t WC -cen in other domains:
the mOTlullle,,(~1 trophy became .n impe rial prerogative."
In the ~mpir<'\ carly centurie" the iconograph y of these
1ll00lUments displayed precise loc~1 , nd temporal ,llusion!.
Th anks ({) [hem, Picard w~, ~bk' to detect ~ significant ch~n~e in
" S« J. , ' Un thi m' d< r", i'''I"",t rom"n: I. V><'Qi" d' A"gm'.-. fro l,ft""I';"
ok 1<_" ,l fiianJ" 0',,,10,,,10, ;. " <l"1oo".w . • 0 (,~, ,), 6, - 92 .• nJ. "' gen", l, ~ .
tj" lh,nt , C;'''"'' ",d ,",.10 ;, /I,,",,,, ,,'. llo, "" oj J'''"'' " J.,,,,
JI.'U, ,. /1o .....
,,, 11""" ""J ,,,nag<. M<mu;<1 uf ,he C""nwo<u< Ae.,J.,my uf Sco<n<<,. ,.
(Cop<nh'gon. 'Y(>l) , pp . 7' ff. 91ff, Io.ff. <to .
" S« th, (h r ooo~ , ,, I Ii"'n~ in Vi. Kit,I". 'Trtumph",. RI'. 7A l (19)9). )7)- 49J.
~'" ,0, 9 .
" Thm f. No"', Tri umph unO T ,i "mphl>og''''. V.,,,,I' J., B" I,-",,,,. W"-'"'l
( ' 02) - 6) , ,.7->Ol. 1,,,,,· ,6" ",,], " .). ,, ,,d ""If.
" S« ,I., ,",Vl . h,~ ' .. mpl" cl<xum<n'N .oJ d,,,,,,,,,J by t,S, RY""K. R;/".
pp . , . , - 0' wid, II~', n- ~ . ; quo,.,,,,n f<o m p. ,.r.
" 1<..- ," get"''' I Co . (k",,;, 1.""1",,• • , .. ..
im";',,, '~,.I, i ",,!d , "_'"pi, " ;1;,,,,;
(K~"", 'if_'). pp . "If.
" G .c. P'wd. lA, ""r"" I'",
""" j"" C""",Iou",," ,1"1';'..;""" I, "i,:r;.. " .. " ,.",ph. 1
., R ..... B,bl;.,tI"'-tu< rio ~,ok, r" "I """' d' I\,hin" " <k 11.0"",,. ' !7 (P.,i,. ' 9J7).
pp. 'FIf.
" Th< I"r ",~"ologi<>Hy , "o,,<d ""P"""" ";l<~ b. ('icard" """,i.t<d w;,h M.
Non iu' G. llu, .... ""' " p",,,d . "vol, of'l>< Tre.iri;n '9-" B. c.: r",,/oh,. p, ,~? ,
J.lViM(ibl~ ~mpire

trophy iconogr.phy in lO B.C., wh en the restitution ofCrmu'

'igna replaced Actium .. the dominant manifestation of Augustus'
eh.rism.tic victoriomn.".'" Thus, too, he could uncover a new
shift under Vcsp.sian, Iellening the fact th.t 'Jeru",km WI.. the
FlaviI.n Actium',. development which translated into an upsurge
of triumph. 1>rl under .nd Domiti.n."ln this dom.;n
.150, the third century emerge. os. critic.lturnillg point. On one
h.nd, the dcdic.tion of I.(tOld trophaea mOnUmentS J,ttmS to end
fOIcvtr .fter A.D. no ,00 On the other, the 1m phose in the history
of the Rom;" , trophy, in which it su rvives as a decorative element
of imperi.1 iconography, shares an essential characteri stic with
other manifest.tinn, of victory ideo logy: troph:!cI. tend to lose
their specific historic.1 .nd geogr.phicol references . "d become
universal, . b,tract symbol, ofimperi.l victory.o,
Th e facet of imperi.l prop.g.nd. which rem:!inl moSt acces-
sible to m to<by is embod ied in the Ron",n coin'ge,'2 It w:!, the
coinage which r,byed to the farthest re.ches of the empi re the
kind of th em", embodied in the monuments of the e.pit.l .nd
provincial c=tcn. t l lmpcri~l vi~'ory provided, in ,hi, ~rc. ~.
well, one of th e most pervasive of th~mt~, and there exists rich
materi.l for a sltldy of victory iconogrophy, of the occasiom and
motintions for various issues. of the more di,t''''l ec hocs of
eommemo.. tivc or :!nnivcrsary issues ,o. The goddess Victori. in
" loil., pp. 'ulf. " 1. '1., pp. );J-' ,nd Jl9 - OO .
oo 10i1., p,.n " 1',.1,. pp . .0b9If.
" 00 'he prOP'II,nd"';< "I"'''
of iml"'" .t ,_lollY = . "', . •1.. M .P. Ch" l"w""h ,
'Th< v;"'''' of, Rom,n <ml"""" p,up'g,nd, ,nd ,h< ",,,ion
<>f \N:li<f '. I',,,,,d_
i.t,.j '" B,,,i," A<.oIm<,. 'I ('917) , IOI-J). «p . 103-11 , fo, <h< propts, od> 'm_
1"" of ;mp<,;,1 """'g'. M . Gun'. R.,."" ~iJl"'l Jr ... "i", s."" .", of ''''l'''i.1
"i• ." '.,~' ~iJl.. i""
("p,;n'. Comb,;dg'. (961). pp, nlf. ,od 11. .... "" ... ,.... ,"'"
"""'. A. ,x'""""'r ,noJ, .]I., ",,.;,",.. ~ ""d ....,II~ ",",",,.",,Ii,,,,
r"" , .9 B,C.-A./). J/j (C'mb,id~,. (910). p. ,", "",ooogh ,hi, "I"'''
of '",1"'.,,1
<o;o'g< w .. m;n;m;"d by AHM . J""'~ ·Nu ,""m.,,,,, ,nd .'"o,y '. F~,.y, ,.
R.""", """"1' p,,,,",,d,. H, M,"i'II, (O. /Q,J , , •• 6). pp . " JJ. "p. '. - , 6. it h.,
"",n ol<f,mkd. , .¥. by C.H.V, Suth«i,"d, "Tbe ;m,lI;g,bihty ofRom,n <mn 'yp"'·.
)o.,,",I.J R_ •• 51,o't!. ' 9 ( r9l?) . , 6 - J); <f. ,be ""n! ".'" "~Jy uf D.H. h,n_
Sm;,h. ·Ob'<'1< ron"" prop'l,nd'. o...I< ..i Tid""i . .';,,.;, .. ,,,,. , ... ,i(''-''
<I'JI~"" 6 ('9'77). '11- (\!l,
" H. S, J. Hm, J ud, .. ,"d I\.otne, The 011",,;,1 comm,nt>ry·, ) ••"" ..1 .j 1lu.1»;t",. 1
51.JitJ. n.'.J (191' ). 17'-9S. h«< 17.,
.. Do",;,,," ""Y h.v< <o mm,mo""d ,I>< VI<<O,," <>f N«o D,u,u, in A,D, ! J , >Nh,i<
,h, ,nn; """y of M,ium ",m, to h, .. b«n "m<m\N:"J on cotn'~<" 1m " ,h<
,hi,J ""'",y: G"n', A""i",,.,y i",,,. PP,OJ ,nJ I I, Ii. '00 ' ml ,) 1-9,
Vi[lory "nder 11., l',i""Pdl'

her different aspect~, trophi es, trium phal proc~!!iom, portu y~l! 01
imperill violenc~ or clemency to the v.n'lui ,hed are unly > few whi ch lly Wnlnllrized the div~"i{y . nd ubiquity of
imperi.l vicwriomncls,"" W b~t Ie mai,,~d unintelligible by im:lge
alone W:I' clarified ur reinforced by imcriptions lih DEVICTA
The 'Iudae~ cart~' serie! of Ve'p"ian i, one of the few which
h.1 bt-en ,tudied in somc dc!>il "nd mly illu,tr. t~ for u. two
import:mt facets of su~h coinage, VICTORIA AVG VSTI ,eo-
terce •• howing Victury writing Otl ~ !hicld hung on , pa lm tree
and sometime, including . c.ptivl', wcr" il,u"d in "'~ r y Ilrg e
numbers' in A.D.7I, :llollg with the IVDAEA CAPTA types,"'
On the evid~ nce of die n14'k., th~sc coi", have be"n .ttributcd t<>
the spring .nd sommer uf th.t )T<lT. This meam th"t they were
being cir~ul"t~J heJo .. the triumph of Ve ' p,.i:ln lnd Tim., in
prep_ration fur th:1l event. ·' On the other hand , thi, .. me
connell.tiun of wins uffers a good example of ho w ~ provinci,,1
mint pick ed up .nd tran.latcd the imperial th eme in the fotn, of.
10Yl!.AIAC EA/\())KYIAC issue""
Although they differ from win~g" in nature, significance and
mrviv.l rate, imperial med.lJiom d;'ph y a ,imila r conccrn with
Victory :lnd victorie. right from their eH1i~!t 't:lges of deve1op_
ment ,90 Second-century med.lliom .llude directly to triumph

.. On Vic,,,,,. .., A.R . 1k1l;"~''''''' M . A, 1k,I'''':<lU'' , Vic'''p""i"'rr', NUlllll "'>tk

N"" u "" Monoll"'ph,, ' •• (Now Yo", '96'), Pl' . J' If, .n" "p. T. Hol"h" , Vier",;.
,....... . .-1"1140~,,, .... (J,,,,, ...lo""J'" Z"' G,.-",II1< ""4 IV,,,",,,, .sa " ..i,,",
Sitl"I''';" ."" "'" A'f""i'" !.;,'"'" [,oJ. ... , J. ]",'""dt«, ",
Ch,_(.'1,;" " 1967),
pp . • 6 -7 "'Q
9,11":). D.",,,,", 'l< ,hi:"l< i<""ug"ph~", d, I. ';ol<n,,', S,. ""
P""" .... D.M. R~ i " , ,,,,,, ( ~, l",,'>. '0,,), pp. ,]J _." '''~ ",;1,,,",, G,,,",,,
p,. ,.ito .
.. RIC", 67, 70 ' nJ 7" H); PIC,., ' ,'" '" ,,>~ 'J" 10! , n" "9 .
" IT H"'K, 'Tn, P.k,ll""" j ...." Cop .. m'n> of V"p";' " ' "0 Ti"" ."d ,h, b . on
tl>< <<Mn. of Ag';f'P' " '"""oJ " ,.k, ,h., f ln ·'.n', JI.'" .. i,,. ,,,~ C"",,;ck, ' JS ( '97S) ,
' 0- ' ), 11<" '" cr.
II. M.,,;ngly, C,i .. if'" R_ .. E,"p'" '" ,10. 8mi," At.".,", ,
(london, 19)0), .I,-. t.; .
.. C M . K my, "I'll< j .... " C'P" .. ,"";; nf V"P' \I'''', /" ..1 ,';","",",,~ ] .. " . 1, J
1'96)), . )-6, nmg, '1'.I<,,;n',n', p. , H.
.. 0"'11, 'P, I",;".,,,', p, '" " . • 'nJ p",;m .
.. JM.C Toyn!><o, R. .. ," .',1, . .11;."", Num ;,m,,,,, S",di<l. J {New y",l, 19 .. 1.
pp. H]If.
lnvi"rihlr fmpire

cercmon iC',91 while legends li ke GERM AN IA SVDACTA Or

VICTORIA AVGG are frequent in Ihe la rges~ of Marcm
Aureliu s." The domin~nce of rn iht.ry iconugraphy centering on
the imprti11 penun whieh emerge< in th e third century makes it
difficult , even for, 'peci, list, to different i,te between mOre
gene r ~1 issues , nd t ypes eo rnrn ernu r1ting sf><...:ific milit>ry or
ceremoni,1 0(("ionS,9J Nunnhcle", Toynbee has bttn able to
di"ingui,h h.lf. duzen triumph,l type' between A,D . 239 . nd
259. 94
Anmller power ful ch.,mcl in the victory ideology of imperi.l
civili~.tion flowed from Rom.n religion. T he cult of Venus
V ict rix had pb yed • pro rnincn I role in the politic,l confli cts of the
I.te Republic. 9' In the of the fi rsl . nd second centuries wc
find the emperor< p, ying oce ••;otI11 tribute to the victorious
.. pen, uf thc cl •• ,ie.1 gOO! uf It.ome, to luppi ter Victor ,
Victor, tu Venus Victri x . nd M inerv a Victrix ,96 T he Victory uf
the emperor him,elf cu uld be hunored by the erection of an . Itar
un milit.ry p.rade ground •. 97 Although the cult of ,he godde"
Victoria is wdl . ttened in the c;"ly empire, in the ",cond . nd third
centuries , he grow' into , m()r~ ab ,tn't qu.lity o.nd prepare> to
make room for new deities.~ ' It wou ld 'ppear that the r.nk an d
file', enthu li:>.m fur the victoriuu s aspect of thc cI.ssical god. w.s
growing tepid .nd it would not be lung before new Currents
flowing into Roml- from the East offered them a novel mixture of
religious fervor and victory mystique. W hether Commoduo
. , L"",u, V"u",,,J Com moo"" i.,4. pp. " - l, CL Cl' y. 'I\o"" n ,mp'",1 mIX!>lholl"
i.",...i...,) .... •,"i'''''''I"'
,I.. d", ."d po'!" ,.., of , ~, ,,,,,,,'. A"" .. Vll f C ...pi,
Wm,. Wl~) , pp . 'JJ-~l (d. "p. 'J)-<;) h" .. ~u,<l 'h" ,he bulk of" II bron><
m,d, Il."" " .," ,n " nded " N,w y , .. ', Kifn. Trillmph, l i"",, would ,hen b<
,,",wing ,he m,m", y.-.f. ,,,umph on 'he "'x< K,lend, of J"w" y,
" TQ,nl><" M,d.lli"",. p. 'J6; on ,h, « ",",,,i,,,, of uKh gif" wi,h th, "my, 11..
M" Mullen , The <"'pow,', I"~",,,,,' , 1.0''''""'.'' ('96') , 1J9-06 .
" 1'0I nl><', M, •• lli"",. p. ,oo,
.. JI-il II;' onl. """,, I ,'-"' ,h" .,j",""" m, d,II,om b< be"" .. ,...too 'h," tho><
",,,,,,,,<rl ,..
i, h i"'pe'''] ,"',"';." f", ;" ,hi, p< ,;,,J ,he f",me< w" ".".,,, ,;Iy , more
f"~,,," , ,,,,,,,"",,1","u",,,," ,h.n th, I",,, .
.. ><,< '. g.. Wd""",'k, 'V."", ."d I",;,,",'. pp . ,,,;if.
• • W"""",, k, 'Vin o, .• ic"i,', pp.',", _, ,"d , nn VKto,y ' pith." of 'h , II.nm,,,
Jd ,,<! In g",,, . I, il iJ .. pp . .l '~' - 7 .
" 1- tldg<bnd , 'Rum," "',m y I\digion '. ,1I','R W. l. ' ". , (<<" ' I. "7<'- ' JOJ . h«c
.. !-lUI"'!'H, Vi a",;• • p.l", ; d. pp. '7oK.
Vioory ,wde- rhe principa(r
di'pia Y' the inAucnc~ ufhil person al cult of Hercu les Invictu,,99 or
that oflhe ri sing Mithra ic .nd "" Iu CU llS, ,no it is irrcfuublc th.,.,
the <olar thmlogy cXlmdcd it, "vay uver th~ minds of rulen ~t)d
rllkd .li ke, it pcnelr>ted older and better eSlahli,hed cui", whence
Sat"pis l"v;clUs, etC., ' 0, .nd rcached . culmin.tion in Aurcii:IIl',
cn,hrincml·nt ufSollnvinus"1 tlw heart uf Ruman religion and
the ,·,t.blishm.."r of a calendar fca.1 which is ,till with us, the
NMalis Solis, on December 2, .'°1
T he Roman c.kndar rev..,l, too how the victury idculul'Y
could help i III pan shape to the civil year. For it w • • not enough to
celehulc a victory at the mument it waS achieved. The bsting
pulilicol si gnif' c.oce of victories like th . t of Actium , Jerusalem,
or , for th.t m mer, the M ilvi. n Bridge, .nd their symbolic v,lue 3S
the opening of a new chapter in the political life of the st.te,
prO"ided J powerful incent ive to keep their memory alive in the
population, .n jllce,,!ive w hich w., p",feaiy malched with th"
.nti'lu~ mentalily', proclivity to annu.1 commemoral iom. lU .'
Augustus him,,--If ,et the example by founding annivers.ry
cdeb .. tium for Ani"m. IU4 Umkr Nero, the' Sen:ilc ordercdJ,,;ar
for the days on which a victory w", ob tained . nd .nnounced. _~
well ~, for th.t on which the motion was m_de . ln .'
Enough evidence has mrvived to give" fair ide. of t he extent 10
whkh victory con,mernorJtiom influenced the overall makeup of
th e dinJf.;al;' W,-l"ow, fur cx~mplc, of about thirty new festival
d.Y' introduced betwee' '4 5 RC. . "d AD .37. While the m.jority
commemorate imperi.1 dcdic"tion,. 'Ialal~s , diviniz.cion, and the'
like, fully one_third pnpctu.t,' the memory of victorics or

•• W<,",,""k. 'Vi"", ,oJ hn-i"o'. pro ,., J.

'" Th", , h< 1«" <i.,,~", '" F. CUO"~H. T,x,'I" ""'""..... " fi.f" ,it """oj, .... .of'"""
'" .\/i,h,.. , (Hru,,,,h. ' Sw). "'ff"; cf. M.J V«m.",,,n . Mill,,,,. ,h, S",,, CoJ
IlunJ~" , ' 96J). I'P' jJ-O
," K. l",,·. R""" " ,", Rd•.• i'"'l'"I","" . H.ndo",,), <1<,"'om,,,,i''''nKh.f!. J. ~
IMo ""h. '960). PI'· Jlj-JJ .• nJ "p. Huhd"" . V~,,,, pp. '1>9- 7'- ...
' " f. .o.t<1,«",. Vi, S,k/'''.',i", Ih",okf"" . 19J9). pp. >nM.• nJ H. Uo<"" , v.u
W,i'."" ';1<" . ,,,d ,·In {Hunn. 191I), pp. )<Sif . nJ '"'p . rr. JJ!ff".
'" W. Sd"",J,. (A"" I"t i .. til",,",". I'.,hgi"mgfo<h",h<iid.< V","dlC end Vo",·
""it"". 7. , I(:"'",n. 190'). pp . I , . On imr<n,l."niv« ... ,~ in ~"'< ..I, ' « , ;04 ..
pp. )0" .• nd "p. P. Hm. ' K,;,.,f.. I<,1." P,;n, ip"",i'·. J!NPW" , ,~. '.
" ) j->OO.
,.., •.17-'!.
' " U", C, ,,,,!>. j) . I. j . Il<,~ ",,, , ,,
, .. T,,·;,",. tI """I". " . " . , . ",I H. ~""l< '"' ' > IO, fmd . J~9' ). ,,,, ."_,, .
Invincible tmpir.

triumphs. 106 In f.. ct. thc fClfival calendar grcw so rapidly that
periodic purges were required under C.ligub, Cbudim .nd
Morell< Aurelius. ,o7 Although thc details of fCld".1 day. may
indeed h.. ve varied from one province to ~nother, I 01 it il de. r th . t
vicmry commemoratiom pl.yed " significant role oOllide of
Rome ~I well.nd th.t they thereby helped 'prc.d for and wide the
mes5age of imperial victory. 100 As the Frria/, D"ram,m proves,
. nd •• we might well h."e eKpeCted. th e Rom . n . rmy', offiei.l
c.lend<lr did nOt overlook imperi.l victory .nni"crs.rie•. 1 '0 Nor
5hould we forget th.t decorated f"lival calcndan with vicmry
commemorations were once a prominent f,.ture of the porticoes
of Rom.n citic •. ' "
Tho,", who were not directly invo lved in the vinory com-
memoration! of th e di' rjfTi.!i coo ld have p<lnicip.tcd in .nother.
undoubtedly more popular form of victory <Inniversary: the
.nnu<l1 victory game •. Here toO, the empire follow ed .nd bui lt on

'" A. o.g, ...i.l'saip';''''' /"Ii" I). ' (''.>6)) . J6o}.

'K"''''f'"" ,
,. , II"',. p. ) •• ; d , 11",. p, 'IJ~,
lO. R,O, F;"k. AS H""y ,nd W.F, Snyder. 'Th, h,;.k Do, ...... '. Y.k O ."i,,1
~'"'i", 7 ( 19.0), '-»>. h<<< J6.
'" Th u, P. O . y. 701 (A .D. '<Xl--'), ;" wh ;,h ,h",u,ho,,"<m P''' "P'''''' .....,k"','"
,h, p<t;tion '0 ,h, "mp<ru" by «m;nd;ng 'Oom of O.y,ny",hu,· f.i,hful
«><>r< ,,,ion in 'Oo '"", 'g,;n" 'h" ./<w' ,nd of hi, f<lIow ci,i,,,,,,' "HIU.I
romon,,,,otolion o[!hot ' ''''''y ' ,d. B.P . G",nf<tt 'nd A,S, Hun,. n.- O~ )'<lry",."'
P.p-pi, (london , '90') ' 16j,)4-I: ~.I frl ~al Yll. <~, ,e;., h ...,~jw, ~!'IPO'
Ida",,, fr o<>< ~'''I'I"pl\o..,.~, Awnd;ng ' 0 R.O, F;"~. 'Via",'-' P."lok • • nd
kind,<d Vi"""'.. '. Y. k ct."k,1 5,.1'". ! ( ,!'<,) , 1 1_10'. Oo", ""'. ,hi,w" ,
'J"'l'''"''''a. 10<.1 ["ti •• 1. Cf. 'h" ,uil",rf",ini I,,,,d in • "knd" of, "mpk.
r<,h,p' ~," ..<d .. O"y,h)·n,h u,. /,om th< ill< «mnd 0' m ly ,h;,d '' '''''my ,nd
which ,0mm,mOI"" j,,,,IK," of M. Au",hu", P. O.y. , ))).;,6. <d, E.G, TUm<,.
Oxy"Y" ••' P,,.,ti JI (London , I~J. n ,f. 71-6,
," Thu,. ;n ,he ", Iy ,hj ,d ""IO'y, .... ,! J.nw, y. ,It< ,otto" XX 1>,I,"y""",.,,
""'f,,<d in comm' mon' io" of tho P,,,hi,n ,.,wry of S.p,j,,,iu, s. .."" ,nd
"",h,p' of T roj, n: p, Duro 14. I, 1,-1 6. <d. R. Muich,t. 0.",,,, I",."" ,"", .,-"".
(Zu,.,h, '\17)). no, J09. p. 4·
", Thu, 'Oo [,.,<0 " ' " "I..,d" ~i"uv"<~ nu' I,,"~ 'go" Rome "".1<, S,n " M,,;,
M'ggior<: p, M'g;, II "I",..,;, dipi",' .,," S."" M"" M'n'''' , A,,; d<lb
ron,;E,;. ""d<mi . 'Ont"" di ""h<olog;" l<n. J . Men",,",. , I. , (V" k ,n C;I,.
197». p.,i, ... ig n"d ,n" f,,,,,,o '0 Ih, foo"h """u.y. bu, "8um,n" f", • 10«
>«on~ or ,hi.d_«n!Ury ~" . hI;, .... n ,nod< b, M.R . ~,lzm.n. 'N<w ";d"",, for
,h, d.I ,jng of ,h. "I,nd" .. S.n" Mo.,. M.g~io",;n Rom". T,..,,,,,,-... 'J,1t<
A,""~,,, PIo'J.I,,{i,,/ A s"",'", .... 'I I (19 1, ). >11 - '7, .nd L I..- ;n, 'It ,"o",id".
";00 c[ ,h, d.lte of ' Oo f"l"m .. " 1, nJ,, .n~ of;t< poh'",,[ f<>,i ..I>·. A ..... ~."
; .. ,",/ 'J """",,,IoU, '" ('9") , 'l9--Jj.
Vi<lory ,onder II.. pri"cipal,

the Republican tradit ion concrcdzed in the L,jai V'lloriM Su/lianM

or thc Ludi Viaoriae C.rsari" The latter, more-oyer, are .lso known
to been ob",rvl-d O1mide of Rome , Thl-Y would occome the
Lud; ViC/GriM Carsari, fI Claudi; and continue to b... cdebuted a,
late., the reign ofTrajan,'" Hadrian too fostered Ludi Parlhid in
honor of T ,.jan >, victory _j l.\
Thi, r<lpid review of victory celebrations and customs under the
principate will "'rdy require amplification and correction befor~
:. defmitive image of carly imperi , 1 victory fe~m ~nd their
development Can be tracLd. T he ev idence at hand ",flice,
non ethelesl to indicate the effort devoted to the celebration and
m:.gnific.tion of imperial victorie, and vielOry for thc bencfit of
the popubce, It mgge," that impni:.! victor), ceremonie, and
ideology were prop~gandized enough to reverberate through
Roman wciLty , Yet we might w.-l! wond~r to wh:. t extent the
combined organ, of imp ... r;.! prop.g:lIlda . ctu~lly bore fruil ,
whether, in other word" the imperia l comciomn e" of it,
victorious ch:.,.cter ever penet,.t~d beyond th~ "'ling elite of the
capital and province" and whClher meh pcn~tration has left any
tr<lee, at ~Il? The role of the urb~1l pOl'uhlion a, audience for the
moSI Spc(!~(ular ceremonil-' and th e development of m:."
enteruinment in connection with imp ... ria! Sl1cce'~ natl1ra! ly
incline us to <Inswer in th, affirtn~tiye, A few sttand~ of cvidcnce
tn.y SCrv~ to reinforce thi~ view ,
The gre~t POCtl of thc e~rly etnpire ],y;,hed their vcne, on the
triumph" on the victory monument , ~nd l>n the victory my'ti'lue
of rheir imperial p.(ro", _ Wh . t mOre effeniv,' way could they fl>und to ing, them ,e1vc~ than 10 echo the moSI insistent
themes of imperi.! prop'g. nd.?' " Virgi l (Am, 6, 7R<,i - 85<,i),
St.tiu, (Silt', 4, t , 39- 43) and Marti.! (Ep(l:r _libr, 8, 65; 9,101).11
'ing th ... imperial song of victory . Morc ,ignif,ean< of the pcn~_
tr~tion of triumph. l theme, i, the that the l>utw:lrd form.

," D<g""i, 1"",i1""'''', p .• '6, cr, 1', ]-1m, 'Un,,,,udmng'" ,urn P,,,hlo,,&, ~"
,;;mi",h," K, i"", i, n"h "">er"" W'ilo_ un~ f},,,,,, i",,,",if,,"' {[)i"., M"",,
''11 J), p. ,0, "" Ct,u" i", ' ,k!Ory 'nni "".,y .
," Ow, C,,,;u,, 6<,0, >. J, !lois"",,", J.22J .J-, . Not< 'no ,it",ion '0 ,h,i, wpp" .. ion
,f"" m,,,y ye'" ,
". A .M, T.;,,,,,, 'L" Ii,t,n, du tnomp"' d,", I, p<><'", C! I'", "'"' 1<, H •• i<",'.
~.'"." J" 1''11 J), ,8j- JO" "''' .8 J-~" S« too ,",we, "" 'h, 'PI"''''"'' of 'h<
,duioto.y epi'h<! i"vi"., in O, id ,00 S",iu,.

Invincibk f mpi ..

of the imperial victory ,eI~br'tion so domin a t~d the go"eul

notion of victory th.t .11 kind , of mythic.l v;ctorie5 were
de"'rib~d in term, recalling the imperi.1 ceremony. Thi, exten.ion
of the triumph.! theme goes beyond the triumph ofD.cehus (0 the
victory of Jupit.'r over the Giant. and indeed, to Statim' de,crip_
tion of Theseu' victory ,deb u tio" ov~r the Am.zon, (TI,eb_ 11.
S19-39),' ,. The gre,u poet, ",t the tone for lower o rders oflittcra-
!Curs .nd the theme of Roman victory became so trite th.t
• gifted .. tiri,t could turn it to comic effect. The pompou! epic
of Pctronius ' charbtan and sometime vcr,ifier Eumolpus opens;

Orlx:m i.m totum victm Rom.nm h. lx:b>t,

qu, m>tc. qu, tc",e. quo ,idu, ,,,,,it utrumque,
N~c ", tiatu. or .. _

Beyond ",ch imit,uivc doggerel, beyond the r"efied ambience

of literary m.sterpieccI .nd their audience in the ,chools. the
imp,ct of the imp~rial ideology of victory con be t",ccd in •
number of objects from daily life. It shaped irmglio gem. or 101."
pa' te. for ring,rone. and w., used to d<:cor.te bronze perfume
p''''_ A, Vermeule h •• ,hown, many of the", picce, were directly
in . pired by 'pecif,c coin issue, _' '6 Trophic, too find their w. y not
only onto gems, but into decor.t;ons .'" The triumph.1
procession it",lf .hows up . s decoration on the ,ilver cup from,' ,.
Another imtmce of the victory mystique', wide diffu,ion
which rev"als the inRuene~ of coin irn<lgery eom~' from ~rch~c­
ologic31 finds from the provinces and . in puticular . from the
Danube regions. It t~kcs the of clay relief pbques . nd b~kers'
mold, for Hat ,.ke" one of which even h.. - in addition to the
legend V ICTOI{IA AVGVSTI - . baker'. I.bel duhia: ·.w~t-

co. Cf, T.,," ... 'Tnompl><·. pp. 'Ollf.

, .. CT . V"m,ul, . .... ,1'«1> uf V;,,",,,, on Rum. " <UOn>. S"" " . "J i" ,no,,,,,,,.. ",, 1
.,,' , ',',,",, ... ,;, C i",I", (19J I) , l-' J (ulfp,;"'J, cr, ,t!< l<>J mo lJ " produ« d •• •1"
f.~ _ i' ,
, " Pk"J , -r"pM", PP lJ;1f ",d "'-, ,
,.. Il yb<rg , R i,,,. pp_ " ,If. 0 .. ,I>< J .tf" ui<y of .J<" "fyillg ,hi, u;um ph, T. Hoh<b<r,
' [)" ( ;"' ~i<hl>.ulf",u"g;" <Ie, rum.",h," ll'pr'><""'I<>I"h",,' , J ,It 'I", ~ "',
"'",,3><" , ,,It...,, .,,"," I." "",,. 9J 11980), >OJ-»' . h", ll ' lf.
Victory Ulu/er the l"i'''ip~lt

cakn'."9 According to Alfuldi, mmt of the\~ pl~quc! and mo lds

would have b~cn \!Sed during {h~ im peri.1 huliday, ufJmuny in
th<."" S("cond and third centuries;'"" they appear to offer moving
te'timony to th e loc, l popul >rity of th~ Kni" ,idu. ' 2, Though
th~ motif, range from an e,gle to , gt.d iatori. 1 contest. , whole
S("rie, of item, fucn,n on impc·ri,1 victory. Thu, we might im,gine
Glkes showing emperorl on horwb,ck. riding down barbarians.
triumph proc~"io"" Vi ctor y writing on a shield and the presen-
tation ofbarb ~ rian captivn tu the emperor. In Holid.ys in the
hinter land of the lim~s therefore included the offering and dis-
tribution of object. and pa'lrie, emphasizing the ~1I-encomp~5Sing
victory of the comnundcr-in-chicf.12} On~ tinal example will
illustrate how victory ideology extended beyond holid,y' into th e
ancient citizm's d~ily leisure hours. pervading even a l,te <l ntique
g, ,,,e. Although it, nan,," and rule, ob,eure, the gam<· w>'
played on a bo.rd which consi.ted of . i x groups ofspace' or letten
aligncd in three rowS on "'One ,lab, pl~ecd On the floor of public
place,.'" T he letters usually spelled chee rful mes,~ge, ,hnut
gammg ur hedonistic sJug~m like:
'Hunting, b,lthing, gambling, laughing: th.t" living'·
". A. Alf" ld i. "T,,,,modd und R d ",f,",,~. i 'k>n, "" <l<n n""."to"(\<m ·. I.... " ...
m"'''. '.
,1 'l"i ' " '''' "",.",i.. I", I,",i", K"~,,",, 'y """"oc",. '.
Dh",,,,,,,,,,,", p.
00 IBud' r<". '9"1 . rp · " ' - " . h<<< 1 '7 · On 1.",owinK' f,,,," ,,,in,, PI'· Pl '0"

l'~ · Sw«"<e.k" f", the V,,,,,,,,
Il 'J .. )'I'. J I ,- ,.;: fo,
,1"~"i: ;hiJ .• "n. <J. p. ))7-" .
p. J>j . p!-J J . No« huw,"" ,k .. J. W. S. !.:,"'"mon.
·L.. c·Ro""" ""h<,,,, .• « w;,h "hd d",,..t;u,, f"""d '" No"h<m_Afd< •• nd
E~yp' ·. (),"h<"',"d,X<" .\I''''"~," . ,' h" R~·.,,",,,,,," """ ""d"'J.." " 1"';0.". OJ
(1 '16'1. lJ-9l h" "" Iy"& " I"sc. ,dmJ sroop ."d ."'~'" them '0 lh< foorlh . od
IIf,h W"Uf,,",.
'" ·fh", A' fotd i. .To""",,",,,,". pp.)1 J - • .
,,, St< "'J><<ti .. .,y il>;d .. pt. . XLtX. ' .n;t t. , J' LI. j- , . nd UH.•, LVIl.),
XlVttt .
'" I< " dilf"u" ", d"« min, ", who< ""nt 'he mnkh wnuld h...e h«n u><d fm
.mif"i.t p,,"i<. (I'h' ) '" fm ';mpi' "'" fo. mnm"'l'"on d",ing f<,,; ... h. tn
.dd " ",n '0 Alful ~i. ·T"n m"dd·. p. )'9. •," J. And,". L·,li""",.""",, I. ",i,i",'
Ra_ (p,,; •. ' '16 '). pp. "J - ,I .
". tn .J~il"'" '0 ,il. <olk<""n. "f ~'Uf" m.[<",h <i"J in ,ho f"l lowinK no'''. "" ,he
comp,",.<n"'·c .. ,icl< ofbm«. ·Lu~";,,, "hut",·. RI'. 1) ('9'7). ,....,., 10'9.
M. tkm . ·R';mi.d., Spi<lufdn·. 110."", .I,.di,". A.p.", ••, J" .011 .."""" ..;,,,"_
'" ""'f' R".".,oi /(,>." ~, ..;","" (Ikfhn. ,I",,). pro »J- JO. h«< nu .• ~. p . • )1.
Invindhl~ m.pi"

In ,tHk contr~ '( - to modem sensibilitie. at lc~Sl - Sl,md, a group of

g. ming board, from Rome and Trier whose datable elements h. ve
been a,\.Oeiated with the tetr.rchy. There the 'pace, are not ,pelled
out in ~ humorou, vein. Imperi.1 victories mark the progreS' of
'Th e Parthiam h.. ve been killed, the Briton vanquished: play.
Romms!' The specific rderence here m.y been Galerius'
,uccess in the Ean .. nd ConSl<Intim Chlorus' Briti,h victory of
296.1:16 From the C:lpital on thc northern frontier com e." fuTthcr
imtance in which imperial , 'og.m intrude on • popular game,
perhaps on the occasion of young Con'tantine's victories over the
Franks and Alamannia".:
'Vigor orche empire, enemie. bound: let the Roman' play" No
channd w .. too mod est. no _'peet of daily life tOO remote to
trumpet the cleHCll. most in,istent note of imperial prop.g. nda.
A, we read on another gaming board from the Cimetero di
Priscilla in the ancient capital:
At the v,mqu;,h ed fOCI
italy rejoices.
Play. Rom _ns!'"

", C. 1-I"<I,,,n. 'N"", tn",h"f,,,,·. Mi,Uio...p. dt, "'.'''~'" .,,"""Iop"'" I."i,"".

Ii, .. ,,, .. A."iI""~ .• ~ {"'''II . 'I'-Jj. 1><" , ,1 >-).
", thm. ·Sp;.Il>.fdn', no. 00. p. ,)1. Cf. ,h, pho'~"ph ."~ <omm,n'"y by N.
G.",h.". Rav.U .. , i_",ipli ... , ,.,iIi,"",,", I. C""/, ... ,10; .... ,;, .. "'.",- . .
",,1,.1....... r. "" .. iff< Ii</.!i"", (p.,;,. W1J). ,SI---<j. no. I, )9.
'" H""n.". ·tn><hoif, .... p. lor 'I-IOSTES VICTOS/lT ALlA CA VLJET I [L VDlTjE
ROMANI'. Oth<r p"",bi< """,,"m,,' of'l>< .. mc kl«n& A. !'<"u•. "T.\"olc
I"",,", "";,,,'. £,il"rh ~ • . Iii,;", ,,,Ii.,,,
.I, '';' '';;_' I {1906 {'.0')1. ))-71 . hCI"<
no> . .. ~) . pp. 7<>-1. cr. '00 thnl. ·Sp.,l"f,ln·. no . )0. p. 'l" ' .. -1 ICf.NTfSI
- - - -- - --- -

Out oj the streets alld iI/to the cirws: the

developmen t of imperial victory celebrations in
the later Roman empire

When it )"" not ' impl y .,mmed th.t they disapl'c>rcd, the con-
vention al wisd om wncl"rnjng imperi~l victory celebrations after
Diodetian h .. comi,red in two points. It h,. pre,umed
that the hi'lOrical trend s apparent in celebra tions of th e third
century continued . nd prevai led in the Comtantini,m empire.
Ike .. " ",, the .1I_pcrv ..;vc ideology of victory h.d crept into so
many ccrcmonic. Jnd public attributes of the imperia l offICe.
specific celeb,;uio,,! of jmperi.. 1 victories are thought to h"vc
declined in historic. l ,igllificamT. Til;. w.s app. tcnti y borne ou t
by the 'exh austive' find ing . of one specialist th at unly fuurteen
victory cele br:uions ore . ttejled for the three centurics bctw~en
the first Chri!ti.n ,·mpcror and Hcrocliu s.' Th e ~cond rnai" len et
follow. from the lirst: what celebrations Ihne were remained
quite stereotyped and revea led little mb,tamive ch~ngc down to
the Byzantine ceremonies of the tenth ce ntur y.'
The following pages will present :I qllite different vic w of thi s
f"cet of the ritual develo pment of the latn R oma n rnonnchy . It
will becom e app ..cnt that th e 'ne w· empire witnened an
cxtraotdinary resurgence in the frequency and import of imperial
victory fcstivah. Furthermore, th",e cdebration' comtituent
clemen ts will be seen to evidence rcientle.s ch .. ng" in th eir
number. n,u ure and identity within th e context of over. 1!
J. Kollw '''. 0",;;..,,, .. 1'1""0 .1<, '''''''',j,",,..,,," 2<i'. Swdkn 'u r 'p''''''ixm
g=hi<ht<. " 1E1<rlin. ,v"J. pp. 6J-<i: ,h" Koll wi .. ,hough, h< h.d ' ppro"h<d
V.It.J'"~'l'<i< ;, <I"" hom p. '"l, n.•. Cf for ,II< ~,,0<,,1 ch"""'''''K', ".K .• H.
W«d<. ·Zu. En;,hlung <I« Th,od<:»iuIObd;,krn ;n I"."bui'. /J, .. ""I"
' \ (>06\J. <;1--91. "p. '9!: d . Ph . Knulmu "'. Bo{",,!'W, ~II'" ~.I .~."',,~"".. ,. ,
(Alh<n •• 'W i). 11-00·
, KoIl,..i". PI,,,,". p_"'.
[),vdopmftl' '" tl,r later R om an rrnp,rr

continl.lity. A critical jtl vcntory of rigorous ly d,-mumtr"blc

imperial Lekbratium teve,,1. th" t their frequency w .s ab ou t three
timn the previuu, esti mate . In tern" of their hi ,toric.1 develop-
ment. the late .n tique ceremonies will appe ar tu f,,1l intu three
broad phase" st retchi ng from Cunstantine tu Theodmius the
Gre" t, from Theudmiu, ""'e"n" to [he re ign nf Anasu sius and
from Ju ,!inian down to the ou tbtco k of iconucl"sm. Once the,e
aspects ufthe ce remuny's history will have been c<ublished, we
will be "ble tu mDVC' beyund the b. ld enumeratiun uf celebution,
and ev idmcc to the question uf specific cel ebrations .nd their
contribl.lti om to our under<t,nding uf the public life Df" dying


Th e first ph.,,- in the dcvclupmm( Df I.ter Rum.n vlctury

cdeb", tium beg im with " Hurry Df (,-,( . Cunstantine I
cdebr:l1cd tWD victuri" at Trier. eu ly in his reign. in late ]06 ur
early 307 and again in 30M Dr 310. rJl arking SUCCeSses DV"r Ihe local
bub .. i.m. l The festivities in the circu s nut unl y cntert. ined th,-
pDpulatiun Df his ca pit al wi th the specta cle Df fcued b.,buians
being thruwn to the beasr.; they were doubtless . imed as well " t
lending credibility to hi, umrp,tiun by demunstr:lling his mil;t"y
.bilit y.4 But the decisive mDm ent in Constantine's c, dy reign.
gcncr~ll y lssociated with his vision .nd incipient commitment to ty . CaUle in the struggle with his rival M~x entius. The
btter' s def,·.t and de~th ou tside R om e npened the w"y fDr
CDr> stln tine's triumpha l en try the next day. T he p~ude w . <
dumin .ted by the dc~d emperor's head. roi",d high for ~I l to ",c.
Th e fe'tivitie, included an lddress to the Sm. te, spect.cles in the
victDr's presence and [he di'p,tch Df victory annuuncement, tD the

, XII ,... .. " (1). '0. j _ ~. My""" . '9) ·1<-1 9' d . 6 171. <>. ) . i.ii.. 19,.,6-IO j . ) :
Eutr0p;ul. & .... '0. ). 1, I)",y"," . 1"/0.20-17'.' . Cf. E. S"m. Hi".i" iJ" a.".E"'r'''.
<d .J.Il. 1'.I>nql'<.' Ilbug", '0)0).1) w,.h n.17 (p. OJ') . nd 80 ",,,h n. '0) Ip. 0101 .
• nd '"'p. T.n. Bu" .... 'Th, .,<1"'.... of C""".n.",,,·. Z,,, .. Io' ift 1"' I"n,ot"ti< " ..
E';~ ..p'i • • ,0 (, 01"). " Y- JJ. ,nd C,""... ".. ..,I f~"hi" (C.mbr,dg< . M..... '9! '1.
Pp. '9 'od ]<: B,,,,,, p"f,,, to d. " ,h, ,,«>tId "lump" ,n J03. Cf. follow,ng 00« .
• Thu' <c;n'i' """,,,,,d w,," ,h, ,«cnd ferri.. ] «n, eon".",;"< Vi"., ""'"'""'
.!'"'i"." RIC. o. ";0: of. I j ".... Co./I.." .... p. >0. Th. ceremony" D<"" ,,,,,md,d
on /L-S. '9)7. m' r ",(" '0 On< bf ' "'"" '''10'>«.
COIlS/an/in, I/o TilrodOliu1 I

provinces. ' It has been sugge'tcd, moreovn, th . t for the first

time, an arriving Roman empnorfailcd to perform the CUStOm~ry
visir to the ,hrine of the Capitoline Jupi ter." The foundation of
.nnivcr':l ry, and the erection of commemorative monu-
ments li ke the Arch of Constantine ensured the event'. lasting fame
(sec f,g. r) ,'
Scarcely two yea" went by before Constantine muld again
eclcbu[C • victory over the Germ . nic barbaria", in hi. northern
c.pit.l, in mnjunction with hi, durnnnlin, hi. tenth regnal
annio-c".ty. Thj~ triumph, .s it w.s called .•gain fe.tured the
gh . 51ly ,pcctacle of wild beam tcaring barbari an c.pdve, to
shred.: it may well have included a panegyric and ,pedal coin
i,,,,e ,- Another victory celebration \, not .ttested until
Constantine's defeat of Licinim in 324 :lnd hi, annexation of the
10.<1. Thc\C fe<livides may coincided ,,:ith the promotion , of
Constantius to the tank. orc.".r and those of Helelta and Fausta
to that of Augmtae. 9 At any ratc, the cvelll was permanently
, fo' , ,k,,,l<o d,,,"",,,,,,, of ,hi, «",,,,on)',"" "'low. Ch. J, " Fy, ,lK ''''My
d;'p,,,h« w ,10< pmvin,"", N"",",. XII ,..." • ('01, l', 1- 9, M)'oon,
,<'7 ,' j - ,N!, " . "m"" ~ t<coO! "oJ""
o( ,I.;, ""m""~. '" "p. S,G , M"-Co"",, k,
II" "". ""_"I ,. I"" ""',.i'" Th< '"n,(o,m";'-" or
'lK d,....,,1 h'''''g', 1
Ilk,k,ky, '910), pp , Jjifw; ,h full ,ef<"nw,
• So, ",low, Ch , J.~ , pp, '0' - ' ,
, TlK ,,<t. n ' "".,,~ jn <I" C;"""~,"p""' """; JJ. , >9 {),1o"'. IIIJ..",", D i.;I.• ight
,(t<. 'S O"ob., (h ,:",. 'Y'""n'l, A, j)"g""i. In" "p'i"",,, 1"li.. 'I , , I' "" 11, 'J1: ,f.
,u mm , p, Jl7, T lli> 000" b. ",'h.. ;, m"n' b, I•• ; ",'"n; in XII r-__ " 191, ,~," .
M,"o". , 11. 1)-'" fu, . ~;if"'ng op;n;"", IKlow , Ch.]. n, 9J. Th, monomen"
induokci d .. , "(",, d to by Eo"b;o. ,nd Rol;n"", 1/",,,..
"d",."k. 9 , 9 , '0_ ' " ,d.
E, 'Khwn" .n d 1'. MYmm"-",,, CCS, 9, , lL<ip';g, '9<>-11, <» ,J- !' ,nd ' n ' - 9, ,nd
,h< "iumph,1 " ,10 "''' ,ho Cot",,,um. on which th, , .."n,i, 1 wo,k .. moo", H.P,
L' ()""S' , oJ " . "On G<,hn. 0.. 'p",..,,'t.- B'II,,~ ..",. J<, K ... ","".,"":!,,",,
S,ud "," ,ur ' p' "",;k'n KU""g<Khicht<, '0 (H<r1in . 'VW), For ,II< i""" ;p,jYn. IL.~.
1.l>9., fo, "';"'g' ,,><><i .. <:<1 wi,h tI",
yic,o.)', RIC,6, """oJ "'), no. 3 '"; .;1, IIIC,
1, ,"'i-1 ,
• Eu"btu!, V", CO""'"""; ( ~IIG. lO r'I, ' , O' . 06, <d, f, W",k<lm.nn, GCS. iJ7)
Ilk rlio , [I'-Il I. !O . ,~ - ,0, l ; X Ij 1"'"" " (91. , J, 1, My''''''. , 87 ,,6- , n6, n ll<d '10",
'Humphu,'. i~ ' , .. " ,6, "" ,he ,,><><i,,;oo of ,hit '<XI ",;,10 ,h,,,, f",,,.i,,,,, E,
G,II«o<'. "''''Ut ;,." /'''n!.' IP";" 191'1. ,06; RIC, 7, 'H ,nd 16,- ], n , ' , Cf.
1"'''«, ·VK'O''''''. p. 'jl.
, S<><",<>. Hille". ",It,..,,~ . , '.!. PC. 67.6, U (fy. ,10, .up<'-;' ,,;, ~ yf,h;, ,dn '" CPG.
""'"I; ,f (,,,,t ..i,,,, Hi"",-. ,,<1,,'-'"''''
,,6. ,, <d, G. L ", .d,~, ."d M. H,;",m. nn.
GC~. " Il,i p"~. '9'~1 . , ).'0- >; Co,,,,,,,,,,,,,', 0'1'0 ro(<I<"" w i, '" '''' 1m", in
F.o"hiu" V. Cmu,,,,, ,,.', '. ",. Winhlm,,," " .,6--7)."
cr, l<XI £"",b,,,,. H.' .. '0,9.
7- '. x h ... "" ;,""" ,"- l l; RIC, 7. '0. ", 6: for ,h< po.~bk p,omO!ioo" '" IIIC. 7.
Fig>l" I. Comuminc"lriumphal entry ;nto R ome (iI« pp. )6-7: j I)
COllS/mrtiM( 110 TIJeodOIiu$ 1

comtnemor,ted hy :m nu,l Judi lfi"M'plutin'u It i" mi,fortune

that nO furtht'r detail, are known of the celebrations. fur they seem
to hlve m:lIked , erucialturnillg point in ,hc dcvdopment of tht-
monlrchy , nd il1 ritual app, .. t", ."
T he e,rlie't vic,o'y celehr. tion, It Con\[,n(inople may h,ve
occurred , fter ,he succelS of Comuntine ln d hi, SO" Comtl ntin e
!I ~g,imt the Goth " in the wimCT of J J 1-2. Thi, at least h wh.t i.
~uggcslcd by one of Cunstant;","s victory title.. " medallion and
the identif,cation uf the' Guthi, Column at Constantinople with
this oc"..;on,' 2 It;, lllo ro"ible th,t. like the three hl,hl,i,n
SUCCeSses alrc,dy noted, the eight oth", victori", ovn barborian.
offici ,ll y ,cknowledged by the empe'or :I t th e end of hi, ,eign
were distingui,hed by triumph,l festivities, If so. however,
nothillg is kllown . bout them,"
In )43. Con't,ntim II m~d~ a panially ,uccc"ful ;n~ur,ion into
Persian territory which he cclebrated at Antioch. H Th e ob-
>c[v~n~~S included both • mcmo .. blc Pdr~de displ.ying the
haplc .. c.ptive, and the dispatch of offici.l victory bulklins,
knowll a, tmv/KlrL 'lpfiJiJirLrrl or 'imply blldKl'1..' · They .1",
called for the p,rtidp~tion of many bi,hop' from Constantim'

,. 00"""X" •. JJf. " " S<pt<mb< ,. L.oi "i.",p",I" , 1.h'II' '''' '55: cr, romm,
pp . ,'O - tt . Not< ,h" ,he bml< ' ""k 1'1><. on 'he 1,>,,,,.1,, T",,,,i, fe, wlwrn
C oo".n,;n. ,.m 'UPp""'" 'n b,,< • ' 1', ,, .. 1 "nul";ono [";to"'" dt
• d. F. P',hlm.yr.oo R . G,;;oo<1 Il<tp.;g. '?bb) , ,6; . IJ- [._
,.,,.,iO.,. ".
'J .

tl S<. bolow. Ch, J .• .

" O. Fi<b;~« .nd l, >chmiJ" 1.""'!ft",,.,,,.. I".~ ,., C • .-i< ir'" dn O'W"'''''''",
f{.;,.,h,b< ",hd<m;. <1<, W;" .n<ch.f«n, Ph;l..h;" . Kl .. lknkKh,;[«n , On. !
IV;"nn. , '9 (7). p_ l<I. nO . '6.< (ILS. 1'0): J. t!jt!, Cp/' 'Y~" PI" I j - 6: Miill,,· W i<n",
Bil&x;~,,". p. j). On tJ.. m,d.II,,,,,,, Tuynb.e. M,J./U""" p. [[ 6. "'j,h CO,"";O'"
of RIC, 7, '9j- h, n. Jjl; Ex"'p" V,/" i"",. 1. J'. , d . J Mu"'" . n" Y. Ydkov, ,nd
edn (I.<; p,ig. ,.,..,1). Y.• ..,. .nd F,om<. Chro"""., . • . JJ', oJ. R . Iidm. GCS, .' ,oJ
roo Iil<ti;n, 'Yj6), , j) .6-7: cr, ,.,;n. Ba,·Emp",. I, l>V, 'nrl !J"""" 'Vi" ",.,,',
" 1D<y m d,,<" , od <num""te~ ,n Ib""-,, 'Yj('utld , p. ' I) ,
t. Theoph,~, "'.M. j i ) •. lk Iloc,. )7" , wh<<< ,h< "" ",h",,,l ",m 8p'~J'~w.,"
u",d. Cf JB. llu,y . '()u< of ,h< 1J. "k ofS,,' ~ m' , N7.. ) I' !""') , J "' - j .nd O. ",.d,
C,,,lti,"" 0/<, U''''R''',f'~'' ... <i. ,. W,II , • is,u''g''', n.d·l. 1i .nd • W
" "',h.n. ~"'. Iii",,;. -1,;,."",,.. ,0." .d. I1.G. Or'''. -1,"",."., w".... , ., (!!<T.
lin, '9)\-41),'"'-" - '): Lib.niu" o,-"i. J~, I., ,d. R. f""",«, • (1.<;1";8.
l \<>3l.')0" 4-,6, Por 'he d,,,,. ,r TO . B"n". 'Em!""" .nd b~h"p' .....D.
)'4-)44' Som, p.obkn,,' • .-1""",""),",",/ .-1",i",
'f lii""I, j ('''''), JJ - 1). here
67""9. O!, i~"IK" ,,nPP',", "" ""low, Ch , ), pr, ,oo/f
p~n of til<" empire, in wh~t i. the flr,t solid and direct evidence of
"" oif,( i ~J role for the Chr;,tian church ill imr<'ri ~l victory rite1.'6
Imperial bcncfactinllS tu the cit ie, ill th<' arc" m~y h~ ve been made
on thi, occasion," In Jny C:I"', the succes' appe~t1to h~ve been
comm<'mor"ted by annua l rare,,"
M~gne"tiu,' defe.t . t the h:llld, of Cnllsu ntiu, 2nd hi$
sub>eqllem micide triggered a <erie' of ob~rv3nce, wh ich
culm in~ted in the famom vi,it to Rome five year. b ter , A t least
one congr,tu latory legation to the vinurio,," emperor i, known
from ,he period i mnlcdi~tdy foJluwil1g the victory of Septembcr
))2." The usurper', he~d w~, ,ell t ~rollnd the province. for the
mu ~ J ri m,,1 dhplay,~O The offici~ l reoction of the ancient c"pit~ l
w", ,ummed up by 2 d~dic, tion 10 the 're'torer uf the city of
Romc and the wurld and exting ui ,her of the pe.tiferoll1 umrpa-
tiun, Our Lurd Fl avim J ulim ConH,ntius, Victo r .nd T rium-
phatot, ever Augmm,',2 ' AlThough ~ number of unrd. ted
victori" w ere oiflCi"lly ,nnounced in ,he capit~1 1 and th,' pro-
vince. during COIl,unti" , ' ctlsuing .<tay jn the West , there i, no
explicit reW Td of victory celebratiOn< ill hi, prncnce before the
vi1it to Itome in 357,22 At th:1t time, he W", able w comb ine
ob,,-·rv.ncC\ for hi, twentieth ""nive,,ar y of ern pire, his viuNM"lia ,

.. lid""","" ,i,,: ,k",kJ d,,,,,,,,,,,,,, belo,", CI,. J, , _

" J" I"". 0,.,", " '7 , <oJ, ). jI"-I,,, I. ' (I'"i" ' 0)')-16 " 1-'",
" P"kmm, Sil v,"" !.ot""",,, J' J,nu .. y, <d . II . D<g""' , I.''''pli... " 1..1,.... 'I-'
(1""J) .'-"<' cf "''''m_ p_ ..,. ..d t!. St<m, U C , I",I"" I< JJ.- f,.I< ... "'" Itx,," '"'
," ill"".,i••", ~,b l "-,,It<q"" m-h"o",g'~u< <l I, i"moq""" JJ (1',,;'. '9JJ). pp. 3) 11'_
,. T hu, A, Ch,, "~n<>l , I... ;"/t""" "'''i"" II,,,,, ,,'OJ I, &,-f .. pi" , Publico, ..... <k I>
",wt,i <1<, 1,,,,,, ",;"no<, hum",,,,, d' IItK'" H W.. i" ''i'lo) , p • • n , .no ul/'"''
J. I. p.i!",." d, Ro"", •• &O_I'",;i" , ~tu<k' P"""'P"K"phHjt><',. (P";,, '116'),
p . [po U . CIL. 6, l7J9- • • • nd PiRE. ' , 6J', 'o,r,,", J' .
.. IImm"n", M,o<.I l;n"" II " ~""" .., " '" ,d_ C.U, CI"k, , (Be, I;", 19' 0 ).
2''-_', l l , ,bo"t. f,wn" who h,d " k«l C-""".",,", '0 be >u"
'0 pm<kJuti,n',
I".d ",,"nJ " h< b,d ,hot of M'in<n,i"" ,f I'L~ I', J , "",S 'Th",d",", ,'_
" ILS. 7 )" Cli, 6. " JI. ";,,,d b)' Co","n '; ", 'ppoin'«" P"f«, uf R"m,.
N,,,,,,", c"",.I". b<,,.,-,,,, ,6 S<p ..",b<, JJ' .nd ~ lJt«",b< , 15J; of. Ch''''g""l ,
h"", rr , 'jJ-I>. h<" 1" 'lOd !'illE, " 101 'C, ... li"., IIno,ht, «hu of'h" .klO'Y
I;k , iy (" m« ;n ." h . li", m;l<<<o", ) )2-., CIL, ), kryJ 0' IL~ , ?!?
'l ;be",,,,,b", o.b" R om,ni, <o"""."o,'b",.,; p. " omn;"m p.n.inc4t ., dd, no.
F!. tul. C"",,,,,,,;o ""g. " H C:hud,o C:fln"'" " ~ c:,,,,.; '. Cf. too JLS , 1)<, Cli, ~ ,
, , 17,
" On 'J.n",,)· )11. Th,m;";m ",f<",d ,,, th< mo l"'"d< or.;<t",y bull";", whkh
h," ",;.,d;o C"",,.n"""pi< "'''' 'he <ml'< ' o, ', d<pm"" f",
,I>< W,,,, 0.... . ,
Sd"n~ 1 ,"d I)<)wo<)" , ." ,,-' - 6; ;'" p"rh,1" onty ,""'oric bu, d, Co"",,n',",'
with thme marking the defeat ofMagnentius, almosl half a decade
~ner the fact . They compri",d a triumphal entry. addTe"",s 10 the
Sen~tc ~nd peopk hone races, the reception of ddq,alions with
panegyrics from othn citie,. and a commemur~ti ve monument.2J
A YCH later, COllSlantius <I~ged hi, l~st r~co rdcd victory fe.tiv , l
when he t"ok the vicwry title S"''''Mic''J f", the secun d time and
edebnled a triumphal entry into S;Tmium. "Julian's reign ha, left
no tr.ce of viewry cdebratiom; th:u ofV:lkns is relllHbble only
for a new vOlTiati"n on [he euston,.ry rite for the !uppress;on of a
rival "mperor, in which ,he head uf the dcf... ted Prucupius was
<-en t to the senior AugU<lm in Gaul. " In fact. the slackened pace of
recorded victory cckbratiuns was reversed only at a rather
unexpected moment: in the , flerrn .lh or the c,,,,bing defcat .t
The Guths' dc,truction of the Roman ",my and it, com_
m:",dn-in-chief in J7~ had a profoundly di,turbing etf"ct on
contemporaries.'· It j, in Ihis contc"t that we mu,t vi ew the
aImo,[ frenzied ,·tfom ur tbe higl"',! autburiti", 10 magnify even
minor sue""",,, in ,ub"'quent 1''':1". Bately a year after Adril_
nupk, vi cturies uf the new junior emperor Thcodosim I were
oiflci"lly ;>lll1ounccd at ConSllntinoplc on 17 November 119. The
offici.1 communique cI.imed dde"! nut only of the Goths, but of
Ibe Ala", ."'\ Hun, as well. The report was probably marked by
the victory race. which were custom",y in the ,"stern eapit~l.27

" tt., t" tho S<"." <>f C~""'"""Drk "I' The"",,,",' l><h. lf. ,J. H. S,h<" kl <t " ..
,1>;'; .• J ( lc<p"~. '07') , " ' .1-;0. lJuri,,~
l", .r. y i" Ir. ly CO"'''" t;u, di'p"ch<J
,octo.~ hulk-om", ,ho p,m'mo., ti". "tee<" ""'" .~""" 1'" ",,, ..011" ru. ,ho><'
of)"I,,";" G.ul , Ammi."u< M"cd li"u<. '". ". '1- 7<l. CI>, k. l.lO'.'j- 'o, .,'.
" F~f • <k .. ,ko "",,,,,,. "" 1><10". Ch . J .•. A,,"OI'~ "«0' .ruJ,,,. "'" ,*
M"Cu,,,, ,, k. ,1" .oj """"'"7. pro W - .j·
,. Ammi."u, M""dliom L7. IJ . JJ. u .. k. I.IJ ..,' 'J' of. "'~ .• ". I). '). Clu~ .
','». 1) " 'I'~ ". 'j. JJ. ' . ')< .j "Jul;, ... O,o,;o J . !.I);<k, ..... » •. 1,-1 7 . cr.
Xo". (;'". k.". '. '1).
" Amm,,"u, M",<ll iom '1. ' . '0. Cluk. ,., (I!<,Ho. to' JI. , " .1j - LJ ; th, h"d h.d
!O l>< f<!mn,d <0 <h, [,,' ,n ,,"wi,,,, t"
Jd,,,<k,, of I'h,lipl"'l""i' '0 ,m,,",,".
,~i ~ .• '~ . ,o.~. CI .... P ' . ''' .•. A " I, .. i"",",, N'<~"l<J;. ,,·i<l, tho "g,nd
'-4 '
S""i .., ''' p, .I...., ;, I'<,h.p< "bt<o '0 ,ho ","f,,' of P,,",,opiu,, RIC. 9. >.J.
" 1'. Coo","". N,,,.,,, Ii"""" '"~""." i,"".....,R,,,•• "i~,. po <do (I'.. i,. I~).
pp. »If: <f. F. P,,,",,,,d. 1(.... "''', ••. [;,"b, ,"' I, ,..."i.,,,_ ",,,,.,, "."1"0.:<;.1,,",
I." •• rip"f'" "'R"''''"",,i"J. B,hlin,h« . ..1,·«.... '0"""". 7 (Rome. 11'67).
p. ! J .
" Tho<;, .... h" TI ..""""" "f' in 'H' ""C" ,;c""~ ""II""". ,h,· H,p,...J",,,... i, 1;II,d
Drvdopmrnt in tilt 1m" Rom"n fmpi ..

Th~ ""m~ victori~, were . nnounced in thc ~ncicnt capital too,

wher<: Symm>ehus informed the Scnate .nd di,p.tchcd con_
guml.tion, to the emperors " Thc Ycry ncxt yen, n~w
vic toriel - thi! time won by both Augusli - wne ~nnounc~d to
the popul~tion of Const~ntinoplc,29 On 24 No yember )80,
Theodosius !" ged a tTium phal entry into Const~ntinoplc. eyen
though in the hostile eyes ofZosim us or his source, the emperor',
~chieyemcnts were much Ie", th~n billed.""
Th~t the p!ychological need for milit>ry mec~" w •• f." from
fulfilled even fiye yen, ~ftcr the dil,"ter in Thucc can be
me~surcd from Themistius' contort ed effort. to portuy the
Gothic tre~ty of October J82 and the coosu l~tc honoring it. chief
negotiator ~s 'yinory cclcb .. tioos ' ~t which even the 'vanquished'
Gothl p;mi,ip~ted." Three years l ~ter we hC~T of the city of

with ,h,,;ou, '" .mny holid.y. h, v, bern <kd.t<d ,h" ,h< c;,,,rn, n,<d to ' e<t hom
th,i. ",,' d, Y" 0.. " ';<h<nkl·Do wn,y, !. b,» ---;\, C""'" 1.. ;0 Co,,,,,",;",!'" I;"." • .
)19 , <d, T, Momon",". MGH, ,1,1 , 9 (. !9')"4): ef. M""U",", Com<>. O"'i,"",
•. 119. <d . T. Mom.m<n. MCH. ,1,1 . j j ( I l9 ~I,60, 0" ,I>< ",1«" <1"''''<0 of th, ..
,0«<,," ,nd '0"", uf J""', s."ck, G,,,";,'''', \' ~",
, . Sym ,n "hu~ fr o I, 9\.' , <d, 0. ';<<< k, MGH,,1.1, 6.' (111 11.11 .• 6--.: cf. x«k,
il;,;" exi. , nd J.f. M,It"'w" W",,,,, ,n'"",,,.,,,,
oM '''p<r;.1 '''''' , .1 ,P. J'l - m
(Oxford , will. p, 7', with n. I: p. 15. em ,,,,o,y ,nnouncem,"" , >« !>claw, Ch , I ,
p. '90·
" C ..... Cpl;"." , . )30, Momm,"", M GH, ,1.1 , 0 ." ) .
.. "-",imu" Hi""i. """ " , ll, " ,d. F. P..choud, , ., (P"i,. '11701 ·,,,,,·, - 6. In hi,
(ornrn . (pp, ' 0'- 11 p'","o"'! "";n,,in, th ", ro. z",imu" ,OM w" no, , <"I
"iunlph, it "''' '" 'piond;d 'h" i' ",,,,molod , " iumph. A,i<k fmm 'h< difficu l,y of
di"iniui"' ini ' "'umph. 1<n"y woich =m, lik. , ";umph f", m , ""I "iumph , 'h<
",u«. of ,hi, und""t>nJin, pwb,bly I"" in ,f.< .Ji,,,, ', h,vm~ ,,,,,,, •.,.d 'h'
WaJUP of,,,,,.) w;,h til< p" ri'ipi,1 ph" ... ",I><, ,h,n wi,h ,I>< p"J>OO, ,,,,,.1 ph",,,
which i, p",.:c<i<o: __ nl Wa~<p '~I .i~ ~ a'Ji'O 9pi'~Il<>' .~'w, . ". WOOl
7-",;m", =m, 'u I>< .. ymS is ,hot 11I<oooo;u, ' n"t<d tl>< " pit. l. ,<1,b"''''g •
"iumpo " ;ff,,, ",me m,sn;fi<o" ' ' '''o'Y: Z",imu, i, implying th" ,f.< ' '''O<Y '""
qui" im'g"if."",." follo w, [,om ,he p'«<ding """ion: •. 1 ' . tlf, iloi, ., '~J . ' If. Cf
Ph;lu«o'g'u" Hi".,i. ",kJI.";,,, 9, '., ,d. J. Bide<, GCS, " (Lei]>lig, '9')),
")-1-'0: 0,,,,;".,H;"",i. odu"", .. ,.g_s, 1, )4, 5- 6, ,d. C. Z,ng<"",i"", CSH,
I (. U'I·l'l. ,-) ,nd M,,,,,llinu, Com", •.JIo, Momm",,,, 6I.J---;\. On ,he mino,
,0"""" cf ,h, VKlOri., . • bov<, n. >7-
" Or.,i, ,6, Scl><nkl-[)own,y, I.JOLl6- .0: d . ,-, 81.6_ J) .,d 0.-", .. ) 4. «I. H.
Sch,nkl. G, Down<y ,nd ".F. Norm"". ,(Ltiprig. 1111'1 .»8.1 - 5, For ,n ,.,Iu,';""
of'he ''''''y .nd bow dilf'",n' ;, ...., from ,I>< Iyrkal ,ffusiott. ofTh"ni<ttu •• S";,,,
8"."",p;", " '9<' of. M , P",n. 1.0 ""li"<4 fOIi" Ii TroJc,i, ",1/.
1."I"'i"i,,"1 " ..
""'ro (Rome, '''''. 1, pp. ,?If, , nd G. D'it''''", Tempit< lOm. in d'Ori,n , • • lV ' ,"'de
(,""'I , .-.p,
"k> ,,,,Ii,;.,.. poh'i'l." <k I'Il,ll<ni<m' , Lt !'m<>ign.g, d, Th<mim.,.'. 7'.11. 1
h,,,, 1O)1f.
COnJlaMlint [ 10 Theodmi,jJ [

Rome's reaction to " victory won Jgaimt the S~rm~tians by ;I

general of Valentinian II, The ".tement to the emperors th,t the
initi,l victory bulletin wa~ 'cunftTlned' for the urhan popubtion
by a triumph~l spect.cle which included a procession of ch. in ed
bHbHi.n" hints ,kill fully at the credibility problem engendered
by the casc.dc of 'mec""e' th:1t followed one of the gravest
defe;l.ts in Rom , n history.'u T he bnbni.n pri,oncr, were
condemned to delight the Roman crowd by their death, in <l
gladi.tori. 1,how; the City Prefect composed a letter of congratu-
lations to the emperor; in which he informed them of the
ce1ebr.tions,JJ Nor wa, New Rome neglected, for on r 2 October
186, Theodosiu, solemni~ed the def" t of the barbari:1tl king
Odotheu, :a the hand. of the general Promutm by staging a
triumphal entry imo his cJpita1.'4 The triumph w., ~h,red with
his son Arcadiu., who would have re.ched the ripe old ~ge uf
about nine at that time.'" It !.Cern, to luve been commemor. ted by
• triumph.l column raised in the Forum T , uri,'·
Th e cleHc<t expressio" ofthcdfect uf Adr;:!noplc ,o,ne~ from.
comp.ri.on of Ihe frequency of victory cekbt"tion, before that
dislster <lnd in its ~fterm a th. In the ,even dec.dcs between the
.ccc"ion of Cum tan tine and the death ofV.lem, there arc twelve
explicitly documented victory ceiehr~tiom or .nnUllncement" ur
Ie" than two per dec. de. In the fint dead~ lfter the defe~t, the
figure lc~ps to six explicitly .ate'ted victory ceiebrJliullS ur
~nnouncem ents . Thi. indic<l te, th<>t the rel~tio" between military
me""" or defeat .nd imperial victory celebratium wa. more

" ~ymm><hu" R.u.ri, f,. '. cd. O . S,"", MGH,AA , 6.1 ( ISSj) .jI J ," ---<)' ·dudum
f.,do "'"I'<"" II. Qm, no, pop"I", « <!O,"m f ""<11 S."n", rum, " nu"" wnf"mm
nun,;",um "'"i,'. 'p<".<ulo "i" ",ph. I,' . C r. 1< ) "9-)0, · .;d;mu" qu" 1<,0"
m;"","",",. ,:, On 'he iocn';'y of 'he ~<t><".1 (1l, "W') c,<cd in R, I, fl, ' . il> i~ . ,
j ,6 .• ---<,> •• nd "'" d.". s<.ck. G,,,I0.,-),,,. J . ' 0' . 11>< f.c1 ,ho. !buto ,"mui in j Sj
(PLR~, '. '9j9) ."Y "'U'" ,hu 'h< J.u 'ng to lS, i, p"fmt>k n""",h<l" ".
" Symm.rn"" 1111. <l. ' . s..,k , l'J"I- J ,6." cf. Rd. f l, ', ,.il ., Jl ~.'j . nd 1-3 .
.. C""" c,Ur."" •. )s.I, Mom,,'''n. ".' of. Mmdhnm Com<>, •. J!~. Momm",n ,
bl,' - 1;cf. lI. Lippold, 11I<"..,,;.,«,C,,,,,.,,, u j., Z,il, ,"'!<dn IMu"",~, '9"'» , pr,
" 0,.,. Cpli''''' • . 1",- ,il.; on "",,,diu. ,~<, rI.R E, l. w, '"""><i,,,,
,. On ,hi, wi"",".J'";"' Cpl, ;Y< " rr, 'r - z; G. &0<" , L. ' 0"'""" ,,,,Ii,,
P."I<",i " .. ~j, ~""ol"jid, ,lIIi"~i (Rom<. ' 9M). pr· IJIf. I'm ,h< prublo:m' in
"";boting 'h< lou." ,.", h <0 ,h ;, 001,,,,,,,, I n below . n. "".
lRv'!opmrm ;n Ihr laler Roman rmpirr

comple x Ihan migh! appear ." To Ih~ p.ychological need for

,ucce', ~f{er a crushin g defe.t ought to be added financial
considerations. The frequ~nt associ ation of victory annOunCc-
ment ...nd exception.l tn levies in the form of the a~"'m
eorOl,a,;"", mgg"n an ~ddition"l motive for the government to
multiply in" to .ucce,.. It i, cert~inly no ~cciden, th.t in
August of 379 Theodosiu. lcgisl>ted on the aUrU", offered. among
othcr reasom. for 'res prosperc ge't~e'.'" This link between
victory :mnounccmcnt. and exceptional ," xc' expb.inl why
Ammi.nus M.rccllinus ~lluded to ,he 'damages' Consuntius'
victory bulletins emailed for the province •. 39
The which .ttended ,he repression of Maximu,' Ulurp a-
tion were quite Ipe({~cu lar. Shortly .fter his initi al success.
Theodosim st.ged a viclOriomcmry into Emon. (mod. Ljublj~n .)
which W>l described >I a 'triumph'. and ,he wars outcome was
hcr~lded by " series of ceremoni" and public reactions from
!hroughom the empire. llm the most memor:lblc fcstivities
occurred during ,he emperor's vi,it to Rome, :I vi,it which was
timnllO coincide with the first .nnivers~Ty of M. xim m' de~lh. 00
" Th, comp'"'''''' " •.,"" Ih, 'O<!o'Y " I<b,,,iort, 0' . "oo"o"n><o" of )79. )to IIwoo
'''''00'''''''''''' . >oJ , ,,,,y ufNovtonb<'I. )IJ, )U . • ",j )19 rm tl>< .!.".!. (,om )79~'
)!~. 1-0' ,I>< p,, « di"~ 1","00 , lOe coun, WI! .... bl,>h<J " followlO )0Ii-7. )03-'0.
J". <• . J',. )'0 . )1'-' . )') - 0. l!7. )51"""9. " wdl " " I",,, 'wo v;';to.y
.",ooo"com,,,,, du"n~ Coh". n""" "' y;n ,I>< W.. I I'bo... n. "I.
" C,,",x rlo<ob,i"'J. n. 'J, o. ,J. T . Momm .. n .nJ P. K,ug« (Ik'ho, '''''jl.
1) " 1- 6 : d . O . ';<<<k. R'N""" On K.i", ."d P'p",fo' l i.).n")1' I" .~ •. C I".
IStti"~"" ' '9'91, p. 'Jj. On tl>< , .."'". "'.... 'i." 'olJ;" ",o"n, ...1 'qui,,!.n'. T.
KI •• "" . . co"'."""o»·,Q,."' .... IJ. "'!>.;"". pp. '9'-)'''"J. Km y.onopuloo.
Do> fi'''''''''''''" O<J fr" •• F,",i"i,,"," S,.."', Stido""mopi ,,,,1>< .... bm<tl. J'
(Mu"Kh, '9J!), pp . ,~,-.,.
" J 6. " . ,""" n o,., ! . lO).'-). &, '00 P,. Ch'Y"",om, Compo,... "IiI" ," ,.,,,,,~ i
(ere, 4 5001, />(; . <7·J90·
•• On 'h, lriumph,I"'.'"'"' inlO ~mnn., P,c,,",. XII pMo., '(HI,)7, ' _ 4. My""'"
III "7-' " .'). M... m"' h<>O 'PI""" ,,, hn< 100," ",hj<""d 10' pm.!. of ;"",I,
'nd ,h<n ><n' "ound , .. pmvine", P""''"', XII pMo., • ("I. )1. J. Myn"". '"]·1-6 ·
.nd Olympiodo."~ .pud Pholiu,. Mli"Io<,. . cOO. 10. ,J. R . 11<"'1 . , {P.. i •. '9J91.
' 7)."-'6; cr. w . &",Iin. ·M"'imu>'. RE. ' 0 (19)01. 'WS- jJ . 1><<< 'jJo . • nd A.
Pi~. "i<tl .",1 A. Chm.. ~nol. L',,"J'i" {~~'i," (PJ-~J! (Po"" '97.1. p. • 1 1. ""'!o'Y
.noou,><,m<"" w«, ,,,,.inly >Cot '0 'M prov,n,,,, for LiNn i., .11""" '0 00<"
"" v,1 in A",,,,,,,h: t'p. gu. '-). ,d. R. Fu",,, •. Li~ ... ii 'F" '. " (L<:ip,;g ,
I~"I .> p - J. Coo~","I"o,y .!.!.g"""" wm 1<"" '0 ,I>< V;';lO. from v.OOy, m.j<>r
",tit" of ... h"h Ihl<' "" 100 i.d<""f><d wilh P'''''''OI>: An<io<h, L,b""",, f,. ' 71. "
Fn,,"", , ' .)0.1 - 1.1< ""n, in J!! .>oJ bot< ~olJ cro wn" ef. P. P,!Ot. U.",'.," lot "it
"""i"r,l, ,; "",, ...10< '" IV' ,;;(/, 'p,il J. .e. (h,;" '9JJI, pp . • '!-19. Em, .. ,
CC"SI"'Hill' II" Th."d"lius I

A parade, addrClle!. largess Jnd a panegyric were 311 on the

agenda. " The victory w' l l.sring ly enshrined by ""v~r.l monu_
ment, in thc' ancient capir.1 and by the erection of an obelisk in the
Hippodrome uf rhe nnv une ,·2 As lare a, the sixth century, the
ROIll .. n sUte cominued to Ill .. rk rhe dcfc .. t of M.xim u, with an
offici.l holiday, a, we learn from .n oflhanded rem.rk or
A second thrcot confronted Theodmius' throne when EUgL-nius
revolted in the Wnt. At first rhe outcome appeared dubious, '0
th at Theudo,ius' fmal victory K-.;med to many contemporaries
htd,· ,hort ofmir"culou,.·· The usurp,:r', head Wa, displayed to
hi, troop' in order that the y might recognize their defe.t; it W 3I
then sent around It. ly to convince 10c.1 forces ofth~ futility of
rC!;'t.ncc." Again victory bulletins were dispatched,., the reply
of Ambrose of Milan {c"lif"". Special th.nksgiving masses were
cdebr.led immediately: they comtilUte the eadie't dearly "{tened
Christian victory ""rvices performed .1 imperial dem'lIld.··
Thcodo,iu, may h. ve marked the c.-em with. gala vi,illo Rome;
he ccrtainly held vktoty "ces at Milan. during which he Wa!
uvercome by his fatal illnc!l, <1 f>~ulinlls of Nol~ composed a

! "p .. ~" , '. f"<,,, ...

",6'''-7 ,>, ""h;<h ,ho"'" ,h .. 'hoy ....,,< , g"""
m"n, of p",<n';ng p<','iQm ' 0 ,100 'mp<m. ("p . • • " . •. il14 .. 1_') - '0) . Alox.nd,;.o
p,";"ch Th,oph; lu, h,d ",n t ~if" w i,h h i, "'p,,,,,,n'''iv< '0 Rom< bof",< ,ho
ou<Com""." kno..-,,_ T, king nO ,h,,,,,,, "'It" 11 ... v>~ .. i<' of di,in< f,.o" h.
"n"U>l"d hi'" w"h 'W~ 1<"", of ='~"'UI"I00", doub,k .. .0 he would l>< . bk to
,-"",in" th< ,",' j""", ,h .. hi' ]YY'iry ,n,,,t.,,d ,100 ~u"on ...
.. cr...low, Ch . j, >. ~o,. r<<<", di",""ioo d,,, ..1«1 biblio8"phy, M"Cor",,,~.
11" ,." """,0«7, pp, \Olt
" I" 11..0""<. 'h, eM, P",I'" Cri"n;~' Ru~u. Alh;"", m,de, "ipk dedi",i"" to th"
" ;r"' voc,o" Th",""";"" v .kn,in ;,,, IJ . 0<1 Arc.d,m: ClL 6, ) ,,1)-' •• nd J6<o\9
«r, ItS, 7'0) ; ,f, Ch""~,,ol. /""". pp . '))-6 .n~ PLRE. L. )1- 1_ In C,",",n_
'i ""pl.. th, <von' w .. m"hd hy 'h< ,,;,iog of, ... O" li,. ofTh<odosiuo: d, G.
llmn>. D", 010<1". ""J " "" 110", "'j"no 'lippoJ,"", '" K"""",,,".p<'. I"",bult,
~"''''~lUo~'n. 7 (Io.unbul. '9)') , .nd II . W"d,. 'E,""htun~',
•., I'",cop'u" &11•. J ••• '0. II,u,y, '-1'6.) 1_ s.. ''''' bdQw, 0, ' ...
.. In .~di'i"" '" ,h, p'n<gY'K ",f"",d '0 On n_ . 3. >« A"gu";",,. D< ,ioj'''' D<i, " ,6,
,d . 11_ Domb", ,od A_, CCL, H I '911J · ,6" '1- " • .,d OtOOU" Hi,I. .... ,..t,
1, Jj. 'Hf. Z, os"m<;"" ' ' ' .11f_
" Zo<'mu,. H;", n•••. •. \ 1. \. P,,,·h,,ud. ,-,_pl_. - v; ]"h" of An,, fK i.';,/ij., fg,
'/9, <d. C D< ll"",. h",p" "'"..;" i.,," ' ..p_ C"""",,in; Po'P~l,,~,"i" , ..j,"" j
{Ik.lm. ' ')O')' ''9-ll-120_! .
•• Am"",,.,. fp .. 0 ' , Pl.. ' "-")7 H. For (I.,,,il,d di",u!!ioo, ><, below. Ch.) ••.
., Th, . i,;, 10 R""" ;, ="'ru,,,,;.1. 10 ",..,m 'oily ,ef,,,,d ,0 by )"",imu" Hi", """" .
D.vdopmml in th, laI" Roman empi'.

victory oruion for thc occasion. Although it ha, not survived, it is

known w have in.incd on the tole of Theodosiu, ' faith and
praycrs in the battl e', outcome, 4, Other obscrv~nccs were held
throughout the empire on th e 10c.. 1 level.· 9
What then Were the typic:!1 elements 'lSSociated with impni:!1
victory cele br:uion, between Constantine and Theodo,im I' In
the imperi al presence, they fC:!lured triumphal entries and paudes,
the performance of panegyric. and circus celebr:!tions. In the
West, the latter included gladiatori:!1 or beast ,hows, Chariot race.
were popubr throughout the em pire. The ,uppression of •
usurp1tion USU11ly involved the triumph al parade Or di'pl:iy of the
enemy's head. !n area, beyond tbe imperial presence, new . of the
victory was communic1ted by mean, of victory dispOilches, often
accomp:!nied, wh ere relevant, with the display of the enemy',
head. Provinci:!1 dcleg:!tion, were senl to the emperor; at least
some such delegatiom brought with them the tradition .. ! victory
gift of the ~w'wm co,on~,iwm. Jmperi .. ! victories received en during
commemoration in the form of monum ents, of which the most
popular in ,hi. period were the triumphal column and the
triumphal arch . Medallions or speci.1 coin islUes arc :!150 aUe'ted.
Th e memory of succeS$CS w•• petpetu.tcd in public life by
mean. of ludi ~,/tftlj, holidays and .nnive"..y races held on the
dateS of great victories. The m1jOr cclebr1tiom tbem",lve, took
place in variou. capital Or hC1dqu..tCI cities like Trier, Sirmium,
Antioch, Constantinople .nd Mibn, but the source< dwell with
greatest delectation on the g:!b, held in Rome. The tr"dition. l
imperial monopoly uftriumph docs not :!ppe"r to we1kened
thus fu. Fin.lly, the tim de:!r 'ign' of offlCi,,1 Chri'li.n involve_
ment in the solemnities appe:!r at • r"tber lote date.

<. \9. I. P,,,,ho~d . u.»~.J~_)' •. !; P,uci<nJOu,. Ceo". 5,.""MJo.",. I, <ollf. <d .

M.P. C"nninsh. m. CCL. 1>6 (1966). wolf: 11><000"' l""o,. Hi""i. "d.. "",,,,, .
/;p;,...... >76-1. «I. G.c. H.n"",. GGS. !)~l (Ik,iln. 1\>711. i) .<>-,]. Amoo& ",on'
",hob". T.O. Ib,.,,,,. ·Con".n, .nd G ..,i,n in Rome', H",.",I 8,.4,... i. C to"k,1
/'I,il.I,,,. 7911971). I'S- lJ. hm 1)0. r•• o" ,he hi><o''''ily of II", .i,il. ",hi]. A.
Lippold. "J"Ot.,k" ... p. ) I. "Pro><' it. po;"';"i ou, thO! the ch'OIloi<>l<y or ",n"
Ie."", li,,1e ,oom fo. il .
.. J",om,. tip .. }I. I. «I. t. t!ilbt,&. CSf./., )' (1910).Jj7.1.-JlI. I • • nd Genn,diu,. n.
.ir" ,"I.""h.,. <9. ,d. E.C R;,h .. doon. T<x« u"d Uo""u,bung<n. I•. I (l.<'p.;g,
111I<i1. 7~·1 - • .
.. Jon" of AnI'''''''. n. ;",,,10";,. fi. 7•. D< Boor. t ·x",,,.loj,,,,,k•. ) . 1>0.6 - 1.
'fh toJosiar' SIIaHsioll 1(' Allas/asias


With th~ p~ of Thcodmim ~nd the nomin~l ~ccc"ion of hi,

young sons, the circumsunce~ of the thron e experienced no linle
ch'lI1ge. These new conditiOn< cou ld not but hove repercm,ions on
the public display of the monarchy and itl officcrs. Thc Spanish
emperor i~ uW-'l lly credjted with ~ low opinion of his sons'
c~p~citic" hence the of powerful official. hke the M."er
of Both Servicc5 Slilicho in the We,t ,,"d the Pr"elOri~!l Prefcct
Rufinus in the EaSt.' o A later Sou rce d.ims that Thcodosius ~nd
Are~dim both took me~mn" to cmun, th,t their som were
prevented from ~ecomp.nying the ~rmie. on ~ ( Since
the emperors could 'c~rcc1y h:lve ignor ~d the recent di5~ ,tc" of
V~ler", M~ximus and Eugeniu., tht n 'port fits wdl with th~
context. At 3ny ute the (~ct re1l1~im th~t th ese emperors did not
person.!!y Ic~d their armie" thereby inaugurating " tn dition
which w •• to 1-'1" over two centuri •• ," Tht· new c", tom w ..
he.vy with con"'quencc for victory cdebr~tion •. for it me~nt th.,
imperial triumph,,1""tic. w"rc now dep ri ved of ,heir dun,,,. The
new style of scdent.ry cmperors residing in Comt;lIItinoplc
con tributed to 1nlking impcri~ 1 coming, .nd going' r~ther b,"~1
occurrence •. However they may have been billed at the time. any
entries by emperor> into their upit.l wert· no longer homt'com-
ings from the periJ. :lnd glorin of th e front, but merely procn,iom
from ~ suburban pa l~cc." Another com-c'quenee of the limited
cap~cities or intere'! of Theodosius mccC!>ors w>< !h~! the old
emperor's p~s,ing mhered in.n era in which the Augusti reigned
but did not rule, in which the Center 'tage would be dominated by
gre.t bureaucr~u, men who n.tur~l1y ,ought to m~tch the reality
of supreme power with it. external trapping. and perquisite,. A
final factor to ben in mind lS we revi~w th e development of
victory celeburion' in thi, period w~, th.t the new rt"iigion now

" S",in. 1Io,_E..,;". l. ,,6,

U John l.yd",. lk ...t i"",i ••" 1"1"'1, RO,"""i. '. " ,00 j , , ( , <J . Ie Wii" " h (i<ip"R.
l\>O)). 61·~-" .n~ (Jo.,-q.
" 11>< ,,"~'gu< "f , in;"" "",,,,, w(!h WhKh Th<nph)·I ,,'", Si",,,,,,((<> Ii""
M.uric<·, "t<mp' ,,, mnJoc' ,~ , ""'Y '0 """ .~.i,," ,.. A,·", "p",b.bly " ,
<xpr"'OOn of rho "",",ocncy'",pp''''';''" (0 Jirw j"'l'<ri.1 p"'i,ip"x", on (he w",
Hj'lC1jM. J. 16. (If. "p . ' . <d. C De 11<,,,,- 1'. W(I(h, ><><1 <Xl!l ( L6p"i~. (~1'). ,, 1. 1IL
" Set: 1><10"". Ch . J. n. Ji .
Devdopmm' ;n ,he I~,,, Roman fmpi"

bcc~me incrcasingl y and irresistibly entrenched in the public life of

the ,ule.
W ith;n months of Theodosius' dcath, the citizen, of the eas tern
c~pilal were confrontcd with a clear in'tance of the new political
confIguration's repercu ssiOn! on imperial ritual display, The all_
powerful position of th~ Proctori. n Prefect of the East came to •
swift and brut al end on n Novem~r 395 a, he w;o, assassinated;o l
the young emperor's .ide, during a review of the troop, returning
from the campaign againll Eugenim. Ruflllus' severed head was
placed on the end of a spe.r and paraded into the capiul.nd down
its .v<'nue, in the ritual insult which h.d become tr.ditional for an
imperial victory over. usurpcr," Wh.t i. import.nt for our
present purpose i, to note th . t Arcadius hinHelf d~ not appear to
have been threatened. Ih. t, although some sources such w.s
hi, intent, Rufin", was never dearly .ccused of usurpation. :md
that the victory was not so much th.t of Ar"dius as of one COUrt
faction, identified with the Grand Chamberlain (PratpOlilul lau;
c~bjc~li) Eutropius,""
TheloC comider .. tiom lend credence to Cbudian's vit riolic
account of wh at looks vcry much like " triumph.l entry into
Constantinople cekbralcd by Ihe same Eutropi,,! to mark a
muc"f"l c:lmpaign .g.imt the Hum. Although it i. ting~ d with
s~ tire - the cunu,h', p~r~dc de}erve, to be introduced with phaUic
't~ndards - the description offen a preciou! glimpse of a victori-
om gcner.l', p~rade.·· Eotropim is met by .n O((W,,~, or

.. Hi, . """i""'n wilh t. . ,·u lk<,i""" ]'''<1'''"' " ]'«(<<1 w"

<q",lly lidKUkd, ~nc<
hi, h."~ I"" "''' <",0«1 .",""d Ih. ""Y by P""pl< ctY"'~ 'Giv< 10 ''''' ,n .. ,i>bk!·
7~"im"', 11",- n". , J, 7, ". ro . l. M '",k"~,h" (l"p>i~. 1117), "J,7---j1:
Phii""o,S'u" H", tl. ). 11;&> , 1J) .6---II:Jerom< , I:p. 00. 16.• ' Hilb<'i. CSEL, J. ,
J70,J - 3: A,,«i", of Am."". 1f,,,,;I'" (CPt; , 1,(0) .•. 9, I, <>I . C l>mn" (l<yd<n,
..,.; 0), ' l,ll-'~' CI,udi,,,, I. R'fin" .. >•• ,1 - )9. <J . T. 11;<1. MCII.AA , 10
(119'), ' <,>--10: cf: R"finu,' d" • .." i.,d., '"·1'7-Jj.
.. Thu, Jerome roint<~ l y d;"",,,,, , .. r.t< <>f Ru~"u< ,mong th< p.i."",< .;gn"''''''
Ep .. 00. 16. j , Hilb<,S, CSEL, J . ,J70.'- J, not ."lOI'g ,h< IO"Y ("" of Y'",p<'" 00,
j S.•. ! htb.,~, J<>9. 16---'0: d.JII. lIu,y. Hi'"'' oJ,1« I",,, R_ ... £ ..p;",ji-"""I« ...,"

oj 'n",,u.,,,,, I" ", H'" ojJ""'."", ' (loooloo , '9'J), pp. 11 '-I J' E. D<mO"R<ot,
n. 1'"",,1. I. .i,;,;"." p'''' r... .".,i., }iJ-' ''' t ·, ,.; ,., k ZOW''''''''''.' ;"p,,;,1
(P";,, '9iO). pp. I JO-!, d"ubt. "'y ""'n~ly ,h .. h<.om <",m.i,O«I ,b< po<<ibit"y,
A, C,m<mn , O ••di.. , P''''r Mi~"'" 0<,,,C,,".J If_i., {O.(o,J. 11>701,
pp, !Y---?O" mor< cir<um,p<Cf. bu, ",11 douhtful, Sc-< '00 .. low. Ch . 1, 0.
,. CI'ud;,,, , I. E.,,"p'.", I, '11-6. IIi", !j,
welcoming deleg.tion. he cnter! thc city, Jdivns ~ harangue on
his victories and request, the consul.te :.. his rewHd."
Constont inoplc', nexI opportunity for triumph.l dispby
ocCllrrcd when the capiu l wa, frecd from the perceivcd men.ce of
the M .. tcr of Doth S",viccs G.inas and his Gothic g .. rison ,
Fra"ilta. M oster ofBolh Service,. seem! to m. de. triumph . 1
enlry j"to [he c.pital "ftct defe.ting Gain"," T he ~ampaigns
which ,ccurt'd Ihe city ', ,.rety were commemorated on the
narrative reliefs of the triumph.l column erected by Atcadius.
Unfortunately , the' complex and enigmatic designs which arc
preserved th.nk. to vHiom early modC'rn sketches of the lost
monument still a wait their definitive stud y and they c.nnot yet he
fully exploited for uur p"rp"""." Onl' >ehol .. has SlIggeS!l'd that
the reliefs included :I convcllicntly ,tyli'.ed rcpre~nt. tion of.
victo r y cdebration in the H ippodrom e, '" More ' ignific:ll1t .nd
somewhat les! .mhiguous is • ~'1ucncc which, in the Louvre
drawin),;, .ppe." to ,kpict:l triumphal elltry by," emperor. or,

" l.i4. , '1'-"'. Hi" , 8) - 0. Cf PLRE, >, «,-,.

" [ u",p,",. I:>' "",,",,i,. 'i;. 70. h .-"p,. hi",,,i,,.
'd. U .I' . Hu;",-·",," .• (Ikrtio.
' oc<I)·0'·1- " b ~j ~ptfl,a"" ~;;.• d>"~I";'" ~.I ,~~o l';>< trr.~'-Ir" t ol f~'
KW'~t~",h",-, ""." . to to" W>ft of rom",. !-"~npW<. u,",lly m"n; 'with K"'"
ommony'. Th"" fo ' '''"'PI< , 1't,,1o>,0r~I" " >CCO""' of,,,,, "i"o' r~,,1 ,o"y of
Th,oJ",;u, I'"<0 Co"mmmork H" . 9, 19. lJi<k,-WonI:<lrn , nn "J: ;",p~pW<.
1.1 r~. Kw","ra""",,,,"o,,, "'''al>,
" Th, muI< ""1''-'"'''' wo" hal ""'" <10<>< by Kollwi" , 1'1;";0, 1'1" ,,!f: G.Q. GiKI"~i ,
U. ,01"".. Ji ;1.;..1" • C"''''''"''p''I, (N ' rl<>, rOj 'i . • "d ~k"";, Col"" •• , pp . ",!f.
er. too I{ , G"~ g. 'S)"m rh"" .. " " ioo ,,, ",,,,k',,, A" ;""8' of'mp',i.t h.. nonny ''''
,,,,, b.", of ,h< colum" of A".d,,,,. 11" ~11"i., jO ('.77), ."" -~ , .
0.0 lke."i. C.Io .... pp . ')7'- ••. A~"n>t KoIl"."" PI'W,k, PI'. ,, -, (,,«goriully .f«r
• "",,,ikcl ,omp"i"",) .nd (; i ~hol" 11""/;', PI'. 'llf.;. C,Io"",. rr. 1 rr lf.
cI,,",<cl '0" ,0. Luu,,,, ""wing (f'g. >- J) on"" "1''"''"' •«1,,[ from to. ,olumn
uf T"",,,l<H'u,. Hi, ,,~''''' ''''' <t< b."," on ,0. m i..", ,1 ''''"p''K'''' ", w«n th,
",jo(I> r< "~;'",,, ' .n" 00 "'" """'ml)' ""r <0",,,,.,,". tn .M,,;on '0 th, pmlkl'
pmdu«d hy Kntlw i". """, fo, <x,nop l<. th" ,h< mol, ;" 'pi,.l ,of ,0. ",,,'h , iok in
,he ~" ,hf,<I " ",,,,i,,S h" "",,o.ocl 01", "<.01 uf tl .. ,;'" ho,,. (Ik"tt'. pt . 7Jb): cr
p",ci.dy to. um, "cl<l<", ,n ,0. Lo",,< "mn (4 i ... pl. 7ib). Th, ",.1 p,obl<m
wnu ld ,!O<" l>< ,h., th, di"''''p,n,oe. ",om '0 ,die" in" ,"",;", ;n ,,,,, , ,,.,.,,
""wmg, . • "" " ", u"ck .. wow-h , if '''y, """'" " mot< '<C""',. Kultwi"
"guo> (PI."i• . p. "J to" to. L""", ,k,t<o m"i"t<'pm,d '0 "my on 'M n,,,," .. .
" iumph.1 p"'''' , A"u.tI)·, th, .p!" .....,,, nf th, <>",<1, w>th boo"d '''''''y k-,,,,,,
." .. Jclk ,, ~" <> pow<tfutl), fo, rh, Luu,", ,,,i!l " f,i,oful"",. "nc.. " i, nnt
g,,,,,,,tly know,", """I, w<t< fr"l,,,,,dy used m r",d", of inf, my on I", '''''qu''y '
"" I><to"', n, 0"
D.vdopm~Mr iM Ihe Inter ROllinM empi,.

perh~ps, ,. Roman comm~nder (figs, 2- 5).6' T he parade begins

with two mounted officers (?), fo llo wed by a group of Germani,
b~rb.rian •. Th e latter arc c ••ily identified thank< to their di.t;nc_
tive dothing (the men wea r pants) and long hair. They ~re
walking with their ha nd, bound behind their back s, They arc
A,mked by Roman wldien and beastS of burden c..rying what
' pp"ar to be shield. and 'pean, perhap. meant to rcprc"'nt booty
from th e campaign. Next COme. what look< like th e comm an der',
group. Imide the ga te or triumphal >reh there i, a horsem.n
holding a 'pear, The main figure in the group is ckarl y the
horsem'ln who i. about to enter the arch: he is distingui,hed not
only by his po sition, but by the richer ca p" riwn of his horse. hi s
raised p,,]m gesture "nd insignia. He i, foHowed by 'lnother
horseman sim ibrly decked out, without the insign ia. Finally there
COme thrcc b",bui"n leade". They " re bound and ,tuddlc an
"nim,,] u",d in late R om"" p.",des of infamy, the camel. 6 , If
indeed the Louvre drawing depicts the column of Arc adim "nd
the commander in this paude is to be id em ifi ed as a Roman
general, the .cenc may represent Frav;«.·, v;cmri ous entry into
Const~minopk. OtherwilC, it either mows a triumphal entry by
Arcadiu, which is not attested in th e written wurces or refers to
quite , ,,other event,·' Whatever the pre~isc identity of the
commander in the lost relid, the "vidence of the ritu al insult to
Rnfinu. and the app"rent triumph al en tries of Eutropius and
Fravitta all indica te th . t, around th e turn of the fourth century, th e
highcn official, of the eastern government came to enjoy honors

" If 'h, loo.", d ..... ing w<'" ",I"bk fm ,~,h • ,m.1l <1<,,;1, tl>< . "",n« of. di. <I<m
fru m 'hot ;"ili.idu,I' , I><lm<t ,.out.! b< l"'"mpt"'T p"'o( .g.imt hi, ;mpe,;.l ".!Ut_
It H "'" ,k..... hy tit< pn""'," ,om, .j" the "';,<0<;"," ,,,mmond<T. " .. ,pinl ,1>0:
h"ic ruk ofb,,, Rom>n p,=kn<e which """v,d 'h, I.., pl. ", in '''Y pTO«'H,on
fm , ho mutt ;ml"""n' ponon_
" On ,he ,p«.d .nd ""' of "m,h ;n tho R"m'n 'mpi« , E, P,mooS''''' 'L«h,m"u
.. rAfriqu< du N",d rom .... ·• .-1 ....1<,. t,,,,,,, .. ;.. ,_;JU" ,;.;r""'....,. Ill,....,) .
>0\1-". wOo mi>O<d ,hi, fu,,«ion , f'n' . " .It.d in the (0""1, u n,u'1 ' ~ '''.... H.._.
I. >. PC. 67_JI IC. cf, Sown><n, H~r",;. ,,,k,;,,,,·,..J. 7. J. ,d_ J- Bi<l<• • nd G.C
H,n",". GCS jQ. ,"d N" (lkrlin. ,.,.;0). '0>. ,<>-u:John C~"""l "r"; " ,d_
L Pind",f(Bo"n. " J ,). <", ,0\-,,: Prooop,"" &It.. 7, p. l , H,u, y. ', 4,..,---<5.nd
H;".. ;, '''''''. , " ]7. ,d . J- I-h u,y .od G. Wirth. ,nd 'dn (Ldp';~. I ~J). 76" ;-, !:
John of Nikiu, 97. 'J. Ch"tt. , 1110.
u 10 .hi! lut W<. Il<"";" ""'~ g<"ion tla. i . tho,., Th",d",i",' ";,,m ph of l'" would
<1<,.,., u"fui "',"""y : CO""",. p_ "1_
which h"d long .ince been comidned an imperial monupuly ,6'
Three other victory pr:lcti,c. em be ""oc;,ted with the G,in"
episode. When G" in"s :lnd hi! G",h. first left [he '''piul, their
departure , nd the ·delivery' uf the dty were marked by
th,nhgiving services.·' The fin,] denouemem of the alfair ,,,me,
by design or "ccident, in th,- midst of the solcmn fe'tiva] of the vola
publica for the wcll-~ing of the ruling emperor>. The Hunnic
chieft"in Uldin defc"ted , ud killed C, in" two d"y' bdorc
Christmas of 400_ On J J,nuary. the emh, lmed hc"d of th e h"tcd
Goth waS carried in triumph into the capital and p"raded through
its streets. oo Circ", spen"clc. HC ""0 reported in connection with
this victory.·'
In tb e West, the sudden defe ,lt of Cildo, the Ma ster of Both
Services pu Aftiram. m. y h. ve offered Honori",' court the
occasion for victory ob,er""nce,. The evm' w", cen. inly com-
memorated bY:l number of imcript ions at Rome,·' Stilicho'.
Gothic victories :I t Pollenti. "nd Verona in 40~ were celebrated
two ye"" l"ter when Honori", , nd the power ~hind the throne
Came to the ancknt "pit,,1 to open the emperor's sixth co nsol,te_
The festivities included a triumphal entry, harangue and circu'
'pecr"des. They "ppe.. to have been memorialiZ<'d by {he I"'t
Rom~n triumph. 1 "rch_~· A clme .naly.i, of the c~remo"ie,
uncoven evidence of rhe incr",sing ex"ltJtion of th e emperor's
statU, in Rome . It "Iso "'ggn{, that there wa. a profound
difference in the perimetc.. of .ccept.b]e (eremoni,l deportment

.. 5« below. Ch, j, 6.
.. Syn<>iu. Qf Cy«ne, A,tIP';;' " J, ,d. N. T<",~h" Hr"" ' " 'r,~ .I •. , (1<0"'<_
'9,,], "I. 'J- , I. on 'he im<rp,<u' ion of which >« b<low, Ch, ) •• ,
•• :z.o.;mu •. Hill . " . ' . ,. " . j. M"odel,,,,),,, ,. ).<-1 ; l'~,Io"O'Ki" " /I. • .. 11. S.
Ihd« - Win~elm . "n , ')0" 7- '0' Mmdhnu, Lom<,. ",0 1, Moo"" "'o , "'u~ - Jo
C~","k'" ,."•• 1. , "d. l . O'ndo.f IBoon• ,S) , ). .1"7,' .-, 0_
., Eun,pi"~ no- "",,.m,, •. •
fl . 7>. ,d. U .P. BQ; ...... 'o, F.,c,,'p,. ~i"',,(
'9061 ·9<'1_><>---9'/ ·2, Cf. b<lcw, Ch . J. J .
(1I.. lin.

.. C).lIdi.n, D< , ...""", S'il~""il, " ) - 9. B;" , ' ... ""m, to '"~ ~ "" ,~>< «1<0 .. ,..".,
... ,," "'11«1 . , ,he imp<ri.1<".,rt, Hi, V, "~ I" ,...,,,/'" no",,,,'i. )M- ' •. Bi" " ' - 9,
''''y ;"dic." "'" "iump/l.1 ,d,b",.,", in ,h< p,in«', p"''''''< h.d b<," pmj<md
" R~,", bot w .., n.." .,.";.,,j ""t, r", ,h< in",,,p'''''''' CIL. 6 .)' ')6 , 6. I r37 .nd
.. On dI. "iun'ph.l .t<h, ficb.iB<r-S<h",,J,. 1'''''1i,"''m .. I''I . 'j-~. nO, '-' d,
I<,nl<,. 'Triumrh"" , Rt·, lA r (19J91. )7J-.9). h<" ,00 , n<> • • ),

-. ~

;fJ'. < "


Fiprt z. Triumphal procasion (5« pp . 4\1- }O)
Fit"" J . Triumph.1 processlOD (Ott pp . 49-$0)
FillUff 4- T riumph~l procruiun (<tt pp_ (9- S0)
.: ,

by Ie.ding offici.1b ofrhe western empire, in contrast with wi".
we h~ve jusr ob.nved in contemporary COllSuntinople _'"
The prestige of 'he !';ov,'rnmen t ill Raven". c."",,,t I,.ve bee,"
bolstered by the f~1 1 ofStilicho in 408, Two years latcr, ,h<' <Jck of
Rome by Alaric <ent ,hock WdVe, actoss the Mcditnranean. T hi s
deeply fdt Jismcr not only triggered rhe lofry react ion ofo City
of God: it unle. shed • sp.t,· of altcrn prs ag"inst HOllorius" [h ronc _
In 4' r. the he.d of the "'''rpcr Const"mine w .s brought,
prn"mabl y to R"TnnJ, Wh('[lC" it may hay,' been di,patched to til<'
ptovi"ces." The fol lowing ),c"r.lhc gri,ly rdi n Oflh<' ,,,"rpc",
Jovinus ."d S"b,<I;." were carri ed ;n [f;umph ill'" the Adri.tic
('pit:ll (fig, 6).72 Althollgh no record h,. >u,vived w document
the weotern ob'ICrv,nce, celebrating the mtlfdn of the king or the
Visigoths, in Const''''tinopic the announccment. Oil 24 Sep"'mb,:r
4' j, of hi, ."".ill>lion in Spaill w" tre,ted as a fnll-Acdg,'d
imperi.l vktor)'_ II w., immedi ately "",ked by ",,,,turn,,]",. The next d" y>ract·, . ml , hai led the westcrn
government'. 'vicw,y '.'" Victory cc!ebrJtion. had I10W b<'C0I1lC
'0 inJi'pc""ble ~n clemen' of ,he 1,,<·, Rom,,, <l0vcml11~"'"
public and military ,ncc e" >0 rare a commodity that evt'll
politic.1 murders were comidcred , fitting opportnnity to prJ i",
the prince>, yinoriomncss.
Th e c'ptmt· of Pr iscm A tt . ln •. one_time n,,,rper and erc. turc of
th,' Vi,itl0!h., offned , more pf()m;,ing opportunity for fcstivit;n
in both p~rt$ ,,{the empire , In 41.\, the pr;",,,,:r prcs('Iltt'd to w.,
Ii onorin' .nd his right h.,,,1 tecdvcd tOken mutil.(io,, _ Thi,

,. s« ,h< ,<d ''''>unt, 1><1",." Ch . " , .

" coo,_ Cpl..""•. ' .<' I. Mnmm",n. "<'. The ~"bl<J '''CUlJn' '" 1'00""" ,"'-"mf of
O lymp;'>do,", ((~ _ '").;, not d"" B,hl.."",. ",d . "", "",,' y, "17) · ')-"· Cf_
I'LRli, l. )'6-17,
" .1""" " R.","",,, ' .• _< ' ' . "I. " '" OO/f", ,,_B,.,-hoif. nd W . Kiih I,,,.. ~ ; "" ;II"" ,o, ,"
',",>:.1>< "" ,'n"~cn R;vc" ''',,, A"n.Ien·, .1!... ,,,.I.I,IIII',, ,n ,11"""1 0] A_
1\;"K.r,., Pori". j (C'mb,;,r~ •. M ..... J9M. r'J-)i, her" "7 ,-•. ,11 ",,,,,,'.1 "'"~.
P''''"''' <>f tI'''T IK·,J, (un< ;, ,hr;, "'"tI~-, S-II""",,): Ail; ..",," ,. oJ I" "'f""'"
H•• ,"".,;" • " 1, <~ . T Mo",",,,,n, MGfl.AA. " ( "~') . Joo_ A«",Jing ",
T"'",ph,,,,,,, A.M . 1""" I '" 1100" •• .» _ 0. ,he h<,d, w<r< ><m to Room'. , I '"ou ~ h
,I>< [..,mu!>,i"" ~,~~"" ,h" ,h" i, '" "'fl' f", R.. <"n,_ Cr. ,., ,h.". u'"'p""
I'U!F. >."" >: 'FI', 'S,""";"' 2', "'J. 'o;"h,,,i."", ,._
" Ch,,",~,," p."•• k, Ilurm. l7l. ! - '" ,[ b<l" ... , Ch . j , '.
"tr.~1 W II ar kt,.



{I..".. •

'i' • •• •
Figu" 6. n"pby of dcfc ... d pr.""d",i he.d, (oc. p. ~6)

p'c,um.bly took pl.,c at R,ve"" •. " Perh.p . .. yo. r b rer,

Honor;", "w"ntcd tile b, t rcco rd"d triumph.l obs.crvance. of a
Itom.n empno. ill the ."c lent c.p it.L They included a triumphal
mIry, Jur;ng which the h.p!c.. prete nd er was furced 10 walk in
frO'll of Honor;",' tri,,,nph.l ch ari ot.H It IUY have been on thi,
OCC";UIl. mmcowr, th.t a R u m :>" cmP<'r<>r fir" incorporated
;"''' [f iu mph.1 , jw.1 the <o-". I),d (~Ir~ rio (~JIj, the .nciell! ge<tur,
, . 0,,,,,", , 1M . ...· ,.M 1. " , •.<"'"""', ,51.9 - 'Q; M""II",u, Com... . .. ...
M"""",,,". 11 J- ' . Uj.nop ........ ,", (ft _ I)), ,pod ''h""",. ~,.li"JI"'. ",d. 110,
H"",. , ' 1'>' ' ' -0)
" P""r<' 1'''Q, fr''''''' ,' ,........ " 7. ,d . T Monlml<n , .\I(;II.,1A . 9 (' 19')·, /11·
of {0I.1 victory in which {h,' vielO r r;tu.lly t.. rn pled his victim_'·
Perhaps ,; multaneuu!ly w;,h the .ule",,,;{;,,,;n Rome. Urm,. {he
City Prcfe" of New Rome . w.tched ov"r a spectacle (.9t:npo,·)
perfurmed in hunor of th, ""<:Itcrn empe ror'. victory in Com(an_
,;nUI'!c On ~H June ~,6_"
On 6 Seplcl[,ocr ~ll • • n important victo ry over the Peni."s
..... as ."nounc<,d '" the caS1nn c.pital. While d" , of {he
cdebr.,ion, .n' u"known. i{ ;s de .. th.t conte ,npor.ry rhelOts
vied with One .nothn;n composing p.negyrics for ,he"",
E"en the ,',,"peror', wit,· got un tlU{ p..tkul .. b."d_w.gon _'" 11 i,
.1.0 d;\I;nctly pu,,;blc ,h.t Tbeo<i<><iu. II founded .nniwr«try
games lo co"nnc",o .. te hi, , uccess.1O The ne_~' yen > (he,h

" TO< '"" Q(~~'Jo.,Of~ ' U', /I.,,, «l ~k"" ,n,1 Win~d,n."". ,,,,<,t--') "nf"nunmly
I." • t"uo. " • , ,,"'u 11"" '''. ,h h".. ~h ''''' 1'1. ,,,in ~ ' U!\l5:"" ,I." , ,./,.. ,.. "" ,b.,u,
,.. ;.., p... fum"J _ N;'TV'." .. , C ,II;~u ' x.",OOroo iot. I/iq",j. ",/t,i,u." '), ) l-
PC. ,,6, IO~.C - I)_"" .. ,Ii,' oc,""i;"', . "k.", " 'hi< 1"';'" of{,,, " ,,,,,n', WhKh"
~"", ,,lly ", ...,1 "" l'l1, ...... "~~'u,, Huu·<" .... X'n'OOpou"" 1. ..1 ,ht um< MS o(
Ph,J.",o'~,", ,I." I... ""'" ,~n'.-n '0 .. , .nd lhoc, IPh<l""m~"", ""_ "' .. 'pp"""')
, ,,,,Wk,,,J '"" X ,,,,00,,.... ...... -.Jd" .,,,.1 ,," ,«" 1,'''' '''"-'''''''' I I( (, C;, (~."" .",1
K, AI .. ,J. ·D... Q .... lk" ,k, K" """,~c~-h,,h" d... N"'phmm u"J ih« Ilnk,,',,"~
Hi, "I< K ,,"'''' Uk""" ~ ok, '1',,,,, ok, >!,,,,n I.,,,,, ",,,'.
~ ' " 1><" l;,",,",ifi 1"' dot
.""'''_"''~'' " ';'''"''''ji,", " I'",",. '0, ". 1><<<
"" ,nd lIow<v« , ,,'II),
0"" ,I." x"""',,,.,.. .... I." o",,,i,1 a",""'om~ A,,,I .. '
'~I"-'."""."" ,I,,,;; . 1",
I..d.m~ '" " I"a.:...,~~"" ()" ,,~ ,I., .."'
on ",,""" """I''''Y, "" C. S,,,I, IJ"
& ....< G'~NO "oJ R_, (l" p,ig. " YO). pr' 100", ,nd FJ !)DI~". U'"
f .. " ok, S;'g<" ,~r d<m Kupf OC' Ik,,'~«n , VI< S",~«~d l ""g Am"", ".,;/"
... C";"",.". ) IM;io~« . '9)')' > " _" T"" ,,~.......,on '0 I.,,, b«n ,n
""""~,,p"K.1 ,,,,,m, 1><1'""" <" ,,,cd ,h< ","""KY of iml"'".1 ,,,.. mph.1g" 'u<"_
TIm " why $h.pu, " ,uPI"""J to 1.,,'< <""".~«l h" ",1 ..... ," ~r V,k".n ""n"
I<.o",.n 1""""" l """,,,", /).... ,,;~, 1"'''''''''"'". ,. , -.' <",
J- MOl"". " SC, JQ
(P "". '9,.), ') _0- ,", c r, J. U.t><k>n. . L, 'h< m, """''It'' ph, q"" d< I. vwok"" ,
S"N' f,,,, .. <4 '0 I) M. 1<001__ , , (St lo,,,,, ,.,,1. '7i - ',. """ '7 ' - ~. ,nd E,
[)",kk,.v"" Schul><". ·fu"",,'-. I-" .. ""~,,',,,~,,," '''_~ .. phi<. '(",]QI, "'---9
A ,,"n' '''''Huh. ,,1 ~'"'r.,f '"" ~'"'''' willlo< f,,,,,,J '" E_ I/",,,"'ji,_
... S"wl,y.."'I•• _ G,""~I~!,. """ ' /"'"''' ''," S'''"~''".'r (S 'u"~"'. '9"'1,
pp. ,,,,If_
" C;"' ''''K,", 1""".1" u.u.""j7) '1-17' ,r IV/'/:. ,. "~'. 'U ,,",,'
" Su.'"",. H., __ 7. ,..I'G. on" '" 1J.
" [)'" of '''''''"",<0,,0'' eM,,"""" I""~'''' Bo.n. )",,'" - '0_ Cf A, lipl'<'M.
"i1><od<>I'"' II :. I<E, S. 'I ( '07 II. '" 1_I<. ,f",i[, ~ '" ,ht "0]< ' "'' ". '><x, '"C< , H." . 7.
, o. PC. "" _1ne_ I) ,,11, ,,,,,", ,h< f. ",W, '''''' '" 1',1 1..,1;", (,f. 1'1./1 E. " ., 0 _'0.
·P,II"' ... , f). who (ou ld~« f,om ,10< h,,;." f,",,' ,,, COO"'"'""'pl< ~'"hio ,I.""
J,)',_ (f ,I." """'''''' "'''.'' «<m, ",<1,
frum ,I>< ''''''''', ,"~"","d 'u Su< ",,~ by
P.11.di",. 1"',(0' m,"" in S<p"mb., " , . ,I.;, woo IJ i" ,ply ,h .. ''''' 'K' '" Y"",If w ..
~''"' ,h,.., .!.Y' ... ,,"'_ , '" ) S<p"",h<, .. '- W, "'oold '""" h.v, ,ht "pl."";",,
(0' ,I>< mY"",i,,", t.~i "'''''~ f", ,h" Jm n, ''''' I<.om.o "." "1<00,, ..f,ht m id_
\I.t urpcr M~ximm , ,,,1 hi, .,,,,ci,le Jovin1l< were brought to
R"ve,,,,,. wh~re they f'Ilured in a triumphal p .. " k whi<h ~dd<'d
hlner w Honori",' ITj(r""~li,,.' Q
In the half decade followin!: Alari,", ,.~~ of Itome. then. wc
h.vt' evidme<' of four im pc:ri.1 vioory ~,·kb'"t;ons. For d", clev""
ye .. period octween 4 t J .nd 4J!. the lOul i, six. or v.... ry ne.dy the
1,n,,' ,. in Ihe dec~de which follow~d Adri . nopk. Once .gain,
the,,' 'pp'"'' In oc • co rrel.r iu" ocr ween !-evert' "nd widely
pcrcdvcd !>I"w. ro impcri.1 p""tig" "IllI int<'",ifie"lion in the
rhythm uf;n'pcri.1 v;crory edebTlt;oou. Tbe more preurious the
(onum's o( the en,pt'r"" "ppeH"'l, ,he mOfl' nrgem the need 10
,hon' np !w.·licf in {heir i"vinc;bi)ity .nd to their
mediocrr 'uete'S.... 10 the 1'''1'",-,;"".
Down 10 th,· reign o(Honorim. til<" most di.tin ct ive dement in
wes,crn victory celehr>! i"", i, the cm ph"i' the ",rvi v;nll records
pl.ce "n triumph. 1 <·ntric·, into th" an~i,·nt ,'apit.l. while cirem
celebrations figured o"ly in a ...-cond.ny role. Althongh one m.y
m'p"n th.t the ,;tll.tion d;i'ft"Tcd .'un'~w h.t .w.y (rom the
tr,di,;un-bou"d snrruunding. "f Rome, it i. only . fter Honoriu,'
pas,;ng th., ,h,· flf,t r.-l;. ble "vidc'n ee o( .n import.nt neW
dcvdopmcm occurs. A .<tudy of ({'kbratiom ou,,;dc Rume
,uggcm th.r by ,hi. time ,he cirem .Ire.dy cuming \0 w.,
domin.le ..... ' te'" victory<-,;." It COn h~rdly oc ~
coin~idcnee th.t the .. me ,h ift 'ppe.r, tu u.;cu, in July preei!-el y ..
Ih,· outset of the n';g" uf (;,11. Pbcidi , .nd the yonng C.e,..
V.lem;"i.n JJJ . The new ,ul"T< of It. 1y were fre,hly .rrived frum
,he E"I when Ihe defe.ted """per John bruugh, '" them ..w.,
Aquilei •. A victory ce!eb"tion w., held in th<· ciry', circos. The
tradition.) of w.,
tr.",fnn·d to the aren •. where
John .ui'fcred .mput.tion uf • h.nd .nd whnc .uge_managed
.bu...- repl.ced th,' 'po m.meu", ;11>"1,, uf cit y ,treets. At Aqniki~,
i, w., th,· pr"fe.,iUll.i> ufth,' Ihe.ler who WeT<' emrmted wilh Ihe

f,fll, <t"'"'1' 1'"",,,,,,,, S,I ,,",. Ur,,,.I.J. J xJ"m,l><,. I><S"''' ' '''' (f <omm.
p . ."'"
.. .1 ...1,0, R...·... "'",. ' '', U""I>o/f, " " u. ..",,, .
C,II",. "'. ,d. T. Momm .. n.
MCn.1.1 . •. 016. M . "); M",.ti;nu, Lo''''' . • <", Mumm"'", " . " . , "Jmd.".,.
0. , ... "'" " ..,.,. ... "I ,,\(,..... "i"',,1'"
-""I" R ..."""' .... «1 , T. Momm"".
,\ILl 1..1.1 . J, ' {U<lii", ,,., 1·" ·1 ',no . p • . cr.
I'LRE, :. "J.
'M",""" J' ,,..j '.
0,,- 't<>",,", j '.
.. I<-< 10<10 ... , (:h. J. J.
publ ic , idicuk of (h ~ unfonurul,· u, urp" r.· J II i, ",.Iy fiu iug !1m
lhe I~S! ",cord.:d victory cd " br.{ion of thc wcS!cm Ronnn
em pire mould rn·... 1 N,'W R o mc', d ininc, j"" ,·ouph3, i. on {he
C",CUI .
Word ofJohn'J d,,~ ,h re~chcd C OIl ,u ou in" pk u Th~.w II
prn idcd over r~c~.. in lhe H ippodro me. In ~n ul1 p,,·(C.kou~..J
g~"lu ,,·. h" inl(rrupII:d {he 'P<'rt~ dc . ..",ouo""d {h( C,'en! ~ nd
immed ia{el y orlP"izcd • Ihank-gi vin!: p' oC<'Mi"" dow n f h ~
midd le of the H ippodromc .nd out to church. singi ng hym n. of
{h2nlugi vi"g . The empero r himse lf ' pe '" Il,,· rC11 o f {he dAy in
",· rvicCI. H
Th~" ks " 0 doubl fo {he poor ,{~{~ o f t he "~rr~1i1iC ",urcc •.
forty _four ye~ n go by before we eneOU" ter ~ n othcr " 'cor d of
i m peri~ l vicw ry ,il"', T oc,,-' were '{~g ed [rl lll ~ , k Ihe dcmise of
Atti b 's iOn Ik ngc:zich. Ii i, hc~d ... ivcd iu Corm~ Ul inopl~ du ring
races in the H ippodrome. Th,' token of vinory wa. p~rad~..J dow n
thc m ain bQukv ..d of the o pi ul. Ih( MM<:. l atcr il wn sel up
ou"idc ,hc bnd w~JI •. in ~ pbn· c~Jlcd Xy lok" . kus. The 'pec!>de
i . .... id to Iu"c anr.>"rd h ug~ "owd .. ..
Atlcmptcu usurpations su pp lied the preteXI for Iht nt xt
ex plicil ly a ueS!~d impcrul viclory «:kbr~lions. Tho,., of Zrno's
rcign publicizcd Ih~ fin.1 dcfc~, ~ nd cxccurior, of hi, fdlow
ls:r.urianl lIIu! and r.~..,,,, i,, ._ ln 48H. th ~ 3n..;,·", .;tu.1 of th~ p .. ~dc
of heads iruo Ihe cit y w as wlt-mnly en~C I~·d . In {y pi c ~1 C onst,n-
linopoli u n f~~hi o ". if cu lmin,ted at tb t· H ip po dro me in, public
di' pl,y for t h~ Ip<:CI, ton and th e vi cw ri uu> em perur. A ft,·.w ord ••
{he head! we.e SC I UP , I SI Conon" in Sy e .~. whc r~ the Ip<:cucle
once 'gain al tracted , i.. bk crowd •.• •

.. 1'10,1"""'1' .... 11 , ..... 'I. Ikd< •. , .~." - ,, P"",,,,,, .... &11.0. ,. , .•. I I,u, ~ •
•. 'IO. '~ OI~rnl'_'" (f, ."I, ' puJ """' .. ~ _ ,•. cod . .." 11<n.~.
, ,t7••~. c r. l'LIlfL i . •, " , .. 10.0 ....... ~ •.
.. So< ...... 11-< _ 7.... PC. N7,7YJ.A. d: John eJ" A... ",h. llot ...,J,,,. r,. I,. 1),0 Door.
&.",.. ... _ •. ) '1 ~
.. /oot ..« ....... (;onooft. . . ...... M............ , \10-, ...., {A" ,..... ,.......... , """" '~I I-~: d .
I'tHE. •. IJ.<- ,. , 0 M...... """_Itdf<n. 11w _II",. ''''''. SooJ"., .. o\rio .. _ ,
- ' .. ",.,. (,,"k.l<y, '<n)I. p. ,64 fOo ,10< J.o..
"" C... • ....... IIOM.)f\< ..... ... d. dot st..""., Of"""" 'I. ).I" M. S,..... •
....J C. 1>0"''''1. 0,,·_1, </ J<I-o .11.1",",. - . YIII_ XYIII (Ch""I". , • ..,1.
p. ,Oy; "Th«>rh ....... A.M. lo8t>, 1>< 1Iow. ,p .• ~- .I: M.".H",,,, u.m.. . •. .....
M~m'" ... ", . , .1)- " J~hn of An'lOCh. no. "'."',,. f~ . ...... 1:1< 1100•. ~~"'I''' ~,_;, •.
) " )9· 10 - 1' t'!.I<. f . I . j l~-\I'O' ~]'O- " 'l".",.. '7'
Theodosian simess;on to .'InasMs;us

An ,u t_l ius I too W~l forced to confront ~n [,3u ri_n revolt, the
fin , 1,uppre"ion of which W~l ob~r"ed in 498. The he3d, of the
dead rebel leaders, as well as Longinm of Selinm md Ind e, who
had been taken ~hvc, were ,ent to the capital. Longinmand Indes
were decked in cha ins and p~ raded down the m. in , venues of th e
capit,,1. During the victory r~c~s, the lsauri~ns were muched
through the Hippodrome .nd pushed to the feet of the victorious
emperor. who looked on from the imperi. 1box. the kalhiJm~.·6 A
eontempor. ry observer comp~rcd the Hippodrome feltivitics
with Aemilim Paullus' great tTiumph of 167 B.c., pcrh~p. in part
b~(.use of l'~ullus' ~ccompli,hmcnt of ,boli5hing th~ t,ibumm
thank, to his victory. The compuiwn i, p~ rticur.rly telling
bec,me it premppos.e<. in the minds of contcmporary Conu~n ­
tinopolitans, a clear identity bctwttn the ancient Rom_ntrium_
ph_I p""de _nd the victory celebration, in the fifth-ccntury
Hippodrome. n In recog"ir ion of their contribution to the
emperors succe<s. Anastasius' general, John the Scyth and John
Gibbus were honored with batk-to-back consulate, in 498 ~nd
499.·· To funher publicize hi, triumph, An, appe'rs to
have linked the victory with hi! fi,c~l policy by mppre.sing rh~
detested chry,-,rgyton tax in ito honor.· 9
The circumstances surrounding the next recorded victory
celehrltiom in Anastasius ' reign recall the le"on, of the triumphal
activities ,raged in the ,,(tcrm.. rh o f Adri,noplc and thc sack of
Rome. They e. me hlrd on the heels of the bloody Tri,h.gion
riots in Constantinople, in the mid,t of the revoIr of Vit~Jim, th e
.. p,;'e",,,. I>t I..... 11.""." i i "'1""' '''''. '7 ,....., •• J. E. II"" hf<'''. I'"" .. !.fti. i .. i".,,,. j
{L"ip"g. ' !i ll. >7"'of. ,· " M",dlmu, Com«. "'93. Mom ml<n . 9j.h"""9:
M,bl". n. ,",i.,i,. f~. )7. n. II"",. f'x"",p,, /';".. ,,". J.161·)-l' [ " S,i",
S<hol,,,;eu,.lIiu,,,i. ",I«;,"i". l. JJ. eJ.). Bid<. ,.J L. P'''mrn,'''' (l<rfidort. 1391).
' )1.'- ''': Th«oph ....... A.M . 1911. IX u....... 'NJ!-"O ." I'I.RE. '. '71-9 •
.Alh<nodorur 1'. W'. ·rnd",·. " " - 9. ·L,mgmu. l, ,'. On 'he dat<. ~ . ~t<'"' Ii,,,,,,...
B",./;"p;". > (D,,'g..,. '0'01. ' " 00 tho;ml"'",l ~<.Jan'". Cpl,~y •.• Pt' · ''' - 9 ,.J
R . G"ilbod. £, ..., .. ",",,'.phi. Jt C,,"""o';""pl, il".';." '. Iln];"." bp".~";>l_< A,Io<;o<o. )7 (D.,!, •. '9691 . pr. ,6>--03.
" Pri",",o. D< I,"", A, ,,..,,;. "4-7: d. PI"",,,h. A,roi/,", 1'..1". lS. Ill.
•• PLRE. >. t.o> -l 'oJ O,,- , S. '10""" " H . OJ' .
.. 0.. d", '"PI",""ion of ,00: ,h'r'"~y''''' .nd i" duo. K"'Y'm,opulm. F;"""z"",,,,".
pp. Ill>-" <f. S,~ " . "'" f"pi" . >. "'J- <. M.r.I". n. i",;Ji;,. fi· l7, Do ao,,,.
iix wp" ""ork•. ,.,6! .)- 7. ",om, ,,, "ubi;'" 'h< mm' d,,,ct IOnk b."w= th.
>i"o" ",rl " ..,"~.i _" <~. ,I~~. Mw~, bwpdt. ~M' rore O~"'''t.r" fOlO o~~
<1> ~t!f,," P~~,!.<I~, .
lkvdopmWI in Inr lain Roman rmpirr

Count of Fedcute•• nd • champion of Ch.lccdoni. n orthodoxy

ag.inst Ana't.siu,' ecde.iastical policies"" Afler • mediocre
'uece" which fell far .hort of deciding the struggle's outcome,
An"t.,iu,' dispatched a viclOry bulletin to the capit.L
This provided the emp"ror with • badly needed pretext 10
trumpet hi, 'victory' by means of. thanbgiving procession to the
c.pital', ,hrine, .. well os public ,,'" While these
celebration. m.y h.d the effect of calming potential rebeb in
the city, they did little to w.rd off the re.1 thre.t an and hi,
army, which were to menace the c.pit.1 repe.tedly before their
final defeat in 515, The jubiloliom with which Constantinople
celebrated the conte,!'S conclusion conform to Anamsius ' earlier
practice, Anastasiu. himselfled a liturgi"'l procession of th.nb-
giving out of the city's defences 10 Sosthcnion, where the
rebellious comm.nder had made his hc.dqu ..ters during the
siege.92 On the other h.nd, one of the inscriptions hOlloring the
eh,"ioreer Porphyrius seems to allude to victory races muking the
defe.t of V italian's naval forces'" Beyond the wall, of the capital.
we he.. of olle of the I..t provillci.1 celebrations of.n imperi.1
victory , It i, highly significant th.t this cdehration is not
remembered bec.use of the sulemn assembly associated with the
.rrival of.n imperial victory bulletin, circu\ ,.ccs, or d.ncing in
the 'lree""~ Our \ole record of it come! from the sermon which
was delivered by Severm of Antioch during the "rvice which
comtnemor.ted the fall ofVitali. n·· 0" the eve of the last phase

.. S«;n, "",~'''p;''.' . 17711', PLRt·, " "1, - 6.

" John uf Anl >o<h , D<i";j;j, , f~. 'OJ , D< no",. r...",p" ~;""ic" ] 'H.]J - '<j.' : d.
PL};,E.,. jN .
• , Th. d"utg ;, ..,.. co.,plmiy ,Ie", M""llinu, Com"" '. "" Momm ..., 09·, - 10;
M,lll". C!'''''I''.p~io, Bonn, <0 ).'0->: ,f M.I. I., St, • ., , 0. ), Spink._ Dow""y.
"7. Cf, A, Ch,"voo , 'Ob ...... iom .u. I. d.t« .I< l'£Iog, o' A.",,,,,do ,.,.j",,," do
Cmru'. I.." ...,,]6 (IV!?) , Jl9- jO, Hi, "'~S<>ti<m ,h" ,ho L..,
W" w'""'" for ,
';':''''1 " I,b",ion "'m"",in~ bo,!: .
" A.,.. I"io,.""". 'l , )Q, <- 6. '0. r·, Hulfi<<<, " (p.n.. 1970) .IJ'. un whj<h d,
C.m""". F"p'},i"" p... I .
.. FOf . deKnplion ofth' ... iv.! of.n ;ml"',;.1 v;':<o.y bull,,;" .. AIl'ioclo in "" fourth
"" ,ury. ""John Ch'y"",um. II ... ili. '9 i. M."h ...... PC. j?,ll' <>II<ing ,nd
,"ul,,,ion, Cb'y",,"om. Expo''';'''';'' P,.I_, (CPC. H'I), 7. Ij, PC. H,I.,. .
.. P, ....... d in 1M Syn" t=sI."ion by J , m<> of Ed=, .mong tho homilj", .l<hv"ed
in J' o-' J; H.""I .. " (epc. 7Oll), ,d, .nd II. M, UrIC", F. C ..If,n, C.JA ~"h,
p......J;. 01 .... J~ 1197'), <]<>-<'7' S"'I'Il,.loocomF""'d. hymn on Vi"li.n',
dore ... p,,,,um.bly fut ,h. '''nO 0" ,d"ed .. rvi«: HI'"'" m, 'On Vi"li.n ,ho
in the b te ,ntique dn-dopment of imperial victm y ,~k'b .,tiom.
the lit llfgific, tiotl of victor y edeb,ali o"" w>S ,Ire.dy wdlunder
w,y .
!n the CO UT"" of, cem",y . ud. quartc" .• numb.:r of ,igniflC. nt
trend, emerged in ; mpcr;,l v\emr)' observ.nces. At the beginning
of th e period, m.j<lf cdeo r"i""s w<"te "~ged in Rume. R ,venn •.
Aqui!ci> ,nd Co".",,,illople. By the b.:giT]lllng of the si)(th
ccntury, imperi.l victory f"st;v.l s h.d b.:co"" what they wuuld for ",.11 y cenn"i~, to come: • m"'Hlpol y of N ew It orne.
In .n .ge of " ' '''p.ti"", .he iI:,i<L y of defe.,ed empero'"
h,·.d, h,d become> common ",'C lIrren"" • .,d c ~crted. profound
.nd ,in;nn impact O il the coLk~ tive p,ychoLogy of the Later
Rom,,,, popnbtion. LLow d "" He we to expLain thlt • frenzied
mob conLd murder. herCli c.L monk in the midst of. reLig iou,
riot. r.ise hi, he.d Oil , pui<' .Ild nUt thru"gh the streets of
Cun~ .. nti"oplc ":".ming v,'nllean,c tu th,' ·cumpi r.tu"
th~ Trinity"'· Or II,.,
h" d. un <t.kel Wc' e I'Crceived.1 suitabLc
ornament fur. btt· . ntique 'calend, r' (tig . 6)1 Nor are we
surpri sed [0 ftml • hi!tori.11 .lSlnn\)'g that ",hell D,vid kill ed
Gnlil th, he ce kb'l[cd his '(c()tnr li ll"",'n, by ",arching into
Jerus.lem behind the gi.n'· $ he>d, "i!>Cd triumphantly on •
polc. n
Ncw contour~ .re
beginning to dllpe imperi.l viclUry ccle_
hratiotU. As [he ' ignificancc of [he triumph . 1 entry r~c~de,. the
prominence of cirem celebrat iom inercl""' , reflecting .n over.1I
trcnd in ,hc rimal di'pl. y of the monarch y ,nd !'<-'rh.p' pHtly in
re'pon"" to populu ta"e .·· lJarbui, ,,, u~ llU longer fed to the
be~", .nd. by the end of ,he' per iod, we Itop heuing of th e
erectiull uf niumphal uchn. Fin~lIy .• nd muSt ~jgllificlnt for
future developm~,m in Byz~ntillm Jl1d th~ bubar i3l1 kingdum s.
thc fifth ccntury wimc.""l thc devc\opmcnt .nd canunization of.

ly""' ,,-.J OIl 'he V"',,,y of ,I>< C~ ,,,'_lo,,,'~"'n""~o, ,he K"'~' (ere. ,.".),
«l , ,-.J n . E. W. B"",,'" ,I"" 7 I , ~, ' I. 7 ,0-- , "
T~' ""m"" "phi", h'iI'oo, "00,.
,h" v;"li," [" .. ,W,,,,OXO $<"010" d<PO'''M>O """uk of th< on,"tt"'~ '"'' h< h.d
w,i"," ,s' ;n" h'm; /I., .• • . • . H.. k,-P",,,o"',,,,. ' lI· 'o-') ·
.. E"g';u" 1f1.. J. H. IlId<, Pm",""" "~·'l- 'o; M.I. I". O'''''''F.,..., •. llo<on .
4"7. ,6- '9' JOOn of Ni ... . Cl,_~" IV. "0. C~ "k, ,,.,.
., ",,10 1... C .... _ t ..r~ ... 11<,"", .,6 ,0- ", , f , KlnS' '1· 10·
.. s.., b<low. C~ , J. ).
nt·w fo r", of vi([ory celeb",;,.,,,: the liturgical proces~jol1 of
th.nkog iving.

J. F A" M JUS 'l NtA N 10 Tin OUTH U :A K Of


The rln~1 ph~,,"' in the' ,kv.-iop",,·n t of bll' antique vlctu,y pr.1<"-

,icc' rep'e", "" " long p..:riod of tr.",i';on. I" .ome ""'y'. th,-
fitS, sign. uf. new agc arc al.eady ev ident in t he [l-;gn ofjuS(ini,n.
in the ,ha pe ufa Ill'W infrin R"metlt on the impe,i.l monopoly of
victory or ch ang ,,,, in ,10,· main amlienu' for victory celeb'Jli"" •.
The deepening ch.i,ti.n;zat iun u( society and 'Iltickening cri,e.
brough, ~d,kd im pew , a phenumenon which did not e<cape ,he
nut ice ofluh n ,he Lydian . Although hl' cla;m' only to c"m mc·nt
on • cri ,;, in ,k R oman R,·publie" . ncient hi<lory. it would lu w
~en difficult fur a contemporary to mi" th e point ;n )ohn ', dry
ob""rvotion thot the most o bv;ou, thing ~bout peuplc whu 10k<-
refuge i" li,urgic.l entre"i" in time uf war is thei r "xpectatiu" of
ddc.t"~ He would nOt have' oc"n , urpr;M'd by develop"'l''''' in
the, following hi. de" h_
The fir" victor y celebration. in l[1 l\ini.,,·, long reign "'l"le
perhap' a,sociaICd with im p<-· , i. l 'UCCe" ~g' in" [he PeTSi.n, It"Jr
Dara in 530. J ohn the L yJi,,, W~< "",,,,,,i,,io"ed '" "''''p os<; ,ome
kind of account of the operation. and it i, not i"'po"ibj~ th .. thi,
.ceoum ' ook the form of, pallq;yTk. 'uu Whether the victory
w," honored wi,h r' ''$ i, nut known; it W 35 ceTtai n Iy memorialized
by an equestri.n " .tue of the empeTo r dedi c.tcd by the Praeto Tian
PrdeCl Ju li .n . T ypically mOllgh for the period , ,he "alue and
.ccomp.nying inKription "'nc plucd in the Hippodmme .' 0' III

.. John Lydm. [J< ...~" ".." ••". ' . )'. W unKh .• 0_.-._
, .. [~-. J. 'I. W"'",h. "O.J - ' J . 11", P>''''~' " ",,""nm'" """prr«d " «fm"'" ' 0
. n ;mr<,;. 1 '''1''<''
'0 ~";1< • h , ~",y of 'he W". p,,,h.p" I><"<',u", of 'h, 'pt ..<n,
in ~"I1p-l I'" , _. ~"hp'" ( , ,"_ '''- , 'i '0TI",<
yd;dn. '. , (PU! E, " " , J i_
T.., "',;!< <00"". how,ve" "-,,,<em, p.n<~,"<> w"'f'U'<'\ by John , "'" ,u,h.
" .. on D ... w",,1J "",m tu f'(c'l",lIy w<ll .... ", On 01 .....·"n. ",<",",I,u _F"pi", ,.
'" '/1>< ,",.",pt;"" i, p"""y,d in the r .......... A"," lon OJ' A"o.l":I i'J"'"' ' , J . ,t.
Au b,,,,,,, .nd f, nu Ri< "'. ' J (1''''" '<>80 i_' OJ, ,)1",",...", .. ," fo"",, , «f«"",,, '"
1'_C,,,' " J"",n",,', " U'II" """'f <,"b",;"" '. hS .• ' (,,,.,,). '''- OJ. he",
the "'m~ ),l-U. JU 'fi"i~n edl-br> t~'{1 ~ victory won on hi. beh~lfby
the b~rbarian k illl: ond M aster of the Troop' Mundo . A .pectacle
wa. .t'l:"d ill th~ I'lipp"d",mc which indudcd • p~rade of th e
booty.,,'" carti...-•. a mo ng whom wcrc • HuigH king. '" A
funh cr dcdication in,crip tion wa, appHcntly added to the new
cqUlost ri." ",,,non,ent by ,he City Prefect F.ust.thius. ,ol
Two ye.n la ter. J",t;ll;an an nounced the suppre,,;on of the
Nib uprisiu g and th e usurp.t ion attempted by Anut ..i",·
rd"ivc, in • vi ewr y (i reu l. , ",n t to the cities of the empire.
Jon!. ,,,". d . im, wh ~ t tk ", is<i "e , ugg est •. th.t Justin ;.n celebra ted
th e cru,h in g o f the rnolt ., a vierory.'o, The evidence is
co"'idcra bly better for ,he next ~re.t cere mo ny o f the reign , when
Beli,.ri u' ligh mi" g ,u(rc" in Arri" re,ulted in one of the most
ftequl'ntly dted and Ie •• ! ulldcrstood uf I. te .n tique triumph, . It
beg.n with a no vel b)' the victo rio" , general and
cu lm inated with the ci rw, celebrat ion< which by now h.d
become th e trad ition. I victory festival in Constantinople. In
~ddit ion to depierion, o f the eeremon)' in im peri.] com mi" ion< of
both nujor .nd minor .rt, ~ meda!l ion may been .cruek in
honor of the nquest of Afr;ca,''' ' Du ring the ce remon)',

'" Mmdl""" eo",,,. , . HO, M"""~ I<", '0) .7-'0 . nd Th<oph.n<,. A.M . 60)'. ll<
t. ~ ". >1S.) ,- > '9,1, ckody ok ... ," (wm • '"~" '~m pkl< • ."i .... of M.I.t" ...d
... ...I"'d ~y "n yw" 'f M,bb" 0'_1"""',
t•• ,n. 4)"'0-"''1<1
<'P, W.
E""hn , ·Mu"do· , !!F. ,< (1'»))) , "~ _ ...... ,, w <1t " er"",. 'Huts" , A~,;"" PI.RF.
J, 7ft7-0, >« II Cwk<, 'M undo,1o. G<poJ, I,,, ... f""booI <r 'u Rom,n ~ ...... t',
O,"~. "('0" ). ' ' ' - )) ,
'" l'Im ...... ".,IIo I,\U. 6, . ".,I..•
~. t ' .. ,.. A"b",..", "'" BuW"'''. ') ' lOS . ..-i, h n. "

" . ,f Cwkt. 'Buts" ·. pp. 'oJ-, ." . CI,."""t"pl i•. 11<,,". • 76." . 11-1; c .,.... "" 1"'". ,1<. IIoon, 6, 1. '7-'0, t
• m no< ,u" ... h" '0 m. k, of,,", ,im ,t.. "fer",,« in lloeoph.~. A.M. ~ )'6. r><
f\oQr , '7<> ,. ' , ,,,,i bu,'" '" )o"in io A.n, j " - )m"''''''. !!""'.• j6<. Mom ", ,,,,,.
<1. '1 - "
'" F,,, • <I< .. ,], J ",<cu,';"" of ,10. .K'OO-Y « I<b","", ... , to"'"",. <:h, ). ~ , fn,
J""in""" .. ,.~"'f,mlOO ""hI! >K'O"" III lit. " " bolo..-, n, ' ... '!1- ,~, 'rh<; ooty
,,,,", I """"",, (," ,,", ,,,,,1. 11,,,,, ~ ,.., " .. I, ' <ly 'n" I", ""'y in Crd.""",.
S,.'rJi, ..",".
~,,,,,,i «I,) tl<~~". , (&<In. ,')I- V) ,,,"V. I1 - < • • I'J-.ough i, h ..
f'''I"'' '' 'y b«n ",um«! ,h .. ,10< g'''< b.lf_l"",nJ ",uh 'pl< di"O<o>««I " c ....".
'" C'pp. doci •• 00 "oI<n .nd """"'f,d in " 1 ' w" """,d fm ,hi. nee. """. cr. I.B.
W. t hh .. . M"",,, 1,"1''''' H,,,,,,,,",, ~ •• """'". " .. Jr, ",.,. ...ft-.' .../ ,,..,.'''~­
I .... II",,,~,,
G.""il"t'. , IVimn •. '117)) .• ~ -, .• n<! C. MOH"""' . Col,""" k,
_ .....,.r'-"" """ I. Rill i",,~i.,., • .,,,,,,. 1, . ' 11'''''. 'o""J . "0: ,f JI , ,.i,h pt .
Vtll. , To" h",o.y <Of tl>< r""-' ~ bi~ 0" ' ," "',JOt '"
F. R.I><Ion, MI'-I"

Ju stin;,n wore rho lon g vOS!tn ent known :" rhe la wJ. II W",
rro b~bl y nOt [he (Ir" '!lcn ,.",ciarion o ( ,hi, garm<'nl wilh ~n
impnial [Tiumph >1,,1 i, W ~; (or (rom bein g rhe I." , ,ince
,r;"II'pl,.,,, By,,,,,, ;,,e omp."o" wo uld " il l be ,kch'd oUl in i[.
dcscmdon, fOllr cemurie. l"te r (er (' g. 9. p. [49). ' '' · Fin,ll y. in
con(ornun r., wilh wel l e'tabli, hed ""ge. rhe victorious g"ner;')
was g rat aed [h e co nsul,hip for [he next )Tar.'01
T h., preln.tu r(· " iew l Y ovor [he O ,rrogo[h;c kingdom :lI1d the
, .. rronda o ( it, kinf-; W i[ igi , wen' not e.-lcb r~,eJ in , he u,u,l aren".
The pubJi r w .. l"X dudcd , ,i nn' tI,,· 'pecia l cdeb ladon . in "olv ing ,
d i' pby o f [he boOlY , wa, hdd wi fhin [he w nfj" "s o r[he imperi "l
p"l,ce, Aumda nn ' wa, ' C5 [ri([cd to membe rs o f [he "" "" ori,1
o rdn . In , harp (ontr.. t with th e celeb rat io ns o ( , ix yea .. earlie r,
n o 'p,:e;,1 ho nOr< Wl'fe g ranted W Hcli u tim. '0" A ,imi la r pallern
ob ta ined in Augus[ 551. w hen victor y b ulletin, .. rr ived from
R o me . .,,,,o ,,n cin g t h~1 cit y', rccon q uelt an d Ihe d deat o f Ihe
O m ogot hic king T o, ;1, by tI", "x_Crand Cha mber l, ;n Nor", •.
Th e ne wS w~s ~"t>ml",, ;,' d by ,he GOI h ic k ing" blood-,,~il,..d
he,ddres• • ".1 roy.1 rob~ . T he key ' to [he cit y o ( R ome m ~y b ve
bc~n inch,ded in [he d isp:r tch. In the pre",ncc of the empire',
gov,'rnm em al elite, [he ' pul",lie obje cts were .ole m nly laid .,
J ustin ;",," (e~,- 100 I t il nOI lInJikd y Ihat , ,,,Ingu us d rcu"r<llnce•

•~ J ~h" ly,l"" I" ~ .~"' '''i !-." , " ,. w u".,-h , ' P 1- S"." [)" ' he "".,. K< S<h",,,,,,.
I/",,,-""fi ",K. ," • ..1 So ... ,,, 1,"" 1,., 1. ' S- SO "oJ E, I',J" , . 10, " ~,, .. ". X JI. T "I><,
' " u m l' ~""" . LUM ', R"II... i'" '"'
.~',," Ii. ; ,, ! ,. K" " ".l ( ' <rI ' ) , . ,1- ...
'" P, ,,,,n pw,. & It.. , . O. • , - , 6. JI , u,y. q J'. lu- ry.
, • • P''''''P'"'' &11., " ' , ' - j. II ,url, >,'O!, '- IO, Cf. ~«''' ' "'J'~"r"' , ' , "'I.
,.. M . I"". C ",,,,",,,"po;., I ' '" "', <U." _, . • od '1 henp" " ''''. A .M . O'l<" [k Iluo"
» 1. 11-,.. 1'<>' ,I>< p,,,•• h,I ;,y 'h " 'he k<)·, "f Rum , wm '"du.kd "'0, ""
I" ""'P'" " 11<11• . t , H , n lI. u, y. '.WI. '1- ' 9. 0 " ",. d, « , A, l;ppold , 'N",,,'.
I£ f. >. I> il'l7<') , 17<>-&') , h< .. $71 . -n....
phm'... , «m<i.,h .. ,I""" bbj«" W'I<
K;v<n ' 0 Ju"",,,,, i.1 rt<O<M' '''' I,, ! ·,) - . )· An"" ,iu, n;",Io-«n' u,y ,,,,,.1,,,",,
h" ,,,,,,, .,.."'" , <d . C. 1'"' It ..". n.-'p'-" c ","""~ "p . i •. , (l<ip';~ , I!J j ). ,. ,. J"
I, r, ' pp,,,,m) . "'~~"';,,~ 'h" , i>< P''''' ''' Glrtk " .. " ,hp,"y 00''''1", U~I""""
in m,d",,' " n. 100 ... , ... . «r" 10 ,I..:: C,..,;".,,·,,", J It . Itu,y. n , '"'1"".1
"~i.i'''.'' '' '1"''" ;" ,lot ",",I """ r,
Th, II ,;",), A"d<my Suppkm .. ,,,1 1" 1'<1>,
o IlondQ.,. I')" I. p. '. ,,,d " <. A " u '" 100, ul "'h<, YK'UI 1 Ou II",,,, ur 'ym",' I"
« "Jmg' <o'''' y<" ,,, C ..""" ,u"'p i< ;" d" I < i~ n uf J"",,,i .. , .« k" ow " . ,," , . oy
publ;" « i<bu';"", ,1M" ", ;~ j " h .. <UC<" .j" ,,,1 h." I< r,
no " ",." PIOCOpiU'. & 110.
j. ,.. ' J. Il,u, y. ", I ,J-' {l{o""I , d, j , H ," !-I,my, '."'.'<
" 3.1 ; , , 'I .•~.
H '"'1 , r.Jl r. I J- 19 (R om," ",nrl .. d, "" PO" "'" rr<>m M,.", ): " ' <, H. H,u,y.
,-<">-<1---" I"""" d " P'U " om o",'):'. ' • . <J. ' b u,y. , .\ 0• .• - 1 I"' p\u rnl l''''''n
.tt~nd~d th~ ddivny of th~ ]a,t kn own victory . nnouncemell" of
Justinian's long reign. Hpillikin lette" lrriv.,1 from Rom" wi,h
booty and th~ \ymboh of victory' . the ke y' to the rec.ptuted
tow"" of Verona Jlld Uresci ... ill Nov<'mher 51i2."o
Although th,' trmd toword .. more ,e>tricted Judietlce i. de • • , i1
W' I nOt" ",u""lithi .. ,kvdop"1<'nl. Th:m b to " tetlth~c~nlury
.uthur', znt for wmpilation, all olf,cial report document' . n
,,,he.wi,,, UI1 kn"wn t.i(lmpha I e,my btl' in 1mtini,n's reign, ' , , It
de,c ri be, in ""n<' de,,, i I ,he ccr,,"'un Y'''g('(i to mar k th " r.-tre" uf
the Ill,,,,udin!; K ot,ig'''' from the- ",burb, of Cumtantinupk un
M ond.y, , , AuguSt 55~, j " E-Tn thuugh the "mry can be ,hown
to be , typic>1 in ",me ofi'l ri,,,.l det.iI" it i, "f opi!.l import.nce
for two re ,so",. It ;, ,he first explici, proof th .! emperor.' h. d
begun to include Christi an shrine~ intu thdr triumphal itinnuics,
Secondly, it is highly 'igniticont that Theopham', - or hi,
,ource - provides . preny deuikd Accoun t of the evemS leading
righ' up to the triu",pha l "n tr y . nd then relegates tu ,ilence the
(cremoni,l eli Ill'X of th" emperor', ,eti vitie, th>! . .. m Iller . ' 'J In
other wont., th~ document otte,ting J ",t;n;. n', tr;umpb of 559 i,<c ly tll<- ex"" pti"n that prov," the rule: (ercmo,,;al entrie,
di",pp"or from the uarrJti,'" Sourn', in th~ fifth and ,ixth emturi",
not be c> u", tbey c<'~s<;d to occur .itognher, but bee."", they Imt
their ~ppe.1 to h;"o . i.I1,.
Therc ,:0" he littk d""bt th" t Ju"in iJn', n 'ign witnc"cd 3
powerful re ..,enion of tll<- i n"I:C of the victor emperor. At Ie, ..

n • .'1.1. (" , c" ........ r" • . Ij,,"n, . 9"-'1 ""' T""orh ...... , A .M. ",,,. Ik H""",
'j7 , IJ - ,pr, "', J",.
S«"" B".t·"p''', ,-"w md " ' , n. "A . l ' ppold . RE, S. ".
!! "
" . 0" 1"'1'",.1 Ex",""",", In,pl ~'"')'''''''' ",«01"" 1. ,J. JJ R,,"" (lI<,"n, '!'91,
_91.') - _01. J J. 'Th< " '<nt', d,t< h" ,,,n,,,,,,,d ~'m' « m"o;'<ny ' D. Smyp, ' A
pWI"-" d'" n ,,"",mph< de J""'''''''', R" .. , <I., i,wJ,., X''' .....' ,'0('<mI . "0-,,f,
M""o)" , 'f)., t. d.t< J '",", ,n"" ","nnell. <k Ju~'n i <n ' , M,,",,;,,, " !. S",;<,I
• .,;,",1, ,j" . . ".,..i,,,k ",..... "') (,,' 00)1, , 1 '" t;n. lly ",,,Iv«l by S" 'n , &,_
~"'r;",', "! - '9· '-'" 'h, ,''''''"''"'', olf,,,,' r h",,,,,, ,Io; J .. " • . Th, "yp,,,l
";"""'Y off", 1'"",,,r,,1 "t.I,,,,,,,.t
""k"", ,,,' s"·",, J .." ,." o.low, Ch, j ,
pp. '~Ir
. ..t. ,n","'"
On '"" O;"onnt c'''''"''''''''', ''''''. H' ''''"'r;''. , . " o:J " th"y, /Ii".,..,. """
I, " )0, - " ,nd "p . V. P"pov ;.'. 'J.. """",, ... ok, Ko",,;~o"", ok,
,1"«,, dOl Av,," ;''', I. M", Ege., i< ti'nw'gn'go d, 1 '"chC"~>g;", (;'"'1"" ".J.,
., r /1,..1/.0;,,1,, ," ~ 'ir"""",_k"",, Anni, '97>, , ... 6. ', 1.<" 6, L
." 'T'h<oph,"«, A ,M , (005'. tk B",~, 'JO 7.

Drvrloprnml in Ihr laI" Roman rrnpi"

eight times in the courscofhis long government. different kin ds of

celebrations communicated the ruler's victoriuus '1ualiti" to the
mass audience! of city otreets and circus. as well as to elite
onlooke," invited into the palace precincts. But the would-be
restorer of the Rom.n world sought . lso to ptop.g.ndize his
successes by llIore const.nt and far-reaching means . The very
entr.nce to the sacred pal.ce wH domin:aed by the Brnen
House', gre.t ltlm. ic which ama lgamated different vietories into
the prince's univers.l triumph,ll. Victory title. redolent of the
good old days of the fourth century Were trotted our with ev ery
new promulg::.rion. as for instance in the eomti,urion Om"tm of
the Digest:
Emperor C ..... Fbviu. Justinian Alam.nni,u •.
GOlthicu •. Funcieu •. Germanicu •. Antieu •.
Abnieu,. V.ndalicu,.•. Piau,. Fortunate
Gloriou, Victor . nd Triumph.tor Ever Augu.tu •. ' "
And the texts of the bw, echoed the domin.nt theme to distant
audience", victory was .,,,,red for a great Roman emperor with
God on hi. side, • ruler who triumphed over barbarians and
through the equity of hi. laws. I 16 Th e elite who rubbed ,houlders
with the prince were treated to the same m"~ge in even 1,ITger
doses, At imperi.l banquets. meals might be served on platten of V.ndal gold .nd decarotcd with relief. of Justini.n's
triumphs. '17 Even the imperi.l vestments depicted Roman
victory, as th~ garment Justinian carried to the grove .ttested, I "
The troubled of the l.ter sixth century were not devoid of
triumph,. In fringement on the imperial monopoly of victory
cclebr >tions occurred in the last yea .. of the reign of Justin II.
wh~n the Cae~r and heir apparent Tiberius Const.ntine cele-
brated • triumph. most probably on the occasion of. suCCess

". ?rocoP'UI. Dt ""Iifidi. , I. 10, I J - 19.• d, 1- H. u,y .nd G. W;lIh .• (l.<jp.i~ , !!><I.I.
"'....'>-.J. '" ... c. Mongo. TIt< II,.,," H""",• ,,01, oj ,''' ",,;1001, 'J ,10, ;",,..;'1
,..t.<. o{c"'''Wj"'pl. (Cop<nhogrn , I~J91. pp, J>- ': ,f. Mo<Corm"k.}I" oM
'''''"'''"1. pp, 7)-J,
". Ed. P. K'"S<r. COl'",,' i•• i, ,,·.ili. , r {B<rlin. 'v'I) .lo.
'" E.g. 1.,W,Ii"",. , prof"" I, j . ;~ .. no p. Cf. C.4. I," .• I. '7 , ! . >. il .... > (I!<rlin,
19'9J.n. or I. >7. >, I. jlil.. ')9,
", Cor;p?,,!, I." .• ) . "'-J.Com""", 0., w;u. ""m"' . !~'- J,
'" ~ 1..1" J. >7' -9) . "'-J with Wmln. I.<t-,.
~gainst the l'n sians in late 576.'" The principle of impcri.1
prcrog,u ive w. s won rc."ntcd by Tibcrim him,df. A, Aug,,'tm,
Tiberi", 'celebr"t ~d " triumph for M ""rice', victor ie" . in thc terse
but telling form u lation "fTh""phan"5. The "bservance5 included
,pecia l h"n"r, for the succcssful gener,,1 M aurice. in thc form of"
cerem on ia l reception and, if would appear. hi~ promotion to
C"c."r. ' 20 In 5R9 or 590. M.mrice. now him sel f em peror. rccei vcd
~ victory displtch from the I'crsian from. a ccomp~nieJ by
'sy mbol. "fvictory' !Ckcted from the booty . He ordered a victory
gab which fe atured circus, . nd the perform ance of dance, by
the O'lJlo!llwl. As T heophylactm implie., the latter ~ .p<:ct of late
Roman victory celt-b r. ti"", wa, .. familiar to ~o ntemp"rnies of
the fourth through si xth cCTl wries Ols it is obscure to moderns.' 2, In
(Comrast to these sec ular fcstivitie" a victory by Maurice's general
Prise,," ond the sub"'4.!<'rl{ success ofT~timcr in 592 were mar ked
by liturgi(> l "'Ivicc) of. n"vel SO rt , in the shape of an ~ 11-nigh(

" . 1h" "coun, of ,hi, '''''mph con I>< pi",«1 ,oiot he, from Jo~o Df Did". 0"..,;,..
' .n)1, 1. «I . T. Momm><n , MGI/. 1111 . " {'1S9. ).11' .7 - '6, .nJ ' h< p, l;mp=t
p,o,,",;. 1, h,,,,ucl< [rnm tho I", ~Xlh o. w ly "'''n th « n' u,y in V" . «g. 10,. "'17
{CL A . ' . ")) ' tf>< Po".""""'P'''"''' . ed. T . Momm"n. MGi/. I1A. 9 {'~o')·7'9 .
The "'"";.,,, <>f ,he ,w<n< y_folLl ,kph.n " ' PP'"'" !O .",ho,;", , ""''''''';'''' wi,h
John ofEp""u" Hi"","" ",k,i.,,;,-... 1"''' Ill', J, l •• ! i"" J . 6. '0, ". E. W . Droo'"
C",I"" ,alp" "'" (h.' ",,,'''.'" ",I," " I,"," . :;" ip"'" 'Y", "or"" Lou",".
III, ), V",", I
'0 36) , S p, - 6, nd ;" o. w- ,6. T~ e co"""d d,« p rOJX"<d fo' ,f>< >t<ond P""'~" "y
A. [)y.bnflY, I..,," rfm r.",~ ""k.,,,._ Oj''''''...'.... 'mJy {S, P"""h" ' i. "'''') . p.
J [' ,"l""" " ",dy wi,h 1\;01" ,nd ,f>< /",,",1, '''''P'""'". fu" h<l d;"u,,;nn of,h;,
<<I<mony I><low. Ch. J. 6.
". Th<'1'h'Il<'. A.M . 007,. 1>< 1100', 2)1.)'-2». " d. Yu. Kul, );ov,ky. I"."y'
V;,,,,,, ;;, l IK;"" . 19 12) . )9<: P. (;0"1>< .. , 8y"""""",I"I,I. ",. , (POI;', '9J 11.11.-6.
," Th"'p"yl",", S;m,,,," .. , /I", .. J, 6. J. D< Il'K", "0._ • • nd Th«>ph.n .. ,
C/' '''"''II'"pltl•. A.M. 0030. l>< llou " ,6'-10-' , . 0" ,h, d.. " ,1-11. !Ju,y. A Itl""'r of
,"" klw 1/","," b " pjlt fl.'" Ar<.J,,, '0 I,,",. > Ilundon. 'S &~) , '10, Ku t.ku.. ly.
1<"",., ' .• JJ-<: ~. H""'~m"',,, 1),-, O"R".""" 0" .. ".,... ,. /I."",, ,.., "'J.0"
"1 ' .. Co'pu, b ruxdkn>< h"'Qr"< ~yun , ; "" , J IB,"_b. 'OJ)), p. '7, ."J M .l-
H,S!V"" 'n., 1'<""", W" of 'h, £"'1"'" M,",i" (J~- 6<>' I. , (W.,h i"lw.n , D.C ..
'9J9). 7J · TheophylaClul "y' thai the nc<, ''''' d.""ms w"" Wo .'i~,~,~,
'Pw~~lorc ~"'rrl"pIC"""". 1"" "''"< kind of d ,ncuI~ .nd ,<1..«1 I'<rfo"'''"'<1
.,<<< con,;d<<<d • "8";f"",, <1<",,", of ,,;un'ph.! ,deb",j.,,,, j. ,hown "0' only
by Ch'Y'""om', .Ii",;,," to ;, Ibl"" ;'""'" i . P"Il_, ICPG. " ' J). 7, ') , re.
l). '0'), bu, by,!\< «plid, """",n, of ' " '"""ymou, ,j"h"""n t'''y tr",,;>< on
"nt<gy th.. <;.e"• • M ,he .. ",,.II'<,,,,,,,,<I ""k< .n ,mpo"'"' con t,ibution '0 ,h"
'''t< o p,,,;,"I,,ly ;to "'""'rh',
when ,!\<y .r< ,"ar~,d wi," k .d;ng p,;",n,,,
'""'"gh th, d",,,, Anooyrtl ". !Jy.. n';,,"., n<1'1 "'P"'f)"~~C J, ,d. H. KOchty'J.
,M W. R fi""w. G,;", ;,,", K"'""' ...f,,,dl.. , 2 (l<op';" "") ' ,..
D.v'!opmmt in Ihelm .. Roman emp;"

vigil~t ,h~ H~gi~ Sop hi •. The vigil w~s followed by pr.y~rs of

supplic~tion on b~h~lf of futur~ victories for emperor M .u ri ce.
This put of the ~rvice presumably took the form of li .. nic
processions. III
The upset of the usurper Phor., in 610 w~, distinguished by at
Ie .., two For the first, the defe~ted emperor was uken
from the p.!~ce, stripped of his insignia ,md brought by bo,t '0
Her.dius. With his hand, tied behind his back, he w.. lcd into the
victor', pre~nee. Her.clius rem.ined ~~t~d in his throne (alA. _
A.wv) .nd p"rformed the rima! tr:lmpling befo re he ordered Phocas'
execution. !t is important to note th.t this part of the ritual w.s
performed on the isl and ofK.lonymos or. perhaps, on boud ship;
its .udience would therefore have been limited to the troop' and
headquarters staff. as well as prominent officials a"omp~nying the
victorious usurper. !ll The ""cond ph. " of the celebration took
place in the ".pital: the tr.ditiona! p"r"dc of insult to the de,d
emperor's head. frequent repetition doubtless had diminished thaI
grisly rite's dr.wing power ~nd it was performed Wilh • new
ferocily th.t, once, "ppe.n to anticipate later develop-
ments.' l~ The bodies of ,he defeated emperor and his leading
collabor.tors were dr:lgged through the streets of Constantinople
.od consigned to 8"mcs in the Forum Bovis.'"
Heraclius' long strugg le . g. in" the Persi. m culmin"tcd in a
serics of spccucular observances, including a triumph.l entry

'" Th'ophyi.C!u> Simo"""". H i, ... 6. I . I. IJ< lk>o,. >]\.1,- >1, TII<oplu ...... A.M.
6o! J. 0. Boo,. '1L I - ... On ,'" inciden,. lJu'l· . H;""" . . ." /""'. '. 1>1--9. ",J
j("bk~"ky. I"orly" '. 4J7-1. 0.. "'i,'ypc of ""vic<. A."" •. NIK'",", I,",.
T,pt~ foi",",;"I~"" Vi, j/;",!ti<t ""' ,", h'1lI.... "., ,I~," "' _,,,I«. ""~
_ ..",,,1«" R;,",. Li,u'Sl<wi"<n>clufdi<1I< Qudkn und """chungen. J> (Miin_
""r. '9m. pp. ,)<-1.
m John of "n'~h. D< i",idii,. fg . "0. D< 11<.>0'. E>",p" ";".,;". )."9 .>,- ljO.'"
Ni"phoru •. B,,,,;,,;",". ,d. c. D< lk>o, {I.<ip'ig. , n o). '.'11->,. t h,v< h«n un,ble
to M!<n'ify ... , id,nd ofK,lonym",. jf COO1<Xl ;"ny indi'''ioo. i, m,y h.Y< beo:n olf
,h, fu,op".n ,ubu,'" ofCon",minople;John of "n'ioch. 1«. <i, .• ).1 '9."- ' jO.~ .
.... 1'. S"'tOl. By~...""," i~ ,I« ....,'''" ".,.". (A",,,,,d. m. 1961). 90 pi" .. 'h,
<YO," on • .hip. d«lucing ,hi. p,ob.bly f,om 'h, ,"o,ding of Ni"pho,o,.
'" John of ""';""h.l«. ,iI., ljo .• I- »: Nic<phoru~ B,,,,.. 0. Boo, ' ." - J.7. Simi!>,
",,,m,,,, ..... inllimd '"' ,II< body or B"d.. c .... , in <II< nin'" "'O'"'y. ,od
pc,h.p' c;.or8' M,ni><" in"', ' ... 'n ... . On th, fo,m«. ·G<",~u,· . R,l" • •. 'l.
l.<.m;;ll<, ",d Thorn. 11-<9-1" Th<oph,n« C()n'inu"u~ •• ". nl . t. Ikkk<,
(.Bonn. ' 1)1), '00.') - '1.
'" Ni«phoru •. B" •.. D • .B."". J.)-"7' C~""'i''''' " "Ir..I• . Boon . 100.' '- l j.
",hid, waS likely 110( the fIrst of hi s reign ."· Th,' final victory ""al
officially >r",o"nc~d in an rp;,,;kid le!ta read to the f,ithf,,1 on
Pentecost. the f,fteemh o( Ma y, (rom Ihe ambo of Ihe Hagia
Sophia. 121 The aClllal .<"IlIrn Ilf the emperor lOok place in 628 or
629. For the f"'ltime .inceThcodosim I. a R om,n emperor w"
truly "'wrning from the fron! " a" uIldi'pUl"d vielDr; it i, "01
'"rpri,ing Ih.t ,he event ",ad,' a gfC" impr«.ion on cOlllempor-
>rics. IU jlldge by ,he , ,,',,un! pr~"$Crvcd in Thc"ph.n<"S.'u Th,'
n'"'",o,, y w'Ht.!':,",!. Ol1n', out.ide of Ih,' city, .t the Hie"'i,
1'.I,e<". ,imat"d 011 tht" A.iatie ,hore of the Se. of MOl"',.,. ",mh
of Ch,knlon.'H In vi,'w uf the di,wKe from the capit,l. when
Theoph,n" "Y' that """cryollc' (1T:h1f.t.) ",,'Ill out 10 me~ t the
emperor, h,' mu,t mc.n "vayon,' who COIl1111·d i11 hi s ari,(ocr>!ic
eyes. The initi al ,t'ge> of the celebratiu" Ih ... cfoT'· took pl,cc
berur' a more select , udience than if it h, d occurred in the
,·.pi,.!. IlQ T he jUl1ior ~"'peror and the p,triarch led the ,,"ekom-
ing group. Th" I,lter\ pre",,,ee """ quite remarkable .nd mUn be

". Tlu, .n ..J",",., « ,..,OH."· ~." '''~N ,,, "''' ~ I k·, .<1"" . """" ,~ ,h< "P'" I f"""
L ..,uc. " ,nc.ltJ h, ." ,,,.oJ,,,, I" l ;' u'~,', ,'''' 'r1><,M'" S T""'M (MIG, ' H I ),
'J<. N 1\) ~"' ''~o<,<. ,.... '"
',!<,,J.,,, M "r""'"
r • .<;"",,,1,, h'~ .... "ph'''",
j _h, In w'"d, . pm"' .... ( "_,,,I,h< [ "ubJ!"I"''' ,ullio"."I,
(Jj,", ... h, 'V7<l). J '5 '
c"",~ 10 pmKJr'" JJJ ,h< "",ko,,,on~ ,<",m,..",,(I:.;.9<;'. ~.~ .. ~,. I.' ~.~JJ.,'
~."'''p<o/>''''fI). ()" ,t., d"" d m mm .. ;;,J. ' . 'w Cf. A.N . ~'''''''. 'l.
P""' 0<1< "'m r'~"" ,It I' <ml"'''''' 'Ii! ..d'o, "'" "" "" p<,,,-~'. JOB, ,! I' onv).
") - 7<. ht!< hj _" TO<", " "0 'I''''''';'' ,d<",,,.
'0 ,to. <",moor', ,,,"mph.1
.,. < ~"",c.
F ' );jl~«. /I '.f<""'" no Iy>: (;~,, ~~,", ,,"u •• i<. U.. ",. " , . ' j - ')7 ' 7 Cf. ""Io~' ,
.,. '"""I'
(;~ j. I'P "Jj1f
h ,n<,. I\ .M . h' ' 0, I '" 1<,'." , )" '. " " n. ,.", ", '. I<my. Hi"" Y . . . " I"",,
,. H' . " ' . S,""~. RF""'''"'''' ' . ' .. u~·, <nd of M' o. ,;'" ~''' ~ , of (,'~ : A. I'","",
C"',f "' j; P;"Ji. , I",",",. , . S,"J" r",,"i," ,., bF .. ,"i,,',
7 1[",1. "}W) , pp . ')0 - • .
I'",",,', Mk""I;c",,", of ,t., p"".<" . ... "" J"'""y """~ ,h, Pm,," ,,,umplo,,
..,I, ~H"" ""'''( IL....",,,'m,, P",ph,,,....,,"", . n. ""..... ,i, ...... I,,,.".... '.
, " .... 1 ).J (" "" (I!. " ''' . " '91, (",." - (".,. ,,) (n f,,'m "hh< """b,t. 1\ . h,"", w ,
'l, "u,," """ <, I« <, r"J ,,",,m d' j ',,,,Ii,,, '" ",.",..III?~. , , I'"
J)). 11- 00<. h,,<
'0" d. (; ,,,,,,,,,0"" ,(;,~ ~"." ,N, ~r' """'" u.,. s,..,,,,.),J .J" 1Mom (h, ,"'. J.
.,. p. .....
" h'''ph",.. " A .M . ,,, "J. ,>< II"", !" . , _, II.·..." '·.1. .·< w .. , .... '" uf H,,,d ,u,
, .. r"r",,,l 'I"~' "ouno! , ... op u,l J''''u. C,k 'y< .. p. " 'J: , r 1'1', "" - 0·
'1 h< po')""'"'''' <<>""P' "f ;.>1.>< m ., "'"" ph" "" U' . . ,~l ,,",,', ,,1 • wd"1 ~ uJ y. cr,
b.",,.. C~. J ." ' 7 fo, '" <"do" •• , "f """ ",,~,. ,>n ",f,,"'k gl<''''nll ' 'ctum,ng
<"'re""" H,m" . ".,. ,h< ""1"'".1 """., "",","""do",. P'<"'IV.J ,m""g ,0<
.\.xw"<,,,, ""1"" ""',1 '" {;'",,""',,'< 1'U<1,~,'<u~", i"" . 0. 1'"1"".1 b",Jilj"",
It",." " !P ..,,7' J. 1><1< , .., ., 7· I~, <!.xu"" "" " J""l w J"",O,,"', "'I" by

;l ttributed to Scrgius' t'xtraordinny role in Heradius' administra-
tion, I J' Constantine III performed the pfOskyn~si1 and embraced
bis fHher. while well_wishers from the dty ceased their accbm-
ation! and broke into a hymn of thanksgiving. Thi. 1m an
indicates that the influence of liturginl proc,,,ion. on the old
,""cui", ceremonies of the Roman state was becoming increasingl y
pronounced in the sevemh century, An escort honored tbe
emperor with olive branch~'S and lamps. '" In the capital itself. tbe
emperor trumpeted his success in customary fa,hion by parading
nptort'd elepbants tbrougb the Hippudrome, offering uces and
m any benefactions - including .n .nnual payment to the Great
Church - duri"g . victory festival which lasted sever>.l days.'"
Tbe era which followed Heracliu, death md experienced tbe
extraordinary expansion onsbm is exceedingly poor in Byzantine
narrative sources. tbe m.inst.y of historians of ceremoni.!.
Ahhough it may be suspected on ,he analogy of Adria"oplc an d
the •• ck of Rome th at what minor , ucces'e' there might been
were .lIlhe more inlCn<oely (debrated fot ,be empire'. d~.perolC
situ.tion. there is little evidence for them. A, • later emperor
would musc, those were times which, so rar .s Hyz.nrine
historians were concerned, were better consigned to silence.'"

j. U. lIu,y. 'Th, C",mon;,' Book of C",,,l>n,i,,,, vn P"'phY"'I!,n",,'u'. ri.,I,,1t

Hi".. i,,1 R,,'''''.'' I,...,.,). ,,,,,->7, " 1- W, 1><<< OW. n . p.
a, To<op"'.", A. M . 6«9, P< II,,,,,. ]>I .• - J. On '""'giu, ,xtt.o,din .. y ruk i"
Henchu, "ig"o J-L V•• D .. " •. G<"~,",,, ok, p,,,,'.,,"," "on S"l"" I . .. , ).~ .... ,
V I. (6"-7'$). Gc.<hi,"" dc, I!,irthi><"en P.ui.,,",n von Ko"",minopol. •
(Am""d.m , '9'1.) , pp. ,If ,oJ pp, plf. 0" ,I>< ,""om .. y dc[",n<, "ft'" ,mpo'o<
.i, i"" ,h, p",,,,,h. 0, Tf';''"8'" [),', "",""i,,", K....,._ ."~ R,"~'i'" "". ,~,,,
Cw, r,""S i.. • ,j,,"'. Z ",,,,,,,,,,II U<n. . '9 J I), p. " , . n.: ,...1y ",h" ,n","« on ,II
,he ",u"'ph,1 en'';'' we h,v, unwv",d down ,"",ug" ,I><d".""" ,,,",u'y "'''uti
In .he l<igO of Joho I T,im i",,,-,
", 'fOrop'w•." ... .M. 6"9, D< Boo<. ),U- ! . On 'he u" of ump, in imp'". 1
wem""",,, J, G.g!, 'F"kol (K",<),. RAe. 1 1''''''')·1 S' - ' '1, h<" '80-6.
", Ni"phom •. B'N" D< IIoot. n,<>-->:j. Kolh.·i" , Pl.",'~. p. 66. md J- 1:1«,. Brz.. z
""~ ... , .... 041.... ,,,., II",,,",,,, ... A"'l"",,,,II< A_f" ''', Vom'S< "nd func"uns-
en , " (Sism ' ''ngen. '9'17). p. 'J. bo<h tn,,,,,,in on ,I>< N.i. of ,hi. '''' ,h"
H<ud,u. «kbrmd , triump',,1 <""y in , ,It,,;.,., Jnwn by foul <kp"'"'" To;'
<nndns mo. S"" '0 D<ni, p"'"" L"io '''n~.'"", of Ni<;<phorul: M .
, McCot'mk k, II,,,., "'lti"""
C"""' ".;"" POfphY"'I!<nil",. Dt
,"Ii,i."i~,. 1< (' 9191. ,,",
..!mi.,,,,,,,"" ;IOI"'i'. ><. )I-J. ,d . •nd If. G.
Mo"v" ,k .nd RJ!·L j<nk,",. DumN""" O.k> T<Xt~ '. ,n<! <dn IW ..hi"5t"".

Jusrinimo 10 i"moclam,

Three qu"rte~ of a century pass before another ~cular celebra-

tion i, recorded, and that one mHks a return to victory obscr-
V,lnce, over intern,,1 en emies, On ' 5 Febru"ry 706, Ju,tinian [I
heralded hi, rmoIJtion by pJradin~ hii rivals, decked in
chain., through the ,trects of Comt'llltinople. '-" B"fore the races
marking his victory. he hld the "me unfortun" te, du gged
through the Hip podrome and up to his throm., wher~ he trampled
each former emperor'. neck "nd th e people (JiJ,wc;) intoned-
vcry appropriltc1y. considcrin~ hi, memln name, - 'You
will tread on the lion and the "dder, the young lion and
the serpent you will tumple under fOOl' (l'sllm 110. T3ff)."·
Jmtinian kep t his ,Ideated rivals pinned in this humiliating
position all through the fim race, after which they were scnt to the
K ynegion for execution. I n IIUI the emperor him >el f would ,oon
experience the vicissitudes uf furtune. In 7 [[ he w"" toppled frum
the throne a second time. His sn'c led head wa, carried to the new
em perur Philipp icus in Constantinople. 1" Frum there it wa, ,,'nt
to the ,,"eUtrn province,. which had mffered particularly from
Justinian', rcpriul$ .t hi, rc.rorallon. After celebut io", in
R.avenna. the token of defeat was conveyed to Rome, In
Nu one h.., yet attempted ro determine when the ancient >talc
calendar of the Rom." empire w.,
finally scrapped. A, regards

D .C.. '¢I). 86: T _0 ~I nop> to/<: ~l"lIrou; lo'"p,~ok. 06 Yl:fpa.~u" 'p<,king

,bou, th, t<.l"",, ;" ...;00 <>fSp. II' ."d 'Oc ~r ..ju . 1"u"", ;on oflh< Ram.n <mp;"
frum ,1>< "",III on, TlI< ""jir ion of '(>Iw <y;og ,h< h.,d, of u'"'p<" '0 ,0., "" pi,,1
"""io""d 'h""'Sh ,he ",«n,h ""'my. ,I,hou~h 00 'nown ' <XI illm""" th,
,d,b"'K>nl .... hich m . )' h." oc(""ed" 'hoi, ",i ., [. On 'h, ",ml"" ,od fon,,«
Ex""h <>f ]u1r fkulOc';UI (~'9) . "" UH' l""'ifi<_I", ,d. T . M"mm><n. !UGH.
G,,,_ I""'lj;'""' R_."","," II~'), "" ·Y- I); of. P."] D..",,,, Hi",n·. u....
I" j.",d",.," , .' ). ed, G. W"". MGH.SRL (187'). 1>1.'-J . On th, "'"'p<'
M",,;", .,,~ ,~< oflk i." who "ded whh him, L;I"" 1"""ifi"I;,. Momm.m.
'90.6-1 0. On I""", "Pf ;' ;"~', P. CI"I<", ,[)" <""
Ro mmuK in dO' Wel,1f<'-
I<hi,ht<. Zu, ee"hkh,< de! I{"",nu"" ,m W<",,, und do< I{ . ;",'kt,,"un~ in Rom
.w.",hm T h,od"';"1 d, Gt. ""d I{,,] d. Gt:. Hi"'~'HiK F.","""" " W.]", to;,
1i<!oI"i'~" (Colo~"" '97JI, pr, 1>J-""
'" Th<oph.n". A.M. 6191. IJt Iloo,. )7\,6-,. 00 'he 0...1" C. TI"d.j""i,ion II .J
BT" ";"" (M.d;"",., 197>1. p, , , 6,
," 1'h«.>ph. n<>. A.M . bl~. lJ< Iloo" )7\.'- 1>,
,,'Ni«phOlU<. /I .., .• Tl< &"'. , >. ,8-19; d, Thooph .. ",. 1«. ,i,. )7 J, , . - 'J . On Ih<
Kyn<g;on , J.n;n. Cpl' 1,,, __
p. J76.
." S«b<low.Ch. O, n . IO·

7),n' in In. 1.1" Romon rmpi"
publk commemorative holid.ys for imperi.l victories, the last
clear reference to the .ntique system come. in the .i xth century. ' .. 0
It is quite po.sible th.t ther.c holidays were in a Sl ate of decadence
in the sevcnth: it is difficult to imagine how a government which
,upprcsl.Cd the capita]'s public bread dimibutions under the dire
pressures of the early r.cven th century would fmanced public
holid.ys for victories of empe ro rs .nd dynmies which were long
since dead. , .. , One positivc f.ctor which m.y have contributed to
their decOidence w •• the emergence of:> new kind of victory
commemoration, mOre in keeping with the spirit of the :>ge.
In the uphe:> val. of the si xth and "venth centuries. 10ite Roman
society increasingly !Ought in supern:>tuul defenses a psycholog-
ical cu,hion .gainst the catastrophic events which ~.ieged their
civiliz.tion.'''2In the hundred years from the '/war surprir.c' to
the reign of Leo m, the capit.l in.elf would experience major
barbarian menaces four time •. The supern.tural defense of the
city. not to mention the morale of its population, was m"intained

, P,,,,,op;u,. &11 •• j, " '6. lI,u,y, 1.)17-1-7.
,.. P<,h.p' 0'0< of ,I>< U,.., ",f,,<n«:, '0,1,,< .n'iqoc ';"OIY ,nn,""",,y <om" in P,.
s.oph,oniu" V;r. C r,,.,, I""",i,. ,,-'. (BHG. 00<)). pc, !n.)6TI-Sjl, hero
J6 1\8- 1 B. AI,h""gh ,I>< d". «.,;,
of ,hi! un,b" ;, d<"ly .mod".. ,I>< I.h",;,
,on~u<U of Akx,ndri •. II d<",ib<. 'h< nur"uloo. pow .. of . ,,,,b.n 1J'~</I6pw')
",n' Tb«:>d",i., I by'" Egyp'i.n ''''''K, ""mm'mo,,,.~ ""y Y'" by • ""bli<
f,,,;vol nlkd H,,6,1O' in Ak"nori •• in which Thoo<l"';u,· po""it w.. ""i<d
'h'oogh tho <i'y ,n I p",d<. jfm.i<.d ,h< f",,;v.1 <omm,mo",od on, ofTl><odo,,",'
v"'ori<>, ;" m<mo,y h,d .I,.. dy grown qo;" "g>"" ,h. w .. ;nvol,od only
·b"b... i,n,' ~f'h< 'W<~' (, . ". j6ISB-C...d c . " . J6i7B), d . Ph. KOIlk~ul<>,
B"'~"'O'dl' fil"" ""' MJ.",~p"" " 1 (Ath<n~ 19. 1), ••. Th, old imp"",1
,nn;v",,,y 'PP"on 10 b< mor, 0' .... ,ubwm,d ;n'o ,10< ,d<b",,,,,, of .
1"",1 holy m,n', m;"d<, jndi",;ng ,I>< kind, of f><to" whkh m.y h •• , b«n"
wo,k '0 P'C1<'V, IOm< ,d;" of<h< old " ... n"nd .. . Th. <0"",;1;. T",II, (A.D.
019,).6. , ,d. P.P . Jo.nnoo, Dil<'pl;., :<"".1, '.O·f\'" 1. 1 {G,O!"f«",., '<>6').
, ... . ,Q- 'oo.), ""mp,<d '0 end I>',;ng ,d,bulion, , ..""U,<"<I wi,h ,b< old
[",,;,,1, of'lO< K .koh<, 'h< Vou ,nd 'he ~,o""I ... l<" no< ck", how,,,, , '0 wh.,
"""" !h;, m"WI< i, "'.... n' '0 'h< old "". holid.y •• ,;nc< th< council w ..
obv"".Jy .iming " popul ... ob><,v'n", •• nd ,I>< Vo" .nd H,u""li. cOIl"n""d !O
b< «"b,,,,~ by ,h< 1"1.« .. 1." .. ,I>< «n ,h ""o'u,y .
.. , N .H . B'yn". ·Th, '"I"'""u,,) <i<f""d", of COIl"'n'iPOpk·, .1B. 67 {19l 9).
16l - n. .. p. 166, ·Thi, ",no< of Wp<m"u,,1 ,uP?"" mo" ,urdy hI>. h,d •
profound p'y'hologir>1 ';gnif".n«.' Cf. Av. C.rn«"". 'Im.g« of ,u '""';'y . Eh",
andie,,,,, in 1m ~x,h",:,"",ti,y By."";~rn', P", ..J p,,,,",. I. (1979), j _ jj, ,nd P.
Goul><", 'fI,.,li8;on" '"P""';';"''' d,n, l'''rn« by"n,"",; h fro du vr oi«"'.
Or;.."Ii. ,.,;j/,....".,;..j;" . ') ('9<7) .•9J-loo.
J,wiMia" 10 ic"""e/a.m

wilh Ihe u\u~l lit.nie" r"lic "'t~nt"tj()m "nd sc rviccI of IlIppli-

cation, Wh;>t i. most remarbble ab ou t the four delivcr;mce, of
the capita l i, th.t, for th~ tim time 0]1 rewrd, the patriarch of
Comtaminoplc .nchored thesc evena in the collectiv,' comeiom-
ne" of generations to come and in the loc al cu lt s of the Virgin,
tI'anks to procession •• taged " ',,r y y".r tu CurrHl",murJ te the city '.
liberation,. T he delivery fro m thc i\nr sur pri \e, u,ually d~ted
617. was still co mnlCnwrat"d in the tenth e"mUTY by a prucc"jon
which led frorn the Hagi.:! Sophi. , through the Forum of
Consuntine ~"d OUt the Golden Gate, all til<' w.y to thc Triburr.l
on the C.mpus M. ni", of thc Hebdom oll P.:! lace complex , Th ere,
the ~uch ..islic liturgy w •.' celebrated in tbe church o f Jo hn the
[hpli'l, '4.' Thi, ceremon y w .~ quite likely an annual reenactment
of a th.nbgiving procession perfor med .ftn the A v", retreat . orr
the model of those witne,,,-'d , for exarnple, ulldcr clllp~ror
An.'t.:!,ius L [t would have corre'ponded to the' dramalic ritu.l, of
,upplic.tiorr whieh Heradim and hi, tru'led .upport~r, patri. rch
Sergiu., h~d organized during the a[tack ;"elf, at the church of the
Virgin_Jermalem, j"'t in si dc the Golden G ~IC ,' H
The dangn of617 pale, in cornpariwn with the gravi ty of the
c~ pit.:!l' s ,itu~tion during the combin~d AVJr ~ " d PCfSi.:!" siege
of 6z6,'H The Avns' withd,.:! w.:! ] wa, greeted with ",hat appears
to be a kind of 'pontal1COUS victory '<:Ivic", Accordi ng to .:!
contcrnpor. ry witness, [he patrici~" !:Ion"" mtrusted with lhe

'" f or ,he ,,,,,i.,,,,,y of J JUn<. ~ '"'~'''" .. C"""""""I"'I"",",", AA~S, Noe,,""'"

P"nJM.", I'",,», 7'.·10--7)<'} · The p,o,,,,,"'" i, <k",,,b<J .r> J. M,..,,,,, I...
J'rr~'" tk!.o G"."'l':.! li", "0,,,,,, ," '" ch,i" i,,,, ,n, k"" ,~, IRoO'" '96».
)06-1. Cf, V, V"iI',.,k, . " " ."y, ' n' Ru"k",. kod<>r, , <>< G<mgy ', VV , J
(, '96) , I ) ---<J J.• Il d V, G '"mel, I..., "" " ok, P'";''' hr<. " r. ,<oJ ,J" (p ,,~, ,~,,), ",' .
.,,,. Th, ,,,d;,,,,,,,t d." ,.,,' ""bli,1>ed by N.l L Il. yn<" Th< d", of 'he ~v ..
""p,il<, ~ <b ,ooo"'gi<'] "udy ', liZ, " 11""1, "0--,1; d . Omog(''''y ,
G,,,~ i, !,,, p. 79·
, •• On ,he ' Up ph,,,...., ,;to Ju';n~ ,h, "'''); , "" ,he <on<emp"'''y J.''';pl io'' of ,he
I,,,,",i. ""'1"'''';' ..,,;, n, V ,M , j. HI".,,,,, ("Hr., ' D,'), ,d. c. lop"'v, 'Su,oe
, vKl<"]'~vo 0 put",I ... "" "'Y Ik>t<0,od;'hy vo Vlnh,m, kh v novuno K<oU,o ..lnii
?, j«n ;",er,,~]; n ..h<>tviyu Ru"kikh n, V,,,,,,,y" v ..... godu ', V V. > (I39JI ,
)', _ . ", h<re )9. - ), IIg' ''''' the ,,,,ilm ,,on of ,hi> wo," "oJ Ill/C, l00 ! to
'Theodore >pKdtu,', >eo H,G . lkek, Ki"~'"M .1r ...1"i"", U",.,", ,.. ~ rz,,'i " ; ­
,,/or, Rtklo. H. ndbuch .I" Alo<rtum,,,,i,,,,",,,h,fl, <>'" , IMvo",h, '9)9). p. 141·
,., S« ill gen,,..], F. 1I,,;;i<, 'l, 'iig< J. Co",umioople p" Ie> II.,,,, « In SU= e"
0'0', /lV ,"4 1(914) , )7 1-9) ·
.dminim:ltion of the c.pit. 1 in Her . clius' .hsence, Ihe patriarch
and. crowd of citizens Went OUt in front of the Golden G.te .nd
offered up immedi.te thanksgiving pr~yn' at the sight of the
r~tre.ting h>rh>ri."..,46 Shortly there.fter, ' more form.l cere-
mony was> in which the junior emperor .nd the
patriuch conducted. prucellion Out of the city to the ,h rine
of the Virgin of llI.chern.e,' <7 The devotion to the Virgin .nd
the .ppe.1 to her relics which marked hoth siege! p!:'yed. key rok
in the cry,t.lliution of the c. pita!' I lpeci.1 cult ofMuy, the ,ource
of Rom.n vi ctory , 10. It m ay have h"ell prcci"ly.t this time th. t
the Abthistol Hymn w ...dopted.s the chssk Byuntinc
victory ode to the Virgin'" According to. liturgic.l tradition
which has found .(ecpunee .mong schol:irs, this th.nk,giving
service included an .II-night vigil, during which the Abthistos
w'-' sung before. standing congregation. '"0 In fact, .n .Il-night
vigil fll' well with wh.t we h.,·c ,cell of victory celcbr.tions in the
I.te ,ixth cemury. Prob. bly .. soon .. the next year, th~ event w ••
commemor:ned by '- reen>etment of the th.nksgiving proc~"iun.
involving htanic supplications with popular puticip.tion .nd
culminating in a euchari,tic ,crv;ce .1 the shrine uf the Virgin of
Bbchern.e.'" According to the liturgical tradition alrcody cited,
the Arab ,ieges of 674-M and 717-1 Mwitne,,,,d ,imil" (cremoniC!,
including the perform.nee of the Ak.thi<tos. ,., At .n y ",te, the"

, ..,'"""... """" ..;,,,,.li /lY.M ;0 o>Io"oIi"" (BJ/G. ,061) ,
,1" __ (C,,<ow. ,.,..,). '6·)9-17_' ,
>I. <d, L. SI<lnNch,


N;"phc,"~ B.,v .. D< Il00', '!"<-7.

TIm "".dop""n ' h .. o.rn d."fl<'d by A v. C.rn,roo, 'Th, Thro<<>ko. ;n ,; xth_
<<TlMy Cc",,,n,;oopk. A city f,nd, '" .ymOOI' , 1"" ... I'f ·1",.lot~.1 S",~i" ,

n,l, >9 1'\171), 7'>-'''' "ld 'TI>< Vi ,~ ;n' . '00., , n 'p,ood< ,n ' M h;"...-y uf <>dy
",,,nth-crn'u,y Coo,un,mopk·. 8,> .. 09 ('979). 0>-J6.
Th", E, W.lku. 'Th, A. "loi""" A ~uJy ;n By""''''' hy""""g"phy·. DOP, 9-10
('9JJ--<i). 'Ol--')O, "p. '0)- » ,
". TIl< """un' (/!HG, '0<1) 1 i, p""",,«1 ;n ''''' 1',i••Ii,,". fo' 'he S"urd.y of'l>< fifth
wo<' of L""" !'G.• , . ') 03D- nil. her, ,)),B, d. C ... , T,y p.n;" P",,,,,.,.,IT
B,z"""',,, , ..,k., Wim" byun ';ni"i"h, s,uJim. J (Vimn,. '¢8). p. '0,
," Thi,;" wh" 1 ,ond"d, ('Om ,~, ;n~"'"« on Ii",~ ..,,,,,- in 'h< 10.'..,..,; .....'' ''; .... ".
S,,,"b.,h. " .,0-,) .
,n BHG, ,""), I'C .• ,.' 1}2C - I); d . T'yp .n; ~ e.." .... pp_ ,0_ ' . Pm ,I>< I"" "<g', ""
'00 ,iI< po<m «kb",;nll , ... ""hvery by 'Thro<\oo;", G,,"'m "KU', ,d, S,P.
l.mpm•. <Ia<op'~~ ""',,~~.n (A,I><",. ' " 0). "9-»,00 , ... d." of which of. S,
G<m. B,z ..,; .. I<_I. ".. "',;oX ,.. ",z..
.fw Ill, ... i,. '1"<;01.",0,'..,
00 , .. """,,,1
_'''', Cmpu'''''P',,'U<H ,h",'",oorum u,jrn" l;um, SUbtidll .• ' (Loo.,in. 'ml),
juslinim, 10 iwnociasm

victones were ,till commemorated in the tcmh centu ry, the

former by " proce,sion from tbe Hagi" Sophia to machern"e vi"
th e Forum ofComt"mine, the la tte r by" panny<hir "nd proce"ion
from the Grea, Church, through the Forum, our of the city vi . the
G.te of Att,,1m ;Illd b"ck rhrough the Golden Gate and imo th e
chm~h of the Vitgin -Jccu .. km,' B
W.s the new ,tylc of commemoration derived from carlier, los!
victory u"ge,.t Consuntinop1c' As e.rly a. the fifrh century, the
bishop! of Rome cele brated anniversary ,ervice, for the delivcry
of their city ftom the barbarians, an d we do know that other
.nnu. 1 ptoce..ion, fell into di,use before the composition of the
tmth -centu r y Typicon,"4 Nonethele,s, the' presence there of
procc"iom commemorating " atur,,1 di.,stcro back into the fifth
cenlUry, combined with the .bsence of commemor.tion, of
eVl',m like the delivl'r."ce of the city from",' Goth, or the
. m.c k of the Kotrigu .. i" 559 - both of which were amply
cdeb rarcd by the government - sugge,ts th"t the cxtc",ion of
IilUrg ical commemoration to victories w., indeed, for Const.n-
tinople, .ninnovation of the \.Cvemh cemury. ' " Wh.t i,more, the
period in which thi, kind of commemoration Aouri,hed is
prcci!-ely the (tnlury between the A var mrptisc and the Arab
siq:e. "6 All thi, ,uggest .• th.t events or rhe late sixth and earJy
seventh century created J uniqUl' dima'" which fostcred l ncw
development in {he vcner~blc CUSIOn> of victory commemora-
tion. and liturgical procession,. The ,hat tered ~onfiJen'c of.

hQm,ly ""hKh 1'"",,<1, (;wn.n", h,,,,,df .1'-)"<,,," "n on< "f!!", ",Iy
p. " ,. "", •
."niv".. ,k>, v. G,umd, ·H"m<i", .k S.m, G"",,," '", I. d<li,,,n" .k
C"","n"''''pk', Rt·B. ,6 ('9. 8). L ~l - 'Oj .
'" CommomQ" tion, ' j JunO'S)"". Cpli""",", Dokh,yc, 7n l -l~' 16 A"8U'" i.;I. ,
"".)<>--9<><.>1. Th, p,,,,...oon, '" <1<"";[",0 on M... "" T";.,,.,. 1.»0.'- .. , .n o
' .)7'.'J-)70.>6 ""p,,,dv<l,.
". Leo t, S"... 8" 'D. «t,b..,ion' cli.; gu, . b .0.10,,,0 ;",ul''' <I, Rvtn', «I. A.
CIo"""" CCL, 'JM ( r97)).P!-6; R. J,n"" 'Le, P'''''''''''''' "!;gO<Uk. I
By .. n«', pt/!, " ('966). 6<)-8!. hm 70- 1.
'" F;f,h,«n'u,y diu""" !till «kh,,,«1 " Co",,.,,,inopk in ,he «mh """'",y
in<;lu<l«l thohtl ,,[ ,d"" of <" (M"""" Ty~k.., '.\<>'''_!' d. M,,«lhnu, Con,,,,
•. j,', Mom m",n, QO. ,"-, , ), .nd ,lie- "",hqu. <" of A.D. ~IIo, • ppmn ,ty «klo.."d
"' M,,«><, Trp~'" (>j 0<1,,0.,). 1..... . -.0.1. C f. V. G,om<l, L" (',,,,,lI>gk,
T .. i'" d·i tud.:, by .. n,;n .. , ' (p"i>, '.j~), p. '1~ .
... Th,>< .« 'h, ont, ,uch P'''''''';'''' ' <CI"'""I hy j,m", '1'""",,,",,,,,'.
D,vdopmrnt in th, late. Roman ''''pir.

~,ieged popul"tion w .. tr"nsferred. at least temporarily, from

imperial invincibility to the victory-giving Virgin.'"


After <I rapid review orthe f<lcts. it is de<lr th<lt our understanding
ofbte antique vicrory celcbrations i~ due fur revi-ion. Quantit,,_
tivdy, their num~r fa r ,urp<l''''' wh"t previous "udies h"ve
suggested. The true measure of the resurgence of imperial victory
festivals in thc Christian Roman empirc emerge, only from a
comp"rison with what went before. The best avai lable study of
da"ical celebrations down to the fourth century counts onl y eight
triumphal g" la' between A.D. ISO and 306.'" Even if we were to
double th.t number to allow for g.p. in Barini', re.ults and the Ie..
abund.m evidence of the earlier period. the compari,on with the
century and a half following Constantine's accession is telling.
Documented victory cdebr.!ions under the new empire num_
bered nearly twice .. many in the ",me period of time: twenty-
Kven. The e,t.bli,hment of the Ch,i.ti"n Rom." empire entailed
a dedsi ve increase in triumphal ceremonies, a kind of rcn .i".nc.
of triumph.
Qu aEuti vely, it i. cqu"lly dc" r th.t the notion of a sub,un ti.lly
uneh"nging 'Byzantine' ceumony must be jettiwned. There is nO
such thing as a 'typic.l' late Roman Or tlyz.ntinc triumph
ccremony. Emph.,i, ,hifr, from triumphal parade, through the
city to por.d" through the Hi ppodrome. from be.,t 'preudc. to
horse rac". from grondiose demonstrations to more secluded,

,,, It;, in''''''ing <0 not' ,hot ,I>< Syou, 'y of ,n, !tn 'h «n'u,y do<1_ .p P"" '0 h•• ,
comm,mo .. ''''''' "t,'ing rit~" of th< ,..,«", p>H, for « . mpl<, K,u m' '" ..,k> on
C"""'"'inopl< in I !) . nd I , f , 'h' ""i' of Tho", .. th< SI,. in b !-•• ,h, Ru"i. n
. ".<k "f800 I'" b<low) or 'Il< ....-k> ofSym<oo of Bulguu in 9' I 'nd 9,. , Th,
Syn.~"y '. nolk, fo, .\ JUI>< ttl" L:llp.~~~. ul Iii"~ ' p_ ~v..u.,,,, ~OI '''~ t.
1I.(~~tp",,,, ""'"n ""I, in th< MS PUm"', John Th<ologot, >66 (• .x) : Sr'"
C,Ii"n" .. , D.,I,h. y',""',f' -._ ~V<" if'PoG, do<1 "'<On ·PoD<., ,h;,rould ",. 11 I>< ,II<
n""ption "'" P'ov" 'h, rui<, I>.<.u .. th< .nn i.<I<><y oomm<mo",ioo 'PP'''' '0
h. YO I>.<n joi "'" m ,I>< p~' i",n' on< for ,I>< A.-.b ,;'g<. A g.>intl H. Gr!goit< .nd P.
D,S"" 'Lot in",,,,,,, ru"" ,lon, I< Synox.i« d< Con",",;nop"·. 8y." ' . 119}.),
r. , _j, "" C Tlu H ... iIi",.jPMl,,,,, P",i." ••jC ... "",,;".,~, [Jumb. "",,
D.b Studi«, ) (W ..hing'on. D,C., !9}1). p. I , . n. '7.
to. C R.nn;, T n''''''pl"d'' _I.."" .. ,I ..... ; ..iii,.., .. ,.... fi .. (Turin, ,g).).
PP , W) _, _


~ ri~tocr~tic g~therings,
from cdebr~tio!lS over intern~1 enc-
m ie. ro tho"" over extern~1 ones, And , the direction of ch ~ nge
is not irrever.ibk The <{cody progrns of Chri~tian clements is
unmin~ hble. As new ritc. ~PPCH, old ones f:l n ~w~y. Triumphal
arches diS<lppe<lr after the fifth century. triumphal columm
somewhat later. , .. The i~sue of specio I Kold ceremon ial multiples
or mcd.lliom COmes practically ro a closc.'·o T he timing of
cdebr:lt iom docs not .ppcar ro any dcar rdation with the
,t. ge of .n emperor', reign (e.g., many more ,debut iom early
on); it docs di~phy itTe(ut.blc - if mrprising - link< with the
decline of imperial military fortunes , Vic!ury ceremonies cannOt
be viewed ,... gents ofhi,roriGiI ch,mgl', They mu~t, however, be
recognized <IS symplOnH of change _ Against lhc gene",1 backdrop
of the historic.1 trends in their development , we may now !Urn to
the problem of ccrtain specific ceiebr.tio", .nd their imp.c! on the
public life of the late antique state _

, .. nu, Ju,tini.n·, ,«"" .. "",ioo nfT)"'''''",i",' ,olu",n in ,~< Augu""""" J>nu"

C,I. oyz .. PP. 14- 0 .
... p, Grienoo, C.,.1o;to.1 ,'" BF,",j"".i", i. ,'" 0."""'" O,~, C.I"',i"" _ i.
,'" Wh i""..., C,IIW'''''. " j (W.,Joi"g'''''' ll,(; .• '968) , 9.

Imperial victory celebrations and the public

life of the later Roman state

Although ~ , .pid review of all known impcri.! victory celebr.-

liom .od their essential characteristics hal yielded" cle.'cr picture
of (he bro.d trend ••od It.gel of their development, it js far from
exhausting the evidence which specific cclcbr.tiom provide on
particular moments in the life of the huer Roman monarchy and
its public di,p],y. For the histor;,m of ble .ntique Titu.l, it is
important to clarify the precise ceremonial content of celebrations
at Rome and to address the thorny question of what rebt;ou these
ritual. bore to development, ouuid" the UrDj , For the hi'lOria" of
religion md the impcri.l ide., the connection ~lween the
emperor.' new theology .od milit.ry meee" would "'em implicit
in. dog.n li k~ 'By this .ign conqu~rr .nd the storie. auached to it.
Yet th~ positive contr ibut ion of Christianity to victory celebra-
tiom was .nything but swift .nd obvious_ For the historian Onate
Roman government, an .nalysi. ofspccific ceremonial eventS Can
shed light on the practice and propaganda of the monarchy and its
officer!. !:IUt first we need to consider OnC of the mOre dunblc
myth. about late antique victory ,debutions. namely that somc
Ob"'TV'InCCS were true triumphs .nd others were not, p,,,ticul. rI y
insofar as b.rbarians and usurpeu were concerned.


With disarming confidence, modem historians h.v~ not in_

r,-.,quently pronounced a particular victory f"stival to ~ • 'real
triumph" an 'ov.tion', or indeed, oot a triumph 'in th e proper
",nse" as though the sham of sen. torial ap prov.l in the preceding
c~nrury or th~ old condition. had .ny r,.lsignificance to

the .uthoritarian monarchs and triumphators of t he Comt:mtini.n
empirc.' Onc of the mOl! influent ial contributions", thi s w ay
of tb in kin ~ h .. come from the char:lClcrization with which
Ammian m Marcdlinm op<'ned his oft-dted de~c ript ion o f
Cmm:lnt iu , triumpha l vi,it to R ome in 357.
While in the E>st .nd in (jaul the" m. tt e" were . ... nged., well .. w ••
pOSlible unda the eire,,",,'. nee•. Con>ton ,im W1S itching ' 0 R.ome
, nd cdebra!. witho "t c.u" , triumph for Rom.n bl'K><I , , s though the
" "'ple of j . Ilu> h.d been d o..... J md .11 enem ie. overth rown .fler the
destruction nf M.gnentiu •.>
It i.' clea r that in ,orne conse rvati ve circk., it rem . ined f,shion.ble
to c~press rescntment ovcr the cdeb .. tion of victories in civil
W:lr' Yct it has been observed th,t thi, particubr judgement and
others lik e it arc bu t an other instmce of Ammi. nus ' hostility to
Con't.nt im and a .p.:citic c~amplc of hi~ ten den cy to judge .nd
condemn contemporari('\ .g.ins! tile presumed standard~ of the
good old day •.' Even if the evidence were overlooked from the
victory celebra tions of A.D . l3~, it is un deniable th~! fourth_

E.g. K"II"·; I<. PI",i'. rr. 0< .nd OJ; cf. • bov<, n •. '. n.]O .• nd ,,<x, n.
, Anllll" "u' M",dt",",. ,6 . '0. ' -' . U .. k. ,. !<.9-'" ·tt,,, dun, 1'" <0" P"'" <I
G.lli .. P'" <>P ' o «mpomm di'p<>nu",uo. C"",,, ,,,io. ~o .. i du>o '<mplo
"""'GO< oo,,,b.,, ,.,,,,,,i,.
Rom.m .,,,,,,, g<<t",b". POS' M.~"",,; .,i,ium .Mquc:
,oom; '1<" <x ""~o'"' Ro " .... o ... umph,,",",. n« .mm ~'", 'm oll.m \>olt. c" .. "m
P" " ,up<"oi' .• u' uomm fm t;, ..,!i", ~ . mum '''''p<.i' d"" .. m , u<l ><Ididi, ~o",d.",
imp<.;o . • u< m~o'm in ."""i""bm ,ummi" p. imu, o<t ;.. «, p,;mo, "" "''''', «<I u,
romp'''' nomi, .,. ,en"m , "s.n' ;. ~o< .u", ",,;11, . " pokh"'udie<m "'1""'.0..,
",,,,oJ,,,,. 'goo", '''''q",II,", PUP"". hot_,,<'I "".. I< qu",~" "" "'okt<. 0<"< '1"",,1(
""'qo,,,, 'I<",
or"n ,; .... . A",oll~ 'Oo """" "" f,,1 d"wmom of ,h" P''''S< fo, ou,
Poo"",... . "."c R . l'q"""'. · tJ" K.. ><" u,,' o.. d J", c:;.",U><h.f, cio< R.",oo'. 1'>..1,,",
J" Sp,,"",i" . V""...'""! "''" ". ","", 0," Hi"", ..",,! 1'1001,," (S,ulIg'''' '9]0).
PI' · , - )'. I."" ])-6, A . Atloldi. 0;, Ko""oi.. , " . Ei. " '. ... "", P,'P"lonJ.",ill.i ."
s,..,,....,,"''" lI'idn.~h," A",,,.,. ,.. on i"" .. K_p!' ~,~'".., O,;"Ii,", K,u,""m. ,
(!lU"'p<><. ' 0< )). loCI: lA. ~","b , v.'" H"'''' ......''' '" ." sp .... ".,. fv''''hu''~""
,or )(",h ,,,- un~ C"" ' ''", ~,,,,h'(h« .
" (1)<"''8''' ' '9)9). Pp.1711f: R. Kkin, ' I),:,
Romo< " " h~ " K",,,, Kn"",n"", II . •m J,""
JJ"1'. A'Iv ....... , n.'. 17 {' 070).
9!-1 ' ). " p. wlf. 'C<O,J"'R <0 ,,"oom ,i>< """'101'WI! l>oth ,i>< .;',ory 0",'
M' ~"""'''' '"~ ",,,,m 'U"""" ,~,;"" ,he b"b"i."" ><_o,d."S <0 M"Corm" k,
A" .. , ""'"''''1. p. ". 'no " ,,,n'ph '''''. pi,,,'
, n ", Ct. u,I ;, n, m • '1'«<" 1"" '" Ro",,,', ",,,,,,,h, (,,,1<,,,, ,i><f." ,h" 'ntp"mt
" ,"mph,,, Rom., "' ,«c." "'<I"O'Y. h, J , II «kb.",J d ..1w ... , VI ' ''''' .. )9)-,00.
!lit, " 9.
, ,;<,." g. S","b. H""'""i",'I.rp. ' 77- i , . "J 'Ko","n ' ,,,, V",kh , ,u f J,n G'ng
""" K,p "" " . H'"..;•. • ('9") . ' l>7-j'), I"" '99- joo. G. ~,bb . h, Lo ,"bJ.,.,k
V;lIory aNd la,,, RomaN public life

century emperon h.d litde difficulty ccl~br.til1g success over

rival..' Indeed, it i. possible '" go even furth~r, for Ammianm'
judgement Ries in the f~cc offaets: the ritu.l, which h.v~ left ,he
widest echo in surviving records arc prcci ~ely those which
trumpeted 'he fall of umrpers," Th" t thi, i. not due to an accident
of "mn:e prC5<' rv;'lIion is lugges,ed by the imposing number of
commemorative inscriptions ~nd monument. '''od"tcd with
the", victorin, .nd comforted by the relatively frequent pro-
vincial congutubwry dcleg<ltions to ,he victorious emperor.'
Such a lcg~tion waS nO! merely .n opportunity to pre'ent th e
tradition<ll golden CTOwn, wish the empcror well and solici, favon
for one's hometown .nd friends, h was aho - ~nd perhap'
npecially - . viul me.ns of .. mting the "ictor of • dry' s
unswerving loyalty> p.rticubrly if th.t loyalty h3d been compro-
mised during the nrugglc." In much the w.y dedic .. iom
referring to victories in civil war provided " p.rticularly mten-
tatious celebration ofa locality's loyalty,9
A, dev astating . , the barbarian incursion s may hve been 10 the
particu lar region. ,hey afflicted, it i. ca,y 10 forget that they
rcml ined a loc.lized phenomenon . Except prrh3pI for the
month s 3nd yens immed y following Adrianop1c - when the
frequency of vIctory celebrations over barbui.m surged
upwards - few fourth-century emperon would hav e been ju.ri-

I A ....... M.",II••. R"Io",r..., '"' J. , .." ,"',... 01.. J." o." ~."..i'l'" """' It, R" I''''''
(P"". '971). pp. )00-1. go<' '" [" .. to..., in ,h. ·""jo,,;ti.d 'riumph' • g.n ... 1
,h.m, ," A m m;. "u,· h",,,,;,,. 1QQ' look, "" ,hook< th" Juli.n ·, /.<'''' " ,r... A, """i'"J
in~""""d Amm;"ou<' .«~uo' .
, In ,.1.1;""" '0 th, "Ieb,,,",,", of i'l ,od W l .1 ;,,",>«1 in Cn. ' . ..., h<tow, nn . ') - >0.
• Th;';, pu'icu)u)y tf"" Qf,1wo ,d.b .. ';Qm of IU . JJ'--'7, )11-9 . • nd )90-j.
, Th" ""m>1o b< ,t.< ",0", ofN."riu,. X II poo .. •• i'.l , Myno". ,67 .>l-o fot A.D .
J' , . On ,Iwo .1<1'11"""" which ;ndud,d n.:m i,,'u,' P'''''lI yri< of )j7. >« D' S<on .
71>Om''''''', pf'. 10- 1 .nd 'OJ-U . cr. too .bo". Cn. '. n, ' i . fot 'Throdoou,'
v;"to, y ov<t M •• imu,. " .• k n~w ofkg""'m frum Ant;""h .nd Em","" Lib.n'u" Ep .
171, '. «I. R , FO<flm, 01""'" (L"p,iA, 19")' iH - j ,nd fr ·, h~, ',1'","",,,.
" ,6,"-1.'. on which "'< P. Pe"', !.i""'''', pp. " ,-,?, .. wdl" A""'"o""
50<;""" H.,,. 6, >. PC. <'>1 .,...,.A- B, d . \.oz~m'n , ll.t .. I, " '7, BKi<. _ H,o,"".
lJ"' O-II. I'm tb< ,;"my or 19" Ambro« . E, .. 6"., PL. 16.")7-1. S« 100
following n. ' nd . [0' It.< lh;,d ""lU'Y. It.< "lob,,, ..... , of ,) 3.• bo ... Ch. L
• n .." ,h, p,",um<d 1<g""'" of Ot~'U' "" boh. lf of 10. S<o, t< of Rom' ,f,,,
M'gn,",iu, dor.." Ch""gno) . F."". p. l" .
• E.I. ILS. 6!1---<} l. <t<. Rom ." n"",,,oo<> would prob.bly ",..".1 . «udy ftom thi,
pc;", or .;"w , , . ~ . ILl .""J 0 ' 7)7.

tied in feeling that ,he Germanic inva~iom ,hrc3tencd their throne
and the very existence ofthci r empire. An imperial ri val. On the
o,h~r hand, was a mor~ dangcrollS f~ and • dc~per thu.t to •
nascent dynasty . 10 The stakes wem far beyond the Ux revenlieS of
th~ most prmp erous provine<' and called into question the loy.lti,s
of millions of citj~ens, loya ltie> which were constantl y forc<'d into
displ ay, te'ted and sometim e, comprom ised in dozens of det.ih of
daily life: during regnal holiday', in li turg ic.l comnl<'moratiom,
in the presence o f the imperi.1 portraits, dating a document to a
particular consulate an d even .,ccpting payment in • particula r
coin," Politi cally, then. the need to elicit and prov idl' eviden ce of
unshl ken o r restored allegiance was p. rtkularly acme in th e wake
of a civil war. It is this need which underlies the cxtr. o tdi n.ry
significan ce attached to cek br. tiom ovcr impcri.l rivals in thi,
period: the imperial victory festival rendered """ifest the
renewed f.bric ofloya lty between ruler . nd ruled _ Wh ;H then are
we to make of Ammi.nus' SI.temen,) To Roman re.ders or his
o wn generation, the implicit cr;,jcism muS! have ,eemed dear . nd
cutting, coming as it did in a work which was publi!hed almo!t
contcmporaneoully with.n eve nt which it does not mention: the
trip of Th~odosiu, I to Rome to celebrate 'he destruction of a

" Th. puin' ;, <I..,]y m.d. '" ~" ;L < ,"u,i,<. 'un '''' bl W. Golf.". ' 1\.,,,,<.
Co",,,n,;nopi< . nd ,bo Il"b. "",,'. ,1 .. ""," H"",~.I R,";,w. !6 ('9! ,) . "J-JOO.
h<" ,!,- ) .nd '9J ,
" Th. puii'koi impl"";"" of ""m"i" ,«ogo i'"",' ;, .mpl)' "pl~;«~ by T , D. Il""",
C""""",;",, pp_ lolf .nd Fm;,"_ On min" i. ,d .. p. 7~. On PU"'''''' H. Kru«. S'."i,.
,., o/fizi,lI .. G<I"'"3 '" K";m.,J'" i .. " . .. ","," R,;,ht. ~ , "d .. n .m (;"'~;,ht<
"nd Kul,u, d« "1<."",,,,,'9 , J (p. d«bo<n, ' ~HI . pp. '71f· So,;n K,n".I, h<k:ow,
Ch . 6, '-
" On th, d", of rompo<it;ool of,b;, "'eliot1 of,h< R" 1'''''', " ..-<11" Amm"nm'
.";,u<l< ,o ... "d Th .. ><i<",u" EX Thomp"," , no< ~ i""i,, 1 ",. ,t oj A,",";"".,
M,,,,IIi"", (C.mb,," ~,, '9"1, pp . , 1- 19; d . ' .~. R_C., A'"'" ,....'
M""IIi""" 11 '""r '<'
_j I<i, 'i".,iot"p"r on' I"'li,~.1 'h,"~" ', Colk « ;,,,, l«"mu>,
(Bm,,,,I>, 197J), p, ' J, It i, prob.b!y no win,;*,,« 'h" 'h' <p;'"'''' <>f V.k,;u.
M.xim"" F"to" ~i". "","".h,Ii., compm<" hy Ju l;", 'P,,;, ' ;n ,ho: bt< fou rth Q'
fifth m"ury (cf, PLRE, " 6<\71 drop' ,he =''''' of 'h. d"pt<, IN im '''","pl.,'';,
(V.I,,;u, M.x;mu" >, ,. 7. ,rio C. K<mpf (l<;p';g, ' '''), ",." ", . ,?) whd
expbin, th« " i"mph, ..e no, S" ot<d fo. civil w"",, Juli", P";', .d_ i'i~_ , <9'1 - 7. Cf.
i>ow,v<r ,h< br<r (~<piton" Of1'""'''"' Nq>o<;," ,,, (d, A, Lip!",lri , KI"., 1', •
(''''') , 6<) in wh;';h 'h< ,,<1;00 <""'m",,, ,,, ncom , .d. K<mpf, I", . <i, .

A well-known remuk by ~n cntern ob,.,rver of [he fourth

century rdo.:r~ t<.l lb<· elemal ci ly~. the 'capiul o flrophlc,·. ll Like
molt of their conlenlpor. r''''' the authon of our $Ouren COII[inllcd
to attach 10 Ihe all cienl c. pilal all importance ou l of all proporlion
with 11..0111'') , cal pulil ic.1. !lr>tcgic of CConOnllC signtfiunee. U
Thi. bial il rd1cClcd in [he evidence:, and . while we may decry the
m'gligcncc of C<.lnlrmp<>raril~ in recurding dcuili of the far morc
IIU mcrou I viclOry celeb rations naged in the empire' I new capitals.
we cannot afford to ove rl ook the valuable infur",.!ion >ssociatc d
with the vi lits [0 Rome by Con,t.ntinc I. CO!l!!aruius 11.
ThcodQ,i\lS ), and HonQrius.
Contcmpo r.rit·) viewed .11 these as comprising victory
cckb rations . Ironica lly. doc mOlt immediately obviou. con" cra-
[iotl o f a victo ry \~ Ihe one vi,it which hal the leaS! cb im 10
o ff"i.1 reeognil;on o f its Iriumphal eh.racter. From Ih e name of
di e ,.alC hol ida y which cnn lillucd to mark the evem fou r dceadCl
bier, ;\ is lIu " ifC' •• ha. ConSl,ntine', cn try jlllo Rome in ) 11 wu
COllltncmoratcd a' an '"', ..... ,.. s, even Ihough Ihe triumpha l arch
ereeled to honor die cltent il called an '.rcus triumphil insigni'. 15
It il jUl, ~I cku that oontcrnvo",ricl associated with .he prince had
little trouble (Out;ng the defcn of a Rm un army 11 suitable
material for a vklury cckbrniun. for .h~1 is how they pr~sentcd
the cvenn of 1 ~ Onubcr J!~.'6 Thot Con.tantiu,' v;rrMMa!i4
fntivitk. in B7 ~ntailcd a victory "clcbr~tion i. p~tcnt from

' . Th.m'''''''' 0., j. " b. ,d. :":",n~1 llo ... ",,~, 1.""·' 1.
•• ~.~. p,,,,,,,,,,d, 11_ ""'.' , pp. oK. "oK... e.o>d "" G, ... 'u''''''~J. V,lm.
11_, 11 __'." " .. j,.,..,i... ,..... .l''''~'''1K-o L"".,., *, K.." .. ,;" A,,, "8;"
,.." ..,," hu" ..... OOrum h"", .. um l""<I<n .... ), (l....d. 'vw). pp. _,W.
" C- . ''t'''''' •. J,I" D. (; .... ,. 'n. wt", ... , . Ot,ub<, .. dn,J'I"od F.,,,,.. 1J'_o;
... d ,~Ot,oi><r . ""","_ Di ... • nod ""Id" .... d w~h .. to< .... cf. com", .• ;.... )". 1<
n wonh "",,,,~. />0 ....... ,h", tho. d<f~" uf l""",'" " """""""".. "" on ,t", .,....
pbc.... ~h 1.0_ ~_p/I&It" ,I Sop1<mhet. dot.. '>l ; d 1'0 - " Foo ,he ",,,, .. po;.,..
on "" Atch .... Con... nuno: ILS. 69<.
" Th", E.t>tb, .... H .. .. 9. 9. 9. Soh .... " .. '.'Jo .• ) - •• lo' 'p.t,,,,,,, ,.c,' til,""'....
• /or~ ...... (d [(.r",,,,· "..,olooon. Mom", ..... ,W.. ",. 11- '" ' '''brill R.,........
,,"' .... ph ...."'. '"g'od"",'). , f. EuO<biu>, V. c...,,_''';. ,. l~. ' . W.. kelm... ". )6."
N .... ,.... XII ,..... . ('01. ,G. J. J '. ' -l ...><I J'. " M~ ....... , ,66." - 11. ,M.' 1- '1
. nd 1107 ,' - , •. N",. ,hot. l" " .f.., tho """"'. d........ ~"".'" p..... IIY'''' .ppl;"
,t", """ <0 ,he rid>cult ",~,<t'" "" Mox.n,",,' loud : "",j ,,, ..........,. XII,.-.. ,,(~),
II. I, M~n"", . h· ...
Ammianus' polemic: Themistius too st~tes outright th.u Const,n-
tinopk waS not je~lom of the ,-mpnor's decision to cdebr.lte the
,-ietory fcniv,l in old Rome befort· doing!O in the new One. H is
contempor"y testimony is seconded by the imcription of the
obelisk erected in the Circu, Mnimus ,t Comt,ntius' com_
m~nd.' 7 The tim in;: ofTheodosiu,' trip to coincide w ith the f,tst
,nn iver<, ry of Maimm' final defe,t - , st,te holid.y in its own
right - in it",lf suggest' (h , t th e vi,it of lS!j included victory
obwtv"nces. The sug ;:e.tiotl is boTtle O Ut by explicit eotltempo-
r,ry ev idence. II Fin~l1y. the association of Stilicho', Gothic
victori ... with Honorius' visit to Rome to ..sume the consubte in
40 3 - 4 i, equ .. lly di,tinct]·
De,cription, of the four event. focus on the ceremonial entry
,nd triumph.l parade: only passing ,llusion is mode to the
'p"ctul", and other ~ctjvitje' whid, .. ccompooied the visits_Thi, is
in line wid, both earlier tradition .. od the contcmpor"y situation,
in that visits by the em petot to Itome had become so rote and
observances surrounding ,n emperor's ,rriv,l in ,ny city hod
grown into one of the gre.u "ate ccremollie, of],te a ntiquity, ~O It
is worthwhile to defme the COmmon ehauctetistie. of th"",
On one occasion . the victory wa, announced shortly before t he
ceremony but [he report wa, not believed until M:lxentius' he:ld
was held high for "n
to scc. 2 ' When circumstance. permitted. the
prcpacation, fOT the ,""emony must have becn costly and time-
comuming ,22 To the m:ln in the street, t heir most obvious

" At"".." n. >: T I",,,,;,, ;u, , 0. .• J, 'i-ch<n kl-J)ow""y 1.6<0.>0-61.\ ; ILS, 110 .'-•• nd
10- .. .. "'ell .. ,h< I"" ",d<oe< ,,[' S",om,n. 1/. • ., •• I , '. IIKk._ Il.m,,". '''_11f
" [,,,,,", , XII PO" .. , (" I•• 0, '. Myn"". "9·... - 1; of. Rufinm. n •.. ", '1.
Momm,." , 1_ <0 .... .,h_, 7.00 ~>C''''' ' 11., .• ), " , /'G, ", .;;0. A ",d So.o,""n. Il....
1 , , •. 7 , lJoJ.. - t(,n"," "y,'r 'o.
" Th", P,uckn,;u" C""". Sf'"'""-"'"'" ", - 3, od, M.P, Cu"n;ngh.m, eCL. 1>6
{1<>661. "]0 .nd Cl.uclun , VI "ff, .. I"". B,r<, 'j6.ntl "p. J91 -6. p, ,.9, Cf, S,,;u, lid,·
E..p'''." ,-., Y; F. . Dc mous<o<. Dt 1'"";'/, pp . • !6-7'00 C. m<'on. Ci"",i,",
pp . • ' '' - ,-
" M"Cmm.d•• ,j".,.4 '''''''''''1, pr · ,'ff
.nd ,,,of.
" Th", Z""mm. 1/;,,_ ••••. '. '1. '. F.",houd. "" ,'Y ' • . '-
" In] ". Cu","n"n. p,ob,bty found 'h< "'1 .lo<>dy d"'''''ed. ,i"<e M."n"u. h.d
ju" « 1<[,-,,,<J h" "'gn.1 .nn'''',.,y' IIIC, h. ,Off_ 11=ph,ne•• "-M . J~'-. De
Bm" '-'._" _ , J <1<,., however cl> ;m ,h"
,h< Rom.n. <kco,,«d ,hoir "'y for ,h.
c<,<",ony. Acm,ding w A",,,,i,,,,,, M",<l!;,,",. ,6. 10, ., U"k, , .31,'. tho
clement would have been the fesdve decking out of the city"
a venues with flowers, tapestries and precious objects, the (Oron~tio
urbi •. 21 The area of u!ed by the imperial party is
un.mbiguous only for the ceremonies of 3 u and 404. Cbudi.n's
description of the btter shows welcom ing crowds ,tretched out to
the Milvian Bridge and sitllates it along the Via Flamini •. '4 The
site of the batde of the Milvian Bridge along with the Arch of
Comt.nline's depiction of the entry ,It the Arch of Domitian on
the Campus Martius (d. fig. I, p. 38), os well a, what is known of
Comtantius' itinerary, imply that the same route was followed in
J!2 .nd l57." This suggem that the puades passed through the
C.mpus Manius .nd presum.bly, down the Via lata 10 the
Outside the city. the imp"ri.l party w., met by the Senate of
Rome, distinguished official! and the people. Only in the ca!e of
Constantine do we actually hear of. set1l1ori.l escort into Rome.
Honorius rdU!ed to . !low the sen.tor! to precede his ch.riot. 21
The imperi.lsegment of the p.rade pmse.!(:d. dininctly military
character, .ince the em peror him!Clf wa, .urro und ed by an e!Con
of sumptuously uniformed he.vy c.valry; in 401~4 they wore

p«p",,;on, fo' C",,"'n,;u,' ,,;uml",,1 "'''''""'' weI< .. ",noi.. ,nd <Xp"m;v,. On

,~;, "1'<<' of vi""'y "l,b,,,;"" •• "" n . 1_
" Prud,n';u •• C ..,,, S,'" .....~."' .•, 7 •• -1 . Cunnmg~ 'm •• )6_ Cf I><low. Ch_ j ,
pp. >Ollf,
" Cloud;,". Vi,...... l) ' - 'O. B;<t. 'j._
" On 'ho ;don,;fio,.;on of '"' '0l"'8nph;,,1 de,,;], of ,h. '.on".n';ne «I;.f
L 'O"nll' -von c."hn. B,!' ,,~,"", • . pp.71- 8o, On Co","n';u,' ' pp,o"h v;'
Oo:,icuiom. Amm;'"",. 16. '0 • • • ClI,k. I.l l_' -" of. G_ R . d. " 'ViI< publ"'''''
,om,.,. •• RE. S. 'J ('97J). "'1-,616.",,, '1<9ff,
.. Cf. Pt..<n<,-Aohby , Di<, ...... , . PP_>IO'" ,nd 10. _
" I.>,,,n,;u•• D< ...,,_ ,0""_••<, '0. MOl"", t.I'1_)<-6; XII ,0'" .• t> (9) , '9. '. Myno".
,1< .• 6- 1; N" .. io" XII ...... < ('0). I', '. My""" , ,0\6.11- 19; E"",b;u,. H,t .. 9. 9. 9.
xhw • .-tt. I Jo_'J - I 1>_) . C<>o",otiu, w.. ttl" 0", "'" ';,y .od w<lmm<d by ,h.
:;.nm , lOme of whot< meml><" dtJpl. y<d effigi<> of ,h<i, patrie;," , "«>to,,;
Amttl;'no, M.. «llinu,. ,6 , '0. j , CI><k. I.! 1,4- 1: Claudi.o. VI ''''' .. lH---9. Hi«.
'I<-j. eb,m. ,h .. HonOf'U" J<ltu« mowed him '0 1><. ott;,," ... h" ,h.n. Io,d.
,ho, fu lfi ll;ng ,XI'<<''';''''' of iml'<,;,1 Ikpoftmen' ou,i"8 v;.;" '0 Rome (,f-
e ,n,,,,,,,. C/""'i .... pp. )!,-)I_Uole>. ,h; • •,,'"' ,h .. he ~"n",d ,!oem p,«eden<,
by p,,«<I;n~ '",m, ' he ",,,,,,,,n;,1 """,,,n, of ,h;, It"'''''' ;. _ """ <e""nly I,.,
, n"qu;,y ido:n"f,.,j "'" ,,' of ... ,Ikinl ;mm,d;."ly ;n fro", of. rid;ng .ok, w;,h ,h,
hum;];" wn cf, "p,;v<o ,hu, A",lu.' ""';' wo m ,I>< t<;umph of , ,6, .00 ... Ch, >.
p. 17. " ' ,ho hum;li .. km inR,<t<a "" G. II. Pbddi, by king s.:,«i, ;n ., 1 (l'LRE. "
91,), Olympio<lo,u•• fi!. ". '!'I'd I'hotiu. , B;il;",~"" ced_ to , Ho",y. I. '16. '7- :10,
EviJr"re from Rome

gilded HmOT 3nd !.Corlel lilk unifntms.'" Like the highly vi!ible
imperi,1I purple, thi, combin'llion of colon would gre~t l y
. ided onlookers in picking out the imperi , l pnly in the long
!n J J l, the n~ture of the victory being ce!ebr,ted w",
nnmi,t"hbly ident ified by M axentius head, carried high on a
lance. AI the gruesome spccuck passed by, it w as subjected to
abuse. to politic.l horse_play 'illd to mock "cc!am,tiOll1, .!lowing
the papul.tion to delhTr itsdf of th,' very different behavior they
mll1t h"vc exhibited to lheir dead ruler but hour, earlier.'0 In J88,
th e imperi,1 puty w a, preceded by hand-n rricd Il,,~t~ (Je'mla).
which prob,bly followed the tr"dilion in vigor down to the
beginning of the century ~nd offered display. rd,ting to Thcodo-
sius ' victories. Onc comelllpor~ry delcripdon of theoe flo,u
mcntio", picture. of (aptnr~d citie, and 'igm identifying the
defe"ted en~mie,. J ,
In keeping with the new Iymb"lism of ., the later
Roman emperor rod e >eated in a triumph . 1 vehicle worked w ith
gold and decorated with jewell. Most d~scTiptiolls n~~ the
tndition,l word eu,ro>, hut the relief of the Arch of Constantine
(fig, !, p . 38) .nd Ammianus M~rcclli,,"S prove {h. t a fonr-
w heeled vehicle , a (arpenl"m, waS now s{"ndard ,J2 Tradition
expected th"t the emperors' rore vi,i{, to Rome be enliv~'1lcd by a
few odd gClwre, or his civility. , living ,rch,;sm, hork enjng b"ck

" Ammi,"", M,,,,]h"",, ' 0. ]0.0-'. Cluj.. I.~ J 7-": (;I.udi,,, . VI " " ' .. JO,-",
Hirt . 'JJ .
,. Th;, ,«h"K.t ,,"on fo, ,h< ~"" v.l"" ,,,.<I,,d <0 r",pk '" 1'<'.00, of m<monid
dowlopn,,", i , of,," m'«loohd . II mu" i,,,., Ix", '" obv,,,", '" ,h, ,,"yd.y
'~I'<n<"« on", ,n';qu< n,",1'ho< "m"mp"""<> mdy ",f" <0 iI: C. IllOO<>lU',
v .,i... '. ',>, <d . A. Fndh. eel., \III ('91l) . )0.')-'0 .
" XII,.,. .. ,. (0). ", ,. Mynm'. " ' " ,_ , ,nd '" . ' . , H• .'" N""i",. Xllp"",, '('0 ).
1'. J, My"o'l, '67.7 - i . cr. ,0<: ,ok of ,I>< I><,J ;n lh" ob"'''''IK<I of A.D.
" P,n'"" XII ,.,... , ("I. <7. ). M)·non. ]10.' -7 . Cf 'h, d<",,,p"o,, of ,ueh flo", on
Amb",,,, of M;lo"', oompu;",n of Ch,;,, ', ,·i...I,,,,. '". "'""'1,1,,1 r",£<<<Oon,
Ex,.,;/" " .., <Ii, ",,""d"," Lu""", .o. '(0)-". ,d. M. Ad"""n, eCL. ' •.• ('9j7) .
J.,6 , IO)~ In '0)<, b." d .... , "'"'0"' ...·Ii,·"'·o j" J;;-' ( ~d , ;"" , p. v, j) .
" "mm"nm M",d l;"",. )0. '0. 6. CI,,". ,.! 1.'0-'" Cl"",,, ",, VI """.. I" ,od j7".
Dirt, 'J' ,"d 'JJ' P'Ud<;nlOU', C""", SY'"'""'~"'"'" n'. C"nn;ngh.m. ,)6. 0.,
'mp<,;01 .,hKh .f< W, W,"", 'DK RdiGuKnpro",,;on ,uf <1<, Elf<nh<in"f,,1 <1<,
Trl<", Uo",,,,h ...,,, u..! d" ~ .. ,. ,]j,b" Hof",,,,,,,,,,,,II', T,;"" Z<i'''"'if'P'
C"d'K~" • ...1 K""" . " hi"" L,"J" . ., (1\>791. T) l-j '. I",,, ,,0--7·
Vicrory a"d lalH Roman p"bli( lif~

to the d.y. of the fir!! citilen. lJ Even Const.ntios, wholc rigid

hier. tic P0!!llrC ,hroughout ,hc patad<' has become pr.C(ic.lIy •
MpoS <lmong modcm wrilcrs on thc founh-cclllory monarchy.
condclcendcd to throw mme crumb! of consider<ltion to the
Roman crowd during the game!.'" Theodmim [ .(lUally step-
ped down from hi, c.rri' ge .nd w.lked • w' y'. Th~nb to <I
contemporary exegcsi, of thi, ,ymoolic ge'ture, we know Ihal il
was mc.nt to convey to onlookers Theodmiol' m.nery of a
contemporny ide.l: Ihc emperor triomph. in hi. penon.l. ethic,,[
conduc, '" much •• in hi. miliury pr.Clice. l • A sim ila r conslruc-
tion w.s pbced on HOtloriu.' tre<ltment of the Sen"tc during his
p" . dc. 36 Clc"rly. contcmporary wilnesses pinlled more and
morC signific. nce on mch ccremoni.[, eyen ., they
ruer .nd r.H<·r.
The triumphal pnade h.lted in Ihe Forum Romanum . !loth
Constantio, .nd Thcodmius p. id hom.gc 10 Ihe city', tradilion.
by "ddrc"ing Ihe Sen<lte first. in the Cur; • . "nd then spe" kitlg to"
widcr "ssembly of Ihc people from the rOjlra.'7 [n 403-4,
Honorio, ",cms only to ,po ken from Ihe ra,lTa, depriving the
Senale o( Ihe address lradition.lly delivered hy e"rlicr
emperor •.'" If the swdling of ",n"lOri.1 r"nb in the [ate fourth
century combillcd with Ihe ,m<ll) s i~c oflhe Curi" ,"otion .g.imt
re"dins 100 much into this dcp"rwre (rom cmtom, .nOlher
innoY,lion .hows why il h"d become ncec".ry 10 ritu .. lizc even
the emperor' , rare dcmomtr. liom of civility.'" The Arch of
Con!untine's relicf of the address ftorn Ihe Tribuna l depicl' "n
ereCt emperor, delivering his h"r .. ngue on his fcct. A century !otero

" Cf. S,,,ub. 1/",,,.,,,,s,..I. pp. 'i71f. ,nd M"Cm"''' •• A" <lnIi "'''''''''1. p. p.
,.Amm .. "u, M ..,dhnu, . ' ". <". ') _ <• . n ..l. d" .I1-Ul.
" p,,,,u'. XII ...... ' I,,). ".). M)·nQr!. "O."- ~.
" Sec .1>0'<. n. n
" "'-mm"n"' M"""II ;nu,. 16. 10. 'j. C],". <.1".' J: ',d""u'u, ",,!HI,""m In ru"'.
populumqu< <c, tri"m.h· . P""u'. XII .... .. l. lu). '7. j. Myno". ",0.6.
Con",",ilt •• dd""cd Ill< Sen'l< i. '"".' .... , il " not dm ifh< did",,, pm oflh<
triumph. 1p",d<: XII p... .. " 191. '0. '-'. Myltof>. ' ! J . ,~-,o : <f. ,Il< f<lkf<<f<md
101><10",. n. ,o.
" Cl,ud;,n. VI " ''' .• \17-9 •. Bin. 'J6.
" Ot, ,h. 'ncre.", of 'h, "'" of I.. s.rn .., " Rom,. "'-.H .M. )0"",. 1M t..", R... _
E"'J"": • ",,;,1. ...", ..i, • ... "",;";,,,..i,,, ,., ... ,. , {Norm , n. '9'l.I. 1'7. whm II><
" " i. ",,,"'>ltd,, .omp ... bl. ,,, ,Iu, "fC"",untmopk. ' .'. ca. ' .000 m<ml><n. On
II>< CUrti : Plomrr-A>hby. IAt""""'1. pp . "Jff.

the ,y mbolism of JUlOera c)' had so prof:ressed that when
Honorim 'poke to th e nobil ity of Romc from the ,arne 'POI, he
rem~ined rn"jc«icaliy "'~ted in >. " ivory throne. 4n
The prominence uf the Capitoline ,acrifices in the triumph
ceremonie, down to 3 tl >.nd thc mutcneSS of the source, h. ve led
to • general comemus among .ehol:l" th:lt Const.n tine .voided
thi, p. g.n religiou, .ct .nd [hereb)' in:l ugur:lted:l new er. in the
public crre molli", of the Rom.n <tate. In fact, one of the most
striking fe.ture. of.lI the .ccounts of victory celebr;u ions held .t
Rom,' i~ their rcJi"ioos neutr.hty, a trend which, for the later
dCC:lde, of the fuurth "'nmry at lea.{, i, at odd, with develop ments
outside the ancien t c~ pit. l. The religious ~m biguit y of victory
cdebr.lion, at Rome i, • ,ign iflCant .. pect of the emergence of
Christi.n rim.l, of victory, .nd de'erve, del:li lcd comideration.4'
After [he em pemr ', .ddress , the la,t leg of the par. de took
place, The rul er was e,cuned aloog the Via s.cra and into the
p.lace, to the applause and acclamatium of onloo kers," [n J Il,
the emperor wore the milit.ry ",rvice outfit (fig, I); ncarly a
centur y lo ter, thc emperor donned. triumph . l trab,~, ,, co,tume
which wos equ.lly .ppmpri" tc 10 the occ.,ion', triumph.1 and
co mul", char. net. · J It h nO! clcu whether the distributions of
large" :llIc'ted in 3 12 and 3~9 an d imcm ionaHy foregone in 40J-4
were specifi",ny connected with the victory observances," At
. ny , the fCltivit ie, cominued with ,how, .nd 'p~clac1c, in the
circm, ;.t whi ch the victuriuuI emperur himself presided, 4. An of

., !11m","" l 'O""S< - voo '''''''0, B,I',,",",,*, pI. t,,, cf. di",u,,;"o. pp . l!o/f.
C ... ..J"n. VI .... L. J'J-')6. !Ii". ' J 6. Thi, <v i""n"" tend, to <onfi,m C.m<too ',
. n'!rw, of [he ",, [ud< of CL...Ji.n ."J S,iio<ho tow"d ,h< s<".,,, CI..di.",
pp . r ,yff.
., S<e I><low. ",',"uo •.
•' U ...d"n. VI "", ., 00, ' '0, "'tl, 'J~ ]; d , ,Xli 1"'" .. " (91, '9, J, M y"'y", ,Iq-·"
"',"m"nY , Mm.t1 inm, '0 , 10, 'J, C b,'< , <.16,11-,6,
., Fo' J ,-" d . L ' O"o~< von ,,..,1;.0 , 8,ld"",,,",It, pp , ;, - 1. cr, CI.HlJ .. ", VI ..", ..
16,-" B,,,, ' IJ, 0" the " ..... " '""'plt. I;,. , 00 ..' , eh " . n . ,06 .
•• fo' J!' , C om. er l'''"', ., JI9, MQm,""n. '<1; M...,cllinu, Co m" . •. J89,
Mnmm",,, , 0,. '. -, J' (f I! fC, 9, [ P , "0, " '0 . ."d FP. , ,,-, J, fo, ruin'g' I""'ibty
(",,,,,,,,,d wtt k ,I>< ""'~, .""",, l''''
,10, Omi"io" o(l"gm in .0 J - .' Cl,udi. n. VI
, ,," <..oo J '''. Bi", 'lo - 7; cf, C,"''''''', C I""'i.... pp. J8' - l . Th, d i" ,ibu,;"" of
]"g'" i, d' pimd on ,~ < " ,,10 of C""",,,,,",': l ' O"n~' - ."" "",bo. Bil.hlt,"",k,
pI. '" , r, (omoo . I'P !~ If.
., , ,,. xII r'" .. "I~J,~. r" M ynu", '",, " - lo; J J7', M. "dlinm. ,6. 10.
Viaory a,,,] IOft r Roman p'Jblir lift

the ccrcmonics were important enough to receive lasting con]-

m~mor'ltion in monumenul fo rm : the Arch of Constant inc. the
Obelisk of the Circus Maximu •• ,Utue. to the Exlinr/or lyratmO"'1II
and, for Hon orius, the rai,ing of the last triumph al ar,h in Roman
Comparison of the cuntent of fourth-eemury victory cele_
brations at Rom e with tho"" of the principatc rC"eals fundJ-
ment al continuity coupled with highly ,ignificant innuvation.
Many major element' of the ce remony of A.D, 71 ore indeed
present: a ceremonial entry and welcome, a victory parade. games
and commemoI1tive monument •. Th e f. ct that fourth- century
triumphal por.d~, "ppcu to have unfolded in approxim.tely the
same urban the.ter and followed roughly the same itiner.ry muS!
have been. powerful factor working for "'perflei"l contim,ity,
In it. flexible !Cheduling and combination with other ritu. l ob"-'r-
vances, however. the /ate .ntique ceremony showed it> indehted_
ness to the third century, Its unique ,h",,,etn i, now un dn!oCored
by three developments. The late . ntique ceremony .ccen-
tuated imperial maje.ry, Now the triumphator entered Itome
.~" ted; by 404 he addressed the city's elite from the pmturc.
Th~ g.p between ruler ,md ruled wa, now so wide that even
imperial displays civil ity we re becoming .nd mged,
Secondly, the ceremony's milituy character had become more
pronounced. Due to the fusion of the empero r's ceremonial entty
or adVtnlU. with the triumphal puade, the ceremony no longer
began in the Camp", Marrius area. but at " greater di~tance from
the city. where Senate and people welcomed the ruler. Gone was
the distinction betw een the ,pecifically military and civil ph""" of
the ceremony. sy mboli~ed by the emperor's dress and symbolic
gestures. Th e whole puadc had now t.ken on a mOre miliury
character. in keeping with the progressive milituizat;on of society
at work in the fourth century. 1"'t as the ceremony began in "
different way . nd in" different pla ce. so the topographi,,1 clim ax
of the parade shifted sl ightly to the Em, In the third ch" r.cteristic
development, the proccssion .kirted the Capitol, ignored the

'1-14. CI"I;, 1. ! 6,,6-'Q' no mfo.m,,;"', fo. I'" 40)- 4. CI."~"n , 1'/ '''''' ,.
"" - )0. II;". >17- ' ,
.. Cf .1>0.< , Ch , >. nn. ,. '" ,>, .nd 6<). On 11""".;", mh , d , ''''' b<lo .... nn, 16 ! -~.
Temple ofJupitcr ;md \toppet.! .. t tht' forum, th~reby enh~t\Cing
the ceremony', religious ~ mbiguity_ While the l:Irgely p~gln
Scn~tc endured the :lbandonmcm of the imperi al .. crifiee to
Jupiter, the deci,ion to make thc Curia the nCv.' fuc.. 1 point uf the
celebration cou 1<1 onl y ha v,' c:lrc,sed ICnatorial "'If-.wnme,, :lnd
help ward off ICn:ltorial di,affection with the new onkr, The new
import:lncc of the n'rl'mony', ",n:ltori.l , uge cohere, well with
the policy ofCon, t.mine I :l nd hi, ,ucce"or. tow:lrd [he imperi.1


Thanh to the detail of their ,k,aiptions and their f.mili.rity to

scholars, the four great ceremonies at Rome have dominated the
modern image of victury ,-clebr;lliui15 in Ih" fourth and f,fth
centurie,." Yet they con'titute Ie" than. <joarter of the tut.l
number of celebT:ltiom ""curely . ttl"ted in this period. D,'vciup-
men!! outside the anciell! city', [.. dition_bo und . tmosphcre
ptovid~ cumplemcntHY ;",ight int" the ceremony'. evolution in
the fourth century,
There is .orne evidence lU "'ggt'St th.! the triumph.l entry
rem,ined the 111m! olil,t, l1dil1g facet of imperi , l victory cele-
brations in several other perfortlllnCeS. For en'"pic, ,he 'p,rse
l1oticc, relativ<' lU th,' ob,crvJnccs of Constantim II :I t Sitmium
:ll1d Th~odmiu, I.t Com':lntinoplc in 3M hint that th e triumph.l
entry domin , ted tho", occ"io",·~ The triumph , l p:lr>de on the
Louvre dTlwing (fiB" 2-5, PI'. 52-S) provides concordant
evidence. But the bulk of ,urviving testirnuny points to, growil1g
tendency in :lnothcr direction .
As early a! ConsUntille'~ (,rst victory celebrations in hi,
[]or,b~rt1 c~pit~l ofT,;"r, j, w:l< d,~ vj~tory 'p"et~d~, "~ged in the
:Irena thlt captured the attention of p~negyrist .nd chronicler
,li ke. Several time' ea rly in hi, reign, COllSt.ntil1c used b",b'lTian
,~pti ves for gLldi.tori,,1 g~mc' which fe.tured a pu"de of captive~
into the aren. rather than the triumph.l march through the

" MT w . 'unM"n. ''""If

n.. ,.."",,,;. 1""""''''T '" ,h< 1m, Ro",., IUdo,d , '9"1')'
PP · 09 _
.. Tho< K"lIw'''. PI,,,, •. Fp. OJ - j; d_ M"Cmm" k, A"..,J "''''''"1. pp_5Jtf.
, . Abo,·<, Cio. ' ,pp, ~l .nd oJ ,
apita!'. strcc(I.'" That. ,imiln celebr.tion would h,,'c b~~n
conceiv.ble in mid-century G.ul i, implied by Lib.nius ' pr2ise of
Juli.n', dcci,ion to forego the plc'lIure of di.playing • prmtratc
b. rb.ria" kin g to th~ vcry citizem he h.d once men.ced." In thc
""cond h. lf of the century, victory celebr.tiom in the emperor',
.bsence m. nife,t ly hinged on sporting extuv.ganus, According
to Th emi,ti!!" every victory bulletin arriving in New Rome w.s
hcr.lded with r.ccl," In the WClt, Symmachul organized. morc
tradition.) gl.di.tOri.1 ~how .. nd of c.pd ves for " victory of
V.lentini.n IL" The vcr)' f.ct th . t Comt.ntius r.ised • victory
monument in th e Circus M.ximU I ,how. th .. " even in the ancient
capit.I , it w.s impossible to remain insensitive to th" creeping
."imiiation of imperi.l military victory .nd the cult of 'poning
success. To judge by the sccnes ofb.rbHi.n ,ubmission portuyed
on the base of the Thcodol;.n Obeliik and a reference to circus
celcbr:ltiom in conncction with the Gain '" affair, the triumph.l
entry must been experiencing ",rious competition from
triumph . 1 circus spe<: ude. by the dOle of the fourth century, ' "
ConstOlntinople prcserved .nd strengthened thi, devdopment
by luging race, ."d. theater 'pccucle for weStern victones in 41 5
.nd 4J6 ," It i, thn~forc no surprise to find the eastern c.ndid.tes
for the we,tern throne celebrating their victory with. pnadc in
the circus, only ten yc . " I.ter. S6 For the ncxt two ccnturics, the
Hippodrome would be ,he centul scene of ne,,,ly .11 secul.r
celebration! of imperi.1 victory. Doe' ,his signify ,h .. , ,he new
kind of circus victory cckbrotion e"tircly Il.Ippl~nted the old
triumph al cntry? Onc recent study h.s suggestcd th.t, in the f,fth
century, the imperi~l aJvfnlus temporari ly dis.ppe.. red from ,he
custOlIlS ofthc court at Consmninople, due to the rcsidencc ofthc
~ mpcro" in th. t city .nd their f.. iiure {o particip.te in c. m~
paign,.S1 Bm the argument from .ilcncc is a dangerou~ one,

" Abo." Cn. ' , pp. jMf. ,. l,b, ",""o. .. ' ! , 66. F",,,«,, '.'6','$-,3.
" TI><,"",'" '' 0. .. " 'i.<h,,, kl-l)o,.-n<y. I.i,-,,-).
" Symm"h u,. R,I , <7. " s..,.,.-k, l ' P7- J '6 .•.
.. On to. O bd;" rdi<h, G. l\run" Ob<1;,'. pp. ,off,,., , C"b", L',",,,,,,", J,., r..,
' Y'''''''",
p. OJ ; W"J<. ' £ni(~,""~' , p. '\17; hn'pi"' . 0. """.";', fg . 7', 80; __
"., in, h",p" .'''''';'' 4.\'6.0<>-97 ·'·
" Ab.", . Ch, 0, pp . J~ff. Cf. b<low, >ee'"", 5· .. ,0, 00"<, Ch. ', p. W- "<>·
" M ,,(;or m,, ' . 1I".nJ """".1. p. M ,
Non -Roman rvid",u

p;uticularly in cr.s.s pour ill dct_ilcd record, as the fifth century,

~nd a cogent case Gill be made fur the survival of the imperial
adv~nllls ceremony, ~ ' We connot thnefore be confident th>t the
triumphal entry entirely di,appe.rcd from the Con"antinopoliun
hi,curic.l experience until Justini.n·, triumph uf 559. If it did
survive. huwn'n. its significance w.u edip,ed by the more
pupular celebr.tions staged in conjunction with great sporting
event" One pOisiblc motive for thi, shift in was the
d"dine in drama inherem to a situation in which the emperor
routinely ent ered 'Illd left hi, npital (or holidays, but never
accumpanied the army to the frontier.'"
How can this transform .tion of the setting of the imperial
victu ry fe'tival he explained? If the purpoK uf all imperial
cercmoni.. 1 w~s ultimatcly to project a eenain inuge of the
monarchy. it followed th>t the be" 'tage fur such projection
would be the one mo,! likely to affect significant KctUTO uf the
populatiun , As the stupendous growth of American football',
popularity anclt, in our own time. t. ste, in ,peetator sport.
change. Such a chang" appears to have bc-.:n " t work precisely in

" 0,,,, '"0"" . 1I<g<d fu, ,h, ,,,,,,,u,,y', J, ... PI"''' ....,. i. thot 'E.",," ""1"""" of th<
!;,ih «"'"'V""IV Ht C"m""tinopk· . Whil< i, i, lfu< 'h,' <mp«o" "OW "o;d,d
oi "" p",j<'p"ion ,,, 'nili"'r ," "'p"g'" . no I"ng '"un through ,h< pro.i""" it
"""", b< fu'~o",,, til" ,he . ;II,P1;"'"" li« -" Vl< of Rom,n >o<;",V {<.g. J.P. v .D.
1I. I.don, Lif' "". /,;,." ;. _;"" Ro_ (Now Yo,k, ,,,,,,j, pp, 19<i1f) ",,,,,,Iy
' Of';V," .mOOK Coo"'o';""r l,', <lit<, .. i. ,vjdC"ceJ by ,he dc,dopmcn' .nd fro-
q""n'''ioo "h"b" ,b,n p,t.~, J.n'o, Cpl' hy~ .. pp. ,)'ff TI>< ",<,,~th of the I.,.
I><t... "" ""1"'".1 P"'oo '"0 ''''p'".1 "']00'"' '" th< .ub",b, " .bowo bV tl><
",m.n'''' ,j"ft ",h,d, ,,·<J ,I.. '0"1"'''" of lotio P'''''''''' ioto I, .. G,,<k,
whm;t moon, ""'l""ri.1 "'p ",,"i<le tl>< ",.th · or ',i tk~g,,""", Cf, G. W ,H."',
111'""",-, C",I<I"xi,,,,, (O,fo,d , ,,," , j , p, " I) , .,v. K.,ou.aoc. to wh..-h ""'que
. " "t,,;,," ""). I>< .JJ,d • m", uf "" """""'. indud,ng C/""". p''' •.' IIonn,
7O' . [0-t! , t6-,". ',.-'" V". l)""",I" " ri""" (~J/C. " .). jj.nd oJ .• d, [I,
tkkh. y<, /L, ,oj"" "1 /;"', ~ub. ;oj, h,~,og "r"i", " (11,",,,,11, '9') ), J<-I9 .no
6,.,,, E",,,,,;",, V", b,I"'" (BflG, 0H). " .no M. /'G. 16,1)Ot(.' .lId 'H9A:
G<",~e. V;" TN",,,,; .1.,... ,,,, {BI/G, t"I) , -n, F<""I;<<<, 19. I _ I ; of. n..nph ..".,
".M . Ii •• o. 1-:>< )10"' . • 71 7- ! , "', P""" ul.,ly "o,," oflhy ;. ,I.. .pp."~' Groci""
uf Mmd Ji"", Come, . • , \0'/ ",J j',. Mo",,,, ...,, 97, t -1 "' ~ 93 ,., ' i" proc",ibu,·.
f,," 111, ««000'''' I <"""" by ''''I''"'ot' • r< ",II menoJ " Co",,, m;nop k in the f, n '
h. lf of ,h< f.f,h C<"'U'1' >« <, ~ , h<lo"'. Ch, J, lI, too. 'I'h .. ,hey"'", qu,,, f,mili" <0
,h " wy', f."hful" md,c",J by ,I>< p."",," P'od",' «f«e"" '0 .h, ' <r<mooy.
11"• •/" 9. , , (CI'G ''''''), I'G, OJ ,] - 716D.
,. "too". Ch, 1, t'- " .
Vicroly .Md I.m R",na1l p"bli[ lif'

the fourth .nd fifth centuries, when the e. stern region! of the
empi re became increasingly enamored of Rom.n-style chariot
r.cel,M In one !Cnse, then , the shift in the oetting of victory
celebration! corresponded to an effort to capit.lize on develop-
ments in popular ,porting Uste" These developments mu st have
been d e.rly recognized and seized upon, for the trend of ,-inory
celebrations to co. lesce with great sporting event. form, bur •
'pecif, c instance of . mou general tendency to focus imperi.l
display on the circus, This trend could only have been reinfom,d
by the security problems genc r. ted by ' igniflC ant org. nized
movements through [he "rcets of. capit,1 increasingly rife with
riot,· ' From this point of view, tuu, the circus offered de ..
• dvantages, While the size of the lradium and the pupula rit y of the
bait en,ur ed • la rge .udience for impe ri.l display, its architcctur.l
co nfiguration favored 'crowd control', if th at is the proper term
for the kind of m. "acre .tte,ted during the Nih revolt,
Moreover, th e streng th and si tu :u inn of the im peri. 1 kmhisnr.
gu.ranteed the scc urity of the emperor during the ,hows Jnd
provided a .. fc rome into the Gre.. l'ala cc,6' II is [hu, '10'
mrprising th at even .5 solemn an act .5 the investitu re of m'w
emperor, ,hifted to Constantinople's Hippodrom e in the oecon d
half of the fifth century,·' So too act, of obvious political imp. ct,
like the burning oftn regi,{ers under An a.usius LO. By the next
century, the imperi.l offici.l in charge of cer~monies could
COntrast the modern form of imperi.l invcstiture, prev ,lent since
the 'inv ention' of imperial circus rituals, with the '.ncient· nne, in
usc down to th e m id dle of the fifth cenlUry,60 H, nd in h.nd with

.. Th. , II, u.meroo, Ci"., F""i..,,_ 81... , ,"J e",", " R.- ""J BT~'.'i'" IOxfota,
'976). PP_.16- 11 , " ,"mOllg" "uoy Qfth< 1.«: .n'",!"" ",,", i< . p"""'g M<d,
" T"u' A""",i",;, r<f'Ort<d to h,,< ,,<,,<d pr<"<kn' by o,d«inB ,h, Ci'Y l'"f", to
p."icrp'«:;" .ll p«><""",,', in ord .. to en,"" pubt;., o,d" .nd h" uwn .. r<ly :
Th,odore r."""r. H. , _, 41>9, H . n1<tl . '19 , ,6 - '9; ,f, The<lph..,<">. A_M _ l !ffll, tk
Boor . ')0,' - 4_
" On th, .. "p<<<> of ,h, K" ",,m •. fl., Guilt'nO . T'I"'l '_' '. 407_
" On impt,i'! <oron""",, ,n th< Hippo<l",m< fmm <7 J "n : T " i ti"~", 0,,,,,,,,,, ...
PP, , (Jo/[
.. C,,,,,,,,,", Ci,,'" p _ r71-
. , Co",,,",;", V!l PQ'ph)-"'i'ni'" '. 0.. C,,_, t , 91, boon, ,1 7,7---<J: ~.I ,,~'" [j" ,
""Woo 0./",,,",)~ ~Pl,,6.>t<., ,..;, Jt j~,,<>tj3 ~ ul i . ~ I.","'i' ,<Ie """1'''",0''''''
11 .. ~9a,- Tni, '"'"''' " . Imo" <m.;nly dU"'n (,om' I"" to,,,;,,, by Pet<r ,he
P,,," .. " : ~" j n, /10"-£'","",',7>1 wi,h n_ j_
the new emph~si l
on circul ,dehr.tiom, it fu, been sugg ested, the
imperi~1 government inere.singly .ssumed the expense, of run-
ning the circus .nd it, Ihowl,·6[( is deor .• t .n y ute, th.t in the
,i xth century . • nd p<:rh. ps.s e. rly .. th~ fifth, circus personnel
a"umed direct responsibility for the dt!>il, of rnan.ging Imperial
victory ,how, . Little wonder th. t. ,ixth_century , t"'tegic thinker
could justify this group', positive cont ribution to society on
pr~dscly the,e ground,,·]
In the " b,ence of limpid . nd det . iled cvidenee, it i, not e.. y to
give" thorough .ccount of till' contmt of the victory celebrations
which were now occurring in th~ imperi. l circm; it i,. however,
po"iblc to piece together the main line. of wh~t mUSt h,,,,, been
th eir moot common dements , In a oc'n..:, .ny circu, event in the
emp<:ror', presence cnt.iled 10"'C non-.pecif,c reiterotion of
victory ideology, thanks to the nbi'l"iton, char.ncr of that
idcology, Any ,pect.clc m.ged befure the emperor would
n>lurolly begun with .n occl.",. tion of grecti"g to the
prince,·' A co mmon gr eeting li kc ·M.y you conquer, 0
Augustus" .pt! y set the , for " di ' pl. y of imperi,,1 victoriou'-
""",69 In the first century uf the Chri,ti.n empire, militory drill,
."d eve" muck battles f,.turing" ",Idier" ",lute to the emperur
. ppe., to h. vc b~e" popul",.1" L.u in the ,ixth ccntury, Tiberim

•• Thu, C.m«on , Ci"", pp. "71f. No< . 11 ,.., <",J"",

poi .. " m .I" "m, di",,,x,,,
.,..j ,~< probkm «qu; ,,, 'u"I ... "ud )" , f j. G,,,",, ,, , 'l" ,m';' """", d<
I'H ;pp",hom< w ~~1r« by"'''in' . B,II"", "' I' 1"",,",/,,"(.,, ..""'i.loK" " ,,",,1•.
1" ('976). '!J-"' .
• , "'nonym", Ily"n',"u" 1. 'l, Ki>chl )' .,..j R i,;""w. l •. Thm ""p"",;b;h ,y " ." Iy
.. <>J m,y b< ",["",d ' ,om P,o<op iu, ,&,,""< '0 ,0< 'o'm<o " i o~iCl.~ ' ''' ,0<
.kf.",d U' "'p'" John by ,.""O'
p<nor,,><I(up:l fW'~~O ~~~,.~") , ,f<h ...11",,0" "
"'" b.>«i nn.n .n och rOr""K ,,,,,,np,i on, /kll,, !, ), 9. H,ury, ,,)'0,7--<) .
.. Thu. ell"d .. ", VI '''"'" OU- <7 , Ui(t, '1'. V<o"i<k, '" ...1, , .. mpt, .
•• Th< boon « . mpl< i, ;" '"', f"noo, 'Ci,," , J"tu~"" p"" " ',d in n...,pt" ..... ... .M.
110'4. ll< I!oor, '!"H-'~ P, ho" 'SUo On ,ho ph",,, ;,,,,If, "" C.m<",n ,
Porph";.,, pp. 77--<) 'Hd "I .
" CI,udi,n. VI,,,,, , .• 6"-)9, Ili", 2\7-! " ,d V'g"'UI, fir" .. 1, 'J , l . n ~, j7 .J-' . On
,ho ~."""I "m, .. a uf ""u, 'f'«"'""«< 1. f, i, dl,ml" in J M.. ~u .. d', R,,,,iKM
S,,,,,,.,..,,,.I'""~ j.
I,d , dn {n .. m" .dt , ' !~jl . )0<1f Ph . Kouk"" I<" Il",,,''''''"''
Illoc ,~I 'Q';:"'~ji"'.. > {"',hom, '9<9), 71f. R. Guitl. od, ,t,""" '"' I'H ;pp<:>d mm< <k
B"'nc<, Vt, U, '1'<,,,<",, <k I'Ihppo~mm" . 8S, ' 7 {'<,>66). ,i9-)01 •• nd O.
1""l ""U, (;Ii ''''''''''01; ;, S. C;o. ,,"", (;'i",,",", . P,,!.",,;,,,,, • G,;" i.." i.....
A",,,,,hi., (;''''''''""1'''1, ",I IV ,,,,, I. , 0,",,,,,10. , ~ ,i" i . n' , ", k«>, '0' (Rom"
Victory and Ialer Roman public lift

~nd M ~u riee reminded the pupul.ce of Con.c~ntinoplc of past

victories over ,he Persians by beginning ~11 circm show s with a
p~udc of ekph.,,( s capmred in rh,> E~,,: th e ~~Jt. were d,iven
into the Hippudrome ~nd up to the imperill box, where,like ~ny
vanqui.hed barbarian, rhcy stopped and buwed to the emperor_
Thcn ,hey made the sign of the ero", with their trunks. After thei,
p<'Tform~nce, the empe ror rewarded them with. pte",na ~nd th.ey
left ,he Hcna, ha ving reminded the audience of past imperial
victories and confi rmed their late ~ntique belief in pachyderm
intelligence _7 \
Shows speciCIC.lly rdated to imperi al vietori e., or events
co"'trued as su ch, included off,hoot. of the f"lula of the triumphal
p. r"de. Onc occurred during the obseryances marking the defc~t
of Gaina" when J City Prdect a"embled in the middle of the
st~dium ~ lot of tablets showing fleeing barbarian, with a hand
appearing out of the cloud., To n10ke the me"age perfectly clear,
the pictures included legend. like 'The h.nd of God driving away
the h>.rb.ri.n, ' or' P. ",I,.,i. n, fleeing God'. In the eyes of a pagan
like Eun.pius such. spectacle <kprived the emperors ,md soldier.
uftheir due and was •• stupid as it w . , vltlg''', But then th ere is no
re.SOn tu think of Eunapius~, a typical racing fan,n
General probability and medieval custom suggcst th~t the
politic:!l dement of sporting extr . v"g~nz~' pr~c~d~d the actu~l
race, themselves, for why woold ardent C. no h. ng ~round when
the .ction w.s over?" Perhaps moSt commonly, the victory .how
took the form uf a p:!rade. Somctim~"l the specr"de merely
entailed transferring a street spectacle to the arena, as for example
in ,p~ when the brutal parade of infamy .nd mutilation were
inflicted on the usurper John, in the circus at Aquilcia ," Of the
various, displaying captive', some m.y been derived
from the gladiators' cortege uf antiquity, as in founh-ccntury
victory shows, while uthers evol vcd OUt of the thurn pha) parade
md included a curtege of live rebel leaders or heads on pules , along

" Joh" of<,", . H " .. J, ' . " , ,,_ B",ob, ' • .1- ' J_ Fm ,o. I" •• ",;~"" b<lkf;n
'''ph.,.,,. ""dli~<t>«; c""K><\o"". V"'i .... '0, jQ. J . hKlh , .'H)-.'].]"
" Eu"'piu" Dt ",,,",i;). [g, 7>. &',,,,•• in. Ey,,,p" Io",,,~, . _"",.20-97_' . 0" th,
pwb" m, p'""J by ,hi> '''~"'''. bdow, n_ .,.., .
• , Til< mro ;evot <"" om" elm f,om Dt "'.. '. '0, Eloon, ~., .• - " .
" 1\00'<. C h_ '. p. )9-00,
{VoM-Roma" ,vide""

with displays ofbooty.H Captive enemy k.dcn would be driven

to the feet of the emperor, who W ;l~ enthron ed in the imperial box.
They wou ld be forced to pro,ture th~'melv~. befme the
,·ictorio,,! ruler ,,,,d. whete mch an act w.s . ppropnate, ritu.lly
stripped of their imignia. 76 If the slory is reliable, Honorius m.y
well titu.lly tr.mplcd the v.nquished usurper Att.lus during
m(h • spcct.cle.n A t any .. te, C.ssiodorus w.s (.miliar with this
g~ stucc and a,so~i.t~d it with victory ,how. in ,he ci rcus. 70
Whatever symbolic ge,rurc! of victo ry . "d defe.t m.y been
in use in the Hippod rome, they must of necessity h. vc been highl y
visible ."d co'y to gr.sp. even from a di,t.nce, in th e .bsence of
modern means of communic.tion and explanation such .s .te
fou"d in today', .radium!.
Wbt w;>s the otigin of this ri'ualized pre.cntation of a defeated
enemy leader to the supreme comm.nder of the Roman empire?
After ;I victory and c.ptute of enemy le.ders, it had been •
common custom in the urny to present them to the victorious
emperor. ,t."ding Or ,cated on ;> throne on ;I tribunal. in the
presenc, of the troop •. When the captive h.d .ttempted usurp.-
tion.ll<" w.s ritt"'lly stripped of hi. imperial insignia before being
forced to perform the pW$k rn~lj$ to the victorious prince. It is
qui" likely th.t the army supplkd the model for the ."arogous rite
in cire", victory specucks. 79

" T.., ph",in~ of XII r-.. Il 19i . 2). J . Myn"". ,17 .,6-,11 .6 '"gg<'" 'h, inft"'n«
"f,It< gl,di"mi,1 pm<k which up<n,d ,",h wn""" ,f <.g .• G. L,f,)·,. ·Gl.di".,..·.
1M. ... , . 2... i "\)OIi. ,,0, w . h,,, • ,",if Pm ,It< pmd, of "p'i." 0. "btl, "', d,.
><" ,lot f,f'h_ . "d""h.«",u" 'p«"tko "totd,d fo, <'.<"0./"'''''''"'
.ndJ""h,i, n.
,00,·,. Ch . 1.
" Pm,i.". A n4"oU .• '71-1. Il"h,,,,,. '70: ·Iptt loc", . . .I" Otn,,,,, oculi, domi,otqu,
'y,,"n"'i'"" p<do< " ,,''''' medii, ,;",n,ibm ,ct",; Procopim. &110. 4. 9. n.
fh l"Y . '.4p .22 - , . 11.. , ,",h , 'p<,,,d, m,)· .I",dy h,v, r, ~m,d;" fou"h-;;<n'"'Y
'·"tuo y «I,\>r""",,, j, ,"~~,,«d by lih,"i",· "lOn'''''' of J"Ii.1.·' ,,(u,,1 '0 (!"pI'Y
Chn"""",,, K'''''O\"U to ,001< woo ,II< b.ub"ian had okspoilod; i",ud he I<nt him
,Ion~ '0 Con"'"';u, II , lib.",u,. Dr .. Il. 49. Po","",. '.'701.
" ~ ,bu". Ch. 1. ot . 76.
" em,""",",. v""j",. J. j'. I . h,dh. IJ4 .jj--J: ·Sptn. infdk,um "p"uo,um oort<m
J,,"g''''. ub, d",,, 1I.0'","o<u", ,uP" Om" boo,i"m "nlotrb"",,um mo,"",
g,uJ" ?<"'p<1"u ,,,· . in tlo< ,."",,< of h" d<.<rip'ion of ,II< eireu, .od tt. P"".
" TIo, ,.:t"' of d>< P''''''''''''''' of . <>ptiv, 10 ,II< <mpelO' tt dt:pimd "" " ~"" on,
d,''''-«"'"')" ""d,lI"", I(;.,,,di.o), f. (;.,,..,,1.,. 1 .....'1lj.~; '''.'0;. '- (Mil",. 1911).
9'. w;,h pl . !OJ. 9. P"h.f" ,he he" k""w" ",".1 d,"mi,"" itt ,ho ("un" ,m,",y w ..
'"" ","V,·, ,,,,i,, l>~ C""", ,,,i,,, II, S",n"'. 'I •.. '. 'I. I'G. <\7 .'16'<: So.o"'<n. H., .
ViaolY aMd larer Rom.M publi, lif,

An cnigm,aic !he~ter 'pccude ,u ged in COns!~ntinople to

mark the defeat of AIIlius might h,,'e illuminated the circm
.how., ",!",ciaHy .inc~ the lh~ . t er's influenc~ on Hippodrome
production! hOiS recently been reemphOisized, ' o But nothin~ i!
known of this spectacle's content, ex cept th.t it did not likely
re,emble c1 ~,sic.1 d"m. which, by thil tim~, w.s . thing of(h~
past." Thank! to (he fulminations of contemporary preachcr>, we
c.n dimly perceive. continuing tr"dition of mim e .. nd pantu-
Imme, with v.. i~ty ,hows or music,;ng . nd vorymg
degrees of obscenity, "thcr .lollg thc lilles of modern bur Icsque or
v,mdev ille, "2 Th.t classical (heater sometim e, reflected weightier
politicli themes and recent 'n ews ' event! ;. well kn own, but that
this tradition surdy continued into late antiqui[y is not common
knowledge, U In f3ct, it is not imposliblc th3t Ihe m"dem notion
of I.te Roman theater as a breeding ground for ",nm"l depran-
tion .nd civil dinurb,,"ce is, to • luge degree, [he product of {he
profelsion;ll deform.tion, of our ecdc.i~Slical , ouree., Beyond the
gene"l improb.bility th" l burlc'qu~ revi ew. could wholly
avoided a]lusiom to cOnlcmpor~ry ;nuitution., politic. and even
nCwl evcnt!, there i, specific evidence ne~ rly contCmPOf3ry with
Atulul defeat which ShOWI that soldi~rs , for e ){~mple , liked to
stage skits ridiculing the impcri.1 COUrt during New Year revelries
which were inspired hy contcmporory the" ter ,,,,d rec"lIed {he

•• <. l-J, Ihd. •. , •.'-7-' Ji z""'" "~ Hiu . ..... >... ' j-'. P""houd "" " , - , I ·
Oth<, ,,,mpk. of 'h, p" .. "",;on of "»<"''''V,k", ,,,J l'focoP'"'; Joh" of
A""""h. D< ,",ilii" f~, 76, l>< lIoo" /ixwp" " ;~.,i". ,. ' ,~ . , _ 6. d. Phi lo"orgiU'.
H ,t .. 9, j , IM«, , '!,' - j; '[he""""u, ,,'" M.. imu,.n<! Eus<n,u, s.x,."" H " , J ,
I • . PC. 6;,600(; , nd J, 'J, 6JJ A; Sowm .... II.,., , . >• • ,. Did". J] 1.u- ,o;
Zoo;"'"' , H;)t. _ ', <. , 6 , ' - j, P'1C~""d , • .'.J' PJ - l' j, '0; CI,w,'n, P""'Jr''-{ .'
&. ",..". , .. ,.1". H .. ,,'i.II---<\, Dil<, 'Jj, m ,
oo C.m,mn , C;"." pp, " ,If.
" Th, ovid",,";' "v""v,d by t 1-"'- K<tly. 'T,,&<dy . od ,he po,lo,m,n« 01 "'g,dy m
1.1< Rom." ."'i~u;'Y· ' r ,""io , Jj ('97')). '<>-H ·
" Ch'y",,"om'" p>.,tlcubtly w. iI,"pp<d !OU'« 00 the ",bj<'" A, V''II', 'I.< ,h';;",
; By"n«« d,", t'Emp;" du tV' .u XIII' ,;e,k>. t. L, ,h':i,,,, p,of"",·. R,"",
,M, f"<"""" .i"H'''''''' J9 ('9) ')' 'j7-<>6 ("p. pp. ,olf of ,he olfp,i"'); COJ.
Th<o<h,nd;,. &i"'1< ""' (;'"I.;,"",M, 'r~'"'i"i,,"'" r..j",,'""'''' i .. IV, ""~ V
Jok,", ••"", 1\' <T/P"~Ia, n,¢pt~I'" ) (Th<1uloni<l. '9<0)' II.H, V. nocnb<,sh<.
'S.;n, J«n Ch ' y""tom< <, " "p<'" ,10'. z,,,,,.,
if' fo ' R,liX;' ''' ••• G",,, J~ " ."~'"
7 ('9Jl), )4- .6 . nd ~ ..q">to. S",,,,,,. II, pmim.
" Fo, pol;,;",] !how, ,n ,he elm",, ) p<,iod, H,I"I"", Ufo ... d I"'",,. pp. '7, 1f; d,
C.m",,... Ci"",, pp, !"If.
antics of the dcpr~vcd M"pidi of mi me.~· Shawl impir~d by lleWS
events re~,hcd even into di't~"t P'O Vi " 'CI, ~, i, demonstrated by
the ,h:mce .urviv, 1 of ~ f.fth_ or sixth-century li ,t of props
for , series of ske[che,. Th~ last pic",; on tk li, t i, c"lkd 'the
[show] or the Goths', It in\,o].,,·d th ,' re'prnentJtion of J river, •
tribun,l - suitable therefore' for the appearance of • general or
comm,ndcr-in-chid in " mbmi"ion or rdated ,n'lle - and cos-
tume. of Gothic m,'n and wom,'n." It, last ,'ditor 1x'linT' that the
props were intended for a reenactment of the cr""ing of the
D.nube by the Goth, in 17(" hut the prop. could lend themsdves
to .ny number of rel.ted secllarim, '" Clearly, on the basi, of these
analogic', it is not , t , lI impossible tbat tbe theater ,ho w of 4'('
included material mOte jmmedi.tciy Io;erm~ne to' defe,t
than' simple sOllg and dance v:Hiety ,how,
Out!ide of Rome, circus victory spee< , cle,. wcre g.ining in
,ignifican{e in the COUD' of thc fourth century, By th,' n"xt
century, they would entird)' ,'dipsl' the old t riumph~l par.d"
through the city, Once 'gain, in othet word. , developmen" in the
province. ou('tripped tho'e in Rome .nd forcsh~dowcd future
trends, If the kinds of spectacles which 1I0W celcbmcd imperial
victory were not in themselvn radically new, two of their
chuactcristics were. Pnades or rituals ~>sociat{'{l with <"ity smTts
and military camps were now being ttJ",fn[cd to the dosed,
controlled environment of the circm and 't"ged in conjunction
with sporring events. The harnessitlg of populor enthu,iasm
combined with the emngence of" wcll-o ilc d tnc,h~nistn for pTa-
governmeltt displ~y \ in the circu , produced J "aSt <lnd successful
forum for m ,SS {ommunicati()]], adaptable to a whole r:lIlgc of
imperi~1 cercmonie • . Second ly, dIe emperor ce~sed to .p peu as.
direCt p:micipant in pn,dcs of victory, just a, he no long .... figured
directly in the campaigns Ie.ding up to the celebration, He
hemme, the di.t,nt, imp,,,ive G.USC, focm, and goal of the
campaign lnd it. symbolic conclusion, the victory p~rade. l ie Was
no Ion geT directly itnpl k~tcd in th" ",i","n~ of w:1T and bloodshed,

" A"",;u' '" A n",,,. , I/m" . ', ,. I if, llm"", " .l'-p. l .
" V. Il<,ol. ' JOn. oJ t, C"''' ';~, , 'N"" "'''g'''']' '' P'I'''u be, I,,,,-,,' ' W27 (V-Vt
.<C. d. C.) . Un ;mm'",," d, og~",i ,,,,,-,',,,,, I~" "FI""""""'''''' "-<"K),' ..1,""
c/m ~i , .. i<Or, Ii, 7 (1OJ!). 7-' 0, om- '0 j .. ,,---.6, I\0" w J C',i; ,0 ,,;'" r 0' &"" ,
.. Ibid. , pp . '6-' 7.
Victory alid lair. Roma" public lifr

no longer immedi~tcly invulved in the c;Hc~de of defeats, but

remained the <ouree and end of victorie, accompli'hed through
the agency of hi, gene,,,l s, Side by side with the new ~culu form
of victory celebratiom, there emerged new religious rite, of
victury , an d it is to thi, problem th~t we mu,t now tum.


CHEBkA'rlO N ~

T he enduring con scqu~'Tl'es of Constantine the Great', religious

proclivitiN have made the problem uf hi, conv<'T,ion, and it,
repercussiuns on the ,lyle and content of Roman government, one
of the great mbjcct, of hinorica l controversy. Modern "hola"
have focused on the process ofComt;."tine', conversion and the
earliest pu blic di'play of hi s new loya!.i,s in arCa, like legislation
and Sla4lHymbolik." At the ,arne time, the per",n.1 commitment
of the ruler and hi, 10m to the 'religion ofbloodlc.. ,acrificc' did
nOt automatica ll y entail a total transformation of government and
society; inevitably, the chri,tian iution of the monarchy and it ,
officers ,panned m any decades" In thi, context, the question of
how and why the monarchy christianized its public ,cif-
expression i. an ~"<'llIial one. Hi ,toriam of art have, in many
re' pects,led the w ay in uncovering thi, fundamental rethinking of
the ufficial vi,ual , ymbulism of the 'I1te,l' Recent effon, have
revealed how profitab le such an enquiry can be ifit i, extended to
the munnchy', ritua l , ymbulism.' o
Although victory observancel were only one clement in th e
p.noply of imperial ceremonial, Ihe rccomtruCI;on of the pruces>
of their chri, ti.nizationafford, illlight into the actual implcment-
" E.g. N.H. H.y"", C""",."., ,'" G.", "'.
III, COli"'," CO.". , ,nd «In (London ,
lin') ' A AlfO-ldI, 111< Co" "", i"" ojC""".,,,,,,.oJ
I',~... /I,,.,. " . H .;ngly
(O.r",d. 19 . ~1' H. J)ci,,;,-,. D" .1<1."''"1';1 K.i", K.. ",,,j.,.
Abh. ndl""g<" <1<1
Ab<l<m;< <1<. W'"<",,,h.r«n ,n [}O['i"~<". philul .• h,,,, KI. J.J. 119lJI: ."J H,
""f', i.,
K. i,.. K""".... ,,1;t i'l< E• •",~~I"I. Iki"i~< ,,', hi>lun.dotn Throl<»<i<. '"
(Tub;ng<n. '"HI·
.. A P'OCM' ",h"h ;, gnph;"lly illu>tn«J by J{ , ,un H><h l ",~, [);, RtliJ ""'~"~ -
1tiiJ',f'''' ,,,,,,i", /.
I 4< ....... ,. ,1"""')1" ok, /I"", '''"'" K'~"" "i I C .. A 11<;.""""lI.oft r.;,
~.'" E..J. 4<. -n, •..10"."",,,"'" D".."i, (J"-'Jo h", . • J' "CO,.). An",!ui"" J, 'J
{Bonn. ''''' I·
.. E,g, Kollwi ... 1'1.",• • pp. joll".
.. E. ~, M"Co, A" "". "'''''''"T, pp, 9 )11".

ation of the new lymbolism of ,,"'pire. Even though the fIrSt

decode. of this proce" arlo partiJlly obscured by the dilproportion-
.te import.nce attributl'd to {hl' somewhat atypical cdcbutionl
.tagl,d at Rome, enough i, ckar to allow uS to di",etn twO ph~Sel;
fim. the neutralization of the pagan cult aspect of impetial
cclebr~ tions. whieh introduced. kind of cre~ping chri.tianization,
The I ~!tc r culmin~ted in the ,econd ph ..c, whieh wime,sed lh~
cmcrgence ofspeciflC~lIy Chri<ti~ n victory rit~,.
By ~lmmt ~1l,ccowH<, Const.ntin e', commitment to hi, new
religion was inexlricably bound up in his own undem~nding of
hi, militory ma~", in hi, 'vi,ion' bl'fo re the battl~ for Rome. in
the Christ ian God'> promis.e of ,'ictory: h,,, sigllo uiHrn. 91 That
morning, his sold ier, bore lht Christian symbol into battle 01) their
shields, and there is liltle likelihood they changed their decoration
for (he triumph,,1 entty into (he c~pjt~1 the next d~y02 In "n
ingeIJio,"s swdy llf th e evem, Stcaub lUntliscd tlut Const~ "tinc
broke l llcient [r~dition by rcfll'ing to perform the .. crifice to the
C~pitolillc Jupiter which w~s cu\tom,,,y on !uch OCC"SiOllS OJ
Even if the hypothelis i, impu"ibic tll verify, it SCenlS dcu th~t the
hre~k with Capiloline [r,dition w>s , ccompli,hcd by the lim~ of
Constantine's viccnn" h" in Rome, .t the I~(est,·" Th~nks to

" [, ~. 1)0"."," s,l.'m'"J"J, rv, ,.pT, Cf, Um",', C""",""", p, OJ,

., !'04., p .• ' .
" 1- S",ub. ' Kun".n';m V",;,h,'. "gu ing f,om th< un,h'nk,blen«> of , p'g'n
"""1;,, fo, • <kvu«. uf Chri";,n;t )· "d f",m "hot I>< comid", tho ' ;gmfie,n'
"""" ;0" uf ,h< .k"";p<io<, of, ''';, lU ,h. C ' p;lUt ;n ' h, p'''''gync uf ) 1) .nd ,I.<
""" ,10,,,,,,,;,,,', ''''''g''''* «no", ,h" "'",. d"n! "omp!>;n ,hot Con""";",, h,d
""""J ,he p, b" '00 q""kly: XII P""" t> (9) , 19. J, My'''''', '!j ,. --';, At'hough
'1>«;' ti", "'''''' fo lI"w S" '" b', hy I"" ~",j, I", ~ , [J"",." C "",,,,,iM,
r, •• ), F,
Ahh< ,m t."",h<J ." .~g«'~v, .. HI "".",,,,,,,J "",k un ll.< 'Il<my' 'K""",n',m
Triumph vnn J' ,', b i'''"''101"' RdiRi..,,- ""a G< i""R,,,"j,~,,, 9 (, op), '" J" Hi,
,, ~um <n" <In nu' ,,,"v;n«: h< ,,,ume< with no "'Kl<n'" ,h>< Ih< "m,t <1""","" of.
",",,' I"' '" ,," h."" t...<" ,I..... on, ;" J , , " '" ,h,· ';n' c<'" u, r Il.c. ,"d «<o~m .... m
,h< J 'J p.ncgy,i,,·, Ul< of ,,,no, lik< """"" ."d I.tii M,m, i,,,,[uublc «f",",,,, 'u
d", "ut, ...r Juri'"'. N",",", 1",,.,"«. i, ,n "".d'ng1r common "p«'Uon in tl><
P""'~Y'"'' (1', J"'''''', .., C"",,,,",,,,,,, ,I., L"'i. 1""'I Y';" (I hid,,},,;",. '97~).
pro,8j-7), wh,k <I" "p'''''on I.", ..,,,.i m"" t;hly ,don ,,, ,I.< '<t.,",r victmy
. ,>He< foo"d,J to ,,,,, k <I", "K«<,. On ,h. uti"" io"d, S",ub·. u", uflh< ,,~un .."t
f,o,,, "h« " nO' . 1'''1«<1", «,,,u.;ng. W"" w,
lU ,,,um,, f", ,I.. "k. uf
h)'l""h,,,,, ,h" C," ,~ ,",,,,, h.J imk<d rid,kJ to ",,j;,,,,,, ond I'<,fo""d ,h,
eu,"'m")· ,,'" '0 ,h< C.potut , woo ld ot I" .. be<n poli'K for ,h. P'''''gy';" uf J' ) ' 0
""unci him of I,? Cf, fu l towm~ n.
.. f. [',Kh.....J. C.. q II.';', ,., ZO",", W";" '0"). pp. "If, "gu<' {Of " , .

'0 ,
Vir/orr and later Rom411 p~blic lift
Comtantine', innovation and its obsccvance by his successors,
imperial victory celebration. at Rome appear strangely neutral in
the midst of an empire who~ ideology incre asingly relied on its
religious content. Even though Christian symbols would have
Ixen visible on the shields of troops marching in the triumphal
parade from 312 on, even though the emblems of Christianity
wOlild have enjoyed a position of prominence on the imperia l
scandard, dispbyed during subsequent visit. to Rome - as Pru-
dentius gh.t< on one nccasion - there is no indication that the
elimination of the pagan cont ent of imperial victory celebutions
was quickly matched by the introduction of a Chri.tian sub-
stitute. o, A. late as 389, a panegyric delivered "t Theodosius'
triumph in Rom e gav e no hint th at the victorious emperor
marched under a Christian standord. o6
The explanation for this unlikely ambiguity must Ix sought in
the historical COnteXt of the four ceremonies. One factor was
surely th e ceremonial tradition alism already detected in victory
observances at Rome. in it~lf due in part, nO doubt, to the fact
that the majority of the city'. elite rem ained st.unch . nd
conservative pagaos.9? If. moreover. modern historians are
correct in .ssociating the timing of imperial visits to Rome with
thaws in the prince's anti-paganism, it would have made littl e
~n~ for the visiting emperor to offend his audience's sensi-
tivities by ostentatiously replacing the venerated Capitoline
shrine with a Christian ersatz. 9 ' Furthermore. a significant part in

.. Thi,;, n~' '" ").. .,( ,om",. ,hot in ,h, ' 0""" or,I><;, "' y .mp",on 'Y't<moti"lIy
,hunn,d Chri";'n .hri .... 0' ,h .. Chrl<,i.n;,y woold h.v< 1><"" ,ototl y .. dutkd
fmm ",h" "pt'" of,I>< "ltb",ion. On ,h. 0,1><, h.nd . ,h". ;, timply no <v;d<nct
fOt" ,I>< ;n,mp''''';QO or. Ch,;""n ",o<to"y in,,, ,h< ;';0""1 Qf ,h. "iomph.1
p",d< " R"m, •• Iong ,I>< lin« of,I>< C'p;,"lio, ri,".1. f o. Prt><ln,' ;of ,pt«h. put
in ,I>< mou,h QfTheOO <>I;o, I ."~ .dd,,,,,,d '0 Rom " CO"" S,"'"",,\",". I .• 6.-~ .
Cooning!"m. '0' .
•• 5<;, 'h< u.",,,,,j,,,,, on ,h'. "PC'" or P><'tu>;n S.(; . M.«:O,m><l. ·L"in ptO«
""'IIY'K!' T"dition >od d;"",o"no;,y in ,I>< I"" Rom.n <mpi,,·. R"",,'" I,..J<,
"".rust,"",""". II (r 97~) . '9- 77. 1..« 6,_ • . Cf. h",,·,,<t n. r r. fot, Cn,i,,;,"
".m,n' in . ,,,," """""od .... irh ,h, <",or.
" St. '.11 . A.H.M.Jon .... ·Th. """ill b"k~ro""d " f rh, "ru~slt bt,,..,," ~'S'""nt .nd
Ch,;";,",, r·. in Th ",,,)I'~, ..,""<" POi"""" .,.. CIt';"i"';'r ,.,It,J"""\ " "'"'1. od.
A. Mumi~j"no (Oxford. r!>lil) . pp. '7-)7. "p. )I .
.. Tho, Ch""S"ol. Ptlft<'" , . PI'. ".-\ , "" ,h< vw, of l17; d . i~I .. p. ur. "10 ,I.. vj",
of )19. ,nO P... I fo, ,"or of 40)-, .


the orchestration of the fim daY'1 felt i"iti cl would h,,, .. f,Hen to
the City Prefee( , He ser"ed nut on l y I I a priv ileged link betwcm
the people of the Clpit"l and the prince, but wa, ..1>0 respumibl"
for the m .. intcn.nce of pub lic urder jn the .'treelS , nd the overall
org .. nization of ,pectacles." I" f~ ct. during Ihe celebration, of
JJ2. JS7 ,nd 389, Ih,' "rb"n prefeCtuTe WaS occupied by "
p, gan .'oo II i. li kely th.1 this w"jml as trm' of Hunotius ' visit in
40J - 4 . '"' Ahbol1g h the new triumph was devoid uf plgan
ceremon i.l clements, it is probable "o""thdess th,t the p,g .. n
.. scend;m cy in the urb, n prefecture on all tlwsc occAsions hdped
prcserve wh.t was left of th e old ceremony from Chri,ri.n
But il h,. alre.dy bem observed that ceremonies stlged at
Rome were no! . Iways ill step w itb development' in the
provinces. T he ye,,, ,urrounding rhe defear of Licin i", ...·em to
h, ve bem particular! y fertile in cerC llloni ,,1inno ""lion: ir was thc'n
th .. t the di,dem WlS introdu n 'd into rhe repnto ry of imper ial
insig,,;" ,nd ,n org , nized ceremonial corp', Ihe sikmi s, first
,ppcars. 10. From precisely the ",me peri od <re,,,, an inno"ation in
Cunstantine's lituhtutc w hich reHecr, rhe developmenl of hi ,
Chri,ti~n loy .. lrie,. A new epithet uf victory rcpl~ced the imperial
epithet invi(llU, rhe wlar cmmoutiolll of which seem btyond
qucstion and ....'ou ld ccly h3vc e,c,ped contemporarie, lCcm-
tomcd to celebrate th e fe'tival uf ,he U"conquer~d Sun every 2 )
Decemkr. Thi, honorary tirle of "i,lor w:l.< to domin" te officia l
u'age down to He.. clim' Tn'ampin" of the whule system. 'OJ

,•• I.'•. , pp. 'HIf,,,d noll,
Ann;u, Anul l;nu, ('7 0<"''''''-29 Nu"" " l><, ) 1' I: Ch"" gHot. F",,,, pp. 41 - " ;n
J J7' o.r,,",. ,.i4., p. '." d . p"j" '"'" pp .• ,.-J .•nd "0<1 H.<hl"'g. "d,:g~""
,"~,IoCt'l ", i'. pp. ]71 -" ;n , , _: R ubm Alb;nm. Ch,,"~ , ..,t. F."" , PI' · ')4- , . d .
• "', H><ht,ng. Rd'!i,"J<"g,Itd<'~."'. pr , Wl • .
' 0' Or th' '''''0 koowo Ci ' )' P« f",. "",w«n ;O J . nd 107 , P",,,, m;u, I.,mp.d,,,, w"
<k~n ;t dy , p' g, n. whok d .. ,,1, g ",L~ b" ks,,,,,,od or ,.., o, h" ;, un known :

Ch''''gnot. f·."", pp . ,60--1. cf. '('" H .<"l i n~, R,li~" ,"1L",!,h""t~';I, p. <01 . On
p. g." do,,,,,,,,,« Qf ,he p"r,<tm< m ,h" 1"'.000 : Chm'gnot , p"j,,'"'" p. «J
'" T"" di.<km ""'"'' .h~w " p on th. gotd wm'g< ,n J,. I"'C, 7 , ., -~) '" PJ :
M .Fl. AlfOId;, 0;, C"""""i.i,,", r;.ldp"l""I ' U","J",h."t<"," i' ,,, &"'"'""Ij"'
Koimp"U'i' "n.! H,fo""" (M, ;n, . ' 9'1)1. p. 10• . Th, ,;b"",,,, ' N"" .. , gmup ;n
,,, • tow ' '' ;S".d '0 3<!: O . S<<<k, 'S'knt;";u'. RI" J A 1'9'91 , )1- 3,"''' J7 ·
G, Flo..h , ·U.ap, p~al;lox;.. ~,"di," <"'" offi <I< II," G",""" ok, 1(." "",,1 "'
'p',..,i." .n.!ftU~br"",i""'~" Z,it, By "n"n, ,·;ooobon<n!l., ' 0 {VL<no" '"711.
Vir/ory ~ud I~/er ROilIMI publll liff

Alt hough it h,.. been m~im. in ed t h~t thc' n~w epithet ~ccm!Ua! ed
C"mtantinc 's rdadon with the Chri,tian God ~n d th~reby
",sumed positive rel igious overtone •. 'o , it is d ifficult to...,e wh~t
di.tinct ivd y Ch r i\ti~n cumcnt ,he wo rd via"r po,..."...,d in the
po •. In fact. thc .lb~"donn ' c'" of the w lar connmatiom of the
honor.ry epithet iMVifllH ran be wmparcd m"rc ~,,~ut. tcly to thc
rdigiom ambiguity of Roman victor y cckbrJt ions: the' ckm~m
most offen,ive '0 Chri.ti atll w a, replaced with a new ep ith et
wh ich nc"d gutc on ""ither ncw nor "Id believcrs.'o,
Whether Con\\Ontine introd uced any di,t inctly Chri,ti~n ek-
ment. into vinory cekbr:u ions o utsidc Itome in thc rcst of his
reign cannot now be dctermi'Kd, but the iact that Eusebius is
reduced to presenting Comtaminc', convoc ~ tion of the Niuc~n
Co uncil,. hi, th~nk -offerillg to th~ Chri,tiall God for the dcfc~ t of
Licillim suggtStl that there W ~ 5 not Illuch to discus, ill the w:ly of
Christi,n it y at thc' anu~ l vinory ~ckbt.tions.,o6 A.ide from
victory obscrv~ncc\, however. one evc", hint< ot another, In,
controvc"i.1 d,.,lIlci for ;ncipiem ehri"i,ni,.tio,,: the pu blic
participat ion of t he rl'pre,cnt . ti v~, of tiK Ch rilt iJn church in
impnial f"liv ili"s , Onc of the earl iest ,ueh ocn,ions w,. •
maglliliccnt St~le b~"4uCl, ~l'r ~rcn tly held a, p,rt of the vicenn ali .

pro'l-~ , "-0; ."J II>< 'mpm"", "'''' ';"''''0'' "f ,," , Ch,~.~too!, 'Un ~""v"n<u ,
C"",,,,,,,,,,,,,, d< Tnpo!,""'<' l><n",u, Romul ",. 1'0 ... «, ,,, J"-J,6' , Lu"",,,. >1
(''''''I, JjO- l'. I><It J<J-<i. wh,d, J" .. II>< ",,,oJoct"'" '"''' 'nl)· I><"v""" '0
D",',,,,bc, l'J ,,,J N N,w<","", l ,", . "d prob.bty 10 ,0< ,"u,,<Jim .f'«m"h of

.. ,h, m,,,,y _
Thu, 1\.;;I<h. 1<.,,,,,,,,1, P. 70 .
'" II" nOl<wo,,"y '" Ih" ""1"''' 'h" Em,h,"" V COO","""" l, '~. l. Wm . drn."n.
jh., - O. " ·ho,, ".dy '" "". Ch.;,,;," . ymOo! "",lot '''''> Cum""'"". ,, bu,b.
'pwf",.!iy I", b th, ;".0,, '."' ,,( ,he ""'" ",Ie' only wi ,h ,h, <"'p<ro,', ',",wry
~"n"d [",m God ~H' .11 """"'''''' r."r ~' )'~p ., ",,"" "n" t~, j~,""'~Q'
" "I"w':i,~.-I "'1'IOpl" clip,," 'it<: j , ' ~w() &Jo"" ,~c'''''i' K' f" ~."",, .~apW'
'" "I '''''1,10,,, " ~'1" 'l>-<~" '" • ph"", ,,'h.:h " .JJ.d to ,I>< m,,«;.1 " " n ovor
from H. , .. 'O,~ , o. s<hw. ",. _ .1, - \>01" .
,,,. E"",",",. V. eM""".i, J. 7. 1. Wm kclm.nn , ' P " ",b,nc< ,r". "P'<I,OO" i,
pd," up by th, chmch h,,,o.""" , . ~ . Socute,. H" " I, N, I'G , 6, .OIH, Tr".
·.':'Y'Y f..,,' "f""d to" V. C"""""""' , J . ' .' Wm kd",,,,,,. II. ,,- t • • ,,',m, to
Ix. m"'rno.,,,] u"gc '"n,,«"" w"h ,Ix '<1<>1,,, ,.0,, ()( ,h. E." .. "'''''"'"''Y
whICh E"",b,,,, h" jun n"",,"od" b~ ~P'~~''''"'', JWftpn f>"'~' .'I.,~,
lip.,,~ ., ,1ft"" ft>~,hio< ~;t'
!k(iJ co",V", .
""' r'ie. t~d~c!.o "~{>(1< '",,!~"" t"p'~. tw

n'kbr~t i0l1 5 and coi nciding with the council uf Nicaca,,07

Eusebiu, gmhing accou nt ufthi, hunur - ' yull might .Immt have
seemed to vi,",li1.e an image of ehri,t' s kingdom' - em pha,izcs
its novelty for the A.ttered episcop'te. The imtitUlion of im pcri,l
banquets Wa5 an inlponaru d;lSsic, l lcg'cy to bte antique soc iety;
invitations to them wnc highly priznl and uffned the emperurs
3n opportunity to .chieve much the ",me goal, .s ;I public
ceremony, but in cirell n"tanccS mure be'fitting thc select natllre of
the participant,. WhJt the audience of mch , n event lac1:cd in
numbers, it mrely up in infiucllce,lO' Ahhuugh direct
attestation for victory b.nquets in thi, period h,s yet to emerge,
the kind of gal. dinner . ,wciatcd with the Flavian triumph of 71
was still ,round carl y in the fourth century, G i veil the im portan"
of various kim!> uf sta te b.nquets in the late empire -;In
import,nce which could only have increascd with the cmergrnce
of ,he privileged bureaucratic cam' - it wm>1d ,cern likely that
'"<'temo"i.l dinner< continued to be served ill connen;on with the
tr;nm phs of the Const.l1 tini . n ern pire. 1 ".
The first known public participation of rcpresent~{ives of the
Chri,ti:1Il cotTlITlunit)' in imperial victur), celebration! may h~ve

,., £""b,,,,, 1/, Co.,,,",!",,), ' I, '-16, W inkd""no, !!"9-!V"J ; 11I«lph , nc.,
A .M . j !'(" IX U",-" , 2>.>!-)0: d, K , tJ. u, • .,d t , twi~, H,.d"',o ."
K , ,, h< "g<,,h~~,, , 2, , (h""mg, ' 97)1. 2!-9.
,., x'e on g,m',,1 T"'i''''g«, O"", ~i " .', 1'1' , .0' If " ",<I I " fu l low,,,~ n,
Fo. ,h. "'umph.1 b.n~""t uf 7 1, >< •• buv" Ch, I . Fo • • b.,,~u« which keml to be
.. ~><;,,<d w;,h Ih< "'"mph or j),,,d<';.n ,n )0), 1','''' p."id.n, U. """n",,,
fi· , I j, S,,;»,, Ii~"'r" h,"""", <-270,6- 1, The "'>< ",,",0< on ;n\p",;. 1
b.nq"<,, i, qu;" t,,<, Ph;j",h.u' (;1""./•.1'"'" (. h.ndbook fo. ;mp",i.1 ,",i", ••)
f,om 11 ,11, '''''' .~, N. O ik""nmid"" IJ. Ii"" .. P""""" 0rza."",, «, IX'" X'
Jilt/n , L, mOIl&< by"""" (I'>, i" '97>1, I 1-» S. hod<tlC< OIl ,.., In"iru""", p';", to
;"",,,,, 1.,,,, ;, qui" ",. " .«J ; ;, ;""Iud" Ii", u,u'P'" M",mu, b..n~u«" which
M",in of Too" , p'''''''p"ed. Sulp',,;u, $<,<t",. V. M,,,,"; (811/" 1610). >0, . If, <J .
J- fon"in<, SC . I Jj-l (1""" '1)<j7-91, 10<<< "'\1<1',T1K·U<!u>'u. t ;, '"p?<»<J to h.v,
;n"",,,," imp",;,t b.nqu<" <>l>"nJ i'u"" <':"';",UI, 1I;". "0 .. ,., , 3, t, P.",houd,
, . , . ,~, . "
' <'J""m;.n "",«I I<d. Chd"m" b."'l"" in th. lbll "r ,h. N;n«..."
Couc"',,, P'" of ,he publi" ",,",m;ng fm , n ,,, ' h~u,k 11I«lph.n", II.M . ""SO,
tl< 1100 " ,)' .• _6,.nd of <ou, .. h.J V."J.] solJ n"d. ,n'o • b.nq"" .. 'V""',
'00'" n .•; b,nq"'" f", th< . mp;"", d;t< W<I< ;ndu<l<J in M .u,""", m",i' g<
c<i<h"';"nl' Thwl'hyt,c[u, ~;,"o,,, " " , IIi" .. I, 10, Il , tl< lIuo., J9.)-O; .n
<"mpl< of Ju";n;, n II', (, M<d c",<tty "''' th" h< o.J<",J h" <n<m", to ..,
<.<cu«d" ,iI< "'" of"", h,nq""'" n","ph.n .... , A .M . " '9~, !l< lIuo" 11\. '0 1Q,
Philoppi'''' «lob",," . h,,,~,,,,, ;n ,.., 7<u,iprrn with 'he ,li« on ,he S,,",d.y
bcfo'" I'."",,,,ow, ilH4 .. II.M . 6'0" D< D"m J'l.j - ~, <0<.
Vic/Oly and {Mer Rom"" public lif.

been linked with such Ion occasion. The festival hcld at Antioch in
343 in hono r of Comuntius [I'. Fe..i. n Sllcce" included .ome
unspecified activity wh ich required the presence of the bishops
from his territory who Were meeting at Scrdia. ' '" At leUt this is
wh.t the bishops cJ.imed, for they uscd the .. rinl of.n imperi.l
victory bullet in as .n 'ignoble pretext·, in the words of one highly
prejudiced observer, for .voiding an uncomfortable ecdesimica l
confront.tion.' II Although the incidenul context in which this
mention crop s up fail s to specify why the bishops Wete needed at
th e emp"ror'. court, it is that the announcement must have
comprised some kind of invitation to the celeb rations . In light of
wh.t is known . bout Connantinc's vicennalia. it is not imp,miblc
that the bi.hop, may .Iso been expected 10 appear.t a victory
banquet.' "
In the reign of Th eodosius I. th e christianiution of ,he
government, in personnel and its symbolism marked a new and
definitive adv.nce.'" Although no major Christian clemen!! arc
. in Theodosius' victory par.d e and other observances
lo t R.ome in 389 . • rue gold soliduJ ...oci.ted with the vi. it .nd
~trt1ck in the .ncient capital di spbys On its reverse . vot. shield
topped by rhe ch rismon , so that the legend re.d, GLORIA -
R ¥ 0 - M ANOR.UM. be tW een helmeted figure. of Rom. an d
Const.ntinopolis. t t.
The murp.tion of Eugcnim new focu, to p. g. nilm' s vit~J
forcel in the We". At the tim e. • n unbending Th eodosius
muck ever deeper.t the old religion. For contemporaries, it w~,
c~sy to visu~1ize the political ~nd military confront~lion of the
eastern ~nd western government' ~ • • snuggle between the ancient
deities of Rome .nd the new God from the East. The ideologic:!1
element wos cle. r1y pre!.ent.t the b~!tle of Cold River, fought in

'" s«: . bove , Ch. >, p. J9-' 0.

,,, A,h,""i"" Hi".,i. -i,i""".,". ' 6. >, 0P'''' 191.U - 'j .
", It;. _ <1<.. wh<ti><>' 01><0< ;, ' ,,,,,-non b<tw«n tl>< ~ i~h, of tb< """n bi>ool'"
.nd ,I>< conoo pmmutg' 1<d by th< COlm,it ~f x ,d ". '<quiling b,,.,op' ... >d<n'
.Ioni <to< m,io .ou t" nf th< <mp;" to <b<ck wn<,h<r \>i'kop< " •• , Iing 10 ,h,
;mp",;, 1a)u.t h.d ",",Uy ,<c<;vod ,n offi<,.l iov,,,,,,,,,, ,,,", ,,,,<d ,,,,,n, ... n b< m~
ro "'1"'" ";1'" '1''01'''' ""'d<,i. " .mbi noo,,·: C,,,..iU.," S,";""". , .• d. eli .
Tum". £,,~, i... .. ,i"'." I;, '""""'",,,,. i.,i, ...,j"" ,,;,",. "'.J(,d. '9)0) ,
.70 .,6-1.
,,, £'5· Lippold, l'lot.Jw"" PI" 'p it". ". RIC . 9. 1p. no. 60, d. PI" 1U-'1.


the sh~dow of Nicorna chus FI,vianus' huge Hawes of Jupiter,

when the western ormy', n.ndard, op posed Hercu les [0 the
e"S{crn ~rm y', I"bnru",." s Theodmiu" prep"a{io", for w,r
involved more th~n logi stics. for the first time on record, thc
Roman cmp"ror himself participatcd in the ",'w form of public
devotion which w~s rhen .' weepillg the cities of the E ~ s t : he
celebrated Iiturgic. l pr()(n,iom of supplication with priest, ,," d
people. go ing from ~hr ine to shrine to be!.eccli divine intervention
011 bch~ lf of his army. ' '" Om' of hi, tirst mea.ure, " fter thc victory
"'''s to order speci.1 thanksgiving sen'ires for hi, ,mH'SS , .s ;,
proven by the obsequious ans",n of Ambruse:'" 'Othn em-
peror< order the preparation of triumph ~ 1 ,>r ehe< or other
ornaments o f rriumph ~{ the first ta'tc of vicwry. Your
demency' - Ambrose is abmn 10 ask mercy for Eugmius'
suppor ters - 'prepare. , , .. crif,ee for God , nd de,ire, bishop, [0
celebr,tc .." offering and th ~nksgi Villg ,e rvice to the Lord.' , , " The
no vel ty o f Theod o~; u s' direct ive is underscored by Ambrose's
nced to expl,; n en ct ly ho w he l'"rforl11"d the spccial th~nklgiv_
ing Masl, and ~n intcrc.cillg description it i"
Even th ough J ~m unworthy ,nd unC4U .1 to ,,,,h .
duty md to th~
solemnit y of ,uch p"yo" (vota) . yct I w,ll writc you wh.t I did, I carricd
yOUT Pioty ', lettcr with m~ to the .It,..1 ph ecd;t on th e alt ... I held it in
my h.nd when I o!fered th~;fi ee, '0 th .. your f. ith .poke wilh my

co. s.. •. g . H. Ulo..h, 'A ".. ",. doc"",,,,, fm m ,h, t." p. ~. n "";,,.t '" 10. W .. ,.
/I",.", ·I'""!.I~;,, I R,.;,.. ,
J ! ( ro. )) . '''''- ' ' ' ' hm 'lJ - O. ,"d 'Th< p'g,n "v;",1
;n Ih, W<>I" ,h,· <n~ of Ih, fou,," """ I"Y ', n , "mti,"o<'""'" {"8"'''''' "",
Om' i."" y. pp. 'Vl - "i. }"'''' '00- 1. R«<n,}y J, S"J". 'VI< Usu,p""'" oc.
£u8<";"' " H",,,,i,,, , ~ ( I ","J.
'~1 - " "', h" ~'''gh l 10 .mph,,;,. th. non_,d'g"""
f.. tot< ;" <II< ")"~"'. bUl ,n" I""d """ ;n ;I«}f i,,,,,ti,bt< ,.., 'trn~ gl< " od<~",~;.-~t

'" lI." r,", ... H., .. , ' . }}. Mom m",,,. , ., on. , - 6, «m';mo<~ '" p." b, s.o,.~ ""n. ,,-, ..
7, ". ".nd! • . B,o;\<:,. In. " - '. ,nd JJ~ . J J-'l. wi",,, w< 1.,.",
In .. T"'od",JU"
" II< "''' " ,, ;og ~"' fo' 'he W ,,, ,nO lho "''' , ""pp«i " Ih, ch.p< 1ofSI J uhn Ih,
B,p';" iJ< ,h< HcbJomoo p.b" oomph, to pro)' f", v",tmy. Cf. W. Em,lin. 'tM
R <I'giompoh li' d,,, K,;" , Th<o<!o>i\" d. C •.·. S"ZO"~,O<.uh" '" B.y";""'"
A~ ...... i< '" Wi",",,",!!,,", Ph,L. h,,, . KI- ( 'VllJ. ].I.,., h.", pp. 8, -6 .
• " fp .. 6, . PL. '0, ")7- !. d",bl< 10 Scp"mh< , 19,' J.R . P, I,nqu<. S.i., Am !.-,',. "
r""p;" '0""'", C,"",''''''''''' • I'h",.," ", '"P1""" " I'igl'" " k I'E,,,, ; I. ft" d.
'1'''''''_ ,;«k (Por;" ,vn ), pp, J., 9: cf pr· ,~"H' on I},< ",cum", "" •.
•" f, .. 6" . ' PL, r6. ,,)3,0,: 'Ali i irnp<"""'"' in "",d. , .""",;.., on'", '""mrbl,,
p .." i j<Jb<,,,, '"t, I;, i,,,ig" " lfI"mp/>o,nm, d,m,,, ';, 'U. h",';,m IJ«:> pm'.
obi" "",,,,, cl ~",i"um "M"cm 1'" ,,«, do", «kb",. Dom;no d"Kk,,,:
vo;"" md 'he Jelle, of 'hc empero, disch>rgcd 'he fun~,ion of ,he
bi,hop', offering."·
Thi! ex,r.ordinuy ."oci.,ion of Theodmius' victory bulle,in
with ,he 31m and perform.n~c of,he Mm by ,he bi,hop of Mi!.n
was cJeu!y intended to render m.nife" ,he unique itlletllion of ,he
lpedal thanksgiving which Theodmin. h.d dem . nded . ' j well u
,he extr.ordinary pmi'ion of , he emperor in the founh-cetllury
church. '20 And ,h i, from ,he man who fiu, denied ,he Roman
cm!,<"or ,he righ' of approaching Jn d rem.ining by the ah~r. ",
Th .. the bi.hop', prcscnce w.s required" well for the victorious
emperor', triumph.l "rival in Milan;' clear from the Vii.
A ...b'o)ii, which nO,,, ,h.t ,he bi,hop man.ged to gct to the city
on the eve of Th eodmiu, entry. III Any doubt! privileged
onlookers may have had on ,he Christian content of the emperor',
victory and its celebration were dispelled by ,he lost panegyric, ill
which Paulinu! of Nola cmph •• ized that the emperur conqu"rcd
more by f.i,h .nd prayer ,h.n by forcc of arm,."l P.ulinu' wa. (!lore than In expression of the contlict's religiously
charged a'mosphere . II scmc of ,he incongruity of rel;gious
celebrations for ,he ma"ive bloorhhc'd which h.d purchascd Ihe
legitim.te cmperur', victory perlillcd. for. a' Ambro,e informs
us, .f'cr ,he battle Theodosius ab,t.ined from communion until he
h.d ",Ii.fied himself Ih , t he continued to ~Ilj"y divine (."or.'2'

. .. ~', .• ,~. J. PL. ,o.I»!"" 'E,,,

,~o '..!'I<""'
,,~ ...
imp'" ""'U mun", <, .. "tot",o
''''Q,um «!<b,iI,,;, "n><n q"!d f<w; m ",iho. f;p,,,,,l,m 1""'"'' 'w.<
",«urn ,d
.1<>« ok,.I ,. 'r"on . h"i i",f'U'U', ip"m g,m" ""n". <Um ~!f."'m 'm,fi6uln.
u, fook. '0' in "". vo« t"'lu«"u, .... "'pi"'. "'ugu." .".. Jot,Ii, ""1.Mm,
"' Un«, r""~,, ""'" ..
'" TI>< 'ouhoi>,y h.. < '.,,"n to .. « II ,t.: uif.. ,u,y 1''''''''';''''' d . ..... Jul.. ""y.
L·,..IuIn·,,;.. ".," « r;,,,,,,, ,.1., ,..... ,.,.,
J.. .-1 .. 6..;,,« .\1;1.... Th<"k>g><
hi"".iq",.9 (POI;'. 'Wi). PI'. 60- J. 0",11< .. nor",,,,, of ,II< .1", in ,II< !<"roI,d ".If
or"" roo"h ,rntu,y' f .J. I.>YI~... 'r>i< Ho,ligkd, ok, ",1<", "oJ duo !"'~,"ndu"g
im ,", ... 11<1><" "'I",,"u,,,· . .-lot ... ,,.. 0.,;" .. ,"",. > 1M""" ... 'oJol. ,6, - IJ. "I'.
,6) .n<! , .. _ ); ru, "" hillmy .00 d •• «,;" of,,,,, oR"oring> wh,<h 'uuld I>< I"d on
,I>. .1"" J..... )~nglO.nn. 'n.- ... " of ,i.. R_•• ,,'" ;1> "'A'"' .... ~.'''f'-"'' ".
FA lI,u""",., (N<w Y."k. '0))). ,<>--"'.
", E . ~ . T";""gor. 0",""',...... 1'. ')6.
'" P,uoou •• V. .-I .. h..,i. (Bil L. In). p. roo M . P,I"~rino. V«t.. ><oHMum."-,.
(Rom<. '91>') . 96.'-'.
'" Gnmodi.,. D< .in·, ;.1.. '9. Ri.<h"d"", . 1').' - " d. )«0"". f', .. ,S. '. ,J . I.
Hill"",. CSfL. If (''''0). IJl .' f - Hi .I> .
.. . "'mb,.".,. Dt HO" Tlo<okJli.) •. roo 0 . F,I." . CS~L. 7) 1'9!J1 . 17,-,0,. 1><",

C I" j Hj "" i;:" ,i,,.,
Th,' com.( l o" s",'" o( th~ ",i~s m" o( bl oo,hhnj io the I~tc fourth
cc'nw,y ,ev" . h the' colllp,,"l<ny of th~ mmt~1 world i"to wh ich
e hr;"i,,, vin"r)' "" ,v ice' W~tc bn'" ,,,,1 helps cl<pl.;" why
Chri st i... w,;ter; .{{.ell"" , .",h weight to th ~ th~llle of the
cmperor<' 'bloodkss "i("{ory', ' H
Thc t..diti oll which e llln~cd ""dcr Thcodo, i", the G re, t
Houri,hed UII<it'r hi, ,un'~'J.O "'_ TIl<' expul,ion o f the Goths (rom
CUII,""nill"pk w ., ",",h·d nut ""Iy by (it'"'" , dcb .. tion! which
,·mph.,tz,·d til<' blood1<- " ,, ~ tuT<' of til(' 'vicwry', but ,1.0 by
th . "ks):;"in): "" rvir", whi ch m, y hav,' uw,·d mmethin): to the
pe"onal involv"l1\~1lI ;n th~ ni,i, of a p.rticulniy ioAuellli.1
patriarch , Juhn ChrYJ.O J>{u",.' ~b T h,' cdebrat;ollS which h:l ikd :I t
Cnn ' t. mi'lOl'k tht' "",,,k, o f Ath."lf .1.0 included .11 ciemelll
whose Christi." ,-har , ("{cr h,. g""" ""rccogl1il<'d. According to
the 1>., ch. 1 Chronicle, the' festivirin were t wofold: first •
Iyd""'I', ja or I, ",p-lighting .IId, "" the morrow, eir e", ,aces.' 17
Tin' n!Stum uf liglnin" 1." "1" ,.,,,,,,d th,· ,'"tr. nCe '" pu blic and
private building. for pri v,(,' f" , tivi,i,-s ur pubhc hulid.y ~ wao
dn'ply "111"'' ,-1",,, in .Il~ k ," ~udc,y: un the I,tter I)c( a.;on it w"'
n",den",,"d .",1 ""o;ded hy Ch,isti.lII. according to Tertul-
h.Il .'" In the fourth centm)', til<' term could ,till hlve decided ly

J" ; ) "J "'. s...- ,I", ,,"en-";n ~ ",nun ..., '" ,,, no ,"" [u t lu wm g 1''''''' in f . ) k,m .
'1.< ,hin" ,k " ""..-'"", '" '' ,,,,,,b,," ,"", "m t." ,,,,··, ..t ~ ... ,.;", «M,"" X,'r
".".,"" J.- "'" i .."",", ; I''''"r' I,. " I. Y _M _ t >u » I (I' ,,~ . 'on. ), ~ p. ,,,., -~ " h<<<
, .... - ; ( h, ,"" ''''''',,' y o[ 1"''' ,." t " ,n t>.-h c ,,'mm"n "'" m ... mh",,,,', 'h"" gh '.
J""'n n~. t·".Jo"" ".,-. Pe li 'lf.
," 11,;m.· t t.' n",·, 1""'"
". f,,,' ",.<mr""" on II", hk • .J)m ,,,' "" ,,r, "" ,.'" ""). on t "" m ,,,,,,,lot..,, """ . ...,
,"" r ""' ~ '- ,,( [,,'" ",U,. eK,d ,t. 0>,.. n ?l. n", ..·; , f", ,h. nk'jIOVO"1I " .yo",
, ,,"'" '" ~) lOt' I'" "r L, ,,0< _ ,1'trr"'- ' . J . T",,~ h,. l.',' _" ,., I n ""~ I. Jot
.,.",~ "",' ,," I'pi> ,~, p/:,.... ,-" ''-,p I,,..,,
"'''ta. ,.• J '"l.ll'~"" ~P'''',.t.
,;·~ip "'>' "''''''''Wl,·..,,_ I.·"~,,,,,, fH.'"' '' ";,,.
",~,,,!,,,.t ,,,,,- ,,;, .".. ,.,,¥
.dn" ,,,·d ".!".
,h .. ,"" 'h,~h r'K "" (lr ,"" ~ '~ )' "' ,' I. · "k-n" f" d ",,,h ... ".~'"' (e(
". ~ C. L.w.,,~ .. d..', " r,h" " ok C7';''' H,I/;."" ' ,i,,,"
1""'" !OJ ' I. pp. ' OJ .nd
'00. " m Tf.., p", lld p"" g' .J<lu,," fmn> !',,,,,,,h ~r ' l «J, ~ h , 1/"' '' 0 ,,,,,, ••.
"",f. t,W, ,< M ' 'i',.t. 90',,,· 0 ' I""a , ~p,, _ "~
<i~-f>l' 6 ·;.0<,..".,,, .·.1
~'" 9,"'"" ""''- ",nf,,,,,, ,h" "'''''P'''''''''' ~). I"'.";"" lip ,IK Ch,;" .. n
'''''' ,''''-" ,,,- ~). ,..-,,,,, """,1,,1..,. on h" " •."[", ,,,,, .,,, ,,,- h" "''''''. 0.,
Ch " ·"",,,,,,-, ",Ie. C Il,",_ 1)'-, ... il,.. .
(M, m, h. ""N . ""off
0 " ",,,, ..", " "I "'"' 7.0;'"

," s« ,"",.<_ Ch ,. p. y,
' " S« '" ~"~''' I J 'f,~""". '1 .",·,-,,,'-. I h". _ .. J. ' (pm, . "",. 1. 'J'O- w. h,,,,,
p.g.n oyntom'" ,10 Could thi , cmtom hnT ,urviYed lInch ,nged
in the ' trong ly Chri,tian capital on the I.\O$pl1or"'? In fau •• f,fth-
century SOurce u"" the word as • 5y nonym for the Ch ri"i. n
liwrgic.l offICe of lydmikOl' ."'o More li kd y. in the p,,",":nt
context. howeyer. i, the iden ti f, c.,ioll of th e Chronicle', ·
liglning' with. Chr;,t;;1ll f,,,inat ion with public illum inatio",
which w., g. ini ng ground ill the E"t ill precisely the ,"" decade" l
f."illation wh ich i, .11 the more undentandahlc fnr the flet ,h. t
public u,eetlight, "ill lay in C""q.nti""plc·, future'" Th",. in
order to comb" t th e ncfari"us influence of Ari. " night r, llie, .
Ch'p"'tom. with the hdp "r e"'prc s< Eud" " i. {400- 41. orgJ-
nizcd torchlight p" ,ade,. ,hc n",i n . maetion o f which co",isted of
"",s-,haped .il Ye, '<lndlc holders - p<lid for <>tIt of the emprcss'
pncke, - and hymn 'inging. in which members of the cmp ress'
(IIbi'''/'' m pl,ycd " provcn role. ' " Th~t ,nch tonhlight pro-
ce"ion, w ere l,sod.t<·d with th,' cUStom of ly"mapJia i, <1","on-
",.,,·d by "vem,of l!Jl1nC 4.11 . Acm rd ing to Cyril of Alex"nd ri • .
t he whole cit y "f Ephe,,,s w.,
a ll xio",I)" • ",oiti'lg the pron"u,, ~c­
"w", of thc .<,,''''
bl~d bi ,hop' coneCt"i,,); N e>torim. A [ word "f
hi , co ndcnm ocion . 11d depm icion, the pnpu lation b"g.n to .cclaim
the cOl1nril.nd puisc God tlm I-li,enemy wo. laid low . When the
I>i,hop. left th~ ,h urch of th~ Virgi" . they were """rted by
rejoicing citizcn, co"y ing lights, wom,'" led the w ay. ,winging
C~'T1sers, 'a11d th",,' W", g rc~t "joicing .",1 lamp-lighting (lye/,.
'ldPsia) in th,' cit y" . 'JJ Sin," the f,·"ivc ill\lnl inatiol1S of Frid~ y• .>~
September 4t5. f.1I "I" ..ciy in the mid st ofd", ",·w fJshion. it

Ill" 7:)u",".t, 1>. !~ft·. T,,,uli;." . .~I"~I"",", Jl . ' - ). "I'. " e,1. E. r>en .".
eeL. , ( '9) ' ), " P J- '" okf,rnl, Ch ' ;""m (, om "'"'''"'''' of ~n"j<"i
1><, , u", of ,h" , f<r"" I <0 ok"".« .' <oJ li ~h, "r ,h<" Joo, "'P' "" ;'" 1" " ;.1 hulK!. ).>:
d . M n .. , .. . l.~ . •. ,J. ~ . Kw y", ,,,,,. '-'<1. J'lO.'-6.
," ('"10,_"P"."· -'H. "},,'"",,. ly, "",p'''' !"'~''''' . (Y ",,,, . ,0,.
," L .. "pc. 1'"""" (;"'~ tn,,,,,,. p. !'''. '-V .
'" .,,,,,,,,," in H~ - ' " (; . D.g ..... . N.;,u "" , '"", "ri,. ... C"""""'Hu>pl,,,
!'wb . b l ~
'" ,","''',on, ,J, J" • •J' . B;ht""hi~"" bp,"'in, . ~,~. 1 W" ;\. •y"j . p. ,60
wi,o n. L
'" s.o.: .. "". II .•.• 6. "
I'G. 6o). '~~A_C: d . !'I.RI'. '. " ' . ·Bnw.,·. A, ,boo,
'h, "me
dm . • , o" ol ; ~h, p' o.-",,,," , ",d r''''"T'~iJ".« ",,,,,J;n <unn" ';"" w;,h ,he
, <tum of ,he c<,",,, t ,,'" 1',,..<0,,.,, I'"r", "",d",,: S)·,"'''",. ,1'nr'i;. , . •.
T"'·Ro, . ,.,,,,'4.
'" Cy ..1 o( ,0.1..,,,01 .. ,. lir. ». N E. '"'0 ...... " . .1(;0. LL, (, ",,1 . " ,. , '0 .
would ~ ppeH likdy Ih,1 Ih;, cdeb,al;on als" panidp,lcd in thc
,,,"W eh,i>!ian ch""ctcr of Ih,- old ,-,,"0"' _Th,· r'CC' .ug~d thc
next ,b)' p,ov"I,·.! \I,," ~(l".H ,oumc'p,rt to Ihc Chri'lian
ob"-""',nc," of til<' c,",'.
The ,,,"X, ' p<-.;ific,lly Ch,;,{i." vre{o,), rile, in 425 . When
Th",)<lo,;,,' II k,rned "f [he dcfe~1 of Ihe usurpe' John, he
illln'''!,I,"d til<' ,OCe' "'hid> w,"{C' " I,c,dy in progress .nd
or~.l"i,,·d , ,h.nbg;vinJ,: proc""i,,,, which culmin.ted in the
p"fO"'1411C<' of prayc"r_' for Ihe (C->! of Iht" d.)' >I an umpccified
churc h,'''' Hn,' unrd,t,.,! "-"<,,,I.or fe>l;vitic"' W"re interrupted to
~ Ii"w ,he liturgi cJI ,ekb .. t;on to take pllee, O"ce a)':,in, the
eh,;,,,;an victor), ril<- i, ;ndep<"I1',,"IIt ufand pot~lId to the older
""lib, cdebrat io ns. 11u)("h like til<- thank'givi"g M ~" of II III bra",
~ "d Ihe olhn imlJnn~ jlllt l' .~"'T]im·d , Th,t thi , di'lille!ion w .. lIol
'" an-idem i, ,hown by John of Amioch\ .ccou"t of IIn~$t>,i", ..
vielory eckhrJI;on. ,ftn til<" fint in,ig"ific,,,,, defe~1< illAicted on
Vn .,lian, Whl"ll I,,· 'nT;n'd tilt· vicw,y bulletin. IIna,u,im
ort-:.''';''"'' " pmt',·";",, of tlw,k 'gi ,·ill g ,nd vinory 'p' •. ,,.
In ",her word" ' I",cifil"ali y Ch,i"i." victory ril<> 'Pf>C" to hove
,.1<-""'01"',1 in<iep<.""dl"Hly of morc ,ecul .. fnliv;lic$ like the
trimllp".! p..",k ,,,,1 rire ... , h"w,
Did ,hI" "'lUl .. r rdl'b'~li"m of triumph~1 parade .nd ritnrs
' p<T,.de\ )":gill ., ,hi, 'im<" 10 f..,ttl ,e Chri'lian ,ilual dement' a,
wdl' Thl' f'N ""<"<,,,1<>.1 ;''''Jncc of.Il imp",;,1 tri"mph parade
whirh in,otp" ,.1!<'d a puhlic vim 10 l Chr;,ti .. , , hrine coml-' from
IAt<" itt Ihe "-i~,, of J"'lini,n .'~" In th,- rd;!:iou,ly ch ,rged
~t"''''p lw,~ of Ih,- carl)' " " 'l"nth ((·ntur)' .• dd;.ion.l lilurgic,1
dement' worknl Iheir w')' into Ihe l"mp<'ror", triumpb,1 cntry,
. nd Ihe .ynthc.i, "fl h,- old Roman p""!c ~"d th~ new Chri'li,n
, itu," wa, compi<-I(·.""



The phy,;cal ,'.,Im-.s .nd tl1l' di,',·rsit)' ",f til<' 'licnace' which
weighed "po" it kd more II.", once d", empire .. divi,ion into

". "t.,.., Co "n ' J '" "bo'O, Cn "n . 9' _ , .. "bov< , Ch_" n, ",_
," {)"'m~ U,,,d,,,, '".mph, .I>ov<" (;~,', p. 7'.

~re~\ com",I,",1 by ",,,mally recugnized imperial colka~nn . III
th,·ury. Ih,' f"ndJ"'mt~1 unity uf the Rom.n world pC'r>istcd
"nch, Il<-n);,·<I. I" prJctic<". the ide.1 ofimpc·ri.1 "Hit y ClJrrc"I")nd~d
lU" "'~lit)" rJ"l':i"j.: f"'m umright war to do", cooper.ti"". c'V,'n
tho"gh """)" f",,·I. of public life like citizemhip. eoi"age ."d
com"I.If 'H""i"~lio"s. offn"d compelling ground, ror c"o rdi_
oatiun octween tht· empire". p,rr"s. Under d'e", condit;uns.
impni.1 victory id"ol()~y 'tand. out a, a speci fic malli fes,.';u" (If
the morc gene.,1 notiOIl of in> peri.1 "nil y. Thc illl.);" of collcgial
victuriuu,ne,s whi d, (an be Wun frum ,kvelopm'" t. uf the' fUll 'Ih
."d f,fth ren,"rks (urres rerugniliun ,,( .ubtle VJfialiull' un thi,
theme "I1J bring> nU~')(" tu ,·ert.i" .'peetSuf i", p.... ial policy "nd
i1> p"bk prujeniun in Ihi. I",bukm t"ta.'"
Om' path fur "xplurin~ Ih,' p,ubkm is opcm·J hy imperial
triu"'ph.1 titk. dn;v,"d from the Il.m,·, of conquered peupk •. A.
h. s alre.dy been nuted. under [he t,·!r. rchy. these titk, rdkn"d
the ,,"ity of till" ;'" peri.1 imtitution in victory: cu,emperors ,hart'd
the .. me "'X.wm;,,,, dn;v"d fru", dll"ir coilcag""" ,uc~,.." .. ,.'''·
Af("r an initi.1 !",riuel ;n whirl> II<" cu11t;nuc·el to ob""ve thi ,
p,in(iplc. CUn,(,nt;m' broh m'W ground. Th," ~I1lP,",O' and hi ,
SOilS cc.",d 'horing l· . <h 0[ber"s !itles ~utom~li",l!y. 140 Conotall-
liu. !J pur .•ued :l1ld extended [hi, p<)licy during hi. iwkpcnd,·nt
,ule. fur he dell;"d Cal'u, J"Ii,1l th~ "",],:c of vinury title,

". 0" ,I>< ,1><"" .,," P""K·' uf '"'I'<" .t U"",. "'"' m ~,,,,,,,t E. K'K"""""O.
l).,rp<lr"u'I"".J J/m,,,,,I."t ,.. I,"",,,.," R,_ ... { l"p,,~. " )0); '" 1\ M .
......... , ...." ~_ t ·" 'F"" '. JlJ -"; S. M'''''''K'. S"lu ,"" . I.. "''' '"'1""01. J ••p"
·I'ok,;' {R om,. '0,, ), pp.OoII"; pt. p,t,nqu< . "C~ I k' ~"t" i « P""R" <I""
I"<n'r'« <UID"" ' U, 1V' " V' ,0«1<-•• II,.., .I" ;,.J., _"" ...,. ,0 {"'H ). H-~' .
'i<o -y" t:>'mDug,,~. Il< f.""i. ,.,,1 ..."J fo, ' "" I"" p.",..
,L W.E. K .oc~;.J' .
Hr"""'" ..,.,,, .... 1,", of 11_ W'; .... ,"",. 'oM). pro Jif. "oJ 'II N. i!' yk". J"J"
,..I,,~.I """1 of''''' R,_ E"'r'" ""''''.r ,,,.. J"""r"''''' of ,Iu n ',~. A·')·.IOS ",
jD,,,. n,~"·,, U,,,, . ")7').1"''''' "',bm. ,.,",,).
'" !,>,,<.Io.>'·<.l:h ' . " . 17
" . '1 I) I" """ . .""P< " .1 "m
p" ~''' ..... D . " J - J , , .. 1'10,....;•. JO ( , 'n" ). J H ')l. 1.<,<
' 7(' ."J H" J . • "J ·V ... ,,",..... p. 'JO. ~'!>Kh h.,< "'1'<"... 1<" <I", "f'«' uf [ .
t·m"". ·Coo"""""" r. I),,,,,,,,,,,,. 'f"'"fi'" J, "",~~".i "'"0"'. ,,,.I ,.I". ' .
S".f",,,,,,..w. rp· "'-'J (d. ''''' p. ,J, (N' w""
I''''' ' ). 0)7- JJ · K"m,1. ,;1 k->", ' .
tIl\. ",.. 'K' h,,,. ,.",h ", .."h... " ..1""",, "n""Cu.,,""',...... hi, "'.".' V,,"W
"y I<- "",h. K.."",,,I.VP J< - .nd r 7')11". Th" <v;d",,.,
"'" " " " "~,, <I)" " r P<',,",1 j p.
«>0,,'''' K",,,<m,,,,,, ,,,.., {()or,..I'"' .. ",..... rr.'jO-') ,,,.. ,n. "g"''' ,,(
t:""~''' '''M· "oJ "~ "M" "'." .1,,<-<", r.""t y"'". .. ,of , I.< I)"><k,,,,, ~' ", .. n",
c""e'ptJno.lin)!: \OJ hi, ,,,n-",,f,,1 c· xpediti"m.'·' Only .fter Ju li."
u.urned rull ""wet could hc .111,,1" ,hc trill",ph~1 tille, C;rTman;·
Wi. Almna,,,,i,,,,. Ffdwiw, and Sa"",uim i. '·'
Th ...en·"ion of V.klllini,,,] I indulled, " the "lilY" dem.nd.
the r" e,t"hh,h llI""t of, more ~,'ullillt'ly ""II"I;i .. l powe r_,harinl/;
'1/;"'c'1I\<'nt]43 It ,·'lt aikd a n""ttectioll "I' the con""ptio'" of
colkgi." "innty in VO~lIC >I the' hq:inniul/; "f tla' ,'cnlllry, a
"',,,,'alion nnbodil'd in th,' (""unn" ";no'y «',~"""II'"a of
V.llerai"i,". V. k", and (i r>lia,,-'" U'l<kt Thl'l){I",i", and hi,
,mH-'''''', th., d,horlt,· 'I""''''
of viunry ''Pill",,, "'Tn" to ,lide
into a "at,' of ' I"l'c]"k-t! ,"i''';l1i,,,,. dming which the choice of
epith,'" h,:<""", ') lI i,,· Mnl'lIlYl'<:<1 ,,,,,I it, ' Ke ll rrnl(e <'xceedingl y
ran' a nd III "y",·",,,ic ' .. S'·\T,.,I tnnes more be'fo,c' the eonque"
ufCu"'tanti""plc ill 1l04. th,' old titin ",,,,,Id be' re'\lrrC(t~d by
emperor. "oot.lgic ror th,· tr"l'l';IIg' u( til<' R lllll." ,·mpin-. but in '-''''. the "'an;,,,. tcd tit k ')' Stl']Il ""','",, .<11; ,~m..,;' , 'putred by
[o",ideration , 'I,,'citi, t" tk "",,,,,,"t ,tnt! the ,uln.'"
Thc dcc!i,,<' of till'''' ,itk. in till' I.. ,,· (,,"nh c""tmy w ..
fo'c,h~dowed by ~ ,in k i,,).': "",. of >!" '>!llion which had ",t
in .",dn Diode,;,,, ' " A""",I': til<' fanoTS in their d.-r.dcnre
WCr<' lh,' cxCl""" of the "gc - an "arlin i""uiplion h"d ,-ven
c>l kd I'rohm (A.D. z76- ~ z) 'rnl Gothic (vinori. rral Gn t",nir
[vjetorl' ",,1 I'<:rh>p,. d", ""'''').':''''1'<' uf tlK "ution "f th<-
r"'!,"'M" univ('T",, 1 """'J",·rot. pier"~, 0<'111;11'" xt'PIri,m,,'" lJut
two furt her ,·o",idn.,i"", ",hich han' not found their w.y into
di",,,,,,,,,,, oftl1<' 1'",1>1"", W'" I",,).': w"y towJrd "xplaining th e'
old titk' ckdi",'
1""01'.. , '" tl,,·y "". " ' p,,-,,:ntdtlve nf wh .It h. , he'c'n ,de1l,ificd. \ .
'pacifist' rurn·"t of op i"i "", the lUte .. ".-c" of • I'hil owphn.
" , It'''''h, ~· ." ,.. ",,,I . I'p'r ,
'" ~ '",1 ~ 1. ~"'x.-" ""].."'" p, 179. It .;..: !" " ",,,,,,,,1. I' ' J
'" J'''''"', I..." 1<"".. /'"'r'''. r. ']'I.
,.. ~ "" "". "...X',,,,.l.n,,, rp '7' ." ...-h. ",,,,,,,,d. PP_" ,.
(< •
' " "' Wh. 1-:.. ",,,,,1. pp '; .nJ ."If
... tn ..10""., ,<> "". , ,,,~ . ,, u"...·, Mm';" " ",J ,."",,,,'" I{< w h, I-:."",,,.r.
rp·."rf), ,I>< l1,k "", 1'"",u l" ly r"·,,,,·J by J""""'" 1,';1., pp , ' 0 ,11) .. 1<1. ""I<h
I" " , M",",-,t I <,;."",,''''', "" v " .t ... . H , I:",~, ;. ,10, U; .. ,., M<d",,,1
A,.<k, on y M'-" .""" ph<. " (C",,"" J~< _ M,,,_, '" J"). rr, ' , O-!,
," ~,><,,,t. _1",..-,,,,,1,,.,. rp '1' "
,., P""'"" f"m, en", J1 )' . ..,'0.1 0)' K" ...., I, s"....."'.I.u". pp. " 1 ."J ' n oon ,iI<
", .· , ~. d 1""''', R"'' ''h, 1.:.... ,,,,,1. P jJ.
Vir/ory ~lId lara Rom,,,. I",blic lift

publici" ,nd orb , o prefect li ke Th~mi,ti", ore n,tunll y subje't to

coution when they touch on ",i]it>ry ,hcmes ' 4 9 None,hell''' hi,
evident di, like for th e o ld m"m ph.1 'itl", ,hrows Ii!:ht "n ,,,illlde,
,oward ,hem in preci,dy 'he period wheo ,h<'y diSJppear from
To Th~mi,tiu" miud . ,n d th>! o f P" ."" "
wdl, the,", ,ide,
coojured up inl>g'" of the Republic, ,, 1"", Thi, suggest' th .. , '0
co ntempora ry c. r", GmMallims . ud the like hod. distined y ",ch aic
ring ."o The phiIOlOphcr_politici,n llo"ethde.s elii. the epithe ..
imperfcu, bee'"le they "" con,ingellt: they require :' " ol!tbrc' ~
of bnb"i,1l m,dllc" befure they c.n be uscd ttl!thf"lly, Th i,
typical cx,mplr of btl, ,o,i'l"" blu""r deftl y him. une,' ag~in .t
the credibility problem uf impni.1 victuries in thc ",cun d holf of
,he fourth Cl'ntury , ,,, The w'y in which Themi"iu, "'fn, '" the
titl~s implies that they were not gcnnally ll sed wl"'n .ddre,.<ing
the prio" in p,'"on, or nm in .ccl.m"ions, since he tIlcllti"",
not '",c,,' o r ·'p',. kers' blll1ho", whu wljr, ,he triun'ph .1 ,ide,,' »
In hi, opinion, the !leg.uive "~turc of [he title" .ttrib",ed ,ftcr
.11 to tho!.!: who de. troy , people or " region, wos oot much re_
commcnd,ltinn either.' '" On the one h.od, Themi!!iu. dcfmd,
, Ie" w<l rlike policy by urging empcw" to illlit"" I,,'.v"lll),
"",ib",,,, ",soci>!ed with pl,i1~"tI,rop;"; on th,' oll",r, he attcll'p"
to infu se" new, I'",iti,'c coment into [he ter m Got/""", orguing
f",m the "'trib",". of the Greek gods th~t such ~ title m,y b<: mon'
ti,ting 10 ~ JlCople's s.v;or th,n to its de'troyer,'" Th"",j"iu ,
pro>100ncenlwts on the s"bject mll!:c" thOl. in 'OnlC ci rcle, '"
lea", thc uld vi(tory tid~j wete h",d 10 reconcile with the new,

, •• C,. D'g",n, 'Thl""",,,,, I'P,9, ff,

.. , Th", Th<m"';",, 0.., 10 (I "' ll.pG: D, W"'" 'TI>o'..,;",,,,', p. HI , ,",h,n kl
n.-."'""y, ' ."' .' - " of p",,",. XU p,n" , ("I. " " My""'" '''. , " whn
"'K~"''' ,h.. if ,ho: " ,,,nm nf "";hu';n~ ,,;umph, ] ",k" '" R_ ..i J"m h,J
,",,,,,J infO ,ho: ,go "fTheodoo,", 'he G",,', ' 'h<--<. ,ho: ·rt",Ao<i, n huo", "oo lJ
h.-, '''J<>y,d nw" 10K" ,nk" ,h.n no .. ";,,,,J i. "".,I i"," " ,i,ii,. W"h <1", ,"'o,J,
'u e;", .. «'" 10 ..,'" ilk "' ",,,,,' I My"",. , M . , I, ".c"", ;, "f"';n~ ,.., pli,,'1 Y '" 'he
tim".,,,,,, <>f 'h, ",1« 00 'h, '"'1""0".
'" Or., . (tV.J6,: D'g"'''. Thi'm;~i<-,", p, "I, Sd"" l' - r~ ,w ' '''r . , ., , •. q 's·
," II,J., ~,J 1~' ,/ ¢I ."",~"ol" 01 PfpP,po, VWJ,~~ .. ;'p'¢Q"", j'·'7~"''''
'" 0.-" '0, x h,n,l-tlown,y, I."J."" '.
". 0.-. , 6, ,","""' I- D""·""I. Lt" .'o ," 0." '0. ;lil.. " j "-'J: 0.-" ' j (,"',.
g",ul"my 'I"',d, w Th,vJu,,", t"" h" b.. b.. ,," ""0'''' of ,w 00· tl'gmn,
'Th'",i><""·, p. 'I ), i~l, no ,"- o,

morc' ros itiv~ an itud~ towHd ,he Ge m""" ha ,hHian'. who were
i"" 'h<'11 lind",.,: po,i, ;om of prestige' and inlluence in ,h~ higher
.n;U.l of RUlli." ,uci,"y,'" Th,' cx tm, '0 which Themi,liu,'
,h,",;:h! un tI,,· <nbj~n may h.v~ inll umced hi, ;mperi.l pupil
A'c.d i", is not. un ilK o,hn I"nd, ckat.
If,h.ngi"l( anilude, lc<"'ned the ~ignifjcJt",e .ttached to the old
vic'''''}' (,'~ """""" ;" ",mc ,'inln. spnitic hi"oriul cireu m"anee,}' prcc'il';",,,d rl",i, Kk",si,. A, first gl.ncc. it wuuld
'PI'C" ' p;I,adu., ie.1 ,ha, une of ,he Ie." mili,ari,tic poli,i,,] figure!
"f till' era , houl!l oppo'" litie, which .•ccording 10 con vention.1
wisdum. "'c'n- ,'unfnrcd by Ihe v~ry Sen.'c for which Themi";,,,
W • .' . uch an avid "Truiln,"6 The .mwcr i. ,h.,. by ,he reign of
Cun,untiU! II at ,he' b,est. Ihc- wnfeH.] of m,h I;,le. w •• no
longer Idl '0 ,he Sen .... IH we le.rn from! MH_
cd lin",' .n'onn! of CO"".nti",· ""cond ""ump,ion of ,he ,ide
5"""""",,. ,he attrib",io" of ,he " ictory wg"omi,,~ w", nuw
<:",h";"d)" in ,hc' hand, of ,he army.'S? Since ,he mcecs"'" of
Thcudu, i,,' I l~p, far from Ih,' lield ill ,imes of miiitary 'Clivi,y.
,hc "tilly los, .11 uppuTwni,y (or .u,'h ."'Iam.,io",, .nd the
"inur), titk, 1,,,,,'.1 into a kind of ob",leseenee.
E>Tn as the' ,k.-li'1<" uf Gmll,min" and ,he lik~ close down one
I'"h '" "n cuv C"fin~ tIll" till'or), and pf>nic~ of Ihe,y of
Yi~to , )' ~ fte' "'''rianopit-. olh~" open up. In ,hi. cr~. for eumple,
eVe" ,he mino' "ieturi," of um' August", were . nnounced in ,he
grc.1 ci ,ie, of hi. colleague" dum~ill. Thus thc """e,,ful
,ki",,,,h," ofThcoom i", in 17~ were atH ,,,unccd in both "pi,.!!:
from Comuntinoplc. Iher~ ",rvive, a hi;lOtical r,-';o rd of ,he

". cr. f).g, ...." " t ""H~.''' , rp , vilf. 1'1 .... , ,lit ''''''''"11<''' ... h..-h ,,,,,h ",kw",id ,,,II
p',,","" '" (""'''''''''''.uk,,"'- ,,",, y"h e,",u. y' f."noO'u,afP..". P",~,,".J. 11,
.-d f ... "",1. -'tGIl AA. 17 (';") '0) - " . ..,"" "J.J-"
(,~ '""~, ... ,
Ch . 11;
"'~"h,,,, II,,,,,,,.... ' ", J . K'yd< II. " ·"-9
(h<k ..... Ch . 9); cf f.E. Till""fdd.
K",p""." K.""~",,. J" '" if""';""'"'" J/'''''i.t''p.i. , .. P,....p ~J M.""
C"-, ..,, (~ \u", 'h , '''', ). p . • ' .
". K,.. ,,,I. SitX""'.'.'.', rp. ,J'""
'" ... "'"'''"'~ M",d li "m. ' 7. ' J. 1,. CI .... , 'p. "'l'" .{:U""'''''"' . , , n,ih",~
~,,< <un"""" . """n'~' ~""",~'u, 'Pr<tI" u,. ox ..-.e."uto ",""""um .. .". Cf.
Cot",,,,, '''' 'r«<~ 'h, """ ~'. "i...
' 1. ". H- 0" k. '.J n l - 7' '"",''''mu ,~u
q""'q'''' "'~,;I;, ,."', 001 ; 'poli"m P'''' m< [,m, .,,""<1., ~"" .. " 'I!"OIn,",um .
~ ,..,d "", u" U m Hkmq... ><" ';0" ''' , m;" i ("" ,it • Jrut .", d;''''''I. ""i/o " i!.oiJl;" •
wrth 00' ,0< , I,~~, <" .th",,,,,,~ ,<"""".1 ,,,,,lin,,,,,,,"

v;({,"y dud I~I(,I RO"','II I,,,blir liff

.""ou",e"',"I, while a knn of Symlll.chm rc'fe" 10 Ihe

l!"'OU'''e'''~ru to til,' Itom.n Sen.!,' and req"" '" !h' l !he
we5!ern cm p<: ro n GlJli.n and . probab ly . V akm;n ian II be
;n formed of hi. joy at '!hcir' ,·ie!",;"s.,." Th e V .lenlini.n sY'lnn
remained in fo,,'e fur "","",. 1 dcc"k~, {" j85, for in'I''''T,
Sytn lllaeh u. w",! e ale'!!cr "f<i,tiom on Ihe .cco mpli,h -
me" IS of On,' of V. km;n;,n !r. gcncr, Is. True 10 !he' tradi!io", of
!he 19~. Ihe ""te i, ,ddrn,,,d [() !h,' whole co llege of 'nlperon; [he
vinory i, co",idcrt'd [heir COl""'O" "ccompl i'h"'en!,'"O
Vielo,y monllme nt! !cll [he Sl"'<' "ory. E. rl y in [he "entll ry.
the ~i{y of Rome h.d ",,'(tnl a triumph.1 arch dedi cat ed to
Ihe sok .vmgcr of Ihe R,·public. ' • o Eigh l de~ad<', later. Ihe
exigcncies of colkgi. 1 vinory impo""d a ditfcrcm pa! t,'rll . Now
the Cily Prefec! would commemorate Theodmius !he Grcat'~
victor y o,... r '''''Ihn ""';>ewr by r"i~ing II"" \!.tun of the w-
emperorl ill !he I'o'um. T" cxprcss the ,'omm IIni!y o f victory
• viClo,y due clI!irdy '" Ihe dfort5 uf Thcml",iu, - Will! casia or
morc !.e[ful w~y !h,,, 10 repea l ;I". Same il1..:ription Ihrec !ime•.
changing on ly Ihe "Jm~!o ti l !h<' Aligns"" wh o", ,tllu,' ado rned
To [hr uli,,~ui>h"r uf lyIl'''' ."d .U1hor uf public "'< or;ly . Our Lord
Thcod""u, I,·i, . V.I~nlm"nI Arc.diu<l , elem.l ,nd forum.l e ever
A"~«>"", Criuni", Rut", Albin", ... ,.,

,,. C .. ,. Cpl"""", ' .170. M<>n",,,,,". "<" Sy m ",,,h"~ I', .. Yl , '" Sp~ .."', who
",,,"ki It... ktn (;""",', -"""' ....., o:{/io .... ~ " ,h" ,...."
II'UUi, "M, -) .·f!
S¥OS"''' J d '>«". II,,,,,,,. , r. '''' .'" on"
., >«,"', ",d.<on~ Df C.-.I. 1",,". ,. ",
' " I·LfI. F., I". ' iLl. S<c<k, ) ~,' 7-9. 0" , .... kk"" ii,,,,,,,,
of ,I>< ." wry , .',J..
... On ,to. ",'I< ~ "'''yor ,.jJ,,,,,,(,>Ifoci. 1m"'''''''' ''·'';'''',J''''''. L.l", fl. ....... E",,,,,,
'. )'J . II",,, , Symm .. hu~ P,/.. .,. ','>«<-k , )" " ' -1'".•; .dd,,,,,, J'j.lj- 1;
«,m,,,,,,, . «omph,h.n."" ·!kllo,"m .. . "''',,''"' glo, .... u, "' ;'U,. J' 1.11; ,I><
"u,,,",,,,,",,, w" ',1 ..."", ,k",,,,,,"" "",,,. [",", ,v'P<" " " ,' ),';." d , ,'(,."
.,;, ...., f"~ , ,,,,,, "''''''
[.0(;, L,",,"um .. : . On ,to. ;ok""'~ ,,( ,....
comm.n"',. x,d,. (f""~'"'J' j. ro'. No<, 'h" C.." . c,r" ..... '.JIk>. 'm"~ ,to.
."noun"',,«n' Df "Ho ,,,,;., "'",,,h A"~""' (......... ""P""""'J, <.<, "fGu,",,, "oJ
'1 ""><k><,u ~ !.:," "'~ ,I>< ,h; IJ V . !.:nm, .. " II ' .. ' <>f ,to. 1"<0""'. N """ II~ , .... ~ m pI<
I",~u'g" of ,I>< f .." >h ....1J "'" b< p",,,,d to." , ('" " 1"1,, ,I>< !.:~" pm";"" of
oIf,,,,,] ,"mmun ..".,,,,. T.... "'P""""" <mph"",,,, n' .... ' ,h" "''''' ." ",..,
,ml"'",n ..,,",11)' w,," "'pm'" .,<ton.... m;oo, ,hou~h ,I><~ m.y h.. .. h«n.
,.. ILS.69.·
'" Cit. , (', )"') - ' " ) ''' )0 ..... ," )"-')0' ·~.",m"o" ,ynn"","m ..- p""';,,"
••" "fo"" (,) ''''''~,; ~, " , Th«lJo><oo I'" '1""'"'" fol",; .. m1"" ""R""o. C<;", '"'
C,,/lexia/ily of viclory

The death ofTheodosius and the inmllation of his sons as rukrs

of the empire' s twin h ~ lves has usu .. lly been taken as the beginning
ofth~ end of Roman unitY.;I division which was .cncdy bridged
in the yen, following Alori,', sack of R ome, ' ·' Recent slUdi~s
have argued that the situ ati on was more comple x: they find
confim"'tion in the collegiality of victory .
The public stance of impni .. l harmony on which the Thcodo-
si.n succe,,;on r,-sted w," ,orely te'ted by Gildo', revo lt against the
we.tern government. in which Constantinople h .. d played no
little p~n. As troubled a. rciation. might have become between
the two administration. . Stilicho', mouthpiece was ever c .. utiollS
to confine his crit icism to those who influenced Honoriu,' brother
from behind the throne . 'b.' No ,noner h.d the matter been scltkd
to the wcstnn govnnmcnt', ,atisfanion and rdief th.n Stilicho' s
publici,t trumpeted the r~stuution of the 'wm pitlr hnmun y of the
broth~rs'.16~ The victury monument r.ised in the Ronun Forum
to eternalize thi, succe" etern.lilcd as well the emperor. plrMo
coMco,dia. ,inn' it e'pollS<:s the mutually shared nature of the
victory . Th~ "'~ming unlikeliness uf thi! d~dicatiun nnly rdn_
furen the· view that the· decisiun tu er~ct th~ monument reflects the
western government", e.. gerncss to nurmalize' rci3t;ons with
Con\llntinople ~ f,cr the delloue",e" '- ' b,
The Sol"'C public position offul! harmony il mirrored in (he bit
by the mOllum~ntal cclebrat iun of the Guth,' ~xpuJsion frum
Comt''''tinuple 'Illd the lin.l defcat , nd dea th ofG.ina •. The 'piral

lI.uf,u, Albin u" v.<.. p,,,,r ,"bi """m vi« ,,,fa JOO,,,,,,,.
d.n,"Lq.d",. On
Albin",. Ch""~",,I , r."". pr, ,)) - 6: cr, I'LRJO. " )7-! . W, "'i~h, b< '"np'e" '0
dr.'" dilforing """Iu,.,n, . hom ' 0' "';,00, in C",'''m ' io"pl. (m m tho f. ct ,h.,
, ... 1.."" ho"""o.m "" tI ", N.>< uf tl", Ob<h", ufTh.oo.,,;m. ",c,.d "" ' h, urn,
O<CO>K"'. mo"lion ,,,,ty Th.-od", i", .nd h" "" ...: !LS. !l ' . How,"". ,hi,,,. po<'ic
lext, .n" V.lom",,,n " 00<, 'Pr<" '" !;S"" ,n,I", " I d " ..I f, "',mding '0 G.
ilrun!. f)" Ob< li,o. r ".
," f . ~ . !l<"",u~e,,'_ 11. f"""i. pr o JMIf, cf ~.I.n~u • . "C"lk~;,I; "'·. pp. , i~-90.
,..<on. pro J'- f .
Cbudi,n. 0. ... 11. G.IJ.""". '. ,_,. III". ;f: 'Com·u,d;. f,,' rum /PI." ...
C.m,mn , 0"".,... , pp , "[>-'"
,r, p. Jl . Fo, d .. ;n"'"p'oon. c/L, ". " '7 ,,,d
J"l'" ·imr<"'O'l"''' inv"" i"""" fdk;,~mi"lu, Jd . nn . A,eoJ., 0, Il""Q'I".
f""ibu, ,.,,,"u'f'OI'uiu"lU<' R nm.nm ,';"d i"" ,<1><11000< « Alii"", ,,""""""'<
I.<,u'. N",< huw<"" 'h" 'wo Rom." "<dimi"", '0 S,,]j,ho fot Ill< .,,,,, 0«.00n
give IlQ ~i", "r ,)",«1 glo,~: c/L. 6, '7Jo ."d ·R<v"" d<> public";"",
<p'8"rh'Gu,,·. II,,", .,,"'""!'.... ('9>'1. no. , ....

Vielory and lalfT Roman puhli< life

rc/ief oflhe triumph.l cuh,mn put up in New Rome indulged in

,mistic, or nthe. politic,,] license, by ,howing both Honoriu s and
A.c "di u, cdebr"ting the defeat of the Gern",nic f"cI;on .'66 Tbi s
facl reinforces the POllibilily Ih"t the repon of specl.eles in Ihe
circus in honor ofG.;n.s· defe.l;s :lCCU"',e in situ.ltin!; Ihe ,how in
the .ncient c.pit.L '67 rfit il correct, IheM: cclebutiom:lre the firSl
indic.tion th.t. under the Thcodosion 'y'tem , the joint n.mre of
impcri,,1 viccorie, w •• m ..ked in the territory of the victor'.
collc .. guc in more dfcClive .nd exp""iv e (.shion than h~d
previously been the ca,c, Such a new policy did not, however,
imply" relI.,. t from the more tr.dition . l, monument.1 embod i-
ment of Ihe collegi,,)jty of victory, "s i, ck.rly shown by the b,t
Rom"n triumph.l .. ch set up in [he . ncien, copitll. This arch.
which was visible down to the Ren<li,s.mce on the West b<lnk of
the Tiber by ,he Ponte S. "'ngdo, commemorated the Gothic
victories of Honorius :lnd Stilicho, cc1cbr~tcd in the triumph of
404,'·' It w". put up ~ yeu I:un and dedi cated to the 'most
dement, most fortunate. world-wide VlCto", Our lord"
"'r".dius, /-lonoriu •• nd Theodosiu, ,' 09
The evidence On joint cclcbr"tion ofR" venn.', victory over the
ulurper Fl. Ct.udiu, Comt"minm i•• mbiguom. '1o Four ye . "

,.. Ik",,;. CO",""" PP. l11- ." <f. M.non"". s,,/, ...... PI'. ~ilf.
'" E"". pi u~ 1>< '" "",i,,, fl. '" Il<>",,;v. ;n. fx",p" 10""",,, , • .1>6.lo--\17 ,', T I., '''I
hi! I, ' ~w~~ " 9'6,"'" for R om.: PLRE, " In" ',,""o.wmou, ' j'; for Con_
","tinopt<: D. D. ld",in. "'Pm","; "" my't<"o", P",f,,<t in Eu",p,~,·. lir< .. ,0
(r<n<'). )-t, ,od M"Cmm"k , A" "". "''''''"1. p. I I, Th< ",,,n,ulOoo 'Rom<'
_ · N,,.. Rom, ""m, ",m<w"" "b'''''r ,n ,ni, <<In[<Xl "fie< ,h<wOo" fun,pi",
nil! Rome .nd Co","nl,"opl, by lOoi, p,op« I"m<!. c., . fg, p, Roi,,",,,n ~1·')
,nd fg. 1O. vU. "' r~ . !I<l. 10'.1<>--'0 , l, C,,<co I<.u~g"" , S,.. ,.,I, ., "'''~ Ii,
i-kol'I~' ...1 ,.,</0 ,1/,";"." 1'91l). w" "'" " " b bt< to m<,
, .. IU, wlI. 01 CIL, 0, 1'OX;; of, f;c~~«-S<hn'i~l . 1"!(~I(Il",,.", .. I'"I. no, ,.,
pp. l)---<5 • • nd W, K,h k" 'T Humpnbog,n' , RE, 1A.• 00 , no . • J,
" . Fi<b,~,,-s.chmjdl, 10<. ';1, : ·Imp pp. ,km,n",,;,"" f,li,,,,,,,,;,
'0<0 orb< VKIOtlb""
ddd . ""(n), .... "'d,o Hooono Th"jd"';o A"~S8' .d 1""'""" IndICium
"'umphu(,"m). quod G<,,,um n>t"'no,., On "mn, ""urn do«u)m .xIl("8u') ,
...'urn ';",ul>"il corum "op,ei"l'>< OO;",,(lum) ",OU", populu"lu, 1<.0",."U'
tel,", op<ri. 'picndor<. •
". c_,. C,W ..... q l I. Mom",«n, ,.6, h" "",ply 'h" «.,,,. Com"nli", Iy .. nni In
como <>-pu •• dl""m e" XliII . k.t O .. lob,:, If 100 f"lm< 10 'p«ify 'h, pi.. , to
",hKh 11M: he.d "''' brough,;, no' J", 10' ,,,,,,...1" ci<knt. it ",ould me.n 'h>t ,h.
'n "y .<f", '0 C"n",n"n"pk .nd " Ie,", h",d p. ",k Inc,e; il ;, nOI now,v"
impoWble ,hoi Rn<",""''' m<onl (Ihu, PLRf.l. , ," '1 1,
ColI"gi~lily ~f viC/ory

b!tr, however, East Rome saluted the wene", governm ent'.

'victory' over Ath'llllf with consider. bk p,nache , since the newS
triggered the festivc lamp_lighting discm,ed . bove, as well a,
circus raCeS, The pattern holds in 416, as evi denced by the thcatcr
show honoring HouoriUl dcfe ~ t of Attalus. '" Th'H this kiud of
joint celebration sunived at leal! .s btc JS 4lj is shown by the
decision of Theodosius 11 to hold <I liturgic<ll proce'sion and
thanksgiving service, for the dde~t in the West of John the
usurper_'" Finally, ifit is ttue that the unidmtifi~d fntinl of
3 September in th~ calendar of Pole",ius Silvius corre'ponds to
the commemoratioo of the yuunger Theodusiu, victory over the
Persians in 42', this could only mean that the western court
continued to reciprocate the ea<tern government's public projec-
tion of collegial victory th ro .. gh R . venna 's annU'!1 state holid" y',
even into the duke't huurs of the wntcm Rom.n empire's ftnal
ag ony.!n
Throughout the fourth and fifth centuries, th,-n, the .hncd
nature of victory "nd in celebration ",,,nifested all d reflected the
vicissitude, of the conception of the collegiality of imperi al rule.
Constantine's new family monarch y abandoned the tetr;> rchic
system of common victory titles, whi le Val cutinian's restora,ion
of a collegia! ~ystem of government brought with it a return to the
old conception of joint victoriousn",,- The conceptio n thrived
under Thcodosius th e Great "nd experienced " new and un~
expected developmen' in the ye~t< fol lowillg his death .
Sct again't what i, known of the a-gional rivalries of the period,
the public proj ection of imperial unity to th e populations of
Constantinople and Romc i" in it,elf, vi, ,,1 evidence both o f the
governments' will to m" intain solidarity in the' face of event, and
of their heliefin the desirability of em bl ishing or reinforcing th eir
populatio",' belief in that solidarity. Tbi, in iudf tells us that
contemporary perception, .nd ev aluations of the ,itUltion of the
empire and it, comtituem pan. were, in these yens, somewhat
more complex th.n is sometimes claimed.

'" Aoov<, Ch. l, p. J!. on Aoo". Co . >, p 00.

'" Aoo., . Ch. >, n. ]0_Cf too tho ,vKi<n"" n(th , cu in.~' p"",,,,,-,l by K".i. Ut(!;""
pp. l)/[
, ,~
Viaary and 1M" Ramm, p"b/ie life


At the .. me time th,t imperial victory ccl~b ro tiom could b.. u<~d
10 co mmunicate the politic. l m~"ag~ ofth~ und~rlying unity o f
iml'~ri.1 pow ~r, they coul d .110 se rve to project . nd publicly
old;",' the rd.tio", octwcen the monarch and !c"cr centc" of
power, In . soc iety wh~re.ll eyes were bra cketed on th~ thron e, in
which an individual', , .. "" . nd ,0ci.1 prc"ige ,oar~d or plum_
meted .ccording to hi, ,t.nding vis·.l·vis th e emperor, greoH
, ignifoc.ncc cou ld be,d to little ge. ture" In th~ conte>:t of
the collegiali ty of vicw ry, attention h ...Ire. dy occn drown to
Comt. nti u, reluct. "ce to ,'Ce J uli. ";lr using the triumph. 1
,ities to whjch hi, victo ri es might entitled him, T here can be
little doubt th. t th,' rc.,on lay in Comtantiu, ob",,,ivc fe.r of
comp<-,tition from hi, young nephew . For ex.mple, unlik ~ other
emp<: ro ", Const.n ti", ' victory bulletins sometime, f. iled even 10
mention the role played by hi s gcnct>ls in bottles which 'ook pbce
f.r from h il pre'cnce. ' H JuIi.,,'s frequcn t victory disp"che! from
,he' fro", ."d CO""'an,;u' rc{" .. 1 to grant him due credit only
encouragnl the courtins who snecred 10 imperi.1 LlUghter.t the
'littl(' vinor' (vic/ori",,,), • cru d pun on both Juli.n' , ,
.r.tu, to Const,lIltim, w ho of cour", bore the offici. l tide Viaor,
and the', shon sUtlIre - 'th e y.kking mole', .s ,ome
disgruotled sold iers called him.'" T h.tJu!i.n's subordin.te _nd
precariom pmition w_.
dtiven hom e .nd publicly displayed i,
only under.corcd by the fact that Co""tanti,,, never allowed Julian
to celebnle. OT even jo;" ;" CO" ' I.",iu' cele b.,t;o" , of the
C.e,at" succe"" in G . ul. Juli_n fclt strongly that h~ was in fact
ent itl ed to joiot ce lebration with the emperor md hi, bittnne"
hangs h~.vy in hi. OWI1 account of the sligh t. 17 •

'" Amm,,,,,,, .'.1"" 1,,,, .. , . , 0, ", ,,>. o .. k. ,-,oJ . ' 1. n .. olh" "" p.".. n , i«~
,11m gct><"" "n'" d<du«d OX>< ooly fmm Amm .. nm' <om .. k. bo t . IK' fwm
S)·. ,m .dM. Rd. oJ , >. :;..;,,'k. J r6 '---<J.
' " Ri""h . K"",,,,,I. 110: (; . w. Uu..-"""k.)"l'''' '"' .11"""" (C, mbndg<. Mm "
r<nil), pp. "'-'J.
' " Ju l"" . Ad A,""" ".,. !. ,J, J. lI,rk ., 0.",.,,, '_p ll", , ., (p • .., . '~j». »6.6-11.
Jut .. n f"" ,mp"";"" ,h" h. h.d pl')'«l b), ,It< ,u",,, "'" j",91!.'~a, ' ''"
".wp.!k;~ "oc KWWJu""i", ; n<TI '"""gh "" ,,,,,Id "u' «kb"" ","umph b)·
h,m",lf Iniwl ,/ ~~ ~p"~pw<,, t' ~'I, h, ,uu ld h", ",,",cJ "I< "P'"vc
Ch.,>dum" . "d <kp,",,'J CU"'''''''"' uf'l>< ~I",)' u f J"pl "·,,,~ , 1,,< '''''tn) ' ms.
He 'Orn remind, h" ,ud",,,cc of eon",,,,;",' de,,; , 1of, JOint ,dcb ... "",; !. ,,· tP~

Viao,y u/fbralio,g a"d Ihr Ihrone

III thi' imt:ma, the ,light loy in Cunst3ntim' denial to Julian of a

privilege frequentl y gr, nted to thc heir 'pparent, , f~vor which
exp lain .• the ",em;ng i!lcongrui,y of, child conce1cbr,ting the
outcom~ of ~ military comp,ign, as though he h,d phycd SOme
signif,c, nt p:lrt in it. Comwuine him",lf ,.·cm, delibcr, tdy tu
h,ve 'o.\uci~tcd th.- fumwcn- Or fifteen-year-old Cacs,r C onsun -
tin ~ 11with ob",rv;lllce, of" victory over the Guth,.'77In the same
m3nnCt, Theodo!ius honored the defeat of the Greutullgs jointly
with hi, cotriumph" tur and heir apparent, the child Atc.diu!. whu
would been ~bollt nine ye,,, old in J~6. ' H He bter took hi,
fou r- year-old SO" HO!l orius llong fot ~he victory fc,tivl l beld . t
Rumc in J~9. The trip to !'tomc was the firsr offici~l meering
between the pupu l"tion .nd dite ufthe anci ent ,~ pital and th e hoy
who w .. destined tu be thei r Augustu " evcn a , the numinal ruler
ofrhe We.t. V" lentini,n H. renuined for to the North 3nd oUi of
,he pie,ure in di,r,,,, Trier."" Sume ye~N !o,er. Cl,u di~n ..",reed
th~t the ch ild h, d played a prominent . jf ps, ive, role in rhe
ceremonie,. ",ated in hi, father·slap. '"0 That Honorius' pre,e,"e
w~, me , nt to m~ke ~ politic,l point regHding Th~-odusius' plam
for the future has been dedu ced by more than one schobr.'· ' The
diuribu tion of ,ignif,c,nt I, rges, w ~ s" ""ndard and ubviuus effurt
to infl uen ce in this dircction the pocker,. if not the heartS and
minds, of the Rom an pupu l"tion. A rarC hronze i"ue from ,he
mint of Rome bear. th.- ,logan 'The Hope of the St~te ' . T he
formula was customar ily a"ucia ted with h.-;" to the throne and
h~, been lin ked with Honoriu' pre.ence in the e'en",1 city; the
distribution of such coi ns coupled with J 'Molt Noble Boy' ,in ing
in the triumphator', lap w", ,, me""ge ufunmi,t.bble clnity to

.0/<"' . ;po() pi,')"<ll"a,Il.I"oo, I~'I ,,'" M b~,I..! '" 0<. 1'0 "" . .. uilx ~ p.!c. H.I'
1~,lw" 3p"pfJ,oo>l I,ll """nO ,On ~" .. g' , "' uo<> Ih, fir!! p<non ,mgubl who"
'I",,\c;ng " f o,m><l( , 1,,"<). T h" 'pp";"1. mono. .h< bi""",,,. j, «ho.d by
UN ''' "' '" J6): (fl .. n . 49. f"""",, 1.26. I I - n6 .nJ '~'''' ." (fl .. I ~. 66-1,
1'0<<<1<1 , ,60.1 \-'';\, '"
AbQ, •• Co . '. p. '0·
...,'".. AbQ, •. Co . '. p. H .
C£. s«ck. U""'R'"~' I , "7·
CI,ud;," , VI",,,, .. JJ -hi, ~'''. ' >7 - " of C""," C pli"" " , ' ·" 0. Momm",", ><1; ,r
W . En"I,", 'w .. K.;I<, Th<OOo';U< t. ,w<;m. 1 ;n Rom" . 1/",.",. I I {I~ JJ ) .
jC<>--7. "' •• JOO: . nJ lip~IJ . n, ..... ,i"" p . )9.
'" Thu, s.." • • U''''! ' ",!, \ . "" RIC:, o. H' - ') ,

Victo.y ond lora Rom." public lif,

the rna" of onlooker, nO! privy to Th~ odosiu" inn er coun~ls.!O"

In much the sam~ fashion . Honori", WaS hurri~dly summuned
from the E:!st to particip ate ;0 the victory celeb rations ove r
Eugenius, even as hi! f~thcr', health w,med .,"l At hi, arrival in
Milan, Honoriu s, nOw aged ten, participated in a p_rade which
Cbudi .. n link. with Eugen;u!' defeat . ,,. T he child ruler juined hi,
father for the victory celebr:!!ion staged in the Milan ese circus and.
when Theod",im was overcome by his fatal illnc", at lunch,
Honoriu! presided Over the re,t of the day·, doing. by him'elf.'"
!n ca>c, the obvious aim was to present to an expectant
popu!'tion a future heir to the throne and to the imperial
monopuly of victory. The word, of a contemporary propag;>ndist
accuratdy , ummed up the intent of chi!dren ', participation in such
Pro.pcn Romul,;, 'pe,.n'u, tempo .. rebu,
In nOmen ventura 'uum . Proemi... ["turi.
Dant <xempla f,dem. 100
The ,ucce" ion (or which th e population had been prepa red by
Theodo.iu, ' triumph. introduced a new phI..., in late ROT"a" rule
when the emperors reigned but did nO! govern.'07 From the
.pl~ndor of th eir imperial iso!'tion. the Augusti ~ me rged only to
perform the essential symbolic "ct, of .. ceremonial monarchy.
while the reality of power was fought over by the great courtiers,
civil ",rvant, and military m.n of the .... '" !t was not only the
re"lity, but aIm the trapping. of power wh ich leading offici.l. of
the ea.tem court >rrog~tcd unto th.mielvc~. Rufinu~' _"a,ji n_
atiun and the cuneomitant victory uf Eutropius" faction ;n
government:!1 infighting were he ..lded as though Rufinus h.d

'" RIC. 9. IJJ. no. 6J: d . p. IIJ .

'" Thu, s.o.:"to•. H.f .• J . ,6. PC. 67.6JJC
". C I,ud;,n. P"" I T'""'.' .. ""i. ,"",.1... H"",,,ii. ,,6- .,. Jjlt,. ,.6. "p. Ii .....
""- )0' •.. . <um to genilOri • • mKoIEx"f"u, s"mio ",roi.1 m "],,,m f""
u,b.mIV.lm lqu, p;'" «>mmu";. I,u ,,, ",,,ou.!· deli.",d k" ,h,". yw II ...f",
'" s.o.:,,,,•. H, .• j. ,6. PC. O").6jJC
, .. Cllud"n. IV "'''J..
6'9-" . B;". 17). on Ih, r,,~ ",,",ul,,, ofHono,;" •• ,h", . g<d
IWO. WhKh coinc>J<J w;,h hn r"h,,·, v;<lo,y ,nd " ;umph n." ,hc G'C",unS' .
co, S,rio, .1l,,.E,,,p"'.
1. " j .
'" S« ~~""'u. of C y"",·, mmpb;nll "",,,,m;nK o\«,d;u,· ;",ll,;",,: Dot "$"". I•.
,J. n"'ghi. ' .'9.!II". <onflfmro by ' h, «owd, which fIockcd 10 "'< A,,,J,u! ""
""" ofh;, fOr< publoc ' PP'''''"«' ;" ,he C;I1' So,,,,,,,. H ., .• 6. 'I. I'G . ,,>.]pA . l;! .
3ctually usurped th e purple ~nd Arc~diu, had , ctu,lIy defeated
him. Emropim and Fra,·;tt> ,cern to h"ve cdebuted splendid
triumph. ] entries into thc c.pital. in honor of their military
expeditions. Thu. tOO the City Prefect domin't~d the victory
cdcbutionl for th~ defc,! of Attalus in 4 !6. "9 All of this re veals;l
remarhble Aexibility in {he perimete" of public ,ccepubility of
,ymbolic deportment by Ie .. ding officials in late founh- ea rl y ,,,.1
fifth-<:cntury COnltaminopk. After a n~w >eric, of emperors who
ruled " well" reigned. thi, wide me • .ure of privi lege had
m,nifcstly come to ,,, end. since the SC ;ItH honor conceded to
Bcli,ariu, cuuld be hailed as ~n unprec~de'''cd achievement .
Perh:lp' the old minure, had bq;un to be rn ,snt~d JS early as th~
anger of T heodosim II one day in the Hippodrome . when the
crowd accl aimed (h e build ing activities of the great Urban and
PI:lctorim PIefect Cyru, with the ,huut, 'Comt .ntin~ founded it,
Cyrus renewed it".", il1cidel1l which is reported to have triggered
the offici,!"s fall.'oo
J u,t ,,. intcIc>ting :I, this ev idence 0 11 the ebullient, open
ch,rocter of government and society in Con~tantinople,t the turn
of the fourth century ~re the contra"ing ,kvdopmcn ts in the
,neient capilal. Then' tOO gre,t otflC i~l, like Stilicho dominated.
enjoying po,itions which ~eem ingJy co rn pored to those of the
mand~rins of the e"Uern court, as w.-ll as th" kind of ce remoni , 1
perqui,itc, :lppropri:lte to imperi. l dignitaIi", . But th~ir public
di'pl:ly fell shOT! of the .. ppropri;ltion of imper i, ] ritual which
char,cterized contemporlry New Rome. T hm the cekbr.tiom of
Stilicho'5 victories sound a more 1l10dcr;He no te. Why eh.e would
C b udi,m conclude , d~,cription of how glor ious Stilicho"
triumph,l parade would havr bee", had he but dc, ired to cd,·bratc i(
in the .ncient w ol' ?'" !:Iut Stilieh" Wl< ,hove , 11 th,t: lCcord ing

.. CI,.... 1', ,,,1 .• S <mn. j1) .1j - 11 ; d . pun. l . I [~2 . . U"", !" .•" d .lw"". p. , s. A.
Li ppold. 'Th, oJ, ~ ; " , tI. ·. Rr. >. IJ (191J ). I"II - IOU. 1><<< <.>61. p,",u m," ,h" <1><
<mp<ro<.'" p,.,.,nt; )." i, w"uld ",on, "ol;,,!y th" tt" ""1"',;.1 p"" no< would
l>< PC""," 0'" ;n ,;kna, ",h,k th .. or. h'gl, oR"';. 1""" <",pl",,,<~. !t ;, ;""'''''''S
'0 <",n p'" th" ",<Ideo" ,,""h <,,,k"," orb,d tlg ««mOtH. l lIlI>OV",,", ""'000>«0
du'ing ",d 0<"",,, of ,he d uldhOO<l ofTbroJ""u, IL J~hn I. ydu, . f>< .. ';t'''''''".''
... M. I,Il,.
'. 9.W ""K~. 6'.1 ' - I'
C!"",,~,ar~ i
N. i"",,,. p p . no ,.
•. lion". ,"LOY'"'.'. On ,..., inci,","t. cr. D'g"'" .

,. , C I,udi," . 0< ,,,,,,,,/,," S'i l ~ h "" i , . J. "-' J. 1\;" . ' 2J.

V;clOry and 1m" Romal! public life

to Claudian, he preferred to celebrate his niumph in men' s mind.,

• statement which scurdy veils CJ.udi.n'. h.biru.ltechnique of
cr'.ting virtue out ofnecessity.'92 When it right down to
celebr.ting S, ilicho', gre. t victories at Pollenti. and Veron . , the
best he coold hope for in the ancient capiul was the privilege of
fOI!,rHU' vrhieuli, of riding with the emperor in hi, triumph.l car:
Tunc tibi m.gnorum merCem FOr!un. bborum
P,nolvil, Stilicho, Curru cum veelm e".lern
Vrb. rriumph.n{ern fior.",. iu",,,,.
· ,.,
C on'plCer" " . .
In the ancient npital. custom called for stricter adherencc to the
old con ventio", of poblic b"havior and imperia1 perquisites. In the
new city, .nd, ind,'cd, the new socie ty ofupwudly mobile civil
serV,lI1t', there w.s, for a brief dme in the f,fth century, less
t",dition and fewer entrenched cemon to ch,'ck the new elite',
hunger for ourward ,igns of prestige and power. Jost .s it was a
western bi,hop who fim impmed limits on the e.stern emperor's
accu,tomed freedom of movement within the ..cred of the
Chri,ti.n .anctuary , .0 western wcicty ,tood eYer mOre scrupu-
loosly by the recognized ritu.l prerogatives of imperial offICe,
even <IS the western empire beg.m its long .lide into oblivion. The
COn traSt in the ritu al behavior of the two paries' highest offici<lls is
.ymptomatic of the emerging differences in the socinics that
sh ap ed them ,
By the sixth ",ntory, a different tone prevailed in Rome on the
Bosphorus, I'wwpius' Secret History testifies to the efforts of
Jmtini.n and Theodora to impmc new codes of deportment on ,he
empirc's gre<l t nff",ia1., a tc.rimony which i, seconded by
developments like Justinian 's . mbivalent attitode toward the
ordinary consulat<' or the ab.ndonm~-nt of the elaborate rituah of
the imperial law COllrtS.'9~

'" loil" j, ,6-9, i';",'''->: ·S<d...,., onmool<u, prop"; ;'''''0' ~""m;>/Comul,

I<.om., '"". , Non ;I"'m pr",m .. un,um/Qo'm I.oor ;Po< ;uv,,' " "P;'"' r."idi,
in,,,,,,/Inq"" 'nimi, homin"m pomp' moiio'«Humph,<', On vi""" ,nd r>«<'>'''Y
in Clooo"n', «,hn;q"'. >« < , ~, C. m<rOll, CI,.di ... , p, )1 ) ,
" , CIoudi," , VI '00' .. )7!-8" II,,,, , ))--6,
". P'OXQP'"'' 14.,,_, '), ')-'7 .0<1 jn, ,,-~, H,my, ) · "V) · 'O- O<I · " ."~
,!.''9-1 3 p), S"'In, !l.oJ'f,op,,,, " .6 ,If, on J""ini,o ', "'Q(iv<I; John LYO"', D<
'"'Ii",.""",, l. 116 , Wiim<h. ) ....If,
Against this background occurr<·d une ()fth~ most widely cited
and mij>. ppreh<'llded viclOry cc1ehr>tions of the period, the 'bn
"Roffian" triu mph' - the celcbr~tio!l by Justinian of Bd;, ar;us'
recon'111<-'t uf Africa, Schubrly ,-valualiuns of this evem have
ranged from camious par. phrase of Procopiu, rarher enigm.ric
"ccoun! to bm:H!i" effusions which reconstrucr the even! on rhe
basis uf rhe medienl ceremon ies staged four hundred ye>.TS bter,
or blithely impose un Ihe ,ixth-cemury evem leg.l cunceptiuns
from the fir>! (CmuIY before Chri5l.! -'
I'rocupius , and historians who have followed him, made much
of rhe uniqueness of the honor gr>med hi, hero. The celebra-
tion deocribcd by I'rocupius consisted essentially of>. p. rad e in
two stage,. First came a vICtory parade from Hclisarius'
huusc - presumably within rh e city and therefore excluding "
triumphal enl ry like those attributed 10 sucee' sful com m>.nders a
century earlier - thruugh the main buulevard ufrhe city, doubt-
Jess still 5C~rred hy the gre> t dcltruction of the Nib revoir, and
illlO the Hippodrome , The second stage was the bmiliar and
traditiunal rriumphal parade' uf boolY and captives duwn the
middle of Ihe Hippodromc ,!96 Only the fir!! e1emmr
new, . nd only it could hc prcscn!ed as • re>!oration of ancient
~oman c"'tom; it ~lonc deserve, the qu .. hf!cation of ' Beliso riu5'
rriumph' , In faCl, no other latc amique amhor. f.. mili.. wirh rhe
fact' - includil1g an cycwirnn5 like John th e Lydi~ n - ~ ven
lppru>.ch rhe modern proclivity to view the whule celebration as
'Heli,arius' rriumph', At musr, Beli,ari", i, mentioned fur his role
in caplllring Gdimcr and prese nting him to rheernperor at victory
celehration.; al the le>.'t , hi_, role ;, pa,scd over in ,ilence'·'

'" em ,h ;,,·,m",mY" 'h, ... " Ro",,,,, " iumph, Av . <': . ",<<0"', 'om", . to co';I'I"" ,
I." ., p. " ~. H" 'y, I.a'" R ""''''' ' "'r;" . _. '" rk, ....,10 ofj_";", a', >, 'J 9 p. "Vh" '"
I',oxop'" ' cto.< ly, " do S" ,", ",,-J'"'r''', " !"" - ",h" [,; 1, m d;","~""h
11<11""",' Vmd. fTOm the Hippodromo p[O( << d i n~, - ,nJ L. SchmiJ" G,,.J. ;,",,
.., "''''''.k" (M",,>(o. '~"I, rr. ' . '-, - who rb", T!.:odm. ,n 'ho '",Ii, . ..
",,,1.0"' '''' [""" I <v;<I<,o« , L.M, u"'''', '«Ii",,,, Xi,i,,/iJJ''''' "fz","'i,
" e' - JIi, ! (I'm" ,.,7), pr, 1, - < ,,~<> to, """'0",,1" " w;,h hi, ""' ' 'R''' '
I,""""" "'"h ,he <v ido"c<, Kollw"" J'I,,,;', p, oi l ,<I<"'if,,,,
,h" ,,,,mony" ' "
" "';0. <.:f. 'ou d" di","""-,,, ", M"Cmm " ' , A " " I
P">CoP'" ' , &110, ' .9,) . H,u,y , '-<10.1-1)_
pp, 7<-6,

nu, J""" lydu,. £l< "',~","'ih", '-, " Wun..-h , ,,,. ! -~, ,"<n!ion. ,h., ;, "'.,
eu"om.. y ~" Rom, n <rnp<<nn '0 ww ,h. I• •" " 'h<nco<, '!.:y "kb",.d
"iumph' 0'" " pt; v< k,"~, (it,. ,.1
fIa",;.1;lx", ~Jl~.M!lQ'" af'l~fJ<fu"') . nd

Victo ry and lal" Roman publit 'if~

Why wa~ Helisuius gr3ntcd wh:1l Procopim ,ons idered ~

unique honor? Se ver~l factors ceruinly contributed to ctc.ting.
,ituation favorable for ,uch. ge,(Urc on the p:lrr of th e ~mp"ror _
Politically ,peaking, Beli.. rim enjoyed the inAuence both of hi,
ow n p<'rlon:llity on the emperor and of the intjm~te fri~ndship
between hi~ wife and the empress.'" In ~nothcr .en"" meh .n
honor wuld be wnstTUed ~, • fitting reward for hi, own
wmribution to the cXp"dition whi,h brought .uch plentiful
riches, l.nds .nd future t:lxe, to the empire. Not on ly was the
general IIlpposed to have been granted unique .uthority at the
c~ mpaign's ou t,et; lik ~ other geneuh of his ~ge, he helped to m~n
.nd finance his expeditions out ufhis uwn pocket. ' ··
Were known to contribute from their own funds to entice prime
candidates into the ranks even of imp<'rial unit~. llelisarius' twO
thousand private re t~in ers pbyed :,In enenti;\1 milit.ry role;
moreover, he is reco rded to hlve gone so f~r as to replace the
horses 3nd armS his troops lost in battle, IIlrdy a substantial
These f:lclorl hclp"d ro erc:llc thc condi,iom in which 3 new
deputure in victory ceremoni..1 cou ld o"ur. But ~! ~o often
h~ppen' in th e history of ceremonies, th~ ~pp:lrent innov~tion of
Bdi,uiu, triumphal p.",de through the meets of Constantinople
wa, precipitated by the immcdi~tc political comext of the

prov" j, by ci';"K 'ho mo ofGdim;,_ Cf. J, ll, Wun",h I.... I<;>->J (the ,ubj"" of
tho KflIC"" ;. Jullinun)_ So, ''''' J",d.",•• G"~., 171 . <d. T . Mom", .. ,,_ MGH.
1111, ,_I (13h) . 10>. 16-> I, 'n. m mo. lu"", i' "i ;"'»<"""" ul,;" in tum 'PP",uil 01
<um ~m"" gtnUI ... um opibu"lU< ' . . COIl"'nlinopol;m d<l.tuI F"" virum glo.;o-
';";mum Beli ..,iom . . ., ",.snum in <;"0 populo 11"",o<uium fu i' ""q"" 'u><
P,,";ludini. g'''"' cum I< v;do:l<t do: f''';g;o «g.l; d,i«lom . __ '. J",J'''<I, woo m·
,;,,, on B,);"tiu,' ,,,,,,,,bu,;.oo (cf. I 7', p. I0) . I) ,,;11 "II, Ih;, v,c""y '''iumphul
lo,,;n;.n; ;mP""'"ool ' dec I;b; doo"ol ' (i~iJ., )0) .)); d. '0<> lon , p. , J6_'J-I17_>_
So< .1>0 Mu;oa of Av,,,ch,,,, C"""'~. '.J);, >, <d. T. Momm .. n, I>IGII. ... 1I ,
II.')J; Z><h"y Rhtlot, H .t. 9. '7, It. E. W . U'OOkl, Co,I'"' ",ipl"." <I,,;"i...... ..
,,;,",,1;... , s.c' ;PIO"" Sytl. p (19)4)' 91.>911": CO'ippUl, loll .. J, I1 - U, Diggk .nd
GoodY"" 41; M.I,1.." C~'''''I'.,I.;'' , lJoon. 471 .» -479.J which f.jb ev~n '0
",,",;.00 Bth.. ,;o, .
,.. S,,;"'. &1.E.. ,i", >, , ' ).
'" On Il<U .. r;u,' powm; ,jJ.,".• ;.".
ilu,y, I~" /I, .. "" EM,;" . _. ,.,", ...,1. >. 1>7'
SIC;"', &1''''''P''t , ',1", . nd J. Dud;", 'M ' g;"" m'I;lum _u'pa'~'<h~~ d.m
l'Empire by,,",;n (Vr_Vll' ,;eel«)', 82. 7> (1979), )00- >0, i><re 101.
". S"' n, !l.u_E..p;", >. 11>- 1l:JOI1<1. /.4", R,,"," &.I';'" I, _ oS; Btl;",i ... ,uppl;",
bonn .nd >tn", I'n'oop'u" /kll., 7, I, ' , H,.,y. ' .'\1\1.1- ,)_

momenl _Hi, fetum to th~ e~pit~1 bd uke" pl"e under ~ cloud of
mspicion. According to Procopim, unn~med olf,ei~b h~d levied
muffled ~eeu'~ tiom of i,It"nded "'u,p~tion ~g~il1st the pupulH
~nd .pec ucubrly .ucce"ful you"g ge"r:r~L Less II,." th irty
month, ~fter he "e>fly lost the throne to Ihl' Nib uphe~vaJ and
usurpat;on attempt. Juslinian mUSt h."l· takm the charge, quite
>criou,ly ,20' However, in a w~y that i. uncleat today. ~mpicio"
w~, quickly di'pelled or silenced and Justin;.n proceeded to
publish his confidence in hi, general to the bllre~lIcr~ey, the
c.pit~r, popubtion ."d the world . , large, by grantins him an
honor loudl )" touted •• unprecedenled. But the victory ub-
!.erv~nce, did more th. " lI"de"core the emperor's renewed
confiden ce in Be!i$uius: the conqlll"ror of Afric. performed twu
symbolic gesture, who~ ,ignif'c~nce cou ld "ot have esc;>red
officials and unlookers famiJi" with the minute detail s of public
ritual dcportml'nl _ In his p<> through rhe city he was not
allowed the u"" of a hor.e or public vchicle; ,.ther. he walked
humbly. like ~ny con""oner 202 Any spectator who f;>iJcd to
grasp the fundamentally suburcii nate .tam. of "Vl'n '0 exaltl·d •
personality .. s lldis.::rrim when he w.lked in proec"io n to the
Hippodrom e would cert~inly h~,'c gotten the point ~t the nCXt
ltagc in the p_rade. Thcre, the masICd spectators weiC treated nut
unl)' to ritu.l divestiture uf the V:mdal king in front of the
imperi~1 box .nd th~ obvious .ymbolic gesture of his forced full
prostration before the ICned cmperor: the)" also witnessed the
reverence of the general fur hi, em peror. a, he too performed the
pros"'yntJis. 'seeing that he was J slI ppli:lI1t uf the emperor'. ",-, The

P,orop;.".Il<II•.• ". 'If. J-j.u<y, , 'l' . ' If: ,r, U. Rub" ,. 'I' ,o~up; '" v. K,i",,,,,·.
RE, 2j . , ('9j]), 27) JW. h<,< 4 ' 9-
P,,",,op;u.,. &11"" y. ': .... ""_. _ ,o, '''' '<I' ~'.l."i' ~j¥w, ""'"'I"'~"
~",D ~m"",. I" ,~; mHO; r~; "'!too ' " 11"" 'h'''''mp ,m Ikl;"ri",' ««m",, ;,1
"yle w" th, ~';n( ; p,' ,k'""", l "~,,,~ fo, • ".1. okl·,:d,;un,J '''"'"P" ;,
,y;d,n,«I by P",,"I' ;u,' <k'-C';r ' ''''' of 1«1;", ;,,,' ,,,,,,,,1.. pt{",.I>IOO, wl,leh. in
"',H,,,' IQ ,h< v"''''y celeb.,,;"" ,w". "j"mp" ,,
~,,~, ,0' ~ •• "". -,0,,0'. &11••
•. o. 'J. !( ,m,. '-<1 1. J , - 'J' Ie ~. i, "',... /'1'" poe. ~d"" 01 {",In.a.
~poc ,,," "l"~,(W''''' ~~I I, '0/ MfJ"f ,jl,"'~I.<;> to thm'" boco,y ro ,h. <tuwd.
"'I"" 9.1 "

MQ,;n~ .!>ou, '"ec;'y "" ["'" "''' t>Ot 1O",,,hJHg <"Ir«l f"">un. I"",, ."K'II,rl in
wrrhou,. ",,,,,,'e d«p'" <I" " 1"01 fm ''''''',,_ Nut< " x, ('''''''r;u, d"";I"Oon of
,h< I" "dc· hk< (h""", oft" I,... ;u, ' J ,;1 y '''P' 1'0 m h;. hnu« '0 'h< rom",; 11<11"
7.' , J - t.. H,"". "'91 .10- 10').' _
'" P'OCOpi"" &114".9, ... H,u,y , ',)7.»-41! .>_
imperi~l subject ~I suppli~nt w/.\ /. notion rooted in the bureaucra-
dc procedure, oftne empire: the term (iKtrqc) used by Procopiul
occurs in re.cripts and ",rve. as the technical delign:ltion for ~
petitioncr. 2o • The .l ttimde of prm,ern~tion o/feted explicit
recognition of . n cmpcror\ ,,,,,Ited ,Utus: in remrn for the
supplian"s ge'ture of loyalty, imperial authority could intervene
in the routine ~/f.;" of the provinci.l admini""lion on hi. behalf.
To the offici:!I., mbj"c," 'll1d rcpre"''''ativc. of foreign pow ers
present that day in the Hippodrome. Ueli sarius' gesture could be
construed", /. de .. public ,,,,t(ment on where he .tood reg'lrdiog
rum ors of schemes against the throne .20 •
The external form of the ceremony honoring Bcli... iu, was a
variation on one of the basic building blocks orlate Roman ",cular
and rdigiom ccremoni~l, the procC\~ion. In this instance. it is clear
that the org. nizers dr~ w their impir:ltion from the most prestigi_
ous ritm.1 then available to the lecul,\r elite, th e consular
procClsion, whi ch likewise beg.n al the consul's home and could
end at the cireu •. 2u~ The rite inflicted on Gclimer h,d , different
background. As h., alre/.dy been pointed out, thi, rim,l divelli_
mre of a defeated !c.der hod been asso ciated with the army in Ihe
fourth century. Today it was trmsferred from the c3mps to thc
eity. from the militH)' 3udience of" victorious army to the urb"n
. udience of Comtant inople. The f.n thai the ceremony cul_
minated in the divestiture and forced p,oskymsis must have sent
shiv~rs down the ,pine of any Gothic onloo k e~. For this gesture
w/.\ not intended to oblitcr~le the distinctions between an
empe rors ,ubject, "'Id hi~ enemies, On the contrHY. it si gn31ed to
.n)' who hod not yet Kra sped Justin;"n ' $ appro ach to the b .. bari. n
kingdom' Ihat th~ Vand,l ruler was not regarded 3S an indepcnd-

,,. ro r l"I'~c " ",hni,,1 '<1m. "" 'hr« ,,,,,rip" of" . ... .n. j j' ; j. M"p<fo, p'PY'.'
1'''' lil"f" .Y"'·"'.... ,., (Cmo, '9' 0). no. 67<>'. ' p.)o." ,od ' 9: no. 670>6.
p. 19.•. 6, " ,od , S ,nd ,..,. 670,S, p. 6' .6 " oJ ~.

" . foo lh. Pmi,,. . ",b""do,' , pl<!<nr., I « Z"h"y I{h«o,. H .' .. 9. 7. " . I"""k!.
' · ~' ··o-J· ·
, ... ~ooJ , .. mpl< of ,I>< ~'<i! p,mlS' ~ill ",,,1>«1 '0 ,.i"i'o,h" ,I>< ("" h.lf of'he
""h « n'"'Y com" fw", Il""lh,o" 1'II;low piliM , ... ,.1";.,, •• P'''''' j, I , ,d, l .
Uid«. CCL. 9< 110\7). '''''-Jo
",h,« ,ho: l"'p';<OI"d "i~<><"t muo<, 00 ,he
,udd,n «V<I>< offo""",, wh.,h h.d <. >l him in'o P""'" . flt, '"JOying ,he 'J><"""'
of ,wn oem' ,,,,,,01,,,.
On con,ul" pm,".."'",,'. Co.-ipP" " I." .. c..""run. 19.-)
. nJ '0' -'. ",i,"
,tl '''''''''''Y",fmn , ...
Vicrory (elehralions and II,( II,ron(

em IOvereign. I-Ie wlS but 1 defeltcd usurper, 1 rebel 'g,inst the

Romln ordcr. Z07
Prompi",' description of the victory cdeb"tion of 534 reveal, ,
comp",it" enemony who,"" eonstilllcm dement! arc e"ily identi_
fi ab k within bte Rom" n weiety" re~rtory of public rilll,1. The
~xtcrn31 forms of thc proce,sions wne typic,ll y late antique. Yet
Proeo pius present.' [he whole , s a unique res!or~tion
of aneimt Rom"n tudition , a great leap b, ckward of some six
{cmurie•. zo , Although somt haw bcm quic k to perceive KaiJfT·
kfllik in Proco pius" 'lSSert ion.zo~ is it nOt mOre likely that he is
echoing the origin. l. official interpretati on of thi s sta ged evem?
Aftn all. Justin ia n i, wdl known for his insistence that hi, reign
w,, ' essenti. lly a return to the good old days of ,ncient lore. What
more etfcn ive way to innovate in vinorr ritu:ll thm by st.ging
what w" billed " " relll", to the pri"ine " ,dition, of ,neiem
Rome? Thi. imcrpret,tion is only strengthened by the {onsider_
,ti on d"" [he ch ief offi{~r for ;mperial ,cre moni,1 .tthe time of
Hclis. rius· p.radc w, ' nonc other than Tribonian, a I.wyer d~"Cp­
Iy imbued with the splendors of Roman lntiquity.:l1O At any
r,te. after th~ inno v. tion of the cekb r'tion of 534. Belis>rius W<lS
,Ilowed !O celebrate his victory in more wstomny fashion, by
. "uming the comu l:ae. [n so doing. he enjoyed the (r,dition.l
reward be'towed on victorious generals ~s recently 3S the reign of
Ana.ta,iu,.:l' ,
At f",( glance. the celebration of a triumph by C :.e,n Tiberim
in the reign ofJu.tin II appears related to the kind of development
signaled by lklisarius' parade, [n :lctuality, [he parallel i. mi<le:l d_
ing . Even the most CX:l ltcd gener<l[ W<l' \c<lrcely on (he s~me
foo ling ~ s • gennal who bore the title of C ann and the
presumption of ocing the heir :l ppnelll. The precise circum<l:l ncc,
arc deci,ive o n th i, sco re . !tom.n operotion, on the Persian
fWlllin h. d been ver y unsuccessful, involving dis ..!,,,,t Antioch
:lnd Ap,nuea a, well a, the fall ofO, ro in 573 " nd (he torching of
Mditm e in 575. followed by fail ed negotia tion s with the

"'," Cf. M"-Co",,,,~" d ' If,""~ 'rr,, ;.. I, .-I"..oJ "'''''''"y. p . )6.
m /kl .. . 4. 9), j ·l .ury , .. . ) 6 0- 10. " . Rub",. 'P,o);opio, '. p .• ,0.
" . "f. H~'>O!" T,io". i_ (lonoo.., '07' ). proH ,nd ,,6.
" , l'f(xOP"" , ,,,11. . • , 9, 'j , f"'my. 1,'J8. 10-'J, cr, ,00><, cn . I . p. 0, .

J 2~
Victory m,d later Ramal' puhiic lif,

Pc"iam. '12 In the capital, the emp<:ror's progre.sive insanity was

.n open ""cret. In moment. ofocmi-lucidity, he was trotted out
before the bure.ucracy for promotions~ for the benefit of the
gener. 1 population, hc w .. c;lrricd to the circm .how" but was
un.bie to suy beyond [he morning 'p ect.c1es.:' J Whether or not
the triumph of 576 took place during. period in whichJlmin w. s
unfot for public 'PP""""lCe, the .igh[ of thc mcc",ful general "nd
de.ignated SUCCeSSOr presiding over vinory celebr. tions featllr-
ing splendid Persian booty mUlt have been [(.ssuring to the
popl1b tion. The C'e~.r w,,s in control. both of the throne·
and of the rather baltered mystique of imperi. 1 victory."'4
The preceding pag"' h"vc .ttempted to clarify a few of the W'y'
in which imperi,,1 victory celebration! were enmeshed in the
public life .nd menulity of I.te imperi.1 >ociety. The obsession
with usurp.tion, the unreali.tic fascinatiun of. decaying fonner
capital, the vital dynami,m of development' in the provinces :In'
all reflected in [his one beet of the rim .1 appar.tus oflate antique
mon.rchy. The manner in which imperial victory celeb ration.
projected the unity of the empire - a fundamental tenet of. dy ing
world'. political creed - ". wd l ., manifested the interrebtiuns of
power close to the throne. reve als the complex political
cont.ined in these ceremonies. The deuiled comidcr.,ion of
specific ceremonie, indic~tcs.n important m"thodologica l point.
Even more ,ignificant than revered traditions or imitation of the
P3!t to the ch3r3cteristics of e3ch celebration, it would occm, wa~
the precise pulitical and social confIguration of the moment , With
the"" Iessuns in mind, we may turn to the mediev.1 inheritance of
la[e Rom"n triumph.l traditiuns ,

'" S«: ' .11. N.l·!. B.y""'. c,,,",,'o(c:. M,.i,,.1 /I;""r. ' (C,mb'I<:!Re. ro' )). '7,K.
Cf. j.l<ot,)",• .ky, /""';Y' Vi"n'ii., (K" • . '9<>1. j M!!",
'" John of Epho.m. H".,).). 6. n, 0'00"" OJ · , I - ,6.
, .. 00, ,hi. "lob",i,,". ,t>,,.,.Ch. " pp. OI-y,


The developll1e1/t of imperial victory

celebrations ill early medieval Byzmltium

Victory cc icbr,dom from the "d ,"en t of icollocl,m" down to the

grc~l w:I{cnhcd of the dcvmth century offer J complex piclllrc.
Superfic i'] continuity combines with deep dllnge, long ]"P'>C! of
d , rkm-" .r~ interrupted by brief bunn of light. Even :I Cllnory
ex"min"ti on rev e..l! th e undying influence of the prec~dents set by
th e later Roman StJ!'", ocginning with the' ,uHr. ] rok of military
victory in the im pc ri,, ] ide .. ,,, d it, rit ll" ] cxprCI,io", ,' hmili.r
from I'He ~ ntiq'lity arc dIe triumphal entries. supplication and
th .nksgiving procc,,;om, ', involving races and comme-
morative coin issue! "I,oeil.led with rc" l ur imagined imperial
suec,,,, Contl"mpor:lrY ob""ve," were well ~w.'e of the",
connection" as i, cle o' from the co",ci ow s Ijn):, [hey "';Ik e
bctwc~n celebrations of Ihe i, own day and thos<: of a"cielll
Rome.' M ore , jgnificJnt - b 'Tausc "",, , ,, bj'Tt to the 'di,toning
mirror" of the Byzantine lita"y vi,io tl - i, the recour", medieval

" bl< d . .,n,h _ 0< ",ly ' ,.,.dlth ....... " "" ",," "h ...."." "en' ~,f" ., ' u >t"" ' W I",,,
Ith' ktn~J h" fough [ .. , ""m y " "I c~"" h>c~ in ",,,",ph .n~ . ;cwy. h" "nk ,,,J
J>O';''''''' ,,, ,he kin~dom ~,ow. Jf. how,v". Il< h" 1>«" d,f",," ,n~ p'o .. d to"
w<>k. "' ;, d,m",,," ,;'om k; n~,I"I' . ... V Min,,"',.' M.,v"., "" ,b< B,.,,,,,,,,<,.
",.";,, .. 1·I,,,i,,," r' ,I"i<~ " " 4"."",,, ,~" "',I,, ",I",·" . '0 {'9jO). 'I;-W, Il<r<
.60. Cf. Tr<it;"~<,, O,,,,, ..i,. ,,,, pp. ,(",fr. , ,,,I II . Hung". P,,,,,,.,,,". 1:1,,,,,",, ..,
.Y'""""''''' K.,,,,id., '" d., A....,.... , d., U,k.,d.,. W",~·, "p. n'm"ti ,,·h< ',uJ.."",
I IV",," •• [96.) , pp. 7llf.
, Co",,,",,,,,, VII wmp' ''' hIS ~""M,,h,r", ''''''Or " of "l '0 ' h"", "f ,b< ."""'"'
cmp<'o[] <tf gl"'iou> Rome: TOcorh . Com .. j, ~o. Ik k);". "'. 0- <; on ,~" k,nd e>f
J' l<,.,y ,,,,,,,i, '" ,he V,," &",1,;, R .J.H . J,n);"" . "Til< , 1" ".-,1 b" k ~",u"d of ,he
Sm'" ,""" p"" 'I"""p"'"'''' VOl'. ! I'o~. ) , El - lO . Cf. ,he poumrl. '",plici,
mm P";" '" b.t ",<eu C,,'" II", '"u ", pi, . " d ,I ,,, ~fT "''' "a, Il~' lo"" . ". '7' ) .n d ,he
;n~ u<oc< <tf p",cup;u, un • J.,,,,.ip " on uf Nt<"pi",,", I'h"",,' ,,,u"' ph {bdQw. ,,,
org.nizers of ceremonin h.d to .ntique murce, when devi'ing
their modcrn ,tagcd cvent" the do.. ier on triumph.l entric.
»""mblcd by Consramine Vll Porphyrogenitu, rcache, back to
the ,i"th century for it , so urce n",reri"l.}
The continuity, then, of lIyz.ntium', carly medieval victory
celebr"tions with those oflate antiquity i, l'vident , Bm cominuity
dol'S not imply identity. It would in f.ct be more .ccur.te to think
of the enduring t .. dition. of the latn Roman empire', public life
.s constitllting a kind of ceremonial repertor y, from which the
rulers of mcdiev"l B),Z:lntium could ,ekct .nd ."emble the
clements they f.vored for the ce remony of the moment . Like the
usc of d .. sic~l Jpolia in medicval monum~nts , for.lI the identit), of
constituent ciemcnn, the resulting whole i, ,urprisingly novd.
Victor), celebrations were not, of course. the on ly occa,ion on
which imperial victoriou",,",, impinged on mediev . l Con_
stant inople" public life. Annu. 1 religiou, ob""rv Ol nccs lik e the
great proce,sions for the liturgical yeH's cent ... 1 fcast, filled the
Slreet. with well organized cham. for imperial victory, while the
secul ar cclcbr"tiom of the Hippodrome (med sporting success
with military victory. When an eighth_c~mury emperor "d_
drcm'd the crowd, his opening words were 'My fortune has
conquered!" But. w.ithout question, the mo.t cemral and inf\uen-
ti~ 1 projection of imperi~ l victor), occurred in the daborate
cckbt~tion ' of mili"ry soce", organized ad hoc ,
Broadly ,peaking. victory obscrv~nce' in th e yea .. ,tretching
from the resutgence ofth,' empire under the iconoclast, dow.n to
the tr3mfo rm ations of the eleventh century displ" y three p3r!i_
cuJ.rly important trends: firn, an intcmific.tion of development.
I~unchcd in the ,ixth 'illd "vmth cemuric>, including ,in increas-
ing litu'gif,c.tion of the ceremony, :I recurrent association of
victory with the cult of the Virgin ... well " • • n initial tendency
toward increased .dectivity of audimee; second, the dissolution of

, 1"F" i.1 bpi'i';,,, , Uoo' ", .01 " - ~<) !. Ij .

• Fe, ,1.< ,«I,m"",,,, ch' '''N d,,,i"~ ,mp<",t p""""o", "" f"" d,yo >«
C"",,,",,"< VII t'u,P"P"I!<";'"'. U. """"",i;J •• 1....1""" ....., I. ). <d , II, YOgi , I
(pm,. ' 9JS) .) 6 . 17->O IEpiph,,,,), I • • • I )&,'0-1 IE." ,er); " I , I . ",~ - " If"""
MonJ.y), fIC, for ,I>< ", in1' l",oo of 'I"",m~ ro mih,,,y .i<<my in Hippodrom<
"<I.m.""", , "" .•. g. Ut "' .. I, 7i. ,J. A. YogI, > (p. ",. j~WI , u& 1-9, for ,he
<mp<""" ",..",,,1 , Jd«", S"'pl"" tJc""". Vi"" .. i,,,,.I, S"p"".; '""'"';,. IIJHG.
16(6).!'G , ' 00. ',ll ....
tile .n(i~nt imp.... i,1 monopoly of victory: , nd third, , 'purldic
growth "nd dcclill~ in tile fr~qllcncy of impcri,,1 victory cclc-
braio",_ With rq;ard to thi, la,t point, if the clironoiogicli
di,,,ihurion of victory celebra tiom were plottcd on , horizont ..1
linc , the result would bc nUl all evcn or partially even p>ttcm, but
'n'~rJI dustns of ceremonie,. Th" clustering app"ar5 ,ignificant
a",\ offers precious insight jnto the ritual's historical nature and
,kvdupmmt. l'nllap', it might be ubjected, the pattnn i, due
merel y to the fact th ,,, victory ecl"br"tiom n.tuully occurred in
pniods of ,uac," and ~xp,,,,i ()n. Even were we to forget,
however. the I<-.,>om of late "miquity. we would [hen to
,,~ p~ct thJt the triomph' "f;tnper;~l ",;lit~t)" policy in thc t~nth
c~ntury would h.V<' triggncd morc fr~<Juent celebration, h<:fore
.nd ~ f[cr [he third q llarler of th"t century. But such doe, not .cern
to h.w<' been ,he u><: .
On th" other hand. thl' represc"t.ti ve"css of the cvidcnce might
be CJ lkd into 'l,, ~st j un, For ~ 'JTllrlc. argum~ntS from silence " rc
Ie" thall Ulfl vin<; in~ in tI", ob'~urity of d,~ ei~h th '~ntury, While
we ma y hope. howcvn, th" furthn research will bring to light
new cdcbrations. on ly ",as,iv,' , hortcoming. in the evidcnc~
would alter till' fundarne1t!al piclUrc for the ninth ~nd temh
eemuri," . furthnmorl', th,' one opportunity th" sourcc, afford for
v~rif)'ing thcir rcp re,..."tati v~n~," yk lds ~ positive rCIll It. The
historiog raphic.1"nd hagio~r' ph iGiI ,ou rce. ,1I0w the cond",;on
th.t, notwi thst and in g the forma l ."ertion of Th,'oph.nn'
con tinu"to", Theoph ilm u'kbrated two trium ph,.' This conclu -
,iun i, fully born~ out by "vidence from the temh-n'ntury palan'
mili eu: to [he highl y privy kno wledge of the emperor who
compi led th,' technical {reatise On Impcri al Expcditions. T heo-
phil'" cclebrltcd two triumph, ,6 Thi, comforts the assumption
th~ , 'he evidence . "embled here i. ,ull;c;" ,,<1 y reprc><:",,,,ive <0
w .rrlltt c01,~idcr;Hion o f the Cl uses of thc spor.dic naturc of
victory celebratiun in the ninth through cleven!h ccn!uri~,.

, Th" " <I<. d y 'h< m,,,","s of ,h< WO," " ', . , ~"~,6 " :7.<I ~,I 00 nd fhtf,;,t7.
"~I.~,,,,~,y'; Th<opo . CO", .. J. >. !JOI" ' . '7 7-! , kl, ,h< ,,,,, .. iv< «oJ,"« un """
"nlmrh!. I><low, ,m. l ' . "d 6'-J .
• I"'r , t'xr .. Bon". )O'1,» -J08 ." iarlo. ld " al rotlw, In, ~.,-", l~ &",,11'00
I~, .i &o",oc . , .. i'hlS "'(,"''' il cu""pk,dy","'»<,1<.,," of ,Ot '" ""'"g "",.. i,.
""'<co< fo' ,he " 'g" of'f~ r h,t"' _
Dfve/opmrnl in Byza"lium


[n victory celebrations as in so many other are~I, the ye~rl

following the deliverance of Constantinople in 7 J 8 lTC l 111 yltery .
The first recorded triumph C:lmc CH[y in the reign ofLco'Bon and
successor, Constantine V. It honored hi, lucce,~ ful resumption of
power .fter the usurp.tion of his sister', Cather-in- Iaw, the
europa/nus :>TId Count of Op,ikion, Art.b.sdus, who,"" eminen!
pmition in the state derived Crom the decisive role he h. d once
played in Leo [[I'. rise to power.' The grisly relic of imperial
re,!Oution was no longer '><:t up outside the w,,[i<: to certify to the
capitll" population th . t th e umrp.tion was uver, the hc"d oCone
of the rebel's chief supporters w"' hung for three day. from the
Arch of the Milion, the milestone situated in the monumental
heart of Constantinople. ' Li ke Justin ian IJ's return to power ,ome
forty ye,'" eH licr, Constantine marked his victory with the
tudition.1 horse racc< , ,ppHcntly staged in the great Hippu-
drome. 9 The race. were preceded by the public humili.tion of the
van qui,hed usurper. hi, 'OJ" and their friend •. The p,rade of
infamy WlS tr~nsp[.ntcd to the arena . The dde.tcd were led
through the Diippion - a detli l which seems to have cunveyed
particular scorn - and m , rchcd :Ilong the race tuck.'" T hc
patriarch An<>stasius, judged guilty of coll"borating with the
, On ,h, ""vui<, o.""iiu,,'y. (;",11,,10 ... pp. ' J7-9' .... Lomb"d, c"""",,,·" v,
'"'1''''.' J« Rom';'" W"i,. '90'1 . pp. 16- JO, W.E . K .. gi. Jr. Br~"" i.' Mil''''r
UK"", il, -I' J . "'K /""p",,,,,,, ("',m,• .-d.m. I~ill . pp. ,,~ff". fo' ... ".b.odo ,'
<'<C<'. R. Gu ill.nJ, '[.., ,u<op.I.." 13tH",,", • (191<>1. J " _"~' """ J 91-9; ... 1,
G. Z"", .nd .... V'gk,y. Br","i .. I.uJ 5 .. 1" ' . ' (l3 ..d, IY"/'I . no . I",
f""h« ",f'·"n«"> .
• Th<oph,n", ..... M. 61H . D< Hoo, .• ,0.16-,! . On ''''' Milion,J,""t, Cpl' or'"
pp. 10J-'; Il. Guill>.od. J"JX>I"P"it, " ' 5- )<; 'Il< '<PO" of it< ,,'h.w"'~ i.
"I diKQV"y ' N . f,,,,l-T. Etgll, 'D;,·." yolu M il,.. "",d' j ,' , ,,,.,,r..,1 "",,,Ioj'
M.nd,,; YilliJi. '1- 16 ('1>6\01, '99-'" (foR .; >05- 1'1; Mil'k-<_Wi<n<,. Bilollrn, ,," .
pp . • ,6-11 .
• Th<Qph.n ... "'.M. 6')1 , Jk Ilou" .,0.',-,,,.,,d.,h. '"n,h,;"" by "'n."",tl'
Riblio,""o";u" «l . Ik f\oo" ;;0./ .• 1.>7S .• - S; Ni«p"""" . B", • .. tk Sou',
~, . ' .-'6.
" On~", Dljpp-ion . .. ' "p. C. M.n~o, 'k o;,ppio". ~ 'ud<: hi".xiql'<<< [opof;<>ph;_
q""', RfiB. I ('9JO). I J, - 61; d J.nin. Cpi< Iyz ., pp. "'-J ,nd Gu;II,nd,
T0!'Ct'.p!oi,. I, J~J -" O. "p. J.,.-J. Th< " ooci. "d wi,~ 'hc
Dilppioo i,
imp li,d by "",."nu, ' p'"ph.,y uf 7>~ ' Th,oph."", . ... .M. " " ' . tx Uoo, •
• ",.>\>- <03. 11. On ,"" I... . ,,'iqUf " ,d ."di.,,1 p."cl, ufinf. my . 'h< b,,", ,,,,dy i,
Ph. Kouk""leo. "'H J,a.6!,~"",/c ~.d <00.:: ~"'"'"'"otl<. ~p,;",,"" , llyn"'!• •
Mttohrz,.".', I.' ( I\I-4Y), )J-I0 1.

T,iumph] 4 COlIsr""ri"r V

um rper, w~s p;1rt of the '~ me ",rrr <pc{t,clc: he had been publidr
rn,>ten ~nd w>< p>t~ded th rough the ,rena, ,,·,ted back wud on ~11
Twice in his reign, Comt~IHil1e (e lcbt~tcd succcs$ uver the
Bu lg~ri ~ n~ w it h . triumph~ l entry. " Thc' costly victory of 30 June
763 . Ovcr the khan T dl"tz, w .. honored by ~ du~l obscr v;lncc."
C onccrning the ce rn" un;.l c·nlry. Thc·ophalle. or hi, "''''ce
point~ '\ though the deta il wne nuteworthy . th~t Con~un_
tine cntered the city fully arm ed , accomp,n ied by the Jrtny . The
parade fealUrcd proof of the victory in the form of UulgariJn
pri~oners yoked to wooden ,hackle,. , . Some dements of the l~te
.ntique org,niu,ion,l 'ppar~tu, for ,u ch ccrcmonic. wore "ill-or
at le , \{, once ~gain - funct ion , l. sin ce Con"~,,tinc w~ ' ~ccl ~i"' e J
en route by (he 'deme!' ~nd the execution of the prison ers w ~s
eIHrmted W individu ~1I identified a, Twi.luX! and "II/JOEI.I of the
colo'" i.e. nOAlWI .nd members of ,h e f, ctiom in their eighth-
century inCOrll,{;on ." The mcce" w" further her" ld~d b), races

" Tbroph,n,,, • .'I ,M, 6'jj, 1>< [100<, pD. >7 ,>0.,. I, " in,,,,,,ing ,,, not< 'h"
Nk<ph","" 8,,,., k,,,,, A",,,,,;u< nnm il"" nn'o ,ikn" .
" C",,"m in g ,10, ,,,",,,re,.1 ""'Yofl>!C 7]) ,,<X! '0 "o,h i ,,~ ~);"0.... '"
Th<oph • .,.,·
><.oU"' "'gg"" tI,,,,, m. y h.... ",ciuJ«j, I""ng"" jn I" I,,,h Coo""n,;,,,, " lk,1
' hc ope",i"" ,I" ',,<:>hl< .... , ' Thcoph . n" . ... .M. ~,6,. D< H,~", <47..1)-6. On ,h<
"'''r';~''' O<"OIO'l' Y. e",",'''. p. '<'.""d. e"",,"",;. V , pp.,. J. Fm
"',M , 6,p 1_ "' ,D, 76,) , Thw!'h."" ib<> ,hc I"'blic ""mil;" ion of mon" , nd
,hc p",dc of ,"r,,,,y ..>d "",,,,'", ",' , " <>IIi",I, from the h i~h ", "");, of
&c""""""" i" " """" iun w;,h "". hdJ "', ., .nJ lj "'"gu" <C'I"""vdr Ilk
Boor. <)7.'j-4)! "!; Ni,."pl,,,,u,. n"•.. Ik Iloo.>,. 7' '-" J, TI>< 1'",<1<1 "'<t<
d<.dy on ,I>< ,,,Ji';,,n or ,I>< polo"",1 ~ '" of ,h< ) 1orp"d<om< (d. Thwph.n""
4) 3. )-" ,hoy wO« p",d,d '" th ",,~h ' ""y h.J "",n plulling <vii th ing' '' tI",
,mperur'). 1",1.< p= n, ,"" "[",,,,,d,. it" " n' elm ",h<th.. tl.< .. r"" "'''<
<on"e,,,<d w.,h p<>"ibk crkb",iom ""rk",~ ,he ,I", ,,,,",, " mp, i ~n from whi<h
'hc ompcro, h,d ",","rd "" '9 July (Throph'",", ~J7.' ~ ). ""1.<,"" thoy ""0'"
'1"''; "" lly "' ~N fo, <\" ,"''''m,."' "'",,.h<, .h,,,, d,,,, m,,«p"o.JN.o pub!;<
OOlid.y' i" rho Io~ lUI< "l<oJ" of .he ,,,,.,,,, 1,,, ,mpe'o". II i,., . ny r>1< .n
<>«lko , '''''' pk of , ho p<>hti,,1u« Coo.".n""" V "f ,h. , i",,, .nJ ",hi,·h i,
fu"h" , .. id<ncN by ,I>< V, Sltp",. i '"";0"·' _ /'e, , 00. ' , )OC - 1... .
" On ,I>< roo~'<r: lom b"J. (;""'".,," V , p. 471f; V. ZI.,,,,ki, 1""iT_ "' ph"",,
l<l/i."k. ""mi... " , (s" (,.. '9' ~). II <: S. R unci m. n, A "''''''y oj 'M .fi,,' 8, IRar,""
''"pi'' (Lo,>don. '9Jol , p. )! : V, IJ<I,.I"', Di, p"'''''I~ar'''''' 1'"" ,... 1", ". IE "'''' '"
e,,,"i'"It (Am""d . m, '9~'). PP. "<-'J: N'<c!, I,oru' I, An""",,,,",,). 7'. I'G.
""'.)0' '''-9''',
cmph,,;m ,hc """R' '", bo<h "dc, .
.. lkoph,nco, AM, 6'j<. IX Boo •. 4H'O- '': ,f Ni"ph","" /I,,". , D< H<.><>r,
r.". 'O- >l.
., I~I, C(, ,t", <o,""",n",y '" C. m""", e m "" PI' . )0'-<: 0"" how,v.. (cr. •••1.,
D~v~/opm"'/ in By z4IlIium

wbicb se rvcd ~ I die setting for ~nother p~r>de displaying the

boot)' reco vncd in th l' n mp . ign.'b
Constantin<' wal not content to publici,e hil victories in the
,hort term. T o a degree which docs not . ppe.r to have been
. t,emptcd by his father. he sought to perpetu.te their memory in
Lilting mOnumentS, Ahhu llg h direct evidence of hi, contribution
to th" iconograph), of victor), h,l \ yet to emerge. his efforts arc
documented by his warme.t enemies. The Act> of the ,",cond
ecuml'nical cOllllcil of Nicaea in 787 refutes the 'bl asphemou s'
.ed",,.tio,,, in pr.ise of the otthodo~y ufCumt.m inc .nd hi, Ion
Leo . shouted b)' the bi shops of thl' iconudm 'ynod o f 7S 4,
According to ,he de acon Epiph.nim, thl' bi,hop' ,hould have used
m on' su it .ble tl'XIS, honoring the emperor for hi, victories,
Cumtantine's military ,u c(""'''' were obviously r.miliar to . 11, as
Epiph.nim remind, his audience, thanks to ,he numhcr of
monument . l depictions of them ,till . ro und,
Rother , , h~y ,ho"ld h,v~ ,kcl>t~d th~ir ]the emperor! ' I oct< of cour> g~,
,beir vic'orieo ov er cnem;co, 'kif ,,,hju~";(m of h:"h" i,,",, whi<h
many [.. tim[ h,ve depicted in pi"ur~ • • nd in mural<, '" pre""ve the
record of even"" inciting Ix:h()ld~r< to . ffec,ion ,nd >c. l. .. ,"
The extent to which ,he mOllUmel1t:!1 :! nd ceremonial cclebr.tion
of hi. lucees,",s C ~I'I ~im COmt.millC'< cx tr,or din:!r y roput :!tion
in th" next Kcncr~tio" c." no longer he determined. Yet it i,

p. jooi 'h" ,h< tenm of Th«'ph,ne, '«OU" ' =m, '" ,,' "", ",hm"'nn, ~"""~
'h< '"umph" '''tty, "y, ,IK' ·, ,,umph. 1 g. n,,·'- , whi<h ". ""n,,,,,,,,d (.,, 1)· by
N,c<p."'"' .
'1' ',"d
,. N'« pl,,,,",, ~". __ I '" 11< ..." • • 'p )-7.
Iloo Ib, "d .. Th<)' h,d ban C. II 1fl 1,,1,
boJOI)' '"cluded ,wo ~"' .. gold. " b>,,", or
fou"d [hd, "")' ""0 b"b" i" , h",d"
Lomb"d, C"",,,.,," V. p. <7 (cf- p. ,ut i. m' ''''"'],'''' J~W''''W<'' (in ,h., ""'''" 't
multo 'd"pl, ), ' no' 'cQnh""t<') ' n~ w,,,ng l)' "",dud<, ,h" th, h"m, ",,« .,:t "p ..
" C""" I'"'' N~M""", II, w.,~, ro,).)), M,m" ,...",,"'" "",ii,","", ,.". "'''pli"i" ,
,011""" ') (fiu" ,"". r 7~'i . n6lJ: 1<1" pJ';-<l¥ .,',w"
" e ',Jp<l>{: ">t)",,,
I~".",. <:1< ~,,; ,til> ~o;~pJw. ,i.~c, de ~'p/i~P"'''c ,~o~'""'''c, t < I,
, hef"" nl ."'0!10'" ,10 p'~p~. 1~~l>i<>=<, "0';'';'0/ I~'~';'v:rpo,,~u', ,,>Ilc,
Oi'<lMO<; ~".>: ~;,~'" >col {~.o. VX"'''c· ,~, ,oo "~~~oo" upmoi~a", ,i;: II<><>-
;,;c., ,. 'poo"" dc, ~""~".o ~""oa",c, ,j" ""i..,,,<i.-;: ~",ada,,,,. u c "".
~6;t(,.. 1~"oplJ<M'N:" ~Ul " .!"~'i""', (/,.,.;,""'" t'''1P'''' ,
~h",< ni d .
,,)'n~~""" ~p"" ,·o.;,oo'm ,/< ,;,;.""., Til< " . di, 1OO of "d"m'n~ tho ''"1'<'0<1
"(o"nci~ """ ,n o l ~ "n<, bu' "phc" .",'my K<i,m";"m ,,< "", , .~. CounCIl
of C"'""'''''''''p l< (Ill ), ""0 VI. cd, J. , ,,,ub, II CO, 4. I {!071). t il,y- to.
, J'
Age of gerlfMIi

notrworthy this most denigrated of B Fantinc ru ler< - th~

Copron y mus, as future generation> would c.lI him - w>< remem-
bered ,. the bu lw.rk of the ,tate in [he dark hours of [he early
ninth "cntuty." Surely hi ,own etrort, were not without inHumee
on the creation of popular b,-lief reHected by .n incident durin g
the ,iege ofConstantinopk in ~ 12. While the pupulation thronged
to th,' Church of the Holy Apo, tlcs to mend Ihe suppli cation'
again.t the be'ieg ing Bulgarian<. wme participants took .dv.lIl-
tage of the confu,ion. pried open the gate, le.ding to the im peri. l
tomb, ."d tbrew them",lvcs 00 C<J[>lt~Tltine's ' Ri-c
up!' they cried, 'Save the colbp'ing state!' Some went 10 far .s to
claim they had see" him ride out n[ hi, tomb to defe.t the
barbari.ns. !'

2 . .~N ~Gf- OF Gr,NER~LS: VTCTO~V Cf.Lr, BRATtONS I N


Like· the short reign of Leo IV itself, the ceremony honoring a

Byzantine ",cee" agai"'t the Arab. in 77~ ,eem, ~u,,,,hcd in
oblCurity: i, is thought to have taken place in conjunction with
th e ancient festival of Maiumas,;t was ccl ebr:lted fH from down-
town Cn",untinople .nd. most signifi cant of all. it ",uk." di,_
tinct d~parture fro'" the old imperial monopoly of victory. T he
camp.ign which it cdebntcd involved the ,ombincd forces ufthe
Thr. ce,ion, An.tolikon, Bucell.r ion, Armen iakon and Op.i kion
military di,trin, or theme" under the comma nd of the slrmego;
Mi chael L"ch.nodr.con, and the Armeni.n, Anaba,du., T .tZJt~. ,
Ihri,terotze ••"d Gregory '0" of Mmela kim, re'p"ctivcly?O
The Hyzantin<' fOICe • .ctem ptnl to besiege Germlnicia .md . Iso
cng.ged with .ppatent mcec" the force, comm'lIlded by
Thunum ~ ibn According to ,he A.,b; c soorce •. the
operations involved. 'summer' raid of A .H. [61, i.e., 9 October

, . On th< ,"bot.n t; .! ."".",;n th< h",,,,y 0;10 "''';0'' ofCo<,,,,,,,h,c', ch .. " ,,, On ,h,'
..0"'" of 'h< nin th «n'" ,Y' S. r..,,,,, Hy""".' k"""I."" d"'i"l ,'" "'g"
(.',m''''''''' V. Cu'pu> "" ;p,om m <h';"'.nom m o,;<""hum, Sub",j", !' (Loo»i",
'9771 . pp . J8. ,64 -J .nd " " "1J ·
.. Thwrh,""". A.M . ~JoJ. tk UOQf, lOLl - no
" IMo" A.M . 6']0, tk Doo, 4J"n- ,,, ,r 1'. SI"', k. K, ;", K • .,,,,,,,,i.
VI. Di,
I~~i'i",""," """ T'"..J .. """"" V",.," ,i,,,';R,"m ) )",,,h4'. , (Mun;,·h. '~781 .
"'- , ,,,,I "p. '. 'll. n. J. ,-,. t", ,....1 ,·• .J""c< un <I"", <o nn"mJt".
Df"e/opmfnl i" Byxaflli"m

777 - 27 Septembe r 77R A,D. Such ",ids were convemion~l1y

l~l1nched from roJ111y to 8 September,>! NotwithS'~nd ing . then.
the common error which conneCtS the view,y cc!ebrati on with
th e ~ ncient feniv<ll of Maiumas and, by inference, the month of
M <lY. this ceremuny m ust h4vc "ken pl.ce in late ,u mmer ,n lt.
si te wa. the Sophianae P"bce on the Asi~tic , hore of the
Sosphoru,. gencr.lly localized at the modern Ccngclkiiy?' The
settin g indicate, tha I. lih· th e f'r>t observance, honoring Hcr~_
dius' relllrn from the Persian war, the proceedi ng, were nOt
prim Hi ly intended for the urb~n popul, tion of the c~pit ~L They
were directed ,ather 3t the them e comm.nders. their troop, an d
whatev er official< h. d followed the empero .. Oil ,he A,i>! ie
villeggi , tur~, They involved the ,evcn- y"ar-old cuemperor Con-
suminc VI and a large,s to the troops. Th is last fact lend, SUppOTt
to G rierson's observ~tion th,,, ~ new coin type issued in gol d and
copper at Constantinople must be ..ssociated with th e event. The
new type'. obverse ,how s both emperon wearing militHY garb
and seated on a lyre-backed thronc (fIg. 7); it m,y been
intend ed as a depiction of the celebration itself?" A. the em peru"
watched from their thron e, the theme co mm . nder~ sta ged ~

" T h"", •• A.M. 6>1<>. ll< Boo •.• 5' ." - ". Cf. G . W,il, '""'i,.".,, C/o,lifo., •
(M .nnh,im. r~. '), ~ wi,h n. ,_ " Th, "h.nI pm.S". of . 1T.I,.,i . nd ibn w.dbih
'" " . f __ W . R",oh ' lIy"",,",, .nd Arab, ,n ,he lim< ",flh, w i)' Abb" iili ', E,~li,~
H,~ .. ;"I II .... "" ') ( ' 000), 1'1- H , be" OJ)' on ,ho ,"min" co"'P"S"', iii•.. 71'"
R .) . lih., Di, IF",'i,i,,', "-"' , i",, ...j 'i. "'"I0",",X 4<, "',...." 5,.li," '"'
5 "".'""....... ".! 4<, 1,,,,,,;";,,"<01 51.." , ". , . "•• $, j .... MiK,II."" by" ndn.
Mon'C<n,i .. .. (Munich , 1 'l1~) , pp. ' 07 ,nd 13"
" ",hoI", h.iv< of"" fo llow,d ThnJph.""'· ,~ iru" ",d ,nd hov, und",.OO<!
A.M . 6'7<1. lJ< 1100 •. OJ..,6, no,~alU: M'i·oo~:h " "1"'"' d o< f,,,,,, l uf
.1.1"""'0" ', which wuuld 'mpl T ' ch , ,,nQI<.>gi,,1 ,,,nl"O ,(\;oo in Thooph'",,' Om
of 6>7<1' d . P",i"nd,n,. 'M.ioum,,', RE, " . , ('911)." '~_ ", he" 61" L, Robm,
'[pig"ph,c> XL tn"'''p'i"" d. N ic<" II"., 4<, ;,ouk'K'''f'''' ' .~ ( 19J"I , ~_I . , ..,,,
1> , 0, J: Sp<ck. K"",,,.,,. VI., ' . 9•. An" " ,i", <omc,ty ",n,I.. " ,[" .. m,iom,',
Th<oph,o". D< 1Soo •• >,>99.' S, 'nd '" ohould we . R"h<, th.n ",",,<<tina' (",iv. t
whkh dh' pp<,,,,d >00 y,m<" I"" , ili<<<p"'''ion ~G"" ,.>I""~~' oogh«o h< "k<n
in ill or~in"y Middl< iJ)·"n' i"" "'no<. 'di,,,i1,u l< lug",, ', 'n im"p,,",ion w hich
fJ " ,h, 0001<"' '·"Y w<11. F", th i, ",0'" of I'''OO/,1(; >« Phito,h,u,. CI,,, .. I~i"",,
Oikonom;d", t jj. 11 «J, &,.
·,,') , cr. /"'p . &nn . • SI.> 'nd <91.6.
" J,n.n. C,I, I y~ .. pp. III .nd .I ~ ; Cuill,nd. T,!",.!'","i" " !I<>-,>o. "p, !J---<i.
" p, G",,<oo. C... I,,", oJ.1K B]Z"" ,,, Co.", ;" II" o... u.,,,,, O,~, C,II"".. , >OJ '" ,IK
W' ill,,,,,,,, C,/I.e,i"". J, ' (W,,},ms,on , ' 'Ill). pj , )'9- )0. JJ J- . ,

, J"
Age of generals

Figurr ,. Gold no",i,,,,. of Loa IV and Conmmin~ VI (~nl.rg~d; ... ~

p. 13 8)

cer~mony '" which they. and not the empero .., play ed the leey
One due to the compuhension of thi, ,taged eveOl lie, in the
identity of it. principal actors, the J{ralfgoi. By 778, the theme
'system' h.d long sioce emerged in its cl."ic form, with all irs
comequence. for the mb,taOlial decentralization of the empire',
milituy est.bli,hment. Joined with the gr.dual mbmmptioo of
civil by the milituy. the decentraliz,aioo naturally
enhanced the po,ition of the theme, 'IS rdatively autonOmoUS
pow er centen within the fabric ofByz.ntine governmcot. '6 Thi,
development i. amply atte.ted by the fact th at it was the theme
commanders and their troop. who I.y at the heart of mo.t of the
revoh, and murpation, from the la te .evcnth dow]] to the e.rly
nimh century: indeed. it j. often to this very phenomenon of
revoh that the culic>I mention of variou, theme> i. duc." The

" "Th<oph,n<> . ... .M . 6.",. Do 1100' . '" ·., - 1' b dl ~'G'J.,iJ<. ~("~~'c I"'''''~i' j,
kl9,~ .. t~1 ~l";oo,.." 10<'
to.p ..",,,, vi..., .,),,,,1 . • ~I .,(itwo 19p'¥P<oo" 01
np"''I1''1 d
I~"I." . ...,
Tl>roph."e,· P""""8 it>JK.O<'." ,he w" (0"",,,,,<1<,,
who <d,.uted the ';"'o'Y f, .., .
.. From [he ""n,;" b;bho~"r"Y. I « '"'po J. K... y.nnopu l", . 0;, E."""""A ."
.y.. ",;"i,.."'" 11I,,,,,,,,,d/o""t.
By,,"[inisch .. "',chi • . 10 IMunICh. [9J9J . ' od ... .J.
Llli<. '''Th"ki<n'' und ··n",ktoo,,··. Zu' byun,;n;",ho,n V.u.m<o, ... 'iYn Ion
&>de ok. 1· J.h,hunok,," . j(j8 . • 0 1'0"). 7-".
" P.,,;,I I;";n Uk ··"Th" k"'"···. P"): "',. ,...,.. K",~i. V""". p. !?)It".

DfvrlopmftH iM /jy~mlli"",

theme (Umm~nden' pusitiun in the political equation p<: . ked in

times of vacillation or tran sition in the Grelt Palace, :" for
instance, when Artab asdm revohed.t the outSCt of Constantine
Copronymus' independent rule." Cl'rtainly the reign of Leo IV,
who apparently suffned from poor he. lth, w.s .nother such
mornent'· The mal~goi" role in the politicol cunfiguration of hi,
rule has no better illmtration than Theophane' detail ed account of
the ritual fDrm, imposed on the decision to byp.lSS Leo's
,tepbrothers and elevate hi, infant ,on to the purple as cocmpcror
and sucn'"or designate. Leo began by embarking on .criotl!
expenditllre. on behalf of the theme . rmic! and the t~gm.ta.
When this initiative had had its desired effect (6thv "'v~invuc.
say, Theophancs). all the theme commandn.mtered the city wi,h
great milit:lry .ninue. and began publicly p<:titioning leo to r~isc
his son to the throne. It i, difficult to avoid the impres.ion of ..
politi".l quid pro quo in these events.J"
lIefore .cquie,";ng tu the generals' reque.t, Leo in,isted that
they and other leading dement' of .ociety shou ld furni,h written
copies of oaths .worn by relics of the truc cro" and depo,it them
on ,he ahar of the Hagi . Sophia . The, were intended to
,ati,fy the emp<:ror dut they would never suppOrt ~n emperor
'outside of leo ~nd COnst~ntine and their seed'. a patent reference
to Leu's hal f-brothers ."
Twu and a h.lf ycars la,,,r, the ,heme commanders and their
troup. g"thercd in the A,iatic suburbs of Comuntinople to
cdebratl' a major vIctory. In light of the foregoing, the
ceremony's un",,,,,1 char"cll'r becomes comprehensible. The
malegoi :Itld their soldiers were rewarded for their victory - and,
w c may mppme, their continued loyalty. The comm:mders thell
.taged ,orne kind uf triumphal parade in front of the coemp<:ton
" I.,... <.~ PI' . 'J~1f
.. 0" 1..<0" h" I'h, Gr'm"o, Co,",,), ' . Pl.
" T I" "VI", ... " " M 6"0, D< !lou,. ,,9."-'9. Cf. O"mgonky. r;,,;~H". p. '<, .
who «nd, '0 "" ,hi, <vom '" , Imos, H<~d,." "''''', "'n ,n,,,,,,,,, of ,I.. pmg'''' of
• ",u io p'i",ipl' "f u"rl,vl<kd ,ul< ,od F" i m~<"i,u" . ",h<t ,k.n . " <.pn''';on of
• ,ho,"""m. 1',,1";nl '"PI"'" " 'f."'" ,i.
more ",""bly. $[,«<, K""" ... VI" I. 7Jff:
d . ''''' " . Ch,j"opkH"l"-'ul"", 'h,(<»'~ , ."yopWO-I< K,l ~t;'"'' tOO ~«:."",,"
.iiw~pf t "poc (A,h,,,,. r ~16 ) . pp . ~,_ , .
" Th,ork'","" AM. o,oII!, [I, Iloot. 010.1 9-0" .'J . Th" ,I.. p"",u,;"", wm fully
J',,, if,..,j " ,how", ,n,,, .10 •. by <I .. ","mp',d plot <>f em... N;""phmm ;n ,I..
mo."!> f"l l"wi "~ Co""""i",' , ''''0"'''"00: ,.,4" ')-0.
thq' had sworn to up ho ld. In ~ place safely quarantined from the
city it!-Clf. the theme conummkr! pl~yed out the centr~ 1 role in a
ceremony which . ci rcun"tallccs suggc!t. glorified .s much their
10 y ~1ty to ~ faltering emperor 'Illd hi, child mcce.m r " thei r
military SlI cceSI ill the E. st. Vicw,·d in its political come"t, the
ceremony ca,t. a .haft of light on an ohscure moment in the eighth
cmtu r y. Twenty-fonr months later. Leo W31 dead ;md th e theme
commander. would be G.lIed upon to live up to their o;ah •.
The next recorded victory celehration occurred in Irene's
rcgcllcy , after the· commander" r("{lIrn to Comt.millopk in
J. nuuy 784· It followed spectacu larl y Un,ucccsj fu l campaigns in
A.ia Minor the pr<·ceding year. and th.· f~n that it honored an
incunion into the Peloponnesu, !.:em , significant in ligh t 0 ([ relle"
Atheni.n orig im.32 This tinte the fc,tivities fea tured ho= uce!,
th,· p,,·ci<e !-Cuing of wh ich is not specificd J ) Again. the
cdehratium· "ntral f'gure SetmS nut to have been th e regent Or
her '''''' rather, they focll sed on th e c,mp. ign·, commander,
Suuraciu." influc·mi~l pal , ce eunuch. patrician ,nd logothete of
tht" Oxy, Dromo . .... Hi, identity i, the te lling diffcr~ncc with
'''pect to the theme co mm,nde r, triumph of 77~ . It ha, been
ob,er ved that . under Irene. com m and of Byzantine forcc' Oil
omp_ i>:" u,ually w,·nt to ind ividua l, drawn from outside the
r~nks of the profession,l military." The rcaSUn the ceremonia l
spotli ght and ,·ffec!ive high command .hifted away from pro..-
fession.i, like the the me an d uglllatic co mm,nder, i, nO! hard to
find . I" the course of her ruk. Irene faced 'n extr,ordinary
nUlll ber of conspir aci e, , nd r~vol t,. most of whi,h could be traced
to officer. of the theme or tagm Jti c >rill irs.·" In it, gl orifi,ation of

" TI><ol,h ."" . A.M. "'7 ) . Dc 1l00r. ~j6 . > ~ - 4)7 , . cr. ". l <ot,«k . !'h iUPf"" S-
A! "/Jc",,, ",;, ... 1< ; I· i"'f"" •~ ,,,i,"", <I !p,",i",. II; bli." h< qu, <In ticu]" f" 0("'"
d·A[/"' ",-,,, d< Rom,. 'J i (p",'. ' 9<j). p . <1, ; 1) . .0.. Z"yll><.",. ·11 ~",''''''l
·F)). ... .W' ' '''j (A'",m. '''''J). pp. H~ .nd )j ; A. lIoo . v "'I,,.,"',)" 'rz,,",;.
j_II/" '" "'/. biblioth<q"" bY"" lJlI<. £,"&,., (1'"". !9j! ). pp. ~'-J ,nd 51"" ' .
I<... ",",i" VI.. ' . "S·'·
" n"" pb, n,,. A.M. "'7" . rl< l\Qof . 'JH- ".
" On ,", olf>«. R. ",,,,,.o(!. ·l" logo, ..,,,. ~""',, "Of t·h1"0,,0 .dnl1""""",o &
I·,,,,p'" by,," '; " ·. 1( (;8. '9 (' 9"). J 1-70. f o, S""f>,LI" w«'. ilii.. p. 47' d . R .
GLI, lbnd. ·(''''KO'''' t.<n" III l M,d,d 11". ~r> .. , 0 (1970). J ,}-<oo. I"", JJJ-4.
" ti l",. · ·"Throb..... ·· . pr ,,- r ~ .
" S« ,"~ . Slx·,·k. I.;.. ,,,",i. VJ .. '. ",off.• 1j tf ,,, d , Sjff,nd ,"," ":,Oun' ' 01 K "· ~' .
U."" . pp. nOft:
Devtlopmenl j" nrz~mjum

St,ur,cius, whose condition excluded him from the purple. the

ccremony of 784 cle.rly reR ects Irene's policy of comm.nd
Th .. t her fc om were founded il underscored by the ncxt victory
cclebr,tion , which m,rked the succcs,ful mppre"ion of:l revolt
by the powerful Arm eni:lkon theme . C . mp. igns of 791 . nd 792
had cnded in no .pprcciablc success ag.imtthc Aubs anJ outright
dil"ter .g.inst the Bulg,ri.ns.'" [n J.rc 792 a compir.oy on behalf
of C.el.r Niccphorus w" unco,-ered, Imp[ic,ted in it were the
tagmata and Alexiu! Mu sc le, • fortner comm.nJet of the
Armcnia kon theme. The neW! of his punishment ,nd th,t of
Con,t,ntine vr, rcl,tivcs provok~d an upming m the
Armeni.kon n The rebels defc.Hcd thc first punitive cx]X'dition
sent against them , In 793 , Constantinc led ,n umy drawn from
the other themes ,g,inst the inlurgcntl, They w~r~ defe,tcd by
trc. chcry on Pentecost (26 May). Aftcr the execution of thc ring-
leaders. th e victoriou. young emperor n:lgcd • triumph.1 mtry
into the upi t,l through th e B1,chernoe G,te. on Mond.y, 24
June 793. He w,s pre~e dcd by one ,honsand Armcniako" rebe[ ,
who hod had the words 'Armcni akon plotlcr· inscribed on 'heir
faccs ,'9 Disfigurement was, profound ly re,munt them e in the
period ,nd forml the negative countCrpon to the carly llyz,ruinc
r"cin,tion with the human, a faKination whieh was
embodied in the cu lt of icom ,nd offici,l portrait, of all kind$ . nJ
which continu.1I y crops up in rim,1 humihtion.· o Crimin . [, h.d

" Th,oph,n<!, A .M . ~"< , !k Boo< . ,0,.,0 ,nd A.M . 0" •• <Onl; of. $1"'"
K.." ... ,i.
VI" '. "11f,
" "Throph. r><' , A .M . 6,1\, D< Iloo" <M.,) - J' <f, Sp«<, K".",,",," VI., " ,,0 .• n~ on
I\h,"., 1\., G"iI"n~ . ' 1'",."" <Ie lron til', p. ))0 .
.. Th<o p~."". A .M . ~l!) , D< ll<:>or. <""., ,- ,<.
On ,he>< 'V,"", SI", k, K ••",.. ,i.
VI.. '. "9 - )<>· On ,he Dl"hem .. G.«, J.nin. Cpl. br' ·' p . 11) ; I.nin, t~IiHJ , p.
'6,11". on 'he ,hrin< .
•• Th~' fot .x.mpk [he f.m",,, "'''ylion "lie fo<u><d 01' ,he J"'" ,he IIn'g' of
Chri", 1\ •. C . m,,,,,, . rio< "'p'K ..,i 110< I~""' (In.ugun ]l,,,u,,. Kong ', Colkg',
london In,O .. p.]). pp, !If. Fo' ;",p«;.1 po""'n. K,"><. SI.d" •. whQ>t tv'de"""
",,,Id mOly lot .ugmtn ,«l . 0. ,lot PO""'" uf P ""'''~ > • ..l ,lot" fU"<I;"", in
,~""I><' of '~t f>f,~ .nd ,i"~ <tn 'u";'" n.c"p~.n'~ A.M. 600 • • 1-'< D"m.
,,,.,,_, , ,"d "p. John of Eph',"', /I., .. ] , " ". " . Bm"k, 1. 1] - ' j ; ), 1. ]0. iI.i __
J'-'J - ' <; 1. 1, >1, iI.. __ "".1j - 61· '1; 1, >. 1<, i~J . , 71.1-6; d .C"","n',,,,, [',
","""n' "" ,he hum . n f", in ~ i, I.w ~"biddon~ di,f'g""m,n' cf ' "mm.l,
,.,.,.!,mo«l '0 q"m",,, Cod. n,,,,,., 9. •0 . 1 ( _ e"". I,,,. 9 . ." '7).
Mommotn-K,ustl , loq- j .
their f"ce' hl :lckmed for the PJrad~ of infam y , iconodulc monk.
had ' :lririeal vet"" t.ttooed into their forehe.d_, ~nd, as i, well
known, physical disfigurement W :I ' considered ",fficicnt ground,
for di'qu:ljific:ltion from th,' rhrune - at le.St it down to w'"
Justinian 11."
Wh:lt i. the .ignific.nce of CUllStamin<' 's dcvi,tioll frolll custom
in eschewing the tradition.l setting for tr iumph, the Golden Gatt',
and ,hifting the whole c<"remony a few kilomcten to th e north' A
connection with the Il!:lchnn.e ,hrine comes immedi." eiy to
mind md, in f.C1 , Theophanes supplies the key to the enigm.
wh en he t.k es the unusu.l Step of specifying the ceremOlly"
precise date. Comt.ntine's entry through the Ill.chemac' G. te
took place on the eve of the gre.t proce"ion celebrated .t the
nearby .hrine to com memor,ac the Vitg-in', deliverance of the city
in 67B.·~ Il imperial triumphal eTllrics h.d ••",ci.ted
Christi.n shrine. with th eir itiner3ty since the .ixth century, it is
difficult to . void the conclusion that the willful dcp . rture from
custom in 793 rcAe"cd a <killfu i tailorin g of the ceremony to the
capit.!' s liturgic.llifc and :In drot[ to link Comt'lIltine" victory ;11
civil war, the commemor.tion of. n (.riier IUceess and th~ cult uf
the Virgin. Coming frum the g"",<1$Ol\ of the enemy of the
Theotokos, thil la't a'pect must have bc~n perceiv ed '" "
p.rticu larly eloquent '("tem,,'! of the dyn",ty', n~w religiuus
policy.4) Ily its I"" recordl'd ,debratiun, the [,~uri " n dyn:l'ty hOld
returned in • w.y to the first, in which Leo III ~clcbr~ted the
Virgin'. relic for •• ving her city from the Arab siege of718 .

., 0.. ,h. Crop, .... brulh", .• .~ . O><mgo"k y. G,,,.,,",,,

p_ 'n: fm ,h, bt,ck,n;ng uf
",imin.I, ' ['<e<, Koukouk" ''''~~~lm''''''C', pp. M - 7 .
.," "''''.t,C~ . " rr. 70- 7.
0.. Co,,""n';'" V" ,h, '"'my d,", Th""ok",. (''''0, C,""""",,, V, pp . ,,6IT
] . nm, ~,{"", pp. , Ot If, ),.,,,,., of no o,h" ,vid,n" fm , p"',cut,, cuI< of 'h,
610<1><,"" ch""h .nO ,n ,d'e> on ,I>< p.n dCo"",n ,''''' Vt. AOOII><, ,m"n" i"
which Coo"" "h", Vt """"imJ I", milt",y ,ur"" wHh . ... ,,,,', J.y com,", ftom
<II< provinc«. Af,,,
d,[wmg ,fie ..... ." "" ,h< f,, ~ of John Th''''''''"' (3 M. yj,
Con".m;n, vi<i"J ,I>< "rn" , oI"i",,, fp"<>" ' ."J S""t<J d ... '''"I' f.i, . ron""ioo,
of cu>tom, du,y of ''''' 10, of lIokl: Th,,,p"'"'" A.M. hl~7, tk 11m,. , 6<)·'1-'70 .' .
On I M.y: Sy"'x","", (;,1;"""",, I),kh. y" M J " '''' tly .. n'm, ",",,",«;.t [.in
.nd <II< cui, of ... m". ~ . V'YO";' ,]" 'n.. p,"i~,,;, of 'h, Hr .. n,;n, ... in' , • "udy i"
'0< ">1",c or. m<d;cv.t im,iw,iotl. i" O';R'" ,nJ f.[<', TJo, Ryr.. "i.,
S,i"" cd . S.
H"kd, S,ud;', Suppt,m<n'''y to _~Dbomm t , , It.""",,,, , ,~~ , ) , pp_ ""'- 116.

Dev~lopm,m ill BFa>ui",,,


Of Ihe four victory celebration< recorded u"der the Amori~"

dyn.,cy, ch~ first offer<.n ucdlmt link with the eighth century.
in th~t ir ""'-rked ,he I"r gre.r uprising of the theme., the revolt of
Thomas the SI"v. The ob!<:rv.nce, comprised thrcc' main phose"
bcginning with the ,(tne of Thorn., octr.y.l >I Adrianoplc in
Octoocr S23." Ir' audience wa. the and whatever off"i,l,
h~d joined Michael 1I for (he siege of Thom~s ' stronghold," In
their presmce, Thom~s slIlfned the ritu 31 of dcfc3t: he w~s
presented to the emperor ~nd forced to perform jhe p'osky"esis,
To .ignify to 311 onlookers the totality of hi, victory, Michael
performed the ritual ":Hupling of his defeated rival (f'g. 8). By thi,
time thc 141wlio w~s perccived 3S 3n ancient ntl' typical of the
imperial dignity. II, imp"o on tnc Uyuntine imagin.lion w.s so
strong th~l. as tenth-century historians correctly observed. ritu31
""mpling h"d worked its w"y into ~II kinds ofUlwxpceted ,oci.l
contcxtS.~6 After the [alcaria, the tnribk pen alty of double
~mputat; on w>< ;nA;ctcd on the unfortunate ;mUTgent, . nd he
underwmc the ritual parade of infamy, scalcd backward on an as~.
an ~nimalunfiuing!O his Sl ~t;on. ~nd plc~d;ng for mercy from the
'true emperor'. 47 The di,tinct;ve feature of thi, .. v.gc ob,crv~ncc

•• On ,b< «vot,. A.A . V."lo<v. BF"""" k, ,.h"'" ,d . • ,,~ " . H. G."~o", .oJ M .
C.nuri. CO'pu, hm.d]."", h,,.,,,,,, h),,,",,,,",, j_, (Ilru"tI" ,.))_"i], h,,, "
»If, ,"d p, 1" 0><'1<. 'Tltom" k ~ l ,,' < , 'rAi. , ('96\1, '))-07,
.. 0" ,he ","y', P""'"" , Joh" Sc)'li"",. Sp'.p,j, ~i"'n'." .. , ,J. t. Thum. CfHB. ;
(11<. 1," . '97)). '0.60 .
•• Th'oph. C"'H, " ,~, Donn , "., ." _ ,", . ~,p,a~6Vf1:< ."'Ov ,(~I'~j",,,,,1 r< ~d
~"'P<~' nl "P""j~""" t<)r Ila~. h Jt ,oj M!~, dh/ rak e,a/MiA, K.I de
~",~,'I<", ~~~/,l,%> nf'Wwv ,dtau. <~j o~"d,,,, 'wv "oJiIrv.~~pwr~p"(u
,_"V ~.I ~o.\.e ~.I zul"'" iuppjaa" ~"'oO, t~1 lj,oo " ~""pl(<: da/. <00'0
P,;'Q' bnp,;y.n..;". t!.i.J?~I!' !" b ~,,~~ e,a/AdJ, cr, 'G<"e,;u,·. '. N,
L«mu] 1< •. W w"", C/",""..,
. od Th" '" . J ' .00 j< , .nci «p . c;." ,~, ,0. M on~. <d, C.
D< 'I""" , Iu"p,j~. [1'001 .797. " - ' o. ""h " h l,.,k, '0 b< 'he "'"." uf Tb<oph.
Coo, ,", pl"" i n~. F", • (,'" from m.n), ou".jmp<", 1u'" of'o. ~<>t"" ,n ,0. p<.K>d,
Th<oph , Co,,,,, ), ' ). Ronn, '0' .'9-'0)." Tb<"""'<lu" Vi" Nk"., (MIG. 'H').
J7. AASS. Ap,,]i, , (1M,). xxv; ig""'"'. V,,, "';;<fp''''' P'" ;'''"''' (8HG. 'JJ,I. ,d.
C . L>< Il00,, ,\"i"plw>" "" p, ,,, I, h"",.... ( ldp,i~, ,!80), >0, .7-" , S.b". Vi"
j.,""j,,; 18HG, "l)). ,d. J. V." D," Go."" !tASS, Nov , ' . r ("~.I · J1JA - R;
Sr"'X"'-''" Cpi"""",", D,],h,)·<• •• J'O""Y, 0' ).<-i,
., Th< dovdopm<"' ofbod,]y mu,ib,ion '" p<".I'y;n !1.0"",, "'" " probkm";, 'od
li«k ",,,,loci in tI>< nom ..,,"< 0<.", PO'~'I" 1>«,"", I~e dog'« ' oJ t)'po "f
mutl l"i<>n v,«< de, .. mjoed b), ru"om Of ,he P''''''C"'!nS m,s,,,,,,,. On ,0.
. -

, ,
•• • .. . . . . .
' .... . ' lL. ' .. ",
,., ~ ~" .'..".,.,. -.
, •

Figu .. ~_ Mich.d II'. triumph over Thorn .. tho SI.v ("'. pp. !H-6)
Dfvdopm ~Ht in Byzantium

wa, It, "'ttlng. Unlike cighth_c~nmry victori es over imperial

rival<, Thorn.,' pa.. dc of infamy W ;1S not staged in the capital's
streeU or the Hippodrome. The rea son must be ",ught in the
character of Thomas' revolt. Even though imperial propag and"
was at considcr"blc pains to amplify the massive participation of
foreign infidel. in Thomas ' army , Lemcrlc has ,hown th.t thi,
.ccount was me.nt to conccal T horn,..' grN t succe ••• nd popubrity
with the Bynntine .rmy. Th e It.ging ofthc fIrSt ob", in
front of the reunited troop, WOl cle. rly intended to impres, upon
them the completeness of Thomas' f. ilurc and perh.p, to f. cilit.te
the mopping-up operuions which lay .hcad. 4 '
The camp. ign W a! concluded by ,he emperor·, triumph.l entry
into Con.tantinoplc and victory race" in which Mich.el di,played
hi. clemency - or recognized the IOci,,1 force. he was up
ag . in st - by imposing only a ritualized humiliation on some of th e
form er rebel •. Their ,ole punishment Wa, to be paraded through
the Hippodrome in derision, with their hand, bound behind their
backs and seated on . 'S(5. 49 At least one literary work muked the
oc, ..ion.'O
Michael'. 'On and successor Thcophilm .taged two victory
festiv;i1s whose content. arc well known thanks to the chance
surviHI of convergent bUl independent document •. The cere-
monies' dues arc controverted. The fint has traditionally been
alSigned to 831, bUla recent review of the evidence has suggested
that 8]7 may be more suitable. In the former ea"" the triumph
would have publicized some minor succcs",s which had followed
a long string of imperi~ l reverses."

d<vdopm",,' of ' ''''h pen . hie, ' « T. Mo",'n><n. R;;"'i"I.<, Sn-i",hI (I.<ip"g, '!79).
pp. 91 'If.• nd B. Sin"l!owi" • .~,,,ji .. '"',,~'1n Hlot, (1.'''''0' . '9,61. pp. l l lf.
•, On ,o. ,01< of 'II1'Y in 'h' "'"011. I.<m<,lt. 'Thom,,·. pp. >IIiIf. '89-yo .nd >9 S.
•• n.,oph. Cen, .•• . lO.llonn. 71.1 j-lO; ·G. .... i"'·.
>. 9. !.<>mullt,_W<""" . J'. 7J-Io;
J.,on Z"""",. E,;'.... •• ".,i..,",. 'j. ' J . JJ. «l. T. Butt""_Wob.., (Bonn. 11971.
147·7- 'J ·
" Isn,,;" •. ducon . OO " " .r~,'n o f<h . H'g" Soph". i, , ,,o, d<d to h,,< compo><d •
wOlk .. ,,,,,", . n ~o<1I 8"'~t" Soud • • I.u ",,,,,. ,d. A. Adb. > (L" p'ig.
19)'1·601·>- 1·
" F", ,"" ,ud',;"',,1 d"'ngo V"ij""-C' n,,J. A,. .., . '. ,0J- S' d . J. Ilo,,,,,.
'Thwph,lu,· Khumm;« policy .nd;II fin,'" ,0< "v~lt ofTO<ophobm· P",i.n
"OOJ" ,n 1) 3·.Ik{"",,"". 6 ('97.1. ,6j -]'. "p. , 6;\ . If,", d,,< of l ), wore IC"p«J.
The first phar.e of the ceremony once ag~in focused on ~
triumphal entry. The bald rhr~s.c of the ,,~rr;ltive sourcel 'he
returned to the im»"rial city with Iplclldid victory' contram with
the detailed contemporary record preserved in ComUntille
Porphyrogenitus' trcati,e On l m»"rial Exp(·dition •. H As wal by
now typical, the observances included two ccremoni~J welcomes.
The fim took place in the Asiatic suburban palace of Hiereia and
was wcially exclusive: it wa, limited to Ihe highest olf'ciah of the
govcmmem, the Augusta .nd male members of the senatorial
order resident in Con,t antinople'-' There the emperor and hi,
welcomers 'pent ' week aw,iting preparations for the gal , in the
capil1l. When the time wal up .nd the prisoners expected for the
triumphal procession had still not arri ved, an additional thrce-<by
waiting period took place, during which the wuTt wa'transferred
to the European suburb,n pa!>ce OrSt M,m" (mod . Betiktal)."
Wh en all the preparollion, werc fmall y complete. a triumphal
proce"ion of loldin, bearing tbe booty and ie.ding prisoner. the m ain fClt;v;ties ;nlhe capital. The emperor. the C,co",
and heir "pp",ent Alexius M usc le . nd the imperi, l pHty followed
in a separate group." Ccrem oni .. l receptions wCrC org.nizcd ~t
the Golden Gate and along the parade', itinerary from tb al g:Il<' to
the Arch of the Milion. via ,he gre,t M iddle Avenue or Mesc. ,6

"on" ;mp<.;.I.<v<= w"uld h.v< ;nciu.kd tho f. 1I orc"" . nO ,ho ,wo f.ilcd
""mp" to ,,"~< rt . ,Iw: ongo;n~ ~'" Qf SKil), ( [,Ihng III ,ho ",mm<r of
I) ,) •• nd "'" J.,,,h ufTh<oph;lu, ",n ",d ho;. ;n 'lU o. ' " (G,,",>oo . C,i",.). ' .
• n)_ lIo,"<v",. W . T ".d~old. 'Tho ohmnni(>j!;"] '''''''''f
or 'ho n,...;,k of
Sym<on tho L"I!"tI,." fm ,ho yom'" ,,, '. noP.!J 1'070). 'lV-97. h., " "
"rong dool>t. "" ,ho ",di,ioo,1 d" il18 , od '''8g<~. ,h " ,hi, "'''mph ,,,,,,,II, wok
p"" '" ! J;: P" 71: d . p. ,.". Thi, I,,",", 0l"'n. ,ho ptobkm of 'h, =ond
"i"mph. ",d ; ti~n.lIy ".<""'''~ ""i," ''''' ,f. 1><1.-."". n _ ,,, .
.. Throph. Coot .. J. 2). Ho"" . 11; .11-220 ~,I I'<t~ ,i~~c .bl'~p1c ~ pk. '1'
~.alh6ootJ" i"'/Pl"" _.. ; d_ I",p. Exp_. IkM1n. )0) . J 1-)0].» .
.. On Hi<..... I"".li "'d" m<><km f.,,,,,b.h\<. "-""J.nin . Cpl' OF ·. pp. '-I ' - JO. Th,
<kduc,;o" <I", only m,le m<mom of J"" "'""0",1 orocr p,flIdp,,<d 'M ,h. f""
oJ,,",., ",,,mony;, b,,,,d "" ,h, r", ,h" '""L> W,"« ""<Ie ~"n,<J ~m'i"OOI' 00
join ,I><m only 1,,<<: bop. t'~p" Uo"". )0,. ,.- ,6 .
.. I ..p_ Ex~ .• Bonn. ,"._ ,6_ ,!: J""". Cp l, i y." p. .. 0: pp. j , J-"
" I ..p_ expo, Donn . JOJ .' - '0 .
.. r.. p. I'xp .• Bonn. 50J .' 0- )00.1. Th" " k", """ ",h" ,"'",0.0,,1 "'«Opt""" ",ok
pb« imicl< 'h, o;ty "" l>< <kd <",,,o 110t only hom p«>'"I"'g <""om i,r bt luw . Ch .
). p. ,nlf), ,I>< '1,"/"" 'PI''''' wj,b ,he <mp<oot"' ,Il< f" ,, 1"",,,h of ,I>< p""j,
Devrlopmenr i" IlF""t;"m

After pr~yen ~ t the H ~gi~ Sophia, the "mp"ror receiv"d the

hom ~ ge of the 'city commun ity' lnd dclivl'rcd an accou nt Llf his
camp.ign frum a sp,'ci~1 platfo rm on up ill front of the Ll rnen
HouM'. the CUPO ll of wh ich wal appropriately adorned with
mosaics of an earlier emperor's triumphs ," The next ~tld
following days were en li vened with ao ex tr~v~gant ",ric. of
au diences, promotions and large,,_ The v .. t ~co pc of the pro-
motions handed OUI to commemorate th,' triump h is revea led by
th e Imp<'Tial Exped iti on, ,tatement tbt they affected offlciah
from the ranI< of imperial ma"aatorr! . 11 the way up to the
patrici.ns , th.t il . • lmo't the entire r.llge of the imperi.l titl e
ly'te nL ~ i
T he festiv. 1 l ho feaw""d equestri an ,how , ; they illc1udcd l
...'cond performam-,' ofth,' army's triumphal parade of booty and
c. ptives ~nd, perhaps in addit ion to ",-ees, the earlie.t I<nownjoust
ofthc Middl e Ages ' · Theophi lm fu rther '0ugh[ to pub lici ze hi,

,nd ,I><r or" di,,,nKu,,h , ~ fron ] ,~O« " '00 " ,",lIy 'n"",d ,~< " ' y w;th tho
<mrc'''': i,i'" J06,8-,), On ,h< M"" Guill.nd. '{"I"'Z'"P';"" ;';'11'_
" I",p_ Exp .. 107 .' - 9; 1.11- Ilu,y . .1 H"''''r .j ,h, ,.,,,,, /10",,,,, '"P''' j"'. ,I« J.II 'j
I" ",,, ,I., "'""",. oj8.,;1 1 I)\./). $,' - il~, ) (l""d,." 1912). p_ , ,8 , ,, _•. orfm ,hi>
tr, ",I> "0" of Olj ).1'''''1'' ,~c ~ 0,.00><, (I", p. r'x p., H"nn . 501 ·. - I); in '" y. j"
"nth_«" ,"" m,,"mK m,y t>< mm, ",,,,,,,d , d . Th",ph_ C"", .. J. ' !. Il00'''.
lJ9.;-~ , 0., ,I><", ~,<o,,, :>m ofth, Hm," Hom<. ,b"". Ch . 1. p_ 61 .
" I .. p. t'~p .. Bum" 1"1 .11- 19- F", ,I>< u", QH" I'.~"'" in ,,(mn« 10 promo,;on, in
,b" " i,,,,,~y " f """ di~n; ' ",' , ['h ilo,"<u" C"''''ioR'"'"' Oi<""",mi(\e" '7 ,', 7 ,nd
11; 9) .10-' , . nJ "p_ "V., , - ". "n ' he di",i"",;,,,, "f d'K"i"<,,' , ~"''' "'"que, m
,h< T,ikli",,, ~f J",,;ni.n; d . toH' ,,_ ,_. , , . To ~'''~, ,~< "~n if,un« of ,I><
pmmnti"",. wc' ",-~·d ,,,, Iy " "n p"" the """un' "fl",p_ Exp .. Honn. 1m. , " ~ , ~;
~ai ~P""tS~"... ~,,,!_~"','o "'.,'am ,;"{I,{I,,o~,..., ~." ,~" "0'
~,aO"~(,,, p~"J"Oi'<'" a~lu 1'1.11" r<j<; ':VP",,'Illwo urp'Kuhqwo (d_ JJ
10."". <. oonm ... LIt ,,,,,.,, . i;,. > (llonn. 1&)0) . 19)-') , ... "h ,h, h" uf 'Ul< J i ~n"i<'
f,om !' >-J '" ,I>< l"J'<""r T.,,;,," , <d, O,.""o""d<,. Li"" .. p'/""".
41_11-6).7 . Thi' ,how.,h" ,h, pmm"'",". di,,, ibu,,d fo, th" ' " u mph <ovmd
. 1",o" ,I>< ' n"" ""S< of m,jo, I""i'''"'' ", th< ,jd,-digm ty 'y""n. ,-, ." ,tf"",J
,,"''' ''I'' d,~n""'" 0' g'''''p' of J'gn ;",," in . 11.
.. ("'p Loll .. Honn, ) <n.'~ "" Thmph C"m __ ).1 ), s,,,,," , "J .l- ,,6, ' , T~b"d,
,,(«<0« to th" ««me"" " ,h, 'do",,,,,," t" "mph' (';'0 .. " J_j-~ ' ,~,I yOll, t,
'4' to;" Yn."" 1r"'~,~pl'l' b wt) ooW~tl~,", .9 pl,~{Ioc [,,;,lTo . .. ) "i,." 11,<
"n"[","~ p< -",.bih ,y ,I" , m ,h< ,,, I)' " "" h «" ' "'y, «kb'''I<NI< 'n ,h< Hippod,ome
we« p",",u!" ly ,,~,,;,,<J wi," ,b., oom,-,,'", . It "nnot b< ,ukJ ou t, howeve.. ,h"
th, ,"pr<""'" i,.n . n" hmmm" mciu«d hy II ...· Ph "" .d,·" ' i<mJ,,,,,y i" vk,,,,y
«kb"tju", of , ~ ",,,h «" ""'. TIo< i,knt i,y nf th, D"mc~i, of ' h< Sch"l" " ,f.,
,,,no of thl! « mp"sn " n'" d"", fOT 'he I",ioo, fl. . Gu ill".!. R" ,!.."." "" I"
Amorian triumph!

Fig""~. Copper folli! of Thwphilus (~nt.rged; •.ee pp. '48-9)

succes •. it h~s been suggested. with ~ new issue of copper coins. On
them, Ihe emperor w~s depicled in th e IOTQS .."d wearing the
~ncient triumph.l hc~ddrc" known ~I the 'lllf~' (fig. 9). The
reverse legend cer!~inly filted the oce..ion: 'You conquer, 0
Auguslus Thcophilus',60
Another. very similar ceremony w~1 sl~ged either to honor
Theophilus' of Z~petr~ in 837 or .t ~n unspecified d~te
there.fter.·' .... gain the celcbr.lion entailed 1n intermediary stay
in Ihe Asi.tic suburbs. thi. time in the new Ar~b-style p.!~ce of
Bry.s.·· The triumph.l entry look substantially the same form as
Theophilu' fim one. except th~t, this time, Ihe emperor ordered
~Il the city', children to come out to welcome him with Hower
wreaths.6J Again horse contests were held; this tim e Theophilus is
reported to done something which would bern

,."".,;"", ~yz.'''i ... '' I, U<rhll<' b),l>nrini"i",b< Arb."«,,, H IIk,lin , r067).

pp. Ij(r-7. eir« oo11y><l A"".,,;o.,
~ e n"",,", Coo." I, " " " Tl>«opholu. dOd ind.'" _ .... '"f_ , ,"" ,n.mph.,
'"")" bu, no< ,"" 1"0', n"""")'""""gh, "nc<
ir i, hud ro im'8;'< bow on< ... ""Id
.. " , ,hi. fu ll-kng'h go_n "" hOl"b.ek , I,"p, F.xr .. IIonn, )0" .,.. "
with J<1Jo1",",
ilo;I., Ii", ...
" V"i';', _ C,n"d. ,j,a/>,o" I, 1)7- '" ,r. ~o,.."" ,00". n, )1 .
" c<orgim C"",,"",,",. Illtop~i l ",. ' •.• d. I. Ik.h, (B""n. II JI). 791 .>1-•. C{, G.
Mm. v" ik, ~yz""."",,i(., I. Ikrl,n<t bY"""ni",.d•• A,b<i«n. '0 (II<rlin. r9JI).
,,,,,- ,,; Sym,,,,, M.S'''''. N . Ikkk ... (Bonn, ' Ill), Illt.p"il." I '. 6H. '7->0. On
Ih)' ... J,nin. Cpk iyz .. p. ,,6.
" I",p. Exp .. Hunn. J08 .I-J ' if 'h< ,,,di,ion,' d";ng ~ ","ppN , p",h. p> ,"",. woo •
«",,,,,,,ion wi,h ,10. birth of Mi,h"III, ;., _'0:
d. C. M'ngo. 'W",," .0"MKh><11U
Uorn?' DOl'." 1'\167), Ill - I .

Drvrlop",rnl ill Bpamiu.n

unimlginlbk for his l~te Rom . n predecelwr" hc himself led the

fIrSt r~CC and, unsu rprisingly, cruwned his militny meeL,S with ~
Iporting victory.04 T he booty di,pl.yed during the fcstivities
included gold, silver and a hOlt uf Suacen ca ptives."'
In ~ddition to the light they shed un the org ~nization.1 .'peen
of early mediev .. l triumphs. the records of these celebrations
evidence a couple of significant trends. Special ceremunies ne
staged involving special audiences, in th.t the traditiun.l trium-
ph al p",.d e tbrough the city and the victory racc,",e flanked by a
serie, of more privne festivities fo r the atori.1 order and
the bureaucracy at Inge. Secondly there may have been Some
movement away from the fmion of civil .nd miliury clements
which was typica l of the late antique triumphal parlde ..... Ithough
Theophilm and the Clesa r wore military garb throughoot the
procession. th e imperial party In.y hav e been mor e dearly
distinguished from the rest of the army, for it began its parade only
.fter the troops h.d entercd the city.··
Latcr sources give Michael 111 no di .. ct role in the successful
campaign which triggered the l"t victory c~lebu[io", of [he
.... motian< (86)). Thi, i. flatly contr.dined by the A rabic sources and
probably stem, from the hostility of Basil 1', desecndlnt, toward
their forebear's victim.·' The theme command~rs celcbr;ued "
,plendid triumphal entry into the ca piul, which may have
included the presence of Michac1l11, "lthough hi, participation is
not exp licitly . ttested."' Prominent in the proce"ion w"' the

.. G<~'I · Cent .. n.."p~,I" . ' •. IIonn. 7. ' ·'I - WJ.): Sym . M.g .. Th<,p~ ' ",'. ' '. " oJ ..
.. P. " .. XLII "'''I'''''' 11",,,,",",,"," (B IIG. ''''''I . <~ . V. V.,;I·",ky'''; P. N;' ;,;o.
·Skn.tnip 0 ., .mm;;, k;);h much,n;" ' h ; ,,,, ,ko,n, p ,Iu.h b, ;m ', Z"p"lt,
''",. .. ,'''''.; . . . .'" ii , ... . .,..... i, " ''''KIo,,.i. . .."It i filo"'ti, . "' .. I. 7. , (S'
Pm"bu'g . 1\10)1. 00." - ",['
.. hop. fr, .. Boon. JOP - ' ~·
" V,,;I;"v-C.nml. A' ....'. I. ')' • .;;,mg T ,b"" d . G. H"xtoy. 'Th«mp<ro, .1,1;,h .d
ttl ,",I 'Oo b.ttle of Bi,hop', M<.dow (A .I1. Mjl". G,,,'. R"",," ..' BY""""'
5,";i" . '~(I91J). '1 ) - jo .
.. Cf. p,«ro'''J "01<. Sy",. M.g.. EIoon. <166. '0- 1>: cf. G<org. Co..... (_ "d.C!joo "I.
8000. 31~.6-1 .• nd ,d. E. Mu.. I,. G,,,t,i AI""", •• o,.. ~"" 1- "I. IS, P",,,bu'g.
,119).7)" .)-6. ' nd Grot~. C"" .. I - «d.e<;"" IJ I. <d. V.M. I",," . J( 1r',,"I~"
G' ....tir' """,,,I< " .,,'"''" 1I"'1.... '''~ 1"'<.oJ< . • (Pc"OS .. d. '9H). 9 .• S-9 (00
,h, '.
,wo ,..d.1.e<joo, ofGtorg. Con, .• Moro m ,'. 8r"""""'~;'" '6\1-7')' Cf. Vi,.
A.,,,,,!, i"",..i,
(BHG. ,..I.
pe,ton", I< •• inq",,"' do,
.... ,, ....
I l. <d. F. H.I. ", . ·S. "",oio< I< l'U" < "
All. 6, ('9"), , S7-")' I.. " "0. ' -0. tn ,dJ"koro
A'no,ia" (,iump/"

di'pl .y of the defem-d l'mir'l hcad ~" d ,holc of mOllY of hi,

followerl. If the lhcme comm~ndcrs dom in.ted the ceremony,
tbey were led by. member o(th~ imp~ri~l hous<:, ,h~ p~triei . n
Petron"" m"lern.l uncle of Michael !If ,md brother of the regime's
eminence grir.c, th e C"csn Bard." In .ddition to his overall
responsibi lity for tlw opc r. rion, Petron~' .eems ro been
st.a/rgoJ of the Thrace,ion theme ar the time.·· Hi! CO!lrrib'.nion
w~, p"rticulnly honored in a ,p.:c;.l r~ccprion by Michacllll and
the ",natori.1 order; he w~, promoted to the rank of magis/ro; and,
it would "ppen. the Dome,ricue of the Schole,.70
The ",cond "'g~ of Ihc celebration, "'''' .gain dominated by
the rheme commander, "nd took place in thc Hippo drome."
Accl~m<ltiom which In~y have been compo",d for thi, occ.. ion
are pre",rved in the Ceremony Book .nd offn insighr into the
tenor of public utterances framed for such cclebr<ltions. They
comined of two quadruple invocations . nd dOled wirh a wish for
the ,ubiliry of Mich"eI', po,ir;on .nd th.r of the August.e. 72 The

W POl","", ,b< ool¥ o<h« comm."",, pJ,,,,,[,,,d by " ..,,< i, N,,.,. "'"',f''' of 'h,
Ilurt ll",.,." "'I",P"''''P'''''S i" ,b< 0l"""."m ."d p",um.bly ,hc «leo,,,,,,,,,
w«. ,b< "'""to' uf ,h. "',m,,,,, k,,,,, <>f Cui",,,, •. I'.phb~"" ... "'""olikOll ,
0",,0 ""'. C'pp.doci., ,I,. ""'''to'
~I.i,"",,', o(';,d"u,· .. . ml Cl " " .. "on . "d ,h< of
n"" ,nd M",du"". Th i, Ii", h",hn do wn b)· ' h, di,"",iom {mrn wbid. ,,.,
.or""" uni" 'ppm"h"d 'h, "'"IH. mm« (,om n«'ph . Con' .. • . 'J. Ilunn .
'~ "V- 1<I. In hi, <om"" "" ,hi, P''''~'' H. '.d"" p" G,,,,,i. 4" brz"n"";,,II<"
'1~""'" "1"'""J (L, ip"K , "w), pp 1>9- '00, p'Ql'<"<d ,""nding "Colon,,'
('Il>coph, Coo, .. [lonn , ,! .. ,,) '0 'Child,,' Th i, i, ",u inly w,ong b«;,uw:, "
Gdw h" nOt o"""v<o. ,10< , u,"" of Th<oph, Com, 0' 10" ,.,,,,,e "'1"'''' ,,,-
p"".""" of,h, ,h<"l< comm,nd""., 10, <"Urn""'" "eh 8'''''P', ,omprni,,,,,, .
11><oph, Con'. ', " "ins of u"i" , ,,,,king f'on l ,10, No"h fUm "'.m<n;,kon (thi.d
inU,,,,",., T""4",, .nd Phik"b<u,), Bu,<i l"ioo (I;"h in oo,h) , Cok>/", {.b",n' in
Ph;' ",h,m). C.h , ld,,_ "" ,h. mh" h."d, " nk< .k"n , h on
Phi lo,h,u, (,d. Q,k",,,,m idt,. ,9 "oJ ']7-9) .
nonth '" Phlloob<"' j ,,,d P' phlosooi. «'Sh,h in ,;
«n,h in
,nd ,h;"«,,,h i"

.. Cf V. A",,,,,;i ;0" .. .JJ. , " . 11,lkm . "U - 9 'nJ. in ~.""" I. fl . Gu,lI.nJ. ' p""",
do> "S"" J., Thi:"ph ik., J., Mid,,,, jJ', R.v""*,',,4,, So'·f'"
J9)-6'0. 10«. JI'7-I .
,""ph."". I( '970),

" V. A"".ii io"., dd., 'J, I !.lkon, ')0.' - J. On P,,,,,,,,,' dign;,"" Gu;II,,,J. 'p""",
d<: Th<oph,k', p, 101 .
" '''''''g. Cun' . IIl I. ]'"in. 9·,3-9' ~/ Ct "fP~f'll'ol . . . ,~p,t.~!iW<1,d, '4' 1"","4';
<f. G<o.g . C""'· I"'I. Mu"I< , 110.".• nd lIonn . !on.
" n. " •.. '.7' ("'91. VOj:'. '. ' J".'I - »' "An' bl I"')',a,a''f'a~~p~ I,' ~o"~'+'
~"~9t,,, ~.H , ..pt81"r. fo, ,b< "" ibun"", ,"d d.«; J.B. Bu,y, 'Th, Ce,emoo,.1
&>ok o( Conmmm< Porph)"og<nn<to" 11", E"SI,," Hi",,,,,1 R,"i,"" i 7 1,W7) ,
opemng invocltiom insist three times on the role of God in
procuring vinory ~nd once on the divine SOUrCe of impcri~1
;lUthority,71 T he ernpr:ror is h~ilcd ~s the embodiment of the
'success of th{' Rom ~ n', the cou .. ge of his army and the
instTumen t o(hi, enem ie, fall. If thc' ~,cription i, correct, it reveal.
~ truly bipolu ceremnny: the ceremonial action fel l to the
victorious comm:m ders wh ile the texts salmed the young ern peror
~s the ultim;Hc instrument of Roman vinory ,"


The dark events of the night of 24 September 867 were nOt long
concealed from the inh~bilan(j of Consl>tuinoplc. As • usurper
w ho had achieved power by the most r{'pdJcm means, with no
great family Or profe"ional connenions to butl reSl his position.
ll~,il I could only have becn expected to 5<'ck in the repertory of
impcri ~1 ideology dcmonjl .. live evidence for the ~ptnc" o(hi,
rule. Whence hi s forged Armmi.n gmc~Jogy; whence 100, it is
likely. politic~1 fntiv"ls for his pUl:l tive meee''''s. Omens of
vinorioume" e~rly ~tuched dlCmsc1ve s to the Basil legend. The
story of the b~bc Hasil finding ,helter in an e"glc', ,hadow h~d
obvious d~"ic,, 1 and !:Ire antique antecedents which connected it
with victory." Even more signi fi,,,nt is the unexpl.ined coin-
cidence, propagated no later th.n the funenl or~tion of Leo VI on
hi. f~thcr, ",cording to which th e M~ccdoni"n pc""nt first
~ntered {he imperi,,1 eity vi~ {he middle por{~1 of the Golden G~te,
w hich w", normally op"ned only for triumphs.16
According to Co",untinc VII. God distinguished the vcry first
day of liasi]'s indepcndent rule by it to coincide with the
" rriv,,1 of new. of ~ gre~t victory ~nd th e de1ivcr~nee of ~ g re~t

<r7-)9, il.", oJ,: d . b" 1f.""'1· ··.""',"" _j&,,1 1. p. '77. n. J, >oJ Hu.l<y,
'Em»<,o,' , p. 'Jo.
" u.,,,, .. 1. 7 1 (69).v,,!!, , '.<] 0 · 'J - '7 ·
" I' il., 1)6.17-'0.
" Th,oph. Con, .. l. l. IIonn, " '.,-" O· 'l: of. G , Mo"v"ik. 'S'8<n und L'g<n<i<n
u!", I(, i", Bui!";'" I.', DOr, 'J (ly(i r). 6'-1>6, 1><" !J - J .
' . Ed . A. Vog' ",d I. H,",l><rr, '0"'000 funib« <k Ih, ik I~ P" >on f,b Lron VI k
S. g". 0,.;",,1;. ,~,i,","., .6 (' ~J' )' s-?~, 1><", )0., 0 - " wh"o ;" ,,;umph,j
,ymboh.m i, <xpli< m<n';on.d. (:om."".;n, VII «~"" .h< .."", "ory in .h< V;,.
/I,u,r;;, T hwph . Com ., I. 9, II",,", ") .1-10; d . MO,,""<i,k, 'S' g<n'. p. 9\ ·

ugi,ima,ioH of lJMil I

num bet of Christ ian prijonets. 17 As the very (irS! public act of h is
indepe"dent rule. Basil decided 10 ,tar:e a procession to the Hagia
Sophia to thank God for the victory and for his sole control of the
th rone, a celebration which implied divine, or at least patriarch.1
,anction. 70 En lOutc to the p.bce. Basil .vailed himself of the
tr.dition.l mcanj of f;arneting f.vor by throwing coin, to
onlooker< lucky or import;w! enough to be standing nearby.'Y
The positive political cffccts which may havc attendcd the
Itiumph B.,i) celebr.ted in R79 were guickly dissip.ted by the
sudden death of the co-star ofth;" ceremony .nd heir ap It
is not coincidence th.t within the yeaT the dcci,ion w.s to ... ge .nother Iiturgic.1 celebration of victory, this time 10
dramatize the sUCccSSc, of th~ imperia l fleet commanded by n
N asH , ag.inst Arab detachment. in h . )i.n w.ten. '0 The gu.ntity
of olive oil cortured by Nasar w., so enormou, th.t its .. le
triggered a 'teep, if tempotary, slide in the price of that staplc of

" Th,oph. Co", .• j. '0, IloilO , 'jM - I> . Com"",;"" ,,~U<,"'" .houllh, p"",i",
",,,,;on f<>< 'h, ,;«o,y celeb ,,,;,," ,nd 'h, .""nc, of ,hi, d".;l f<om o,h<-,
hi"" ' ,,n. ""y ,ug!«" th" h< inv",«o 'ho "o'y '0 bu " "" ,o. Ih."lon uf
u,u,p"""" o>"",pl if,oo 'n h" " ",um of A."I·, ..ig". I, i'iu" " I"",ibw,. huw.v«,
,h" 'ho ",u'I"". 1;" '" m,ny of bi, p.. d""""". m..ely "i«d on ",m, minm
"'co'" .nd ,"~",d ;, ;",,, ,n opoch.m""'~ ' i«my " , 1"''''ic.lIy pmpi'wu,
mom," I. 0". I""~bk cond;d,,,, '"ggo"oo 1o m. by A .P. K"hd,n. would h< •
min'" ,"ccm ,~. i n" ' h, ..,oit ofSymh.. 'iu,. whi,h c.m, '".n "nd i" 'h< Ii", Y'"
of Ih~t", ind'l"nJ.n' <uk. Cf. AY K,,'.J.". ·t, ;""'" o;,.",i,,);oi kh'onoS"fii X
, . !. 0 .","v, ". n"y,,,,,mo; "'komniki pmdulzo"dp Fouf. n.···. VV. M.' .. 10

(,"", I. 79--<;>6. h",,, i i . """'h'" I""'ibili'y ,",'0,,1<1 oc • ' UC<'" «bled to 'ho Fun);"h
,ml"'"' Lou;, It", comp';gn> ;n ",u,h"," t"ly' d , J G.y. L'/"I;, ""'i.;..../'"
r,",p;" hrun,j. J,P"" r","",,,", <k &"il, 1" j"'!" " I. p'iJ( .k &0,; p" ~,
N"",,"" ($6,-,.,.), fj;hliothiqu< d" feu l.. ("n,';"" d ' A,h<"", <I do Rum<. 90
(P"i'. 1"".1, pr, H -j ·
,. Th<oph . C"" ... " '0. lIonn . >l6.' , - , lo "POOCOY "". b fJ~~'M:oc i~1 f,). ~'Y" ,,>OJ
9_ ,.... , tt>, ,,,... I~dow "-<>iIJ", t.w,"I'0' .o,~~;~''''''. K,J do ..pi ~j . . w,
opooJ ,"~al',adoc 06f<l' oiKOOOOc, xyh"". Thurn, 'p." - )I, &,,""" 'ho
p,"""»;on .nd b'g"" bu, .,."', ou' ,ho « ' 000,
" 'Th<opll, Co", .• j. >y. Doon , 'j6. 'j- '0; of, Scyli,,,,,. Thurn . IJUS-)I .
.. TtKuph, COMI .• J, 6J. lkH,n. JOJ,lj-Ij; ,f, Scy i;"". Thurn. 'JH6-rj6.6., p,
xh"i""" iii< hru~ri"i.-it," KI,;",",,",',", >. CfHfJ • ., Ilkdin. I~77I . 100)-10. • nd
Vi" Eli., i,,". (BIIG. Jlel. >J. ,d. G. R""i T "bb" Vi<. Ji ".,·I;Ii. il Gi"."" T",i "
m""um,n';, T ,,,i 7 !p.hmu. 196'1, JI,.9j--<l, On ,h. <' p'J"ion; G,y, 1"li,. pp.
, , ,_ .. ,"d H. Ah, ..... ;"',. Br'""" " I. m". Ut "'.,,", .k l""" , I, ,./i'....' " I"
i"~j'"'i"", ".""i~",," BF'''''''x Vlf- X V' Jild" , Hibl ... hlqLl< byu"'tll<. ,E,ud .. ,
, (p" j" ' <>6<') , p.' ' J.

Dtvdoprnw t in BF4n1iurn

cooking .nd lighting fuel at Constantinople."' Such a develop-

men< could only pTOdu cc a favOTable imp.ct on the np ital".
general popubtion.
Of speru", l.r triumph.1 entries and reb ted ob§crvances , it
would "ppear that celebuted two. both in the 870 •. 02 The
firn cdebr:ltion .cern. to evidence the kind of politic al image_
making alrcady referred to . It was organized in connection with
Basil', !"'"onal direction of 'In expedition against •.
Z.petra and Me1itcnc (M.bty.) in 873 . T he emperor w ..
succcssful against th e first towns but suffered a defeat ;I t M elitene.
Two years eulicr, he h.d already returned to the capi tal in
humiliation . nd. following Lemerle. it i. c>.sy to g" 'p th e politic. l
motive behind his decision to conclude the camp.ign of873 with ..
quick incurlion into Paulician territory to take the sting out ofhi.
failure. l l Bui!'. second triumph m.rked his pCrlon. 1 direction of
>. camp.ign again.t Germanici<l and Ad<l tol, during which Tcfrik e
. bo fell to Byzantine force.; it m.y be dated to the autumn of
879." AI far a$ can bc determ ined tod'I y, both festivities 'IllUmed
the saITlC gencn l .ha!'" . nd may conveniently be treated together .

., Sqli,=. Thum. 'H. j>-'J6.j).

" I, "' .. fo,m<r ly bodie.t"d ,h .. B.. il ,do:b,,«d , "i"mph in 81> to ,d"l;or.u" th" f.ll of
To:f'iko:. oo<;n 111 .f"", "mp,iJ" .g.i",' Moli,,"o: ,nd ~'m""" ,n.! I [""I "',. in
1710' l")y. ,fto:< 'n o:xp«ii';"" 'll.;n" Gen"nOn"i,. Tho: <ub,"·n.., vi<'mio~, "'~rt,
from <amp';lln of B,,;I. ,t.< Ch'-;,,·lov",11 <mp<lO<' lI"' p. fup .• &nn. 49! .14-' J)
w" IUppoted to in.!iu« th" t~o: ,u,ho' h,d <ombi""d 'w" rimi]" '''''non'''~' ,hi,
,(<;ount. Thi, view w" ch,lkngo:d by N . OikOMm;d". U,,,, .. p'/""'''' p. JJO , nd
n. JJ!~. who ' "Ill""t"d ,~" 'he f. ll ofT<f,ik, .<1U,Uy ,oo k pI"" in 179. ' ."' ...
,,,,,fi, med by P. lo:m"l<. "l"~i","" dn P,uh,i,m d'Ari, mi"," " d· ' p, .. I" t.OU""
S''''II><' ·. TM. ! ('11"1) ). , - ' ... h<to: 101. '0, _1. fu,,'" d.",,,,,,,,,,h,S thl!
C'"'''''''tino: V![", v. 8o,!I;i. , . )7- ,0. <"rubin«! 'wo ><1'''''' "mp.ign. '0
"mooft.s" B"il". in;,;.1 f,il"",.
" k",,,,I<. ·P,ulkien,·. p. IOJ' E. Honigm , "". DH OJlg''"~'''' ~r .."';"i,.~," R'~""
>.. ~J .,', "7'. Co,pu' bm"ll,"" hi""" .. byu "ti"",.) (D,u"o:lo. ' ~IJ I. pp .
S8- 60; V,rilie.- Un",l. A,""" >. '.4)-1 .
.. On tho: o:xp«i;unn. ij;~ .• pp. 19-9<: 1..0",,,,1<. ·P,u lidon,·. pp. 'OJ-I . The <mmony
w" dmd 17! by 1,m,,1< on ,ho: b"i. of,.. <""<I"""., of f. H'lkin . "Troi, d"",
~i"o';qu<, p,'ei"" 11';« '" 5y"ox';"'· ' B,' .... 119!. ). '.-17. tho< /l " i]', >on
Con",n,i"". who p",icip,[o:o ;n ,hi, """''''''" y. ditJ "" l ><I"<ml><, 810.• no ,;"""
'h< comp, ;gn ,.." "n"in",~ b,,,, ",,, "r ,h , ' ppto"h of w",«r (Tho:nph. Cen' .. J.
,I. &nn . • 1>.9-10). V. Grumd . 'Qu<I '" l"<ml"l"<u, Co"'''"t;n I< Nouvo:.u
oomm<mor< d'n' k Syn,.,ir<.q l "'p"mb«l" ..lB. I. ( '>.>66). >1.-60. "sun ,hat
tho: Cen "'"~ n' ;" qo><>,ion i, mo« lik" Iy CO,,,,,",," , I II . If ,hi> ob"',k i> ",mov"d.
C,n"d', ,ud;,i"".l dat, would «<'" p«f<"bk cr. how,V<f P. K" lin_H,yto: ,.
11,' .• )6 ('>.>66). 6,.-6.

Before return ing w the capi tal in 871, Basil staged a special
ceremony for the !rOOP', in wh ich v,l orou, 'oldiers were
rewarded .nd promoted bdor<' rniring to wintn quarter, ,"' The
cdebr.ltiom in th e cap ita l concCIltut<'d on the tr iom ph.l entry'
unlike those of the Amnri,n<, neither of ll"il' s triumphs is known
to h. ve been e xte nded with circul ilww., On bot h occasions , U.,il
began his triumph,1 CIltry by cro,, ;ng ovcr from the A,i . tic
",burb. to rhe Hebdomnn . I n ~79, he w,\ welconl ed there b,'
representative. of every generation of city-dwel\c .., dec ked out
with !loral wrc.tlls, ;Ifld by the entir<' "-'nJtori,, ] order re,ident in
the c"piu L"" Th e empe ror pr~yed at a . hr ine wh ieh he held in
speci~l esteem, the dmrch of StJ ohn th,' Uapti,t-in- Hcbdomon."
[n 873, the pa kd from the Hebdnmon to the f-[" gi. Snphl. vi a
the Go[den G.te; tlw it inerary w~ s pllnct\l~tcd by the "iewry
accl amation. of the deme. ," Th e more circumstantial accounl
from 879 indiclle< . n intermediate phase: the emperor, "cco m_
plnicd by the heir. Comtanti"" the younger, and praed ed by the
Sena!e and people (ACI!k) of the city .nd 'ordin~ty b~n""rs' , rode
down the p. ved rold kading to the Gold"" Gotl', os far a, th ,'

" n>«,ph. ConI.. j.""" Sonn , '70., L; ,f S<)·Ii""" Thu m, 'ln,' ": ,n '70. ,h<
,von' "''' "'g,d " M'd"on. ,h< fn""h_"n ""~ .own of 'h" 0r-,k"", '~on<, "', ,h<
P'" ""'"g" w.J 0'" ofn"'yl""um on 'h, Tom b"" p<,h .1" '" h< I"".liwl"
Kmdj, Eyuk (T)'''''ph. r.nn' ., " <9. II",,". , , ).', - ,,<. , ), cr. j. ... . C .. m«, II
i "I'"P'i,,1 "m) ~i"",~.1 ...,,';pt'"' 'J A,i. Min"" " IOxf",d, " p ) , ' 0 - 0; W .M .
R.m ... y. TJ.. /';" ... i,, 1~'"R"rhr .J ,i.,i. Mi"", ("-P"" " ~ m""~"n, ''''';,), p ')0 ,
.nJ C,m".n';n, VII , [-'< 1""".,iI.,.• , ''l, ,d.~ . Pm",;, S", d" '''';, rOo IV";,,n
C"y. 'V"), .., .
•, In i7 I , 'h< II,b<l,,",on ~ " f,,,," w only h)· S<yl " ",. T ~un ' , rF ;6--" fo, i,", ''''P'
hr·. Ronn, <0' · '7 " N" '" 'he ... 'o"~ "-CO""', " " el<" w i", <"", )y ,Il< hi'
;,; J"ntp,~" ,~I d 'HpIO" ,41 ' ~:JlMp'~ I.~!, t7 - I! ) Rmh ', L" ", ", "ml),
cnlmd"h<!<", md , folj,:,wm~ .' ,,",Ii,'", jJ",,,r,,, d 'lip!." ~ ']opd, . p,ob,bly
on Ih, .n, )uKY Of)04 TJ ' d, J.,, 'n. 1';.1,,,, , r . ",. Th, i""nli' ,· of ,i 'Hpoo "m.;m
problem" ic.
" I"". &, .. Il<>t,n, ."" ,'- J, 0" U,,,I', n'>to,,';un of ,hi, ,hmch, The"ph . C on !.. l .
9<! , !!onn, ),0.6- ' 0; cr. J,n;", t~I'"". p. " j . if "'oold b< <mph.",<d 'h>1 ","h"
S<ylj ,,,, nor ,ho- <k",1<J 0<><"1"'0" of I",p. Exr. b,,,,h<, , w",d ,1.0"' ' h< ,nci<n'
p.I"" of Ih, Hd><k",,,,,,,, ... h.,h h.d ""en Je"", )',d by K",m " 'he b<~ ; nn;n~ or th e
'v, p. J ,0, ,,~"« ,h. , it m"" h>v< 1>«0 «buil" 'co01m< Of' k
,,<n'u,y .J . n;n. Cp l.
v"i, p" I. Lm. "" ,hi",,,,,,,, d<'";v.,,, Ic ,,;"nlph, de< <mp<""'" (no "f<!<t>«
g;"n) . Th, only "Ie"n, "f"once i. " . '16, I. whICh 'Oft<W" ,ho- "<ly SF. n"n,-
p<'iod . Tho ovKl<"" of .j"O,)' "kb","o", d"", no' 11",,,,'-0., '"PP"" ,
'«00"'''''",., of 'h" p, ),<c i" ,Il< " i",), «o"m)·.
.. Thooph . ConI.,), ; 0, 11o"", , "1.' - ~; ,L S<,ii, ,..,. Thu,",. ')7. 51 - 00.
mOIl:mery of the Virgin of the Abr~~mitcs. There the empero,"
proyed ~nd rested while the triumphal cortege was drown up," As
under the Amori~"" the pu~de had two distinct segment'. The
first 'OOn gOt under way dowlI the triumph~l route to the Bra'l en
Hous,- :md the Palace, di'pl~ying the booty and captives t.ken in
the c~mp~ign.·" Shortly thereafter, the emperors themselves
donned military anire and 'tnted their OWn parade. First they
w ere greeted by the dcmel> chanting vierory acd~m~tions Wme-
what similar in impiration to those ~ttributed to the ,elebration of
867. Just outside the Golden Gate, they ~..,countered the epuch
;md the patrician Jnd pl~ip05;roJ l.· ' This par ade too tr~vcled
down the Me,e, which h ~ d been 'peci~lly . dorned for the occa,ion.
Before re~,hing the Forum of Constantine, the par~dc stopped
OvCr half a dozen time, for acdamations.92 At the Forum, the
emperors dismounted md paid a vi,it to the ,hrine of the Virgin-
in-the-Forum. where they werC greeted by the patriarch Photiu,."'
Aftcr pray,,,, there,. new ph"e began; the emperors changed out
of their m ilituy uniforms and put Oil silk robes and chl.m yde., [n
what is den[y an innovation with respeC! to earlier ninth -century
"sage. they walked tnro"gh the Fomm behind tnc grcat golden
proccssional CrosS of the emperor. and v:IIiom ,t:llld:IId,. Tnj.
processiun led them down tnc final "'gment of the Me"" and into
the H~gia Sophia, where a euch:IIistic liturgy w~, p~rformed·· [n
"ddition to th~ new , non_mil it~ry ,egment of tne triumphal
p:lude, ~ f(1rtncr innov;nion occurred during the ,ervice in th e Suphi:l. :lccording to Ba,il', gr.nd,on. [II the COllIse of the
th . nbgiving services, the u,urper waS ceremoniously cruwned

.. /"'p. Exr .. Bonn . • W. ) - 0 . On ,~< Abmm .. ,,·: 1.nm, tgU!<J. pro.-6.

.. I ..p . bp .. Ilonn. )00.1-'.
" I.. p . Ex, .. Bonn. )00.)- )01.17 . 1 ,on ,,,u'""'8 ,~" ,h, ,bQ~Q"o:.c. of lOLl) i,
,d,ntK,t w"h '"" J,'"w. of JO). , _1: d . 'f""o ~.;h,,· '""Y. il,.I .. ,DIU . On B,,".,
" ",.r. R. Guill .nJ . . p"",,, 00 .<~""' <l< 11,,01. r' ., d, U"" VI" . ilL. 6J (11)701,
100-17. "" ' 0 l" " of. .,' I,,,,,",,,,,,,. I. ll)-o; )~L Po"ibk "nJiJ"" fo< ,h,
~nn.""d ,porch V. LIUI<nt. L. "'l'"' .., "" ,,"x ';" /"",,,,, "''''''' ' ' ' <d. N.
O,k""om"k> . od W. XI ... ' (P.. i•. ,o!, ). n<". 'OO. - ~ .
" imp . E>;p .. Bonn. ,01 · '9 - ,02.1, "d ""I,,,,,
lDH'- J. Cf. b< low. Ch. ) . p., 1.1f. fo, ,
d",ikd di"",,ioro.
" Ann,ho, Ih,ili,n ["un"",,,,,, , J"'". tgli",. pp. 'JO -1; I .. p. hr·, B"nn, 1°'.'-1 .
.. /"p. Ex, .. Boon. )O,.' - I!. Th" 'hoy<XI " " b<d<XI",,~ f,om 'ho . «ou",',
f"lul< '0 mention tho;, I<moon';nK' d. 100. ' 1- 11 "d ,h •• "",un t of No«pOo.u>
Imp« i.l "eo".' of .pl, Dt- w ., '."". ~Qn" . ')0. 0-9·

L(~irim"'i"'l of Basil [

with the 'crown of vicwry' by Photius: the visible sign of his

,utbority , nd his vinory wos publicly conveyed to him by the
h".d of the church. T he expl,n,don for this unum,l ceremony is
likd y to be found in the rircu m$tances of Uasil' s seizure of power,
T he only explicit ecdesi"tic. 1s.11ction of his ,u thority b,d come
in the origin.1 <"<"Temo ny of his <'In'ation to the purple by his
bcndactor and victim Mi chael [[I and in the usn,1 services at the
l'I'gi, Sophia, <!Jrting with the thanksgiving process ion of
25 Scptnnbcr 867. for, according to the 'pcci.1i,t of imperi.l
investiture,. no new coronoaion h,d .ttended the murp.tion. 9 '
Since venerable tr~dition had long ...ocilted crOWIl! :md victory,
the triumphs of873 and ~79 may ....-dl have ",crlled apt moments
for J 11ew publi c di'pl,y ofthc church', .ppro val of the upstart
emperor', ,uthority.9h
The celebration that began with the bureoucr.,y ended with it
as well. A fuJi -Kale b.nquet (KA.'1rtiJpIOV jlql!T!ov) w.s set Out in
the Triklinos of J ustinian, The guest list secm, to concen-
tuted on ,he ",natori, 1 order.· 7 Once 'g,in, thc di,tribution of
Inge.. 'ppc." to have bee" . CCOlll p~nicd by promotions.9 '
Basi]', successor Leo Vl li h']y st315,-d at least two major victory
cciebnr iotl!. Th e ",cond mlTked ~ defc~t of the Saracens on thc
upper Euph u te" probably in the autu"," 0(90,.90 Arcth .. of

.. rotorh . C",,, ., j , 40, Il<.m. ""7 - ' 0 , oJ J , 40 , .ap-j . On ib"I', ;nvo-o,; ,u,.,
Ch,;""pt,;Jopout"u , 'Edifi1, p. 9>; d . lI<)w,"", 'C,n",;",,- ., '0, L<>miilkr_
W"",,,, 'nJ nu ,n . Som-J whICh ' PI""" '" m~g'" Q,h"w,><,
•• 0., om,'n, ,nd " ;«o' Y '" ,h" f'<ttod, ••", ' . ~ .. J- D"i" '1)", U"pmng <1<,
Dy"o> "" • .Lt, ob<...JI,"di,,", 1/",,,",,,.," , II.'R''''lrll< II.p,"" ,
VO"fi~ .. ,'On ro,,,,h''''gcn. " (S 'g"w'ns"o , ''In ), p. JS .
• , I.. , . l'xp .. Uon" , j O'. 'Y_ ''- Th, g""" ,..-,;.w /1U1'O~';"P~~'~, ... hKh N.
O,.onUnlid<> h" '"g~,,",d '0 m, ,hooto I>< umlmtood " 'ml; .... ". from ,h,
'"' f'<",1 v"";,,;u m, Th, ;'HC' P'''' " "" f,,, w<II ",.i,h ,h< f.ct ,h .. th, J ''''''0' of tho
V,";","m, ,h, P""""''''''''', w"
in ch"g" of S,f" ~"' .. " <0 J'gn'''''''''' p.t.«
fun",,,,,,, Gu'll,nd. I""i,",i""" ',"7 ... "~ n" . p " O!,
wi"" ''I' ~","!" , <1><0 ,00 "''''''".'''.)
.. I .. p. hr .. U""" , jO) . 'J- I.'
~.!<lam ~,l lxJJp<iiJ. ~"fNlpl ~'~I. ~"~ ,,\ Ju,,,,,O. ,,,Ic
"pt.r' ~",oo
"~ I wk, I, ,~ .J;" IJM">fc, No ... ,II< d",;"':"on of ~",,).~"'''' [,om lxJJj><W'
"I'opl "HI cr, ,ho ""g< ofi"I~~"1C '" Ph;I" ,h,u,. ,.,[""w '0 ,bov., n, JS,
.. s« V,,,I,,,, - C,",,d..~,. .." " " '17-' S . "d R .J.H .J,,,k.,,, II . l • .,."d" 'nJ CA.
M. " ~o, ·N", .. 0" ,,,,,,, of ""<lh" f,,,,,, C"" . .'1 .., . GL j2.', HZ, H ('9j4). r-40.
ho« ' . 'J,

D,~dopme", iH 8yzantium

Caes.:tr~a allude. to th e great quantity of plunder and the wealth

whieh the distribution of booty brought to the army , 'enough to
ouffiee for an entire lifetime of comfort', in the .peech he deliv ered
at a banquet in honor of 'the most illustriou. triumph ever
celebrated' ,tOO Jf Arethas may be taken literally, leo mu.t have
celebrated another triumph betw een 886 and 901 .• 0. There is little
direct evidence on victory celebrations in the reign of Romanus
L~capcnu,,:1 fact which may seem surprising in view ofhi •• h:lky
status as a uourper and of the accomplishments ofByz.ntine arm.
in the East. The narrative .ources' reticence is probably due in put
to the circumstance that they view Lec apenus' reign through the
eye< ofConst:lntin~ Porphyrogenitus' restoration to power in 945.
That some victories were indeed celebrated in the period i.
arguable on mOre th.n general grounds. A chance allusion in
Thcoph.nes Continu. ru' story of the Arab renegade Abu l:bs. fs
mggcsts that Lecapenus celebrated at least One triumph for an
eastern victory. The .tory also demonstrates th.t commanders of
field forces Came to the capital to participate in triumphal
parad,,', 10' Furthermore, ,he medieval erosion of 'he imperi,,1
monopoly on victory continued under Lec.pcnus, for th ere is
evidence of a victory celebration in honor orthe eunuch patrician
Theophanes, who forced the Russians to retreat from Constan-
tinople in 941. • OJ The festivity resembled that accord"d Petronas
nearly. cemury before. It ",em, to h"vc involved a triumph.1
return, a splendid ceremonial reception "nd a promotion, in this
ca", to th e office of p4r4 koimome"OI. Th"t ,uch " great honor w",
gunted Theophancs fit. well with the import"nt IOle he played in

, .. "'«h", 01"" ";.''' , «1_L_G, W ..",rinI •• (t<i pri8. '~ 7 ' ) _l ' _ " fm ,ho oem,,,,,.
cr. 'he ,;tle' )'-' - >: )'-'7 - >0_
'" Am"". s." dr .. ) ' _'9-'0; iJpl"~~oc ft'~" t~l>_
,. , Tho:oph. Con,_. 6 , ". Bonn. " 1.,011"• ..p_ . ,6.1-l!; d_ Ge0<8_ 0>n'-. Bonn ,
6; I",;n. 17_) _6. Tho: p""u. <h",,,ology of th. dof«rion of Abu 1;I.... r,
'}<Y1,' ) - ,
.nd AI""-'I,," '" John Curru .., i, no' d.,,_ On ,ho A"bk "idon<<: M, C,""d,
/-/i",i,,"1.t I,.,,,i<'" H'....4." ;.. , ..J"II••"k 5,,, •. ' . Publ'''''io", do L. F. rnl,.
do. 10"".. d'Alg". ' . " (P,,'" '9JJ). 7 11-j. " " " .. d in .... -C.""d. A,Ut"
'. ",61-9_
' " . CO"' " 6. 19, Bon". " PI _0,6., •• nd ,n. p,,,,,,,,,.ttr i<l<ntk .l "«OU",, of
Gno'il . Con' .. r,,,in. 6'-)' _ .... 00 Mu"l,. '.)_>0-,.
On,n". Gum.oo.
I",;"";",,,. " ,1 ,-, 'od "P, "9- 1<),

High lid, of l,j"mpIL' 9S6-7Z

Lecapmus' administration and his d"st:nc" to the impnial


j. HIGH T 1 Df. Of TRlU.'trl!: 9S6-72

In Iwo dendcs. !emh- century Coml"ntinople wiUl es",d .. n",,,y

vinory celebratiom as :Ire known 10 h~ve occurred in the
preceding 150 yeus , The carlini recorded triumph ofConst,minc
VII c:lmc some ten ye:ln :lfter hi, acce"ion to re ..1 power. It
represents dear-cut innovation and de,elves ("reful scrutin y.
The short-ter m military b:lckdrop to the .raged event of 956
W:lS:l gloomy one. Three years e:lrlier, the scourge of Byzantine
Anamli., S:lyf ad -Dmb, emir of Aleppo. had inflicted heavy
c.!Su.lties on the Byuntine army and, more particularly. on the
Phocas dan: the patrician Len MJleinu, had been kill ed. the
Domestic of the Scholes Bard.s Phoc.,. himself 'mrried to a
Maleina, had been wounded and hi, wn Comtamine. JlralrgOJ of
Scleuci•• had fallen captive and mffcrcd the humiliation of~ing
p:ll:Ided through the ,treet, of Aleppo. "" Thi, w.s •• evere hlow
to the prestige nf a famil y whose support and high visibility in
miliury affairs were essential to tlw re,toration of Coml,mlinc. 10.
In Oerober 954, S:I yf inflictcd another di,a'ier and again ca\u~hies
ran hc~vy among the aristocrats. reaching Iwo more Phoc:ldes: the
dome'tic', mn_in_l aw ~"d gr:",d'0l1.'07 This defeat triggered
Ihrd.s· dismiss.] and in 954 or 9)), Ihe domcltie> tc pas",d into the
h.nd, of hi, son Nicephoru,. The ch~nge in comm. nd did not
produce im medi~tc rcsults. since I:!yuntinc force, suffered further
humiliations in ]alc 955 ~nd again, in Ihc ,pring of 956. when
Romanus, son or brolher-in- Iaw of John Tzimi,ces. fell,'''" In
what appcafllo hove ~en .. vcry seconduy operation rd.ted tu
,his defe." N icephorm' brorher. the p~trici,n Leo Ph""",,

,.. 1'", .x>mpl<. Th<oph.nt> pl. y<~ • highly ;-;"bk ,01, in ,h< w<ddinS of M .. i.
l«.f'<"u, ."d P.t<. of Bulg" i" ;, ;i " p, ]!"
.. , On '0 ... ,"n", k"uwn <hK~r t!"",,~h "'"bi,' '0"""', v."lk,'-C,,,,,d. II' .... '.
>. I. Hi - l 1. On do< ..if, of B"J" P\ooO! . oJ C",,,,,,,,h,,, C. lop.«v. 'Or;",,,i,

n<ko!O<ykh s,,,h,dakh ,hi"i "y"yU', VV ,. ('!9')), JJ]- ~O', 00« J _ "
A, R . mb.uJ, L""pil< 1''' ''')(,' ,;"k. C"""""". 1'''p"I'',~.i'' (P"", rS70), p, W
V.,ili..-C.n"d, ;1,. .«, " I. JJJ"[' I, DJ"'''\ 'Porod"" F~h' , ll...";/, ,u.,v•• '1
(1976). '91-'96, h<r< 'Jr.
Dcvfiopm"'l in DyzaMlium

c~plUred S~yf' s comi n A bu'l 'A"'ir. '00 The Porphyrogenitus and

his ' Upportl'" both hadly needed som" sign of military meee",
T he re,ult wa, a spe't~cubrly innovative ceremony, In it.
Constantine VII perform<:d the ancient ritual trampling of an
enemy leader. last atte sted J2 5 ye"" earlier at the cundu.iun of the
de.perate muggle against Thoma, the Slav (fig. 8. p. 145)."0 The
fact that Ihe celebration involved the rarc ,~Jcalio of a high-ran king
Arab in an unspecifi,-d location of the cap;t,l HC precious dUl, to a
dnailcd knowledge of the ceremony,
Scholars h,ve long recognized that m.ny of the descriptions
cont.ined in Consu11tine Porphyrogenitu s' ceremuni. l compi-
lation arc based On account, of ,ctu.1 performance'." I Moreover,
it ha, b<:en ,hown thlt in the absence of contradictory evidence
like obsolete titk, or illappropriatc numb<:rs of emperors Or
empresses, it must b<: asmmed th ,t the!.C descriptions were derived

," Ibil., p . ll l,
". S<yl" ''', Thum. "" .11- •. I, ""go, b< ",,,<d 'h,,' S"Y 'i"'" '«"un' '''S~«,,« ,h.
",,,ory', >,(op< . nd im,,,, "Of "" A..,'I 'Ai.> 'j" cQ",m.nd '<l~,;b; l i'y, .." on hi,
blood (00[1('("011 u';,h S.yf- S<yli""" Thorn. ,,,.'!-"", ,r, V.,iI;',-C.""d,
A, ... ,. " '. JlI, j,,,Mf",ult w .I<"-,mi",, ""10", ,f ''') , ",I"",,, ,h,,,, "'igh'"
I><1w,,,,, ,0;, meiden, .od ,he ,,,,, jmony "n the ,t'Sh rly I"" "f",vi,) 196,-6) of "'"
1""" ,nd o.lf_G,,,,,k Ahii F;", ,1_!,,,,;. ". R. Dvouk, AU F;,J" "" A ,",1oa
[);'"'" ""d ! H / . .. ,\ I" 1•• 1.11', Au, ....... 1.. , "" "" p", ,;. Il..<y<l<". ,!~ J), PI', !OO--- I,
who d.;"" 'h" .11 A"b p,;"""n-him",lf ,,,opted. " • '0'<" of tlo!: ,,,,po,,,,',
1"'",," ,1 " ",m -,uif,,,J , .. <ok.,;, ;n • pi". ,, 11«1 aTOM ( _ Hippodwmd),
nil ",,,,,,ooy "
,.0,.nObo""h""'"<1<..,,1''''''' of (:o","o'ioopl,', s.-,.i."iu,"
by ,h" of ",10" ..... b p';lOOm, <.~. A.A. y."I;'"
~ ...... _
k,. ,""u,", , I'"" ), '.~ - 61 . On Ab~ F;"" H,A.R. G;bb" 'Abu H,i "I_!;hn,d,"i',
E''T,I'l''''di''J 111_. , 1'\100) , "11-'0 .
'" Imp"'"'' p"",r fu, tI,i, ,I",,,y w» .J-on<eJ on G. O. "o~()"k ,-E . ~'rin, 'I);"
K,Onung ~"o" un~<n .... z.,,,,",,,,,;"nbuch ... (:hrunoh>g;"')",
un<! y"r"'U"g'i<-
"h",hd;ch< B<m" kung'"'. BY' .. 7 (191"1, J 3J-.'J . 10", ,iJ--\lQ, wlo!:", '''y pro"
'0., ' 0, "mm"; .. "XI fo, ,10< io",I1",,,," of. ""'" p",j"d, ILk m " " ,.1 """
""",n f' om 'h< h"tori,, 1""'''n' of, .. ,",,,II,,,,", of ,h, p,w i • .-<h Th<ophyl>.«".
on t f,h ,"uy vB, "",,";n<d II .... " JI . To., .J,p"';"" <o"~." "","b. lly of , ..
,roo"""" of . 11", '''' '0 ,~< pro,.n, ""'" ,nd 'h< "'PP"";"" of 1>',,,,,,,1n.""" ,..
;n'"'f,,,I"Kon '" ,upp"";"" of m,,<ri>.1 wh ich i. «."'0' 0' j,,,I<,,"t '0 •
nmm"; .. "'""" upd""'g f."
or ob.Jl<" ,,,.,,, «c, Th< du, t, ' . w .. Ot:ftv<d
fmm " J! pm'" t o<> ,h.t. no no"'" wh" Coo".",i... VI1 h"~ ,,, l f lOy' .boo, u,;nK
ooly 0,,1"'""" fOf Uook , IlJ.oon. J ,6" ,- '7). ,)", ",rond book doe! in r"" u,;li"
WHtt'" d""u",,,,u, 0., tI>< d", of ,h" V'" of Boo, >, Pu.y , 'C",m",,; , 1 Book',
V· H .. .
Hig/' ride oj Iri~mph; 956 - 7l

from the mos! ,cunl prrjormall(( of a rite prior to the work's

compil.tion.' '2
!look 2. chapler 19 of the CercmOilY !look de'cribc~ " ritu,,1
.ttc,ted only Once in the sevcn hundrcd ycar! !Urvcyed herc: the
(a{(alio of. ,.ptivc Ar>b emir. Furthermore, Ihi • .cClion of Ihe
Ceremony Book wu compiled between 957 ~nd 959· In other
word" Dt (er~molliis, 2, 19. w., written down, a! the laIC\{, two
;lIld a half YCH' after Ihe riuul humili" tion of Abu'l 'Ai~'ir;
.t the eHlien. the tr"mcription could taken place within
month, of the event. The conclusion i! inescapable: Dr .tmnoniiJ
2, !9 i! baled On thi! event.
The irn~ge WOn of thi, ceremony is a vivid One. Initial
eeremonie, imide thl' Gre.t P.I3Ce complex open it c.rly in th e
morning: they involved the veneration of Comuntine Porphy-
rogenit", by members of the ",na tori.l order .nd personnel of the
Chamber (koubouklcion) "nd the form;uion of a procession. J 13 The
cortege went to the I-bgi. Sophia for. th"nk,giving se rvice,
including the chanting of Marim hymm deemed appropriate to.
victor)' fnliva!.' U N"xt, the emperor .nd palri:lreh progres'iCd to
the Forum of Comt;"'tine in ""pa rate processions. The emperor
stopP<'d and remained stand ing at Ihe top of the steps by the
marble base of. ero" 'iCI up at Ihe foot of the Porphyry Column,
while Ihe p:llriarch entered the liny meine of Holy Comtan-
tine . ,,. Arab priwners werc lined up facing Ihe emperor;
triumph,l offici.l, (o! bIIWK&'PIOI) held them by the h~nd, a,
ooldicrs {t:X~CWtcu} brought forth their coptured spe.u and
't.nd.rd,. "~ A PJ~llts (hen intoned <I victory ode inspired by

,,' F. Dolg«. r<'. of OmORo"ky - S«m. ·Krunung""J,w"8e,,·. in BZ. )6 1'9)6).

,. I-J7. h,t< "" .
'" (.It m .. l. '9. Uo"n. 007., ~ - """·" ·
". I" •.. 601.' !- (;",,;'-7. Th< .urhor cj,,",,, 'ppmpmt< ".mp"''' npoc<oci. ¢<>P.p*.
E. F"IIi<ri. /. i". hy .. ",,"," mk,;ul"'''''' ,0 1, . ' - lb;,. S,...!;, «<Ii . "'-'Jbi,
(V,"nn C"y. ,.,00-6). !>ere J. )66: 'Ed col ]'/P<'. ;/.iJ•• '. l'l ' TtIX<><
j~~r0l"m<o • • ;114..•.• 0: T ~ iA«PPl!f ""'P""~i'i"~ TI~~'~plll ........ . . '19""".0.
m .. l. 'yo Boon. 609 ..... '~ · On 'he C"tumn: J.nm. c,t, ~rz.. pp. n - lo:
, ., [.It
Mull<r_W;'''''r. Bil4l,~'."". PI'. >jj-" On t!>e ,h,;ne.J'nin. f!l/i", . p. )06: .n J "'1' .
C 'C"'''''n ';,,,,', ~o'ph"y Column ,nd t!>e C"'l'd ~r S,. C"",,,",;n<·.
(0..<).'/0' ,~o IPK1" ..·..·~o,jn.W;.{l"I'K~ j,,'p<I"~. '0 ('9'''- ')' '0) - 10 .
'" [.It en .... . '". !Jonn. 009. ,!-610.' .

DevrlQpmeul j" By;ramium

Mose, Victory Canticle (Exod. 1S, 1- 1S), wh il~ other psallaj and
the as~mbled crowd (b AIlO(:) answered in rcspomoria l fa,h ion."7
When they finished singing, a delegation consisting of the
Logothete of Ihe Dramc,'" the Domestic of the Scholes, the
Jlmlego; who had p,, ,ticipated in the expedition, i.e., N icephorus
Phon, ~nd, prcsumably, John T zimi,ces, among oth~n, as well,,,
the turmaTchs and le.. ding officials (pEd: TWV roVpJ.lIlPl.WV Kill
J.leya.i.wvipl.t.wrwv) of the eaSlcrn them"" lcd Abu' l 'A~ 'iT to Ihc
triumphmt emperor and placed him unde r the imperial feet, even
as the protostrator pushed Ihe emperor's lance 3gaimt the c.ptivc',
neck. Simultaneously, Ihe other priwnc.. fell Hat on Iheir faces,
the Byzantine soldiers Illmed the lsl.mic standards on their heads
and the p,al/fJ intoned the prokrim~MoM or respomorial psalm
'What God is great like Ollr Godl Thou art the God who works
wonders' (ps. 76 (77 1, 14, IS).'" To devoul onlookers , the
selection oftnis text mUSt have enhanced the solemn chacactn of
the occ:" ion . Thanks to the cathedral \Crvices of Ihc Gr~at C hurch,
it would have been familiar to th e crowd from lOmc of the
liturgical year's leading fco>!>: vespers of Christm., D~y, E~'lcr
Sunday, Low Su nd.y, Pentecost .nd, most 'ignifiGllltly, from the
procession .nd ellch.ristic service of 16 Augull, COlllmClllor~ting
the Virgin's delivery of Constantinople from Ihe Aub siege of
718.'20 Once .gain, the Virgin was recognized for hn decisive
int~rvcntion ag~inst the infidel enemies of the Byz.ntine empire,
A, the "'lvice continllcd, div ine ",ccor was implor~d with the
Great Rog.tion , ch~ntcd as f'lf as the very ~pprapri~te line ' c~st
every enemy lIndel thc emperor', feet' ; thc 'peCtators rejoined
with for ty K yric cl eisons and the p~{fiarch conclllded with the

'" tdentily un kn",.n: fo, I p''''''I'''il''pbi,,1 Ii", "'< R . Guill • ...!, ·Le. lo&",h', ...
~ 'u<i<> m. 1'.;'10'" .dmin,,"";" "" l'Emp i« byu"';n', R£B, >9 (1'11 '1, 1-' , J,
.." )) - 6; d. u""n', Cotp." 1, .03. ""_ 4)0. T .. "'~'" {m , .. mili .. ,y',
p.t1;C<p"ion m 'ho '"""""'y "oIlv;o.", 'h" fm ,.. 103°''''<', ",II "'. It m. y h.v<
b<en d..., '" h .. 8<0",,,1 ,<,p"m;b;l«y fo. f~";g" .If.i" 01 (o. r,""g" d ,~n""'"
d",;nH ,'';, "'y in ... <mp;,, : '><yli,,<> "'«" In .. , .il",1 bunl<H1lIoll "id<,
"","'I 'Au';, wn w<ll "",«I in c'poi",y: Thum. ' 4'-'1-4·
'" D< ,,,., . , '9, 110"", 610,6-6"_4·
'" Typ"'" M"""" , . , )1 .11-'" ' .96.9- ,0; >. 10' ."-)' , . , ) ! _,,- ) .nd t .)74 . 19-><>-
Higl, tide oj Iri"'''pl, ; ~56- il

appropTiatc praYl'f ,l21 Abu'l 'A,. 'ir and hi, mmp,nions were
then m~rched off ba ckw ~ rd. , [heir face. >till tnrlKd toward thc'
empe ror and hi. lieutell""t' _ Four !,ITOUp_' C~ ",e forw>rJ ,,,J took
up their customary pOlitiom IIcar COIII!Jntinc: the ,lm'~lai of the
two f.ction" mem bt'" of the Arithm", or Vi gl, (OIl{' of the unit,
entru' ted with the defcme of the' Pa lan'), the oarmlcn of the'
Imperial Vessel and the pJd l,,,;,IZl At ~ sign from the praip<>silllJ,
Joseph Dring:.. , th ese' group, broke imo a gre]t fom_part
.CclOl m~tion, beginning with thc cu,tOtmry wishes for long lif"
followed by invocations of Chri,t, hailing the contin ual growth of
the empire of the ROtl1lns ~nd endin,; wi,h protest~tioo~ of
loyalty , This wa S the sa me .ccbmation u",d by the army on the
oeosion of victory celebratiOn< or impcri.1 largess,' n The ritm ]
concluded with a decl.IfIJtion of the Polychroniun ;md , ;" in hi s
gr:llldfath,>r's vcry different triumph in the preccding celltury , the
emperor retired to the Virgin', Forum _,hrine. There Comuminc
remov~d the eb bor:i!e 10rM h(' h"d worn during the ceremony,
got on. horse "nd f{)(k b. ,-k to the' palace,' "
T his pnticular kind of imp ,'ri,,1 victory cckbra!ion involved no
triumph.1 entry; it was \ail'-'r-n,,,d~ for an l'rTlp<:ror who ha -
bitu"l ly resided in Con'tantinople_ Yet it Jvoi,kd JI wdl the
tr"dition "] drc,," seuing. Dy it, lil,ion of the liturgical thJnbgiving
service with ~ very politic~1 triu mph.1 rin," I. th~ Cl'rl'rnon y of 9 56
marks a new ]X"k in th,' litm,;"."' impact on im]Xrial victory

'" 0. "' .. ' , '0, O""n , ~, ' ·'- 0, 0" II" M'I';:~ ,,,wi "" T7r~"", M".,,,, >, >'} J,
L. CI" ~""" 0;",-""", ,- ,,
1'''-ft'''{ . ,-, i" "'"If
I'Mg',!"" ' " "'J' "'''
I' Elli" ~'" ,"'
(pm" 189\), pp, ,\-6, ,,,d
G . P. Mpd;"oru" 'A';, ~a,c' , ep~" ~"'''''~ ,,~ I ~~'K~
t-i~"K)onl~,i~, I 1'%1) , " ' 7 - 10, h.", " '~. y"."" tox" m p,int<d on F,F.
Il,;gh 'm ,n , I,i"',~i" 1:.,,,,"
_J W,~"" (O ,fo,d, ' !''''-'), )"', lOll', ,tId <'po J eo,,_
b.d."loX"., ,i, ~ ,if.ol, (:''''''''""" ,,,,I <dn (V,'n"", " )0), pr, » - j ,
", ,)" ", __ >, '~, [kon", "' .' r'" On ",_.~',." fl. , (;,,,1 1,,,,1 , 'E,oJ., ' ''' I'H'r-
pod,om, do Ily"n<r, IX . 1..<, f.c"o", '" X' ,,,,,,k,, l , m <Kg,",,,'ion', HS , ]0 ( '9">9),
' - '1, h... 6 - 1 ; d . O i'",mm;o", Ii"", p. ]'" .nO """'W, Ch , j , pp. 'H - j_ 0 "
ll>< A , .. h..", O,kononlloc., L""J, pp , j j ) - " cf (;" ,II, ,,d , ,,,'''"''"''_ " j6]-'7,
on 'M 6 " '"'<", eo",,, n" tOC \'1 1, Dt oJ .. . ''''r ., _", "r.
M ", •• ,, ;k - J"n k;n >, 1,'" , f.
C,,,,",,, pr, '~jlf, 0" ,I>< ,,«',
I,y"" ,, l\-1 '''gu, 'I'u , ~hp,. C u lu","', pp_ '_7
'" D< "',,', l~, Uo"n, 6 11 " " ~", ' l, (>I ' ~'n.~", GU ill",,!, I""i",i.,,,, I, , i), W" I,
,Ii~~' ... i. "", ,I>< ,. m< >ceI"",
110" "'''un " V. (" __ 2, H. Ilun", OW , ,If, '" I",,"
'he n,b,ic jJ<mif.., i, " 'A,ci> m"i<>" >c,i>",,<rl by ,0. "'''Y du ",,~ "I< 'Ot y
",kh" ,i "", . nd ,"umph,. N,~, 'h" '"" "n,.. ,,,1,,,,,,,0" ., ""'~ .1,., by ,0. mlly
",·o.n ",m. mu n'~'-.n" m ,",i"""" ~,vc n «, ,h<m", tho <mr<"K .'
". ,)< "'.. " '9, Ikon", '''_''-'7·
Drvtloprnem in Bpamium

ritu,ls. The public phase of the observ.,lCc, bcg,n in th~ 'peopl~ ' s
church' , the Hagi, Sophia; "ven the most "",cular element, the
ritu:>.l humili,tion of Sayf" comin, took place in the pre""nce of
the patriarch; its ch,neter w" deci,ively in formed by the broad
role assigned to liturgical clement' in it, ritual make-up: hymn_
singing, , liuny and a prc k, im.non associated with some of th e
great fcasts of the Comtantinopo litan ecde,i.,tical calendar,
The re",on which induced the appropriate to shift this
ceremony out of the more tndition:.! setting of the Hippodrome is
not known . But several factors help expl.i n why the Forum of
Comtantinc could be viewed :... suitable alterna te ,ite. A, the
Typican of the GTe.t Church m.kes abundantly dear, the Forum
of Con,r.n tine w •• one of the most im portant n.tion"l pivots in
the procession.l liturgy of the c.pita!.''' The Forum and more
p.rticul. rly the .hrine of the Virgin located ther<' had played .n
im p<.>r!.nt role in the trium ph s of Comt:lI1tine', grandfather, • fact
of whkh the Porphyrogenitus w.s cert.inly, .ince he
himself recorded it in the Imperi.l Expeditiom. '26 In a w.y
Constantinc's sakmn procession ro the Forum WaS the counterput
nf the fmal leg of his grondfother', triumph.l par,de, , solemn
proCCjS;on from the Forum. A, , ,;te, the lorgc, open character of
the Forum combined with the raised pl,tform of the column ',
b,.e mUSt .fforded excellelll conditio", fo r ..sembling.
crowd and performing ,ymbolic g~stures within eas y view.,n
Finally, the growth of COnltnerce in the ninth , nd ,enth century
w", contributing to make th is ,ite one of ,he city's chief
commerci.1 g.thering pl.ces. A re.son giv~n for the con\!ruction
of the Virgin 's-in-the-Forum was to provide. religiou. center for
the merch.nt, who flocked to the Forum. ". By the middle of the
tenth century, the Forum ofComt,ntine and thc laSt stretch of the
Me" leading to the Sophia were muming their definitive
char.~tcr .. Comt. ntinoplc', bazaar. 129 It is difficuh to -'. void the

'" I,,, '"" mo<t r"'qo<n,ly me"';,m,d munu"t<" ' in ,o. Typ''''" ' Typ'"'''' M .te",.
'Ind" 'op<)g"ph;qu<·. '. >7). •.• • -W,wc..
'" r..p. Exp ., lIun". 6'''.'-'0 .
•" So, 'h< «0'>-«"'0" of ,he mo"um<" ", foom" .,," in Muil,,· WlC"tK" B.IJI,x;), ... ,
p. 'lo . • "~ <op . M.n~o , 'Po'ph)·,y Column'. p. ,~ . fi~. I.
'" J'''", q li"'. pp. >4\-6.
," Th, ""' cOn""''' "h"m<~ by N, 0, , 000",0&, ,h ,ow viviJ Ii~h, on 'h<
mmm«d. 1 .<t i.i,,,, of th, fooum in 9J)-9: ·q.,dqu" bout'q"'" d, Coo"' ,,·
High ,id. of "'''mph: 9j6-7Z

impre$\io'l th:u by d~cidin); to 'U);(' hi, victory celebr,tion in its

mid,t and paying hom.g~ to the merch~nt\> ,hrinc, Constantine
Or hi, ecrernoni .. 1 officers were not i"different to the imp .. ct it
might hwe on the sector of th~ population puticularly associated
with that He. of the city,cape.
The n~ture of the 1l1ilit~ry '$ r~rrc,cntatio" in the triumph of 956
,how, lignificant development ,inc<' the <"ady Byzantine period.
As in Bclis~riu,' parade four centuries e;lrlier, the commander of
the Hmi~, stilllc:!d, thc enemy leader to the empero"$ feet. Now,
howevcc, the Domc$tic of the Seho1<-, is not alone: in addition to
the logothctc of the' Dromc. he i, :!ccomp.nied by the theme
eomm ~n dcrs . They;" turn ore "corted by their rank;"g mbordi_
natn. The ceremonial role of the military has become a wlleg,al
one. i" which the comm~nde" and their mbordinates participatc
~, ~ group, projecting fo, all to s(T their solidarity 3S an
org~n;z~ t;on:!1 and lo ci~1 unit. This development be-comes eV('n
mon° ciO'lUCllt wh~n wc tit what ra,c~ we ,::In to [he ~l1onymom
titlcs ofth,> Ceremony Book 's account. Th,- rCCent rCVerS<.-S of the
Ph ocadc, ~[S ~yf'< h,,,,ds were .urely more "vid~nt to contempo-
raries than they ne to US.'30 Th ,- ..tfec! on th~ crowd must h~vc
been ",ns,tion.l when they saw two or mure Phocas kimmen
)c:!ding the fe",,'d Sa yf' s rdatives to the Porph yrogcni[us' fect. By
thc lame lights. it becomes clearer why Abu'l 'A s~ 'it w.s trc~tcd
roy~l1y after !he purely ,ymbolic humiliation in the' Forum. for
S.yf', treatment ofGr<-ek pri,iollers i. reported ro h,ve improved
markedly 'OOtl ~ft~r [hesc evcnt,.'3'
Twice mOre Constantine celebrated victories over the Saracens.
Fo, ,cam", that are not de:!, rod:!y, both Ob""v , "ce, ,hifted b~ck
to thc more traditioll.l ,itc ~lld p~r.dCl ill the Hippo-
drome. The fim took phce in September or October of956 and
muked 'he victory or [h,il Hexami!ite., patrician and "'~"go, "f

'mOp""" X' •., 1";'. ],'yon, HHJ'<-";'"M' 1'..1. 1'"",,,,,", ' 1')". oor. '~I'97')'
)41-)6, of. C;u,II,"d. T. p"S"plo". '. 7JIf. .
". 5<. fu, . "mp"' ,~. ",;tud< ,,,,,,. ,,1 S'yf b.".y<cl by '0' I", ,.nth--c<ntu,y V. P... I,
18HG. ' .1701. , I . ,J . H. [),kh. y<. ·Vi,. ,. !'.ulij"mot";" M""" LmQ'. A8, Tl
I' !y'J. '9-7.: ,)6-1,. ~<'. 70' · . . O:.U" nl ~,I"" 1""' ~poc re. t, LlI"n~.o'"
",p,w",~ov. J~;.o< olt ro,oc !~,al t{ J,"~~",C X.~pM.c . .. , on lh. d". of
,hi, «X!. il,' .. pp. ,, -1,.
'" v."]ic.- (:.n,,J. 11,..." '. '. JOO .
Drvdopmwt in Ilyzant",m

the Cibyrr.eot theme, over ,In Islamic fleet from Tarsm, ,n The
~cond occurred in late 958 or 959 and hailed the defeat of N .g. al
K... ki by John T zimi,ee, ,,,,d hi, joint operotion again't SamO,.I.
with the regime', i'minencc grise, th e pa ,al;:oimomtnQS Basil
Lec.penu,_ IlJ In .11 prob. bilit y, one of !l,e'>C ccleb[:ltiom served ..
the model for the ceremony described in the Ceremony Book, ~,
20, ,)4 This rim.l h.,. more archaic flavor than the triumph ufthe
Forum: it take, place in the tr.dition. 1 '>Ctting ufthe Hippodrome
.nd i, relatively free of liturgic.l clement', It was integrated into
th e gen eral ceremonial for imperi.l appearances in lh.- Hippod-
rume . nd .ssociued with fuut ur hurse r.cco.'" It fe.tured the
ancient of c<lptl.lred arms. booty, fI'g', pri,onen .nd horse.
and nmel, . They were led around the trock and lined up facing
the em peror. The ,arne performers intuned the same acciamHion
.. w •• used in the Gre.t Forum. As they '~ng it, the Anb, fell un
th eir face, .nd ,oldier, turned the ,.ptured b.nncrs up,ide
down."· Even though centuries before Justinian II had u~d it in
this '>Ctling, the la/catio i, ab,ent from thi, perfor-
m.nce, offering • preciou, indication that thi, ritual w .. an
oplion.l dement from th e repertory ofimperi.l ceremoni.I, to be
trotted OUt as the captives' status and circum,(ances dictated.
The Phocadc! werC again u the center of the ceremonial .(age
. fter Leo Phoe,,,' victory over S.yf on 8 November 960. Leo
seems (0 have ~n granted a triumph.l entry: like Petrona, •
century earlier, he was received with great splendor by th e
emperor: he was allowed to stage a parade ofbouty .nd c.ptives in

' " Th<oph . 0>n'_ . 6. '9. Il<>nn. <l'-"' - <H- '9 ; d. V,,;Ii<v_C . n .. ~, A,.".,. >. '. 1M;
F.. f.i<;khojf. S"" ;f;f , ... S",.lt" r ; ~ ,,,;'</,... 101.,., .... ,1b,,"dl.o"i_ D" M;"","",
."r" .rz ..r;",,,Io,, ",i .."1;,,10,, 1/,1''''''';' (IJ.-,....! (Ik'hn . l<;l66). p_ ]lO.
'" Th<oplt . Coo,. 6 ... , Bonn, 46,. ">-46,." cf. V."li,v-C. n"d, A" .. , . ,. ' . )6.- ,.
,,. 0. '".. '. 10, Boon. 6 ll .' ,~, J. 'J. On, loin' that the modt:t ""y h, .. I",," ,I><
«",mony <>f 916 (om<> hom ,he inmuctlon, for tho arnoll'''''''' of 'he pc" ,"". in
",hICh the I""i,ion;ng <>f hon" or ,,",<I> i, ,,,,",hed in ItYF""h"iut '"m l, .,
,hough oon. It.d f,~u ,.., d;n ,I>< .«OU", 00 which ,he <h.pI" i, b."" ."d .. ooe
mighl<xp«< fo" ", .. I <niP-II,m<n'. 6, ).7 - 1, nlll ", ..ltm I~~O' ~ K~I dp~;"',
'~I~""" """"3,..",, d«rjllw. _.. ; ,[ 61 <_3- " who" ,he ... Moo""m,""of til<
p."d.< .t< ,,,,h d.<l<nb<d U i,,,;nll und" .... y. ,nO ,b." ;, n~ m,ntiun uf <>p,ut<d

'" I'i'.
' " Dt W .• ' . lo, ll""n. 6" .• 1; d.. • ' p - j ,nJ 61j . ' <-'j .
61P---{;1j .• .
the' Hip podm",e. I.,"" ""d }m fel low <o}d;e" WNe reworded"
well wi,h ". rio",. ''' ''I'''cif, O"d I'"""mio",.' ·"
Tht" rceo nq,t<'s t ofCrcte by Ni(c'pho rtls Phoc>< an c'vmt of w.,
capital i", 1'0"'11'" fur d,e el1,i rc c·."ern M ~ditcr"",~an ba,i". uo
N iccplo " " " . 1'1"'." to h, ,'C' t" ~ p,;,",ed ,h e Ill"''''' "f a <ri""'ph . for
he eot",arkcd ccrui " '1'0,1, ,nd ivc', lo r th,. cct<'",ony as SoOOn
~l he had stor nlC'd CI,."da x in March of 9(,"" · Ilack in the
<.pi tal. ,h e " ,'W< w,.
gnTted wi,h. tI",nhgivi"ll SC' rvicc"o Like
hi ' bru,hc' ' wo }"Colt, bd"rc. Nicel'h",,, , wa , ",.gnif,cem ly
ren';v,,') by Kom;","1 It when he ",,,,,,,,·d
to Const.nti nopic
tI' Jt 'prlllg or ~,,"'n1l"r,'" U"c ,,'(o""t indicate! th .. the
«·,,''''U'' }" wl' in ' pin'') by P""'opius' de,~ r i p[ i o" o f Ilcli sarius'
ltiump},,1 pru~r~" , Pho,.,,, W J' a))u,,"<"<1 to st ' lte a "i"mph~l
," On ,.,., "p"d""m. C.n"J , [),"" ,,,. ' . ~oo/I. """,~,,, ,,,,,. O~J"" U, pr· ') ~.
F", ,.,., yoc!o'y <.kb""""" Tf.,urh. C"H.. 6.•. " "00" .,.,. ' 0- 1" Lro 1><""" ,
I/i""" .... <,t C 11. II.", I ~ '"' '' . "" 1. ' P ' " .6, :"-yl""",, lhum. ')0.1" -0',
7."""" . '<. ' J." 'J. H';tH•• ,· W"I"t. " " ·' - 1·
'" Ah.."iI,.. 8""'.,,, 1<1 .. ", f'p ";-'1' ~Kk hfllf, s.,.,~~, pp, JO' J.
,., l", ["" <0". '. ' . !\on", "'';-'0
S1'~. M '~ .. [~."' , ""·'0 _>0·
,., S1'" M '~ . lko,,,, 7)9." " /,<,',., .,,)..;, N ;«ph"'''' w" b>c' on ,h...,,"" (r"m
m I.. , """ C,""d. /}r""";' p. ~J . Tho ",,",eo, ,,< " odd, .boo,
,h" <"<,<"'o.. y .
xyl;"" '''" <1< " " ",,< w,""" ,"" ,h .. N'",u, w" nu< ,'Io~',d ' 0 ,I>< <"'''
"p,,,1 '" """ 'We)·Ii '"". Thum . ", 'y- lI ; Zon'",. IIii" .... '-Wut.. .. ' .',{'- ';
M "b,d (OIy"'. A •• ,,,",. ,d . I. IH k" (Ilo"". ,i JOI. W'. l1-'" s<,h,,<, "" """
o(,b< '"um ph of",,) =m, '0 imply ,b" N'«phu,", " '" ,<1<"''''''8 h" C"""
""t Sy"''' vic,,,,.,, "muh ....".,,'y· '['bum. 'H .JO 00. Hut l<o ,.,., I",,,,,,,,
<I<",,,k. t wu "'P"'" a",",,,,,,, .oJ S)'''' M . ~ pi"" ,f>< C!<"" ""''''rb m.d",
Rom'""' II, " ..... "''' ,hJ '" ">< '''''" ~(,i>< ~Y"'" "' '''''pb. Ti>< ""h"" ,y,,( ,b.
I",", """ '" =m, p"(,,,hl<, S)'"'' w" [oll»w"' g 'h,' I" " I", P'" of Th,-uph .
e"",., ". ,n,,,, ,ho,,1 y , It", 'h< ""'t<. ,.. b;k l."n. ,.. " ,i ng i n .~", d« '" "" I.. ~(; ~
,n<l<l'"''' d,,,, .nd '" I" bl< ~."' «> IMo, ,,<.ik . BY'''''','''''".,.... pr, jOO-" ,f H' ,
,,,d )9' - "1 . N.M. fug~m' . • ~,'" ltu I"'"',,,,, Bum" rr , "xi,""'" G.
'Web I" m b.,~". l.'. ' '"P'''''"' by"""''" J. di.,;;"" ,;;, "",' S "ip""" I'J.o<.. (p "i" ..",,).
p. w, o. " ",d N.M P''''g''''' M, f#,.Ma10<. b ~1i" M"" .,1 ,I! .ol~~. ",;, 011
·'A).,"" .... 'II<: KI"i''1<".. Kp~m'" I~'Q",., ~IPi.rO~~'·'.' II k " , I;"", 106111 . r,)6
... t! " " ""t
~, ~r JO- 9.• 11 <1«<1" ,1)(" I""u","), of 01", <;'" ''''''''rI>.01,<
"pl."".", fo. d,," " ... f",,,,,, " <""" <~",t h)' ~)'" M.W '-' ,,'~«'''« <h"
N;« rhDm, " UK' ,,, C"""'''''''''pk in "'" " ,b. "P"" ",.t., of Rom,"", II,
Ilon", 71 , " , ,,~ .... u '~/i'~ riJx,.... • ,>ii<. '1' .6."
d~~;.a". Fm .,oj. 'We,lit ...
"' ht< """" 'PI'<'" w «1>0.> ~'·m. M.~ , ""'h,,,
10< """" ,h"
N"'pho",,<n ,md ,10<
<'p",1 by ,h< "r"" ,,,,,,", <;>f·[h"'Vh,,..,,, ~ h,'" B,," ~,, """ ".!"'" m.d W P'"''''
'h", Thu"" ,,,,<1- 9' ,i.,.. "
I> _ . 1c N"~If<l""" ";.''''''' 'II< "'GOo!>.,.... ,~
1"",,,.. . 09~.,~ ..,1 ~';." .wi",,"""·..t. Kw.~u"""".o;.u, Th" '"M "" ,h ..
x.I,uo' """'" " '" h"... d~ , Ikd on H"n~." eHe " . Lu ,h,..", 01" " .. mph of .,0' ,
",1.<",< SC)I " ,o' "01.,,, 01,,, 1'......-" ~.., ",u.l l, {u ,bidJ..·" '0 ,,,", ,.,., "'p,,,L
1' .. ,,1<- of!ll<' u ptiv~ SJ[.<:~tl"
all .:14.1 in w hitl', from I", OWI\
hum" to til<' Hippo<lromc, Lik e J" ,ti ni.n " g,'"cral , hl' w. \ obliged
to forq:o {Il<' ""e 0 (. 11",,,-, o r vchid,' ,IIlJ (d,'' hi. trill,,' ph " "
rOO L'" Th" p:... d~ fe,~"",'d {h,' {""Iilion,1 ordc'r of bomy
follow ed by p,",o",'r$_ O"luukn' Wc"fe ,ke'ply i",p"'",-,d .. "I
Niceph"'''', i" recollnitiun of hi. "'rvin" , W", pron1<m'd to the'
d ignity o f md,~im,)j and cn""q"d o'a'c ' 1-':,1i" with the dome, t;c,te
in the E.",·,I
Two y"~" btn, Rom anm wa. d~ :,,1 .'1(1 • ,h" ky " 'g<"Ky
1trnl:)':lnl to ,,·ttk it, alltl", ri, y'" Imo til<" '·.'-ll um rod" none
o,hn dm, Ih,' co"'lue 'or of Cre·,e. "o"'m'd w;lh fre,h lallrd,
from hi, ,,{Je k Oil Aleppo ., 4, A ",illenn;"m af'n AUg"''''s had
'ollgh, '" !tr;p Rom." gelleul , of Ihe {till'" ph ', pr~ll;)':" .nll at,
t'",y ,pr;ngbo.. d to P"WC', hi"o,y wa, l{or";"1: (ull cirel<-. That
come mpo,. ,i., perceived Ni"e:phorus' projected celeb"" io" in
,hi, lil':ht i, impli"d by Jo~ph Brin ga~' dfon to Phoca, vi,it to
,he "pit.1 in April of91'>3_"· Niceph",u' is <uppo!ol:d to hdvt·
alrc.d)' n',olved on rt'voh"io" whe" I", ""de hi' elltry im" ,h"
cit y. ,., I-k poi ntcdly rcmind,'.! Ih,' popul.,'" o( hi, pas, \ltt'«'" by
OnCe mun' di,playing boo t)" from Crell- in tIll' H ippodrome
p ... d,· . I-Ii . piety "ltd ils con tributio" to his virtur;," wn e
"mph~.ized by Ihe ~pp("r/.ltee .<nong Ihe 'po;h of J preeio", rdie
ofJoh" the B. pt;\" , •• A ecord;ng to ~ contem por.ry observer , ,he
public glorific.tion of ,hi ~ b,nl sueec" onl y deepened I'ho",'
hold on the popubr irn~g;n.ti()n_'·~ Wilhin IWO ",onth" hi,
troop' had pf<xl.itlll'd him Augu",,, frorn hi, f.mily strongbold
ill Capp~d <x i •.
," s, 0\ M'~ , I',~" , . 7 \0 ,0-""'.'. ~,,~, r' ,h" ,,,,,,In,,,,. ..." ""I"-""I "YH"" ~'"
"" iK>I< 1"-"""'" '" ·o"id h,,< , 110",«1 h,m ' 0 ""<"" '" '" 11K" '"'' "." , SYm ,\I,~:,
",.",J,,,~ ,oJ ,m,,,.,,,, (,f
''I'. lr",_. 61 w~~' " ,h" "',, "''''g l',oc"I""' ,·i, ."
on,«<Q<J"" ~>U"<. pmh,bl. Th<orh'"", A_M_ ,,,,,6.
I", B,.", ''I') . , , _ '00.,,_
'" l «> Ix"""" .• " ,~. """'"," 1)-'. ) , ~\"" 11.1 , •.• t~.". , 7''''·' , .
'" O<... u",~,ky, C,,'''''', r, " " (;".{I,,,", I.",,,,,,,,,,. " " " Sch l"","",~,'"
N',IP'-<, rr, 161H'. B,.,~" I" .... J, fu, '''~ ''' « , ,I .. , ,I", okl""<'J S"ph«.
L« .",,"u , (~ ,, - . !I m,~h, ).• , ","001" .1"".,.·,-1'1 ... · Sc\' I""·, , n ,,,,,, ""M _]>.
,.. C,".. J, 11,.""". pp. "",, - n,
, •• ScY ""'" num, " .... 9; d . ,OOv<. o. , ...
'" l <u Ix><"". " " , 11"'00. ) J. 'J.
'" I~I. , jl.' _' ,
'"~K'"'' ,,,"mph.1on")·, ./o-••dd,,,,, J< .k: ,~ &;:fmo, ...1... ,_
" ;0 ,",' ,,), ~ph!'~o'. I'hu< .. ,n,;..)·,J , '.nom ....... 1""P''''''
~y ,... ""uri< ",J
",,,," u ,",1 ,wok" ~J, jl .h-IO; ,( So,I" "", ') h"f", ' ) H ? - j'_

I! i, link wonder that the lISiIfp<'r !l~,,~ul" ",Ie",,, ""t.y iolO
Con.t"u;nopk .i",ul d 'n'~11. ;n '"Uct· th~n unc the
"iumph.1 """ie, or "Hli"•• utoc rJt', T he initia l .ccl.rrmions,
",hieh ",er<' .urd)· ,he pwd"C! of tCvCTi,h cumpu,ition .",1
reht· .. ,~I , wo"ld h~vc I..,~" 'luit,· "I'P'"pri;"c 10. triumph:
, .. W~IrOI11<. N"erh",,,, ",h" h" mll'ed 'h,' en,my" .egimen"!
Wdmm.'. N;cerh"'''' who h" ",hd ,Ilt' enemy', ,itie,'
Wek",,,,', ""''' ""u .. ~,""u' vin"" ,"v,'r "'II'"''
Wek"",,' '0 l<ll'. ,Ilfoll)!:h wit",,, d,e 1"~'''' h. ve h.,,,n ,uhjug,t<:d'
By you "'''''I,,,,b,<I Ism . ell". bt"'lI mllrk ", jlh tetrot!""
Fullow;ng ,Iw pren'd,'Il' " " hy Ib,;] r . ,,,1 the Forum triumph or
~5('. ,he church or th~ Virgiu_in_th,'_F<>rU'" ", .. ked. key
It"mitiun ill rI", parade' , t " TIl>! the lI~u'I',:r con!>C iou, 1y ""ploited
hi> irn')';t- 0" wi''''n prU'n'lt'd by \1 ... Vir!:i" is underscored by.
f.n whu ...: , i""ir"'>I"t, h" IlUl ),;",,,,,,lIy N-'-" .pp.~...,i'led . I" .0
')!:C when the datc uf impni.! invest i",,,' w.s Jupcrs litioul ly
c.hbrJtc-d to the li!\lf)!:i"a! " ,.,", wi"·,, pup"l.r bel ief i" ve",cd
(crr .;" .by< wi,h deep ,ml m y>< ... ious pO'ency. N icephotu •• I""e
eh",.· Aug"'t ,(, for hi . c""y • .,d wfOnJ!ion,' " Tht·liturgic.1
re"" "f ,h,' V If),;i,,'! vicl"')' ()V~r th .. At.b bc,it'!le" of Co,m.lI-
tinopk. ,h .. 'a'"" f.."" whi"h h.d nH ll,ihutcd SO much to
Nice rb"",.· fi N victory cdebration "' Dome' t;e of tht, Schole ••
w.,. fmillg .n"iver.."y of . ccc"ion .nd w"' ,urely "'C.1l! to <Ct
tbe ",ne for the fl'i,;n of ,he · dc,.th of Sa •• ce",' .
I' '''ci,dy tWO Y",trS later. fllrtb,", n'idcnn' of tbe divine f.vor
a'Tulllpany;ng tk "'"'T"'" a.m, cU lll,1 I,,· trumpeled. 0" tbe
tWO bund .ed J",I fort y-",,·t'mb .lIn ivc"., y of th,- ddivl' •• nce of
ConJtant;,,,,pk from the' A"b, "".I 'hc ,""ond .nniveulry of
Nicepho,,,,' cOTOnJ!ioll. th.' Dyz'llIillc "my u«upied T . n""
long. <OlIffe of gte'l! da"g'" ('" the' F..,L , •.• Nicepho,u., II could
"u' (.il '" e.p;taliz.· "" thi, . ucce .. and Ocwbcr wil1lc,,,,d hi.
triumph.l cllIry illlo tht, ,-il)', Th,' Ullly' , nUIIY-st .ndards which
had been )mt tU the ",,,b, u(Tarsus.1! the rCllw.y'J om"'t wen'

" . n. ''', " "", tlonn . <J' I,-,J", .','-<io& ~<'I<c.. r-<,~,Of<Ip<. I> 'po''''''''''''''''.
"f.i."",c ~";"I.k"., ~ • .i"'" ';;.0",. N'~~.,op" ~ .op~"".c dLu" t .. " ..." ,
"" ",,,-,,, ~"'3<.-.. • ,'J p.r,,.,. YI~,d, ;<I~f~,~", ~ ,i,"" ~,,3<o:, 5,. oio ~«f)I!<1"
, 9" J,' ~OO 'r~~,~. ';ll,~,k. ~,,<",<i,9~ , . ,
'" 1't4 .. <)", , - 1. '" Srt, <,g, T"" l~old . .... "'''.Ky', pr. ,6<\-7 , n, H,
" , C,,, ,,.!. 1>,.""". r O' J
nrvr/opmrm in BFamium

r~covcred ~nd se! up . , special dedication objecn in the Hagia

Sophia, Th e public waS gr>tified with racn and victory spec_
tacle •. '" To enshrine the memory of hi, succc", Niccphoru.
revived th e tradition of victory monUment" He had the bronze
ga, .. of f. ll en TH, u, and Mop.ueS!i. gilded. The one. he
di.pla yed on Ihe new fonifica!iom he waS com'ruCling around ,he
Great Pabce; the others added a modern !riumphal nOle the '0
iconog .. phy o( one of the key ~ "hilectur.1 setlings (or triom ph.1
ritual, Ihe Golden Gate.'"
The bold but Iruchcrous 'lSSaSlin.tion plot which broughl
Tzimis<;cs the purple also brought him serious liabilitie •. He
alicn3t,d the powerful I'h ocade., whose reaction would erupt in
revoh Ie" th.n. year after hi, accession ... • ju.t •• !.Criou. were hi,
diffieuhi .. wilh the patriarch J>olyeuClu., who exacled from Ihe
u.urp'" • hu milialion o ne ..: hobr hu rated a 'Byuntine C.nos.. '.
To obtain ccdniastiC31 ,ane,ion. T.imisce5 waS forced to "'parate
him>elf from Theophano, the source of hi, power.'" Hi,
cont inued need for a firm seat (or hi, ruk i, evidenced 10(] by hi, into the Ma ce donia" dynasty. via the respectable if
homdy daughter of Comtantin c VII.' ,. Against this unsettled
backdrop came word of renewed difficulties on ,he Bulgarian
frontier .
The campaign itscl(wu presented in such. way as to cmpha.ize
the divine favor which i. ,uppmed to h. ve attended it.
Although there is SO Ule discrepancy in Ihe .em.1 dale., Scy!itzn
2nd Leo Dea con comciou$!y Connect the most important battles
with ,he fea.t day. of the mi!itoty ",in\l George .nd Theodore
Str2tcl>les. ' • 9 Imperi . 1 .ucc~-.. w.,
."ribcd to their patron. ge: a
,.. 1.<0 0<"'0<> . •. ". IInnn, ~I .1- I I, xyli, «,. T1I~m, "O,ll-7.
'" x , I,,,.., Thu,n, ",0,17-14: If. Z""" .,. 16. >1. 1- 9, II ..""",. W""".
50 •. 1'-101 ·• . f ", Ii>< ;'\<'",f".,,,,,,
0( ,hI "' ''oj><>!;, wi,h ,10. Gm' P.I",
fo"ih""ion~ Gu, II."". T.I"'t",~~, I, 1,,1f.
G. xhlumb<IVI, I. '1,.,1"'- . " ..,..... !oJ . J • ... ; ; - ,;jt k. I W.,;I, , ~) , "71f, d.
,.. F. ))Otl'" /1,1'''''' no. 1)' .
o.,,'osonky. C..... ~ ~~ " . p. 'u.
... xhlumb<'I '" t,.pi,. I. 7' - 9 .
... xyh" .... 1'hu,", lOO,6j-6lb.u'" "" s, GWIX,. d.,), ,~ I.. loll, 17-19 (b,"", on $,
~,<, w y): d . lro ll<",on, 0, I . &nn , I j'.I' _ ". Cf llulICim.n, 1Ioo1.! ........
F"",,,,, P" ", n. I ... III f, IJO;I~". 'Vor Chm.. oIoJIor d<> K''''''''' F••buS'" d<>
K"","J"",n'l<" T ""',,.,, "'~<Il dJ< Ku"'n'. HZ. J' (101)), '71 - 0'. 11<" , 17-00,
W","", Ih,.,...,,,,,, h" 11«" follow," """ .

Higl, tide of "i""'I'/''- 956- 71

miraculou, ~to rm ",curred, thne wn,' ,,'puns of Sl Theodore',

pc .."".l p>rt;cip.t ;on in comb.t, ."d d vi,;uIlH), . pp<.r,ncc in
Cunlt.minople of th,- Vir~in and S( Theodore guaranteed the
cdcslial credibility of the imp<ri.1 PJTri~ide, '.0 While sti ll iu rhe
f,dd, Juhn h;m <c ir c,,,,.<ccrJ[~d hi, victory to the .. inn b)'
cckbr>tin~ Spcci ll vic(ory se rvices in h""or of S{ Geo rge and by
tra",fcrriog !U Theodore ~n ~ndCI" preros,,{ive of imprrial
wvcrdgnty: oue of the c~p lUred IOWns w"' Thcoduro-
poIiS, I·' Tha( rh h aWlU\phcrc or ,upcn,.mr.1 .uppon and the
app>rent !uborditwion of; "'pcri.l prcn ige to th,' cui! uf the u io t'
was no ~cdd e", in T zimj,ce, policy is con firm ",) by the triu,," ph.1
entry intu ConsWHin op le which conclnded the camp.ign (fiS ·
Leo the Deacon ~"d Joh " Scyli tz('! pro vide imerlocking
.(countS uf this ","cnt which He quite like- ly deri ved ftum the u rne
lust sou rcel~.l They revc.1 , cncmu"y so clusely rd~ted to rhe
de«:ription of (he I rn perial Exp<dil iun s d, . r it i. diffIcult to rule out
mm<' diren inA",-"cc ufth .. cun' pil at;"" ,'·· Y<'t cumparison uf
the <·"tr)' of 97! with the Expedi{iom lIlKO"c'" ,,'vn, 1gl~ti"g ~nd

, .. SHli"o, lhu ,,, , )o! "o- , O<) 'l

'" S, (;ru,~t: ;/'i' . ) 00.6j-6, (>0 , .... , ... ~ ' '''''0<'
",J" jW") n ,r. ~,~ 0.""". y, " ,
lion", '\1.' _., 0" ,'" '"~ " '" of • "w, "'~" ,,-'''"' ",~ , ~" ,ft" hi", "If in t",
'''''q'''' y,n.j ,10< ",ty M Oddk A~", "" m~0"",, 1 L M"n,,', .Lt., . ,1'" h,p""'"
On ""m ,1'"" ~M""''' '' '' h,", mo)" n ;1<{V' X',>«-k,,- , ~"' ....... "'f'" ~ I.. ,.,
' 1- )< 1' '>711, 27-)3; T",",,,',, h,J """tleJ ,ho.' """ P'''Qg''''< r", h,m "lf.
",n,min1 'h< Hul~,,;,n "p,,, 1 'tu"""o"r<,I,,, S<yl",,,, Th",n, ,.~, .. - ,,,; l..«.>
[)'KOO ,~. '. Il0l,,,, ')!" ~- ' O
'" A,,,,,h<, ~'" ", ,,,,I< "'hleh ,,, ,,~,,,,j ,h< '''I''"",""t k g"im"y of T ,im ,,,,,'
"'''' P'"'''' w" d.. d i" 0 "'y in, "''' '""' i,1 ~ ",I", o( • ,,,I< w" h • '''"pl<-, po.-' ""
,nd ,10< ,at..", " Oon _ ", ~ 'nd ,'To ,10< U'''''_"''''''g )01 ... "Id Tho.-OOo .. , m,ny
y""'" Ev,n ,Iocn, ", no< 'ymo """ode"d 'h< J""o,uy w boo • (01" " ""'" by ,10<
'I"' k"' ,, 10 ""1",,,, 1 f,,'o", s<,I"'n, Tb""" lOJ ,~'-?)
..,' t ,",,' !::o.- . m", O. ". tkM'" ",. J ' -'" 0, ",.I t" ' M, lhu on , , ' ". j . - .... : '" ..JJi, "",
'0 ", m < ""'''I'',,,(h "-""" p,o",J" ,",,, ,,,,,, I,, ''"~ ,n '"' ",",,- Th~ t<nJ. to
,,",ti, m, fUf '~i, "'«1,~. ,ho.' hyr<~h<'" ... M. ~'''' Y'''''Q'' -Oh " "",hnibkb l ' "
tJ'y,k""" S. ,Ii"y', I',: •• " " . ... """"'''''',' 1'9'6), ,M-"". ,h" both 'o,ho"
,,>cd , <om m on """'" (0' n"n-<,,<k',i, ,,;, ,I ,'W'" ,,( ,""
I" , • ...J <.; f. i><k,,,' , n , ' 1',
f", 'n ' PI""'" ,j,,,,,,,p,,,,y, ""I" '1' f .., ,1.-1;"" 0 "'''' a( , <omm, .. ~'"".,.,
,ti","", '0 Pto'mh,
... Tho< 'h< tn"",,ne< on T '''''''' ' ' mmho"""K'n' f,~ , .... ~, 'i, 0' ''''0'1 "own, 'Old
rup"" l", t.:>.,<ot,,". " . no"", ' ,<! '- )0' d, 1.." br .. H",,,,, )0' . ' ~- 17 ,nJ 'h<
"""'''p'."'of 'm' ,1.-00"""-'" ,,( , .... M,,, ; {"" {"-,en,,, !~."' , "" ,6_'Q ,nJ I ..p,
b r .. H",,,,, ,,,,,~ " "'"h ,·."1"",,


":"... ,.. ..... ,

"';' "", . ~
'-;;+<1) , ,:".!i"" . ...
'. r ~ -
....., .e-1 ···l·
. " ..
• ... . - .1::
High ,idt of triumph: 956-7z

highly signifK~nt innov~tions. Thus, the composition of the

offici~l welcoming party outside the Golden G ~te was cnh~need
by the presence uf the new patriarch. Basil r Scamandrcnus. The
only comparab k instance in which the patriarch so honored a
victorious emperor went b~ck to the unique coo!",ration of
Herac1ius .nd Sergius during th e Pen;.n war. '6' Of Basil himself,
nothing is known. except that hc was rcgardcd ~sJohn's pliable
creature ~nd was deposed after ~ short p atriarch~te. ' M His coming
out uf the city tu juin the uther dignitaries was an extr.lOrdinary
concession to the emperor; as such,;t was a powerfu l statement of
the new patr;arch· .• reversal of Polyeuctus' hostility toward the
controversial monarch.'67 The secon d innovation was the pre-
sel1l l tion of a triumphal wagon to Tzi misccs and the request that
he ride it to the ·.(C ustomed' triumph. , •• Tzimisce'S refused to do
50; inste.d, h,- sc t in it the captured icon of the Virgin and the
Bulgar;.n imperial replia (fig. 10) . I •• By the ten th centu ry . t here
waS uf coorse nothing at all customary about such a wagon for
im!",rial triumphs. A dcar undemanding of th e organization of
such celebrations , whose slightest details were regulated by the
appropriate ufficial •. predudes ..scm to the source,' ,ugge'Stion
that this was a spontaneous inn ovation which coul d h;\Ve caught
the empe ror by surpriscPo In fact. J ohn celebrated the triumphal
entry as was customary, rid ing on a white horsc behind the new
clement. a wagon decked out with the icon and Bulgarian .poils.
The phys ical juxtaposition of the emperor, icon and cap tive
reg alia was de.rly not coincidcnul. Not only did it allow John to

,•• s« .Oov<. Ch . •. pv·,'-' ·

, •• v. a,um.!. 11'1<''''' " '. n~; T<,,<>« m<n,;"". fom <Io'f,",·. Cf. 1. lIn'bic,.
DIfGE. 0 ('9»1. '''7 - ~, ~<r< ,,'~ .
'" On ,I>< S<TI<f,1 def""""" u""d by ,h< lIy""';"" emp<""'" ,h< p,""rrh in .hi>
p<tH>d ,ad i" limi". Tt"'ti"g<r. 01lt_btl.t. pp. u ,if. On p,<adM"" 'ad ... ..., .....,
",hom wh<<<. I><,.,w. Cb. j. pp, "" - II, TI>< 1U1U« of ,I>< '1""'"" wbleb
,ecomp,n"", /h,;, ;. '",ock .. , S« B. S«ph.nidt •• '0;" 8""hlebdicl>< EntwlekJU"8
de, Synodtn de, V." .. "h. " • .,., Ko,,,,," ,;nop<l', Zt;"t ~ nft fl, K;"IttIv<Jt~i<Io"'.
!l ('9)6). "1-17. 1><", 'll - 4• • nd, p.,,;c,.I .. ly. J. D.""".o., "",,,""'Itt, ..' 1<.
#q>l~" *
rfitl;" .F""';.... A<ch;y"" <It ro,;.", ch'<ti<n. " (P ..;'. '97'». p. j).
... 5<,1;"". Thurn. ) ' ",ll-7; Ltu D<.<on. 9 , U . Donn. Ijl ....... : , . ,<>6 ~...,..• .,~~ ..,
.00).0. ..
~~""' nl ,~'",~j .o. ~""'1'.yd. 3plt1.l'~"
, •• 1h;1.. '1~ · 6-, <= 5<)'1;"",,, Thurn , l'O. jj-6"
" . cr. ""low. Cb, J . p, "J. Hi"",; ••• h.v< ..",,.,,.0<1 ""'" ",,,,ffici<ndy
';""""P«' in ,1><;, 'pp", ..1 of 'h< "o,y <.g. Schlum""'1I<" "I"'P/<. '. '7l - 0,

Drvrlopmtnt in Hyznntium

emph.,ize the divine f. vor m.nif"'tcd in hi, victory: it en.bled the

emperor to m.kc. ,pect.cul.rly ostentatious act of humility. A
due th.t John's contemporaries construed the ceremonial u"ngc-
menl in prcci scly thi, w.y is concealed in • hitherto unnmiccd
classical allusion .pparendy sh. red by both rources: the descrip-
tion of John', chniot is borrowed from Plutarch', CamillwJ, in
which the Rom 'ln's fabled arrog.nee w.s reve.led by his use o(the
triumphal chariot.'"
The third innov. tion with re.pect to ninth-<:entury entrics is
significant on a different score, for it reveals how ancient
ceremonics const.nlly incorpoutcd .nd ."imil.ted more recent
rimal developments. The segment ofTzimisces' triumphal ent ry
staged in the Fumm is much mOre developed th.n h.d been the
case in the ninth centu ry. Not only wa, the emperor .cclaimed
there as in earlier entri". Now this ...... gmenl was the scene of
thanksgiving hymns 10 the Virgin 'lI1d, before the eyes of the
."embled polita" the grc.t symbolic OCt of the ca pti ve Bulgarian
tsar's ritu.1 divcstiture wa, (n.cted. '72 The influence of Const an-
tine VU·s triumph over Abu') < A!i'ir is patent. As was customa ry .
the triumph.1 p.radc Came to an end with a se rvice in the
To commcmor.te .nd express his gT:ltimde for the victory,
John fulfilled. vow he had .t thc'. outset and
onder took 01 reconstruction of the .neient monumental !.ctting for
one ' tation in victotiou! entri cs, the Ch.lke or Br."n House.
which nOw became the church of the S.vior of the Ch~lkc. ,74 By
'" 5<,ti''''. Thum. J'O. j)-7' . " ,'$p'~~". iix~J" ho ~u ",; .. , Iv" ,
Aw~""<l>""'l ll~>'f« IJ<D,~.,,)Ii>~, d ..,
J,..p.1l<I>< "~I ,<>0\<""Io,~.",s.
<i~JOIl"'u: $p"I'~.~ul. . ,b ld ~>t<l<. ~afl~p6 ' t9t}.oJ • . .. , 1..<0 0.""".
Bonn. 'j l .6-7"iro, ld nllI'l"'O~,jU'lIO' hod "01).6' %p"". Q6 "po~ , . ,.
~IJ n, ,00<0, ~~I"",: d, Piu,,,,h. C"",ill", 7. ,: . , , ~M ,w-. ,Okopu"',j>,..,
M,» ,k. 6)",0> ~~ps.k. ",I ~pIJ.~~ • • 61"1"" ~.I ~o""'~fI<. <iPl~c
luX IJI.tJlcpo'. ,~ « iiU. ~o~.pliJc. t9P'~~ fI<"d' ~oJ ,'$p'u.,
""",a{~jU"'" ~." ~6~","o. hth ".1 61t~~"1"" ,~c 'PwMC, . ,
'" Styti'"". Thurn. J '0,6,-6, Lro o.:"on ddp> ,h" <km<ll ' , nd .pp<an imphddy!O
. i'V,l< me divmitu« in .h< G,,,, P,]"o: Ijl.,<>---), P,,[mnc< h.. < n,"" go to
Styt,,,<, quite «phd, Ioc.Hmion of ,o. <''<0 ' in ,o. Fmum,
'" Styh'=. Thy,", )'0,66-9: d, Lro lie""", Iloon. ,) 1,,<>---) .
" . J,nin. ~Ii"'. pp. j'9-JO: M~tk,· W"""' , BilJltxi."". p, I •. M' ngo Iu. provod<d
".oni .. gumrnu fo, id<n 'ifying ,h< <hu«h with ,o. Ouon .. n A"]' nh.n< ,
i,<tuding ,I>< ,..f"",,,.o Scy,h. in ,I>< f"gm'n'.. y rumm<mo"" " in''''p'ion
K~'~ Do:o8W, i"~ ,,,,,,~o IhpjJ6 •• , ~tX'1O wi".."",d by Tho"", S.",h 10,.." .1.

H'gh ride of rriumph; 956-F
one lecount, too, there was an implicit link between the victory
celebration ~"d the rcmi"ion ofthc kapMijwM t~x ~nd the fmt is.ue
of Ihc anonymou, series of .opper coina!;c,' 7'
Tzimisce. staged another triumphal entry in late 972 or 973, in
honor ofrhe wnqucst ofNisibis (r l October 972). It roo fowsed
on the Forum and the la,t leg of the' Me,,' and included a
spcet~cul~r di'play of booty.' 76
In Ie" than Iwo decades, Comt:mtiooplc h.d witne,sed:1S many
victory celebration, as He known to have occurred in the
preceding century and :I h.lf. Th i, sudden 'p",m of triumph.
cannot be l"id wlely . t the' feet of the . ouree' surviv.1 or the
chronology of Byzantine fem of artn,. Alth ough :I complete
expl.n.tion would require " much fuller undem"nding of
developments of ninth- :lnd tcnth .....·cntury hi,tory than is yct
.v.ilab1e. two s. lient contributory f~ ctors are already evident.
The fim comes from the mouth of the I'orphyrogcnitus
himsel f. looking hack on the p,.t of court u'<>ges. Const antin e
ch .. ractcrized the cra preceding hi s reign 1S Om' of decay and
disorganization in the ritu al, which .Ione distingui,hl·d the
imperial taxi, from priv ate life. ' 71 Hi, porpose in compiling the
Ceremony Book was to restore neglected traditions and tr3nsmit
Ihem co his suaes,on.'" Constantim' him,elf viewed hi, own
exercise of power as ~ torning point in Ihis history. There is no
little irooy in the foct th,,, the ~uthor of the work which h~s mOst
influenced the modern notion of an unchanging B yl~ntium.

(1).,,,,,,,1.>.,,, . '7'6), p. ''', d«d by M,Dio. &,," H""" , p. '''7)· TO. I,,, foo,
word. "info,« hi. condu,um. lInC< . ""n~< wind pl. ". , ",;"",Iouo wI< in ,h,
vi<tQ'Y ' ScyU" .. , Thurn, J~. T O-" .
'" 10"'., )''-74- 1. of. [)Qlg", R,l''''•. ' KI'. 7<' " G . O"'ogo" l;y. Ili, r"'dr~",
S"""I"""".If .If, ~T,,,'i"i,,Io," R'~",I i", X. )010.10""1." i"prin', Am""d..m.
'9<">9). p. p . G.;"...".. C, i"" j, " "14-j . "p. n. j , f<F" do< 'rr"""', 'mph<l! lmk
wi,h ,0. ,";umph.
' " L<Q 0 ..",,,,.10, >. lIonn, ''') . '-9; d . C,""d, Ily"""'. pp . !'<>-', .nd .. p. M .
C .nud , '1..> d", ok, "[><di';",,, '''<''''p'''u m",nn« do J" " T,i'"i"' .. ', AM •• ," h
fl",';'.,", ,iiI.I'Si," 4"10"";,, O1i",,,k,,, .to"", '0 (1 910), ""- '03, "P, ,,,.,.
m D< ''' .. " p,,<f.. V,,!!, , I. '-7-1 , : nO,()<I1'p Q1& "I> ~~KP'i> XP0"f' ~","~o,(,",""
w.: /. ""rif> ~P"X.9t ..~ ~.I ~'~""'li h.n~'w", ... 1"3' W. K~116 ~I:I'I- u,ft~. K~I
d~,"., ~ 'ft<: fi,uJ'lkroo '~~UOCfK$wk "",I !~Of""WO-"', ~c n~pop~&ta~c nt,
0/0' ot~"', ~~o,..,pwSd"l!C .. . • nd ,1;<1.. 1. ,6- • . I.
,,. IIi•.••. I-v; . . . Mfplru. If/,;,. ~"p<Wr'~""" npoJ""" ,ok: P'I/' ~~,u:
l.a~~~,"~3a, .

fruzen in time, shou ld have umkrt akm his t.,k with 3n anguished
cry .g.inst the rdendns change. impmed by hislOry, ever
working to transform the imperia l and ",nawri"l 'orders'
(d{r.IC), '79
l::Iut was Cunstant in e's dfort at rcnewing the .y mboltc di'pl"y
of em pire succt'"ful)"o The rmh of victory ri t~, just examitlcd
scnns to suggest so, T rul', put uf the Spu rt nn be' ascribed to :I
.ccond f.ctor, namely th" twO murpns, who needed the
legitimacy conferred by military success, fol lowed Constantine's
,on un the throne, Ihl! • dircct cunnectiun betwcm c,'remoni. l
reform .. nd the Ceremony Book appeared in [he identi fi "uion of
C"mt"ntin ,, '~ fint recorded vin"ry Cl'kbratiun with the gener. l
pro(Ocol for a triumph in the Forum. ThOll the transformation of
ccremonial renewal into documentary guidelines bore fruit i,
indic~ted by thc discovery of a Iccond early manmcript of the
trc~tjlC, ~n unexpected te., timony to the interest" w"h'ned by mch
a tcchnic.l documcnt.'" Thc fact that the Ceremony Book
continued to be r,-vised ill the rei!';n' of It om."", IJ and
Nicephorm I'hocas strongly mgg<'m that it was indeed being
cuns ulted "n d innuc"cing ceremonies of dlO"" ye"", There arc ,.2
evc" grounds fur s"'pcni"g: the impact of one of the COlman-
tini.n wm pi lati"", on a victory fest ival ,tJg<'d by John T zimisce"
These observatiuns ""cd to be testcd again'! the history of a broad
r~ngc of ccremonin before it can , . fdy b... co"dudcd that thc
ceremonial renewal ' ttemp ted hy Co",tantine VII "nd embodied
in the Cercmony Book and ,I lied record. w .. in fact effectivc "nd
trigg:cred ~t least two decade, of rilm l renew,l. But the evidence
of one small s<;"tor fmm the panoply of imperi ,l ceremollia l
" ppe",s to point in that direction .
The Nisibi, triumph of 972 marb the end of a remarhble

". /l< "' .. ' . p"o(.. II" .. ". 1,6.' _ 1. "'p . ' -I' ...
P""'~'O""" ~. "">< ",1
1,,,,/i,;':'0l1b,,,,"'0 ~o,. ~o'P"'>t. "'" "P>7~"W' I"."~"("~~«t, nl '''''
'~~'w' , ,
'" ,,, .dd""", to d", '''mpil>tiu .. of <I .." c."·m,, .. y Ilo"k. fU>lb." ,.;d,,,,, "f
Cum""'m,, p"''''cup''~''' w"" 'h" ...,'" com", f (om h;, m><w.1"f,h, ;mp«;,1
,,>he> .,," 109";' (Th'''rh. Co" ",~, I j. 11<.,"" . .. 7. ,..I hi, """''';'''' of 'h<
0\><:];", '" 'h< H;ppnd",m, IMu"".W;,"<,. 8ilJlui."". p. 6,).
'" C[, C. M,"go , .. d' . ",.i,""o, 'A N<w MS of ,o.: n. ,.,......,,,'. DOl', " ('9<>0) ,
'47-9 ·
'" Bury. 'Q« mon;.l llool;·, pp_ "7 ...

High tidf of triumph: 9,6-71

spate of victory cdebrations whi ch began late in COnstantine VII',

reign and came to an cnd in the long r~gcncy of 8 uillecapcnus.
Thi.long in terruption is on ly known to have been broken two or
th~ timn by Unil II , who docs not appc:lr to hve bern overly
utachcd to the splcndon incumbent on the imperial office.,n
Basil and, in all likclihood, hi. brother and ~ mpcro, Consun-
tine VIII cdebrned a triumphal ent ry to sign al the defeat on t}
April 9R9 of Ihe dangero us usu rpation led by Ibnb , Phocas."·
The pattern conforms in general to that of other tcnth-ccntury
triumphal entries. The parade seem. 10 ha vl: reached ill high point
in the area between the Foru m of Cons Ian tine and the Arch of th e
Milion.'u In keeping with the OCca,i011, Phocas' head wa.
publicl y displayed and imultcd. while the aristocratic Mcli.scnu.
and Mcsanyktcs dans endured the humiliation of seeing members
of their families paraded on;, pre ceded by hcralds procb iming
their crimI:, as the cortege headed th rough down town Con.tan-
tjnoplc. ' ·~ To further publicize his triumph and up.ess his
g ralilUdc for the Vi rgin 's aid in this despeutc st ruggle, Basil iuucd
a eommellloutive coin which alluded 10 her !uccor. .. •
'" M,dt><1 ...... h... 0_,.,.... <d. E. R......w. , (1'."•. '9>6). lI,toI II. J'.
'\10 '7->0.>\1·
" . S<hl~"'bots<'. 1'.,..,... '. ,.,If. 00<, _ _ ,. c." ... ~ ... pp. " '- }1; Ojurit,
·I'urod" .. ·• r .•kI. Tht p",kip"ion ofCon"' r>liM VIII .. ""'" p!>"",*,. -....: ,he
"",I>i<r &«<r"'I""it<lI»~1 Oft ,he>is" . rK! 'v,,, , I>imtd '" h, o, killod <h<
.""1'<1 h,"'''lf, s..:y~ ''''. Th"'n. ))7.67 • • n<! r.dl .... n,';! II. ,6. Rrn . .. Id. r.
, r. '7- '9. Cr. '00 ,I\< ,""y of c •. 096. b<low. n. ' Iv·
'" S<yl; ..... Th .. ,,,. llt.)< - J' on ,h• .,.,.ILmion of .h, ·.go,,· in ... , h COlI ......
Gui ll. oJ. T.,.".. r!oi •. >. 6'} ",J " p. 7JK.
... s<,li ..... Th .. ",. JJI')<-J: y.hy .. ,bn.-S,·i<l of A"''''''h. Hi"oirr. II. A.A. V...iIi...
p....w,;... ~,.I" .• J ('~H) .•><! • .xyli'J<' """'" ·n.,,,,,, 'AI'
M...",k..... pnh'!"
'" be .dm"r,.d ... "h d•• yo,"h'K ,i;<: 'w • ....... '''.I'KIir> 11<- ... /10 loll ,I>< . ....1, Oft
,I>< .... 11, .,{ 1' ... 1>010 .. oom. , ...... ,y y....... I~ u., 0....,.,. I. 0.. lIonn.
'1,.' 7- >0. Tht ... n b, ,I>< >1m< n ..... who ..... ;"001",11 .... h'v.... ... .I.UIJ _
'~"""KIir>~p~~ ...... In • pi.. . ...... MICIoxI ,I>< I'.pt.!>"""",
_"","", (5<,10 ..... TIl"", . . ..." -7). S<y .................. ~ Mt'; ..
m., Iu.", b«>o.

........ '1'1>< 100",', """ ......... 110 I><Id do< ",";'y of..,.... . ",".... b«>o ............
.. .do Ph'~PI opobI ..... "",io</o, .... >pam! do< h."';I;'".." of 'pp.."", in do<
p"od<"l1« II< bI<I ."", 10K bro<h<t- ro «fro", f""" """..... 8 .toI', ' mpni.l.l
d'I""1 dun." ,II< /in.1 bud<. On Leo'. <lK'CT. D. A. uk ,.he, ,.....M~", upI'""
ho ... ,.,q,:. .. ,~wc. to "i' 8o(."'~
/I<{ .. ,,_~. ,I ('Wi) . ..,~ •. h<f'< 6o• • rK! V .
.,,,....... 'E_~pIr: .itG h",pdoG , d'W
dn J<KI><''''''"d·A",;.,,;h< """ 10 orrund. """,.\1,,,,,,
by .. n'i",·. 1</;/••,1" k
tV.i. ",ilI S. ) . ..,.. JI ('96'). ' ' ' - I •. he", " ,.
,n P. C'io .."". 'A ,nl"'toib .. "d mil,,, ..ion of B.. i! 11'. Z_ilr ' __ . " I ('9611.
Devdvpm m t in Byzantium

Another gre.t .erie. of rill",1 ob",rv.nce. m >rked th~ ,ucccl'ful

outcome of the of w.r . g. inu the Bulg.rian., '"' Before
returning to the ",-pital. 8 •• il a triumphal progrc" through
th e conquered territories and tr.veled w Ath ens. where he
cdebr>ted speci.1 thanksgiving services to the Virgin in the
P,,, rhc non,' fO The victory celeb"aion in Comr.ntinople took
place in the flm h.lf of 1019, sincc th e patriarch Sergiu! was still
.li ve .t the time.,oa The triumphal entry ••" n" to have heen qu ite
in keeping with comcm porary tradition. entered the cit y
through the great middle po rrah of the Golden Gate. wearing the
t"j~ .nd driving before him noble Bulgari.n c.ptivc<, including
[he wife of John VI . di ,].v .nd D.vid. >rchbi.hop of the Bulgars.
The paude ended .t the I-h gi. Sophia where " service of
th . nk-giving hymns took and refused to fulfill his vow
to rem it the ~lId~ngran in honor of the victory.'"



Modern •• se»men t, of Ihe three dendes bctwCt'n the pa.sing of

B II and the < of T heo dora v>ricd ",dic.lly, from
... umptiom of uttcr dcc.dence to appreci.[ ion. of tentat ive
innov.tion . Whatever the value jud~cmcnt, mOl t will agree th at it
waS an cr. of une>oy [C.",i[; on. on the eve of the grcat

" '- ,6, cr, C,i.,. ) .•. boo. 6ll. 6),. w"h 1'1. <1, 'V. ,_<_ »"i1 h>d ndcl<n ioto '0;,
bolO 1<. d o 'eh i"ll ,n '''''' of ,he v; 'll in: f>.<1I",. C .'''"'X'''''''' B,,; I II , ,6, R ,n,u IJ ,
I.IO,j- l ·
'" Scyl;"". Thu,n, lJI .IJ---? . nJ )6~, _" cr, Schlu",be'iI" , 1'1"'''<'' '. W'-"'"
'nJ Bun. WI,I""''''''' p. II.
B.';I .nd C""".",in, VIII w,'" «!'«IN 'Q m.«. vI<.o';",,, miry into ,he "p,,,1
'" <'_ w6 .f,,,.
"'"f""S" in whl<h .h<y <k><,v,tl ,he ",I", ~ ~ "a'~<1< IMntp';~ ,..,1
,h"p~"~k,, we bm froot ''1'0 lettm of Lro Synodlu, .nd mmopoli"" of
Sy",,<k>. ", JJ , ntl J'.
N.). f)",,,,,,e., I'p;", I;", 'F"" '" "" X' 'i"k. A"hi.<, d<
l'O't<m dtr,.i<n. 6 {P";,, 1,,00). 'OJ. 1[ - " .nd '01,) ' 0. , nJ "09·' <1-). 2l0_<'- j
' 0<1 69-70. Th, ,,""mph of .001 m<""m,d by Schlumbe'g". 1'1"'''<'' '. '_'00
(,r. G.i<.tO". CO "" , J. '. 6001 i.. ghot. c<,<mooy of " 'hi<h I h,ve f"und no m c< in
,be toU"""_
•• G.u mtl. R't<'f<'. I , '.')9.
'" xy""'" Thur". )6.,1I-)6),9!, Th, [.mo", m;" i,,",< of. "iumph.n' B",] II",
V<0'«. ». Marc. S', '7. [," i I'<rto. h" ",".lIy "",n "'oc;, ",d w ;,h ,hi, v;<1o.y; , .j!_,
A. GraN' , L""'pm., d." I'", '""",...
pp_ 11<\--) _ A. Cu,.". 'A Pul,« "f B"il II
(P." II) '. ;I", V,.tt., )' ('1/'17). 9- ' ,. h,,,, LO'f . h.. ,hdkng,d ,h;, ,.j,n,;!i""on.
transformltioflS u~h~H:d in by the Comnmi. It wimes'>Cd It ka,t
five major victory (debratio"" , Although for mo,t of them the
evidence i, reduced to " b"ld mention of unusual facts, like the
humili~tion of the defe.ted u,urrer Theophilus Eroticu." who was
drnocd in women's clothe. and paraded through ,he Hippo-
drome, it is dear that the Cl'kbration of victory h,d l"'t little ofit.
eadier ptcStigc,192 Thus Roma11us III Argyru. eagerly .. nticip,ted
thll. triumph would conclude hi, ill-st arred effortS in the Ea't and
went sO far 3. to ordn the fabric.tion of the triumphal crown,
needed in the eeremo11y.,··l M ichael IV eekbrat<'d 0 triumph:.1
entry .1 gre.1 f>Cr>onal and political co,t, revcr,in,; the pre"i"".'
policy of concealing hi. [atal illne", Indc<·d. not 10llg before tbe
dis;\ster . t M .nzikert, Rom . "u, Diogenc, ~'.gcd l celehr.,ion
whOle ndistir intents were hardly m.tched by hi. militJIY
The victory celcbr~tio'" . bout which we .re be" informed
occurred in the 104OS, Al thi, turning poi11l in the monarchy's
history. it is symbolically significant th'il both ob,,:rvanccs
m u kcd the ddeat o[intern,l enemies_ Shortly before hi , death on
'0 December 104' , Michacl lV .u oged .triumph.l ""try to honur
hi. victory over the Bulgarian l1prising led by Peter Delj.n,
The defe. t of the Bulgarians must hav~ been 0 wekolOe relief to
a government who", h~o d of , tote wa, i"""rably ill and which h:.d
confronted two ser;oo< c"n'pira~ics, a terrible drought .nd • f!Ie
,., ' r~" H;ppOO,om, "<i,b,,,;"'" ,,,,,I. pl".;n [o.J '0 pubh,;", 'h, d,f«, ohh< "vol,
ofTh<ophHu" ''''''1'' ofCypm<o SC)'h",~ Thum, .'".'J '1_ In ,I-.< .. me fW ,
Mooom"hu , JC< m, '0 h... <t l .b"t<~ .'riumpn. l =uy ;n h"nmQf ,1-.< """',<of .
Ru».i." m" k On C""",,,' ;nopk P",l lu" C/""",t'"pi<i" Conl"m,,,, IX. <)6,
R"",uld , ' ."_1 - 1, . P,<Uu, .1>0 "PO'" 'h" Com"",,,,, «kb"t«l ,h, '~'''l<''
lriumph " .'" I-.<"d of .f", th, clefo" on"" Tom i"u, in '0.7: i~id .. "), R . ",uid,
.... _.)_'6, Scyli' rr>"f' ,h" do< <>. PtU"'~ ",kl,,.m d;,honm«l w;th. p",d<
through <he bm",.,. di"';<l ~f the M«" " 'hik th, 'p<'«h of Joh" M,uropoo<
<1<:1;,««1 " th, v""o,y ,deb,,,,,,,, !how, tI .., ,h"'~'~;v;ng ".v;'" "'0"
«I<b""d "'" ;n the fhg" Sophi>. bu, in ,h, "hunch ~f ~I G.",~< T'op',u"
xyl"m, T hu",. 44.,1 1- 1, .nd M.u",!",",. 0,.., ,'~ . <d, p, de l , ~ " dc
(Gi;"i"sen , I~b). 11S---<j\. h,,,, '91 , no. 7J. Cr. J- L,fort. 'Rhitori~ ,,< "l"'li"qu<,
Tlo" diKo.", <1< ) "" M,umpou, ,n '0<7' , T ,\!." (.Vl~). '~J - l O J, 0<00 >].If, "
';"'..-y "l<b",,,,,, ",om, .1,0 !O h.v, m"k<d h .. e Co "'''' n"'' d&" of the
P«hn'l!,;n '019 ' P",ltu" O'_~'"P~ '" '".e. 10. l'.<n,u IJ , ' ."7 .'0- j .
p"Uu,. C~","QI"r~ io. R! III. 7, I'.<" , uld, 1.)6.1!-"_ CL 1><10", Ch. I. p.

P",Uu" Co,,,,,,,,,,!.;o ,, tv, •" I'.,,,,,M ',I )9. '-1 ': d, I. , p_1\ 9. I- j .

De"r/opmelU in HyzmHillm

which h.d d~v"t.t~d thl' c.pinl only , y~ar e.rlier.' " The
ectl'mony w,,", "" double one: rhe defc>lcd Jnd disfigured rcbel
le.der< were p>raded 'hrough rhe ciry during Mid,.d', triumph.l
en,ry . nd onCe agoin in tl,,: Hippod rullle. when fout .nd hur,e
race, Wnl' held in tribute to the vicro'y .'90 The deci,ion '0
celebr.te. ,r.ditio]].1 w"' ",.de only with relUCI.nce. for
umil the 'Tr{"[liuny, Mich:ll"l', emourag" h"d been , t p:liIU to
cOllee.1 hi, dwind ling healt h. Whatever ,heir calculations. :I
contl"fTiporory ' pee!lror could only conclude th.t a transit ion of
power W:l' at h,nd . ,~,
The choice of" ",'W
emperor for the I'orphyrogcnito ill 1042
w., not easi ly ",,,k and it i, not therefon- surpri'ing ,hattlK fir't
ye>r and a ha lf of ComtJnti,w M onomachus reign "w no lc"
th:1I1 three victory celebrations. ,9 ' Of th e~. one i, well enough
a"e>ted '" reward a eHdul e".min.,;otl, In it. ,he full legacy of
the silent appropriation of dcments of imperial ceremonial by
.. my command,r, j, de.rly manifesl<'d.
The u"e"pected defea, of the usurper George M aniocC1 at the
hand, of the luy. I;" arm y led by the eunuch $rba5lOplw rul Stephen
Pergame"", triggered" >eric< of cdebration. in who~ org aniz_
ation the vi~ibly rc1irv,'d Mononuehus played a leading part. '99
Fulluwing .neien' tradition . Stephen disp.tched the , wful 'ym bol
ofvinory to Constantine IX, '0 that the murper', he" d could be
p.rad~d through the ,lren, of Comtantinople and prove to the

,. , Sch luml><.~«, El"'pU , j, l'" '" N , Sh"''',n""kh. Vi ... """",,.,, ..,,,,,, ,

". ""."' , XI ""'IS' V<t<"o."K.

M"h,, 1 At"I",,,,, , Hi",,,,,
'I'~) , pp. nlf.
rd. I. &H<t (IJoon , ,1I1l), 'O" O-' J: 1'.. 11".,
CIo"""X"plo ... M,d...." IV . • <r-J'. R <n,u ld, Lh - J; s<yl", ... Thun'. 41 ... 6--1 .
Schlumb.'g", tl"'Pt..), )01 , n. J. in"'p.<l<J AIt,.,i",'- >OWunt tu m"n th"
Mi<h,d , d,b .... J both, hun"Nrl . nd foo, p....k 1m ,h< 0<".."",. Foot .. , .. I.. d
i>«n ."",,,, .. 0 wi,b "iumph, in th, Ilippodwm< >on" th< mid_ton,h «n,u'r" th<
I"", (IN ''' .. " '0, ISo.on, 6 , l,'I ) . nJ wm u><>l no ]'".,b,n ,h< 1,,< ",,,,h «n tu'1
fo , ,m!",,,,1 , nni.."";..,, Ph,loth,"" Ck,,,,I'R'"'" lH"""m'J<., "'.J).
'" 1'''' 1'" " ...., , ;f .. p . R<". uIJ, "'J .-8, Cf "" ~"phi< ,Je><"p""" <>f M"h.. l",
fu"",.I'pr<mnr<", ,ni, "'''"OIlY' )0, R"n , uld, T h ,,-I .

.. . P",lIu" 0, •• •
S" b. I" ,o"Kh.
C"",,,n,,,,, IX, rS. R ..",uiJ. ,,' ,~ . !-,
pp, j~lf, S(hlum""T~<', t:.l"'pi •. ) , <JO- 6, On
M,ni" ." R , Guil]",", 'p,,,,,,,,, du 'OK"' d< C"",,,",in IX Mot><>""q"" . Z,",,","
..... . . 1) (,,,, ,), , l j, h,,, 10 ," 00 S'<phon, Il . C"ili,nrl , 'l< "'b,<I"pho,,;Q
~'~'''w.pJI'''' ·' REb." (' 06J I, ' '''' ,07 , he" , 0, ,.
L~5r ;HaredoniaH J

poplll~tion thc b'Htk', 01l!eOme.2"" Con~tantinc ordered the

pcrfotnlJnec of victory services and had tile I",.d .ttJched to 11]("
top ofth~ Hippodrome, whmn' it would be vi,ible to ~1I , 201
Uneh,.~c!<'riuic~ lIy, the ded,ion to celebrate. triumph WlS
m~de only lt [he bst minute, when tht· gennal ~nd his army had
"Irc"d), "rived ounide the w~lk It took p14ce ,omnimc be-
tween March and July 1043.2U2 The itinerary focused on Com-
!3ntinopk 's bnaar, i.e. the ar~~ from th~ Forum to the Arch of
Milion _,u3 Sincc the or)';a"iz~tiun uf the pnd<k w.s direnly in
the hands of Constantine, tlwre Con be no doubt about th e
ceremon)"s acn'ptability to th~ throne. Thl'loy~list force, opened
the p'r~de. Fint c~",e lightly .rmcd [TOOP', moving ..s ~n
unorganized crowd, Next {Jnll" fhe h~dvy l-.valry, fully armed
and, unlike tlll" light troops, observing miC! militory order,
Behind d1("m c.rne representati veS of the rebel' I arm y; their h e~ds
had bem .haven in di sgrace and th ey wn," seated backward on
:lIse,; their [wcb were draped with dung or other refuse. Thi, bst
refinement .. ppears novel and may h,,'e ocen in retalia tion for
M~ni~ecs ' reported treamwn! or the imperial ~nvoy l'ardus. 20 '
Even in public humili:l tion, th,' Byz~n!ine, oh,erved the rules or
precedence: the de~d u,urpc' s he.d, held .loft on spear. dosed the

... xyh",~ Thum , "'.9'-r ~.! "i' ~j, p~a,h! or,"''''' t~tw,,~~ KO~J'W' d
'"'n'U" rjjc ,JK'I<'. scy !"w Ot";,, 'Oe h"rl «nd ing .nrl P""" dir«<ly '0 rOe
!r;umph' l "''''y ' .. . ,i""", 6t P'~' ~~tjYX.O «,~" nl b Lrl"",.o< ,~, K'I"~,l~,
o:)'W. «>OJ ~h"'::IK~ n! ,000 "fJo>-,~at, ..o / . rw ftolt.J'I!,· 1_ '.-J K.J 6,; jda~c '''''
n'.r,I;,; 91',~~IJ<fJ<J.c. , Cf. 1'",1 1"" lot, ' "' .. 16: R,n'uid, ,,6,6-1 , 11K
p', fm m.n " of th, ,,,di,,,,,,.! h<>d p' '''!. an b< d,dLl«d '-rom j.'I .. !7. ll,n'Llirl.
>,7"J-'~: tcp'oIc ~ ,,>OJ ,oP'''''" olio t~P"~P'!J<fO K'cp .... ~. wf.." tl.< h"d;.
",fwd '0" h>v"'~ b.<n pm.l.d ... ,'<m<i ';m<. Cl<>dy ""'!iLl' '''u'',,'' ,h" ,II<
"".I., );now, wh .. h,pp<'l<d wOen, u'"''p''' b<.d .," brough, into tl.< <'pi " l,
R,,,.uld ', bbor<d Cot"!ru"joo of ,h, '0 ,h,
f. ",oi08 of ,f.. h<>J Hipp<><lrom, "
'Un< P""'K« m.nit« .I. !riomph<', ,4, ,10., ., 7, n, J " ,lI<rdot< uo""<",,,"y .
.. , ' '''''lIm. I.. . ,;,., "-,n.uid. , .n.t - oz,
,,' II .... 11, R<n'uM , ,,0. ,- , . I>1.n;"" h><l cro,,,,d 0." to Uym"hium ;n I'<bru"y
.nd hy July. Steph'" w'" in di'g"",,, Sk.b.b "ml<h, Go,"''''''o, pp, J ~ - 9,
,., C"KO'Y Ao.;'l Fmi (B .. H<b,,<u'), n"""'i"phy, !r, E .... . W.lh, lIudg<, ,
(, '9).),'0r: So;yli"", T hum , " '·9)' , _. K.J ~,. pi"''¥' ,~ nh'oJ~c
~p"~P,",,o;u:.. on wh"h '"P"R"ph,,,,1 "'m "" Cu;II."d, T'I"'J"p"", ',7)·
,.' Poc llu" I" , "' .. '1, I>..<",uld. ' _7 . ~ - , ); xyl;",,!, Thu'" , " S.o(\ - 7; G"'80ry , Woll;,
Budg', '0'. fm ,h< .l.K,jptjom of'h< pmd<_ On P"du,. Cu;lbnd. 'C"",uo<in
IX', pp . .. - 'l_ "'",,,,din~ '0 'h< w<il-infmm<d Will i. m of Pugl", M.,,;.= h.d
~1I<d P"d .. ' """'. "" . nd mou,h w;,h "m •• 'i""""'"' I.. A"" .. R••"" C"",.,d,
', ""-1)0, ,d_ M. I>1 .. h"," (p.l"mo. ''''', ), "._
p ... de of hi, defc.ted foliowe".20, For " " y Oil looker who f" jled
to gr.sp the ,ignificance of [hi. bmt,,1 di'pby, he •• ld, marched
wi[b the paude, crying ·The .... are the just r~ward of ~Vt'ryone
who rebd1ctb 19.imt [he king [i.t·. emperor]."o. After the
impe.i.l gu..d,. in the very pl .. ce which .ncient cUltom ,ud rcccn t
us.gc .,,,,,.veri fu. the empe.ur himsclf. • pectaw" Sa w the
victo.ious e unuch. splendid in hi s nr.y and riding the traditional
white horse (fig. 11 ).107 Ihinging up tI,,· rear w .. a nother unit of
jmperi.l guards . l " ' The par.dc rcach,-d in culmination ne,.. the
old 10:°.1 of triumph. ] parade •• now converted into Ihe church of
the Ch.lh· . lo , The ,-mpero. w.tch,-d in pomp i" forccourt;
s.c.ted Ix-side him to cilhe. ,ide. in an obvious ,tatement of the
n'H Ure .nd .\D Uree ofCun,!.n,ine 's juin! rule. were ,he twu pu.ple-
born '""'pres"" Z"", .ml 1'hoodo",-. Af'er the procc"iolt .tld
. . ccbm.tiun s, Cun,!>"tinc rode olfin (ere"lOn y [0 ,he
p.I"-Cc. 110
Although [here is TlO ~viJe"ce [hOI Stephen Pcrg.menus'
t.iumph s.c[. decisive new pH·cedent - consid,·.inS how quickly
he .!tempted to ,onvert hi, t.iumph.1 pre'tige into til<' purple. we

'" Th< h<,d w ..",omp,n",j by ",m, on<p""r",d ,I<m,n' of 'h< o,",p"" ~1~~"
"",II""",,. ,;r.. R,n,old. 2.7.'S '7: d . Scyl"'". Thum .• ,J.~j _ •.
•• r;«gmy. "". ,;r. Alth""Sh ;0('''1'''''''1' ",,~ ,d . ",,,]d, 'W" ,o"om,,<ir ' 0 h.. ,
p"",<kd 'h, pm"," of m(,mr. "l'ong • ",b" I",mul,;" ,""m,o' uf "'mpl"y
ru""h,.""" d, Ag"dlu,. L.k< ""'''fi''U, ",I,,,", K","",,';'. '" . ,d. A, T",i
"'''rooi. Fl.".", ;.. I;,","~ ""P"'''. IlI-oioK"" '0'<I ,J""-4. ,,,<I Nf<ml
Ckom.. ,,,,. U;",n'•. «l. )A II .. " [);"t"". CFII~. ". , (!><,,;". '1171),1)' ,''''''' >.
P,dlm. "". ,i, .. 11 , R,",u ld. 1 .) . t1-lt . Th< .., _",.... n ofli.,., t1 - , I ",m '" '"
tho V"",oS i",,, "' ,,, .. uld. i. .... n . j : d . , . , ,1.S -6"."h n . J.1,~j.9 -to.n~ 97. jj---<!
.. nd S. Uloo.hl-Il.S. II<",.M •. I'M V.....S""' ..j B,,'"',",. IC, mb,Odg<. '9",11. p.
'0>. P"h'r' 'h<~'p .... ," ... " '0 to< id<nnf>«l "'''h ,h<;"i. 00 ""hI<" I«
Qi ' ""o,"'d<', I,,,,,,. p, )'3. " ",""IJ "' "",<d ,h .. Il<,<." ,ile,,'h<<<. PICl lo,'
fo,mulm"n " "'" ~'"",,", ,mb'IU"Y fo, 'Il< ",oJ<,n '''d<r: "" ->1: ~oA.l "
~)-'l9o< ~"""6,,,,< ,00 ";,, "'p""'JIi,w, orl<~O'<OO"""". nl t .1 ";O,.j~,"'""
t"Jc~p,,,,. ••1r....." .,.1 ,~ a!Oi..~ . .. 1,.1 ,00<'1' ,0 oo_p,~iJ. ("~~ .. , " m'gh,
,'''"' '" .. ,hOI to:,r-....-. ,dm!Q ,Il< to:<l,,,,, ~'h"h 0<C"" .. ,.) .oJ j, ,h< ",bjw
do .... n '0 I,", ' 1 .. nd ,h .. Co","o",", h;m,dt'ru<k in 'riu"'ph .• n ,n", muk by
S-ch I" ",""~,,. t"r«. J .• ) ), R"".old·,,, .. OIl .."", ", ho~·,v". ",,,;"1 y <on"'.
10 e, II. Yo" " .. J <10" '"' ,nop'''''''' '" ,Ie" '0 Coo",,,,;.,.,, Ch. lk. "'hi" ,1><1'
w,,,"'" 'Il< ,,,",,,ph 17.j 61. FUftl><,mm" S-cyli",,' «coU" '. which ,"",,;",
.km<n'"'''' f""nd on ~,dl", ("-,<.1""",,, of ,I>< P"', .. d<. <"I", of St'p",,"', h"'><1
d,,,ty h.. , Stop","" ,I>< pl .. « of l>o""" Tho," . • '1 .~)-7 . Cf '00 ... ,"""''''.
11,,'m. " ." - '0.'
'" ¥«lIo, ..... ';'" Re".uIJ. ' .7 ,0-,<0 M "OfJ'!ipCp,~'" ("~" ...
". M.,,~~. ~""" fl • • " , PP, 'P- J · , ,, [',dlul, I"" ' ;' .. U. R""u l ~. 1,7,'-'.
, ,

. k..; ..L!';'J,LI~ ' ~..,,,,..., ;

k'" ~ "':'%" fl-':" ;, •.•in

- •

Figur< ,I. T riumph of Stcphcn'11u , o ver Gc-org. M:utioca (>« pp. ' 80-~)
should expect the confury - it seem! signif'c~ nf th~t the
~mpe ror's place Iho"ld be t~ krn precisely by ~ member of th e
group r(cemly identified by Lcmcrlc ~,diSlin"i"'e and typic~l of
the innonli"e !«'nds then ~t work in Byz~ntinc go ... ernmrnl and
society. the all-powerful minill" of ~ute.2" For a Aceling
moment, the Jtlnm"ph""" enjoy~xI the pinnacle of power and
unlimited credence with .hc cntperor. before he wu nIt down in
ulter disg race for a plot against the throne.!'! The ceremony
honoring l'l'rg~menu" ... ictory o ... er M ani~cct affofd~ at last
unmist1kable e ... idence of the symbolic contours aSiumed by a
successful imperial licmrnmt', :",i",ilotion of imperia l ... ictory
prerog.livel. In a med ic .... l mciety, there w~s no place for the
Iystenm ic (xci ulion Of curbing of the ditc implicit ill the cI;mical
doctrine of Ihe impe ria l monopoly of ... ictory.
llIlpe rial ... ictory cckb.aliom did not come to 11l end wi th the
Maccdonian dynnty, On the contrary , the militarist lendcncies of
the rc"'a 'npcd Comneni~n styk of go ... ern ment woold pro ... ide
ample o pportunity for new and innonti ... e ... iclOry celebratiOn!
and honon. But Ihe great !OCL:II t",n,formallom onder way in
thc ele ... enth «nIU'y mean • •ha. rhe context and Content of these
celebr11ions would. of nC«'llilY, adapt 10 new ci rcumsuon"li and
ma ke of them a subjcrt worthy of a .po....::ialized lIudy, While thei r
,naly!;' lIlay wdllhd light on th ... condit ions of later Dyuntine
govemmelll ~nd society, it il not indispensable to a pto ... ilion~l
~1~'lmCnt of imperial victory cclebT<lIions of Ihe I~te anti que' an d
corly mcdie ... ~1 po..'riud.


The preceding re... ie w of ... iclory celebrations down 10 the

ele"enth century ind ic>!e! Ihat. li ke Ih..;r bfe antique an«1lors,
the triumpha l obser ... ances of early medie ... al Byzantium under-
... ~."t 110 lillie change. wit h rClpce! to their coo tent, ~ructure,
!.euing and particip1nt!, II i. importanl 10 remember lhat, e ... en

.. , t' Lrn>tfl<, C.... /toM, ..' It XI' ..alt .1'-. (1'...., '11'77), ,60-j . In ,I>< t"",ru1
'" Qik"""mtd<1 T :0<'1""", ,I>< S<b;o"ophonn fink ... , ,<m<ly itli:h, "",ond of ,1Iot<
wll<> do no< do><" ,I>< <ml""'''''' ubi< .oJ .MoJ,,(.1I 'M -t,..,; .. d pot"";. ""
«I. N. OikOr>O,ni,Je" Lit"', >6po .
... On SI<pl><n', ;n~u<'''., ... " .Iml<., HOI'", ,o.'-J,

though many elc'mcnU . like the solemn entry. pHade 3nd hc~d
di'pl~ y or th~n\;:sgiving services rt'm,ined the ... me. medi ev ~1
victory celcbr.tiOlu did experience historic~1 development leading
to profound and significant tramform3tions.
l'erh~ps th e single most striking facet of this change is thc
rcpeated emergence of no,,~imp"rial p~ rticip~nu .. the cen tral
("cus of the ccremony, a phenomenon which Sccmi 10 contr~dict
the convcmion.l wi,dom on the Dyzamine monarchy. I! i~ often
assum ed [h,t the IlF~nline empcror w~s, in practice, th e ab,olutc
"UlOCr3t h" claimcd to b,' in thcory ,l1J The history of mcdiev~l
victory ~debr~tions paims a differing picture, one in which the
le. ding role o,ciliates betw~en the emperor him~lf ,,,,d hi,
military com"undcrs and rcAects. to <I gre<llcr or lesser extent. thc
domi,unt dement in the power equation ofthc moment. Whcn,
for example. the thcmr commanden emeq,c as the decisivc
powcr~brokers of cmpie<' under Leo [V. this fact i~ mirrorcd by
th" , ontcm of the ,dehution of imperial vierory. In the tenth
ccntury. it i, the Oomcstic of the Scholes who bys cbim to
ccremoni~1 preeminence while ,he great theme commanders are
rcducnl to playing. eollegi.l second fiddle. Undcr Irenc in thc
eighth century ~"d Constantine Monomachus in the eleventh, it i.
, palace eunuch chosen from outside the tanks of the traditional
military elite. who domin.[es the celebration of victory_ The
$hort-tctm b.[ancc of political forces in the palace is vividly
revealed to U', in much the same woy os it w .. intended to be
rcvc.kd to comcmpor.ri",. But the full ,ignifiunce and explana-
tion of the", pauerns mU't aw. it futurc cbrific~tion of the
evolution of Byzantinc .ociety in the dark age,
Historiul change' extcnd. much further than th ese det.i}, of
ccrcmoni<l[ org aniz.tion .nd is often .[1 the mOre rcvealing of
dnT[opmmts in ,he gener,1 condition. ofBy»ntine cxi..cncc for
its uncomciou, character, For inn<lnce, although the b<lsic itin er-
~ry of th e triumph.[ p~r>de through Const,ntinople v.ried r.ther
little, texts of the ninth century "nd earlier tend to localize the in tbe Middle Avcnue, in the Me,e. In the late tenth 'illd

'" Cf. A_P. ""hd,",'O "~",I'no' p •••<,>d, 'i"n" " ~Ojlo .. mod<"h"iy" , N.,cJ,
I"i, , 11ft,.;, 6 ('966). »-6. ,"d H_G . Il«k , 0., ~ y"",""i,,", j%"",,,,,. (MU"Kh,
, .,.,!), pr, .6if,
D~vdopm~nI in Byza~ljurn

devcnth century, the s~mc route begins to be referred to ~s the

'Market', Although the physic"lloc"lion ofthcccrcmony remains
eon,r.nt, the m.nner in which contemporaries perceived it has
undergone 3n importam transformation th:u cannot be with~
out rdation to the resurgence of commercial activity at Consun-
tinople. 2 '4
In the three and a third cemuries between the defen", uf
Constantinople in 7 J 8 and the death of Constantine IX , we
encountered Some thirty~two victory ccieb .. tiom , or an aver. ge
of about one celebtation per decade. The aveuge span between
celebratiom would be even greater if we were to factor out the
clusters of 956- 72 and the !04OS, If this evidence is reli .. ble. the
rhythm of imperi.l victory ccleb .. tiom appe'" to have .J:.ckened,
in com parison with their dynamic development in latc antiquity.
Usurpations tOo occupy. ,m.llcr part of the picture in the
medieval period. Of course, very important celebrations heralded
the defeats of Art.basdus. Thom.s the Slav or George Mani.,e •.
But the frequency of major celebrations for ,he .oppression of
oppmilion (Ie" Ih.n onc- Ihird Ihe "te,,~d cdcbntiuns) <eem.
distinctly lower th.n in late antiquity , By their COlllen t and
cha racter, usurpation alcbratium provide a coumerproofto the
positive evidence of the .ri,tocracy·, de,ire to be .een in hono rabl~
positionl in honorable p~r ~d~s. Th e humiliation of .ppcoring in
public. shaved and defiled. riding backw.rd un an a$S, mUSt have
been an extraordinary one for {he sciom of {he grcat familie. of
Byuntium since. on more than one occ;uion. i{ rtplaud the death
penalty. In the eighth century. the punishment for revolt or dose
association with revolt was often capiul. 2 " Nu later than the
ninth century, a new trend begins to ~ppcar. After .uppressing the
revolt of Thomas the Slav, Michael II decided that ,he hum iliation
offeatoring in hi, triumph ~nd exile were puni,hment enough for
the mon guilty ofThom.s' supporte,, _ 2'~ Thus too no further
" . 1.., _Exp_. !!on•.• 97_'0. jOO .I, jO','" or. jOj,9' ~I.t"r' ,~o .6.i.uoc: l<o Due"". 9,
... !!onn. Ijl .11 , ." .. It;ump" of 97 1 in ,t.< M.o<. ",hilt '"" of97' i,"" f~"
~'I"I"'0 (10, '. Ikonn 161_6). Triumph uf919' s.ty\;"'" Thum. ll7_11; G"'~Ofy ,
/0< . ';'.
'" Tho. It.< "",,,,i,,,,, "'hieh ",,,,d«I,1>c """'I"N "' U'palj,oo of719; d . K.. g;'
U.It". pp. " I-II, ur Ih,' of nin"«n high ."r,,;.I, under Con.umlo< V: . bo ••.
n . ...
'" Above, p, '06.


punishm ent w~s meted out to Maniac cs ' followers who figured in
Stephen's triumphal p>rad~,~" Another ex,mple i, the ritu.l
humilinion of the umrper Theophilu, F.roticus_ After being
p ..,dcd in the Hippodrome in women' s clothing, he h.d his
propeny confiscated and w.s simply 'dismissed'.'" It is probably
no .cciden! th.! eleventh_century rources distinguish c.refully
between stagcs of alienation and rni,uncc townd the monarch,
between np<>J/aJin (defection) .nd ry,m",iJ (usurp.tion) or that the
tenrh...;entury compiler of Ih e Ceremony Book included"
document on the proper procedure for imperial pardons ufSI.vic
defectors,21' Th:u there rem.ined borders which could not be
crossed is demonstr.ted IlO! only by the execution of wou ld-be
usurpers in this period: if the defection of Andronicus Duns docs
nut ",cm to have triggered far-reaching repression, the murp.tion
of his 'IOn resulted in m." . cre,no Bw.n incident from ,he revolt
of B.rd .. Phoc.s shows how flexibk the..., borders h. d become.
AI the imperial .rmy faced off with the insurgent forces , Leo
M eii,scnm is supposed to have tried to ,top his brother Theognos--
tUI from piling un seemly .buse . nd insults on th e emperors they
were .OOUlIO comb,t. B.,il ll i, "'ppo",d to witnClscd the
incident from afar. After thc coll apse oflhe revolt .nd the c.pmre
of the Melis",ni, the ring-le.ders of the usurpation .ttetnpt were
paraded through Const.ntinople. with the wle exception of Leo
Melissenus, Although he had fought against the emperor and lent
his IUppoTl to an imperi.1 riv:ll, he had done <0 within Ihe bound,
of behavior acceptable to that fabled sm.sher uf aristocratic
furtun~ and w.! !pued the public humiliation of the p.rade of
infamy'" In other words, in more th . n one imt.nce of
usurpuion auempts from the nimh century on, the .ristucracy

' " G"S"'y, 10<. til_ Cf. 0;.,11;",,,,,,, ,,"u,,",. ,d . J. litH .. , , l!lonn. ")9)" "/0,' )- 16
"" <h< 1',,,,,,,110' who .rt.,-w"d, ",,,,d ,ho ,mp''''_
'" S<yl;I"'~ Thu," . "y" ) - 11- I d n nu, knnw why th< ,Ji'o, h., "kon :i"I~",,' {Iill<
'7), 'dj,m;,>«I '. '0 m,. n ,to",,"", OX",""J to;", (;oi./., j 'I. ,.h "","ior),
" . Dt ''' .. 1, J". ' ''<pl """" ~~""nl~~"f<'" ~" d,lI. Jooim:JiVf"", .&<.
iM~lJr)a •• "~¢ foil ~",,'-lwc. ' . Iloon 6H_9-611 .6; "" ,I>< dm . Bu,y.
'C<remo,,,, I !lool'. p_ "j_ M,u",!,,,", , 0",,,, ,16, J. L'g",k, "", cr, I'1<lIu,.
(."""_"r~"'. Con,"",,", IX. ~3. Ron.uld. "",(>--,,,
'" 1).1_ !'okro;'. n.. Do"~";. ,oj "","i"'''",'' by''''''"' P'''''I'''i'"P"Y (Loo,don . '9611,
p. '" .nd p. " ",i,h n_ ,, .
", s.. .00><. n. ,8/; ,
Devr/opmem in BY.lalllium

seems!O h>.ve enjoyed almost a kind of'right to re,i.eancc' which

is strikingly 'medieva]' in ch",.cter,'22
The ci rcum't.nccs in which triurn phs wercstaged provide wme
information uscfulto evaluating One aspect of their signific:mcc to
Byzantine rulers, Although a number of cclebratio", marked rc,,1
>. nd imporeant soccc'",', "t the vcry Ie"" two wcre ,t;> ged to
celebutc viclOrie, of" dubious SOTl ,·21 We m.y suspect th:1! there
were others among th e cclebr:ltiom whose si gnific:mce is nOt easy
10 ""'''' with .ccuracy. It is at any rate cle", th.t in medicv,,1
Byzantium, as in the b.ter Rom>.n empire, victories and victory
celebratiom did not . lways go hand in hand, and that such
celcbt<u ion , cou ld ow e a' much to the politic,,1requirements of the
moment "s to any real military signifICance of the opeutions they
Finally. if we arc to a[(Cmpt to cJ.ssify m.jor victory cclcbr"~
tion, " ccording to the period in • reign in which they occurred,
. nother p.ttern emerge •. A ,izable proportion (cleven of thiny-
two) of imperial victory cclebr"tiom were cclebutcd within the
first three yea rs of the beginning of. given emperor' •• ctual
exerci.e of power. Thi, ,""ems to sugge't that emperor\. were
puticulariy e. ger to celebrate v;ctorics ""ely in their reign, "t "
time whcn such ceremonies co uld m.l:e their gre.test co ntri-
bution to,hing th~ new cmpnor', rcputation .nd political

'" cr, ,I\< d.,~, " udy o f F, K'<n. C""'t"""'''"'" •• 4 Wo./t",_4",,,i, ''" ?".,.•
.'.1""1,1",, Z., £.'",id,I"'i'A,,,i i,",, "" M,.,,,,ii,.•"d «In (Mon"" . '91.).
1/>,,1', triu",p~ of!1) ,0<1 COO"'n"n< VII', 'n 01"· 01h<r p»,;bl< ;mnn,,,, would
'" b< Th,uphiiu, ' fi,,, ,,jumph. if ,h. " . dillon,1 ~ ' l< i, m," ",n,d. >o,d S"u"du ,'
"I<b,,, ""' .
'" T ,;umph, of7<). 771 , Ill , '/61 , 97', 971 , ,b< ,h", v",'unn ""I<b",rd In '0' ) .od
'h""" of I.. " t ' nd Rom , nu' tV . tftb< t" d;t"", , 1 d""w,,, m, ;nt.;n,d. the ~, ..
",umph of Th,uph;!u, would hov. tu be . Jd<d .
Organizing a Byzantine triumph

A Byzantine trio", ph w~,

nO! l1"dcrt~ken lightly . The specracul ..
enemo"y mobilized a smdll army ufstrut cleaners, clergymen,
I<'natoes, POCtS , prisoners and spectators, while the pnform.nce
iudf blocked rh" c>pit~r, III lin thoroughfares (or the better part
of. day . Nu attempt h.. , yet been made to uncover the hidden
mcch 'Ill;,ms which as,u red rhe smooth (un<;:tioning and optimal
cffic .. ciry of ,ll early Uy zaminc staged 'event'.' To do so is 10
.tlt'mpt to .,wmble a pinure nfhow the P"lace as " " j,mirution
went about the ,c rious bU,,;ncs. of exalting the monarchy and its
Although the wuree ",atcrial on any .spect of the Byzantine
mon,rehy prior [0 the deven rh Cen wry is Cl<.spcr;ltingly thin. the
simarion is ptobJb ly k." di~mJying for imperial (CTt-monial. The
triumph was a ' non-c.taloguc' cCTemony, i.e ., a staged event
which did not reCUr .1 fIxed intervals. It nalU r.lly tended there-
fore to leave fewer docullU"ntary trdcn than ceremonies which

T h< ",I, poo"blt "" ' ptiun ~ ' h, "" ,I),"t "wk uf!)_ Th . Ikly"v. 'E,ht"dn,vny,
pn<my v" .. ,, ',",kh ' .. n' , p",dnKhn)" vy U,udy ,k/, v khnm ,._ s.c.", • IX- XI
vv_ '. Z"p" ki i"'I"'"" " k'K" '""" ;f<' " ' Io",J.R ..~,,k'\t, 010, ..." , ••. "_, . 0 ( ' "9)), ;_.Iv,;
.nd , - 1",,_ Th' o<h<' p" " ef hi, monum<",,1 ,,"oy, 'Ob"" ~ I. vn y kh <h.",;
Ilo1\h'He Dvw .. V".",;"k,kh ''''''' , i'....".t. ) ( , 3<)J) , '-'00. 'no' ltoHOmQI 'ny'
vykl>ody v' .. n, i ~ k , kh ,,, ... v go",,"'''' ' r"~o,,"'ny< kh .. nov Kon ... ,,"nDp<>ly'.
bp"ki 'I."i,",,~ ",b l", iy' ''''1''' "'''' ' "1' P." . ,!" ",H"'/' l i,"uhK" 0/0,"","'".,.
• (' ;oOO) , , - , '~ ' " Ie.. "",ful m ,h" ' '''1'« '-
, '1'h, 1'010« ' (r~ "afrO,) i, ", ,,, ,,j,,,,, u><d in ,h, ll yn"'"" P',j.,.j ,y "'''gn , ,, ,h.
whQI< ",,,,,.,,,,,n,1 compi<x ,"",,,,ndmK ,h< ,,,,,,,,,,,hy . So, to, <x,mp,: th< I'l>n y.
,d_ H. C'p' II" 'L, Ky,i. do: I, mM"'« Ie P'P' G<I .... ·. p,,", Hnloj(,i", .•~ ('9)<) .
'; 6 - . . . "''''. 'J'. "". , _
took pl>ce every few weeks Or even ye.rly.' Howeve r. rOu Une
characterized .nciem bureaucracies nu less than modern one,. and
precioul evidence can be derived from procedures followed in
other ceremonies to fle,h out our of the organization of
Byzantine victory celebr.tions. Moreover, the ",age, of the later
Rom . n empire can so metimes be .dduced, if not to furni,h
positive indi cations on medieval practice. then .t le. st to allow.
me.,ure of our ignor.mcc of the latter.
Thc very first step in th e process which led to the celeb ra tion of
"triumph w.s the announcement of a victory. Next to nothing is
known .bout the 'm edia ', the diffusion of offici.l new S in the
Byzantine empire .' It is clear. however. that just '" the p . lace
sought to conceal or delay b.d new" '0 it ",em, to hove .ttempted
10 spre.d word of it, mcce".! In Republican and early imperial
Rome, the b urcl-draped letter Or Iitrrr~e I"urr~t~~ w .. the
traditional form assumed by vinory bulletins dispatched to the
capit.l." The tradition was very much alive u"der the Ictrarchy
and carried over imo the ea rl y Byzantine cr •. even though the
lau rel fellOons ",em 10 di$.O ppe., ~fter Ihe f, fth century.7 Often the

, Fo, thi. u", of '"' ' "m ~ ..~.l.ul"'" 1«. <.~. D< CN .. ' . 11 169), Vo~,. >., ,,. ,-> I<f.
'pp. , d Io<um) . An " ""tko, il lu"",;"" of '"' ,rndrncy of I<cu"'n~ «"o 'uo;.., 'u
<komi,.", "".,.d-. « ping ;, pro, ided by PhikKhcul ' B,nquc, T"" il< 01 C/"",·
Io{ i, .. ofS<pl<mhe. !w , which "mph";,,, ,h.. ;, " ""onJOO fu, ... 1< 'n rio< "gul .. I,
,<Ql ,nng «lob,,,;.,,,, in,~I,ioi"'" b,n~, .."" cd. Oil;onom,OO , U,,.,, "J .J---<J.
• Fonhe d . "ic,1 prriod. >« W . Ri<pl, [)O, N"It,..-~""",,,<".,, IIllm",., .." ..,'''''''..
R .... ,k.' ..J Ji, R...." (l<iplig. '~ ' J). pp. ),,11'. )i7if, m .
• In 1 " . M..""iul lupplmed .. Rom" «pom of Con",,,,;,,,, ', ,;<10 '''' ;n n,,"",m
luly' XII p,," .• ! l 19), ' j,' , M)·non. >'>-» _6. n.oo.:..,u, lI1<mpo""ly "l<ocoJ
,""W, of H""Qnu,' d",h ;n order '0 n,.~< '"' "«"" ' 1 " " og.m<n", Soc" ,,,. 1/.,. ,
7. ». PC. 07.119A. In ""', M.u,;';< '''<mp<,~ '0 '00"".1 ,he n,,,", of I'h"",,'
UIU'PoI;"" by ... ging '''''' 'nd h,.;n~ h",I ~, n"" ,",Iy , pm;, 1J"d",u"" uf tho
[,,'" TI...,phyl."tu> S;mou,,,,,. H", .. !. , .!. Dc Il-001, >!>Ii.,.,...: d. n""'ph'n".
A.M. 11<19 • . 0. 110<>" "'·9- 1>. In 'he 0;0,10 """,u'Y, M"h..1 1I1 w.. f.mou, ru.
olimin.d.g .ho 'igo,l ligh" ",.ming of .n A"h , ... c. , '" " no< to dilCo",,~<
tho ,./;/0, ... ",dinS hi' "" "",(mm.o""" Imp . up .. /Jono . ' 9) " <>- '0' ,f.
P. i.<m«l<. L< P""" " h"m,"i,"" . r" ..'i". ,..,',,,, " " ...."''' '"' "',, (f"'.... , "
"'/, ..... 8yn",.dtl .. i{i~,,"" X' ''''k,BibllO<h«ju< by".,,,,<. E,ud.-•. 6 (P , .... '97') .
p. 'lJ wi,h "·,9·
• A. ''''' Pl<m"'1<;n, ·Lilt".., I>u,,,,,,,,· . RE. ! l 1'9>J). '0' . ' l . H.I.",. S"ppl".r;o, .
pp. 8<>-,.
, S. M...... ino ... ,Annu.ct" 0 "public> I>«i", ": l "!CtI"'lIl< rom'n' di F, u"u < .lr"
~,;' . II",..., ,,,u,,,,,... , J / " ''',.,ro" ...... j (n. p ., '97' ), pp. "9- jO: M.
M,Cormic., ·Odo.m, Emprlol Zrno , nd '"" Rug;' " YK'O'y Irg" .m·, By, .. ~7
('\0711.' " - I', 1><><. ,, - '9· To tl« ",i<l<oc< ",,,mbk<l ,1«><, 'dd. fo. ,h< T , ,,,,c~y ,
bullclins were accompanied by objects captllred in butle, the
',ymboh of victory', destined 10 be la id.t the feet uf the su preme
commander and ultim ate victor," In late antiquity, the bulletin
and its symbol. of .ucce.s became so deepl y iden ti ('cd with victory
itself that an impatient emperor could send to the field md
demand symbols of viclOry from. slow-moving general.· T he
symbols them sel ves served a du.1 purpose. On the one hand, th ey
allowed the loca l commandn to recognize publicly the emperor',
monopoly of victory and to rc>ssure Constantinople that he
would not me hi, meet"'''' springbo ard to the purplc. 10 On th.,
other, this tim e-honored milit.ry cUStom supplied tangible proof
of the victory. A, an e"'''peralcd gm,'ral retorted 10 suldiers UpSCI
when he dispatched booty to emperor M . urice. 'Wh:1t orh",
witnesieS to yom accomplishment. will YOll be .ble to produce [in
Constantinople]?'" A socicty aCCU'lOmed to increasing victory
cdebration' gcneuted by decn::asing mcCeSS demanded proof of
the victories which were publicly , nnOlmced to it.
Imperial officers continued to produce victory bulletins well
into tb e Middle Age. and il h,,, been mggesrcd thaI the content
and tone ofthe,e documents mmt have left a deep imprint on the

XIII'"" .. "1 )).7 . ' . Myno". >61 .1.- ,611.,"0) .nJ ~ IJ ). J. >. M)·""". "I .J-O. on
,k,o,~ m""'"gm 'Ap<",J " T,;,,- fu, ";"m y bull";m of C""".n, in< .od hi,
''''''''''''''', XII p.... 7 16), ' •. I, M)'IIO", > '. ·, - 7; fu ><b,UI. 11.. .. 9. 9. u. Schw.",.
'1 "' ~ - '" CI",.ji.n. D< 10<'" Ailloni... '. 10---1). B,rt , j , j , John Df "'n,;"';h. n.-
i",,";" f8. '0) , IX 11<>0" !i~"'I''' ili"",k" ) .'4).'0- U . nJ H,m];", "port"o ,n,
",""I men'ion«! by Th<oph."", "'. M. ~, ,6 , lk Boot. ) 1>.'9- )' p. i" .J J" ion 'u
,0< docum<nll ""","",,,,d j " Ch,. '.IIJ ) . bo,·<.
• McCo'mKk, '000",,', >I S ",""h • . >! . fu, d"" <v,.j,n,·, "" 'h, ,m'om ",,,u,, in
Th<oo...i<.l'· plOy" for hi, ""' . CLuJ, ••. III "'", ., )J '. Hi". ,." P,ocopiu" &11.,
j, I •. ' j , H.ur~, >.7 ! .) -.; d. J . ';, " io;<I .. "7 ·1. - ' ' 3., 'nd 'K.;n 7, ,", j', ,., ....
•"" .v- " Iccmm . nd", .nd k.,. of Rum,); ,~i' .. .. " . <6. H.u,y ' ." '-, ,_, 0 ""I "
'<, .1 .•. J... .. - I ("'''plu"d Rom.n .nd Pc" i'n ,und"d,j. Th., ,",h obj<m ,,'<1< " 'h, .mp<"'" r«, "'"HH,,«d by "'m m i.,,", ' .wb,o '''''". ,h .. lh<
",,,,in,,,d G.ll u,·..oo., ,h,own" Con"",,,,,,' f«l" ,h"" so ,o,y "'<I< ,ho
.poib of. P.";" n king , '$, '. ' . Cl"k . 1.1' " " '" cf. ·l"hcopo.Il«, .... M. 00", l>c
Soc,. ,.1 .,1-> •. "" ,..hich "" McCmmd. k,i/ .
• Jm.'" II >tn'. mm' "g'" "qu''''"g ,h. k,y' of N,,,b,, '0 0""" ,0< '''8' 0"0.' oi,y:
Ev'H"u" 11.'·,',9 . jtio;le, _ P,, ,m<,,,,,, . 'Opo-j.
,. McCo'mick, '0<10'«1 ', "7-" . Sin"l" «.,,",..,,'" .,,",m '0 b. impli<d b)' ,.,
ci"" ",,,,o«. of "',;"om.chu'- "ip '" r"n".n'inopk ,flO, h;, _COl! in Nub ..
uod<, M'U1i«: John "f Nil;iu. 91, '<-' j . " . CI" ,k-l, ' JJ.
" TI""pnyl"""' Sim""'''''',/I", .. o. 7. , .. -'0, 0. 1<00" 'l1-'3- » •. , ! .
Orga",';d,,!t a By"amin, Iriumpll

.un"lvlng historic~1 record,. The victory commullique, which
COI,t,"!ilc V 5<' 1I! to COIl,tan tilloplc during his Bulgar w ars
cou ld sl ill be consulted by the patriarch Niccphorus >cver~l
dccodcs l~ter.'J By No<). events h,d so erooed imperi,l credibility
that Niccphorus I was forced to swear to the accur~cy of victory
disp,,, che, claimillg th, t he w" ce lebuting Easter ill the camp of
the def~~ted Bulgari:m kh:m .' 4 Five ye . " I~!er. Leo V ci rcu l~ted
to ~ 11 towns ~nd territorie, ~n off,ci, 1 report of his defcat of Krum
at ComtJntinopic." In the h.·yd.y of hi, usurpation, Thoma, t hc
SI,v >ell! out victory bulletins which hi s ultimate victor would
qUllify ~s bllificltions, Forgeries or not, they did succeed in
bringing: the rebel .ddition~1 lupport. ' 6 Vinory bullet ins con-
tinued to ."ive in the c.pi!.1 down to the twelfth century."
The fashion in which on impe ri,l victory hulle!in wa s commu-
niul<·d to the public h"d not continued unchanged ,ince ancient
timel. Undcr the Rom,n Rcpuhlic. gencr,ls· iiurTn. iaUT( nra(
were first read to the S<·n~tc and only l ~ter published to the gcner~l
popubtion in • (milia." Thi, diffcrenti~tion of ~udience waS
prc>erved in the Const.ntini.n empire: in the >econd h~lf of the
fourth cClltury, the Sen.t" of Rome and Const~ntinopJc conti-
Ilucd to he" r victory bullnins frum the commandcr-in-<hief, re~d
to tilelll by th~ City I' t <:fcct or his eq u i v~len,.,q In the provinces.
the lilllJtion m ay have been sumewh.t different. For imt,nce.,t
" v, ik""I"", ·n" Iio<K~ .f"o Uy"",;no,,,"" K.;"" .u, <km 5,hl.,htf<ld·.
D "'~",,~. b 1197< 1. 71- 1 J; ,r, M<Co,mkl, 'Odwc<!'. lOV. n, )0, L "", <vKl<n«
o,ho,,', ,n", in ,II< ,wclfth <<'ltU'Y. th, ~<:>g" th" <
ofth< !)wmn. wn '''''0,,«1 w;<I,
th, COmpo'''''''' of ' N""'y lo"<n, bu' ;1 ",,,,,Id I>< uow," to ""' pol", (,u n' ,hi.
'n",nco '" ",I "" uug" MOoh",1 1..I "u •. 0, .. ,0. ,d. I' , G, u,k, . A"h,,<> ok
I·O,k", <h,Otk" , ', W"". 1'17_1. _»-,wi th n . " d . too .,S,!,
I 0'"" tni, «fmoe<
", tho kond""" of 11. . Ilmw"i"g.
" N;COPho,u>. 11",;" 1,,,,.,. J, 7_. I'G. ,oo .jo!U-C.
,. Th,opn.n<>. A,M , 6)0', 1)0 U.:.:y,. ,g\. 1>- 1" J)Qlg",. R,X',,,", 00 . Jt'>!>. A ,; mll"
"PO" mo" b< ",h" Th<oph ,o" h,~ io ,0,,'1~ "'Otn h< m'i8, ,,d Nk<p"""' fo'
.on""n""~ ItK~"""<). In Ju l)' ! II, ' "' ~"" '01< of S"u""u, on ,It< oni,,,).
""",,,ful '"8'~<m<n" ,on lit< <V< uf h" g"" <k("" Th«>ph .""" A. M. 6)0). D<
A"",.. ,,,,,. t 1->1.
" DO I~«, R'R""' . 00. )9>: <f. H,;',l i". ·I!or ",h. f"o· , p. 7J.
" ·I'h,oph . Cool.. >. 10. ik>nn , OJ .11--<>.." d, G<,><,,~> . l . 6. 1.<,",(1)«. "'<1<1<, .o~
Thu,n. N7. - 7.
" So< .00",. n . Il .
.. H.l'm , S.ppl..." ..,. pp. 3) 7·
" Til" t",·IKS> ;pf~~." wm ",J '0 .h< "'" "or' of C"".w"j""p~ " impliri' i"
C<>",,,"uu,· "f<r<n« <0 ,h<or «I',,,,,,;on ,h" ,hi, "'., wh" ,h<y w<u going '0 It< ..

Orjialrizing n Hyzanline rri~mph

Antioch ~round 390, John Chry'o'tom', liSteners were familiar

with a ceremnny in which .11 clements of the population together
lillened to imperi.l victory bullctim, 20 It took pl.ce in. rhenr70n.
Whil e the imperi al word, were ocing read, le.dillg dignit •• ie"
govnnorl , city council .lld peupk remained standing and
observed the strictest silence. Any disruption of th e ceremony
with umolicited noise wa, pun;,hable by death for imult to the
imperial majesty. The assembly was concluded with .cclamations
.nd 111 this way p"r>Ikl! procedure for most imperial
announcements.' r
Th e one piece of early mediev.l evidence on the phy,ic.l
con text for the public delivery of victory bulletin. is t.nt:.lizing ill
it. mggcstion of the primacy of the ,.cred: He radi",' mrviv-
ing report from the Persi.n (ront w., read from the . mbo of
the Hagia Sophia On Sund.y. 15 M~y 628. 22 At fit\T glance.
the allnouncement's timing - 15 May was Pentecost in th'll
ycar - and the cxtr~urdinat y tok of patri'Heh Sergi'" in the
imperial guvernment might Seem to suggest that this was an
un",u.l derog.tion from contemporary custom. Over. century
earlier, the setting for important imperi~1 announcem ents _ppe"rs
to have vari ed according to their content: churches werc used for
doctrin~l or ccdcs;",!ical communicatiol1\, dvil buildings for less
religious nlltte r~. n rn the ,ixth century. thi, ch.ngcd. Justinian',

w"n fUK;"U ', p,ob. bly p,,,,,,,,,,ul of Co"".mmopl<. , .. d ,h<m , .. oo<ifi"t ion of
Th<m;";,,, ' p",m(>'M:>n, ;" 'h, I<u" P'''''''N .m""g tho I.." • • wod", «I .
'><lI<nld-lJown' y-Nor",. n. J.I> • .6 ...,: of. PLRE. I, ~!9, 'I"'ti" ", 1'. I" )79.
Symm.<hu, , ,,d ' n ;,np<t;.1 ,,,,'o,ybul l«;n '0 , .. 11.0""" """.t<.~'p .• 1, 9) , ""«k,
)1 .20 , nd "p . '7"": or. Ch' '''gool, l~iJ"'"", p, 61. For • dol<';p';OO of 'he ",.d;ng
" f .n imp.,;.1 1«", 'u ,I>< Cu",,,"dnopoli"" """"C, 'J'h<mi",U!. (fl .. "
x .."k!-!).,w,",y. I .) r .1-1 7.
" H",", XIX ;. M ,"•.. re. '7." ' . rom 'h, "'-t<. ct. It. MUlo,;IIo. 10bn Ch, ... ,,<um',
HomiJi" 00 Mmh<w . nd , .. Vmion of "'"n;,""'. Kr"'~'" f,,'''~,ijiJ••''''n''
<;>0","'" , IMiim",. 1970), " '- (\(), h,,< .1.,
" PC. \7. '!J; cf,Jo~. I..." 11."."", E",p'''. '. 711 -) .
"O",...p""" .. /jonll , 7'7·9-1.,
" Thu, in 411-6, '" imperi. 1 """H, ,,,d .. ,"ok" of 1'<""" .1 .nd doc1,in.1 .on',"'
f, om , ... ",00 of olJ H'8" SopO;" V, l_i,U, "Iii'.. (BH(; , '~9). ~ •. lkl,h , y<.
79. 1-'0. fu, ",h<, ;n," ","" ofimp',;. 1«,mm"n;'. r;"" or ,d;g;"", <on',,"' ,,><I in
,h""bn: T broph .. ,<I • ... .M, 600) , Do: Boor. 'jU- IO ,nd 'WI-I ; h'g';o" H., .•
J. I J, Ilid<l - P"mcn,icr, n o. I Ill: In "', D . ,!o, "" rh< ",h,dund, ,II< fin' " , dOng uf
V"j".·, "'"'J'<'
p,ocl. "" rioo of ,II< u,,,,,,iu. "'" g ;' , n in An,K>.h·, P""miom,
M.I . lu, ~I ».. ' j. Sp",k._Dow"<y. ' W·

Organizing a Byz~nrin' Iriumph

novel on the provincial ad mini.tution was 10 be displayed at

church enlrance. and copies of imperial edicts were dispatched to
vnious epi.copal >ces. H That the reading of Her.di,,' victory
bulletin in the H.gia Sophia conformed to contemporary Cll.tom
is confirm ed by an Armeni'ln hinorian, who memioO! thH the
same emperor h.d ordered th.t .nother important political
document be read to the p.triarch .nd grandee. ofConst'lntinople
in 'th e House of God', presumably the Hagia Sophia.H And so, in
Byzantium', dnk .ge, the 'Grn t Church' came to serve as the
natur.1 point of assembly and public cummunic.tion in times of
cri.i •. Thu. the ,,"urper Leomiu, uised what may have been a
.undard cry in hi. cu, sending herald. to .hout 'All Chri,tians to
the Hagia Sophia!' in each of the city's regioO!. The cili~enry
assembled at the lJ<lpti stery, where the uprising ag.instJustinian [I
was revc.led. 26 In the middle of the eighth century, the fal>c newS
of Comtantinc V', demise and the .ccession uf Artabasciu, was
announ ced to the IMS assembled in the galleries of the Hagi.
Sophia.'? The pattern was not, however , irreversible, since, by th e
eleventh ccntury "' Ihc l.,en, import"n' impcti.l announce me""
were being read in the Forum?'
It is not "'"Y to characterize the coment and chaucter of a kind

" R. XOtl. 'M.!.I . . . nd Ju"ini>n'. Codific."on ', By".""" P.p"'. By .. mirl •

• u""I;.",,; •. , (C.n""" •. '9!' ). "-JI . "p. ,6 .nd '9 .
.. S<\>roo. I/o'" ,,,,, .tI11. .. li., .• 6. tI. F. M>ci<, W.,.;" '904). So,
" Th<oph' n<:,. A .M . 6117. D. IIoot. J",. ,,-,6, A urn,]., .,><m bly wlit, in tl><
",v<nth Cml"'y i, ,rtQ,ckd by S<\>roo, Hi". HiI., JO. M.ckr, '0),
" "l1u:oph.n<o, A .M. 6>J]. 0. IJ.oor. "P-I> , I "" ..,. .. t< how '0 ,,,,,I,, 'l><
.mbiguity inl><'m' in .igh,/>.«n,u,y ">OS' O[Il>< wo,d .c.o!<:.. The 1"".l i",ian in
'l>< g.Il<rit> "'u"'" ,h.l l i, ""y h... bc<n ••d«t .ud;""ce, 0" Il><,it> ~f the
H.igi. Sophi •• nd 10m" of '00, funtl;"" •. T,F, M"l><w •• n. ""Ir , •• " .. , 'f
C .., ...." ••pk: ...
,,,;m", ,I.,of
,.i"'''.''' .... 1;/.", (Univ<'u,y P" k. '971). PI" ,,!If. A ,ouSh<oo· ,1>«>",,,,,1 m..;mum "poci,y mi~h, b< ""mpt,d "" the
b,..,11 of ,l>< o"bi< Il00, ' p,ce, whi,h Robr-r, ~ . V.n Nkt .ndJoIut Wibon w"" lind
.nough to ,,1t"1", fo, me, The ,,,01, wot ,I&) m' fot.11 ,I.,.. g.llerit> '''II"h«,
Allowins. "'y lI<T1<fOu, , m' P'" 1"'''''' (1"" of the g.ll<,i<. IV'" t.",,,ed fo,
im!",;'1 ",<: d, M .. h.w" flltl, ,.,"' .... ,. PI'. ']] _. ). ,I., J.o:b<. which ji".""d '0 'M
,""ouncem"n! muld h.." "umb<-r.d ,,,.,,,,.1 JOOO 1"'100', fu, ,l>< ",,,,"rem,n" of
the,.;." on which ,1.,1< '''''.i«wr<l''' b.l<d, 1<, R .L , V.n N>o:, s"i., S'p"i. i.
1,,,.""1.' A• .'1"";,,,,,,.1 S."", (W.<hing'otl , D.C.. '96)), pI. ' .
" Fof "",.monr .nnot.ln«"''''''~ !C< ""low; [0' tl>< ,,,ding of.n impo'''''' iml",i.1
.omntu,,'wion in oht Fo",m in IOU, [)(jlg«, R"",,,,,•. no. 1. 1, A few indic"ion,
00 ,h. public"ion of Hy",,'in< 1.'0'''' g'v," by F. DOlg"-J- K"' Y'nnopulm,
8,...,;.;".. U.....moltol"." (Munith. t9'\I) , pp . 7,1f.

Org@izing a Byzanli,," tri"mph

of document which h~1 rudy bern preserved, but .. few SJ.Jicnt

point. ~,c worth mmtioning,'O T " sct the tone, the bulletin.
typically bC);~n with " bib ]i,.] cit. tinn or twO .30 He ro diu'
missive CHries this the fnthe,!. lt StHts with 3 whol<',.lc qumation
of PSJ. lm 99 and procccds to trumpet the fall of the impious in
I.nguage and im.gery whieh reverberate with ~llusi"n. to the
p.. lter.' 1 There follows a rdad vely ptecise narration of the (act.,
including frequent references to dates . place"' and personal
names.Jl Such aCCoUntS were .nything but immune to propa-
g.. ndizing , .' is shown by Nicephorus (" oaths on the truthfulness
of his epiHikia and the 5~mc emperor's efforts to po rtray hi, son and
heir a5 the maimpring of victory , as well .. by Lcmerlc's analy sis
of Michael .. nd Theophilus' loo~ handling of the truth in 824."
To judge by the surviving docummt of 6l8. the stylc in which
scventh-century emperors announced thei r victory wa s rel atively
str~ightforward and accessible to a popular audience. Un like the

" tn .M",,,,, '0 11«",I;u, k " e< . 1)011';<" Kf;f'''ffl. no. '9' , .« tl.< k ,t« of \ , .
"'nm'n<"'~ ,be <1<1<>, of Thorn .. th. ,1.0 to ,t.. h.nkio.h <mp«m louK '"" Pio",
(DolS'" K,t"". ' no. ~), «I . A, W <rt " " '~",,If, MGlI. C_., U (1003). ,, )-&0
.oJ ,h< '''''''0",,«1 k!!« ofJohn T",",,,,., '0 A,hod IDolS'" K,~",., DO . , JO).
p".""o«l io M,,,h,,,, of Ed< .... " . ~, 1)o,". cr"on '!"'.k .~f",~ i" " f'.k" ,
I~'_ " "e).;od...,.,,< h;11O"~ '" .. n"'""""",, (P .. ;,. 'IJ i ), tf>-'J' cf, C. Kuchuk_
lo."n<",v. ·P',rno ""1"""0" to.on. T",.",~h il" k "rny.",~um)' u ""y" A,h,>tu
III .'. VV, 10 ('90)). 9'-'0', ~<r< 0, - 10 '. , tid p,~ , W.r,,,. ·T h. """,,ok" cO"""
T"m'K<> ,n ,.., I'gh' of .... '" Anh" ,v•.!t" ,o· , ~p .. ., 1' ....17) , JO' - 7,
... Dijigo,. R,l""" ' 00 . ' " ' , ,i,e. J.rn .. ,-". Pmy"bl ' ,1 l - ,6 .od I"i. h . J . 1J " d",
.diwr hOt<d, , Ii, ' i'-. <7J .Jj-6: nO. 7lD. ", Dull",,,,,. 16. •« rn' " , .lIu& '" 1'"1,,, 97
19l1).' '" p<,h.p> ,,,,, •. " .. w,1I " ROm.,,' " .J).
,. R,t''',., no, '~'. IIoon. 7" ,')-'" p"lm "" ('00)' 7>1 , ,-,,!,'; of, Pulm 9) i9'l),
"-'" 7'!,6: P" lm loS (' '''')' ' ): 7'1 ·7-" d, P"l", JO I) ,),,~, "S,'o: P"lm y.6,
<0<. If migh' I>< no«J thO! Do",«i .. " ,,' ~o "" l l 0" ,h, "" "1""« of M"'l,opol",
p""".d m n"'ph)'I",,,, \"n o<. "", lIiJl .. •. t". ' J. De il<x". ,S, .j-6, . lIud<. '0
P"lm 9J (96),' ,-u ", """'h dot .. nO< f"h;"" " H, ,,cI,u, ,octO'y bulk"n.
" to . J,j;,i"" '0 "'t<"'.' ..... '9" f~",". 7,0 " - " ... ' R,S"''' ' nO. ,00. W ... ""'~_
holf. ~76, 6 -47 1 . 1: K,,,,,,", nO, llo. tr. Dul, ",,.,,, !7-')' Thi, p" ,i<u )" puiol;'
<onfi ' m<d by , n .t>«do« ill 'h,
Pi" Sf""'.;' >If I"", i.,,,,,,,
(8HC. ,!>So). ' !7•• J,
P. von <l<n V<n , r.. ";' "",i,"n, .k S. Sf ....' . S"Ii" It fr'"" Su"'; ~ i.> ~'K"'K"f>hic"
J', , (B,u,,<I•• ' <>Il' J, ,~) . 'p;.";' which m ;v«l " A",ioch wi' hin til< " '« k
bcr, out ,hi ,,;nt', prupl><,y of . Rum.n ";c<my "y« At,mun,j" down ,,, 'h< J.y
.n<! hoo"
" On ,wo,n ,,;.;~i•. •boo<, n. " . 1 p">um,' ,hOI '" ;mp<,;.1 .;<''''y bulle';n w" th,
mton, by wh",h N i"phuru> t ~ ~I"" t< ,h., in;,;.1"":c<" of ,I>< ;n ..."," of HuIS";'
.. d"" <0 ,I>< .Ir!"~!. n J ."~oo;J" ofS"un <i", {Th<npl""". A.M . ~JoJ , D< 1Joo"
."".rl - , 'J, For '"" p,op , ~."di"ic ,. "~",, of Tho",,, ,h., SI.. •• "p,;,;ng. I.<n"',k.
'Tho"", l< SI.v', p, llS.

Orgao,iziMj1 n ByzanriM( rrillmpl,

langu.gc of {h~ di re , rhi, e. rly Ilyz.ntinc victory bulletin did nOI

.void mil;t.ry j.rgon or L.tini,m •.H
Litde infonn .. tion is avail"ble on any kind of imperi.l dec;,;oll_
m.king in the ca rl y Middle Ages. A num\x,r oflcss th'\fi successful
,.mp.;gm condocted by the cmperon themselves seem not to
h. ve incloded triomphs.'! If .. m.jor victory cele bration w,,"ot
an .. uwmatic by-product of.n imperial expedition, the il. ging of
mch. cclcbntion required. conseiou, decision. Th.t this decision
w.s n",dc.t the highest level o f governmen t is suggested both by
general ccremoni.1 practice .nd speci fic ev idence for victory
cekbntiom. Thus, even for rootine .. >nu.l processions to the Sophia, it w., the emperors ,hemselve. wh o formally
ordered the ceremon y' s org.nization. J6 The triomph, of Theo-
philm .nd Michad IV impl y th.t this w.s no Ie.,
true of victory
ccle bralions. For the triumph of.n impe ri.l genenl, the ruler' ,

." 0" 'h, "",,, I <onn,,"",,", uf 'h< .. "id. n« of 1u,"_wmJ,. M. M<Com,;,k ,

'G ..... _ h'K'O" " phy ."J ..,r ul" l .. ", ," I", 'n"qu",y, , .... , . .. of . /1; ....".
, ... - ~,~,p." . 6i, 11 .. ,,1<... j."..1of I'I"r.loty. lb, (,yl, I, 'J' -"). 1><", j \ 1-9·
Among J"g"" 0' L>,in"m, '" Hm cli .. , ' k ,,<o: ~'C,t)~IO' Ill",,". ,,1 .211,
~~'~.m. (1'9. ,6 ; 1)0, 111; nH", 172""J),I ,~,p't ..~~ (7) 0.1): vi ,~< ~'''''''I><:
(no. , , ); .... ~Kp~'''' n,I"''''' (;)0. ' 01. <I<.
" Thu, (0' Con",n',"< V, Th<oph.nn, A.M. 6'51. U. I!oor , oJ1,'0-j : ,kr~;'a..
;M~"", !. , ~ ~ oJ.<o. n" m.y b< ,I>< 'mplimi<m" ""II. ihil .. A.M , 6,66, .. I ,.:
~~~t, ~o,tj~ .... CO"",",;", VI ,,,u,,,<d ' 0 to. " pi,,1 " • fug" ' " . f« , .n
uo<u,,,,,fu i , Ifo" ' K"n" 'h< lIuig,,;.nt '" 10'. ,1 ,4__ A.M. 6.30. O"',J]. Thi, ",o.ld
. 1", ' PI"''' w b< ,he ",,,",ns of Th'''I'h.n,,' "p'"'''''' fm Nt«phoru' 1', ",urn
, fl<" fu,,1< lIul~,,;," "mp"~'>: ;d("~. ~~p",«" ,.04..
A.M . "''It),
d"'j -~.
' '''~P''''oc ",<m. 11<<< to l>< 'h, ,n,onym'"", u",J in ,i>< "",,"XI of .
,,,umph.1 '"loy. f,g .. Con<untm, V', triumph of 11), ,iul .• A.M. 6'6J, .. ,.>"
;.16'f!<~' ap"~fJWa'U:.t. l~ • .;-,<" •• 1 '~~p"" ot;. <Ig.;'~.,. . Th"'ph;lu" fo •

,II "" "mp"g"'. "",m . '0 hJV< «kb,md ooly 'wo '"umph" ,I, .\>0.<. Ch. O.
p. l J) . Th< h",,;1< , u'h~, "fTh<oph, Coo, .. )." Roon, ",, - S. d,,,o,,, 'hIt '0
wgg'" th" h< "',." "kb.",J , lIiu '"ph, ,II< ,mp',,,1 ac, p" «"iI",,<; .U·
~"~10 ".:in nl 00 u ri'b "_'P'';'" for ,«<n, r.nd;" gl ,h., 11,,011 did
no' «kb .." .. m'ny ","mph, ,, ,>lnr"S"', . 1>0,<, Cn . • , p, 'l'. n. I "
,. IX '".. " '. V "11:'. "J.l' - ,,: ,J" ",,-,-,. ",.,,,"'" [, I>< 1"" '1""'' 'J QI J""~&UI
""",,901 I~I ,~. ~'tiplO' ~{M""'Q" cr, Il<ly"' . ' P' ''my '. pp . >r_,.
" Thu, Th=p" ,l v, " explicit ly "",d ,~ h,,, «>mm,nd,J 1~lO plr1 ~fQ, kid.",,) , ....
«"ito" .nd ,1><" w i" , '0 tem.'" w;,h h;m un,iI I.. ", ~od h" .",tuno" , <"" y. H<
I.." o,"",,,d ,he ,h,ld."" of Com"n'mopk tu wd,,,",< h;m Ju ,ing h" ><ronJ
triumph ( ~ _'U~<" I .. p. I'..p .. 1I0,m. J~.' l . M 'f' Jol, JI. Th< h <1 of J,b,,<;,
md;",,,d fo< M ;,h.d IV', lIu lg.. i.n lIiu'''ph by P",ll v,' ... ,,"''''' ,hit "ntil ,1.."
i'l<oc). M;<h.d', rou ..!<Jor, hid """'pI<d to con,<,1 hi, ,.,.1 ,lin". ~.! floC;>'!'
b",<><l'fQ ~''' ~ ''~....e, '0 H o,d ••"olu''''''' Ck,,,""t'"'/o'" Mi,h. d IV. J',
eo""",nd '96 " 'u' ",ay 1'''01>''
1(1 wcll fuv~ '''1'.0 ~v""
>e,'" f"'~11 I" " "D "'0'" I''''.ro, 1"''' ''''I''''~
' 4' JUindi'pm.,bfc.'"
,,4 "'J' " ' 1' "'''1' '0 0", 1''' "D)(> ,.,~ u, 'u'''''' I",J " "'I' m", ",,,", I''''ow,,,,
Th .... dcc;..iotl '" edcb,,. .... , lriumph prob,bly fdl into lwo
"J~ ,""""'I mJOqJ''''N '-I Y' 'PI "<U' l l 'L, 'XI ".",",,,",,;) '",~d";;""'''n
'l. g...."'"
'""'~ '. "Sometime,.
'""'J ""'" ""-evm before ''"
,,~ -" I' 'P!"'~I'I' he""Id,'",",t out !><; ~,on'" ''''''
, c, l'qJ mp,ign,
""" .. . 'J]
empe ~"'P'''P
"' ror might U"}"'!make~I' M"'I' [hl'" (w"dccc'rn,in",o"m:nion ~_, -" I' JOthat 1'-"'"he" I'would,
I"" " " '" '" "'I :III
"'I' I""" r>' ''''' X! """".,,"":) " q' "'''"1
po"iblc , (ckbr:Hc , triumph . This woufd exploin Ib,if 1'. 'M ''"II'''d moq OW' - , ,-10; ''''1O\l "d<.'1
-J"I ',,"P"'I''''q Ol ''''P " '4' P''!'!'" I""" ''''I ",.,,~ud _~ I' -". 1""""' o_'!' ...d
"' ,,><I d. 0' 1'-'"' uf~",an '-'A
"J, , 'q ' JOinto I""" !'aufic;,]]
'-"1' pu. I"terricory in 873."""'I
,J" ' q ' J" "l'"qm J~ Th.t
"I' 'u I"'''' '''I '''-''''''''l
Cun't.ntinc VII intended to '"
,\,1' ,",' A), J" JO aA'I"" triumph,1 1"""""'''"'
entry r'~ i, ,ugge'ted
"'I'qJo' q,1. "
-'_0' odd P " -" ' " -d ',Aw'"'d,
by hi, cumpil;<tiun uf ,he tr,'o,i,,' 011 Imperi:ll Expedition>, '' ' '- \1''11 "' "",,,'Om _
" 'I' JO ,,, '~IJ ,."
'I"w "",""lI",,.. .oj ""'I"" '''I' H' ~ ,"_1' f , .,!«o" " " ' '" -'1/ ,,,,,,,,-,,-,,J
"'1' !mp"",d with "'r "'I' dossie",
.. , p., "", on ",_ how .... , ","other,~,.."dempero" "'I'JO ""'''!II
I" """ 'OJ edehr'ted the;r"
triumphs. Ronw"" II! Argyr"s i, knuwn to urdcr~d thc -(O J 'u 'r ' ~J .,,"'I ~ ••
mlln' ("HIre of l vi<'!ory nu""" <"'Tn before leaving ',;, 'U· ,the "ncap;t,1'"''''1Y for,,-
-."i.I'l "~ -> lOluod, '101 1"1 m.l,! 'i'~ '<'drl'I"e dm1fd_w)1~" Q :t_ i 'y "
, ca'''p';g''
'f'l",u,'lt 'L , 'XIin", A.' ;a M;nor
' "U""","::' .'o Th~oft'"~
'.. ~J"j;,,,,,,V t,n,1JOde~i,ion """ 1'4d"mu, must.'."'q~", however.
,., ,U"",,,,,ocen,'"I I"nude
.I .~ pm,hon "" " ly "4' <oj .);"-'I"A,
"'-'Jj.) the c'w"' "-"Id. _ ~ -fad", . "0"11 .. ~ ' W
-d» po.
-,"A~Regll ,", -"" -~J " _
" "I' '11'-
f>rly reclIrr;ng cncmo"i~, like .."nll, " " qJ,""U' "'I'J<> "'"'''4-'1-'- ' '~I' '" '1,ld. or
f processions
0, " ... ~. 1'1""" "'I' """""1<1 '"' ,<q ''''!' '4' ",," oj I'J:""~ '4' 1'''''1''" '1""'ld"
c.t,logll~ b. nqllet< received [he green light from the ~mpe ror on
"'I"' 'q' '''I' "'" qd ''',' ,~"'w~ "I' -i ,,<\ I"" ' '''' J'''' 1,1"""" ."-""1,1'" "',,"'" N "'~ ..
the d.y befon' thei r p.:rform.nt·t,.4' JI"''' ,\,H"",W Cunsidering
-'4' OJ "JJ" " thc "q' complexity
"'I~"",J ""
"'",," ·,"'.""""''''P'.I, u.,,,, ~''''~<J~pO'
u(tlK' cnnllony. dK' ,,"mbc.-r o(particip, m, and Ihe (:In < -' I" I~''''U)I q~"'xl' I Y -4J""""that it
'.I"~"W J" ,""0'" ~, '1'" '1'''''''' ' '-"011")
involved an area of the c;t y wh ;ch wimt',,,, d ;mper;,f ceremonies """"" "'II. L _ """ '11""")1
only occ"io".Il)", Iht'I,,,al !,:o-ahnd for, triumph,1 emry would
of "<'cc,,ity p . IIIbem Hll~'l l I'~')II"
given.t Ie:", ll~"ISthaI m~q for in') ""4 hll«.n') UJo
PlnOM AJI UJ 1"4d lu nU l " JOJ P" ')4"--o:l I""Y -''I) '·<II""O"U){}.< 1"0
'~!"OWJJJ~ 1"!JOKl",! p"",)UI!M 'PI 4'" .( Il~ .)41 J" "Jl " U" P_'"'IOAU '
I~c", ,,kl, " ' ) " - 7 -'I", "" """ ("Ilo"..> i",meJ","y 'h< ,,"'"", nf Mi,k,""
II 1"41
",,""p~_l~~J AI,,,,,,,~
J4l pur " I\ 'lu~dlJUJ
c", "1J .. , '-,"d JO l -'<I""lll
'''''ana .... ''' mo." 'AUotll.''''' '.'''ll)O
_"(IT,dmooi",""", i","",
AIIl',ml""" ol<- ,""
~ldlllm ~'ll ":luu
"rer<~P""oJ "" ,,,,,,,y
,,, [~'" ,~ ' ,'_'U""uojJ.>d
" ",If -" ~'P ~.IOJ'>q ""1' ~'ll
" r, ,, N ""1""""' I'h".-,,· ,,," "1
,, of 0 1 ",J "" J. ,I '" ~n" m
110 JOJ OKlw~ ~41 WOJ114~h l "JJJS ~'l' P"'!J~JJ 'l~llbu~q JllSOI"I"J
,to ",",ph "i" <I", 'he rule,
.. ph«!ly .~ok,«1 ,ke ~" "',,' 'n " " " , ... fi, y , hy "" I'~O<" ''''', '"" '" <><lid ' 1'1>"" ,,,
JO ' mo!" l ~llUll~
r p' y ,,,n"K'oJ, '"dI<-b", '" n of ,he~'1 "!1 '''"'
'J!UOI'h .,llUDJw<ilo ,b<"", Co . • ' n. '". IJ"ln
:luIJlnx)J ' ,nd "p. li~ 'dS ym.
M,~.. lion". 71 ". ,n J hpl - lU~"
..... ('.~f,',,«
.' '''1' '" JJ"P'l
01", "If,'f! ""If,,,,"~P"'"
hllJOI{' [, Y J'>< II",
u~"'l ~Anlof
' ><'00"'
~"rhe"', ')Sn,u
'J~l>~"'04 " ,"mp",1 uO!,, '"'" Ci"'''''1''J'''''
'""Y o.-mu, V\I(;"'" ~"V .. ""'''" '7, 1<""n. .. ld.
" I"!IX,"lI!"dUl "
, ,(',J -" Q ,o"o';p'rwp 9,,1>~~o , CiIY f," w t.l roie .pon/o,o ~>frl""
-!OJ 1"lld~) J'll ~llll> t~I.'JOJ"'l U.H.> LJ ,,,',..>AJOPI~ ")0 JJI1P"J """lU
." Abo" , Lh, ' .", , It ,
,'•• p.)l~pJO
4l A"",c, Ch •~l>"4 • u, ' HOJ 1l.,,0"~ " s nJ~ :hV HI ,nlll'''Ju1:1 -s'lJlIltU!l
PJl~Jq~p~",dw (,,' "",,,,1 p""""''''"'
"oJ~dwj J ~'110 MO'I w,,, "0 ,,,"cd , .. ,,,. 'ld,y
"~,,,op l'''' p",,-,d'"J
~l~ldlUm .h<
"'. " " V">;" F J " - I ." ~""h« e.,d,"" f", " .. "~"n<"" m.d<
".. ,I ... ,'" "f, he m """,,, r"0
'mo!1!pOKl .><lIe,
;" !ld)-"" . ,,"! ;"l'y ,)0
-I',;"m ""Il"I'JlUOJ
p. ''-, n. 1; of. pp _<(>-"4 '- .<q
" I'h"'p",I", " h,d lla 1~4d ' "Il(J
"Jl '"'''''f''''',) • ,Id,y 1 "~:l"I
"f"p ", ' 01 ,h) , be, ....lJA
""',',',, 10" """I in''::)
,,,, .)UllU"I''' ,il<
A""K W"",,," of ,n., "p" , 1 ,Old ,he ",""I
1"4.161-" L& U! AWUIDl ""D 'I""d OU" 1l0!<JIDUI "" J" 1l{:ln0411·llJ" ,,( 'h, " P'''''' ,I<~.n<d '0 'PI"'" '" hi,
pm",'; '" ",,,.1.,. 1i~- p,-;"",,,, I. .., "".. I ..J<kd ,h"... d,y' '0 h" "h<dot., I",p.
' ,I b,,,1!'~11u",,,,,
U! 'JO._'
ld xJ'- ". PI"OM
hom r",II"" '!4.1,w<''ldllll1!J " ~l ~Jq~PJ
' "0".. ,""l Co""<>"';",, 1)( .... ,i 'a{q!"od
.. d 0",;1 ,I.:
I I ~ I",
l~ J! '"''"'"«
'PI""'"""I 010<"~'l ",-,I
oIK- "K',,,,i,,,,, urn)' ~" 4l ,I><"'I"'" l'lli!",
"..,11> bef"" d"OdinS JOJJ<\",a
'0 8""'
,, ~ ''''''mph''
'IlS,"d", r"Jm", '0uo01",1110 1'" ~'I
~~'''''p.,,, ~JOJ-'q
,, , , .hl mA~
..... ~I, tI", P"";>< "~ll"lJ
,im< (nme;,llIOS not - S~S "l'
~; . . n'
C"',",,~'p"'" CO""'"" '" IX . '1. R,m" ld, l ,O 1-, No<cpl>otu' 1'1>0<,,' f,,,,
OM l Ol"! IPJ " 1<J"qOJd Ild"ll1! ' l " ~1"J<pp~ 01 UO!"~~r ~'{.1
",em",,;,1 '""y '"'0 ,I>< "1"'" ""m, ,0 h"" .... ,," "" ''''Q '" 01"" " . y"r,« h"
bwtl><, ,,>Ok ","'m' or.)]0", ,,,. ... ,'1I.M.
,nJ' ohio, u~'''1 ......
.'H'l """"" 1I~'"" 1><A" "','U pU""llIlO~
, . 0;6,110,,",

''J7 V 3'"!;:'!,,,,,\',0
'Idu",!" J11!"'V;r~1I
Orgnni:dng n Byznmin~ rriumph

The great early medieval ceremonies of enthronement ~nd

promotion Were customarily timed to coincide with the most
prestigious feasts of the political and liturgical c~lcnd"r, d" y' like
Christmas, Emer, Pentecost, Autokratoria and even the an-
nivcr5:IIY of the delivery ofConst"n!inople from the Arabs.~J The
rare indications on the precise date of victory celebration! hint th'H
emperon wmetimes tried to link their own triumphs with dates
hallowed by church observmce. Thus Constantine VI celebrated
hi. triumph,,] entry of 194 on the eve of the gre"t festiva l of
Blachemac which commcmor,,!ed the role of th e Virgin·s relic in
defending the capital over a century eulier. In this inst"oce, the
ceremony'. timing explains its unique itinerary.~~
Whatever the date of imperial victory celebrations, the
Byzantine! followed R oman cunom whi ch fi xed th e m"in events
of public life early in the morning.·' The grcat annual processions
to the H.1.gia Sophia - and, by implication, the coronations and
promotions ""ociated with them - got st:IIted very e:IIly in the
day. ' · So 100 the triumph in the Forum, which was staged early in
the morning. "? [n H9,ju"inian·s triumph.l entry began ,hortly
after dawn, in the day's first hour .~ · Although there is no explicit
record of the time at which early medieval triumph"l en tries gOt
underway, several faclOII argue for an early start here as well.

",.",ri. 1 ''''n8<",<n« fo, mch • m<mooy wm of <ou"" v"y

' )1. 11- .. )I .J. Th<
moch I;k, ,h_ "f ,II< ";~"'ph . 1 .n,,¥.
" ro, o,nc, ''''''pk" Tf<.dgold. ·Ac<u"cy ·. pp. '66- 1. n. )<. Fo. ,h. ,;m;ng uf
ttumu",,;c p,om",""" w<.~ 30t>1l oj- ,,~rpc_ hpp.",....... ,n 'h' Ch'YIO,,,kl;no,
onci<, Lt<l VI. >« PhiJo<nc",. CS.",.s.., i."" O;~""omid" . Spl -jo. On N",<_
phO'U' 11". «>'01"'"'" d.I<. Ch .•• p. ,6<). In .dd;,;()" to ,II< p""'g' 'nd . r<'n.p"
aood fonu"< ..1OCi.I<d wi," thot< d.l". i, i, no< unl;ktly ,n., til< I<.ding p.o""'ci.1
offi<i.1< <1m. '0 'h< upi,,1 fo, ,h< K'''' ool;d.y,. ,),mby "" ••",;n8 ,I>< ",. ."d
qu.I;,y ~f til< go"","m",,,1 .udicn« fo. ,."h <v",,~ $« . <.g. Mi,h ..1 . "d
Thoph;Iu,. UOlg<r. R<i''''''. no. 008. W<rmio~holf. ' '';.)l - o .
.. AboY<. Ch . • . p. I.J . On th' o,h", h.nd. 1hm .. no <,,,k,,,;< Qf,prci. 1 mo,iv" fo,
Con". n';n< JX·, «I<b",;oo af 'h< ci<f<1l of To,n",;u, on '9 D<<<mb<, '~7 0'
J""ini."', "'umph "" " AUi"" JJ9 .
.. B.IKlon.I.if< ... r..;,.". p. >0. Th. poin' " m.d. p"d,dy fo, Imr<", 1<m,i" by 'he
old""",, ofTi'o,. prob. bly" Al, .. ndri., 00 'J Ap,,171 "7 • .m.: P. O,y. '7'J. «I.
L. Inll"m, <t . 1.• no. OKI.h,"'Io., Pop";. l< (Loodon. '08), 1>?-<)•
.. Ikly"". ·P,i<my·. p. " . In ,II< ">th "",u'Y. fo, in"'n«. T,b<,,", "'" p,omo1<d
C .. >i, in 'he mom;nl' John of Eph .... ,. H. •. . l. J. J. " . B,oo" . 9J.7.
" 0."' ..•. '9, Bonn . 607 ·' 1. . , I ..p. &p .. lJ<nln, .\17.6.
Imperi.1 "J,'e,ml$ w'Trl"{1 the .. me itiner~ ,y in much the ... me
w.y .nd .,e known ", h.v~ bq~"n in th,· morning. " A (OIII'~ ';O.
imperiJI cntri ... which 1<",k pl.,·c at otl1<"' time, ofrh,· day were
,itl,,1cd om and 'Tidencc . no,,_rilll.1lijti c d",,'rter.'o Fin.lly, the
length .nd complexity of Ihe rernnony proeti",l ly ,·njo ined .n
e.rly ,un whenever fc.sibk .
Imuring Ihe widesl possibk p"bli,·i!)" for . ceremotl)" me.nt
.. tltl[lutlcing i! 10 the city", popohti"" ." 0 ,,,1 or written . n_
nouncement , were hy '",lIOn· '·phen1<",,1 and v"n;,hed
wilh hard ly . trace" Th."b on l)" to bu,eaucratic pre,erip,ion i,
i, known !lu, w.i't,·" ordns (/t"l!I·(itrcr) wc·re im,cd to varioo,
g'''·c", menu) "Ain·s info'min!, li1<"m of" crrc-mon y ou thc eve of
in performance." Cert.inly r"mor or intention.1 ·le.k, h.d •
h.nd in 'pread ing the word on more than olle o<;(.\ior.. In(o,m.l
new' oflco VI.. impendin!: p,>tIirip~tio" in his father's Eli.s Ihy
pro<;cs.sion of SR6 ciec"ifjcd thc dty', population and brought
,hem OUI in drove •. Nu Cu,m.n,inop,,!;,.n nc,·ded !r> l>r: told that
i, meat" l eo·. n·m".!ion . s bd, d,-sign",· to Ih,· Ihron,·.·· But
thi, wa, hard ly typk. 1 .",1 ,bc 1' wo"hI not li kdy have kfl
th,· pu blicity (or in ce ,en,on;,", to ,·h. n...·.
It i, w ell kn own th>! vc,h.l.nllotrr'(cmcn" of ,1..1"'. ,ime, .nd

.. Th", ,fK ....1""", ...."y ofNo«rh'''"' ''"'' J" ...

"~"" 9'0). I:>' m .. '. "". Uonn. 01., .
.. I h", ,fK ,.>ok", ''''.o r'"'' urc""''''' '''"'pk by C",,,"n',,,, V, TfKoph.n", . .... M.
"J}. 1>< 'lour . ,>0. ' ,-'" a'P'"
np"' ; :lIJ<''''''~, ';"';·1, ~'" ,w l'p"~I"" «IX_
, ~. ~6'" ~.p"'fI". 0 ' 1'<0 V·, <"tr,· .r«, h~ """P""'" ",fK H,l>dom"",,, '00<
pi", " m,rlo.y ,nO >v,,;<lro '"' GoI<lrn G"" '. ;1 .... .M . 6)oj . jO'.' j-G: ••1
_ofu~c ~Idp.c . .. • ". ,~. X'I"'(oo ~~p1'1<; "~'pp"J ",,,h/l<')' ,:I /h~Ill." .
•, The ,",Iy "'o,~ don. on '"""",,«mm" """I ""~. Wmo (,urn I""'g"'" T. 1(1,"1<,.
·1" ", .. kii,,,lwm~ · . RACo 7 (' '-' ">J . ]f.,-",. " "I ~ C,b'ul. ·L·." OO<K< C\<, f<",·.
/lAO .. '.' (.11<'1"). ")0-" .
" S« fu, «""pI< '"' "H,,,"",, of " I,,, ... ,. ·f<",,, . ".,,Ii~",,~·. rr . '7) - ' ; 779-00,

~. ~.1-'<"•. '. '. V,,\:,. '.j." -> ' Lf ,I>< ,d<"n,,, « ,lIa,nlb)·IkI,. ... ,. ·1',,,,,,,)"".
p." . n , • .,,,1 , ..........« ,,f , .... p"".,rf,.1 ,..reocn.!.,y..." ,,,,,,,1 W,'" 1'''''k",,1
m"'''g<"' f", 'h< P.IO(" Il""",,,,. ",,,",,,lot,. pr. )1)-1.
.. '·iI. ·/."rh ... '"'~ . (illiG. 11 ~' ). 10 . • d . E. K"",. ·Z",·" Bn«h""", T <>";;10<. do<
hi Throph"",. J", (;"m,hl", K",... , l «> VI.". Z,I""; ;"1"""'''' '; . k"""'",;; ...... I.
I. pO "''' .,,.;i.I. ",1,/,", y•. ). "". , (S, r"."b<o, ~ . ,'o! I. 'J "-, I ,,'" 'J.'! - , J . I'm
'h< 0"<. k J II. Jmlm,. ·Th< '", ..... ""'",1 """ ' ""1 o-f ,h< ··lOfl .... h<'<·· fQ' ,10<
y<'" ... n I,,? -V" ·. rx"JP. '" (•.,.,). 9' " , ....." "'.- J . "'''0'''"'. <oonl" "ol<
."" .." " c"" rpm· ..",w" of""",· "f ,m.· 'P ,,,rl " ·.,,d ,,[Jm';" 11", " «",,,,,, I." ..
'. ,."If.,,,,,.• ,
pl.ce, wCr~ part an d p",cd oflate amiquc IilOrgic~1 pr. ceice." In
fifth_cenlOry Constantinople, an emperor could calily order the
patriarch 10 announce details o f .n upco ming relic Iranslation.'6
imp,·,;.1 ceremonies 100 wcr" announced in .dvanel·. The
annuun cemen t !.Ceml to h.v,· taken the form of an imperial
order." [n 602, for exa mple, Phou, dispatched the ~S(('eI;S
T heodo re to the Hagia Sophia, There he moumed the .mbo and
delivere d to the population the usurper', order (npooTClYjla) that
the y go out 10 the Hebdomull Palace fur hi, eOTOn;"ion. '" Under
CotlSt>",ine V. the cru wd wh u wJtched the rim al humili.tion of
tk p .. ri . reh Const;"" inc was co nvok ed in the ~bgi. Sophia by
imperi.1comm and. 'o [n the eleventh centu ry, the in auguration of
Mi chael V as Cae,ar was . nnounced in .dvance. perhaps by
her. Ids. A li ttle [atcr. an "rob visitor rem ark ed on the public
announcement of Hippodrome fest ivitie, by criers on the day
preceding the g. thering ,"" Thcse general .n nouncements . ppear
to hav e bee n intendcd for the popo[ation ;" large, ,ince more
specific me anS were at ha nd for .lerting the ci ty's government.1
and cotn merci.1 elite. Impcri.1 ritu.l had long since instim-,c-ci the in volvcmcnt uf tWO highly ,ignificant social group' ,
the mcmbcT! of the senatori.l order or !ynklwkoi and the city's
Sen. tori al rank brought to i" holden 10bstanti. 1 privileges and
pc'qu i!ites: in return . member< of the o rder were comi dercd
bound to the emperor by lped al tics which ran deeper th.n tho!.C
of sociny at Ia rge. 61 Sl"tI.turi.l dignity enta iled the highly prized

" S« <·K· KI.m". ' f, ,,,,, k ",,J,~uns', p. 1>«'.

" v. 1)..."1,, ",);,., (il liG, .g9i. I!, D<1<h.y<. \6."
-J. Kt.m<,. 'f.",,,kLind,sung',
p. 71' "" nnT),op"P'1" (_ n '''"i"pJtp'1'') " unfound<:d: D• ..,,,,,z6. R"lond"J .
p. ,)1.
" 11<ly"', ·Pri,,,,y '. rp. , 0--,. " ,"" ",1< " ,,,mno' of 'h" prookm ",it,b1< '0 do"
."d "<on«r", onl)' ,"" "",if,,,,,,,,,
of ""t,,,;< ;m'"u,;"", """"d on IJ< "'.. '. , .
.. T""opbyl"tu> ',m "","" . /1"'..
1. '0. '-J. Ik kloo" )0,.'0--)0) ." d. T"""pb,"~.
,o,.M "",,~ . [), 11m, • .1S0.'O_ Lj .
.. Ib'J.. ,o, .M. 6.1)9, IJ< B001. " ,." - I! (I~ J"'",II<: ~'~jJ.j~~CJ .
.. P",liu" CII""$"pl"., MKh.<I IV, '), R<n,uld . , .61.0- 6; ~~i'<'''''~ ,00, tol"~.
~p<J~~,w.:~.,,,, ~.I ,oo)(;t. ,tl.<, ~6~"~"'''' .1< ",. I. Bhxtp . .. e ""'~~l>"jK~U'"
.. lI •. I, " nO! im p"',ibk rh" ~PQ' ~.x-o"w ~ bemg u"d m<top horK.lIy .C,",n fQ,,1><
H'pp<><iro",,<c M ono"k, . 'M"",,'. p. ~61.
.. TI"",, ",,,m,n,,.,, ,0,. Ch",roph,lo>",uloo, 'H "07~ ",r"" .1<. TO B",." ..6.
Kpi,,,,,. 'h " ~ pic "N 'Plow.. : 'I< 1~1 "ph" 100 IV.!! " " 00 6'~.1"", . 1,0, ,1><0', 19'9);
right of partidpating in imperial processions and ceremonies.'"
The constant reference to the .enatorial order in the Ceremony
Book off"," convincing ,"vidence ufthe sYMkletikoj', indispensable
ru le in imperial ritual. Indeed, .cholan haY<" ob,tin.rcly ]]cgleeted
the fact that for irs a mhor, the book w as c"entially" 'Trnr;,e on
Imperia] an d SC";lIorial CeremoniaL·' In the Middle Ages, the
distinction between right and obligation was a fine one and, ,. we
learn from the ten th_century Life of Euthyrnius , attendance at
imperial ((remonic. was not Jeft to the ",nator;,,! plcasure. When
the newly appointed patriarch:.! Jy"crl/,jj had [ailed to ,how up at
reguln COUrl cerclllonic! for lOme time, the imperial ,mni ster
Slyiiaous Zaoutzc. is mppu",d to have scnt him a written
App ..enlly. f.ther. it h •• e"'ped Your Holin"," notice ,h.1 you 100 are
now. digniluy of 'he re.lm (ilTI P,¥'''),IIwil 6:,''''P''IOC ""010<:
pJ.tolOC ,t'ionC) and that you, ju .. like tlio,", of u' who are enrolled

H.G. lied" 5<"" """ V.I. ,... 1("""'"""01"1. p,,,.,,,,,,",, .",..".1,,11<. V"J"'""I"
I"t' ~"'" Si"''''g,t><'Khl< do, lJ'y""d", A.. <I<",,,, <1<, Wi,,,,nKh . r,,n, Phil,,,._
hi" . Kl. IMunod, . I'lM), 'K'. 6, ,,,J ,1\, b,,,,fbut <xcdkn, ob"",·"iom ofP. L<m«k,
Ci"q i'""", pp. >'7if A 'h"",ugh """.1 .oJ in"i,u,;.",.1 hillo,y of d>< 'r""I,,", ;,
b.dly JK'<dod. Th< "",ioo of ,0. 'I'«i.] ,i<> I><,,..«n 'T" "I,,'h>i .nd ,h. <"'1'<<0'
rum" 'h'''''gh <Indy in ,h. wo,d. r"' in!O ,0. mQuth flf L«> m by ,0. nin'h_
<rn'",y . u,hu, <>f ,t>< P""i, X """1'"'" 18HC. j 19\), I!ASS AUI" > (17) I)' 0)4-7,
h", 'UD (.. m< ",f. in ),d .J,,) .... I"'n ,hOI 'mpcm' " depkt<d., t<p,in"nJin~ ,0.
m,ml><" uf 10. .lit< who ""'" in,ohd in ,h< , .... Q'« tho C~.Ik< i<on: 'U" 1'-1'
liptc We <ill ,> lm'I"':I,~ '/Ioooc ~.j 4~1(tI!"<w. p~ oVtWC p,d '(0'
«10"",1«>. ~~I'" pol~"'" 1~",0Il0 bc~~,,,,,,I~ '" ~o I ,,<~"" '''''.O,~. ip.o,tj<r., ,~
.o'".l" ~t. ~ol&"';p<.c <~di'~c p.",.,h<:, y"ta9". On tho d",um,n' .nJ it>
d"" I. S<",n kQ. 'H'gOQg,.phy of '"' kon<><I." P<,iod', 1,,,,,,,,/,,,,,. ,d. A. B'r"
.nd J- Ii''';n IlIinn,"~h,m, 19771. pp. I IJ-)! . her< , ! . wi,h n. ~, .nd eop, C.<>. 8,.,," J/,"", pp . ' ,6-17 .
• , The g'''' in' p<lm,Ko to ""'t<"'p<lmy mind, of pmie;p""'" in <:<<<mMi<> ;,
<o,<I<n«d by .I.u" on whooh Th",Ju<' Stud", <um,,'" ,h. 'P"""".' Eudu<imu •.
whu ... " <kp,,,*,1 by hi. /.,,, "f 'igh'. w~i "h p"duJ<J hi, pu,;'-ip""'" in imp<ri.]
pro"".;""" " Im t, w,it<> nood"", ,hi, .t.ould P"""'< ~i m r",m th< comp. ny "f
("mk>!"" .n ~ ",,,,ogdo,,,,! Er .. " ,31. PC. \>'>.' J60B. 5<, ,I.., ,ho dro'" of tho
(I<,i< K,." " 'Q buy hi, '0'1 in", ,h, "'gt,i,y of p'''''''p"h .. ;u, . "d it> ",,,<om;"n'
,«,moo;,1 obliS";""" Coo"'",;n, va, D.- H ,". i,"p" JO. 'J6-j6, Mota.,,;);·
J"".in" ' ' ' • • 0J Co,""",,'"' , pp. '0'- $' d . P. l<:m«k. 'R'K." =" d'",. , ,u.
X<-XJ< ,;«k,', R(;II, >J (1\>0) , 17-'00, ~<f< 79- 110.
" 0."" __ >, ~",f.. lI""n , 516.1 ' '0 ~'pjnl"po"''''K~cl<1Jl''''l'K''~''''~& d~<wc ;~.
Fo, .n o>,<v;<w of ",n""ri,] pu'icip";"" in imp<.i.] .i,u,I •• Chri'mphHopoulou ,
I6y~.~<"c, pp. 11 1-'0; <" llely,",,', 'P,i<my', pmi," .

wi,h you in ,he .. cred Sen.. ~, muU nOl to p.nicip..e in ,he regu!.u
""r~moniC$. Do not peni" in mocking the Empire with ,hi, prolong«l
retiremen', ,howing your co",emp' for the rulen ,hcm",lvc>. ••
Thi. obligation darifies why .he authon of various accounts of
triumphal entries simply prC'uppose the synklwkoi's general
panicipation in ceremonies of wekome and victory. It is Un-
derstand.ble th at a late antique bureaucrat had once taken th e
trouble to specify the various alternatives open to members of th e
senatorial order for discbrging their du.y of puticipation in
imperial entries."' The manner in which ...:nators were convoked
cannot have differed gre. tly from that attested for other cere-
monies .""
If the ...:n;l!o rial order resident in the capit al was ipso f aCIO
intimatel y invol ved in a .riumph, the ecclesiastical eli te of the
provinces, at least, needed explicit authorization to enter the
capital and p'lfticipate in the ceremony. T hus, bte in th e tenth
,cnt~ry, Leo, the wrolC '0 hi, colleagu es
and the emperor in Constantinop1c, expressing his eagerness to
reach 'he city, witness and perhaps even eulogize the triumph of
Basil and hi, brother. To do \0 , however, required imperial
authorization (to rite. ~I(TWD(TWX: t}'bo(lIp.ov); as the bishop
bitterly eompbins, it was not forthcoming and Leo wa s stuc k in
PyJ_e with th e pigs in tended for th e tables of Constantinople.·'
Even in the ev ent that he would miss ,he ceremony, Leo hoped to
learn it< dctails from morC fortunate colleag ues.·'
•• v;,. E.'~I""U (~HG. 6"1, " «I . P. K"lin_H'y"'t, lIibl.,.n<Q"' <i< "y"ntion. J
(11"",<1>, '\170) , '1 .' 0-». whoo< , .. n,I,,;'" In ... , .d ' p«d ",m,w~"'- Th< "",,,I
P''''g< k" . ""I ~.,\I:I~,p ~!"k. 01 ~" <101 ,~ f'n ~"I".Yj"f' ~~""'itm:c.
ottr"", ""I .,., oop,I.I.J", ,oC ~~ ".S",mp,/"I '''''' b< '<i~"" ~poc.IuIc-<w •. ~~t< ',~
»<1"11<]< Inl ~oM ~_" •.(",p<i). ",,,u!(IfC <~c P..".l.<I~c "''''I'po''';'. n l "".;,.
,d:!. ~.."!.rod..,",,. Th, "Q";"m..,' y 8<><' " ",," ., for b" • .,
J"It;ni •• ', "Qv<lll "" ,h< xn.", (A.D. I ]'): N.",II" I.,,;" ;... i, 6•. I. J . <d. 11.. S<h<><11
.nd P. Kfil g'" C"',., ;.,j,~',ili" )llIodin. '9.11. JJJ ."" ' o, ,&,,"'~ 10 dIe"' 8' m",
. nd ,,",,," .. , . x«oo Th<m;,,;", imi,"n« on ,h< ' p«i, 1oblig""'" of, .. 5<". ", of
Coo",",inop"' to «lebr ... irnp<.i.t hohd. y" 0.-" . , Sd."nkl_Down<y. '., 1." _6 .
.. I"" . fix, ., Ilonn . 49, .1-<"' .'1 , d,,<d toJ""in;'" " .-<ign by BU1 Y, 'c."muni>1
Book', 1'· <19, n. ,7 .
.. 5« IIoly,," 'P.-i<my ', p. '), n. L Il i, not< wQ"hy t"" in th< "1'01" ,pp<nd,.d '"
I"" . fixp., lh"i, P'";dp,,ion " '" to . ... fut s"n",j th" it " , .."d ".-i,h o "'
"pio n.. ;",,; IIonn <93.'0--'99. ' ,nd , .,. ., - 6.
" Ep .. H (10 m<mb<nofth< Holy Synod) .nd 10 (to 110,,111) , D",,,"," . ""J-IO .
.. Ii, .. J' , P"",u.o" >10.67-71.
Like """y of the mon~rchy'~ rilu~ ls. p.n ieip"liun til .n Im-
peri.l <riumph was lI",,,ly .11 . If.;, fur mel1, The >exua1 ... g_
reg.tioll which h~d crept i",o I'le Itum.l" life and which. by
the .ixth century. w., reg",ded ~s ch"r.ctc ri ,tk of Const.n-
tillop1e', upper crmt. i, underscored by the glaring absence of
women - "'pt; ve, ",ide - frnm triumplul p,ucessiuns .nd attend-
:Illt cerc",n,,;,,·o Thu •. [be """urs whu Weill uut to /:I;creil to
greet the ,,;umph~tH Thenphilu, w,ore u{1 occonlp.nicd by their
wivt· •. It w.s unly when thecmperur decided to keep hi,,-,
with him th.t the ladies wn,' ",mmuned to join the court. The
"'ntiv~tion fnr this order;, re\'C~ ling: it w"' intended to ~lI()w the
wives to be with the AllgnSta. nut Iheir husb.nds. 70 The ,eaSun is
that in early medi,·v.l Byz.ntium, th,- public Jive! ufthe ladies uf
the elite gcnn.lly revolved ",,,,md the enemuni.l life uf the
etTI press. whik tho, of their hu sh,,,ds ",rued nn the ,c tiviti~. of th~
emperor," The ",rc cxcel'tiu"l [(l [hi. principl~ ~r~ rC<ldi1y

.. u" "'"' I ~.~ ,,·s .. ""'. ",',' l. lhi to"". I"""" I" ... OM by: ,",i",. '-nd <do (p or;,. ,,)7<>J.
I'P t'! . "J ", of J {:",,JiJ,,,, J,.. M""",. ' L, femme run> I'<mp,,,, by"",;n',
II;""" -.,1;,1,.., I. f< .. "", ,·d . I'. (;"m. 1. ) ({'or;" ">"7), " - oJ, h«< >1 - 1: ",m,
",J", "'"'' "" ,m I' "",,, ."d " 're, ,,"', ;.1. ;l;l" rp." - J' '-", th< Kg " g""n of
" 'om,,, .. ~."'" ."J 'P'''''''' '" . "e;"", Rom<. IhMon , tifo ..J 1<;,." ,
rl' 'j' -9. [)o:-<.c,i"," ~ ''''' ,< "'" "-", uf ''''' 1"-'p" I.""" uf Coo,,-,-,,,, nopk donn ~ ,10.
,,,,hq .. ' " uf ')7, ~ ~.,h;" "'''''''-0 ,I" , ",",-.. I ",ol." w" "umpk,",y o,·,,,"rn<d '0
,~< 1"->'' ' ,h" ".,,""" m;figk"d ,,,dy "'"h m", - ."J ""'J"" 10"", ,~" ' YJ'<' ,It","
/I,,, .. s. J. 7. K<ydd l, ' "7 · '~ 'J.
" '"'p. br .. ,w.
~'ri' """.w. IJ."m. \0 •. ,,- ,6; ',·Ii.''''' M. 10 /I>~r!.'* l nl "0 j'''OT".c
I{,W"';'-.c ,"" .oi.oo><. .I,t,,,,at}, r~ 00'oo.,~ I~''''',
" TI",,, ",.~,. f,,, t"'''l'~'. 'nK'opl"'K~ ,JJ, 'h< <"",n',",)' " , e ,k"n ,hot ,10. ,Ii« "f
C ''''''''' ,mor).- ".,," ."" 'u ~"cr I ",,<. ,,~. ,-" ,,'« of lw I V , w,,~
"'h' , n, H"o ,. <H ' ) I". TO" l,m ll<1 momo",, 1 hf, of ,I>< wom,n of,,,,
, ", ;,
w;"" A .M ,

8 y"n ' "" dire """,,«I " ' ,J., . ttit",k, "fb« .n"'l";' y, Tho.. ;, ;, 'rl""'"' ,hoi ,I><
m 'f"N d,d nu' p.rti«p'" ;n th,' h'p';,m .1 r""""""'" "fTl><od",;uo II , M"k ,Y".
P'"p~r''' (BIfG. 1nO), " ",J " . ,d. J J. G,i~o i " ,nd M.A. Kug,n" iP"". ")]01 ,
J9,"- ' O.' .<: ,f ,I ... ",,,I,,,,,,,,,,,·,,, "1,1,,, """,,,,;. 1 I.d,,, of ,I>< " " h «n'u ,y.
"u~ h' J." "'"." ,.'''' ,I"'y "f "~.-,or,,, ~ "' ,' " ,o. w;f, "f ,0. ,,..w
C...,. , T; bmu,
.nd ,I>< Au~"," s.,,'ph;', jc.k."y' J"h n nl Frh",,~ IJ.'" ,. J. " " . ,",nob.
<>I ,,-'-". Wum ..", ",,,h ,he <x'-'r'K. ' ,,' ,be \'''''~ r-><p"'h ' "
,mp<".1 h""I''''' ~""" I" " ,.- ,bo.. """h ",J
_""' n' f,om ,10.
'end, "" "" "." 1'{,;lo,h<u" Ck,,,,·
I,,~; " ,". O,,,",,,m,,J<,, Y)."- 'T7.(' co' Th, 'p<C,,1 «I,,"..m),,? h<,w""n.n <nor''''
mol dR' ,-<n"o" . 1 t.d,,·,;, emph,,;,«1 by th< ,,-.,..1, M"h"l ]I ""' ppo«d '0 h,,,
fH-" on'Y 'h' m"",h "f h;, "",n m'~n"'" "" )"iJ' b,,,, vi,,, ... . J"""~oc
bw , . . /I,a,;." " ,~, ~~I rk ~~"Ip,c ~"I"-'~~" , ' I",; c &,,.01"1" nl
IhooJ.M,., Th,orh , Con,,, ,. " . &nn, 7 '. q - '0 . It " wonh " "",,,;ng ,10" 00 "',
P'Qmo"'m ''''' (""" ~ ~"p,"l. d", ,,b,,,,d '1',,,,.1., " , tl>< ""'" of p"ric;,p, .nd
cxplic~blc in terms of the particular circum,unces, Th,u the
im perial siMer, ,at side by ,ide with Comt'lllline IX during the
triumph uver M, wa, due not to cuuom, but (0
Constantine's conMitlltional deht to them .. the sourcc of hi,
The senatorial order w.s not the only d ement of the city's
populalion directly implic;>tcd in jmperi~l ceremonies, In 1.le
antiquity, the municip.l gui ld, had play ed . role in rcprr~nling
Ihe.popu lace and turning out. crowd for imperial ceremunies,"
This certainly held for tri um ph cerem onies, . ' Justinian· , celebra-
tion of 559 shows. The Stteen were su packed his horse could
sc.rcely move forward. Thi, is Ie" "
token of the ~g ing emperor's
popularity Ihan th e effICiency of the Cit y Prefect's office al Illrnin g
out the corporati on\ for a public d i,play ofloyal t y,to It is unclear
whether .11 the guild, continued tu play Ihe role uf offici.l
spcctator-p.rticip. nl in thc early mediev.1 triumph . • Ithough
they cenainly <lppeHcd in other ceremonies." The only gruup

,h<m' mmm."J"", Ix ''" .. '.;9 rjo) , V""" ,,6pl --&l.; , Cf, ,h< .ooi,n" of ,h.
Au~"," on ,h, ~.Ik.y uhh. H.~; , Sopn; • .•"ol"n~ ""Ty ,h. wi,'c, of .,,;"u, ."".
~i ~,"''''<'' D< m .. ' ,9. Vog'. 1.61.10-6,,1.
,. Cf, .00,<. Ch, • . p. ,~, . Notu .. Tl y ,I>< ~<"< .. t «.<moni.t ,",~,,~"ion of wom<n did
"'" oold in .Xctp!l..It.1 ""urn",n,.. , I;k< th< "~'''lCy of 1<""" (cr, ,,~, T brophit"',
A. M , 6'91. 0. Il00,, . 1 • .6--" fo, 1><, [ ,,'" pm'''''''''' '" A.M, 6'9J,
<77-]-6 fo, ,ho, ""p io<"'ion ,h>l >I" h.d p",id,d ", •• b. nqu, u wi,h p".,,,,,".) 0'
Th".!"," , wid"w "fTh,ophi iu. Ib.n4"" fo. ,o. r.." of O"hoJoxy. ""n~<d by
,h. d« ~ Y' Th.oph. CO",.. . , ". il,,"n. ,60.,lI_, "' . '7) .
•., Aero'" ''''pO''';'''
to, ~ 'u J.I'. w.l" in ~ , t, ... """"if"' ,., k' p"j",","",II" ,"a k'
R.... ,.' "'1"''' /" "'i~,"" j.~ " I","." '" I'Ii" p;,d(}ai .la.,. , (u,uv>;n. ' i 9j) , p j .
• nd , ('39<11, ' _7. '"' ,.Ikti, .,," . Ily P'''i<,p''od in " iumph « .<mo"'" "f 'h,
,hi.d ""'"'y. bu, hi' .. i<kn" rum" [mm '"' '''''P''''''
I.",,,,;,,, ""1"""'. whi'h i,
"'~ " fm ,h" 1"'.;,,<1 .
,. I .. p . hp .. lIonn. '91 .' - 7. Nu" ,h" ,h. 'o.pon'i"m ru m, ' ij;h ' .r". 'h< P"f«",
,,ffi,,,. cr. ,h, rimil .. ,v,okn« of Co.ippu' d""" i p ' ~", ,,r Ju"in tt', ,on,ul"
pm''''''on , I." .. .. 61 , C .m ",,,, 7l. wh,,, ,h .... IJ" i, 'divHum in 'u.m" ,, ~ '" in
m. ",.put', nsh,ly " ""p"«~ by Com«"" , ,<><.
" Th, g",Id, "'.'" «P ' ''''''''" - . ~"" in """"i",oo wi," 'he , pmh', of(i" _ " ,I><
>ot. ",n pro",,,,",,,, ftom ,h. (j"" P.T". <0 ,ho, H "~ Lo Sophi>: lJ< " '.. I. ' . Vog'.
'9 .'6--' S. Tho< ,h.y wt .. , ho,,, " . kmJ of oIfoci. T"",,,,,J ;.'"~g<".J by Liu' p.."J"
""" dt",,;pt Oon. [u< ,h .. i , ,u,dy ,h. Hk"",y uf ,he ' ,~",,,, ~ of m."h.n" ,nJ
i~nobt. po:nom'; liU'pr>nd of C"m""., I-<~"'"" 9, '0. J. !leek« , MGII, SRG,
1'9'J), 8<),19-'3, Th<1 . 1", ",,"cd 0" ' fo, 'o. [,,,i,,,,,, "'..".. 1<00 by ,no 'Ki,
of A"b em; .... ' ;" ""<1<, Coo",n. in< VII: D< w. , >, II. !loon. 179,1-r>, wh«<
,1><<< ",om to h.v, b<on mo" ,h,,, .ix of ,I><m, Cf. S, V,yoot!. J', 'Ily"n'i",
which may have participated directly in imperial lriumph~1
PW{T";Om walthe rather higher ,tatu.' organiz ation of nOlorie'; in
the early (enth .;entury, this guild was obligated to part in
"arious impCTia I ceremonie, at the ep.rch', b~hcst, Fa ilur~ to do !-O
ent,iled thc stifffin c of a third of a nomi,ma, of which half went to
the eparch', offiee and h~ l f to the ddinqucnt notuy', coHe"gues, 76
Thi, 1m det"il di,do\e~ the extent to which participation in .n
imperial ctrtmony was • que'lion of group pre~tige.71 Eql.lally
revealing j, the f>cl 1f,.lthis fin" i\ only ,lightly higher than th e
One for failing to attcod J coHcaguc', fun~ral procelsion ,'"
If they ma)' have pbycd • Ie.,...r role in producing and r._
prc"'llling the crowd, the early mediev,l guild, followed in the
fOOl'tcps of their d~,sical prcde{'cswrs in anoth~r Hea , the
decoration oftlU' capita l for the emperor', ceremonial progress,
Thi, festive decking out of city '!Tens with greenery "nd other
om_men!! (carollnlio; on;rplivWOl(:) was deeply rooted in the
n,ilkn.ty us" gcs of Medilcrrane'lll civilization,'" Just a, private
citizens fe'tooned their hom es for wedding. and birth" 10 whole
cit;e, wcr,' deco,. ted for the great rdigion, and civil festival, of

AHMOKP ATIA ,nd 'h, gu iki. ;n ,ho, <"'<n ,h "n'u,y·. DOP, 17 ([1'6)) . • 8<>--) r ••
hm )00, " ... <11" tI", '"'0" ,'x«p,;on.l """" "[,,,,.I to i0;4,. pp, 'O.-j . J[ i, no[
''''1''''';01< 'h" gu;I~. w,,,
p",,,n' ;n ,h< 00;.1,,,,1" which <xp ..... "d ;,. Ioy.lo y
'0 Th<ophi l", in f.on' of'h, B"",n H"u"" "u,ing 'h" <"'p<mr. E" , "iumph .
" 1Ioo. 4,1« ~P"'~ ' I .•. <J .J- Niwk "F'" I. Dujl<" n ;"~Pl'Kb, {ilfJi.!Il> (1<mJ"".
' 910).'".y- '" Th< m<m",,",. ,,< ,&,,«1 ' 0 "'h,, ns""ly .. ;. {i.CI;'Ko/
~p<>~I""J' ~ lu&Jp(>1'o/ ii ~",(i.6}-<p ii """"K;~aU fool /.60{Of6f"" bdplOO.
,II, /. "1~6~~1>,, 4'a~ ~"""{,,, cr, J-" S'Ockk , SfM""'''"' .. 4 Iy>."'i.i"~'
b.ft" r.;;"".f"""X'"' '"'" ''1'.'""''";Mp~IKb. {i'{i;Jo. uo,,J,, W,i,..". Kho.
U<Olfig< 1"' ,I"" G<><~"h". [0 (L<' p,iS, '9"). p, ,S.
" Th< i<kn,;~<>,iQ" of ,ole t. ''" ~u;.M·"" (&0 • •J '", I:pa,,~. Niwl<. f6.'. ) ..
'wlbg""'- .",m u",nimum' N ;,uk ihi~. ,nJ p. 'jO; F",h[",ki. ii-;J ,. p. ";, ,oJ
M, Sy ,,'yumQ Y, Vi".,!"!" ,, ,",~, Fp""". (M OKOW. 'y6,I, p, <7. n., not;"" 'h"
f,i]<,,< ' 0 'PI"''' ., '" ;'nr<",1 c<<< n'O<lY ... ,," """h '" ;"r""8<m<", "" ,ho p<<r
~ ' O"P " "', ,h< 'pmh ', ,",ho", y do.dy p",Ud, inform",,,,, .bou, . 1<v<m"_
".'''''' y I" ,,,,,f,,<c,,"'y '" C(""",,,,,,op l<. in ,,"'hK" , m<",h<, ",ho h,J r,jkJ <0
. " "nJ ,mnf,,",m'y <..,monr fm ,h< f"" "fJohn ,h< B.p"" f".d, f<n< ;ml"""d
by ,ho u 'll,n "",,,n', '''' .. u''''' .\li"",.I. A " , .. ,; IBUG. '711. '!. ,J . A.
P'p,Jop<HlI""K<t"n<Ul. 11.,;."",« UK,. (S, 1'«<"bu'8. '909). 'O . ~->1 ,n No«
'hot 'h< m noo l"y <kK"b'''g ,h, <onf,,,,,";,1" c<",mony " bmrow<d f.-om
;mp<"'] "",.1 .
" 1Ioo. oj '" FI"'''!,' " ,6, Ni,ol<. ».6-, J,
,. R . Tu".n , 'le, ~"HI"I<l<, .I,", 1""''9,,;,<, <!,,,iqu, , JAC , , . 1'97'),9'-')9,
h",,' "',
O'gnni~ing n Ily~a"'in( ',iumph
antiquity, including, in p~rricul. r, Roman triumphs,so Although
some rigorists had originally opposed Christian puticip.rion in
these rires, they were no more ouccc"ful here th .n eh.ewhete .t
alicmling [he new religion from the old society. SI Ind eed, by late
antiquity, the ClIstom h. d ,pi lied olll of priv ate :I!ld public sewl ar
use ~nd into the decoration of churches."' Among the many
occasions on which the capitals of the laler Roman empire were
adorned with wreath" lights, , ilk veil, and .ilver and gold
deco r. tions were consul .. processions, impnial accessiom, ad-
~enlUs. b~plilfl" md marriage,." The guilds ,,--em 10 have pla yed
no little role in these prcp'r:ltions." Although the record is, as
ulu:ll, blan k for the By»ntine dork age, the tradition surviv ed or
at le.,t revived. Thus, ,he tenth-centu ry guilds of silk and ,ilver
merchants were chorged with the decoration of the T ribounalion
between the Great Pa!.ce and the Hagi. Sophi. ... A due to how
the system worked come. from a delailed p. lace memorandum on
the decoration of the Gre.t p.l.ce complex for. vilit of cmissari~"S

•• Ii, •.. '01-, • .

" E.I. Tm"lli>Il , D< ,orOll'. IJ. !---<l. ,d. A. K"'ytrt,"". eeL, • ('9$<).
,OIi • . ) ,-,OIi) . I, 0' D< iklD,." ... . IJ. 7-1. <d . A. Rriff""h,id .nd G . W;"""". il....
1116. , 1- , (ok). Cf. K. B,",. [h , K".,,;. A.,ilr, •• J c.,oo.,.,". £ i", "i,~, ,~ ..
,,'~I"I~1ot v."" ..... -.It,,,
"1 .,.-. .. & ",Ir,klo'(P"l T,,,.II, .. ,. n.:Oph"lC" . 2
(Oon". 1940), pp. 66If ",i,h fu"l><. ",f"'n'...
" R . Tu".". ·Gj .!.....!.'. RAG. ,,(,~,), 1- '). h,,, ,! _ ,~ .
" ~'i. Ch' pOllQrn , /lo,.ili" i. K.I<" ..... ). PC •• S.OJ6-" Cio"diu,. I" R.ji".,". '.
JJ9- ". Di" . • 6 . C .. ,. S,il"". , '.1"'- 00'/ , 0;". "7 .n~ IV ''''.. 64)-1. Ili«. 'J I ;
Prod",. II_iii. 9. PC. 6j·n l " (CPC. jloll); Gmipp"'. I." .. J. 0' -1 , C.",,,"" 0,
.nd • • 1< - 19 .nd .o6ft". G.rn<mn 7j- n .no 79; M,,~. V. I'c<P"y,jj. , 7,
G"i""..-Kug<n<., 19 .J - 7' Ev .gri" ~ /I. • .• n. '. Did«_ P..-m<",i< •• ",., - ."
Throphyio",", Si",,,,,,,,,,,. /I;" .. 1. '0. ,- 11 , D< !J.oo', j7., - )o. j .
.. cr. <.11. J- M..-q .... .-d', 0., Pr;."w.. .... R .... , . • nd <<In (l,ip.ill. "M). p. j16; tl><
.,,",1 pmicip.. ion of 'h, 8uikh in dc<o<>'ing the <i'y;, .. idrnocd by ,I>< ,j,..
<oilqi""''' . moog ,I>< ,oommm" ofth< 11«<" I hfou~h which Co",,"nlln< j p..",d
."Iy Ul hi, "'igo: XII ""~ .. J (I). I • • ' MYI1OM, 13!.4---<l ,od ,onf"m<d by the
<1«0<>';0." 1<, ou, in f",., of ,n. "14"";4 of " ",;,,,h I<} «l<b",. ,h. ,",m'n'y of
Th..oo.:..;u, I .f", the Sum" flO!' ChfY"'"0",. /I,,..,, ;. ,r.,.".•, PC .• 9."0.
f"'m /1_. i. K.I""'" ,.PC.• 1.91<. i, would 'PP"" ,h" ,h. "I"''';' u .. d ,hi," .n
opp<>rtuni'y '0 .dYe"'''' 'he"~ "'.~.
" 0< '''.. " " V"II'. ' .9-9- ')' cr. V,y""i,. 'Guild, '. p. )<><>. ,nd S,ij.ckk, Z ••ft, . p. p .
Con,,,di<;,o'l' Kkn,if".tiom of 'he n"o" of ,hi, mon"mon ' in Help .., ·P.i<my'
p. 7J . ."dJ.nin. C,1t 01" .. p. ! 1<0 ."",.-dinll to ,h. fo.m". it ..... . kind of "1""<:
fo. tl>< !..'''''.' .. II .

OrgnniziHg n BYZmPline """Hph

from T~TSII S on 31 May 946,~6 Th is document indicatcHhat it was

the Cit y Pre fect who ~ct ual l y org"nized thl- decoration with
material mppli ed by the g(, il.1,,81
The epareh was in charge of th e preparatiom (rli ItPOW7,j,)IC!;j
for a triumphal entry imofu as they in volved d"coratinn~ ""d the
like. The ornaments were arranged along the entire triumph . 1
route. from the Colden Gal c to th e Arch of the Mi lin""'
Although there i, no direct proof Ih a{ the guild, pruvided Some of
the de co rations for Middle Avenlle 011 the,e o(:cas iom, their sub-
ordin:llioo to the City Prefect ."d the cirnlln>l.nce th.t thl-iT
~hops appear to have bem grouped hy trade. j,e. hy guild .• Iong
part of the triumph . 1 itineruy Il' gg ell thaI thi, may have b<.-m the
case; decorations were ce rt.inly mpplicd by Iho ...· who lived . Iong
the . venue. " 9 The prep.r. tion, aha included clean ing the streel
.nd strewing it with flower,: perh.p' too ,,,w du .t w.., sprin kled
on the Ie s.vory spot. of the imperi.1 p.thY" With the
comhined flor:ll decor:ltiom n[ branches nf ,wee t_,melling l"lItel.
rosemary .nd my rtle wreath , and btt ices decked with,
~nd chandeliero. it is nn IlIrpr;" th.t the tllcdicv~1 obs<:n-cc could
comp.,,~ th~ h"", of th e city with a huge Greek 'Telli.
(1tGlOl/tCj. Thc triumph prOCC'lin" comtitutcd • Ireat fat the'
beleaguered llyz.ntine no,,", 'IS well .. I th~ ey e."'

..><ncl«l to D< ,u,.2. 'J , Bonn , J10, 1J -J9" W fo, ,10< d,," . n~ ,-,,,un"",,"'.
V." lkv-C, o"d , /I, ..... ,." I. J'< - l l·
.. D< m,. " ') , lloon , J7'. T<-, !: . , , ,.; lp.fJoodi.w. t~,I",i.,~" IJ iJ"PlO<. • ~,~ '"
,1cJ~1>c. "Ie. "poc",:,,=<,. ,b6 " fJh crlcJ. hi.wl',hw. ~.I .,.,.Jk ~~16"'; ~P)w.
~ptJ<1tn. ~Of ~"I"",(i). ~.f ' ..>w' ~f'l",p<il". ~~!.o.'&t. f<," .PJ'l'po~p"tn.
,,~,~ np,~6,,", >,

.. Th. <p",h ', ' ''pon,;b; I;,y ;, c"''''r ,,,,,J ;n ,w" of th. "'1'''''' on ,,,umph., .n"""
. pJ><n<l<d '0 I,"p. Exp .• Iloon. <9') ,9-'J. j0 1 , 1I-~Op (11. ,, 1 I) .n d ~o~.J-7
(Th<oph,lu,) , To 0')" k ""w,.d8<. ,h, u", ~f ,h< " ,m ~ _, ~ i>J" ru, ,ho p"p",';om
for.n ",,",",.,;, fit" ,,«,,<d In P,d,"" O'''''l''P''"' CO"'''"'In< IX, l ~. ROO'BId.
" r '7. r,. It ;, <"'. ;niy ok!... how,""." Tl><odm. S,ud;,,', m'''phm;<>1"'" of ,I><
wo.d >how" f'" . 1, ". P(; , 9')" ' J) "' ,
.. Gu ;lI.nd. TopoX"p"", >. :>0; d , p, n Scyh"<, , Thu," . <",' 9·
.. I .. p, Ex, .• Bcnn , ."".'<-' j .nd )0) , '-2. S'", '-<I<>n,"~, .. ",dm' .n~ flow ..
',.. 'mon' w,,< ",nd. ,d of><" '; oS p"""du", fm ;"'1"';" p""''''''n" D, '" '. [. '.
Vost , , ,).'t - . ,6, Th;, w .. n"u"lIy 0" ;no".";on uf 'h< m<J ....1 1""00d, 1'",<1<],.
H_. ,. PC. 6).77 ).0. ,
" On ,h< "'" chh<., pl.n". /"'p . Exp,. <9'). [ 0-, I. Th' <omp.",on .,;11, ,10< m"';. ~ <
",II;, ;, mod< in • ~ Io" on ,hi, p""g<' if.;,/,. <99.'0-'. So ,,," l,u D•• <cn, Hi" .. 9.
12. lIontt. r ~ " '(\.-'0, <00' 1'''<' MoJdk '''',m''' J""tt~ T,i m"",> Cliu ''' pl, of 9" 10
WOllld the guilds ha v ~ had solt· rt',ponsibility for supplying
dccoration~' The an~logy of other ceremun ie, mggem othcrwi,c,
>t I.osl a, far as th, Pahce is cuneerned. The 946 mcmor,ndum
,kmomrrate, that for a p>rticu larly illlpre~,ivc fc,tiv, l, the ['.lace
mobilized resource, in precious objects li kc silvcr-pl. ted eh.ins
. nd chandeliers, ha"gi"gs and so on. frum seve",[ \Durce' _Ther.e
induded not unly the various treasuries and ch;pcls uf the
G rea t p.lace complex it,elf. but aIm different churche, and social
w elfare imtitutioll' like hospitols and old-age home •. ~2 The w;ly
in which these itl'ms were collnted i, revealed by ~n ,mccoutc in
the contemporary Life of Empress T hcophano (ob. 893). T o
decorate the pab, i" c church of Elias for the ~er~monic, honoring
that prophet's fem day. the ufficial in charge dispatched ~
, ubordinate to the church w here the appropriate decoration, were
kept_ I" ,hi, ca,e, the ,te"og taphcr and cG"didmu, Myron w ..
entrlmed with the t",k and obviously was ~ccomp.nicd by
hdpcn. The pTOtSla, of the Huly Apostks' handed ovcr ,he
required m:lteri,,] "nd it was ,ent to ,he apprnpriHC pbCC. 93 This
procedure, howeve r. relate, on ly to the ~dornment of the Gre.t
['. lace itself.• nd the extent to which it may h . ve been followed
for are'... oUl\idc the PJI~ce precinc ts is not de .. r.
Alth ough the triumph al ruute's gmera] outline wa, dict~ted by
the urban l.nd,eape and dnai lcd by cmtom, circumst an ces
occa,ion.lly compelled change. Thm the itinerary of Justinian ',

• bnd.l ,h.mb<" 6J~~, 9~M!,,"'. 0" ,I>< ''''urt . nd H<ti<n'''O<Qngm oftb< ~""d.c
1« C. v,,,", """",I,,, " " k ",,,,;OgT" "' '''''';liOl< It "' i''''''"",iit .I 1'1"""""
1"lli""'i~,, l\;hlio'hCql>< de> Ecole, [""",1<, d'AlOO",'" de Ro", •. ,,6 (P";,,
''''''I. pp .• ' ,If.
" Dc "' .. '. 'j. Ilu.",. J70_ rJ- Ji ... ~ I"" ,0. foti"w;og in"""t~n'" '0"""'1: S"
x'~ i'" .nd B",hu" , ... No. , M"""" • .f<,""_i•• oo , '.I,,;oi '" 8<n<,.1 {J7, .i ---<j 'od
,, - JI. B i ,,~"n" . 'h, Ch'y"",,;'ii noo, 'h< V;rs," of !'h"",. ,h, ""1".;,1 Phyl .. .
til< 0,."",,,, of St V,,'" ,od St Th«><lo« t. to/ n~.l>rl<p. Holy "'I""'ie,' , S,
tJ<m<l<;", roo n ',(~rtoo . nd ,0. V,,,;,,i"m roo K ~pl~'oo .
.. V. n"r"""". 'J. K UHl. '7.l(>-jl . 0., My.oo', dign i'y "'hi'h. if i' "''' low in ,I><
0,,,.11 p,I , ,,,,,, h,,,,,,"y, "''' "m I1oth,<lS ~,«,< or. >c< R. C"ilb"d, 'Lo ';"0 do
""d,d,,. (... ~i;,"'" I; ~ ..JIJ.iI,OC'. f'.I,(~, .. i,," . F"''''''ift F. NItt, (Hoid<Il><'K.
'0<'><1), pp. " 0- ,). My"''' ,"ould l>< ,Mod !O h;, P''''''I'''~"phi" l h,t , 'li4.. p. "~.
11,., My ,on w" ,,,i>«~ con l>< ~""u,,~ f,om ,ho (, ,,, ,h " ,ho ~«m"ioo , oolt««d
r,om '"" "'1"",10,' wm "'" ' ,Ion~ (~PQ";"""). ,,'h;1e "" him",lf 'ook "" of
Th<oph'"o', .. il: V. 711 ..,",,,,,. 'J, Ku",. n.'S. On St Hi,, '. ""J.njn . F.1U",. pp.
Organizing a Byza"ti"r triumph

triumph of 559 was l ~ rgc1y ~typin l. in that it stretched from the

G~!e of Char;sim along the upper segment of Middle Avenue,
with the major sanctuary being the Hu ly Apostles', rather than
start ing at the Golden G~te " nd perhaps ending with ~ vis it to th"
Hagi~ Sophia , 9~ The rc"mn for this ch~nge w~, th" terrible
c"rthqu ake of Dccemh,,, 557 which resulted. it would appear. in
seriuus d"mage alung the luwer M iddle Avenue and the collap,e
of the Great Church', dome in the summer of 5SR.9S Simil;IT ly.
althuugh doubt less fur uther mutives. Lcu V M'em. tu h"vc made
his entry ofs I J via the Gate of Char is ius ,•• Such exceptions aside.
huwl'ver, the City l'rcf.·Cl and poplll~tiun could nol but have ~en
aware of the great portico_lined bou lcv ~rd of triumphal tndition .
the luwer and (mtral Middle Avenue. which ,tretched from the
city', ccn'munia l mtrance at the Guldm Gatc ro irs monument.l
heart. via the m,~or public ''Ill",e1.97 If. however, stree t p.tterns
"nd bui ldings defmed the route in more or less permanent f.. hiun,
.. Imp. Exp .. lloon, ."', I J ,ylI.I) . Th" ,0< nOfm. ' ,,;umph.t ;I;n,,,,y .t".dy b. ~ ",
",he Gokl,,, (,;", .. ,hi, dm" "'",N "'" onty by Ih, ,,;",n« of th .. t"i.h
mOllumcnl, 1>1" . 1><> by 'ho ,h.. ,I>< ,,,,ho' of th' "I'''''ju'' ,;t," . ltuJ.., w.
,h.n ~<", "'" ""'''''''y oc<>oo< ,b< <mp<lol h,d ... omo' w Ihrou~h Ih, Gol<l<n
(;"" ;b;'" '9!,9-1I,
" H.g;. "'ph;" Mulkr_W .."". B;I.b ;...... p. 86; fo, d. m,s, '" ,h, Middl< A,'nu,
'''' """,;",d with , h i. <,,'h~u. k, ,.. R. Noum . n". ' N ,..., II"'N,h'un~'" ""
Thw.!""",OOg<n und Forum T.ur' m 11",,",,1'. /"...... 1" ,\fi,,,il""K"". n (1'17<1).
"7-", b<" 'p ,
o. Tb<oph. n" , A.M , 0)0) , n.- Boo<. $''' .'5 - '0, "'paloo I><;ng ,I>< ",.ding ,,«plOd by
tk Iloo, fro"' ,oM . V .. . K'· .7' , Mo.", . K'- 191 .nd p"tO<ut,,11 A,."",;u'
1I;blio,b«,,;uo. ;oil" ' .) )9"9, X~jJ<7I"" (. <oll.""t form of X'p,aioo, d . j.n;n.
Cp), 'rz __ p. ,!,
I i, <·",,;nly. g",rn ,,,,,om, ,h. ),,"'. J'ffi"r;" .nd mu" .. p"r""d
'0 ,I>< XI"-"'~c of Pol. S', 171 I •• MS ,h".«<";,,d hy ,",v;,;,m, .nd . ""poi..<ion,
(;' ij .. ' . j 17ffi . Til< ""'''' for ,hi, ,,,,,,,I ,x,u",,' i, th .. 'Thool" u n,,' <o"I<mp"'''y
(" v.... ",,",un dow" p",b. bly wilh", momh, of,ho.von<: MOf'.";~, By'''''''''''''''
d". I, IP ) "",mOl'y ~.dy ,,,,,,,,di,,, ,,",h-c,ntury h(""rK>!l"l'hy. wh;<h
.1<",,,",,, ;n "",,_kg'"" ")' '"'''' , ,yp",,1 oJ",",", ,i.
,I>< Gold<:n G.l<. w;lh •
w,knm, h)' Ihe ,," ~I" ;~" ; " S, juhn S'uod;"" 'G"""iu'. ' • • . Le,","II<,_ W O'""
.od Thum. ).70-6.!7 " ,d TII<"ph. ConI .. ', 9.110",,' , 1! ,,1- 19,9. WlI<th" ,h.
"" d._"",,,,y "',ou'" ... " • (.h''''''otl of ,h" pe,i(>(! 0' 8"<> h.c~ ", •
ptor'~""'''I11~ ,""""",f"o"hk !O lro V ;, not ,1<". P"h,p' ,0< ""'y '00' pi""
,b< G.I< ofCh.",;u, 1><"",,, of 'h, p"",nco 'hm of p"'i,,m of ,h. u>u'P<" d ,
' .g. 5;"',,,", ;"""., .. u ... , ,h,"",i• . ed, !. & klm (lJ.won. 18 •• ), J 40 ..,.. u . Cf. 100
ign";u> V. ''''~'fh<><; (!1HC , IJJ5), l>< 1100" 10).IJ - ". ",,;ll,n .f", '"
ISo.i,o' o, ·H,~ i~~"rhy ' . p. Ill)'
" D, Th, Ikly"v, ' EI<>golllol 'ny< ' y ~hody' . pp. I-J6; j""'" Cp), I ~~ .• PP · j6 - 7;
Gu,II."d , '['r<'l"ph;" >, 69-79' D'g"",. Nm""". pp. 93-10': Muli<-<_W;"n".
B.IJlu;. ,", pp, '60>- 70,
Orgmlizing Q Hy;:mujn~ rri"mph

thc ~mpcror" >lOP' . long th.t roUle, i.c. th e point' :11 which he
m~-r various reprl'Scntativc group" w~re mbjen to innovation.
In thc eye. of the Constantinop"litan ui,, the most
meaningful of the ritual encounters which studded the triumph~l
rome was th.t of the emperor an d the entrusted with the
city .nd palace in hi.ab,ence. Although the.., offICials cu'tomarily
left the capital to meet a homecoming emperor as ,oon as he
.ppro.ched the area, they l.ter returned to the city before him to
stage the ritu.l welco me, during which the emp<-'ror received the
cu,tomary 'gifts' of. l.urel wreath .nd • gold crown. 9 " The
encounter usually took place in the p.C'ence of the ,en.tori.l
order. In thc c.rly Middle Age, thi, second, city greeting
h.bitu.lly occurred at the ent rance to the city, generally the
Golden Catc. 99 This had not always bun the case, however, for,
on .t least ,omc oec.,iom, it h.d becn cuuomary for City Pre_
fects .nd sen.tors of the fifth .nd sixth centuries to weleom e
the emperor and offer him the tradition.l presents imide the city,
a! the Forum of Theodosiu, (Forum T.uri}.lOo Even carlier, it
would >cern, thi, kind of ritu.1 encounter w.s aswci.tcd with the
Forum ofComt.ntinc.'O! In other word" with the P'''.gc of
time, the point of ritu.l encolln ter between the emperor, hi,

.. Thu, l .. p. Exp .. Bonn, . 1)1.) - 1; of. ,(>< ., - 0, ,0,. )-7 .nd JOO.'-) '
.. I .. p. bp .. • 97.'.-11 lAD. jj9), jU l. IO_ ,6(B"il)): JOO.I- ' ( l'h<ophHu,), Lro
Due"". H;JI .. 9. <>. 8o.m. 1 jl ., _lo, .no S<yi,,,,,. Th.,n, ,'O.H-I (.... D. 971):
'i.cyi,"", Thu,,,, J6<.II - )6J .\>O (11,,;1 ttl: P,dl",. O""'.g"p~ .. , Mich.<l IV, JO,
R,","IJ . I.!'. ,-,. Cf. II.. od.m", uf Con""";'" IX, i;,oI., Co"' .. "ti .... IX, '9,
1. ,,0 .1-""', (11.,.< , how<v«, 'hot ,h. pm.g. ;, ,,,,rup<: NH B.y",,·
"'ggmlOO ,~G_, I. Ir9J61, ,60 "'u" b< J;"n;"'J. ~n« tl!. L""II, w.,,,,
f" '00 ""Unt fo, ,h" 1000' Y'J,nln. Cp~ hr>., pp . ,6'-)1. Cf. too ,he ,,,,,h-<,,,,,",,
v<'1"'" of Leo V',e,,,, y, ;" "h i,h h< "''' S"" .. d by rh< C""o' of t.., O"'~de
,I>< C;'y: Theoph. COOL. I. ~. Ikmn, 17 .6-'! '0" , .. mo,e ",pliO' vmioo of
'G<O"'"". I, ), L<lII\;;ik ,·W",,,,, . "d Homo .• .<J-I.
, .. Thu" on S.. u,d. y. )0 S<p" mb<, , ,6. Th..,J,~,", ",urned '0 C .... ".nt;oopl< from
Houde. 'nd r<<<iv<d 'he gokl "OWn n'~ 1~' ~".~.9< ... f,om UnLU, rho C"y
p"r", ,nd ,I>< Mnm, /. UjJ 9w.!"",,"'I' "';1"1" 0,,," . ,.". __ Bonn. J?4. ' - j .
The 0.1"",,,, m.morand"m ."",I><d 10 I..,. f.xp . I';'",if"" ,hi. pl>« ku
.mbl,"""'\Y: Bo.ln , . \>6.17-'97." ' " b • .,oo.-" .WjJ t, ujI ~i><P aw&.al""
UjJ ~""""!'i"l" ..01"1' . .. , ,r. Guill.nd, ropol"plri', " J1. On ,I>< F<>rurn T'"ri.
J.nin. Cpl, 11~ __ pp . 6.- 1: Miilk,_Wirn". Billhi. "". ?p. ,jl - 6J '00 "p .,nn. 'Neu< !,unson'.
,., 0. «r., ' . 91. Bono. <' •. 1) _ 17. S<hot.." " ill """,ioo.lly ","me lIu, ,~;. pm,s< ~
p"t Qftl>< k;"o"r;ot «pon of,~< '0'00><;00 of Leo I;n "'.D. <)71e.8. D'g'oo,
N.i"''''t , p. 10>. n. I) . bu, Ilu,y. lii""1 _!'''' I.", ll ..... '''p''' .. . to ,'" .,.,. ,!
Organizing a Byzanline triumph

prrfect :md hi~ J.enate shifted outw"d from rhe Column of

Comtantine toward the city limit,. Now in rhe anci ent world. the
di,{ance one advanced outward to greer an arriv ing person wa,
calibrated - and commonly considered - to mark the hnnor in
which that person wa, hcld. 102 In rhi. light. the outward ,hift of
the point of riu>:11 encounter symbolized the relationship of the
J.enato lial order !O the purple. Ev en as the point of encounter
moved outwnd. however. the gift-giving which chaucterized
the meeting underwent profound change: it became an exchange.
The Byzantine offering<,t the Golden Gate harken back
to the Helleni,tic and Roman custom of grc<:ting an "riving or
victorious sovereign with. golden wrc:uh known as the aumm
<,orcnarium. 'OJ By the fnurth century, this "oluntuy conrribution
had lnng .ince become compulsory; it developed into two kinds of
payment. o[which the senatorial venion, known rechnic. 1]y as

J",,;.i.. , " j ", n. '. , oJ T ,, ; ,i"~« , O~,"'i"." p. ' 0, " . ~ (cf. 8'<:, J~ I '~j.), '97)
.I,e.dy we,e . ble ' 0 <I<,w ,~< ","«'''S''1O''' ''''''f< of ~"., ! '0 ~17. '" to i, toO,
iml""'ibk ,h .. ,hIS "",io", " ""h«, ,h< compk""''' of,", "rhtoJ"",-" W.Ik.ti,,"
'he only ii'''' mrn,io",d 'nd ,,,,mon;.II)' di"inH";')'ed;, "tied 'i mpl)" ~ ~6pr~
(or 6.17) ,nJ " I""",d b. tw"," th, t ),kn;,n" P, )", no,.. t,,,.Ii..,) O""MI, 'h<
Coo",ntini," "mp'" _ '"" th, ro",m of Con,,,",j .... , On H,kni,n ... , ,<" V.
Tif,i'''lliu. Th, Hekni,n.i tK"0., " m~'" ,,><1m" 1l<""U"S'" "" Vorftld d<>
f,"hr" Kon",n,,"optl ', S,"";", '" F'""g'''';("« K.."",,,;",p<1J. Mi><.II.n..
by""';'" Mon>«"~ •. '0 (Mu"",h, 197J). rp,.9-"0. 1><" jO- o,
". No" "'.g.,,",' obv;"", p,Kk "" ,h i, poin" R" t<"'" "oj ..1'.\""';. " , '- Som< of
<h. bc1-t <vi<kn" oonmm <"'1'<'0" ,n" holy 1'<"""'" Thu., ",Iy in tM r,r,h
,rntu!y. Me!>ni, W," 8,,,,ty hono,ed hy th, <mp"" who fin' "m, ,m' to ~""
o., in ,h< ",10«', ronico , nd ,hen m.<I< h" "~, with h" on ,h., th",n" (;,,,,n';",.
Vi,. ,'.1,1"";,, ion;"i, (BIIG. " .. I. ", <d. [l, Go,,, , Sc. '-JO (P"i., ' ;<I,). " '; d.
811L. )II}. <d. M. R.mpot1.. d<t Tin,j,,,,, .I·_to M<I"." l i .. i",. "'''''~' ,""","
(Rom<. 190}). 9,J' -10.' , Th" ",iw"," """ i"d well into 'h< Midd" Ag,,' .f,,, ,
,w<.>-.nd_. _h.lf_y<>< ' '''''n''. Eu,byn,iu, ,,"'., w,komoJ" til< p.I, ,, by leo VI,
ou"Kk th, Sil"". Got, ... hi, bi"" .. pl ... , w<f"lIy n(.". V. F",., .. ii. • '
K.din_H.y''''. 'U<>-J. l 'h< k<y to ""d<n,.ooms thr .mhon· "'rn"om... !O 'h"
<I<"il i, provid<d hy J,"'n l)'dn•. 0. "".1"'''''''.'.' , 9....","" ,h< ~'''' p,,",' ; ~e of
th< P",""",i.>.n I'uf"",",,;. dt",o." ,,,,ed by ,h< f." 'h" .11 ,o. le.din8 p']'"
otf"i.>.h ,.m< f"'th ","yunJ ,hei, o ... n ,h,,,,"'W, '0 S"" ,h< P"f«, ,nd thot 'M
eml"""0' him ..lf. 0'" I,,,, ,o. rmp',or, pon"i', len ,~e p.b« ,,, ~o forth ... ith
~im' Wu""'h. 6J ,"~. I3. r . " i,,,I,,ly ilI"mj""",~ ; n ,hi, "'p'e' i, tho , mph .. i,
,h, p.>.p.>.1 leg"" of \19 bid 00 'hr di,u"", ou,w>fd from (:o","n'i"ovle 01",
«.I"d pe"on' of,h, eo"" n on<!O S'''' ,hr", J",inS ' hri, ... ".,,"' (,h, ","'h
m;k",,,,<); C.II<" •• • ",11.... "" ,n<! Hj, ,d. O. Gu",I"" , C~H. J\,' ('~o~).
, 619.1-!! and 63).6- ,),
T. Kb"",r. •... UfUm 'OH)n"inm'. PI" .'>8- J"'J,

O '8on;,,;ng Q By".n';nr triumph

the Q"'Um Q/>IQ/'d"m. di "'ppeared prior to the co mpi l~tion nfthe

J uninianic Code,·n o Although the triumph' s gold wruths have
been ident ifted wilh the Ime r. it is de .. Ihal unlike Ihe ~bl"ri(jum,
they survived u a rilua l clement and were Iransformed in the
prOCl'1S. 'os From a compulsory ' gift'. the wreaths developed inlO
an clemen t o f rit ual exchange, In rerum for them. the arriving
empcror offered his officials cash equal or be yond the objccts'
va lue. In othe r words, by the sixth centu ry. the senatori~1 order
had fr .....d itself ofa rea! fin anci~1 burden even I I th ey maintained a
ritual honuge. n.e fact that medieva l emperors immedia tely.
publicly rei mbursed the wdcomeu emphasized that imperial
behavior townd the senato rial elite wa s bound and limited by
c,,",om.,a& By the eleventh century. eve n procu rement of the
wreath seems 10 have been assumed by the empe ror. to?
The meeting o f senatorial order and empe ro r was but one of
nuny ritual enCounten staged along the triumphal bonlevard.
The antiqu ity of the system is dear. Th ul. one o f the ra re glimpses
we c Heh of th<· founder of New R o me in hi. capi tal reveals him
riding on horseback down Middle Avenue and meet ing pet ••
lioners when retu rning from a p",/tmr"•. ,01 The cunom of
choruses grt:eting the arriving emperor with festive accbmuionl
at vario us lrat ions (f(·:nd fonooc) along the road wu qui te famili ..
to eonllaminopoliUtlS before the middl" of the fifth cenrury.' 09
Through the cen turies. ucosional m~ntion il made of some
monument by whi ch the emperor pa rsed . but the on ly co mplete
picture of triumpha l statiolll comei from 879. when Basil [
enjoyed tW O ce remoniel outside the wall s and !topped for ten
recepti ons (6o;(<xI ) bctw~....., the Golden Gate and Ihe Great

, .. K."y._olco. F......,_.... Pr. " '-7;J"""" t." R_ F...,;" . ' • • )a-,.

," K.r>y. nnopuloo.. F_ ....".. pp. , . , -.; IN, d . W . Emol ... ;c •• f."I'""'~ In
""" K........ _
4too p.";"",,,", ..oJ .... ..........., J....., A.... ..
( W~ ...... J.
19017). pp. n -I .
, .. Th" 'M <fVWm " ,.., ....... ", b< ~"""" J.."' . ......... ''''p<r ..I ...... oJo ... d ,';"... ph>
.. d ... (rom ,100 A .......... ''''''_ ..... m ("""_ &." .\lII. '~·.97.,). 0 . iW..
10' .... '7. >t><I l<>c> I)<_.~. ". s.,..., ' 1"-'- 10.
,., p .. n.... M."""n~' m.? R ...... Id. >.11'1.1. " .
, • • L«,« ufeo.,,,,",,,.. I. SOCO" .... 11.,_. '. H. PG.97. ,oWl}.(:; d , 50>""' ..... H .... '.
>t. 1"11. Hod<,· H"I<1I, , ~. 1 91f; Gtto,; .... /I ., .. ). ,'• • • Londou..H<in.mann.
, •• Thu, in Pr<><lu" pm;"", tof C",,""nhoQPI<, 11_. ~. '. PG. &1.111 A, . . . lOp.<>«.
tr~"'~Iw' nt' ' 00""" au,.."t,,,,,,,,,,_
Church . 11n After the initi~l welcome . t the Hchdomon . nd ~ vi,it
to 5t Johl1 Ihpti,(. in_the_Hebdomon , the f,m st~ge of the
ceremony ended by lhe side of the r~ved ro.d le~ding to Ihe
Golden Gatc,.t the mon.stery of the Virgin of the Abr~"mitn,
just outside the w~ll_ The visit cx pre,,,,d [b., ;r. vencr~tion for {h~t
sh tine, iI ' icon ,nd il! monastic community, which had played ~
prominCllt role ill the strugg le ~g~inst Theophilu\' icolloc1alt
policies,'" Moreovn, the halt afforded the princes. momellt of
rest ~nd .]lowed them to change from their purple riding c.ftam
(OKr1.pr1.JlriYYIr1.) into milituy un iform" In th., mcmtimc, the
milit3ry p3rade wa$ drawn up Jnd $tarted down Middle
Avenue, 112 Tile first reception took place as the emperors left the
$hrine. They were acclaimed by both factions , decked out with
gold_,triped g. rl:md, on their brow, (OUrpriVl:l 0'l/lEvrelv:l).
tunic, (KIX/llollX) and Aower wreath, ~round their necl:.; in their
h~nds they C:lrri,'d h.ndkerchief" The dmlarchs wOre their
' vi ctory clo.ks · (tel VIK'ITlKrl IX(;rWV (T(1.yh),'" The firn .ccl.m.-
tion th.,y ch.nted w.s • hymn of welcom,- and th.nksgjving:

Glory [0 God who h.; return ed our own Lord, 10 '" victorioudy'
Glory to God who h.. cnltcd you, ~mp<'ro" of Ih~ Rom.n.!
Glory to you. 0 most holy Trinity. oce.II K we have ",ell th., our OWn
lord; hove conquered'
Wdcom •. 0 conqu~'ill~ , mos' wur'gcou; lord,!1t4

," In ,ddi,i"" '0 'h< ""ion" 'h< Fmum of Th<"",,,iu, "i><om"," . Ix,"" d, I't.oc.,'
'''ffy of 00;, vi, ,~< Gotd<n G,,, ""~ 'h< T 'O,&,i,n P""K"" (C~ '''". pa"'~ ..
n""n, ,"",l .' ''- o; "f.J.non, Cpr.- !1~', p. OJ) '" 'h< duhK>m ""oon! ufLou', w,kum'
" 5, job .. SW_U""" 'n -(;.,,,,,",,,', [, ., L"m(Hk.- W,,",, ,nd Th"m, J .70- J. ,n"
Th<op~, Co",,, I, 9, Il",,,,, ,i, '9-' " A, J"O""od ",, '.bov" Ju!t;n;,n', "iumph "f
JJ~;' not 'ypi"t ",d "nn'" .,""" . pom' of ,ump>..ioon,
'" j,non, ttl,,,,, pp,' ~, Sm,1I wood<, ,h., Th"'phi'uo ,"uhb.J ,I", ,j " h-c,,,,u,y
fuund"Ooo Juring hi, [,'" [{;umph,1,ntry .nd p,d",.d ,,, ,," in , '00' pi,,!..d in
,h< mc.d",,· "f ,!.. Kombino,,,,k>n; .bo"" CO, . , l ·
." Imp. up __ '99,J-)oo, J . 11 ... P'W'OC'" ... ., follo..,«1 by i'!;«pho,"' Ph""" m .... "
Dr "' __ '. 9'.ilu,,,,, <li .
,,. Imp. E~p .. )00,,6-)0<'J .
1014., JOO.) - 7' t!<I~~ e,,~ "'i'~~oolJ"" ~p"I"'~ 'I~~c ,00.: f,!1""" l=J~In'c'l M~~
9"f' ,q.","1«-<0,.,,, Opk, "&-'o"piwp«. 'I'wp./w" I dO,. ~Oj, "~""II~ -rpnc,~"
iiJojlZ' YlK~a~.fOc <00.: i.Jiooc l=J~l!nc'l K~;Wc ijl.9'r< ,,~~.,-~,,«, ,"6pKi",.
fo/ 6,~~6,~" TIl< M~~ 6l4> f.,.-mut. "em. '0 h" ..."" ' .. di, ....... t in "iuh'ph.1
Kct.m"'om of ,h. nimh ;nd ,,",h "ntur"" ,f, 'he 'wo ".,. M~~ 9"'i' '<I'

O'ganj"i~g a Br.,allli"~ rrju"'ph

This was followed by further, un .. pecified victory acclamatiom

and, "s the procelsion gOt under way, the f"ctiom intoned
military-flavored proce,sional chants,'"
The first mtion imide the city was aboUl 1.5 km down the
lower Middle Avenue at a monument kn own al the Sigma. Th is
was probably .. crescent-shaped portico marked by a column
~uing the mmc of Theodosim II."· After the r"eption, the
parade turned kft and marched perhaps another halfkilometer!O
the Exakionion, which StemS to have been • lofty column .imated
juS! outlide the Constantinian walL! 11 The parade [hen entered
the Comtantinian city .. nd cominued about 650 m to the Forum of
Arcadius or Xerolophm, a square surrounded by portico. and
distinguilhcd by the great triumph.l column of Arcadiu •. ' "
Once the acclamations were completed, the parade again got
underway, m.king no further nops until it reached the Forum of
the Ox, the Bous, which was probably to the West of the modern
Ab."y."9 The next segment took the parade to the Capitol.
which N aumann ha, tentatively associated with the gundiose

.Iu~6t~ .01.. ", • • nd M~~ 9t4> "i' ~" .. pl'o>" ~o.<t!ll""" on D< "r., " 71 {6<)),
VOil' >. 'll.,,-,)6.>j ,
". b"p. E~,. , JQ'-7""1l' ~,I """'~ .b_~Ma9qa .. "Kq"d. ~,I :I~,",,,~.[
....... r.,.I'~.lj.uXs.,~n. em ,hi, '<rm, fo, whK" tho v,,;ou, dictio""" ..« ofno
... il. ... J. H,nds<hm. 0., Z"'....""""'~ K.i,., K,."..,i", ",,' d" ""X~"
Di<~I""1 (11) ..1, '90'), pp . I-9 .nd '01, n. , .
I I. The following .«OU", i, b.",d on I,"~ . h, .. 10'. 'Y-lO'.> . nd JO,",'-j . On ,he
Sillm,. J.nin. C,I, By ... pp. "0-\. I< "'., . boo, ,I>< mOll"'''Y of P",bkp''''. i.,.
u.. mod<", S"lu ",.n."ir: ,h" .110",• • n 'pp,o,im. " m",""mem oflh, pmd,',
f,m "sm<nt. Cf. Mulk,·Wi'n<', Bi/dhi'''''' pp. '00- '.
,,, J. nin . Cplt oy •.• pp.lIl-'; GuilLond . T.,.,,,p.". ' . 6,-\: lJ'g'on . .""",,,,,,,, .
p. '00. Th< ro"lIh ""im", vf tho d""",, i< b"",d (Hl ,h. p"""b,li,)' ,Iu,,h,
Ex. ki""ion w" n", ,h, I.. hpi M,ocidi: Mulkl_W K"". BU.I,xi""". p. " I.
" . J.nin, e,1t lIyz., pp. 11 - >; f )'l-f O; Guil4nd, T'P<'I "P"'" pp. S.-6"
Miilk,·Wi'n<"lIililu;~, pp. '\C>- ). /"p. Ex,. dO<'! no' 'p<dfy whm in ,hi,
loTi' oqw.« th< '''''"p,; .... "''' ".god.• I'hough 'he C,«",,,,,y aook m""ioo,
,,,<ion,., 'he '~'" or<h' , in th, 'middle of the Fo,um' , ." 0 '0<10" hom 5, C.lIin KU'·:
D< "r., ".0111), Vog" '.91.,. - ,1 .nd t, I, i.,.")1.,0- '1. o.,'pi« Guillond.
T'''i",~i,. ',fl f , 'he « l"iomhip oflh .... pl>«> i< nO< ,10" . Porh.p. ,h, :olrIK~ of
\01 .>0 j, mun< '0 imply dl" ,h.« WO! no ' IOP" m id· fu,"m . Th< ' ppro.,,,,.,,
di",,,,,. ""im." i< b.oed "" I..hpi M<..:id' 'nd ,he <.:olum" d A ..,diu,.
' " J.nin. C,1t lIy'.' pp. 6<)---,,,Miilkr_WKr><,. BiI,hiOOII , pp. 'J) - f . The 'Uil"';""
'h" 'he !l0"'w" "'e" <>f A.,."y ,om<> f,om 1\,. N,um.nn, 'D" .n,,10;0 Itundb.u
b<im Myrcl,ioo ""0 <1<, P,Io" 1\,0"'"'001 I. L,<.p<nOl', 1"...10<1" .If,,,,il"'If'''' ,6
('1"'6) , '99- ,,0, 1.0« " 0. P"h.p" ,",I<w., I<}me '''''''«''''''
wi,h ,he "m,m, of
circulu stru cturc known l! the 'M ytda cmTl', In any evcnt, the
Capitol canTlot have been fa r from there ,"" Nearby, the
ccremony ~g3in to 3 h~ 1t at the intcn,-cti on of the upper
Middle Avenue with thc main boulevard, ~t a place m~rked by a
column mrmollnlcd by ~ ero" and the embracing 'Tetr..chs '
which ~ re familiar to modern vi si tors to S~n M arco's,"1 From
there, the processinn mo ved to (he Forum T.ur;, its triumplul
col umn and the Arch ufTh"odosiu>, .bout h.lf. ki lomncr from
the round bui lding, 'n The ne xt '101' took I'l.ce at th e Artopoli~
or B'Ikers' Qu~rter , known for it, porticos, it, column with ~
cross, and.n ~ rch, which rll" y h ~v e be,' n th e precise .ite of this
Sl~tion. In Fin. lly th e p~r .. dc arrived ,t the brg e, circu lar , portico_
lined Forum of Const~ntinc , which w~s dornin~ted by its gre'it
porphyry column. I H At the Fo rum , l ,nd his <on dismounted
and were met by the p.triarch and hi s retinue outlide B.sil's
foundat ion of the Virgin- in -the_ Forurll_ 12_' Ag,,;n ~ church sc rved

,"h" h" 1>«" ",Ik d • ,,,umph.1 ",h . "",o"<r<d J"" ..,wh of ,ho w,l] ..oun~
Mu,, ' P'I' C,m ;;;n '9W d . F. i) ;,im«k;n , ",y..;J, • .11.u,' hll i~' . , ('919). '9
.nd fig. '" j, Lof,"" .. n,. 'Fou, II"" ol<oow",,,, i h""bu) d, '9J" '..,00', 8y ...
'<>-10 ('9 1<>-60) , JJ<>-~6. "'" 17f, .no 1"- j'n'n , "Co"",,,,;nopi< by"" I;"'.
U<<<x>''''<> " nu'", 00 'opog"ph,,' , RtB. >I I,,,,i) , 'J6- 69. )"" 'J6, If 00, .0"
""'''" of ,., p",,,", would hovo m."u«d .bou' h.lf . ' ,lem m,_
'" N.u m.nn, ' !tundb.u ·, p_" ' ; d_ 'oo R . ;-';,um.nn, ",,,,,Ii.. S,,.,ji<l, '7 ('1>67).
)0- 1. C. L ~" ;kO f, 11<, .If,,,I,'... (/!oJ,"," C"'''J '" 1","",1 (p,;n,,,on, '91,),
pp_ " -'J. « j<'" 'h, ,do" ,i f"" ion, bu, ,ho b" wo,d h" yO' '0 I>< ",d .
'" j, ,,i,,. Crl' By>.. p, .10: MiHk,· WJ<,)<" BilO/'xi . .... pp, ,(,6.--" Cf. N,u""nn ,
' Rundb,u ', pp_ '<>}_ 'O, On ,ho d;'-Co'"y o f ,he m" " "~ f""" of,h " R'''"P on ,h<
rubbk by 'ho mund b"; I ~;n ~ .n~ '" I"'t<n'i.) ""p l,,,'i,,,, th" ,ho Ph;b<klphioo
w» not» f" f,om ,h ;, "" " " 8oo<"lIy ,bou~h, . Con"," ,nl ,00 C'p;,ol ,Oo",y,
;t mm' b< no'od tho< ,00 ,,,,,.,n, of ,00 ) 10 ",.,mp" ck>fly pbC<! ,ho C'p"ol ' ight
by ,m, ;n""<ot,on of,,,, ""0 M,ddi< "'"<n"", i" , ,h< r'" ),ddph"",, , I .. p. hr·
497_'<>-" ,nd 491 .J- 6. Ev,n if tho Phil. d<i phlOO ,..'" h. lf w,v dowo th, Mo'"
to,"..-d ,h, Fmum T,u" , " would onl)' h.v< 1><", .bou, '" m f, mn ,h, mund
hu; kling.
'" j, "i", C," By> .. pp_6o-! ,nJ i,-" T'F"I'"p"", pp, )6---9'
Miill«· Wi<"" , B ' ld l '~i ~ "". pp , ,)i - 6J; R . N,um'"n , 'No"o IJroboc",ungon '.
'" j.n;n. c,r. Or'" p, )')' O,tl<, ,,;nm!ln h.1< 1>' "i> ~'P"''i' ,.<. ,ho ,",h (d«iy,d
f' um l";nJ".i~; cf. ,ho "'"h of 'h, M,)ion. m,: Dr w .. '. J. v os,. "OJ ,) ''',); Dt
w .. "I, VoS'. 1.)1.,5_
'" Jinin, C," BY' .. pr. 6'-4: Mii lk,· W~"", Iiildl,~ik"" , pp. 'Jj - 7. Th, Forum of
Con",",;"o " ' 00'" 7jO 11\ from '"< Md, <>fTh<oo",;u ,_whi,h w.... ,h< "'<"",,
<00 of Ih< FOlUm of Th<odollu,. If ,he " "h of """ pol" wcr< . botH hil f", . ),
"'v, ,'t<,,, " ,
'" _
tl<tw«n ,h,m. i, woul~ ",On"
I.. " Ii~, IOU- I' of. Ju,i", <:,1. lIy • . , pp . ')"-7.
l'l m f,om o;,h,,-

" multiple purpme. It W"5 " meeting po;nt, it offe red "n
opportunity to p"y public hot",,!:e to " ,hrine - ~nd indirectly,
perhaps, [0 the mercham, ",sociatcd with it - and it allow ed the
princes [0 ch.nge from their military uniforms into civi li an garb,
comist ing of purple diviliria, k~mpagia ... ndab .nd gold_threaded
cape"I~. Still di,moonted , they walked in procession. following
the gTeat gilded and bejeweled ceremonia l cro •• and vuio",
n.nd.rds, umil they c~ me to the Milion Arch ~nd then went into
the Hagia Sophia. '27 The return to the Creat Palace observed the
",o~ 1 cc remonial for ""lemn procession •. U'
What docs thi~ rcview of the sutions used in 879 reveal about
cercmonial development of the period? First, it makes cleat th.t
regular sp"cing of ,(;Itions w~, quite ~cond;ITy to other (actou in
their selection. Segments of the p_rade vary from COl . 1 ,5 km down
to .round )OO- 12S m or Ie,", with ,evcnl seeming to have been
,paced at about haifa kil omcter.'19 It is difficult to .void th e
impres,ion tha' the difference in frequency and interv.l, between
,utiom of the Theodosi.n !Cctor (two nations in ca. 2 km) and the
Constantini.n city (scvm l lations in ca. 3 km) cannot be disas-
""ciared from the very diffe ren t popularion demiti,. of the two
~ctOTl , '3Q Th e comparison of th e 51.t;on, of 879 with those
"tl"ted for impe ri. l process;om of lhe lcnth centur y is . Iso
inSlructive (",e T .bk I).
W ith two exccptions (th e Sigma Olnd the Capitol), the mtion!
used by Basi! J correspund to st_lion! in the repertury ofpotential
recepl ion .ites indicated by the Ccremony Book. Th~t the Sig m~
does not ,how up in the latter is likdy duc to ill excentric
loc"tio", (l' The repbccmcm of {he Capitol by (he Am.stri.num

" , /.." f..<, .. j01.6 - y, On .;''';"•• nd , ltlamyilt' , Gncnoo . Co;.,.) . ' . 1 '7- ' 0 ; on ,I><
form«. d, Ikly><v. ·Prl<my'. pp, )<>-7, Fo, h",I"'I;'. Oikooomi<l<>. Li/k l , p. '6?
n. Ilj, On ,I>< m<r<h. n< pr<l<nco in I" Fo,um . • bov• • Ch, t . p. I~ .
' " I .. , . IiJIp ..
'" IMI., j O' .'7-19; ,r. n. m., I. I. Vo~t, I.IIf.
t ..t, fOllow, 'hot tl><<< i, "0 <I<" pot,,," of di".n= which wmold hdp ,it"ot.
""i<I<nt; ("d ""nn,
' " D.J.ooby. 'L. I"'pubtion d< COll",n,inopl< il'Cpoql>< byun'ioc; on pfoblem< d<
<l<mog"ph;<o,b.;n<·. 8" ,. ) I 11">61), aI-I",!, "p. 105--7' ct: D. g,on, N,;""",, ,
p. J".
'" Th< Sillm. i, 11t<>o<d " • litu'g;col ... tion ;n ,he ,<",h-crn'u,y Trpi<.... M,,«><,
'-' 0 " :i<pt<mb(..) .
is more intriguing, bw l!llckar , ,, 2 In the Ceremony Book ', lin of
,t,ltiom , there appl'u §cvnal statiom not a!t e5!e d in 879 yet clearly
on the triumph" itinerory , like [he Modim, Praetorium and
various point •• round the M ilion - Hagi . Sophia - Brnen Home
comp lex. Thi', along with di,crep,ncies between th e Ceremony
Book', Ii,,,
tbe"'§clvcs, points up bow incorrect it i, to pre.ome
l1l1>w ervi ng adherence to millen.ry tr, dition l in the loc,[ion$ of
stations. , j J Th i, ill im,lf sh ow s what other evidence confi rm "
namely lh.[ cmtom did not dictate the ",Iection of ",tions, even if
it m ay bave ddlm'd the margins of chain', I,.
The nature of thes<: , itl" reflen, an cJemem typical of Con_
,tantinople's lIrban land,cape: ,even of the ten woold have
been visible from .fJt thanks to their characteristic columns. 1l' It
would be a mi,take to this fact by thl' triumph.1 COn-
notations of some of the columns, for many of the same site,
fIgure prominentl y in nOll-triumph.1 ce remonies_116 The choice
of these , t.tion, may have been mo 'e do",ly linked with the"i, funnioll of the~ columns, if;t may be presumed th ,t
th e example of old Rome influenced that of the nl'W one, There ,
such co lu"'m were erected at juncture~ be[ween new city quarteu
3nd old ones, to allow tr3vders between city sectors const antly to
get their be~ring'_'" While the det~ib of ,enlement pa[tern$ in
Constantinopk .nd how they might relate to the loc.tion of
monum~" .. 1 columns rem"in unclear, wh.t ;, known .bou t the
I, tter lend, credence to thi, possibility: th,' key ,topping points of
(he p" r~dc coinc ided with key l. ndmarks.'"
." NOIC '"" ,',oou~h ,ll< C 'p"coI i, .b"''' l from ,he "'l<h.""o,uty """'n.1 h", of ,ll<
C<r<m ony H"", (T.bk 'I , "" " ill mod tlI lh< ryp~ "" M",UI, 1.)66_>0 (to
"'usu .. ),
'" Gu,Il"Id, '1'0I'Wi,"P" ', '. H . , 'L""'pl"<m.u, de> ""ilm" .y,n, ,,,I r..II'" I.
"'&"'Qt., "" ""mu,bk: To ''' ""h div"g<nc;" " 'PI"'" [,om 0." T.ok '.
Gu ill",J ",,'uk .. ,I", ', .... , in<"''''<1' ' ' ' ' ' of Df w , ,,,d. COP)·'" who w" lik<ly
ign''''m of Ily,,"' i", ,If.i ", On lh, b" i, of lhe>< , ",ump''''"', Gu,lI.nd
(Ott"" th, ,<X, wlle",,« hi, to"." "'lui" .
' " $<, bt"'~· ~" d", r";p<>';"" .. t,di,," of ""ion ,;,<>.
". SiS"'" f.'.. k .... "'m , X"uluph.", Phil.d.lpoion. F"'"m T.u.;, "'''opoli, .n<l
f o '''"' of C " """'''''' ,
". S« ,.
'" W. G.""" ' 1) ,< T, .. " n ph "'tikn." W, 0",,<0 , " Ro"" " 00 <I", Rom. ",,"oJ. "oJ
.1,1),",,,,>1,, Jer H<mch. f, j", lkon.utaum·. An';" "n" AknJl..... '7 ('9~').
'79- 0 " i><<< , 3)-.,
'" 1'10", ,~, b , k"",,;on " ,m,!o h,v, m"kod ,i>< end of 'h, Dtd M;ddk Av, ,,",,, 'he

.~ D< ,n., I. 16 (' 7) .
V Of;' • • .9'7._.1)
From So Morna
0. ..... ' . I. Vogt.
1· $ 1.4 - $1. 1)
From P<&~ (d.
Dr ,.... ' .
"H"'-~ S· "~
Ftom 11011
s. VogI 0.. ,.... '. 10,
V<>g•• ' .' . _'4 - 7S.Z7
F, .. m Holy
GulIUnd. A...,..Io' I\po.lln'
T"I"':t ••,.,.;.. I .

-" ,•
, . Guklm Guo
,, ,•
""\2 ~ 9.
•• OU ........ ",h
I'or. itol

,• ••, ..."....-Ju,"

(Su'i"", '-J )

- •• ,••
< SiS""".. ioo,
• St Moei".
••, ME..on<ui
k;"'" Oon
" "
So Moeiu.
'Ii" f<
"> , X...,lophoo ,. Finl .,ch of
, Xnolophoo
Middle: of

,. ....
6. C 'po<oI
• ....
X<TOIopb ...

7_ " ...... ri...."n , . Am ......"""

, . Ph.l"k1rb""· I . I'M .ddph..,.. I . Ph,loJclph"",
9_ Modiol
••• Artopow
•• Anopo1i.>
T~ u,,,,

..... T . u, Of
Arrt. of
s. T'Q'O>
6. "rch of

, AnopoU.
,••. T .u,o<
Artn po/i.l

00 '~m
,." P••
~m "'.m . FaNn'
•,. • ~m

1_" Milion]
Mil ion ,.." P"<\O)rIUnl
Arch of Mil,on
P ..... orium
..... ob of Milion
• I'bka,,,,, of
"., MHion
A bIt fun ...... ••• Son><wh.. p'"

[11.,.. Sophi>]
M"m""'Dn of
Elrnen I I.......
A b" furth.cT ... flrch
00 . Zeu~ippoo
EI,.."" H ",,!iC

Wh~tpreci.dy took pl~ce ~t ,he .talions? The report of 879
mrrdy >t>l"s th~t 'in the n~med pbcc" receptions (ooled) of the
f~C!iolls (rwv f/f-f.J('JV) and acclamations (e6<p'I/lir,(I) took pbcc',
prcsuming th,u rcadn. of meh ~ techni",1 document w~r~ f~miliar
with procedmc on thi, point.'" Qne clue comCI from the
descri ption of the fim Itation al the Abraamites'. After B.,il ;md
his .on h~d 'received' them. i.e. ~cknow1edged SOme symbolic
gesture, like a proskynesir, the combined f~C!ion' ~ccbimed th em.
The entire group then moved off townd the Golden Gate, Wilh
the factions kading the w~y. There, they stopped, took up
po,ition in front of the g~te ~nd the ,ave reign< were ~gain
~ccl:limed in ,imiin (.,hion hy the •• me groups. '.0 Since no new
ekments beyond the location of the next sr~tion':lIc mentioned,
thl' text implicitly ,uggests th:ll:l ,imiln procedure W:lS ob~rved
at the next st~tion.'" The ~CCOUnt of Theophi lus ' triumph
specifinlly sutes that the factions greeted the ,-mperor
(om)vl'lOl!\') :IS W:lS "",tom:lry for ~ festivc procession (dJc hd
topuo//lOV I"tpoo..ev(Jov) .'" In f~C!, the Ceremony Book', .. (-
count of do(hai on just mch oc~~,ion' confirm, the implicit
Sllgges,ion of ,he triumph reports. At e~ch st~tion. the f~ction
s~lutcs the emperor. sings the ~ppropria,,- :lcciam:ltion .nd then
<:scurt, the emperor to the next ,cation, ch~!){ing filling {ex", if the
emperor so de,ires.'··'
Now th" t 'he p:lr>de', ,itu:ll content is cleuer, it is pOs>iblc to
offer a rough e.timate of how long it might h2ve I~Sled. The

u,n>,,"tm .. " .. n'p." ~ tl>< SiS"" w .. th, ro'tt t" whKh th, outbound trav"er
h.d to .om 'ight to , . . ,h tho Gold," Cu" J""i",,"',
colum" ",,,ked the
lIugm",um Squ.,-e ,"d ,he n,onu",rn,,1 he", oftM "ty.
". /"p . £>, .• )O'""-j,
, ..
Ib;./ .• joo. ,6-)oLtI.
Ind«d. ,hi, m.y « why th, "otic< "np""i,", th .. the ""!"'''''' <",erod tM
Sf"" '" ,d<ti< 1'",,,1of ,h, ("",ld<n G m b,pry'''"IJ<''Of (Jo, . I 9). II ,>de fron, ,he mi,i ,I
""em,"' th .. 1M ,,,,p<,o,, wer< p««ded by 1M s.rn,,< .nd !",opi< the
H<lxlomon . "d II>< .-.1,.-."", j"" ,x.mifl<d. t>O mc",ioo " ,II i, m.d<: Df tMi.
''''0'', .l lhuu~h w, <." b. '"t< I... lhe """,,,I Kgm<n' of ,he 'numph,t I'-'"d<:
conw",d of mot< '0'" ,I>< empero, ."d hi, !On. By ,he "m< ",Ion, "NO he .. of
Th<yphil,'" 'I<Ott of S<"'l< ."d ("'~.I" .. only wh<n ,he p... d" «.ch<d ,il<
Mi l,on. whcr< It i, 'pe(ifi<d ,h" 'h<>< ~fO"1" di,mQunt<d , a il .• \00.1-,6.
1,..1__ Joo.J---<\.
," D< tN . , I. '0. V"gt, 1.7<. r 0-7).1) . nd 1.26 {t7), Vog', 1.\I7. J0--<}9. ' 7. cr. G"ili>nd.
T.""""p.". '."~-7,
d' luncc {rom the Goldell G~te to the I·b!: .. Soph .. I, ~boU!
j.s kill , I.e. ~ Iud ... o"er an hours w~lk 3' ~ no .mal pan', which
would be qu" ... a bu f,,' cr than 3 puadc ,m"Uy mO,·..-I. It "
dl fflCuh to muglllc that ,h,- "opP,ng. pe,(ofllu nce of accl~ m-
311m... rcu rallselll CI1I of , he f3C1ioll In frolll of 'hc p.. ~tk ~nd
"'U""S up agam of the procc'''011 could have be ... n l ccomphshcd
111 J~I .h. 1I 'W( lI ly 1111110''''' ., ... v... ry .tOp."· Th ... hll, ... 1>0:
V"glll-lll -.he-Fo rull1 , IIIvol .. illg ., i, ,lid . h,· ","deollle of ,h ...
pltrlHd•.• vi'll ,n ,hc ,h. ",,- ~nd th" ch.n!;mg of ,hI' (lIlpi"O"
,·cstmen,•. mUil hlVC ukcn eon.idcu hl y Jnnger. We m.y ,hul
c<.m~ rv .. ivcI y " IHna,,' that dll'sc oper~noll j .lone n'quIT" d ~ bo",
,"'"0 hoUls. Cml,idcrms ,h.t the", ilit • • y .e,,,oll o f the par ad" SO!
und,·rw.y wIllie ,h,' C!IIpi'ro, waS .II U.", [;ng '" the Ah ••• u"',·,·. II
ISd, ff, cuh 10 rOn cd .... of .",h • p..a<k bltlll!; kll,h," four hours.
even before ,h,- !C.v,ce III Ihe Ha s" Soph,a. If ........ rem... mber ,h ..
the fir!( ce .... mon y of the d.y Iud •• ken pbee a, ,he ",ven,h
""k"01 'e from. he ell y, w e nn read ily itr., p wh y UallJ headed (0 '
,hc Uanque, I bll of j m.;mln l ' lOOn U .hc ...." ·,C... WlI 0 '·.... : he
.lId III. hung.y ... Klm had perfo rmed vcry dos.: ' 0 • fu ll da y',
..... ork.
II hu alr eady been nmcd thlt th~ cuy " de of th,· vIctory p.rade
fell und ... r the J" "lodlCllon of ,hc cp.rch. The further QUCS'1(Jn of
wh ich oAicl~l ..... ~s In charge of ,he >(IU.I org~l1I z,"on o f ,he
lTIum ph I. .. ""po"'''1 " ;, IS d,Aicu l,. "'hh ou~h ,he p"cllc~1
~bs<-"cc of ~ny prdll1m •• ry work un til<" I",mml on~l undctpin-
!lin i> uf I",per .. 1.itual. neee ..a" ly Ii '" Its ,,1 ' Va r.lTlld r. inl'om plele
view. o ne impo ,ullI f~n ,und, ou.: h,-rc. al d sc whne, long-'<"t'"
ch~ngcs In .hc com pe!CIlC'" and ",s.mza!io" o r th e I'. I.ce wc<e th ...
rule. nO. Ih ... exce pt ion .
In ," Irlu e of hIS .uthOfUY OHr ,he Itu~rds ~nd o,her pcno nnd o f
.he ~I~cc. th ... MUlCr o f ,hc O ffIC... , wu . he ke y figure m ,hc
public hfe o f ,he b,er R om a.. cou r, . H,s fcsp".",b,ll1y ror
aud ,enco ."d ,h,' IIkc coutTlbmcd puwerfully '0 md k"' g hnn the
e nlp're', Indmg ceremomal OffOC'll. 'H ThIS , U... IIOII 1$ dearly

,., Cf I.. , r.... ,. "" ~. r,.~_J .. .. pl • .,<>o! ...... " " • .!ool.o ... ,.....
, . , 1\ F. Il. I~ .. ~ . ·r .... M." .. el,,,,0Ib<.. m , ... l'I<' Il. u..... . .wI b y»n'.....
Emr" •. 7·.....,'oN' .. ,..., II_...J 8, ,_" .......... ,.,~, ..... (N .... Y<><k. I~' . ) .
1'1' I ,.." ....... ' ~ . nJ M CI,y". 1.)" ..." .... , o,fi<.~" .. ,. h' J,.. •• ,,'" (• .•
)M"~".h,,!. v""_,,. " (Mum,h. ' 'Il10). rr~. " ~''''''I''.,''rh,,",1 ,,," foom
Organi.:ing a By<:am;n~ triumph

mirrored by Pel~r Ihe p.lri"i.n·slosl Ire'li~ on Ihe hiSlory .nd

duties ofth.t POSt. the surviving fugments of which are the .ingle
most significant source on imperial ceremonial of Iht fiflh .nd
sixth cenmries.'·6 [n the gene"l grounds for .ctrihuting Ihe
arungement of the triumph.l p ... de to the Magister officia,u.n;lte
confirmed for the sixth century. since the essentiil decisions on Ihe
org.niution of Justini.n'. triumph .re spccific.lly .nribllled to
his M.ster in the report preserved in the Imperial Expeditions.'H
The mges and dale! .t which the Mmcr w" stripped of these
functions arc obscured by the d.rkne .. of the seventh .nd eighth
centuries. Yet it is clear thu dev elopments here pauUd the gener.1
trend of an eu which .. Wan reliance On domestic or
priv'le inslitutions of the pabee at the expen~ of the gre.t
mandarins of the bter Roman civil service. Bury has .dduced
evidence suggesting that the office wffered its gre.testloS$l!s before
the end ofthe reign of Leo][1. [t seems likcl y, however, thaI .s btc
31 769 the M'!ICr w •• still with his (venlu.l mccc",or some
competence in the fi eld of ceremonie •. , ••
By th e time of Ihsil'. triumph in 879, power in eeremoni.l
matters had p.,~d into the h.nd. of the p.ajpa,ira, or Chamber-
bin, the descendant of the lat c Roman pra'pa,jruJ 'M'; wbiw/j,'"
In the late ninth .. nd early tenth century, [he Chamber[.in w., the
primary giver of cues during imperi.l ceremonies, in effect
managing the ritu.l.ppe...nccs . nd enCounters of the sovereign,

j>0 10 »7 in rtRIi, " 10)9-61 ,old >, "J7-1. cr. U,.",

pp, lJ9K. Fo, 10< ptflod
,f«, JUllini,n, I « Ilo.k, 'M "ter', p. I It: cf. u.,rn1, COl'",,', ',669 ",i,h no. I 19l .
On Pm, P",ici,"', !I,pl'O).nl~"" .i{uoc, 'publilh<d' O<IW«l> Jf! , nd )>._
.., Strin, &'_£""1"'" ',7,1 .
" <leuil of J""inun', ""ko." woid, obvOo"~Y rep""n" , d"""""", from
",,,,,,,, (,),""';"1 of '" 9p"~~'l>f,*;"O' by . n "".. ;,,; .... 1;, " to< P.l",·, ,nl"""")
" 'p"c;5,. lIy id<n~fied " • drOoi"" "r th, M,,,,, Otf""",
of I.., . Ex, ..
'98·9-10: MOl lip ,,",,1M. y"tc3" b 1':l7''''P«·· ··
,., Bu,y, Mm;.i"",,'., 'r"''',
pp. '9-ll' d. Bo>k. 'M'"", pp. 11')- ' 00. 1llc
.vid<n« fOf 169 i. f,om ,),. ' ppt"'"« of th. "'Ii'"'' ,;d.
by ,id. wi,h ,0<
1<.t: C. Diehl , tn. .. , .,,,.,i.,,
mo'",,, " J' (.l), Vo" , "'6-jl, "p. '7. ') , na , I .). 0. ,11< dm of,h;,
(p,,,,, '90l), pp. '9)-)06, for 769; G. O"rug""k y,
, "'z .... i".. ).h •..,II<.,7 1'9)0), '0 .
m, in grn",J, J.~.
Du"i>p, '1llc olli« of ,tt" G"na Ch. mbe,!.tin in tho I",,,
Rom ... ,nd Byu",;". ''''pi,'''. T... ,,",ii,,. pr. '"' - )'" o;k""omi&'. Li,I«,
p. )00. ' nJ Guillond. I.", ........ '. " l))~So. F" • • n o.,n;'", of tho 1"",.."",-
in,,,I •• ,,,,,,,, if> impt,i.J "" .. m""in. ,WI .. pp. ) ' )~ " d , Ikly .. v. 'P,iom ,', f"J' i.. .
OrgaHizing a Byzantine triumph

and he seems even to have been entrusted with th e opentions of

the Hippodrom e.'"O Did this gene,,,1 ce,emonial competence
extend to the aspects of the triumphal parade not cov ered by the
eparch', urb;m jurisdiction? Onct a~a in , the reports appended to
the Im p"rial EXp"ditions allow " specific and positive .mwcr. In
879, it was the praipositos - and not, therefore, the cmp"TOr or
victorious generals - who defined the actual order and arr.n~c~
ment of the triumph.l p" radc. It was he who su ge-manag ed the
ritu.l encounter of the vi ctorious emperor and th e governmental
elite, the Iynklt/ikai.'" That it wa, now the praipositQ[ who
determined the locations of the station s and tbe cerelT1oni~
performed by what were >till call<·d the ·faction,' in the [ate ninth
century is a token of th e extent to which the lalleT institution had
become wedded to the p.lace burc" ueraey . IS2 Even rhe ch eeu of
greeting for the triumphant empnor could nOt be left to chance.
Ind eed, spontan eity w.s so litt[e app reci;aed that when it oc-
curred, it was .. pt to frighten an emperor h .. lf out of his wits.' OJ
Thus, as the 879 rePOrt specifi c.. lly states, the text of th e victory
accbmations too fen und er the responsibilitie, of the p,a;poJ;los . , ..
This point raises an import. nt issue in the medicv.[ hinory of
th e factiom. It h as \x,en presumed th:a the pOl·,tai and 'M llsta;
referred to in Phi[Olhcui Clr,rrolog,,,m were in charge of the
composition of acclamations. '" The existence of so me kind of
p. rt_time pon of this nature fit. wcll with thc obvious fae! that
many _eclam_tion s are tailored to ver y precise circumstanc".
New circumstances required ncw tCXt S, or 1t Icast the adaptation
of old oncs. ". If the t",ditiona] assumptions abour the dulies of
the factions' p<.>e1S are as well founded as they " p~" r to be, the

'" 1\ f,w [,"'" m>oy "''''pI« in Gu ilbnd . In"I,.,I .. , . I. J<)-<. Fo , ,0< Hipped,,,,,,.,
,0< 1«y " ~Xl I"h, mu,ll".d fin.1 <h. p", <>f D. m . . >. j . (,00 . ' p .). Il<mn. 80-7 . C f.
Hu,y. 'C,,,mony !look .. pp . "9- 2"
,t! I"" . up .• Soon, l OP - j : . . . ,~, U ,!je ~p<><,(w.-uoc d~" ~aJ ~ft"'~' '~C
6"l'~L1''''' ...b ft"""~"""OC J{Qpl~"o.
' " I!;J .. , JOJ .J-J.
a, Th ... , Ih. iI him ",If w ....."kJ .nd .1",<:><, ,h'ndo" ,J ,h, Elj., D. y Pfo«"jon
wl><n 'h, <fowd b loke Qu' in ,n un"I"",«I 'Glm y '" God· " the ,Igh' ofu,,," VI
jn ,h. "''''St: V. n. ..p" ..... 19 Ku .... ' ).>f- )O: d . oomm. p. J •. n. '0.
u. I.. , . E~,. jOJ .)-f' ... ".:zj Til" P'piiw do t~m~h>v<: ",."".jc ...
'" Ck""!.ji,",. Ojkooomid<,. I» . J' 'nJ I>j . ) .nd '.1.7." ·h,,, they." h",d
tog""'" cr. ib;I .• p. »6.
, .. SO< ,I>< ,,,umph.1 .cd. m"lon, ,""d . bov<. n. I I f. 01 'h, "d.m";"" obvOou,ly
Organi;cing a By;cam;", niumpll

,t:l temclll from M79 th.t the praipo'iloJ B.:lllc, w" in eh"rg~ of
JXX:ms mU lt m e~ " that he Wa, in (h.rgeofthe POielai, This in turn
implies ,hat the bction, werc mhordinat. to the p,aipositos ,t this
date. C"Hhnd h~~ ,,,,died the problem. While he .dmi" that there
wne ContactS OCtw,·cn the factions and thc praiposiloi, hc
catcgorically dcnic. that the former wcrc in :111 y way ,uoordin <l ted
to the 13ttcr. chiefly on till" ground. of hi, intcrpretation of the
I,st two eh"p tcr. of the prescnt .tate of the Ceremony Hook. '"'
He is indeed correCI in . sserting that in the breakdown of sum,
dijlrib"ted to va rio", pcTSOllllel from the cu,tomuy payment,
conveyed to the p''''posiloi by newly promoted p,trici<ln" the
memb,."" ofth.· f.erio"" including poinai and .nt/i'la;, >Ie listed
separalely from the group designated as ;, nt';IG roD
h!ltoilpoJ.!ioti. ," He is quite wrong, however. in claiming. on the
b"ic of the rubric to the Ceremony Book', Ian ch.pter (n ~pl
(1u~"lhlwv rwv Itpfllltoo/rwv tv TO rei,;el rou 11!ltoilpoJ.!/otl), th.t
th~t mutilated regulation refers exdu,ivcly to the ,arne group a.
the onc designated by the word, rei';/(: roil hf1!Obpol'/ov in ,he
section on patrici~ns' custom<lry p~ ymenu. lnd therefore doc, not
include the fa~tions. t .. Notwi,hstlnding ,he ch.pter', rubric,
Guill.nd (. iled to no,ice ,h.t th,· personnel b"ing in Dr m., 2,
56. arc I~xri, polilikai .nd not the 'imple members of ,he lax;s or
personnel of the Hippodrome referred to in l, 55. On the other
hanJ. when the praipOliloi paid the lax,is polilikm' ,heir s.lary
(Pi'r;rJ.j, they mcd two sets of records: their ow n, which lilted ,he
members of the I~Xfis by, .nd written certifIcation,
(ei(l'<l' thot the members of the polilika; laxr;, h~d indeed
performed their J.Crv ice. The latt~r arc providcd by none other

",Io«d '" N oc'phoru, tt "tod 'n en. 4. n, I So. " "',II " ,h, l"o,s;.,.1 p."U,1 of ,h,
.""", "'F",j,' ,,[,md '0 "' to. th.nk'gi,inS """"C<, iN m .. >. 19. I;",,,,. 609,1-<),
Ob,ioudy. roml'<'!l"K poe"" fo, i"'f"",,1 m,m"""" w" lK>< • full·,im, job.
no', .. ",Iy.. ,h. ,,,,n th "m",y, • <1<:.<00 of ,I><: H'K;' Soph" h><l I><:'n .blo 'Q
' omb,,,,, ";, <"0''" 1'<''' w;tb ,h., of Po<t of ,I><: IIt=, Mi,,,,,,,I. A,,,,",, (BHG,
'7) , ." P'p.dop<>ulo>-)(mm,u, "·'9-'0.
,,' R. (;",II.nd, 'E,udn '0' t"H'ppndmm, <I<: By .. n«. IX. In r,,,;"m ,u X' ,orel,,,
10" , "'g,n;»';",,·. 85.)0 ('''''''j, , '1. <>p . " .nd 'J.
'" n. m .• ,. jl, Hunn, 191, '9-'799. 16. 1'h. poe" .nd ,",UJI"; of <I,h [w;"" ":<.,;,, I;.
m,h",~ . ""h: 70\0. j- l, d . 80,. '4- ,6 . nd 8o< .J-'. Th, ,0,:", ,00 JuoJPDPIbo ;1
I,,,,d i'..t,. 70<1,11-&00·6 , .to .
, .. ·fino,,",,' . prou-, J: Dt m,. ISonn. ikr),'-J).
O'gallizin)! a Byzamin, I'i"mph
than th~ chaflo,jlarioi or record-keeper> oj rhr two jaaions (Qf ruw
,j(>o Wpwv 1.IXprovU.plOr), i.e., the same oflicills who He li,ted a,
the ",cond "f the ,CWn cia,,,,, "f faction pcrsonnd mbotdin~ t,'d to
the J,marciwi in Philotheus' Clererologiu",, 100 Cle.rly, the..:
,.Jaries, pJid by the prmpOJ,ro" frum their own record$, in their
own hou,es and with funds drawn from the imperi al fUland. 1
uffie<' of the ridiko, logo"~ em on ly m~m th.t at the date treat~d by
the ch.p[er of the Ceremony !look .nd prob.bly by the timl'
ofthe 879 tril"nph at d,,·I.tcst, th" factions wcr~, at Ie.St in certain
aspects of their activity, subordinate to the p'aiposiloJ .nd paid
"mployccs of the Std t~ bUrC.,lCr.9·. ,. ,
In .rranging the p"rade, the pMiposilVJ wa, a"iued by the
Mmer of Cnemony (b bti rijc KIXTIX<7rcf<78wc), the ,ilenti.ries
.nd the entire wbiml"m _'61 The praipo,ilVS him'elfi' identif,ed by
name in {he case of the 879 triumph; he wa, none other than the
gre~t !laJnes, perhap, U"il's most trusted and influcntial lieute-
nant, the man who hod represented the emperor at the counci l of
~69 ,,"d who, while the emperor wa. absent on campaign, enjoyed
almost vice-regal ~U!hority.'6l
The decis;ve role, pl ay ed by the hte Roman Master of the
Off,ce, and by the carly medieval praipMiro, have a significant
feature in common. In both instances, the organization of the
triumph cnemony fdl to the hillhest, mmt powerful
official of the empire of their day, _ That they, and no One lesscr,
were charged with the .rrangement of the imperial end of the
trinmphal par><k makes abundantly dc;! r, if further iIlustra,;on
were required, (he importance cercmoni.l in g~neTJI and
triumph , in parti"ulu assumed in the eye. of the imperial palace,

... 0.- "' .. '. J6, 11<,"". 807 . 'y- 'O; d_ CI""'w,i,," , O ik"""mid<., " J . ,~ - , >J_1 ,nd
0.,,,,,', l! , lI"nn , 1<1''''' 'nd ""1->' "'" " [<.ght milo.",,,,), ",he" th<y , .... , I",
I,,«d .moog .1>< I'moo ...1<>f ,h< ("""'" UtII'~I,
' " D< ''' .. ' ' J6. ilonn, "",.''- '0; "I y,p&~iW""lo, ;~cp.,y"" ,Woo ~O~"'~""
'6~"'" r<'li luoJl"'plo.>t.J.j~/h."" 01 "f'I'"Otr"o, IK "><l ,/J'KOO .u-,.OIl, ,~o,,«:
np' 1~"rok. Iy KwJ~~" ,do "I~"c n, ' ii",~~ n! t. '"' 0''''1' <Wt-." 1M""""
)-"),>p.tCo..,,, tuaro. p~ ~~'''''J('. ~"~<I<1lhj ~pOC ,~,J"".w.. ";'00, 09<il<: o!
";,, Mv ~'pW' l,ptooUpw, 1",' trw'''''''' &<1'1"'J..i>c ,ro.""" ".tMiKO'OO'.
", I ..p. fxp ., jO).l 6 ,
", Gu ill,...!. i.";,",;"",, '. JJJ-<; ,r h" ' ('-" n".bu,"~.; I. r,,,,,,po~,,ph,,,.k I'omp;«
by, .. ,,;n_ L", p,"i"., R7"
OJ ( ")1ul. JOO - '1 , h<o< )01. 110< loop. hp . """"
M.w" r~' t~ ' P(""~~"" roo ~",,';,IW(' b,,,,.ld.c .px~" JOJ .8_
But the ccremoni~1 p<)w~r conantr~{~d in th~ praiposilO/ hand.
sc~m' already to h~ve been slipping from his gusp less than a
cemury afler Baanes' performance of 879. '60 AI pteloCnt. it is not
clear who. if anyone. succeeded t X officio to the praiposi/os as the
chief organizer for ceremoniC1.'6' What i. clear il Ihat, as btc a._
the reign of Con<laminc IX, the arungemem of the triumphal
paude WaS important enough to be looked after by the emperor in
person. LU
Nor is ;t clea r whether the role of the PrOtOnotary of the
Dromos in the triumphs ftom the 9501 which 3fC outlined in the
Ceremony Book is rel~tcd to the decline of the proiposilOS. In both
cascs. the PrOtOnotary i. in charge or the parade of prisoners; in the
triumph in the Hippodrome. he arranged the whole pa rade. What
has changed with respect to the arrangements of 879 is thn now,
the milituy possessed v~tO power OVer these arrangement •. As the
Ceremony Book eKplicidy records, ~forc the praipos;/os can give
the cue for the show to begin, the Domestic of the Scholes and
relevant miliury officers have the right of inspecting the parade
and making what changes they sec fl!, ailtr the Protonotary had
finished hi. arr~ngement •. '6'
The modern historian cannot remain indifferent to the
economic aspeCts of these ce remonies. Calculations of the
Byuntine budget have proven irresistible to more than one
generation of scholars. But ;t must be recognized that we do not
know what part of thc budget was (~ten up by ceremonial
(Kpense. in general or what the Cost of One early medieval triumph

... no, lIoly.... ·P,.. my". pp. H _ •. ob.<,y,nl ,h. 'Pf'",n« of 6 K.p.~n~u'''."
be,w«n , .. P"'P"'''.' .nd , ... mpe'Ol in .<r.m.,.,i.].,..... ,. lI<,crob<d In D< ..... '.
J . Cf. ''''' on ,h" 1'..... ' H.G . Il«k. 'p<, br"n"",,,~o Mon;" .. p"~d.n'·. ~Z. , I
( '9 11) . 109- ] 1. t,." H '. n '-
.. , "'"",dong ,,, G~,II.nd. In ,he ,wtlf,h «,,"o'Y. ,h"" fu"«.,." ( .m, '0 " .. m ,II<
~ .od, "f ,t,. P.",,,.,,,,i,,i,... " .. >L.d by ,I>< KP'J"K~"''''' '''''
rh,,'olf' .dm,"",,,",,
II< r.m";« by"n"n. l< p",<o."".",,·. Ri."" .k ....,
'£,,1<1 .. ""
".....Ii.; •• ""II•• ~" ",. , (. " ''/61). I - H', .nd I."""".... I. 101 - ' . n.. ,i,l.
'"'1»''''' d,,,ppe'" .iL"1C<lI><, ,o"'>td ,I>< md of ,h. <k.",,,h «n'u,y ' Oik""o-
m'd<-o. I...",. p. 100.
, •• 1'«1t",. C~'_.f<.,~;•. C ....... ",,"" IX . ,. I"'... old • . 6.,-, ". who w"" '"" fm "
• P«"" fo, dw<II,", on 'h< .ml><'o" "n" of ,h<",""I"y .
.. , 0.. '" .. '. '9. (I"" •• <\09 .' , - 6'0.1; '. '". Bonn. 6, ),1- 6" .,. "'p . 6, J. " - '9: ~.I.r
" .. ,~_" t"h .. t< 'Ltc .00 .pw,oYOT~"foo ,00 6pb~OO '''~,.«OC. tK,61OP-
900 ... , .. .
Organizi".~ a BFalll;", Iriumph

m~ y hav e been. But COSt they did. Back in the later Roman
empire, triumphs had b~..,n considered an ('''pensive aff~ ir, So
much 50. in f~ct. th~t. reformeT hOld felt the need to w.. ro 'g, inst
the excessive expenditures they emailed.'60 Although even this
very general kind of evidence is h cking fo r the vinory celebra-
tions of early medicv, 1 Constantinople, it is possible to ident ify
so me (;ert"in or highly prob,blc area, of expcndimre triggered by
triumph, uf the nimh ur tenth , mturic..
The tex t! from thi, period clearly attcst the em peror' , paymem
for the triumphal Crown offered to him by the City l'rcfect.'6 Q
N o thing is kn own aboll t p(miblc relll unera tio]] uf panicip,nts in
tbe parade. nor i, there evid,'ncc of direct payments to the fact ions
solely for their performan ce of the triu mp hal ccrcrnun y.'70 It is
not impossible that tbey enjoyed some kind o f I'lea.,nt favors: for
example, in the nimh century, it wos customary to fill cenain
founui,u or basins outsidc tbe p"l acc co mple x with honeyed
wine, pistachios and almonds, for the ocnefit of th" fanions Or
other performe" in i m peri,1 reeep tiom, , " Cert. in particip"m, in
some imperial procession, reccived gr>luitics for tbeir role, but it i.
not known whether this custum extended tu triumphs.' n
A grea ter dent in the imperi al pocket m"y ha\'<' oce" made
whcn the triumpb_1festivi ties included <I euchlristic service in the
Hag ia Sophia. The hold of th is grea t building u]] the mudern
imagin:ltion inclin e, us 10 forget how rarely tbe emperors of the

'" In",m"",",t
An""ymO"' . D< ."",, HI I ~;', "
... ,~, ~J (Oxf<>rd,
I, ed. fl.. Ilol .. ,~ , Dt """' Hili';,. >. liAR...
' 070). ~,< f, ",",m",,", M,,<dli"o', ,6. 10. o.
Cl"., U~ . ,_ Th, p'py,i would p,ob.bly "w"d ",,<Iy f, om .hi, . ~ ... po;nl_ s...
<.1:- ,h, pu"h . .. ",<I., f~, • ' ug fo, ' h, .." ..,,"' of, .t.x ;n A D_ J l' in P. 0,),.
' 0J'. '"". D. P_ G"nfdl ,"d AS . Hun', 10. ()xr'" Y"<~" ' p.,ppi. " 11.0ndo". '~'~J.
". "'bo •• , p . '1J.
'The I..«lupl<' of 0. "'_ J""l1Ot 'p<<tfy ,o. freqtJ<1l<y of p"ym""u . "', p'y"""'
'" '""1"0;".,,'1., " k", ;n", ,«"0"' ,h" ,h, O<n<f,ci"i", h"o "", ...... f",md w,"'ing
in '<lWd 10 ,hri, dUli«, " .",,,,,d by ' h' ""i""" «",f,o" ",,,, p,,,,i<i<d by 'ho
(,,,,om' ,~ .. '"I",ij; IJoon . ~. '4->0.
'" Thi< i< dOI< ,;l><d in wlu, «<ml '0 I>< .n """, f,o,," .n "n "no"''' 10'1"'".1
«remony book ",,,,,,,Jin Th«lph . Con!. J .• ). lI"n" . ", ., -6. It ;, ""nr"",,",, by
Ill< '",,;o,ooy of H,,"" Ibt, y .hy •• ,,_ AA . V.. i l ~ , . 'lI"o"_'bo_Y,h)·. ' nd I,;,
<I.><dplM>n uf Cu",""';"opl,', S.,.;"",;" .. " """";_."'. J ('9),), '00- 6) , h<re
1)6-7 .

'" Th,.,. Ph,loth<u, 1'<1'''''' P'Y"''''''

'0 the "" per ill "ilof< , gold "''''m . 1ld
80id,milh, ,'" , ; ~pJ K.. a~, 0Ikonooni<i«. l J J .!-1 >: cr. "."~. ;'id.. 'J'_
O.ganizing a Byzaminl I.iumph

early Middle Agel attended SO:Tvices (here. little more (han half a
doz .... n times per yeH.' 7) Tht imperial rdueta nce to use (hc church
'or(he common people' as an outside obse rver of the nimh cemu ry
ca!led il. becomes a good deal more understandable if we recall
th.t cmp<cron were expected to make a significant gift each time
they attended eucha rist the re."· In the tenth centory. the
recommendtd IUIII was ten Ibs of gold.'" Furthermore. the
cntp<cror wu expected to distribute PU rsel of gold to (he
archdeacon. ushers ¢lT1 1~pfOl). choirmancn (~I(t.l.tal ), and un-
specif,ed poor p.... oplc (01 7!tv'1t~c) . .. wdl as (he s1cr;slans. 176
Byuntine triumphs of the ninth and t.... nth centuries do not
generally appear to have been accompanied by the indiscriminate
throwing of coins to the crowd. On the cont rary. what general
largess there was took place within the confines of the palace. In
879. the recipicnu were members of the 5Cnatorial order who were
paid in whH the texl calls ·veslomiliare!;a'. i.e. si lver coin!
presmmbly from the imperial VtJlia,;"m.,77 W e have no idea
how much cuh went into chil kind uflargess. What eviden" there
il COncerns other oecalions and may usefully be tabulated as shown
in Table 2.
This list docs not. ofcoursc. allow us to draw any quantitative
conclusions regarding imp<c,ial expenditures on largess to the
rynk/rlikoi during triumphal festivities of the ninth cen(ury. It docs,

," cr. <, ~ " Ilc:lp.. _.'P,,,,,,,y', pp. 17 - ~·

n . 0. <t._, " ' . v"Il" LI. _ .<>- '- Ibn V'"Y' ",fm '0 ,lie H'g" SoP"'" .,,1Ie '""I<h 'of
,lie common propk', doulxk" " d''''''8u;,lIed r.~", ,he mo •• DPUk-n,- .nd
.. kct _ .m b"""" of ,lie .m,lk... nct"on'" ..,,",. ,lie G .." P.b ... rompk. ,
V."I",., ') 1, d. ,)6 -7.
'" A,,, ... "kn«d by • .. 10-<>1, .. on ,lie p'w~, Df IN " ' " " ',J"" , itod; Vogl, ,. ",
.pp. : 'Ic'to . ik,6/p<IA.. ,r~ .... oao«o~fJ,o< X....... oe J,i'paI:'" ___ Th ..." of ,lie
gk»l "pmly mu"I".d . nJ h.. g''''. "'" '0 ........ I,ltgh'ly d,ff',,,,n' ..,,""'''''' •. h
;. q""' .. k .. , 110.. , ..,. '"" ,h< {I",.. g<>1 .. ct'"" b<", only on IIIe prope' ... y of
J"'''hnS "P IIIe 'n'" of '0 lb. ,f """. ,h.1\ On< 'mpr'o, h.pprn, '0 b< p"'''''' " ,lie
"'''K,- ri, [I.] H." •• , .. , '" A. Vog', I... U." <k, ,1.1 .... ", . C ........."'" (P"'"
'~JJ). pp. 6,-6, 'oJ V G'nmol. 'CDm""", ,«on.,,'"« I. ,",0)'" dn 0. ""..... ii' .
I. I, c. I (<<I, V,,!!,, p _,.r, ~,." .ro.,,",. JJ ('OJ6) . 'n-v.
,,. 0. ,ff.. '. " V"ll', ,.,._1_'J. II " no. ,k .. "·.,,IIe, '"' ium p. id 10 '"' ,,.1,., ,.".
m«".k<I '0 b< J~",b!ll<d (ullh,. ''''''''8 ,lie IInsm, II "no. jmp«>"bk ,n" ,lie
,hoI' "'" 1",01 .f". '''''1 pr,,_ T"" >«"'. '0 b< Ih. 'mpliu'"", of v...
C ' '''l,i A",,,"iJo, (lIHC, 668), 'j, • .1. V.G v • .,I',,,ky, T..Jr, I (5, P"",bu'g.
'9')). 1~. " - IO, '.
,,, I.. ,. I'~ , .. J01."_ Tt." 1<I<""r«,""",," .ug~,,,,d '""" by N. O,ko>nomllk.,

Org~",:/,;".I! a tJr :/,ant;"r Ir;"mpit
Tlbk l. ImtH,;alla'~JJ aJJ<H,aud "',III JI~rr (t,tmo"'fI aj lht
""'Ih (ttlIOf,y

Cor",,....,,.. (.11 ,,,m. ,n If"kI ,min. ",he,,,,.... .,.,
I" M"h.d I
10 I'" ,o.he p." .. "h
'I 1""0 ,he ·ckr gy"' "
1 .h.. Sen" .. mJ w ny (r~ ",p~"6,,~ ,,,)'"
8 •• (Ch",'n".): TM<.phyl'r<lrr !I"m", .. ml'<'OI )
l',tc.ou.I"" , ~,... 1 {""".tI,",. H, ,Itt Ib~ .. Soplt..
' I I'" «, ,he p"""ch
100 11>0 ' " .It.
·holy (h~rtc) <1o:'II;Y·' ••
. . . Of 'Jo ( W h,nu,,,by) <Oton .. "", • ..d n""uK' ofThc-odo .. to
..... ml'<'o, Th<oph.h..
' ! 11>0 '" ,he p.",.orh
Ij I'" 10 .h.. ·, k,U ·
10 Ih. '" ,h. Sm.«'"
IllY' (eunom "y ,urn (0 •• b."I,., ",..
h" oc<on1<' """,1,,",",)
'00 11M I" ·, h. r" . .. C h""h ·
100 11M lo.he ·who k Se,,,," .nd . .. ...,••1"'''' .. ,. .
'000 ""/,.."'. m
(0 ..., h ' •.f'" .."I g'oup o f "l1i ~'.'"
'9\1. (cun"m"y wm. for • JUlU", tm po:"" )
Ott ..-I..r( ~ the p ........t'nll;'"
1 Od><. oc ....""'.
Il,,,m,r.. of ,he .. mpn'" ('wI
lOr", '" ,,... ",,h,. ,,·1Ik .. ,,~< ,,( "'~n" .. ',", ...d p.I...
pc""",,,.I' "
" . Th<t>ph " .." ..... M 6)0<. Dc """". ' V))' - ) .',1
t.Iw/Hj • .,o
tw ""PUI'X.~
11'<""'" .il,,n< .. . ~I <4' ~1~0¥'" I '"PI""" ,II< I",,, ,,(w '0 'M rlo:,~y of 'M
,t.... s..,ph......." ,II< 1"<c<J"'R .,.H',""" 01< .. ,,",", , .... "~ ...""',,, , .....
". 10.1 . .. ) 11 - <9< ,
". 11-<1 • <if< ,1- )/ s. ..... I"'""'m"' .... <_""m, ,....
_, of Ion< wMh ,I>< "' ...... ,
TIl< fo~ ............. ~~""

,,, / .,,. ~... ,,.,....""",, (81 1G. " / I). t"d W 1 ~ v £ _1R<g<1. .1_,.87'_'_
~.JJ". (So ........ """l. '19'1. ) ''1- ' ). ,f C;,,,,,,*. c-.. /. ,,)11 0.. ,I>< .uK.

T,udluld. ·"'«u"..,.·. rr 'lJ-'
""doc"","- CI,,,,Hot_. (hk"""",odn. "" j -I u l ,~ .or .. ht"l' ~ ... ~ ~~.
,1>1<. ,of •·..~ .. lh>o ~., .... ~"'" tJAA'of Jh~ p. ~;I ~'A"lb" 6,.~
~,A" p~,,""'. Id,,"I' '~r~'" ~~I "",,,,,~~, ,~ ..""I,," Ot."""",,Jr. p«r",
'd '''" ,I'l< ,I>< pi".,,· .., OJ," ~ .. ,...1 Y ., ".1 '" ,,; y ,t.,." "d. ",. "" I", ",,, '0 <>ch

'" 11.1. "" 'I
"0 10.1. ,,/ 11 - 9. "'",1o:J 1>«.1. ,1,.." " ,,( ........ f"", ....
Id",,'" "r . , .",..,.... '"
""'''''''''''y ptovul.<d by """"",,J
J, ... ,,>I... d ~'~""",,",J •...1 ' '''''rl'' f "'.....
!hi . • " ' 0_,6_ ... dJ""",.1 r'Y-' "'" u km .".......... '" .. 'hH "'ft' ".,....I<
.0 ttl ..... , ,,,hll<'ml""""._..... "-"""" "J'" .. ., .... « ...... b, C""" . "', .... VII.
Tabk 2. (Con/d.) of th~ cocmpc'o, (899):

10 II» to the .. me bal~fid.rie.
Brum.!i. of 'he empt ... (899):
! lb. '0 .h... m.
ben.f,d"i.. '"
Ann iv.rn.y of po""r (.~'~.,,'o'i.) of lc<> VI (!99):
t6 lb. to the .. me bald;,i,,;"'. m;nu. 'he 10",., offICi_b. p.I_,.
pcrlonncl and diHniu,ie\ , •• p«ifie<l"·

however. furnish some idea o f the varying orders of magnitude of

imperial munificence 10 Ihe Byzantine gove rnmental elite on
different ceremonial occasions of the period.
One area of expenditure for which no evidence is available is Ihe
COlt of the circus spectacles marking triumphs. Howev er. it s«ms
liktly thu, compared with laIc antique races, cos,s were lower in
the e.rly mediev.! period. On one hand, the numbt-r of rac~
staged in a medieval celebration appean to have declined con·
siderably, i.e. to about eight from the later Roman cUllom of up
to ,wenly.four.' "7 On ,he other. the Ceremony Boo k indical~
,h" in the tenth century at least. foot racel were - perhaps
increuingly - sub.. itu,ed for hor~ races.' I I Since acquiring and
maintaining Ihe hor~1 likely constituted the single greatest
cxpen~ in circus racing, any such lubnitutiom implied consider-
able savings for the imperial treasury,119

0. , .... ",t. Oonn. <\0, . ' O- ' ~. "Tho: "m. ernp<fo' i, ",po<<<d ,e h.v. «Inoo];d.«<!
.11 ,h«. B",m.l\. la'lCU<'1 in'" one lump munifocrncc Qr )O Ib" ;.i4 .• 60'/.,-,•.
". l~iII .. "J " 9"'""J .• .
'.. IkJ .... , .j '-"' .J. Th"", .. dud<d from ,hill".",.• , w<lI .. f'Gm Ihc un,pcclfl<d
1.6 lbo!) ."" "m' for ,I>< _.",,,;.,,, . nniv ..... y (~TI.,,...,) If< I"ted ;."' ..
"9. ,1-'11.1. bel.d<d ... ,h< ebonul"ii of ,II< I<~"", ,he not>. p<"""",1 of
,he V"''''''.m. ubtr .. ,v.nll (~""I'YIa,) . nd d;8ni"";'" 'of ,~< C;'y' .
", C.ilbnd. I"""~""J", )11.
mo.", .. _. JO. IIonn. 6u.1I .
, .. On 'k< eO$! of cit .... , ,.c" .nd ,h. tn.;nl .... n« of lk< ".blr~ !'<,it. L .... ;,., <' I. v"
'"."~;,.". pp. ')6- 9, .nd «p. ,~< ,mpo"' n' "ody .,f J. C. """. ·In,,i,"';'''', de
I"Hippod."m<· .

A distant echo: victory celebrations 11/ tIle
imperial provil1ces

The links between the latet R om,n copi,,1 ",,] the province. form
" mbjcct whoM: imporu ncc j. nol dim ini,hed by the ~olltract;on
of urban life oUI,ide the imperial dty in the ,eventh century.' The
nudy of ,t alC ritu.l, ha, Jargdy b,ocn mnfi",'d to lhu,e of the
capil.l ;md little heed ha, been paid to their ."ho in the province.,
Th is is somewhat ptobkmatic from ,he point of view of imperial
propag.nd,,·, broader dfccrivcnc", ,illCC. cv<'" if th,- empire'. elilc
WeTC indeed concentrated in the c.pit .I, no emperor could
conceive" via ble TUle which failed to {OIlVioec Ih" prov i nce~ that
'the emperor e,{. bh, hcd in Con' tantino pic w.s alway. victori-
ous', which failed to harne" the province,' re.ource. of men,
money , ;Illd flntcri,,] to the iml"'ria] nervc center,'
Provincial ceremonial also illuminates the flF;mt ine impact on
th e barbari.n kingdom" The trend towards concmtra tiun of
impcri.1 victory celebra tiuns in Cunst.minopie h" . Iready been
obscrved. ]f the imperial city weI"<: thc only ",uret of western

For , "ern' p'oorJm. <>f,h. "'hi<olugkol "oJ'n" ('0'"' ,h< ""m 'u,,"'" in ,II<
",,,,;,io,,,1 p<.iod., ,h. «oJ o( , m;qu i,y. >« C, lJ"",,,. 'G,), .. ,d "illlgo:",N."
"";11:" 'oJ ,«hi""~,,,'. JOB. J T. > 1198 IJ , ~I I - H; to. • "'" "ooy of on, ",,.,
p'''''' from p",.,"d.ii,m 00 "'p''''''m. A. (;oill"... Ri~""QI".. ,,, ;"Uf<1"d"" 01.... ,
t''''pi" ~T''''''" "" VII' '''' .. , ~',x''''rl< Jr I·,x .., . ",,, ok I. Pt"d!"'/' 01"11,1;" Srudi
", 7) - 6 IRom •• ' 96',0), 00 ,o. probk", of pro,",,,·, 'nO ",,,,,1. I, 5.<".n ko.
'Co","ntinopk v;"w<d f",m Ih<", p,o,;n,,, ;n ,o. w;eldl, \!Y """'''' p<rioo' ,
H"",,,,j U."ini.. So.!ill. il. (Iv7\I- Io). ' " .7 • • 00 J. H",in, 'R,.. h,"" of
B),,,.'in< pro";nml ~ov"""'<nr ; Hd l... tld 1'010[,0"'''"'''', [I &o- "Oj '. DOl', 'Y
(!'TIl ). 'jJ-!4,
, "Th< qoomion" fro", C","""nUl' ,J.k< to hil <hild"" 10 Ih"n piotr . g. im, ,h,
,m"" ..... lurdlro in th, poo',n'« , ,,d 011",,, doq"lII ,,"il"""r ,m lII< "",,,,,,,ion of
,k.",,"-«n,",), v;" .... )' oJ<:OI"ilr' <d. C.G. l;I>vnn. ,0;.,"'1 i ''''.'''T K,.....'"'
(Moscow. '97.1 .• M.I~' J' <1'. • 03.IJ -')0. IJ : d. Com",. pr· HI"""\>.
Vir/ory (e lebrations in Ih~ prov;nus

fami lia rity with Uynntine {Our! cmwms, this would imply.
drasti c n.rruwing of pUl~nti.1 channel s o f influence, limited
e""nti.)]y to Ir.velcro lU Ihe E.sI, But from th e fifth century to
the ninth, the weste rn successor wcil'li,-, were elme tu or even
(untiguom with pruvinci.1 uutpmts uf th~ Byz.ntine empire.
ThaI ;t was th es<: frontier pro .. i".:es whi ch funnckd Ih~ gre'le'l
continuou s Uyzaminl' influencc imo th,' mow kingdoms has more
than genera l prub.bilily in it, favor, h.s shown Ih.t
they were ~mong the most dyn amic f.clor, in earl y mediev.1
cultur.1 ,·xch.ngc, Hi, f",dingl . re un1y rcinfurccd by Gri~rson "
con clmi un th.1 far from ,crving a, • tru ly intcrn;u ional medium
of exch. nge. By~.nt ine money - .nd bronze .t
th at - dl"ably ftlled Ihi , role only in zones contiguous wilh the
empin- ,'
Even though the capit.l dominates the eXlJnt evidence. enough
,cr' p' have su rviv"d to warram explorin g the tenor of public life
in the imperi.l provinces. The deorlh uf m, leri.1 m~.'" Ihat,
~ t Ihis stage. the exploration musl be more zing than
compkte . Nonethekss, three main w ays in which the imperi. 1
idcolugy imping,-d on Ih,' .warcnl·" of th,- empire', towns .nd
'ettlement' can be diltingui,hcd: the bund, between provin"i~1s
an d their dim'"1 sovereigns, the impact of the church . nd arm }' on
pruvin(i~l life and, fin:lll y, th~ enemuni:ll lift- uf luea l offtcialdom.

'- TIES Tl t." T BIND

T he fourth-century munJrchy 's itinnam character h.d guu~n­

Iced mony provin ei. l<1h~ opportun it y of direct ly beholding [heir
ruler and his impcri~1 splendor and p.nicip~ti!lg in hi~ rituab.
Even , m.1l towns emulated th,' grc.t capital s in the prepu~tions
.nd f~S!ivities marking ccrcmo"ie.lik ~ the impeti.l adVflllUJ. o But
",lemn elllri,-, . nd departure, were nut the unly impni.l rites
,t.. ged on th~ ro.d. The exi gen cies uf the moment me.nt, for

'co,''' .nJ <ul,""t <<<Iu"g" ', A"" d. XIV'

, tl . Ol>ol..n>ky. 'Ily "",,,,, [,"" , .. ,
C"J'" i""",,,.. ,1 '" buJ<J I~ ...,,,,,, , {B"<h.. <~, '97'), )0'-", I', G,im"....
'Cmn.g •• nd mon<y ,n ,he ~y"n1 i ne emp ire, ooS-<. , '''1"''. M .....", " ...1, ..!r.I, •
.. ,di""." \<tt ''''''><.1 (Spok,o, [')6')' pp. ~"-JJ. he .. ..' - J ) .
• M"Co ,"",k. A" .,J '''''"''''1. pp . "If fu, , m.U tOwn' . .. < ,he .,...,001< on C ..,..,
Jo li.n', P"'"S< 'h,ooSh ,', ,<1:1, ,o"l'lw, In Soc""" H.t" J, I , I'C. 6?J1J D,
exampic, that even Ihe ami III plion of the consulate could o({ur flr
from the m,in imperial residences "nd, as h;\s ocen seen, victory
cclebr.tiom followed the ,.me pattern.' Down to the deventh
century. the we,tern empire .. eolbp,e , nd the rc'triction of the
eastern court to Consuntinoplc Jnd its environs !harply reduced
",ch occ";o",, np,·ci.l1y '" rar ,. the western province' were
concerned. In 6~8. Justinian II scems to have made a vi!it to
Thc",,)onie> which pnh,p' induded. triumph.1 entry,. well".
victoTY endowment for SI Dcml"lrius. 6 Further west, .nother
eXC<'ption w"' Comt.", 11'. 'I.y in (1"\6)-8), which n.tur'lUy
implied" di'pbcem<:nt of rhe monarchy', r;Iu, 1 ;\pp,r'tu.,
exempli fied by Comt.",' advent'" imo Rome. 7 Evcn iflcgitima{C
emperor. were T:lTe birds in Byzantine Italy. however. the region
Sp.l woed ." impres.i,·e arta y of mUTpers from Eleutherius in the
sevcmh centu ry to Maniacc< in the eleventh. and pomp commen_
surate with their amb ition must have surrounded ''Ich of them.
Bl"lWCl'n 6!9 and 7~7. for ill,tance. Byzantine haly alld "'fri~a
wime,,,,d no fewer th,n n;ne tcmporuily succc"ful u,urpations,
more than onc cvery other decade."
Even ill the tr,vcling mondTchy', hcyd~y. direct COnt>'I with
the mOJl:Irchy 'illd it, ceremonies must h,ve affened far fewer
<:itizens th"n the usual disphy, of loyalty which were entrCl1ched
;n cvcryday lik Quite a nu III OCr of them survived into the ,evcnth
and cighth centuries." Provincial centers publicly manifested

• Thu, ,ho:- <on,,,I>« of)0"'''' ., /lney .. 'n ,hl' ~<d . R.X'", •. p.• '0: ". of /10"""'"
" 1I0.ok,o, 'n )79: M,"ho:-w" 11',,,,,• ..i"""",i", p. , • .
• EJ . J.M. Srk"" 'tn.""""" <n .10' d'un ","",I do> 'm,ril'''" n' h,,,oOqun ok
lip""" ·r.\!. J I'",,). ,.,_i,. h", '16....,. wi,h b,bu""II"phy. Cf. WI~«.
R'l""•. 00. 'I~. How,v". GJ. ·fhM<h."d<>, 'J"'"",,n n. t><k, B",Io,<» 1I.1 E'n<
"<UC' l,,,o"~ 'u
,I,,,,,, ~roblom'. 8p .. ,6 {1976J, '5-,,3. h.. olf,,<d .<rIO",
~'O"nd, fm "I",o~ ,h, f.moo, S, !)<",,,,,", [toIC<> to lJ u il [[", "'"mph.! "'''y ,n,o
Slfm ;"m .
, U I. 1""' .• M"n'nlk"n . ,S/i ..,...,S,.IJ.
• 1'. U"l<n . 'lX, "''' R;;""""g in do, W 'I<~,,,,hi<h!<. Zo, G<t<hi<h" d..
K.i",,,",,,, ,til
W,",n ""J do, K..... , kfo.'"nS ,n I<.om ,wi>ch,,, Tl><o<Iot;", J. G,.
""d K"I d. G,:. IIi"",,,", F",,,~".r" fo. W.I' .... 1i<~~,'.g" ICoIoS'''' 197,),
pro j>j - ,.,. hm jJ6- 7.
• ~.h. s<h,,",,". 'n", An<rk"'""MS K.!!, 00 G'",,,,n ... K. i"". H" K.pi«! .u, do,
G<l<h,eh« dof m'",I.!,nheIK" S,,,,,,y mbohk ·. Hi".,;,,", Zt'''l.'ifi, ,"
..9-1' j . h'" ,6 5-0 . • "d J. Dei,. 'VI< Vo""ht< 00 K.i>c, in Rom'. Z.", K.ifO""
K"I, . , (;,o>1<n. &;"":1' """ A.f""z<, ,d. G. Wotf, W,~, do. F",,<!mng. ,"
IV"m'''~' , ' 0"). pp. jo , J ,. h,« "Off.
Victory cdtbrdrions in thl' provinu.

loyalty to a ucw sovcrei gn with ceremonies and .ccbm.tion.

hunoring the uriv.1 of hi, offici.l portrait; traccs of the ,u'tom
mrvive from .i xth-century Eg ypt, seventh_century 1,,1 Yan d even
unspecified arcas in the eighth cent ury ,l O l ike rimal, marked th e
distribution oflucks of ch ild emperor. to provincial uffici.l>
in the seventh century .nd b ter . I I
The promulgation of im peria l law s and the annOuncement of
public rejoicing (galiJia publica, laf liliaf publica.) were another
occ.,ion on which the cent ral governm ent of late antiqui ty
reached OUt to the provincia l population. It wa, vcry much in the
central govemmeut's intere't to diffu,e ncws of its ,uceesses to
distant .. rca" for th e perception of. weakened throne could easil y
trigger regional di,turbances. This is seen for inmnee in thc I t.lia n
uprising Of718, which coincided with repom of the great ,iege of
Const.ntinople, 12 The . buses of m esse ugers or loc.l who
demanded gratuities before announcing imp~ri a l victories or the
li ke h.d ",,,,Ited in • "ri" of fourth-century I.w,." Both the
custo m :md the .b u,"" were ,till around in the sixth ceutury, when
Ju, tin i.m .dapted the early legisl. tiou an d set .. max imum fcc for
announcements ,' O In some form, provincia l victory comm uni-
que, persisted intu the ninth century." As we have seen, the

,. Thu, 0001<0'0" P'0<8y.k on J""in tt (I'. C.i._ 11.67")). rd_ E. Hoi!l<h. D;'
pi".i,,"," D,c",,,y"l"""" dc, ,... i".... K.i""",. ' . A"'.ndlu"g"" ok. Abdomi<
<k . Wi""",,,h.f,," in Go"i"8"" , PhHol.·h;", KL ). O~ (Giitt;ng,". t96' I•• 11-9. U"
",bj<n d: H. Krul<. St.dim. pp. o. - >: .Ite I<port on .Ite .""... ion and . «urn"joo of
Ph"",,' 1"''''';' >n,w,d in G"sory 1'. <or.<>ponden«, R'li".." • . Appondi' I
(f""m<rly 'J, 1) , ,ci. [J, Norberg, CCL. ' 0"'" (1 90')_' .OJ. Th>t lho Glllom .o.vind
'" til< ";gII,h e<mu.y follow. 'h, 'pp<.l m.d, '0 i, ;" ,Ite . ct. of ,Ite !<rond
Coun"l of Nic.o> (7!7), ...Ii, " <d, J, D _M.n';, S",,",.,, ,,,,,,,Ii,," .. "'"." "'",Ii"i ...
rolk"i., " (Flo"n,,, ,]<06). ' ""7A .
" tl! O- j .. R ome: Lil. po" .. Momm""" "'• . 1- ), Cf. 'ho .,,'''''"' of th, ,hil<!
,mp<'o.', f,,,, h.;,rul and '"' duuibu,joo of hi, 10<0., ,,, ."iou, olf,ci.h.. Dr " '_, >.
'J, lion". 6'0., 0-6» ., 7_ l", VI',, ".. 'f< lmm<dimly S'V'" 10, .monS <>Ihm,
d" ro mrn".d", ,nd offi,,,, of til< An.!Ohlton . nd C'pp' ''''';' " Iltem«, ihi' ..
6».,-,1' cf, T«;,;ng .. , O," ... i" .... PI', IOJ - I _
t, iLu ttl'. 'noou",,<men' 10 ,Ite ,.."tom pmvin,,,,,hu tl>< ''''1''''
h.d n(>[ y<l f,lkn 10
th, ... "bet "" " <onoid<<<d • mKiol f"to, in ,I>< rulbJ>'< of,l>< "''''?''''''''
of 1l>~I.nd
So,g;u, ;" ,,10 Tbtopo.."", .'I,M, 01<0, D< Iloo" )9S_0 _ " .
B Cod. n.r..I.. S, ", 1_0, M"mmr<n - M<y<r. 006- 7, " p. t , ", ) , "'",d ') F<:b"my
J69. Fo •• <lu.1C;If"""" of,icto' ybuli<tinl, .bo.., Cn , >, p, .,n,>, .nd "p, '9'-) '
w< ""n • glimp'" of rn«"",,<I, I><"ing ,I>< good "'WI offb< bi,," of m "<i, in
M"k, V. ""p.,..ii, ... C,igoi«- Kuscn<r )7.0-1 .
.. Co./, I,,, .. "', OJ. '-'. K,ug<c, , S7.0- S, .. Abo .., Ch. j , n. '6.
mnouncemcntS could preripi(a(e 10c~1 celebrationl of the
emperor ', mcc~ ..,(" In fourth-u·ntucy Anti()~h, th~ re.ding of
imperi.l victory bu llc(ins WJS a uther impressive Provinci. l
celebr.tions ofimpnial vinories contin ued more or less Un broken
down tu the reign of Anast.sim L 17 1'heoph'II'es' account of Leo
III' s S~"d to the popul:aion of the WeSI indicacslh.1 simi!'r ritu , !.
were not unknown 'wo centuries b,cr.'" They likely OCCUTTed
'por.diG.ll y in the subsequent per iod, for a, l.t<, as the eighth
century, R.avenn. celebrated the tradition.l of ",odery
when the head of Juslinian II wa, carried in from the capital. '9
Contr:lfY to fourth_century emtom , by thi, d:ae the provillcial
display o f . defeated tyrant', he.d was lim ited to. region which
had particularly ,uff"rcd .t hi , hall,h,20
Acclam ations, which often lOuted imp",i.l viclory, remain<,d
.n indi'pens.ble e)etneTll of public life in ,he prov inc~, no less th.n
in the capitaJ.2' The ideology of imperial victory insinuated i ••
w. y tOO into other, les, obvious, civic acti vit ies. Perhaps th~ mos,
stri kin g were the sokmn leg.l uath, impu",d un citizen, in
situ.tio", :I, diverse as tax declo rat iuns, court t,·,timuny, confirm-
'Hion of co ntractu,,1 "greements of '''k, service, dUllation , lu"n,
etc., Or ., :I means of pruuf in priv~te documcnts,n A vicwry
epithet like 'all-con querin g' or ' in vincible' often ,, (companied the
imperial title in the uath ("rmul,,'s irtvuc"ti"n of the emperor's
name ,2' Bec:luse such o"th, were me:llll to inspire "we, the
concept' a cilizen im'ukrd in swearing plumbed the core of the

" Abe,<, CII, >, pp, 6>.

" Thu, ,", htusgk.1 "'"",. ,," '"" J<fw ~f Vi"Ii,n ."'''N by I-<,,,u, humily
J<li.o,N on ,h., ""'' 'K>n,
, be .. , Ch . >, n, 9J, P",eup;us 01'<0 ... ><e"" 10 .llud, ' u
i n",h", « kb"""" ~.~«I in (Om fu, , .",u'y uf ,h. ume emp<r<'" I. i",p. A.",.
, " " .. I, "'"'pm
" lOw "", ""'~, ~ .00.< , C~ .• , • . "'-I: fu, L<... tiL '00,<, n . " .
.. s« ,he ,0«<10,< «)o",o,"~
'he pm,x " RiVe",,, p"" ,,,,,d ;n Agod lu" u",'
I""'i/i<'U, ",",,; .. R,","."i" I"" N, O. H"IJ<r_E gg", ,1/(;11. ~RL 11!7 ! ),
)11 , ' j - ') ·
, . cr, Thwph . o", A.M . ~"'J, De Il(>o<, I" ,J - ~. ,,,d Nk'ph~,"" B" ... tx IJoor ,
." ,,- ) .
" Se<;n ~,",,: ..I T . Kbu><r, 'AH I.m.,ion<o', RAe. , ('910), >loJ.-Jj.
" E, I-<idl, 0., Pid i.. ' .... i".·OiRrr"""'"
1~'vi""',I,,,"', "
Mu",","", Ik;"'g< IUr
P'pyru>f"n,hu"s utld .mlk," R<,h"S=h«h", " (Mu"kh , 19JJ), 19K.
lJ F,om Egyp"'" d""um<"" uf •.iv-vlI ' roo r~ d>ra "~~,..,,,,, ""' ~6f"", I-<idl , HI ,
p~, ~ - ,;; ,w, :I"~~",,, ~,c'~" ;.il" 6, K.,u"IKW• • hoylw. ",",'0<00-,,,,., ;~id ..
7, n. j , . " . C...,,",d. n' l<,,;mony from ]"h,n r'PY';' ].0. Tjid", D;, .klo,ji,,,,,,_
Viuory ,(/tbratio,u in Iht P'OViMUS

bter Roman psyche: ouhs were SwOrn by the emperor', genius

(rom ), by hi. j.;Ifety and permanence, by God the panlolt,alo" by
the holy and consubstantial Trinity and, very frequently, from the
reign ofDiodetian down to the eoUal"" of Roman rule in Egypt
and the end of the evidence, by the victory of the R oman
empcron? 4 This kind of oath cannot help but recall the
ubiquitou , reverse of contemporary coiuge 'Victory of the
/l.ugUSI1', ..
Victory ideology's prominence in the legal catchwords of
provincial practice may have encouraged iu permanence in the
epistolHY etiquette of private and public communications ad-
dressed to the throne by the uplX'r CTUst of town and country?"
Well_wishing for the cm peror which concluded a letter to •
member of the capital', ruling circles might even echo the
phraseology of public oath.?? Epithets reminiseent of official
victory titles were used by subjects in addressing letter< to the
ruler? ' /l.ppeal. to imperial victory abounded in the customary

,,,It<o 1",;0;,,"'" P'PrN 1,,1.... , .. j *' Z<-;, "J -~, " A<,. ;"","',; .om'.; ''lln,
So«<u, .. , '9 (Lund, '9JI), JOI. j""', no, 'J: '., ,.\0,.", ...ia .... "'; p';D<'pi,
ol><"". nl", au",n.n,i, ;"'I'"'u",' (.,i ' .H)): d . iW.. ' . 0 ..,. no. I
(".Y" .I"<): HI,"-~.!K>. '0 (co. _1.
,. OIl><> «>IK'P,," Seidl. EHI, PI'. 1-". O .. h, by ,I>< i"'p<fi.1 yKt<><y oc<u' .",ong
.u,v ' .. na formub, o( ,he ""m<l'oy. Con"'n';", !! .nd rolk'g"", Ho..",,; ....
Thwdotiu'll. V,l,.,i.i.n III .nd M",;,n, J.<.o I .........,;.... )""i. 1.)u";.'.n.J... ';"
II . Tib<>iu, II. M.u.ic<. Pho"" .nd H....d,'" 'nd C.... ".", ..... !II: K.A . 1.11"'1'.
'By"n'"" ;mp<ri.1 "",!.r,ut< '" til< G",,~ doru""",.,y I>'py.i: ,he olth r",,,,ol .. '.
z..i,,, ...iftfo' r'p.,..I4ti< •..J F.,"tr.,~; •. 01 ([91». '9\1 - "), her< ") .
n Su. <.,. "' .R . llell,. , .,. C...!.otw of.lor !IF_'iM Coi., ,. W o-.~"" o. ~ ,
0>11",,,,,, . . .• , (W ..h '.8'''''' D.C .. ,,,.,...). )1' I' ~ "",,;,;,): P. G.i<non, w;J.. ' .•
(W"hlnl[o.., D.C., ,,,,,1).7" (.... ",";';'1 .
•• S<idl. f,U. pp . .. - ? , <on,;de" ,he nu",""... pn'no., in fifth-.nd ~.,h-<mtu,y
p.p y'; w~idr "'.~, """'.,," 'by God "'Im;gh,y .nd ,he piay .... d via",y of ou,
knd F1. 1 .... Et<m . 1 "'Uxu"",' rt<. whi<h "'''' 1I<>,\y ,"'",,«I by ,II< <>r,h~
..;&"c., of I.t<, Rom.n' f,;vo!ou •• ";'ud< ,ow"d ,he GOth r",,,,ol ... h ~ j ... , "
po,.jbk tit ... h. ""'"'0"''''' "''' in,<ndo;d.o ler><il".i,y ", ,hei, p<'''ion~
.. P""'"h Joh. ofJ<", ... I<", '0 ,o. r''';'m, o(C""". n[;""pk (pi) rond...K. w,.h.
"."...... , "" h~ .hu.IfI ', P" Y'" [6>llpl .I~"" w J ..p<>,",c .or) .1>a'(J<tIdrOfJ nl
",,,,..,..:1.,,,, ~po:i>' (/Il.a,i.Jmc. <d. E. S<h", ..... .-lCO. ) (' .'0). " .)6-7. cr. ,o. h~.
fo,mol .. in Sridl. EU. rp. ,...." .
" ... few " ''''1'1« "".y' biJ/lOp! .",,,,bi<d ., "'ntio<h '0 )ovirn (,,~~,~
Air7otic1"1'l, $0< .. ", .. H .•. , ), ' }. PC. b"/.Hl"' : d . So.o"",n. H .•.• 6, . , 7,
Bid<r_H.m,n. '."1>_,,, .hurch of EUp' '0 LM 1 ("~~',~. <1'<':Uwo)7.0/ nl
A6yor\o7"1'I. Eo'H';o" H.. .. '. I, Bidn-P"'n'n' .... j6.]I _ >: bi.hopo of A I<. '0
well_wishing which open~d o r dolot.·d coru munic~r io<u wnh rhe
Ih rOl1<;. The (o rm ubs lhow ~ ec rr~rn .. nlery. ra ngUlg from rhe
hope rh~t the emperor willlr~mpk rhe b:Hbari~n ttioc! underfool
to Ihe desi re th~1 his Iriulu"h here on nrth bo: equalled by Ihn in
Ihe i(tcrl; fe.~· U rcmo",C!.. accbmnlOns. ();It hs and episrobry
polit<.'Tleu hclpc.J inSli Ji impo:tlil viCiOTy I11tO Ihe idcolottinl
content of provinCia!.' "brions wuh thclr cmpo:ror. Bur th""
di,·crK' Ull o f S('eulu pubhe hfe were not the on ly forum in which
the publ iC mind focuKd On Ihc R uman emperor's vrelo ry.


Even in th e centuries bdore the elllp ire's conversion. C hriMian l

had pmkd Ih~·m!.dvcs 0'1 their Krupulou, fulfillment uf the
Pauline "1)lIneI1011 10 pray to Iheir God on behalf o flhci r rule rs, 10
Afler Corllunl;nc. Ih is aspeCI o f ChriSiian dlKi plrne onl y gte,,· III
sign ifICance. And w il waS Ihai llie church and lIS public wonhlp
came to provide an endu ring and frequell l forum in which Ihe
average R oman ,ubj.'C1 voiced his IUy>hy 101m, crnpo:ror. When
Ihe laSI priesr o r Ihe i mperi~1 culr had died .nd rhe lUI sporting
e"l'rlt h~d been >raged III the local circu •. Ihe ch urch (omimrcd 10
fUn(IIO<I and reb y the imperi~1 idea. From the fourth c\" llUry on,

Ib" I,,,u, ,"J Mmu, 1./w,ID'" "~~'>k A.&r<*r'''''' I. ,w.. J. J. IIMk.- P"'" .... ,"' •.
10~ ' - J TIt< ~"R' M ,I>< r'r, 1,"".n«lhy" "Ik(ltd by II>< I."", ,," '"",. f<>< ... ".
'" ' _I : , f I~II'" M",,,, lIn Con."n, II ,n ~. " (JI" .0.... ): " ." , ~ ''''"U'''''J:<'/'
,d J I) M,,,,,. C"",.Ii•. Ie If""",,..,, '7Ii' ). ,,,, Il . •
" "m,,, of o!o<unl<''''' ""''''" ""h "1"<""""" ,nd oK<o /... il< -r ro.. "...."'hon,"
",,, .... ,,o ... ,,d II>< ""ptfUl office "r<w <" mfr..' ~ of~y~" 1<> tm I. <d. f.
Sch",m . ACO.• J 11~161 J7. " - I~: too.r.u,.ufC, pp_ .. So<,...j, ' " """, ,/000 ,
79 .. _t . btsbof>o 0((;,1., .. 1',.,,,,. <" .. rn<. ~,. 91 ) - J, s. •.,u, ... J~u""",. z... .... ,y
Rhn .... II., ., ,, I~, ,, II ....... ,. '."".'-0: too .....1'" uf Sr'" S«Und< ..... _ . .-d
§<II ... ",. ACO. J (19ool.JI .)j - 9: I;.... , .. y I. II tt.. J• .fO. N<><b<!J.. WI"•• - >w I.
oW,. 6. 16. Jt6.J' - " . .w.. 7,'" 'J' ' - H'·": oW,. IJ. H. Nor ...... 'Oll'l-'~:
M",,,, 110 c... .. _ II ilL. _ .)• .-d M ...... C-~ .... 10.19"00-197". too"""" uf
AI....." .. m< • .-I. "'j[-';U~". <f , ..... """,, 1I7'l" It ..... 10011) TIw n ....""
... ,V' .... """.h< ModJIo: " "'" < g . , Throdo .. S",Jn< .<> Moct.",1 II. ~ .. ' . ~. PC.
'1? 1!J.1I,
.. I To_hy .•• 1- ' . M<IIIo "(S",ln. T.. ,,,lh,,, .o>d 0., .......... f,,'" .h< obon-v'<><1"
of ,h" pt<apt ",. he: p"..c""'Un'.,,,n ,h .. ,ch· L 11 .... 1. 0., I,""J, .... C..... fo<
" ...... "'" 11'.... I;.. a.,"or , .. (J",,","'" ,,, 1'.....1.."'" _ " ", ........ 51 . .
(I'""",bot,,. 1~J7). rr J" - J: , f () M ,d,<l - T KI.oUKI. '(;""" II (' ''' ,b,,«)". lI .i e .
~ l"n~I' )~. he:" J)
Vicrorr rt/rb,aliom in Ihr pmvina.

the regular performance of public prayers for the emperor and for
hi, victory must been. common cxpc ricnee in th e daily life
of the province. .nd" The political n. IUre of this act is
illumin.ted by Chrysmtom', implication that public prayers for
the emperor were not nccessuily the ,inccre.t form of loyalty
display,'n implication th.t would be echoed by Theodore Studite
centurie. bter,32
M uch work rem:!;", to be done before th e history of the
Orthodox liturgy's soci:!1 function gains:! solid footing. Yet this
.spect of public life cannot be ignored. Prayer for the em peror w. s
of cour~ common to province .nd capiulllike. In the provinces,
however, th e :!b~nce of the imperial court', eo",t:ln! pageantry,
of the physical immediacy of its c(r(monk. and pc~onnd, lent
public pr.yer:l gre.ter part in sh_ping the subjects ' conception of
th eir ruler :!nd hi •• ctivitie•. The growing role of ,ixth-ccntury
churches in diffusing imperi_1 decrees and communiques under-
seores this function of the 10c.1 church .s a focal point for
provincials' interaction with the imperi.1 gov ernment . For th e
bulk of the ]a y population, the euchariotie liturgy conn;'u'cd the
most famili. r ;md frequented church ~rvice. The modcrn-day
service books of the Orthodox church preserve severa l pr.yen
which graphically illu,trate the place .ccorded the emperors and
their victory in the religious life of By.:mtinc !Deicty , The diptyeh
section of the Litu rgy ofSt Ba,il commcmor>ttS the emperor, by
borrowing from the vocabulary orthe Old Testament. It entrcots
the Lord to,
" Th< ,0(<<"",,,, to ,",h p"y",;n I"'"..(;"",,,n,;,,;.n p>l,;"" Ii t«"",, ,ould,
by ,h<m><t"". fo,m to. b'~'Qf, m""o~"ph . Mm' «f«. in ' s<"<"t ""y. '0 P"Y<"
for th< ... dl_b<'n~ of th< <"'1"'.0' .00 <mp'«. Th". th< "">IOm"y P"Y'" A"m
... " <.g<r '0 I""fo'm on boh,l f orCon", " ,,"d 1C pc. 00>7), fp .• pud :>0«" " , fl.,., , •
• 6, pc, ".,. , p A, of. <., . Con,,,"tir><', «quirem,", of ,u,h pray"'; EU5Cbiu,. V.
C .." ..,i. i, , . I . , ' - " Wink<lm. nn. ,,) .1>-, 1, «C. Som, <mp<ron ""'iniy
<O",id<<<d <h<m • "'U'e< of ,i«ory, " Z<no m"d;" hi, H,""~",,, «I. E, SchOO'.,.,.
CMU V.,,,,"", I' . '<J'. ,jn< ."'~~,I.n...j,,", ..,...",1""1 .'d om Z,i/ K."" Z'"".
Ablu"dlu"i '" d<t lur<ri",""" Ahd<ml< d<, Wi",n",h.f,rn, Phil"'._ph,lol. Wld
hi". KI.. p. 61'9'7), Jj"""9: d, Andu,' ~"<f 10 P<r<r of AI... ndd. on ,II< H,"o/i"n
ICPG, J\I9 '), . p. Z"h"y RII<lOf. H. ... J. 11 . <f. Brook,. 1.16, .• - 6,
" Ch,)'",,,om, H... , " .. ,,_ , J. /'C, • • .• , I , ,,,,inS ,h .. " ~ "'"Of
'0 ,"bJu~m ,
my by fur '00 enjoy i" I"'blic PlOY'" th, " to win i, 0 .. ' by ,If«tion ""d <ojoy i"
rid"",' pri.,,< proy"', d, 1'Orodo,< $,00''', lip .. I.', PC. \I9,9"C-D, "' which h<
pro",,,!h,, II< contin"'" '0 ,,,,, ,he '011""0' in ,he li,u'gy ,,,d <0 P"y fo,
him in ""'~ I"'bli< .nd p,i.m,
G"J aMJ t<>mtl'y
R eM.<M.bcr ... our mo., P'OUI ~I>d f.uhful <nll'<'.on . .. Ihd,~. ,h.,,,
I><.dl On .h< d.y of ""'''illhm ,h"" ""'. r.,>e Ih<" ngh. h..:ond.
<on fi. ", .1\(" emp"''', mbjuil'« urIII> .hem .n ,h ... barb•• i.n p<vpko
who W'rII W... lI:"n•• I><m deep ,nd I,mnil 1"'.« ."

Although Ih< e~rI)' hi~ory of such lexu II f•• (.om clen. Ihe
unanim i, y o f,h,' vuiou.lilUrgi ...... rhey arc knowI> ro<hy "suC)
st rongl)" for the anllquil)" of ,he M~st pra yers fOT Impcri~l
~iclO.y . J · Thl' con~ ... g<m ,,-",,imony o f ,he Ul,em IS
s.ccol>dcd no. only by an ~uly nunuJ.C.ipt of the Liturgy of
C h' ysollom. hm by one of the mos. ~eneublc of liturgical
documenlS. ~ pOllh< rd Ix'uing tht p.. y<rs of im<re<s,ion in a
script which may go back (0 the fo urth or f,f,h cemury .H WI"",,
.he ""arch o( R.~rn". wu no, ified 0 (. new ro!X··s ell-cti on. the
.nllOllllcemClII Sl.cued Ihe bilhop-clcrt's c>gcrn<~I IO poUT fonh
pr' rers 'COT th,' lif," and s;ofcty .nd pcrfeCl vlclories' of the
Byunllne cmpero.s, loO Ih~1 God might gr.m 'the gre'l vklot
emperon' mullirle JUccas. nuking th< rrspubli(~ mumph ovc.
Ihe buNn.n. and TCsloring 1m, ca.lier UtCOt of the R onun
en' piTe·. J " Iksides.• ,d.le<! d"velop"'"n. i. <vinced by the
western litu'gies . The cit)· of R ome included in loOme of ...
",",vices I'r~yCTi which ",und much like Ih,'" CU te,n Cou!ml: '~

" ~ N . 1·... m"" ... AI '1><1<. ..""",..,,,,

F"""ho,,_.n '"' byll""",,,h_""" ~f~·,h ..<I,",
.-.d ''II,lotOtP'
'1..901 ...... ..""',.-x. ,>I,
f""," b
' •s lA,II<-n •.
T "nd
'~JJ). "j_h
(. lIm""', ,,, ~"'n" 'J •. " , • ." f>7 J' .nd [ ",k,,.! l e .•• I.
,. 110m ,he- L,,",IY "« ; h,y"",,.. " . ,-.I . 1·"m",I.. ,. I' ,, - S•.• · '"" "" ..·n ",,&, ,he-"
fi.t.< <'« f ...... m' .nol """il< pow« ·. <1". , .... Sy ... n L""'If O(S,),,,,,",. U"sh'n"",
•• . 1' - '9: ' R<mtmbt! 0 lo<J ...... m<»f p;o... . nd Ch"M-Io"onA ."''''. '''. , .... .,..,..,
.. ,.I Ch..,,·Io""1 ''''rr<''. dot ... ",* p.lK<...d , .... " " ... , ..... , ...... , "' ....... , .... roo-
.Dd . """,, ': , {. lK"'" al So M .. k. ~ .... 11_ ..
" J M . ...... ·t"""', ..... h_"I.... dt ... 1ot"',1< dt "'~"'.I<'" 01<,-......... _Iw.
o....,,~"""" .... ("no). ~ - Ill . 1><", ' OO. "'rom ' ""1" to. ,I>< . ... ,...."'. ,nd oh<
_ ..... 01"01.. ''''pt'''' um y '" G,."".f<t....... r . , . VII (. ,,_. , """ 0 T ..._.......
" J """ "' ........................ J v'" .IK"" ·U................ ptlh • • •...'m .._ dt ,.
'."'"," dt So"" "'", ., ...... _ s.. ... ,. , ( ' 910). OS II . . ..... ' OO. ,f '''''-'0: )
<>-_. 1Ioo/lt<,..... r,_fr-"' '''_Iw. /op" .......... 7" II"""). ,to.n_ ' . ""_,
du, tl>< oIoev ........... r I>< ,.,..... .. h" 1..,,", ,h ... , ....... . _. do .. ..t. ....... by V.n
II... ,,,.
M Uo. __ .. !I<>. ",",,'M'" " 1 .) - ' 7.
" Stt ,n " ... ,,) G. ·r clknb.o<h. II •• " " .... ...,j '~,,"'~Iw, II ..... .,..~ .. ...... , I.... IJ/ . . .,
fro"" ,1,,,,,101,,,,. S'''"n''....,;,h" dt, H<odt' .... 'I..... b ..... m....... ' W,,,..,,,,,h.f,ffI.
1>h,1o •.• h", 1<, '9l< - J. , (H"'ldlo<'R. '~H) . "
Victory uiebralioM' iM Ihr proViMlts

o God, who domin~te,.ll kingdom, hy thy etern.lempire, bend the

••" of thy mercy to the puye.. of our humility and ."i" Ihe priMeefof
'he Rom . n r•• I,n ,h.. , by thy t.. nGuility and power they might ever be
victo" with clem ency,"
let u . ,I", pray (m our mo" Chri"i.n emperor, ,hat OUr God and lord
may .uhjugatc to him .11 botb..ian ptopb, for OUr b1ting peace.'"
Both tcx!s would find favor with later celebrants ~nd cnll:rcd Ihe
common stock of the Rommized hlllrgy of the medieval West.
lind, .lt hough they were perh.p. Ie'! familiar '0 ,he ge",:ral
population, it ,hould not be forgotten that the empire', monas-
teries! up d ~ ily prlycrs for the emperor ~ nd hi, victory in the
liturgy of the hou".4o Incomplete though it is, this brief review
suggests thc import.nt role played by the regubr, ongoing
r.crviee! of the empire's churches in focusing , for. brief moment
every wee k, the average citizen', aw.rcnc" on the cmpirc's
le.dership and its victory,
But the ehurch did no t confine itr.clflO incorporating prayers
for vi ctory over ,hc bubari .. ns into it< Sunday services, 1'oS has

" I" . " 61: 'I><u" qu; «SOl' 0"'0'00' ",,"m;, dum;n,,;, ;mp<rn., ;ndm •• d pre«,
hu,n;i""i, n","" .u,<> mi.""cordi" tu"", <t Rom,n; '<go; .<kIto p,;ocipibu,,",
"" ".oquill","m ck",<o ,<, 'u, ,im ",mp<' V;'IU<' v",,,,, ...'
" lOi'. , J" 'o"",u,,, p,o d"",; , n~IImo ;",p<"to,. nt»t,o, ut tku,,, oom;nu, """..
,uW;,,, ,Ilt f.6" o,no., o,.,b ... , ''''I01"".t! """",m 1""1"''"'''' p>«m.' Cf, . 110
ii,./.. JJ. TI>< <ndu,ms p'<IIig< ofth< ,,,d;tion,lut;n pny<n fo, imp<,;'1 vktory "
Kom< d",i"~ ,I>< "''''' of tho """",n "ntu ,y <>p!o;m tl>< p,u"; not< of tile U~ ,
,.,.., .. Momm",," , ,~u - , I, do:l<,;b;ng how ,lie bnhop ofPo"o «kb .. l<d • public,
Lit;" M", In tl>< H.~ ; , Soph .. """ "p"t 61" i' wh;';h 'o",n", un;,nim;«,",
I.ud.. <1 VI<W;~ pii"imolUm imp<",,,,,um ido:m lot,,,,, 'o<;bu, odd.m,«n,',
.. 'rhu"h, p"y" fo, 'M <ml""0'" victory 0'" ,I>< bid,.,i,,,, ..,hkh "ill oc(u", ,n ,I><
",,,";u,,ion '0 ,h. O"n"" off",< (_ "''''''m Morin'I, .f'er p,.I"" '9 .nd .." n
""'" wp.>h:Iy'O', ~~Q.<o.>sr~ ,00 ~p9_, .d . M .L s"lj .... ", I" li><n., " .d,l, 6): .'"
~p"6' t. ,~ ~"""I'-" ~"" ,ot\<. ~,a,ot\<. ~~a';'k ~jJliJ., ,!~.c ~"P,""", ""'61C.
~."i ";,, ~';"'~Iw •. .. , d. ,I>< n'''' P"Y'"' ' .~ollOP~Y" .>irrok: 001"'-.69,. ,~ •
• I~~", d. E. "m.nd do M""d;"" M",,", ,1,11<0,. Th , ,,0/<0 oJ'" P"".lio, 1k.I;n"
byun'in;";,,,h< ",\o<; '<n, 0' (lIuhn , '97'1, p . '90· "I'hough ,h. ",;g;m of ,he>< . lId
mnib, p"y<" " no' y« ,"own, "'''''. ,,''' F"y<, for tho ""I1_o.:;nl ~f ,I><
v<ly .n(;'nt, Xc, <,~ " 00 ","",,'U, .nd ,he
Ju,,;n;, n', 'pp,oci"ion for
"iI. ;,
p"ym of
th< mOhk, ofP,k",n<. Cy,il Scy'h0I"'I ;""u~ Vii_ s _ IHHG, '6011), j ' .nd 7' ,
ed. E. Schw,,", T"'l< un.! Un ,<"U<hung<n .9, , I~,p.ig, '9)9), '.).6--11 .nd
n •.,.- nj.<' d . ,lie ''fty «n,h--«n'u,y <v;tkn« "f th, V. """y"!;, j ,
Karhn_H.y«r ) '-7---<j.
God m,d ,outot'Y

~lready bem obloCrved, special services staged by the p~triuchs of

Cons\ .. nlinople helped ,ust,in the city through the greu sieges of
the ,",vcnth ~nd eighth centuries; I'hOlius, . mong others, m.in_
t. ined the t",dition i" the next century.·' It has not often been
noticed, however, th .. t the , .. pital's suppliotion s of divine .id
agaimt the barbarians manifest a phenomenon which had
emerged earlier in the empire', province,. Several (emurie,
before. bishops had devised 10c.1 me.surcs to marti.l their citi,,'
spiritual mcngth through the difficult d.ys of enemy . tt;lck .
lmight into such obr.crvance. is yielded by the sermon. Maximus,
bishop of Turin, delivered during an inusicm of Italy in the
opening years of the fifth ccntury.42 When his city was threaten-
ed. Maximus ordered city_wide f.m in imit. tion of the Ninivite.
of old. Th e f.m were obviously accompanied by prayer services
of some sort. Not on ly was prayer more dfeetive th an . rrow, in
wounding b. rb.ri"n s at long range, it offered better hope of
victory ,o" 'With the.e weapons Iprayer. chanting, (.. ting,
mcccyl, the Chri,tians arc wont to vanqui,h their enemie., with
the", we" pon. they defend ,he city', ramp:ltt': As M" ximus
would emphasize, the fam of hi, flock destroyed the spiritual and
ea rn . 1 enemies "f the Christians and ensured the sucee,s of the
Roman army.""
Thi s kind of spiritual ddence of the empire', cities was by no
means restricted to I[a ly. Simihr ceremonies can be tueed back to
the ancient Roman {,utratio urbis and the liturgical pro cession
aroond the wall. of. be'ieged city w"' practiced in late antique
Ganl and Spain."' At the beginning or the si xth century, the

" rOOf;" '. 1/,,... J. T. • .,d . ' S, <d. 11_ Lmu,d,... n.pdpf~!". 'E''-'7''~.' n
(Th"""""" i,,. '9S9 ). J'-)1-j> .• • )7."-) md .~ . 'O-j ,
" A_ Mu"<nb«h... Cel .• ' l 1' '-;') " ". n. '. 'U"""''' J9J IEuK<n;",). 40' - '
(Al>fK). 000 (I<..d'g"'"'j or 0" (A,h, uln . Th< r<kr<nec< '0 b>f b'~'m in ",rmom
IJ . iii•. , JJ~" J • • "d 16. Jl)_n ""'m '0 m, I;",< '~';n" Fog""i"" p, Co,mdk.
H;"",,, 1;", ,,,,, '" I '"ok, ;"eo';"", J<,,.,,,,i'f'''' J,d «l" (P";,, ,~), p. )). n, '.
gi'''"" "",m fm hi. jd,m;""tinn w;,h "tor;'"
t .' .'it""" " . • , Mu"'nbo,h". J )<-1'; ,bi~" j , J JJ.oo-, .nd no,!' . 0" ,h< bibl",.t
in'p,,,tion. YoM . Du"t. I~ U""" jO"" ."'" I.IWI","" <I,dl;'"", P "'1'"'' 141;... ,
iP"i •. ' 91J), SfS; ••" ... " ). '. M"t<mboch«. JJ9,2Q-" cf, """. I S. J. HO·7 I-' .
• , ,s,''''o M. '. Mn'",n boch<f. J p .' 1-'., ·Hi• ..,im «Ii,. . _. ",kn • • d""""rim IUD>
u",,,,, ,h,;,,;,ni. hi. "01" dult. ", mo<"i. <" Hod",." Cf. il>;• .• • , )J1-7' - J; "',...
69 • • • Mutl<"boch«. '90_9'-19'- 91_
., T hi, m <lon, ",< m<my h.. """-<c-d ,I", , " <o ';on of h"tQ';'n! of f<ligiol> , <.K-

'< '
ViclO'Y Itltbr~Iions in Ih, provine"

bi.hop ofTell~ brought encouragement to the troop. defending

hi. Mesopotamian city. He bbscd them, .prinkled them ~nd the
w,1I with holy w :ner ~nd distributed communion." When ~n
approaching Persian army terrified the citizens of Apamea, they
begged their bishop to bre,k with custom ,nd mge, procession.
Th ey wan ted a public showing of the city's precious relic of the
true cro.s, which was normally .hown to the population only one
day a year. The unusual ostent.uion worked: a miracle occurred
which restored the population' s courage and helped them come to
terms with the inv"dcr: ~ commemorative picture w~s duly set up
in the church where the miucle had happened."' In much the
.ame way, the citizens of Thcssalonica turned to SI Demetrius
during the sieges of the si xth and seventh centuries ""d a dream
instructed their panor that they would .urvive. if only they all
.houted 'Kyrie clcison' together." As archbishop John him",lf
explained, the Thessalonians' reliance on supernatural means 10
obtain victory did nOt detract from their intelligence or courage .
• inee a Christian was rcally victorious only when victory was
accompl;.hed 'w;,h God·.··
The organized mpplicalion of divine aid againn barb"r;an
incursions WaS a I,sting feature of life in th e Byzantine provinces.
In February 601, I'ope Gregory I wrote the bishops of Sicily,
reqoiring that they nage mmpulsory public litanies directed

P. s.",,· YV<l. E"oi, <l<jol'I"" ;,. 1;"" (P ..;,. '~')l. pp. I~jlr• • no M. ~1i,<I<. T,.il/
I'~ i,,,in <1<, nli,_W"il. 19!i')' p. J ' J. 0.. ,11< Rom'" to,,,,,,,,,,. c. W"..ow •.
·Amb",b;um·. RE. '. , (119') . 11 16-11, .nci. in ~<"" ..l. w. Pu, ·lJiup,o.<loo,,·.
RAC., 119\1). '''"""\1.•
nd i<l< ... ·Cil<um,mbul"io·. RAe. J (19JJ). I,J- I7 .
•• j.,.),u. 5Iyli". CI"''"~it. I!. II. w . W,.;gh, (C. mbtidg'. In,) •• , .
.. P,,,",,oP;"" &11 •.•. I I. , .... .10. H'"'y-W,,,h 1.""".1 )- '01. 1.• nd h.~"ul. H .t .. , .
16. 1I;o.. ~ P"'''.n'",'. ,,).,-) I. TIl< "n" m,,y \'''''' wOlk in 1M "m.. kobl<
.. ,mon by [)om";,n", " 1M ""v"," huno"ng 'M R"",," «<><'~p>lioo bf
Mmympob b,,, in II.. c<nl"'Y: To.op"yl.ctUI Simoc",,,,. Hiu .••. 16. 1-.6. 0.
• , Th< ,;,izm •• nd " ,hbi>hop P"P"oo fOf b... b.",n .... "11 by m.kln ~ "",rul p"y"
,,, God; Qn' <l<f",d.,.hot. ~on< "'''h 'M "in,', n,"o< WI;""" on i, . '0 n"I"Ioo,
di"<", M i,,,,.t. 0.... ,,;, (OIlG. J 16'-1')1. li1 . • 0.-;\ ."d '16: ,r. 'M "r"'no< '0
o.m<,";o,. ';nviJo<;b1< .lly· " "~. 00. P. urno<l< . j." pl., """ ..., ", ... iL ok, .. ;'",1"
.. S. Diooof,,,./,, 1.0 P<OO<"'''''" <1<1 81. "" ..", It, BoI • .",. I (P,,;~ 1919). '".'.-)0:
116.)) ~ 117"J: .. .. JJ ~").IO .nO \9,·1-' '''\,«\;vdy .
.. John "f Th", .. I0.>0;.; •• Mi,,,,.I. n....mi (O IlG. <99 ~ JI61. 16<-J. 00. um"k.
agai nst Ill" 'incunlo n, "fbarbarlan >;i v~gcry '. n Slmliar k rVlcCi m
timn o f m,lit,,), cTlm wc. e mJ[ !J<,ing staged in rh e ( r<;>rna! cny Ul
the eIght h and ninth ccntunes. Sl In the C ibyrra cof thcm e, on th,'
southern (()as( of Asia Minor, fa" mg and luppl lcu;on, wc.r
regarded as a 1110" dfcerivc ",capon ag~m" " r~b atuck ;n the
n;nth cen tury .H T o the..., local initi.tives ",u~t be: added ,Ill' 1011g-
. tanding cumm, of ordering specul Sl'. Vl'" aClon the empire for
speCIal need,: l iclnlUsand MaurICc HC . upposed.o have done so til
ropon ..., to personal (rises. whd,' from ,hI' ",nth (l'lUur)' adrlllUl_
,{ •• tive (nu "'pond ,'nee Ill ' V; VCI , howlng ho", the 'm pe rial
govcruUlen t impoK'd ' l><'ci.1 p"rn, on mOnamC cO Ulm"nil;,·,
during jm port~1l\ cxl><'<lit ,om., j Th,' dWlec m"n,;on of toppl iea-
li onl in hist oriul reco rds ~tTord, no "'''SC "f how co mm on >
fC""f<, the ), mu st once h. ve b<" •.'n mlhe empIr e', p. oYI11ci.llife.
But Ih" fact thac th n bnd of ...,rvicc is for,,~n m Ihe ,PP'OPTla tc
liturg ical rcperlork. J>fovldes a >lrong indicat ion th •• Ih..,Ir
perfo. mance "'a. nOI mfrcqu"","." A . the "mpIf'" CII;'" pu )'ed

.. Jt , , .... "'1 . ", )I. N",I><,~. ~ '''.'-~",,"' /

.. r ... ..,g . O>d I"......... <><~.m ..... b~ r."'Z",~ It ~~"'''' R......... ",uQl< 'P"'"
f.u,y<h,.... ~. _oj.~,. «I. L r_ .......... , w...... "~~I ..... " ~ ... "",10<,
..... . "'... p''-''''bly "1nO«I ,IoJ.. ; .0> ,,... . . ) '. un wln,;h ..... M MtCo< ... d .·n.-
Inu,IY ,of ..... on ,t.. ... Iy M>dJl< ... g .... "''''. 10""", .<><l ,,.. C"""n~ .. n
monmhy·. I ·....... II (t~1.1.' 'J. lor" r " r", ,,..
"""h", . .. ,,,,y "', ...... ".
1><~, .... Ch ~." HI
" I '" .....,... " ... ,,"" I ~II(;. ' '' I. 'J- '6 .• J A. P'p"I<""",Ioo-K."",,"u •. t • .u"i~
•• h,~"."" ~., ~"P'''·'''' :l71<1.("!',",·. '. P",... I,," y' P,I< .. "" ',, ,box,,,•. J7 IS'
V"<,,.u.~. 'yO?l . ,""
., L"" .. ,u.· Eu"".",,. I' C..." ..." ... ' . J7.). W"' dm """ ' J ~ ,1,tt ...... l. M.un,...
TI.... pk . ........ M _ • . Ik u..o. . • I"" - '"J ' I"n) 1"" ' .... 'h-< .. ,,",y .. ..
"",'''''' ' '' ,t(",<l<J .. ,h. <"o<~~. ofSy_ M'a~" ... . nd t"'''' ..... ,of
,I>< IJron ... Err 1/ .n,h. ..... J n",,,,, .... f',.~"" ~r'-"'. X' ,"" lor.
"'"h" ...
... 1"0..... , .h,........ ~ I I'",•. '9"01. , , 6 -7 ...d " • . I u"', 'hn I.., ..-('mK<" '" ,he
k,.......... of N Od. .............. cr. II Ah, ... ·'*'. 'Un J, ........ " ~" ... C......,.. ,..,
VII Po,phr'~", };II" ( ''''71. J91 00<. htt, J4) ... ' 0
.. Th ... ,1It~" o(Go.prI ....... "!<' _ , ....<oJ .. v.,
r .1 I.. , 6 I' , .. I . ..·h... h ,<1'1<0: ..
R o ...........,. 0( ,II< ....... h . ...... ,y . h.. " ' '''0 I>< " ..a" ......
0<" ·1n ,oon .............
..... ' ... m · "'" T Kl>uon . ·E... "'''''nd.~ h ................ ,,"'hn ....... ''''''''' .....
~"d............ 7. J.h,hu",xn . ",hoi .... ,m Co<! V.. P. I. I.. . , '. (".. _ _11,
A ........ pr J .., . ..... r , . ....... wm,l>, (;, .. l ... . "' •• <><l P" 1'" wh"... d""
......... '0 I>< olt' ''m ....... _. ,.,. G<:>.,. f"'~~_. ...
,If ti' ·8<-8/. ,k
I.v..w. .. (I.,,~j,~,•••. ,II< pur" "",t:..>,"", '" M""nu' 0( Pt"I.oltlp~ ... ,w .
~' J - 6 .• "d ,ho- ,,,,'firm,,,,, .,,~~ t ol '"6,,,,1''' fl.p~jpuj" ,"'~ .• ",6-1. , ( Sp
Z<,bo.. Ei'~"',)-il(" "I JOty. "'P"~o. d e ,,,,.tori 1''''''~pJ" .. . ",,,.,,,,SI. e. "h .J"
(V,,, .... . ,a,,). J~ ' If A,,,,", ,,,, ,",I""."" '" ,II< .... 'n . dOl"'"", ""y w,l l I>< J""'o"o.
and faned [0 obtain divine aid against amckers. so they thanked
the divinity when their prayers were heard and cncmi~ suffered
defeat. Since hu man nature is more prone to ask than to thank. il is
probably nO accident that the e"idence for supplications out-
weighs Ihu for thankogi"ing scrvic~. Still, such 5C:rvic~ were
celebrated, possibly al a very early cine."
While the bishops of a tot tering empirc maintained their
menaced cities' mo rale by puuing God on their side. the armies of
Rome scarcely remained immune to the geneul population',
need for spiritual insurance against defeK The sanctimonious
religious trappings of medieval armies 2nd Ihc nOlion of crusadc
arc familiar, if paradoxical, aspects of the ci vilizations which grcw
out of the btcr Roman matrix, but the extent to which laler
institutions and cu,tom. derive from the ulitudes and super-
stitious practicC1. of the Christian R oman army has nOI yel been
fully perceived. 56 The research accomplished to date has yielded
three basic conclusions regarding the army'slilurgical activities.
Consuntine and Lieiniu. introduced CollcClive monotheistic
prayer scrvic"" slaged by and for Ihe army; sooner or later this
inno"alion was matched by Ihe ~tabli.hment of a regular
chaplains' organization for Sunday se rvices. n Second. the great
crises on the eastern front spar ked an intensification of military
religious practices in Ihe laIC sixth and early seventh centuria. 50

N •• ,11o ( .c.,,,,, ,.ri. Ii.,Ii,. 'I. u,. , ' - 1. s.;oo,.U- K,{oI1. .'7.6-.1. which fo,l>id,
I, ...;., «kh, ..«I ... "I'Iou, ,I« 'ppm.,1 of'l« 10<. 1,I'''~r •• d 'n.ol .... 1oc.1 m,I"",
. nd ci.,I,,,, . u,lInn,;" ,n ',!,,<»ion of d' .. u't>,on .... 'n ,I><m_
.. M..;mu,· ",:>,-.., of.1or ,I>< .... of ,h.nhll;. ,nS fOf God', h<o« .. , ....... " ,I>< rnd
of s.. _ 7'. l. Mu"rnbe<b<" )0 • . \4 - )0)_79. ;, "'" <1.,,1, ..1,,«1 '0 ,I>< pr«<ding
J»-t>.J"Pm. Tb< '''''''ymom Mi, ... I. 0-,";, (8HG. ) ,61 - S,,). 191 <1<0<.,1.< how •
• f«. «pul.;ng . .. , "'.. );. "'" n..,ulon'. m ,'" '0 ,I>< ,huf<h of S, 0.""""", . nd
,n,<>n<d , hymn of ,h. n);"!!"'" '0 ,Mi, 1><..,: L,me,l<, 111.)0- '711_1. Cf. Jolon.
M;, ... r. On..ttrli (SHG, 'W- I ,6). 1~' -', L<",..It. 'JPO- 'J'." ,nd ,I>< I,,,ny of
,h.n);"!!;.'ng o<g, nll«l by POl'" Z" h", .f«, ,,,,,,,,.. r.) ""s"';".,., . .. "h ,ht
Lomb.l ld.;" ,." L;~. f"" .. Pu<hnn<. "" 9·)- 7·
.. Tb< bt" 0 .... 11 ",..""", ",,,,.in, C. £,dm .n n. rn. 1"-"''''"."1 *' KIt.H"" .
" ...... .., (SM's>'" .9Jj): .... "'" ,I>< "'1 u1<ful >«OI<n' of A_M. KO<t>'8<" Di,
M,I;,.,....I_"" *. K.'/;"I'"h1. I.,R ..... "u 'i. "'.x;,.
V<tbll'..,<lkh"n~"" ."'
.ltm ki«hmh'JtQnl(l><n S.m,,,,, M~",htn • • . 7 (Muni<h. '9, 1).
" B."",. C.." .." ... _, " . >ttl.. ,. p. • 1: d . K"""iB<'" M;/;,..",I_I'. PI" ;. - 1. Q . 1.
" P. """bot,. '11.<1;1""" wp.... ,•.,.,. don, 1'",,,« by .. n,''''' i lo (," du 'II' ,it<:I<.
0.;..,.1.. riI,;,,;'" ""idk •. 'J ('9<7). ' 9)- J"".

Third, the Byzantine Hmicl of the ninth and tenth centuries
displayed a PTeo""pation with rel igiou s rituals w hich is consi-
dered typiGilly medicv:ll. ,.
While there .ccm, no que'tion that the Chri.tian tr>pping. of
Rom,n Hmie. incre,sed in the sixth century, [heir root< go<
much futher, II is not, however, cuy to distinguish between a
comm:!nder', person. l, priv, te >etiv ilie. :!nd service. involvin g
tht· troops. Euscbius, for imtance, repo rts th.t the bishops who
Constantine had invited on his projected last c:lmp,ign 'g,inst the
I'ersians went the emperor One better by enthusiastically promis-
in g to fight with him . Their weapons would be prayers of
suppli"'tion to the Lord. Hut it is not dear th,t such supplications
would h:!v e involved the . rmy, had thc cxpedition ,c tually taken
placc. 60 Another uca in which penon,l initiatives fostered an
e,rly infusion ofCh,isci, n sacr, lity into Rom ,n milit"'y lifc w,"s
the cu lt of relics. According to Ambrose of M ilan and the fifth-
centn ry church histo rians , Constamine himself had had relic.
incorpor>led into hi, w:! r helmet ,"nd his horse', harness.·'
Allho,,)';h the story itself may be lcgcnduy, it shows th.t the
Hmy'. cOnCern with rdiC! needed ex plan ation jnst two gener-
,tions after the great emperor's death. T hat relics were in fact
tre:llured by campaign ing Rom . n officers follows [rom the
versif!Cd jibes Clmdi. n addressed at a surerstitiou. M:!ster of the
The Rom . n army's participation in highly o rg;lllizcd liturgical
observances aim ed at secu ring victory ca n be traced farther back
into the sixth centnry th:!n i. commonly beli~v~d. Even before the
grc'" t crise. of the latc 5""'. th~ :lImie. of JU!linian were cqnipp"d

.. ... . H. i.. nb<r~. 'Kri< g'go" .odi,n" in IIY"h>·. A"j'OIu ~", K"i,.,· • ..1 SI"",hi"
"" ..~" ",,",hdid , <k> Qri,"" E,"" K."" z ... /0. (;,Iow'''''i' 0'" , _ F,.," .. '9"
x<wid.... (/1 ,,,,I.u. 1910). pp. '''-)7. 'nd J. Vi< 'L<> pr.ltiq .... ""1i~X:~"',
d'm !'.. mc. by"o'io< d',p,;:, Ie> ,,,;,;:, mili"i,.,·, R,"", 11<, I .. "" _ito"", 17
( IVlj). )" - 10-
•• Eu .. hiu,. I'. C ... """,iNi • • • jO. ' _ ) . Wink<lm.nn. '<).,._, .. ,1. Olb<, p"" ,;bl<
po""",] mil;"''''. i ..... '. n. '. Winkdm."n . j].>l _ j; O""im. W"_.7. )0. j.
7""8<m<~'« , j)<.<""" d, 7. J6, 3. }J} ,ol-l.nJ p,yb. bly Cy,ippu~ JoI, __ I. ',..-9.
f)jg~te. 176_
" Amb",.,. (N, ob, lONJ" '7- ! . F. lk,. J\'6, I - J97. IJ' cf. Soc .. ,,,. H,t" I, ' 7. pc,
&! .uo[l-C, So,om.n. H .' .. >. 1,9. Hid.. - H.n",n, . 0 , ') - >0, G<lo, i~'. 11.." J, 7. I ,
lo<<<hk.-Hdn<m."" . ' <O_'4- J ,_
0> CI.ud,,", 0,.... ,"i"",•• jO (77). /Ii", )<0, d, PLRE, >, ) 1 1- >, 'brulN, I',

Victory ctltbr~tio~J in tht p,o~inctJ

with ~ welJ-deyelopcd sct of .piritu~1 mC~lurts for mengthcning

the troopJ ~nd winning God's favor and ..iaory.u From then on.
the umy'sliturgkal pt~paution for butl~ and thlonksgiying fot
succns appen to have cnterm infO Byuntin~ military routine. By
the tum o f thc century. the subject wu dccmed worth y of
dilCUloliion in an eminently practical handbook (or Roman
commandeu, Mauric~'s Str~lrgj(,,". Thi. dcyelopment emphasiul
thc extent to wh ich the liturgy's growing impact on imperia l
triumphs was but OnC facet of ~ more general trend. by which the
sacred extended its sway over various aspeCts of public life. and
particularly that of the military.
What th en did ~ Justinianic army do to ensure ;1$ victory? The
b...--st account comes from Corippu •. II may be somewhat atypical.
Since it concern. ~ battle which occuTUd on lOme kind of holy
day, the dcw:ription may place unusual emphasis on theeuchariuic
clement in the army's serYicc. u At dawn, the nmy began losct up
a field chapel in the cent... l sector of the an.p rCKrvm for
officen." In hierarchical order. the otr>an and troopJ brought
their war standndllo the wrine.66 The panicilUnu Were divided
into choruses and ung 'IWeft hymns'. When the comm~nding
officer ruched the chaper. th rnhold. the onlookcn began to wail
and cry and the assembly broke into a prayer en{ruling divine
forgiycnns .t7 The commander gOi down on hil knen and bowed
low, wC"Cping and praying:
Look upon the Rom ans at last. look. 0 hight.t God, and .uCCor them, 0
holy Fllh.. , and with your po wer. I b<:sc«h you .• ma.h the proud

.. In oddi<ion.o the (~' d,_ a«<I .. the foUowwo,_ p, = ,io>o' po ..., ........ 0(
~ . ................ 10 ...... b""l"'loffi.< ......... , _ _ _ LhM. .....Iy .. the
JJOO. _ ... K< .......... k.... 10 propit .... God b, bod! d.. Rom .... aM . - A.....
',0< """.
ad . ........ , • •• • &olIo. .. ' . .... H ...,- W ...1l. ......,, - ) : .. J. 1'.
' ~I .• -1I; d . II<Ilt I. " . " . '.J9J. ' -J >ood I . J<I. 1-,. 0-6<"' j -40I.) . N , ....· - . .
10 PI .. · i". Cod.1'd ,II< vi.... bt"'" "'«Ie w ........"", Ie ... '", J ... lulf I
""""'1: hI ..... II .... . . ... _ - ,."""", .... ", . I J - ' 1 • ....t.1orio- .... , IC ' i WII
.. ~I oIi.. in luI, _ ,un b,er. P,ul D<ocoa. Hi... u., .. •. I . B<Ilom ..... - W,M • •
7<- '-' .
.. SWMI.:, Of """" Ofll<. ,;,." Ib,: Corip....., I..... I. "1 - ' , DiIlI. '11: d . t. " '- 1.
Dia.Io. '7 • .
•• I~.. ,. 1" - " : 1,, - 1. Dinlo. En. .. 1i-;J.• I'I - I. 1>i1l1. I,., .
" Ii~.. JlI- )6. Donie. ,,.,- 1.

God and {Qlmlry

p'g'''', L. llh. peopl~. rrcogn iu yo" .lo n~., Lord .nd pow .. r"I, while
you nu<h th~ enemy , nd ,",ve you r own kind b y b.ttlelO '
Officers and troups alih joined ill the tearful "'pplic,a iom , The
priest offcred com munion on bch"lf of lhe Rom~'" ~ nd ble,~d
Ihe comm'lflder. Th e euch w~ s pleasin g to God: it sanctified
md purified th e Il..OIl",n r~ce befure thdr b. ttle with the
barbarians. 6 ' The prc_b"ttle "'rv ic~ took pl"ce in ~ peni tent;.l
~tmosphere: offtcers organi zed the su pplications uf victury fur the
sanctificatiun uflhe tr<)()p' "nd their 't~nd ..d,: com munion W'I
distributed. The gener.1 pinur~ filld, support in [he bener known
testimuny of Maurice'. militar y handbook. There too the pr" yers
before battle aTe celebra ted in camp , whal' thc :lCmy', prien.,
commander and ufliccrs take th,' le~d in performing the Roman
" rmy' j lit.ny of supplication, 'K yri e eltison'. As c"ch unit mu.-cS
off to combat behind thcir newly bk.sed standard., they sing out
Ihe b. tdt ch,"'t 'Nobi,eu m Deu, three timel. Only Corippus'
cuch..iltic clement i. I>c king.' o
As the empire' , milit. ry for!Un~' .. nk in [he l, te ,;xth cemury.
Roman commanders sought out new and mor~ potent reliccs for
their ..rmie, "nd rumor, of the victory_pTOducing relic, di ...
covered in tht East 'pread to the We't. Although no ea rly
liturgic_I m ~nu\c ripts have come to light documenting in det,il
the >Tmy'. prof~cljo bellica ceremon y of the hte ,ixth or ,eventh
century, it must h,vc looked like the . tlCCltor it w~, of the
cCTernony report~d by Leo the De. eon. to which we will return
.hortly. The umy ,nd th e emperor marched behilld the imperial
battle ,t, ndud, a gilded wu cro" containing. relic of the true
CTOSS." The old <(""dhy' were reinforced by the newer cult of
sacred images. Thus emperor M aurice's brothcr-in-bw ",ized

• • l.i4.• I,g - P. J);ggl'. '11 , '"'P;' '' ;.m I>nd,m R Qm .no>, '''p;« , ,urn"",.! "q''''
p;m ""'<um, p"". ~"''' =tu, "'p",b,,! f"n~' , p' ''''''. u;"u" ",," d"m;num4u,
po"n"m! " ",I~m 'gnOK.n, popuh, dum con", ;, h""<>i " .. Iu» P'"
•• )J7-69. Diggk, '79; ,10, ""'<Hit i, ;n""up" d by. l...-un • .
"'It.,uoo ' .

" M. u,;, ;u,. S""'t;""' , 1. 13. 1, <d. G.T . Ixnn;,. CFIIB. '1 IVi,nn •. '91 ') .
,) 3. ,)-, ~O,." ,f, 7, II. ,6 , l><"";, , 160,1-10. 0., do< b].,,,;n~ or " . nd"d, 1"'. "
'p,'-o. Cf.. '00, ' . ' , T. '7 !, '-0. on ,h< ,,,,,I; o<n« im,ill,d by ,"ch mao"",.
" Tl>«>r"yt",,", S; "' '''' '''', Hi" .. S, 16. '[ . l>< tl-oo •. "o.1- J: d . holow. Rfiiq"',
p. ' !I, M.m;« lOugh, ,01"" fo, do< w.J ~ bting of ,I., "m y, John . M i,,,,.I.
Ot.,m'i, J', t.m"k, 89,11 -", ,, diJ t'i,;iipp;'·u ,. I,;, bru,h<,_;n_!.w, E"gnu"
H.' .. " 'j, tHcI<.- P,,,no,,,ko , ,) . 1>-,6, ~ o, ,"",on of vo<'o,,- "lie" I« tnlrudu<_
upon the developing devotion to ;conllO boiller th~ con fidence of
In umy campaigning aga inst the Penian" and Henelius followed
suie n Mango's suggellion that the rejection ofieons in the ~;ghlh
emtury wu con nected with th~ cult o f militlfY succns fiu well
with thit ey idnlce. In the post-iconoclastic period. the Bynn tine
army painted uints' portnit! on their wields and a tnlth~~ntury
emperor cou ld ride into bmic clu tching an icon of the Virgin. U
R eligious obtcTVl ncn h~l ped 1IruCiUTe Other It ey moment! in
Ihe life of Ihe blc, R om an umy . fo, instance when il sel out
aga inst th e ene my or ini lin~d a new phase of oper,,;onl."
Hencliu, may have been mindful of the diust, oul consequences
ofa p,edecellO", order that the army winte r u th e from when he
commanded thai the field umy be 'purified' (liyvl,tl v) for
days. presumably Ihrough fllu and prayeR. befo,e he d iscovered
divine adyice thai the u oops should winter in Albania." The
umy of Ital y'l official seal proclaimed ill need for di vine
auilllnce.·· And a ninlh-(:enlUry Neapolitan $OUTee mnllionl the
blessing performed on Byu ntine troop1 o f the eighth eenlury. n
The btn R oman umy 'sliturgical pra ct ices selthe lone fo, the
armed foren o f n.ed;"....! Constantinople. While the COnt ....' il
Jimilu. the se, yices Ihemselves appear to ha ve g rown more

'KIlO. On "" ......,"_ "",II< ,II<

ClOP b, a,... ,.... """ .... N n. ..",.'1.< <ul«

do< I. ,","" d • .., I"'mpi" byu . ,," du Ylr ""I< . u X' don, ... " PP"'" •• cc "
P'" con,.. l"'nf~l<. N""oon. '<m"'I.'''' mho!oIcliq .... •• /fl.",. Ii JI.J;

" .M. 6<\7'.

,10 ..' (_ ,\/i",II__

Dc _ ' n.'
."'" Pt.,.,,). , "91101. '''j - 1I.
Tb<opII, ..... uo 50 ........ "0>. Hill .• '. I. • - 1. 1>< _.11 .1< - ,.. <7. Cf. ~.nn.
1- '9. ~ Pi . I ' . &~ ,.-lit•. ' . ' 19-1 ' . I'<mni.
~" d . ~ .. '. '1-1 . ........... ' '''. >nd 1m Nt<<<u.. '. " •• P" ...... 'JO.
n C. M ..... o. ' l looonaJ I~'~·. __. «I. " . Ikru .... J. , I<"",
(81. ... """''''. ' vnl. ",. '-6. hH< ,- J. Cf. W.E. K>r • •. J.. ....... B,..-- .nn ....
..wi .. ",_10_'. 85. '1 (' _I. •• ...,.... "" oIw ...,." p...... y of ... 010,,'1' .. , .......... .....
TII .... y. ·00 •• •• pp . ......1. Pont." of s. ........ _ ,.... _ "" ....,""... ...ny:
n . CF' . C-.. •. • j. IIonn. , ..... , - ,I , .•. 0. _ I II', .... 01 on ..- '" "'"...
• ho ... 0. . •. , . , ,.. n. " 7.
" E. ... T"h«>,lo,lon", 5,..-." ... MIl.. j. '&'1. 0. _ . " 1.1- " .
.. Tlw<>pIo ...... " .M. 6, ". 1>0: _ . )01. " - '7. fot oIw _ ....... oIf-pSC". h<r<._
......, ... n . Ia.
.. G. Zx.,. and " . \/' .....,. 8,,_ Lt. Stoll. ' . , (Ill"!. '''' 1. JIJ - " no. 1a7:
'o.u. >do .... / ...ttki. ... 'ul;..· .
" Gt... •,....._ N • .,.I".........,.. ]6. «I. G. W.,,,. Me ll. S RL (,1711 •
• ·, ·.. - . ..·1·
extensive an d frequent.'" Nimh-ccntury armie~ were ~uppoKd to
perform litanies on thc cvc 0(b.ttlc,'9 l«J the Dcacon offers an
allusive de,cription 0(" pro/ulio bdlica by TzimiKc5, Thc cmperor
'raiscd Ihc cross-~Iandard ' , praycd (or divine favor OIl the Chalh
shrine and continued to the Hagi" Sophia, where he beseeched
God to lend an ''''gcl of victory 'who wou ld walk in (ront of the
army alld ~tu;ghten if! path', Then the emperor p",ricipatcd in a
Iiturgic.l proce~sion to the Ulachernae ~hrine and the tinlll
service. oo A c"mpaigning "rmy', activities in the tenth century
included nightly hymns. litanies. and up to one hundred kyries.
F"ilure to perform this duty was to be treated harshly and
unrepentant ~hirkers were bcaten. demoted 'lIld subjected to the
p",,,dc of infamy with shaven head.' I Paradoxical though it seems
from" purely military perspective, the "rmy was supposed to
cdcbratc a three-day fast culminating io communion JUSt before
baltic," The tradition ofblcssing the standard. and performing
litanies before engaging the enemy remained in honor into thc
middle Byuntinc era, and a tenth-century emperor's communica_
tion to the troops refers to the new power they will enjoy [h ank.
to the arch,"crcd relics he h.1S di'p.uched to .anctify the "rmy,O'
To prcciwly this period has been assigned one of the rare texts of a
batde ",rvice which has corne to !ighr. u
" V,<ittdond, 'P""q''''' " r'g',u"", p_ p.,
" u,o VJ, T ..,~., '" ',<d . R . Vin, , . , (H od.p"', '9")."6- 1 .
•• l ,o D...<on , 1/;!!., " " &"n , ,,3_' - "9_3_ Cf. ,fo< Y<.y "mil.. i .ngu .~' of
V~igoth i , .nJ fun ki,), l"o1",i. ~l l k. "'''i'r>, di~ o.,low, Ch •. I .nJ 9_ On d.,
."got of .i<t,ny , K.n,otowi<., 'K,ng ', Ad."",', pp. JJ-~.
" Ni<,p"oru" p,.,..,p,. ",ili,.,i" <d, Yu, A, Kul, koy!l,y, S"",~iI•• i",,,,,.. o," NiJ.ijo,.,
Z, pi"i iml',,,,,o,,koy .k.<I<m;; ",u,<, "''' 3, po ,,,,,, ._f,lo l, ",<k,,"iyu, 3, V (51
I'<[<t!bu'g, '9011. 'O.12->1 .J. On ,he .mho," A., 'w """'gi",,, bru" ,in,',
HI, '(1961), )17-9', he", )70,
., N""'pi."",, p,,,,,_ ..;J., Ku l,ku .. ky, "_' - '1, <>pl.ming ,0. m " , " , br wh;do ,h,
"my i. ·pu.if.,d '_
" Cf, til< miliury trW;", 'nown ., Ibp'KPo)~I, ... )0. cd, J.'"" d, Fooc>uit,
S''"''t<"'''' (Pun, '9.9), 11,_Fo, ,il< ""pmh of " Ii" f,o," ,I\< cop,,,] '0 ,iI< "ooP',
"', Cot,,,. ,,,;,,.. Vlt, C..,;. M J",,, ,~"d,., ..;,""Ii" " <d. R, Vir;' 'ZU'"
hi>tu.;",h<n h"'p"'nw«k d<. Ko","n'inoo Po.phywg .... n.. <H', HZ, '1 "901),
1 J - 3J, 11<" ! )_>0- J t. No" ,I", ,mong ,fo< ',ymb<,h of{;h,;,,', pmion' .. n' '" 'he
"'"y, th. 'm~lOr "f<ll to ',h. ~od_b<"'n~ ,"rood (.I\<; 3w~1JOO G",Myoc)'_ Thi,
U""y,i«J ,<f«<tl« lh<HJid '" . ~J«l '" d", oo..i<, of ,he "'roo~ of T UM
c""tTo ..,,y_
.. A, Pwu,;, 'Un' , ,,,lou,h'. miH,.., m<J,,, <1<1 X «colo', /I,"",", U ('v.!), "J-6!,
h<<< «1--0 fo • .uK,
Victory ultb' ations in the provine"

ByZ1mine comm'lnders were cert~inl y ~l;ve to th e po1itivc

imp .. ,t of such services on their troops' morale, bm we would be
victim. of our modern mem"Jity if we left >t th~l lhe expb"ation
of this development. n Th~nh to the "miquc and medieval
conviction that God intervened cominuoudy, directly ~nd explic~
~bly in hum.n .1f00 irs, the ethical.nd theologic.1 purit y of.n umy
were u$U~lIy considered no Ie", eSlemi.1 to success th~n it s
profe,,;on~l competence .nd ,i ze. a view which w;>s only
comforted by the Bible (e ,g., 2 Chronicles 14; Ps~lm 117) , As e~rly
as Eusebius, Christia", n rc-sed the ruler s efforts to ensure the
moral purity of victorious armies.'· Beyond the imminence of
violent ~nd the notion th~t w~r resulted from ,in. this
~."'mption of the mo",l underpi nnings of victory elucid .. te, the
penitential atmosphere which dominates the army's pre-co mbat
services as well ~s the notion th~t f~st;ng wn ~ useful prcpH~tion
for battlc. This expb ins Hcracliu" insistence that hi. troop' refrain
from evil. "' A centu ry I.tcr, Leo 1II's Ec/oga express ly .t.ted th~t:
Tho<c who go Out to W aT .goimt the enemy must prOtect them",lv«
from every evil word .nd deed .nd keep their mind on God . lone., ..
Fa, 'i, i. no, on ,he .i,e or,he "my lI", vinory in b.ule depend., bu,
"",.nsth come. from God', "
Th e ~tt i!Ud e w., qu ite w;de'pre~d . N~r"" h~hed ~n imminent
engagement with the Franks and Abmanni am because a Herul
~ uxiliuy had murdered One of hi, .crv.ntS ~nd the Roman gencr.l
considered it impiou. to figh t before expiating that miasn._. even
.. t the risk ofsowiog discord in hi . Own ,anks"9 As an imperial

.. E.g, N i«ph","., PtMI • ..iI .. Ku4kQv,ky, ",,6 ' 1_

.. V, C .. ~."'i~i. ', I . >. Win kd"""n. ' 1.,6-1 1_
" Tko:oph'''''' . A.M . • "1 . lJ< Il<>o<, J~.' ,-, I' d . P"tdfl, "'~~, pm .. " '" ' - lO$.
P"'u~. ' 0(\- 7·
" l.«l Ill. &/ot• •1, '. <d, L. Ilu'grn,"", FO'lChu"grn ,u, b yun,m,,,,hrn R«h"l!<-
1Chicht<, ,. (F"oHu". '911), '44_9.6- \0: T",", 1~'P10id'0U<:. ,10 haP"'"' t~1
~oillUf' .,..u~., cd t.o,,,,", ,1 .6 un"" ~o.~pOO p~~"oc nl .¢1~ .. oc ~,I
~pi>r. !W.o. M' 9 «) • • M .011 • • i>r~' tlt" "''';~ t. ~jJj9" y~p ...... )/tWO ,IK~
.o,ujlOU, IiOU' t~ 9 "'" ~ "'1Oc.,
.. Ag,uhi.,. l-ii ~ .. ' .1 , ' - S, Koyddl, 09_6-.6 . Ily ,I>< u." wk.". ,I>< Rom.n .. my',
defe" by ,he 1'<,,;,",,,,,,1<1 h< .."ih<d '" 'h, murd" u( Gub..",: i~l" J , ! , '.
K'ydell , 9'.I. -9J .• ' of, ,I>< ,do",n« 1"" in tho m"",h or , .....1><, lc. <I<, of ,I>< l,,;,
). ,e. '. 9j . '9- ') . The urn. ",;,ud< i, ,vO&n' , ~ ,I>< .... y Th,oph....., .""p"" ,
ROm'" romm.n<l<r". 0,<1<,., ,~hi, """I" not ,~di"u.b f"m<n' I,bo .." Tn.",..
God alld (o'''''ry

s"bj"cl in lu ly nOI~d. ,ince God w~s on Ihe side ('Iflhr juS!. h~H'y
c~suallies in Ihe Roman Hm y could only be ~llribUled 10 iIHins. ~"
A sold ier on the diust.ou! cam paign of 81 I rcsisrcd a rich
wonun's b<;dro(}]n eyes. since yielding would have been a !in even
ifhe weren'{ on Ihe .. ~or' sedge becau~ of Ihe e'lpedilion. 'juslic~'
b.eing 'Ihe Hms of war·. Q ' lI y the same ,o ken. 5t Eli~~ the
Younger\ suggCSlion. for improving Ih~ moral deportmcm of
Byz3minc sa ilors WtIC crcdi"'d wit h victory 0\'1:' the Arabs "arly
in Ihe temh cemury.Ot The mili! ..y handbook. prove th~! Ihis
~ni!Ude waS nO! a h,giogr.phcr', pe ru liuily, 'J
When .. nnified armies prepared for combal again" 'infidel'
H OOpS by stag ing lilallics. bsting and cOOlltlunic uing. i, wu
pnhap' only another nep !o co nclude Ihal de,uh in bauk w" a
special kind of religious ucri tk~ or even a form of m,rryrdom.
Nicepliorus Phocas' unmccessful ~fturrs to win martyn' honots
fo r his dead warrio rs is nOI infrequem ly ci!cd a. proof Ih>! Ihe
llyzamine church opposed such notions. While this may be tTUC. i,
i. oflen forgotten thaI the informalion dcrivC1 from' very ho.!iic
su\"c.: and Ih" Ihe Jlt ilud es oflhc ch urch ', leading figures were
not nen'ssarily Iho~ "fsociely ~Iluge .· · A.a mailer offaCI. Ih,'
idea thaI dea!h in baltk against Ihe infidel brought with it etcrn.1
lif.' was nOI a n,'W "n~ in By zanrium. H,'radiu, him self is 5uppos.,:d
to h~vc exhorted hi . troops with thaI vcry prom;",." Th.· oame
loldicrs to whom !'hocas promi~d nl artyrdom may well
heard similu word, from Cunstantine VII only a few yea"

p~.n., . "" M. """ . Ik 11<:>0." . ' J J 1- ' 0, 00 ,I>< 1>.0,,, of 'Th<ophylwu, S,thO""O<~
H,,, . >.'. J. t">< t~"",. " . 11 '"
.. U~, "'""" Mon", .... ", ,I J. '!-"
., !,,,. ,'1i,.I., S ..""", (8If(>, 'IOJ), PG, , cS, ' ~J!) - ~I"iA.
" , .". S , £1 .. , '".,.,,' (8/1C. JOo). OJ . ROHj T.ibb,. o• . !,1<'.-.\/1._
. , LM VI, 1 ·",'~ . .... I. V." '.1. ,,6: N""'r .... u~ P"." . •,,1 .• K"t.~" ., lo; y, " ., - I J,
.. Sq ·I",<>. :V"'pirotw, II. ' I, Thum. '7 •. •• -j. '" 'h< h" <>f N..-<p!>O'u,' <v,] d.«d,. 0"
If>< O"hodo . ".dot;""·, _ply mot<d ' ."K'''';'''' '" '.' ""'"'" of. ·!>Ot~ ...... , ,,"
v . l,u",,,,. "l'><Io'< de ~u." .... ont< <! I.....,,,"'" by ..",,"'·. /C, •• , ~i'~ifO"'" S.,J.
£u ' ."'r" •. 'J ( ",,0). ,,-~,
., Ti>roph.".". "" M. • ,'., Ik Doo" J<>7. ' , -H, ""~ 16". :;~,~9oc b ~i,oc..,,<-.
;:.<;: iJhu';""'wIj; . J>O.!,,,,\, c(' " .."",", 'r<<<h "I"'.«d '~" . , ,," , M . ~, 'J. f)r 11<:>0 .. ,
" O,lO- JlI.." /Jo,,,,,JU-' "'. ~.~ k{I h"",ole 'I\'<- ,<0» ~6c).o;ro<!l. ~~.
~",',p" c. d(JwI''' ~rI<p<>c ".",~"", •. "" ~.! ~ ",Vm. ~"fc ~p<).oc tu"to-,
~.! /) Stoc ,oole ".as",lc . """'''''~ ,
Vi{Tary u/tb"ltion, in r~t pro~in((,

before. 96 Even the church', ~tlitudc was not devoid of 3mbiguity.

The liturgy of tenth-<entu ry Comt3ntinople continued to com-
memor3tc the c~Ju~ltics from the di5351roUI Bulg3ri~n nmp3ign
of 8 t t, although it is fliT to 3dd th~t the commemoration notice
explains that some of the troop' refuled to abjure Christi~nity
before their de~th •. 97
As ehewhere. the umy'J thanhgiving leTvices after bUtle ~rc
referred to less frequently than its supplication rita. Comta",ine I
i. supposed to have th3nked the Chriltian God for hi. success On
the spot and Roman commanders arc depicted in a .imibr light in
the sixth century." The army's participation in post-<ombat
services is explicitly aliened undn Hendius.·· A ninth-<entury
emperor re commended that be the first item on the
army's agenda afln a succ....ful engagement. Only then should
the comm~nder reward outstanding soldiers and punish b3d
ones. IOO By the time the 'Military Innrucrions' wne composed.
hymn-singing services aflcr a iuccC5Sful cng~gement were so
deeply embedded in the Byuntine army's routine that a military
Iheorist could II ress their secondary value as a meanS of preventing
victorious troops from headlong pursuit of retreating enemies and


Becausc the piontcring .tudies of Alroldi and Kantorowicz on

ancient and medieval ritual. of government concentrated on the
monarchy, subsequent work has by ~nd brge neglected the
significant hoopb which attended the publ ic acts of lesser

• • Tt.< ,mpt.", >0 ... «1 '0 , iH ,b<j, bod;"' . .. .,.,..d«I fa< c~n ... 'Iik, """y'"
"",ml>:n' «lit; "",,p,.p.d pthr). in ,I>: C .... ;. _ J.. ... • . Vin 1,. 17,
" 5",. C,Ii,_. "'July.,.". 10. o.-kh.y<'. 106·.- " '.9,
.. h .. biu •• V . C ... _.;.;. '.19. ). Wink.hh.nn. 16.1-,,, d, l'>""o";u,.&ll.o. -.11, '.
H.ury ' .6/i '- _ _ ",d 0><;1'1>"'.1011 .• '. \19- 1<>0. D'nk., .
.. Pili<k>. u,. ,m. I .•16--10. P,,, ....... I: d, l"h<oph.n<"I. A ,M . 6' 'I. 0<_.
loti. , - J .nd til< ,luok'fl; .. "itt! r". ,I>< Vi'a;"', I><lp in vi<to<y " 1l<bd>1<h:
~.. A ,M. 0"". p',U- S.
' .. I.C1> VI, T",,'~ •. ,0 ••• /'G. '07·908 .
.. ' I'I"I"II'IKd Upana""r~ .•7. oX Fouc,ul" " •. "'" ,I>< .«".1 p<rform.n«.,r
w<h ....i<" K<, <•• •• T . imiK,,· w;c.",y ow« ,t.< R ..... "'. S<yh, .... Thurn.

officials. ,03 In facl, Aamboyam symbolic gellurel permcated all
levds o f thex societko: im p"rial rimals were but the ap"x o f a
ceremonial pynm id which ex tended down to Ihe lower
cb..a. ,OJ In the provincn n in lhe capital, pro minen t and oot so
prominent officials reveled and quibbled over their ritual p"r.
qu isilcs. All eyes were bnekelcd on the emp"ror in this society,
and Ihe throne's public ritual. "" rvcd as the standard by which
In""r ma giluatcs' ceremonies were meuured and modeled . As a
bte am iquc obse rver nnted. every R o man official wu an emp"ror
in miniature and the impact of the ruler', cullom could be felt in
very different sp heres.' DO Thus the patriarch of Constantinople
had an l llisun t wh ose tide of k~srrtJ;CJ borc inappropriate mili tary
con notat ions. while a sevcnth--ccntury Greek confrat ernity
adopted the l atin technical vocabu lary o f imperial ri tual for
dcvotionl tO their pa tron sa int. ' "'
Thc movement! of gu vernment o fficia ll through their cilies
reflectcd contem ponry uistocrati, values aod remin ded the
public o f their eulted 11."us, as embodied in the si~c o f Iheir
officia l or unofficia l escort of relainen. subordinatcs, bodyguards
and auortcd hangers 00 . , .... T his kind ofinformal pand.: survived

,., 0...."".".1,0,. .. J.H. W.G. L"'bct<.....,., . A.. io</t. Ci'r_ ... ,.....;.I ... oIoo .. i .... _ io
rio. Ioor, R_..... ,.... (O~ro.J . '97')' pp. _If.
,., s.. M. M<:Co..",,,,I<. ' ,0\".1 .""1 ;mp«i.>1 «"moo;n' jOlI. 11 ('9Ij). '.>0.
"0 n..,m;",u •. 0.. I. Stll<n~I·IJo ..."" • .. ,';'6,,,. ,71.'; cf. a u cl;o". IV """ .•
'9'rlOO. I),,, . • 60: '''''''fPO''"'u, o,b"IR'g" ' . ",m!,I"",·.
, • • On ,t.. b",,,"', , ... V. Lou ..",. /.t,,,I""'/(' ", ... ~J< I'. ..,;" . , ....,.... j. ,(P.. ~.
' ''I). 10J · " on ,f.: do:" . ,,;"" (rum Ii.. <mp<''''', , _ , '''''''''';'. H.G. Ik<k.
Ki" ... ... " .. I,~;,,', /.i" ..... i", .,z",,'I~"'''', /I' k lo. H..... budo .... ,o\h.,·
'.m,w;"'",d... n. ". I , , (M ... "h, 19}9). p. " I; for ,II< bo:n>wlnl ololo;",• •
.... M;'... Iot A",..;; ("HG. 'n). ,t. P.p~ ,1 .... 11;." ............6.
,.. '" . , •. S.....,... olCy, ......1....0. p'''',x (...",,~) of ,o\"pi"" .~. Lib • • "",,: f,.
n. .,d. A C.. (R om• . •~). 'J6.'-]: I'LIIE!. '. ,01. ' ,0\",,;,,, ,'. A,-"" to
P,oeopnoL. ... """".. , <1CorI """",,,ril. bore "" .." .............. ,Iwo ...............

C..,,,_ "I"" _,I

•lI<y ....< '" .0....: 11<11.0. t . •1. I. fUu. y-W irth ' .106.9""" . .....a.,,......,m.
(CPC. 4 jOO). PC. 41.117 .. <opoKd .... impaa ........
public of .,..;..,,,. p,,<n"l ........ «pIe« .. oIh 'F bodid odoidn. .... ddt. ond
I ... td~ 0 .... d'flnol ........ ""Id (0'l;" .... ' - _ , of <t<on ..............,""",;p of
.... m""'.·tlo~' ,II< ~>'ft""" of Eg.p' l'Iicn.o, ........ II< "no' '0 .... k, .pok>J><> to
,ho: p"".reh of Ale .."", .. : l.«>n, .... H.. pOO'",,,,, Vi...\0 , ~ f_,~
<"He. 116). ". <.:I. H. G<b<f (Frri""f~. If\ol). 'j. , · I . )oM Virlcom.I",. mon'
, ....... ,... M,w« of ,ho: OfrKn. u><d ,,, ,<tum r,om .;,;" to ,II< p,loa:
<1<",,<.:1 • • 1' '0 hOI ''''''' . .... y., door- by .1I< romp b.r"''''1 hit ",,1,0,. . On« .......
d" uo<ot"""" II< <h o"~«l ""0 ,'''''''.,,,, garb , ,,d 'Om'.boIo, hi. humb" d.,,,, in
Vic/Qry ,debra/ions in ,I,. prot'inus

through th e crises of the seventh and eighth centuries :md flourish_

ed in the an"'",r.tic milieux of medieval Conmntinopk. 107 like
their uniform, and illlignia. the highest offici.l, vehicle, w ere
distinctive of their particular function . nd .ubject to imperial
sanction. '01 Admiuion to the audi ence, of provincial offlcia!' wa,
broken down into precisely graduated \.erie. reminiscent of the
imperial court's vtla orenttees; they could eVen be codified in
chuter-like form. In. The ap~arance of a high official triggered
elaborate symbolic gestures of greeting and obei... nce like genuflec-
tion while favored su ppli.nt, were .Ilowcd to kiss hi, hand. I I 0Just
as for th e em~rors themselves, local d ite, marked th e .rrivals .nd
depanures of V.J.P.' with elabor.te ceremonies of welcome and
farewell, provincial renditions of the im~rial advrnlUs and projrfliQ
ritCl, the ritual content of which could be fmel y shaded to express th e
pred", degree of awe and fe:" . ppropri ate to diffetent unks. "1

,h< ki"h<n Ot ",bl<, Th<<HIo,u, '-'telO,. H ,< .. ) 17, H'n"'''. 1011.7- "" Sh~wy
"'''"O<!of ,y,oph,,,,, ""'" "idl, m,mbl<d by ,,"<ahhy """"" ChrY'""om ,
H,,,,;U. ,. K.k.J" , J. PC. 41 . ~J7.
'" Tnu, rh< high elf""I.nd lord f"h<, of 'h, 'OOI1y mo"' .",ho, of V . n"'p ....." ,6,
Ku",. ,1 .10-1. i, d<pi".J '''tlmonS home .r,,, • J.y" ,h< elf",. >«omp,""d by
hi, ',u~o",,,y p'oc<mo.' (,u.rd 'Ij<: ~ ..... ~9_ .p<Jclt':"<w<. ,"",00) ""<md 900_
Cf. "g. Th,oph, C",", .. j , 9. I!onn. " j , 1- 7, "" '" .""oc",·"ffo", '" build up hh
""""" , ,,d. in s,,,ml. ,h< ,n,ish,ful .... y of H,G, Ik, ' . L'r"",,.i,,'" C'J,ll'
""ofi'''''ltn. B'y,,,,,h< Akad<m " d<r Wh",,,,,h,f,,,,. ph,lo' __ hi"_ Kl.. Si",," ~!-­
h<.-i,h" {J9Iij). j,
'"~ E.I! . D.g""'. 1'1';''''''''.
p, >69: C", JOt.J_. I •. U (C". I.. " . II , >0).
Mom",,,"-K'"gtr. 710;1, Th<m;"iu" 0<. J I. Sch,,,kl-Dow""y - No,m, ••
>., !.,"- o: Sy"'''''' of Cy""". t ·" "7. G ... y., " ! ,J~. <!c. 0" rh< il1""",;~",
of m~gnio. P.C, Ik'gt!. Th i""I";' 'J'lt. '",,,iii. Dip,,,,,,,' (N<w yo,k. '91 ,) .
lmigtlio of prov'"CIOI ,u,ho,;';'" "'.," '0 h.o, h<com, 0'10« imp"";" ",;,h ,;.,',
Th", • n,n,h-crn,u,y ,k 1''''''1''''' of'h< Ci • .,,,,,,, 'h<m< ""01'< • un'(mm . • ·,iu,·
and wried, ,,,ff: V. "" . iN, ,, 'I. P,p.OOp""""'K."m<u" '9\1_'7_'"
" . Th", ,h< fO"flh-c,,,,u,y .. do ,.1. ,.,;...;, fo' . ooi,"= of , .. ,,,,,.I,,i, ofNumidi ••
A. Ch""lool , L' A~," ","";"'".1 • T; ..;f4<I. "n';qui"" l, »(lIImn. '97», 7j-l ..
" . H,od or foo'_ki,,'n~ of off"i.b, Claudi ••• fI.J II. " ' _j, Hi!!. jO; C",;ppu~ I,~"
;. JOY-' I. DillS'" 73: 7, >J ' - j , Diggk. 'lJ. In m<d"'v.1 Com""'i"npk. it w ..
<u"o",,,y '0 lI,nulk" bofoft high offlci. l" GI'<lI"'Y. Vi,. &.il,i i".i",·, (BilG.
:l6JI, J . .'lA SS, Mm. J 1,5(;j). ..,- P . H,nd_ki"ing w .. "Hi«! Q'" '0 Ch .-i"i.n
bHho",. <.S. P,uli"u,. V, II ...... ,;" •• P,lk~,ioo. j • .• - )6,6: d, ;,il" 9. 61.,.- ,6
. oJ "'_j~_
, " Li<h<",h""". A",;..,•. pp_ ,01-9· Juli," ,,0«1 '0 '''l!tlr." ,h, p",icip.>.'"'" of P' B'0
p,k,.,;n 1oc.1 oJ,,,",, of offi,;i, l" F., . 1< «9). Hi"" •. "'. ,"d <do (P,,',. ,..00),
,;6,,.- '0. Cf. Lib,",u, on h~ own ,,,,,<I,,,,,, 0<_. >, 1. F"""",. "' 41.7- 1>, fo'
Lilli. Catian

Like their im perial counterpartS, these provinci~l ritu~ls occ.sioned

p~negyriC' .nd accl.m.tions. lll The fI eld army . lso used similar
ceremonies 10 honor the arriv.l or dep~rtllte of ranking officers. I 'l
An earlier chapter has shown how, in the new ca pito.l of
Constantinople. high offic ia l! man aged to arrog.te temporarily
some dement> of the prestigious imperial triumph ceremony,
One wonders whelher, d.,spitc the imper i. l monopoly of victory,
the imitmio imp. rli was pursued on this lcvcl.nd in this manner , far
fwm the w. tchful - .ndjealous - eyes of the court .nd monarch.
Although the ev iden ce is far from plenliful. there iscnough of it to
provide a ck.r yes and not • few ccremnllial det. i),.
In 373, Flavius T heodmim. Master of the C.valry and f.ther of
the later emperor of the Same name, WaS ,Cnt to Africa to suppress
a Ulurpation underu ken by the Moor Firmu,. Theodosiu, marked
his victory by st.ging • ceremony which look! very much like.
triumph.l1 ent ry into the Mauret"n;.n city ofSitifis, hi, he.dquar-
ten, to the appl.u>c . nd . eclamations of the various orden of

...... """ .nd I"0ft<lio of »<iou, oft'Ki.1o: Jo<hu, S'yli«. O,,,,,;,k. 100. Ir, W,ighl
71-6IA .D. 1(6) , .nd. "' 'h< ""y .. ..,,,h «n'" ' 1' Th<ophyl'<I"' S;m""",,,. Hi" __
u., ...
7. I. '7- ' 9 , 0" "9·3-'0 .nd 7. J. )-0. '09.'1-,,0.1;Jol," "fNi' iu. 117. ! . ".
Ch" .... '11. Such ",,,mon;" ",,"'nO«! 10 h< ob",,,«I;n I"" Y"". Th", ,h<
''''''''e< of'he c""om"y ,i,u.I, .. ,h« ""om"y ,pot;, ,;,od" prooflh .. "" , ..",h
<o m, to Romr ' "'''p,;,;",.,lyc U •. P""'" Momm",n. ", .7-9. wh'' ' 'h<
=",,"'<1;.1 f<>< 'h< rnrch K",ed " 'he ",odd for Ch"k""gn<', .J..,,,", ;n 77<'
U •. p""' .. Ouch..,..,. ' ·097·..-1; d. ,he "",,1of 'h< '"""'''''''l<'''' R.v<nn ••
Agndlu •• Li~ . poo' . R.> .• ')7, 1l"ld,,_Egg<,. )63,"-" . Fo.- th< C"""In"y
.Jv<"",' of. "in,h-«n'"r~ 80.. mo. of'he Cibymro, ,hemr. V. A"" ;"" .. '0.
P.p.dopoulo ... K<"rn,m. '9] .'S- I' . Th< fm . 1 po;n,;, n;«ly il'u."",J by
G''ll0'1 of Ny... ', u>< of "",i,l tonk difh,,,,i,,ion. " <>p,,,,,,d ;n ,h< "I'ai of
digni .. ,;.., '0 d"<idol< bono" "nJr"J 10 ,he F"h<, .nd Son; C,",.. E"",'" i....
'. Hj. rd. w. J><c". Op"" '. 'nJ <In Ihy""n. '_J. "j.l,,-,,~. ,.
It. "«I.m""'",; Lieb..chu<lr. A oI;o<h , pp. J09If. Som, f"gm<n '' '1 <..mpln of
""<,,ion.1 por-t'y f", locol off'Ki.h ,u,.i>, ;n ,h< P'PY'/ ' II</,,.,h. rNh"rfr"l!'"'"'"
'lO-o. no. J~ (. , .• F'"ft<ti. of Ihe"~ Ti><Ni.."I)." 'h< ",Ik",oo of Di""".",·
p.n"llY'io "" 1oc.1 offici.1I for .. ,io", o«,,;on'. ibid .• "9-07. 00>. • , . • _ a
Oi<»coru,' <o",.. n' ,«ycling of hi< pur'''' '"gg"''' iu" OOW b.n.1 "",h <><c"i<>n ,
'" For im"""e. "."... com""nd"" of 'he b« ,iXl" <m'",), w'" cu><o",,,/Iy
.... Icom<d by 'hm 01["",,, . nd 11001" ,h,« mil", hom <''''P' Th,y ",ere "p"<I<d
IOdi",,,,o,,, .od ",.Il btl"·,,," ,he ,,"k<. Ji'pl'ying ,h<i, good will: Th<ophylwu,
Sim""," .... Hi" .. J. '. 6-7. IJ< Bom. "0.,1-", .1. n.., " "'y "" Sh ' .110 "'g< . "
«c.""' fo •• Rom . n d iem ",1«; "'1I"h/". Iii" .. ). '1 . ). K.ydrll , ,0J .>I-l ·

ViClory crl,b.alions in Ih, pwv;" CtS

citi zens. I 1 4 Sho rtly thereafter. the viClOriom geoe r. 1W " executed
in murky circumst.nccs. ' "
T he senior Theodo'ius' victo.y celcb" tion w .. no t .n isobted
inciden! in late R om.n provincia! life. Between 368 .nd 377.
Flavim S'l1l rn inm 10 have held SOme kind of celebrations
at Scleuci •. They honored the' gene .. !", success agaimt hauri.n
b.ndits." 6 A litde bter, Synesim ofC yn"1lc cxpecled Ihat the
commander of his regiun's R om.n force' would somed.y
celeb"te the triumph.! p..ade for a Libyan victury .nd on that
occ:"ion, he hoped, the officer would ride the horse Syncsius h.d
given him.'" The successful field uperat ions ofJ ustini.n·, er. kft • few t .. ees of triumph. l celebrations mouoted by loe.l
commanders returning to their hc.dqu. rtCrI. Solomon cc1ebr.ted
.. triumphal entry into Clfth. ge in 534 lod .. li ke ceremony wa,
staged by John abom a and. half h ter." · Narses did.s

" . Amm.",u, M,,«tijnu,. '9. 5. 16. CI" k. 1' 9,'-)' ' .. . S;"fon, triumph. "" ~m,li,
",d", ..,,, ,,,,,, ",d,n""",,,, ¢.""i..... «l.;b"b,l; r.. ,,,,, , ,,.,oop,m· . Cf- ''''' ,he
followmg n. On ,,,if,,;n ,h" p'"od , "d it! "'" " Th<ooo"u, ' udq"or«M. C.
L<p<lky, L>, d,b" rIIfti~ , ....i.,"" e.,.f..,;". , (P"i, . '9' ,) . • ",If.n<! jO'-).
n. ' j . On Tlo<oom,u,. PLRE. '. 90'-4. 'Tlo<od",;u, J' .
, " <;0, A. I)om,"rl,. '1)0, Too J« """n Th,odo<tu, './/j".,;" ,I {1'!69). 1<>I-6'j •
• nd A. lippold. 'K. i.. , Th.OOO,,", d, G" und ",;n V" .. '. Ri,,,,, ~i """i. d<1r
1I.,i,oi,', • ("17'). '9">- .1.00. It i, n<>' 'mp<~,;hk 'hoi Tboudm,u' ",If-<kc=d """01
m.y h,,< pI..y<d . ,uk in 'h< "'m"ion' .g.'"" him. wh<n« A",,,,;>nu,' Sing.,
"'mdinK . nd , p<,h.p'. Am."",,', ",,~ in g ok>c'ip tin'" 0>. 010. n.. ..... lJ. hi.".
WI>' )-6: • . , , qu iI''''''. <i", "i.,"p."'''''" ""i"".",
" . Th~ i, '"SS",o:d by th, f,f,h-«n,u,y ,\1i1",." 110<<1... {~HG. '7'_). ,1 , «I, G,
D.~",n, SulHid '. "KOOI("ph;';'. M (810,,<1•• '97 j). l ~.l<- ' o, <>n 11K d>.", iI# ..
PI', <16- ,1,
'" fr ,. j7 (<<>1. G.ny. , 9·, -j ' ' . . . n ) b,n I<~'''lrr> hlJ 'V)A'~""'i' 'p" ~.J<p .ol<~~'
I~"I ~"'.; d, .~.6. PL R F..•. "lI;. 'U .. mUl " 10K!!"'" 'h" ,hi. ind;vK!u,1 m,y "'"
h.v, 00:" 'h, dux I.iby»","" . 11. bU"n ""<rwi", unkoown I,n<low",. ,nd ,h ..
,he .lIu,i.on '0 • victory p.."k i> bu, ,jok', Thi> ;, quit< hy!""""".1 .nd , ., , ....
P'K" ""k. ,I.". ,",,,, ;, 00 "",d '0 <xpl .... ' W'y • non·im""",1 v",o.y
«kb",",," ., ,h., ,im< .nd p1,,<,
,,, P,.,,<>p; u,. &iI •• , . " . S6. H,u , y ,·. 10.' j - ' J' 00.", u '1'' '1<' '0' 1'1' ~<l •• ~~.~ '.~
;<.I:J I.<. K~N~U.. ff",". ,~, I~"i~oo. top,~, iiyo."", . On ' h, d." .nd
e;"""''''II«'. A. N.~1. 'Solom",,' , Rf, " ) (,_,,). ",, -6. 10<", y", Schmid,.
Wo .... i<o, p, ,. j, Cf: ,10< Rom,n "my', ,n"y wi,h booty . nd tho e'p'iv, Eldil ...
• ft« ,10< ",<ood ... ,o.y over ,I>< Moon. WOK', even if it i, no' 10 un'mb,~uoudy
d<",,,l><d. mo" h.v< 00:" of ,10< .. n" oroo, I'.o<op,u,. 8<110, •• "' , '9. H,u,y.
"'7).7-1. CO"?pu,' I, • . o"sm.lly m.y .,., ("""it>«! ,h." d<"';P't<>I" of
plO""" .. 1,,,"mph, {,[ i •• .. ,,6-7. IJ'SSk , J): 6, j6- ,0j.lJiggi< , "j- '1: ,=""J
",umph.1 ,ntry .... i'h C"<>,,n', I><.d h'gh 00 • poi< I'h' Moor, m""nd<",.nding
Ulrle CarSd(S

much ~t Rome ~round the s~m,' time. Clearly the t,iull1ph~1 entry
inlO lonl he~dqu3ne" waS pri~td by R ooml comm3nd"" of the
sixth centu ry, A further vui'l;o" (onsiMed in th,' oo1cmll en!t;es o f
general. into newly co"qucrcd towm .•n ested for Ikli!o:ltiu. ~t
Sy .. cu ~."·
The somber yc .. ~ nfthe Arab inv. , ion did not snuff om local
victory cckb r~tiom . A Sudinian commander. di'patch of the
',ym bol, of victory' to th" capi tal. Com ",e",orated by .. triumph.1
inscription assigned (0 the ,"""enlh n'll\ury. muS! be"n
con llen"d with ,om" kind of victory celebration .t .. l.te .ntique
building in Porto Torr",."· In 64'. the c"arc h 1!o:I>e .t.ged the
ancient parade of a defeated n·ber, head into Ravenna .nd h~d it
",t up in the circus,'" In the "ighth ,cmu ry. the ci ty revolted
against the eent .. 1 governmc", and d"feared the "",,,oslratrg'" !oem
.g.i ns' it by ConSlaminoplt,. The mcce"fu1 Ra vennat" forces
wnc nO! inventing .. !leW ',",""lOn y wju'" tht·y marked their
vinory by edcbr~t;ng .. liun;, p.on·ssion Ihrough Ihe city" u,,,cr,
to Ih" cho rch ofS.;",s John ~l1d I'.ul. on whose day th, baltk
had occ urred. In Iypic.l I.te allliqlle f.,h'on. the ~1f(·~I. were
decked Oil! with cxpcnsivr han~'''gs fo r the occasion,·n l ocal
of ,n m"l<. on , "''''' '''''I''d (,,''" CbuJ,,,, ) .~. "7 7". (cf, <"<
lI,g~"'. "~
("I(,lIn"",. to. '" , . n'gglc. " "' "HI, ... (u,",,· "'"'''ph r"fw«t '" ".." t'"
",u")""J ,,,J, Ii, ,a' - j. I>'g~k. ' "
"","' m',
" , "'g"h ... ,. H",. l . '0, 7. ~ 'yol..'lI, J4 ' ) - '7. ,f l . ". ,. Jj." _~. ,nJ A 1.'PI",Id .
· N",,'. 1I f,. S II ( ,~7<' ) , ' 7<'- ~9; 1.. ,< ~~ •. A"",h" 'och <11" 1 ""Y I",k "'hood
,I>< v<,b"g' of n.."ph yl",,", S'""',,,,,,,,. 1/",. ,. 7. ~, Ix [I",,,. ) j 7· " , ""
C""'n><"!loI", '''''". , 0." , ... S".., """ AJ"'''''rk Ild,,...,,u,,, C ."h .,< .",1
SY"C.'" P"'«>P"" &It.. ). "', ' . H,,,,y. ' .J'I" "-'~. ". W'J· j-" .nd !. !. '" ,
". '£d·>7'9-"
. A. T".",dh. N",.". ~I. ".,., ( ,o'~). '!" -o: <f No"". "'~h " ..., ( '~J I).
, , ,- , , : ... . Soli"". ·l·"""'''' .... g''''' Ji p",," T"" .... Jd ,,",,"," Iltt' . .~,.J, J, ""' •• ,
J"",. ,. ".,," ,Ii /:o.k. "'". f'" ,I XI. ..,•.' 1<1 '"" ,. " ......,",•.• (M;I,n , t9N),
ll7- <o, .nd S M.".nn". 'S" "n' "" ",""", ".",(,1< d, Tu"" l,h,...,,,, •.
/:r't"pIo .." 1 ( , V'O). ," , . j , J; , ( I.. I.>'" h", '1..0 """ L ~ .. " Ie, 'n .... i ,I< p,"""
rM,,~,,(" by""" .... ·. l!r', ,~ 1"'1" ), ' j~ -". 10<<< , )", g... ""ny ""K>I<o ,~
C,,,,,,.no (( .or c,,,,,,.,,,,,,,' II Th< ,"'roJ~"Ofy (""muJ. !-I,d ~ rVI' " ..
fha,J.(>.ac. ul ,6" 'P,"p~Iw' «'-' • form mJ",,,,,.1 ," buoh ,,,,r-'...
l .nd ,;""'
..... I,m'''''"'' [h " ' . " yJ . n"m,. " j '0- ' , (.... ,,'''''''''' o( "'n.".~"' I). m ,t..'
"I"nm~ ,,fC,"'''.n''''' v\ ..ld"" '" ,I.< +"Pf"HI"""," Step"'" . V '~"p" I'C, "".
100." J7"' · cr. <;.m",, ". I'....r~r".' , pr· 7<>-~.
" , Jj~. P""' .. Momm",n , '1'·'1 '7\1.1 . F<H 'he J .. e. O .."n. ·It';""""g·. p. j<'"
I'm,ly pm"",;,1 J;'pl,y of , ... d<fc.,"'[ ....... my"_ h<>d w .. '"' \<v<"'''-«'''"' y
mno,'"'''''' d , M", Co..,<"' , 0 ..... " '91, Momm ... n. yJ ,_, .
'" Ag"<li",, too, r-"' /I..v" ti J , H o lJ<, . E~~., JJ 1,' Q' '''
Vicro,y "leb,atiMl in the prOVinctl

vinory cdebratior,. continued to be naged under tbe Macedonian

dyn<lsty. Pbil etu, Synadenus once expre,sed bis regret Ib,\{ be
could not participate in the welcome ceremony for tbe victorious
general Nicephorus Uranus and, balf a world away, Byzantine
Bari witnessed a captured rebel', parade of infamy.!2J
What did these provincial triumphs look lik e? The only detailed
description comes from Byzantine Africa. It suggests tbat tbe
provincial ceremony was very mucb a miniature venion of the old
fourth-century triumph_I entry, decked Out with Christian
elements. Tbe fully armed troops and tbeir victorious commander
entered the local capital in parade. They were gr~"Cted by citizens
waving palm and laurel branche" acclaiming Iheemperor. IJ~ The
parade includC<.! captives with 'inscripta fronte'. some kind of
accusatory liml; whicb recall the facial markings of the v.nquisbed
Armeniakon rebels of 7\1] . ,2. The prisoners were placed on
carnell; they might be overshado wed by the display of a defeated
leader'. he.d, raised bigb on the tradition.l b nCe. 126 Tbe
culminated at. church. While the prisoners were to tbe
populace. the commander ",n{ned the sanCtuary, esconed by the
army's mnd_rds. Here a public thanksgivin g offering might be
made for God's just decision in favor of Roman arms, and <I
service concluded the celeb ration. Lll

The study of government.1 ritu.l. in tbe provinces adds another
dimension to the historical development ofimpcrial cercmoni.1 in
I.te .m tiquity and th e e.lly Middle Ages. On one hand. th e local
echo of imperial victories which the provinces had comributed

'" E.:I .J. D... ",,,,,- t,;"./jm. 'j6. , ,-'.: Lu p<J' hOI"'?' ''",tiu, . .-1 ... 1". .. '0" .• J .
G.H. Pm •. MGlI.SS. j (, I U ).j7 .')-;.
". eo,ipp<J" I.~ .•
6. j6--"l6. [Jiggle, "j-,6.
' " l~ .• n---¢. D'gglt. ,, 6. Cf.• OOv<. Ch .•. p. .. , .
" . eo,,?P"" I.~ .• 77-'16. lIiggk. 116: d . 6. '0-76. OigSk. 119..... J '''-7 . DilQll<.
," IIi• .. O. 9") - '0). Diggle. ' ,0-11. Vi",.. y olf."ns, in . plOvinci.) oOO"" l«m '" be
""""d" <")y,, S.. urninu.: Mi,,,.I. 1",,1.,. ". D.S''''' . )6) .)7-;0. Tbey [00
fIootisb<d in [M Midolk .,0,8<>. ' .8. [M gif. of N. "" 1I.~le;'" !O 1M <hut<h uf
M«h"", ,('"~ hi, def,,, of", """b /k" in 1Ir: Throph. COni .• j. 6). Boon.
slllet Iht days or . .ugU!CU! did no{ ,e~", in amiquity. On the
OIhcf. there un be no doubt that, within th~lr own juri'ldictlons.
loul commandcn im ita ted imperia l "Ieuny cclebuuon s. I10th o f
thew phenomena constituted a sign ifiu lII PUt of imperial
ceremoni.l', ovtnll .mpaCi on la\<' R oman 1OC.ety. For the
mediev.1 future, the church's role wu he~vy with cOI\KqUl",ce,
since its contriblilion wa s bOlh con5( ' 1II .nd endu rin!!. T hroulth -
oul the empITe. pu ycr! for Ihe R oman emperor and his viCiory
were offered on I rcgul .. basis and Ca me to be consi dered a
touchuonc of a tcrritory's poliliul idemit y. I 20 This flct shou Id
nOl be overlooked whm onC ronsidcrs the vigor and eV<'n
vehemence with which emperors inte,vened in th e th eologi ca l
disputes of the fifth through nimh centUries. (n tim es of crisis, local
ecclesi.stical illllanccs organized emergency se rvice! to obtain
diVine aid. T he local " , vices"t. precedent which the capllal itsd f
would follow . " d develop in the peat siege cc remonit;1 of the
Kventh cm tur y. The R oma n army followed 10Ckty at b rge b)'
.dlpti,,!!!imilu practices to illOWI\ ••• nd fashioning a kind of
Chr ill i~n spimual il )' of w.r. thc""by .ntlcipatlng the . ehglou,
{uppings o f the {eud.1 ..mies of medIeval EuroJ'C' . .... t Ihc same
lime thal theK cO'lSidcutions help i<kmify the Impact ofi n. pcnal
rites within Ihe emp" e. they suggClllh~t the ch.nnels by whICh
the empi",,'s StursJymbc/ilr influenced the neW entities I; ro wing up
in its mngi" s were quite ~ bit wider tha" so metimes imagined. (t 15
tinlc to lurn co those: new sociec1es o(the e~r1y medicval West. III
deter min e wh.t the cdebution of R umal' victo ry may
have had o n the public expr('Iion u f rulctship ;11 the b. rb."an
kinlld oms.

Ephemeral empires: trjump/wl rulership in

barbarian Africa, Burgl/ndy and Italy

If the study of ruler,hip mlOng prc- jnv.,;on Gcrm3nic people,

must often rely on little more th,n educated guesses, the picmre
becomes wmev,:hat clearer oncr the new rulen supplanted
imperi.l authority within the Rom an empire. Even $0, o ur
knowledge is not without ,hadow, and even yawning gaps. The
cphcmcf:ll ch,uC!cr of mo.! of the new political entities - :I life
sp.o of wme three-quarters of J century for the Toln,.n Vi,igoth.
:llld the O.lrogOlh., rough ly :I hundred Y":l r< for the V.nd.l. in
Afric •. half ,h.! for the seco nd llurgundi.n kingdom, two
(mlll';C' for the Toledan Visigoth! and the Lomb>rds - mod, in
stark cont r., t 10 the millcnory ex;,tence of the ,.stern Roman
empire. The ~ mount of source materi~1 they gener~ted and which
h:ls been presnvcd is not large. The e:lrli,'st monarchi es' Ari:lnism
cancelled .15 well ,he ecde~iastic,, 1 and liturgic.l evidence from
which we might have expected valuable due! and which might
otherwir.e h.. ve stood the be" clllnce of surviving the kingdoms'
Matte rs;lre complicated by the ab~nce of" scholarly consensus
on the existence or extent of a ritual 'ppar:lms of sovereignty
inspired by th.t of the new rulen' former comm:!ndcr-in-<hicf.
the R om:!n emperor, Thi , dict.tes.n different from th:lt
followed ill {[" eing the development of J.te :lntique victory
celebration s and their de"in y in D yz.ntimn. Where" the concern
of Roman and Byuntine society with ceremonial needed no
demonstution, it is prudent to clt:lblish:l context for the .c.ttered
dua on Ihe antique victory ideology', .fterlife in the barbarian
kingdom s. This req uires reviewing. however briefly. wh .. t
evidence successor society h",lcft on the .doption of:l roy.l

ceremo nial ~nd, wh,,"e po~,iblc, it~ ,dapution. It impliel al well
th,t the scholarly net mUI[ be CUI wider th,n before, to calch e"en
the mmt fugili"e refraction~ of imperial "ictory conception. and
cu.tom. in the new, olxcore world which was emerging out of the
rubble of the R ouun empire.


A, with the other lIorthcrn neweOlllen to the Mediterranean, thc

roy,l institution of the ethnic conglomcrate lumped under thc 'Vand.l,' is u,,",Hy reckoned to havc haJ Germanic, tribal
tOOtl. Thc roy,l titk u>elf {c>uti,'J 10 thh origin , for ti'l' ruler of
Canh.gc was nol t hl' 'King of Africa' but the 'K ing of the V,nd.h
and the Alan,'. In the conqucst Cr:!, the monarchy was pretty
firmly hdd in the h.ndsofrh, t'h.d ingi dm .' In Afrin, Vandal
king ship experienced development in Ihe direction on.te Rom.n
.bsohui,m ..l The ruler of C was refcrred to as D.H. ,rx,
'Oll r Lord King ', in. fashion directly i",pired by impnial III.gC.'
He "sed a royal throne and built audience h an,.~ The imperial
purple di.tinguished his garb from th.1 of hi~ subjects ami in the
feign of king Gunlh.mund (484----<)1'i), the' prince',, .long
with an imperial_.tyle portrait, Ix'gan to appear 011 loc~l currency
of silve r 2nd copp.:-r.'
I\rch~eology ~ nd I('XU .grce th,t Ihe conquerors of Africa ooon
."ccumbed to lit" seduction of the 1.ler Rom.n life.styk" An

, H. Wolf"",. 1.,i'.I....
I. Do. I."i.,,,,,,,
K"",.!, • • .,J f",",",",1 j" .... E."," «, 6.
)./0,.,.01<", . ,\flOC. b~.","n~,b.onJ. " IC",. ''''''I. rr. 7"'-~7. tf. h" .TtI< ""r'n~
of ,t.«"ly m<d",v.t ~mg oom', Vi.", . , 1'\1701. ' -'0.11<.. ,If. fu", ,,«>I,
F.M Cit,,·.,. ·C."h'g< 'oJ !h< V.nd,!,'. &",.,;..,., C."Io'I', '976, <..~""tJ 10, ,f..
V'''''''''1 of ,\I"~ it"', 7 (Ann A,bo, . ''II'). I-H, "p. ] .
I S<hm,d, . w_ ...I.... p. "b.• nd C. C""",,;.. 1.<, 1'", ... ,,,,, I",1ji''I'''" (Pm,. 'O lli .
p. "J.
C:ou",,,,, . .-1c~',"". p.'<J . n. J .
• I',,,.-np,m. &Ik J. '0. ". Il.",y '.)9'''''' "d , ..... ,.
' Jb. ,, : ,1.,..1"",.
I.... ", • . ""'.
,0) , oJ p<rtr.p' >, j . <"<I. f . B,,<hde, ,od A. R...,.,. ,., Il"png. ' '''',). '7 • • 01<1 ,.,- J.
, If .... < nuy ,upro>< ,h" ,he purp" g" ... n wh,d, w .. "npr<J ".um ,h, "P''''' G.,,,,,,,
" ',, >< y , V.nd.! K"m'n'· I'''><up,m, &11•. •. 9. '>.H,u,y , .017 .H - J. F", ,he
"',n'g" W. M...". I.."..;; Hr".'"'' R,""""n,k""" «. f'>'l''"fo-, ...j
" ••p",.-h.' .... I1.. ,,,"". G•• ".I~. '. o,""'l<h,,,,", H,d.nn. dc. W ......,..-h.f,..,.
1'h'"".•I>;',. Kt .. j: pl . ... ,If
I>'-nh.h,;("n. ''''' I V .. nn •. '97)) ..... .
• Ck»<r, 'C."h.~,. rr. 71f ,",I ,)If.
EphtmtTQ/ rmpiTrJ

uperienced Byzantine ob""rvc,. dncribed their si:l!th-<entury

descendann a. the most luxury_loving people he had ever
encountered. The Vmdab' palsion for the balhs, banquet!, fine
cuisine, silk dothing. theater and circusshowl, dance .. , mime. and
garden estates testified to their assi milation o( the laIC antique
ariICocut', way oflj(e.' Yel il would be a mistake to conclude that
the new monarchy immediately med all signs <:I(iu alien identity.
In the seoond gcnerati<:ln after Ihe settlement. bmh barbarians and
R<:Imans wh<:l were urociatcd with Ihe royal palace wore the
distinctive dress <:I(the Germanic <:Iverl<:lrds, even when attending
<:Irthod<:lx religious ""Tvices."
There arc gT<:Ilmds (or sUlpecting that the new rule .. went
beY<:lnd the appropriati<:ln o( <:Inc <:Ir an<:llher emblem <:If imperial
p<lwer md modeled clements <:If their public dep<lrtment <:In thaI
<:If the emperors. Special, richly dcmrated vehicles appropri.uc loa
queen are menti<:lned among the booly Be!wrim paraded al
C<:Inslmlin<:lple. 9 King Huniric (477-84) imiutcd and irrilated Ihe
emper<:ln by dubbing Ihe ooaltal town of Hadrumctum with his
OWn name - an act whkh the re,,;mqucring emper<:lr w<:luld be
quick 1<:1 eradicate, when he rebaptized Unuric<:lp<:llis a. lu ...
riniana. IG The Arian persecuti<:ln included rome f<:lrm <:If th e
parade <:If infamy. II Th" poems <:If [h" blin Anthol<:lgy rcin _
(<:Ire" eastern testim<:lny on the p<:lpularity <:If circus spectacles in
Vandal Carthage, ahh<:lugh it il not dear who funded them nOr
whether Ihey ""rved as the drawing card fm the kind <:If pc>lilical

, Pro<opi .... &If•••• 6. 01--9. H.u". ,. ....)-'6 .

• Vic"" of Vi ... III".. ;. "'''''''....;, ofiV- 1""";"' ..... >. 1"""9. «I, M. j'<I1<l><n'l.
CSEL. 7 (,11,)_ '7-'-')·
• p,,)<OP;~,. 1It1l•• •• 9 •• • H,u, Y ,. fiG. , ) - , j; d , S<h", IV"""'''''. p. I J1. I. """'kI
II< _«I. howe"" •• d,., \h(. p....,. con.<rn, m""I, plu"<i<, whkh ,I>< V,"d.1> h.d
uk .. from ,I>< ;mp<ri.ol p.l"<;,, 11.".... ( P «><op;u~ 1It1l•••• g. I. '_'16 .>0-') .nd;' iI
"'" .11"1" .... , I<.. 1it.>1 1><<< hal~ .. f.n I" ,I>< v.nd.l ",1<, , .. I><, Iit.>n II><
Rom •• <mp<'0I.
,. N.",~ ,...,;..1",... "n'.;,.",.. i,.
IIfrk ... • d . '-1 , P",dl. . CS£/.. 7 (I" ,). M. 1>1.
no. 10'), 0. ,I>< d<><um .... C, C""" .... V~ .... V;I." _ ......... t:n.. ";';iI"
(AI,,,. IOU). pp, ~!I'; ,f. P'O<OP'U'. 0. ...ift<;II. 6. 6.1. fhu'y-Wi"h, • . lh,6.
Hod,um«"", .... 'he <opi"l o(By .. , ... ,nd. <i<lpi" Ihe poo1 'pi,"phic .vO<i<n<:<.
"OIli,ely' monohippic ,own; l<p<ll<y. C"II. ' •• 61 - ' , 0. .hi. "'''0"'. 0« t .
Mu ..... ·t.. villn b>plioen du ""'" d'u" ..,.,v,,,in 'u h.u, ""'~ .... (V'- X'
....,In) .. R< ..... J. _1"'" ' I< I.,;" , 'I~ l< (11)71). >7- )1. I><r< II.
" V;':,ot. Hi,,_ f"" .. :, 9. P,,,.h<'I111, .,. '.- ,".

Tllf Vd "dal king '] rri"mphalmujtSry

Ipce[~c\e1 r~vored in\io ople. Il K inS Thu~muod', court

(.(<)6-}1)) celebn ted the regn ~l ,nniver!.:lry io sufficiellIly tu_
dit ion ~l ma nner 10 require the prod uct ion of btill p. "cgyric. ' ~
Some form o f viClory ed ebul ioll s mUlt be added 10 the
Hasd in grs royal r;II1.11•. One poel'. gushing over 'vict rix Cu_
Ihago' or . nother's em husi;u m for the V."dll.' 'triumph-bearing
w. n ' indiate that the old ideology o f victory had not 1011 ils
liten ry and political potency under I~ ne w regime. Even more
int cresting, the fiot fOl mub points to the adaptation of Ihe old
notions [0 express Ihe new region.l ..,mime!1l foste red by th e
establishm ent of indepen dent political authorities in Ihe wesle rn
provinccs. ' • A piece of government correspond ence ~cms to
docu ment the ri tu al dimension. A vino ry bull clin ~III to the 1.,1
kin g by his brothe r T~azo il prcIC rv cd in I' tocopiul: it announces
the outcome of an expedition against the rebellIOUS governor or
Sardinia." Alt hough IkI;!.:Ir;u' KCIC[ary would surely havc
.objecled Ihe Vandal documenllO a S1yli<.tic revision wh ich wenl
beyond Ihe u igencics of Ir:.."btion. il5 COllleml cannot be
di.mitsed as pure fabric:tltion.' f> Pwcopius ve ry likdy hdd T zato's

.. CIo •• ,. 'c.~'. pp. '''_rl.

" f1o...",inu .. I. I· ' M ...,;'. A ..... lot. no. 176. Ilii<ll<Irt - R ..... , , ,,, 9. " ".,h_
«n'W, w""" ""Y ho .. ;m. pod , ... , (;.;,.,,;. .... , ... od t: .nh.~. '" ,,;"mph" ,10<
.ory """w, .,(,b< V.n~, ' .. " F..",..!u, ofC" ,h'I<. Vi" F.II"'''i ("ilL. 1 101). , d ,
U. L. p<y« 11',';'. 19'9) , 110 ..... Ci<n><ri< .. , m<"W''''", C ."h.Si .... '" .ic,,,,
in.....,", '.
,. Fk),,",,"u,. t..-4. "I .. A.,•. I... " Y. J76 , llikh<k, - !<.i< .. ... I?,.~. 'VI"',.
C. nh"o "i"mp~ .. ', lJ",,,,,,;u>, ' '''';if"'''.' 11 - '. od, F, '1"11",., , MGII. AA . "
('9011." , .
" Soh",..!,. IV_1m. pp. ')I 6; IIJ D ........ ·V • ..d. lm·. ~F. . S. ,o (1106)1. VJ7- ""
...... -.
" Both P. C ........ ·K ..... K1I<rip' .... d Koo'g>Wk""". Diplom'I< .. be S<o>do<n 'um
_"' ......'m.n"'''''*' n.m'......"""''''·.
It .... II".;. fi.. ''','-of;•. , ('011). ,-f7
• ..d 1 (1~)6) • • - ' I I. 1><.... j ..,d Wolf, ..... hoIi",r.n./ .. PI' . ............ ,,,••• bInI by
die do<um.,,(. -.j,pkmu,,,, dwo<tn ... d ......... '" ",",un,. . ~ ' V<O F ;_" .........
bob,y. ""'..... , ,\t>o , .... V...... , oocu ...... " b< «,.. """" ..... be
in ........... y., 0. __ ""'...... docu ... <nt·, ""P"'"" 1«11,><,
m dIC .......... t
r<a ..... IM ..... O(,be Mid<... (>. ,. n. 10) "..I W oIIT.m .. pt.,". p,_",,' pnc< ...... ;"
T ...o ...... "r ,be '~k .. on • ..-on '" /Uun, hn knowl«lfl. of '1."""
«,m",,,I,,., (1"",,,Iot~ I.. p. I, ), D. Rub,n. ' r ,oloptOl.on K........ ·• Ill!. 'J. ,
poll,,,,, •..d
( '911). 17)-1111'. be .. ",. I><b<... ,,,,= ron ..,,, '0 I>< ",bIw,,"lIy . .. ,ben,;'; (cf . ·1·
;1,;1,. fOf . ""' ...... prob>bk "'" of , documrn'"y """ ""1. T. k... log<1lK,. , .....
• ;,; ... " SS'" ,hI! wh ok ,,,,= (<>Tn, n.. y b< l'eOOOfh,,'. "'= '«uld ".U ..... p....."d
' he II'" of 'lI< <locum,,,,,.
Ephtmt r41 tmp;rtJ

letter in hi. hands, for the Vandal mcs5C'ngen sailed blithely into
Canhage just lfter the imperial umy h.d occupied the city." It
Know. 0 King (/h<7lhO) of both Vandals and Alam, th.t the usurper
Godal h.s perished .ftcr falling into our hlnd •. that the illand i. again
,ubject 10 your rule. and celebrate the victory fenlv.!."
Th e turn of events meant th.t this succcss would never be
celcb .. ted by the Vandal king. , but Tzazo's mes.s.age luggcst. that
some kind of victory celebrations were suged in Vandal Afric •.
The e:<pectation orthe king's brother that the letter would trigger
a victory celebration could only have been founded in the
knowledge that such celebrations Were part of the Vand.l kings'
public exerci5C' of power. An allusion by O ..contius points in the direction, suggesting that triumphal entries remained a
familiar element of public life in the fifth century.19
Lih other a'p"cn of royal SI441SSrmbolilt, Vandal victory
celeb..tions may have drawn on the Roman ideological and ritual
repertory. Communications between the kings and their subjects
ICem to have been modeled on th~ between contemponry
emperors and Romam; like them, they ·featured typical d ements
of imperial triumphal etiquette. The arenga of one of two
mrviving documents issued by king Huniric's chancellery opens
with the words: 'It is a recognized characteristic of the virtue of
triumphal and royal maj est y to turn evil counsels against their
authors. ,~ o If the king', majesty is royal. it is also - and

" Procopio,. &11•• ) ..... '-<l. H'",y.I .• !O.'7"""ZoI .

" IoU.. ,. ' • • , •• !O.I<>- ']' rdl.!o:.~~."",u"" to;. ,O",".,y. O~,; ,"'" ~J'l"Itpa",
"/C/0.on X,,,,,I. nl r~'I'iI"D' aM.; IJd '.~ .,.~ {J ... ,;.u~ U"fI1J. do Ba..!I.Iw. to "'"
·A .....,..;,. {J"Dllzil....8, Kal ,~. h,,""'o. "'P"'~.Iq •. "The I... fOur wotds are .....
'"'''phonnl, cr. &1., • • • u . J6. H.ury , q7o.14~IJ.
" To be cIf«tiv<. s.tuf. . "'J~ •. Vollmer. ". C·m, pup"'''''' """,.. ldi<;,l··vi<tor
. b hoi" red;.··~ prosupl""<' ,Iu, Vond.1 king. «I<b.. ",d "'''''' IO<t of triumphal
,o"Y oft". comp.ip .
.. · « on,; ..",;' " ~; .. pro!».'u, <>K oj"u,i, m.b in .ucto,es ,,,,,,il;,
"«><qo<"' ••• pud Victor. Hill. tn, .. J. J. P,,,.hrnig. 7'.19-"". F".. the dip!onu,,,,
"pcel of ,he oo<umrn" p="ed in VICtor. R . Hcuber8". ·Vond>listlle R ridu-
bnd,i ul>d Kooig,u,kund< im V«gkkh mi, . "w'nd",n £inn.:h,""lI"" ul>d
E.-..:llein"ni""· . MID<:;. Ergiin,"n8,!».nd. " (19)9).76-1 'J. her< 9JII"• • I>d a ....".
·K.i",,~kript' • • . '-J. It <>ugh, '" b< poi",ed 00' ,h" <hi. u" of,1Ie Imitive of
,h...""rill'" (not noted by R. /'i,k'ranl'. S,04i," Zl<JII LoI,i" ok, V~ .... VtltllJis.

Thf Vandal king'" lriHrnphal rnajtJly

especially - triumphal, for the rhetoric~ l figure used in the btin

deliberately t>mph.,ize, the triumphal chnactt'r of Vandal rulct-
ship even more than it, roy,,1 n"ture. 21 Coin"ge reflects a similar
tmdcncy. The kingdom', early issue, continue to display the old
imperial Victory type,. but this m"y be due more to mint routine
than conscious dccision .2 ' More signific.nt is king Thr3,arnund',
introduction of a Victory type on copper i"ue,.'J An independent
voice confirm, that contemporarie, perceived the triumph,,1
ele ment in ThuS:lOlUnd·s rule. Ilelwccn his fint and second exile
{A.D. 5! 5-1 7}, bishop Fulgentiu, of Ru'pe answered" pamphlel
by Thra,amund with ,In anti-Arian Iheological tre3tise dedicated
to the king him self. H The Catholic bishop appli ed flattering
epithet< of the imperial victory ideology to the Germanic ruler
who had revived the victory coinage, and he did so in a place
where they could sc>tedy .,., mi""d: the Ireati,e', opening
words." The poetS who praised Vandal kings could not fail to hail
their gIcal victori" against manudin!, Moors and other repru-
b"t".2' Ducontim even went '0 far as to adapt the theme of
bloodless vIctory to king Gunthamund (484-96), who rcreived
triumphs from God through the b,mlcs of his !,eneral Ansila. a

Commm"tKm<> h"m,n"um I;tt""mm. 61 (H.I"n';. 197~) . pp . )I>-U. but

J;><",,,,,J by 1',,,,,h.n'8. p.'J' . ,.v. ·gmrt;uu> qu,I;",;,) ;,. o<gub, (<">lUle on"e
btin b",<>u«",,,, .• nd p.rtkul"ly of """gu. Cf. C."KKI"'UI. V.,j.... >. 7. flidh.
"' .J ; i. 0, J. h;Jh . 61 .)-.; >. 16, I. 6'p-),). J. '. ""'.9- "'. ,'e. Thi.;; .dJi,ion.>.l
evKle",. f", <I", , ulh.n'id ,y uf ,he ,," qucoted by Vk"".
" Tho ",h.m.;', + xb ,nd ,I>< li",,« ,k",J uf hYI"',bm'•• ;nt.r1dcd '0 d;"ingu;oh 11><
fot" worJ of tl>< d."1<; l. "'rhu~.w. C.I,«, ,I"'",~;' Ei", A., ... "I ,",tori",""
Potor. lnd eJn (Giill;n~"" , 1<,>:\)). pp . Mo.,,.. I, 0) .
F.:tu,,,, "oJ C''''i"pldiu ,11 Hilf,.. irltl]ii, fJ!,,"t<" .. ,"i'ltI,~"I~"," «1 . H.

" 1'"1 .• t. 9<' cf. 11-1... ,,",) (V1<nn,. 10!1). t\O .

" lid T,.,,,,,""J,,," "i''". Fut th< J'l<. M. Sch.n, t1 ,I .• G<,,"~~I< II, ,,;,,,j,,hnl
U""""', p, H.ndbuch do< JlI,mu,mw 'I""'Kh.f1.! (Munk". 1~><l). jl!.
" Ed. J. F"ipon'. eeL. 9' (1<,>:\I)m . j-" 'Tdumph,l;ool tui, """ihuo. pii,,;m. «x.
t><qu'qu,m ,,«did<nm obl;u;""'. ,ub"",um . . . ' .. I"h< '''umph.l thom. >«m, to
h, .. bun p",;,ut.rly Te><H1,nl" th" mom""t. fo, fulgontiu. ,<tum, to i,;n h;,
ron,..,;1 "" lhe k i n~·, de' ;1< to ><qu;re moo< 'P'''" fo. 11>< ",j"J lh,. the k;"~oo," ;
ilio.. 99.101-7. fur Th,mmund·, «,ding ,,( th. <r.ot;",. F",.nd"~ V. F.Il"'#i. ".
L,V"P<. 10).
,. D,, <~,,'; ",. S,,;Jj.. 21-j. VolI",,,. ,.~' <f. Flo«nt;nu•• Ani". I.. .. no. 376. , 3- )6.
Bu" h<l.,- R~. 1.1.,39.
Ephtm rmpi,.,

notion which is ~ (ar cry (rom the Germmic conception of

Perh~psthe mmt moving testimony ofthc victory ideology's
continued life COmeS from a humble wooden tablet discovered in
the m: . of Djebel M rau, on the V~nd. l kingdom's southern
reaches." In the priv.te diplom.tic use of a dowry contract
esubli,hed on 17 September 493 (?), the d:lle is given., 'Year nine
of the Lord Most Unv.mquished King'.2~ The expression is
prob.bly nO! pure formula, ,ince it docs not reCur in the thirty odd
documents uncovered with the contract. By its distance from the
c.piul .nd itS priv.te orig in, Albenini Tab let no. I provides
precious evidence th.t ~ Rom~n frontier milieu found nothing
umhinkable about decking out ~ barbarian king with one of the
most prized ~nd f.m iliar epithets of the imperi.l dignity.



The Durgundi.n kingdom Aourished brieAy in c.>Ic,", Gaul

before it was absorbed by the Merovingi.n. in the course of the
sixth C~"Tltuty.'o The monarchy's rcl~tions with the Rom.n
church and popul.tion were generally harmonious and even
cordi.!." Ifwe consider that king Gundob~d (ca. 474 - 516) was
the nephew of Ricimer, patrician and Master of Both ServiCe<.
th.t Gundob.d enjoyed the sa m e dignity, h~d served in the •• me
c~p~city in G~ul and Italy and indeed that he h. d himself dispmcd
of ont emperor and cre:>ted ano ther, tuces of. deep Roman
imprint on the outward manifestation. of hi, kingship will not
come:IS a surprise." One kin g, for e~ample, is known!O have

"l>,w,m;u •. 5";>/ . .U' _ I< . Vollm" . U" , f. Sd ,",,'n~« . ·Hwko.'i~,uLn · . "p.

p. «1.
" T.l.k"" Alb...-,;., . A"" p,i"" .. riM"' ."".!al, (Ii. dII V' .;hk) . <d. C. C"""oi. "
. 1. (P,,;,. '9J']' pr. ,s.,.!I"; Couno". AN" p. .,t.
.. 'Anno noM .lorn;"i ;nu"";,,,,", "8"
XI; "I<od" oclob'<"J . '. TH . AI•. • ' .
Co""o;,. ")."
"" S« ;n 3""".1 1. S<hrnid,. C,,,.;,~,, I" .... ,1<.,.5'.... "" hi' ,"m A"lR"'" ... ,
V.II","'......., . Di< 0,,1"."."" ,"d <dn (M""", • . 191']. pp. noff.
l ! E . ~. 1. M"".". Lt, i••";",,, k, "!N" 1"'""";'1''''. N<>lNrll, (;1;0 . " (V,,;,. '9<\ ).
pp . " o-'J·
" PLRIi. '. su- S.
Burgundian victory nHlon"

pbyed .. rok in .. chu rch dedication, an ev~nt which lent it!telf to

ritualized puticipation in the imperial tradition. 33 The Bur-
gundi.n army practiced the triumphal display of" vanquished
le.der'. head and at one k ;ng wcms to have staged a triumphal
entry into Vicnne."~ Th;. flU thc t"timony of Avitos, bishop of
that city (ab. 5 [8). who .llud,-d to the victory panegyric he would
deliver when king Sigi,mund returned from wh:H he hoped
would be a successful campaign ag.;n't the Franks.'" N .turally
victory wishes were not lacking in mch circum''· Avitm
himself pray ed for the king' s triumph and he implies !bt this was
the duty of every onhodox Christian. Whether this en tail ed
special public <crviccs for the king', victory is not de>T.J7 Here ..
elsewhere in the imperial provinces, the cu lt of saint, spilled over
into the supernatural defense of the thre. tcned city. J" Given that
next to nothing is known about the intern.l hi,tory of the second
Burgundi:m monarchy, the cvidcna is not unimpressive. These
Germ. nie king •• urely availed thcn"dve. of >ome of the vKtory
custom. of imperial civilization.


Scholars arC in rarc unanimity th.t thne i, linle ccrtainty

reg.rding Odoacer 's legal pOlition in the :", scheme of
thing,.3' His frcqllcnt USc of the non-Roman titk rex and his

" M. McCormicl;. R,"", rhi,,,i,, ,,,llJi.,,,'1u,. 8, (19771.""1.

.. H<.J.: "goth;". H;" .• I. J. j . K< ydell. IJ.U-'! . • nd G", ~ ,,.y dToun. 1/;".• J. 6.
Krul<h-L<vlOO<I. IOJ .6-7' t';umph. 1<n"1' [".di~i,d ,f«r hi, , nd Clov;, ' d<f<ot of
hi< \moth« Guml<,h.d; G"gQ'Y Qf Toun. If", .• >. P. Krul<h-L< .."", . 79.J-I'
'G<>d igi,itu, V<",. Ql><,nta Vic1UT;' . . . <1.Im P"< di>emil Vl<t1n''''Q"' "iu"'ph,n,.
t>mqu.>m ,; ;,m 'ntum ro<.,.-\cm "~""m. ;nK,«Ii' u' . Cf. PLRE. " . j '0. ·God igi.. t

" "E, .. ' J.Pn!"", 74·10- ,.

ci"d in ,ho followinK not, .

" A,itu,. Ep .• 91. P<i!"," \1\1.' , - '" Fr .• 7Pl " wrJl ., ,.,. P""'~< ['mn E,. 9.:1

.. Ep .. 9>. P<ip<'. 9'). , 1- >.>. N"", 'h" Ep .• S}. i",lic"" th>t tho C.dx,h, I,wlgyof
lIu'gunciy ;n<tud«i P")·'" f", ,,", 'in~ on. t <h,~,ld lh'''k. ,I>< ViS,1 of E... <·"
" C. P<,,,, . nd II. Audin . •Akim;i f.cdori; A,;,; V;'n""m" <piocopi hom ih. doc" in
okdk"""," "'1"';"';' b";)ic,,,·. S,oJ, i••,"''' ,Ii An·...... C.I"'i"; < RokrloJ 1'",;".,. >
(M iu n, 19J7) . • JJ-J'. 1><", HO ·' - ' j'.'1.
>. On 0.10><";,, ~"",.t. PLRE. >.19' - j . fo' >n o."vicw of dilf",,,, opioion, ""
EphemuQ/ tmpirtJ

Tl'fuul to don the purple robe. of .upTl'me ~uthority Or other roy~l

insignia, even aJ he sought Constantinopolitan .pproval for hi,
acts, underline the ambiguity ofhiJ Jituation. 4o Among the means
the former member of the imperial guard used to ferret Out
emperor uno'. recognition wa. the dispatch of the CUStomary
'.ymbolsofvictory'to the comm.nder-in....::hief, a ploy which met
with pun.l JUCCCS •. 4L
The kingdom e.labli.hed by hi. uUSIin was to prove .horter_
lived than that of the Vandals. The personality and long reign ofit.
founder J.O dominate the history of the Omogmhic state that
Thcoderic'. background deserves some consideration when the
impact of royal victory on the public projection of hi. power i,
examined. As Ihe son of an Arian king and his Catholic
concubine - the lalter accomp.nied her son to July and was active
in 490, while her presence at a crucial moment wa. JlilI a mmer for
panegyrical comment a decade later 42 - Thcoderic was probably
predisposed to seck accommodation with Ihe vast majority of his
subjects. The fony-ycar-<>ld conqueror of Italy had hardly escaped
expomTC 10 the ,ooal values and mores of Ihe btcc R oman elite.
Born in the ruinsofRoman Pannonia, he h.d ,pent more than half
his youth at Court in Con.tantinopJc, in the midst of the imperial
govemment"s burgeoning rirualappar:llU •. The lut decade of hi.
life before the invasion of Italy had been punctuated by negoti_
ations. ruptures and rapprochemenlS with the ea$lern throne. He
rOse CO the stne dignilY of patrician. obtained two appoimmenlSu
Master of Both Service. in the Presence (476/7-11; 48]--"7) and wa.
adopted as emperor Zeno'J ·J.On' according to Gcrm;mic custom.
In "8,, he re.ched the summit of Roman aristocratic ambition, the
con.ulat'. for which, favor of favors, the Roman uxpaycc picked
up the tab. 4 ]

,I.< ·"""";,.,",,,.1 pooi';"" •• T1>ompoon. 11_, ..... i.otNri.n,. I'P. 6$1f .nd >74- '.
n· 'llf.
.. O" ..I >«. <·1·. McCo"";,,k. ·Odo.«,·. 1')1 _ . , '- 'J_ Fa. his td...., of,,", purplt,
C. ..;odono •• 0._" "'>_ '101. M"",,,,,,,,,. 'j9_
.. MoCOf",i<l •• Odo&<", •• pp. ><711"_
" I'LRE. ,. 000. ·Er<I;"v' _H<r ..."" .. <-oo<ubino: i.u.,.....y,..ttd by jotd....,., en_.
'69. M""'''' .... ,,1.,_ EnI>O<hu> of P.... dopKtI Th<o<Itri< add ...... , "'" ki.
troop>. bu. ki> ",.. ke, iu" befOI< I (..d..t <onfron.,,"'" wrth~ , p..,yr;n. •.
41 . VOS'~ >OI. ,6/f.
•• TIl< ""'lUI fot ,hi. ><""""' ....... "'bled in PtRE. '. '071- 1'. ·The<><I<ri<..,,·, fOf
OS/Togo/hie lri .. mph~1 id~ologr

Ye t even such:. long lOd intim.{e invulvemen{ with New

Rome did nO! imp ly comp lete :."imibtion. Contempor:.ry
[talians could nO! mi'lake the cunqueror ', 'foreign'. heretical
hrmd uf Chri,ti.nity, with its divine scripture in a barbari~n
tongue, nor could they mis. the distincti" el y non_R om:.n identity
projected by the Am:.]', nffici:.l ..... Like hi. succeMUr!,
Theoderic w ure long hair and a dose-<:ro ppcd moustache, aspects
of personal grooming which werc emblematic of the barbarilO. '"
In fact. as Gothic di'plc.,ure over the excessive rom aniution of his
heir suggem. for Theodcr ic to ignored his power ba,e in the
o:rrcilllJ Go/homm might well proved suicidal. .. • By inclin-
atiun. then. as well as calculatiun. T hcodcric was condemned to
.trike a delic.te balance bet ween the :lrmed occupying minority of
hi, own kind .nd the [t:lli:ln majority. The btter was domin ated
by a wC:llthy .nd influential ar;,{ocra,y who.lcss than two dcc.dc.
befure, had y,·t been accu'tumed to an imperi.1 CoUrt in their
mid,t . who had enjoyed the favon ofThcoderic"s prcdccc.sor and
w ho continued to express their eminent position in society and
government with all the {r:ldition. l perquisite. :I"d ceremoni al of
the later Rom ,lIl rul ing ellSS. '" How could the new outsider

• nlOr< "'"ikd ""'",m'. W. Enulin. n....,j,.,i<~ 4<, G,,,,, •• nd ron (Mu"kh . 'YJ91.
I'P· 7-J'·
.. On Ulf~ •• nd 'h, p,,,,,,v"ion of ,It< Gothic bn~u.~, .mong Vioig<>lh •• nd
o.""!<,,,b., H. Wolf"on. G''''"H~''"" G.,," ,.""
4<. A.I"',," oi,
~., Mi",
",.,,'" l'"'".""'''·
.nJ lj7-OO .
&"",,1';"" It;"",;,,","
ffh.g,"p;;' (Mu"Kh. '9791. pp. 1]1f
., 'it< Ii>< ,n. ly';' .,( n,,,,.!,,.,·, PO""" un hi. "go« ,ing "' ,i>< ,.,...,,11«1 ~ o ig,lIi,
",in by P .E. S<:h"mm 'nJ W. ll<'K<" H",,,".J"z, ~",,,.""
Hi> "''';e<''''
"ytMoli•• '. "ylf.
A,h.b'" i, ,hnwn wi,h 'h, "me h,i".yi< . nd • kind of ~OW" which
<10<, nm 1«0' '0 ,,,,,fo,m '0 ,I\< unom of imp<,i.l "",u",,": W.f. Volb><h.
ttJ"'H;"'Ot;'" ." SI"''''''''' .M .1" i'"""
M;"<I,I/",. K . .. Jog< yo,· "tid
(, ;ihg""h.,h,lid"" Ait,,,;;",,,.
,.]fd ,J" ( •. '976). nO.]I. with pl. 16. TIt,
u n,< m,,,. p«,,,",,bly h,v, I><m "'''' of ,It< It,,,,,,
Of 0'''' im'8'" ofTheoxltnc .,
I\.on" which IIo<,hi",' wiJow ... " "ru.....t ofh •• ing ",,,,lKd: Prooopiu,. Iltll.<. 7.
'0. '9. H""y. ' .j " . 'j-'o .
• • Go,hic Ji,... ,i,r."",,, with A,h.I"",·, />,k of p,op<' b"b"i,,": P,<><opiu,. Btll•• j .
H.",y .•., '. J- Il. 'Q.
•• 6- <7.
" S,dn. ~J.E"'ri". ' .• ,If , nd ",off: A. Ch,,"snol. u ~I"", ,,,,,,,,i. "'"' k rig'"
1()400.". 1I."",,,Of, '" tlpi" "f"" '"' Coli", .. 10"';1<]•• An,;qui ' .. j .... . J (Bonn.
1<;(6). 1'1'. JI!!". f", .It< ~'m 'i~nif".n'" "iii "",h,d '0 ' p<<ucub, «lemon;'" 1ik<
.he ><:""",n '" , .. OfO'''''y "",,,,,1>«: l\o:o<,hiL". Pl>il. ,.., ..1.• '. j. I . 1Ii<i<,.
Ephtn,tr~1 rmpirt.

projen his authority 10 this audience withom recourse to

tradition,,1 Rom"n rim"l'
Unlike Odoacer, Theoderic probably adopted the sacred
purple in his public dress, "lthough he gencnlly eschewed the
insignia of empire," A, one of hi, offidab not ed, the imperial
color served a very pnnic,,1 purpo~ in public ritual, in "ddition to
it! symbolic value," Theoderic' s pab ce in R "venna wa s lik ely
designed with an eye to ceremonial funniom, it mmt h:lve
contained an audience han in which the Ma ste r of Offices suge-
managed scn"toti,,1 enCOunter! with the king in much the same
fashion as in contemporary Constantinoplc.'o Nor could the
pal"ce have lacked impressive banquet facilities. for Theoderic
con~ioudy orgaoizcd :lnd exploited such occasions to Loo h"nce hi.
policy of prestige."'
If the Gothic kiog skillfully avoided overt acts of usurpation. hi.
own official pronouncement, were !lOt above borrowing slogans
lil:ce 'humonildS' from imperial propagand a in a way th.t implied

»,U-)O- Cf C.uiodo,u" v.... ). )9. 1- ', Fndo , I• • . 1'<" tho ,00tio1>Od p","ig< of
offoci>l .OhKk~ ;I.;o .• ~. j,'. Fridh. ,,0.'_'0 'nd 0" ,6, " • . )<- J,
.. En,,];n. n.,odtri<~, p. 'jO (d'. Wol f,,",. G., .... p. )8,) beli<v<d ,h .. Tbrodc'K wo'"
, di,<I<m. bu' ,be <Yid,not: he 0;;'05. C,,,i.o<\on.>'. V"" '. p . t . hidh , .6", -'7.'j , ;,
dearly m"' rho,;.;;.l if ,I>< 'ynl>. i, prop<rly un<l<rrrooJ, B,H. Shh,IL H, ' f"'"x oj
,Ir.V.,i.. oj Con ....", S,udi<> ;" m<d",,1 .nd ,,,,. ;,,,nc< Latin. ) IW.>hing'on ,
D,C" '9).). p_,., Ennodiu,. r.., ,, ' " Vogd . lOj.1 .«m , 00 ":I, m'''pho,ic.!. Nor
,t< crown, <kpicO<d "" tho po""i" of ,I>< f,,,, Gooh", .,n8' I' bo... n, OJ) , Thil fi u
with Prooopiu,. &114. J. t. >~, H,u ,y. >, 1,1---9. On ,I>< 011><, lunJ. ,h, <ont<"'po"'y
V,'" C ..... A"I_li, (6 HL ')01 .....), )~, by Cyr""n, Fir",",",. Vi ... " ;",,
Men;. " u, . nd S"pl><n , "' , G, Mor;n, S_ C .... ,,'; 'l'i,.-.,. A"I"",,;, "1''''
(M,r«lIOll', , .... '),)'0,"-0. <kuly """ ,h" 'Th<O<k,ic ""'ov'" <on" kind of
he •• S'" I""";,, "'"""' .. "pi") whon ho g""'«. 'he holy m, n, Tb<" w"" ."y
m,. ch,ng< in polky during ,I>< By"",in' in •• <ion. ,inc< TOli,,', bej<w,kd
be.d.l",,, w" ...., toJu"",i.n" ,I>< 'ymbol uf vi"",y' . 00.<. Ch . '. p_"",
.. C.uiodo,u" V ... , t, ' . >. f'hlh. 10,' J - '~' cf, M, McCo' mi' k. 'An,lyw,S i"'ptd. 1
,,,,moni<>·.)OIl. (in p,m)_
" 'Th< oon"ov<ny ~<n<r",d by E, D y~g ¥< , 11.. ,,",.."," i",. ",{",,..
,..I.. u .. ,iii"
'1",,,1< J><' ''''''''''';., 51... , '"11· ...,~'''''"'' <It, p,l.n; oItl14 '''~ "'~"" ., A"h:o<o-
iotti,k.kun"hi"ori,k, m,d.d<k l"" 1. , (Coprnh.S""' '9<') . • nd P""Y w<1I to rnI by G. De P"" II r.14,,",. 0' T.~;,., • /I." ..." I, {",It".
'.",~"","" 0' 1«..... (Ilom<. ' 970) , .nd F.W_ l:mchm."". 1I.''''''n' . I/"P'''''' ..,
,,..... ,;~'" A .....t..J". ' . , IWi<>h.&n, 1\1'7<). " l lf. do<> n o< . If", ,hi, 8"",, 1
<oodu,;on. ,;not:;';, i",kptmkn,ly "",form'" b y Ii"... y <.i&n«: C,."iodo,u,.
V.... 6, ~. >. fridlt, ')"'<>-u. Cf, followin8 n.
">J",",. II...... ~, 9. 7-1 , F'hlh. »7.)6-.)1,67 ,
his own e,,~hed ~t~tu~." Indeed, Theoderic explicitly ugued th~t
the superiority o( his rule compued with other b~rbari ,n kings
could be m e~.urcd by the degree to which he imi t~ted the
emperor in Constantinople. Hi, OWl1 regime he char~ctcriled as
Roman and a worthy replacetlletlt (or the ba rb~ri,m which had
prevailed, (or imtatlcc, prior to hi. annexation o (Gau1. H
One way in which Gothic rulea revealed their humaM;rn. 10 the
Roman po pulation w.s through expenditures for 'pect~clc •.
Th e~ t c .. were rcnored at royal .. >:petll<'. $4 St.te revenueS helped
finance at least some 'pectacle, and .alary th,' performers. while
Theoderic', offici.1 cortC"Spond cnce more than oncc oct rays a
shrewd undcl"'tmding of the political ocncClts he "xpected from
such largc. •. •• J.s they h~d in the old days, king T hcodahad's
(514-6) ci rcus races and theater shows included display~ of civic
I<'miment and loyalty to the regimc in the fnrm of acdamatiom.·~
There i, no rc •• on to ,u ppose they were an innovation oflhn brief
re1gn .
In addition to the offICial portraits, other equ~lIy trad itio nal
mtanS projected Thenar ric', authority In the m .....S and clites,
The re has ocen .pccul:llion that a victory cel ebrat ion was the

" M, M,Co",,;Ck. A ....;. .. J"",n. 1 oj PI"lolot,. ,,,, 1",1<). 146. Cf. R .M. Homg.
II"," ",,~ •..I Jl. 1ot,. , ; ~ ;. 'I"" ,""',l(iot.o K,u_H,<t. (('.o."n~"". " ...., )
" C,,,KKIo<U!. 1'.... ' . " J ITI>",d"" ,n A",~.,;o. I) . f"dh, 9·" ,0; ,boo .. ). '7. "
Frodh. ! "II.! 41, C f 1"'.. , , 6, ' - ', 01 ,' J .nd J. ,~. j. '<>;>.' -.Ii. "" f><,,,f>< . R om
>«m, ", boo Th<oJ<rio:.
" h , . 1'41.. "". M",",u- Vdkov. '7.1>-'J . • ..l." r, .... •b,o .. 7'. 'LO - '. 0 . h"
,.,",.1,", rundmg ,,,", """,,,"<on "f.1.< n",,,,, <lfPomp<y ' C. ,~ ud", ", . V M . • • • J'.
J . nd Il. fridh. '77.' 0- '7 . nd '79 . 71 - ~ •. 'nd ,I.< ;n"'''pt;oo , omm,mo""ng
A,~.bri,;,. ,«"","UC,,"" of """" P... , on I" 9' II.S. "9·
" C.,.;.,.!o," •• 1'..... '. lo. , - . ' f,odh, ,I.) - N)J ,nd 1'.... .. )0. '. fndh. ]6·5 - 9·
P'n"'''';m<> p.od by C;'y p«r,,,; 1"' .. " J], " )v,! - . n,l; 0."'0««' by Pf":'O"'O
P«f«<, 1''',,',9, " 6, ,6-,6, .od ) . I '. " 'J j.J - " 'Il>rook,,, '" C"uoOOf"'
f«ogn,,,,. "'"'g,,,",
.oow. '" pro",O!' , f«t",t of ·""."",d" "mp","m ' (I ·....J.
I'. " - '). 'H·I' 4I)) .nd '0 <n",,. 'h" ,h. '''''''<1 I'mn.,..." o, "".... ) "" 'p«n
Of",'". (1'.... I . )' , I. )7. , - ) '.6), 10< ,hQu,h, .,( ,""wonK up.n ..,,,on riYOt d_
no''''''' for,;," n.«><I«,,", ron,,,],,"""";" «",,,dmg . n •• ''<In ,h"""",
V .... .. J', ,. hklh. 'jj.I _" 0" , .... "",.,Iog y .". 'h" .;00 of mun;f,,,,",,,,,", P
V'Y"', U I",n" k " 'f"'. S"" . Iot" h,,,..,f"< ,. •• ,1.,.1""" I"''''f''< (p.m. '1>7~) ,
pp. ""K.
.. P"}<~p ;u ,. !kll,. J. 6 . • . llomy, >.>I. ll - ' o.'. ,.·b.« , .... "",f.. d Th<od,h,d', elf«
'0,110 ... <<1. ",,,;.,.. .,(J",,;n;,n 1>«0« ,I.< k,n, du"n, 'p<",,1<> ;, p"""n,<d ... n
'",po".n' C<Jn"-", "' ,h. ""11"'""""" ... ,,1> ,,,", ,mp<ri,t "'w~y p"" Pm";'n ,
n., ;mptb'"", n ,h" m.,h w .. DO' ,f>< "'''' .. ,h .. !>m• .
Ephf'mrral tmpirrs
setting for Ennodius' p~negyric on the king: it is at any rale clear
Ihal variOUI .ute festivals were enhanced with Ihe traditional
sp«ches of puis.:. 57 Perhaps mOIl startling i. the implication that
the traditional and popular New Year's VOla festi"ities for the
emperor's well-Ixing wen: diverted 10 Ihe Ixndit of Ihe new
barbarian king. u
AU IhislUggests thu Theoderic and his successors adopled $(ImC
of the rituals of power which the n~li"c popubtion had come to
expecI from Iheir lords. Even though the records arc rare, a couple
of nate ceremonies re"ol"ing around Ihe king are explicitly
atceslcd, although only one of them i. knowable in any detail.
Notwith5landing a persistent tradition in modem schoJa .. hip,
howe"er, then: i, no direct evidence for the triumphs which
Theoderic is often said to have celebrated at Rome and
Ravenna. "~

.. n.. hyp"' ....... thot tbt P'!><JYri< .... intm<lc1l f"" , yi<to,. «lob,,';"" ... "
f""",.bt<d by H. H,,,,,, ... b. SlOW. ~_ ~•• _.,. l:i_ lit;...., •• , c:;.".khI< I<n
Vi l.........&".'l (M ... ;,;h. 'f90). "". 0&-7. bu, i, ;, ;m~bk '" y"';f~ . c.""""",.,
is k""wn '0 ka ... ,i~ • PUK1Iyric on TlK"d.. ic p";"'- '" hi. '"",""'m,",,, ..
Qu""ot in WI (PL R £. '. '66). ",od..,. on E... h"ic Cil~.. " Rom. in J '9 (~.J..
p. >61) •• nd "'i". ;, ..""Id 'PP.". fot th< n»,ti'g, Df Wi,il;' In<! M",,,,"tIt, .• n<!
m.y "'.... ,it~ """" V ..... I"ld. II. Fndh. H l - o ,"d D.M. C'PpY)'fto.
·C ... k>dQ",·. DHGE. " ('909). ')49"- '001. bt .. '16<-, .
.. eo ... « .... V •.• 6. 7. >. Fndh. ' lP O-'?
,. E.,. H....... b. & - ,4;". pp. 001--7, \I/<>If..... .c-... pp. )J ' , .,.I lh. Th< ",i",h
deri"ft fro", ,I>< dilFicul, populI< to,in of ,I>< "",. V"J. Th., ,I>< ><"COUn, of
Tht-od<ri<., Iri<"""'u «I<hr,,;"", " Rom<. Ex,. V.I .• 67 .• p., ui«nn''''m
,";"mph.n, I"'P""" in.,.""", 1"10,;"m·. Mot" •• '9.'1-0. w""'" ,1>< .. ;. ""
indic"ion dt.>, th< .nnirtnl" _ wi,j" yi<tory ori<bt"ion ..... i, i. in<otT<"
'D .... go ,I>< "Id «<hmnllt\<'nin, '0 lri.......... , . So ,oo;" tit< t«<>nd _ I ' : ""<.
V.I., 10. MOI" .... ».1-9: ·"'Jo Th<odori"" d"" ""' ... " ... E.,hotic(> Ram""
R . Ymo", ui."'pb..i<: H,,,, ''''' <k<;cpoj •• ly limpk ')'ft'" 'PP<'" '" "".n ,h. ,
1"heodtric <d<hr.oed. 'ri.mph " R Dmund R" ... nI. . . ben E~'luric .«<:; • ..1 ,I><
con..1>l<. Bu, iI is <"'" from C.ooiodo",,· CIt...;,1t. <"",pI>I«I fOt tlo" '<'Y
OC(.I.,"",.tit., TlKo6t, ;,; .. ., ... p......"" ,I>< «kbtltion,,, R om<, C'-". '160.
Momm_. ,6, ... I>< ... "" ..... iooody Df Eor,h.ric·, r.d... -io-low. n..
in<><'l"bk """,Iuoion ;. <Iu. Eut"'ti< is ''''' ",bj<rt of ·'ri.",,,,,,yi". In r"". tl><
nplono,ion fD' ·TlKo6t,ic· ;" tit< """"in,,;.. is <hot ''''' ."""ym"", .",hot no
""'I" fully "nd.... "''''o! '''''.bl"j"" .MoI.«; tltis 'on(""'" "",furm. '" hi, uo.,.. in
0<1><, 1"........ Th;, ... mpl< of rb< pbttto""""" mUlt "" . d.kd .a ,hot< nOli«<! by
J.N. "'~ . m 7lo< IU'...J I_'I' .J. V.(fM /.,Mi. ,~ .... ~lt 1,1 _ _ , V.I.,"'_' III.
&11<1;" of tbt: I"KiM' of C""",.1 Studito. St.""k",,",,, 16 (I Q- 1 "'. 'm). p. w.
"Triumph· 0.,., ,,••",.. btt< in 'h, wuk<n<d """n"" .,r. ·,pl<ndid pm"'·. <.•.•
Jo<t!o ..... ~ .. 141. M"m", ..". <p - " ·Con",I;, o,din,tii triumph"'" u p.blKD
dono P""1".' d. Jot.!>..... C<o .• • 1\1. Mom",,,,,,. '1'. ' 6- n.
Osrrogorhi( rriurnph~1 ideology

The festivities which marked Theodcric's thirtieth anniverS<l ry

of kingship He the be,t known of hi, .Ute Cl'remonics, The old
warp of the fourt h-century lite rary ;m~gin~tion continued to
prevail two hundred years later, for the accountS of the an-
niverury are domin ated by the king ', state visit to Rom e, He
received the honor< of an advew,,,. publicly displ~ycd hi s
benn'olcnce toward 5t Peter and hi, latter-day representative.
and .taged. parade through the city, Like the imperial processions
which manife.tly inspired it. thi. parade wound its way 10 the
Roman Forum, There the king delivered a speech to the applau~
of senate and pl'Ople .• nd followed up with another p.rade into the
ancient imperial pal ace. The whole extravag anza w., copped by
circus raCes and royal gifts to the city and popubtion . ~Q
Even in the absence of explicit record. of a.lIogothie victory
edcbratiom, it i, dear th . t the old imperial victory conceptions
found new life under the Am.l king. It could scarcely have been
Olherwisc in a politi c.1 rq.,ime which jlmificd the Gothic army'.
occupation ofltaly 'illd it, riche, by the king's sueee", in defending
the country from (other) barbarians.· ' An impre<!ive trace ofthi.
thCQry occu," in an inscription which record, repai .. 10 the Curia
of the Roman Sena te ~nd who~e respectful IWlCC tow~rd
An ~ lu,im and relerve toward T heoderie mggens that it may have
been erc,ted during. period of entente with the East. The king's
roy.1 titl e il ,o"'picllou, by it, .bsence. I"'tead. the inscription
invokes both of 'Our Lords'. A nastasius. 'Pcrpe!Ual Augustus' ~nd
Theode ric ' M", t Gloriom >od Triumph.l Gentlemm'.62 As in an

.. S« in Keno,,1 r. . dol., V.I I• . 'T."d."",,, 0 Ro,n. '. I! ,.oi(. " j .. II. A" ...... i. oj
,,,~,,I "{; •• ~,"'" 10<11. ",i, N'p<>Ii, ".,. J. ('9J9). " 1>-76. 0<1< ,6.if: Stein . &,.
""pi". '. 'Jj-.; En .. lin. Tlw<Jk,i, • . pp . 107if. TO< ",.h, IOur"• • r< h r. V.I .. 6)-7.
Mo«,u. W,,- ,u.'. ",d ~ <"' ndu •• V. f'W"' i,. 9. L.p<y" . 1\-6. On ,hc Goldn,
P, lm . 1'1" ",,,- "',hby. Di""",,,y, p. J". On th< hu""" T",ib ,,,,, W "1'''' ['Onl 5,
il<n<dict . G«&my I. Do"~ " '. ,", . nd J.~, cd. fl . <I< Vo g;;< '. Sc..<'><> (1'"". '979).
110.1 -' 7; d . J. 6. '. '76.1-j . 1.;,,, w<ll known" ,h< "count " fTh««,-i,' , ini,i.1
".,"'" int" R ,,<nn. p"" r"d itt ,h.
ninth'«I,,",Y Lib. 1""". mi. 11.' ... J~. or
"'sndl" " HQId<._r,~g". )0) .><>-)0• . '- A"u.din~ tu Hold,, _Eg ~«. ,h" P""~<
<k,-iv<> fwrn ,.., lu ... i«h-<,n<my ,hmnKt, " f bi'hop M .. imi. n (iM .... p. >7>; ,f
\ll"l<nb"h _ t..<vi~"" G<I(~ i'"''i" ,JI",. p. "9). ,nd, "he no"., th< '''''!In' jil><.
w"h P,,><op,u •. Ikll', J . ' . ••• H.ury. '"7.»-1. , .
• , E·K· C ",;ooorm . V.,.. 7. J . J . Fridh • • 6].>6---9, ~ . J . ~. )0). '~ -1 ' y. ,~ •• • )10.' ~ _ ,o ;
'0. <4, ' . J97 .6-9; of. i.i4.,'. J9! · IS- W
. , II""" 'P'park;""" I '9ll), no. 68; d. A . Ihrtuti . "low., "til> 1<<1< del "'''''0 rom,no
impoTt:mt inscription of Odoacer at Rome, the royal dignity i,
omitted; herc it is rcpbeed by an ad hoc title, obviously derived
from the old victory ideology.·' The Same theme reeu" in the
literuy vestige, of reb.lions between the king and hi, Romans.
Thu. Ennodiu, exprc"es precious paradox '1 the sight of
Theoderic's 'war-potent right hand, full of famou. triumphs',
turning to thc more serene plca",re, of g>Idening. H The
squabbles su rrounding pope Symmachus' election provided grist
for the triumphal mill: the king's intervention concludes the 'w ars'
of the opposing factions and directs the 'fortun.te army' of the
church 'to triumph', i.e. resolution of the $Chism.·'
Roy.l victory looms even larger in panegyric. Ennodim' praise
begin! with the prince', valor: hi. victories >Ie countl"", he has
known a. many triumph. as wars_ The mere sight of the Goth on
the battlefield suffices to vanquish his encmics_ 66 The victories
which .tud Theodcric's path arc so frequent that they have
become everyday oeeurrences .• 7 For the 'mOlt unvanqui,h_
cd' king, adulthood is norhing other than the 'nuturity of
triumph ... 60 To judge by the surviving fragments ofCassiodorus'
10'[ panegyric. relevant to Th codcric, that ambitious civil scrvant
was no les< imincot th'ln Ennodiu. io demonstrating that the
Gothic king lived up to the imperi.l ideal of triumph.1 rulcr-
,hip .• ' ' Bravo, untiring triumpha[or!' says Ca"iodorus; the king'.
military exploit. re.tored the we:lry limbs of Rome and return ed
ancient blessednes, to the modern .ge. Thcodcric ha, revived
Rome', historic grandeur by returning Gau] to its ,way and,
echoing the official line no Ie" {han Virgil, Cassiodorus h:lil. the

,I "mpo <Ii T.,.,dc,w;o· , &<11","", _II, c""",,~,;,,". "''''I,zO<' ..... ",k ~; 1/...... 7)
(1"".,..)0). n -u; 'S.lvi, doomlni, n""'~ "",,,.. io P"'J><IUO .ugu><o« gloriooi,..
limo iC «;umf,li oi,o TIIrod<rXo . . , " <f. PI.RE. '. dc. 'Flori,nu, 0', If·Flori."u, o·
i, id<D,iuJ with 'Florion", . ' (io;l.). ,0< inl<,ip<ion would d", I",m . <n-II,
" C[ McCcrmkk. ·ooo,«r·. p. ")'
, . D< ""',. " I i'. VOi'I..,.., I"", >60).
.. ,. CiI,iUi 'il"'" VOiI<l. JI9.)-0 (DO. HI) .
.. P..,-. J-6. VOile!. ""),>7-'0.,.,
" ,,",,_,6. VCVI. lOf-l---<l_
.. tn. pr«""'-' uP"""""' fo, 'in til< «><1M< 01 yoo, lif,', p,,"_. 'J. Vo~,l. """_6: '1",<1
v;t>< 'i....,;";. <l t<iumpho,u", ",-,'u,j"'<m, ,', ;".~'.J ,h,,,,.: P.. , '" ,,,d JI ,
VOiI<i ..,. .>6 >nd '<n." .
.. Fo,!b< , <lotion ",i,h Tt..od<,w;. L, T"ub<. MGH,AA. "(II",,). ,6). n. I.
Ojlwgo/h;c lriu"'ph~1 ideolo!/y

king for curbing th e haughty forcigner, with his supreme power

(i"'p"i~m).'0 The ideology of victory offered the :..",nal of Gothic
propaganda a potent weapon.
Theoderic. at least, had lOme chinl to these triumphs . But the
ruler's victory was as oblig:lwry under th" new king s as it had been
under the Ca~~ ..s. Many years after hi, pat-am on Theudcric,
Caniodorus .ddressed • letter to the Senate, infnrming it of hi,
promotion to PraelOriatl Prefect. He used th e opportunity to
sketch a kind of mini-panegyric On th,' next gcnctatiun uf Amal
ruler!. king Athabric :l!1d his mother"lIlth:l _ Even for an
experienced propagandist, glurifying the miliUry triumphs uf a
sickly fifteen-yc ..-old waS nu easy task. The resourceful bureau-
crat ",;~ed upon a rebtcd theme which expres,<,d the !lew values of
a Christian IOciety: he praised the young king not for his military
victories but for his greal ethiol.nd mora l triumph." Unfortu-
nately fur the Osttogoths, the incompleteness uf Athalaric's
ethic.1 vinory W:lS revealed the follow;"g year when he died of
Next cumes lavish praise for Am.lasuntha. h... linguistic .nd
liter.ry accompli shments and her excellent discretiun, which of
course had brought C miodorus to office. I·Je intcgr.tes her imo
the impeti.1 tudition by , comparison with the grcat Galla
Placidi a: indeed , the Gothic queen w.s greater became
Amalasunth', Germanic army rem.ined 'trong and terrified th e
enemy - .n implicit criticism offifth-century policy ,7J Against the
wishes of the eaStern prince. that army had unce again made the
D.nube 'Roman'.7" 0" the eve of war, th,- king of the Franks had
,uccumbed to sicknc.. '(or the triumph of our princcs'." The
Burgundian chose to whole by obedience rather than
suffer loss by rClisting, for the safest defense against the Goth, w.s
to by down on~'. arm., The new v. lue. protrude, thank, to

, . 0..,;"""," ""'f";H, ,d. L "!',,,,i><. MGII. AA. " ( I"'''I,. 6<\" ,-": jb;J. . • 66. ' 0-' "
' [",,,.I[ "'p«b" g'''''' ;mr<'''' (,r. A" .. [ , JiJ) , Not< [h" C",iooo,u,- <"''';v<
,;",;0,-, of V;'g;] (,r. M,eo''''K);. A .."-,,.., jo" ,.,1 'f PI. '/'/"'}' [0> ([9"). l''')
' U.";Me> ',mp<num' f", D,do', ·,u,,,,; •.
" V.... , H . r, , . f ridh , ,,,,,6-.iJ.lf_
"J.R, P,lonque, ·",h.l"", '. DHGt·" ([9)0). ,..~, j .
" V... ,. [I, r. [0.fn~h"i • .63-7". ,. /004,. [0 - ". """ -i"
" '!" [n",nph"", pr,,,,,,?"", n"m","",-. ;.'4,. " . h.U, • .,.,1[-<;>.
Ephrmunl tmpiu.

divine felicity. Am~ll"'nth. cunqm'rs .ll without a strugglc. 76

But WaS this insistence on royal victory COllfined to the rarefied
'mbi~nc~ and .udienee of panegyric~? The Life of Epiph~nius. for
instance. offers. tant,lizing p.r, lld to the V.nd.l dowry contract
whm it show, Rumans using the ~pithct, jHvictu. ,nd iHvicti"j",us
during meeting. w j,h b>.rb"ri,n king" Epiphanius doe. so in direct
reference to Theoderic himsdf. 17 Even more significant is the
use emim'nt Romans made of th~ "ictory ideulogy in public
St.t,·mentS com"'ct~d wi th political and diplomatic competition
between R.avenna and Constantinople.
From 497 to 504. rd.tiom octwt"<'n the Guthic regime .nd
An,st,sim were rehtively good .'" Then Theoderic annexed
Sirmium (504) . Hostilities en,ued and the situation took. turn for
the worse when the Byz.ntine_inspircd .!!ianee of Fr.nk, .nd
Uurgulldi"ns defeated .nd kill~d Th~oderic's Visiguthic ally .nd
son_in_bw, AI.ric 11.79 The concessiun of" st.te dignity to the
Fr~nki,h king and all imp~ri al Aeer" .tUck on <Ollthern
rounded off the reverse to the Osnuguthk system of .llianc~s.
Although the O strogothie >.rmy·' suece" helped
to Th eodcric's pfc,tig~. rcl.tion. with CUflStantinoplc r~maincd
in. vcr}' b.d w.y until the tre.ty uf 510."0 Even then. full
rc~on~jliatiun had <0 ,wait the .ccession of Justin J .od the
",·ttk·menr of the Ac.cian schism."'
Perh.p' in the sprin g of 507 'lnd ecnainly between 504 and 508,
Enoodim, • m.ll of distingui.hed soci.l .nd intcllcnu.l back -
ground, delivered hi, "."cgyrie 00 The·oderic. Coming.t luch a
critical time. ,oy publie demonstratiun of ui.tucr.tic Roman
suppOrt mo.t been very welcome.·' Ennod iu' insi.teoce on

,. /!iJ.• I) •• " .9' 100.

" V. Fp'p~""" . "J . V,~d . ",.,.~, <r. 'JJ. vog<l . 1(1).)' - >; IS). 10"1-'9" ",ell .. '19.
" P"II(Jw, ,,~ S.,,,,. JJ,,,./:,,,p;". >. II, . nd Ili; d . Enhho. "TOt.>./t,~~. pr. "if; P.
l.n"n •• 0..,"" , '""",",, ",11'.1,...,,;""••. S.."li ".,~j ,.11, ... ,i.iI,. (P.Ju. . ' 963).
I'P, Jj-, .
" ~,,;". !joJ·f;""". '. "~-V·
•• 1,,,1. • pro "v- j' ·
" I~IJ .• pp. , .. if. On ,he .. hI'''' 'nJ All''''' ;"' ' f'Ob<y. P. Ch",oi,. o,,"~ ..J ".It
./0, !at" R"",.. '''p'''. no. "I;~i.., ".1;'1 oj A",,,.,,,,, .", F"". 49' -'" ("I,d;""'.
19W) ·
" r·" , .he do". "" J. Suod",,[[. A!I..,",II,,"t<'" '" ('....~i<~""" -'.fI'~ Ro-, ... ,
It ld""ki, '" 19). pp . .,- ). S"nJ",,[]', <.".d"""" ,h" 1'... . ... " o"[]y <l<li.««I "
OJ,rogo,hi, Iriumphal idrology

Theodcric's all-encompaslillg victory has ~Iready been noted ~nd

it fits well with the diflicllh milirary sill1ation uflhe time. An even
more direct allusion to the internuion~l scene burns out of lhe
panegyrist"s protest against an unnamed penon's mumption of
the imperial victory epithet AI~m~nni(Uj. The word. :lTe not
Thwderic 's own. but Ennodius was not so foolish as to sing ptail.Cs
displeasing to hi~ king. They shed light on how the king could be
viewed by his Roman .ubjects and how he may have viewed
Quid! Frustra maior .. nmtri divm et pontifIC" vocuom, quibm ",eptr"
conbta .um . •ingul", " ..., octibm imple.. ",ncti"imum et 1Ienerand~
nomina non rex mem 'it iote Abmannicus, dicolU[ . lienus. Ul
clivus vi!>m .. g~t n f,octu consei""'; .. e nec requira, pompa"" voc.bnb
nuda i,clOnti. e. in cuiu, m"tibm verit,,; mili,.n, bl'ndimenl.
m.intum. Ol
The swipe :It the emperor in Const;lflt inop1c is barely concealed.
'The nak ed n.m es of pompous oltentation ' arc the impcri.l
victory and piety epithets which, in Ana!1>sius' case, inclnded
precisely the title AI~m4nni(Uj •• well as pomifex. u Since
Thcuderic had just .ssured the protection of the AI.m.nni who
h.d fled into Rh.ctia .nd perhaps had re.ffirmed his [0 that
territory. ht" was mort" entitled to the epithet 'AI.m.nnic' Ihan an
emperor who look the n~mc wilhom any direct involvement.'"

11.,.",,". 'n Th«>ok,i<", p,...,n« on tn. """""" of ",m< cd<b",;"'" (.nd no'
,t<C,w,ity H,,,,ntl.b·, triumph) j, not "fu!Cd by xh.n, ·, 'O,"","y ",,,,>ok,,,K,n,.
G,,,~k~" .•.•. ,)3 . wi,h n. ] .
" P.... . Vugd . ").J-9. Th. ,of"'n" '0 ,h. 'frui, of """c.,,,«· ",.. m hk<. lilm,y
.tiu""n. Plin y. fp .. I. ! . I •. 0' p<,h.p> mut< l;ktly tu M.crobiu,. C_ .. ,.,",jj ;.
So",","" .vip;',;" " '0. ' . ,d. I. Willi,. ap.,. .• {t...;p,ig. ''17<').1 >•.• 6-7 ' 'y;"u';'
f,u<lum .. pion, ;n ,,,,,,,icn,;. po"i,. min"' p<,fw", ;n glu'; •. . .". ! f,nd th,
judg.m<n' of F. Vo~d (.\fGIJ.."A. 1 ...;>-.,,;;).<HI Enm;n (n.....k,;,~. pp. ''''-0<»
"" ,I>< Hkn';'1 ur,,~ ,I,,"", mor< ,,,,,.;ncing th.n 'h" ur M. lI..ytktkt. u ,"y,.,1
...." 1. liui,",",,1,,,", .. Sjd.,", Apo/l,""". Ii";"'," 51,m•. D;blH>tllcq"" d<, ~'uln
f, ... d' AI"'n .. ct ok 1I.0m< . UJ (11.001<. ,.~ I) . pp. 11) - ',
•• Thu, in • "'ncr from Anm,,;u, 1 !O IIIe «n.l< of Rome d.«d "July Sl6 ,ncl
p,,"' tv«l ;n 'M C.Il",;, ,1 ...1,,,,,•. I I J. GunlM,. ,.j06.>o-).
" Til< q....,;.," of ,h. ,,",<up,,;un of Ith",,;, ;, ro'"prim.d. s." Slcin. 8.,.E"pi". >.
147-1 w;,h n. I. En"lm. n,,,,*,;,~ . p. IJ6. F. lI<)"""'. ·SUdokuud,l.",j in dcr
po];';"''''''' Kun>op';"" Tllcod<,,,,h, ok. G,.n","·. V"""t< .otJ /'ot«h""1"'. I
(Con".n«. 19JJ) , 6j-11 .nd H. l);<t.n. 'Zu Prokop>,kh"n "he, clio
do""c",," S"mm'. BS. J6 (Wlj). 1-' • . h,,< [jlf.
Ephtmtral tmpi'ts

In lOme len"", Ennodius' pl~int reRects the es""ntial dilemma of Ihe

Gothic king perctptivcly recognized by Procopius: imperial
prtrogative and accepled custom barred the w .. y to recognition of
what Theoderic really represented." And it should be strelled
thaI Ennodiu5 and his audience could nOt have foun d the imperi .. l
tirulalure totally repugn ant: in almml the ... me bre~th, the pane_
gyrist reftrred to tho"" 'naked names of ostent~tion' as vmtraHaa
ncmina. The very hitternC', of the outbuut shows how seriously
Theodtric and his supporlers took the usages of imperial victory
titulature .
Ennodim' te.timony is deepened and uinforced by wholly
indtpendent evidence from .. ..,natorial project to drain pall of the
Pompline Mushes ;md the Appian Way. A rtmarkable
inscription commemorated the work:
OUI Lord. the mOSt Gloriou. and CclebIllled King Theoderic, Victor
and Triumph"or. ever Aug",tu •. Born for Ihe good of the st..e,
Guardi.n ofFrttdom and Prop.g..or of the Roman Name. Tamer of
'he Foreigne" . ha. happily ,..,stored. God willing. to public use and the
security of'IlIvek", the route .nd are. of the Appian Way·, Nineteen_
Mile "ret.h whi.h h. d been inund .. ed by ,he adjacen' m .... h•• under.ll
previous prin.... Caedna Mayortius Basiliu. De.iu., or,he Decii .1O.k,
mo.t famou •• nd illustrious genllem.n, ex-City PrefeC!. ex_Ptaetori.n
Prefce" ex_Ordinuy Consul. pllrician, ... loudy perSpiring in the ...k
enjoined him and h. ppily devolCd to 'he prod. mation. of 'he mO.t
clement Prince h.. restored Ihem to a very .n.ient dryne .. qui .. unknown
to ,he forefathe ... for the perpetuation of Ihe glory of such. lord, by
mean> ofm.ny new channel. which drain the water into'ru, "" •. t ['Palm
an .." Laure", ..I.e. 'V·l<tory ,.,
. ."

.. Procopiu,. &1 ... j . '. >9. Ha",~. '·9·'-' ·

" elL. '0, 61,.,.. " ILS."1; Fiebig", _ Schmid,. nu . '9). ";t<d h"" ·Don,,"o, """«
,k>tiotWimo, adq ... imlytln ru Theoxl<riw,. 'KW . , "ium[""". "''''1''''
AUI"''"'. bono r<i p"blka< "".' . ,"".,.Ii\o<".. i, <t p,o!"S"'",ni ""mini,.
demi'''' ,..,dom. !X,.""",i; ,,,. Appi><. HI <>t a Tnp""'io ""l"" TanKi",,,,. i,<",
" 10.: •• quo< ,,,,,A.,.n ,ib., .b "".que p"le p,l"dilH" I"" am ..... ,,"a p";n,ipe'
inuod",,,,n,. owi publico . , «<o,ita'" ,i.n,ium. ,dminnda pmpi,;,,, !XO [,I;";,,,,
",,,i,ui,, operi inio"",o ""ito, in,,>d,nt. ,dque demon,i"i",i prin(;pi' [<I;';,,,
de ...,...,« p"<ronii, .. pr"",p;.- rx,ionIm C.«in, .1.1"",,10 B,~lio rx,io ,;."
d . ,.;";",o " ;nl."ri. ex pr><f<c<o u,bi ... p"of<c<o pm'orio •• ~ """.Ie o.din,rio .
..... leio. q.i ,d perpe,,,.nd, m ,,",i clom,ni Ilo,;"m per plu,imOl. qu, .n" "00.
,Iboo.,,, in m'" . qu, ; ~""">< "" i, " "' n, i, ." tiq"ae ",\didi, ""i,,,i. f .. Fa.
Th,s precious doculllen, h~s been roundly dismis~d ~ s quite
a, ypica l. ~ product of <,en;uori .. 1 wishful thinking. I I Such charac-
!(riulio,", may be admis .. bk from a cunstitu tional pcnpcctiv(.
but th~ inscription's significance ~!re" comidcub ly in !he ligh! of
contemporary pohti"l developments. The roy~llettcrl 'impos_
ing' the tuk .m Daius - in return for ",hich the ~nator r,ceived
titk to the rccovcr"d land - date (rOIll 507- t I ~ ud it is lik ely ,hat
this holds for til<' inscriptioll as wcll.l9 The emphasis laid On the
road rcpai" and th~ role Terraeina pbyed in the WH with
Constantinople jndic>tc !h,' continu ing significance of the App ian
Way in the illf.. st rUctllre of GOl hic haly and suggest Ihat it
TCIlI.il1cd " ",dl- traveled highwayYo The ", natorial wi.hful
thin king of the (oll"llcrnura,ivc tnscrlption was certainly 1I0t
placed unda a bushel. .inc<' th,' inscription. which ~em. to have
bccn ,," up on the Via Appi. nCH TeTradn • . wa"hi~lcd iu at Ie""
three or four co pi,·s ... ,nrC sign Ih,,, it wa5 intended to be seen and
make all illlpn'ssiull.·' The project wa, underta ken by a "ion of
the illustrioul Dedi fa'nily ....,ho held very high and delicate officc.
including the pra,"{Qrian .nd uTb." prefawTI:s under Odoaccr.
Hi, family history and posilion mggesl tha t he would have been
identified with that king's policy of favoring the "'n~{Qri~1
. ri"ocracy in relurn for politic. I support. ~2 His probable h rOlhcrs
bOlh h.d bc,en con,ul, and also hdd urban and pr.ctori."
prefectu res under Odo>ccr. while hi. nephew. cujoyed high ",u k
and ,he conl ulal<" u"ckr Th~o<kri c . including T heodore in S05
and Imponunu, in SO'}.9.1 In uth~r word" wc see here 0 lead-
ing membe r of thc 5e no{Qri.l ..(Imeue)' eng.ged in .n
illlpurt.m - and protitable - enterpri", for Ihe COmlllon wul.
.. ising (o"'picuous "'onume",s {Q hi, OWn ~ccomplishmellt and

toc R""'''¥''"', H I Mmoo, ' 1',1." C! l ",," ,·. ,\ 111_1" ..",Iokl"l i< .. "~,'''i'' ,
t.el<j'''''f'''' .. 11_. I ' (,~., 6). '''''- )'. <.p. "9·
,. E.g . { n"lm, '/'Ju"J",,~. p. 'j), A ,H M. J"''''. 'TIo< <""",,",,,,",t '"""''''' or
000.0<<< ,nJ Throdc"<, , j .... , .., .j 8_... 5 ,.4"" j ' ('9/>.1 , Il~ - J'. h",' " • .
•• C,,,ooJ,,,,,,. 1'.. .. .. l ' . nd IJ, f ",lh. 79- 1, .
.. {; J<..JI. " ·V, ... ~""IO(x 1<",",,,..,'. IIF.. S ' J (, '7) ). " ' 7- ,616, 10<... ' j '9-:ro. <f.
I'",cop,"', 11111., j. ' . , - •• H, m ,. '·S ' , - .".
" C IL, , g. M jO >, N o tn<.",,.,,,,,,,,,, g"<D.
'0<,,", ,';
• , I'Lll t·, ', j , " <:f C h",,~ nol ..\",.,. rp· vi 9·
" I'LII.F.,'. "7 ,3. '11,,,1,,,, ,,' "HI ',!,.,. 'WI -~. ' 11>«>dQ.u. N· . • "d >. )9" of.
Cl .. ~,~ , "'I , S ..... pr. 1)-,.
the barbarian king. Against a backdrop of recenl OT ongoing
diplomatic and miliary confronlation with New Rome, Deciu5
publicly threw his lot in with the king, hailing him as rt]< and
Augullus and adopting for him the old imperial triumphal couplel
of 'Victor and Triumphalor' and the epithet 'Tamer of
Fordgnen'.9~ The whole was lOpped offby Ihe circus monogram
emblematic of victory, which was app ropriatc for a family known
u the offIcial palron, of the Green faClion. 9! As the king himself
declared, the 'eye. of all' Were on Ihi. project. a concrete symbol of
the colJabor.ltion of senate and king at a time when dissension
might have couned diu"e •.•• Nor was it only Derius who wn
implicated in Ihe undertaking: a loCnatorial commi..ion had
inspected the site and loCt OUt markers proclaiming the senatorial
role; the organizer had been invited to uke on associatc:s 10 .hare
both the COSII and reward •. 9' The commemorative imcriptiom
proclaimed to Latium the political colon of Dedus and, echoing
the regime·s own self-justification, laid heavy emphasis on the
king', victorious qualitie •. De'pite thdr udicaHy different for-
mulalion, therefore, these: sign. continue and broaden the line
of devdopment outlined by the descriplion of Theoderic a.
'Triumphal Gentleman' at the Curia. 9 '
One more time the Roman senate uotted OUt the lerms of the
victory idMlogy 10 make a poli tical point in Ihe troubled rclaliom
between Constantinople and Ilaly. The envoys AnaSla,im dis-

•• F<x ·domi,.,.. .... ,;u""' lbub' .."'m r or< <.11. V<II<!;u~ Am .. '. p,.. f.. unl . II.' ,.
cr. do< .ery .omi ... , "P« . "H" .....t of do< ..... '" ;" q.;,,"r.. tIw..JnK;_ .-I",. 9.
«I. T. Momm..... MCII.AA, U (, 19<).19> ." ·00",;,0.; ... 1><" pr" "p",'or,
1;1'..... ' .. _"Ui. .•
.. 1"1>< l"'fOO"\ ••• (.oo ....;o, •• ) hod t>n;., "",,,;o<d by D<riu,. prob>bl< b,od><., 1>« ... _
jO"]- " ;, w .. "."fen«l '0 'hi> m.n·, I><in. D<riIl,· n<phew> Alb;"", . n.! Av;"'u"
e.,>iodoru •. v., .. '. :to. J. F'Klh. '9. '9-» (d . PLRE. >, ",. ·1I..ilOu, "1·
.. c .. . . 1.0"". v.... >, ll. '. Fridh." .U - f ' ·In, ... ", quip"," Ontnium 0.. "q'" 0<\1100
in"' ..... OO>U<UOI: '''1*< Ittmi",io "0"''' ""1""" iO><l;";":
" I...... >. P. ~ . I'!Klh. "'.'1 - )" <1". jJ. >. fridh, t , .• nd ,I>< bound...y m"~<T
dn.:ov.,..d;" <II< ~in<1«n,h _,u'y: 1L5. S!lj6 .
• , AO>O<b<f ' ''''''"'pl< <>l "IlIcod<ric., . ""mp<~ of imp<Ti.ll ","bu,.. which m.y d .. <
rrom !hi, "'" ,iod ."d whidl P'.. II<I,!h< d«;..... of!h< V,,,d.! km, .. ,I>< ". m;"11 of •
"'.n""'''' "",,,•..
.01< ito •...... n.....!<.;ropolio • • ,,....,. by Iloe "'''''''ym''''' R •• en_
n,"'. CO"""..>,.;> .... hich I«m, '0 P'<K'fV< ",me dm ,I>< OouojlD<loK: ",".iod:
«I. J. S<1ind •• Ih·_m. ' _ . ' (Lrip<ig. '!><O). 6'.6. ef. f . Stub, ·O",oso<hic
....." ph.:n .. ,I>< ""''' of TlI<odoric ,I>< G".t: ... "udy of ,I>< ",,,,ec, or ,I><
"'''''''rm"", CoT""'S"pl><. orR ••",,,,.. v;.... , ('1176) ••,-60.
Omo<~othif triumphal idevlogy

I'~tched to Rome in 516 seem to h~vc been charged with enlisting

Ihe scnale', aid in tl'c'tablishing peacc in the church and improving
rcl~tions between It~ly ."d Ihe empire.·· The emperor's request
of snwlllS SilIIS posed a ddkalc diplomatic dilemm a. In theory, his
posilion as t"mperor put him inla direct rd~tion with the scn~lc of
old Rome . In rcolity, it w~s the Ostrogothic king who w,u m~ster
of th<' cily. lly a ",btlc combjn~tion of victory epithets , the 'Our
Lord' title and the subordinate rank of son to f~thcr, the senate's
,eply paid lip ,crvice to imperi.1 asct"ndancy while reminding
Anastasiu, - still eng,ged in a difficult war with Vitalian, the
champion of orthodoxy - of Roman realitie •.
Si prim. !<'mper "'to Impnoror i"uiar., reg~"tibllS sllpplieum .p~et;>u
dcuotio. ,j ,o]n groti. dominorum concili.tu, ob"'quio, illdubimlt~r
'gno""c', ,acro~ iu«;oni, ()TO~Ul> qu.nt. "'nOtm u"'tri flletim gt>tu),_
tion" 'lISeept., tll>xitll~ cum .d hoc "t . nitllU! domini nomi inuiai<J imi
regi' Theodcri<:j filii ursrri mandatorttm u~morum obocdionti.m
pr~ecipienti, .ccr derc, .. . . ' 00

The king i, qua lified with ('pither, wh ich were not inappropri.te
to the imperial digni,y, for he is 'Our Lord' and 'Mo,t Un "an-
quishcd'. One c~nnOt but observe th.t Theoderic is itwiaiSJimuJ in
the "'p...,lative, wherea, the supreme triumphator rate, only the
pOlitiV<' degTee. The sok indication of the O,trogoth 's su bordin.-
tion to the emperor COIllC, in thejiliuJ vrJ/tr epithet. lbe senate',
carefully cra ("'d Inter uscs the ,erminology of victory to iminu;> te
Theoderi c', de facto local superiority Over the empeTOr, even as
the adoptive somhip and the royal title denOle de iure inferio rity _
As the dOCl.lmcnt itself recognizes. Theoderi, had acquic,n'd to
the <'mperOT's request of the scn~t<'. Thi, is tantamount to s;>ying
the ",t,.tors' reply h.d Ravenna' s of approv.I.'Ol
It is de .. that tll~m bers of the senatori.l .,i,tocney liberal
usc of the concep" .nd tokens of irtlp<'rial victory in their public
dealings with the' barb.rian rule .. of their country _ ]n SO doing ,
they echoed the ruler's se lf_jm'ification .s it was advanced by hi.
spokc",,,'n. Hltl arc there .n yother traces of efforts by Theodcric
to tran sm it this vi,ion of a victorious kingship to the population?

.. 51<;n . llJ,.[,.p ;". >. 'i~lf_ ,0,0",,, ;",'1<11<' I, ill Coil. 1I,·tll.. , ,). Gumhcr, '.J06-7.
' 00 C.II. A".u.. " , . Gum"" •. ' .J""_' _"_
,. , Cf. S«;n. ~".t~r'''. >. '<;0.

Ephtmrral rmpiTtI

'U interpreted by the moS;tic of San "pollinare Nuovo. the
of the palace at Ravenna was decorat ..d with , Utu.:, or
mosaics. II is not roincidental that they represent the personi-
fication of Victory .'02 ror Theoderic - or at least his mint
master - speaks directly to u\ on a gold medallion bearing his
ponrait and traditionall y ;usociated with the rri,rnna/ia cdebra-
tiom at Rome.'OJ The obvene legend reads REX THEO-
DERICVS PIVS PR. INC IS. The last group of lette .. has
generated some controversy but it is most commonl y resolved
either as PrJn"rps) i(nviaus) s(rmpu ) or Prin,(.ps) i(nvi,ru/
nvi'fiSSI·mu)s. the S;tme victory epithet which other contem_
poraries used for Theoderic. 104 The unconquered king is
portrayed in military dress. holding a Victory skipping on a globe.
There is no mistaking the rever!(: me ... age. A skipping Victory is
wreathed with a royal title wh ich corresponds to the senatorial
evidence: 'King Th codcric. Conqu .. ror of the Foreign....•. 'O •
Furthermore. similar th .. mes are reflected in Theodcric', official
correspondence. which contains mOfe than one trace of concepts
like princely victory ond mon fortunate armi .. s. ' 06 While the
prince', letters and heavy gold medallions targeted a more elite
audience. broader segments of the population were not forgotten .
In in the imperial provinces. the mcuage of the new order's
victory was propagated to the masses on the kingdom's silver and
bronle eoinage. As in Vandal Africa. the local eoinage testifies to
the marriage of growing regional loyalties and vinory ideology:

'" 1'1 . TIIot<km.nn. ·w.... i..... wi. VOft drn 1'.1i".... u R..venn. !" ..... " ....,-"'tK•.
)7 (1 \1611). [-' • • "" ... ')-[1. ,nd D<icllm.nn. II. " . ... .. [. ",.
to , Y. l'I;."b... u..... IN""to'i""'" G ..... w &,....j>nW i. /,.1;". l'Iibliool«. dcgb s,,.d;
m.,.!;'v.b. 7 (S""kto. n.4.l. pp. '9'-). E. Ikfn'r¥. '11 m«l.<sJioni d·o",.;t;
T.odoo;c~·. 11;';114 ;..I,_Ji ....i _•• "i.. ~. 4"'" " •. I. '7 (''Ao) . ~_'06 .
",uin, f<>r .1.1",. du,." .. ~;ch 0« F. W. D<i<hm.nl1. HZ ••• (''1) [).>\O, . .. ho
don how'YU. '«<pI th, 'invi<1"iuimu,' reooluno... C(. '00 M_". [. I ] .
•u 1'I<rn"'81i. ·M«I.1 Jlioni·. pp. 91""9' d. <.,. 8;."b,,»< •. s< ....J-M. p. >\0] .
, .. Th< "my Of on <xpedi'ion an" ,_tinel, ct< .."""iud .. ·f<l;c;"imu,·. 01" ' ' ' '
!ik<. <., . CoWodoru<. V ..... j. " . '. Fridh . '110 ·'-]. I. l'. '. Fhdh .• " . r: j. )6. [ •
• [0.1' [[. [6 .•• 'OP [. lbi, i, [n );«pin, "';,h _""''''''''' Coo.un,ioopoliun
uuai. ,.,. Jo»tini.l1. N .... II...... ,~ , ..,,; ... ,..... li,,..,_.... 7. [ I . 5<1>0<11-
KrOll. ,.110'.",: ~ .. 9. 110].'9 .nd ]4' «hoe< 0(,1000 vino'y i<k<>i<>Iy' Co .. iodo<u,.
V•.• 4. ' •• '. FJidlo. '~, . j -7; '. 9. 6 . JoI.4' «"",,"",nina ,he "" "Th<oo\o:,.;c.
';"uiet",'): II. I. '0- '1 . . . . .. . - [00.
the .Iog.n ROMA INV ICT A w.s ukubted to .ppc.1 to
pcninsulu sentiment.'o7 Puyers for the king's SuCceSS were e~­
pcct.. d of ll.1i.n prdates. 'o, Enly ,vid ... n,e of c... nt r.11y org.nized
n.tionwidc f •• t•• nd prayer :>e rvice. in time of emergency .lw
OC(urs under the Ostrogoths. 'o, King Thcod.h.d m.y n,'n
ordered supplication :>en' icc, at Rom ... during the By .. ntinc
inv.sion. bur we do not know whether hi, command was cnried
out." O
The ptomim'nre of the king', unyielding victory in the poli ti",l
ideology and pr>nice of Omogothie rr .Jy h .. kft unmisrakabk
tT:IC"'S. despite th ... scucity of direct evidence on the public
ceremonies with which Theorleric ... ~p [csscd his ruJcrship. Bur
there is ~lw one US<c of.n demcm of the' old victory conce ptions
that hine. .t new development. As we ob:>erved. the later
Rom.n idca of impcri.l vinory tended to emph •• ize the
"mpcror's monopoly ofth,' qu.lity which miliu ry mc, .....
Anothl""T vicw crops up in j ord'n,.,· work 'On the Origin and
O""d., o(th ... Goths'. wfittcn in A.D. SSI in.n arCa controlled by
Constantinople. I I 1 Jord.nI:-s· rd.tive unor iginality with re'pc ... t to
h,s source m.tcrial and the .bund. ncc of victory motifs found in
hi, work m.y indi,,,te th.t the I.ttcr go bac k to his m.;n source,
C",siodoru,' lo,t History ofth,' GOIhs, which was com(lQscd:ll
Thcoderic', request. 112 T he Goth.' 'p rehistory' is cb .. ctcrized by
• ",ccemon of victories which werc " kind of prdiguT.uion of
their I.tcr history . T he . Intost tY(lQ logica l rehtion bet",,"'n th ...
tri!>c's ancient and "'Cent history is e~"mplified by • rem",,,
cO"cerning an >T,h.ic victory over the Vand~h: ' .. . • nd, .1 th.t
tim,· .lr<·.d Y, they subjug.tcd thei r !«. the Ultnerugi' sI ncighbors,
thc V.nd~Is, . nd . ddcd the", I<.> th"it victories'." 1 The Got hs.,.n
ethnic unit were invcsted with thc quali t y of viC1ory. T his exp lains

'0' H.h". M . ...... '. ' JIf' ,"J '~If'.

,•• c.""",,",,",. v.... J.'. '. F,o.Ih . )07. ,. - ,3.
, .. I;,~.. " ,) . ) . F,odh , (1'0 .,,""'. "'.oop,'. A.lJ. Jll).
n ' l.oJ. 10, " . ,, Fnoh, '''''. I~- '' (,To ,"" Rom." rror~t'. A.n . JJ5 : <f ' 0. " .',
,""., - , '0.7 To ,Iv 1\.0"""So:"",'. A.D. I n )
'" W"","""h _!.<vnon, r""."",,,,,,II,., rr. 7~-1
, .. 1,01.. rr. 70-' . 0><1 n
," Cto .. '0. M ~mm ... '. 100.' ,-" . .. ""'u"'~ ... V"',,,,, V,,,d,'" '''" 'u'" IUb,u_,,,,,'
'u" ' rrlo".v,.. vic""",. 0.1>0:, """p .... of'pl<h,,,OoK' ("""hI< ,'''!Un,,, Cit .. • 1.
Mon'","",~' ,- . , 07 . "".'.' - '~: .9, ..., . ~-, ': c{ '00, IJ .l<>-l
liphfm t ,,,, (mpi.fS

why Ennodius could pOiOl !O the prc",nc, of vic tors in the Oint.
king" following, ~n ob,erv;u ion which would not have been very
po li tic if it h. d been pronounced ~t coun in cOOlcmpo .. ry
ComtJntinoplc, 11'


N o sooner had By zantine Ita ly begun to reCO'Tr from thc

ha rd,hips by imperi~1 reconque.t and the Gmhs' dogged
rc,i'(;lnce th~n ~ new men.ce appea red on the .cene, when the
Lombards .bandoned th" i, reCen t ",tdement in Pannonia ~nd
inv~ded northern Italy.'" They $Oon showed themselves a more
lasting force than either the Goth, or the impniahm , "tabE,hing.
kingdom and duchin which were de'tined to dom in. te the
penimoh 's nonhern and central territories for Over two hundred
years. Yet the n.rrative morCe, fur thc kingdom', history arc
exceedingly 'hin; they arc nOt backed up by significant .mountsof
archival material untilth,' eighth centu ry . I'articubrly ..,vere is the
lac k of reliable n""a(Jvc for thc frn.l decades of the monarchy's
development , 011 the eve uf the Caroh"gi," conquest.' '6 Nor .re
there any liturgica l m anuscript, which repre..,nt the kingdom',
royal riles prior to the Frankish tJ kc-Qvcr.' , 7

". F-"nodiu, . P., .. 6<). Vogd. >1 LJ t -l: 'd,u vic;',; III un,,,,,;, cong",,;bu, ('u;,),
nunc ",c,p" ,,, In ob"'qu", h.l><" """", . Cf. iii... I] . >1).,8-'0, 00 ,he ","",w,1
"f"'" ' ,i<l<id. '~n " n . ' ~fGo,b , . On ,I>< ,ok: of ,I>< fOy. ) fo)lowing in (h'mi",h"
~u'w"""''' .n~ "",k,y. En,,!;n. n....o,,-k/o. pp. ' 7)-j ; Wutf""" Go .... pp.
J6,"";, T .S. ilurn, . n" O~"'X"'"" K'"I" ip"',j .... k'y. Hi"o,". Ein.d",b,;(<<n. J~
(W""b><kn. I \IlI<JI , pp. I <nlf. bu' cf "" th< lim; ,....... ,ofGoth,< "hnic.w.",,,,,,, in

h.)y, G. y",« . (}O, O,,~'''. " i n".,J",i!/,. ~u""h""~"" IU' K;rchrn· "od
G"'''''S<<<hicht<, ' j IS'"tt~"" !O)~). p. '7 •• nd Hum •. 0,,,"1"'"', pp. 1»-6.
" On ,I>< ",;~",ion !« J. W<rn", Oi, I ....~u" i. P...... i.. . Ik;"'~ , z., /("" . ;,
.I.. I""~"di"",,, lJ..>ktoj,"", "" )08. ' . ~.y«;",1>< ... . '<I<m;< dc. W ',,,,n,,,h. r"n.

, .
I'h;)",.·hi" . KI.. "'bh.ndlu"K,n. n .F. H (Mun;ch. 1<)6». pp. !llf.
er. <.K. R. s<hn'id.,. K,",~ ,,,,.ltl • ..i K.. it ........., l.. FI.It",;"",t,,,. U.",,",It·
""R'" Z.' H"."I..[r,."l.j./x< "'i'" u"Rob..-u, ... .\J"''''''l'm. MonoK<>ph;"
'U' c;.,,,,h;<o.< <I<> M"" I. I"", J (St"ttgm. un» . p . •.
, " K. G.mbo,. 'f;n ob"""I,<n l>ch« S. kromm",rrosm<tI1 <1<, M_Typu,'. S",i,
".~i.;. 'J (1<)6» . J67~76. vu,aJ ,n. hyp"d",;, ,h .. 'h, "" ''0'0 p"y", of ,hc
'~"n" tho p.g.n,· ,n V.n", n, B. '1><>" . V... I". ) ) 1, ~yle."., (•. ,. ,,,,,,,ding
G.onbo •. eLI.A. 80<;) wm o.ism , 1 <on'I><>';,;"'n, wbich w<n' b"k '0 ,he
',,<I<p<n.i<n, lomb .. d 'in~,lom. Bo' ,hoy ..< mo.' likdy ,doted '0 <,,"1<ml>""'1
~f",k,'" "'"'" >e< bolow, Co .•. n. 'J').

The circumstances of the Lombard settlement differed greatly
(rom those of the Vandall, llurgundians ~nd Omogoths. On one
hand, the Lombards established themselves in an are. where the
social, eCOnOm ic and adm inistrati ve structures of Roman civiliz-
ation had suffered sevcre dislocation dl.lring the Gothic wars.' ,.
On the other. the lombard., unlike their predecessors, were
relative newcomers 10 the seductions of Medilc rr>ocan civiliz-
atioo. They lacked the loog tradition of imperial service or conflict
which had [am iliarized other grol.lps with Romao institutions and
attitudes. To be sure, the Lombard, archaeological tr.ce, reveal
cootacts with Ihe subroman civilization ~slociatcd with the
Merovingian. and. even in the Panno"i. n period, the dite were
hard ly immune ro the .ttraction ofRomao luxury good •. ' ' 9 8U!
by and large. the s.;!vage and alien character o( the lombard,
impres,ed evell experienced bOTh,ri,n w.tchers. 12o For both
rc.sons . 'lSSimilation of Rom~n vOllues and customs a. well as
cooption by local subrom.o society appe:lr to have progressed
more slo wly . The newcomers werc in no hurry tojcttisoo all sense
of their ancicnt customs and identity. Victory banquets in the
form of ,aga... tylc drin king bouts. th e cu,rom of requiring one'.
,on to obtain arms ftom thc king of another tribe, the expectation
th.t the queen pour the wine for her hu.b . nd', b.nd of trusty
warriors . a)] arc attested for Ihe siAlh cen tury and their memory
wa, vivid in the m ind of Paul De~con two hundred years lalcr.'2'
Nonethcie<,. onc~ Ih~y "'ttled io the he>rdand of the old Roman
empire. it WOlS impossihle for the Lombards to c!-Cape th e spell cau
by a decaying but superior material civilizJtion. If social (u,;on

' " On ,I>< <1<.",,,;,,., o(l"ly. Ste'n. &,.E""i". >. 6, 61f. cr. P. l1<,..dlyo. Rc.M i. ,h,
" ,I. '%" (london. '97')' pr. 78ff.
' " Worner. Lo •.t<>IJ.,..... I. 11'/1' . nd ,""..,. on M,dit''''''''n tu.u,y '''m, fmm'
p,;"",y ~I . . e of lhe Pm"""i' n 1><,i<J<l.
" . Limited Rom," ,nALl<n« On 'he Lomblfd, prior to ,61, '><h"'id,. O"l"''''.'".
pr· 6"- ,,, on Ihm .... g"y. ;;i4.. p. ,9'.
," P,ut 0.,0«",. Wit. u..1 .• ' . '1. Ikthm.nn - W.i ... 6, .1- '0 (on ,ueh bnoque" in
wty G<,,,, ... k _""Y. d . T.n"". v. C,,.. .. i•• »): IIi". Un%.• t. 'J. 6""-IJ
md I. ' 0. 6'.<,1- '" d. E. Eichn .. nn . '1)1< Adoption d.. deu,,",hen KOnig. d<n
P'p"·. 7",i,s</r'!fi 4<, S"'S"y,S'ift""Afii' R«h"K'"hH". c..,..,.i,o·" it< ..1'I<iI""%.
n.f. J1 (19 (6). ' . ' - J ". 1><" 29J - 6. md Ie H,,,,, •. ·Fo.m<> do p' '''''''' 'ttif",,,,lIe
J'n! '" h.ut "lOY'" 'go· . F."i ll, ,, p"""/ d"". 1"0«"'., ......... 1. Colk"ion de
t"e,ok (,,",.i« de I\ome. jO (Rome. ".117). pp. <)-7. he .. ,,; Hi". 1.""8 .. ) . )0.
1('9.10-16. d . &OW"!!. 0><)11". ed. C l . W,,,,,". Jnl «In (J..oo<l<m. 1913). " ..
Eph,mrral , mpi,tJ

had to await the eighth century, the ,<,venlh S<oW the new '<'!l ien
increalingly mimilate the langUOIge and religion uf the local
population. ,,, Thdr incomplete control over the penimula "'rely
Contributed to the impact of Byzantine provincial cuhure on the
newcomers. Once imtalled in Italy, the Lombard, entered into
more Or Ic,~ permanent conflict of vHying inten,ity with the
armed forces of Rav enna. In the middle of thc ,""vcnth century.
the Lombards had even to coofronl an imperial umy led by the
Roman emperor in person. Military compctitioo could only have
produced. gre.tcr fa mi1i:..ity with th e operational strle and
practices of th e Byzantine army . '2' Moreover, in times of WH and
peace alike, early medieval fronticn were not cx:lct1y imperme-
able. When duke Arichi~ of Benevento (594-640/1) SCnl hi~ .on 10
the court of king Roth ..i (636 - p), he is supposed to have
tnlvelccl via Ravenna. 12~ King Aistulf had to promulgate 'J>Ccific
legislation against aoy offici.l (iud, x) or freem an (a,imann) who
might have dealings with the Roman, during the final war against
Ravenna. Th e implicalion is that such contacts were . n ongoing
affair at both I,vd. of Lombard society, war or no w.r.'H
Arch.eology confirm, the documenu here: Lombards .ppear to

". civil';
Sn"'n, ' L, oom"",;ri<>n< "nO:>. <l<Jb in "PPO"O . 110 .volgn".."u <1<11..
in I",h. nel "",,'" VII". C .... ",,; *' ,,,.'" VII;. 0",;*.". >. "'<I;m. I>< , J
(51""<10 , '9J I I. 6'~1; ,r. R . Bu,h"«. i~"I .. '. )[6-'7 , nO <'po J.,.
",.",~.,";"", "M "'z;'I" ,,~k."k'" S"j;", ,.'" LMot«>-'*.";'. ,. 1..1;,.
1)61-"4). Boo"", h;"o",,"" Fon<hung." )1 11""m. [97'" p .•• 6, .no J. W""",.
'Suno "nO Auf,.""" <1<, friih",;[[<I..I"t!;<Orn A"hio"'S;" In <1<, L,nsob>,d<n·
f"I<. An; * 16· '""I'''''' .-"'''''..i .... k J, ".Ji ",1/'.1.. ... Ji..... ' (Spok,,,. '0",,).
n -. 6_ Lomb..-d A,;"'n;'''' h" ,,><I;,Ion. lly ""'" cl«d ... f""" ><p m[;nH [he 'wu
jWllp> l>ut ,h;, h" ,,"'ntly b«n <.lI<d 0[[0 q"'J<ion: S.c. FlD mng. 'Lomb>!d
>. ,-
II,,,, ",,,,,,,>id<[«I' • S ,,"'I.... )6 (. 91 .), j I. A""""", f.<,Of w .. hk< IY'''''
.. ",;fi<;,,;on, oflh«mpi"" ·<!<m.lvi<,o'1'·. (0' """Y Rom.n cit; ••,., co",.h,d
the ""mlmd ,.",',,,.... n'ju" ...",he, ;n • Ion, .,,,in of,,,,ubbom< bu, """,'_',,m
dim,p'ion. in ;mp",i.l.dmi";".";oo; C . ~l. t,,,*, '"' I'", .. ;";,,,.. ;.. • rZoo,;",
"'., r£z."I... II:.",.", fJ08 - IJ'). (\ibl ;."n<qu< de> £<ok> f""p;",, d'A,h<=> <t
<I< ROM<. II (P,M,. 1111). pp. ,<>- •• .
S«: ;n l<n«.1 Di<hl. &""",,, pp. '9711', d. G.P. EIo!!",,";, ' V;nAu"" d<lk
'" i,,;tu'ioo; mili,,,; ,om.n ••ulk i""U'K>ni ioniob,,<1< <1<1 ""_ V, It ""u" <1<11.
j .... \ .'101; Itl '""I '"''i."... z .... I. d. 4";,,. " ...... , . ; " ..;0 J; .;,;" •• • (M.I.n.
'9))) .• 61- "'"
",y< ""'n .igh, in ,he h"do P,,,Il><.,,.,. Hi".
'l~·>l -j·
IA.,. ,.".
W",,",,< the rum"," ,hit the ",f[y Rom. n. ",d him druSS,d. fo. "" I«m, no' '0

". A;"ulf, u,." •. ed. F. IIluhm •• MCH.u t"" ('161) .'9'1_, 1_ "" .) .
,so ~ctcd .s middlemell, e"port;l1g Egypti,l1 hronzcw,rc , l1d
R,vcllll.ue gold cO;l1,ge 110Tlh of the All"" 2.
Some degree of soc ial d;ffcrcntiat;on ma,ked Lombud ,tti-
mdes mward late Roman civilization. The monarchy ill puticuln
"'em, to h" vc led the w'y ill "ggre..,;veiy appropriatillg clemellt'
of the hmt culture. A, early as the ftrst gencratiom in Italy, roy,1
m""iag" with the Mcrovingiam and Thuringiam comtitulcd •
first step ill this direction.' 21 When the "refect Longinu." ple.s or
love fin.lIy preva iled over the Lombard queell Ro,.nlUlld., ,he
could fim\ no mOre propitious momem for murderillg her
unfortunate lover. the royal ",bicuiM;I/5 Helmechis, than while he
rel.n·d in a Roman bath. Even wnc we to dismiss the story .5
legelld, it ullquestionably ,""emed n. m.,!. seoreely two gener-
.tions bter, to im.ginc the murdn-suicidc in an institution
em b1em.tic of Roman civilization.'" I t was 110 a"idem that the
011e place in Ihe upper rchelo", ofLombnd sockty which _ppe'lrS
to h,v e admitted ... mcallillgfu l proportion of Roma", w.s the
royal (l1toU.,ge. l29 By the eighth century. the royal chancellery
waS .doptillg more and more element.' which sm.cked of the
imperial administration. Close links with Constantinople ill the
fmal of the killgdorn's e"istence .re mggested by the young
ruler Adelehis ' decisioll to uke refuge there, ~rter Charlemagne
conquered Pavia. u o
The attitude of Lombard rulen towards the trappings of
monarchy offers fre.h insight imo the elite', "ppropriation of some

," W'm".l __~,"" . " '1- ",

,,' So. IlK ",,,,i'ges ci .. J in '><",,<.1<,. K;;"jt,.·•• I. PI'. '7 . '9, .nd ' .L
'" o"s< i" '"l.4oAoN,%"" . j. , d. G. W. ;,.. MG/t.-'RL. (, i71) . $.0 - '0, ,nmp<»<d
"nd" k;nK Ro,h,,; (6)6 J') ' d . W",,,,",,"_l.,v ;,,,,,. c;."';" '14"'lk", p. '''] .
'><kmid,. O"l"''"''"'''' p. SU,. oon."1<,, ,I>< d",,1 ,n "Iq;""d"y. n", ""'Y ""pl",
.d.p"'ion, "wdt" .oop<ion, of Rom." ,",<om,. fot ,I><t< ... ""td h.v, I>«n Ii"k
poin' '0 Hdm« hi,' . nd Ro .. mu"d., .If.i, ,f Lomb"d , • • i,.r.,i, w,t< of'l>< ... rn,
",,,dition .. ,h.". of ,h< """" 'OO".
". J""U', 1.0""""""",, ••. p. <".
' " C . B,uhl, 'Z<",,,I_ und F;".,.,v<tw. I,ung ;m Funhn_ und im L.ngob.r<k",eich·,
il"ohi<.. , J.IrO«,.k." ",I "to", VIII, " $ott;m."".O ISpok,o, 1\'ll). pp. 6'-9'
.nd '6<)---!J , , ,,d ·Pu'pu,",ku"<kn·. P"'''''ifi H. 11<><,.",," (Si~ m"in8<n, '1'"/1). PI"
J-" . "I'. 9- '0. '''' ,I>< <"."«tlt,y. On "'<kk";, 'n" ,n< Uy"nlin< ""ol"m.m. P.
Ct,,,,,", ' K"t <1<, G,o"". d" F' pmum u,>d By»"' . J)>< li<K,undu"K ""
h,ot;"gi«h"" K.i,,"m"'. 1(,,1 ." Gr.,,,. I.."",,,,,,,. ""J N..-~""""" , (00 ..
",Idoo( '96)), 1)7- "'>8, he" 555 - 6.

{acclI oflatc Roman civiliz.tion. The early decision to reside in.
capi!>.l city m.y h>.YC stimubted the development of roy.l
ceremoni,,1. Although their choice .1 first wavered among
Verona, Mil.n and Pavia. the kings fin.lly settled on the last
city.1Jl Of potential areas of enquiry, only Lombard accessions
have "'Tn thoroughly studied to date. Tht, !.Careity of evidence
bus forever a fun undemanding of these rites, but Schneider h.,
detened bits of differing ccremonies. 1 J1 Their variety probab ly
me.ns th.t accession ceremonies e ... olved in the course of the
kingdom's history. To judge by its ...·tting, the carlic.t koown
royal accession ceremony may well hav e d ... wn heavily on
imperia l ritual. In July 604, king Agilulls son Ad.l .... ld was raised
(lfvam, "t) to the royal dignity in the circus at Milan, in tlie
presence of the king and the legates of Theudcbcrt II. king of
Austr.,ia, wliose d.ughter w., affianced to'" A
century later. coronations had moved to • more sacr. l wne; at
le.,t one included invcniture with a lance which perhaps bore a
banner. and the >.e,c.,in n of Lu itpnnd may have included an
enthronement ceremony.I" Some kin d of ceremoni.l display
and customary deportment distinguished royal audiences granted
to foreign am bassadors. I " Tlie ~dv'Mfu, rite appears to bttn
practiced by Lombard kings. but it is difficult to specify R om an
ritua1" s impact on thi s ce remony from Paul Deacon's jejeune
descriptions ."· Historical topography and Lombard building
act ivity reinforce tlie narrative sourcc, hint, th.t ceremonial
cnh~nced key moment. in the life o f the monarchy. From the

'" E. Ewig. ·I'. hid",,« <I <>pi,,1< p<nohnt I< luu, mDyen ",iI.·. Sp"""'''' .nd
./r,.ti"",' c.lli,". I. Ikih<fl< 01« h_i• . ) (MunW;~. 191.). pp. )6' - 0103. I><:r<
n J!\"' 1'. V.«.n. ·p,v;. "dl".l,o m<d"",.o·. U. du' ",/r./" _lot.,. Sn,im."". 6
(SI"'k:lo. I ~JOI. PI'· ')' - 9' . • no! "'I'. D."'. !l"II",,~h. ·U,b.n ch,ns,;n <"Iy
m«1i<v.1 ' II><: «'''pk: orp, v;,·. 1'01'''' _j ' "' 8.,Ii" 5< . ..1., p. __ • J' (,>;>66).
" - 'JO. 1><.. 1>'>--' ,nd .,- ).
'" Cf. Sch"e!d<,. KooW .... III. p. >60; H. F,ohl;';h. ·Smrli<" IU' I>ngob"rli«htn
"Ib,,,,,foj~ <.on <1<" Anf;ng<n b; •• u, E,ob.runK ok, ;"1"",,,,,,,,," R.;eht> dur<h
K.d ok" [j,o."," (n, r lUi ... T"bi,,~'n. 1911<» . w .. nOl .... J . bl< to me.
'" P. ul !.><"·011. H i". u.., .. •. JO. Ikth"...",, -W>ill. "1.or"; <f. Seh",,''"''.
K""il,w•• i. pp. ))-1.
, ... Hi". 1....,.. 6. H. 11'· '9->]; d. Sehn,id«. K"" ~J ..."I. PI'· H!\".
'" p,"t I:>',ron. I/i". , ....t .. " . H. Iklhm,nn _ W,it,. 16.>1-9: d. ¥ J .• ). )0 . 10\1.(,-'
oo,,<<rn;ng ,"01..."", .. tl><: 1I••"i,o coon.
" . P.ul 1.1<""". Hi". Unl ·. J. )o. lI"hm,nn - W,i". 110.)-<> . nd j. J9. 1'9.0\-, ..
Lombard king,hip a"d viaory

monarch y', carly day', there may have bn'n an implicit ConneC-
tion b<:lwel'n the H ebdomon palace complex in the Eu ropean
suburb, of CotlStant inople with it, chapel of St John the Baptist
and the Lomb :l rd surnm~r p.loce complex at Monu and ch apel o f
the Same dedication, Some twelve m ile, from the royal capit. l at
Mibn , 137 Particubrly ,ignifiC:lnt i, kin g Perct. rit' , (67' - SR)
construction of a magnificent gafe close by the pabce at Pavi • .
As we will 'ee for the Vi'igoth', it i, difficult to imagine
th at SIlch an expensive underta king w., unrelated to th e king ',
ceremoni.1 movement, and the ir . rch itcctural backdrop, I." T he
indepmdently minded duchy of Benevento octraY' " ,imilar
concern not long thereafter , That town', palace, church of SanCIa
Soph ia and Golden G ate offer a combination redolent of the
duke's Byzantine fervor and sugge't that emulation of impnial
monHchy wa. not confined 10 Lombard king •. 1J9 Taken to_
gaher, topography and the historic~J record evin ce consistent
trace, of royal concern with ceremon;;;d ,."d provide the
work within which we can vinv the rarC v~-stigcs of victory
practice, among the Lombard,.
The carlie'l demon'luble concern of:l Lombard king for the
Roman trappings of victory coTtle, from a nineteenth-century
find of unknown arch ."ologic.1 context in the Val di Nievolc
(Pmv . Lucc~). l ." A gilded bronze helmet plate or visor inscribed
with the name of king Agilulf (.\91-615) preserycs the earliest
known portra it of" Gnmanic ruler scat"d on a throne (fig. 12);

," P,ui D.. <on. Iii", u",g .••. " , Ik,h",.nn -< 1.<J . '7- 1.<0, Fo, ,h< C",,,,,"_
,,"oroli"n ;n>" lt" iom.].n;n, Crl, Iyz .. rr . ') 9 '0... 6-9 . • nJ f,~I;J<'. pp, .,6-9·
s.< "P, K.H. Kruger, K;;"i,f5~,"r.""I0,"" , F".k,. ,
A.f'I_h"," "nJ u.~J".
,i, " , MW, J", 8, J.k,hu.d,,,,. MLim.w<hc M;ltd.l«r_Schr;ftrn , , (Mum'<r,
'97' !. pp. ],6fL
". p."I D"""". IIi", I_~ .. J, JO, [k!hm"m- III "rr, 'J6,Jo-" cf. O"lIoogh. 'Urb,"·, p, "" , n, 'J, . nd KrLiS<r. K"'''l'g'"~'",h< •. p, J71.
" . "1'1>< G>I' ;, m"""",",d <>, 7\>~ in • Il<"<"n ,,n >Cl . <d, C. Troy•• CoJi"
'ip""""'" La.o~,J., d.1 DLXVIlI.I DCCLXXIV "'" .,," ""';,." "H,v"i,,"i,
Ji",,,.,i...i, , (N ' ph ,il, d, A, Clot""'" V."".'""g".w,
'~J,! , '1'9-1>. 1><"
ditu.goh,,'"''"''' K;;"it'· ""d H<"ot" '"U"d." IG,." 1111!, pp, ,00---1. 0., ,h,
""lid,,1 """ex. in ~e"""t . H . Iklung. 'S,ud",,, >um o<'"" ·<,,,.ni«hcn Hof im I.
J,I"hu""",,',OOP, ", {'9'l'!, 1,1-9] ·
,., S« 0, ."" H=n. s"-",,,," "",,,i,",,
.11. . .,"",lop'. t.o.{<'b.,d, i.
IFlol<"'<, 1\17)), pr. 901£. Cf, H . Roth «d,), K".JI J", V"I." .. ""J"",.~",i' ,
P"'pylicn KLltl"~<"'I "d"" Suppk",.",b.nd • IF""Hu ,,. '979). n". 101.
pp . ' 73-9 (0 , ."" He,,,,,,). ~rnpi.ts

Agilulf is m~bng the gc.turc of adlocurio , familiu from imperial

iconography,1 4 1 His feet relt on a support and, in , mo"
unimperial det:!il, he clasp' hil sword in his lap, He does not we,r a
cro wn , Agilulfs long hair, momt:lchc :!nd long, pointed beard
procbim his non-Romannc". The accompanying inscription
identifies him :

"VI· ..
to the left, R~G! to the right. U2 l:Iehind him stand two
bodyguards, holding iances and shields and wearing helmets quite
simibr to the rccon"ructcd seventh-centu ry helmet of Sassan;an
derivation found at Niederstijt~ingenlH The Cl'ntul figures arc
flanked by two winged Victories, holding horns - cornucopia for

'i., '. "••

,. , 'kh .. mm. H",,,Io.J;',,~,,,, ."~ S,.. ,,,..... nd 'J'.
,., "'" H.",,", S~ ,,,,,,,i"'" p. 9) wi,h pl . • 9b. joosing by, .. p""'''' ,h.
d.m . ~<d "Sm.n, ,If«" ynly ,o. 'igh' i""" ip'i.on. " .. « 'P'" ",,,,,Id . l)ow , ..
",,,,,",i.on UNI AGIILI VILI f l, prob,bly ""i'OooI' L"in m•• "ding. Ag, luif,
b"", o..d ,ugg"" ,h" " ,o. tIm, ,h< pI". "''' <x<cu«d, Lomb",d ,"kn hod"",
Y" .dop"d th< O",IVn" . n ,mbl, ... ofpoy"' . l"tlk"I,,'y ti,,« ,ho ",ill "" .. to
" '"P"k>", in .. «" 'i ng ,h. D.N. 'i,k , th< 'hm,"", to..g h.;" .nd otho. & ,,;10.
,., Roth. V.I."..... "''"~".i', pI. '61; <f p. ''I''> 1M . Sdm"<).
Lombard kingJhip and "i(/ory

some, drinking horn~ for other~ - ~nd im,eribed ,t:mdards. 144

The Victories introduce to the king [WO sets of f'gur", with oU{-
metched h.nd, .nd bent kn ee, .pparcntly proceeding from the
towers or city-symbols wh ich elld each side of thc visor. Thc right-
hand suppliant i, bearded :md has been idcntifted as a Lomh.rd
while the Icft-Im.d supp li.nt appe.r, to be de.n ,h.ven and has
been viewed 0"
Rom.,,- E~ch i, followed by " seemingly cle,m
,haven person, carrying what look like decorated helmet' or
hclmel-crown, surmounted by cro~sc' _
Art hiSlorians do not agrec on what is being shown. According
to We.",l, thc plale show. the triumph of Agilulf over hi. rebel_
lious dukes who are performing the feudal gesture of i"'mixrio
m~nUUm. Following von Hcs'>Cn, it may show Agilulf's accession,
wilh crowns brought to him by hi, ROII",n .nd Lombard
.ubjects,I" Both .gree [h.t the composition is inspired by
simibr Byzantinc Kencs of the homage of subject or v.nquished
peoples to the emperor. a "cne which had been given monu-
mental form as recemi y .s Justinian', IJrazcn House mosaic, I •• As
far as contcmporny impnial ceremoni" HC concerned, the
close.t paraHcl would be the pre,,·nt.tion of the '~'m bolo of victory
to Ihc en throned cmperor. as for inst~ncc when T olila' s headdtes$
w.,laid at Junini an ', feet after the victory of the Byzamines .nd
their Lombard allies ovcr the God., in 55~. The pOlsibilit y that the
king who staged hi, son', accc$,jon in thl',"" circm m.y
have lifted a page from imperial victory celcbr.tions cannot be
excluded. Surcly the fact that, beyond the king', name, the only
other writing 01} the piece i, the word VICTVRIA, inscribed
twice on the Victories" stalld:Hd •. i~ not without lignificance. The
kind or ironog r.phic.l mudd. thc comempo r:lry p.ullcl of
imperial ritual. the ge'ture, of submi'sion of Rom ~ 1} an d
barb,,,i.,, alike. Ihe king ', maje'ty. the in{crtl1ediHY position ."d
gestures of the Victorics and the out right statement of th,'iT

" . K. W"",I , 't"phi",h< Ik",,,ku'"g'" '"' "'Situtf_l'l,"". 1''''',Io"p )01"",""

).~. ~". XXII. I-.'." ..h<, MC,\fLVII (lnp.ig I '~ j ~I ) , rp- 6, - 7. h,,,, 6) .• nol ,.,,"
H",,,,". S«oouJ. , ..."i ... ,.. p, •• _ N,,,, 'h" hom_,h,l'<" ~oble" ""'''' po!"']" wi,h
,he Lomb,u d" N, A"'r~, 0., C,,,."nJ u.,""',iI<><;.
1,.1,," (Upp"b, I~'j) , pp,
1»-) .• nd ,h" d,m~m~ boo" W<TO ' pm",;n,", pm of k~,~d " y L"mo"d
"",o'Y ,deb"".,,,,, I'.ul lie""," , Hi". 1,,0"1, I.'), Ilcd,n"",,-Wml, 6.. 3-10,
,., W .. ",I.· "'8,tutf.PI.",'. pp. 6 , -\; ...,0 H,,,,n. 5<",,,40 ,,,,m i"" •. p. 96,
co. W<>",I , · ... gJlu lf.t't."o·, pr. 6'-J' "'-", Ho,,,,,,. s....,4o 'OIl"'''''', p_ 9.,
ephemerai rmpi"f
st~ndHd •. evt'n th" drinking horn, "'em to ~ dd up to One
conclu,ion: the relief proclaim' th~ king's victory. Whether th"
"ene w~s meant to co mmc'mOrate ~ particular ceremony ~Iong
the lint·, of the' arriv~1 of th" Rom~n .ymbols of victory or
whether it w~s intended ;oS " symbolic depiction of Agilulrs
qllalit y as victor and mler of Rom.n and barbari~n alike i, not
~~'y to determine, Both He possible. In either '"c. the e,,,,,,tial
conclusion remains the ,arne: the metalworh'r .d:lpted ~n
imperia l iconogr.phic ,chem~ to project king AgiluWs victory on
the visor uf wh.t mu,{ have been. very ,plt'TIdid helmet.
But iconography doe, nOt exhaust this witness', testimony: we
have ,till to address the probkm of the original object'. function.
How clse c.n we determine the no,dietl., of this ne~1 piece of d.rk-
age propaganda? The visor', subject points dearly to production
in Agilulrs mi lieu. if not al tht· ropl court inclf.'" Al the <orne
lime, it has been nOled thaI no evidence ,ugge't. this was Agilulf's
helmet. Ind"'d. the reported provcn~nce argue, ag~inst thi,
identific~lion.'" How then docs a lavish helmet, conspicuously
associated with the king but "pparently nOI made for his personal
usc, fot with what we know of migration -Cr. Germ."ic wciety?
The most obviou, .nswer i, Ihatthe V.I di Nicvo1c hdmet w.s
a royal gift. a prime example of Ihat lordly open-handedness for
which early Germanic society fdtthe high CSln'm which is clear to
.ny re~der of Beowulf! " Indced. the Ang lo_Saxon poct cite,
precisely king I:leowulf's gifl! of helmetl iltld m~il shirts as
evidence of hi, good ruler,hip. which hi, followers rewarded by
their di'loyalty. "0 Gifts of aTma wert part and pucci ofLombud
ruler,hip.' s, Von Hessen h., suggested rhat thi, hdmet waS a gift

", von H<>",". s"""", "m'""",,.P,"]: <f. Wm< l. ·AS ,lulf-Plm<'. p, 6"
, .. von H"",". S"',."" ,,,,,,,.i..,•.p. 'n. Agilulf d",d "M'''n. V ,,001>, ,,,di,""', p!"<
hi, i""" Mon" '" P,m . "h;., Mibn "nno' b< <.dud<d. Th" <till bv .. u, f..
rmm V.I di Ni<vok. <;.. !(,ugo<. K""(, ,~ .. ;' ,,,I«". p. JJ'. n.) .
", On ,he hdm" ... p,ob.h l, g,r"
von I I,,"'n. s",."k , •• "i ..... p. 91. P .. ~",.I
",,,i,,,,,, '" ", Iy (j",m,n", ""' ... , ... , "",,<I.J 'u,,""'v< .. rn, 'h<i, Io.d.
wh<n" 'h< I,.,. «xl". "'gul,,;un, un ,he" d;'po>ition uPO" ' .. min""'" or",,,,,,,
(;0>/0-. I'."',.... >. )00- 1. on ..... ",,<>><d rrum P"""" by .... 11 .. ,; 00 (p,;."d
,.;""". <d, K, Z<um" , Mr.n v,«> I'W!"' .... ,,,. ("",,1. rI . ,! "'" ,nd 19.' !-,,, d .
l-,xY";~I""'."'. S, ). ' - '. i;,O/ .• 1<6·'7- ' 0 'nJ ",.,0-".
". &''''''/f. ,161- 0: cr,
,3". W",n", """ .nd '99.
,,, P,ul 1"><""," , !Ii" . !...~ .• '. ' •. /k,hm."n _ W ..". 0, " 6",,,

Lomba,d kingship and vi<lVry

from Agilulfto one of the Lombard dukes, butth" precise identit y

of the likely recipient cannot of coursc be detetmined,"2 Another
possibility i. thaI Agilulf g" ve the helmet to one of hi , personal
ret.iller., a pm'ibility comforted by the consideration that the
vilor may l);Ive belonged to ~ Ni eder.totzingen-type helmet, for
A"ilulf, "uJrds arc ,hown with precisely thi, kiud of headgear, ,.,
T he man, whoever he wa" on whom Agilulf may hav e bello wed
such" splendid gift quite likel y came from his own elite, For we
can be certain the me"'ge of the kitlg', victory was intended for
th,' hdmds uscr, nut for the unh:lppy enemy who would h'lVe
been de"d before he gOt dose enough to discern the me"age on the
Lomb,ltd wMrior's brow.
One other ,h,fl oflight fall, on the Lombard, and victory in the
Roman ,tyle, thank. to P.ulthc Deacon', rathcr detailed .ccount
ufkin" Cunincpcrt"s (678-700) Struggle againslthe ulurp"rion of
Al"his, duke of Trent and Brescia.'H An anecdote reve,,], th ..
Byz.ntine triumphal c",tum, were nOt foreign to seventh-
century Lombard b,mlcfidds. When Cunincpcrt's troop. con-
fronted the rebe l forces, the king proposed h,md-to-hand combu
with the duke, so as to sp"re both ;j rmiel. Cunincpert 's followers
were overcome with fen for their king and their cause and
prev.iled on him to send 5c110, a deacon from Pavi". in his place.
After Alo hi, h.d nude short work of the h.plc" deric, he ordered
what wa S de"rly • customary observ~"ce among the Lomb,rd,:
Seno was to be dec.pi"'t~d ~nd hi, he.d .. iscd on a spear while the
aTltly ch.nted 'Th~n k , be!O God'. Of course al lOOn a, he ,,,w the
he.d, AI.his recognized the trick. '" Both liturgical thanksgiving

'" "00 H<I!Ctl, .';",,,.do (.."i ~ ''', p. 97 .

'" So von H,,,,n . .';"...., , ... "i""'•. pr . • 1-0 . Th" " ,,,,,,,,,Ji,,,J b~ W . Ku",. 'L.
I.",,,,, oi A~ilulfo, u,u'P"''''''' u d',itt,,>'. A,,, ...1;' "'''~''''. i",,,".~ ..... I, Ii "oJi
,u ll',I,. '"nt;"".," I S)",i"". I.,,",) . ..,-)6. h"" ' _>, whu ub."." ,h.. ,I>< ""'.
i, ~;Khdy I"g" '''0 h" , ,m,tI" ""'" p><" ,h,,. compmbl< Oolmm. Thot 00< of
tho ,i .." dm"K«i ,00 ;n"';p';"" I<uh him '0 'ho hypo" "" ,h .. ,I>< 1'1", "'''
,,,,,,,,;.. d fO' . M ' "« '''' ""I ,no" ""KO ... h,lm<t ,Ket . , po.ribl< b", nut
;"""'p.hl< dod"",;otl.
," On to. """1'''""",><'" ' ~<l1<"t LM. H""",,,,,,, . G,,,h~lo,, /"Ii,,,, ;.. .\1,,,,141,,,.
>. r IGoth. , '\K>O) . PI' . ,,,,If,
of. G. h ",l;. / Lo..~,,,; ;. /,,1;, (Jl.oj''Sn' ' 'yIi )) , PI',
I'.u l 0.",,",. Hi". Lo..t .. j ,.o,Ik,nm.",. _ W,;tz. 'JV.<1 - "\" · '~. MI'. ,(>O.n - o,
'Cumquc "1""
tLu. ''''1'"'''; 1"""1';""'. "'. 1<"'0 ". on <onto, ''[:1<0 8",i,,'
.dd, n""" ,, ",bt." , m;"", ,i<rkum '" ""idi,>< <og""V;' .' t, WOJ ,I><,. ,k" AI.h;,
liphtrnt,al (rnpj'!l

on the bmlefleld and the triumph.) d;,p).y of a vanquilhcd

enemy's head are fami liar feature' ofbte Roman military practice
and both :Ire obv;ou.Jy at home among the Lombard •. What
seems new and particularly repugnant to modern .pect.tor< i.
their conflation into one observance.
Ultimately. Cunincpcrr waS victoriou •. To mark hi. success. he
celebrated a triumphal entry into the capiul, presumably through
the magn ificent gate hi, father had buih."6 Though the
ceremony's details arc not recorded, the appropriation of
Byzantine army cmtoms on the b:lttlefidd suggests that ,imilu
influence, ,h.ped the king'. entry. Moreover, triumph. l entries
may also been ,taged by the kingdom', unruly duke •.'"'
Finally, Cunincpert', !ucce,s over Abhi. 1 100 .how. that here. as
ehewherc in the twilight of .ntiquity, thc cult of saints had
become enmeshed in Lombard victory practice,. After the rebel'.
ddc.t, the king founded a mona!lery of St George on the ,ite of
the fateful battle. The choice of the mona.tery· , location argues
strongly for it, establi,hment .. a thanksgiving foundation to SI
George for his pr~!u",ed intervention on Ihe king', bcha)f.1 , . At
any rate . this is the earliest att"totion of" ,n,tom whose mo't
famous ex ample occurs sevenll centuries l.ttr in Willi.m the
Conqueror'. Battle Abbey. Like the Rom.n commanders against
whom they fought, lombard rulers rewarded their celestial battle

,,,,d< , "'<n,o"bl< . ,f unu,,,,,I. b",l<f"ld ",ow. wh;"h r . ul h .. ,,«fully «",,,dcd

fo, po<l,ti'y: 'T.I< j"~",, nun' f.<iu votum. u'. ,j m;)oi lxu•• i<lo ,i,rn il"U'"
okdc,j,. quod UnUm pu,,,,,,, ok I."ieuli, impl<.m <I""'",u,,,·. ;, ••.. 160.)<>-1.
". ~.ul [k.eon. /I;". u"l .. J . • 1. Ik,hm. nn-W " ". 161.><>-1 . j; I,"""i<. "",h,p'
b«.UI< of Ih. work', ""f,md,," ""oe ·... ip'" v"o "gn"o< 'urn umnium
<xul .. ,i"", « ",umpho vK lori>< TKi"u", '''''IU' <,,'. A, S<<,. K"'il, ... ~I.
p . • 9. n. >u. ,mph,,;"... ,hi, " ,I>< m.dudins ",n,,,,,, or IJuok FiR r,ul', Ii" of
,"p;",I. '"SS'''' Ih .. h< ,m<nd<d 10 dw,ll on tb< ""'noony ,,~""" I,ng,h, 'It,m
be llum Cunic"",,; I,;,) " Abhi,. " d< v;"mu Cun in"",";. <l quomo<io
ltiumph,n, Tkinum mg ' '''u, ,,,'. IJ<lbm.nn-W.ill . "I. )J- ). On P,ul' •
• utho,u,ip o[,h, '"pi,.I• • ;.id.. p. >J .
," P,ui lX' ron. W" . u,,~ .. j. 10. l\<,bm.nn - W.ill . 1. 9.1....... l. 00 10. 101' of
G,;",u,ld. duke oflknevcnlO (607- 61) ,"d b~ v;"lory ove, ,0. By"",it>< army of
Coo",", II (60 , - tI.<), ' . . . Romu.ld vero. pm'" d< i";m"'i•• ""ori •. Ikne",,",um
tfiumpb,", """"UI "" p"'iql>< g.udi"m eI ,"""ri, "",uri,mm.• ubl>.,o ho>cium
limo«. OOJW"it·. Cf. S,«O ', im.nd<d mumpb. in £«I><,n""" ofMon« C."ino·,
nin,h·<enlury Hi"",;o LA.,...,"', ... &"'""',...,,"'". 10. «I. G. w.k•.
MGH.SRL. (1 171). ,)1 . '9->1 "",,,,n;ng ,h< ,;"g< of Ill .
.. , P,"ll"><o<Oft. H",. LA'g .. 6. 17. &,hm.,," - W.i ... 170.>0--1.
p2trom with earthly gifts. BIll once again, the adoption of carlier
custom includes adaptation, for no instance has yet come to light
when 2 victorioos I,te antique commo nder singled out th ~ very
site of bottle ond bloodshed for .. victory ,·ndowmcnt."9
The p"'t~rn of celeb ro tion i, "",intaincd by • ru~ litcruy
endeavor from the s:ome period. Around 69~ . a certain Stephen
compm~d .. rhythmic Poem on the Synod of Pavi. to honor th~
synod . nd king Cuninrpt"tt. The king·, victory ovt"t r<"bds.
including Ab hi •. find., prominent pbcc in Stephen·, description
of the roy. 1 qualities.'M
Two gene.,l point, need to be n",de . bout LOlllbHd ro p l
rito .. 1in gener ..! .. nd viewry pr .. ctice, in p,rtiwl.r. The fltst is th.1t
the culien systematic development ocCUrs in the reign of Agilulf
.. nd Theudelind ... To thi. period date , the Agilulf visor - which
may reflect .. ceremony d<"rived (rom imperi,1 ritu.l - the
comtIUctiom .r Monza and cde'ti.! p.tronagc reminiscent of
Conswl(inople,s well" the dev,tion of. roy.! heir in the circus
ofMil.n. Thisis the period of the pnce treaty with the empire; it is
also, following the short reign of Theudclind,,·, firs! husb.nd. "
period of consolidation of the monarchy .ftcr the anarchy of the
interregnum of 574- 8.'''' T h,t the hulk o f otherwise ,(te'ted
victory ob",<·s oCcur during the ""fflrmation of roy"l
.uthority "fter a defeated rebellion offers.n important due to the
motivation behind such displays. What is kllO ..... n of Lomb .. rd
royal ritu.! indic.tcs th" t ies primny objective w. s to enh ance the
mon.rchy's pre'tige and that imitation of the ROIII " n emperor
w.!" vi.bk me.", of doing thi,. The hiuoric. ! context which we

". On lIy .. n,''''' ,·k,o, y <nJuw,,, , ",,. ><e .b." •. Ch . 6. n . ~' d . Ch . , . n. 'l) . f",
rt"tit."y ,ut" HI [he l,,,,,b,,d <lnKJ",,, . of. ,h. "'"y.' ~ ." ~ .. ~ ,"" ""ng ,b(- 'm.~<
Drs, M"h .. t, P,u' I><. co". Hi". ,.".~ . . , . " . H"h"",,,,_ W''''. ,~ •. 7_ 'O"~ ,~<
, ul •. G . ~ . lIug""" . /..". /""RoWd• . ) (M 'hn . ,...,!) . ) JJ; "', ,h, cult·, Il y"n, ,,,.
""g'n. W. '0" R'm<l.." . K'/'.f'~~"r~i,.." ~I"J,," ,. J" /"Ii, B,,,",," •. li"",·
'''''""1''' ""'" 'i, K.'" *, E'~,"g'" .\I"h",/ ""J'" M,do"", di Co" ••""O",," ..
Sii Ji"J;", . At<~'v fi" ''"'Sk ich,,, '''' Ku l,",,,,;,,,,,,,,,h.r,. J IM"",,,h,,m . ,,,,....). pp .
• ,If. Joho ,he (lop"" . 1", ,,,«,,,,d,d ro, , .. lumb",d "",t<o: IIi". L."1 .. j . 6 .
Iktiort"nn-W. ,,,. '<h.ll - I<7.i . ., ",til" ,he <u, ..... , '" ''''pot'',,,n " <. ".
. . c.,,",.
"J.JO- J 'nd " •. ,1 _,6. cr. K,U~,",. K""'.( 'X''''i"It". pp. )<7.t><! .. , .

). ;oiJ..
ni.,." ...
4- ' )"'taU
d. K. S""k« . MCH.P"" .. <. , ('~'J) . nS -)l . ..,p. "'.

'" 0" ,f\< 1""« " W I. H", ,,,.nn. c."It".". '. r. l! 6If, ,'" ,f\< i.,,,."t""'"
res<o",jon. S<hm'd,. O"g<"."""'. pp. ,06- (0); d . r . ,.,I,. L""g<'b-,Ji. pp. 6,1[
Ephfmf'~' (mpi,ts

have argued for the Agilulf visor, al well althe social dichotomy
of RomanI and Lombud~ in the enly history of the kingdom ,
hints that the audience for these eKorts lay largely withi" the rank!
of the newcomers themselve •. C<.ImJ>l'titi<.ln between king and
dukC1 may have played a significant role in both groups' recourse
to elements <.If St""lSJrmbo/iie.
Thil internal focus of Lombard royal prellige elucidalC1 a
second maj<.lr pc>im: ., early as the Agilulf visor and as late as the
$Iruggle between CunincJ>I'rt and Abhil, Lombard appropria~
tion o f Byzamine victory cUlIoml is chaucterized as much by
adaptation as by adoption. But J>l'rhaps the m<.lst significant
L<.Imbard contribution to the ancient viCiory conception. occurs
in their most ancient extant hilt<.lrical narrative, the an<.ln ym<.lus
'Origin of the People (grm) of the Lombard.'. According to a
tradition cu rrent in the fint half of the se venth CCTltury. the pre-
settlement Lombards em erged as an ethnic unit named ' Lan_
gobarbi' only with their fint great victory, when Wadan gunted
them a crushing defeat of the VandaiJ. The victoriolUness of the
lombardl wal bound up with and emblematized their awarenC1S
ofthei. emergence as a unique people. Rather Ihan characterizing
an individual, like AugultuS, or an instilUti<.ln, like the laIC Roman
imperial o ffice. victory has n<.lw become whatJ<.Irdancs had hinted
for the Goths: a chaucfcril1ic ofa tribe. We have taken another
lIep into the Middle AgC1.'~'

,., o.;,.,..,1! u.,.'-*""". I. w.i". ' .11-). 5. A """u'Y b,... P.ut ",,,,,Id <fl." ....
"o'f in , ... Hi" . '-I .. [ . •. lk[hrn.lDn-W.itl, , '. 11-11.1; aJ'h.oop'" diuni ....
, ... IIO<J of Wool", ond F", •• he:con""'" ,... ¥in.,.,. 0 ... ' ,he: Vond>h., hiNori<.l
(><t. In ffflk.". C~"""'M. ). 6 •• • d. 8 . Kluoch. MCH.SRM . • ('III).' 10. 11- 11.
,hi.t<qUrnC< become> . vicro<y ay of, ... Lomb"d,. Cf. K. H.....:k. ' Lcbm_ma>
und Kut,mf '''''. in ~.1tI"';0<h<n Sum..,.,........! Hoo" ....... Sft'<.qi<n·. s-.,-.
6 ( ' 911). 116-").... " >0'1 - 1• . and R. W .......... S _..... w..., •..J Vtif4>'''''l.
a..r W,,*" in ft"~";I...I.II",,,.... c...., (CoIosn<. 11>61 ). pp. "7-1.

The king' 5 victory m Visigothic Spain

Tile Goths who settled .. feder.t.,s in [he territory Hound

Toulouse in 4' 8 had known late Rom an civiliution .t first hand
for more than a generation and h:ld long undergone it, influence
from aao SS the Ii",,,.' Late antique culture and society made a
puwerful impact on them during rhl' To]m.n period, when"
Visigothic king could develop an ."quai nt.ncc with Latin
litcr.lll,c a nd Rom . ,,, ro,e high in roy"] ,ervice, when even
Euri,', (466 - 84) 'nation.l' ethnic legislation w.s impregnated
with Roman principle. and practice. Pcrh.p, prcci .... ly because
they were Gem",,,;,, isl;mds in " Rom.n .e•. the Goths clung to
their (U'WnlS. dTess, language .nd Arian wHfes,iun, and their
king. c.llle to e"force , policy of "'pH.!"n"" which extended
from religion to inte rm~rri~gc with the Rom~n m~jori{y.2 For
this they pAid the price in 507, when thcir army .nd th";r kingdom
collapsed under ~ttack from Clovis and what latcr SOurCes por-
tray .. well-timed Catholic prop.gmda, Th:mks to Q,trogothic
intervention, the Visigoth, T<'tained their southernmost pos-
sessions ~!ld !lowly began to reorganize their power in the Iberian
peninsula. Under L<'ovigild (S68 -~6), the barriers octween Goth
~nd Ronun ,, >cted to dimini,h: the ban on mi>ccgcnation wa>
explicitly lifted and some movement towHd theologic~J co mpro-
mise a ppe~rcd.J The conversion "fhi. ,on R eccared to orthodoxy

, 0., ,hi, J'<, iod , >« Wolfrom , G,,,., pro "",/f, Cf. M. Roo<l.<. L' .-I'I"i"i..- .h,
Wi,i~ .. j" ,,"x .-I,,,,,,,,, 1, 8-,80. r.", '/Ii"" (I'"i•. '979). pp . '¢f, wh;,h
"ofoll"n",ly ""I< 11'"0 "'Y h."o. ("" I"" (0 b< ,""0 in. '.".m";' f.",ion.
, W"lfnm. G."•. pp .• ,6/f.nd 'i?lf. On ,h. CNkx Ii"';"i,""" P. D. King, uw'"
'''';''' i. ,,,. Vi"X"~~ k...r,k,," (C.m b,Ulg' , ''17.), pp. !If.
, K. Sch.f.rni.k , Di, Ki",", i."," R.".",.h, W,,,, .,,•• 5 ....",," .i, '"' Ii,,""."""
Royol vicrory i" Vis(golhic Sp~i"

was followed by th~t of the Gothic church and elite. Although the
det~ils arc diffICult to discern, the fim ha lf of the seventh century
s;lW ,he two ethnic groups ~coming incre~singly indistingui-
shable, .u the Gothic bnguage and !r~di!ional costume vanished
from the I ~rian pcninsula. 4 The development ofVisigothic royal
ceremonial reAects one facct of this procc.s of accullUrnion.


Kingship among the Viligoths developed in dialogue with thei r

wandering. through the Romin empire." The emergence of an
ambitious monarchy and utendalll institutions ..,rtled in the
capital of Toulouse crealed traditions which inAuenced the king_
dom', second incarnation in Spain. As the ruler acclamations
recorded by Spanish church cauncils Utest, the rhetoric of royal
power surrounding the s;lcn] monaHhy of the late sixth and
seventh centuries has rightly been chaucterizcd as 'theocratic'."
Whether royal rhetoric was embodied in ritual i. more
complex. There is universal agreement that Lcovigild - whose
reign marked a deci.ive turn in the power and prestige of the
Visigothic monarchy - developed rapl ceremonial. Claude hs
correctly obscrved, however, that il has not thus far ~en possible
to demonstrate that Visigothic cou rt ceremonies imitated those of
Constantinople.' The analysi. of Visigothic victory cele brations
will supply a definitive resolution to this problem. A lCcOlld dif_
ficulty Concern! the long-term development of royal ceremonial.
A celcbrited pns;lge in Isidore ofScville's Hinory of the Goth. has
made axiomatic amon g specialists that a throne, royal robes and,
consequently, court ceremonial, were adopted only under Lcovi-
gild." The problem is that thi. aCCOUnt contradiclS Sidoniu5

"""ZOri"'" ~ .."I;,,'" 5'_,~;,,"". ",.\M:ik" IU' Ki.<hcn.<><Iokhk. )9 (8<,lin.

' 9'!?). 1'1'. '!-\IIf. • nd Kml. 1.-0. Pp·'l - 'l· E.A. n. Got~,;" 5"';"
(Od",d. '11'19). pp. l"-9;' .,on: 0«1";';"1 of ~";5;ld·. mkn,iom.
• w,".....
~. ,. Tl>o"'I""". 5,.... pp. , .... -11. 'l' - '. l' <= D. Cl>oxk. G<..-~""" 010,
(5'""1"<' '97<». 1'1'- 6 •• nd 1\11"; Kinil . u". pp. " - <9.
• Wolf.. ",. C.u.o. pp_ ,691'1"•• nd id<m. ·GOO ...... K;;;";J,"m· . PP. llI"-
• K;nl. u",. pp_ 'JIf.
• D_ Cl>od<. 110101, K;,,"'.oJ K"il'~" i .. W'''l'''''''''~' """.i~. un.! F""'h",,~.
Sond.,bond. I (SiJ.,.n..S ..... '117')' p. 67.
, I~~ .. p. 6 •. wich n. )6; K. F_ Snob<k ... Ctr......,., ... . oJ 5~_;h (ZurKh. 'lI'Il).

ApolJinaris' flfth-cemury dCKription of king Theodrric II
(45J - 66) in the audience hall of hi, pabce at Toulou$<'. Accord_
ing to Sidonius, the king sat on a throne (sella, so/h,m) during
>adienc",. He w .. fbnkcd by >tmed bodygund, who stood in -
side the chancel barriet scp,,..ting the Ihrun~ ~rca ftom th~ t~Sl
of the room, but outside Ihe curtain which vcile-d thc ru lerY That
this arungemCnI w .. only p.rl ofThcodcric', >ceoulremcnt, of
majesty follows ftom Sidonim' account of roy.l h.llquel,. The
couches and h , nging~ were i m peri. l purple or fC" live white, wh ile
the me.l, Ihem,dYe, wnc chdf;j{t",i~~d by 'Greek elegOlnce . . . ,
public ceremony (pompa), pr iv,te diligence and roy.l dilci-
phnc'.'o More than a century before Lco~igild ,nd even before
king Euric', brcOlk with the empire, • Visigothie ruler A' lllllCd
symbols or roy,l POWct.
It has recently been suggested that it may not be- nCCC'$ary to
scrap bidore', ,ccount, nor even 10 hypothe,ize the total dis:lp-
pe:IT.nce of topl trapping, in thc disastcr or 507." Isidore s,ys
that Lcovigild was the first to , it 011 , Ihrone, dre,,,,d ill • roy, l

p. "j; ThomP'<"', sr"", p. 17 : K',,~, UW. F. "' , e<c . t,iJm" II,,,.,,.

r;. , ",~"," ,
w...w..I" ... , S"'""'"'" (5 'J, ,J . C. !t.od,;~u", A lu,",.,. h.en", , ..,ud;." d. hi"o.;.
I."",,,. IJ (1.;,00, '975J. p. 1JI .J- ,,,: . AfU"um Y""'loc n' (,,",,um p,imu> ;>l, .u,i"
p,irnu"lue ont" '''''' ",~.{i u.",. "p""u< " ,{i" ,,,,,di,. n.m .n" <u rn ",", «
«on""", oomm""i. u' ~'n'i, ," ., "8ib", .,>t. Con""li, .u«m <;";",,m m
Cdlil><'; •. qu.m ,x n"min< fi lii R«op<>lim "On""."",, In kg'l"" ~u"'I""" qu><
,b Eu,"", ,,,,,,ooi« con",'"" ",<I<b,n'", co,,"'t, .:. N",< ,h" ,I>< P""&' 0."""
0"1, ,n tl>< .hort ,..,,,,,,i"n •..I th, M>S '"""min,,,J by iL I'.,.ddgud , "udy ,,(,h,
M, ,,,diti,,,, kd to ,I.. "'''"''''m "fthe MS 'rommun" . . .g,"'i· [0' Momm"," ',
'<um munio, . ,pop"I"' . Th, n<,. ,,,ding """'" ..... ,I>< "h"" '''''not'''o''' ,f
R,,<hig""" p. JJJ. >.Y. 'g<" ' ,
• Ep .. '. l" . <J. A. loy,n.' (p"i •. '9701, ". Th< I.""
p",b,hly d"" fro", ,\\- 00;
il,J .. p. ,i".CI,ud<. 11"'1, p. M , n. !~. no", ,I>< P""~' but ,(.",i<l< .. " m"'poo,,,,.1
",J "fh"t. w .. ~h , (huw,." th, urn< pm'g' i, u>«l" <v,den" 00 co,"" p" ' oonnd,
ibOl .. pp. 67 -- 8. wi,h". 7")' TO< I.,,,,"",m, <0 I>< P<>"")" "~ ", "k,li,,,l 'S'ow,' o.
phit'""ph" kong wh" i, ohm"""i,," hy mo,h" ion «,g, i',J .. I. >, 6, p. 6). Th<
P'''''''''' of"'pping' of ",*"y """"dO(" th" "hI ."d 0,,1, knd, <><<1<,,<< tu ,he
tk""ip'ion. On the Vi,ig<Kh;, p,l", " Tout""",. C n,uht. r.I.,,"," ""d C,""" .
S,"';'" '"' P,oJ"'.I"'~,.pk;, ,""'''''';),,' ,;",,.,,, "". J . ~, '"," 'J. J,"'I0"""''' , "
G, II;", (Colo!(,,<, ' 97J), FP, ' YI- 'OO'
" f., .. " " 6, LoY'" , .6, 'u;d<" ih, .lOR,n ,i.m G"",m __ puh l",.", pomp.m.
pflumm d,lig<"'i. m, "si.m d;!<iphn.m',
" Thi' i"'''p'''',;o" ,.., f"" p"bli!h,d b, I'.<yd""'" Roy,",I , pp. JP-J, Th< "m<
,oodu,i,m w.. ",,,hecl by my"lf, w"ho"' , ,,,,w l<dg' of R'ytklt,,', ","<I.. ion,
'Viewy ,"J it> «"'b",ion in ,I>< np,,,,i,,< ,mpi", '''" 'h, flub"i.n kinK""m.,
/1.1) ·07">-'"""', Di". , . (I"",,,in, '.,.). H' .n.
R"yai v;crQ'y ;~ ViJigothic Spaill

robe. 'inter IUOS·. While the tr~dition<l l interpretation of these

words presume> the translation 'first of the Visigoth, to sit ... ' •
they collid easi ly signify the first to do m 'Olmong his own people',
as oppored to Hisp'lno_Romans and fore igne ... Whoa Isidore mOlY
in fact mean i. that, uutil Leovigi ld's time. the kings eschewed a
Roman_inspired monarchiul styk of conduct toward their own
kind and that Leovigild W <lS the (lrst to impose on thc Visigoth!
the ,ame kind of ceremonial strictures which governed Roman
behavior in the same circumstances. Such an interpret_tion would
square with wh at is known of Leo vigild 's determination to tamc
the Gothic <lristoctacy. <IS well <IS with hi! first steps toward placing
Goths and Roman s on ,>J' equ,l footing. l1
The monarchy" ceremonial cvolmion did nOt Stop there.
Unction , for insunce, wa. i11\roduccd ;11\0 royal investiturcs
lOmctime before 672. possibly octween 621 and 642 . tJ A trend
tow"d codification emerges from the clore!y rebted domain of
the capita!". sacred ritu,,1. In 633 the bishops 3"emblcd OIl Toledo
bid down guidelines for the ceremonies inaugu rating a nation, l
council." JUSt over .. decade I<lter. _nother assembly spelled out
the occa.iona! obligation of nearby bishops to reside in the capi tal.
for 'defe rence to the prince, and the honor of the royal throne , .s
well ", the consol ation of th e met ropolitan' ." Thi. oblig,tion
likely entailed ceremonial dutie •. '6 T he content of the c~pitar!
liturgical ",rvice- boob doveta ikd with certain roy~1 ceremunies,
and they continued to oc revi5Cd down to the time ofbi\hop J ulian
(6 RO- \IO), who5C hand h~s becn dncned in the for the
celebration of a coullciP7 All this points to Toledo's continued
preoccupation with ritu,,!. Even leaving aside liturgical pro-

" CI.u.k. llokl. rr. &0--<,>: d. KiJ'g. Lo .... 1'_ 'J: R'yddk,. R • .,...,/. pp_ jjJ-O_
" Kong. Low, rr. 03-9. w"h n_ j .
.. tV Tol . ' . ,d . J. V""".I.. (;..,,1,., "i,irO'K'" ~i,,...., _ ,,,"_ , . ['I'"i. Cfi"i. ".,
T,xtm. , (IJar<,lom. ' ..... JI. 1~ - 90-
" Vll Vi"•. 'jO, H "i.m pt'cu i,.", r'Q roY"""i, p,ine;p;'" fOg'" ",di,
Tnl. O.
hono" vol m"'<>p<>li"n; "v;,,,i, ip>i"' , ,,"'01,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,d"; Tokta"a< ",b;,
'P'!(QP'. oum quOO ,,"km pot,,;f«H .d",O""'o",," "=1" ";"', ',"pol;, 1""
. n"o", m.. ",b",;n ",b.m .kb... " <0""'0,,,; .'
.. Cf. ,II< .ub.""""..", of I"dol< of Scvilk ,od tnoOCftt' of M«id., Dr",," ..
G., ok ..... ; "1",",","" i. ·r.I"...... d. v, ..... ,06.... oo um< 'pro ocrur..... goo' .
" C. Muo'O!. ·L'O,.. ", "I",...., ,,,,,,ii;, .... ;~guth,q"" . s." "m."i<m'""iu"lu',u X'
,",k ·. R,v", ok, """'" "I;~;'""J. J7 (111"i)). 'j0-7 ', 1><" '19 .od 'hi. On Julia"',
WQ" on V";,,," lu" 'Si«t boo'". FoIi" V;" /wIi",, ; (BilL. ,JJ,I, , '. PL.I1"i. OJoA- II,
CC$5 ian5, ritu~li z~d astenc~tian eami"""d ta playa 5il>"i(;(:1I1I .ok
in public life ouuide tile capit al in ~ tOWI! like Merid., the
economic c.pit.1 ofsixth...:entury Spain," Kin g R<,,,.,<-<I, (a,
jmtance, condcmn<'d. Galhk conspir.tor who h.d taken 'Iylun'
in the church ofSt Eu lali. to the humiliating po:n.hy of w.lking in
front of. mounted deacon oflh. t sllrine. from St Eubli, ', into
town ~nd up to the bishop's p.bce . '~ Bishop M '$o,,, w .. SO riell
th.t hc furoishcd his churcll 's slaves with %s(tirar rh/a'''yd(s, sil k
cape'! of th~ type wllich served .s uniforn .. in the imperi.1
. dministration. Tile sl~ves.rc rcpom'd to m.dl' a splendid
mow as tlley w~lkcd in (ront of Mason. cn roUle to tile E.ster
procession. 'jun .1 if Illey werc escorting. king',2° It is reve.ling
th.t the man so en.mored of I>le Itom.n pomp was .n ctllnic
Goth and Leovigild\ cOI1l<'mpora,y." Public 'po:ct.d", COn-
tinued to be st.ged in wmc ,ren., of Gat hie .sl.te'5 the ftT5t
qUHtcr of thc sr"cm h century .nd bcyou<l.n CleHly.
some sector! ofH;sp3lwgothic soci ety remained alive to form s of
ritu.1 display and ceremony which prolonged the pattern, oflar,>
antique public lik

d . M,e, D,,, D'" , 'l" .. " y "I"" '" of ,n.
V'''8''''">< I,,",SY·. I''''.f''<"~ s,..,., ",.'
'pr,_IwJ, ,d. ~. J.rn .. IO .rmd, ,.80), pp , ,,-.,...
" 0. 'M . ronom" ",I< of M«id •. X. 11",.1 , AI",. r.. ""01",,,,, .., """'"'of""''''''''
C ... ~i,,""'" I'.'~,,,, ;'''''''''1"' I. "Y""" ."'to'.
1I<,l1<fl< <Ie< 1',_",
• (M"n"h. '97<1), pro,, ' .nd "J. , f It. Collo" •. ·M",d •• nJ T "kdu )1<' J"" ,
I ''',..... ". Sp"' •• rr ,",>-,,~. M'" ,01
.. 1'".... ,..,," .. £-, ..... ,"' .. (IIH! .. 'jlol. j. 1, , '~ . .d. J N. C .... " (W''''''g'''''' !J,C ,
,.,0). ' ' '_9'''''' , f. J. ". '0, e"von , ' " '0)-7_
,. I~,~ _ . ). I. tl. e,,"on. ,<,06_Jo-) ',,,, . m "" q"'" <onm "II" ,ocro.. ... ", ..
" t .A. G. «io Mo,,",,,, , I'>''''r<'l'ofi' .. I ,,,.. "'n"",," T,~". """ "In"",.:,"",,
fi !o<ofi. 1 1<,,,•. 71 (S.I .", . " ... ,on, ). no. ' JJ
" TM "")0' Ito"",n ", .... "',j< of <D...." ..,d ... "h dt<","" .nd ,n.,,,,,, ,Iv l if,.
'P'nt of wh"h «","0 '" Iv d.",mon.d. TO, Prn./""" '"' Y'/oI"Io, 4<1",,,.1,,,,,
(P""«1"". ,.,-)6) . pr, "II M,,,d.), 6 ,,- , 7 (N'm",). '3J (T ''' ' gun' ), 9'7 (Tokdu).
AI,h""gh ,t.< ''''p"''"'''« ""<up'""
" " .",~.,,,. w . . .)". dy by . ,h,,«h '" ,I><
""h ' .... '"'1 (It S< hl""~ ,oJ T II"uKhild. 1)" n...~ ..,I,," fo"lt.-k,,"I~'" ."J
.. ,"....i" ... 7... ", 1t,,1""" """I'" (M." ... '1178). pp, '''''_'I. ",on< ~,nd, of
'p<'<,.. k, w.,.",I I "k'"g plm" E ~" ..I.. • ""l"'''K''', 7. «I. J e,l . .\I, u,II_ ..
• """""•. An'''' d< b Uno . ",id.d h"p.k" o<. F,I.,...ti. y "'w.
'J 1S<.,lk. '91"1.
').7- 9' <~ e .. d. M.,. ...... P,.",,..,,oji•. "" J"J_ An""'~ ,pr"'o'l~ ",,,"<1«1 f",
'p«U,'" I'qu, od ""d,um (0".,,' ""."0') ... ,,,II """ ",.,,,d by '0 """qu,'
p,,,,,,.eJ '0 F.,v;g·' end< of"" .oJ ~."O~ N ck " k", ,OJ I<. ",c<>,'""h : I~~ V"" "
• . • , Z<um«. Il' .' - y; d _ K,nl, 1.4 .... p. 101." J

Roy,,1 viti",), in Visigorhic Sp,,!n

Once in ~ whi!~. w~ cuch a A«ting glimp~ of power's public

display as it w~, shaped by royal ceremonial. But it is rarely
po"iblc to go beyond the naked ob~rvnion of a ceremony',
exinence to the essemial problem. of origin, dcnlopment, ritual
form and intent, historical context and meaning. In most ca~s, the
church played an eminent role. Coronations and royal ap.
penances at national church councils top the lin of recorded
ccrcmonies. H Even after a brief ab~nce. the king's return co the
"rb. reg;" of Toledo was routinely marked by a J"suplio. H His
wars came to be the focus of public prayer. his military move--
ment. were punctuated with liturgical ~Tviccs and his birthday
was celebrated by th e sevcmh...:entury chu rch. " And hc celebrated
his viccorits.


To read Isidore of$cvillc', deuiled account of the classical Roman

triumph, one would never guess that victory celebrations were a
f",ture of contemporary public life. But as his Own words suggest,
his was a bookish. antiquarian concern: 'There was a Roman
cuslom. , .' or 'Writers often confuse these terms., .'.26 Yet we
halle a description of one king's triumph, gold coins were i•• ued
announcing or commcmonting Ilarious victories and the bi.hops
of Spain hailed their kings as viclon or triumphators .

.. F<>t cot<><I"""". At"" __ . '1.> ......... 1";",,'';' cn r. Elp. n.

C. S'IKh<r
cod. y poo'.;,icod'·' c ......., ... ~,,,.,;.... E,,.. • • Jj - 6 ('96'). 1- )6: d. ~.
Conin~ ·Juti.n of Tole<lo 'nd .he roy,t IIX«""" .n lot< ""v<n.h-orn""J Sp.>in·,
£./, M. ~; ••• I J:.;."ki,. ,d. P.H. S.wy«.n<! l.N . Wovd (l«d~ 'm). pp. 10-.9.
Fo. <II< rnu",h ,,","dt •. 0....... "ltlo ..... ,_;U•• ". M uni<f. '6'/-1.
, . 1) .... ...... .. "'. ,d. M. Fi,,,,.,,. u 1).... ""; .... ", • ..,..u.u
fllU" "';'it«k;",."
.....,.10 olE,,.,... j., I" ... xr <!hit. M""umrnu «cltti .. t~""h .• (Po';,. ,..,, ),
.JJ ..,-.J6 ....
" On m;til"y "' ......... "'" 1><\<>.. . 8i"l"by "'.vk<....." .... d hy ,he h,mn I.....1;,..
"I;'. <d. C. Bluhm<......1"" • • "..~. -",; "'./. '7 (. 1197). '69· cr. M.C . U;.. Y
0(... l..Ju ".;,.. .... .. ,; ........ _;i ...; Ifi'l' "" "' . '. A .... ",tm.noXm,...
Filaoof'.. J .... , .... ) (S>.lom.""' . '~J I). no. HI.
.. &y_I~_. ' I . '. , .nd ) ~iv<ly. ,d. W.M. li...n.y .• (o.rot<!. .~ •• ). ,,,
1,;00« '" m;" ... Ie."pm .,( hio di""' ....... io d.r,;",d (ro'" s.. .. Ohi ... • Io.t. "'.." n. J.
Foot.i .... I,w,,'" .~ .. I"" 10 ",I .. " ,!.u ........ , rF"pOtn<
'9J9). 709· n.. drri .. tio«, .,( ..."...... nd tri... pt.., _m .0 ,om< rrom
"";l"''''''''. ,s.,.;",.

c_.......,;; i. V""I,i ,.,,.i••. •

d ...... '0. TH. rd. G. Thilo .. d H. H'I"' ••
(l.<ip,i,. ,11) - . ). ,1\6."-, 67 .J .

Vir,ory f~l,hTa'ioNs

Only the dim outlines of the evolution of Visi gothic victory

celeb ration, .. re disceruible today, but they begin in the kingdom
of Toulouse Jnd continue pr.nie"lly to the eve of the 1,l amic
inv asion _ At almo.t every po int. the debt to imperi, 1 pr.,ti" i~
patent. On the literary le vel a Ruman pOCt could c."lally dip into
the stoc k of imperial conventions to prai\.C ,n e.rly Vi sigothic
queen', unvanqui,hed lit erary patronage." On , cnemonia l one,
the victorious Visigoths cekbratcd the suppression of a Roman
revolt in Tortos. by staging a traditiona l parade of the head of the
Ill.n th ey cOIned 'usurper· .. • T he treatment intlicted on , From kish
count by the Vi sigothic defenders of C.rcasmnne in 585 sugg ests
the custom outlived the kingdom ofToulou,e by many decade<. 2.
Vi, igothic ruk,s ~d"pted the punishment [T~Ji[ionally inflicted
on enem ie. of the impcri,l thronc·. Early in Reccarcd', reign. the
count ATgimund wa, convicted of . eh<'ming "gai m! the king.
He was 'dec ,l vated'. suffered ,,"'putatio!! of the ri ght hand Jnd
waS led .. round Toledo un an .ss.
to instruct the citizens of the f.te
wh ich aw~itcd "c.vants w ho w e re h, ughty to their m"ter" a
verse which . ' pplied , s it i, W' " atiswcutic Goth. offers ~ si nin,r
commcntary On th, ,tyk of mun~ rchy cspomcd by Lcovi gild',
mcce.\or'o The horrible rite', imperial in\pir,tiotl is manifest;
the conn~ct ion with the East is cmpha'i>eci by the fact that the
techn ic.! tcrm (pornpi~nrt) dcsigllatillg the parade of infamy

" \Hl"",", Af'" IIi n. "'.

~·r· . •. !. J. l.oy<o. ' . " ~" r fp. I . J. J • Loye", . J 11'"". ' 97<').

" (:; ''''';'"'"'" ' ....... '"~I .. O'"'" ,,1,'1", .... . _ Joo . ,J . T. M umrn ,." . .IICH.AA. ' [
1'~.1) . ''' . 0" 'h, «.nt, ..., n"mf"'"" Rom.", ,n" "',~"i"",. p. '9) ' d . R_ d,
Ab.d,], [D' A!»d.1 rl J< V", y.l<. 1.><1, I''''S" "I, C".I,",. ' l{loredO'" . ,.,.:;.,) . 4'-\
."J PUlE. '. !6<J 'POln"" 'J ' .
,. Grego, y ofT."",. /I",.. '. )0. K" ",h t.,",,,",. )" •., ".
,. J""" lI"t .. . CO""""",,. c.l. 1- C "" I"" .j"'" .. Hid.", ()I, i,p"" (;"""' , ," .iJ.o Y '"
obo'I M,d,;d. ,,,00). 'I9_Ik> J. '" 1'. M"m m",,, . .-11(;1 L1A . , , I' 89' )·" 9_111_ 220_J_
TI>< I><»me,,'. """d hy L,o;,. ... {.\1(;II.SP M. , . " , . n_ 0). '" d"."" r.mulo>
domini, non "'" "'pcroo,. d"", "0' ' 1'1''''' '0 I>< , oi",,,,,, of, '" '.,.'"~ .,'" ., d-
O_ Sr:hum."n. Lt"i.j"M, H,x."'''''·uxi .... Di<It'"iK/r" r ..""I! ., """ ["""j hOI
~"'" A" ~ i"", , •• ' • .\fGJ/. I hlf, ,,,,,,,!. • IMum"!.. '9!o). ' ~ 9 . h "John', ·f".. 1 wu"h'
Of ,n « hu "f 'h, 1". ,.,1<', "" K'"'! ",.1", ' On A,gimund. C;"e;. 1.1",""...
J~.,,~,.ji., n". ' ~. Op,n'flm d;lf" "n ,I>< ",'" m"n,n8 "f .. ,.1""" 'nd ,t>
' 4";".I'n".' .g. E. It.ufm. "". '01><, <Ie. S<hmn ,h~"""", M"ow;n~" ~ Onig, · .
Z,j",io,;ft d<, S'''I . ,·S'ifi""lf'' R"IrI5!,5(~i<It<t. G"",""jJliKio< tl hrtil""t. I j ('9H).
'11 - 31; Av . C'me",n. ·tt"w d,.j 'h' M«""ngi", kong, ,.,," ,herr h.;,?' p,,", HIE'
d< ploil.Io,,, <I , •• ",.,,,. 1J I '96J). "0) - ,6. he,e "0) • • nd f("' g. u .... p. "". n. j .
Ror~1 vir/orr in Visigothi, Sp~in

here - and elsewhere: in Hisp3 nogothic Latin - appean to be a

Gred'. lwn word.J1 Nearly a century later the custom lived on.
since 3 similar parade int roduced king Wamba 's triumphal entry
into the same city.n
Royal militny success seems also to have bttn celebrated in
provincial Centeno Early in R cccarro's reign, duke Cbudiu'
victory OVer an uprising proved the king's wisdom in abandoning
the ancntral religion of the Goths. The reven<: of gold coins js.uc'd
at Merida which hail R cccare:d as PIVS VICTOR may com-
memorate the event. 33 The same bimop who had outfitted his
.laves to look like a royal escort organized a liturgical service
honoring the vicmry. It was followed by a proce"ion of hymn_
singing and hand-clapping faithful and their shepherd to the
chu rch ofSt EuIaJia.3~ Like the ancients, that is the [naelites, the
citizt'm of Merida celeb rated in the open air, intoning Moses'
triumphal chnt. The long-sunding association of the Exodus
canticle and Christian military victo ry - an a.sociation which can
},., traced as far back as Euse:bius and the Milvian bridge and was
maintained in a sixth-<:cntury provincial celeb ration of empe ro r
Anastasius' victory - made it an apt chant for the occasion .~ · It5
apmes. wu not lnscned by the Mourabic liturgy', use of the
canticle for the Chrinian victory feast par excellence, that nf
Christ over death. w that the citilenl singing these: vcr'" in the
streets may well have been echoing chants heard inside their
churches during Ea'tcrtide. J6 A similar chant figured at thanks-
" 001.. , UO<1 of_,;~ .." C .. ,i."_ hiM; M,,.... ' .710 (. m _ A. D . 7")'..d. T-

)60,' 9 - )'. T1>< U,",t fo'm w, G,«k «x"" >0/. ."",. bo, .o......{'"
Mom,.,><n. MGfI.AA. " ('3 ... ).JJ ~ . 1 .nd , . 761 (_ A.Il. 7'9). Momm..",.
~ .«.,....) in
Modem G,cek .nd ,I"".,y ",.,",,1: C. Du'. GI,m.,;'.... ,,"___, _I..... "
;,ofi,. .. !'MI;''';,. , (Ly""" '611). "00__ ,. ,.Y . •• ~.t6o.>.
" Jul;'. ofToI<llo. H.." .... W _ "p', )0. <d. W. ~y~. MGII.S RM. 1 ('9'0).
" C .C. Mil< .. 710< '''"''t'oj ,/0. Vi"""~' oj 5 ....... lioo,rlJ .. AdoU. II. 1I~p.. ic
Nurn"""'''' :5<,..... (N.,. York. '91'). I'P. "9 md ,,]11".
" V.,... fiMtt .• J. " . J-I>. G.rY"'. '~~''' -J<>.
" IhI.• I. ".7. Go,,;" .•• ~ . J<>-'~7.JI. Fot,1>< """"",,ion ufPh"ooh , nd,to. Mil.w.
IIMdg•. '.1· E.l<bmo. 1-1 .•.• 9. g. I . SdI"'''''. '.1)0. " - "; s.-"" of An,ioeh C;'"
E.od ... , l-'-~ in hi, hymn {'" th< okr.. , uf V;"I".' B,,,ok.. 1" . n.. ..... y ;, "
Mm. in ,11< Vioig",hic ~'U11Y or ..... ' .1. ,1>< ·Min. ok _;bo •. L·~ ...4.. Fh"'in.
"'." -" .
.. ]. th< Moo.. . . b'" ti'"'IY {o"he .;Iij ofE..".,.. '''''Y'' (".,1>< prin<. ~ follow..! by .
,..dw,g {.-om Ex"'!", ,).,1_ ,,...,.. ,<>-,0 IJ>...4.. Fh"'in...o.'j - 'J . nd w..,

ViOOlY (flfb,~rio",

giving service. ll1 ..king Ihe ddivery "fSarag"••• from !!l'ge an d

Ihc defc.1 oflhc u~"rper Froj • . Thi,. II .illy r.l,'. .ppc... n l<l rn, Ihe
imp l".(i on of bishop Taio', (e •. "'51-Hj) .llusion 10 • n01>_
V"lgale form of Ex<xtus ] .l.r; .nd 7. when desc ribing IheS(" evems
l<l Quiricus. bi,hop of Ihrcclon.,

God dC>f'oycd him wi,h hi, right h."d ; he J",,,c hi", frm" hll
l>bcrn.dc. md hi, rOOI f,o", 'h~ 1."d of Ih. h "i"~. '" ,I,,,, "Klli/Y II" '~"S
'0 II" I.",d: Dexler. no •• J)o",i",·. I""cll"il ",,,n'ct,,n ,., pcr ",,,1,,_
tudinel1\ "j",,,;, I" •• cOIII.i,·"" .d,w•• "", "m,rt><_ "
Liturgical cekb""o", of roy.l ,·iewry nughl be viewed " •
n.(ur.l cOl1!Herpnl to Ihe ,erviees which 10c.1 .mhoriri,'s org.n-
ized to Il1H,h.1 Ihe k;Ilgdom 's sp i.i".. 1 forn', i" favur of rhe
ki"g', lriuUlph. Th,· bishop, con'"""nl at Mcridl in (>6I"> down
their eontribmi on l<l Ihe king',!!:",. bi,hup w" to
n'kbr>tc one M. >s a ,by fur Ihe "ing·. "lewry. so long •• the "!Ilg
WaS at War. Tla'Y wcr,' to ,'Ill,,'a, Gud lhat '!Ofet), be gral1ll"d to.1I
by th,' Lord .nd th . t victory 1><.> bestowed on him jthe kingl by
.Im;ght y God' ..' . The V is'golhk VOII vc M.s. for IIll' king give. ,n
ide. uf what thl' 1'.01''"' of .uch Sl"fvi".. sounded like. Th,'
Cllcharistie p"ycr (i"I~lio) be<;<;cche, God to gront Ihe king lhre~
(hin~5 : pe~ce. ,h,' nushing of i,m''''') <'Il"mln 'nd subjug.tion of
extern.l Olles, ~nd • 101>11 lr(e_ N or wcre IlrCM' ' I'",ci.l scrviccs th c
only lime when th,' H;sp.nogothic popul.tion p •• yed for .oy.1
vICtory_ Like other C hri5ti ~n lin>t!:ie~ of the n'ly medic".1
"'"elso' 5t~ t". that of Spain indmkd annuAl prJycrs for rh~
king' , mi litary ",aes, .-'"

....... i, ••. nl_ F.J- 1'"., <k U,~<I ,,,J" (;'.".kr y R"" "n,.,,"
L"ill,. " -'I"..
11,,1""'''' l"u'~K', ) ("1 ,,1,><1, ,.,0), '"7- 70_ E,,><Iu, '.<_
. 7 ~~u.«l on. 1.1,,,,,,
'''r<'''''''Y 'n ,I>< wl><J,,1 <>If..,. {," ~'''<!t"k l ",,'" .."I J V"-,,,. ro . A"!f<''''''''''
,'i'i";'~. ",o,,';'.b< M ".,,'M
b .. I ....:., ,. M""um<"" H"p' '''''' .. n •. "'._ ''' .. S
{I b.«~",., '~jy) , '9)-
"5<-.".,""" r''''r. j. PL. """SC '1-,<",,,. ,, ""m <I<"".~" 1-""", <"<II" ,k
"I><m.. u~, wn, " ".I,m", <J'" <I< "'m v,",un"m . "' ,, 10 [)O,""W> pull .. '!"o,_
0" T "" ."cl Qu i,,,,,, •. (; .. d. Mn,,,,,,. 1~""""'!I"fi" ,~,,_ 59' ,,,d j l , >rOo!,,''''''')'.
"" ,I>< wm k. l>Lo, y Ili". '.M", ",u, ><n,
,. Em" J, V,,-., ,'7' 'u, .. II" " "",,, • 1)('",,,,,, '''"''otm. " v.-ru ... ,II, "'to
""""I"'l<n" 1-'<" '''''''',Io,m'
" E_~_ ,I>< P" Y" r... 1""« ... ,] ,",b<,,~ of 'Oc b"b..,,,,,, m tto" "1 "",.10>< u~" V'~,I
",,,-K •. I_,~_ ",J.. , ...",,,, . "O . ~-'7

Royn/ victory in Visigothic Spain

The mOlt impon~nt Vi,igothic victory cdebT.tion featured the

king him\.elf, Triumph~1 entries may not h. ve been infrequent
ocCUrrenCeS in the public life of the Hi spanogothie upita L
Althoogh the wle description COm\.; from Julian of Toledo's
gushing account of how king W "nb. repressed. """pation in
673 , this History is but one of thne lurviving historiographical
works from Visigothic, .nd the only one to describe a royal
campaign in any detaiL The very .Ilu.ivcnm with which Julian
IrC~ts the triumphal entry, insisting .. he doe, only on the mi!.Cry
of the captives, suggests that the reSt of the ceremony wa, not
unf.miliar to hi, aud ience,'" The fact that W amba', building
'Clivitie, in the c.pital included the . dornment of one or more
g. tes with leuiptore and commemorative imcriptions indicates •
Jast ing COnCern with the uehitcctur>l b.ckdrop of such ce re-
moni c,, '! A compelling .rgument .g.inst the oniqueness ofth,-
cclcbr>tionl of 673 comes ftom • \.ervice marking the king',
triumphant teturn from war. preserved in what might be called
the Visigothic liturgy's 'pontific-OIl', the Liber ordi""m,'~ The
victory celebrations of 673 were no more li kel y. unique oCCur-
rence than the other major ceremony which Julian alone describes:
the king', inveniturc and unction. Thi, suggests thaI other sources'
allusions to royal 'triumphs' Or the victorious returns of kings to
the capital mOlY in fact concern similar c~remonie" Such allusions
occur as eorly as Leovigild's successful attack on the Byzantine
posscssions of BOll. and M.laga in 570 and hi, son', repulsc of a
Franki,h inv ..ion fifte~n ye . ... later, OJ Another ceremony could
have celebrated thc concl"sion of the civil War triggered by the
conversion to Catholicism and usurpation of Lcovigild's other

... Juli,n In,." Ihi, poinl " Ih<...,d of, . '9. ju!t I><f"", Iho <in<rip'ion ,cd .~,i". ligh'
.rl<:' il. with II.. wo.-' ',co",iuciin g WQ'cl" ! Ii". W..,. •. , '0. I.<:,i"",. l'J,J-I ,"d JO,
l'PO - l'~·O·
.. C""', /,il. I",p ., Mom"".n. H!, ' ~ -J6; ,( J. VivC!. I"'''il'''o"" " "0·" ,, M I. BI"'i'
, ...... f .i",...t.. M""u""m. I-!;'>< .. m. "" , pm, l .• od ,dn (Il .. « .......
1'/69). "1. no, J6r.
. , ii' . ",J., Forol;" '1.-1;"" I><low .
• j J ohn Bid .. , C.,.....C.mpo>, 8o.J' - " '" M"mm"," . ' ' ' .'0- 11: ' .. . ,iew oolro
"dol' . Cf. P. Gool><rt. ·l'.dnoini",.. ,oo <Ie I· bY"hlih". R"B, J (19'lJ.
"7-", ..,d 0 (j~'~). 7<>- I J., h." .' !9 .od 9J, " ",oil .. Thomptoo. Sp""' p. J> I
wilh n. <. R«wd', v""o'y : Bid". 0","" C . mpo>, 9PJJ- 6J; M"mm",n,
"7.19: ',;orol.d p""m p".;'mqoc ,«Ii ,'.
Viclvry ((Irbrariv'ls

son, H ermcnegild,U Isidore ~y! that king Sisebut (6U-l l) 'twice

triumphed with felicity' over Byzmtin~ force., while Suinthil.
(621 - 31) enjoyed :10 'incre:l",d glory of triumph' because he'
finally drove th e imperia l government from Sp.i'l. ~' Toledo
probably wit!]e"ed a victory c,,!ehratio!] u"der ki!]g Chimil.
(636-l9140). Oth,," have followed Thompson ', deduction that
provisions of th e Fifth Cou!]cil ofT oledo (6.16) - wh ieh prays th:u
the king will triumph - mirror.n unknown revolt.·· A year .nd
:I half bter, Chioti l:. convened a new council in the e:. pi!:!L It
alludes to the king's mililuy success .nd it! celeb rat ion in the
intervening p<:riod. The mceting is dated hy me:l'" of:l formul:.
which is uniqu" in Visigothic documents, to the 'sccond year of
the "foresaid prince n"d IriumplJalor in Christ'" The bishop,
evoked a triumphal par. d,· when they enumerated the king',
benefaction<: th ey rcc .. lled how, through Gnd, he h.d restored
peace, how he had 'led charity b. ck' to them, 'as jf it Were a
prisoner'," And, in their concluding prayer the bishop, no longer
wished rhat the king might enjoy a triumph; rhey prayed imte.d
th. t hi. triumph mighl be long lasting," A generat ion bIer, in
03, king Wamba marked his vicwry OVeT:I u,urpn with riles in

., Both ,;<1<> m,de ~,."t <If",,, 10 r'or,~,"d"" ,1><,. ,uw,,, on 'h" <I") w," J .N.
H;llS",h, 'Coin' .nd ,h,on, .. kr: p,op'S,,,d. '" ,;"h-<''''"'r Sp<-'B .nd 'M
ll yn"';", b ' <~8,ound', Hi""i•. 'j ('966), 'J I- jol , I"," pp, jO , jf, Mo,ro.",
G"lo'y"fTcUn «fel> '0 ,h< viii, ",,,i, w"h which t k.m'"'g;ld w" "."""d Wu"
!.<cv;Bi!d ,,,,,l him '0 ,I>< "p;"t: W" .. j, I'. K.u<ch_ l <vi>oo , ' <j .' '- 1,. Thi, w ..
"m,omory (o, P';<Onc''' ;n • ,,;umph,1 pmd<: Jull.". Hi!!, W.,.O .. )0, 1<';>011,
J'j ,IO,
.. Hi!! .. 61. ROOtiS"'" AIon IO. '7'.6-9' '1-'< Itom' '''' . . .b" r"lId,," ,,;umph, u;, '. ,,,d
6, . .,6 .1-16: '.u''''n~''' 'riumph, glori • .., pm ,·,,«i, "Sib", f.!i ""," m",b;t,
.. All o. "".. Iy ,i1 ,I>< .. nom ... d,.«"d ' K,;n", ,hI<" '0 ,h, ,h,,,,,.· Thome'''''.
5"i., pp. 181-. : CI,ud., A.kl, p. '0>; 1l",.I, e",. I..i,,", p. 'OIl: ! U!. An'"", , '1-'<,
Ko-n;j! "nO di< Reich,lon.;ii<n im w'''gu ,; ",h<n Spmi<n'. 1/,,,,,;,,... I.J,,""'~ , 0'
('97') , 'j '-~" h<n: .M .
• , VI Tol. p"cf.. V; ...,.) J: '.nno pmr.. ; pr ;nClp,,« "iumf"o,",;n Ch,;"o ""undo',
.. VI Tol. ,6, Vi ... , ,,,: ' ;prc m;m ,ucw, 0.,0 nob" p,c<m, 'pI< qu." c,b<;Y'm
"du,;, ,,,;u«m ..
.. VI 1'01 " Vi ... , :.. 6: '00""' « Do", .. "" ur 00'''''0 P''''''P' d,u,",","", '" «c" l"m
,,;umphum. -'. Nut< roo ,hot VI Tol. n. v;'" '.,-\ ,dd, 00<' <1<,,;1 to ,h<
d'''Iu,lific.dofU of c.ndld.,., '0 the ,hm'" ., ,mcd ,! ""o,,,h, <>Ih .. (V Tol. J -<,
v;,.., » 1): 'nullu, ,ub ,dig;"""," de"""u, '"' ,",pi", de<ol""m', Fu,
de""lv.. ioo .nd 'h< p<-r,de, cr, tbe re,,, I, ,,, InflICted OIl "'8,mund o. ~,,, I ,
Royal victory irl ViSigollli< Spai"

thc field before the ~'""mblcd OTmy ~ nd . triumphal entry into the
,a pit. !' .0
Joincd with the' evidc nce of the Mozar.bic liturgy, Julian of
T oledo's account of thi s triumph offers" fair] y dnailed picture of
how a ",vcnth-century 'bOTb .. i. n ' king W,"II to w.r and
cdcbuted hi, victory. Like co ntempor.ry imperi.1 umic"
Hi,p.nogothic troop' followed into battle the . ymbol . nd source
of vi ctory, the gre.t golden war ero" amI reliquar y of their
kin g," Th is insignia fe. tured in ~ 'peci,,] ", rvice dcveloped by the
Tolcd.n church for the kin g', departure for war: " similar rite
bonored hi, triumph ~1 return , Since the rubrin ore ]>eking fo r
,h c ].Her se rvicc, . nd ,i nce we c.n pre,umc ,omc par.lIeli,m
octween the two, it is worth loo king " t the former in Some
dct .iL.~
Uoth services were 'taged in the ,arne place, the 'Praetori,n'
Church of the Apostle, Peter and ]';101, louted somewhere on
Toledo', o nt,kirts, ' ·l Th<' profu lio brllica e<'rcmony began when
the king arrived .t the church', ,hreshold. Like the em perors, he
WaScense d th ere by the clergy_ Tw o de. con, performed this rit e,
while thc r"t of the ekrgy aw.ited the procc"ion in the choir,
e)Ceept for the party who would C:!Try the ropl emign. They were

,. Juh.n, 1/" .. IV"",.,." .IId ii>, l <V'><>n, p',' ,-, 6 . nd ).),"- 1,0 .,. Cf. Thom?"''' ,
Sp" " pp . 2 ' 9!f ,,,J CI,"J<-. tt ... 1. pp. 'j7If.
" T ho , ,.., "b<1> '" N'm ... " I"'<,<J ,he m~~n" uf W, mb •• m""i ' h< b<,,< ~mg
" '"'F''' Joli.n. H ," . W .... . , ,~, l<v'"m. !' }.'~- J"'!' ,r CI,,,dc. tt<l.r, F'p. 6J - 7
who ar~"" Qn ,t.; b.w, of,!>" p"'.~< fOf • '1"',;,] roy.1 ... '" .""J"d , nJ m<"" " on,
,h. P<-""bih ""of, b.n n« ' " >l , " "'''. T1K !O I", "'" lie. ; n ,"" 1'" fi";' Mil". '" rv 1«,
L,'. " J, H"" m. 'J'.'-II : '« ku" """, m , ",,,rn ,;n 4"' I'g""'" bw< C,"<"
,",Iu,um "", q'''' ,urn "'K' "''''1'''' '" "<,,,ttl prop<" ' .. ' ' . No« .h" Gt<gmy I h,d
"'0' ,«Ii< of 'h, ,,"" "O<"n R ,um 'J In JW: R'R.. ~, 'n Nmb<'g.1 ro" '9-Jo; ef.
F",I""", R,II'1"" p, ,I< , no. , ,-
" On the ,;<cum,ut><I"' nf<"" ,,,n" ,;p""" of S,lo<, A"h , • IAI I" M, y Lopl."d '"
0'" or • MS «ll«<mg t1K ,,:v,n'~--«n'u', ,",u.lo of '"" P,m~",n Cho"h , LiO . .....
F,,,,'m, r r . •• ;;if. M, e. I)i " f I),,,. 'EI I" m ck· b h .u,~" h"p-'n; ", No<"
," , ,,><1...-10"" ' , b "J.., , .. " /, li",,~" ,"oz .. .!r.- ITok.l<>_ '''''JI , pr, jj - ~7. h<.., pp.
79- I!o, h", ""'''';Y< hl< ... y " "I,,,, ~f ,.., 'lk u, <><"",uo,,, ', h" d"'"g of '"<
p'ofi<lio " .. ", ""wever. m.cim""bk. """ i, p","m<' d" , W.m b> "m ,t.; f,,,,
.noml<ci kin~ : ,r, K 'n~_ Low , pp . • i-~ , ..,,,h ", j,
.. Th«~",<h" ,,,.d ',n lUb" rbio T 01" ...,: XII To!. •. Viv". JIKl· [. w."h< !If' of .
noon"", of (0""<;[' m ,~< <000 h. lf of '"< ",,·,n.h " ..,,", )', " .... ,n " " k,,,, ',,"0
<0",,""00. IW,m h, .n.l 19i«): Li! , " •. , Fir",,". pp . 'j(>-'. n, , ,)"h, n, 1/;" .
W..., • . , •. 1-<""-", , jO) . " - ') ,"J 11, 6.
Victory crlehm/ions

"II dressed in while. ~4 Thl' king emered the church "nd pronr~ tcd
himself in ~i1em prayer. As he arose, a biblic.l verse w,,, mn g:
' M ay God be on your journey and m"y hi, "ng el ~ltcnd you'
{T obi t 5.2 I}, "" The Lord God of HostS Wa' then entre,ued to gn m
victory and m. h thl' prince a triumph,tor, A threefold ble!'ing
for a ,afc com p"ign follow ed this p<>ycr. '6 After the fint seril'S o (
blc"ing', a whok new sub-ceremony began, during which the
ropl ensign and the' army', standard, were solemnly pre,ented to
their bcarns. A de, con w,lked to the ~ lu r and lifted up the king',
golden WH crm" which he brought to the bishop. After w,shing
his h~nds: the prel.te ",,'ptcd the cross rdiquary and handed it to
the king who p"""d it to the priest (saccTdas) chuged with carrying
the m . ign. As ~oon as the king"! fmgers touched the sacred
.tandard , the choru, broke into "n anti phon,1 chant derived (rom
th e Wisdom of Solomon:
Ta ke from the hand of th e Lord imp.rti,l
All!. :
judgl"lllent "' a helmet, .nd I~( ~J1 ere", ion be
""mcd for venge.nce .g.imt your enemie.,
Vm, /:Takc up the inv incibl e ,hield of
justice . for '-cngeann:.
Vers, 11; Fo r you r power w," given you by the
Lord and YOllr strength from the Mo,t High.
For vengcancc. n

.. Lih. "'~" ,,,,,,in . "" .,, ' )'L j . It ~ "',,"" "",;ng 'h" ' ~H""k uf", ;n ,.,,"" ,h_
''''' 'my Sp'-'" f<ll '0 ,11< p",;",h h;m... tr in t<n,h--«n,",y Cnn,,,-n " ""pl,,
e n,,,"n ' ,,,,, Vlt, D< "' .. ' . " Vog', ',n] • .,J T,,,,j"gcr, O",","i"",, pr, 1<>-" 11><
p",,,,,i, " w. h..·• " m . y .,,~.lty be .n exp.",;,)" <>f "" ."JI<" 'impler ,ito. ,inc< >
\"rpr,,,n~ ,,,d, in ,11< ru~rk 'nd ',,, .. '"" p,,';,ip,n" "I""".J;, '" ,nJ .r", ,to<
f,,,, ble"'''g: '1'0>< h,,·< "'" "",...o.ot"i,", '. Lilt, " ... Fhorin, ')1,3, WOof<
',b.otu"u,' rofm, "f 'OU,,,,. '0 tho &.con ', dj,"",,,J (cf, iii... 'lPS) , n.:
'mp l'"'''''' wuutJ "" 'h" th, '''' ;I' I,,,, .. t >ub-<<re",uHY wu .Jd.d '0 the p'.f"';'
10m";"" bef'K< 7 ' J.
" !.ob, """ Firorin. ' )"" _ ' : 's" d,u' on ;"n." "''''''', " ,ng.]u, ,;u, ,,,,,,,«"1,
.. 11>i~" ' )0. 11 - ' )0.,, ; ' )'.7,
" !Io;~" '1' ,7- '" '~N T, ~,rip< de m'nU [)om;" , 1"" g, t", ;ud;<;um ",'urn ."
"",,,u' " ,,' u", .d "h i"""m m;mocorum 'u",u m Id. W;.oom \ .' 9 .nJ I S),
VERSUS t: SUm< ,",u",m ' n<. pu ~n,"; 1< ' qu;,,,;, IW ;.dnm "'''1- ~d uhOon<m . II.
Quo""m d, ,, ,,' unb;, [,<H''''' ' D"m;"" " u;"u, .b Al',,,;mo IW;""-,m 6 .• 1- ~~
uitiot,on." T~, !"""",.li"""" "II«;"
<>f ,11< rn<m"" 1',u"",m 'l to. u,u,t f~'m of
,I. .. ,.0'''' ,,, tOe Sp"",h l"u ,S>' ,nd "",,, cnmp"'!O!' wi,h ,he P<,hot" vm,on , V,h<,
I",i", . ,1.1. ~"r " " Ii' 5,1"",,,,,;,. ,J. W . Thick IFrdbuog, 19SI), J4<>-', 'pp,
The standard-bencn (wnwlqu;lqut) approached the ahar one by
one and received Iheir nandards (b~"dws) from a prieS{ (l""r,dol)
standing behind Ihe ahu. Meanwhile, the chorus stretched oU{ Ihe
service wilh eight more verses, each One punctuated by the refrain
'For vengeance against yourenemie'. /u soon u (he last nandud-
bearer had walked out of the church. Ihe chorll' inloned a Glo ria
and repeated Ihe anliphon. The elaborate blessing which dosed
the ceremony focused On the king·. war cross and fused the
theology of Christ's victory over death with the king's victory
over his enemies." When the bishop finished it, the deacon
dismis..:d Ihe gathering, using the ancien! formula which seems so
ironic 10 a modern obse rver: 'In the name of our LordJesus Christ.
go in peace', answered by a rouling 'Thanks be to God!' T he king
kissed the bi.hop and anyone else he chose and left the church,
preceded by deacons carrying hil standard and chanting '0 Lord
God, power of my .alvation, cover my head in the day of
batde.'s, Suilably reinforced, the ruler moumed his hone and th e
royal party moved off" 10 war.
The prayen natUr1l1y touch ed on royal victory. Harmony must
reign in the army for the king to triumph."n The antiphonal chant
during the delivery o f Ihe hattie nandard. cites P~Jm 120 and
predicu that the king will perform the r~ lr~ljo rolli, an allusion
which wu far from gratu itous."' The great pon tifical hlesung that
conclu des the ceremony stri kingly formulates a Ch risIocentric
~culity which permeated kingship and combat. JuS! as it had once
served Chrisc·, Iriumph, the ~cn:d wood would preside oVer the
forthcoming battlc and champion the king·s victory. The puh 10
hattlc which began in the Praetorian church was destined to end
there as well. The prayer insists:
Th rough the victory of the holy crOll m"y you both .ucccnfully
comple'e ,h. journey b<:gun here and bring 10 u. flouri. hing proof.
of your triumph •. - Amen."

.. LA . .,J.. fi ,oti". Ij'.'J - ljP1 .

.. I"'.• 'jJ .• I - . o. Th< 'n'ipMn;' fro", """m 119.1, ·Dom .... D<;o'. "in", .. I.. "
m«, obumb" ""p.ll m<urn in di.< b<Ui." .. LA. .n.. Ft.ot"'. ')O.I1- 'II.S.
" I~;J .• , j'.Jo- " ·N<lI. bun, ,< " im iG ,ui ... 'u «><um rolla "k,bi>' , o..""""",,,,y
.. LA . ..... FiTot"'. 'SP I- I : ·V, p<r uktori>m Un"'< Crurir. <! «P'" .... . bhin< ....
fdiG ... 1"'''''';''' ,\,,,,,,,,...d "'" ttiumphotum ..... ""Nm ,i",kH ''l''''I"f<'i<."
, ,0
Vi(lQ'Y (tl.b,aliQII'

T. ble J . C~ 'npn ,i$o" of ,,,h,i(nr,d 'p,oiulio' wirli r,:<11 fo, kI"g' f

,t/,r,n from U'M, PrarroTia" ,h",d,

Depm", ••,",." .

I. K,ng crn<.e<l .. In«.hold IK,ng ..",cd., .h... holdl

1 . King e"ler<: pro",,,.: IKong mto": prom.t<,
("I<n' pr>yer) "lent p"ye']
J. Fi", ve"'; pU)'er; '[)'U! Puyer: 'Rex 0.",', 0",
uercltuum • fuhe,
4. UI",ing I Ul,,,,,,S I
j. Hmding ovor of b."k lK,,, ofpe""'?]
cm" .nd umy ..."dud •. Two P")"": ·Ixu•
• ,,'iphon.1 puyer of ten CUI ,ub .. cen t· .nd
vor .... : f<pellilon ·T. ,,,u<>'
6. Glori.
7. Illes,ing 11 lll<"'n~ I!
S. Di.mi.... 1 IO"m",.11
~. Ki .. of pe ' '''
'0, Dep.nur< for W1I, the .nticipa{e-d th.nksgiving \.eTvice .t the"lln,

end would par.lle1 the- p,oftrt;o:
A. w< \.end you forth wuh thc k", of p"'«. by which w< b,d )'ou
f.r.well fro'" hrre_ Ie, "'. 0" your ,uc«Siful r<lurn (j,/i,iofl "diru) ,
wclcom. you b.ok in ,hi, "ery pl.,e with ..<bon.tio", O""d,bu;) of
This expl icit u. rcment under<corc' th" implicit par.lklism of Ihc
king' , lirurgic.l departur" .nd hi s triumph.nt return . T. ble J
exploit, thi. parallel;'m by futing {he {e-x{, from {he- homecoming
\.e rvicc into {he framework c<t.bli,h"d by {ht, p,ofwio rub rics,
Element' in brac!<cl5 ~tC supplied hypolhNically on [he b~\i\ of the
profwia rubrics,
Once- {he ind"pcm.blc ~nd cunvention,! dement. of grecling
.nd dismiss.1 arc ~ddcd. the lexC! of lhe relllr" se rvi ce fit r~{hcr
well into lhe ritu.! framework OUt in thc dep.rture sen·ice.
The most ';gnif,e. n{ discrep.ncy is [h.t rhe rcturn omi r, • long
.ntiphon.l prayer. This y indicares {h.t thl' " iI 'W~J hckcd
• rimc-comuminll ritu .1 [.. n~ction like {he .olemn retum of {he
" ri,'.. , j) , ,, - ~: 'Q, .. I"" on ""'"k> p"". ~"" 00. ,bhln<"'"' f«.. nl<"> d<d""m.,.
f'h""" ,N". H, he< 1<><0 <urn o;",,,n ' rum "'" bod,bu. r<<<p<<m"'-'

Roy~1 .. il/o,y in Vi5igorhic Spain

't~ndHd. to the ~lu r_ 64 Comp~Tcd with the prajrcrjo, the [exc. of

th e rcturn !.ervin' arc "u her b!~nd. Th c thcme of pC3ce pbys 3
prominent role. u But the pr~yersdo offer imight into how fH thi.
mCCl'"or ",ciNy h~d 3,sim ii3ted thc id eology of imperi~ 1 ci viliz-
~tion: the triumphant army of the Vi,igoth. beseeched God to
bani,h 'barbarian w . ,'. Ye.ce,d~y ', b.ubuiam had come to
conside r them,elve. the ch .. mpiom o f civiliution. 66
The${" services let th e spiritu .. l tone for war; an incident from
W amb ' . expedition illustrate, it. A, the loy.liot fnrces beaded fur
imurgent Gml, ,orne troops ,tarted to pillage their own territo ry
and , God forbid, fornicate with the loca l•. Womba was quite
u""'ttied by their beh.vior. War, he is supposed to have .. id, is
divine judgement: cert.inly, the li turgy comforted him in this
[hougbt. 67 !-low cou ld he go to divine judgement in .n impure
.c.te' Citing Eli', ch. stisem~·nt (I Samuel 4.17-18), the king that , if onl y his ar my could pu re, 'there can be no
doubt we will triumph over the enemy '.n After inAicting .. mmt
bi,.rrc punishmcm on the offenders, he kept urict w . tch ove r his
t roop~' mo r. ls . nd be. ded on to victory. Like !-Ier.dim'
prescriptions for (he Byzantine . rm y ha lf a century cu lier,
W amb~'. purif".tioo of his tainted troops was considered the
cond it ion fo r victoT),.6'

,. A,my ",nd>. ..h m,y n," h,,'< h«n kept on th, , hu rc" on "m" or p<'0<' j , would, ..
• ny "'<, h, "" 1><," ' '''prj, jog if'l>< ",nd"d, """ "'"m<d '" ,he , "urch bof"" 'he
","mph,] p",<k "'<0 ,I>< d,y. cr. • OOV<. Cll. 6. , .
" U •. Md., Fc",,';n, ' ) 0. ' , - , j, .nd , II 7- " .nd '0-0 .
.. Ii, • .. , jj .! -' " '" ,m",", <I<m""',, b"h,. .-i" t><U,'_ T h, "mo «X( occ"n m .h,
P"Y" 'lid p,,<m ' of .h< 'o(i" M", f"" ki n~,. iliI.. 19) · 1) - " .
" ;" I;,n . Hi". Wo .. o.. '0, Loy"",!!. )<0.1- 1[ . cf. U • . or,,, Ff",,,,,. '1"'7- " .
.. Juli,n ,II.". w ....! .. '0, Loyi!On, ) JO. " ' J:' ..., i pu'S"i m"><,m",, « imi"", non
dub,u,," «i,. quo.! ,,"u"'f,h"nt copi""u, <x h""o_
.. IJ,;J., j to. ,- ,6, h< h,J 'h< ~" i t'y P"'~ d,,,,, m<i,,d. Tho punimm<n t ><om, (0 have
no pmlkl in ,t>< U~ V";I"I..",,"_ 1< ;, probably '0 b. ,xpl. ;n«! by tho ,n,;"
Soc",;",m "mp., ", in >om< ",,"on ofVi,igo<h", 1OCi<,y (cf. S. K m. 7"Io'J'"" i. ,I..
V".S"'";, ..... 5""i' ...
1'' '. 0''' 0;'""",' ":f C," I. Muno~"ph. of ,he M,d;t<"t
Awk",y uf IIm<.i" . "(C, ,,, b,;dg' . Mm .. '9J1) . pp . "If,nd
Ulum<,,'"'''' J"if' " ,",/0,,,,, ....,
"1- '"-''' d . B.
k _ok «,;01.. ,.1, . ~ '096. 'ud<. ju iv ... ,
(p.",. ,<)60), pp. 'Ol!f, • .,d II .S. 1I"""'h. Edrl y ....i".1J'w',/r l"'lig ;...... ,,"'"
E."I'< (M"'''''pol". '''',). pp . llf ,nJ ,1-19)_ Tn. p",,,,"I,, ;jlnom;ny ,,"";;,,«1
",,,h weo , p<,,,I,y ;. ;nJ,,« liy <onf",,,<d by , ],,,, ;nl<,I"'],'.'" ;n 'he I.u Vi." ",
, . m f",•. Z<u",<r. ~"J.J - 14 , ' h;jlhl y Qh>o;u" ,;tl< d<>lin~ w;,h in",l" .nd oun'g<.
tf ~'",<<.m' "I], . nnth" 'c;""mc;«d' ,nJ i, ~ no< "''''' 'h< f"" p<f1<Ht m.ll ,ulf..
'JO t"he> in I"'bhc, the m..;mum pu"~hm<" t fom«" ,n (h" .;dr .

Vic/ory cd,bra/ions

Thc"mp~ign w~,crowned with me,,,, •. Aftcrwh:athcvinor"

panegyr; st portray • ., a fairly e .. y victory. Nime. capitut.,ed
and the usurper duke Paul was dragged from the amphitheater.
his b st refuge. On 4 September 613. the vanquished pre_
tender ~nd hi. key follower. appeared before the king for the
second time. 10 This time the SCene had been more "refully
prepared than two days earlier. when P.ul had been brought to
Wamba in the first flush of victory. Now king Wamb a was
properly ensconced in th e royal throne and the rebels weighted
down with ,h ackle._ In the presence of the VisigOlhic army. the
symbolic rimal of victory wa\ performed: ' ... <lfter the cu,tOm of
d,,: <l1 ,cients. [Paul). with bent b~ ck. placed his neck under the
ropl foot"ep'." There can be no doubt about the ehar.cter of
thi, .ym bol ic gesture; Wamba performed on th e usurper the ritual
trampling of,ot. 1 victory. the cal<a/;a co lli. just a. Hcracliu, had
before and Jmtinian II would after him .
After thc' .ymbolic.n of victory nme the judicial one _In front
of the ,. me audien ce. the evidence concerning the usurpation was
b id oU!. Paul himself te'tified to hi. unprovoked act of tre~!On.
laying full on the devil." The written and signed oaths of
allegiance. as well as the relevant texts of the L~w of the Visigoths
and the Fourth Council of Toledo were produced. Finally the
judge, Hr;"ed at . fot<:gonc conclu'ion; Paul and his helpers were
condemned to death. and their property confisc>lcd .• Ithough the
judges left open the po"ibility of. roy~l commutation of ,he
death penalty to judicial blinding_ 73 In fact. W amba was unable Or
unwilling to apply {"Vcn this mitigated punishment and the
penalty was further reduced to dee.I".tion. 14

,u."-.,, ,f. ;Ioil.• ><-,. "0.2<>-,,, ..•_

,. Jo .h.". HiJl. II'... ~ .. "" 1.<" '<00.
" lo.l .. '7 . 110.' '- I. ' ._._,miquOIum nlOl< (UrN 'Pin, do,," '"''g''' r<g.libu, .u.
cotb '" b m;, t ,,_ . _'. h" ,h, .• n"qu,· tm'" .n: t h,,,, d, ff"cn t "" " ih,1 iti<>. "f w hi,h ,h<
fi", <urn, to m< the rn (Ht hkdr O ld T,," m<m figu,,", {cf. <-g-J""'"' '0., . -1;
" .. hn ... . ,6 .• • 1"9-0: txuIC mnomy JP9); 'h< "'om.n ompcfO'" or. <.. h<r
V"igorhic kJn ~' .
" I"J~;"", i" 'r""""'.'"l"'jidi, P',,,,u1l"'""" r. , d. W. Lemon . MGH.SR.\f. , 1'9' 0) .

• • I' il_ . "4. L,.,,,,.,. I)). .... - H'_ 'O. On 'h< V;, ; ~o'h;, ,on"p<;,m of" .."",. FS
l eu, T"",,," '" U" .. "" ... c., ..... ~ 1"'1"'",,;n. '9">l). pp. "llf•• nci ~ ;n~.I", ... pp .
,. Jut"n . If",- <I'• ..b .. "" le,i.....,. l""~ '1' of ;'i~ .. )0, }>J.'O.

Royal vicrory in VisigOlhic Spain

The .rmy w .. then dismis",d and the roy.l patty ~nd prisoner>
headed back to the c.pitll." Jul ian's description of the triumph.!
entry that ~nsued is explicit but incomplete, for, in his efforts to
dramatize the miser.ble f.te of would_be usurper<, he dwell s only
On the pitiful of th e captives in the Ne.r the
fourth mileston e from the royal city, r .uland his .ssociates were
prep. red for the seventh-cemury Sp.nish version of the p.rode of
infamy and triumph.l entry. Their heads were shav ed or salped,
their beards shaved off and their footgc", removcd. 70 They were
dressed in filthy r. gs .nd ",.tcd on camels, a hem considered
symbolically appropriate to their humili.tion." The pretender
preceded his suhordin.te. md was deck ed out in .. mock crown.'"
With the population stl nding to either side of the road, the cortege
entered the apital. The reSt of the triumph ceremony w.s so
obvious to his r,.defS th.t Juli. n didn 'r even bother to menrion the
king 's presence in th e p.rade.'9
Like the of infamy inAicted on conspirators or the cu ....
tom of leading the way to W3t with a golden b.ttlc reliqu >ty of
the true cross, the Visigothic mon. rch', [f;umph.l celebrations arc
clearly patterned On those of contcmpor.ry Const.ntinople. Thi.
tells uS much about the cultural orient.tion of th e Visigothic
monarchy and in subjects and much about the spell cast by th e
Byzantine emperor, even in the grim ycars of the .eventh century.
But. careful consideration of who watched Wamba', ritual
tumpling. and an examination of how related Visigothic victory
custom, Came into being, .re even more interesting. They
iUuminat~ th e soci~1 conditions which fostCted the development
of roy.! authority 's ,ymholi,m in ~arly m~di~ va! Spain.

,. rliJ.. '9. Ltvi",". ) "" ) - J' P, " Iii• . , )0. Lo,.i",". 1'),9-[> ·
" loi'., L,,.i,,,n. 1'). " - [> , nd S' S· ,6- 10. No« ,h" '" md" ,u m . , h ,," I ~ · Iii •• . ,
Ill.ll ) 00.. no' m.. n 'in <om 1'I'1k d by "m.1' (Thomp"''' , S"",", p. 116). In
V;,igothi< L.dn. •.. hk"I"Ol· ;. . Im",' oI .... y, • loft y .... y of 'timing '" • ''''''port
."im.1. <.,. P""i. £ ,I,li« f .. """",,, (BHL. noo). <d . A . Fob,,!!. G"oJ. P"i<on" j.
IIj,p<oit., '. Moo"m,n" Hi,p' ni" ... m. "" . lit,. 6 (Ih"d" m .nd M.J,iJ , ' 91)-) ).
6\1,11 : '""hi<lOl" p"bli(o,,' gl,n><d ' mulion,', cr. ' . ~7 , nJ Vi,. p' ''' £ ... ,. , J. II. 19,
Gor,;" , , ...9~~. <1<,
"Juli,,,. /Ii,!. Woml .. )0, Ltvi"",. 1'),,, - . 6.
" Pr=n' h. "'., th.,ugho il il .• '9. u vUoo , 1'1 .)- 6.

) '4
S"cial wlUcxl



Strohcker long ago voiced the hypothesis that Leovigild' ~ revamp-

ing of roy"l rim ,l w'" directed " g" inst the GOIhie "ristoer>ey.·o
A closer examination of Wamb's ritual trampling of the
defeated usurper and in audience con firm s and deepens thi~ view,
Julian's account identifie~ the ,udicnce fot p"ul's ritu"l !r"mp-
ling and public judgement in ,ol11e dnai!. It compri",d, on the
one h,nd, the pow.-rful sector of the aristocracy d ircnl y a~sociatcd
with the pabce (,eMiorn 1M/alii), os wdl a, [he kitl g's elite milit" ry
retainers kno wn as gar/lillgi dml lht' lown ranks of palace
personnel, the pald!i",,,,, "ffid,,,n-"' On [he other, the ,cene w"
witnessed by the Vi'igothic field :>rmy which, prccilely in thi,
period, wa, 'Imming • prolOfelllM social proflk. A, Sinchcz
Alborno>., l);e,ner and Gorda MorCIlO have 'hown, thc field ~rnly
by thi, time chid! y comprised the kin gdom', grandees, the landed
m, g""te" accompanied by their hrgc pcrwna I fol lowi"gs of free
"nd unfree ret>iners, serving under the dire" commalld ofthe;r
pm/om,s."' The secne outside N;m c~ indic"tes that WaH/b" w~ ~
essentially concerned with ~Iorifyin~ hi s complc,,' victory, not tu
the population of the reconql1C"fc'd town, or ,' V("11 that of the
c~p;,al - he could h~ vc ,avcd [he <n/cn!io "., wel l " the public
judgement for I~tcr - but 10 (hc mmt powerful men of the
kingdom. the "ristocncy, as represe"ted by the sr"iI" .. pa/alii and
the magn.tes serving in the ~rm y, before the)' wne dismissed .nd
returned to their hOl11es. ' J It c~nnot be forgo[(cn that, but a few

" G, ........ "'"', pp. " '-J.

" J"Ii.", liiJl. IV,,,, . .. '7. L,·"''''n. Jl'."-'; ."J. "'''". <"p l;,iliy. I.d,,;"",. ).
~v;""'. JJJ."-' J .
" C. S'n,h" .0.1000.00 . ·l. I'hd 'd. d< ['p'"' ' Et .j<'m,o "i,iK,><Io, '" pro'<>-
r,,,d,h,,cion', (.",..1<,"" ok """i, ok [.'1"'';_, <) - J (J%1). J- 1): H.j. P""""r,
'Kooi~ W,",b. "nd d,,, "'<~ ~o,,,doc hul ,f,·uJ.t"mu>. JOB. J! (19<")), 7-Jj. np.
"If .nJ 'Jif. " ... <1 1 " hi, W" 'R,i<,,", ""J I""~,,",,,J;,,", (;'J"II""'j"" ""'
U."".",",',,!oM<ok. Si""n~,b.'"cht<"" ",h""h<" /lbd<mi, d<, Wi",-"">< I,, f,«,.
!'hi!.-hi". Kl. "0,' (1I<, lin, ,,,,1), pp. 7-'9' LA Gmj, Mor<t,., . 'E>t"rliQ, ,,,h« I.
u,~."j,.<i6n .d"' ; ni ~"';" d<t ",in" vi"g'Hlo .k TukJc'. Itn".,;o J< """,,,, b l
'''''/'' """'01, .. ( ''l/O) . l-llJ. O<r< ni!", d . h;, !'Ifi" okl "'''''' v;';;«'Jo ok J'c l,Jo
(M.d,.!. ''''J) . pp. I,, - I."d 113- 00.
" J"I;,", to p""ei,dy identify ,h< ",,'. 't'h" "w" "ot lit N;n'" folk>w, fmm ,h<
d.",tip"""' or.h< H",. IY ...... . nd to. i,.;,i,,". ... I,lel , ,,"pl~ ,h" ,h. ,;f< w"

months earlier, duke Paul had been a trusted member of this same
c!ite and, indeed, that the king himself had been ui.ed from their
ranks only a year before. By witnCjsing the ritual of toul victory
and participating in the trial of thei r captive pee". the unjc,ts and
magnucs cxpres...:xl the ConKnSuS of the Visigothic elite that the
usurper's bid for supreme power had failed and thai his defeat was
indeed a victory for the bng and hi, fellow ari5lOCralS, even as
they consented in the infamy whi ch stripped aristocratic 'status
from their form er peers," The new king and the king-mahrs
agreed, for the time being, on Wamba" lUcce.. and worthiness to
hold the royal office,
Th is obse rva tion takes us to the heart of the excrei", of royal
power in seventh-.:cntu ry Spain: itJ inse<:u rity, Perh aps the
dominant feature of the development of Visigothic rulcnhip
between leovigild and the Islamic conquen - in",far as the
meager evidence allow s of generaJiution - was the unending
struggk for suprema cy between the royal ambitions of new-made
kings and a tru culent aristocracy'sappctite for power, The 'Gothic
di""a",,', ma,bus Co,hj(~ s as Fredegar calls it, was rampam among
an aristocracy with a pronounced penchant for igno ring the
rhetoric of sacral kingmip and murdering, dcthroning Or other-
wile replacing their rulers ,·s Onc sutistic spells OUt the trend with
chilling clarity: of the ",ventcen Visigoths who arc kn own to have
claimed the royal offICe in the ",venlh century, six weTe cntainly
deposed and fOUT morc very probably suffered the same fate_.· In

'p' '';''"' rno"8h <" ' «0"''''0001< ,Oo <nti .... .. my_TOo hk<ly ..,,,ing i, '"ggo.«d by
J"h.n·, ",",I ,<",,, k on ,ho pn"<<', wt.o ... boo" un .h< doy .f,.. ,,1<_
,I>< (,r.
)'1.9): /I,,,, 11'_." <"""'" ,
' 7. !.<v,..,., j"_' j _ , .; 'N.m <I ",Iii;""" pNoc<p>
N<"m"ett'" orb< ;n pl.n. ,um ,,<w'" '01\~'''b.>,_ I1lie .." .. P'''''''''' '_
•• Th< loJiti ... r«ord, worh "'" 'ho« PI'''''''' j, !.<v;""'. In"- " . m whieh
W.mb. <""pm, P.wl ' 0 "",,<0><1 ... "h h,m ',~ Ito< ,o~v...,'o (.. 'n...' m<on<m', ,r.
;.'4.. 1, J" ." - JJj .l' .Ito< <;>mn<> <ommwn; d<~n;v;m"' ",,,,.,,.i.'.TIt" rl>< «b<I,
Io!o ,"m pnvil<5<d """,, I ".,0' fOllo w, (.om ,ho II" ••d1or .."'" of<lIrir oobm.y:
<f. T1wmp"'" , 5";", pp . 'Jj-'.
" F.«I<K". 0,_ .. ,. h. Kru..:!o. 1.>.I>-.6J . ". s... In 3""<>1. Cloud<, M.1. pp.
lO,tr, GOld. Mon'nD. H,. pp_ "olI".
.. COIIn.«I Of follow" « ".in ly dopo.<d or '''''''''01«1 : L,"" 11 ("" ,-, ll), w"".o<
(""' ....1'0), So.o;.,.hil. (."-J'). T wig. (61~" )' P.ul I.., '), W.mb> (..,,40): "'y
p,ob,bly d<P"'<d or .,,'''''n,,<d, Sil<tM.t, (6 .. - ,,), R«<>..-d II (6"). lodi!.
("j.?_ ))), Sun;.(.HI (69.1 - j')' rompl««1 rl><;r «'I" .nd d;"d, """,,,I d<".:
G"nd<m" (11091'0- "), Si ...... nd 16j , - 6). C hi",,!> (616--j91..,). Cloind.w;",h
(• .,- jJ). Rox .. "mlh (6jJ -7». Emg (0.1<>--7), E,ie, (."~7<> ' ) '

) .,
f~'I. not I~n y,'ul .flcr his viCiory ovn om: afllto(r~t. W am ba. Ih~
mumphalor of 67]. would rail vicli m 10 .nOlh~r .nd • nnional
(ounClI would r~"or~ full nobililY. pr1\'IJcgl'" and pmlXrry 10.11
surv"'Ulg p~rl lC.paI Ul '" I'~urs usu rp.tion ." It i, hard 10 . void
!u!l"'nmS a link octwn11 th, proh lie ",lern.1 chllcngn Ihe
Vi,ig..,lh;, .n<uxra,y cr~>!(d for Ih...c 11 made killS and thesc
ruleu ' drorl! 10 rAIs(" Ih~n"d,'" .bo,·c ,hc•• formcr peers .nd
d("'OIUlr~l c Ihe 10Ultly o f Ihci. oWn ""Iory over. di"idClu
nobk, I" Ih .. rcspcl.'l. II cannot 1:><, ovcrlooked th.t th~ full"t
account 0(. viClory cde bralion eomc. from the COUrI h,slory of
d.c lu ppresslon o f ye l >"mha intern.l challengc !<) myal
..uh otil)" put;cu larly MIKe Ih.1 ",ork (' xpli culy cbim~d u ils
."dience Ihe yo,lIhful wnrior1 of Ih~ coumry,·· Given thl' !<>Cial
profI le uf I. y lilcra cy a~ ",..II .. Ihar of Ih,' ... ny in Viligolh ic
Sp''''' Ihc 'lId'rnc, fo t Juhan" aCCoull! " f ti,l.' trllllllph w.!
p.oh~bl y nO leu dlliinguished dun Ih>! ofdu- nl ual t .. ",pling, ·~
Th,' !oOCiAI Conl ( ~ I o f W • mba '. v.ctory «lc br.tionJ , .n bc vnifl<"!
.nd c~({ndcd dunks to Ih ....., . eb lnl btu mdq>l1.d,n l develop-
m~n". They n~ ,,·.denced by nun",m.nn ~nd canon 11", ~nd
r...·c~1 h"",' 1111(01.1 ch~tktlgo 10 Ihe U\o,,~rd.y er)'sl.thzcd orh ...
,mlon.. rd~ll'd 10 roy~1 "'CIO'Y_
Tilt.' con"~rSlon of u:ov igild', ddCloI IOn lictll\(fI~gild 10
onhoool( Ch,im.nlly. hi. umrp.tion .•111.,....(' wllh Const.n ll-
nople .nd th,' fom )'CU1> of civil ""n Ib l ctl~ul'd, ""m have
UII Ic>lh~d grc.t M'CW:' in Ihe upper ~chc toU! o f V Illgo lh ic >O(:i<'1 y .
A. cO lllwvcni,l as SI,) I"r dN >ils n.. y ynlx:. Hltl lt.rth·s work It'
particulu h. , 111.,1,· ckar tllll Lcovlg ild 1lI'lched hi, IIIihlar y
"-'p'J1UC , 0 ehe u\\lrp~,ion Wllh • pohtic. 1 one whose tu«s (all
mil bt- rnd in hil ~oin.It<·, for Ihe firsllilll e. Vl>isu,hi e gold COlnl
I,rnp.g.ndiz.'d sJ>l'cifi, .us in Ih~ k"'g'~ exc rci:\(' of poW...' hi~
" " tories ov~r Ihe '<'.",.1 forn .... The ,,· VC' X' kgend CV M D {E)O
OI' TlNVIT SPAll .nnounccd Ih, f.1I of I-k'I1IC11cgild', capiut
Sc,·tlk and Ih~ di "",c f.,·or wlll,h 'U<11dcd ,uch • Jncn·u.....
Olher key '· '~I Otle' ",'ere h.,led wilh COlli rC vCtlC~ hke +I' IVS
"XIlI 'loi I _ V,,~ " J - ,~ .,f ''''~nl'''", .l,.. ... M' ''' ,
". J~~"'- /I,,, ..._ . '. I......,"" "" • -,0
• • I >iJ. t' I }uz. '~""'" "" fK"'" " If.
1'1' <O~''''~''' ,h.. ' huo<h .('H ...... ".'f< h....-.I1~
.",," , ~,bIt ' OIly ,,, , .... , k.~ y ' 001 d I' It .. h< , r"",.. _ .. ,.~"" ""' , ro.,~
........ , . I "' _ 1' 1/1 ' .,J.-h J.J < ~" (I· ... ,. ( 1~1l1 ). PP J"" .0
- "",k"_ r;,,"ot;(". p "" . '" " ('1
) ,7
Royal virtory in Visigot/,,'( Spain

EMERITA VICTOR, ~ignaling Ihe recovery of Ihe peninsula's

economic center, while CORDOBA BlS OPTINVIT ~a luted the
final collap", of resistance.·' In other word s, the f,nt issues of
Visigothi, coinage proclaiming the king' s victory were forged in
th e nucible of internal strife,
For whom Were these messa ges of royal victory minted? An
eS5ential clue comes from the metal in which they were muck:
gold, As Bellinger ha, noted of By.antine gold issues .nd Barral
reaffirmed for the economic context of early medieval Spain: '. "
the government is largely indifferent to the opinion of the general
public and chiefly concerned only with , . ,the aristocracy',"' The
emergence of thi, victory custom in Visigothic Spain w.s
triggered by an internal challenge to the rulcr, and the was the primary target,
Victory coinage continued to be struck intermillently after
leovig ild' , time, although the legend. quickly occame otnco-
typed , Rcccared's issucs lOutcd VICTOR IA or the king's quality
of VICTOR, One group of tremisscs ~truek at Merida has tent3-
lively been linked with the .ame victory for which Masona staged
a thanbgiving procession,·J Both king Sisebut and Suinthila
i"ued at the Galician toWn of lugo coim which display the
VICTOR epithet, and both i"ue' have b..·cn connectcd with
campaigns in Ih.t region.· ' Chinda,vinth', reign (64~ - SJ) was
chuacteri~ed by the repression of insurrections .nd he too seems
to have called him5elh VICTOR on • coin bearing the Merida
mintmark ,9' Egica's (695 - 702) iss ues "I T olcdo and al Ihe Galician
.. I,il" pp, '~J-7, no>. )9- ,1; d . p. '9<, no. )1; .nd i,il" pr, '1"'-', no, )0' cf,
Thorn!""", S".i", p. 7>.
., "" ,II,, ll<lhng", 'Th< <o;n, . nd !ly.. n"n< 'mp«i. 1 pohcy ', Sf',.I.m, Jl (19}6),
7(>-1" I><r< 71; d: ,,",p, K"hd,n, 'Co",," ",i" of ,mp',i.1 p,op.~.nd. in tl><
By"mi"" <m pi« ftom th< <igh 'h '0 ,I>< r.r'«Jl,h <rn,u,;"", l'Id~"i... " P"P"I"."'
.., _,'" J"., I,,,,", By""", o.,i".'(p..;" t93JI , pp. 'J- ,I, h«o '); of. 11.",1.
Ci".I." .. , pp. 69. 70, ,t<, On ,I>< run"'" I><t"'« n 'uin oo",m,n"",n, 'nd P';«
.. Mi le>, C" ••gt, p, ,,".rod pp, ".If,no, 9J ,
.. Ii"'. , pr. 'J6-7 ",d >71. "". '01' pp. '91-9, "0 . >,6. Su;n,h;Io ', VICTOR. i""",,
'EIIOR,,"', ,,<., Elvora, moJ, l;.o" ;, gi"n J.c...b,lui . u,o.n';,;' y' Il iI .. pp, '~'-J,
no. 'lolb),
•• M;I«. Col"or. p. J<J . no. lJI. FO! .n"""",;< m,u",,,';on un<i<, him, 0«, in
. dd;t.," to ft<<i<¥". C~,...., <. h . K!U><h, ,0>.>.- '0] . ' >, B",.I', hypolnem on
tn, ,,It,.;v< 10' tho bun. 1 of th, g"" L.. G,,,,, ",,,,d, <I, 0. or-1J 0' 6)J-"
Ci".I." .. , pp, '" . nd " <.

Social <olIIexl

mints ofBug~ ~nd Tuy (Tude) testify to ~ development whose

significance has not been adequately appreciated. Hitherto,
victory ~pith~!S appeared only on the less important ,ide of the
coins. the reversc. 96 Two important i!",ovations werc m ade
simultaneous l y in the capilal', coinage. The old invocation 'In the
name of the lurd' was replaced by a christolugial one 'In the
name of Christ'; +N +PI NM,·7 At the .. me time , the victory
epithet was tunsferrcd from the reverse Jnd became part of the
roy,1I tid~ itself: EGICA REX VICTOR .O. The father of the last
ruler ofVisigothic SpJin probJbly faced mo re than Otte uprising
by inmrgent aristocrat> and,le" than a decade after Egiea 's demise.
a feuding elite would invite the Arab invasion. Given the king's
efforts to shore up the monarchy's prcstigc and victorious quality
in another domain, 01 connection betWeen the new royal title and
the repressiun of high-level dissi dence is nut .ltogether unlikely .
If the medium uf Visiguthi, victory issu~'S indicates the social
level of their .udienee, the mintmark. uf certain scrico "'ggesl a
further resolution uf their focus, part icularly when place uf issue is
correlated with circul.tion patterns. lhrral', ana l ysis of ~ninsular
hoards reveals a fairly intensive circulation uf the coinage within
rather narrow regiunal buundaries, Down to the lime ufWamba,
only money struck at Merida and Toledo could be expected to
break this pal!ern ruutinely and carry its mc"age to the kingdom's
far reaches, thank. tu these cente,,' dominant role in the eco-
nomy.99 This explains victory coim minted th ere but raises the
question of why leovigild, Reccared, Siscbut, Suinthila and Egica
issued ,imilar coi", . t rather eccentric ]oc.le, like Lugo, Tuy, or
Draga, which would not have been the ~ttinsula's mo,t densely
populated areas, T he answer may lie in regional military activities,
for it has bcen suggested that the proliferation of minI< mo.!
wmetimc. havc been connected with payment. to the army. '"0 III

.. \li ';go'~;, ",;nto" ",m"n," .w'" of'''' di";,,ct""' oM;!«, C.'."g', p. J" 11",,1,
Ci",.I"i ... , p. rH.
" C;,td f,om "", of ,,,, <1<""" , .. mph M;I<., C.i.'g<, p. J9'l, nu. 017(I):o[ ihl' .•
p. J7.
.. f.~ . Mik., CoI.'S'. p. 396. nO.• nlb): p.• o~ . n",. oj' , ,,J ~ JJ {x). Th;, ,; !I, .looutJ
...dJ<d '0 ,o. "W"et ,,,,tnbkJ b~ Wutf"",, 1.,;,./,,;, . I, pp. 611f.nd :rolf.
.. B"..1. Gi,,,,I,,;,,,,, pp. 70, 'J7 ."d
'00 G.«i. M"""o, ' E,,"J;"" . pp. 971f ."J , 'JIf, ,,,J "p. h;, puin'.,d """'.... i"" ,h.,
,h< onty Vi,iK",hk coin'g' 'Y" mon,td " lu i". w"
"",,,w,d p"",,,,,iy wi,.
Royal ViC/My in Visigorhic Spain

Olher words, lhere is some re~son to lhink lh ~ t lhe loc~1 issue of

victory coinage wa, ~ ddrc\scd to the ,arne .udimce ~, king
W a mb~ ' , ritu al humiliation o f duke I'.ul.
The cit,tion of the Fourth Counci l of Toledo during I>. ul 's
tri~l i, " me.sure of the role of the Sp~ni,h bilhop$ .nd their
pronou ncemc n t, in the politic~ l life of th e kingdom, Thi~ im POict
nn be smdi"d th.n ks 10 thc extcnsivc records of church councils
prcserved in th e Co/blio hiJpn,,~,IOI The k g~1 fr.mework oflh."",
mccting~, li ke thc cu stom of acchiming ,he !ecul .. r power, w~ s
,. kcn ovcr flOm the pracricc of the later Rom.n emp ire.!">
Cultom uil y, ea ch council's records begin with a pra yerful
pre. mble .nd con clud,- with. thanksgiving texl , Evm under the
Aria n k ing~> thcse limin ary sUtcments had included . ccrtain
''''lOun t of well-wishing for Ihe' GOlhic prince. 'OJ The COn version
of the mon~ rchy to orthodo xy n. turally upped the ~ nte, begin -
nin g with the re m~rb.blc a~dam ,u ion of Reccarcd . t the Third
Council of Tolcdo in S ~9 , I 04 But it took nearly fifty year •• nd
nine morc counci ls heforc the hishop' praycr and praise for the
princ" .dd ress<:d th" issue of roy~ l victory. The prel~tes convened
~I Ihc Fifth Coull cil of Toledo in 63(, prep~ rcd a document in
which ,11 or ne.rly .11 {he canons COnCern attempts to ovl'tthrow
the new kin g Chimil •. As h.s been noted, the conclu,ion (hat chese
provisiom m irrored.n ongoing umrp,ltion ~ llc mpl h~, met with
wide .. cce ptance. Fo r thc fi rst lime in thc history of Visigothic
cOll cj li;>.r lcgid. don, ,he bishop , added to their concluding
a~cldm . tion\ a ncw kind of wish , onc which cntre.u ed God to
grant the king 'triumph ovcr hil enemies', 'u' Th i, innov,u ion
would be eeh"" d hy four mme of ,he mrviving fou"""" council.
which followed it. an intcrn.1 ch. llcngc to the mon~rchy

l <o v i ~ , l d ' , , « ""~o,'"

of 'ho< ''' y_
fu, ",m, t,n"',v< ' nd'n'''''' of I"'puto<ion
d" ", bu",.., , .... P. .Ie P, I,,), ' tk m" K"phy ,nd " , h><oiogy ,n fl.,,",,"
,00 V;" KDth;c )i;,p'no" 0 , ,,;.. 1 r-oli. , ' ) ('''''''I , j'_' '., M,p' J, ttt,lV ,od Vk
d pr. JIll'.
co, s,..-, <. ~ . It . • , " Ho", . "',./,._ ,"" .J
c ..~' "' I,,;, , ... ""id (M,d",",", '., j).
pr· ,-,
'" J O,bodi>, .UX '" "'''fl'''' '''''' "'i '. I~ ,~I",. ' " I. r,,,,,", "'''XO'i" y .. ,~i,".1
(p. rnplon,. ,.,01 , pr. 0i j- ll l ' d . ' ''''''K'''''''' m M. McCormi<k, R",", , '. ",.;"
m/<"''''q"' . 11 ( ' .11), ) 71-l
co , I" i_ . p_ 1"'J . ' " III T o!., Yo v". ,ro '7 ·
,., V Tol . ~ , v,,,,, ')0; ' Doo« ci 1,,,,, x; l l)Qm in o' d, ,nimi,;, ,riomfum ..
Social conreXI

pmvokcd the birth of ~ new, trend~Ktting victory cUllOm. The

bi~hops ~t the Sixth Counci l of Toledo pr~yed in 1"\3B that
Chintib', triumph might prove a I~sdn!: one. 'O • The synod held
~t Merida in 666 regulated the pcrformJnee of diocesan services
for ,'ictory during the king', campaign, a measure whi ch must
reflect ~ period of conflict.,o7 Accordingly. the bi,hop' left.
record of thei r wilted "I' prayer that the king would be victoriou~
and bend the CIlt"mic, neck. tu his duminiun.'o, King Ervig
convokcd thc Twelfth Coundl ofTulcdu only twelve weeks into
hi, !(·ign. Although nothing is known of nmcd upposition to hi,
acce,sion. th c king's wholcsalc concessions to the church <ind
:lIi,tOCT"Y cvidence an in~cure hold on the throne, and the
prelates publicly prayed th at he might OIppcar thc unconquered
conqunur of l'Ilemi.-.. ,09 Even though the record is nc~rly bbnk
in thc ciO'ing dccOIdcs of V isigothic history. the reign of Egic. was
eeruinly rmrkcd by cver incrcOising tensions with the nobility: 01
murper issued coins mintmarked Toledo, ~ primate of Spain was
implicated in <l plot to murder the king , and Egica's son was forced
tu cancd many ufhi, f~th",', puliein .nd pen~ltie,, ' 10 The prayer
for the king', victory inscrted it) thc Council of Saragossa (6<,1,)
leaves plenty of room for civil nrife;
M.y He cOIISolid.,e hi' [the kinB',j reiBn in ~.ce dlfough "'.IIY cycle.
of y•• rs , nd m,y He pre,erve bOlh Ih. ,"co (grmrm) .nd Ihe entire
f,therland in tranq"i!ity ,,,d may ChriS!', "i(lO rio", right h.nd
him evcr victor .g,in.,t 'he oppo,ing ho,'-'"
Usurp,tion triggered Ihe fITS! performance of "ictory pr.yen
du ring.,h munci!. Allhough lilde is known concerning the
cirCllln,t;l. nccs of ,he . ucceedi ng a,-.elllbli •• which pronounced

,.. Abo.we. n 49· ," f.rner,

'"' E""" .. Vi ... J'J, ',
j. Vi,,.,. » 1-8 . Cf. Thomp"'". Sr"., p. >1O.
my"" <'<0'" d.' ' "" ho"ib", ",l<\" . ic<u,"n' u, 'UNU",
,,""" co"'''' ""I I, Ji, in'" <im ,ubd" g''';'' >u'
f.. on" ...
". XII Tol , 'J . V"",, , 00, Cf. Th<>mpoon. Sp.i •. pp. lJlff.
". On SUn",r"d', ",u'p,,"". Mil<->. C.M ••l " p. )1. d . • OS; Thomp>Oo, SI"';". p. ,. • .
EgO<. "'.. f<"",w,I,,,N fo. hi, I'<,,,,, u'ion of ',h< Goth.- , ,h .. i., ,..., Go,b"
""",,,,c1' (;'",. /1;' . • ;,p •••. Momm ",n. ).9.)0 - ': <f.
"",-, .lunJonm<n' ~f hi, po li,,,,,.
JjO.)O- JJ ' .,. fo, hi,

," II' C""",,"ug, j , \I i.". ,80,,; '" . m ip'" "gnum eo", in P'« ,ub mullimoo.
"",Olllm ,u ".", I, ",10<1<, K,n "my", " unovo, .. ", P'''''''' In ".nquili"«
<,."",,,<l. <l (0",,, ~owm .J'Cllum "", ix Ch,i", <1<.,... ""0«'" effL",,'
«"'1'.. . .. '.
Ror~1 ~i'torr in Visigothi( Spain
similar praycn, it is nO{ impo<sible that civil strife continued to
condition their performance through the next half cemury. One
furtber consideration rcinforcC5 this connection; it i. panicularly
relevant to the bishop, puyn. for king Egica·s victory in 691.
Within tWO years of the Saragossa meeting and twO decades
before the kingdo m'. final agony, the Sixteenth Council of
T oledo devised the 1m reeorded meaSUreS aimed at shoring up a
tottering monarchy and invoking divin e power against its
adversariC5. The bishops who gathered in the npital in the 'pring
of 693 had their hand. full and the conteXI of conspiracy and
u.urpation perme,ltes their pronouncement,. No lest a figure than
Si.iben, bishop of Toledo and primate o(Spain, was condemned.
deposed and excommunicated for hi s plot to topple and murder
Egica and a number of prominent mcn."l The penalties (or
perjuring the ouh of allegiance and the Fourth Council of
Toledo·, triple anathema agaimt usurpers were reasserted and
beC' UK tnmgre ..ion of the ouh h.. become .toudy rooted and the
uvage custom h.. become prev.lent ofploning .gaimt Our princes, in
order to murder the prince or deprive him of the roy.l dignity. II>
In this highly charged atmosphere, the bishops passed a decrcc
reinforcing the .piritua! defense of the monarchy by instituting
perpetual daily M.sses throughout the peninsula. These services
wou ld beseech the Lord to enlure that the .ubjccll' good will
towa rd the king increase with every day, 'while the efforts
of those who resist be smashed by the power of Hi. right
hand'. II ' T hi. rimea meaSUre designed to enhance royal SUc(C5S by
spiritual means was fo rmubted and promulgated in the immediate
aftermath of an aborted usurp~tion.
On thr~e separate occasions. then. from the early. middle and
late period of Visigothic Spain, praetieC5 rdated to obtaining or

,,, XVI To!. v. Vi.... s<n-~" d . Thorn""",. s,..;". P!' . ... - ) .nd Gm" Marm<>.
,.,... ~ofl·. nQ . • j • .
,,, XVI Tol. 10. Vi ..... )09- ". OOe jOO): • • . •1..'''''' ~u .. '"' ;u .. ndi ' "n'll'mio .,Iide
inohi' '"' m>elJin'nd; con'" prin""",, n"""" """'''''IU<io> .. ey, p<fcret..;'.~...,
' Ul nt« di.,ru P""""",, iq,mm.,u. '"' '<in; diiniul< I"i.<lu •. ..·. cr. I)w, ",y.l
'_'. ;Io;~ .. , 17.
". X VI To!. I. Vi .... }D7' ••. . • d."',,"I;"'" rot",,, ''''''m,n, .irtule "'" de""",
,"" rring""u, . . .• .
m.gnifying roy.1 'uceess were triggered by .nd fo,' 011
intern.1 cha llen".'s to the monarchy. The {.,stimony of the coins
and counci], i, wholly COnCOrd.,,{ with wh.{ c.n be di"erned of
th., ,""ei. l cont"xt of the celebration m~tking Paul"5 defeat . Th,s is
all the more rem",k.blc if;{ is ren1<'mbl"Ted that civil war did not
mOllOpolizc the mi!it.ry activity of Visigothic kings, who al$O
lought with th~ Fr.nb. l3 yulltines .nd Ih'qucs. The t·l
gothic monarchy wu ch.racterized by ill,tability and nnn'asingly
confront~d a powerful aristocracy. To butt ..'sl their own power
and differentiate th" ir l,,"w-found S1,tu, from Ihe aristocracy Out
of which th<'y h.d ..cended, Visigothic kings poslo<'slo<'d nO
unive ... !!y recognized qualification like the dyn .stic tuditi on of
their northern neighbors. In no sm.1l measure. the Visigo,hs'
reliance on Byzantine models and rich development uf S'~~IJ'r'"'
bolile were conditioned br.n acmc form of,h~ rod. 1dram. which
so domin.ted ,'arly medieval ru1crship, the com fX'tition be,ween •
powerful aristocracy .nd .n .mbi,ious. unstable mon."hy_

4 . TilE RIiEToM, e 01' 1'\t: TOK~

The problem of ulltell .nd intern. l subversion found" distinct

echo ill th,' rhetoric of victory. Visigothic writers were not
(oll!ell! with the cn'pty rep~liti(ln of e.rlier convention,: the y
t~ilored them to til<" Current cunditiol" of rulcuhip _ Thus king
Chindnv;nth', prologuc to the hw On tTC350n ernph ..izcd the done the kingdom by disloy.lty; in hi, time, he '~ys, th c
ki"g was mOrC of!cn obliged to l~kc up 3"''' to crush his 0"""
,ubjects th ,m to repd foreign enemies. J '" W hm hi! 5011 pref.ced
his promulgatiOll of the l. w of th,' V i'igm h,. he adopted the very
terms .lId concept! of roy~1 victory 10 ,he f",al c~u sc of ruyal
legislation .nd echoed the royal obsession ,,"ith dissid.'ncc. ' ,,, This
introductory !.eelion " entitled 'Th.t th,' l.w triumph, over
enemies' and argue, lIut I.w i, the ultimate .ouree o f roy.1
victory.'" Th.nk.$ to the l.w, the 'pl.gue ofqu.rrel!· ea" lx,
b.nished from the kingdom . "d the ~rmy will .dv.nce to b.nlc

' " ! .• x " " ." . '. ', Z<um«. j! 'J j •. ,_

n . K",~ . 1.."', p . ". h" o"'ph"",d ,Iw .,10" <Of 'h" k,,,J of ,1.",."",. 1","mo,,' fm
",od<"""d,,,~ ,I-.< V",~oth", kg"'"~''' """",,W On "0< J ..,. ,,,,_, p. ,I.
, .. I..x "i, . '. ,. 0, z."",,,. ". 1.
conf,dently, mare SUre of victory over external enemies for the
certainty th.t there is nothing to fcar from intern.l ones. The
people wh o have b«n cemented together by the oil of
pe.ce - here clurly internal peace - and the wine of law stand
undefea ted against their enemies. Men whose laws are equitab le
fight hnder, and the prince's battle will be more successful ifit is
preceded by domestic justice.'"
JUII >I the mode"y of the prince i. the temperance of the laws, 00
humon y of the citi..ns is victory over the enemy. For from the mildness
of ,h. princes arioes ,he di'pmition of the low.; from the d;'pmiliOll of
the low •. the a,rongemen, of moral,; from the .. nngemen, of mor11.,
the harmony of ci,izen.; from ,he h.rmony of citi.en., triumph over
encmi" u ,
In this fashion, the lawm ak er con tinues. the good prince can hope
10 \>OsseS! internal peace (swam pactm), void the fordgn quarrel
(alitnam litem) .. nd. before .. rriving at the crowning gl ory of
.tcmallife, he can be celebrated both as a rector among his citizens
and a victor among hi. cncmi... I2O
Th e acuteness of high_level di»idcncc Wa' reflected with
exceptional ca ndo r by the liturgy', puyers. Thus th e votive Mal!
for the kin g'
... we entreat you. gr..... t F"her, that you eVer guu d with your
invincible aid Our gl oriou. Prince King N. whom you have C1U«<i,O
reign in thi. life. and tha t hi. wiilies be in your eyes. Give peace
in hi' day., gront ... fety, confer quiet, "w,h hi' i"Itr"4i4dv'''4.i" , . ubject
hi. <~!crn.1 encmi., to hi. rule .... '"
The themes of the royal legislator recur in very m~ightforw;lrd
fashion in one of the p r~yers intoned during the pToftctic bt lli(a

" . Ilii .. Z, um". " .' - 11.

". I~d .. bum". 4'.' J- r6: ', ;"" <..go mod<,,;, p";nc;p~'" «"'1""""';' .., I<g"m.
;t> <O"'Qnli. ci,;um ,i<ro,;. "" lIDo,i"m . b m.",_u"in, ct,""im p.incipum
o\xxi,u. d"po<"'" k~u m . .. di'P<"~""'" I<gum in""",,,, motum. ,~ ;n,u,u,;on.
mornm <onw..!i, ,i.i um . ox ",,,,,mo,, d,iu", "iump"m buotiu m."
". Iljl .. Z<um<f . ., .,6->0.
'" Li• . .,1.• Htolln. '9),>1-»: 'p" qu<rn" ct;,m. ,umme p,,,,. "pooO"'U ~ "'
glo'"" um'p<m """ .... m III... '<gem. q""m in p, ... n,i ",,"10 "'gn,.. "'dOli.
''''' ,"uic,o 1<mf'<' 'lK";' .".itio. <;UlqUC uou ,;n' ;n 'u;, "",,)i, pu<.bj); •. On ;n
"",bu, <' u, p"ern. c<>n<ed" .. t"«m. <Ion<> quiet<m . ;n"""" <;u, ad ....... ,.;".
.onlC , ... exl<",,,, 'n 'm;. ", dicioni .; U, tubici.1I..

Ri,e/or;, <>J ,,;cro'y
)ervin': 'Through your conceSSIon, 0 lord, kt him [the king]
luvc StrOnS aTlnie • .j~i/hfrrl d"kri, agrtt;"g minds, so ,hat he might
overCorn,' the enemy with v,lor, ,:,, 12
The insisten ce of monnchy . nd chu,ch on royal victory m.kes
readily undccs,andablc Ih.t willing subject< r"ponded in kind , A
petitioning monk could address his letter !O the king , who
'"jump!>s 'lIld rcisn. in uneonquacd faith','" A Gothic count
livins in a distant (o m,'r of the ",.im concluded .lener con,oling
king Gundemar (6o<)IIO~ U) On the death of hi! queen with a
prayer that the felicit y of the king' s glo ry might be pr~rved
through unee.sing triumph .nd ,he defe.t uf.1I adversi!y , '24
Sevemh--century poctry dedk.ted to the king bste". on his
victory in n""h ,he same fashion, as .n demen! of polite
imcrcoun.: - ,>t kast ,ha, is .s nen an apprtei.,iun a. is P<".iblc in
ou r ignorance o f the p"'e;,,, political conjuncture when mch
works were co m po,<-d. , .. l all' in the kingdom '. h inory, Julian of
Tokdo ad.pted thl' victory CUnCeil to hi s person.l pk. fur even
h,nh,'r pe rsecution of ,he Jew!. "6
A clos<' link between the mon ..chy and historic.1 wriling i,
rathe r charancrinic of the early Middle Ages. In ,his respect. it
m.y be wondered whether there wa. mure in the way of victory
celebr.!ion to V i'igochic society's ve"ion nf this relationship. The
conncction of che Hist ory of W,mba ..... ith th,' suppression uf
Paul's rebd! ion; s p~'COll,Il' has uttered the ""picion

'" J!>oJ.. 'l~ ,, - TJ '-' 'II ... " ,,e<",,,<'<k~,,, 1-'<,"""" , <.e,,,,,,, r", ,<., ~ " <" f,d",.
"'''<OToc, .~, ,,'o.. </,'0 ". k" "'''"« "'1'''''' . du«,"""" .' . II n u' ,,~" ,,-ed «I" oTT,1
« >lnn-,,,,,, uf l...Jot< of -;".,Ik unJ<""",,, <i", I"'m' , " ' ...... I>< .dJ, '0 I,,, ","n'.
,h" lW'Tg,ld "''' ""«»,,,1 ,n ""O""H ,I>< ",un ..chy. ·",.J,o q"'pP< ... ,,""'
<""ro,d.",... .' J/,u , .~. lI.uJrigoc' AIun"" ' JLj - f>. 1'0>1 ,I>< <omp""'''' ~.,, "
H,d ... ,~, . .. p. ~ 9 .
," T """ ('on, • m,,,,,,,,,y
n.", M«.h. '0 11....-",«1, ' ~I",,,,,, ',"un, ph.""" mm,"
r,J< TC~".n'i· , f'r · """t. 'J . "i l. '" d Th~ml""". $1"'.' p _ ,oJ , On Tm., C<". 1~""n,",«J(~;,h,/,,~< 5,,.,,," '" .. W' ''A''''''''';'-' '" S".,,, •. Sp'm",11<
f,,,,,,hU"8<n J<, GO "<>~<><I k< h.I, , l, ' , ( M",,~<! . ' YN). p. 67. , \0 , " 0.
," f" """1 .. 'j. G,I") )j \
' " E,. , 0. ..".".. ".t<. no '0, ,',I F, V~I I ",«, M"l/,AA . " H 00,) , " \ , -~ (<f 11;" ¥
I);". I.... ~, " ,9). F."go> """ l" !o.JJ.." .".,. "'" , V<>i It,,« . 'h J.' - '6, _", " "" II " ,II<
'n'''')'m"", 1'0'''''' on "", ''''' . "J v.-,,,, "~"'I<,I ,,, ,he "''OnT" «<"u' y II>;" "
l)i". '.';'x. '. <'>It . "0. "~I. "~ .. "". '9. V"II""". 17J_' _~'
". D< ,""'p'_;'" "y,., .,,,,,,. p"<f,, cd, I N. Ihl l ~mh, eeL , "l 1'~""
". n •• "n<i<oc¥ or ,t.; H,~ \I'. .. ~_ " 'rdkJ "'" '" ,II< ",k·",dp" "'h,," J" .. hom

RO),dl vi(/o.), in Visigolhi( Spdin

tbat tbe fin~l triumph over the Byzantines was not foreign to the
genesis of Isidore's History of the Gotbs. ,21 .... nd a hexameter
lauding the par~de of infamy inflicted on a rcbd against R eccued
doses John Bicbr's Chronide.'29
Two worb edated to these hislories ~nd whose tides ae
suggestively panl1d even qualify as a kind o(1iteTalUle of victory:
Isidore's Prai le of the Provine<: of Spain and Julian's Revilement of
the Despicable Province of Gaul.'lO They sbue tbe device of
apostrophe: the argument dirc<:dy addresses a personified pro-
vince. bidore concludes on a ttiumphal note befitting the final
defeat of Bynntine forcC'< in Spain. Fint Roman power desired
and e$poused her but, after many victories WOn throughout the
world, the Gothic gfllJ carried Sp~in off and loved her. u , If the
bishop of Seville imagined Spain i f a desirable woman, the bishop
of Toledo portray. Gaul as a wayward one. as an insane ingrate,
who is rightly subjugated by the main force of the victorious
'army of the Spaniards'. These passages testify to more than
seventh-century male cbauvinism: in both cases victory is assigned
not to the sole ruler of the Visigoth s, but 10 the gmJ or army.' l2
The trend who.., first hints arc discernible in Gothic luly and
increasingly prominent among the Lombards became a significant
clement in Visigotbic conceptions of military su,cess. The gtnS or
ethnic unit rival! and even surpasses the ruler as the agent and
embodiment of victory. Isidore's History of the Goths furnishes

W.mb.·, lif...;m.: 'In ""m;1>< w>cu< "in; ..,,, incipi' b;""';' ."«U<o,,iWm;
W.mb .. 1<1;' ck up<d;,ior>c« .;0,"';'. q'" , ....UUlt<m _ , .... p ..... in<Um
G.JIio. «Iobri ,riumpho p<rdomoi,·. I..ovUon. j0I.4-·" on ,..., <1>".ilIiI.. ft . [ •
.., J. Fonu; .... R..... «. ....., I.,;..,. II ([977). <io"
,.. Abo ... n. )0.
u. 0.. <II< MS .u<"",";ry (0< <I>< ri,k o(hido<.·, lAo,. Rodri"",. AIonIO. pp. 51""9. Foo-
Jo l;"n',) h ... pr.r<rred ,he ..p&;!. '.,.h,,;'. 9. I..o.~. '>9.10. ,,, th< incip;'
.ili, I«m, """ o( plot, ..... <pi,I>« "fth. """'.,. j .<. J~I"" him.. lf, I..ov~. ,16.6.
'" Uo' S,..,.....Rod"I1''''' Alan", '7<>.,11--)0. On ,he m,"phot. J- Fan,,;'"
HilIC .. ,h. Lo -"t'.jW . h_",.J<. '. S<!I;m'''' '7 (Spol<-Lo. <9"/0). J SO-'.
",eI J- N.

'" N",. ,bO!;n lLidor<. 'he old "I ' IU'U Rom, <11"" m.".t.;· beeom .. (u""""L<i-
<HI"'~?) ·,or<. Rom. "9~' -",,,,', Rodri, .... A\onIO. '7<>.16-7 • .",. ;,;, ,he
'Goo-hol"Um 1Iom>,j"'m. ,,,,,' who <11.10, ';":'or, 'h,""Jh<>u< !h, world .nel
,boe""" w;,h SF"': ;~~ .• '7<>.>1""9. Th< ,nne! ;. ... "" more p'O<loun«d '" Juh.n.
H, Im<f.lly .p< ..... of"" ';":,on of Coul (•. C.• 1.",lt.oI;,. '. t..<vi_. ,,6·7' 7.
"'.'9: I. "9.'1>; ',,,,,<iN> Sp • ...,.... .... · Of ·Sp,n '·. ;~iJ .• 7. ,>1",-1';
1>1._'; I . j. I ---<,>. ,""' .. ).
RhelO';( oj vi(lory

the most outsunding examp le. T he early Goths h3d rebllff~d

Roman patronlge and n~rncd their uwn ruler lx'Cause they had
triumph~d over the empir~.I3 ·' Reee~red', conversion h.d per_
mitted him to eJcv~tc the entire j!nlJ through the trophy of
faith. ' " The success of the king 3nd the new f.ith ~g~i"'t tht·
Frmb is tr~",fnrm ed into ~ collective victory of the Goths ,''"
Even a Gothic defeat is made into pruof of the entire people's
extr~ordin~ry vietorioum~,,-'J" The be,t illustr~tion of the
p~ttem cornel from the highly compressed r;;sumt· of the Hi,tory
found in I,idore's Rec~pitul~tio". A comp3riwn of the long
versio,,", vi~w of Visigothic victory over Rome with its con-
denurion in the Recapitulation shows a su rprising rMult: the
condC"i~tion i, twi~c ~s long ~~ the origill;11. The btter re~d !:

Sicque urb! CUnct.rum gentium uictrix Gothici. trillmph;' uicto

.ubcubuit ei"luc subiug,taqlle ",,"i"it. I ,7
While the abbrevi.tiun goe"
Quibu. (\C, Gothi.] t.nto extitit m.gllitudo bellorum . t t~m ~x[Oll~",
glorio<:>c uinori.c uirtu. ut Rom. ;P" uictrix omnillm populorum
.ub.~t. ".ptiuitat;, iugo Gmhici. tr;mnphi' ~dc~de .et ~! don';n~
cuncUrum g~ntium ilJj, ut f~mub des ~ruj,..,t. I >I
To the deeply rooted , ,,d widely diffused prop~gand~ of the
Rom~n empire's eternal victor y. the young Gothic kingdom
offer~d a new ~nd different ideological n·spome. It derived from
and mirrored the old ideology, but it W:lS infused wi,h new
me~ning. The new content rcfl~ cts ,h~ circum!unce! of an culy
mediev~1 :I.istocr~cy which had risen from the double ,pring uf:l
late Roman provincial elite .nd Gnm:lnic upper da .. deeply
shaped by its experience of imperi al civi liz3tion.

'" Hi",. " . l1.uJ';g"'" Alon w•• 1'1''->- 10. '" I'ii .. j>, 2"' .1 _ 1 L
'" J'.
Ilid. , Rod';gU<1 AIoo",. ,6u - ,6j,Y,
". Thu, j<rom<', d, y 'Rom"" eo!hO! In ~"m'lO'Ut" "goon< u,,,",, un" , Ch,"" ..
1t<lm. 'l], 1>«0"'« I<ido,,', ·Con " .nlin", .. .in~<nt i ~u. c<",min, IGoIh'-"l "ix
"'PO"'''' ult ... D,""u;um oxpuh,. do dium;, ~<"t;l.u, ui,,,,,;, glo.i. <I,,",.
>«I d,
Gethor"m ";',ori, '"'pt;", glorio<m, Q"<m Ro"unl """I" .de4m.. ,,< public>
loud< p.,." "",i ,un,. quod Unum gemem uKeri,. ,:, ROO,ig"'" AIooI"',
'" Ilii.• !J. '9~,"-I~.
'" R"'pi",I..14. 0 , ROOriSuc. AI""",. '!404-7.

From late antique to earl y feudal society:

Frankish victory celebrations

Fourth-century G,ul c ~ perienccd at fim hand the pomp of the

Roman <-mpnors. Fuur (emuries laIn, another kind of emperor
and hi, court would travel through the French countryside,
,-I.iming to be thdr manSOr. In lome respeclS, the outwHd
tr.pping. of his authority r,sembled tho", of fourth...;entury
rulers. but this was due as much to comciou. uch.ism .s to
uninterrupted continuity. Some of hi. SraalHymbolik. while of
imperial cachet, w.s mOre modern in subst.nce and St yle, and not
.1iulc o(lhi, C,Il be tr.ccd to the Byzantine provincial civilization
of Italy. Some of thc ways in wh ich the ne w emperor manifested
and e Xl' his power were inherited from hi. Mcrovingi.n
prcdcc~'<on. Wh.t liule is known of their victory cdebr:l tiom
ill"min ..e. the d,.llenge. ,he Mcrovingi.", confronted in the
si~th and early seventh cent" ries, B"t the long_haired kings were
already well on their way to puppet .tUm when ,he fint
itref",.ble evidence of a Franki.h liturgy of vktory appears.
Undn the C.rolingi.m, ,he pace of development quickened in
this arca .nd in th., of COurt ceremonial. p. nicul.rly in the 790'.
In both in sunce., a new concern with the Fr.nkish army loom.
By and large, the best inform:ltion on Merovingi:m king •• nd
their doing. com" from the si xth century, th.nks to Gregory of
Tours, Ven.n!iu, Fortu":ltu>, Procopim .nd Ag.thi ••. Oat:! on
ruy.1 ceremonies dw indles 1S the Fr.n kish king. f.dcd fTOm the
n'mer in the COu"e of th., ne~t (l'mury. There i •• moreover,
next to nothing in the way of court historiognphy, and even :I
talented 'provinci.l" observer like Gregury of Tuurs tended to
record royal cere monies on ly when they impinged on his own and
F.ankhh viao. y ,,1,b.arioM,

SI Martin's concerns.' Bm numerous. if vague, contemporlTY

al lu,ions to ',oyal ornament' 0. 'pomp' att~.. t that Franki,h kings
did indeed see k ,ymbolic means of distingoishing themselves from
their subjects.~
The Ga l1 o-Rom:m society which the first Merovingia", ruled
rem:! incd sensitive to patter", of pubEc deportment inh"ritcd
from the put, and Clovis and even his f.ther appreciated :1[
some clements of the late antique upper crust's Efe-, tyle.' Euly
in the sixth century. th e bishop of Ar ies made a >cathing remark on
hi, parishioner. ,ageme," to ben d the knee and bow the head
when asking. fl\"Or of the e:ltthly king , his representative or even
:!ny magnate rab aliq ua potenti peroon.·}. 4 Decades b ter, the
bishops con vened at Micon tried to resolve the soci_1 controversy
gener.tcd by thcele rical daim of precedence over secular grandees
(',aceulate! hono.,t; ')" At every public encounter. the clergy',
Th< "" Iy tom, {;"'8my d"wI 'ny,hing hI« • do " ,l<d P"'"'" of ,oy. 1,,,<moo i, 1 ;.
du,;ng k:n~ Gun,h"m', ,i.; , ,,, 0, 1,,", in July j i J . Typ;"lIy. be beg;m oy n,,';ng
,h" 'he king "';,," ,be", on ,be f"" of ,I>< (KJinario S. .\f,,,;"i (. July), Hi" .• " '.
I( m"h - ~<vi"", 1)"0. 1, - , o. 11>< ""'y .,j_",,", of C~"i, ""',il><d in 'ny do,,:1 i. ,0.,
" To,,,, I<f- I><low), Th< ,m"", of hi, hi"",i«1 Cy,iMi,y in .... h on",,,,.., 11
;lIomm,,«I by hi, ,Iigh' dofo,"",io n of Clov,,' o,d<, fo,b odd,ng ,I>< .. my fro",
.. k,n~ foJdo, ",J "'''"' frum II", T"",, ,," ' pru """n';' b.." M",;ni' (W" .. ' .
J7. I(,.",h-l<"n"n IJ .~ - 9). 11>< ",,,i,i"1I ,di« f,om J"7- ' , <1<", ,how ,h" C ~>vi '
«"J '" win fnot by p"Y,m;ng hi, ' lO"P' foom .. y.ging ,hotch holding., Om no
m ... ,ion i, m.d< ofS, M,,,in, <d. A. lIo,«;u,. Mr;fl.C,p" .. , ('~~1). 1- ' .
, E.g. '''gKo ,~it" ' . ',"ito 1';'1 "g,k·. ',, ~.I: o,d i,,,", 0' '''K,li, pomp'" f"&8'"
C~".,) , '0, I(mK h, 101.6; •• J1. ' 06. >1;, , )y. 'JO.>>;', 1'. 'J6,>7: UOt,
f,",O(,,,,,", 00. «I , 11 , K,n",h , MCH,SRM. > (, !!I). ) on, ,6: V.n""i", "'",un"u.,
'i".. i ..

COl,.,.". 6. J. > ,6, <d, F, Leo. MGH.A.A , ,. I ( ' ~~ 1 ) . '<'. '1'1", <>p"";",, <on'onu« on
u>< in ,h, C"uli,,~ i ,n <f>. of'<n in , h< ob,iD"' m"ninll Df'wi,h my.1 in,;g";.• • <.g .•
A"". &" .. , .Mj , (i,,,. Vi..,Ii"J .nd CI<",,,,,,« . ,;;,
, 0., ,ho ,od,' coo'inu"y of ,ho Ito,n . n el it< on ,he " ... ",",h of ,ho loi",. S,,,,l>< k,, ,
'''' '"''"''''"'" . pp. '9,-,00 , ,Old 0., " ...,,~',.h< A. ... I i .. 'pOI,""iI.", Gall,," (Tub;n g<'"
'0<1): M . H<;n" I""nn. B ';d"'fi.,",,~.ft i" C.II'... . Z" K"",i."i,., ,,,,.i,,.,,fo., ·
""l".i'." • ••,. ,. biJ 7.j.I!' ......" . Sozi,(,. 1"."_"p.'''1o" •• 4 j;"'n{';f<"~i,It'.
I....~, Bo;h,[" do, Ft.",i•. J IMuni'h. 1976). For ,II< cu' ,",,' ,i,""""" R"bo'.
I'Ju,"i,,", pp. "oil'. S.,m<thing "fChi l"',,, ', ",i,u.!., nn be J«Iu,«[ frum hi. g"",h ing" 1(. Hol",o" "Childo,,,h von Toy,",i·. R"lkxi ... .s... ~ """'".".'''
AI",," .. , . " ..... 0 ('V") . .. "_<10. «p.• )" - V. Cf. C ~w;,' "q"'"" fo, • d ,h ... _
pl'Y"-""'''>t Throd"", C",KodmU!. V",., •. 0 '. 0 , ftidh. V',Jj-7,
• C;oe,,,,", of All«. S",., 7/. j. «I. G. Morin. CCl , '0) (TV)l) ·!'"· Th< ,i",il.", y
Morin _ " ,.."h :;.0.,,", of An,i<><h , 5<,,,,, J). Ju." not in<lud<th:' p.""g' , '" judge
by ,h, F"'n,h It.: ,J . • "d It. It, Du .. l, P,,,.lot i• •,;,...1;,. ' (''''''').Ol .
I Th< <. non roncr'n' <I""", ·.!own 'u lh< low .. g"do of "''''01 '. Th .. ,I>< b;,),op> ...
,",ponding w. "',""""ny ,,"y ... d«lu·a d flOm ,he;, oo,l><,ing to kgi.I," ,nd

Frankish victory ( tions

preeminence was 10 be expressed by the g r~ndee'l bow; if both

individoal. happened to b" mountcd, th e layman needed only '0
rCmOve hi. ha, and sal ute the cleric. If. howe ver, ,hc cleri c was On
fOOl, the grandee was required 10 dismount immedia tely and pay
the ~hu,chm.n 'due honor" (d.biIUJ honor) . Alt hough wc may
wonder whether episcopal legislati on really transformed the
pattern of puhlic encounte" in bte si xth-<:entury G aul. the
symbolic gestures concreti zing the respective soci al Itatus of
clergy and grandee. were sufficientl y significant for the bishops to
back ,hem with the ,hI.:.t of ex com muni c~tion.·
The social group which promulgated thi, kind of ruling on
public precedence w>s domina,ed by ,he old !.Cnatori.l aris,o_
cracy's Idf-<:onsciollS prog eny. or at lealt men who called lhem-
<elves .uch.' The .ame men who attempted to force on their
b y countcrpan s public acknowledgement of clerical priority
presided over a remarkable deployment of flamboyant rituals
cxpressiog ,heir power and influ ence. It is nO! s" ', given the
.:ccbianic.! bias of surviving records. th.t we should be informed
of ,heir contribu,ion to this arca of public life. Can i, be ;10
accident th.t the Gallican coUom of parading a new bishop in a
sedan chair evok es precisely ,he most prestigious ritual open to
senaton of the fifth- 'lOd sixth-century impeIi~1 u pi!:'!s, the
inaugural proec5!iom of the ordinuy comul~te? ' These prelate,
never ~nowed the traditional pomp of their ro1emn entries to
falter: from the sixth cen tur y down to the Carolingilns and

,hm " ",m,n' ,h .. i,;, ooly , ppropri>t, ·<,",i, .in ilu!;, hon ..'um ","'mum d.",·:
C ....W"'" '""i,,,,,,....,,,•.
J6). 'J.
«I. C. Pc Ck,"'t . eel. "S A I '961) .,.6 .• 6' -1 . 0"
,0. ,«m """",,.,. H. G"hn_H<><k. 0;, F'''I<i,,~, 00t,,,.;(/,, ' "
I . ).~,h""'", .
S,........ ,w. ohm ,,,.,Iith,,, ""d pclili"'" S"II""I. VOtlr'g< und FOII"h"nil"'.
Somk,b'nd • ., (SiRm.';n",,". '976). pp. 7. Ir ,n d ,,,I[
• M"'r<. ' . Pc Ckrrq . ' 40.• 04_11.
, Hoinrolm,"". Bi""fi"'''''It.oP. pp. ' 4Jff: ,r. h"w,,«. f .\). GoUll,d •. 11>< ",n.lOII of
llXth-«n<"'y G . ul". SIH'"I" .. . 54 (197')). 6 i l"""97·
• Episcopat <nthl <Ml<m"" <ntoikd bt;ng <,,,i«! .boo, ,0. d,y' G"'go,y. HiU.••. oj.
K,u",h- l",i"", 61. ))-. (d. i.i4 .• St6.,. for 10. m u.pholugy) . MOl, <I<"ill '" EdJ,",
S" •. Vi,. Wilif.. ,; (B HL. 8889). 1>. <d. W. I.<vi"", . MGII.SRM. 6
('9,)).>06.'1-'07+ On 'p;orop.l'ppropr;",011 ofnon-epio<op. t in.ign;'. '" lho
d",i" .. udy of T. K1>"",. ·Dc, V"prung dcr bi1<h<ifti,Iltn In.;go;'n unci
En,on, «h,'. (;<....""1" A,loti"". pr. ' 91- " ,. Such di,p" y, indud<d "d.rn ,""""
V,n. mi", fortun"u, . V," Q ,,"_;. (BilL. )463). 61 . • d . II. K,uKh. MGH.SRM. 7
('9><» .• '0. '.- 16; d . Hau<k. ·I\.,nclkul,u,·. pp. Jlf!".
FrnnkiJh ~iaorr {(I,brallom

kyond, Ihr- cpi,cop~1 ad~enruJ flouri,hed north of the AJpS.9

Bishops cdcbr.ted their "mall" :",d f.ilure of m!>ordin;Hes to
perform the :I ndent obligat ion of courtesy or ,alulmio to their
lordly patron could trigger , evere con!iequcnces.'o The liturgy
itself them power over the crowd and played up cpi,cop.1
authority .nd prc.rigc: when.n imposter holy man ro<k into Pari,
.nd incitr-d the crowd to slage coumer- procr-"ion, in com petition
with thos" of th e re~ident prelate, it wa, d gr:lvc m.ltcr ind,·cd."
A. might be expected. the evidence ,hrinks when it come. to
the bishops' lay counterput,. Even >0. th.· \.Ccular magnates' love
of public di'pl.y .nd A. mboy::mt gestures h. vc leC! unmistakable
traces. Ifla y gr andees wr-tc indifferent to extcrn"lizations of power
and unk, why did the bi,hop' h.v e to buttress clcrin.l pretensions
with excommunication? And il is ("ftain th.t. like' their imperi-
"I predecessors. the ofr""rs of Fr.nk;sh kings continued to enjoy
tradition.l pcrqui.ill:~ like the advfnlu, ceremony. not only on the
.hore, of the Meditcrr~ne.n, where such survival. might he
expected, but in rar :lw,y Britt.nY:lS well. 12 On a lower socia l

• H,uck. ·R,ndkut,", . pp . Hlf. H""I" evKknce m.y be <,p'nd,d ., f(>!low"

err,;,n. Fi,minu, .nO Vivo", ,,,,. V. C.,,,,ii (BHI .. ' )0' - 9). '''. M",'" . JoO."- ' "
of. iOil.•• ). l 'P'-) : Vi" C""""J""' (~HL. JJn), [I , oJ D. K"'«h . MCIi.SR.I1. l
1089'1) ."9.' - >; r.;"iooy. Ub" vi", pot,"",. ) . >. eO. W. A",d, >I,d D. K''''''h.
MCIi.SRM. '". (1~3.\).0!.H-079. o: Ven.m;", r"<'lW"""'. Vi" s.,,·,,;.i /Ju,d,·
f,I,.#, (BIiL. 70J'), J. <d. W . Le,"""" MCH .SRM. 7 ( r9>0)."Q.7-" "" V."
/I",,,,di n ...",",;, (/lIIL. ))')' ". ,d. R. K"',,"" . .\fCII.SR M. J 1'9"')·"0·'< ,I;
S" ph,,,", Af,,,,.,, "', ",oJ",,,,,,
Vi" /I ........ i' /I ",i '!.
(/J Ii L. J J 0). <J. /1/1 S S. M;,,; ,
(t6So).JiC: Vi,. Ani .... A""li ... ,,,i, (B ilL . <7 J) . ~ . oJ . II. K<u"'h. MCH..I·IIM. J
(189'I)''''"'J - '9; Vi" G."! ,,~, C, .."",,,,,i, (RilL. l'''''). 1. «I. H. K,"",~ .
MGH.SRM. J (' &96).65 • . ,,-r.: V", !l"Jo i"i 1I"""'"S'"'i, (/JHL. 7JO). <d. W.
l.,;~", . .\fGH.SRM. J ( '9'0).;60 . 00-Jol.; . E'''''pi<> of C"oimg .. n 'p"':<>p,i
oJ",","" N ..,",i. </"i,,,"," II"",",,",". <d . A. W"m,"~holf. MGIi . C""' .. '"'
('90S).S09.J-3 '0. 07 : Sed"ii u, Se",,",. «I. L. T""t><. MGH. p"" .. J (, !!yO). , 76-7:
A"""I" X ••","", ••. '6<\.
,oJ D. "'" ~im ...... -'fGII SRG ('9<>9) ., . ." - 0. Anuth"
<omm"" [o ,m of ..r... ,", w" ,h .. "f ,,;m, ,d;co: N. Cu,,,,,,,,. 'Adv""m_
Z<rcmon;dl und T "mb,;"" ",n Rd;~u i ,n . V.. "ici", 'on Ro, ... n. f:>< 1,,,Jc
.. ncto,um·. FAtS. '0 ('916). " j - Jj; cf. M. Hoin",irn.nn. T,... ,I",,,,,,,o.-,,r,,, """
""d", 0.,/1," ok, Rdi",'",".I,,,. T y~log;o 00 ..,ure<! du moy<n ; ~< occ;dcn"l.
JJ (Tu,nhou,. '979). pp. 7011".
,. Thu, r.;"gmy. lIi~ .• 5. <9. K,u " ·k- l"i,,m. ,hJ. , ~ - '9. wh«< R;ou lf' , f. itu"" ",
<orne '0 G"i"'l' i, ,he .ymoolO: t." ",,,.. ;n ~" pmuH'I">on·
" I~' .• 9. 6. K"''''h- I.<v;,oo . .,&.)-o.w., .
" M.",,;U,,:• 6. ". 21,-, ; -,6, d. H.l.uck. ·I{ .. ,dkui,",·. pp. 1711".• nJ 1(.
Sdk-H",b.<n. 'p"""p<,~"ph,' M.,.,wing;,d", Amt! " '~" in Jer Z,,, ,.", J r I.
b;, Or) .'. t)i l<. (lloon. '970). pr· '01 - 9.... .. ,,~: H,,,,,"y: l;,,~my. lIi~ .• '0. 9.

level, .. tHe ~, Procopius' d~y> some mylleriou, elemen ts o f the
old impcri~1 forces st;Hioned in Gaul w{'te reponed to have
m~inuilled their 'pecif,c identity. standHd. and custom. 'right
down to their ,hocs' ,·J And it is not likely that ethnic Funks
shunned Gallo-Roman zest for the tr~ditional trappings of surren,
A Co"'t~nt inopo!itan observer went so for as to d~im th~t the
only difference in the life-style of Frank s ~nd G.llo-Rom~Il' by in
their national dren and longuage. ' •
The monarchy which sought to govcrn mch ~ society LOuld ill
afford to igno re its va lues and customs. In keeping with the
p~tchwork politinl f~bric of Merovingi.n Gml. whose single
n~me collce. l, a comple x web of towns .md lonl clites. the

comemus octween sixth-centu r y ruin and ruled was coOSt,,,, tly
cxcnl pli f,ed by the adVtlll~S ce remony . The qui nt essentiall y
Mc rov in gian imtillltion of the 'roy . l circuit' or (i,cui/us rfgis
of . w. ndcrillg monarchy bcc~ me SO c~>cntial a tr ait of rule"hip
that. r.c'Tnth-<Tntu r r Fr>nk .. mmed it, root. rc~ched illlo the
Roman past,b The king', COllt~ct with 1001 clites continued in
the banquets w hich .ncnded his progress, and .ixth-<:entury
Merovillgi ~ns more th an once deli ghted their new mbjeclO with

" ",,, o-tovi>O<l. ' 0',10 - '" cf. Sotl<-H",~ . c h. /'T'"''''l ''r~;', p. ! j. no. ! ,. '11><
, ,,,,,,,yn',,,,, '"''''r I,. vii,?) of'l>< V, t4.i... ; t4."/io",,,,;, IIJHL, ,')j). j , K, '""'h.
'''"' ' '0- ) >. w., >lill q""O r.",ili " w"h ,I>< kinJ of ..".,., <"<""'''y h< ,huugh,
'PP"'P"'" 10 i md,-<,e,,'m y <>If!cl,I. 111< """'",oi,y uf «""mu";,,,1 =,n.. f", I,y
.,of"i,t, ,,<huwn hy Go,pd , o,d i n~, (m m ,igh,h..,on""y f""ci. -In .dvo,,,um
;ud""",,' (LuI;, '~·" - l o) ' T, KI,o ",._ ()" "... ,,. ... Cop;,.I", E"""l'li"",,,,, T<xlt
... U"''''"'~""g<. z. "i.., ,I""" G<",~kl!", tilUJg><wi"",,,h.fllKIIc Qucllrn
""J ~o"ch"ng<n, >._",d cd" IMiin>l<I, 197». p, "'. no. BO.
" ['",<oP'"'. &11,. j , ll. 1J- '9. H, my , • .6(.>j--6j _>. ' cr. E. Z<;U"" •. (;''''"~." ik,
r".... " 1>;, '" ' .\I"" ." "'~'''"),)",",."." (Mu""b. "no). PI' . j ' If_
" Ag"";""_ !I;JI .. '. ' . j-,. " "y<kll , " . ,o-,~_ Cf. Av . C,m ...on _ 'AS"h'" on ,he
o"ty M,,,, vi"g""i . .1 ".,Ii .Ie II. S",,,I< ""... 1. '"I"'ioo, . i Pi,.. J.-d "'... )1 I' \163).
vj- ' t o. he« "J , who ,,"d, ", duwnpl<y ,I>< .«u",y "f AH"h,,,' 'o"irnooy. It
,h"" ld bo "oIed 'h" ,i.. h-«",u , y """,,,.1 ,~"h'"g "yl<> di""lv«t in'o •
p,«iomin, noiy Rom,n ,nd I<~K>",I OrIC in BUIguodi.n «"'tory; J. Wom~r. Tlio
,",",0 ;",1>< T",hlp",vinr No '" "".~U"~ ;,., ~ . "n" " J.hround,",, '_ V... .".
51'''''''''' Z"'" ft"I,," ,\/""1.1,,,, .1.,",11, /'ToOl,,,,, j" ~ ;"..I....., ... ""'~"'Ioil"""
S"~'. Vm"'g< "oJ Fo<1< Ou"g<n. >j IS'gm" '<\g<n. '97_), pp, '<7- 6),
" s.c, f h"c~. '1<."1<1); "10",, PI' , H'r. Cf. N. Co"].". 't>< i'<n,ig'"'''''' 1 1... <lu,""" I,
pla« 00 iu,r, J,,,,].,, « ,':mum" d',,,,,.:,, ",",,,,,,,II, '" Moy<n Ag,_ .1"",1<1-
&""" .. i,,_ ,,,,,ili._ ,10;1;",1... ,. H ( '979). "" _ " .
,. hcd<R"_ " j" mon,ion, , 10),>1 J""",,
" ORio oult"' in 6jo--" K,U1<h, 'jO.»_ Fot
Iho I<.um," fOO". "" Ihe 10m". 00 Titu,." 1, J6. 6, . ,0--, ,.
P',lIIki. h vi(/~'r (,I,h ,mi"" .'

ropl munificnKe in Ih e form of ei rem 5how~ , n For ,he' Fr>nk s,

roy~1 poWl'r found symbolic c' "pro,ion in Ih, king ', 2 udi~ncc 2nd
[he ~ nno2 1 ~'''Illbhc, of gr~nd~c' ~ nd kintlS, the Muchfidd.'·
Cl'r,'m onial informed tflc grc~t ,"Vent, in Ih,"lif~ o f the dyn~sty :
lugns ,ig".led ~nd mC'mor;21i~ed to Ihe popol2ce the birth of ~n
h,·;r. 2nd hi. oapt"m W2S' 50lcmn occ~,jon of"~IC.'Q Specif,c
r; were devi sed (or ,he new king's clcv2tion while dyn25fic
lnutiagc. were cc1<-b"I,"<I wilh doc pol1!p.'o link s be,ween ruler
.nd rokd wnc tigll[cII"d wit h o>lh •• nd praye r! rein forced them.
wh ile Ihe end o f ,,.Ihly powl'r was delll2Tutcd by Ihe fun,r21
cmlomS which have recentl y ,,,tr.Cled ,;choluly .ltCllt;on."

" h . mpk-> '" w~.1 b. "q ...·" .n,1 ,k,,, "",,' "~,ufi,,n,< ' r;"'g",y , I-I,~., ? '?
~ , u ", k L,,,,,,,,, lf l.'?-)«' 'O, ~ . •. )7<> " ~-""9. _, ' - 5. )7' )-In ' ' . 'I, , ..
,,~.. ,~:~. )0 . ." . , - ' J Cf l :.., .. ,,,,, uf A,..,. s,,_ ;/.
J. 10.1",,", toO , ""I ,<;.-''''''
,$,. t, CCL ,0, {'9)1) ....... (. I,h.->ugh " 'h",h kong ,"'''' , k",: v"...,"'"' for".. ,,,n,
C .... " ,0. J ..... ,. 'J'-' J- q .• nd ,o.~. >. J.""If, ",hm. <"","',""" ~'"h ,kc
r""h>h k~.' 'w"' ,,( '".""'M "t" held by «".'" I<on" .. ' Cr. r""., 1'1" S.I~...
" . S, <d K II , E<kh"d, ..\ICI I I.r~" , , .• , I'''''') ')1 n,d '.~ .. W. Schk"ng<' .
., "'""h.f, "nd (;"f"I~",k.f, '" <1<, ,..,m."""h.,;'·",,,h,,,, V,..r.""n ~'I!,><h;'h''- .
1/,,,,,,,",1' ".J S'''' ,.. M;f/,I.I,,,. WOK' ci<, r,,,,,h",,~. , (O"n""d, . 'Qj61. p~
'JJ ..,.~« ,"". U.n~~'" h.", k<n ,J< .. "f~·~ ... n ,lon"." "''''M;" 'h<
F.. nki.h " ... oc,"'" ',f..... yl<, F ',,,~ I«, U."" ..
Io".1"" ' ", Gt ... ~Io" ,*, ft" /o·
ft •• ~i" .... 11M, . I<h<,,,, ....... A"h,. , 7<> (110,"'. '~ I. pp . • ,Sf[ I'ot <If,u,
>how", G«~",y. Il." .. \. '? )(m"'h_l' ........ "6.'j- ,, : P,o<op,,, •. &110 . .,.
)j. \. Ih". y, , ." "" - ,,
.. 0;", ," g<n<,,1 G. W.,,', ,-...".-.... V"J",,, •.,!,(,", I0,,',,.....
>. J,d «in (1k,lon , "~').
' ~ IIf: l . 1.<.;11,,0, ·C.mpu< Mmiuo, 8 •• ,.",10('1"'" 1'(,..1, . , ,r.,,,,,,'07 ('~'7- ! 1 ,
M ~: H. It . d""h , 'W" th, M ",'hf,dd , r'" '" ,h< ru,,"'" <"""i"""",",
.\"J, ..,.I Sr".",. Jh 1'97'1). '.,. - OJ: ,r "_"/I,,,,,.
I'.".t ... , pr· <19- J'
,. IJ", h "f. n h<,,, ( ;« ~ m y. 1/."., o. 'J. I( ' " .ch- l <""On. ,,,,,. ,0 _•. M '''Un' ",.on, ""
"uh """'''''" ~.", ,,,.,I<f<~ .",h ,,,n;,",n' ,." ..I""y ,,, w"" .. , ''''" ... " bh,hm<n' of
k-gol f~"""I" Cell<" .. .\/,,,"[ji , ,. J" '" )( "'"""'Of. MC/I 1'""... (,I",) , ",II; <f
'. ]~ , 0\,0 , ,, '7 H'p'"n" " " ,. ......, 1~1I1. , lJ'l, 17 , K,u«h, " ' .• ""9, '«'m' '0
",,, ... 1< ,h .. ,h< '"",y' w., pm"n' )(, ,,,,h pi" ... , .... b.p'"", ," 6]0. "h,1< ,h< ,.
A ......., h" .... n d,,<J t " ,,,,, ,,," ..... ",h 0< " ' " . . gh," '''''"'y E. IX MOl"". ·L .
V" • •",,. ,,,,J, 1''''."'' 1M ('M,d",,",, m"''''''~'''' Jt- S. Am.nd·, A B. " ? IOV' Y).
"'-~' . "',< ,,' _y. Th< V"• ., "'"",n',," " "",... " '"h F,«kg .... , M . 1('"l<h.
')'-'9 - , 0, bu, " 'h""", ,,,. "'~ Am.nJ", P"""P"N in ,10< "'p" 'm h" h"k
"~",f","« (0< , '" " my" <.",m, ... i.,
b"k~ ,,"'nd. cr(;«~"'y. 1/.. , .... '7.
K,u«h_L«·""". ,~" ~. "n 'h< ","h,,,~,... ,, 1'"" (," ThN>d<,,,·. b'p",m t" j ~J
" 'n ..."'",,",. Soh"",.)". " ""'1'. '.101. pro ""If: (m "')'" w"JJ"' g"" K. V"".",,",
F""un.tut. C ........ " In', ,,. 'j-' '!.'<, hN<~ .., . • . JJ. ~ ,u><k. , , 6.>7- '" ,
" O"h" <:i~'"". P,_""'.pp. "7 - '. P"Y'"'' E, h ... ~ . ·L. ]"""
P<""" 10, '" k
''')''un" d.n, It. ~''''I<g<> Op'K"r'''' J.. I'op',,! "" m<',""n,s"n",' ..1/11...6'"' _ff""
.I ),.. 1>-,·,11". (1',,,,""'''- , '.,...,..).
PP 'JJ-"".
Cf 'h< d"m"" ""'y of k",~
",,,,,h,,m. G" gm)', 1/",.. 7. ~ , )(<u",b _ l<v'~'" ] J , . , - '" <f. ~ ,.,1.. .•.
J? J . '0- ' "
Since moS! of Ihe evidence cornel from the lixth cemury, it il
tempting 10 conclude that royal cere monial followed thc rOil
fOl"~o"rs into oblivion. BUilhe di'proportionatc role of a Gregory
of Tau..,' testimony caulions agaimt such a deduction. In faCl. at
least rudimentary royal ritual accompanied thc kings down to the
eve of the Carolingian coup. Source. favorable to the nCw dynally
emphuize precisely Ihat the la.t Merovingians had to be con tent
with the ceremonial functions of royalty, while the Cuolingiam
possessed real power. Puppet kings might continue to r«<ive
foreign legations and furnish the 'species dominantis'. but they
were merely pronouncing the word. dictated by Ihc mayonofthc
pabce.ll Childeric III (743 - S2), laSt of Ihe Merovingians, con-
tinued to make annual appearance. al thc Marchfield. The
Chronicle of Lonch pa ints a vivid picture of his performance,
ensconced in a throne and surrounded by the army, accepting the
CUllomary gifts and promulgating Ihe assembly', decision., before
abandoning the ICCne to the rea! powcr_brokers. U
Mosl ofthesc ceremonies hclped define the king's relations with
various socially significanl grou p" of subjccts. whether they were
the Gallo-Roman aristocrat! and populations of the sixth-century
10wnS or the whole Frankhh elite assembled for a royal baptism or
Marchficld. Mu ch of the raw material for such ceremonies lay
ready to h;md in the arinoaatic milieulC oflate R oma n Gaul and
the anceltral tradition l of the Franks. And yet some degree of
imperial influence cannot be denied, for imtance when Ihe same
king whoedebratcd cireul shaWl at Paris and Soissonl was blamed
for introducing Ihc Byzantine punishment of blinding into

."d belo ..... "",.ion •. F.""",y «.0"0"''' A. E.t.ode-B"" ..... bu'll. u ..1 " ' _ .
t..M .., k' fo.J,.iI/". It, ""..1•• ,,, " It, _l<"",,, oIt, toI, H ",_<~' ~ r. fo< ~
XIII' ,11<1•• lIibl;o,Mqo< <I< I> ~tt f.. "~.i>< d·u"heolop.1 (1'u;'. 19')1). pp.
,-"1. )'-..6. Ill - d. ,"d Kn;s... K..I"I".-.;".... pp. ,oK.
" Einh.rd. VI.. K.,01I ...".I. t. <d. G. W.\"."d 0. Hokkr_EU<f. M CH.SRC.lkh
edn ( lglI). P O- I) .
.. 1001.. P' - U : H. Sdur",. von Cuolokld. 'P" e_lI.. !,.no .......,. "" .... Nn."
,1,,~; •. ,6 (1911). Ij- )9.1>< .. d.
, . G",O'J'. Hi# .• O.• 0. K", ,,,h _ t.<.~. )>I .• - j .

Clovis' fathn Childcric w3s buri~d with his lrl1S!Y stred but still
insisted on depicting himself 3' a Roman gen~raL As their very
n~mes suggest, the first Merovingi .." were first .nd foremo>!
successful Germ~nic wulords. Bm the forms with which th ey
edebuted their sueee" be", the de", imprint of the Rom.n
empire's ctem~l victory. If, .s mmt historians believe, Gregory of
TOUI!' .ccount of Clovis' visit to Tours in s08 is substami.lly
reli .ble, the ceremony marking that oec.sion forms the ublig:nuty
starting poim of . ny eons;dcr:lt;o" of Merov;"gi." victory
celebrations. As H.uck has clearly and correctly emphasized, the
event as a whole mUSI be vie""ed as a victory festiv .L This
understanding is implicit in Gregory's de~criptjon. for the parOide
story follow s lhe wimer oper'lio"s in which Clovis mopp.:d up
what Visigothic resistance rem.ined .fter the gr".t victory of 507.
Gregory him.elf explicitly coofirms th is interpretation elsewbere
in his History."
The ccremony's immediate politic.1 comext h.. been pretty
well clarified by H.uck .nd othe... The ,onqueror .nd neW
Germ. ni c ruler was heading north to Pari•• ft<'r hi, drive imo the
heut of the Visig othic kingdom ;md the f.ll of Toulouse .nd
Angoul~me.26 The vi,it to Tours 110t only cOl1sccrated Clovi,'
victory ovcr the G.llo-Roman' old G<"fmanic overlord. it
ritually manifcned the ncw relation betw«n the newest barbarian
ruler and his subjects. A! such, the arrival from Conmntinople of.
diploma (wdi((lIij grantiog Clovi, the Rom . n dignity ofhonor-
ary comul was particul arly wdcom~, !incc it placed Ihe CIIlr<'ror'.
~al of approv_1 on the new Slate of .!'fain."

" 4))· 0" "I> o,me. w. J""II-'0o" ...

On Chil,!.,;c·",,,,..,. Ie 1lOh,,<r. ·ChHdmch·. p.
rr. __ 0-1; """ CIo.;,·,. ,"em. "Cktodwi~·. ~"Ib,'"" .., 1".. "",,,11<"
il il..
,1/"""""••""'.4(1911).471: d.;n ~enefll . W.It.«.lhd,itl. Ki"I '. ;P, pp. II -lO.
On Ck,.,-,,, T uu'~ «. H ••d,. ·1l.nd . "I",'. pp . .. ,nd J" C"'8my. IIi" .. ' . )7-1.
K ruKb- J..o:v;"" . 81.1) - 8<).6; 10. 9 . lJI.17-lJ'. r: 'HuIU' «mpo'< C~lod<J­
v«hu, "X .,-"., de ClOd< Gothomm Tu.""u, "dl',." Cf<go.y ·, 0'"0 ,ucd,IC'
ch.,w<flmioo oflhcrn,.y;' . pf<'"",,' ,1\" 'n ,h«..,em,,"i.1,.. Ii,y b<h'-nJ ';<,1<0''''
ph .... , lik. ·.kt<>t "d,;,' o. ·vklo. """.;t' ;n <>fly med;c •• 1 hi""OOgnp"y.
,. Gf<go'y. Hi" .• >. )7. K,"",h-I..o:,;",,, . I !. 10-1) .
" T. Momm .. n. G,_ _ /" 5th'if".' 6 (1k.1;". '9'0). _"" R . Gu;tt,,,d. '~'UdtllUf
11U"o;r< .dm;n;"",;vc d< r<mp;« by"n,in. 1..0: "",,"1. I> 'n"'.. ·. By, .. '4 (19\<).
141- 7!. h<" j6j-7;). I)ri-t. 'B)·.,n, und do< H,mch. r""khm dM A","nd"nd<>.
BZ. JO (19J1). 'O J- )6. h", , ,0-' ,.
Ritu~l1y spe. king. Ihe event consilted of <I ccremOlli~1 ell try ~nd
parade into the city, According tu Gregory, il beg3n oUlIide the
wall, .t SI M:min·s.~' In the basilic~, Clovi, dressed in • purple
tunic and pIli on Ihe rh/amys, a mnd.rd element of the imperial
~dmilli<!'"tioll's uniform. To Ihis he added a 'd iadem', 2. He then
mounted his horse and rode in procession into the city and the
Cathedl'. l orSt Galien. Ihrowing gold and silver 10 the inhabitants
who lined his roUle.
llecaukO of Gregory's description of the dignity and largess, the
ceremony at Tours has often been viewed in terms of the processus
WHSuiaris, the in.ugu" l procession of a consuL Yet .t best it was.
bmardizcd version ofdl.t ceremony for, ifit included a brgess, il
l.cked the most visible and ch.r.cterislic dement of contcmpo-
u'y corlSular p.r_des in Ravenna, Rome :lIld Cnml.ntinnple:
the procc"ion ill Ihl' ,ella rU Tulis, Furthermore, the dislinction
between.n hononry consulate .nd the ordin ary consulate would
sc.rcely have escaped .n informed contempor.ry of sen.tori.l
Much do..:r in fact to Ihe extern.1 form of the Tours
w.s the triumph.l entry. And, de.pite the imperi.l overtone,
Grt'gury .nd modern perceive in this act. the most precise
corresponden ce of the Tour. ceremony seen" not to be with
imperi.1 tTiumphal entries, which were of decidedly r~dlleed
importance in Ihe public life of comemporary Const.ntinople,
but with the provinci.l ceremonies 5t.g~d by victorio,," imperi~l
generals to mark Iheir successes, The triumph parade on horsc-
back, Ihe conclusion of the proce,,;on at a 10e.1 s;lnetuary. even the
festive sparsio of cash to win the heart! and mindl of a newly

" (;«go,y. I/i" .. " 11 , "m"h _ kvi",n, 8!" J - 1I<,>,) , on ,II< ,;X!h-«n,",y '0P<>-
g"phy ' Il,;;hl. P,I. ,,",". pp_ '05 - 1 ,nd m,p. f'<ing p, '0 • .
" G«gory, IIi" .. " )1, K'UKh - uv;"",. 19· ' - " G«~OfY '''''Olln' <10<> no< mon!io.>
... h«h" th, im'gni. ,lI<m",lv« <omc ftOm Co","n';oopk w"h ,II< ,"~,1Ii uf
'PJ'O'mmen t, Out tOo impe,;,1 govemmen , ofton di'p'lChcd ,uch ob)<C" ... lIh th<
d,~""",, ,,,,,fm,d 00 ,mll"o ,uk". ' .g, I"""()piu" &11•. ' . '5. 1, 1-bu,y.
,-"p6-1, 1. 'J. )-~ .... n_'7- 0 '1_1 : 1. 'J, 7 - 1. "" 1_'_ '5; Ad. ). I, , f - '),
I bu ,y. 0.3J-j-'9_ An unno,;«d p".lId ,~ Clov;,' ,ppo;n,mcnt occu"cd in lh< 1m
~u,,'" of 'lI< I<v<n<" «n,",y, ... hen M, """ t<cciv<d , .... ,i,k u~,."" i""",ul) ''''''g
wi," .u,hor"y ov<r By"nttn< t<fu8= f,om Si rmi"m: Mi,,,.I. Dt"",,;; (IiHG,
\ ,M-\,)). '9', un", l<. Ll>9-1'-')O. 'o, <f. Wmm .• , (PHi,. 1931). '5' - 62. On
j'.,,,,,,, " 1'.,...
,he ,~ I."" , .... J- E.... ,"'l, • .\Ii!..,., 1"6" IF",,'i • ., (P"" , 'V'1),
rp. ;)----6,
subjugated town ~1I recall the victory ce1ehrationsl1ot of Corman-
tinopk. blll of imperial com manders operating in the provinces,JO
Thc mcssage of thc ceremony is eVCI1 eleHCT than its source,
For the ~cund time in fony years, , new Germanic uverlord-
wh",c ",v"gc climin~tion of opponent' would have been no less
obvious lU Gallo-Roman contl'mporarics than it wn to their
dcscendants two geoerations bter - was establishing his control
ovcr Ihe town and irs Rom~11 popul:aion.·11 He was doing SO '" the
military victor md he .vailed himself of the indigenous ritual
form expressive of that re.lity. lIS specific shape lent th.1 proces-
sion an unambiguous political contell!. calculated to . PIX.I to
Clovis' .udience, the local Roman population of Tours.
Ethnic foreigner though he might be, the king enjoyed the
approval of the Rom;> n emIXro r :md flaunted some of a loyal
imperi.1 >crv.nt's extern. ltra ppings. In comrastto the old rulers.
he sh,"ed his new ~ubj ect" religion and made a pointed show of his
vencr:aion for the local patron and hierarchy by beginning his
parade .t St Mutin's and ending it at the cathed ral. Even more
tangible .ppreciation was expressed by his votive offering of
Gothic - .nd Ari'lIl - booty to the great ,.ill!,n Cynics not
.w.yed by the new barbarian', delicate spirituality would mrely
have had difficulty remain ing indifferent to the _ppe.1 ofliber.lly
distributed cold, h~rd nsh , At Tours, the founder of the
Merovingi.n kingdom utilized the Ir~d it ion.l Ronun ritu.1
forms derived. at in part, from provincial victory celebrations
to bu ild. new politic.1 consensu,. 10 win the .pprov.l of the
foreign nujority he hoped to govern.3J
The r~ginle that beg.n with a victorious entry likely did not
ell ti rely di'pcme with such celebr.tion, in succeeding decades. but
the evidence i, 'parse, One may h_ve marked Theoderic I]",
victory ovcr Chlothar and hi. ~ntry into Pari. in 604 ; another i•

.. So, ,b." .<. Ch, 6, J, " 'try do>< p",lt<1;, Ik];",;u' ,,;urnph.1 """y ;nt<, ,,",wly
,ubj"~,«d Sy,,'m, '''' tho I." d.y uf i", ,"",010«. when ho .h" o;<tr;Nmd I"R'"
10 ~;, tfOOp' .nd ,~, I",,,,,r,,;,,,,, ('",""op;u •. &11•• ,. J. 1S- ,~, "'7. , .-, ~.) .
" Bruhl. r.I",.",.
p. '00. "H,,,,'k, 'l"'nJkui<u" pp, 46/f,
" w .. T""" "'''qu<? h "''' no< rhe only or evon 'he moo' 'mpo".n , ,nwn Cloy;'
",«1«1 '0 w;n 0,..,. '0 ,h, n<w o.dcr. IJ.<U"" of Gr<sory". Toun-«n«"d v;,;on.
h .. ,il<o« on , imil" ""moo'", " n,h" tnwm nn Cluvj, i,j""",y j, 00' .n
"gum.", 'gat"" rhe pot<ibBj,y. Morrov", Clov" m,.;k p"""ry 110. urn' "'" of
0"""";"'" S,rt! '" ~ H,t"y nf ~n""." H.uck , ·R.nd kultu'. p. 4.·
implied by a late story concerning Fredegund. H The same lOurce
shows that the late Rom an CUllom of head display was thought!O
be cunent among sevcnth-century Franks and called for no
comment early in the eighth.)!
Clovis' grandson Theudebert I (5 34- <47/ 48 ) showed imerest in
imperial victory prerogatives and it is no coincidence that Gallo-
Rom ans enjoyed prominence al his court.'· Hi s chancellery was
aware of imperial titulalure's niceties and the king him self was
reportedly vexed by Justinian's assumption of the victory cogno-
men F,~nr;i(lls.l7 Frankish irritalion at Byzantine victory customs
was malched by the sensation caused at Constantinople wh en
Frank ish king s took th e initiative of issuing gold coinage in their
Own names." The precarious nature of Merovingian gold issues
and lhe increuing proportion of tTtmiHlf in sixth-century hoards
suggest that soli4i issues may have been as closely connected with
royal prestige and propaganda u with econom ic policy. '9 Theude-
bert certainly llruek gold coins which departed from the usual
pseudo-imperial barbarian issues and displayed propag;lOdizing
messages. The obverse of one gold solidws discoveu.d in modern-
day Belgium gives Theudebert's nam e and royal tide, while the
reve rse has the unusual slogan PAX ET U BER TAS.4o Another
.cUdws preserved in several examples ,hows a fa irly typical pseudo-
imperial reverse, the legend VICT AUCCCI and a standing
Victory. The obverse, however, present! an impuial-slyle por-
trait which may have been modeled on that of Anastuius. It is
surrounded by the st..ding legend DN T HEODEBER TVS
VICTOR (fig. I) ). Th e issue seems to have celebrated
, . Fr<<I<iI". <•• 6. K,~ och. '11.<: 'Th<od<ri<u, ,;au, P";';u' ;"1,«1;,",'" o m; l..
o:r<m""y'" .0y.1 p.lo" I«m, '0 be ,I>< ,,"inl im'ilin<d To •• he I<ory .bou, ,he
m«[inS ofF.edcguod .nd Chilp<,;( in ,he ",Iy <iBh.h-«n 'u.y Lio. "". F"., .. J'.
KI\I .. '9'"" - '9p6.
" u •. ~;n. ff_ .• , 0. Kl\Il<h. )').20-)1<.' .
.. 1";,1,,,. U."""'~".l'". pp. [oJ -~.
" Sec Th<ud<bm', Irt." '0 J"""''''n (1 47): li,i,,,1« .."".ri<".. " •• d. W. Gund]"h.
MGH. E';" .• ) I,f!l.). [J I.,\>- )0. fo' 'pi""lory <<OJ''''''''' d . Chil<l<b<II .0 M'uri«
(j l , ). il<l.. 1,. ')I.u - , . Fo' F._klH. A,,,h;',. I/i".. 1. 4. J. K. y<l<ll. [<.6-- " .
.. P,,,<opi,,~ iloilo. 7. J). ,. l'I>"'y.1 ...,.,I-" .
.. P. L. Gcn,ilh<>mm<. ·1.< moon'Y'K'« I. cl",,,I,,;,,,, m"",u;", d'n' I<! ,oy."m..
b.. b.1<I <k ro.;,i<kn' (V'- VIII' M<:<k)". R" ......;"..,;......... I. 7 ([9<) ).
" _ fl1.1><,, ,00-1.
.. M . P,,,,,. /.t, ......k' .,",vi.t;""",. Cmlogue "'" moon.I<! f"n~.;"" <k I,
Bib)""i">tq ...,u,;',.,." (p.m. , 19')' pp.',-'j, no. JJ. pl. ',11.

Tht A1troviMgi~Ms

Figurt 'J. Gold .olidu. of king Thtudtbtrt (enlarged; ... pp. 138-9)
Th. ud.bert's It~lian camp~ign of 539_ 41 The form chosen to
commemOrate this success underscores the Merovingiam' rdiance
on traditional Roman means of glorifying their rulership_
King Gunthram, who ruled Burgundy from 561 to 592, appears
to have alluded to some unidentified military success on a coin
whose reverse has b«n interpreted as REGIA V1CTORIA.4 2
Chlothar II (584---(\29) finally scrapped the old pseudo-imperial
reverse and repbced it with a memorial to his own accomplish-
ments, in the form oflhe legend VICTVRIA CHLOTARI. This
coin was issued by the mint at Marseilles and was the fim of that
city to displace the old im!",rial in"ription.<l It is particularly
significant because it may well have been struck in honor of the
MerovingiaIlI' laSl recorded victory celebration. Chlothar could
not have issued coinage at Marseilles before he defeued Bruni_
childis and reunified the partitioned kingdom in 61 J, so there is a
good chance that the solidi and Iremissts hailing Chloth.n 's victory
pfOdaimed the major succe" of his reign, the unexpected victory
over Brunichildis which transformed him from a petty kinglet
into the master of Gaul. The disaffection and defection of her
leading magnates h.d bfOught a swift and violent end to
Brunichildis' last civil war for control o(Gaul. H The ruthless old
queen was delivered into the hands of her nephew Chlothar at
Reneve on the Vingeanne River.4 ' After he had tortured her for
.j P'''''. M",.,j". pp. le- 'j, n",. 19. <'-'. 06. 09. J' . j<. J6. Cf. L< Gnotilhomn ...
·Monn. y.g<" . pp . .,.If.
o. Pn>u. M .....;". pp. xxxvii_ .noi;i .
.. I~_. pp. )0) - •• . . ". 'l lo---7. pl . >J. ' - 0_
• • 11.. Bud",,,,. CN p,."",, i • .. ,,",,,i.r"",, b,,_ V"JOI,."t. Wi",,"'!Ii , K.i/u,
(S,u"S>". '9JJ1. pp. 11-'" E. Ewi,. 'n", ('.nk;,., ..... T,iluns<n "nO T"il<<<i<;h.
(j "-jll)". 5, ..... ',~, ,,,. ft... /tiu /." Goolli", . 0:;,.",,,,",1,, !H'if'''' ('~J'-'!I'J). "
ll<ih<f" dc, Fun'; •• ) (M"n"'h. 19"76) , pr. "'-1, . 1><" '09-10_
' j B. KruKh. MG!-l.5RM. ' ."'. n. J: d . J.M . W.n " ,· H.J"II. «I . ,oJ ". n.
_. oJ,1o< G._ult oj Fmk,., wdlo ,II '''''';" • • ,;''''' (London.• ')60) . p_ Jj .
Fra"kish viClory celebrations
three day., the king celebuted hi. victory in a fashion which h.s
by now become grimly famili~r , Brunichildis was placed on ~
CJmd ', back and paudcd in front of the :limy, on her way to the
cxecmioner. The parade of infamy seems to h~vc been motiv;ued
by the que<'n', role in the murder. of ten Merovingian king " · ·
Comp~ ri~on of the earliest ~nd late.t victory celcbr;l!iom point.
up the rr;lIl.form;uiom in Merovingian politic, and ,ociety over
thc intervening century, Clovis' triumph~l entry into Tours
celebrated the establi,hment of" new regime and the favoI.ble
rclations it desired with its new subjects. Chlorhar', m~rhd the
,uppre,sion of ~ civil wn "nd the triumph of the queen',
aristocracy ovn th~ir lord. Selling and audience h2d ch2nged
dram~lic.l1y. Clovi,' ceremony h~d ~ppcaled to a G"llo-Roman
town ;lIld its p:l lron ,aint: llruni~hildi,' ritual humiliation wa,
performed in front of the Fr"n ki,h ;mn y wh ich , like it, Vi,igothic
'OUnterp ~rt. w>s increa'ingly dominated by the gre~t m~gnates
and their following~.47 The ceremony had left behind the urban
setting of the earl y sixth century and movcd into the country,ide,
where it played to the only audicn,c th~t counted in the ",vent h
century' the aristocracy. Thirty yeu, before the onset of the era of
do-nothing king', the domin~nt actors of the b,t Mcrovingi~n
century had alrc"dy occupied the Itage ~nd forcsh~dow ed the
fmure. Yet for ~Il the novelty of the setting, the ritual form
rem . ined typinlly late R oman.
Gallo-Romans re.ponded to their kings' COnCern with promot-
ing ~n awareneSS of their victories: in so doing. they oometime,
aniled themselves of t",dition,,1 forms and formubs, even when
expressing new realities. Clovis' reign in particular e~mc to be
surrounded with an aUra of victory. [n hi, lifetime.;I bishop would
defend himsdfbeforc his p"cn by imisting that he had only acted
On the orders of that king. the 'triumph atol gcntium·. 4 ' After his
.. F<cd<g". '.", Km><h. '."'7-'.' .1' Lil . /oju, 1'00"" __ .0, K''''''h. 1'0,,6--1" '"
A",,,,,, ... [1".10', .... "'1 . , 6> •. S, <d, T , Mom",,,,,, . MCH,AA. " (' 390),, 9<>, '9-'1'
J""><. V". (:01 ..., - , (BHI __ "91), T. '9, <d, Il, K,m.h. MGII.SRC. i'9<>I).
210 ,'1 - '''''' ]: S'",b",. Vi,. ex,i«"i (BilL . ".3). ". <d. IL K,",d. MCJl.SRM. I
( ,a<Xi) . 6j~, 6 - ' , .
., U.s. U..,h",h , M"••
g,,-yo. u.ff.
,.,i..... ,I',",y "',t-iz"ion. ' ~' - lJ' (Mioo<'poli" 'O]l). pp,

•• Ep . .. " .• J. G""dl« h. , '0 .,8 . Th< ro",<" ' "sse,,, ,h" Il.<migiu,' "'" of ,I>< "",o'y
'pi ,l><, m,y hoy. b.,." , ... btl< "",,,,dOl ,,, hi, &""'0<' ,h.. h. IV., ill <~uipptd 10
,h",m tho ,,"'ill of ,ho: _ktor;"'" botb";.,,,
TM Mcrov;ng;mu

death. the Tepmatinn would stick: the authon of the Life of

Cae"r;u. of Aries continued to remember the late ruler as ' the
mmt victorino< king', and king Theudebert took great pride in his
father' s victories when writing 10 the Roman emperor." In 567, a
group of bishops aSlCmb led at Tours wuld still rcfer to him as 'the
mmt ullvanquished king',-'o The memory of Clovis . nd hi,
victories had taken on a dynanic tinge by Ihi, time. Gregory of
Tours and king Gunthram lookcd baek on Clovis and his IOnS a.
the foum.inltead of thl' dyn,my'. vicwri,s." In other word., the
king', "ictoTY was tailored 10 the dyna,tic reality of the sixth
cemury. Th.t the Mcrovingi.n, nme to view themselve, ,IS
possessing a kind of dynastic right to victory i, consinent with
Vcnamiu, Fortunatu, praise of thcir triumph.! lineage." Tlti,
family notion of viclDry did not cntirely displ.ce more tradition_I
expression,. Like their counterpart. in Vi.igothic Spain. anm her
assembly of bi,hop, may it_VI' had a specific victory and it,
celebration in mind when they hailed their king as 'the mOot
cknwnt prince, the mo.t unvanqui.hed in proof. of triumph Lord
King Childcbert'." A contemporary poet ca.ily t.ilorcd the t.g'
of the old imperial ideology of victory to Clovi,' descendanu: the
dyn,lStic marriage of Sigibert and llrunichildis in 566 wa, not
merely going to promote harmony between the Franki,h ~nd
Vi,igothic kingdom s: it w~s e:<pected to produce 'victorious
concord'.'· Sigibcrt w~s 'illustrious with excdlcnt triumphs' yet
humble. despite hi, many victories_" The p~negyric which

.. V. C",,,,,ii IHHt. I jO! - Y). '. ,N. Mm;n. )0<1_11' "p_ ...... '!. Gundl.ich. I ]>_j-7, d .
"oJ.. ro. IlJ .6-IJ .
,. Coo,- T., . • . J6,. ". !k Ck,cq. , '-'H' I- I • .
" G«~o,y . H;" .. j. p, ... f:, ~",«h-L,y;"", '9J . I(>-": d . I. JO. J9j.!- II . s.. in
S,,,,",,I.,,, to.: Mcroy;ng"n! ,,><I ,o.:lf P'''''''' for v,,"o"' ..,.,,,,,,, of ';«<"1. JM_
W.IJ,,<_I t.d"lI. n.. lcn~h.;"J k i "~, .,.4 .,10" ,,,,4,,, '0 F,,",~;," Io""","r (Loodoo.
,<)Ii». pp . •&,oll".
" ....."",io, fan"""u,. C.,.... 6. '. u,u. '11.'7- ')1_)<.
" C ..... ..1",,1. •. "I . p",f, t1< Ck«q. 1,R.f. _? , ',kment;,,;mu, p,;n«1" <lomnu,
,,,umptw,um ,i'u l;, ;nu;<li,,;mu, Ch;kkb""hu, «,' . The m"" ,..,,"'" 1Iln;"'r
"p<d;,,,,,, «<",ded by G"go,y (n.,,_, I . '9. KmKh_ u,v; ...... "l_'''""'.6.j) .....
,0.: ("imp .. ~" .gil",' the V;';g",h, ",me Y"'f> e.d;",. but we.« 001 y"y well
",fum,," "" <"'nto of Ih~ I"'riod_
.. 'Vin,;, <onro,d;', C"'., .• 6. I. u,o. r.9. ,.,. Cf. W . Meye,. D<t C'kt<oll<iuJi{~'"
V .."",i., f'.,,""",.,. Abh.ndlu n~ en <k, ~ooigljch<f\ G.,dl«h.f, .It, Wh"nl<h.f,<n
'" Gi;'-t;n~<n. Phil._h;". KI. n.F. 4. j (lk<llO. 1\<>1). pp_ Il-!J_
.. c,.,," .. 6. I•• l<u. "9.7-1]0.::0.

FT~nlrish Vic/D'Y ultb,~'i"MS

commemorated th~ Synod of B~rny in S80 proclaimed the old

theme that the enemies who lought to wound the king merely
provided an occnion for loyal SUCCeSS. To the dismay of would-be
rebeb and various foreign enemies. Chilperic was u hand,
'nomine victoris'.'"


No less than their imperial and barbarian colleagues, the rulers and
ruled of early medieval Francia imagined that faith was i prime
ingredient in miliury success. Gregory of Tours Slated the theme
in connection with Clovis' conversion and the dyna.ry.l7 King
Gunthnm reportedly uttered the same idea, Venantius FortunalUs
elaborated on it ind the pope himself wrote to Brunichildis <IIld
Chlothar II to reassure them on this account." Since the mur-
derous Merovingians ruely lived up to Christian ideal$, even by
nxth-<entu ry lights. it is no wonder that a high price Wane! on sure-
fire victory producing relics from the East or powerful prayers fo r
Funkish kings' COnCern for puyer On their behalf is amply
attested. An anecdote in Gregory of T ours shows a troubled king
Gunthram gelting up and soliciting the prayers of the faithful it
Mass. 60 The royal precept which ippointcd Dcs.iderius to the lCC
ofCabors in 610 ordered the new prelate to pray for bis king and
his church."' And the exborution to prayer 'for the kingdom's
tbou,n ••
" IhUf. , 9. I. L«>, >O'.J .->; "'J .I\9- I • . M<)'ft. GtI'l'"lt<i,Jlitlutt. p. I •• • h"
d.....0 ....... "" ...... v""o";, ind"",,,d .Iu. Cbilp<ric 1>0", ./< ... " . ... oKlci>l.itlc.ltul
the ,.,.,,, ~, .... ill ...,. be" ,h., b.lo<kn. Tri"",ph.l,h< ..", ",nuined _(ul wh<n
. IId,...,;,." Me,oo"'Si .... kin". E., . Au",Ii ..... bi.!oop"f Ad .... w'i,m, to n.....l<be«
1<0. J0j6-I . E, . ..." .. '0. Gundl><h. "J .ll - 'J ""d )0- '. "" dot kml"' .uk.1
triump~, <1". ~dm ... of C.I\o ... E, .. I. J. <d. D. N<><be,S. S"odio IoUn.
",ockloolmrmio. ~(S,<><kb.,l ... '9&'). '] .' -I. Not< ,t.. .pplio<"ionoflik<fo""~Io , '0<riu, hi ..... lf. I.Uf.• >. 11.19.' -< ,"d ' •• <. 66 .• - • .
" E., . H", .• >. )7. 16. ,,-,6; ). p,Kf. 97.1- 1; cr. W.lio«-Hodrill. KI"I,IH,. p. I I (Of
,t.. .. m. <levdOl'm.n' in D,i,,", .
.. G.. ,Q'Y. //Ilt .• I. )0. K",,,,h- L<..;,on. 191.1-" ,n<! ,.-16, Ven,"';.'. C...... 9. '.
Leo. '0,.\,-• . G«8o<], I. R'l· . " • • 9. NorbnS. 941. ,141<9.)0: ". J'. 9J , .)<>--) .
" G,<sory. Hilt.• 7. )1. K'u«h_ L<vi_. Ho·!i-nl.'7. Cf. Qu<m Rod<JUndi,·
... pl.n,tion of be. "'I01i"ion. ,..i,h ,be <mf'<'o. (0' "Ii.<> of oh< ,1"11< "'... ,
a.udonivio. v;" R"-~' (/JHl. ~). 16. <d. D. Ktw(h. MCH.SRM. 1
(.III).III .n- IJ' <1". Froio,... R.I;f"'". Pr· '79-"'.
.. G«,ory. HI" .• 7. 1. K.""'h- .... vioon. ))'.' - '0.
" I'rto<tv<d in ,he I" .. VII, 0<""",1(8HL. "U). 'I. <d. B. Knol<b. MGIf.SR.If.•
Tht liwrgy of victory

!lability' (p ro mabiltlatt rigni) or the 'king's secu rit y' (incolomil<1l

rigiJ) reCUn ~g ain ~nd ~gain in the roy.l privileges preserved from
the seventh .nd eighth centuries,·' Pnyen werc particularly
appropri.te when the ropl well_being was threatened by warfare.
Like Clovis' triumph. l parade, lih. too. the church which
performed lhem, the idn of such services was an inheritance
of late antiquity. Yet for . 11 this emphasis on divine f.vor as
expre.sed in ropl victory, Gregory and the others have left no
hint of large-scalc services in lime of war, of a profmio hdlic~
ceremony similar to that of the Visigoth. Or Byzantines. What we
do find i. the persistence of some old customs on a purdy loc.l
Particularly teHing in this regard is lhe spiritu.l defense of cities
by mea", of the circuiluf murorum, the liturgical procession Hound
the w.lIs of a bele.guered town. which was so f.miliar a feature in
the publi c life of the provinces .. nd capitals of the later Roman
empire. Gregory of Tour! claims th.t, carlyon. the Frank. were
innocent of such ceremonies. When besieging Saragos.. in 54',
they sa w women dressed in with .shes in their Itair. wailing
as they walked around the Cil y walk The Franks concluded that
the Spani:lrds were casting so me evil spell on them. Only lhe
interrogation of a local peasant convinced them lhat this w.s no
supentiliou. m.gic but a holy ceremony to protect the city.·J
Saints' lives nonetheless delight in depicting the s.lvation of
Gauli,h cities from barbarian onslaught th .. nks to their bishops'
performance of the d 'fU;lus. Thus B:lz:lS wa, mppmcd to h:lvc
been saved from Arian amck by. procession featuring the relic. of
John the Baptist. 6 • Early in the sixth century, it was claimed, the
bishop of Clermont had delivered his city through 1 p':llm-
singing procession around the walls matched by vigils .. nd fasting.
A Mcrovingi.n pre>cher did nut he,i .. te 10 remind his Hock of

(, \>0> ). \7 >,7 '>: on ,II< d>t, , n d ,<I i. b,li, y. W. b.,h - t"';",,,. G< Jf 1t;.-1t1~,Il<",
p, "7> d. Coil, M.",. ,.6. Z ,um«.• 6.2>- • . On ,h, probt,m in g,"ml, Kriig".
K,;"i" I ,obk,,,",,,, pp . <76i!', . nd Ew;X. 'Prio«' .
.. ~ ...(",m D'llQl><r, I (6)1- ) ) to Ch,tp<f!< II (7'7j; p, L,"<, ,nO C. Sun",". U,
.ipl.J..., i.. ox ik, MI,,"i~g;'", (p."" ,,,,,,,j,
pp, J. 6--7. 'J, '7, '? 'j , ' 6--1,
.. Gr<gory. mil .. J, '9. Krul<h-uv;"'n, "\,,,-,,6 .• ,
•• Gr<sory. I" , lot-;" ....'T'"'". '. " •• d. II. K."",h, MCIl.SR.U, '-' (, 11 \ ).6) J,!! - '.'
A 1>. ... ,,,,h,;,", , •.,li",d"'"i,"", with .... iog 0,1<,01 by 'h, " m, m"hod, . .. t, ;n
"'" ""'h "'"'"'y: V. A"i... , (BilL, <7)). 9, K,""'h. ,,. .,3-,,,
Fu",lriJh ~irto'r ul,b,D/"O".
liuniet' power again" the GoIhl.6 ' L~te in th e ~venth century.
bishop LeodCglri UJ prepared bis city for siege with a thtc'C'-<iay fan
and. prooession along the rampnu. led by a cross and ~Iia.
during wb ich each of Autun's gatcs was J,>nct i(1Cd wilh prOS(n-
rions and special pnyen.""
By theioC accounts. loal C(:hclons pla yed the decisive role in
preioCrving ruch ceremonics. This VK-W finds confirmation in the
faCI that the rare referen ccs 10 prayers (or rulen in lime o(wu give
Mcrovingian kings lillie pan in their organization. The nun
Baudo nivia cites II an elllmple o( the cloillered quccn
Radcgunda 'l (ob. ,87) piety that. in time o( civil war, she puyed
(or Dllthc protagonins. I\s abbess, she co mmanded her co m'nu _
nity to pray '(or their "ability'. echoing the phraseology of ro yal
privilcgcs,U [n o ther wo rds. a six th-<entury royal monastery',
'pc<:ial service$ in time o(wu were o rgll1iled on the sok initiative
o( the: house', ruperior . An Irish ascelic WlJ infuriated by the
suggcstion Ihat he: pny for king Theudcbcrt Jrl viclory II the
battle o(Tolbi.c, Chancterinically. the idu had come not (rom
the: royal court but from SI CoJum~n 'lli mplc.minded Frankish
A miserable ICn p o( parchmC"fll (rom R eiehcnau provel thu by
the: early eighth centu ry, ' pecial so:fviccs (o r the king's victory had
gained , uflk icnl curren cy to warrant the codi fication o(appropri-
ate texu. in which Frankish prietts bc..,ecbed the 'Lord God,
C ren or of AU. Terrible:lOd Strong' to 'gunt victory to the kings
of the Frank,' over the ir rebels, a, He had once delivered Israel
from Egypt." 1\ ,imilar note was sounded in another cighth_
• • G"p,. I.oW< ..;.,., ,.... ... , . '. K"""". &1,.,'-'0: E~ ..",... ·G. lhe..... '. C.I,,"jo
......_ • • ). . and , . <d. F. Glori<. c.;CL, ' 0 ' ( 19701." ,- ,
.. P.,,10 tiMtMII (!Ht.. .I.<r~) .•,. <d. II . Knndo. MCH.SRM. I (' 9 ...). ..,. ......
.. V. R ' t ' . (l1IIt.. 7<><9) . ' 0, Kn,...:Io. 1 . ....... J , . C/. ,II< . .",....., 0I"EJ;';'" 01"
Nor- (01). _1 . ..100 , .. pt!.oioed .....1""'01;0: ...... (d. , T_h, >.I)"""
hH , , ', Iu\lol .. /If'''''' cloy mel '" ......., _ . ~ .., ............ , -
,._ 4 : Viw El;,ti (IIHt.. " 1. -6). ' . JI. <d. J. Gh< , ~ .. . . Aao _ _ JItlto'i
.. ro..., , (" ' S)''' I. and ' . I . «I. B. Kntodt, M C H.SRM, • (' IIOJI:"" .' , _,.•
.. )ooou. Viw C. ' I I (tHt.. ' 191)' ' • • ,. Knn<h. "" '1-""" .ooIrn,
Co4r.o .. INn·,
or; ' " _ th. ·.. ~hu ... 0< ,eI...... . h<mIm .-..r.u"'·" ...., "' • .., with hl< ...
• owI Iu.k .... IN<k , .. ,II< ",h.;. "'" ...... "' .... fOunh <.~,.." . Th~ ""y be '"

• ...-i< «100 '" III< f."i<Un
".,Ii,,,,,,. Cf. S. PIl""k. I;~ •
SC. ' "9 ( P.ri~ '97'). ' •• .• --9 .
.. K"Ionohc. looMInh.·Cod . A.... CCLlIl (CLA.. 1 ('9J9). "(0)• • d. A. Ookl.nd A.
c.._ . 9. «I.

B.u",,", ~ . D<o "'N.. , .. ~ ...,_.... .... c• . ""A. C XII. T .... und A,b.", ... , '. ,.

Tilr lilurgy of I'i(/",y

century servic<' from the ro-<~lkd 'llobbio Missal'. Hac. an

untided Mass was added to what seems to be the work of an
elderly priest. living in some pbcc of scconduy importancr.'O
Unit('d in puyer. the faithful entreated God to defend 'our
prince' . II. once I·k h.d s.ved .... br.h.m and hi, ""rvalllS with a
tremendous triUlllph (Gen.",is 14.1 ~rf). '50 He vivif,,·s. saves.
guard •. pre"",v" our prince. ever victor aga inst all en{'miN.· "
The M.s,·s second collen d~"<:pcm the Old Testament parallel by a
co mparison with Moses' battlc agaillltllnulc k (Exodus 17.18ff).
'whence w<' bescech you. 0 l ord. and. on this day. with devoted
minds we p<.Iu r oUl our prayers to you. for the benefit of your
faithful se,va"t .lId o ur prince N .. and (or hi . entire army. that
You. through the right hand of Your power. 0 Lord. may bid
him always be. victor with triumph over all hi, enemi<" . as You
oncc hclpcd Mose •.. :.12 T he 'Pon nomi",' prayer punue5 the
pica for divine help: any who dares 0pp<.lse thc prince will languish
under hi, feCI as quickly a5 Jericho fell to J oshua. J uS! as David onCe
procured peace for I"ael by killing Goliath. so. the prayer 'Ad
p.ccm· hopes. m.y the king reign resplendent and in peace fot
countle" yean. ·un;v,,,;. deviet;' undeque gentibu"!'
Such texts assure \IS th.t. dNpi!' the silence of all other leCtors of
evi<ien(c. e/fonsto insure and m~gn;fy th(' king 's victory did not

(I~u, on. I'll I. ]1' • P"'"
r "'''' o,u!t, ,i~ ,."" '''''0'''"' ... '. 1'.1 ""OS" phy '""I~""
,lK MS "'.. wp",J '" 01,.. Ii",
h,lf of , ''''. ,lK ~lo,,1 '~ '"S"" rn"''' ,II< p"y« ... "
''''''po><J ", .dlp«d on 71~- '." , .... 1",><.
, . r, .... II.N . ,,,. ' P , o. j. w. l .. g~ . 10.. /WoO ...11".. 1. 11 <;.. 11 .._ .11"".&. • . F.....U".
H,,, , y lI"d,h",· So<K·'Y. ~J (londoo . ' 9'71. f'Jlv - .J)'= ..d. E..... l~ ... <. no..
_ • .\1" ... 1.,..
r. .. II .._ ,11.". /100II". Ikn, y n"'t,h .... s.,.."" y. ~, (L""don. '9")'
.... j . 'If. Cf Cl.!'. S 1'9~). ~)J
" Tl>< M,,, " "',,1>0<0, ,,,k '" ,h< MS, M,b,'1on ,. II..d " ·M, ..... P'" P';n<"Ip< ·. d. 1.0 ...<.
_ . Mi, ... I. 'J'. n . >: <"""'" ('"m ibil .. ,,.,,.9'. ' S' ,,- ,6, ' .11' p""'''p<m
'''''''U'" .""1'<' " O<'O<, m «,to'n ",ne,", .d...,.. "", ",,,,rK;'. pul"i'. 'U<:""'.
«''''''(f'''' f. . h·'g. ·z."m ,h " "lod"," Kon'g'g<ci'nk<n ,m f..uhm ""I.1<....
Sr.""""· ...,. '. , ~71. l><" " . o. "'. ".<>nd., ... ".h<,II<, ,ho .. ;, 0<""0«';"" brtw"'o
,I>< ..,,', in,," ..
n" '"' I"i."p' ,nd C h .."" M,,.,d. cr. ,~,4.. p. >0 .... 1><<< ,h< p"«"
,,,,,,,,, .. Iy ...,,,,,,, .. d ... "h ,..., 'h",,~h'
... "r'd 0( ''''' ... V<n,h , ... ,ur, .
"&1.1.. ,\1",.1. "" 49J . '\' lJ - " ' .! · .. . Un.k dum, ... '" >upk<,.. d<p .."mU!
«bKt"" .k"",,, m.. o"bu, on h... d", ("".kn,,,. P''''« . pm (,d<1< (.molo '"0.
pnn"I"'i"" 0,,,,,"
ill. , d~"" P'"
hun,,,,,,,,, <>«<i,o ,II,",.
,tJ ("tin, . do",i"" P'"
.xx""m u"'ulr, to,. '"n'" u rn"", .. d"•.,.",u, I<mp"'''''' ,"b.., 'un' ,,,ump,,
"'<1U1"m......' rond.m ''''''" ,u, '"' Mop.n.. .".
" 1I>,i .• no . • w .nd <Vj. Lo,,·< . 'jl·'7- ., ,oJ JO - , .
Frankish viClory ul.bralions

comple!<:ly cease in the last century of Mcrovingian dominion.

Victory remained .n essential trait of rulership, even for puppet
kings who no longer led th eir people to wu. New, ccde,ianie.l
menures designed to produce victory were devi,ed in circum_
't;\Oces which escape us. The constant we", and replacement of
liturgical texts me .. ns that the SOUrCeS of most of thc", rare
witnesses to the late Merovingian liturgy of victory will not be
recovered. But the deluxe codex known as the 'Missal of the
Franks' (Vat. reg . lat. In), copied in the ftrst half of the eighth
century and once kept in the royal abbey nfSt Denis, shows that
the imperial provinces' creative role had not yet ccased. Like mo't
surviving representatives of the loe.l G.llic.n liturgic. ltr.dition,
the Missal is a kind of mixed bag . Although the formula.
struaure is considered Gallic.n, much of the COntent harkens back
to the prcstigious liturgi es of By un tine Rome .u The votive Mass
for the king is not inconsistent with th e Reichena" and Bobbio
pieces. The Preface makes an emotional .ppeal (' As prostrate
suppli.nts, with all OUf heans, we entreat. .. ') to the Lord to IlS'-" the
power of His majClty to crush those who dare to oppose the
Franks." The 'Hanc igitur' insim th.t the Mass is intended 'pro
",lute et incolomitate vel .t.tu regni Francorum', recalling onCe
again the phraseology of royal privilege!.?6 The third collect asks
God to ."i'l the 'prinCe< of the kingdom of the Franks, "" th.t thcy
might be clement by Your tranquility, ever victors by You r
power'." Perhaps there is only one surprise to these prayers for
Frankish victory; comp~ri""n with the Gcla,i,n tradition ,how,
th~t [hey hav e been lift ed from the Roman liturgy. Th" late
antique prayer ofa prestigious provincill center for the Floman
,tat,,'s perpetull victory has be"n adapted to 10c.1 circ umstances,
the word, 'Romani nomini' inimiti' and ' regni' replaced
with 'kingdom of the Franks'n
These te xIS tell us only th at men and women prayed for the
" CLA. '. '0); L.c. Moo lb<'J« .1 .• M~,.", F"",,,",". R<n.lm rt,Io"","e>.,tlt"
d","",<o".1<'''',. foo'" •• , IRom<. lOll), p. 6) .nd ,,"k •• ' - J~ .
" Mohlb<'g. no. 76. 'O.)j-" .l.
" l.kI .. no. no "'!-H.
" Ii.... !\o. ?' . ' 0. '1- 16: . . . . F.. nrorum "'8m.<1<"
prine,pioo, .", ' U' '''"qu;ll;" ,<
,1<",<"';,. 'u' 1<ml"" "'" ";"UI< "",WI"'.
" No . 16. }o.)j - } • .); d . Li'" , .. ,. .. ,",.,,". R_ ...", M(lI,,!.. ".Ii.;, ••• , "".Ii, <d.
L.c, Mohlb<'g" .1.. R,mm '«""'.";"mm doc"m,n". ",,;., m."". fon,., .
Ti,e lilurgy of vicro,y

victory of the Maov ingi:m kings and that rom e of their pr.. ycrs
wer~ d~rived from th ~ old services for th e victory of the R om~n
cmpire. They do not tell u< when, why. or lI nder wh~t cir_
cumst~nces they did so, ~lthough the stoIie. of R~degllnd . :Itld
Co lu m ban imply that the perform:ltlce of such p'" yer< w ..s l.. rgcl y
~ local alf~ir. T his chan ge s with the C~ruJingiam. The kin g or his
entourage cam e to al'lIme :1Il unmist~bblc role in developing and
org~nizing new military ,ervices aimed at procuring victury.
Lo c~ l illiti ~tive i$ superseded by an attempt :It cent rali zed
direction. Secondly, the focus of the snvicc$ widens, in that the
army is more directly involved. Where .. the I~te Merov ingian
texts were suitabl e for perfo"n~nce in monasteries ~nd cat hedrals
far from th e scene ofbattk . new ,ervices arc perform ed by md for
th e Frankish army on c~mpaign.
In the late eigh th centu ry . the out!<:! of campaigns wa s
saculized by , speci~1 ceremony for which Ihne i$ no dear
Me rovingian amecedem. The frau ki,h profWlo bdlil4 is ch idl y
known from ~ votive M ass ' In profectionem ho,tium eontibus in
prohclium': 'M;m on the Departure of the Troops for those who
arc Going to Battle' which occurs in the Sacrameutary of Gellone.
a manuscript (paris. B.N. I~t. (2048) represent in g the 'Eighth_
Century Gdasia,,' tT:ldition of the Frankish lituIgy , i.e. the f,Ist
stage in the romaniution of the loca l sCTviccS. 79 In cont ra st to the
orhcr pu yer, alrc:ld y examined :lJld .. the title itse lf ,uggcm, t he
:lIm y dominates t his seTvice. God is "sk"d to grant light to His
:lrmy, to .end His angd to Hi, foreordained people; the serv icc is
p<:rformed for the 'victory ~ nd pre...,rvation of Your :l rmy' (pTQ
(xerlitus tui lIiaori4 (IlslOdi4qUtj. 30 The Mas, is full of references to
the :l rmy', imminent victory over the ' infidel barb.rians·" Th e
Frankish king is not evcn mentioned until the closing lines of the
third COllCCI, and dircct prayer for him doc. nut "pp<.""ar until the

(Rom,. , .,.00). no. ,,8J . " J.' J- .6 •• nJ .\Ji" . I'1"", .. no. 7' . MohH"'g. '0.1, - '6. Cf.
V I. 1M.• no. 1.8S. M"hlo.'g •.Il PO- 7' 'Ron,,", r<go; ,o"t(' p,;ncipibu,·. Orl ,0.
,"bsd<u'ion of "Fr.n'· fu, 'Ro'"," '. T<lI",b"h. R'i,h,x<d,"",. pp. '9"".
" Ed. A. Du", ... nJ J Dc.bu,>< •• CCL. 'J 9 1'9i J) .' )!-4. cr K. morow,ct. ·Adv,,,,·.
pp . 1<-,. On the '''''"'''''''Y' CL .... J. 6 17' CLLA . i ll . • nJ II. M,,,,,,,,,. "[Jo,
tW"Ir.C,""", 01.,1... S"'" ...... ,,',. A '"'"r in "",Ii,;," (O . fo.d. ' 976). pp. , 37-YI .
.. No. >7JO. D"m". ' J 1.1- 0; "'0. '7Jl •• J'.11 - 'J.
'0 E.g."". '7)0. Dum". 4) I.\>""' I; no. '7, I. O)I . I- Y; nJ" OJ T. I- IJ . <te. Il .. bll""' ''
no. 17J>. OJ' .J: no. '7J). 4lU - j .
Frm,ki.h victory ,d,bralion.

following prayer.12 Docs this meln that the profwio brllica ""vice
was developed ind~pcndcntly of the royal court and it! inlluence?
Palacographer> and litorgim have illuminated the hi,torical
context in which the Sacramenury of Gellon e was transcribed;
their conclusiom bear directly on this question. The sacra-
mentary's rich decoration is indic.tive of its intended recipi_
em's prestige, It was copied in the elming decade of the eighth
century Or the opening year> of the next, quite probably by
David, of the monastery of Holy Cross at Me.ux , Sp<:ciflC
liturgical fcatures indicate a very close link with the royal court.
W ithin a few ye;>" the book came to Gellonc where, as an ex-
libri s luggests, it probably arriv ed with the mon .. tery's founder.
This man w .. none other than count William of Toulouse,
Charlemagne', rela,ive and an importaut member of the rOYll
cmoorage, who was do..:ly idemified with the couqu"t of the
Spanish March. In other words , by both it! con tent and its
codicological provenance, the Sacramemary of Gellone and the
pro/WiG btl/ira service it contains bear ,he unmistabble mmp of
the royal court. n
The Sacramemar y of Angoolcmc (Paris, B.N, lat, 8(6) m ay
have beeu composed at the Franki,h court in Aquitania around
800; it offers concordant testimony On the new military spiritu-
ality of the la ,t decade of the eighth (emory. It too belong' CO the
' Eighth-Century Gela,i:",' tradition and contains a ' M issa pro
re<ge) in die be!!i comra paganos', perhaps intended for wars
against the Sarace1l! or Basque'." Th~ collect implor", th e eternal
Trinity to deliver ' Your Ch ri, tian people from th~ opp"..ion of
the xonld, as it once S<l ved the son, of lsr~el from th e Egyptians,
:lIld to grant victory to the roy al servant of Christendom,"' The
Secret develop, the p~rall el of Mose., Aaron and th e Franks,
~ ,king God to free the king and hi, :lrmy from the 'ICHor of the
tyrants', so that the Franks might return from battle with
" No. '7P, Uu",,,, ' J 1. ' ' - '" no. 17S), Dom", <».1--9: <f, OJ ... •
" >«J. lI<VIu,,,,,, eeL, 'w" ('91 . ).,,-. .;: cf. c.R. . B.ldw;n, TO< ,,:r'plO';"m o{
' h,,n",y Or Gelk...", S";p,.,;"m, ') 1'1'1') , ) -'7 · On W,tham, 0·5· P.
We Hl", 'l ' " qu; .. ,nt " "" mug,,', K ..I J<, C"JJ<, " >~lOll, ~«o 'T1-
.. CLi. -4, '110, d. Mot'''''', E;I~ rI"C'." 'r, pp. '9'-J : diploffi"K od. p. e.gin, u
_ "",,"",r< " I,,,·..... A._ II ,., (Ang""l<mo, n.d.), L 167"<1<>- '67'<'''', no<.
')'>7- '0 .
.. f . , 6]"'<1Q, "". 'J07 ,
The liturgy of "icrvry

exultation.'" The I'n.-fKc oc'>Cn:ho th~ Lord to Iuccor his \erv~nt

.nd his army .g.i",t the perf,diou, pag.n s,just.s hc OnCe helped
Abr"h"m. He mmt ••."nd hi s .ngel to protect th,' Franks, who will
r~tlIrn home ' triumph. I1tCI de vinori"'."' The Postcommunion
proyer cvo kes the ,,, Iv.t;on of Isroel 'hrough God's m.nn.; in like
manncr, God will intnvcne to 'p>rc thc Fronks from he . vy
CJlu.lticl. n The God ofthc Frankish army was close indeed to
th.t of .ncient hr.d , nd the liturgy provided the link.·~ Once
"g"in, thc king . hare, the Jiturgic.llimclight with hi •• rmy, cven
though the M ass's rubric emph.sizes the roy,,1 intention.
The po!tcrity, .nd therefore the influcnce. of this kind of text
h .. heen questiom'" by Kantorowi cz. Th at the Gdlone S.cramen-
", ry i, thc sok sun' iving eighth-century wim<"Ss to the proftCiio
brllico snvin' Jed Kan torowicz to .,sum,· it< Heh.i, ,h:lrocter .nd
sub"'1ucnt disappearance; at most :I segment of th~ M"" might
h. ve ",rvi ved as " v.gue 'Ormio pro (XfT(ill<·. 90 So long •• " proper
philological.nd theolog lysis is l.cking. it is impossible to
'pecul.t,· on the o rigin of such text •. although it h ••• lre.dy been
noted that there i, no clear n'idencc of their uSC under the
Merovingiam. Ther,' i•. howcver, evidence on their po'terity.
Alcuin ~nd Sedulius Scottus, to n.rne only two thinken in the
maimlrc~m of Caroling ian ~uhl1rc, both refer"'" to rhe necc.siry
of prayer on such l1ce~sio",.91 More importJntly. it;. to
>Tgue for. n. now diffusion or djsJPpe~unc~ of.n .!tested votive
text on rhe ,ole of , ..ity in ext.nt euly Clrolingi.n
m~nu sCTipts bcnusc the reprelcnt.tivcnc,s of sutvi ving codices is.
in this rnpect. quite problematic." And in f.CI, thi, p~rticular
.. UoJ .• 00. '] 0 1 .
.. f . 1"7v<""'. "'0 . 'J 10.
, . 'i« ,.~. EH K." ,u<uw;,·• . 'u".k, " .! ...... A ".J, '" l'r.'I ',,1 ."I.",..ic.I, ..,J
""Ji"·.t..I,, .·"'/"r. Uni""i,y of C.tifo,";. pubt i,"ion. in hi"u.y . J) III«k,k,.
,~ ; 61. pro S61f; ,f. E. f. ... ,g. 'Zorn d",,, I,,,",n K (in , ~,!!,d.nhn ·. pp . .,.If.
•, ·~dvon ' · . p. JJ .
•, ~ t<um . Er.. 1 l. f J. E. 1.>0", m"". M(; II.Er'''.. • (l S''ll "". , J - , !. ",."""~ '0 K","1f
on ,.., ,,,,,.,,,,, of ,.., I"""<i<p"tu" .. on <.m p.,s", cf. 'Ik,,,,dic,;o pro i«r
'~'ntibu>· . ,d. E. Modkt. eeL. 16>~ (",'"1. "0. ,n, . N,d..,b, t. R"I""'" J J UL.
' ! "I. «I . f .. Pml, .•\JGII.[,p'''.' ~ ('9' ll·JlU ' - Jj .
., l,,"rSK.I MSS "'.. , mO>tl, ",..~ on . J" ly """ 'nd~, &t";",,t«l mo<, .. ",Jly
th.n "tI", ~ ,"J , of MSS. Til< ·ti~hd,.. C<"'"r y Gd" i.n·;, ",u,lIy cOOlid(-"d tho
m",' "gn il;",,, "', ,. icc book uf tI.. ".1 ", """,oJ '"" "'''' of ,.., <,~h ,h c'"tu.y. t n
i i ' ,b< ,nvo",,,,y ut .I", "'"i"y " e m,"I. h,,, '9 or .. ·G<l.". "i·. K<,,.,,,lly
"",n '; ';"d ., «,,, ,I.,
uf ·b ~ h,h -C'm"')·· "''''').. tf,hi, ;, ""<. ,,,..,, ~u 'n t;l y - tho
Frdnlrilh viC/o.), uleb.dlionl

ceremony did survive the ninth century. since ~ blessing for

p.ofulio brllira occur> in the Pontifical of Sens (Leningrad. G.P .8.
Q. v .1, no. 3 S), an under_studied service book assigned to the euly
tenth century.u A useful pualld is the tndition of formal
bles.ings of the Frank ish army, which can also be traced back to
the reign of Charlemagne. Again the 'Eighth-Century Gelasian'
has preserved a blessing 'super regem ct populum' whose content
suggestl the army's presen~e; L«I III lent papal prestige to the
custom when he said prayers for the Frankish 011, massed at
Paderoom to attack the Saxonl. u Such prayen for the army crop
up with increasing frequency in liturgical books from th e ninth
cenlllry's Int d<,cades. u
A funher parallel offen the additional advantage of re-
connoitering one part of the path by which early Carolingian war
liturgies ame to influence the spirilllal trappings onater medieval
armies. In the cou rse of the nimb century, the drive for liturgical
authenticity fostered the displacement of the 'Eigbth-Century
Gelasian' sact~mentaries and their war texts by the Hadrianum

fond< of only on< b .., mO<l.1.I<', _ i, mo« ,h . .. double <.he .. ~mb<t of ,u.";.in~
MSS from <II< wbole .mpiT<:; C. VOI,I. I..................... '"' '" rloi".i" J. ",lr<
,."';." .. -1"""... Bib!iot«> dct;!; S..di "'~ •• ~. ' •• (Spolclo, 'I/7S). pp.
"-w ODd 711 ....... '19. A ';mil" 'OIKlulion ;, ... q<>lo:<l by <II< ·Ninlh-e....'ury
G«lJ01i>n S.c •• "'<tIU,y' ",bich ",un on« ..;no:<l ., ",ffirien, numbo;n '0
cov" the .1,," ofC.rolinJum Eun>l": oome JJ MSS .. tvi .. "''''':J.""" u
,..,_,,,.i,, ,.1,..;.... $<, ,.;...;,.1.,;"-' J<.,./. I., p-' -m..". '.
Spicik"um fnl>lo'«1II<. ,6 (rnbov. ... '97' )' p. J4.
" From (. 9S '«00. 'nn..nbe<! b, A. Stactk. u, _"..m., loti", I. V' .. xllr Md.
'Mlltr>#, ~ L. lioliM"<.,... ;""'i.~ I< s..:.../'f ..........,. , (SI>u'I, ,~.o), '69.;"
preference '0 E. M<><IIt. . CCL. ,6.>, nos. 161-'. huodon.n ... Iy modem ,oP1e1,he
,. Ed. E. Mod!. •• CCL, ,6.>, no. " ,, ",<>led., ,h .... MSS of •. vw"-ix"'. includ.,S
the "'tim ... "ric> of An,,,,,,l<m •• nd Gelk>nc .nd on< of •. i. -., UHf I"""ifiuU,. «I.
t. Ductlane. , (l'.,;,., 'J\I')_6_6 .
.. Thu, in ,he ·I..<ofri< Mi»>I' (O.r",d. Bodl. lib<. BodJ. 1791>6711. CllA. 9,10). the
oci, .... II>yc< "r which .... ~ • ...:Jf><d '0 , . i~ (AT ... ?). «I . f .E. W."", (,
,Il l ). p. ')0. ,be 0..... ...,.. ••;/j,. . ,,~ (inc. 'Deuo pcrptIui ..tiJ '''''<>t. dux
u,"u,um omnium <un<lo.umq", booti"m uicto<1 , <1". II" blnsin. Qu-*' ~
,., .... ,,..,.,..,...,. ''', Moeller. eCL, !d., 1)0. J4f •• nd the 0... »,.. ... ,m".. />1 .
Andricu. u. 'OrI;... , R_ ..;· '" ..., -Y'" "... '. SpicilcJ;"m IK'nIm Lo''';'''''.
ElUdtotl documt1l'" '(1.o<> • • in. '~J .). p_ H . The b<>IlI<""'iI.ccoun,ofC.,ol;",w.
mw,..,. ptl(ticco of 'hio 00" rnno;"" A.M. kOtftil'" 0;. M;Iu....~ ..
K... I",...uit_ I .. Rtt~' ""I i... Pru... V.rOIfendkbun,<tI .'" <lem ki" ..... hi"".;.
><ben Scm;", •• ' , 7 (M""ich. '9"). pp . .. _6 •.
TI,~ lillJrgy of victory

version of the GregorLm ~~crameruary. Since thi~ Rom~n

liturgical book lacked ~omc of the texts a Funki~h prie,( required
for his everyd~y liturgical duties. i( was soon fitted with vniom
additions. The mOlt famom of thele, the ,()-.Called 'Akuini;m· or
'Aniane' Supplement, incorporated the more common Rom;1n
propers for 'Masses in Time of W n'.96 Even 50, the style of war
liturgy embodied by the 'Eighth-Century Gcl~sian~' did not
disappear from the altus of the West. Ninth_ ;",d tenth-century
liturgical manuscripts illustrate the 'new' Roman liturgy·,
in.dequacic5 and (he way local material work ed iu w.y back
into the Gregorian books, through the process which would
ultimately lend the medieval 'Roman· liturgy its 'cbssicaJ'
shape.9' From the second half of the ninth cemury on, special
wartime 'Masses Ag.inst the Pag ans· were inserted on a fly leaf or
blank space. or incorporated into the votive M"" ,ections of these
books, in what is obviomly a liturgical response to the de-
predation. of the Northmcn and Sancens.'·
Among the most ,ignificant witnesse, to this process are half a
dozen sacramentarics showing v.riom degree, of interrelation.
Vat. lat. 377 (Onuin! scraps of. north Italian ,.cramentuy
assigned to the second half of the ninth centu ry, including a 'Mi"a
contra pagano •. Except for the Preface, thi, text is identical to the
corre'ponding piece in the celebrated Sacnmentary of Senlis
(p.ris, B. Ste Genevieve" I), thought to h~,"e been copied in the
abbey of St Denis, ca. 880. Two !acram~ntari e' from Tout! also
used the same texts as Senlis. 99 One of the Tour, books offer...
well a remarhble ' Mass for Imminent lhrbarian Persecution'
which beseeches God to libcrate his f3ithful followers 'from the
prescnt calamity of Northmcn'.'oo The Sacumcntorics of 5t
Vaa't (Cambrai, B.M. !6~ and 16], ,. ix') and Echtcrnach (P~ris,
" Ed. J. DO<I1u"",. s"' ........." R'/R",i",. 1." ,- , .
., s.. <.s . Vo~d. s"""". pp. hlf.
• • 'n a<ld;,iof, '0'" P"Y<> [,om the Tou " S''''"'''''''y ""d h<r<. f' <r . 1« ,h< ""'"''
<"ding '0 ,he pro y<r . p.,,,,, . do",; no pm,·. r<po,,<d by T <It," hoc h. R,i'~'I <J",k p.
7<1. no. j .
.. eeLA-. !o\l.«l. K. G.rnb«. 'Ub<,j"Ii<n;,<h" ~.k<.m<n",f"gm<" ' ·.) j) - lh. h.",
)70; in 5, Gc"<"ih, '" (eLLA. 745). f ')7<<<1" wh<r< , .. ,,,brio ",d, ·Mi".
<on'" in("",ion< P' g.,..,,,,m·. For ,he: lox". cf. 'hood" of 'ho T oun ... oro",," "rio..
P.,;'. B.N. I". 9HO .od n. "q. I.. 1\ 39 onJ. o.,l>u, .... U ... ,.""""i,,, ,,11"';'". '.
Spkil<gium f<ibu'8<."." (F,ioou'8. '9'9). ' .... "O'. " l6.-~.
, .. l.iJ.. 16J. J-O. nO. '1".

Frankish viclOry ((/ebralionJ

B.N. lat. 9433, s. ix") share a 'Mm against the P.gans'. while the
ninth-century pan of the Lcofric Missal presents yet another
combination under the s;l mc rubric,'" ' The Sacr.mcntary of
Arks (Paris. B.N. I.t. 2812) prcserves • text which prove, Ihe
posterity of the' Eighlh_Cemury Ceb,ian 's' version of the liturgy
of war. I" 'Missa pro persecutiune paganurum' is nothing other
than a late ninth- or early tcnth-ccntury reworking of the
Angoulcme Sacumcntary's ' M a.s for the King on the Day of
Battle'.' 02 By the time the threat diminished, this kind of service
was solidly entrenched in post-Carolingian liturgicalus.gc. Thus
the temh-century Sacrammtary ufFulda (Goningcn, Univ . Cod.
theoL 23 t , c •. 975) included both. 'Miss. pro rege et excreitu eiu.'
and one 'ad comprimend..s gentium fcriutes'.'"'
The Sacramentaries of Angoulcme and Cellone indicate that,
by the 79QS, the roy al entourage promoted new ""rvices directly
involving the army and aimed at obtaining victory. Their
lel1imony receives splendid confirmation from the court iudf. A
new kind ofliturgie.. 1 preparation for battle was introduced to the
Frankish army no later than September 7<)1 and ve ry possibly in
that year. It included both votive M as""s, undoubtedly of the kind
found in the Sac ramentaries, and litanic processions. The laconic
coun record , the 'R.oyal Annals of the Franb', arc • little more
loquacious than mual in documenting the army 's decision to
spend th ree days on the b.nk of the Enm River so that the troops
could stage speci.1 ""rvices entre:ning divine assist.nce against the
... with God', help they ""ach~d 'he . regi,," <>r 'he A v. n. They
hurried to ,he Enns :md ,hete decided '0 cdeb.. te Ii"ni", and Ma.",.;
,hey requeued God'. help for the ,.fety of the army and the aid of Our
Lord Jems Christ and for victory .nd vengeance OVer the Avon,'o ,

,. , St V"',. cd. Dc,),"""" S"" . ~'iR .. , . '6.- ). oos . ,)61- 9: ,f II.N. I.,. ~,)J (CL/,.-1.
9'0), f. >l9rwo->l9Vmo: uofti< Mi".I, Wmcn, p, ' I S~,
,. , ~ ""low. n . >JL
, • • F.~. A. Riehl<, .nd A. xhoofd,h. S .. ,.,.,",,,,,iu," P.IJ"", , . X , Qu<lkn und
Abh . ndlung,n ,u, {i<Khi,hl< dc, Abl<i un<! Di;;"", Fuld., 9 (Fuld •. , 91>1. »'.
not, '~H-! , ,na Uj - <, not, 'OJ ,,""v, An.,.""r c»mpl< i, ,"" !..l< I<n th--<<ntu,y
Lon<h s.",mrnury. which h .. 'wo M.»c> 'ubi scm "'.",, g<nl<'" ,u r~i" , L.
Eit<nh61"., 'U" U,''''M' S.h,mon", ;m Cod . Va<. P,I, bl. ;9J', 1Jj, /I.,ith.O"i
um••. F,,,,,h'ifi ."OO G.Jc,imr." ;h" S,;ft"'i 7h > (U"",,,,d l, 1977). l>9~ .
f,""",",". '.
, • • .-1"".1" "j;ni 791. I(u"', U : • . . , cum D"; .d;.,ot"' p",ibm ;>lnd;,,;,

Th~ limr,r:r of " i(lOry

The novelty of , he ~ r"'y service in 791 is undenco red by the fact

,hat wme ,w o decade. la'er. when a member of the imperi al
ent ourage updated the lalini ty and historical vi,ion of the old
R oy al Anmls. ,he need for descripti on was no longer fel, : it nOw
su ffiu d to sa y that. thrcc-d.y mpplication look place for the
.ucccssful o utcome of ,he war . 'os Even more significantly.
Charlemagne himself took Ihe trouble to wrue to hi , wife from
the Emu and tell her about ,he ~ r viccs , The ki ng descr ibed in
det.iI how ,he ceremunies were performed and requested th.t the
queen and his fidt ltl arrange for si mi lar ser vices at ,he palace. Now
FaSl rada had prev iously wimeTed with the killg and hi, Hmy and
there would have been little nec-d fo r the letter's ci rcum stanti.1
>ccoUm if ,uch htanic J.cT vice' h.d bern a Sl3ndard fe. ture o f
comcmpoTary military life. lOb Thc cvidenee of the lilllrgical
nlanuscrip,s and the Em" cerem ony arc completely independent
.nd ,his mak es their con vcrgem testimony on the ne w dcvcl op-
ment all the morc' eloquent. T,w rc. ,ons for the neW departure in
the army 's liturgy of war He not c.... mpktcly clear. T he new
~rviccs by and for ,he Hmy faU in a period in which the king was
experimenting with widc-scak htanic so:tvkc. in times of crisis. to'
The Hmy itself was changing , u Charlemagne >ought to develop
the newly pTntigious ro yal va:;.s.:lls irno an elite force of heavy
c~v~lry. 101 Another fact or lIl. y h. vc contributed to the form and
n~tl1r e o f the servicc_ Only one c. mpaign carl ieT, Fr~nk l and

... . "o<~m 1""<>0.0"< , ... d "'""" n .O'n fto.,o", 1""1"'''"''' ,h, '''''''''''''<U"'
I.., .."" r"i<n~, 1'" ,,;duo u,,,,uumq'" ",Ikln"" "kbu"J ,. IX, ~,I","m
r",,,ub ..,"", r'o .. I",. <.<101"'''' ,d,uw;o Jom'", "0"'; 1<>" Ch,;,,,« r'o
.""on' .. vond"'.. "'p<r ... "',,. 0" ,lid< ... ",,,1. ,nd ,h, COO" , W." ",h.. h
ltv""" , c. "" ,,~ . ~nt,,, pr- , . ?~._
" • ..1•• 0 ..' f'" ~"","'., f, . ~.,I, • • _ 19' , ,d , F_ Ku,,<. MGfI_SRG , (11191) , '" ' l~,
,"ppl"'''", 1'" md""m r, w, ut ,d bdlo"' 1""''''''''''' fdO«'< h,, ,."",,,,.
'k 1:<1. E. D"mmic. , .IIG/I.';,.,,_, . ('II9 ' ) ' J' " ," - 1>9 . ",~ M. McCo<m"., 'Th<
Itt".SY of ... " ,n ,he <>tly M,ddk "'tt<" "'''', Io" me. ,nd ,b. C .. olin~i,,,
m"""d,y' , v; ..... ' J (1~8 . ) ; on ~,,,,,J . ,"d ,ho ""'Y. S. "'b.I . nd~ . S,m ",",
J.I,,""''''' 01., fr•••,,.-..... II,.."" ".m /(..1M" r"""., ,,,,t e~". ,
, '11">1» .07<>· ,. ' M,C..,m",k. 'l"o ,~ y·. rr ·"r
("'1'''" ', 1Ie,j,",
F_L G.".hot'. 'A P'Op<» d< ... , ... k,,. d.n, t,,, "m'" ok C II" k""~,,,· . ..1,-*.."
M' i~"",.;.. , " "11..,_ Jr""" , C_,.... "'.""'.... n .... '9\' , jJ' - 6, "1'_ )1> - 6 .• oJ
'I)" l<h"'w .... " j", f"nk,,,,h,,,, R ..,h, L<hmw<"'" u"d R, ,,h, ~< ... . I' '" k,, <>I,,\~,_
,,"", Z.,,' , S'"~". '".. ,,"",Iollffl~"'. u"""~""". "'''''''g' ""d Fo""~ong<". J
(Lu,dlu. ' ,,",,). pp, )7-0Y, h". +1- 0. Ch"km.~"<·, I."" "",If ''''' '''"' • <>«
"pi;'" «b.n« to 'ho 1"'"''['>'"''' of .~ •• I ,-".. ~ , Diimml.., J",'~-1

Lombardi h~d (ought against a Byzantine upeditionary fo rce in
utahria, and there can be little doubt that this army observed the
liturgical prcpantion (or comballndil/QnaJ in the imperial (orca.
It was probably as a .esult of this Funco-Lombard victory thai
SisinoiuJ, the upuled brother of tbe p>triarcb of Constantino-
pic, ca me to Chula' cou rl :u a prisoner. ," At the $.I me lime
Byzant ine Iml" am" undcr Fnnkish con trol and Cluriemagne'l
k iter to FUI.aciJ mrntions thaI duke John of lima had played a
decisive role in the "rio! phuc orlhe operations 0(791, whk h had
~n launched by the king 's son from Frankish Friuli. uo The
liturgical nature of the serv ice point. in the urne di,,",ion, for its
litaoi c character hin ts that it troubled th e Byunein.: army'.
Inditianal ' Kyric deisonl' before combat. In (act, a sou rce of
unimpeachable ehu~cter provo th~t Frankish um ia pn:p~red for
bude with Ihe ~me prayer u the Byuntines. The Old High
German u.J",illlitJ wa, composed in dle aftermath o( king
Louu 111'. (,,~. } .... uglUt 8h) de("" t o( the Viking. at Saueoun
on 1 Augu1l. 811 and dcKriba how the Fnank. preparal 10
aJlaek (he Northmen:
loh aile unun .ungell ·Kytricltiton'.
. U U'I. wa, b',gunnar> .... ,,,
Sana wu , .. ungar>,
As the u.Jwigsliti .uggats, the .ervices Oh9 1 bc<:ame pan and
parcel o(Clfolingian military practice in the ninth centu ry. Thus,
in hi, the arm ies o( Charles the Bald and Louis the German
performed (nts and prayer .ervices on the eve o( the (ate(ul
encounter ofFontcnoy-cn-Puisayc.' " The following March, the
~me kings atten ded Map at St CntO,'1 before CfOlSing the
Mose lle to anack Lothlr', army.' IJ A hOitile Hincmar o(Reims
insinuated Ihe uu.e of defeat when he dcs.cribed how Charles the
... o. ~;m. -c............." • _....., .. . . c-...
K~ _

N.<l._ . .... W . 11<.... "' ... , (Da.rldod". '961).' ; " . ..... 611 "'" 6SI.
". R.J.H.Jml_ ...... c......,.... VIl_pIo' ............... 0. .+" _ _ _ , 1M.'.
C. - ''"1
hro .... •• K-
th ie'" _ .... eIno x.nI...,. ".""#,,- ....
" . •91\.). , ......... <f. J.F. BOIono«. E. MiihIbotIwt .. .t, 00.
C . IlriiW "'" H.H.
K• . . . - ,. R .......... P<rii. ' . "'" ... (H'" ~wi",. '9116). _ . I IS· ""'" _ .....
wtIlowl ,.". w;.ho..w • <oon"' .............. ,.,_~ • . - . Ku ... M-
" , ~_• .,j. E. _on ~."'''' ow u ...... ___...... s,oo.... h " ..
(8<0"' . 1~'6). 116 .• , . 1.
". Nidoood. Ifi,'.,i.r_
~M IV, •• 10. ed. P. u..... CIo,.;q...n<lt l'h ........ "" Fr ...... . u
moJO' I,.. ,(P, ,;,. 1906), ",.
". I~" ,. ,.l.UH. tt . ,
B~ld's men laughed at Louis the Younger and his CO,"il($ as they
began to fast and perform litanies shortly before ,he banie of
Ande rmch,'" In 894, king Arnulf ordered 3 M." before
no rming Bergamo and , when he decidcd to subject Rome to the
SOlme treat ment, he and hi s men calkd fur a onc-day fast,'"
Armies and king. which expended such effort to ",cure ~uccc"
could not fail to than k the divine author uf victury .ftcr thl' battle,
Some of the M ..",s be,eeching God for victory aHude to
than h giving .fter the battlc's successful cumpletion, and toward
the middle of the ninth century, Sedulim Scultm touted proper
thanksgi ving for victory . , a typical trait of the ideal prince.' 10
T he R oy.l Annals ' wurding intimatC'l th.t the Frankish army
st.ged some kind of thanksgiving ,ervice .fter the c.mpaign
which had begun with the litanies on the Enn! River.'" The
double victory over the Avars f,vc ye." bter w•• ccrt:lin ly the
occasion for a victory ",rvice, Thcodu lf ofOrlc. ", w rote . poem
in which he urged Charlenugne to give thanks to God .nd
generous gifts to the chu tch and, in fact, {he king did ooth,
celeb rating a thanksgiving service at Aachen and dispatching a
large pan of the booty to Rume.'" In MOl , the Fr:lfl ki,h army led
by Louis the Pious held a service to thank God fo r hi. help in
recon quering Barcelona and the cUSlom was mainuined through_
out the ninth century, for i"'I:lnce after a victoriou. ign
.g.ins, Brittany in 817 and foHowing .. successful eros,ing of the

," 11""_8<".. . _ ~16 , (;"'. 107_ Hi,,<m .. w", f"'''imt" ly di'pl.. ",J with 0",1 .. "
,hot ,imo bon"", of , ho A""'g;'''' ,If,;" J O<,·i,,.,. Hj.""". ""h,. I'1'" M /1:.';,.,.
8' J - U". (G<tt ... , 1976). !,0--'1,
'" 11"""1" 1'01.1.."" . C... ,i"""'i. /l:.oIi.Nn",",jj , • . ~94. <J. f. K", .. , MGII.S/l:.C.
(I !9'). IlJ • • nJ ,_ S<}/>. K",,<. 1>1; of. .oil.. 'Jo. '"' ~"' <uI< off. "ing 'n 'h< Uul~ ..
k;ng', VK<Ory. Cf. 'oo ,I>< ><<o"n' of 'ho ,,,d;,i,,,,,1 "" vic<. w"h WhKh pop< l<o
IV rneotl"s«l II>< d<f<ndcn of 0.,;, in '''''' "pl<l< with ,n"><,ir<ion. of ,I><
p"y"" rompot«l fo, ,b, ",<»ion, Lil. 1""" .. I)ucl>< .... , ,_" I ., '-'L
,.. s.c,. G.II .. no<_ >1\0. Du," " . • J' ,9- ' ': '7JJ. I),,"," . • p .l ,- J; s<Jul;u, s<""" •.
IX "",.. jb., <I,,;,,; ..;,. '1, ed_ S. He llm . nn, Qudkn und Un' <nmh"ngon z",
I,,";n"""'" 1't1Holog"' do. M;"n. '. I (Munich. '''''''). So- . _
", 11""_,_1',__ • ,. 79' , K",... I3;·'" p'opru ",,<n; ,un'. m'K";f«,n ' <> D<um <k
"on" viet.,.; •.
,,' T"""'ulf. CM., .• lj. «I. E_ Diim ml<" Ment'",, _. , I' U ,), . ~ • . )) _6. cr. 11""_..
F,_ .. •. 196. Kn= ••• • 'P<'"''
D«> 4r8;'Oll omo ;"", OOtlO'Um K''';"um
Tl>: ,ubj«' of C"olin8;.n vo,ive offering' wnuld « ..·.. d f""h" "udy_
On ,11<1< even". I\Ohm« _Milhtb",I1<,. k,{" ... no_ I'"~ 1_ lett" 'J .
F.ankiJh victo ry crl~b'a/ion'

Seine in the spring: of 841.'" Spiritu~1 mea,ureS w"re decreed for

the victorious armies after the terrible carn. ge of Fontenoy, in
pu;", of the divine' judgemmt revealed by the battle, on behalf of
tne wu l, of the fallen brethren . • nd '" th.t God would continue to
help .nd protect the victou in the future. 1>0 King Arnulf ordered
a victory service On the ,pot when ht· crushed the Northmen by
the banks oftne Dy\c in 891.1~1
Arnulf's cclcbutiOil off,·" the most t"xplic:it evidence on the
liturgical form developed for the arm y','1giving. A liunk
procC"lsion was staged on the bJttkflcld. Knowingly or nOl, the
king imil>ted Theodosius 11 by pcrwn.lIy le.ding the procession.
Although the .nn.list's at'COunl is not devoid of ambi guity, his
sl3lemC"nt th.t the king 'pr,i",s (Inudes) to God', hints that the la"d" "gjaf m.y been chanted during the pro-
cesSiOn.'ll This would not be inconsistC"nt with the possibility th.t
the laude, <tgi.f were used during the empire_w ide mpplic3Iions
for victory and divine succor ,uged by Charlemagne .nd his
SUCCC"\WT!. I I I Furthermore, Sedulius SCOllU' deocriplion o f the
ide.l princC" speciflc.11 y mentiom laudt J hym"idirar . s .n approp ri_
.te th.nksgiving for hi, victory.'U The .erviccs which accom -
p.niC"d the triumphal entries ofCarolingi.n kings into conquered
cities point in the .amc direction, for they too were marked by
'hymns and laudes' or 'Iaud.s hrm~jdi{M'. 12> Certainly the trium-
ph.1lI tone of these prayers, Wilh their accl3mation- lik e sup-
plic.tion for the life and victory of the Fran kish k ing and hi, army,
m.tched th,' occalion. '26

". ·A!tr,,"om<'. V. HI" .... ~, ; .. "''"",;,. 'J. «I . C.H. p,,,,, MGH.SS. " 1">9).
6'J.U-'!; cr. El"moldn' Nig<lIn'. I. ~"""" "' 1I1."",k,. ' . )106- 9. <d. E. Fm).
CI",i~on J,., )"h,!(O". J, f",o<. 'n moy,n l ~,. '. (!'";,, '9») •• 6: ~d .. J. l7j<>-l.
F.. ,I. 'J" N"h"d . Hu< .. l. 6.\.,,,,,,. )0.
I.i~ .• J . I. L. uff. Il.
II." . f'"I~ .• , . 191 . K"rl< . ''''-I; ,r. fl.i)hm"- Muhlb,,h... R,K""•. no. ,!6j • .
'" ,1"". Fold.. . . lsI l, Ku" •. ''''-'. 'foJ"n ill 1oc0 . . . J;" . .. K.I . . . )..,"ni" « .
« 1.b'''1< p,,,,dp": 'P" <Urn "<rd,,, I....k. 0<0 "n<n.iu p",<~.;, . qui 1>km
victmi.m wi, ",buit . •
M,C""oi<x. ·Litu'gy·. p. 'J.
," R " .. ,',i".. '7. )I,II""nn. I H ".
'" C,'''''. L.ou,. '''''. Schnorr von Carol'fdd. J ': d . ,100. hid .. •. 77 •. K", ... 9:
·Amono",.,·. V. HI.d .• ' J. 1'."•.
". K."towwi< •. 'Llud<, "I ' ..•. p. » (d. p. 71) .... m. ,,, '"PI'<"<' "'Y nn",«I;< ..1
,i~o. Qf,,,,,,inQ]"l!r. NQ« thot ,10< ,,,,,du,"",o of'b., ·M;',.. in prof«tion< hootium '
The lilmsr oj viaorr

Handel Jmong othcr$ has accustomed moderns to the perfor-

nnnce of a 'Te deum' to ,debr.te • victory. The Carolingians
used the grca, hymn on voriouo occa,io", of state and they ",em to
h.v,· been the f,rsl to . dopt it ., • song of triumph. '27 T here is a
hithet(o unrecogn i'cd cit ation of the 'T e deum . in Abbo', .ccount
o f the N onhmCll" .;egc of Pari. in 88 S- 6. At one point, the [eli es
of St Germ ain were trotted out to encourage the Fr;l11 ki lh
defendcrs . When th e a"",,lt had been repdled, th e relin were
tr. l15pom·d back to the Ihsilica of St Stephen. while the people
intoned " 'Te dcu m·.' 23
Th,' Carolingians "xpandcd Merovingian prccedent in the cult
of milit. ry relic,. Every mediev. li,! is f.m ili" r with the ety-
mology of the roya l 'chapel' from the ln pelln of St Ma rtin. with
which ,,,,,,p ai gniflg fr'flkish kings sought to guarant~'e their
victory.'2' The vera city of the ninth-century et ymo logy;.
underscored by _11 eig hth-century canonical ruling which exdud-
cd th,' clergy from mi lit"ry expeditions, but specifically excc pt'
th use r<'quired for the lr OOp$" spiritual needs and 'curying the
relics (pal,ocinin) of the ,.i nts· .,·tO A century la tcr, mOflks still

.p~." '0 " f« ro 'M opt",ng wordr of tl>< F"n ~ ;'~ I,"""r "Chr;."', . irK;r.
Ch",m, "~n" . CI..;"m im!",,"', 'V, <urn ''''''' . J prup''' i'''1 ,n p>«['" I f«""
«<loCI." " i"m .. qu", on,,,,,, I,"",,", . . ." .\""',. Gdl.. nu. '7\\. Dum ... oJ'" '-J. II.
Opf<lm."" . /)1, li'",~i,,/o," Hm"l(h","I , ..",,,,"," i .. S.,,"," 1",1""';""'"'" Mi,,,I.I·
"" (Wo,m". ' 91) ). pp . ,..- " . h", .'~h ' " .. mp"" "n" 'T y~ t' (K.n'uruw,d,
·G. tlo-F"" k',h Tyl"" '). of wh , c~ "X '" (.om tl>< ""ond of ,I>< n,n,h « n'",y.
'" s . 2. k. '0.. T,d<um .1, HuM i ~"ng'g=ng · . H;"";~!o<'J""'!>wIo . ' 0' (,~i ').' J.I .
,.. Abbo of l'"". Il<U. P",,,i,,! " bu . '. ) n.II-,) •• d. H. W'q""'. Ct"oq"'" d< l"~i"oi"
d<< ' " tnoy"" i g". "" W"j •. '9"I.~. "p. )" - 1>. wh"f< ' p'K«I", '"T,,"
«",,,,,,,,1 Voc<' "O<u ," 1< blld.rn u, do mmumqlK r" "mur'" ob.iou,ly fOfm
'0 ,I.< ~' ''l hy ,ton', op'",ng wo,d, "T, .!<urn I.ud""u,. I< dorn",um roof","",, ',
If", <it""'" ~"mptm,lr ,'w,li~"," W'qu<", . 1>."'"1 ,,,",I,,,,,,,. On d>< St
St.phtn\ B"i 'ic•. B,uhl. P.I.. i, ," . p. ,6. n. " , .
". W.t.f"d Slr."" . Dt <~,,";,,,, ;""""""';, """" ....... '" .."'.,,;"" ;... , ","",." i;;,
"""'. «I. A. I(n;;pft<, . V<rolf<" " "hun~"" ' or <l<m ~ .. ,htnhi".".;><h'n Scm;n". ,
(M unich. ' ! 9\1).,00-,. On lhi"nd th< 0'1.<, ",0""•• It of which m com,,,""" t"
S, G.It. J. Fk<k"n't<;". Vi< Hoft,!",II, .1<, .... ,,, ... K"';~. '. MGH. Sc~r;f"". ,6
(S,u"S"" '9J9) . pp . rolf.• tod J. •• " den Ilo>ch. Copp •• &,;Iil4, M ... ,"ffi.", " I,
,.1" "' ,..., M,"i" "' 70..". /;,.ik 1,~it"J.rli~, " " ,""i.I.,,;.,.,. L.. "",,,
C h,i>li."",,,nr p,;m " ... 'J (Nijm"s,n. '9wl. pp. ?If.
". Bon;f.«. Ep .• J6. «I . M . T.ngt . .\tGI/.SIIG. ,nd «In ('~l ,I . "".,.- 'OO., . Cf. F.
Prinz. KIt,",",u K,;<~ ''''fr"h"," Mm.!,I", . [J~t",",h"";{ffl '"' R.11t tk, Ki"h,
1><.", A.f0400"'" K"';t,!r"'''~'fr. Monog .. ph;"" z" , (;'«hich", <1<, Mitt"bl"". >
(Stutts"'. '''''). pp . 81f.
Fr~nkish vi(/~ry crl~h ralions

served u standud-bearen (Iignifm). I I I By the reign of Charks

thc Bald, Frankish kingl had gone a Itep further and adopted the
Byuntine and Visigothic puctice of leading th ei r armies into
bau le behind .. cruciform war ensign.'"
The rapid devdopment of services of supplication and thank!-
giving for the Fnnkish army ""cms rtmarbblc. But they must be
viewed as part of a broadcr pattern of development, in which
Frankish kings sought to use the liturgy to strengthen their links
with their subject! and hame" thc spiritual forces of th e laller to
their own undertakings in limes of crisis. Ultimately, special
lit.nic !Crvices by the population in times of eri,is went back to the
Roman empire and the more advanced 5ucceS501 nates, like those
of the Visigoths and Ostrogoths; a specific variant, the circw;tws
mwrorum, had continued to flourish locally in Gaul under the
Merovingiam. Whether the lingian5 created an institution -,
new to Franci.. or breathed life into an old one, the change is clear ,,
enough. Charlemagne', father Pippin III wa. the fin! Franki.h ",
ruler to show interest in organizing litanic services on a broader
".le, perh.p. drawing hi. impintion from the crisi. lit.nie, of
Byzontine Rome and the exhortation ofSt Boniface. Special local
services for the king' s victory entered Charlemagne's experience
nO later than the Italian campaign of 774, when pope Hadrian •.
ordered ]junic prayers - three hundred kyries - to be performed
by the city of Rome's religious every day, for the remission of
Charles' $ins .nd 'plentiful victories'. III A ycar after the introduc_
tion of army litanies, Charles attempted to assuage an angry God
by arranging luge-scale prayer services and faIlS throughout his
kingdom. Prayers for the army assum ed a signifICant place in this
liturgy of crisis, and services of supplication ultimately took root
in th e local adminim:o tive routines of C.rolingi:on Europe.'H

'" Thu. to. monk H,.h,m"", m,ntioned by ,1,0 •... "'onom". V. H I..J.. IJ. P,,..,
6".]J - • . See in Im",l . S<h .. mm. H"'" ..ju><;........ l. 67. -!!.
". Ni'h"d. Hi" .• l. 6. boo,. 16; 'dum . .. d ... Uqu< .pp,opittqum ,idemu,.
''''''''m itt qu, j"tOv'n"' " K. rol"m ut cognoVOfU"'. ",Iieto litto,. p,"'i"".
fUll«unt·. I uk, thi. to m<'n thlt Ch"ko' blt,1< """ , ,,,,,,;,,,,d • «lie (of ,h, !ttl<
"",(1) whi<h h..J providod "",.".. f", ,1,0 po<i""d o.l th uff,dol;,y .... dol<n Y''''
Iot«. loun II h.d. ",itnm 'W<I' ""P" ".ctom >< • ...",bil<m dom;n;wn "",,,m
..... m·. fto]o,... R,jj'l"'. p. "9.
'" Codu C.. ,Ii"",. 5' ()L . , . , J). ,d. W. Gund!.'h. MGfI."p#J .. ) (,19') .17<>. '4-lt.
,.. McCo'mi<k. ·Li""5Y ·. pp. '.- 'J. Funh« ,vid,.« fot ,hi, h" iu" _n btuu~h'
Like the lit:mic !.ervin', offcr~d by the C~rolingian ~ rmy. the
'taging of supplication ~rvice' by noncombatant, implies a
parallel Hn ngcmcnt to than k God .nd insure his continued favor
onCe victory was won or famine overcome.
Local th,mksgiving services for Frallkish victories we re ccrt .. in -
Iy mounted by the church o f Rome in the eighth and ninth
ccmurics.'3' On a grander scalc. Cathwulf wrote to Charlenugne
after the conquest of the Lombard,. sp icing hi, f'mou s letter o(
congratulations with exhortation. Of the two 5lIggeSlions con-
cerning th e celebration of this vktory. on e urged the king to offer
thanksgiving with 'all hi, armie,' and 'his ~ntire kingdom '."b In
similar fashion . the rhythmic poem wh ich hailed the victories of
796 called on all Christian, to give thank< to God (or the great
,ucces,.U1 These suggestions Were nOt empty flourishes of
fawning courtiers, for , on at le.,t one occasion, empire-wide
services seem to have been organized to th ank God for a great
victory conferred on Frankish >rm!. They took place just five before the fim reco rded army lit anies and a g~ in involved th e
city of Rome.
Late in 78S or early in 786, Ch arle, wrote to Had ria" I to inform
the pope: o f his most recent victories and the 'conversion' of the
Saxons. At the ,.mc time , he asked the pope to organize ",rvice.
honoring this great success. fot the 'stability' of to y~ 1 victory.'"
H~dr ian arranged the celebration of lit anies throughout the

10 ligh. by l), Mi"",n,. 'M."d<m,m inidi, "·A""",;u. de M,,, ; ],,,,,,,,;,,,,

., d'""" ,ncur"OI' "orm. nd< (",. i- ju in ! 671'. R,.", ","iJ;a;",. 9) ( '9!)1. 7'--»·
E . ~, CoJ, C",.I .. )o (JL. ,.091. Gund l"h. 170.)- 1: ;liJ. , 67 UL , '0) ' I. 190. J! - )91·):

.., 4;1 .. 39 Ul. 247)1. 6,6" 7-.<: Nichol .. I. £, .. M UL ""I. Pml., )1 "'- 9,
Ed. E. tJijnm,I" . .uGH.Ii,"Jt... ( '!9)).102,,'-jO) . <: '",p,o h" "",d i. be,,;'
,udi""m n<xI<" d., rum omnibm .. ",i,,"', ,"i, J . ,lut" ,,, I)ro " W ,"~"m"m "
g" ~ ,,um K<;""« 'urn "n",; ,,~"" '"0 .. . ', Cf. "" ,h" docum,,,, H.H, "",on,
F'''''.'pj,l'' ".4 H",,,ht,,,",, i. OtT K.,./j"!" ujt. Boo"" ~i"oti",h< for·
",hung'h. J> (1JonJ!. 1\>611. pr, 71---<},
'" C.".," Ii< fipp,.i "gi, ,,,wi• . . ...... . <d. O . Hokk,·fgg".nJ G. W.i" , i"
E;hh"d. V". K". I;, MGH.SRG. tl<h , dn (' v , 0) . H ' 'No, fod,k< C h,;" / D,,,
., 'g''''u, 8",,,,m . .
Gh"km.s" ,', Itt,,, i, I"" . ,,"t ti", "", ,,,,,, ' " , .. il)' '«OI,,,ru,"" f,o m I h~,;." ·,
"ply: GH. Cn .I .• 76 (JL, '411 1. Guncll"h. 608.1- 10, ' jJlu" '"""' . q..oo " .. '"
"S. Ii, in,im."i, <x"lk",i.o ", in "nO n,.",. v,1 '" un, dlt' pto huiu .. ,mooi ori ..
1""1. ,.;;1,«, ".b'lil"" V"",. ,,"'10';><. b Ud" Oro gmm.. conm un • • ,1 du ..
f"i" k"ni .. "'''g''' .
/'ranki,h viC/ory ''',bralion,

territorie, subj<'et to him for the forthcoming ~J , 26 .nd 28June.

In this w~y, the pope outdid the king, for Ch~r1c1 h~d on ly
requnlcd. day or two oflil,mic,: moreover Hadrian suggested
that the crrcmorli~s b., ext~nd~d over the enti re empire,IJ9 By
timing the victory cclebralion to concludc un the vigi l ofSI Peter',
fc.slday , the pupe underscored the role of Peter in Frankish
victory and capitalized on th~ cuh of Ih~ aponlc" 40 Th~t the
cclebrat iun uhH6 w", not unique j, suggestcd by thc ,un'ival of ~
model for lette" in which a bishop ootifies the ru ler of rhe
performaoce of thanksg iving snvi ce, .od p".lters for the ruler's
",fety following • camp~ign . ' 4 1 III 839, <l leg. tioo arrived io
l11gc1heim from Constantinople. Amoog olhcr thing, . it ," 'nOUll-
ced Theophilu,' rCCmt victory ov~r hi, foreign enemies and
conveyed the emperor .. reque,t that Loui, the I'iom ~nd hi,
lubje cts cclebr~tc thanksgivings fur the Byumine criumph, The
Franki,h "nn"li,t i, ,ilellt on Loui l' respomc,'"
Th e intencction of liturgy, w"r and victory 'p~wned ~nother
Custom under the C~rolingi~m. the second victory pr3ctice
referred to by C~thwulf, The victorious king w.1 urged to found"
llCw liturgical fea sl in honor of the Trinity, the ~ngel, ~11d ~Il the
,a im, "nd to fun her order th~t the felsts ofSt Michael an d SI PCter
be 'peei~l1y observed in his kingdom, for him,elf and for the ormy
of the Chri,ti.ns.".1 It i, not kn own if Ch~rlenuglle lcted on
C~thwulf'. recommendaliun, but Cathwulf was ,urely refer-
ring w a liturgic;!l custom f.m iliar to the Fr""h.
In r937, Bischoff uncovered J serics of dry-point annotations
added w speciftc dates in St Willibrurd', C.lendar (bri,. B.N. be.
10837), by m "ighth---<:<'n tury imu!.r h.nd . A number of entries
beginning' pugn a, , .' were quickl y idell tifted as decisive b:m lcs in
th,' coreer afCh.rlc, Mortcl. With the,e were mixed" ,o int ', day
and obit,. incl uding an attcsted but erroneous death datc for
Charle, Martel ,'" Specialists have yel to explain why the baule
'" I",;., M '.' ~ _ "-
,., On tOe ~,v<i<)pm'n' "rth, Funk,,), <u l" E. Ew ;~, '1><, l'mu ... unJ Apo<tdkull im
'pilrum,«h<" unci f"l\ ki>ehm G'llim'. Sr""'''iI", "",; ft""~i,,",, G.II;, ", 1
(Munich, 19191. Jli-lf·
,., F,,,".I... AI"hl;,."" ,,1;,0<, JJ. ,J , 1( , ZO',","I. MGH.r., .. . (11"1. ,,'o.l6-i.
' " A •• . II",,,., ! )Y. Gr.,. JQ; d . Lou n~"i ,. A .... , .....,. pp . l07-i .
,., Thimmk,. 10.., . ......
, , . CLA. \, 1'.>06>. flOm Ech",""h: ll, lJl><hoff. 'Ol><r EinTl1,"ng<n ;n 11.nJ><h"flrn
d~tcs were cn.ct~d int" • litu'gic~1 dOClll11<'IlI, A hi"uric~1 implll'"
i. nO! pcrh~p! .h(' c,.. ie<l explana.ion, fo r no ~tforr w,. m~d e w
t<'cord .he year: indtX'd. S~", ..,n an d I.c' th ough. tt",
u!c"d,r note. wc're eXC"'pt(·" f"'m wm('l"'t ,01"1,, '4' Th,' be..
ch,~ to .he purpos<: behind Ih~ ..., nol<', comn from their COllle"t, ~
li'lIrgi.,,1 c~lend .. , i.e. an ,nnual li.t of potm.i. 1 li.urgic.l
cde br.liom. The "on-b.ule em ri". ,11 look to bl" lilllrgi,,"]
.nni vcr ... ric •. , . ~ V i"wcd in thl" Iiglu '" C" hWlllr , .n.i 1ll 0 U y. the'
p"KMa annota.ions .]'" "..,'"
at i"" of cighlh-ccmury b.uks,
reflect .he li(IIrgi.:>1 wm n"'mOr-

Furthe r Tesea ro-h is needed bdore the '«"opc of this (u.tom

Ocrome. dea r. bU! it i, likely th>! the,cript c.l"nd .., "f
cighth_ and ninlh-c<'mury Fr."ci~ conce.l mo re ,uch hl'mb,,"
!}Ole., w he. her in dry_point or in ink. I, is , Iready poss ible to , huw
th . t the docunwm is not .Ione. for the nknd.1r
co m.ined in a •• cr.ment.ry from Lor",h (V.t . l'aL 1.1. 4M S),
copied Jllh a. mon .!fery in the see""d h.lf o ,t hc' ninth cemur y.
"Kef! addition.1 c",denet· unnuticed by ir, cditor'4 7 Lo ui s the
Youngc"s victory u ver e h"l", ,he lbld .t Andcrn~ch o n
8 October H76 i, co""ucmoqrc'd i" a ",cond ha"d , u~i"g ,h e
solemn letter form' of rmtic "pita!:

.t" f"il-;:" /0.1",01.1" .. , '. ,1(",<1. 1,,<1;,.., .. ....". 1I" 1f' " ',~ h , A.j",,, , ", .'i<~'if' ·

~""ok .,J L;'''''"'""~,,~,,, , (s'u"~,, . '#1. ss-~> . 10<,. 'J> , n. 'j; w. 1...•• ,"".,
. A prop<»~" C .ko.t ,o<' d< s . w,n;b,or~ '. /I,"", "''''i,,,,,,,.
Y' ('VJ' ), H-~ " l
Le,·,(I .. n .nd C. S.m."n , 'S", k I.. " " I. d .. c de (. b.",lk d",
d< !'o,,,,,,, ,k 7 ,,',
R;."", ...,?", ok r"~.k,J" '~'''''' w {'V)"). '.,-0\7 ,
.n,l , I-;: " " ",,( r<m"~' ufF l,~ .
'~.,uJ<, "" (. b....II, ok 1',",.", de 7)". /1"._
0./(' ,J, pIr' ",I~" " J'~"h"", ,~
('~" l. )j -J~
'" l "'ll"" .nd S,m,,,n, ' loN', p, ')7 If ,I-;: ,n"" ...", h.d .I<""d '" k." •
h'''DfI,,1,,,,,,,,d. I-;: (ou(J j"ve '""..,~ '" to< p. >< h.1 .. ble. ,,, .... .1'. M ' - 7 W foo"~
on I". ,olI)7' <f , Lo..-, . eLA . l. - . . . • "d. "" l"",h.1 "bk, .",1 e,~h,~ -<e.""r f
_.,1., ... ••"
"'T"" <,t<, Ty I"-'IoS'" J",
,.. h,,,or;.,.1 "·';';n~ . M. MC<;o.m,d , / .. , ~
.,," «" Ju "",)·<n 'go ,,,,,od<-n .. l. " n·"mh.."". '~7J) . pp ,)If: " If
1l'''h oK, ·F.;n""ong,n· . p. ~",on ' uch .. ,,,C<'!. =. < .~, N. H"Hh<b.te". 1.0-,

....... , "" """ol~".. " T j'roIoK'" de< """,m ,j" ",,,yen ig< ",,<oden"' . •
("J""'bo"" 'v,,) , p. U'
CH.A, 'j",,J . J-F.. " ugum",. '1h< Lu...d'",<U"cn '" <.:0.1 , ('.I>t. L" " J
"or! ... ,k. V."ko,""c h"" l!1~ 1 ... 1><' ·, },.j,,""'~ fo' J<, B,,,,, .. 101.,",". , (''''''''(,
" " - J" On ,I>< MS, "" II U,,,IH:o/f, 'lonch 1m Sr"'~'1 "'"... , 1-f."J",h" f,,"'. I)',
R,; (~ ....,,' "",,.-10. r",~. , y; ,.or
G, .... Iv.... ,~ " S('P""I ,.. , 1 (D'm, ... J, . • ~77 ) .
'-H I . 1><<< . 6-7

j 61
Pn,icularly sign ifin n, for ,he intent behind the annoution is the
flct Ihat ,he: ume hand u",d Iheume Kri pt 10 no,e an evc:nt which
had occurred on ly a few w~ks nrlier and which wa, alm ...t
ccruinly the object of liturgical commen.ontion in ,he: im perial
abbey ofLor",h: the: dea,h of king Louis the German (18 August
876). ,..
A dry annotation docs not tell a lot about the nature of the
commem oration, [t ;1 not. for e;lamplc, impossible that lOme
battlc notices might have been intended for puyers for the rClt of
casualties' lOuls. whether the engagement was a luccess or not."o
But a grant of Charles the Bald pro vel that iOme ann;vcruries
were lurely in tended uliturgical commemorlCionl of vinory. On
19 September 861. the king of Well Francia gave a villa in ,he
region of Paris to the monastery of St Dcnis. The: endo wment was
to pay for four comme mo rations: Charles' birthday. and tnc
anniveru ries of his devllion. marriage and hi' grU t victory of
15 January 8}9. when he had unupectedly lTiumphcd over
his brother's invuion.' !!



There i, little scholarly consensus on the nature and history of

Ca rolingian court Ceremonial. Schubcrth hal maintained, for
inllance. that it was of Byuntine in.piration and was introduced
." v,,_ 1'01. ... . .. " I. '0 ....... c r. 8o><lIolf. ·l"",Io·. p. 06. _
.. , v... 1'. 1, 1.0,. " '. r. _"', 'V KL Is<po.' MIGR"IIIT AI) XI'M I
HlIIDQIIIIICV$ R(X'. n...-iot Iw '-" <m.d. Bio<hoK. <Lon"'". I' , 6
.",..... 10 Iu~ m'_<'I'"'«i ,1m ..... «f.. ,iI,. 10 M .. Il<>t of louio do< Y - . p
(JoO J..n... , Ih). Tloc cott<'a _lin ......... rOKft "" ~ of • '" . ••
_ ......... 116 t- 17\'1_
... T1<io ..."" 10 \I< ,.,. ;",~_ oftil< ....... _ ........ \l<Uu", ........ ,""'. addod '"
V... I'. ll> •• ,1,_r.9ftaO. III NON _1M.) .. , Cuo6n. "'..d.n.. ..... _ ............
_ , 10<.11<...1. II •• 0100><<<1 by.I>< .......... """,_",...,,;,,,, 01 do< Ikhn<y of do<
............ , 01 ~""" r,_ ,I>< M'non ;" 9H. ,clc\I<,,«I tII<,. on • Aptd' M ,
Com._ R, ...... III ...<I" Nlr....tW.ot,. s"btid .. h•• """ph .... 11 (U."""h. '9I'l).
p. " •.
•" Ed. A. (liry , M. Pt<IU .0<1 G . T •. Rtooril Or, .,,,, ... C ... "', /I '" Ch... . ,.; •
f',-. .• (P..i,_ '9<111. no, ,,6, U. 'I - '7_
Cnro/iMgimi "mMm,iai d"d viclory

in 757, while Riche h~s cI~imcd th~1 Ch~rlem~gne ~nd Louis Ihe
Pious gener~IJy shunned ccremoni~1 of Byz:II1tinc origin.'·2
Much work ne~d s 10 b" don" bdore th" historial <kvelopment of
Cuolingian COUrt c~r"moniJI and ils various SOUTC<:$ become
clear, A provi sion.1 evaiuation '''gge.t. that here, as in the liturgy
of war, Ihe Cuolingians built on Merovingian precedent. 'ylte-
rn~lizing or exp ~ nding ioe,,] customs and occasionally ad~pt­
ing one or another elcmcm from the Byz,m(ine province, or
Several comidn" tium argu<: fur an undnly ing continuity of
roy al rituaL Some Meruvingian rituals and symbols of power.
Einhard' s spn irr dorninamis, certainly survived until the coup, It is
not unlikely that thl'y were t.ken ov<:r by the new mast<:r' uf the
thronc, since the usurp<:r's need fur a cachet of aUlhenticity and
legitimacy drove the ruler to in vent .nother ritu.l of in vestiture,
sacring.'"~ And it is difftcult w imagine lila! the mile rulers and
advi~rs who stirred ~ thorough renew~l of the divine liturgy
remained tmally indifferent tu the symbolism of the k ins' s public
life. 'H Some dements of a ceremonial of prestige weTC certain ly
in place within the lirst twenty- fI ve reus uf Carolingi~n rule.
while more and more show up in the incrc.,illgly abundant
'OUlCL'S of the 78o, and 790' ,'" By the M2n., it i, <'vcn pOlsible to
discern the outlines of an organiutional apl'aratu_' behind court

", D, Schubmh, K,i"'/i,", Li'"'li'. IJ" N.H,;,""", .," M"Jlki"'''"''''"''". ;.,_

Hrond", .. , Gr,d, i ••," J"It"'",/,/,,,I'(/"" (; .. ,,,di'"JI. Y<roif",,,li,huuK .1<,
E.."geh"hrn G<>< II",h,r, hio U , ,,,~kfo, >< h,,,,~, '7 ( G<; ,d"~ 'n. 'I";j) .
pp_ , '4->6: p, RKhi, 'u"'prilC",,,"on. Ju p.l>iJ J.", k . ''''«I I"t,,,i,,,, du h."t
moy"" ig<', Fr."", . • 1'976). t66-7 [,"''' " "'_
'" From . .." b;bli''i!''phy.1« c. E,dm.nn. F",,"""t<" '"' p<l1"i" "'" /","",,1, d<,
F"'''''i/l,I,I,,,,, ed. F_ B.."hgt'" {lkrlh" '91 ,), pp, pif: C A. ik>um.n. ,1.","~..,4
"''"";"t, no< 0."10,,,,,., oj ,Ir< Lori. ,i,••1J'" ,Ir< ""","'i"( oJ~ i.~, .,.,; ,'" ,""",..i". oj
"" ""~., Hjort ,k.",," ,,",",y, B;jd"8,n "'" h", I,,,,ituu , voo, midJ,] .. uw><
g<schiedrni> ck, R~hl!ni • ..,;«it " U,,«hl, JO IG,,,,,i"~ ,,,. 19J7): P_E_ Sch"mm,
K...... ,' ... /"P"" G",,",,,,I,, A'JUl" '"' G'''''(/,l< .., Mill,ul,,,,. >
(S 'U((S''', 19<;3). ,.oif: J, N,I.... " 'In . u g"' ><ion ,;, u. I" £",Ir .\1,01".,1 K i"1 ,h.p,
<d_ P_H. S,wYfT ,nd LN _ Wood (L«",. '977). pp_ \<>-7' . .. p. 16if .nd 1- J"nut,
'W" h" Pippin 7Jl >unt Ko.tiS S, ... I.". HIS. ,6 ('9!'). <1-J7_
". s.. ,h, ,&",nc" in M<Co,m;ck. 'litu,gy', p, >. n, 1_
", Amons c.d, o:«moni<t, in .dd;tion '0 ,ht' ""'n~ of 716 .nd ,I", ,itu.1 .l<pioy,d
fo, th< p,p,] vi", (Lih_I""'f.. lJLl<h","<. ""7_00- ,1 ). d, th, commmduioo of
T.",,,, ",h"nnu']»"'nlbly ohl7; F.L G.mlwf. Qu',,,_ ,, 'I'" l.ft",I;,i'. lId ,.In
{11""",I •• '917). pp_ <6-7. m ~>< """"pt..1 "'''Y i",o ['hi. in 77. di",",.. d bolo,. .
Fra"kiIh vicrmy "lrbrntiOMS

c~".'mon1Cs: ~n usher, a choirmaster and a Master of the Door-

keepers al l COOlributed to the smooth functioning of imperi .. 1
proccisioni, ".
Another faClor to be borne in mind when eV3lu~t ing Fr .. nkish
ceremoni .. 1 development comes from Carolingian attitudes to-
w ..d Comtanrinoplc, the perennial ,'mbodiment of rulenhip in
the grand tudition. T hey were complex and, in their polilic.. 1
expre"ion at le.,t, underwent sevenl about_faces in the century
and a halforthc dynasty's unchallenged authority, ranging from
proj ects of dytustic rna and milit .. ry alliance to outright
conflict'" But this ,hould not blind u, to the fact that th e
!'... nki,h kings taci tly surrounded themselves with a distinctly
Byz.n tine luxury and eVen ~doptcd certain dements of the
l3ynntine life_style. In this they probably followed their later
Merovingian predecessors,'"" It is not uncommon for :;cholaIS to
puiOl to the outcry over Charle, the B.ld'. Byz'llltinc regalia .t the
council of Ponthion in 876. although it is usually overlooked that
the chief crit icism comn from the court of Charks' nchrival.' '9
Hut Charlemagnc hirme1f don11l'd Byzantinc costume twice in his
life. /-Ii, private quarte," Wl'rc served by eunuch , of
which one .t was Greek, and lou is the Pious would do
likewh", '.0 Perha ps we need nOt insist on Charles' plunging into
the b~ths with over a hundred ufhi! grandees and bodyguards or

" . EmwWu, N'g<i lu" iI,", HI.d"., »&0- \1'1, FIfOI , '7'-~' d, G, W.itl, 0...",",
v"J.,""~W"hic"". l, l'~ <~n {lJ.<rI"" I!! lj, JOJ-6 , nd U, SlmlO",J,',hclln-",
J"",. ,,,M, R<~h, ,.,,, /.Mil,." J< .. ~"'"''"'''' , ("prin', Il<:rhn, 1\06',1), '."
," ... 'h"",ugh, ~e"" .. t .x,mm";un uf C ' ml;n~i . n-lIr .. n';n< "I""",, i, mu<h
n<r<I<d, o . H,m"., n., 1... ,li"~,"" .,01 0., ~" ... ,.. i" "' R'i<~ ,. i.,,"
",,,,,«1,,,,,1'" 1"'1",.,,",. !lt~,,""",tt" «ii;tt;nK<n, [ I~), 'od ... . G'<q"", L" '"pi"
.,~,,, ,," " 10 ",,,,,,,,II,, ft ... .,., (P";,, , ,~~), pp .•"fI', ..< ",,'d,"d . tnd;.;Ju,1
1"''"'' h.o, [>r,d much \><1<<1, .. «emphfl<d by W , Ohn",'se, ,.. ... 011•• ; ".4
8/z... . C",,,,",,/J, A.fii1n ,", em";,'" .. , !/~,."., ,,' . , "";I..w,,,,,,. /1<.
zi,"""x," ""0101" K",,,,.,,,, (l)"m",d" 19JI), or p, e lmen, 'K"l d<l Glo"e,
d" P'p" ,um " ,!<lily""" : l<lungJ". , 1I ..!>a".o/t".m! 0, M.ul. By'".' ""01 daJ
1I ... ;I..w.II"""II""X"" H'"""'r(lfm, ,0<1 1"".",f.tI","",I""l J<, ."",,,·,.,,,M"
.'10,,",,1.,11'0<",., H,"J"",~ "". KOI.I" (GI", ,."), W, licl"h;n , G.i..-~i"lt·
,.. ".i,,"" .'.1,,,,1.1,,, (lkm, '980). IlOif, ~,blo fOI Ii>< Inltlltt,u,1 "p«I.
'" It, V ie,ek, 'C h<1I,,', R,.lIui' "" .., 1''''''.'''"''' 111""",",.,,,...,• (19! I), ., J - )0,
." ,,.", F, IJ" ., ~," , Ku,,<, !~,
." EI"~",d, V K."li, '), Hokkr.E~~er , od W,i", " . ) _ ?; Th,od"lfofOd,,,n.,
Cor", ., 's , i7-9>, .J. [ . lJomn,Ior, .\!CHP""" I (11I1) .49l : [hlh"J, T,o",I.".
M.",II"i" 1'.", (Bil L, )'J)) ," I, ,J . G. W';", MCH . ~~, , ).1.>16 .• <>--'.
the role of th,' b~th . in hi. deci,iun tu bUIld. p.lace at ... . chen.
even thuugh this kind of installation r,·",~ined .1 most em bkrn. ti c
ufthe Byzmtine way ofhre. He .lso uwned a sllyer tabl<' Wilh .
map of Constantinople on it. while his son's coun "njuyed . "
organ - . ch iefly e,remoni.l in strummt - .s!Cmb1cd by George
the VClletiln. '6' The influence ofChnks' d.ughterl On tbe life
.nd loves of hi. cour! is well kno wn. but it is sometime. forgotten
th.t Rotrud. WaS <:oached in the languagl' and eu.lUmS of the
imlXri.1 court by • I3Yl.ntinc enYoy. the eunuch notny
Eli". im.'b2 Wbik these things scarcely sufficed IU turn. Frank
inlO a Byz.ntine. they do .how th~t appreciation of and even
intimacy with Byzantine civilintioll wnc f.ctor! IU be n'ckoned
with at tbe Caro1ingi~n cout!.
By the late eighth century. not a f,'w dementI of 10", .ntiqm·
public life were gone forever . Circu. race. and their ritual •. the
d.ily promenades of uislocrats and their retinul>' through the
town market, fmdy .h.ded ritu.1. of grecting at chane, eneoun-
tns. werc nOW things of northern G.ul'. pa.l. No small part oftbe
nu>c. of .uch clu nge is to be sought in the decay of th,- citk •.
Nonetheless, the f,nt orirTi]]gs of renewed life in C arolingi, "
tOWns were heralded by the growing freqo("ncy of recorded
arriv.1 ceremonies. I" the l~te eighth and ninth CcntUriel, th,'
Frankish roler'. movementS about hi. kingdom were ponnual<-d
by enemoni", of v~l(di{/io or pro/uric from one place and ~dvr"IIH
'II ~nother. Evcn so, many of the" arrival ceremonies were .taged
in a nOll_urb.ll seltillg, in the Frankish empire', great 11101,.-
Thi. I.,t point onderscores the unique rok of the church, which
>cted a. a kind of instirution.l .rchipelago of l~{e antique ide~,.
,. , E,nh>rd. v. K... I, , " .n d >J. l!oI.k. _ E~g .. ",d W'1If. ' 7,1) ->< , nd.o oy - ,,,
r, .. ,' .11.." " 1'</';• • , " . W." •. ,""'. rO - 17; d . W,I,I"J Su.oo, 1-" ''''''t''''
1'' ''''', I n - f . ,d, E. Du mm"'" .liC Ht'"" ., (, ,!,) )1 0,
'" Tk<oph.".", ... .M ~"o, Ik 11001", H P) ). d . l };,tH« , R,t'''... no,. )J ~.
,.J ""j,,, ~ , A~ • . ' , h_ .. • . 717. K.,,<. 7_' liw'ROC.' o-I<kn« mi~h' mel"d, ' h,
'"mmoo bI.",ng IOf <i<P''''''R '''" ..... 'P"" pn u,", "'" I",,,, ,<>b,'. M""lr....
eeL, r&, "', no. "", .. wdl ",10" M,,, ,,,.t<
"f ,,,., "'no,,,,, ouppl<"""'" ,,, , ho,
non,h"""",u.y G",,,,,,,,n . <d n ....lm."". So<, I'll. , '-4) 1 9 , ""'. I Jt; 19.
n .. od",r of O ..... n' <omp<»«l . p"' m fOf "",h , n oxc,,"'" c.,.... ) l, !)umml<, .
) ' ) _" 00 tho, oJ"'."" K.mnf~w". , 'Adv,,"", pp. ,0'" P. W'tim.... I)',
H",.<1.. ,_·,u,.." , ''" 1::1""• • J f .. , .. ""t.I,m, Mu,,,,,,,,,'" M,,,,,,r.<f·
S<h"f,"",," (Mum'"" ' 9761
F,,,,,ltish v;tlory ultb,ati,ms

life_uyle, Jangu~ge and rilual. Icaltered acro.!, the broad expanse of

Franki.h dominion. It introduces a major difference !x.twem
Carolingian and COntemporary Constlntinopolitan ceremonial.
"lthough ea.tern ritual left generous room for lilurgical elementl.
nonelhelel1 the principal organi2Cn and not a few settings of
Byzantine victory celebration. remained secular. In Franci~. ritual
wa. first and foremost sacred ritual. The clergy dominated the
adminjnutive and. at times. even the executive struCtures of
government, and it would have been surprising iflhey had not had
a hand in royal ritual.'u This is shown by the ceremonies
themselves which display debts to parallel ecclesiutical rites.
Cuolingian royal invenit urcs. for instance. reveal borrowing.
from the consecration of bishops.u, "nd. for an imperial
divestiture. no better ritual framework came to a Frankish mind
than the act of public penance. '66 If the alliance ofFrankisb church
and Carolingian power lent much of ICculu ritual a liturgical
cachet. it. chief setting i. also indicative of how thc .imation of a
Carolingian prince differed from Ihat of hi.. ea.tern colleagues. "
quick glance at SOme of the mon important staged events in
Ca rolingian hinory confirms the Ihift to a highly defined audience
heralded by th e humiliation of Brunichildis.
Leaving aside for a moment the ceremony at Rome in 800, it i,
clear that, by and lnge, the main act! in the kingdom's politicallifc
coincided with general a''iCmbliC1: of the Frankish grandees:
Charlemagne's coromltion of Louis ~s cacmpetot in 11'3. Louis'
promulgation of the OrdiMatio imptrii in 817. Or the public penance
and divestiture of Louis al SoiSlonl. which occurred in connection
with the general assembly held at Compiegne. "n exception
proves the rule: Charlemagne', coronation at Rome may have
been stage-managed by Ihe IDea! clergy and it was certainly fu
ftom the FrankiJh heartland, but the audience inevitably included

... Tlu., <h< roy.1 '"f'lIIMtJ _r< .,ooo:i..t,."j ",i<h .U K!;yi,;" of rul<"hip ;.,.01.;",
b .... in' Of ... ri,in,. indudinl <h< ".r. ,""_. ",0<1 in Ihi. di.<eriooo: <1'. J.
Fle<k..."eitI. Hoft.p<II•• !. 9!-• . So cIoeo ,I>< r.C'! 'hOI tom< ".t< «,..,,,,on;" (•., .
,I>< p.""" ... ion of. ""'y ",d .«r.m.Don of CIt.>.1<> ,I>< G, ... by By""';..
• mb • ...oon. A.o . •. h __ . • . I " , K"ru. 'J6). "'.. , .ug«! in ,I>< Ih'l'd of Ou.
Lody" A.u..n_
". _""n. 5...,.;..,. 1'1'_ "6-" .nd "9!1'_
' .. L. H,lphtn. ·Lo pftIi,.",. d< l.o<Ii.1< Pie." i,_M<d"d d< s.o;""m·. A ......'
r~iU';" ~ _,.0 ' I' (P"i<. 19jO). PI'. j l ---M_
the gr:ltldee, of the F.. nki,h >rmy.'·? Th,' rc~Wn fur ,he
cuincidence of !!:Cl1cr~1 ~slemblics ;llld big politic~1 events lies in ~
f~c<·, of Cnolingi.n rukrship il1omi"""d by Tdknbach. the
cont,noal ,h:lp lllg :lnd re,h~ping of~ politic.1 consensus belw een
king,. counk-n. and magnues.'u Even Were " given ceremony to
take a p~rti(ol>rly Uynntinc ritu~1 furm. it wuold OCCnr in ,
''''i'ludy Funkish imdl0tion.1 fnmcwork.
Freqo ently the yC:lTly ~i'<'ll1bly w., hdd .t or nen " ru yal which thnthy '<"rved U the main stage fo r roy.l self-
T<·prt><:nUtion . ,.9 It W;lS Ih"rc th.t the' king. like his Merovingi:ln
predcce,sors. rereived the dMM "",,,, ali~ of his sobjects o r per_
furmed the Frank ish ceremony of the wnlm~" dmi" rn~"'''''''.'' o
The.e the roler held audiences fOT delegations from within the
Funki,h dominion, or withoot and the Fnnki,h gnndee, (001.1
wime\! their king' , pomp and mtcnt~tio", w",hh during the
f'-"">tive <town _w, aring' which >ccomp,nicd the celcb.a.i"" of
M.,s on Sund.y •• nd high huly d.y •. '" lih- the dyna>!y Ihey

.. , Th"" d"" f,"n' I.~. p'''' .. t )", ........... , 1 " - I: '0 "''''' '"'u'''
,onR"~' " ,un!'
wh"h pl .. nly ,.r.,,, b,, ' t(' ,h" .ud ,,,,,,,, of l«I It I' , o"h." I" n~ . 'mo"d""ty
b<fo,. ;~ .. ,. 1·') - ' " d .
". I; . T'il<nb"h, T'I< sm"g'" "n~ roh""'h," (;","lil' R,n .I", •• ",tm~''''''''o
'fh,,,,, fntgf. Zu~l",h "'" ~'ud", ""'"' ~ olkk ll"< W,II",<h,IJII"~ \I"'] ',~kk,,,·,,
I-!.n<l<ln;m ",un""J.h,hund",'.I'.US. 'J ('0"1'11. '!'-Jo"
'" On ,"" "'" " ,,""""0. ' .K. W. "'hI.. m~"', 'I!-<ob"h,u"g<t, 'u, Go"",,",,
G«" I, ,k, A.<"m", 1'(.1, '" d", z..,,, K"h.l<. , •• ",«n ·. SI.lim >•• "".,...,..~'"
I·,~ . "J 1',.~, .. "h~ I" ( N ,umum'''' , ' ''''~),
pp ,lJ3- 11. ."J
l F,I' ",",m.
'Z... ,,,lI<nb,loll' "" A""'"ff Pf.I ..."r",,,,hu"8·. b",,~,<ft., ""~."" (;'''"~~".
",,,,., 10 ('9)"Oi.1 - "
". 0... <I<""p""" " Ihf.. ,nKu, bui. C ....... <d , F.. PUm",k •• MGff. I",,", .. ,
J96. ,-3, ,r, H,o<,''''', .d,,« r.." ,.., .. 1,,,,,du" dUH"K tllM< . ... .,bt .... , Ik
(, O! 'I.
..I"" ,..)"". " ,J, T . G,,,,, .".1 .... &hl<lf". ,\fGlI 1'''''''' i"n, ......."W, ..,,~, '"
"""' "~"',""" J (19""1 9O. J7j -9' ~'Y: "" ,~",",,,,d,,,oo. G.n,hor, 1'1<>0),,; ,
p~ . • 61;d rr·" J.
", Aud",o.c ... g,,"«d ", F"nh c .ndodu,. V". ",,"w'
""Kil', (~HL, ' ' ' 'I. <J F.
l'lun,",I", MG II P"" .. 1 (,U. ). 'OJ .' 0- '0'.' 1; A~ob"J uf Ly""'. /;p., .' <d. E,
P;;mmle-, . '\/(;lIl'p' ," , J I'_'}\II. ,_• ." 1'" ""'"",,,"oc, "b,,,,vrd ",i« pt<.
«<1<,,« "" ,,,,h "'-"'''''''.'''' ,OO"",d bj thn,",,,', "" In ""'lOB b" ..."
po<moo du,ing .n .udl<"« ,,'i,"
lou " ,II< ' .. ,m.n ; 1',.'".,.,..,"
11<>",,", .nd V . K"u .... AI(;J/.C.p" __ ' 1, 1.,s1. , "". '0-" 0"" of'M ""
"I., ... "d ""

'''''''''''' "" " 'h" h C h" I< ,,"s", "'''''' , ,,,,h ty <1<,,>1 ,,<d ',",0 • .1 .. " d" ""~ 'he
""r'i"" of r","~n k~,,".,,' I' 1.: .. , 'J , Ilokk'.E~" 'oJ """'.• ~ , -,. ,f
Thfiwlulf, C. n... 'j. Dumml<" ,0 ,.)7- 1: Th<~,,,, V~. HI.J. .. , ,.."'"...." •. ,J
(; P"". Mr;IL~S. , II I",). '~J .• - ' ' . • lId 'M ''''''''''ms "I< of Noll,,, ,h,
S"",m«.,. (;,", 1.:'''('.'.", ,·d II f 11"f<k-••UGH .IRG. n ." "(''''''''i·,O 7
F,ankish vir/orf (r lfbrmions

displ~ccd, the Clrolingi~ns pbyed up their power and prcsdge in

the key mOmentS of their c:uthly exincncc, from baptism to
funn, !.' 12 Even the ruler', :!mU!ement could t~ke the form of:l
F(Slk,onung when .•ccompanied by hi, great men. hc went out on
the roy.l hunt, sol/mmi mort, ' 73 Something of the chuacu:r of the",
ceremonies and the limited n:!lUre of their ~udicncc Can be
dc-duced from the bet thu most Carolingian p. l"ce, shunned
wh~t urban centers there were in the empire,"· Unles, it
coincided with an nu.l .sscmblies. the toy.l ritu .l which occurred
in th e p.l.ce WaS limited in focus to the narrow but influenti. l
",etor of society composcd of resident prel,te., gTC:>! off1Ccn,
lower clergy occupied with the humdrum usb of:l limited
administration. as well "s vi'iting ~ri stocnts and foreigners,17'
Thi. cxpl~in' as well the significance of ceremonies staged in front
of the army,like Loth:!r', subm;,.;on and re conciliation with hi ,
f.ther.'" Althol.lgh . ll Fran ks were theoretically subject to

Ch u k m'K"" .1,., "'0« ,he beywdk" ,wmd fo. ,hu«h p"><"~""" E;nh"d, v
K ..., 'J. H" I<I<._Egg" ,nd W"" , ,I . 1--'1' cf. 'A",onome" v, HI",,, 11, PO,,",
6" ,0""', lo,h .. u>«l 'he p,,,,,,,,,on "[,he fen, of ,ho A"",,,p''''', '0 ok,"oo",,,e
hi, "co",;"";"" with Tlo<u'I'<'~" 11"" . &" .•• . 16), G.", LH; d . Ad ....«;", of
Mm , t ',,, cd, E, Diimmk', MGII.Fp; .... " 1'0')) ' 'l P '-0. TO. m",' e" mrl",
<1<",,,1>''''";' E,moki, H"". HI"" 4, ,,_ ) '7, Fml. '1<- i; d_ 1I,j t>;ppi., .. , "
'1 - ji, Fml. '00_ S.e in g,,,,,,,1 C, Ilriihl, 'fr'nk'Koc, I(r6nung,b"uch un" d..
l',oblom d" F<,, ~, (;""" ~ <n', Hi",,,,, ", Zti'''/",jl, '90 (,')6» , ,6J- »6 , .".1 I( _U ,
l'Khkc, ' hiihm;tt".it"lich, Fe"bOo"nK<n? Oh<'leRun~on '" T.. mino~'I!;' uoJ
M «h<><l<', Hi""",,", Z<i,,, Imfi, '" (1\>7<l), 11<l-3!,
'" Ihp';,m , A~n.Jlu" I .. . 1'""'. R .._, 1l0kh_E~g« , l)I. ,o iJ, 0" roy.1 funm l"
E" . "ok.lh . n",,,b",~, Ro;, PP, 7-", 6o/f,
", A emwn<J Ch.,km'gn" ";d;n~ ,n(nly .k<u",ed I,o"e , (""Id ,"In ,h< hun ' Into'
l".li,,,,.1 '1'«,,<10 ,"v"'vm~ oj, f",,,11 .ml """ ",.1 , ,," ,,,,u,,, K.,. I., .\J'W'.' "
U, ,,"P', ')7-»J, cd. E_ Dumm",. MGH,/WI" , ,)611--'10. Of H, E\<:um,n", F_
Il"'nholzl ".1 .. J(".", ...,..., " U, P"P' . fro P.J<r ....." f,., ,... J,II" '99.
S,ud"n un" Qudlon ,u, w",fil;«""n {;,,,,h;,h,,,,! (p.ok,bom, ,')66), 6&-8>, on
wh ich documen' ' « [). \.<h, lb, 'J)" A.chon" II'''' [U, 1(,,1 <l<n K.i"" H!S , '0
1'917), '10 - 63 .nd 'In''''p,,''''''n'prubkm< in A.<he"" 1("1,,,1'''''' ' ROt;.'",Ot
Vi""if,~,"lo"". 0' ( '~n). '00--79. he", .",,11'. 0_ htnoW , H",,_ 1I1.J_. 0,
,)6'-0))' Fo"I, '_0. The <10m"" of diopl'y "pl.;n. why >om, "'Y'I hun" ,"
~u.Hf"d .. '",I!.m,,, mot<" <,g, 11 ••. " " ..,"'" " !,~, I(u,,,,, I p, or Ein""d.
T ,..,_ 101",. " p,,,;, ' . ", w.i", ,.,.,6-!,
'" s..:, ' -K· ? R."'O<, noil, loft i. lOt """J.j _j C!..,I, ...~ .... ,,_ loA, MoN . "".. 1o .p"
197!), p, fl .
'" J Fiock,",',;n , '1(,,1<1<, ",0>>< und ,."n Hof , K"I ok, G,.,,,, '. " -10' cf, R.«O<,
Loj" pr o!~II'.
," Theg. " , V , HI.,,, II , Po"., ""' .>0- )< , wh" ",du lly n~'<1 th .. Looi, y.. "
CMoliu<~i"u ceremou ial ""J victo,y
military servi ce, specialim agrre that the brunt of w-.rfue fell on
the shoulder; of thc bett~r olf and the roy al va.sah, who muld
alford the heavy exprn se of cava lry warfare in the Frankish
style _,n The levy of the king', vas sah . nd the presence of the
nl:lgn'iles meant th at the O,t providl'd a signifIcant opportunity to
pruject the king', puwn, wealth and piety, whether ur not the
cuncmtr.tion of the troupS w inci,kd with the ~nnual as.embl y, as
it frequently did down to the reign of Luui, the Pious.'"
Victury wa, an essential ch aractcri,ti c of Carolingian king_
,hip 'IS it was portrayed in :Itt, litcuture 'illd ceremony. As cv~n
the humble en trie , in the WiI!ibrord calendar suggest , military
.uecc", - and the booty it entailed - pbyed a decisive role in the
rise of the new dymsty and the coalescence of mo.t of the
aristocracy around il. The Merovingi.n tradition of dyn,m ic
victury waS ta hn over with a vengeance. Th e family's histori o-
graphy, embodied, for in.t''''ce, in the A"""lts Mert( MStS priQ,tJ ,
and iu art, exemplifIed by the Imt frescue, of the lngclheim palace,
reiterate this (heme, while cou rt poets echo ;t. '10 It would be ..
tediuus ta,k to Ca1>loglle the numerous reference. to (he ruler' ,
victory spread Ihrough out the .bundant panegyrical moterial
produccd by the C>rol in gi'lll rcnew:lI.I!O But it must be noted
that poems began to be written to cekbratc specific victories,
although nothing i. >! yet known of the circumstances o f their
perform ance. In this ca tegory fall the anonymuus 'Rhythm On the
A vO! Victory', Sedulius Swuus' chnming piece 'On the Slaugh-
ter of the Northm e,,' or the vernacular L"JwlgslieJ.' ·' A ,ymbo!

<n,hwn<J;n '" 0),<" " n' "" lOp of. , i1< ttl. t"g' f" W. '" ,I>< wholo "my <outJ
"';'0 ,,, , .. K'''<. 'u"; ,"m e><,,;<u> o mo;, "",,',mpl ..; I""u;' .
f .L (;, ,,,I.of, ' l'"m« """ b C " ohng;"", a.di.",.,",,· .. ili,,,i i" Om'ok""
,,11 '.1,. ....,.,.. .... '. Se,,, ,,,,,,,, 'S IS!"''''o. ' ' ' ' ), '00) - )0 . h,,, '''- 'S: K_F .
Wrrll<', '/lecku"ock ,o,ckt,f,mihon ,m I<.<Kh K"h <k> e"",co', /(..1.., G ••, ,,,, "
i }-1Po be" ' ' ' ' J.~ . V<rbmgg<tl . 'L'",,,« <l l> """:g;" d" Ch., b "'go<'. /( ..1
ok, (;'0"<. ' . • '<>-J6. 10.. , 4" . nJ .,6---7_
," G. n.J..,[. 'l ,,,,,,,: .. , pp. 116- , ,_
". .1.""1<, .\1«,,",,, p,;o,<>. «I . 11_ • .,., Sim",n, MGII.SilC I '901), '-4 .nd 9; ) ., I: P:
"_') _ ' ": " _lV; ''-'7: 'J . 'T TI>< [.mity ;, ';nyK,;,,;m. p".,.,um p","pi,'. ,.id..
, J . ')- ' 4_ On ,I>< (,,"'''' " tngelheim , Ermold, fI, • . 1/"'... 4, " J(,-6) , Fmt, ,6 • .
So:< ,ho IU,,·OY uf ",,,,,";,1 in F. /l;""" . 5,-.1;," '", 1/",,,/,,,,1,. i" ok, ,.W,II.",.i·
""" Vii"IU"I. Dj" . (Wii"oorS, '1'6.), pp. JJrf.
'" il""h,""" Hokk,-EKScr ....:I W,;I<: Sed"hu, 5<o"u" C"," .. ',H, Tn"l><, ""-9'
L.dw'X,/i, •. ,,,to S,d""",«.
FronkiJh victory ultbr~/io"J

of royal authority like Chulemagne's lead seal, as well perhaps as

that of his namesake, propagued the idea of royal victory in
hexameter form: 'Ut there be glory for Ch rist and victory fo r
king Chatles!"U
The: ideology of royal victory spilled ove r into Ihe ruler 's
ceremonial life, most nou bly Ihe royal investiture. Charles the
Bald's eoronuion IS ruler of Ihe '[gnu", u,fh ...ii at Metz on
9 September 869 is one of the rare instances for which there is
a detailtd and reliable description.I I I After the un ction and
crowning , the bishops handed the king I palm branch and a royal
scepter. The accompanying prayer expounded th e palm's m~ge
of victory on earth and in heaven ." · That th e palm was placed on
the same ceremonial level as the royal scepter emphasizes the rolt
of victory in Ihe Carolingian idea of the Aleuin had
referred to palm bran ches in his allusion to a triumphal welcome
for C harltmagne and. in kee ping with late antique tradition, that
king had been welcomed into Rome by children wning palm
branches. during the final a mpaign against the Lombards. Bill
more recenl developmenu helped place the palm in C harks the
Bald's hand. Ninth-century popes had been sendin g palm bran-
ches to Frankish kings at least since 8H.'·" The branch wu
probably meant to be carried by the ruler in the palace liturgy's
Palm Sunday proce5lion. and the papal Jetters acco mpanying the
palms emphasize their sy mbolism of both ethical and milituy
triumph.In The papal and liturgical connection underpinned the

' " P.E. Sch.. mm. ow u i'Z"'ii""x/wo lJiw"i/K K..1s *.

c....... sa",,, .u,
KuI,u,lftOhi<hl. dn M",<bl,,," uno! do, Rtn.oitu"" •. '9 (Le;pril. '911). P1'. 1OIf:
... GLOR I'" SIT XPO REGI YIqTORI ... C",RLOI: <f. ·o.ri "'..... ,... no lim
M<"II""' .... dot, Korol;." ...... """ Siduio<hen K.u...·. """'x~.
(. 961).1 - .'. ..... sK.
""" .....
'" a....,.. , ", ;,K_II ...._ HI". jjllj«r«. ..... ... . 8oon ... . O>dY. K.......
MCH.C..... •. , j&-': <f. w .......bKh- Lt. i""' •• C.d",,-Ik p. s"".
,•• Boon_K"""'. OI"" - IO.
, •• Cf. com .... otSdw ........ Httr....juz"'.... . . . ..... , •• andDnK'-'l_Fo I ,d.
0. W,_1n AI_1Ht __ ,. ...... " . j_loon,..",• • nd .... ~ ., (W ei" .... '911<» •
• 1- 1' ·
", For \ IY . ... JL. >0\.6. In frbru.>,y 171. Jolon YII1 .1I~dcd '0 ,I>< nfttO",',
.nci<n,,,.,,:JL. 1007• • d. E. m,
AlG H.F.';"" , (19") . 10. .... ... '0
be "" • • MIno« rOf ,I>< ... "Om ;., ,I>< CMI. C...I. '" II>< "'"m of e re.".y I.
'" John YIII ,oCh ..... ,h. Ihld UL.I079: 'll'cb",.,y In). C oop", I' ,)' _, :<0 elm ...
III UL. 110': '9 M .. <h II,). C"p'" " '.1 .... .. Sttph<n Y ' 0 Chit'" III UL.
~ppc.r.ncc of thi! !ymholic object in Chulcs the Ib id', co.o_
n~tion ~I M Clz .
Victory im~g( ry was not confmed to one .lpcCI of th,'
cotonat ion of869. Atthe crucial moment of.nointment. God was
entreated CO bless C har les n He had otlee bicssed Ihe viCtorious
rulen of Ihe O ld T ("StamC"flI and to make him an eve r victorious
triu mphalor over all ene mies. vi,ihle and invisi ble. It. The san",
pnyer was used again for th .... crown;n!\" ofLuui~ the Stammerer in
D«:em!J<,r IIn.'U
Although no early ordinrs have survived. it is clc1r that the
role of victory imagery in Carolingian coronations went back to
the eighth centnry. Thus the 'Ruyal Blessi ng When There is
an Elevation 10 Ihe Re alm' p.nenTd by an 'Eigh th -Century
Gel:l,ian' sacrament"y messes the p<l.<lIIe! between the modern
kinK' of the Frankl and the ancient heroes of h rac!' God i, a,ked.o
gnnl spirit ua l and materia l blessings to the kinK and hi, realm and
10 make him '. most powerful pr oteclOr of the fat her land', n well
.. a 'most powerful triurnphator of kinKS for the o pp.enion of
lebels and p.Jgan nations'.,90
A number of poem, awx:ia ted with the royal ndvtmu, ,orvi""
from the ninth century . Some at leas' s«'n to have been recited
during the ceremony, so that they forni,h uni'lue ,migh t into the
meaning learned Carolingian, atuched to the king 's epiph.ny in
his towni and rnon~$ t<.""riN. ,., One ur th,·i. most prevak-Ht ,heme.
is ruyal victory. Thus" po<.'m ""ribed to Theodu lf of O rlean<
haik d Louis the Piou~ :I, Too ... '"icto. Ott land and sea' <lml
[ram pier of the wicked na,ions th~t f.ikd tu b<ond th ei r lc,wc [() hi,
power. "" Jonas of O rk·,,", developed the ~mc [heme during a

J.>'. M",h II'). .... to. (.;.>.po •• MGJl.f·,." .. 7 1 '9,~) .J"",7 ~. On d.. ~m'gy of
,t.. P. tm s..n~'Y "''''''';'.... 1t . lxd"I<~. DACL. ' • • ' l'~")' _1-',
. " 0r40 , .... 110<.. , ... K""", ' )J., - n .
... 1JiI.• , 6"'1- 6-
, .. '11.<11,1" bn>«bc,"' ............... y"'" in '<11""'. s.•. "".,...1. f. ' )9_0. C>pn. no.
"17, 6ttd "'" E. Mo<tk •. CCL ,6><\. 76\>. nO. IIhd: .•.. U,." fOn,Mim ...
p<OttCIOt p"n.. ... "q"" ... fo"",unu. Kljum ,,,umpl,,,,,., ""'"um >d oppri_
...... do< _ t ..... p.~. n .. n",onco'
'" K.ntO<owocl.· Ad • ..,,'. PII. ,1-". cr. 0 G 0",1<. '00< K....oI,nl!<. ",.I dO. S"d,
dQ "",I .... Amulr. FAIS. , ([1'67). >_)w. 1><<<" 10,11".
'" Theodulf. e...... 77. I"Iiimmkf. )JI. [. , ,0<1 J. , - , . On ,"" cIoI>b<ful ,,,,ibmim.].
S,~w;rlfy. W,I,Ii(IIl/M'".l<" it, r..,"'iWtt" Mind.I,,,,. h·"I!.,...",~. , (lI<.bn.
'9701, oil.
v"it of Lo uis , nd his son Lothar to his ",e.'9.' [n sim ibr
circunmanccs, Scduliu, Scottus s,luted Charles the B,ld 's 'dox>
triumph,li,'; Ch, rle, , nd Louis arc 'fulmin, belli" gu, rmtccing
that the Chri,!i.n people rem . i", un v.nqui.,hed. It is only
. ppropriotc th at thc pOCt wishes that they may ever cnjoy victory,
'pomp" .nd trophies. 19~ The .,sodation bet wcen roy.1 vi sits .nd
victory w» so 'trong th . t , l. tc ninlh-ccnli.lry versifier . t St Gall
who had to welcome, ,on of Louis the Germ,n . nd who seems to
have been .t • 10" for th e you ng ruler', victories, s,ved thc day
with the theme of dynastic vic tory. Ueforc "nd .ftcr each vcr""
the welcoming choir ch:lIlted 'H, il, Scion of most unv.nqu i,hed
king,! ' 19,
Th,' first C,rolingi.n kings fr~qucntly led (he ir .T!ll1e, on
c. mp.ign .• fter wh ich they he.ded for the palace to wlnter.
Contemporary write", qu . lify the ruler', return with words like
'cum m.gllo triumpho' or 'cum gloria triumphi· ,'·· Not every
usc of lih expre,sions may be ascribed to [itnary flouri,h. For
inst."ee, in I.te M arch 71) 8. Alcuin responded !O Ch. dem. gnc ·s
invitation to join him in the green mcadow, of Saxony for
scriptural delights. Seeing th.t the verdant fiel ds were infe sted
with hostile S.xons. the aging scholar begged to be excused from
enjoying the kin g's be,titude in the land of the Phi listine" He
wuuld r. ther enjuy it in jnm,lcm. i,e. the vision of pc.c~, 'where
God ', temple i, b,:ing constructed by the :ITt of the most wil<'
Solomon·. ·' The . Ilus ion fits the eh"pel of thc Virgin .t Aachen.
... Th<OOutf. c.,.,. ..
)7. Dumml". l'9. o· )-0, F", Ih< . ",riPI;"" to JO"", D, St~ .l k f •
'l'h; lotogiKh< U" 'muchu"g,n ,u J," G«h,h"n T1K<xtulf, V O" Odo.o,·. 0..,.
... " ." ..1 ,'/,;•. ,3 (1<,16». ') - 9'. h<<< ,,-~,
S.Juiiu, S«~tu', C","., >. " , T"uh<. ISo.j : C .... .. >, r}. 'r,,"b<, 11).9. 10 .nd '"
of '00 c."•.. >. >\, T nub<. 1\>0 ., ,nJ 0-10, 'or .)1>-00. cr, Il . l)Li<h,;ng. S,d"Ii",
S<",",. s.i", O;'"'•• ~. (M u"'ch. 1<,I6!I. pp. 6)-•• nJ 70-' .
co , 'S,lv< pwk> "gum in.Kti"; mmum', .~rlloJ< ,..Iki, S""t"II,.,i, CCCLXXI. no. !.
cd. P. von Wint<,[old. M(;II.P",,-, <.1 ( ' ~09 ) . )')'" ,f. W . Bull!, 'S."'p,,,,,j,
R,~",.. 7.", Kun(\< d<:u, .. I>c, I\.ric~" I, "", .. ·, C"'.,." Qu,,",". F''',,/o,ojl K.

... S,,,,J.,,, MGH. So:h,;f"n, 6 (S' UltS"" '9-< I). pp. 97-1 ll. 1-.0" IO) _ j.
II f<w <.. mpIN f,o", m,"y, Ch.d,m'Kn<', ""u<o [' om I~C fin.1 Lomb"J
"mp " ~" "Ulll m'g"o I';u"'pb,,' . A •• . ,. 1'...... . . n o. Kunc, <0. A ... , fio" 0,
n . , !Cu.". ,,~, '«o,d i"g '0 Ihe ,1,",1" .\I""i ........ , • . 79' . Ch"k> '''u, ~ from
,1-.0 II", "mp. ign ofth" yc"'O R" s cn,bu,S 'cum Ilium phi gluli.' . cd . G. W.; ...
MGII.SS. I) (I~~<I . » ,11 - 1>,
", llkuin , fp .. ,<)-\ , Dumml.., "7- lS. un 11-.0 <i,cum".n=. IlQhm<r--
MLihlboco<r, R'l"'" no. H6. C;",km from lip .. 141, I)"mrn k" »1.7- 1. Th,

Carolin.~iaM ceremonial and victory

:md it i~ there that Alcuin, adapting a liturgical phus<:, desired to

come to greet 'tI", triumph of your glory, with p~ lm br~nche, and
singing children'. The elaborate metaphor intimates the king
would be met by some ~ort of welcoming ceremony."" This i~
seconded by the Chronicle ofMoiss.c when it mention. that louis
the Piou, returned from a successful campaign in Brittany, 'cum
triumpho glodae'. Another contemporary coincidcnu lly drops
the fact that, on thi~ oec" sion, foreign legation. participated in the
ouu,sus which welcomed the ruler tn the pabee at Herotal.'99 No
1,," a figure thmJohn Scot Eriugena comp05ed a poem OM Chri~t
tht" victor of the devil and Ch"rlc5 the victor of l oui. to celebrate
what .!ee ms to have been Charles the Bald's triumphal rtdimI after
the une xpected succe" over his brother near l aOM in 859, the s. me
event enshrined in Charles' victnry endowment at St Denis. 2DD
But, compared to the evidence av ailable on other aspeclS o f
Carolingi.n rule"hip, the,e occasions do not cut an imposing
f'gure: the return of the victorious Franki,h king to his p"lacc did
nOt dc-'elop into a wid..!y reSOnant ceremony. One reason may be
the deccntulizatioll of Carolingian society, with its f:lt_flung
arislocracy , and the l> ck of a "'!tied capitaL Such returns fell
outside the most imporlant institutiona l fr.mework of Carulill-

.lIu,ioo f,,, ho,h ,he Hibl",. 1 'OOl< of , .. '" "'''''' .nJ ... h" .. <oOW" of tJo<
ch' p<r , rough 'u" of ,o"'pl, ,,,,,, in 7~i ; <,I, G. II.oJ",.oo. ' 0;., Vo,bildc, dcr
"'",",,,<1 I'f. I" 'p<lk' , K... I "" C ,,,,.. f , f>f M, h<l< Pl. o. 7·
... fr .. tH , DUm ", k" ' II. )---<i: ·U, . . , Ii<:<" m,h; <urn "m;, p.lm"mn <t f>U<n,
' '''''n"btJ! "'co""< ,,;u"'rho glori., v""",. ,. " d;",,, "lkood;,,". J"m;n" '
tko"~ ~"; .ddux"" "duxi' D •• HI d,!«,un' CUrti p"" I"',i",,« .. lu".J ""v,,"
.w,," '. Cf. ,he 'nt iph",," F';"'" for 'he prop<, off, lm S,,"d.y in ,Jo< ",,,,,.,,i<:
olf>«. P, lm, [,~O'" pwm'''''ndy in C"olin~"n view,y '''''''I''ior"
. "d we"
,,"' , lIy "",d, in hoping with t,,< '"';quo 'ndi'ion, during Chorl<tru.~ t"'" .oJ""",,
" 1'.0"" '" 77" U~' I""" " i)u, hem" •.• ",.' J. AI,u;n . ltod<> '0 ,h<rn ,n h;,
for Chorlc,<·, u;"mph.", ,"urn from ltoty in !lOO: V",,,, oJ C... I" ..
!"'P<'."'"'' 7J - &o. cd. E, Du",,,, k ,. MGH,l'ocI .. "'J7, i" whi<:h ,II< "'" lin", ''"
' 8"" ' li!u'g", I. U",,,,," (d , E. Modk " e e l.. ,~, .... no. , 8!,) . s.. . 1", . hove,
nn. " ' _"
... CO,,,,,;,-.., Moi,_,"", «I, G.H, Pcrt" MGII .s ,~ , Ll' j . ' j - ,~; ' '''''runom<'. V
111,4.. ' J. P, m , 6, ..,-" d . IlOh", cr-Miihlb"hcr, ~ 'K< "" ..,. 0. f ond. ""
H",ul; "- C.u<<t. 'Zom hi""", 1("I. dc. G",,,,m '. K • .1 In C,.,,,, '. J07-", h<rc
po ,
, .. John Scot E,iug<"" CO' .... " cd. L. TfOUb<. /ltCH,Pocl .. I (,!-\>(i). j'7 -9. "p.
S. ""',"'" OC""", '"
j ,! .Jj - 6> . C f. M. C' ppuY"' ,j , ,,,,!it" t',;gI~. f<"'" (l ou,,;n,
' ~ll ) , p. 19 - 0 ; &hm«-Muhlb.<b<" R,t<"" ,..... .. ) 6<,

F,ollidsh vir/o'r ,r/rb"lIiOlls
gian royal ritual: the greater pan of the potential audience had
already returned 10 their e>lUeS when the OSt had been di.mis~d
at the end of the campaign.
It would ~ wrong. however. to infer that Carolingian kings
had no use for triumphal entries. When they did, the eviden~
confirms what has already been nid about the character and
COntexl of their kind of royal ritual. The surrender of Pavi a in 774
muked the end of the Lombard kingdom 's independence and the
annexation of vast new territories to the Franki,h domains. On the
day after the lurrender. Charlemagne staged a triumphal entry
into the city. to the sounds of 'hymns and loudrs· . The magnatel
and lesser lights of the Frankish expeditionary force were richly
rewarded for their service. when Ih .. king distributed the treasury
of king Dcsidenu •.ao1
A quarter-century later. Fnnkish fo rces had nearly exhausted
Bucelona's reshtanee and the field commanders summoned
young Loui •. th e twenty-two-year-old king of Aquitani., under
whose auspices the Frankish dream of subjugating Septimania was
finally reaching fulfillment. As his biographer noted, the young
ruler'. prestige could only ~nefit from presiding over the ran of 100
famous a town .aDa Louis posted guard. al lOOn as the city
surrendered, but he 'postponed his entry until he could organi~e
the consecration 10 God', nam e of a victory so lo ng desired and
finally attained, with an appropriate service of thanbgiving'. aDs
The description of the next day's triumphal entry is close enough
to that of Pavia to suggest that the lame ceremonial pattern was
observed in both cases. Loui' biographer continues:
The nexl day. therdore. ,he king and army pa.sed through ,he cily gue
with solemn pomp and I""d" ~y",niJk..... preceded by the priests and
clergy. He continued in proal$ion '0 'he church of the Holy and mos,

"" 0..00. Loo...., ..... Schno" oon CotoW'.ld. J I. 'cum hymn" .. bodibuo ;"gt<di<n<•.
Cf II ... I'NW .••. 1'H. K.. <> •• 9 .
.. , •A""",,,,,, .. ,, V. Ii""'.. 1J. P...... 61)_0-7. _ . tI,,, A"" . •. Fr_. do no< .Uud.: '0
d,. lriumphol ""n.. of n • •n<;! to l _On 11>< ..... ofn,,«Ioo.o. E. L.... Pro~ol.
Hi.... " '" tE>p",", ,.".. ""_. I •• od""" (l<:ydrn. 19)<». 171- " .
H • •"' .. _ .... v_ Ii""'.. 'I. P<rt.I. ~IJ.I.-I.: ... . ipo< '""'''' ,b ei", inJ.......
•1>0 .... ";1, <kon«ordin,,". qUod;".e"m d;,n. 0.0 ''''''''''' ''' _<Up'''''' "ql><
""«pI"" .io<toriom <ill. nomin; ron •••"'...•.
Victorious Cross, to edeb"te . service ofth.nbgiving to Gnd, for [he
victory the Lord h.d divindy g"ntcd.'o<
The procession w.s opened by the clergy, pre,um.bly decked
out with procession.l crosses, censerS ~nd the like , Behind them the king .nd hi, "'my. As :lt Pavi • . the mdibl ... .,~ct of the
ceremony w" dominated by the singing of {aljd~l hym,,;diwr, of
liturgic.l t~xts whus~ name suggem a connectiun with the {""del
r(~i"t. The comobti ve etreC! of the,e circumsunces W'I to
transform the Frankish triumph.l entry into .liturgic.l procession
uftit.nic quality. in which the churchly ckment prcv.iled. Why
were these events marked by • wlctlln ceremony, when royal
relOrns to the p.bce h. vc left so fcw tr.ce.' ; Seve,.l f.ctors
contributed to n",king the victurie, :It B.rcdmu .nd Pavi.
worthy of a triumphal entry. The popularions of both pbces
oclonged to ur "emmcd from ,uccenor kingdom' in which
triumph . l enl rie, by viclO rious kings h• .! ocen • typic.l clement of
SraalSlymbolik. The inhabit.nts may well have expected wme such
symbolic ge"ure. Buth .ets marh·d a decisive military conquest
.nd the furm.l .nnention of. new territory .nd itl inh. hitanu
into the . 11egi."ce of the I'rankish king. The liturgical proce"ion
intu the city symbulized the new situation, much .s it had long
before when Clovi, entered Tour,. Fin ally .•nd perl"'p. most
imporuntl y, the i"dispensable p'rtTler! lnd fuil s of roy~l ~ulhorit y
were well repre",nred on both oee:lSiom, thereby furni,hing the
king with the politic.lly signific.nt . odience required for ~
. uccessful ceremony; the Fr.nki,h army, comprising magnate"
roy.1 vassals and .,sorted followers.
Carolingian king. did nOl ;llw.ys le;ld Iheir armies ill person.
This fact helps .ccount for the ,,,dden reviv. 1of, victory custom
which, .s has been se~", was deeply rOOled in euly Hyz~ntine
milit:ITY routine, the dispatch and prc"'ntation to thl' ruler of
sym bols of mcce~, WOn in hi~ nlmC, The 7901 .gain wimc.,
importanl inn()v~tioTl. As king and court beg.n to take on "
more sed entary character, conditions ripened for the custom',

' " Ilio.• O'l "j - ,A , ''''o,<<<<k,,,,bu, " go <u m i" <.."'""," " .. ",; 'um c;u,
"':;<fdolibu, ct d<lo. ""on ",Il<mpn; ,pp""u <t I.ud;bu, hy"",id"i> po",m
eivi",;, h,&r<uu,.« ,J "«1..;.,,, " nc'", ,;"ori01i,,;mo< eN(;'. pro ,irtor;.
~bi di,i"i,u, <""I .. , ~,";"um .c1;""0> !:>.O .c'um,. "', P'OS,,,,",',
rt'~ppenance. E~rly in 796. duke Heiric of Friuli sent booty t.kcn
from the Av.r ring to Charles at Aachen, while the king's S<m later
brough t more 'roils in penon. 20 . The royal ~nn~list' s ~CCOunt of a
delegation from Asturia mggcm th ~ t the court w~! aw>re of the
imperial cultom of receiving ·lrmbo1. of victory' from f'eld
cummandcn. In 798, Alfonso II SCnt ~mb~l!adors to Chnk! with
• report on hi, luccessful r~id 'g.inlt Muslim-held Lisbon. The
onn.IiM c~Hs the gifts brought by the envoys insignia vic/orinf,
implying that Alfonso W. I acting under C>rolingi'lIl "u thority.
This distortion il quite in keeping with Fronkj,h pretensions to
univnl~1 rule. 20o The implication W.I mfficicnrly de"r th.t the
revisor of the Roy.l An,,~h WaS at p.ins to modify the origin_I
~ccount in such a f~shion that the re~der would not deduce that
Ch.rknusne daimed lome .peei"l power over the Alturian
king-'07 The following ye~r, the F"nki,h force which defe" red
the Saucem men~cing the Balc~ric islands notified Ch.rlcmagnc
of hi. di,t.nt mccc" by disp.tching the enemy It"nd.rd, to tht'
court, where they were presented 10 the king. 201 Wido, prefeci of
llrittany. got on the blndw .. gon and presented Charks with the
we~pons of the vuious 'dukes' who h~d surrendered to him; e~ch
,word wa~ engr~vcd with the owner'l n~mc . 20' The triumph al
audien ces cont;nUl'd afler Charlemagnc's return from the imperial
eoron.tion. Following louis triumph~1 entry into Ihrcelona, he
sent th~ city's governor and appropri.t~ bnory to hil f~lher, The
prisoner arrived at the imperial Court and was presented to
Charlemagne On the lamt' d.y a, the rebel commander of Ch;~ti.
which hadjuu surrendered to a Fr~nkhh siege."o The importance

, A ••.•. Fr"" .. I. wf>. Kum, "" A"., fi ... Ku",.I'\I,
A ••. •. Fro .. .. • . 79!. Kurt'. 10<' cf. IlOhm<,-Muhlb:ocI><,. /('1'''0, no. ).l1c, On
F.. "k;,j,p,."",,..,,,, ",J ,,,t;lY: H . Luw •• 'Von d<n G,.""," de> /(.i1<'~.<"nk,m
,., in <l<, K"ohngmrit'. D<.,,,,"', A"",,. lO (' 951), )oJ-74, h.,,, )JO.
A •• . Ei... • . 79!, Ku,u, 'OJ: ' . . kS"; H.d<f""u " g;, . . . munc" d<f<r<o"<!. quo<
;11< <I< m'nub;; • . . . ,,~; m;ll'" 'U''';l. M'ut"•• ;<1<1.,." uF"'"' 'urn ,,,,;ok,,, mul.,
"q"" lo,o<;" 'I" ... 1~" P" H..; .. ior"".,.,. ""Ii, ,....... ;n,;gn;, v;<Oo,;'" .iok ..... '.,·.
wh", ,,,lk, ",d.,,,, ,I>< ,<V;"',. , <id;,ion. '" tt.< "" nf'h< An. '. F,_ .
Ann. f . Fro", .• •. 799. K um . ,oi, d . A.". Ei• .• Ku=. lot), ,n O IIOhm<f-
Mijhlbo,I><" R,I"". 00. )Joh .
A •• . •. h"", .• " 799, K u",. !ol.
n.., p,=n''';u. gf ,h. <>P';>< ",,,,,,,,.<1<,,
o,"")"oo",,.d ,h. S,f" of "'''''Y.
""hl<h m ... ,;,dy um;tt«l hy A ••. •. h_ .• , . 8<),.
Ku"., 116; b.rl ,f. E'mold.
II.. . W ••.• '. )7>-6<7. Font .• 6-)0: IMtm«-Milhlb"h«. R<t<'IO. no, )1' <.
Loui~ and the court attached to thil kind of presentatlon l~
confirmed by the fact th,1t the m;,,;on was rntruned to Bcgo,
Louis ' dosest fri end, whu w~s destined to become his son-in-law
and COUllt of Pari! .~' 1 The court 's cagcmeis to magnify the
dynalty's >ucCe,S r xpl aim why, a few ycar> later, Loui s with nu
Ii,tle fanfare prescnted to his father the key . of 1'ortosa, even
though the Frankish army 's operation agaimt that city was
anything but a tot.l viewry .212
Although the cunom of pre lent in" the ruler with th e symbols
ofwec", became rarer in the nexl half_century, so did Carolin _
gian victories, It did nO! di"ppear. In ~65, count Robert the
Strong successfully engaged the Nmthmcn and transmitted the
'.plUred enemy 'I.nd.,d, and wc'pom 10 hi, <overei"n, Charle,
the Bald?" The very next ycar a scandal erupted in Italy when
emperor Loui, II learned th.u Ihe Bulg. r king had escaped an
ambush Ihank. 10 his new religion ,nd, as. 'ign of gutitude, scn l
his arnl! W the pope, Louis w.s furious .nd ordered the pope to
turn the urns OVcr tu him, 21'
The ,udden reappe"rancc of delegations of IOcially important
individual, be.ring the symbols of. comm.nder', victory to the
king is doubly significant, On one hand, it .hows that the Roman
Irgacy of the ruler's implication in every vinory won in his name,
regardless of hi. personal involvement, wlS alive at the Frlnkish
COurt late in the eighth century, It is certainly noteworthy that thi~
new victory custom appears just a few years brfore the imperial
coronation _ On the mher, it seems symptomatic of the new
imporl~nce of person to person rdations in thc ,ttocture of
Carolingian go""rnrnmt. Charkmagne in pnticuln h.d deve-
loped a network of permnal loyalties, often !ymbolized by an
explicit relationship uf vass.3lage, into a primary tool for running 1
very rlldimemory apparaws of government, fly the time of hi.

". Emw ld , H"", HI"J.. " J7S. h"l, .b,Otl Dego, I<e 'he ,<forme<! ,,,,,mbkd io
W."<nb;,h-lO';'on, ('hh i!h"f" , II,", p. J ,S, n. SJ .
.. , 'A"wnoon" , v, HI.d_, ,6, 1'<"", 6, j . r J-' 1_ Un ,h, <h ,oooI08y ' nd [IlK n""r< of
'he 0","'"",," l<v;"P,oven,.1, br'S"'. pp. I S.-O_
' " "'"" . &" ., • . S6J. (;''' , ,» .
... Th, 1"'' ''omplKd only m P"" ,~J.,._ !M, {;''' . 1)0. K,n~ Am " I( ",,,, r6 Jit ""
" ken from 'h< N,,"hmm " Lou""n '0 1I""i. "n ,,,,,,monium' , bo , th< P"<""
",,,nong of ,hi. ~"''''re ;, 00< ,k,,: lin" . /'v14.. c",,/. R";" ., •. 39 1, Ku,,,,,, " (>-1 ;
<f- l.IQhm<, _ Muhlb.d"" "W"., no . ,06J '.

FMnkish victory ul~bMrions

mccc",or, at thc late't, the link between ruler and offlci~1 w aS

regularly reinforced by the speci,l persom.! tic of va". b gc.
And. for Ch"rlem"gne "nd hi. mcce"ors, v."alagc w.s first and
foremost a milit.ry institution.'" [n this conteXt, the rop[
annalist's distorted presentation of king Alfonso', dispatch of
booty deserve,. second look. Hi, depiction of the event take. on.
new significance if it is viewed in the light of Einhud',
unw.rranted a,...,reion that the Asturi. n king insisted on being
portrayed as Charlemagne', p,oprius. or, as the term has been
translated by a specialist. as hi, vass;t!.2'·
Thc glorification of the king's victory manifested by this kind
of triumph.l .udience h.s .[so left traces in written communica-
tions between ruler and ruled. Because so m.ny lctters . dd,cs...,d
to C . rolingi.n king' h"ve mrvivcd, m .naly.i, of the spread of
victor y conceptions in epistolary etiquette allows an interesting
tcst of th e puter", perceived in other kinds of evidence. [t is to a
h.ppy initiative of Charlemagne th.t We owe a thorough record
of p"p"llcttcn to Charles Mutcl, Pippin and Charles himself. In
791, the king commanded th at the decaying lette rs from the popes
and 'from the empire' (d~ irnprrio, i.c. Byzantium) be tran scribed
on parchment.2P The ch ronology of victory concepts developed
by papalscribcs in correspondence with the Fr;m kish kings differs
according to their position io the documenu' structure. Through-
OUt the eighth century, the papal chancellery remained sensitive to
the victory ideology's imperial o vertones and avoided triumphal
epithets when addressing communications to the Frankish king .
This is because the precise form of address w.s a delicate issue, the
subject of handbooks of epistol'HY etiquette lik e the pap.l Li~,
diurnu f, or the memorandum On foreign powers' style of address
and the values of correspond ing gold bulls produced by tb e
Byzantine bureaucracy of the tenth century.~" For fe~r of hi.

". G.nohof. 'L,nn,w"",n·.

" . E.inlu,d. V. K.,.. ,6. Hokk"~IIK« .nd W.;,. '9.) - 6. Cf. LOw •• ·G,en"n ·.
pp. IlO-[. T .. n.... k>o of rm>,"." J.F. Ni<fm,y«. M,I;'" I.,i";,.,i, It.~"" ..i."
(Loy<kn. ,~6) . p. !~ ••.• .
• ,' So< ,I>< p'''-''' [0 III< coll«tion . C ... C .. ,I .• Gundl.ocn. <16. ' - >0; 11>< Itlt<r! frum
[he <mpil<'l< of ron,,, I"".
' " L. S,nlif.Ik •• Li .. , Di ...... ". S,.~i.. • M f.",'."l'". <J. H. Lim",.,,,,.nn. Pi"",
und p.p,,,"m. 10 (StU",;>". '976), for ,t>< Byunnne memorondum. 0. m . • ' ...!.
R,;.h . OIlO.J-69"',
OWn wv~.cign·s rc~etion . the eXHch of It"ly onCe rcfu scd to uSC
.ny ~dd rcs, at ~ II wh"n he wrotc to Chulc magne. zL '
For the first CHolingian king '. th,' pop<.';S did nOt uSC the stylc
I~id OUt by the Lib" Ji"",,,s for ktte .. to kings. Rather .• ddre.s
. nd subscription wcr~ derived from t h~ model for a p. trieia n. in
keeping with Stephen li' Honcession of this title to I'ippin and his Thc only R onun document to infringe on the principl e
confLTms the role . for it wa S not offlcia!ly issucd by the p"p.1
chancellery. In 757. the 'Entire Se Lutc and W hole Entirety of
Peo pl e of th,' C"d- Presc rvl'(] City of Rome ' addrnsed Ch.r!c-,..'s fadlc' . s 'Thl' Mo.t Excellent and Most Diui ngui -
shed lord and iJi"incl y "ppointl'd Grea t Victor. Pip pin. King
of the Fran ks ""d Patricia" of the Ro"u",·.ll, They concluded
with ~ wcU...Jcvclop..-d "ielOr y wish. th~t Cod miglll send Iii ,
.ngel to v.nquish th e kin~'s enemie,. extend his bounda ries an d
gr.nt hi", victory .. , l
Clurlenugne', impt'ri.l coron. tion f~r11ovcd Rom.n rcluc-
un ec. The change in (hc ruler " sUlUs entailed the resurrection of ~
vLctory ti ml.t"'c dni vcd from th"t 'poffed by th e empt'rors o f
1~IC antiquity and wh ,ch emphasized the ancient 'victur .nd
triumph. tor' couplet. Pap. 1 miss;v,·s werc now addressed 'To the
MOSI Pious and MOlt St'renc lord. Vi cto r ~nd Triumph ~tor, Son.
l o ver of God . nd Our lord J'';Sus Chr;st. Charles" ugUStus·. like
the concluding sub" .iption which c< hoc) the biblical and btc
Itom~n {a/calio im.gcry. th is add r{:>, dnivcs dircctly f,o m th e
Liber dill"" " , tyle of imperi.1 .dd"ss.'H (Jut then- i. Illor~.

'" L,,, II I. Er 1 '" C h"km'g"" (Jl. ';'~. II N""<mt><, " I I. , d K.'<" .

... u"",J,,,,,.,.
.\I~ I/.EI" "" j {"'I'll . ""'.1-1 .
7S j. ,t.. .Jd"", " • moo,f.. d
F""",,, . , ! ' .' j _6 t'o~.t .JJ,... ,I: f,~ m
10' m of ,,,," Off' 100 p' ''..-"n,. ,~,... ,I, ., J - ,": d. 'h, >don ,..-. I '" b,c,; p';"'" ;/,;,/ ..
,11.<7- ,1 . On ,I..- '''k l. H. lpi><1,. C~ ..k-r<" I·, .. p", '",,1,".("" . ,"d ,do
(P''''. ' <)<18). p. J7
'" C..J. (; ... 1.. ' I . G""JI"h. _ . j-I . 'I)" mll'~ , xedl .. " ,,,,,,,,, "q'''' pIf«lk,-,.
"",mo <I • Oro on"""'o n"~,,,, ."""" P'PP"'O) . ,, ~, r,,",<lOY'" <> r"''''o
R"m."","m. "m"~ "',,,'U'"qu>< """',,,, popul, V..." III..·.
'" I~"' .. 1'0., 1- 1'·
'Oom,"o p,,,,,mo <, " .." ,,,,m o OK'O," "q= ,,",,mph,,,,," f,1;., • .,,,,,,; d<> "
'" (\om ,"; """" t"" Ch,,,,,, )(,,010 Aup"''- . <.~. Jl . '$19 {A. D . 800,1). ,J. K.
110mI'<". MCIl .Ep"' .. J {" ....I.M.Jj -). rf. Lobr, ',omo •. ","""". . . ..,-•.• nd
t"><-i •. · V",,«;h,,·. pp . , J .

The reserve of pre-Soo addresses eomrast s with the tc~ts. I\s
early as 7S7-8, the pope r~ferred to Pippin as 'victor king'.:1l4In
760, the Fran k was haikd as the 'mmt victorioos and excellent
king' for the first time. and a similar qu alification was applied to
his sons. 215 [t may have been in connection with a campaign in
Saxony th.1t 'triumphatorissimus' begins to appear in 779 - 80. 226
Some eight yc ars later, a new clement waS introdon'd, pcrhap. in
response to Fran kish success against the Byzantines or the I\van.
The king" victory was crystaHilcd into. new formo[. of m:ljcsty,
and victory became .. regular royal attribute along the lines of
'your excellency' or 'your serenity': Charlemagne w •• referred to
15 'yoor royal victory, iIIustriuus in triumphs'.227 In other words.
papa l reserve when .dd"ssing letters to the Caroling ians reflected
the de iure situation. while the !alOe leite rs' text mirrored the tI.
jar/a :lIlianee.
I\nother area of Italy with connections to nearby Ilyz.nt ine
oUlpom provided the first preserved cpiotolary . dd"" which
.. dopted the victory ideo logy. It is only more significant for the
intimate relations of its author with the Frankish court. A letter
from P. ulinu. after hi, .ppointment :IS patriarch of Aquilti.
greeted his friend Ch'lflem agne as the 'Catholic and ever Glorious
Triumphator in Christ", in w hat may be an aHusion 10 the very
Avar c.mpaign of 79t wh ich f'r\! witncssc:d battle lupplica-
tions nt The S"me bnd wai at work in thc Council of Friuli's
actl. where Ch",b ~nd hi s son received the old imperial cpithct

'" JL. 'H\. COO. Cor.i .• I I. Gundl><O. \00·)\-6, \0\." 10\.7: \07 ·'<: JL. ' JJ6
(Ap,i/- M.y 7\7). i)i'.• ". JoS.\;JL. 'JJ3 (AD. 7\3). ihi• .• ' 7. J" .19.
m 'Yi<t",iotj"'nl< <>;m;"qu< «,., JL. ') " (Ap.;] 7«>1. C"'. C ... I.• If. Gundl><h.
jI9·)'; JL. » jJ 176)1 . ,.i•.•• ~. Jlo.)e: JL. 'JS<> 176<1-7")' .• ". JJ9·1.
" . JL. ,.,3 (77'J-80). C"'. C.,.I .• 0• • Gundl.-h. S91"I;]l. '4H (M. y- s..p«mb<,
71 I]. ,014•• 7<>. 600. ' . : JL ...'" (73.). iM' .• 11. 6oJ . ' , .nd 'J: JL. 10J3 (Ap,;1 73, '"
Ap,;I.,I)). ilid.• 7). 00.,'9. «c. On 'ho "mp.ign, .. , S. Ab<]",rl B. ~;m>on.
)'~"" d." oI<'1' ' ' ' i'''''' Rrlt"', "",,, K.. I 01< .. C;"'''".' (<<p,;nt. &'\'''. '*>1.
6jjll" .nd 6)011".
", .y""" "S,Ii, in ",u"'ph" p, .. «I" .;0",,;,'. JL. ,."7
(7i1 - 9). C"'. C .. ,I .• ! J.
Gundlo<o. 6,ul; JL, '480. iMI.. 16. 611 .'J' ... mo f".mul. ;n , d,fforrn, omo<: JL.
247). a.; ~ .. 80 . 6.6" ' - 'J .
m 'C>1h"lico o<mp<.qu< in Ch,i .. " ",ely'" uiumf""",·. lip. , 'J.
M . E. IJUmml<..
MGN.Iip"" .. , .\I7-4-J. cr. Ab<I-Sim",n.).~ ,bok~". '.>off. On P.uiinu, ,od Ib<
«>un. f. (\,"0001.1. c.,,/r,,/rl<'" I.,,,.!,,,,,,. Li,,,,,",,,, Mi,,,I.I,,,,. , (Munko.
'97J). 'Jo-I.
flrnilin from th,' Latin-'peaking prov;nces l t,d early barh.ri.n
l;iugs of Italy: 'th,' mull un vanquished prillc<,,',U9 l'au\iuul
for ged another vori , tiou wheu he wrote to Clurlc. in the yn r of
the imperi, l eorm»lion,"u A few years ,ftn that, the archbi,hop
uf M il, n aho ,pplied th .. ;lIviaiHim,,, for",ub. H •
The ;ntim,t. . co nncction bctw""n victory and the irnpni.[
office Ca nnot oc (orgollen, particu[.,[y <UK .... th" fltst pennranon
o( victory ,ddres,e! nnnh of th,' Alp! ,btcs from the months
immcdi~tdy prec<'di"g the imperial coronation 'illd i, due to ,
dose friend o( I'mlinus, Ahout " ye., ocf",,' the crowning, when
ITlulllph.[ audiences were becoming" regu[or occurrence at the
court, A leuin reflected [he gener.l. m bienc . . and h.ik-d the king ,$
'greatest victor: 1 fe w month s be'foT<' the imperial dignity,
Chnlc! had occome' 'the' Illn, t " utstanding triumph.tor .nd
'gre.test and lIl oSt unv.n<jui.he·d triumph.tor .nd Illost c1emellt
rector or kingdom s'''''' The impact o( pJpa[ u .. ge GlnllO! be
overlooked either, It is difficult to ilmginc that p.pal pre'tige did
not co ntribute to the 'ppcn,nce ofth.. 'victor . nd triumph'IO"
couplet in " letter of Lcidrad , archhi,hop of Lyom to Chark-
tmgnc: the influence il Unm is t.ka blc in Agobard' s fo,m"lat iun of

Victnry "d drcsse~ occur mOlt ufecn in the imp.... i.! yc." of
Chulcm"glle ~nd th,' rcign o f Lo ul! Ihe I'ious. The incre3"ng
visib ility of victory add""",! c"me 10 influc'Kc ehe imperi,1
ti\,,[,tu re itself. "'S
Sch lc,ing"r hl' point..,! out, Ch",<"~
chancellery u,,·J both the ;",';a;";,.,II. titl~ and th,' 'vicwr , nd
{fiutnph~tor' couplet in th" '''''tII/mi" of > "'OSI i"'ponam
documcnt, thc 806 Di •• i.'~ ",~"" which .ktnmined the di,tri-
bution of terrilories afler Ch arlemagne', decease ,.u [11 8 t 6. Louil

'" 'tnv"''''';m, 1'«""1><>. c...-w .. .. ~'." , .I"",,, ,J , A. W<tm,ngholf, ,lfGII.C_ , ,

('9061 · '79·'·
I:p. 17 , Dumm'... ! 'l . ' - J ,
I." Ed A. """"",. MGN.Cor". ""7 .'!-6.
Ep. '6, (C>. N<J1. Pmnmk-, . "'J .6, ',,,,,,,,;, m..;m" E" I'll (u, • Ap,,' 800I ,
'" Dilm m k •. ]>1 · '9 - IQ: ·p' ...... "",,;"w
,,,umph"m,, 1:, ><), (Il001. JJJ! 7:
'm",,,,,, " qu' ""><"'''",0 ""'n'p~"'"'' "q .... <I.m,""",",,, «~"O,"'" '«10'"
" , 1:1"".1or ...,....... ,~ , ,.I F. , tfu",,,,k-•. ,\fGII.r,," ~ ... ! fO.JQ- " "'S"b"J. Er, "
[}u ,,,,,, k,, ')J, )- 7, 'Ch " ~ '''K ''"m «1'~K~,,"mo, hro"oo,u", "'",~n"'''n''.

...,.", .. ..
m..,..",,,,,",,, '''n~" , lIm''n''. 0",,,, . ....... i "iroq'''' "~''''' .. ""...,,'"'''''' ",,,,,..,

'" /)",,,,, "J"'. , J .... . K<,,,,,,,,. MCII Cor" " , "". • rr "ml><""" C ...." K.m'",
;8 ,
F,ankish vic/o,y celeb,alio"s

the Pious waS using a victory title in his correspondence, ca lling

himself 'The mosr glorious Louis, Vicror by cebri.l gift, ever
Augusms', perhaps in reference to successes against the Slavs and
Bisques that spring, The passing f"hiun was rdlectcd by the
council convened at Aach~-n that yeu, for it adopted the Same title
for th e emperor. 1H Other church councils followed suit. [n 825
Louis w.s 'most victorious'; in 829 and 836 he was mOre than OnCe
hailed as iHVicrissimu s. 216 Victory titles kept p<lce in corre-
spondcn(e 'CO! to the emperor. 2 " BU! the next big step came
from Lothar's chancellery .nd refers to Louis ,he Pious. From
December 82l to April 833 . during Lothn" c<>-cmpire with his
father . the ruler of[ taly's iets began' In the name of Out Lord Jesus
Christ Etcrn.l God. Lothar Augustus, son of the Mon Unvan-
qui shed lAIrd Em petor Louis' .2 . . Lothar's revolt against his f,lIher
put a provisional end to chancellery Il'C of the title.2J9 In the
disorders which followed lAIuis' death, victo ry addresses became
scarcer, withollt disappearing . ltogethcr. 240

"X f"I><OTUm invi<liul",U! « Rom,"; ",<10< ;m»<tIi piu, f<lix 0;<10"< ><
,,,umph,,or 1<mp« 'UiU""'" Cf, W. Schlni"ge-., 'K,; .."u", und K<i<hlt<ilung .
Zu, V,',i,;, "3."'"'" 000 10<\', Z... K.;",,"", K... b k, G,"""" pp. 1 US-·7). h<n:
"J - 7, wh<r< h< .100 "Sue> 1\" lh< ,id,, ', deriv"joo f'Om ,h"
Oon";on of
". 'GIOT"";";mm Hluoowi<u, '"J'<"''' mun",,, victor I<mp« 'UII"""" .d, A.
W",n, ingholl", MGH.C"",,, qJ I ,I~ - lj, d . IlQhm",- MLihlb.<h". R,l'u,. no,
61 , . ; cr. Co",;I!,m 11",;,1'''''''"'' ' ' Ilf, .d. W<rminghQIf, MCH,C....-" I,) 1' .16-1 7
nod ) 1].> I: 'vi<lorioo.i,,;m" p,in dp< '.
". Ukll., ,)""'IoU, P.. ;I;<''';'. "I. A. Wormingl>olf, ;.14., ,11 .1-" £,i'''r<'''''' ..
HI.d...I",," ;.. ".,.,.,... "loti•. ..t. A. Bor'tiu, .nd V . KUD><. MCH.Cop;'"
•. n-><-J: C"",W,," P,';,,,.,, • . 6'9, «I, A, W"'m;ngl>olf. MCH,Cooc"
' .<Y>7. " - IJ: "'."'fI""' ,.,..,..1<. ;~I .• 63).)4-j: C.-i/;.," .-1",1,1''''''"'' ' ' 8~.
~il" 7<'J.'- )'
'" Agob"d, I::p. 7 ("6-'1). Dum",k,. 11>. ,,- IJ: V.n<,; .... of G.. do. f'p ;U,I...
'",W'""" 1<>-' ',.d. E. DUmm"'_ MGH,Epiu .• j .ll J .J<>-> . nd )1 .' ' '- j ; Ck'gy of,. £" .or, ,~. I~;,j .• )'<-1<>-1 .
'" 'tn nomine dom;n; n""ri t<!U Q,i,,; dei ",I<rn;, Hloth"iu, 'US"""' ;nvi,,;,,;m;
do",ni i"'p<l>1or;, Hludouu06 Eli",'. T. S<hitlfor , MGII.V,pl....'. K... ,Ii",,"m. J
(19611. no<, 1- 1" d, G, T""i<" V'pl_";,,,. ",.U:!,,,,.,, (p,"'.
196'1. p, 17. and
M., 'Dic K,n,1o:i K.i .. , I.od",n I:, f',',"" A"~; •. )9 (191~J, . 31 - )'J. hrr<
'" Cf how,.«_ loth,,', n:fr",n« to<, ' K, mln ;ovi,,;";mo· "9 Aug""
I ••• S<iH:ilf"... ISo,).,
". E, S' Hriri< of Au"'no to Ch,,1n th" B.ld, «I . L T,,"b<, MCH.P<><t., ) (I~J.
~' !,r- • .
From aboot th e middle of the cemury, 1'31'31 US3g~ beg an to
influence royal epithe ts ane w, Thn" i, not much evidence on
pap~l form, of address for roicr" since most uf the donmll'nts arc-
known on ly from register copie, or extract,' . But in the text< o f
, och letters, the 'most unvanqoi,hcd' [heme beg in, to dom in ate
imperi al victory epithets in papa l co rre'po"dence from Leo IV',
(847 - 55) reign. 24 1 At preci",ly th e , am e time, i"vimu and it.
derivative. emerged .. regolar epithets of tl];ljCSlY in the official
papal biographies compo",d und~r La. and his ~urressurs.2H The
papal O"g" did not the bi.hop. of Fr."cia: within. quartcr-
century, the vi ctory title w .. adopted a, an epithet of Ch >rlc, the
B~ld in the dating funnul. uf the , yn ud uf Punthion, th,' very
occa.ion on which C h. rles made ceremon ial "lave, by his
BYlantine beh ~v ior. UJ
The eastern Fran ki,h coun kept its eye O il Ch,,\c, cond uct in
876.'" [n the wake of papal US<lgc ~nd Ponthion, ;,wicr,Sjjmu,
beg. n to crop up in the "gn.,m and d.aing formola. of privilege.
i"ued by the ch.neellcty oHing C.rlom"n (876-9) between 877
and ~79.2 " [t uccun onc~ in the twemy- four extant dipl om ~' of
Loui, the Y oong~r.2 ' . By the end ofth~ (entory, th~ ~pithct waS
becoming entrenched in the ,ig'llml of Arnulf the Bamrd',
charten and even ,howed up in hi , d .. ting formob.•. 241 Out of this
~~St Franki,h chancellery mage would ~me r ge the Onon ian
formula signum ... j"vi<li}5'm'."·
The 'prc:ld of victory conce ptiom ju cpistobry etiquelte os"in
illustrate, the creat ive ro le of Italy ,lId the pap:ley in the
'" )L. ,6,6 (F,b,,,"y- M,,,h ' H I. "d . A. m " j !inch_G""," ,h . MGH.lip'''" J (, 1991.
JI!. 1! ,)L. J""" (3,.- JI. ,d . f __ C"p" . .\fr.ll.l_p",_ , 1 (. ,pO)_ 1"'· J J ;JL. JOO}') (M . y
371). ,.d_> JU.-J,JL. JI.6 (M ,y S., SI . i~' .. 19. 1- J . <Ie.
," u !_ ",,"' .. D ...,I>«".. ' .17_'.-J : '."J' 'J"'!. "r<.
, ,, Ed. A. lIo",;u, ,nd V . Knu,"" AlGll.e""i' .• ' ·B '-1 ·
". A" ~ . f ·u lJ.. .. 876, Ku" o. 36 .
" •• oNu, omb." 371lO !July 179.od. P_ "'- <hr, MGH. !Jipl.ili, . K", .. I ('~HI .• ~i .)1
,,'" J'"-l) .
, •• " N",omb", 1,9. i~iJ.. JJ'-'1 .
", FrO"" Ap ,; l"~ to tJ IX«mb." I~I , P_ Kd" . MGIl. Dipt. ,';,. K .. " J ('9, 0) .
)0." ,od ' l3_a, "'''' fo,mul" n No,,"ml><, 137 tu 9 Octo"", 391. i~' '_'9 . "d .
,. , s.o. <.g. C,"". d I. IJ"l y91S (d", form" i.), od. T . Si<kd. MGII. Dipl"" , ,, "R"m"
;.."""',,"'" G" .."" iot. 1 (1S79-!.). j>.J7, Hon, >' I. 1 J"'u"y ~p, ;hiJ .. 66,'0'
9 M .y 9Jj. i!i'.. nJ ' 0 " 0 I, t l<"' b." 9J6 {d,,<). 9". ) " • Noo<mh<"<
9J6, ;oil.. 9J-" , "U .
devclopmmt of ruler symbolism north of the Alps. In the eighth
and ninth centuries. papal custom influenced thc epistolary unge
of ruler and ruled in Francia. The changing nature uf p"p,,1
addr,,,n und,ncores once how, for the p.p.e·y, Chnle-
magne's imperi"l coronHion mnked " deci~ive rurning point.
Fin"lly, it . ppened that chancclkry adoption of victory titles
tmded to follow trends at work outside the cou rt. r.ther tlnn vice
vcrs •.


The e.rl iest victory celehr:aion of a Merovingian king was. I,,,on

in romanization, the provided insight into the aristocracy's
growing power. Duth refleaed the appropriation and .dapt.tion
of traditional forms of celebration inherited from the I."r Rom.n
empire. ~ome of the difference! between Carolingi"n and Mao-
vingi.n victory celebratiOn< . re due to tbe differences in the
hi,torical :md s.ocial circumstance! of the two dyn:lSties, as well as
the distancc <;:overed by • developing society .nd rulership over
three centuries. [n the sixth cmtllrY, the application of the victory
ideolog y to the Fr:mki,h kings was in one w.y . n attempt "t
domestication,.n effort to tr:mslat,· into old terms the realities of
new political power. These term. had the . dv:IIl!.ge of being
familin to the Gallo-Romans and, we may think, impressive to
the Franks. When the Carolingian. redi.covered these term, and
u" the ethnk dilemma was long ,ince past. The new king' had
to rl·furbish the prestige of a monarchy which had lost it. luster.
bohtl'r their stand ing among the " ri,tonats over whom they
presided, strengthen their :ltlthority over newly conquered ter-
ritories. fmter the rl'vi val of ancient litnary. liturgical, .nd ",tistic
forms. They had to cxcrci$c their power through new soci.1 .nd
milit.ry in., titution., him. of which may be detected in royal
victory cmtoms. And, above .11, they turned to the church.
Perh.p. the mmt 'ignitic:mt finding is tbt the neW involve-
ment of the ruler and hi, entourage in obtaining and celebrating
royal victory pe.ked in the decade pTccc'ding the imperial
coronatiO!1 . On thi, point the liturgical manuscripts, ritu.1
innovation for the army, triumph~l audienCe< and letters .d-
drosed to the king agn·e . This suggests th.t the royal emourag~'$

conception of the king '\ victoriom quality helped pave the way
for the f~teful events of Christma, Day ~oo. It testifies to a lively
interest in royal Staatssy",bolile in the years leading up to them.
Triumphal returns to the palace elicited SCOInt atlention from
cuntempurny writer> , But, in an interesting parallel to the first
imp<'tial coronation, triumphal emries were staged by Fra nkish
kings in their Mediterranean tnritories. Noncthdc.., the liturgy
nnw served a, the prim>ry vehicle for ubtaining and manifesting
the king's victory, compkting a development begun under th e
Roman empire four cent uries earlier. Triumphal audiences
a\serted the king'\ role in distant victories .. nt! the present ation of
the sy mbols of victory re .. fflttlled his personal tics to his
commandn •. In the course of the ninth century, Carolingian
chancelleries experimented with victory tirles , reflecting in Ihi, the
epistolary etiquette of the king's correspondents.
By and large. the Carolingians :I voided aping the customs of the
court ofConstantinopk, although the)' were doubtless aware of
them and even influenced by them. R:aher, they created out of
indigenous ceremonial, tr:lditiuns and ancient Iilerary forms; they
eclectically appropriated some imperial custums and transformed
them . The whole was powerfully cemented by the haughty self-
awuenessand ethnicity of victory echoed so loudly in:l document
li k<:, the prolugue of the Ln Snlica,14Q
The most 'triking "'pect of Carolingi,n court rito.1 is its
liturgical contt'nt and chaucter, which fa r out,trip even the
medieval court of Constantinople _ The next is the way Carolin-
gian ritu .. 1 is fitted into, specifically Ftankish institutional and
social context. Another impurtant point COncernS what borrow-
ing did take place. Nor a little ofth .. t c.. n be traced to It .. ly , p~rts of
which would remain a provincial outpost of Byz,ntium for some
time to Come. Mu ch of the borrowing involved Rome. the
prestige ()f the pope and the prince of the apostlcs. But Frankish
fa,ein:ltion with Petcr doc, not diminish the fact thOlt, down to the
rcign of Hadrian I. Rome waS in spirit :lnd in faci a provincial
town of the c",tem c mpirc_~'" In one sense, Romc's creative role

,. , Lu S,(i", , .... Til.!· TtXI , I'roloX .... , . nd <, ,d.

&koudt, 1( .... . Cn.,,,,,,,.mhu.
n,F, (Wdmu. 19j)). 3>.,-3<_6 .nd U .' - 90 ." 00 wOKh s« K.IlIO'O ... ;"', 'Lmuk,
'",M', pp, )3-9,
" . P.E. s<h"mm. 'l>" A",,,k<nnu"g 1(.,,,
ok. C,"""" .1> ",.j"", Ei. I(' p;"l .... ok.
F.anltillr viclory ct/tbralions

in fonning Carolingian court culture ought to be vi~w~d a. a

particularly distinguished ~xampl~ of the wider phenomenon, the
fascinacion the Byzantine provinces exerci~d on their hrbarian
The liturgy of war and imperial diplo matic poim the way to a
problem which lies out.ide OUT scope, the Ottonia" reception o f
the Carolingian contribution to the afterlife of the Roman
empire's eternal victory, A final avatar in th ~ anci~nt ideology',
transformation which emerges in the $Ccond half of the ninth
cemury will serve a. an excellent concluding point to this enquiry,
for it announces an even mOTe importam development, New
weial and political trend. triggered by a disinteg rating Carolin-
gian empire were de1lined to demonstrate once again the infinite
Aexibility of th~ ancient tndition of triumphal rulenhip, In this
regard the Sacramentary of Aries (Paris, B,N , lat. alll) which wa,
probably copied at Lyons early in the ninth century is mon tdling.
A Caro lingian hand o f the late ninth or early tenth century added
a 'Missa pro persecution~ paganorum' on a fly leaf. The prayen of
thi s supplementary Mass are identical to th ose found in the
Sacramentary of Angouleme's 'Mass for the King on the Day of
Batde', with a slight but significant exception. In Ihe service for
victory over the pagans as it was heard in th e cuh~d ral of latC
Carolingian Aries, the officiant nO longer prayed for the king'.
success. l"'lead he lobllituted the vaguer word. ' thy se rvants' .a..
In the cont~)ft in which it waS performed, the prayer for 'thy
s.o:rvants' can only r~fer to the real rulen of Aries, the powerful
hishop and the coun t or his representative •.·" Some tWO ceuturies
earlkr, Ih~ s.o:rviccs imended to secure the Byzantine emperor',

G<><hKh" d<-t mi,,,bl,,,lki'><n S''''''rmboli~'. Hi...n"r.. z.,"".,(II. '" ('91 ' )'
U9-J 'J: 0«., 'V""m:h,,', p...,m • • nd P. Clo""" • •R _ _ . ," ,........... , i......,-;. ..••
z.," Koj"' .... /Co." 4<, G .." .... pp. 0-'9.
,It (CLLA, 7..). r. , •...." 'S-nl pi«"" "in"..
Dcu •. .. I"'W.,,,, h«<Inlo' (,r. S.. ,.
A . "",_, no. ')"7): 'Omni"""",' .. mpitt:m< d<u, ...... ' .. . .. ad proprio .. mat<'
(i~~ .. no. 'jo' ): 'Quo> «I<>ti, domi .... dono ,,<U,,; . . . • ,,,uloti 101000' (,r. i~.,
"". 'J '0). For .he <oid<nc< of d•• 1X"m<n'''Y', "'" " Arb. C.,.1ofot< tIM,1 4<r
_ .""', Uri,.. 101< 10 l.Iibliotl>tq... N"k>n.1<1. 1 (P,"" (911). lOS·
m On ,r.. ,,,,,,nl', .".hon'r 'nd ill mnofo, m"k>n." Min in th. ninth .nd '<nth
<at .. ""', ... J.R. I'<>lr , Lot p,.....,."I. _ihl PH_1< (I7r" H). C..~_.
rl'" I" _"'" Ii", 1'0141<, '-' 1< M;ii (l'''''' '976), pp . ..,K: d. ilo~ .. p . 6, on
.r.. ",iii".,. o«i."y of ..chbilbop Roll,"".
victory had been ado pred and adapted to inSllTC the military
SUCCeSS o f thc Franki,h king'. Now. n ropl authority mc1{~d
away in Ihc upheavals of the nimh C"'tury. the '0(";1' amhorities of
a moribun d Carol ingian empire quietl y fashioned to their own U'""
Ihe Man fo r ropl viClory and ,",sumed the lilurgicaltrapping. of
royal power. The poetry of CCT.:mony mi rro n Ihe ucnmentuy's
1~limon y on rhe devnhuion of Ihe viClory ideology. Scduliu$
SCOUUI. (or enmpk. IUmed hi. talent! (0 a theone whO<C'
application would have been unthin kable in the world which
produced th e vocabula ry and gmrc hl' manipu la ted: the victory of
his bish op. Halitgar of Lit!;e who. rcsplcmlcm wid, the sword of
,alvation, crushed th e reb.,] Viking and d'"llpcned th e f,eld with
ca mage. lll To Ih e po werful COunt of Fri,,1i and 'victor inntm is'.
Seduliu, did 110 t hesi tate to apply th e :selfsa me "pithe! he u ~d for
the sovereign: dC)ltf "j"'"ph~Ii•. 2" The liturgy, poe try and
cere monial o( victory were now applied to the new territorial
potcnutcsdeslined 10 suppla nt Carolingiall supremacy and ..,1 (he
(one (or med ieval ci viliulion .

•" c...... '. I. T,,"b<. '76.1,-,61<1<1 177-,, - ,1; d . I>Il<hll"" StJoIio, s...,.,.
pp. 11_ ' . ",;,h ,he ",u<>t;"" ,lui ,h;, pK<. w", . . . ' " "'", ...
, .. C......" " ,~. T""b<. lO,.j-f; ct. >O).fJ- I ; e,,'" .... Iry. T"" ",,, '>0- 1, "",.
""1-'. cr. IJil<:h""8. -Stiwl,", S"".'. pp . "'-4.

Though symboli.m of state had clustered around the ruler',

victory .ince the establishmcnt of the Roman empire, the fourth
century brought change and fresh vigor. For half a millennium
thereafter, ,hi. symbolism contributed much to the conceptions
and public manifestations of rulenhip among the empire's heirs
in Ea.t and W est. Bm because this enquiry moves within such
broad geognphic and ch ro nological limits, its findings On
rulership. government and ,ocicty ineyitably pmse" a proyisional
Three main condusion. docrye mention right away. First.
sei zing the legacy of three hundred years of imperial victory
ideo logy. the rulen of the Constaminian empire presided oyc r a
renaissance of triumphs and triumphal rulership. Its aftereffects
reached far into the Middle Agel, both eanem and western. Not
infrequently, the intensity of the cdcbution was inyn...,ly related
to the significance of the victory. Thrcats from within and with-
out provokcd defiant usertions of imperial inyincibility-
sometimes forceful enough to ,kcw contemporaries' perceptions
of the siwation's Bra vity. Official bluster and entrenched attitudes
cushioned the realiution that. in the West, the days of the R om an
empire were numbered.
In part. the lCcond concl usion is methodological. Despite a large
measure of continuity from th e fourth to the eleventh Century, the
shape of imperial victory celebration. changed ince'lS2ntly: there
was no such thing as a 'typical' Byuntine triumph ceremony.
Assemb led from a large repertory of symbo lic gC5lures, each
performance responded to the specifiC need. of th e moment.
Eyery descriplion of a triumph opellSa window on a ,",ene of greu

freshness, ~nd itl surprising details are linked to its historical

context, connete :md immcdi:lte, in btc Roman ~ nd llyuntine
eiviliz:aion. Tracking various ch.nges ovcr the ceremony's long_
term d"vclopment h.sshown how ceremonic. rcfkctlargcr trends
ill • society" ,kveloplll<"llt.
The third conclusion concerns the destiny of victory ideology
in the western Sllccessor societies. Th;lllks no doubt to the bsting
preqige .nd power of Constantinople, the collapse of imperial
authority in the West h.d little effcct on this destiny. When
Gnmanic ru lers celebr.ted victory, late Ilom e .nd ByuntiUIll
profound ly sh.ped the public manifest.tion of their kingship. To
cite only tw O examples, the Visigothic triumph ceremony and
Chademagne"< epithets 'victor ac triulllphator' reve.1 how
puwnflllly • specifically Roman tradition could .ppe.1 to the
e.rly mediev.1 West.
The history of victory cdebr.tio"" r.iscs qucstiOll' on
broad <kvdopmcnts in bte antique .nd early mediev.1 civili7._
.tion. From the end of the fourth century, for exam ple, the
victor y ceremony tellded to ,hift fr om the strc~u into the circus.
Thou gh future reICarch on the I.ter Roman circus m.y further
clarify this change, it i. already evident that the new setting
changed the emperor's role in the victory celebr.tion. By
~ppear ing in the imperi al loge md receiving rhe homage of the
victuriou~ general .nd defeated enemie<, the suprem~ victor .nd
triumph.tor rcm.illcd the ceremony', fueu. and fin.1 cause. His
pusition in the imperill box neverthele~, removed him (rom the
,kf,lerneTlt o( bloodshed .nd the pO!~ntial responsibility for
defeat. At a time when a professionallTmy of mercenaries fou nd
less favor with. population burdened by he.vy t.xes .lld
requi~itions. the triumph.11l emperor in hi, loge hpt •
di",ncc from the tTO"pS. Moreover, this form of eclebulion
offered the general:l mc.mre of celebrity, even if- a, the calC uf
lldi",rius ,how, - it could alsu umkrline the gener.l's subordi-
n.tiun tu the ultimnc triumph.tor. In any event, by combini ng
a political spect:lde with a popular form of m;>s, entert .. inment. the
.uthoritie~ of a declining empi re gu.nnteed • • iz;>ble :ludienee, if
nut full credence, for their message.
Although the more tradition al form of vi ctory celebr.tiOll
probably persisted aklllg>ide this new form of extr:lV'S:lnU, it

.1 89

attracted Ie" auention. In the eighth century, ho we ve r, as the

army again pan ded in the .ueen of Comtaminople, the pen-
dulum began to twing in the opposite dirCClion. Ci rcus edebn-
tions IliIl s.erved as a ing (or imperial lTiumphs inlO the
elevemh century, bUI they were again p....alleled and $Ometimcs
replaced by pandcs through the sn eelS. Both (orms o ( tri umph
might include a celebration - for example, a banquet o r
reception - imended for a more s.elect body o ( plrlid pan ts. And
both forms indicate thlt the emperor' • .lubordinatn gained a new
centrali ty in Ihe ceremonics: (rom the eighth cenlu ry 10 the
eleventh, victorioul general.l (requeml y played the lead ing role. In
medieval Comtantino pl e, thaI is, com manden commonly in (ring_
ed on the imperial monopoly o( victory. A. these lubordinatn
oflen succceded in dominning One of Byzantium's grelt political
ce remonies, one should reconsider the usua l u sumption thn the
Byumin, monuchy preserved the aboolulC chuaelCr ofthe later
R oman Mate . W hen the emperor celebrated a u ium ph ove r a
rebellious arislocrat. he increasin gl y rel ied more on Iymbolic
punishmCTII than o n real penalties. apart (rom con fiscation. Ifthe
midd le Byuntine monarch y's growing tolerance o fariSlocratic
dillidencc ICCms to diKe. (rom Lne R oman practice, it docs
n:s.e mble royallll itudcs in the med ieval W m. where a great lord
o(ten trut ed with his rebellious magnatcs, fined them, and
rellored them to his fav or.
Here we confrontlnOlher methodulogical - or even epillem.,..
logical - prohlem, Th e $Our"s' visio n of victory ce lebrations
and, to some extent. the staged evenlS them se lvcs. gudually
Ihifled their focul from the manes to an elite. In the fourth , fifth
and sixth centu rics the emperon conveyed their mess.age o(
victory pri marily to the urban audience of tt..: IIfCCtI and circus,
whereas laler emperon like Thcoph ilus or Buil I began their
celebration with Ihe empire'sclitc , nd concluded it with a banqlK:t
for the bureaucracy. Ccruinly. late R o man emperon d id nOI
spurn their scnuon, bureaucrats and bishops. BUI Ihei. em phas;'
on the eireus suggCSl! thai, in tho5C ccnturies. the public display o f
rulcnhip Wl$ geared 10 the cro wd. In .hon, bte R o man ruknh ip
loah mall-oricnlCd. whereas thaI of the early Middle Ag". and
nOI only in Byzantiu m, looh more 10 the elite, through whom
the ruler hoped - indeed wu (orced - 10 go v(m.
The imperi. 1 provillcel phyed two roles in thc de,tiny of
triumphal ruletship: on~ within the nnpite. One beyond its
borders_ In the empire's intern,,1 development. their .ignific"ncc
"ppe"," to h:l ve ch:mgcd over th,- c~murie,. The provincial townS
of late antiquity witnessed 10c.1 victory celebrations. T hese
provinci.l festivals were intended to Ipread ueWI of imperi,,1
lUCCCIS. displ"y loy"lty to " triumphant "mperor or honor "
victorious rq;ional commander. But from till" dghth centllrr to
the eleventh. when B.silll celebrated hil victory over the Bulg,,,
in Athens a' well ,,_, Constantinop le. little is heard from the
provinces. An obvious conclusion ,ugg'-Sts that the e<"onomic and
soci.1 vit"iity of provincial life ,agged during the,e centurie •. But
perhaps thi, is too ,impk. It i, ,carcely wincid~mal that. during
this period. Byzantine generals enjoyed great triumphal hono," in
the c.pil:ll. The provine,. a),o reinlure<- evid"ncc from the capital
that the mOlt prev.lent :md potent form of imitar;o impr,;i
occurred not out,ide the imperi.l froruier>_ hut wi,hin them. a.
imperial olliee,", loo ked up the hienrchical ladd"r and tried to
p"ttern their own ritual deportment after wh"t they ,"w "t th~ top.
The twin pillars ofimpcri.1 power in the provinces. the Hmy
and the church. rebyed the message ofimpedal victory. Htlt they
allO served as forces for i",,,w.tion in imperial victory celebra-
tions . Miliu ry c~remoni,,1 al'p",,·nt l)-, influenced the rite of
prcsenting captiv c enemy leaders to the victorious emperor. It
might be ''''pected " well behind the grim ritual, involving the
heads of vanquished rebel,. for ,imilar display, can be traced back
to Julius C"es;,,\ time. when they werc used for mut;neers.'
Victory celebr;ltions also tap!"'d the Ch ristian thought world and
its public e:<pression in the liturgy. The first clear cortiunction of
Chri.tian celebration and illl!",rial victory appears late in the
fourth ~e11l"ry. And .• Ithough a <ymbolic ge""re like rhe ,al·
raliQ celli had" long hi,tory in "la~,i<""1 ,·ivilization. the sound of
P",lm 9D reverberating around J u"inian JI. L"o,uius and Ap,imar
shows Christi.. nity could reinforce an ancient tradition. But the
actual int'-gration of lilllrgic.l practin-, into imperial victory
p.rades - or at least. those which derived froll' the .ncient Rom .."
triumph - i, fint ott(\led Dilly in Her. clius' reigll. Before that .

.19 ,
specifically C hristi >tl pra ctices tend~xI to r<:main dinin et from
secula r observanc",. Even Justinian 's vi sit to Theodora's tomb in
the Holy Apostles' during the triumph of 559 is a. much an
o.tematio", act of personal devotion u a public synthesis of
Christian worship and ancient ceremony. In other words,
alth ough we Can trace the first .rcps in the christi.niution of
imp<: ri.l victory back to thc (ourth century, the .hirt wn
protracted through three centuries.
When victorious Burgundian or Lombard trOOpS raised a
toppled ruler's head on a lance, they paid homage to the victory
customs o( the btc Roman army. When Visigothic Or Frankish
biJhop. organized large-scale supplications for their kings· mili_
tary success, they marched in the foomep. of the imperial church.
lit othe r times, the channels arc le... distinct, but th e imp<:rial
mooers influence remains unmiuakablc. Temporally, the contri-
bution o( contemporary imperial victory conceptiOn< and prac-
tices to the West's naSCent monarchies cluste red in the f,(th
through the seventh centuries. Prccisdy in thi, cra the neW
iOCieties clta blishcd monarchies and made thei r first efforts at st.te
building. Bo th the empi re', power and its hold On the minds of
thne: kin gs and their Roman subjects were greatest in thi. period.
It was also, roughly speaking, the era during which Con<tan-
tinopk could still realinically claim more than .imple leade .. hip as
a regional power. All the Mediterran ean kingdoms , eVen tho§(!
about which the least i. known, adopted and adapted imp<:rial
victory customs and concepts. There Can be little doubt that the
central role of victory in the imperial idea and the many forms it
took helped fashion the image of ru lcrship in the new socict ie •.
But this imitation of em pire raises in tu m further questions: its
causes and it! nalUre.
In the Albertini Tablets, the Pomptine Mar.h inscriptio ns and
royal panegy rics, we sec Rom . n subjccts taking the initiative and
applyin!! to their Germanic king. Ihe imperial tra ppings of
victory. Mu ch like the development of the imperial cult under the
principate, this 'imperialil.1tion' of the G~rmanic king' came, at
least in p.rt. (rom below. Wilh this adoption ofimperi. l victory
ideology, the population itsdfintegraled its foreign kings
into the prestigious traditions of the p.. t and voiced its newfound
loyalti",. Theooeric'. medallion, Huniri". areng. or Clovis'

parade at Tours show the oth~r s id~ of th~ ",in. The s.ame process
moved in th., opp",ite diren ion, for by manipulating tr. clition.l
forms and pres<:ming himscl f as onc of' them', the ruler created a
favorable e1ill"'te for conscnsus b~twcen Gam:.nic ruler ;II1J
Rom :1I1 rulnl.
But the bulstning of roy"l pn'stige n'quired morc than sim pi y
winning over the Roman population, for [he turhulcnt clTeers of
.,. rly Gnm.nic rulers ,how the we.knns of king,hip :! mon g the
newcomers to MediterrancJn civilizatiun . The Agilulf visor or
ArginlUlld's pa.,de ofinf;uny at Toledo offer th ..' \:1I11e Ic",m: by
explo iting the tr"pping. of imperi.l victory, the new ruins
burnished their prestige and power in the eyes of their Germ.nic
fullowers a, well as their Rom.n subject,. Hence thr p .."dox that
imperial power enjuyn\ high esteem among those credited with
it. destruction, Though the crise, of the late sixth and ,evemh
centuries shook royal and imperial authority .like, the imperial
ritu.1 model continuc'd to eekbr~ te the [kfeats of usurpers and
regicides . When w., in question, Byzantium provided
r'.Slurante .
Thi~ Wl> nowhere truer th.n in Visigothi" T hrre, ""
:lmhiti om monnchy and a powerful .ri'lUnacy shared J deep, if
implicit. appreciation for the civilization and political institutions
of Constantin ople. At the ~~me time, the competit ion between
mon. rchy ;lnd ari,tocracy fmterrd the roya l imit~tion of
Only in in ("aT])' ph,,\(, did the kingd om of the Franks .dhen· to
the pattern of the other r(~"~. The written muree. suggest th . t
roy~ 1 . ppmpri. rion of imperi~1 ceremon;,,1 form ~ pe"ked in the
sixth ami early s.c~enth cent urie,. Aftn th{" ini tial drc"dcs of th e
",vemh century, the p.ucity of evid{"nn' on ruy ,,1 ~iClory
cclcbr>tio n - .p ..t from th e ~mbjgunm t~"imnny of Wm~
liturgical m;!lIuseript, - ,,",verel), hi"ders judgement on sub-
S<:tjuent borrowing' from the imper;;! ] model. 2 When the clouds
lift ullder the first Carolingian ki ngS , w~ lind a (Oun which, if
surpr isingly 'orient.!' in son,.- .,peets of its life-style, rdic'd

'K,user, K"" '~J,~'''ki".", PI' . • '''r,h",b .... J"cco" """",i,o'''8 M<ro""~""

f, ,,,m."OH ",,01, co",,,,,,,,,upk' n, 'h< eyU"" of ,h, ",,,,, ,10 W""'y. IlUl V,,·rel..
'Ch,II,' . P<>'" '' H' 01" YPP<>"O< J " w"",, ,ht J"'Y " " ,II "'"' .
none(he1eI5 on (h e local (radi(ions of Fr;ltll:ish G~ul, ~ ugmen(ed by
borrowings from Byzantine Italy, Eighth-century Frank5 rudy
looked <0 contemporary Consuntinople for the sy mbolic forms
of their public life, Thei r debts to the imperial tudition differed
from thore ofthc fint kingdom., In their coins, Ic~ls ;lnd titles, thc
euly Catolingi~ns commonly mrned away from eighth -c~..,tury
Constantinople ~nd toward a more dilt .. nt imperial past,-' In part,
Italian influence on Francia explains this. And in patt, the aura of
Byzantine power was still I.rnished in preci",ly those dec.dcs
when Funkilh dom inion reached ils apogee. Eighlh--ccntury
Franks found in the fourth and fifth centuries Ihe new model of
ruJcrship which they sought. Only in (he co ur", of the ninth
century did a resurgent Byzantium begin to ch.nge th.t . It is no
accident that the first Carolingi;1n to don 13 yzantinc imperial robel
in Francia did 10 during the .ucecl,ful reign of B•• il I. Franks and
Visigoth. differed ma rk edly in their receptivity to Byzantine ,t.te
symbolism and correspondingly in their bro.dcr cultural orient-
ation. Note for example that in Spain some Goth. look Ron",n or
even dillinctly Dyunt;n, name., while Rom . ns t<:nucu to
maintain their traditional ones. In Franci. , the oppmitc t(ndmcy
prevailed and Germ anic nameS gai ned a clear upper hand. ' At any
tatc, Carolingian appropri .. tion or renewa l «'Rcned new develop-
m~nn in Franki,h <-ociety and military institutions_So much w, in
fact, th .. t customs lik e speci~l propitiatory ,ervic", for roy .. l victory
took on a life of rheir Own and were in turn u,urped by the
territori ~ l powen th~t emerged out of a collapsing Carolingian
Between the sixth and the ninth centuries, two parallel
developments in hst .nd We~t h.v~ contradictory implic.tion,
worthy of note . In the liturgy of vinory, rhe transformation of
Roman liturgical texts ma kes ~ x plicit what w~s implied when
Wenem armies and churches developed special war supplications.
Here, the imperial church I~d (he way and fumi.hed we.ccm rulers
wi th a tool for State building. The final appraisal of this connection
must await .. thorough philological .nd liturgical analy,is of the
L~{in texts. Once the appro ximate date and circum't.nces of

, CbU<n, 'Rom"".m I uM."", ''''p''iNm', p. 'J .

• X< 00'" H_ Ebli"~ , J- J.rnUl .nd G. K.mpcn. 'Nomm <1 8<n,', f.""i• . i ( 1')1-0).
611 - 7H_

origin emerge "nd ~he
co rre;ponding ~vidcncc for ~hc orthodox
liturgic~1 ~r~dilion h"s ocen a,!.(" rnbkd .nd n-~lu~~td. ~ com-
parison nuy oc .tI~mpled . Non<.'lhde", ,ome puts of Ihe nory
seem c.-idem: L,'o Ih,' Dc.con\ I(·rnh...;enlury ~cCOUnl ofTz",,-
is(''5' dep.rture ,crvicc ' Iriking1y r("Semble, Ih" sevcmh"';"mury
profufio b(IIi{~ of V isigothic k i"fls, whose roy.1 errc mo"i.1 owed
SO much to Com,. "fi"o pl,'. I" gelln.J the b"rbui." kingdom s of
Ih,' !<,'vcnth cen!>'ry ,n.y pres.·rve d"ull( ,'ehoc, of devclopmnllS
111 lip'l1ltium whkh . b,uu!<,' "" few Hyuntine SOurCC" Su rV'V,·
from fhis pniod, .ft .tlesled.~ hom e only I, ter .' Thi, n,. y b.:
anOlher inll.nce.
Imifmio imp"ii, docs not, however, expl.i" .11 panllel,. Frum
the' sev"mh n ' ]] IUry , hut It G,-rmanic ."d Il YZ'n, ine ru leTS incrc ~,_
mgly soughl IU impre" Ih,';r power .nd' ly un Ih"ir
U i'tOefll" ulher Ih." un Ih"ir mnr,' humble' ,,,bjat'. Hen',
Med itcrulle . n- wld" Ir,,,,fomut;o,,, Commut,- r~lhC't th." Ihe lin k. Differently ".tcd, par, lId dn'dopm""t 5 m
,ibling ",ci"tie, may trigger pn.lkl cunsc'lumccs,
These ,i mibnt ic\ corre'p'lIld to cc· cO"I;nuili"" For . 11
their differen c,",. ""Ille "p.:cn u f t"nth- .Iul d",'cnth_cetllury
Byuruinc cc.enmni.1 .em. in true 10 !he It't!n. if nO! till' spim, of
Ihe I~ te Rom.n modd . N o doubt, the ;11Ip'·.i.1 gov" n""e"t" ,
tradi!ion .nd ..,ut"'c' show m,,,:h continui!y, Slill, for lU "w',
political. soci.! and cultural aim" Ih,' lJy z~",i"e ruling cI."
Ilrit\cn tly ~ s"' r!ed th>! cOllli"'1II), .nd thneb y nu gniticd .nd
disturted it.& Though W,', rem rulers borrowed f. om Ihi, tradition,
prior to 800. "onc d. imcd!o mcanut, ;1 .. C"",I.minupk ,ltd,
In both Ea5t ."d W e, t. vinor), seemed the prerog.tive of a
pH!iculu p"opk. y,·t, " ','Slnn ItOIIOn , uf I'I(~ory's ,· tI,ni';! )'
di,-ergcd from easlern unes. Granted, the 1.1<' R o m~m pnc<-ivcd
~heml-c1vcs a, • ,ockl), which nniquely ""joyed I'ictory, . nd
Byzantine "d.m.t;o", ,-cho.:d that cunn' p!ion. Hut the "HIO" ,
Ger!".nic peoples , trcs!-Cd mo. e "igoromly the elhnic monopoly
, f,," ",u..,1 b~ II. ,S, lur<'. '11>'''''''''' t.,,· .n,1 ," ' '''r'W"' h ~ ' h< (;'-",,,m .no ' h,
A"t.., Hr'" ,~(, '" . sl, .. \ ~'. on ''"'"'''~''' ""nh 'u""n"' ~ I"" '" ~y"""u,,,-
• H. A",,,, ,,I<,, 1:'''_'''1'' ,..,f,',,/,,< k I'f"r'" iF"""" (1'"" , ' ~7jI, PI' .~- 'O U
p""",h N,d,,,!,, t', «P'''«" ,,, S~'n"H' of Ih'l ~m •. ('" " .• ""'~ .bu",·<t, ' f<' ,~, ....
who ." t.~ d;,,", ""''''"' ,",,,,,,,'0 "",n ,.. ""ty '"' P'" wo"h God n" f" "J
mdi,,,,,lubb", ""h', ~r. 'S. ,J. ,"J" II. J H J''' ' '''' ",J l.G W""""l, C;(' UM, "
(W,,"mg''''' ' lJ C , 19'/J) " , '0\ 7. ' f " , '}] '00 .


on victory. Lombard5, God.. and Funks all celebrated victory a5 a

special privilege of their o wn crhnos. One Can n~irh~r disprove nor
demonstrate that these claims gtew 0111 of ancient Germanic
conceptions. Hut Cveo when - witness an Isidore of Seville - the
new pcopl<'!l' btin historiographen boasted the ethnicity of
victory. they had onc~ again reacted to the enduring myth of the
Roman empire's eterul victory.

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Select biblio,Rraphy of secondary sources

Thi' h,,;, not ;ntended~,. gene..! guide to the lite ..,urc_ It i, moant
only to .id the re.der by ,upplying the full referonce for 'ho," nud, ••
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[j,hdon,j.P .V.D" L,jt .nd Iti,urf in .n,i"l/ R,'mt , Now York, 1<J69,
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B"I/(I;" d, !"I,m;!"! I'onroi, d'o,d,;"I,'gi, ,"i",/~Ir. 7~ (197~) . 1~ _\ '
~I2 .

(;, .• b,,,...... L','ml'"m, ,I,,,,, 1'. ,/ "r"'''Ji'''' 1(,'d,,,,l/c, "" r,." "tfind ,),'
1'""/",, .1'0,1"". 1'"blL(.""m d,' I. hn,1tr d," I"",., d,' rUm-
\'<"c<"" de StL« I"',,,~, 7j , 1'"",. ",_,1>.
l;,ic",'n, 1'_. ",d 1I,·llin~'·r. A.le. C"','I",~"e "{II,,, /ly.,,.,,;,,, C"'-"_'!PI ,I, ..
D","","'"" O.,k, ""J;" Ii .. , Whillo'''''w C-.'liN, .. ",. W,.nm~'''''.
D_C . 1<,'('(,-,
(;",11",,<1. R __ Ro"Cl«"I ..', "" In ;"" "",;,,,,, ")',-.111"''''' , Ikrlj"er by,.,,,-
,jlli"i",he Arb,·i"'n . j\. 1",.1"" "i<">7
I b hn. W .. ,\ I.'''f I<> 1I''1''',i; HF ,m';,, '- _ R1'1""';' ,to~''' ' ,in /""X",,,, II" ''''',. ,w I
')""'r,,,r/,-,,,",'lld,;,,h,, (;"""iI".~,·. Vle llnJ , '~7 _1-·
H .. llj". l.. L" -,"ppl"d'io" J' "",i,,,,
J.- ~"k<"J ,I,,·. I" R"""""" Blhh"th" ~''''
d,' I> F.n,lt".I. phd""'ph'" ,., I~tt ,,·, de ru",,,,",,,,<, ,k L,'·)!". '! ~ .
1'.111', ")I~
H.uck. K .. ·v"" ,·i nn 'p:i, >"tlle" 1l."Jklllt", """ b,ol"')!l,,-h"ll
Emo p' . fA/S, , ( "J" 7). l 'J_I ·
J"",,,- A.H.M_, "1'/", I""" R,,,"",, coup'"'' '' " >(,,,1. ,'"""""" ""J ."Im;","',,·
,,,., """'y. Nmmm . ' ''''' 4.
K.' '" I",n. (; _. Pc,"'''l'' JC I, i (lor /Ie I" , ,~,,,,/", '", ~ <II" j I " " .~,,,,. '"",,10 '" .\ P""'!, "_
Sr.lI",,-he l:o"d1\\\l~c" JeT G(;"C'~ l·,dh,h "tt. 2. ' 7 , Miimll",

".""""w'o. E_H .. "Th.· " K",!:', Ad""It, " . "d ,h,' "ltt!:"'''1<' 1'"'1<"1- Llt

d'e .1""" of S.l\\'., S"b",'. S.-/w,·,/ -"",1i(>. Lon," V. ilC)'. "'~\.

PI' ]7-7 \ ·
K" ')'''''''''I", lo'. J../)d' Fo'ltd"""" '''"'' J.., );"!oo)'"'",,,;,,,-,,I,,,tI " '"" ' ''_''
S" d ''''~'''''l' .. ",h~ A,h""~Il , j !, /l.-hll",·h_ "J_\~ .
K I" \J "'"' . T .. G "d'" 11\1' Ire A,~,," ~ ~ ,.. L"" '!I"',~\' ,.-/" ,-111,'. /,; i,.-h,'"gf ,.-/" ""'-
",r,/ cI"o',lii,h,." .~""",' I,'g"'. j Ac' r'~;iT"H1t~ , h " "d . .I, MU""<"T.
'~7 4,
K "e '" I. I'" /) i, .\ leg"';'" I,,, '" ,/" ", '"i"I"·,, 1(,,; m . I '", ,', ,' I " I,Jj tI.~"" 0Jj ,I""
S<CX").c ;""",,,, df ' ,',,'m ,,,,,I Z"','"... , -",I"{",,,J.->l.', H VI'""l\l<·",.lI " ,
!J. G;;"",~en . ",("' _
K"lIw,t" J-, 0"""",,,1,, [,I"",k
<In ,I,c"""".",,,.-I,,·,, ;;:,.;" S,udu'" ""
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Descriptive list oj figures

Fig"" I (p.)8). Rome, Arch of Comt.mine. Ea.t .ide. A.D. JIS

(courtesy of Deunches Arch.o]ogi,che, lmt;tm Rom)
Relief .howing Conn.ntin • • triumph.l entry into Rome on ~9
Octo~r ]12, after hi, "icwry over Maxentim. V.tiom uniu of the
";,(oriom .rmy U(: p.r.ding through the C.mpu. M'rtiu" tlying
vexill • • nd dr. gon st.ndard. on their w.y into the city. At the extreme
righl . the p• .,de ent." tho Arch ofDomili.n; "" the left, in the pl.ce of
honor OJ the p. rode·, end. Cousr.ntine emerge< frnm the city . ide of the
Port . Fl. mini •. He is seated in • fou,-wheeled, pulled by [he
tr.di[ional four ho"e tum. See Ch •. 2, I .nd 1. I .nd 2.

F;g~rts:t-5 (pp. 52-5). P.ris, Mu,ec du Louvre. inv. 4951, sixteenth

cClllury (Photo: cliche de< Mu.e .. N.tion."x)
One of several e. rly modem drawing. of the relier. of
Con51.nt;noplc·, lost fourth_century triumph. ) column!. Thi. one may
depict >culpture, from the ~ol"mn of Ar"dim. ,hawing the triumph.l
entry of Fravitt., M.,ter of Both Service., illlo New Rome. Figure ~
,how. the procession', conclmion, with rhree captured b.rbari.n"
in a p... de of infamy: they srraddle c. me], and have th eir .rmS bound
behind their b.d.•. Figu re] ,how. the comm.nder". group •• it enten
wha, seem. to be. ciry gare. figu re. 4 and 5 depict the opening .egmeat
of the p. nd e, barbarian" esconed by viuo[ious Romon
,oldicr$. See Ch. z, J .

Fjgure 6 (p. H). M~r1~b"rg , Archiv d~, Dombpireb. Cod. 202.

eleventh century (co"rte,y of Kurt W~itzm.nn)
fragmentary medie~ .1 copy of Ion lifth-century co",,,l.r .nn.b of
R.venn •. In an .ro of murp.tion, the tr.dition.l triumph.l di'play of
defe.ted pretenders' become . disturbingly cOmmon fe.ture of
imperi.l cerentoni. l and propog.nd •. Pictured here >Te rhe he.d. of the
u,utpers Jovinm .nd Seb •• ti.n, .nd th.t of their brother SoU".riu •. They
figu,ed In.viclO'y .. 1.-1>.,"01\ <uged hI' Ih,' cour! of I~,,'.,,". In II 1)_
4!Z, s.,~ Ch •. 2, ~ ;md J, '-

Fi.eur< 7 (I" 'J9)- W .. h;n!l"'''' f),C. f)umb""", O, h C"lkW"n .

A_P . 778 - 80 (ml >rged: mune,)' ofPu",b',"'n O. k.)
The obven" uf ,hi. gold nm,,,,ma ",u~d " C""''' n'in()pl~ ",,,,k ' L,'()
IV .nd CO" ... """', VI may ,ep'~ocnl Ihe ITiumph n 'kh ,.t,·d by till"
theme (nmm>l"le" .It the Soplum,e 1'.1 « " III the ~ .pi .. [". A"",
mburh. (l>le 778), Pu,ing th" c"'~"'nn)'. l~o ,,,d hi, infmt .on wCf~
enthroned in a O'to{<I<: . Th" nn" n,.y lIn'e he"n ' I,u"k for Ih,' large"
d,,,,ib,,tcd ,juri"g tl,,· "'<lOr)' ,·<-I~b.,,,,,,, . s..... Ch . 4. ~ .

F'gur< ~ (p_ '(1) , M.drid, Uibh"tt,(;, N . ... "".tl. C"d , V", . ~(,_~ . (ul.
37«(\0 r M.d,id Srylitz"f) . twdt,h UtnU,Y. Si ...! Y' (I'hoto: U,hholCc,
N .e;on,!)
The mini.ture .'(()"'P''')''''); Scyhlle, . n",,,,, "f M,d •• cl 1[",
triumph over ThomOl th" SI , v .tlldn."nple ill O ctohe, ~~J J,·pi .. " tll<'
'4J,«,;0 'oW. the " . dlt,o".1 late R um,n g"stu," uf ", .. I victory O'T'
nnqlli,hro ,",urrr" , So,, eh, 4. j,

hgu,,~ (1'_ '(9), W.,h'ng'nn, fl .C .. Dumb, rlo" O.b Colle"",,", ,

A.I) . 8jo/ ' - 42 (enlarged: (oum,y of Dumb.flon O. h )
Th;, cop~rf~!I" w"I',ol"hly ,.. ued.r CU""'''ti''''pl,', p"rI,.!', ,,'
co"nr<,iun wi,h Theuphilu> triuntph, "vet ,h~ At.tb" The i" n"I'>",'e
obve'''' h", ),,If_port'''' ,,,he, tllln rhe <T.d",,,n, ] b",1. Thi' .lIuw,·d
the ci'''g'''' '0 dep;,·, ,h~ e"'I"''''' ' /""" ., wdl .. rhe """"1'1,, 1
he.dd,c» n, ruf4 . The ,~v.,oc ]eg" 'ui, Wmten "' G"" k '" the "",.1
La rin ch ar.eren. erh".·, ,h~ ",urnph.1 ,,'r,.. ~c: 'Y"u r()II~\le,. ,)
lIug",,,, . Thcoplulu." Sr~ Ch_ 4. J-

F;,f"" J~ (I' . ]7')_ M.dml. ll,hh,,'ec. N,,,,o,ul. (:,,,1. VIt,. ~ Ii_ !. (" I
'7H·n",. ,wolf,h <c""" y (l'h"I<" IlIht.o',·" N ,,,,,,,,ul)
Thi. illul""'o" ofSq-li .. n· . ceoun, uf John T,im,S(e, . 'l"'(ucllIJrl y
o"'nt.,io,,, ,et of hUn,il"y ,ho,.-, the t,,"mph,1 en"), mW (;on'''',_
tinopl. i" Y71 .• ft,·. tI,,· ""'rrr<>r" "'etMy Ow, <lu' ll u<,i,,,, . ",1
Buli'..i."" Th. p... de· , foe.1 poi"t w><. '-' ptll,cd in'" o(th,' V"!(,,,
,nd rhe Bnlg •• i,,, '''I\.li • . The"" Tzi","ec. pl ' ced in • W'I\O" .".i
roll"wcd "" hn".h"k ",to ,h. <·'pn,l, '" ord", ,,, "ft·" h" " ..... "
",ooe<'y .ud di"in" ' 1'1',0".1 of hi' .CltO"',

/")("" " (I'. lHJ ). M.dnd. ll,bli",~n N ..,o",d, 'od. V",- ! " -l . f"l.
U 4,'e"o, twelfth ,en'my (Ph"",: ll,hl"'t~r. NK'I)''''\)
Lisr ojfi:;'I"(s

The eunuch "b4,r'phe.wI Stephen Perg. men", i, .hawn in the pl.ce

of honor" th. end ofth. triumph.! (contrary to th. mist.krn
implic.tion of the Gr..,~ caption). riding the tr.dition.1 white ho .....
The triumph celebrated Stcphcn', of the u,urp<'r Grorg.
M."i.<c •. who,"" hrad wu yed for> 'otCand time in thi. praa.sinn.
held", Comuntinopk b.:twc.n M.tch .nd July 1041. The "i«oriou>
offici.1 cdeb uted hi. uiumph in imperi.1 f"hilln. as the i';nn.. y led
,hrough th. c.p it.l', b..... to ,he church of 'he C h.lke. where
Con.undne IX Monom"hu • • nd th. 'wo purple-born .mpr..... were
enthroned. See Ch. 4. 6.

Fig"" I~ (p . >90). Flo rence. Mu ..o n•• io n.k del Bargello. A.D.
,9 1- 6I l·
Thi. remark.hle .d.pmion of . t ..dition.1 Roman triumph.l .. h"m.
i. the udieS! kn own pert .. it of .n enthroned c;.,rnunie rul ... The
gilded helmet "ioor .how. two winged Victories presenting R om.n and
Germ.nic suppliants to the triumph.nt king of the Lomb..d •. H. i.
depicted with th. long .nd beard eh.rae •..,i.tie o f hi. people.
wilhout • crown . • nd gra.p ••• word .. the .ymbnl of hi •• uthority . Th.
word 'VICTOR Y' i. inscribed on each ofth •• t.ndard. carried by the
Victo rie,. The damaged in ><ription >round the ki ng'. he.d completes
thelescnd 'TO OU R LORD KING AGILULF" . The king may h."e
presented the helmet to one of hi. followers . Sec Ch. 1, 4.

Figur( I) (p. JJ9). Pari •• Biblioth,>que Narion.k. D~p.rremrnt de.

mid'ill ... A.D. lH- H (Photo; Bibliothequc Nation.le)
The obverse of this gold ,oliJuI imita... ;mpori.1 ;"u.. but .how. the
Mcrovingi.n king Thcudcbett in the milit>ry uniform of Rom.n
~mpero", including the triumph.1 ruJ~. T he !~gcnd avoid. the roy.1
.id~ .nd reads: ·OUR. LORD THEUDEBER T THE VICTOR'. S..,
Ch . 9. !.

T ... L.,," I"'"·"'o<d, of I... [))'7'''''"' ,0"""''',,'',,'' 'PP"" m ,hoI ,,,,le, ,,,,,k, ,h,,,
L,,,,, fu.m .... """ bo<h G,,",,~ ,oJ! "'" f,,,,,,, h,,-< 1><,,, u,,-·J '" , ... "" (; ,,,-~
'"hm",1 '"m, ,>lC"' " '""" pl.e< ,,' ,f>< f_"FI"" . 11,h."', •

A" .. ", l\j, J~j , 1""""<, ]"70"" 1"'''''''' ' l<' p,,,,,do- u-.''''I!",I..,
"" <<><1,,<,1. I i , ,mg'" 11,nS6. I""",n"" 'l) . 'l j .
A" ,,", I.S ,p....,,"""y o"J",,,bk . " ]' ",Io"J
Anbo , "'II. r"",." "'~" . );1 ,,, m Com,"""" "I , """"ph,. '_' .
Ab".m"". '" V"~m "r n ~~, '1"'''1. '~J"" ] ' ,s" '" ...
Ab •• h,," . !4J, H~ l lQ;M,d"dlll" j' >;11",11,
AbU I,,,., .I·t.hnlci;no, ";,on , '0 'SJ - fi, ,]., coml""""''', " J: ro", ·
Abo; ~I".f,. 's. pm , .oJ, ,.", "'roo"h,l"y "f
Abu'I' A!>';" ,,",,, '" ' . oM. '"] , ' 6S. 1""'1" """ '. "I: ,,,",,,ph, uf ~<r","1o.
A<","" 'lin!" "'""n' , ,"0
,,,y.1 ~'),,,,,~, .. h",_ ' ''''''.
' j). ,,,:
0". I,nmb",t, ""II><.d ,j"pl""
.",<u""" ,mp'",I, ,<0, '9,. 100. ""'. '~I -. , V"'K",h.c. I ' ' . chu •.-h
,,,,,,".,0,,; 11. 'I' J. N ""'phuw, ,,,.,,,nJ.. "'~' 1'0. YO<"~ l' ",J
II. ,61- 9: "",r,,
'0 H'PI'".Ir""",, ~ ., "'U,P"","" 1' 0 " M,,, ... ,,,~,,", . ,"
'"'1""" »0. I"g"', "9: '~Y'I ~"h~r' , JJ""!'
,,,\,.1, C" .-.I ",~,," ,
lomb" d. , Ij, A~ilul( '~ ' . JJ'. ""1"'''' 1. U."km.~.~, by
V;"~n,h",, )00. ) 0'. J'-"'. jol "ll: 11)"""",,< .."b,,,,J.,,,, -'''''''''''
C"olio~"o, JM. I"J. JM . ,,,J A, "'1'" IH. Coo". " "nor l<. '1"" '"
""">II"' ]1'0- 1. ,.C!i ,,~, J61, A" ,um, '". '"
Ch"""" ' Ko<. ""P'''''I. 1M. 1". J" , Ad . h·.hl. ,,,
,oJ 1"1'.1 kIt,,,, , n ';; In",, ,"" AJ"" Lj.
p,,,,,,, 1M, Ch,,1n ,I>< 11,1<1. HO '. .Jd, ..., 011;,',.1 ' 0"""'''''''''''''',
lou" ,I>< St.",m'''', )7 <: '" .1,,, 0" '" , J' , 1'J ~: ,-ic'", y "k.,j~ y.
''''''''''''''y. ,<):,,,1 0)6- 1 , '11""' >; V",~~'h "- , ]'1;
«d."",,,,,,,, ,mp'".. I. ' • . , ~ . .. ,. C.,ol,"~ .. ", no ' J
' 1j , 'I). I~I. M",",., of N.«pho"" A<kkh,,_ , ' 1
II , '09: .""",,"wnc"". '~l, 'J): ~,,"_ ' " g'''U"''
<!f(U'. I. OJ, " " '''''''K.I>. "0. '16, oJ... "_.I,,, "'"'<7
''''<''P''''", ","lh" l,"n. """u,)' .. A~';.nDrlc , " . " , <J. W. ''', 1>- '"
H.g,. Soph". ,,<>on m""k, ';. "J. " •. , _,;"" •. , 17
oJ"""" i"'p<",I, ~J. ,(>!\, ",nu,": Ab.nd<t ,he G,,",, "
1);", 17"7' TIlu" 100 ", 'Y'"41: AI<:<>l1o,; •. 7• ." . ,. r9!n' l: p.,ri",h ,
Con"'"""' I, 3<: C,.","n, II. 'J); ' JJn,06
L,o V. '<>y, ><"i'''}6: Th'''philu •• Ai<>iu, Mu><k. "', '47, IJO
" 7"JJ: NI«photu, II . 'jM9'. '6<.>. ....If""'" II. J76. ),1
"17"." Con'''n'",< IX. """9')' .11<i'"tr"", )73
b,n,l" C""",",,,,op l<. 9' - ): .It.., 140. JD\I. 1'0. 1<>: .nd ''''!NY
oo<"I0",,""m. 'l l n, )0: ,m,1I 10""", bulk,;'" "'7-1 ; tu 'KtO'y Df
')" ""'" of "' y. ".>9' .tld ","mph.l <mp<ru •. ,I
"",')'. J~ . . . 7nj). 90: off..:i.I,'. Am,l"un.h., '1j-6
"7,,,6~ , 'j', 'J ' - jn'" , p'p,1 .... m.kk, 14)
i<~"M, "In'02; "'pt Th""hK ,
>7). >7)nOO; I...,m b,,". ,8!:
"'"'""U'. Sr. JJJn19
.....""'i.non. >I !
Vi " ~o.hK. )0>: Moro',og;,n, JJ'. .m\>,> .... <10" , <>8It'o), ,06- 7. '!I. )60:
CIo,"" PI"l', Gumh"m, PI''''. BYll""r><. lCd,im CIu,k,n'gn< ,
bi!h"p', Jj<t- J. orf!cl. I,. )1' , «I"" J66t, ,,,., '" .1", .ud;"o«,.
J) J"9: "'1'1, C.,ul"*i.,,. 161. "«p';""': k~"ion,
17'- 4, Ch"km'~o' " Romo .od .mbo.1I, '"I. ""': «< .1"
<xm h', oJ"",",, 'JJ"" ' . po<o". Soph;,
)., '-1: '" .1", O<CU"",, triumph Anlb,,,,,, of Mi l.o. oJ. ,,., 14 j; .no
d~,,~roc, '): '" .11. InvK,", v;'-,my bulletin, ">7-!: comp' ''' , i•
Af,,,, •• '1, 6 J , "I. 'j), ' JJ: '" .1", •,1,,,.. '0 "iO"lph, ',nJ I
V.0d.1> Amm""u, M.«dh,,", . ... , 15. 37. "I.
Af""nu" .': '" ./" <"~n"min. ,?, ,,I: R" t"'ot 10. '0. ,->: e, - ):
A~"h ..". »1 ho!tlli,y '0 C".",,",iu<. I" 00
'\gIlulf•• '1, 'oJ .•.,..: vic"" . od ,uk, v«,o'y bulletin. ,,, p,oyi",,,, ..
of Rom,", .od b"b .. i.m. '9>: Amo,i," dyn."y. '44-)'. 'JI-6
• i "" , '89-9), '9), 19J . .. !: An" .. ~",I: )''9.71.94 , ,,)", , 6. 'H •
f""m"" , '9'-) l)M'4. '4"",0. '5701:10. )0<:
Agab,," . )1,. )i'0')7 ";umph" 0'_' , yi<to.y ,nd f,,,,,,1
'Kon"'K ","<OP'''''''. '" 'PO'" pol,ey. 6'; .nd Cloy; .. JlJ: ord<"
.sou. '77n ,l ) op .. ,h to p,,';,iplt< in p,o«uion"
A;""Ir. >'~ •• n61; '01 .. ,,<,.6J' "'" Thro<k,ic,
Hy",n, 76 ',<np , llJ. >7~, '77"e •• ' _ ' , JJ'

AI.h", 'OJ - )
.... I;,,,.y, '''' A"",,,iu,, p."',,,h, 'll
A"",,,iu, B;blio,o«.. iu" <i6ol'D\I.
AI.m . ",,""" " )4, ')0. ' 71 ,)S"... '09"96
AI,m .. "",u,. "I, >77: If< .1", Anatoli., JI~. 'n",!6
"'g"un""• Ao"ohku" th<m<, 117, 'J'
n61. 'Hnl ,
.... l.mund". '9jn)' Ancy<> , 'JJ"j
....<u" 63: '" . 1", co~numin, .... n&,.."h. lJJ. 160
AI.n, . • ' And,onicu. r:>uc••• ,!7
AI..,c, j6, W. ,,' .ngd, ,n" ,II ,,;nt>, Ii'"'ginl ro.", )60,
AI.tI( II. '76 '"gcl of v;«o,y. '09. )47 , J79
.... Ib,,'ll , 2,& A"goukm<. HI' ,« .1", u< .. nt<n",y
Alo.""" T,Ok". ,66. )9'
Al bi""" ll<"~)
/lleti'n. 149. )70, ]7'. J7J, )!" m .1",
Aoi."" Suppkm<nt, )1'.
Ani",u>. HI"'"

.... "..n. >uppk.,,"", d'IK~ "'''. 'J, ..nM: u<.11. invi",",

AI,pp", Jlo. '6!: <mi" Il9 .",m. l" p",d<d, 's.

",,, ,,, ,,";<m , " " '" 0 1", "'po llin,,;,. Sidonio', >93 - 9
. .... , com,]' i~o~",tl . 'I1n,, 1
,1.,,/t, /1<"'"'0'; , Joo ~~o!w.""". 'J6t\<),
,1"."1" /;;""'''/;. JJJ "'1"".I.. h. 'jin ,o.
04 •• , 1" AI""",,, f,i"". J'" Hj , )76 i "",'''~I', , S]
04"",1" ,,~; F,,"'","m. H'. "'po<tk" Holy, C"","n';nopl,. 'J 7 ,
. "m v...."'y' "" p<", I. v''''''y ' 'u 1'. 'Oin9' , U>!n9). ">0), ,, ~: P"""" .
<. - j. 7J- <. 71> - ' . 'u' , .nd ::oS; Th,odor" 10mb. J9'
« I<b ,,,,,," ef m ''''I.:, "" ' l ', "'p"m". N L
)""vm,<",. J'" "sn. l. ,i , 3j,,22 . '1>9. "'qu<duc'. 'w,'h w"" , " 7
,_,<;>6. 'Joo , ! 6; my. l: vic"",', "'Guil, i" ". '". J", 6). '}6; P'''''''o o f,
C"" lin~ i .n. )"'> - >; ,<so,l, V,nJ, I, ;~
,6J. O",o ~ od.><. '.,J. V"'g",ho< , A ~u'''n'., J < ~ , )1<
JO' . C . mlmg;"n , J I>" M,mv ;ngi.n "'"b<, ',n" '!'. 'l,n,. ')7. '""
bi ,hop. H'; '" ,I", bi"bo. y: '.I n<J, 'Jo. ' J ,n6l . ' jJ. 'jl , 10 "
c.lend,,, <I<<<no,l ;o; h"lid. y.; ,OJ, "10, , ~S , ,6<,>. ",on! , wo.
,,,«nn.Ii.; vi«on,lo, , 06--]. ' J<"", ' <J , 'I '. 'n. J"J.
. nnoun«mm,,: ,nlp<';.1. d, ffu "," b)' H ~ , H 6; ' '''S'' of C""",mmop io,
'~u,c" , >J ~: '0 •• <1<:. '9" of 7~ - i : li,u'gK.I ""PO"'" '" , ,,,, , ,,
««mon;«. '99-'00; ;n'p< ,;,1 JJ" '" .1", m"d"d,
vo«."y . .. nl1 , .1>. J". J !, ,,6, "',,,d'u,. ')' , ~n ... ,I. ,,,,,,,,,h, f ' ~.
190-• . 1'1<",. '9. '><p,;mi." Sow"", , ,0. ''' . "): ",umph,1 <n" y. jO:
' 7. O,"".n,;,,<, J6. ! J . Co",un';u, pt<V""1! <on fr,,", " "'p.'s";ns. H
II. ' 0, Th<odo! ;u, I. <'->. "' "h or Artopol'" >lj , ' 19
V.b'",;,n II . " - J. M . ThOO<!",iu. A,d, uf Com"""".,. )1 , S.n ' ~. S".
II. \i079 , An" , ,,im I, N, J"",,,,,n, '\if •••. <)D. " " . ,'h;.0<1 "W" .. fro m
M, "T, Ni«pho,U! I. '9'0' " T'i b"",I. !!
. nm.« .. ,y , '9: <01)"8"li,y. <' -> , AfCh "f Do n,;, .. ". 36.• ,6
IIj-16 ; "'lting , 19J; ,,, prov,","" '", A"'h uf I luno';" " " I ; I", tri umph . l ,
J", )7n7. , 0 . .. "<0, 0l. 'J"""
' H j, .nd , .. h "", U' An"""h ,
~'''9'' f<M, 'J.' '" , I,,, \n,lk"m.
Arch of Mi!ion. 'H. ,., . 'n . 3 •. ' 07.
"jn,, ). ,, 6. " , , ,.on' "
"GO'1 "',,~ of Po"',o. l ••
A"« gau" JW"" M,h of So P""';u, S<.«u,. ,i
,,,,,,I., ,OJ "',d, ofTh,"""" ", . >lj
~ ,,~pH ..'<I<:, " S"'"V; '" ol~ ,""ch ufTo<u,."
A.,h.I"l" 1... ".0. ,~,
"'"h of X" ulophoo, r"", "S
", I" "'"m po,l. 'j. <6. 6) , 79. "jn"9
", ,, ,K,,,. 63; 'u .1", «>gnon .. ", "d"«",u,, , I.o mh"d .nd ««mOl,i , l,
j.,I"""" " 'n, •. '>?n ....' ,", - ~, Vi, ;.o,hic ,06
Am C'p',o!;o •• ,0
"' ,u joch, J9, U ' .6. 6,,,y • . '''''.
' ''''' IM , '9J. '9;nJ'. ",. 'JO""; "'''R', ,6., ,6J"'" J9'
pm",,",,m . 'V)",) M<th", 'ji
An"'"'n. , ,,~ ,",t~ " "uO<l . JO) . )07n<9. W )
Am"""'«. " ,",,;, n,. A';'n"m. '00. '~" ,6 1,
A"to"j "u, I',u" ,.n M ,S""'",. 'VI , J'o, JJ7: _ .1", A"uI
"'p. m>< •. "9. ' . ' "' ';, hi" >16
a~d~"Kol a,p~,'T'I'..o'. " ' "' '! "'''oc,,,,, il ,< Rom.n. 6. 79, Jl9, )6\.
', o K6~/l,o. , .. S )9) , v.h"" <pHorn;"d by «",mon;.!.
"'pollio"" s.". N"ovo , " , 'H, lif<' ''1k '6' ; Ily"n';"". " 0.

J90 . .,f••m puni"'m",,' , "b, 'i6-! • m,d;""I. ' H . 'lV , ] 10. H" '" .1",
• nJ ;mp<ri.1 i»nq""!!. 'OJ • • 0ln,"9; ."d,m«: booty, "
I"lu-Rom.n . "0 , '7~. "",hm<", .0 comm.",den; 'Q"um<; " gmm,
«"m""i.l, """, """, ' ;'''''Y ,h"m",
id<"I,,~y f", o.''''goth;, king" 13,; At"ulf. HJ , )J6. J11"",. )a)
Lomb"d: .nd Rum." I"~u,y 8"""'. A,,,,, JJ"" '»
'~J; V;"g,,,h,,. 100, )0]. ) ' j , Anunh."" 'Un ' 7<
]><"«0, In. 1Y]. 10'< of A",b."ju>, "'"'1'<<: 'j<. ,.0 , ,16 , '0"
«.<",,,,, ... 1. Jot, ."d my. 1 JI,."JO' of ,h. An"olik"" . ') 7
«><",,,,,,.. 1. J' j , ","mod , )'1; .0.1101"' 1;", "J. "7n'JJ. "9' ru . 1",
M <,"';n~ ; .n , ],0. ",n"orill . nd A"h of
bi,hop' , Jjo. <on""n w; ,h ."""i •. '9)0». >00
w<mo.",1, j>~-l' .•"d my. 1 A,hod. ' 91" '9
"'",mun ... l. ])l- 40 ; C ..oling;"n , JU. 'a",:lJ.tJ> , '"
)7J. )g" .nd .0y.1 ""mooill, ",,,mbl; ,,,, ~ ""o .. l: C ,,"hogi,n . od
)tI<'i - 9; '" .Il, .ud;"ne,. ""mon;.I ; «rom"" .. I. )6<1-9
'''''In''" "'0'"
Iu,"om"h"" ' 9rn, o
»><'. ,. 6, In. JOJ' ",."d upon
b ock ",,,d,. 'll , 'H. ,i" 116: <a .1 ..
Ari,hm",. '0) "m<l,
Ariu ••• )1: " •• 1", A.i," , A"ump'i,,". pm,,,,,,;,,... 1"'0 '7'
A,In. ] J6: ru . /" S. «.m""",y of A",,,"om«. Vi .. Hlor4o"ili P,i. J7<",",u,. '" '" .1,.
eo~"umin. A,,"m. )76
A,,",o;.ken .• hom. , ' )7, ,." 'l'nbl; A,h.I ...". ' ......... J. '0",0. 'l'nj<;
"bob. 'jl «),,<01 "i'''''pn , ."
"m ,. "mor. ~7 , 'lb. 16<\, 'J)",06, Ath.ulf, '09, "V
'Y', ,~'n',~, )n: ' " 01•• h,lm"; A,l><n" "' . '7! , JO T
•h;"ld, ""." ,,," ,d •• )6, )!n16. iOOn. ~i, ,},) , "9 .
"my ' ;mp"".I. '0, " . VJ , 96. "J, 1>6,
111, ,...", I So. ' ! J. »9, '1'. >19. )39. '"
A"iI. , 60
lO). ,nJ ',;"mph" lJ.16--'7. 'H. ." di'nc<' for ,mp<.i.1 <mmoo'. l, 7,
1) 8-",1<7- 1. 110. 'J I . ' 01 . 'Ol. '01. '9ijn4J. p""Clp"ion by
Tl r. »b, l!>O. ;, 6, ,,,,,moo;" •. '1 . <omn"nd. '00, for IJ;umph', 6"
d.91. 91. ' H . 'JJ , )9'. f".
off";.,,. ""' o<,,,k 6<\ , 67. 70, 71, I!. ']>,
>11 . fo. Rum." cI;""I, '"n"l ' . ne! ]90 . m." 0 1 utb, o, T6. ! J --<P, n'.
''t"''''';.' "',i"",,,.
I'"'i.,", t 1 ~: ,64- \. 174. "'; . JI9-90. m; I,,,,y.
ioflu"n<t , >!6. J91 -" 1i,",SY , '07. l JI- 9. 1.. - 6, v""ory bulk';n., I.>.
']yol< , " ' . ,." ',,-p, >J6, '9J . 19J : fo, ' oyd «remOllu l;
mm y.oom , '1'-" p",de g..,u nd ~ O"'OiO,hi,. '69--'70. '1' -'. "'.
• !, po l,,,,,.1 "n",". "' , ' .. nH; pmp' 8.nd. , >!>- ): Lomb .. d.
pu,j,y. >H. 'jO_ ,; ,diu, >' ). "" pmp. gond,. '9' -J. ,\06,
, nd Thorn .. ,I>< Sl,". ,,6; ,,,y.l: triumph. J'J. J I l-' ! ' VK'O'y
) "<; o." ogOlhi< , , ...", '7J. >76, coin, go. ) , __ , 0. pmp'g,"d •. )06:
Vi"go,hic. JO!. J IJ. J" . l>Jn'''. M<rovins'.n. CIo,i' '.iu mph , ))7;
]>6 , ]4o. l"u'g y. jO~- I>. PO'; ' Y. JI>. Cloth.. II . 1,0: C"olio~;.n, )<16- 9.
p'yn"''',, )'9. """ I p"'f'I<.)I~-" ,,j,,,,'ph., J74-): lot< Rom,n ,
M'<o,ing;.n, )ll. , od <<<<moni.!. IIY"""''' ' m ly mod;,v.1 comp"od,
)JJn'V.l 'O: C .. ohngi. n. ]> 1. JJO. )90. J9)' '" .1", "mmoot.1
]! • . triumph.1 '"""'" 17, -j , .nd . ud;"oc<1 , "'«P';""" imp<,ill, "7. '.!.
, ,,,,,,01' ''' , )66-1 , )61-9, 17J. 'Jo. ,,,,n7'. '''-»0, '''. "1;
h ,",~y , 1<1-J6 , JJI. JJ9, J"": "". "omm,",xn, <\\!. 'j'.
'j l,

166.167 . J9'" provinr,, 1 <>If"i,I, . ""''' <I"'''n ' . M,"'.;"~"n "f.... ,'yk.
'1<' ..oy.t V.nJ. I. , 61; O"m~"'!' •. llJnl7
'10, lomb..,d .• ~3; V;,i ~"'h; , . b'r ""~ : iO'p<,;,I, , 06; .0),.1 ,
'9'}- JOO; M«Qv;ng;,n. H!; M,fO' ; O~"O , 1J); C "ol;ng',n , J6'
C"ohnK;,n . J67. " iumpb.1 bub";. ,,,; ;O'r<,;d v;ctmy 0 " « , 61.
««p<ion,. )70-1 . JS • • JSj ; Juo.l, ~" 0. ,!,. 'no "', ' <1. P" Y" [0'.
B.."i..,. , !i n' !) : ,"di<n« h, II, . ')9- \2: """.Ie,.oward. ' 14- 1,.
V.nd.l. >61 . O",08othNo. '70. ,,!,
<OS"''''<, JO ' ~ « God."':;, kn
V;';goth;,. >99 d, ng"""' ,h,,, "'"'r<", I!o-) :
AUS""'<.)7. ,,~. ' <7. Jj J. ' '' n' O. ; bd", p",d<d , . ' 0; m,Jn"" " <:
""no"""llif< •• 0J -< Omog .... hic .;cto'y 0"<'. nJ'
Au~w ", um. """IJ~ Vi"g",h i, r"~" ,," "''''')' "' ''.
Augu«in<. 5,. Ci'y of God . J6 J Ojn)~ , J" : C"ol;ngi.n P"Y" for
AU8U!!U'. <"'r<'0'. IJ. n. ». ,6. '9 . ";'-'ory ''''e<, )<7; '" .1<, ","ume;
,6! •• 1In IO>. >J9: ,i,l<: Throd<,ic. p,i",,,",,
n' ~ . Chukm'~n<. )79 n",don,. !ll. )7" H j: chu"h ,,( th,
..". R""", '"1"" ''" ''"'". J'oo I ) ' Huly . nd ,,"'" V;C!u,;O"' CIO" ,
"'",<Ii,n •• ml'''''''. " . " . ,.,,61. '9' )7' - J
";umph . I< n"J" C,,",. 7"""' . Ijl
A",dUn . bi,hop. JunJ6 C,,,,'. ' jo
lIud" Ph,,,,,,.
"'u"li,n . P,,,,,,,,,;.n P,&« . " ""') ' S"J". 1'1"", ... u""p''' , !77, 1g7
"."""' ' ''0''''''""'.... . 6. " I ; ,01"" "",,,. U"i,,,,t"''''. ') 7
II,,;] I Sc.m,nd"o"" p ,,,;uch . ' 7J
... ",,,,,; •. ,!3 ]),,,1 1. I)' ''', 'Jo, 'J' - 7, , 0<, ''''''JO .
d'"~¢"l)P. ,," WI. ""J.
'o>, lO7ulg. ","""" >>>.
~",D K P"Wpl~. ' 9& . >10 " J n llJ, » j , J90. J9<: " ,umpl,,1
Au",o. l •• <"t!i " , 'J1. IJ; 7 , " ' - ' ' ' ' """"'y
.... m . 'n' . •
7nj •. 74- j . Jj" . JJJ . ""v;c"' , Ij ' - " >ew,""". 'S) , 1j7:
)7'nl\l6. )76 . 11-0 J i,rtt> <x~d " i on , I j.; I,g,nd. 'J'
A.i<nu" >""'9J 1)".111 . " 7, "nnW; " ;" mph nve,
....i'", uf V;".n, . )"9. '0 lI",b, Pho"" ' 17: xy ,h;, ,n<!
'A"" " ie' triumph. 17~ul ! 9: tOO
,,,u"'pi> 'U ' 001, !,I,nS<}: ,,,umph,1
S"I'UM ( _ H ippOOmm< 1). ,600"0 <n "y" S;n" i""" 'JJn6; BuIS"''''
I" ,,,,,•. "''''P''';'''' I jO...... . ns. 110 ,,,u"' ph "Ad"",. '71, J 91. "
lI.crhu,. ]> Cu","ntin"p lc. 171; U"" ;'on on
."<fl' mc]d~ ]> b, "]" ,,807J
lI,h" Quu,<>. '" "'"upol .. B"il. "'"'P<'. 'Hnn
D.]b;nu,. IV H<"m,] ;«" 'OJ
)l .. i]
D. bnc I~'nd,. l7<> ]j,,;1 I.<c'r<nu, . ,66 , ' 17
~ . . , . s« ".nd"d, {1M';./>. Imiff'p,'P" ~~,d. 'Hn;
a . nquet H.B or J",,;n;,o . '" T ,;klio ", B" ;I;,.-,,,. ' !7m~
b. nqum : ;ml"';'1. 61. 10<- J . ,OJnl",}. b""" , (tOld. ' )0016
1.30J !. ",OIl) , '~7. 10)"71. ""."7>. ll""u<,. )'J. ).1 . ) 8>
"r<nd;, um, ' OJ"!09; ,,;ump],'. ! O, both" 11.0m,n. '~ 7 : V. nd.l. ,6>;
10J . !ojn,'"! , 'M. 'J7. 'ji. )90. r", C"o l in~i .n. jO. j
Ij: plitt,,", 10}; ,oyol: a . "k Abb<y. ' V.
O"'o ~ c,h,. no; l",nb"d,. ,No""y. ,~;." . <. ><7 , ' <>6n 16" su .1",
,6,; Vi,;so,hic. 'W; M<mv;ng;,n , .cob",,,.,.,.: p",wmd,
lJ' .1 11nI7; V,nd.l lif<.")'I, , >6>: Ih"ou", . .. . J..
H"'",", , J77n' 14 , . .. , '9J")0; Itom.o, "-lJ ; '9J")0:
lhu,,,, 4)n). , T;mn , hy , ." ']7nJo. )..,067:
H, ,,, J06 J.m" 1.'7: '9Jn)0
H. m, J4J b",hd.y" roy.1 Y i ~8othl<, JO>;
"""~'. '" h", C"olinll;'", )6>; '" .1 .. ' "n;."'''1
b;,),,,p>; i"'p<, ;,I, 'J6-1mS , )90: rol<;"
'f'«'''''-Throd,rrc. '7f"H «"mooK>, '00-1' ,n"mph •• )9 , ,0.
Ikbd,,<h , '\'n'» '0)-3. 'O' - J; .. «I. im oml""'0". ,)6:
Ik~o , )17 "my. '<I ; ",by ;mp<,i.J
Hdgrum, JJ ! .nnot' "«m<n<>, '9<0 It, v<l ", "'"",
bd;"f,;n ,ml>,,,,, 1 "<''''y. '-I •• ) , .. ' '''''''1 '" Aft""'. ')1n'9: ",-,ii,
" '. , i on,,,, )88, )OJ - ,, jO \ . ,)6n.l; (;. 1,,;. P';m" ly,j". 'J7h'~,
rr, ,,,f<rr<d '0 Y"son . .", 77-!. tok Pono, «kb",,, Liti" M", '" H'g;'
vI I"u,~y , ')7-'\" ;n ",lid";,, uf Soph ... '<"")9: S;<oly, '4>; Sy';'
,",'J<' i"",,;;. "9 ""u"d. , ')7"'9: Toll" .." ,0y.l:
II<h",;,"" OJ, t> j, 'OJ . ,0,16" J,",' 1" I"n , P"Y fQ' Omogod,i, kmg.
";""'ph,1 <""',
C",h.S<: 'J7, 'I); y;, i~ oth,<, JOO, J07. J'O.
SY"'UI<, 'J7, J]7"JO: 'n'"mph·. «lob",,, p"i<ai, ..Iii,.. )"9- 10,
6J--<\. "1-7.• 6>: no hot,o" fOf p"ym for "",orY. )'0- , . ]9>;
.;«my "V" W;"g" , M; """ul." , M<to,,;og;'o , """«0O w;,h
"9. ))1")0; ,rip> f",m h"u", ,,, , ... mun;. I. ))Q- ', .... I;), JJ' .
Fo,,,", I,~< p",(\<,. '>7"'0' p"yc" for ~ms, )<2 , <kf'nJ ,;,;..,
llct><JiC!, S" '7),,60 HJ-<O C"olio~;.n. 11) , P"Y" fo,
Ik",.,n,o. duk" of ,,,,"I.,, by .. nt;"" .;"tmy. )J'- O. jO" ," umph of,
<ml"""",260 )'0- 1 , ,,,,,,,,,,,110ft, )66: '" .1",
&'''_1[. '9' church
/k', JH BlIrhm,« Gm. '<l ; ,hd"".10 , " ).
Il.<my , ,),rKXI. J" 14)00). 'O!09'. '49: J<t.f.. Vi1Sin
[lq; , "!_ ,.,
J!'~"'I";"~P~~'" 111"97. lli
olo";"R. "'''y: iml"" m l, ' 4'. '47. 'w;
11,101<, Old T",<>nl<"'. ""d I ,,",~y. ,)!. ,oy,l , Y i n~o<h!<. J'o: <': . ml"'8;.n.
)4l , H3- 9 . )11; Pc"'i,,, ,,,,Km . ))0: '" .1", ",od.. d.
1"""j1; pult" , ' OJ. H ]. Jh'X 0000, bhnd"'~ , J ud,,;.]; V;';gu,hi<.],];
o"cl : ,,,,no,,, ,<."If; HJ: hO<l", M,ru";ng .. n , JJ 4
'J " !-'I-> 0' 20- 1: JO'''36: ['OOU' b!.>od>l",J. '" m;"m.
!J _, _ ,I, '0>; h<:>du, '].1-<: JO<"JJ : III ..... ',<n , )O\; '" ./w f", """
hod"' ,) .6-1' JOo-), )01,,)6; Ilohhio Mi".], ]<l--<\
E,oJu, ' 7,,811': J<J: l)"u"'<Ht"my lIo<:,h,u,. " ! ,,,06
)) .l9' pon6" , CI,"'nkk-i r<, 'Jo; );,mif, «. S" JJ3
P"lm j<>{)I) .!9' '95n)' ; h.lm . 0+ ",,"0 ,,; ,_oli,", "".J. Tbo"J,,;<.
')\Inn; P"lm ~1 . ) r: ' )onJJ; '7ij"S,
76(17) ' ''-'1; L6>; P.., lm IKl.<J!{ 7J, 110"" •. 15
Jot; v.... lm 9;191» ·"-'" r91")!; 000'y.6o,I, , ) S, ' .'. ))7. JJJ. Jf»,
P"lm 9719il .r, '~l")O; Pul m )10.-): in ,,;u mph , T). '0. JO, 91 ,
wl, ool; '0 ) : P"lm ""'I '''''J,')' HI. ')0. 1)6, '<1. ' 43. ')0. '16, , 66,
' o)n) " P"lm " 1' 'Jo; P",lm 'W·J, 1M. '71. '1M ' ,~ , '0" . ,,, in
'JO"lJi Pm'coh. '. 'J - 'o; ' 9)"]0: p. I.<" M; 1« .I~ ,noow""""
I,... h <l"l . 'YJ")O; E"k,,1 JO,'): ,;<tory ; ,ymt>ol" "C!oty
')')nlJ; -rub" J .• r: )09; W,,.jom of 1Io><0'' 'k. J>
Solomon J.,g '0 ,"J ~·4; )09; ,,," Ho",. Forum. 7<'. " " " 4nlIO. ,,3


D"g" 1 19 Vi"SCPth ic , rriumph. JIJ "" J rj03).

n",," Ho,"" .", Ch. lk. po , P")'<f, J ' 0 ; C"o li"~i.n. loll.".
fir""". 0. '~J 179,1'''),<1, )71
!lnl",,". J4 "k'nJ", Ro ,n." , ...e, JO. J!n N, 6):
H';Il>."y . ))1 . lSI. 171. J7~ . b,nd,mmon' , 7J; Il y""""" 19 ~ ;
U,"",. I; •. 70" "'. "Y. 'Jo O<on""I." <ml"'rof'>. I)l"": dlu"~ .
H<un"'h;hli.. 1N- <0. )< 1. J". jM 74- 7i. 16" C • ."lmgi.n , ]00- ]: J"",
U'Y". p.I",. ' .9 "",,"ly or po><ibly ,ommcmom,d
,",,,lIa' ;I.'" "''' ;"'" i" ,ml"',;,1 COl<nd",' ) J'"U" Y. JI,
Buodl,,"", . 1)7. IJ l nl\ll ,g J' "U"Y, Joo 109: ) I J"'" " y,
Hu lK"" Iluig"i .m. IlJ. 1)7 . rg r7<' . 0""'0;' F.b, u.. y. "'0.1111: Ij
171 . ' 79 . 1911lJJ. Iy6<!H. '96r1J7. F< b ,,,,,~. 73: 'J Apr;l, '9~n.J' S
)yl . " 7; ,ui<.. 6J . 17<. 19>. )JJ""J. M. y. ' O)"oJ: Ij M. y. 11. 19J:.6
m .\1'y. I,,, ' , Ju"e, ,.,: >j Juo. ,
BOllS'" V" ;~,,,h. J" ,7t"JJ: '!J'''"'',
)~: Jo J""' , ' H: '"
bull'''hl. ,.i'!OIY: ""I",i.1 (Ii""'" July, Ill' rr Ausu". 0. 19! "'.: 10
/"""""". t~"I~,. l¢p~!H~I . 1>0. A u~"". 77" 'j) . ,0,. 169. '99',.9' ' 1
' 90; lu Rut"<. '7-IS. ". 41: 10 AU8U'" ' ' !J """: ' J AUK"'" ')J"":
C",,,,.",,nopk. """' . " "'7. 0• . J S.'p ,,,nbc,, 5!"79' 6 Sop«mber. J"
M - 7. &J. 7 t. 9'. III. ,_0; ' " ,! Slp«",bc,. ! ."'5: ,3-»
A,,,ioch. ~,ny •. 'Jl: 10 Mil.n . 4). 'i<ptembc " )",,'0; " Slp,,,,,I><,. J6.
103; '0 P'O'""'''. ro. J""'W, N. "0; _I '"' pte", I><" I I?:)O
,'"". 106. '9'-J. ')4- j. d ",,,~, Srpl<ml><" ><Om OO, n 0<' 01><, .• J :
P",V", r.I . • " .11" ."d M m. 107-~: ,! 0.-'01><" )1n7.' '' 'Y 0<1<>1><,.
"""'"'. ly, _ O; runet"'"' 191: )7"7 , '''''J: ! Nov,mber. 166: I,
,"R""n« h;"o'~"phy . • 9 ' - " Nu ..",bc" 4r:'. No",m bc, .•':'7
public ",.dmg . ' 9'- •. 'H: ,worn. Novt:ml>< •• ,i: ' l Dt:«mbcr, jl; 19
'9" "'1.1; V.nd.l •• 6) H' . 1", D«;,mbe r. ,yS"", S,," ,d. y before
, "",,""c<mont; md;'nm . "'umph. l; 1'«"",0" , 101'''09' '" .1)4
,yml>ol,. victolY ,n";vm."y; .. ,lid., .
bull,. ~ u IJ. H! C,hgul,. )0
bu"'''''<><y. <7. IJO. "10. IJ7. "J. C.lli"i,u" S'. " ,n'"
H!. ) OD: OPI'<"<' "m r , i ~n i ng ,mrel>, 166: " " Y"'& p,;,o,,,,,,,
''''l''lOr . • ,"5>: bure.u,,,,,,,,. ' 9-j"""". So, 'IS , J l •. 140. 0, 6
,0Jn,0: '." , I,. " '>l"" " <y; otf"'"I" C.m<ll"., .num p" of, mmpmd 10
Ilurgu" di.m. Il",~u"dy .• 60 , ,66-7.
T"""",,'. I)""
C.mpu, M" " ur; R unl<. ' ,. 86. 90,
nJ. '7" , !J9. !9' ,,0: Co<>",m;onplc; ,,'hun,l. 7j
"",diJ.r,.,. , olI
""W. W. " , , "0 , '<7. '" .. pdl •. s, M""". ' "
C,,,,,,,'. 'J ! '"1"'/1.... , J 66n '0" K< .1", ,b, 1"1
C . "",,", of ,0. ,1 ", '1<"'" . l'y C ' p"oi: Rome. ". I" "5, 2<1. 90.
C.hon, ).' 101",,!, '0>: Com "noinopk , " ' _'j.
c. k<. lIIow. vicrory. J> "0, " I : .nd Typic"". "7n l) '
c.l,b,i •. 15 . C ' pp.doc". tI",m<. IJI,,6! . 16!.
,""otIC "Iii, ;mp<,;,I. "'umph. 17-~ , ' 1<nll
70 , n Y1. "<. ,M, '~I - _ . 1M. J91. C,nnll. , r3. 1). "
" 7: fCotlO\\"p hK thomo."'" S"'''''', C ar"'.I1. 'JooII I
11"76, k ll«>. 'J'). J7~: no"_,ml"',,,l , C""",,,,,me. )0)
.. ,n,6: P"Y«. '),",j<: 'oy, l; C"~'m.". )!)
CO<"""" Pi"i", "'Ii, .,",,,. ''"'~' ' ''In'!9 , 1>6. ,'.--<1.
19', I,,,, '00''',
"4' ... ding wk> "",;11,,<, "A«,
('... ,.,lin s un,. 3, .~ • • »1, ))0. JJ.,
)47-11; , ,,i,ud,, ,o",.. d By"n"um.
pow". ,I, ; lomb .. " . >iJ-O;
M«ovingi,n. )'~ - H, Jo,n>; of
)6 • • )IJ' .nJ Lm, Rom,n <mp;", off";d, , '9in4) , 'J'--<}." Rom< ,00
'" 17, II. 4,6, '"
"'P'",",", . 1,. ,<hick>
Con",mmop" comp,,<d , JO-6,
"'-0. ,m;'''< <ml"''O' , '0. 'j),
C."h'g" .j6. 'j?, '6r-" .64 m<aning of no «"moni,l. 'JJn, 1 ' :
C",iodoru~ \>7. '7'nJ7. '7. - j; cite> org.n; ... Ooo. '\>6- ')0' o.''''K''thic.
V;rs,l. '7In70, Hi"",y of tho Goth" .61-7); I"'r<onnd, "'-6 ; pro"nml.

C,,,o,. St. )j.
",u.l,i"" By",ntin<. comm<"'o,,,<~ on
')'-J9; P",llu, ",urn", f. m;h,,;,y ,
, I ,n,"", pu'pi<, ("o",on, !,n'9'
,..,fottn .nd C«<mony Book. "j - ~:
li,urgy. >j>, C>ool;nj!;,n , )6' ",,,;ng. '6- <7.\/<>, '6" tim,ng, 'I.
C"h",ulf. Jl9. )60-, 19. '0, . 0. 70, 00. '0', '91-9'
, ,,.lry. 86, ,31. JJJ V,,,,",I, .6,-): V;<.igO!hlC.'91- )Ol;
c.,,"mmu •. 'Jln. ",." b"l.I,y: influ,n,", con(",<m;ty.
<;:<ng<lkuy , ,) 1 lOJ"77, "",d mmpho";"lly. 'O')ni! ,
«n,mg, «n",,,, )71: By"n';n, 1J J n, , " In .1", ""m",,,
<"'P<'Q'. jO')nj<; Vi,igOlhic king, .«1>.",000: . dv<n'u" "my;
)0.1, )f! . udi<n,": . udicn«" comm.n&",
Ccntul.l. )<9"'1' Coo",n,;"c VII ; oo",u" f"'ion,;
«r<monw: ' ppfop",«d by l; ;nK" li tu'gy: "",u"u" I",,<k; p,O(e>,ior",
J.'-" ","; ,""u« ",d. ,19, ,,,", ,nump"'
";11"",,,k v.l .... . nd, ')); B"il II Ch.l"d<>n, 7'= Ch,I«<loni.n
;"diff..... , to. 'n; \oorfOwinll,n m,hodoxy, 61
' ''';'c proe<». I ; BU'lIundi.n,. '66-7:,. 1I... ,n Hoo«. '4i , IJ6. '?f.
ll)'Un'ines UI< '"<1m, "rotd,. I)>: lOJn7! , 117. "9, i<on. <0,061;
"pit>I,OO p«>VIn,,,,. 9'-'00. 10j, mo ..i". 6 1, '91: ,",inc, '7 • • ,i"
'1'- 9' "p;",1 r",,,,, do"k>pmcnt;n "9,4 11
kingdom. , .11. '9'-11. JOO , J01; Ch.mb<rl.l,n: '" pr>ipo';'O!
C .. oIin,;,n , )61- 1. , dilfmm from ch.n" II"y: p'p.l, )71-1!<>, )! l' roy.l:
llyunt;"". )66, ) 1 ). o<'g'"',)6,- ), V.nd,l, '6" Lomlnrd , .17:
"",h("",ion: imp<,i.!. ,6<>-,. 17\-6. M'fOvingi.n , llS: C.rul;ngi. n. )I' _ j
rl9-90, ><>6-7 , 1'O- lIn[OI. " ' - '. ,h.n doh"" Sff li~h"
" 0-\, ",y. l, )00. ) .., (ontinuiry , 6. ,~ .. >Ot<<n, ), 61; ""<In in o."og",hi<
,nd " d,.;,m. ')', ),1. )9J, conml, 1t,ly. "m)): '" .1", ""U,
'",""c,tion. I, «"ing .od . .,,: ch.riot, 'riumph.l. '" ,,";<k,
<ompo>i« doKrip'ioJU J . ng<ruu •. Ch"km ' stl<, "7. )Jo. Jj) , HI.
,.n'., )11-0; co". '7"'116 • . »6- )0: )j'-60. )6) , )61 ,,,," , )7'. 176- I L.
'1"'<,(1«1 , "1; d,,,,n,,,, .J"n«J
.;1..« ]hn,!? ,19: "d,im<d by IIp.n,,",
'0 <fKount<r, <>idone< , . nd,,,
>< 1; .mb...,do", )66n,~: oJ""".,,,
probkm~ I, '0, 67. 'll.,60-,. J14. Rom" 'JJM' " , )7ln 191: lIy .. n';nc
)90, )9)M', .p«l.Il ",m'. <"",I , '<7. CO"""'<. )64' ''"l'''ri.1 <oron . ,ooo .
)Jln'J. J7'-1: £"<1, .O J; ~"'t"'"" )M. ) i. , .nJ p.p.1 I,,,,,", 17\1; hd
(onctOoo, 97: llit<kd "mo, ,nd ",, 1. )70; 1<"" to h",.J •. )\4:
""k', function. 17: g'''''''n~ . 9] . ,,,,,mph.1 <nny: P,.; •• jhjn, IJ.
., , - , j, ' j • • j j ' ; G"sory of Too,,'
int<<<I' in ««moni., .od S, M.tun.
jll--<}, U'lnov,,;on. 71--<}. 'OJ,
Ch"k, II 'hc B. ld, JJ4, Jj3, )6,-> ,
)7), 177. JI10'40. )Ij. )94:

lIy""';"' "'g'!;'. ]6" "''''0'';0"'' lO. l'. jO. 0, . OJ. !J . "'.0'- '00. ,n
Mm. ]70-1 " ' . . . i . ' 10. 'H. J~9-90' • • ""'Y
0",;", III. 1700,i1 'W·" ~ I . ~6 .j6. 6,. 6,. tIo.7'.n
Ch"k. M""I. )< j"7 r. J""- r. ll! 1!.9> . <)6. "'. 119. 'J'. 'J•. 1]\.
Ch",;,ooo. ' j 'nM ,,6. ,~ij. "0. <70. ,-,<>, victo,y
",,',/,,;;. ",0'10, f>«ion,. "j; .. ",,;ve,""y "''''. )<>- 1. W .• 0. ,6:
~1~l'<u. ,)onli6 "' 9" il<i •. w; Mil.n.' J'
R,v,nn , .
Ch .. ,1. )76 'J7' Rome' Ci"u, Mmmu,. ~I. 90 •
Childebe" I. H I • " "f'<""". OJ. ']0. '1" rON ''''''.
Ch,ld«k I. )'9. JJj ,66. 'JO: tn"'(OS"Ill . ,So; ",,,,,bc,of
Child"k Ill. )H "en. ~,n' I. 'J '" f"'""0,,,,1 . ""''''' .
child .. ". chBJIo.."J . ''' -' . I,~. 01. "0-6: ,oy.l, V."o.l. ,(,"
I96nJ7. )10. J7): nfTh<"",,,iuI II O"'''~o,h" . '7]. ,So. yol",,·.1
.".! ««""",;.1 ;nno.";",,. ''In,S<; h.n<~". 171; l omb".!. 'is. '9' .
ClI ilp<.i< I. H'''H' ·'·;'10'. J,' 'OJ' V i ,i~o'h;e. IO'M';
Chind.,.;n,h. pOnS •. J'I . J>J M,tov,"~;"o. J j ' - ). J)'; '" .)'"
Chin';] •. ),<\ni6; triumph .)",. 1'0 - ' ,h"\o«<,,, f",;o",; Hippod,om<:
' .....' ,. H' co"um, k"hi,mo; 'f'<"" k,
Chlo<h .. II. Jj7. 14" ,,;u '''pit. ))9-,0 c;'y o,moo ,,,rl ,ul« n,m,",. ' It. ,6,.
Ch"o.Io"", . 1>7076. "00'7<> ,""no'
,ho;,m"',,. C".,Iiolli,n. 16,
,h,i,mon. ,0<\
Ch.,,,. I'" ,·;c!o' ov .. dwh . 1'0: 0 ..·,
de. il. J?)
C;" P"fw. '" <p",h, p, ..

eh·ili,y. '" <mf'<'01

CI,ud",. . • ! . M. "7. ", -,. >OJ.
i<,,,., ' ''''

Ch,i>,mH. 16 •. '9i '110IIS: ",,,uJ< tow"J Soo".".

Clo,;,,;. o'. "my "f. Joe 8<)00" 00 "iumph ov" "'"'f'<".
CIt,,,",,,,,, Lnid,,,,,,,. H, SI nJ
eI""""",, M,;"",,,,,,. 171 CI .uJi "~ "0f"'''''. J<>. ) ' 011" ";""'ph .
Ch ''''' ..... P"" •• t.. '''''
ClI,)"'O";);lioo<. '01"",
ehurch: in'f'<",1 .nd ,mf'<'o,. ,o!;
CI"«I",,. Juk<. JO,
<i,,,,,., i. '''. '07 ,.,,~
prov;ne;"l . onrl ,mf'<'o,. '17 Jl: 'Ok Ck,mon' . "i",op of. HJ
;n '"mm;uing ,mf'<,i.1 civi l,,,,,,,,,,. CI<,,,,I"i,,m. '" I'h;lor.h<",
')7. )9'-'. 19,-j: ";"mpl,~ ,0. ,0. CIod'u,. ,3
67. 'O<>- Il . 'J 1-<l: V";~,,,hi< .• nd C lovi,. '6"/")4. '76. ''J7. 3'9. J1J. )0>;
,riu"'ph. )0,-,,; f .. oki,h. lJ~ 1. ,numph; T""" . )]\-7 . 1<0:
)4' - 0' •• od C""I;o~;,o ««mo,,;,I. COOV,,,'''". H" ,~ i ". 1",",,"
)6J-0. JI " ",.!so b"hop" w"neB" ho"",,,y <,,,,,ul>l<: pm lk! on •. vu .
H,~i. Sophi" k"i< ,k;.."" I,,,n;"!; J16: ''''''.,,' ,,,","ph.1 .. m;", uf
j ;,",~); M ...",: p"y,n: '"pp l",.""", ,mp<", 1 ~<",,,I. '" p,ov'u,,,. l)0- 1;
Ciby""'" ,hem, . ,()(i. ,.j. >jon,o:!. ,m'g"" . JJOn,., r<m<ml><r<d wnh
'jjOl!! .u.. J.O-" "qu""
<>I" '''10<)..
C;mo,,,o di P..,e,II •. l< , i ti,,, •. ,iog". ]>\10]; von,,";''' fo,
,i,,, ill". 'i".m.....I.,;. "'.",.,," 1oc.1 " in, 'od hio""hy ,hown;n
;n,f'<"']. ,.- 1. ,.,->; Vi';II",hi" p",d<. ))7
1<); Mo",v;o~ i . n: )4)-0 CoJt, C",oli•• , . )700,16
,i".i,., "li,. II' ,"';i"l/i. JJj
,i,eum,i,""" . )""69 r """m. ,, -l.
"!'"'''' ,", ",.k.." '"
ci,eut: in' f"'n,l. j. ,'. >0 . "". 9~noo. "'-'j. '77-! . IJ 3: <0"[""1. " .
'll"". ' ",,"J. l" j : .od "i",,' pn. 17. "J; numb., of " .. " .. ion>. ");


,0<.11 Fl,ptlbh"o P'''. "I' ,,;umph,;n p,oy;n, ... '1l-9; ,. . .1,.

"'''<>Iyp<d . "l' w,;,t<n only. "<' """ K~;
SH .1,. Aftb"",, Al.m." n;,m;,"" .".p~"~"": Ant;,",:
,o.. """",,,i. "''''""'''. J67
Commoxi"" >J. ,6
A,m,,,;,,,u.: P"iaJo: f".,;'uo: Com",.; . 179. ,i.
G"m •• "",: Goth;';"" M,dlCul; CompO'E"', JM
Sum"icU!: ,,~uIJ'K6<:: V,nd.liaJt ,,,.,,,,di., "7. H'''l'
wi"' g': i"'l"',i.l. >l>: ";""'1 . ' , j . >•. ronfrat<rn"y. by; C""mntinopk.
'~-I. 'J': "iumph" 'J. )7 , )707 •• 6, 'Ojn??
ij~n . . , ,00. "', ' IS , "S-9, 17l. <cns,,,ul,,;,,,,,. ". I,,,,,,
177, 2>J; ;""~I"'. '" l..y.l,y , ! l; Conoo. St. 00
p"'p'g.nd •• mp''', ,(>nil, p: Ce"raJ]. J!Jn.:t~!
Il"',,,,,,,,. ,87: roy.l: V'nd.l, ",~~.Ii, "'. '"
"''''''''''', ,"nIO>;
vo<'my. "'l, ki"K', ".m" ,Or; Con,;"""um.66nI09
O"'og<><h;c. ';""'y . >8>-J: G."",o> II, >)7n'!. ')7.'9, 'J7n,,0;
'Srnig.lli .. , "<'<}n.~: Vi,igOlh ;" ;n 1t,ly. 'jJ, ,M
y;"ory, 10., JI7-'0, PI: Comum;n,. pm; .. ,h. ::00
M«u,mgi. n. v;<I"'y. HI-9: Com"",i"" I. ", 14. 71. "6, "9.
J"" '" ,I,.
i.div,4u.1 I,,...,
m,d,llio", '9001. '9'n7 , '0001 0. ')7 ,
triumph,. )6-0. !O""" , ,,6:
"J. '$"
Cold Ili,,,. 100 cony",;"". 100: d«:rnnah. , )7;
C.II"", "'F"" J'O d'p;',;n. on A"h, 33: indu.\<,
C_d"" ... 'j'
oo~ C" .. ,;n ,<lob ..""" . "" i.vit'",.
Coloo><um , J1m 'OJ-a: m..," pe';'""'"" re,u",;ng
Columban. S,. J ... J47
Column of Arnd iu, • • 9. JO. "I .
from p'.""""'. "" p"y<n. ')i,,),.
for "my , "a: , od .. "ifica, 19.
>r,. ' j&. , '~ '0'->: Sen,,". 9" lOll. ,I""

.. ,
Column "f A""I"'Ii. ,"$ rog""mino. '''; .k""".Ii •. 'OJ . ,00;
Column of Conmn!m" ,61. "', '" . 1", Con".",in<. Holy Shrin< of
Con",n';"" n. N. "" ')"'""
",Ium" .... "h """, "J Con,"nno, 111 , 7'-> , >J""'"
C"lumn. Gothic. J9 Co"",",;O' IV, 'l'O!" 'J7n,,0
G,lum" of M"o" Am-d,u,. 'J Ce",,,",i", V, 1.0. [ ' J. '9' . '9M]}.
,,,,Ium,, of S;gm •. '" '99"10, >00. '17""0' "iumph,.
Colum" ufTh<odu<i"~ 'J .• 9060 [14- 6 ; f. l", ,,",W, of d",h, 194'
G,lu m" ufTh,oxio,;u, in Ati~"""um, monumen" ,nd "pu"'io~ .. ,ictor,
Jun,";,.·, "run",U""''', 7""'}O ,)6: "'",,ph'KU" 'J7
Column ofT,.j • ." >j. ,6, Con"'01;"" VI , ,)1""\1. '9M1J. ,yeo
m lu,"",. ,,;u'"ph..l . >J .• 6. 79 . "J';" .. " triumph. "'-J: .",o,y ,,,J
u,b." 1,"J!<.pe. >17 of S'John, I.Jn.J: ."e,,;"", 1. 0
'".." ..,,,,,",i,.
>11nI01: "t .1,. Klip'l<' Co",,,,,';,,,, VII Potphywg,,,ilU', 6.
rom m,n<l",: impe,;. I, 100. ,,6: '3',1»"76. 'll"n IJ6. '70. '7.,
";"mph, .3---<J. 10, 6~. "1 - )0. '7i.,39. ,Un"'. "9<>18 •. , . 9:
'11-4 ' . rJo-, . 'll.,6J-I, rl<>. ,,6. ";umph~ 'J9 - ~I ; on ,no;"",
) i 9 - 90, )91; ,;,«1 in ,;,w,y triumph, 'l,n"
D< INrmcoii" 9. 7[.
hull« ;n" ' >-0; ,olkg;'];'Y ' ,6), "(,-"', » ., »6. <0''«""''' of
,,,,mooi. l. ,6j; <00", 1." .. «w"d, 1<xl, "7"'ll, pU'r<>"". '7) , on
49.6,. />6. "9: ,,«;v«l by 'mpero" ","" o.i. 1 «",moo i. ). '0" D< ,rr. '.J.
,""" 'JI. 'JI. ,/>6. 167. JIK" Ilorn. ", ! 'nd '0' "7; '.'6i17) ; ".",,1. "7'
mod,l, for M<mv;.s,,", . HI. jJ6-7: ',13(60,»: ",->; ' .• " """""'0"

2.'9' [60 J ' ',10; ,00; ',J6, " ' - j ; CORl>OllA fjlS O~T INVIT . J,I
On Impc,;.1 E.p<~'"OIll. ' Jj , CO"PP"" I I>9f1J4. 'l~
"7-JO, "'I, '7' , ' '17. '''. " j; OIl """".,....ti,. "''''¢><OO'IO. 3J n21. 16,
m'''Y'~''rn "j ''''''I''. ';': ,<,,<w, ';")' It'U'" ph. '" J - !: .dv<«;"'"'<111.
,mp<,i.1 ,,,,'urno , ' 70 >00084' .. rl y Chd""n' >vuid, U>6:
Co","",'", Vlll, "''' . Ild ","mph, <>f ,uppli<'. ury- i
11><1 111. 'n - ~ ; ' 1~n , J9 '''''''''''u'''. ~ "«,,ion
COl' '''",,,,, IX Mooom><h\I! , ' ~J. """urn" 'JJn,,",, , JJ>; ,ml><",I,
'~1" . , . 'y'n", 104. ,,6. "m",ph>. ml<w<d by Com""';"" VII ,
,,~_ ! . ,"'; ,h" "; " I,,y. """ ,66 '76n' 8o. ,how, """0'"'. 61,
COI,~""in', H CI."~; "" 16. ,,! triumph, 'J , 11. !9. ''In'97. '49.
Co",,,n,,n,. Holy. >II ,,,,, of, ,6, ' J6, 16) , "J. ""; By,," ",,<, "'Of"
C"",,,n,,n,, Ph", ... '\9 by C"ol;"g;'" " l6l. )"'" bb<k. H)'
COO"",,,,,,, ,h< Y"un~o" [IJ , IJ."I •. '.'."'y'. 'J6. l O', ))6, sold-<h,<.<kd,
'JJ. "J . ''0, ,,,,,,, ,., ,,6: 4i.W,;•• ,,6, b",;,;., "J:
C,. ,,"n 'mop l<. !J. IIJ. II?, ' l'o .6>, I" '"rali•. lIh; mili"'y. 17. 'JI. I j O.
,oJ . Jj~. lij; ,,"ump"" J9. l O-' , 'JO. " ). lIO. Hl. )l~ , . ,1;
. j"... 46. JO. j' , 6J--"70P''' ''' . mo",""" ' ;l"'OO: "~~"d , "J;
~ , -'OO. '0<)-". " ''' '0, ,, ' n,?o, oflki,I,. 'l« "1'0, " J: ",,,k,.!;:
'" 'lO P",i,", ).,0. W' . • 17, 4[ S: ,h"". 1". Jj" ,ko"'"'"l;" >0);
",,,mph,] ;,;no",,,, , " . - 11; Gf<"""," ~~I'"''''/'''''. "J; 'un;' . )]6.
m<moll,,1 l",ih,lo,y ". '''-) ; 1',,,,11. '0; whit<. '9. ,61 . 1'1'). J09:
C,.,,"n"n"" ",.11. ,,,. ''''''' l O; "um,,,',, 179: Germ.";';. lO; Go<h~
"",,"'il (!119). "J: m'r, J6;: '1')' V,nd.l; worn by Rom, n, in
«,""',,0< of '"'PO '"'' ,nd f OY'1 ",,.i« ••••. 'ilk, ><I,. ,oy.l.
momOl)i,l, '" "",I..,,,,n' P'''''"'. >6" Os'",g,,,h,, 'oy.l. l69n.J. '70,
116-17: ... ~ ... 7.-8. ');. ')7 , I4J. V',igmh;';. '97, ,oy.l. ' 99"")00 ,
,,. ; " ,bu,b., A".n. ' 00. ' 07. '4~, Fnnk,>II. JJ'. ChilJ.o,"" HI , Cloy;"
I ll. '97"". "") . Europ<"'. '<1. '!9; H6; '" .1", <,own,; holmo" ; 1000<:
Th«,.j",;,n ".11,. " Il, '0': '" .1" p"r pk
'""""" "'I~ Chico",.
Co",,,,,,,,,,, """' "'"'""
l4'I ••,,"
<""",,I. '" ""J<, "'r: '" . 1",
,,<I,m""n,; b;>II,,1"
Cu",""",,, 11,)7 , "n)1. ~' . 97n76 , <"un,. Ark,. J i~
9?"7~, "J.
'~'n~ , [9",n'9; "i""'r~'. "m,"' , '" ~~P'l"
)9-" . I,. 'l," ~J. ,OIl; , ~ d,<!«> cou,,' 'mpe",I. ~!,
)11' lomb" d,
&",,0'" Cu,;,. ' I; <~, ,, b,",, R om , ", ;n, '~7:V;"l!<"h;,. '9')09;
,,,"n'rh .. "J y;«nn .Ii" .0; .n~ M <rov;n~i .n: Rom.n, in. H!:
Jul' .. " ,,0 (~non "''', "'-'J. n" Cuoli"si.n. Jny, H?, J '~' JJJ -~ .
join' «kb""om. "n. ho,d . • on",: J6'- JI, . ra"'''; lIyu"';!l<"J in: J6.
" ... . , ho,", "'''''. " ; v;'on ... I... , 0. C,"'"', .6
~" ""'''y bull","" "0 C" t<. , ,, nl', ,<'>7-'
(omul"i,. Num,d ,." , 'Jo'"'''' C,"',. Holy , nd mOl' V;';""io""
,,,",ul,, <omul,t<. 21. ", p . 3J"'" I ; , church . Bored."". ]74- j
".' " '",00, 'JJ. ''''>''' 7. '7''';9. CtCh'. Hoi )·, ,, M" u, . noun"'''y , 14'
>")!. '79, JJO. H~. JJ7nJo; f< ..... d ,,,,,,.96, '9', g<JIJ.on impe,i.1 "'' '. Ilt\,
f", >""my. 4JttJ>, '0, ~'. M . " 9 ; '" "0. '01. J' <o "my. , no>, " ,- """ •
• il. <o" ,""noc" .. ~: Vi"80,hic m y.l. )03-", l' "
""'"'"'" ' , ",Nno. M<ro>'n8;"n. J'" C,roltnsi.n , )7;.
""''',... "S", lllnq '",.!. HI, ",Ii<, ' . 0. ,.,. ' oj. "7.
C"pmny n'u,. 1)7: If' .1", Co",,,m;"o V 1'''' " , nw, )\~n 'l" '" .1", " Ii"

,,,,,"n: imp<,i. l, .." , 0. I""~" 3" ')1. di. dtm, ". "0"'"
'79 , '\1'1.
"g, " """''' •• 1>",00: Dido , '7J"70
"i",bu""m<'n', '7",,6,.
''7; Jrh",., '100;,'
o,"o~",hi'. '700'!: Lomb"d,. '90, l)'ippi,m , ')'
f ,l: Vi,igo,hi<. m<><k. Jl" D>oclo:ti." , ' 7. )1, II); '.-i" mph, '0-:<0,
Cuolingi.", J67-!, nO '0)-'011
<,u..d<. ' " ]),mcDlU< of "'ph.odi,o, ']'"'0.
C,e>iphoo, ,1 'H"l "
, •• ~"/o,.;... roy.l: Lomb"d , ,I" dipl" ",., mili' ''1. ')
C"ohns"n. J~; 6,P"I<ixJ.J, .>On '4'
""k.I.,". I<""f/o.>lchfo.. "0, '6'. di.f'g" rem.,,,. ..,_)
"""'f'. " 1. "9. '7 '"J< di ... ",u«, 70. 97, "7- 1, '7, . J66
'"~.,. ",i",. J>9<u ';;_;1;>1'•• ' " '''''urn,
C"nin<p<f<. >9] , '9!; "iumph. '9. [)j,b<I, M .... , . 66
Cum. S<nm, 91. '7). ,So 0,,1'1: ' " IIiunlph. p.,>dt ru ut<
l)Qm,,,k of Ih< Schol<,. ,,In)9, 1J '.
'.".J. ,,; '" .1,. vehid"
"""""I",,. 1]4
16• . ,61, ",. , '!I\J, '1j"" 6
"""in. '" velum llom"i","" '9In)l. ' .'n41
"'"., li''''"Ii,. Th<odt:ri"
nln!1 "".. ;""' ...11" "X,
V. "dol, .6,
Cn"" , """.to',
Cy ,ii of "'kxond," . 110
CY'"" P, ..,on." P"fw. III
'_'9' ...

l)Q.,i,;"n , '), ", .6; " i"mph •• 'J , '7

"'..;.. , tt"';"" , Th"""".-i,. ".-00
",", ",,"",n,. i67
D. ci. n,. '1," 0",""01' of Coo, .. nti".,. IIl"'I '
II; ,,, ,Is. cogoomi",
d.nd"S. 6'''9f. 69,
D.nube, 1'.9\1.'7)
V>od.!. .0. l)Q'yla'Uh', I ))"I!
du""y ""'''''' •• 66, V.n d.l. '76
~~ 9 tij<. "J"" " ")nI I J
0 ... , 6 , . 6, n'<>o. ,,~
d.,i"g fOlmulo: ,0<11"1,,<. ! i: V."d.l.
""x. "'."ph.!;" )7'. ) 11
Dn """,i",, '6. , .6 )
.66: Vi'igmhk. WI' C>rolingi.n , ",0 .. "";. , imp<.i.) 10"'<1<, "'I<" h
J I J' O llon;"', J3J: ,,, , I,. invicm, DIO"'<». O~Y" ' "
D.vid. 61 , ]4J lux: Li0l""""" ' J)" ' 06. • JtIn " 7;
D.vid. >rchbithop of Ih< lIuI8"" ';' 11><";",.1JJ"'"
D " id. "'ib<. ],! Dyk , JJ6
.k'i,.,._. ]] 0 Dy,,",hium. ,!, ",<>.:I
"",.1.,,100 , ]0]. )O'M , Q, ),J
D«iu~ C",d", M,vOIIiu, Buihu,. "gk JJ. 'j>
>7! - So "nhqu,k<>. ??n lH. ,oJ" ' <"}, ,0J<>69,
';~""PXQj , "J: '" ,110 [wiom ~
';~I"'<, ';q~In". Itt [.",i"n< E"t<r: SunJ.y, '6', '9'. '91 , V"igo,hr ,
Oo:m«.iu" S,. 'JJ, "'. ",n J) J"< : ""' ''OV<I<Y, 104"'00: Vigil,
o.nS<'lKh , 00 H'gi . Sophi', 70. BU' Ku"d;.m ,
D<";,. S,. ]46, H' , )6,. J7) '67" ]1. Vlligo,lI1, Jo, ,,)6: Mond. y,
n.O ' ''';OS, '9). )'0 ',,<n7'
o..;&.-i",. king. J7' EBOR ... , )' !"9<
0.,,';',,",.biIDop, H' E,hl"" ,,h, J6,
D<"". JIIn. E~i<., ]03"!). )'0036. ), 3- '9, J>I
DEVlcrr\ IVD... E... , 11 EGIC ... REX VICTOR, )I~
EKl'P', l . 11,1]< , 'Ho' l . 'l~n'S , '! 7. "'"mph "SIl I ~7, IN -j , "'7.
H~ . )~~: ~ovem"' , 2l)O,()I\ 'O'}- W , "7. " ,d p,o,,,,, iotl, 9;"';'
.U;'~IX. -'670<."J Ep""'"', "'''oJ: cOlln,il. "0
Eigh'h_C<"m'y C" I..i . n S.",m<nmy: 1~ 1I',,· ip'm. ,6,
HI - 8 , H"""". ljO- i . 11 ' I ""·I~ ,, ;'/"1'1"'" '" hulk ,,,,,. vo.,my
Eikookm. f,,,iv.!. Ak .. nd,i. , 7'"'4' Ep 'ph'niu" b;,ho p. '16
E;nh .. ~ , )0) .n' Fr ;ph.niu,. d.""n . "~to
I~ ~(W<1w~OO, >1 ~"'oJj Erdk". ,61
<kph. n'" " iump"' , :w. <>9'" '9, 7>. 96, Ir/'~'~p". ,,)1m'.
in' dL s""« , 96 r,";g. ),6086,)"
Eku,h<rlu,. Ex",h of ' " Iy, 7Jn, H . ')1 «<:0<0" ;mp<". I. ""'<C, '"; o m;rred in
Eli , )!> off"i, 1 repor" of By"''' ''>< ",umph!.
Eli ... p. I";"e 'h,,«h , >.<>3: bo< , 'W. "00 '. " 0.;.1,
"If .no p,i"" .oar",
'01. "J"'Jj '~mb,,'. 'J ) - " r""gon." "gn "r
EI;.~ $,. ,I.< Y<>ung«. 'J' '5)" ,06,
hu tlu li,y, <t< . ['" ,«""'"
Ehll;m o(Noy"" , ]U n67 E",", ;. I n ,,;c'un , l!.n" 1
Eli", iO!, lO S hO il." . 'l"n l ,$
[m<s>. un ~ o <thnK;ry; of ,,<lO, Y. J9J - t , Lom bard.
Em"", ••• '96 , Vi"guth, . )26 - 7; C"ui iogi,"_
<ml""o<o ,",ho,;'y. d;,;", """C<.
,;,;I;'y. 1, - 1. "'" mmm.nd,,_;n_
[ j>:
,u,h";,, , 70. 108. "g ,.6-, _ >j'
<hie(, •• '1' ,h""h .nd. ,,,",, : EL><l<><;•• Aei;o , j '
<olkgi, Ji,y, ! ! 1- '9: def<<<nc< '0 rud,o.; mm. ""n,",
p",imh. 7,n IJ I. I7J""'" f"do,i " ""'" t t o
s.,phi •. "' -~: "''' l..dinK " ,n.... IuS"""" oJ .• 7 , .S. ,,~n79, ,()I\, t22
<1,90; p"'icip""'" ,n ",umph, lul.I; •. 5" ) 11 1. J'"
ch, " S'" 9')-roo: . "d;. I,. Iumolp"" J2
l)l-4 " victor. 4- 6. rl, >I-H. [un'p;m. Rome , ",I Con"' n"oo plc m.
'0) -" '<>lI. t'l, l j> , ,,d f""".: " !,, ,67
.. i<w,d in G<m.. nk k i "~ du"" , 6-7 , <unuco" " , , 'l~ . ,io. ' i l , JO • . )oJ.
,61, '70, 179. ' 9j, J t • • )"". )6• . )S9 ,
W'- S; C.mling'.n , )"S. 117. ]1" ' >: ."
fup h",,·,. ')7
s" .1", ««mnn;,l : ,,,,rum<; I><i, : turK, >97, 'W
;m;",io i ml"',;i; in,ig"", In''''''<: Eu",oiu" 'O'-J . 'O.nIOj. 1<J . 'JO,
ru k"h;p, ,i ,k<: " iu,"ph,
ll'~p,uoc, ,."w' ll '"
Eu""h;m. " J
<'"p"'". In Aug""" EII,h" ", '7'''J7, ","j~
rn<l~ ... mrnt , ""o,~ , 'mp''';'1. )on'O<), t",h~m'"', "'tI'O'
71. 'Hn, ). '70. 'JJ; loc.1 ~U " Or;"'. G"od Ch,mb..I,in , . ~, ,'"
'''mm.nd,,,. 'J I , ",~ . I ; l"mt,.,d. ",um ph, .!-",
JO. "J
>9' -$ ' M."" iog;.n. )l7, JJ7n)) , h' gm ". 6J''''1
Caroling;,n , )JJ""!. )6' , )7) h;"," ","""i, ]7n7
Et",odiu,. ".' >1., p' lI<gyrk 00 b.k,,,,,Km. " , . " 1n' ll, ).1 7n, )I. ,, !
Thtod"k. '7'. ' 76, Vi,. f.·p;p."n;;. "",h. 2)0. 'JJ n',', 17Y: In .1,.
Ennl , lJ'-), III
""""p" V, I,,;.." . ' 7'n19
<",h,,,,,<m'nt: Mew,;ng i." ~ ;,hop, " ,d h ' ""to, 'Y'""""""". ,,"", 0 ' ; ""u", «',
p"'''''.' ,..,.krr;" JJo ~
<p.«h, p''''i'''"' ",oi. (;""",",;""",1<0.,
jl , " , . "" ,,6 , ' 0'. "" .nd

n",k,"~, ' jS (""""I: 11),,,,,,,"<, ,oJ' 'Of.l·

f."ium , n 'J'. '\> , '"J. ,,,",)6, Mfru;'i"~;"" . H) , C"ol i n~,.,., J6i
HJ, ,110, " , "'""'po" HO-o; p'" of
meoo< • • 1 OOI<' u<,,<y. H)-S; G.b,",u. s.,<un~u,. P., " "JO
p<," mnd , H S; "I"y. " . - 1, "1 G.;"". <9, J 1. n. 9' , , '7- '!
b", Epl>c,u" ,.In.J G.b,i. Prim •. 'J7n'9
hm •• ""'''H G.I,dm. 14
f.,,,. d,. JJJ-l G.II , St. ,b"'y. lJ'''''9.]7'
f"", fu, <u<"'!>. " '. 'lJ , ,.~. 'J'. G. Il. PI."Ji •. J9. 100'7, W. nj
HJ; o."og'''o<, .3); M«o.,"s .. n, {;.Ilm. '9'0 !
J '" C .. olm~ .. n. H,-J s,m,og bol rd,. JJ-4
hu" •. J1 s • '71n ,6, . '6' , n <
rc.". ~, ""Or, ...., offr"" "' ,.i.. R·"'"~i.l' J
F<,,<rb.h,.,1.7"JJ g" l.nd" '" """h,
fr<,.I" 80m. [So '0. i 1, '}I> ,,,,,I'(il"" , ]"6
/,,,i.l. D."""," , JO (;"c of ... ".Iu •• 17
F'.mu" Mom. 'JJ G,,<, Ill.chern ... ,,, )
~o.". '" (,,,ul> Got. ,,( O",;,;u" """
""""''', ro. "". ' , y, 'S!. '07' "" ,wo,. Got. , Gold"" Coo,,""'i"opk. "of"JI,
. . 0.'JJ. 'en , "J ,,,u"'ph •. ,.J.
'1'1, '\1-6. 'n
f ""«,,uy...,.,,_I'u''')'e. lJ<, lJO '9':>")0. 'en. '0<) , ><>909Ii.
"0- '),
( _ ",... '7, ."". 'lO 2Ii , "">:
mkld., PO"' !.. '7.1 ,
fOKTITVDO AVG, INV ICTA,'7 »on ,." p,.,c"" ,m" 71- 1;
F",u,"' ~(A,«~;u, 0' X 'w .... p...... '" N;<.p."'"'" .<Ioon,. '10:
forum Ik"", '" Iloo, tknov<ow. '!9
f ot",,' of CU""'" " "". "'" '0' , S"c, P""i., .31-9
'""'ll; "i"mph', IS6. ,6,-S , Gm , S,lv". G,." P. I" •. '''non,
'7,-]. , I ,. "S, 109: p"",<WO"'. 7S. S"<. T"l<d" .• <I<,.""d,)()j\
71. "9: <mp<ro. wdcome~. "" ~""." "<fO'y m"""",cn,,, '70:
f or ",n of ,h. 0 ., '" 11<,." "n<tih«l , J"
Forum Rom , ""m , 'J. '" , 10. 1'. 9', ~",,4i. p.ol"•. 'H' '" .1,.
"6. "1 ,,,,"ou,,«mc""
Fo,um T.un •• J. '10, 'IJn"O. "S , G,"I. ,", 9', ... . . 66. ,,. , JU;
"l"'''. '"" 'JJ. "9
Fmum ofTh,,,d,,.;u,, "lnnf
Th<OO<rk. "" M<""' .•.
P&-H, J9" w.yword wom,". »6
F..",;,u,. 6!, r,), !l~"J1: '" .J,. G... , 'JJo"
<o~n~m ' n . (k, .. ,k. '6J"')
F""b, 'S , H . 'Jo. ,67 , '70. )06. P), (;d.u,,,. '.eo.m""",y, )l6: G./O,i..."
)n, )2J- 11. )"<, )'}I>; I'"~"'KC , H""Y" J<f ,lJ. E,g!t,h_C",,",y
• ..,I"i, n
F...",., lnumpb. <9-}O. "J .• ,6
he> ,
Gd,m«. "l. """"9], , ... '6,n) :
timed .. ",urp<r , "y
frN<~""d, ))1 Gdloo< , JO" '" ,I,. S. mm<nwy of
fICK OO , JOO"'. ,)6, 2J )n". J""" 'W gcn<f. I, '" <omn""d<"
h",hll<JJ d""""'g. ' 11',60 (;."","" '_6<)
F"ulo. JJ • . J,6; wu" ,,!. JIk>' COU"'. JI? G,,,.v;".<. ~"
froJ" ) OJ ~<"ulk",,,,, , '" i""""
!<W,W, ,,,,,,,i,,,iM"77 George M."i' m. ;on"'. ,10-<,
fu lgc, .. ,u, of R",p< , 20j 131i-?, ""f , 'J!, .. 3
fol .. ,.. w11i. J7' c;.,uog' P;,id.. .•
('",org' , Sr. '70; hOl1o"d ;n victory l Ol: uivor. ;()(j
"""a. 171 (;u",km«, J ,6<>16. PI
Gro'g<. St. OI011"'''y. >9~ Gu"oob.d. ,M. ,t\7nU
(''''''go. St, T rup.iopholU" ,'hu,d" Guo ,fr.muod. '6' ,
17?n Y' vu" ,h"m. JJJ.", 1)Y, )4 1, JP
' $,. ,01..,.. )J7
GElI.M "'N I'" SVB"'Cr"" >8 Ibd h<m"",, J l8n I ) I
r",m .n;"; • • 1)7 , [ l . , IHnl ' H.d,;"" 1. pop< , )) 1- 60. J8 J
(krm, o;,",. ::, 63. II). 114, "1 ; In H.d d ,". <m p< ,,,,. JI
,I" rugnu m i", H.d",,,,,,",,,, ,"n.m,.! , ,62
(k'm ,nu,. p, tri ",h. n"'l' Sopl,; •. 100. "06nlo. 16" ,Ii •.
g<1IO,,,, adl",.,i• . ,,'(l; bo .... Jjo; I"'; , lOC , ""4071. >06, >2401)6,
d i.mouo ' . > j j n , I J, ) J 0; ~..." ufl,,, ""'. ",,,n'ph, , -,.,-> , '43 , 11). '11 - 7, 161.
'H. py, gr«l;og. 'J' . )'9- )0; p,lm '14. '1 ' . " '- '). "Ii, >17-'9. ''',
",,,,J, ~; '" , I" coleo,K, <011" 249; ;'i"o.-y utr<';n~'. 7> , 17<': . mbo ,
'''' ''100;. 1; ki,,: pro,krn«" '9) . '00: ",.<1<",,", ,, ! ; "", ", bly
(;, 100. JI, I P "".1 '. 'Y •. 100; B' pt;" , y. '94'
gl.J i"on. J'. 9 1. 96, 97"7J ch urch of til< (OmOlOn ?<Ork. >, ! ;
G LORJA - R,O - M"' NO R U M, ck'n. " ! ---<J. "",, 17S; <01i,I'" of
,00 .!om •. '<»; cr", "f .",h";,,Oo ..IV;'<,
God, ,ok ,n vOo'my. 96. 101 - r ' . I J2. "7; '"''''''''. '4""10, ' "ol l". 11!:
'," , )11. H' ornp<ro," dooujoo for ""nd;ng
Go'! .. , U'"'P'''. '6. <uch."". " I; ~, Ikr"" ' 9• . ""0"1"
GOO;~;"'I , '<\70)\ l"in M,". ,."")9; Miori.'. ::!:
guld, ,,,; d,,, 227" ' 72 P'Y""'" of choi r. ,,8: p,o,,",,,,.';, ;.
(id iot". 6). )O J " S: , .. 1.. ,. "S: Ut .1", Typ"nn
Gordi.n. 19 " "" Io<" d,. ' ....... '"' , " ~ ; rmp<fO' "
Gothi,u,. " I , " " '" .J", 'ognomio . «!I' to proVillC<I, 2)4: Lomb".! , " ""
Go'h', jY. 4< , 4Y, )1. 73MJ4 , 77. I j, luog. JO, WI . ",0. 4 11; mou""il<.
99. 10'}. 117 , Il l, uS. J96: l>." gu' g<. '6<); ~""g"t fr" '<'><); \hovcd. , ! I,
2~7. w ! ; " " ' )'. ' " '" .1,. "". '.~. p " '" ,/<4 <1<:«1''''0''
O ,rrog"'.>: Yi"go,io. H . li'g" ortiig' , )"'
c:;" p,,,; bru,h<", ,. 1"., lI . 11 "f th, N in<tccn Couch<,. '"
C:;" ,i.n. "). "", l IOO'JY T, iHn,,,
K'''u";,,, Io<fo.., . " ",,"<>«m .m•. ' 14: lI.n( ',f""', )46
..,«;v<d for f""'''''''''''' "1 IJ'nd,l. C:; , F. , H7
G"., hl,« , >« p,I"." Co",,,n,;nopk h",Jo . m p"""". 01n14. W; ' PP'"''
G"gori." ,,,',, m<" ' .. y, 1-1.."",," .. . fwm d,rud. 96; hoond. JO. 7<', I.".
))0-" nm'"-=o""y. H"''9' , 4<6, cI' ppinS, J04' ",",","dOl;" J<\7;
,",,.m', , '0" ", .. h,d. ,0.,,, '" , I",
'''' '''~'I. po!"" '-<> - ), )o' nl ', H'.
Gr<gmy m u"I""",
37"'''''' h",nMU<. ' " 'I',,,,,,he.
Grego,y n . '!lOjl ,1>><I; og;, . 6 1
G,<~ory of Ny,,,. 'jjn" I he.d" d"pi>¥. 17. 00. 'J 4 , , "'. , SI .
Gr<~Ofy. JI""go'. 117 ' JJ . 'J1""I, J91, ., ~ , "knd"
G«gory " f T ou ". J> ! , )"" ". J14-6, um . m<n' , "). " ". fu" " ;on , 'J.
141 - ' Burgund;.n , ,6]. Lomb .. d. '9J - ; ,
Gub" " . '1"" !9 19'. M<ru'ms"n. JJI. Y;,isut),,<.
l(Uildro Cn"" ,"ri""pk. 100, ' ''"''' pl'' , )0) . )9;; p",do, 'I , J6. ". 00, ''',
""4-1' ",h<r ",<mon;". 100; .;I~ . ,!. j' , 00 , "". n, 7l. 8 7 . 96, I j<>-I .

,I,. ' ) j . '1~. "'. "",h"

R .><nn •. '17. Goli"h. ~J. monk
, "'" "9, 1'9; '" .1", "knd"
)o/""o,iu' , '10. <n. ' \>Onj. ,)6; 'riumph,.
mu"k .. d by ,nob. ~J. l"ydool<>v<. 1 11-0.1< - 0' . "1-'0. '''-"
imp"'. ~J: "'n<: ' I . '0. 0'. <\. 1~. .,;<mn. Ii •• w
7).7)"'J< Hone<. ')
Hcbdomon P.b ". 1J. ,am Il 6. 'll . 00,,,,'. '0, 16<5, '7). " 7. "I : <>I"n",
" '9"jO. ><Xl. lIJ. ''''''' ' '. ,19; ,,, of roC,". ')0: om.m<n". )0. "1,
,I,. John. 11>1";'" chuTCh. J6! n 17J
H.bdomon "","""i,.,. '10- '
Hur~",ig""" 7. l66 Huncric •• 6, . • 6., 19'
H'g,l. G. W. F., 1000lJO lIum, ", .~. Jj
heir. 'YJ. ISIIl. 'Hnl); ";umph, " hi , hun" roy.!. ]611
H9. '.7 . I ll; roy.l: Lomb"d , '0" hrmn~ !1O; olu ,;ng "jump"" 7'. 10, .
M""'1I1gbn. JJJ I ~ , '7', '71 ,"" ;mp<r;.1 vic,ory.
Hoi", of Au • .., •• lhn>oo 60, 6'"9) . Ij> • ... n )) : by .. my.
H,;,;,. duk<. )76 ,,6-7, .,9. 'J" Vi';gornk. )0'"'''1.
H,kn. , j') J"< ' C .. olingi.n. no
Hekn;.n" P.bc<•• , In!"!
H,lm,d';, .• 17 ;<<m""I..m , J". 'J'. I l". "H
hel m"~ 'oJ. '!'rIIJ' «OW"" '9' ic""" ~"rhy ' im l"', •• I. 7, '''. j!n7". i 1.
/1'"01;''''' 'jlnl L 06. ,)6, ' \"l; ; ,,~"<"CC on A~ilulf.
Hen,y I. jlln .. ' pom, ,, , 'I"'-'
H,,,du. lIO",,"" lOOn,. '''' "m y. '47-1: Mt ,1<0
H."cl,u,. H. '0). ')""'" ,,;um ph •. PO""'"
7<>-'.17). ) ' ) , )91; victory bull«;m. id,okogy, ;mp',;.1 v;C!o'y. ,--<i, ". 1).
1910>7. '9) - J: jj,",SY of "'U , .. I. lI - )" -n -I. )11--9. 19J-6: fou"h_
'\<>-'. J n : ,h.nbgl. iIlg p,,,,,,,.iom. "ntu,y, JJ--<I, )~ ~; Ju"in;.o. 67- 1,
7j-0 D . ~II . 'I'-J: N;« phoou, 11 ,1 69--'70'
ho"ld. , 1')1. ,3l, ,,,,,,,j, •.
,~ '00, ' j ) .kv<nth-<<n' "' Y. 'l ,n>; I, w, . 61;
H'fC"k. In.kfU>. ') , '9 " " '''. ')"- 7; ""h •• ' Jj: unity .nd
H«m<n<g,ld , JO? J17 ,oIkgi.ljj,y, '" - '9: ,oy.1 v;cto'y.
H«od'.n. ' In)o ) 0'-):, ,6J-6: O"'OSOlh,.
H",ul. p.I.e<. )7) '7] - 1): Lomb"d,. '!'rlll :
H«ul•• ')0 Vi<i~O!h!. )oJ; '''in.g •. J'7-19. I,w.
Hi,,,,;, P.I.e<. 71 , "7. I jjo86. '0) """'. I;"",ur<. J'J --'7:
HiIlem" of Re;m" JJ • • lljn, " . M"nv;ng;'n. ) 40- ', lin,,~<. ) . "
]",n I7' C"oling;.n. J69- 1>. d;plo,,,,';,.
Hippo,hom" Conmnunopk . H ). ')0. ) 1) - ., . nd p'r.1 k", ... )73 - ~. )1).
'1'. 'llon. _ . "J: triumph,. other k",:n. )8<>-" I<rr;,,,,i.1
• 1-'n'7, <9. _<. 61,".91 - '00, p,indp.i;,k>: )86-7; '" ,I, •
'09. H I. H<I--9. Ill. ,.6. ,.~ . 'I' , mooopoly of . ;«o.y
' _110. ,6). 16• • ,0\6-1. ,6!, '80. 1",,".0 •• do",m. """JO
'!7 , ,,6: ob<Ii'k, '7 ...."!IQ: S« . 1.. I~j,~o, ,,!
c;m", <h,,;ut""": fwi""" h,hi,m>; IlIu,.60
'P'''''' '1"'<1><:1" i.. i,./;. i"p<rii: by offoci.h. '0, 47- 1' ,
hi"oriogroph y' 'nd "",mon;,I, I. " ' -) . ' jj , 1J~-9 , )91: Gc'<.
'\>O' JI. ' ) l. llln,!: , nd k,ns,]"p. 6-7. ). ' - 6;, '6" The""",i< ,
1'1: ,,,,,,ct~ ' 9' - ' '70-1: Vi,jg",hk '91: M<wvi"gi,n.
J... ,jtn<> .''''''. ,or ) i<' C"oI;ngi.n, )6'-J . JO'- )' )Ij ,
holid.y,. ' 9-Jo. p •• 6. "n"I. !). 3S , 19" '" .1., ,<remooi.1: ,u l<nhip

i,",.;x,i. ,",no",". >9' hm..,l, ' W

;"pt,;",". '). '7) 1<1><1, I"'<l i«', IN . )U-J . ,, 1-9. )"
lm po""nu,. '7Y 1,";0: bi,hop>, >; By"n t;",. III
IN XPI NM . ]1 9 1"lk •. )'\>11100
h,d",. 6, h,l y. 'J. J4 , oJ ''''.
\0 , 10\>11J. ,. ' :
Ing<i~<'m. pal,o:. )60. 369 II Y"''' ''I<. 7J" [J4 , 'JJ. 'll , 2l1.
,.1..10. )OJ
11111<>«"'. )00'" J
'"". "" ,,". "'. ,.0; "my , ""I.
" I , "vol" wh", « pi,, 1 br'i<ged,
;n,,';p',omo ,nd v""my. lJ-,. ''"'''. 'H' vic,o,y jd,o"-,!!y , ')jn');
j l. ~ - J.S,. [[ G. ' J7' n . """,ir. O " "'K,,,h '1Y1-~ •. )'6; l"'n b .,~"
'71-80 ". - 0: F""k"h 0'1"'.1,,;0"'. '''''77.
i'!>;r i. , i""i",. ]76: '" . 1>0 ,y mOO!.. lW. J l! ; Cuoliog"". J l L, J7J" '91.
v;"o ry 117. JOo , )!, . )8J
in, is'';': imper;'l. 7<'; <mpe,or ","d,!O Tud;),. J ,OnM
.. "11",,,. JJ611'9: olf.d. k. so. 'SO' iUppH«. '" JuP;""
lIulg.";.n. 17J. "1; Odo.,<I. '68, l u~.o"" •• ,6,
O""'K"'"' . >70Il, S; Vi,;go<h,. IVIJAEA CAI'TA. ' 1
)ol nJI; M«ovillg i.n. J' ~ . Clov~ .
))OO'v: C>ml;ng'.n. 170 - •. • nd
B)'"n ,;n<. 100: '" .1" """"""" J"ob. ""8"'" <quilllm , '41
","um<: '.0"'''1: d "'<>",,,« ; p.. ,pk J'on« uf E<k< ... , ~ .."','
".nd.<d, J",u" iu, N<po,i' l\u" SJ nu
i. ,;,.I.",. ," ,;Ii" J«"ho. H'
inv"";,u,,,. '" "«w",, Jm'''km , '7. ,~. "J , )72
INVICTA VIRTVS, ' 7 J<w •. '7. Jon ,,,,,. J"n,,?, I',,,,,cu';,,n.
;.v~''''. i~.;"i";"'"!: impc ' i,I , ;o.
) In' ' " ,p« .J,. 11 - 0: C",,,,,n l,n< '"
Jul." VIII , VOpe, J70"r!6. )7<'lIi7
"'plo", ... ;,h ';«. '. 10J - " in John I T.;",i,,,,,. 72"')1. 'J9. ,6" I"".
p'OY"'''''', 'JJ~m J: An."" iu> 1. 176. '9Im •• 'J""0l; """"ph"
,II; ,oy.l: V'Old,I" ,(06: 170- ) , ''''"'''. ~'7 , , '0
0",080lh,. ' 7... '76, 2SI. ,I" C. ",;II",·. ')'''', I,,; 1",1''''" ..11,(0 ,
V;' ;gOlh<. J>" M<<ov'n~i.",. J, " '<9_ )9;
C " QI;nK'''u. )72. ) 1 ,. )"' - J:
_ xiii.,". )2<= R,,",, " " vi".,. '7
lo,"noo poli,. ",n,",
John . U>U<p"'. J~ - 60. ~;n0 7 . 96. "' ,

John . "d P, ,, I. S. ;n". dmfC~. ')7: r.,,,

iN! ";''"r~'/''. i.","
J>v '" 11..»<"0'. ' J7
John. $,. po""". "I"ll
I"n<, 11:<. '0"",1" ";umph. " I: Jo kn of An'ioch. ,,'''W, '"
00/,,,,", .. C"""'n,;nop l". 'ol nl ' , J uh" . !l.p'''', So; 'k''''h. HoWo"""".
wmm.nd .pf'<';n'n"~". ".-, " , '0 7 " "~. ' Sl , .". "Y
I.. " Co.,o,nu" ",umph. 179 J"h n, R'p'i", St; ,hurch , Pl .. i •. 'i9
I ..bp; M<"';o.;. ",n' '1. ' [,nI13 John, !l.p">!, SI. feu,. 'OJn77 ' " '/i" ,
l.. u.i,m , 00. "'.l j" 'M.l'J
bid",< of&,·ilk. '\'9.
)00. )001116, J\>6: John Bieb •• Chroniek. j'~
HiJl,,;. COl"",",". W."d.lo,.", . John Ch'y..,,,om. ' _'0. 'Y). 'J i
S","".'"' '93-)00. l,6-7, ,d,p" John CU«u". 'Jl n ' 02
,""U"". l' jll l>l, l"n ')), Uoo' John. do ' < " f 1,,,,, , JJ<
S, ........ ),6,;"" on 'numph. Joh n Gibbm. 6,
lo>: R"'p;',/"i" 117 John. J" .. " I,", . p."i",h of. ' 30017
1,I.m. 72: ' " ./" A,.b, Joh" Lydu" ~., "J

John ,\hump""', "vnL~> )"''''' U" proro",ol of C"""'''';nopi.,

John S<ot E,iug<n., l7) '9)"'9
John S<ylit'"" H,,,,,,,o, '"70 ''' .
'70-,. '!""O'). ' !7n><l. ,'7 K.k"d", Un , . ,
J.... ,n s<y,out. 0, ~>;,J.I"KO<, 4"'" ~~,I;i .."o,. ~k1mo'
J.... HL , TI"" .. I"",c. , m hbL!oop of. ,., .;;-,,,",,,01, 'Hn,)
Joh n VLLLw"" lut, ,))"".LI K,looymo',70
John Vl<d"I", w,f. of. ", . ,,.i, i •. ~ «).<Un"
).,J,n, Thcot"~", , S" ,h",ch, r,ph"",. ~'"P'R''' ,,' CO>!o n'<
',J",) " P"'"'" " ', ' 7)
J"'''' of O , in".. )7' K."~j, Eyuk. 'lln i l
Jor~'"<' , "5. >H J,''ILI ~tanlJoJ. JnLI
Jo><ph I)rn ' ~ • •. ,t,J. ,67<> , ... ,6! m~'P'la""" 'lJ
J""pho ,. f l,,',o ,. '4-'7 ~ ~,d""'oc. '\K>!l)
J",hu " )O J .~,~~da"""','; i~1 ,~~, " j
JOt",. " a ndanau:. '~mJ?
j"""", '))"J , 'J6ml ~"~"m., 6J. 7). Y4 , 96- 7, "l'''9l.
) OVLnO, . ..""''''' of M .. ;""", J9 1>7 , )S9: '" .1", Hippodwm'
jo.. n"" '''"'J'''', 5". J7, .'" ~"YO: ", I)"",i. , "7: Rom', 66. '~In !:
Jol" [}omn" .. n6! To",,,.. )n: V"OfI', 67
Juli,n e .."", ,l n22 : .oiv,""" ,
')'nO: kLo,g<h,p, '" mb<h,p
C hnoOom ... v" I17n,6; d.n",d kin. 'po"". '''' J'Q
'0.,"0"'''', , ll-' J, "0-,, h"d .ki""'''~J. 'J' 068
p""Ic. ,"'''0, p'~'" p''''''' .."t Kumbin",,,,,..., , m"'low. ")n",
oJ""'"'. 'J4Ll J t o ~ 6!<~c, ofOp>ikioo: ' )0; t<il' ,<IX"".
juli. n. Pm'"",n Profrt,. 6. lL"'199
jul,," ofT"kd o. )00. )0<\, )O~ , )'J: Ko"". ,
Hi".,i' IV, ....... ),7, ).s ; 1."1..,, •. KO" ;go" , 6]. 77
Julio, C .... " ". )9'
~."'kl'i,". '" ",,"",olum
Ktum . 'JJn31 , '9.
joli'" · Pm'. i)"I>
jup,t«, rl , v ,. LOI; Vic1"'. ,S, v"""'Y
K,."", ,o'"~,
K y"'g>un. 7)
0"'" G"n" , p, ~"u<", ' 0') Kr';' ,k;'... 16" " '. . .,. , , 9. JJ4,
Ju><in I. '!("'''' n": vi<to,y bulk,i,,? ,
JOlt;" II. 'n' , ' v,nv. ''''''''H, '0,,,74, l, G", .. , CO," h"",d , )1'"9j
' )4''' 0. 'jOn,,, ,,"umph •. "". ,,~ _ 'o I"",;,;., r •• I"4t, 'JO: .... I~
Ju"hn.n. )6. 'OJ''',,,). ,)6"'4. ' , "";0. .n"Dun«m<n "
'l6, '7""40 , '9 ', JJ'''!?; "'umph, , bLnp-li~h "ng. '" Iy<hn .p';'
6, - i . 9), I" , "l - Y, ,y8, '00; .b!<~r<i'c. , ""1 8
v"'tory id< .... ogy , 67-!: h . "ci<t.,. I""p>. '" ligh .. , lill"t;"~ ~"u'"
JjS: .""ud< to ..·,rd ""bon'n L .n ~ob"bi , H' Lomb",d,
k",~Jom" ,,' -~: column , """')! : I•• .,.,. J7J
I)'g'!! ' ,61 : ,mf'O'<' new <kponm'n' '~4< , "n,)o. 'll. '~' , '~4"'7
ooo/l",,;. k. " <: I."" M: novd '''' I"g'''' ,m".,.i.l. I. ", 'OJ. »1- jO:
p'ovin,; . 1 .cim'n'''''';'Ln. '9J - <: ,,,omph '9 •• 0, 40. ; ).!y, 1> ,. 1)1.
te,,.,,,., V, ,,d . 1 '''y,,6, "g. 'J!, ')7, lJ7")0. ",: «mfU>«!
)U>1 ''''''' II , ,oln,"') , ")' ,M, '9. , >Jj: '0 P.I" •. » ! : (o",to,'my, "\ILL " ' :
" i"mr~'. 7!. '\4, '3J , J'). J~' "'pic O .. rugo,hi<;,;7]. V;,igo,hic.
j"!! i",.to. T ,i kIi"", "f, ," -r " kl in". )'9- ,0, M < ' ov;p ~ i.n. JJJ. n6: 'u

.1., m in' : endow""n'. ,k",,)" : ,;''"')' '''In. 2Jh. , ,,,,ud.. ,ow"d

m«hlll"",, ;m ro.;, 1 ,,"'C<. 'H""I'
L"mm. l!k> <011&",,,1,,,,,,,, fo, "K'O')' , .,. ' J.
1", ;«" wi,h b ",..<k, .nd dun<kl"",. .,n,O, " ". , n" ,... hI. > ,~ . "I""' Hn~
' ''7: ," .1," ~,.,.de. .nd '~"inK ""(.,,nw to V'(lO' Y,
/,,.,;,,, Jyi , ]7': "y"',i"i' .... jJ6, )7,-1: l)6- ,: fwm ""),<<0" '0
"Ki" . Hh. H7'",h, )71 C"o]"'gi.m. nS, V,,'g,~hK .nd
1, ,, ... 1, " . ,~. "n. ' <no ll~ ; w,wh" vict"'y id'o)OKY. l'J: Mo,o,""S''''.
' 1, ' 9. >10 J.'"J'" C"oIins"n , no V" 'Ofy
L.u«nt iu,. )no Ld ,-o lo~y ,
)71 -!<: Ch"km'Kne ",
i.w: triumph »J: pmmul~"i on '" b""d •. JJJ -. ' 1<. ,1' 0 bulk"m.
""1'<",1. 'J. v"oo,)'
h,,,,,, . I. ,o,""""i,,,,, X,"' i" ,". '~JnH L<~ ~,I;c •. JI J
k K"""" <"ng" ,"I,,< v",,,,,i,,u> I~~ 1"",~"I,,,"," , 1J. J2J
<mp« m , 19. ~ (}-I . "n.O. ~ ". ~,; Ii!J. Jjn"J
r<'""'" ""1""'0'. ~ 5n~0: to fo," sn Lih,n ;", Un<" , 0'. ~)n7h
eo"tu. J. )00; p. p.1. >"n,o> : L,b" .i",",,,, )71-~
M<ru","si. n to I."mb"d •• ,,~ : to L,b<, """'"'". Joo
C'fOl", ~i,"" !"""u,,, ]76. 0 <1 ... " , ,i,""
Lib<, "",,,,-,,,,,),,. v;cto,y "moo
)67" ' 7 '. J1]' '" ,IJO .mb" "Jo", p'p,1 '·tt"", 3)
."J",,,w Lib)". '"n ,,". """",
L"d"d . )1' L;,i" i"'.)7. S"" I , ' 0., "). ' "
Lru III, f"-'I"·. J67,, '6) l if"."yi<: I,," Ron"" , OJ"J " , Ii".
Lro IV. 1'''1'< , )Hnl' j , J"",,16. J!J wd'K .. V,,,d.h. ,6, -"
L"" I, ,)6"l<, lJ6nM. ' J "'''!, ')7n'9 M "o ""~", ,, , Jl9. JJl. Up."'i,,,
Lro III . 7. , 'll. IlJ. '0"06, , "', ' )j : ."d C"ohn~"" , JO.-J
t'<i"1l". 'jO I;~I ",. l i ~h';"g IiXl"'". J ' , J6. 7J. ,~.
l<o IV. 'J~. "J, '0)"7" ''''''''ph. , '",,-'0. ,,~. '00-3, III iOlr<,;, 1
')7-.', " 7 e<lo"""" "" . 7 "" ) ,
Lou V. '9' , ' 9')nIO, '09. 21 ".,.1'). Li,b."" )76
"J"'IO I" .. i<" "iu"'p h, '"'' "'~<. 7< _1 ,
L<o VI. 'W. ,,,n'O,. ''I n,)) , 'J o: '<)n j'. ' .. nj j , )<1 - <: ''
,';u'"rh. 'j7- 8: h." ""t o!f'm l>. b"b";,,,,. ';' -<' .pp.u •• 1 .nd
'Jon ' " ",,""" u" IJ.~ I. 'J' d"'"fb",,,,. '.<"J<' ;"'1'<,;.1 "my.
Le" Du<,,". ,~, n' . '. '" ,. 'H. , .~. ><y, "St; C"uling i.n "my. JJ '- ~'
vlC""y" Rum<. )19-60. "i,i,.
t <" M. ld ,,",. 'J9 '" . 1", Ky,k 'I<i",", 1,"<1<:"
1<0 M<li,,,,n,,, , ,nn ,M, ' ~ 1 P,oe<",o"" "'ppl,,·,,;om
l<o ['h OCl!, pmK ;'" , 'J9. ,66 I"e"w ,o; vi«o,y. i"I'<,i.l. ,.6. llJ -.:
Lo., of Sy".J" , .0. Dom" i,,,U!· """,.Iy, '0''')<. ' 0" '07'
l ro To, "iei"' , 179'1 ' 9>, ,~8" .. V,nd.l, . ") - ~ : O",o8",h. , '7,- 6:
L""kg'''u,. J .. L"m""d,. '9J ' Vi';goth,. )' J-7;
l<:of,k Mi,,,1, M, Oxford. Bodl. l ib,. M""v"'g"" , ).0-2; C.tul;ng;.n.
II<.>dI. )79 ' >« ""nL"Clip" ""d J"'J. )7'->: '" . {'" . « I'm"i",,:
Leon""'. U'UlI'<', A.D. ,! •. 00. '9Jn» p,n<KY" "
Lo. ... t iu,. mu'l'''' , A. D. ")J. ,~ • • W' /;""".. I•• "".... ,.... bulk"IlI • • kw,y
Lrovigild. '91. )00. )"'''''' J 16 , J I7-!. litursy : i"'I'<,;.1 rriu"'ph. 6J. "', 'J',
) 10. J"""OO. J'J""" (",,,,,.,i.l. ,6J' ,,~U<, " """"Y' imp<ri.l .
'9 3 - Joo 'J ! ,n. ><), ,.~ -~. ,oy,1;
k:""",.o <"'1""'0" . • dd ,,,,,,,, ,,,d O",~o,h,. ,8). V,<i~o,h,. Jo}-6,

jO! - ll. J" . M,rov,ngi.o,. H.--6. lOl. )6;-j. )0! '''76. )6<). H'-' .
C"olin~i,". )<1 - 1) . l!tl-7 : )7); "i"m ph . 17'- 6. l.,.,: vk!O,y
th,nk'g'v'ng . v'<lory: ,mperi.l. u. "'1« . ) ! ,->: co,,,,,., ...... 166.
j'. 6,. ' 07-9. 119. 'lJ. ,)6 . '61 . ,I\; . l""'" '16
'71. '7lm'9'. , I , . ,II . '"o'j6. >lJ. LooLl.h, Stlmm<"". 17'
'J'. 'I': roy.l; l<>mb .. d. Lou •• ; •• 1""011,
'9)- 4. Vi,igorhi' . 10<-). )oti. Lou .. , dnwi"H. <l"J" .• v. jO. )",,6,.
)' ,- , >. C ' roling",n . lSj-!. J )'>--60. 'II; «lmp ...,d with fI<>hfJ<ld. '9!ltIo
n <- ): of a"il. »1: amoos 1o)"l1,) , !O "01"""'. "'. ,61 . 'JI. )9':
Bu' gundian,. >67nJ7: Carolini i>n p,oof " .. d<J . r", o;;vil wU. I) ;
,,[o,m of. Jj<>->. )6): of ",,,,d. di'pl.yed . ~J. 'J!'
'n p"y"'.
Chry.""om. 'J9' of COfll"nlinOpt. .
'0"''''''''0''''' ",.. ,I,On, ' P. '" •.
'"F"r j6. 'OO}-II O. "9: "" ,&.
,u,h.ri"k 7). ')6, 117. houf!. '6>. I'gh"
,,0. )O jnJ6. J7)"'9!. p,<>«,Ilon.l. ."~ .. ~6' . ,,0
' .... ..odo.l fun<lion. ' 4J. >JI; L"ciu, Vcru,.". ,r8n9'
G. llie,n . lJO. 1<,- 6: of j.m". I,,/;, ... "",i. )7"7 •• 6. '''!Ml : P""i';.
'l9nl O; I;,,,,,y ,lIu,;om '0. J7J; )" R""", i. 17"' 7; """"F•• I". 19.
MOIII.bk loo. )04. )0'-"; pow« I,", J' Vi".,;"" CM,..i,. J!; v~''', ..
ovOl crowd. ll" Rom.". »9-, 0. CM,.. i,,, CI,",Ii;. JI' 1',,<1,,1...
]16. ))<>- 1; ,~. p< , provincial 5"111...... )'
«l"<<ption of ''''1''''0', ')1-40, ''',,: u.J"',~ ,I;,-J. ll<. J<19
imI"'riol •• ) 1-40. ' <9. )90, L"go. )t 1-'9
Mo"" bic. ,00. ''''_I>. F".";,h. Luitp,,"d ....
I",,,,,;,, H'
) " - l'. , 10--7. we,. .nd "". 146,
'" . 1.. , oni"".. y; K yrl< <I.;"",: Lyd ... . )7"'9
Ii"o;',,, M"" p"yOl~ p"IC"';oo" Ly.,.,'. )11, )16
" '"mcn"oo, ,UpphC.lIOn,
Liutp" od of C r<moo •. ><,.".,J M.e«!onll. 'J m6i
L,"vo II. J T6n !6 "''Ii'''' .,il,,",". 6j
Ljublj . n •. I I ."1;"" 'ffi<i"","' J.. dittg w<moni, 1
Lobbn.l"'n'J" offici.1. "' ->. "J. 'JJnI06:
l.ogo'~<le of 'hc D,om,. 16> . ,6J. o.'rugothi'. '70: '" .1,. Po-!"H poc
'9,n " . " l"Jl ,"" I"" . ,""''''' ""I,,;.... . ,. <• . J' .• 66.
Lomb"d,. )n6. I .•"nll. '!.--¢. ) ' 6.
1)<. )j9. )1>n,06. l7l. W' . 19li;
OIdIUM' "",.. ud imJ'<';,1 ,ivili",ion .
~~ I"' poc . 'JI. '71" ,'6 . r!,,,, ,,.
>I J. " " duk", '9' . '9) : M'g"'""u,. <""'''. " .!'
L.ngob"bi . 191i M'gy,". )6,0 I jo
LonS W.II!. >lo.",'! M.;",. l hn')7
LonlinUl ofs..u"u,. 61 I"I("'I'~<. ~~,~it<: 'l !n" . ,6)0" )
LO"linm. p"f«,. ,I., M.ium ... [",;vol . ')7- !
/0,,,,.66. "Jo'\I7. ' ,9. 16l. 4 '7 M.l,~ •. )06
l.oll<h . '" S.c"m.n,,,y of M.m " . S,. p,b«. '17
Loth., I. H o. )61. )7>: c!o.n«lIcry . )h Mammln"'. '9
l.o"i, n . cmp<'o, of ! JJ. 177 ~ ..Mn. '9)n') . III'}
Loui, m. )H-j. 16,. 16'0 149. ) ! l ~,vMfOp<e. "i
Louis lb. c;",m'n. JJ • • lJin') , . ) 6•. M"'Rl"'i"i. 11. 0><>7
)6,. 167n'7'. 17'.)71 P''''~~'O'' ,17""7
l<>ui, 'hc Pioou,. )"". !9J"'9. JJJ . )60. "",nn •• ),9

M."u.! A,m,ni"" r,,,,,J9 /0-1'''1'"""1,, , '9)")'. "-1""<1

M.",,,II Cun,",,,u,. 111"1.10 /o-1""n" )0 1. 10<, )11
m."um,,,i,,",. JJ)"'9 /0-1",: f", ;ml"" .1 V' ''o<)' , . ~. ' ''7 - ~.
m'"u><,"p" n"d; C.m~"i, II, M, ,~.! 1.,"n. in Ihgi. Sophi •. 'l""W,
",J ,6) , 1\0: G6<,j"~,,,, U,,",' ,. C",I, Ro,,,,,, 1'''''8) . ')9- ,0, b. "I<,
,"",1. 'l" lJ1; Grotufm.,. , r,p, ,,1>-7; ",),,1: V" '~",hl<. """".
VII, ')9'l)); K"I"uh<. l."J<,b, JO ). p o, d,iI), fo' "''''''y. l'''
Cod, Aug_ CClIlI : ) .. ,,60,0, F"" .,<h, vo<;"," , HJ-6, pro "t< , " ' I t
L<ningr>d, G, 1', It. Q _ v , l " m>, H ' ..,11" l<~ . ' j,',
)Il0l , '" p'oJ"'i",,, ...
)Jo: M. d,id, Il ibliot«. N"iom l. H] - ', JJ6,,,,6. 'g. i,,,, p, s. n,.
Cod. Vin, (,6-,) , ,,7: M""Io'''g. '~.n' '1 . j j ' _ 1 . )il>, b,,<I,. Jl<- 6.
A"h;v.J., lJo",bpil<l~ Cod, '0>: ocm>on for C"oling;.n ro)'.J pomp,
.r6; Oxfo,d. Bod !. lib<., Ilook), _,)9 ' J "'; o."",;,n. h.II", ) j " ' " ,I"
) J""9'. , ,,; 1''';'. II_N .. g'- '7" : <",~""!; hw,SY
>()9"1><I; 1..,- 1,6: l.a-y, HOI'Y • • l!', M,,,." uf Ilod, <;''''<''. " , '".~'''''
)16; I" , ,In: Jl', )36: I", YOlO; utr,u"i'" m'Ii,'••
Jll"'>9: \,,_ 9 ,]]: JI'->; \", ,o>l1 n .'.1"',"' of C<r< mo,,)' . '" "".~'io""" ,
)00. )6," .. ) , J"9: 1,,_ I10<! : ).7-9. !J ;,)
Jj""9 • . JI'; I", 1»<6, ).j"70: ", M."" uf 'h, 1""',.«1'''''_ JO.
>«1,10 .. 11 89: )J'''''''' M"«<: d" M",,", of 'h, OIfK<I. '" ""8"'"
Lou,"" ;"v , .91" .9 - H . • ,6; B_ S" "IfK,,,,"m
eo",v"'.., "" ]\1; 5, 1"" Arch_ .: M"."""h • . 17'"J 7
J"'''j" V"."n, II. Apo"_, 1'.1. I" , M.ur,,<, ,"ml"ror, ' -' , 'i6. 'oon), '~' ,
,6; 'Hnl" 1', 1. 1,,_ <" : I\,n,o). 'or n' o. ,)6",<, ,." " i"m p"',
)61; lI.'i! ' 1,,_ '17; J,6, J.6: R<g, I" 69-70' """"g<. 10 \n l 09; C .. ",. 69,
">1,: 690119: V><. I" JH: "<,,,,,. g<" ,,,J, 0<) : o,~",,"> ""'V,r<-,..jJ<
HI: V.. , lot. ,8,: )6' - >; V,,_ 1.,- ",.""... '<l; ,<1i" fo' "my, "7"7"
, 9j : JI,nro); V<""', B. M"c. g' , w",,, w umr"~" , .,fij>
11: '7!n'9' .'.1,"",<. ~ I""g i',," , '.~ - 7
M'n,;k,rt. "9 M"""iu" JO. Ijn» , II>""J, .'6; h<>J,
M.r«lIlnu, Co",<>. 91,,\1 ~ . '\16, «","on,,1 fun""",. I J;
M"chf"ld , JJJ. JH mock,d, i,
M..-.:;'n , ''In,<I>. ')""" M"imi.n . b;,hop , R,,'<nn" '1)noo
M.«u, A""I;u" », 'J. ,3 , )0 M";m; , ",, ''''1'<,0',19
M.l<u" 'J7n,3 M";m;,,u,. <ml"ror, ,I
M,,'. M'~ii<"" ~ .n". J""'" "',x;'"'" ."d "«"'y "'snOl""" , '"
M"m"",,o" "f Milin". ,,! Mox'm",. b;,h"p "f Turin. '-I'
mm;.~,"" ,ml,,",i. I, ,oJ"''''', ,"". ""; Mmmu,. Sp''''>!> ",u'I"' . \9
toy.l: Omogo<h!. '7'1017: lo""b"J. ,\1>.i","" Cl"J;u> Pup;"nu,. 1!-'9
"7' M<<<>v;ng;'''' JJJ, HI>
C.,0Ii08;.n. )6', )6,; d,.","" ,
M"'n"" , M'gnu" """p' '', .,-J. ",
9 1"79, 'OJ,,I0\1
,oIn91 m.)'on of tho p.b«, lH
M", V;c,o" ,i M<>"x, Holy C,"'. mQn.<I«y , j<'
M,,"'II<>. mi"t, Jl9 ""~. I I>O,,,· ","n'ph" J9. ,6, 6\, 7~'
M",;,I , >J.)' ',"umph, J ')'1"' " In , ,8; v.'i,h
M.rr;n I. POP<, ')7n' ! . 'J7">9 V;ctory. '1: .,j,.,""". ,I, II< li",,",;
M.rt;n. S, . 10\nl09. ) ' 9; <or,II" Jl7; ,,,,,,,I <v iM"", ~)n' O) ; (OorJ""'
O,di"",iD , J'''''' 97079; Tbeoo,,;,. ,I, . J02
M",;n, S" mo",,,,,y, JJ6 M,dK"'. 2>; ,," .1", <ogno,ni".
mu'y,d"m, ;ml"';'\ ""<)I". '1' - ' M,\ , n'. , 2 1I nlOl

Mell"enu, d,n, ' 11 M,lv;'n Ih;dg< , >0. i6. )0<

",;,'crol, 'lj - i m'me!. 9 ' , 910; y,nd.1e '0>; ,,' .1",
MeI"cn< {M, I,!y' )' "0. ' H, ' Hn" P""'O"H",«
Moll", nf S"d.., ).)7n)O Mm"v, II.",; •. "
m<<<h, o", I6i, ,16, ,0,n7), "'; mtn'" eoo", ,,,jnopl< , M""""" ><1 ;
!I",o" 16\ "''<'''' '" Mm"I1", ll O: Rom"
Mc"d,. )0'. ), 1. )19, )'Jo,,); .ynoJ. 1>1; m"", J'9
JU). I" m ... d,,, oogu., l7lnI6" <itS" ",, !«
M<rovinS""" p8- 47, 1<9, J~7. Jl i , . 1", "'n"
)6J, J0\7, )<i<) , J'"
",",ud<, 'ow"J Mi,,.I, , '".,,,,",". MS y" . "'g. ),,_
~yun'ium , )29. jJ!. )P. J64. '\7' '" m'nUK"p" ci,,"
J91n" ,nd lIu .gundi,n., ,M; .n~ M;,o,,;.m , '0
tomb .. d. , '~J. ,87; F.. nx. .,,,,me M()"u>. St , n~
,he;. 'n""""un.Rom.n, JJ' MoJ io" "7, ,, '
M, ... ny'''' ,I.n, 177 M"n,,,'. "I
M .t<. M,ddle "'vonu", Com"n ';nopk; mon ", mo""',,;,,. 'JJ",06;
,,,umph,.oo, ' 47. ,64, [7J. 'IJ-6. ;,oooduk, ',>:
p.Ie"mc. ',00<0,
''''- '7:
""'om du"n~ , '1.-7: P"Y'" fo, ,",pe, i.1 v,<t"'y, '40:
Jccormrl. '7'""',,,,,-i : ,,",wO[, C"ol'''g'.n. MV,""", J6j: *"1<';,
" 1; m"k« , "" [~" J!J-6 , .,J:
old, "7"')!; uppe' , >1\-,i
mooo~"m; co,,",. ,80
m" .. ngen, ' 0. '0'. 'H, '" """,0!"' 1,. ~f ,,,'pe,;.1 ,;"o.y. 'J. 'So
~~f~p ~"~~f"" ~'P"""I.lw" ,,06! ''',19'. 'll , ,S): i"f,mg<m'nt , ~ , .
M«" )7<'-' 0,. ~ ' , ' I' j. ']7, ' ll. " <' )\10 ,
M",,"u •• ll"' H C"oli"~;'n, 177: «< ,I", ,drolo~y of
m,,,m" w . . . nd ,mpe,i.1 ,,,umph •• v;"o,y
,oi --<,l , )i9: V";g",h,. ") ; S,
P""c', l .. n~
"""."''''l'''' 'HO " '. 'l7
monum""" v"'''''y. '4-l, 46.
j, I>.~"
M'ch,d I, )n9. "9 Com,,",mc, J7n7' C""",m;u, II, . ' ;
M,d.. d II , '16, '0 \. '~J n7', ')7n29; Thcod.~;", ], <' ; Ju>tm,," , /,S , , , !;
"iumph '4i-6, 411 Co",,,n,;"" Y, ')0-7' N>«pho,", II,
M" hMl III. 'J7, 1900J : triumph"~ '70, oolkgLlIi,y of victofY. "n- I7;
1\0->: bmh. [i",,6) u • • 1" .«1><" columm: <noowmcn".

M;ch.oJ IV , I77n,16, ",,,,,,ph, '79 - ~,

M;ch"J II, >00

M;,h.d Loch.n oo,,""n.
M;<ru.,l. ~"oo P,,,,.
S" fm,. Joo
v;e,,,,y; ~"u"
Monn. ,89. ).9'nI,I. '9l
Moon. _'00),
Mop,u<";" '10
'\l. 'l6n,,! , ,6\

..",bu, Gotlo~", )'~

M;d"on, ' Hn!l M"",Ii<. )10
M;ddk Av,nti<, '" M<I< M"", •. ,6,. Je>< , J4j. lOi
M; I.n. <l. <6, ,01. 'n. ,,6, , SI. ",oo"'m~, public , 'Ol n'09
'9.01.1; b;,hQI". ,o1. J 3I mou,,,ch<. ," h. ;,
m,Ie"OO<"J • • on", ton,h M uh.mmed , •
Com""';TK>pl<, >!In'O> Mundo. 6)
mili""i., I\7nw. "'"'Si , "~n'fIo. Mum P'j' C'''';'. "l"tt9
» 1, ""nIh: >« .1", co,n ' Ke mu,.lmon, SO, 70. ' u, )0); '" . 1,.
M;I;on. ' H. ,, ~; 'U .1", Arch of h,nd.
M;!;on My",l"um. >!\
Mili'uy In"'u,,;oo,. 'u L'P"''I"i,d MYfon, 103

L..,,,,h,, ."""
N..,,,,,u, JJJ. C ""lmgi,n. Jj<"' p; pur< l<u
N.~, ,I K,,,". ,r.; lIl. JO,,, ,,,,
N",<,. ,. M. 'lo OI><li,k in Ci",., M"imu,. I j. '"
N".. , "m"' Ol",li,k <>I' Ct.""n"", VII . .."",,,inn.
N,,,,, Ih~l. 'll . 'l~n'.)7 '700,80
No:>. ,"""h. ,,,",.,,
N,,,.. ,8
OI><li,k '" Th<.-.d.~'m. <J. 9'. "7" ,b,
"" " '.'. '0 .• ~, 17J: Ji",no:< ,,,,,k.
N"u I>,,,,,,,. "i",. """"'. lJ 0: ''1;.'. )""",6: ,u~,J fOf
N .."",,,,,, "0 I{"""" <10m, ,uk,. 'H""): '" . 1",
N..", y<.r", "i<h",~"". "" '" ,I" ",u,
><I ..
,',., O:,Kul"m, ' (on,)
N" .... , ,,-,,,,,,,,I. "" ): ...<noJ. ,)6. ClOO>w , ''''-!. no. n " 'ymb"h '"
'l . noo ""'<o<y. "i": ,nO "'"" <. ' ' 'J. >79
N'«ph"'''' I. '"'. '"I. """'ll ()d,~h<"" "
N"'rh..,m )[ I'h,~'''. I W. 010. ,"', "fl, "my p"'''''''''''. ,"'"' .0
" ,u"'ph,. ,M, '"7-1<', '97<>J'. ( H"",,",'&', T",""". '! l "'"
'J'""". ,,.,. '07"'"
.J",~, ••. oIi .. < b"",,,,",, l '
'I J" , r" ",." Y'oo"' fo'
'?~" 'I. ,'I.",~ ... <1./"",.,«"
",,(JP'· 'I ' """"" >lUY'Y , 'l' , """6,, <kfm,
N""pOO,u, U..""" ,,,,,nor",1 ""'Y.
", 6+""l'
..- ",~, 'Hm,,)
N"'-r l,,,,",. c""" , " onJ' , ' . ' ('r<"!on, 'H- ')7. '1,"'>3. 'SI" i j
N"<ph",m. p."',,,h.,'n rJ). '0' '-' ",." 1'" '.m,,' •. 1<0: "''''' o"h,.. "" ,
N,,,,,,. ' Jln l"" 1'"n"1
NKIK>I" L pur<. In " .Ioe "'/'''''''''';'. ' H" 'O': fo.
NO<"",,,,<I,u> 1-1"'"",,,. ",., "I.·b",;'., ,,( "."Kil. Joo; ",<Ii ..."
N",,,,,,,,I,,. ' ''''1 H'
N",kr"i~"" g.. '" ")0, "J! {),(,tu!, ,,,,, '"
,I". I'''~ m g "". Jhl
N,.., ~ ,01" ,<0/1 Ih,,,~oc uj ,til. O ,ig'". '17")0
·I·",~.I<'''. 'l7""0: '" .1 .. '1' 0.;11" .... '"'' lomb .. J, '96
Nib "",,II . 01. '1<. "). 027 0..,,",. PI"". 14JO"<. )"1'-" ,ootKil
N", ..--.. JO,,',," J,,"n,' , JOJ . J'l (HO), H'
".,,,d. .,. ,,~""'" 0<,"",10." ro." <>1'. >0."7'
0""",•. ,.on,,,
Non"'''''' '. '
N,,,",, , 'lS. ,,6; ' ' '''. ",To", 0... '" ""'~
.mlk ... 1,0,.,_"'". '" 0"",, HI"'"
N",,,", (;.11"" M.. '1"" o.",-,\!,."" 66, ,60, ,67-! l, '!l.,96,
N""hm<n. JJ •. HO. H7 , l1Y. J ' 1: '-07. JJ !
h'"'g,.. 1 ""I'0m< , H' - '
,,,,... ...,. >0" J'"
0.", I, "J"'"
,-",,,.,,," "''''J'!''''' of'"Ki'"
Nub ... ,.,'"00 >"''''Y '""""'" JM
".,"' •. 'oro .... J on'"",. 100. . . ,n'9j
N'nnwi •. ".""1.. ,,, ' l"""" {hiJ, 'J, J, n".
O')"h)" ,,' h"~ Jan,,,,,
omm''' .•..-I'''r'",,1 V"",1. ,oJ 0 , 1" P,,,,m.". JH Jo,t",h<<<
0 . ." " fo,m"I". ~r '"'1',,,,, 1 >k,o,y,
'J' 0.1<,,,,, «00. 'J~: ,H,~"n", 1'"-,,",, '"
"'"I""i'''' .. Ih~i. St'P"" , Tt<>-!. !',d<tbu,", Jl"
V~,~",h ... )FJ. J". M<'Y""~ .. n. P-'~"'" r'g.n'.m, "-, ,. "-9- "'".

2j4m". )7 ': .nd ,,,,,mph. ,) - ,6. V;"g<>,h,<. )Q) - O, )07n<9, l'O. J9J.
'~ - '9. '0. '0'-< .nd ,,"umph, J' O, M<loving;.n,
P'g'no. M",". H ~ --<J . J!.ri: "'omph. HO: ,nfo,,,,.1. 2jJ' off,," I,.
. dd,d '0 G"llo,i.n .. «,m<""'y. ' 1) " '0l>: 'o,ch l;gh,. 110; ,'" .1",
Jj'-' .d,,",u,; ,>«unu" b<.d"
p.l a=: CQn".n';n"pk. G",.. ~.i>". p";"",,,,, P'OCC";"IlI: P'<>«"UI
70. 94. '40 •• 0<n1). "on' 0•• "7. <onwl";,, ,,;ump"
ljJn'oo ... iumph. 66. ,\6, , 61. np.J""c"oo..,. "6'"~
174n ,] " 11~. <huf<h<" ,0In92, ~~pno,pw)Uw,,:.. 166
>>In'74, d<co..rioo. 200--8. <n'"n«. p, ,.;,. ))1, JJI. )J1. J6" J77
,,,n,O'. " on' <7, f""ifi" ,jon. '70, r."",,,,,,,, '75
in";'u,ion. ,8<,1--90. 1?9, 10~. ", , r ."hi.l",. '7, ,g.jOO,'o. H
'J9<>J 4. 1"'''''''''''1. '!J, >OOI1J1,
" 9- )0: ,ub",b.n p. I><CI, Y), ' 47;
P",hkUl. '"
"''''"u', , 3; '" .1"
'" . 1", Ch'y"", ;lthn"': 11<.. ,n p"""",d•. <
Houl<; H<bdomon: Itd,n;,n.<: "~~ ..c, ,o3"y'
Him;" M.m" , S" Phyla.: p'" imh" Com"lIImopk. ','h,O,
T,ixlinol; ]{umo; , 6, 'O'"Ol. lOO. 2)6h'7. 2Jj, Jl" . od "'umph.
'6,n9, '7 ) : my. ' V. nd.1, ,6>: ')6--7. '6'-). ",d""n' " ",umphllof.
o.'roll",hi,. R.ven" •. '70, , 3>; 71 - 2. '1): "'""" , m p<"". )00)1>10:
u,mb, r<I. ,11 - 9; Vi';g",hi,. J<f.,<o", : ,mp<,i.l, 72nl J'. '1\n'67;
T""lou.<c '?9, Tokdo , )I J; ;n" . Il.d. 'OOn"" p.ym"", 10.
M<,ovinlll.n, JjSnH: C .. olingi.l n.
J7i, ) ! j : «,.,mon,.I. )"1- ' ; A"h<".
"'-10: '''ll',uppl,mion" "j--7. '"
p.o';';.n" " ' . " ' . , ,_. I, •. ,6,. "< ,
l~J, )1'- ) : H«",], J1J ; lngdh<,m , ,o<nn " <, '61. ,,1. )19' ",iv«,
l"\I; duc. l, Ikn<v<nlU , '19: <p;><op,l. 'Olnl!; '" .1<, .,;~o< ,.cy; 1<,""
M<rid •• JO' P,,";ck, S,. ) .. n<\3
p.i<,mo, '<1n)' 1''''')'''. P"""u~<, ' _91 , ) ' J. lJ'
P.k"inc, '400 40 P,u , D U WfI, ,3S. 'Yl
1'.II><1iu,. JI"79 r. ul. Ju k<.I , J07nov. )1)-). )'On3O.
~,jm Sund,y, J70. J1Jh'~S po. Pl, PI
I"lm: b ,,",h<>, ""' , 'II. l7<>-I. Hl r,ul. s,.• hd John, '" • ..1<, John
I"h, bromo p<dum" J1 r,olici.n. '''. ' 97
p' tI<gy,i<1; Imp<';'1. 4, I. 'l.n 'O; p.ulin", "f Aquilri., )10-,
'riumph,. J7, <'. < j--6 . ~, 10m'}), ~. ul inu ,of Nolo. ,,-6 , loll
'0'. ,oll, ,,.nlJO. """'9>: offoci. I" P• • i., >1' n l <. ,11 .• 31--<;1. '9,n"S.
'14-~: ,oy'" V,nd.l, 'OJ: 'Yl' Ch"km'g""', ,,,,,m ph.1 <""¥.
But~undl'", "n: o.troKothic, 27'-', )6)n'I \. )"lO.l7l
,,.--6: M<lovihg .. n. HI; PAX H llflERTM, l)~
C"olingi>n , )"": '" ,I.. " • .k, ."..,,, pox p;",ip'''. J,,"67
P"moni •. J' - ) . ,6!. ,10 , , SI p'y." n". "<h' )! , ",n'72. "~ _ )O: w
,,,,.],~i,. n. """'I' ~p"~ba,,o, by pm"'i,n,. " "
p,n 'Q m;m" 91. '1'nll f' <qu<ncy w f.Cllon" "7n '70
P'phl'II""'" 'J,n6' p<>e< ,,.,,,i<,, wi,h 'mpi ... ',29)
1",><1<: imp<,;.I , "".'.'. ' 1><). P",hn'g'. '79<> '92
o.'IOIIO,hl<, '7)' "P';v<" 19. 6" 0'. I'<~<, ,,~
9'. 96, .kpiu,"" '>Ii: of ihf,my , p<n.nco: publi<. )M
')<"'0. 'HnU, '<'.
,"n>06. , !6, ~t"!'<C. "S
"9. 'J I •• nd triumph.. )9, ')<. "" P<nt<cO>t. '02 , ' 9J . '91: S"",J.y
,<6. '19.0 , 6. V.Iod.l , ,6,. befot<. 101"'09

Per<"',;', "9 Pok",io" S;I. io" '-"""",I"" 1'>'l79, 1'.

P<ribt<pI<»' m",,,,'cry, '14n, ,~ ~OAft". 'lJ, '74. """'1
Pm;" P"'u'n>, >. Ul. J9, 0'"". 60. iI9. ~oAIf'"!,., '''Jn7J; '~e ~o.i.twc , , . Inj?
'10-',\16.,06. "9, "9. 'J", 19J. Pollc""., jl. ".
" ' . " I, ,.S. >1"" S9' .mba",oo" Pol)"",,,"',,", ,6J
Illn"'J Poly,,'''''"' ' '70. '7]
POlO", D<n;l, 7>"'ll 1""""'.'", ' 4, ,6
P.."" Sr , >7); r;,,,td'1, F"nki,h 1"""1'". ,',. )"i'''
.;';<o:y. )60 PQnlPO Y, Tho".,. '7I1'H
P««. Sr, ""''''Y /y '1' ~<tA'"'"'" I"""P;''''. J")-4
~~. Pomp',"' Mm"e,. >?!, )9>
"',or .nd P,ul. P,,<!o,i.n Chmch of Pont< 5, Angolo , ,, !
,"" ApOl,k,. T okdo. )015 Pon,hion , «>un,i1 (37"). 1"0. 11)
P«". or Akx>nd,u,. >l.n)1 PCI'<" ch>nc<it<,y. ' 17n.'. 171-9;
Pe,er Dolj. n. '79 d,,,;on , 'j9; k "e" '" C"nl;nK"n
Peter 'ho Pm;';i,n , 9. o6J, >7 JnJ": .nO ,i<to,y id<0k>tcy , )71- 11<>, 11<:
" .. ,,'" on M'I"'" -ffiMr.'", '"
P«ru",~ p. <rKi>n. 'J', I lln"!. 'M,
I<lld n". )1'0' v,li, ro funcj. ,
j_'lJ' H' ,)", Rome. ,"""h
" ' "7)
P«,,,,,;",, )'
Pmp~yr;"" '~ " M:>r'«, 6,
P"'phy'y Cnl"mn. '" Cnl""," of
Ph",,,,,. )"4"]4 Con"'n,in<
PhiL.d<lphion, "J"" '. "7"'ll. "" Po,,, fl" mm •. , ,6
p~'I .."'.pi•. '" f'Oru ""< , "
Ph;I,,1UI Syn."""u" 'II PO"","' Ow,,,<. ' J
PhiHppiru,. ''''PO<O'. 7), [OJ"'09 p","o TV"e>. 'J7
Philippic",. M,u,;«', h ,,,,her_; n_bw, Pono. '<"").
"47. >47n 1 I><,,,,,i,, ,mp";'1. 74n'", 11 , ,,,.
Phi];ppopcli,. ,'n>j , '77n'l" ' ''" .0,. 'H ' Pho,,,,, .dored.
Phili".,." J7' • .-d.",,,J. 'Hn''' ; ,opl ' V,nd.l.
Philos,orgiu,. J! "70 ,,"po.i'>-" yk. ''''; O"'Qgolh .. ,<,><) ,
I'h ilos""" '. Oe,,,,I"t,",", 'J'
n68, '''''',!.'7" Lombard, '19- 9] , .1 ':
'_I,"j. "j M<rG.;ng"o, "" I'<.i.I-"1k. jJl,
Phoc><i<,. "loj9, 'J9. 'OJ -6. '70 pu.i .. ,h" ,.,n, o; ,.;n", on Ihi<ld,.
Phoa.,. 70. '77.
'_I. >00. ')""' "
,,)n "0; pc",. i" >J .n '0
P." """,i" , P" Y«. HJ
Ph"';"'. p"".. ,h. 'jol-'r. >O J,,. ' P",'co mmum"". )49
<pO<tP""'I'. ,w.
t. ><lnU' Purr"mi"," ,oJn,,,,, uJ.
Phylox. i",po"'!. _ n9' H'''IJ
Pippin lll. J11. 37 1-&0 p"'I""" , ..,"" •. 41 . ,inJ" IlJ.
p;PP"'-. "'" br<;:h"l<m.~n' , )J ' ",n,o. , "'. ,,, .•,0 , "0
PIVS EMER ITA VICTOR. ]'7-1 p""/""" .,hi, 110""" , _ ' " , , )n." '0).
PIVS VICTOR. )O~ "". '9'. '7 '"}', '71 ; ""f"'",ibk fo,
PI.k",," of Mili"n, "9 ' ;<10'1' «kbranon , '). ""'. " 1,,,61
pi>q""', ''''', II r'''I'''"'" ,." (; ,""...,i"'1"'1"" . ,.. 'p,,<h
Pliny", 'J ""..'~""rroc. ,i.
1'''''1''''''"' ,.... '; ("~{.I'.
Plu ,nch. 1_,>0. ' 7'n'") , '7. 'I", '"l. ''', "4, ,,6. 117nl70:
Pox, of ,I« BiU<l, ,,'" d"con, "'''' 16, ",.ng« trIumph , '"-): ' pp,o,«
Mt ,1>0 fw;"", oed.",,,;,,,,, .nO "";on,. "),
~o'~nl. ")- <: ,,,.1>0 [",ion, ." i",d. "J'
.nd f."i"'I<, ") - 1; .nd
P""",,,. l)7"Jj Hippr><hom<, >1)
P".,o,i. n ,h,,«h. ,<t Pot<r . nd P,ul, 'JJ, ')7' '",'o,y , (omm<n,o",ion ,
ChUJ,h " - 1, 'OJ' b.p''''" , "']"'" r",,,
P,,«mium, C",,".n'onupk. .t? , "9 Mund. y. ""on7>; Elk""ioa,
p"y<", 'mp<';.! v;<!my. J, ,0. '08. "'k .."d,u. 1<nI ,I; Eli" I),y , ' W,
"', "~ , 'J7-\>; P''''''S< ofL>"n. " "JO'll' gmu" .... "" oou' y',
C"",,,ntinopl. , >, onJ9; pol"kol fUIl< .. I, <oj, my.l; Vi';g",h;< ,
n"U", 'J8. '59, priv",. mOf< ''',,,,y, 10< - j. J' I , E",<,. 1"1;
"n«" , 'J~nJ" "qu;"~ by M«ovingi.n. H" C""lingun, H',
Co",,,,,,i,,,,. ,]Sn]I . ";' u,iy )J6,]6,. J6in'7t: '" .1", """"u,
Ch ">li,n'. ']7. llO"67. roy,l; rn" ' '''Um; Ii,.";"" litu'H' pn"'<uu,
Bu,sundi'n, ,6-)"]7, ';<lO'y , '07' ''''''uu,;" ' uppi",,,ion,
OmC>go,hl<: ,u,m, by b~hol" ,g), 1""''''.'' l ";n, .dopt«l ,n", 1,,< G,« k,
V,,,~othl<, )00n)6, v,<,my. JOj, WI. 9J"J !' ",.,.1",-" 1>7"<0'. 1>1,
]>'-" M"o' ; n~;.n, ]lJ , H'-j. :tQ 4" 7~, l<><S. JJO, JJ6
\,I<to,)', ] ,,---<'i, . d.pI Rom.n '<,It. p""du,. pmi .. ,", OlOj!
1<0; C"oling .. n. 1'7- 6" coon ' .nd P,oo;opiu" ",u'P<',,,, ySm9
b;mop , )S<\ - 7; '" .I~ I"."i<~ Procopiu, of C."" ... , oj. " 0, '67 ,
I"u'gy, M"" ,u pph,,,;om ,6" '71 , ]>3. JJ" "" "iumph,
p"'«kn«. Joo6" 800'1, ,I" ''1- 9, v.nd.l docu""",, •• 61 -~
M "ovio~"o , <""""v"'Y, »9- j"' Pnxopiu, "fG . ... 'lJn07
C . ", l ,"~i .n , J67n I7I ~p",,~M,~. t:l , ""7
p"f."". H6. H Y, H ' P'"j"';" ,"' p<.i.l. 'p; off,ml,. 'J. - J;
P",h!l.v. , '77n,!6 JOy.l, C>roling' .n , )~j ; ..11;10,
p'"''''. p'~'" ."J """",.1.' ".'H'.',
'l . n' , " fOJ Ch,i,,,." .. my, '~7
,ml"";'" , . 6_y. ,." J9J : ,0y'l.
Vaigo,h". "11""',
)<JII-" , F ' . H ),
"!"p,~<jPI"" '1~ .".IIt<;, »&,,61 ]9J: (;"ohns"n, HynSo, ) 41- )"; '"
p,inc'pil;" .., 'mito,;.I, .dop' ''''!O'y . I<o.d.,",",
'~"Om' , ]16-7 p"lui .. ,n ... , 16 • . ,6.
PTi,.".n , 6'n9' ~pJ~<>~o>< , 9)nJI. >OJn7J. ""
p,;","" <1\1 /.o>pd~'""", " ,,' d ~pJ~ ... a •.
p,i""",," "nl'<",1, ')), 1)). ,,;umph; "7 0 '1'
'j , )9. JO. 6J , I>J. '~7-'. 'j6, p,on""ioa>. ' )0, " ,umph, )7no. , . 1,
,6: - j , ,M, '01 , 119. "nn~' , '""g", 'J' , I JJ. 'J7, 'JI , 167. ,6!, t;ming ,
'0, g<n ... l•. 'JI; "" "m,b, '00
' 9- JOnOO. 'JI, '" ClJCU'. Wn ' lt , 9" P,,,mo,",. ~<u< .. I, 4)
1",1." p""",,,d '0 <mp<''''. ~" 91 , f'.P'S".' R_""; _ i,j,. Thcod<,.,.
""'''76. ''In!'J1. ''1-0, ' H . ,M - J, l? !nl?
,o ,nl; Ilynn'''''' in "'"b h.nd,. p'.p';.' , )7 1
'6J; ,yy.l: V"igOlho< triumph , pr"' r"";" l?, 7l. 9"/. " , , "S, 'H,
jM , ) ' " C""lmgi.n , kld<" 110, )09. ) ... ) ~ 6, ,mp<,;.l PO''''; ',
p", .. n.«I, )1""'10. J9 " ,.. 01", ,)",,'0
b"b.".. ,,, p",d<, ,,;umph ~""OJH "" y of ,I.< D,,,,n,,,, 110
p , ;.ik ~ <" liMgy .nd ph",..()lo~y "f ~pw< ... na~p'"", ,o'n">
M ..."iogi. n. 106;.n<! p .. y« fo' ~pw<o."p,j-r,"p ,
~pwrofi, a,tfp, oc.
~'ng', l<l
PJObu,. [ '1 ~i'<'"o/l'6'''pif~c. »6o,6J
proc<>l;om; ,mp<';.l. '0'), " 8, '1'. ,6,. pro, inc ..: ,mp'", l, .,«o,y ;<kolollY,
'96, !\I1 - I . '0'00', >o~nl'. lt~, ><9; '7. jO-). ' H -J>, "ctO'y
1t,,,O"', 'J" ,;o<o,y, ,h.nbgi,ing , monom",,", 1j- 6, v'ctmy
60. M - ,. 69-70, 7)-6, " ' , , '9. 'J'. 'n"oun"m,n". J1. H, ,~. 11 , I> ,

'H-): ";""'Y " I<b"."..,m. '", ~6 , )( "'m'gim. Joo
02. 'oJnoJ. 'JJ. 'J o- j. '" ~ , lO " R<n;,,,, , JJ9
,noi,m fu!\>,< trrnd, .... 77. 'J'J. 10) : R 'pu o!i(", Rom . o, U, ' 7"'7. 2!. 'So
,'<'<m,on"I."J publ", lif<. ' J' w ;" j'. roo. '9" I", Rom.n '",W O, 0•. , '.
<b . n".!, Qf in~ ... ",< on ki"~oo"". ",p"hii,•. , . • ,n'j , " 6.')0
'1'-' , ,&0- 1. l" , )80 , l SS-';. )~, ,".mOl<, t26, " '. ',!-.:
lomb"d ,
",uJe"""" '02 '9'-): V;"gol"k)1J
,.';.n., '6' ' . '''""''
''''''I"" O '''''''l ''phi" ' !''''''7. '')6n)7 ,
IS.• ! ,
P" 'I~... "',,,,' <Ii "" ,:> ,,,,to,,.
'''in, 0 , GfNTIVM . 11>
pu'pic, 1 S. ,,6. ,6, . ,6! , '70, '99. JJ(\; R h." i., '77
f''''''",,", 270 R"r,h", OIl ,he A,'" Vicw,y, '"
Pyl.." ' 0' C"men
R ic;n",. ,M
q"<"<n; V,"d, l. ,6" L"",b"d .• nd Ri",lf, ))' '''0, l""'~ l
h",b."d', W""O", ,3S ; V'''g,,,hic. ,ins" ~ ]2. '6<»'_J
)DJ. )'J; M<mv;n~"n, 100 ; R ot,,,,, th, S l mn~ , )77
C"ol i n~;",. JJj p"p. l> ,
'1',;" w i,,;,,",". ) .."<\'7 lI.og' ''un , Grr .. . 16.
Qm,;"",. JOI Rol l, "" . ","h h"h.,p. J~"'"'j'
I>./iboo~oo , T ~2n'''7 ROMA INVICTA . >I)
.. e«. ' " CUC"' ROMA VICI'II.IX, '7
R . Jegu ,od" QLl«ll, H', );"" n c ~"",,<, Rom.n FOlum. '" forum I\.om."um
w"l , <'''),<.01 fUI ,"«,
of,,"< <"~'. R.",,", ""B"i, ini ..,n', ),6
)<"'\9 R on"" ,. i" .<tv;« ofC",,,,,."", ki"g"
R,,'. ,," •. " . " 0, JJ"; """"ph '''-7, V.nd.I" ,,;,, Lomb"d , '~7;
j! - ~. OJ . 7J. ,,!,,"o. 'Jl , 'S7 , 27'. MOIovi"S""" J)5
. ,,, """,ul,, """b. \7. , '0; <xmh<, R...,,""," ,",,","ant ;..,., ;."'. 'J""')
' )'). ' SS""', ,~O ~ ... ' "" .. ,,~" " .. , H6
",,,,,,,,,I I. J' J. p(" «I,'m ",,; .1, )0', R~on""" I L"<>p<tl",, ";""'ph •• 'JS-~
) OJ . ) '0: ",i".~e. jO,. 1'9; Ro"",,,", II: triu mph •. 166-S
' ~""";o,, . ''J7. P7; " Ii" of """. Rom.nm III A 'gyrm. '79. '97
jO',,;, RQm,"", IV Dioge ..... '79
R",,"od II. ",."" Rom,. '" , ') , u n",. 'J'. JjO;
R ""..-int " , !,,"',,; ",,,mph,, '0_ ,0. )~ - 1 . <0-', . ' - ).
" o<l",on" ,«<""),,,,1, '" ."d"'....« , J9. 6), 7), ! ,-jll . ,o '- j, ,06,
I<C<P"u,,, " go' >7. "" vi<IO'r monu",<,,",
«f<"""d,,,. r."i",h.l. LWnll '5 . Jonl". J. , 11~. ' 17; '"lhut!
",c.,·n,I,,,, • . ", ,, ,,,.., ".".... ';gn;(,<""",. ' " lI y"" " o<,
REGIA VICTOIl IA, llO 67. 7J , ' )J, H6. )JJ. jJ3, j3"
R"d.<n'u, J •• , );6 '''p i''] "f ,"'ph .... •. 8" C"oling;"o,.
"I,,~ , imp<,,.1 ""'y , >O S, 2<7. ,,~; JJJ, )66, )10, )1J"IQ8 , )73- 80;
V", ~ ",h " "m )', )01: F"" , ,,h . m,)' , church, J . 77. JJ9. J!J' off,,;"I>'
117 - l; ''''''''I" p"~I,,.. in~, >, "7. <.,.,m,..,i. 1, "J; O<'",~o,h,. M. "'.
JU, G<1"uill. JJ1, Joh» lh< B.p"". nj. '7<. '~l ; 1"',,,,,,ifH;"~. ! ,").
Hl. V"gm, ' .In<!; ",ten l "~m'. '01"91: <><k. ,6. 61. 7'. "7
1S- 0. ,." j'}- '. JJ7; , .. ",1";01,. R, ... mund •. >87
'00. l1'"9; , .. aI" en"" Vi.~ in; a", ro", • . !g
'""B',""al """OJ Ro,hm , 286
/"dt x

!to,,""'. JO) S, II""i.,. )<><17'. <,.

!tur",u,• .,_, . ,,> ..I., I"''';M. 1,,'067
",I""",p' 'ml'<,;, I. ,.,.".u,~"' . ,I). s. mO<JIJ, ')<, ' j<"", ,66
" 0>-1 , '''. '.'. J",," ,<"n"",,,1 S." "'1'",0. "l
"''''''''''1. 'U: ,m"'d "" ,10,< Sms"",. 1"1. H J: ,,,,,,,,,I. J"
",;"",«1, )9'>: i,i"""n', 'J'-J' '''''', "'..pi, In,·;"'o,. '.
'y.,bol;,m. I " "'1'1, C~" .. """'''''' ,.,don". 'j1. 'OJ
"".1., y. l' 0: ",I 1 G."m,n;". "" ' I. S",,,""m. <)
",," k~"'mo<y. l 'l . N): poh"",1 s...""" ",o,. <'. !I) . " j ; ' " . 1"
k,oI<,,,"ip ,<><I ,,,,<_bu,Id'ng. 6, J% 'Ot'"... ,..
Rum," modd. 'M. llj , j')o; "",I , s."u",mu" H.,.,.". Po 'j_
,,,!; .. ok 'lnl. 'WO'} ; "'",.0",1. s..."""",,. Jl<
)116-1.)<)" "·",k",, ... 1'" - "" ",. ",,·Jm'. = ,"""
J9)' V."dll, , 6 , ~, Mu,sun",,". s""on,. 5,,0"y. JJO. )jO. )7', Jlio
,61\-" Ck""II"'~I<, '''9- 7>: s,,)'f ,d_D,ul" '19, ""''' '0, ,OJ , ,M
lQm"",I, "j - 9: V" i~", h "'. ,,,1-10>: ".1, ''''''''". )""" ,_,
M<Tov,nK"n. PO. JI ' -l: x"h., '7<n'.,.
C,,<>I ;n ~;'n . lb'- <;I ",.1: 1o,ly, " "'l <of. .. ~ : C"ol,,,~"n ,
Ru''''n''1!n ' H, 'l'J'''9'. ' IS. 17<'. ]9'

')''''0'. '" $ob"".". 16. )7."_

~'U"r..,··'· ,.,.
'\YI"<'. <"
""" . 'I) Sf.CVI\,ITAS I{tll ·VULICA E. '''''j
.. <Urn .... "'"", '" Eig",h.C.n<u" Se.l"h" , X"' ''''. )<'), Ill. J)". J "). )'7
Gd""n; '''' ....un; r:;''''K"",n $o ~ ,," , , ,"~ , """11

'1><""''''''''1 of A"soule", •. P"" , $0,,,><. JjO

!:I.N .• b, . 306: '" "ISS "".I al~",;r " , . """,,,,,. 'Jon,&/;

S,",m,n"'l' of A,;"" Pun. I),N.. I", $0,10: ",,,, !)It.,;s. '19
,I,,, '" MSS d«~ Jilt.. ""'" ,","I;,. IJ6; ~ci~ •. 1' >; IN
:>'<"""o"'Y of E<h'<fn«h, rui,. .1", ,h"" ",
B.N .. .. ,. ~"" ' " "I SS <,,,d .,,,,,'" C"""'''''''''pl<. <'0" , , oj , 'j ' ,
S"""'''''''' 1 of FulJ... r:;,,",n8"'" '1 '0 '01. ,,," "'unlph...."
Un,v" Co.!. ,hwl, 'l' : '" "ISS "".I 'll-i,,)6, ' JO, ') ), ' ) 7 , ,h,. ,"",
S""m«""Y ofGdJo.I<, P"i,. II,N .. '''''')7, '0" H"''' ''. HJ. ,,<. J'"''
J.., . ,,.,.1: I n "I SS ';',d .nrl 1I",,,,y",IN. " j : bulk, ,,,,. ' 0':
"'''''''0'''''' ,,f l",,,,h, V"0<'0. II. I"~,,,. n'-J," p'"''''''''"''',d.,.",
'" ,"
Apo>I., p.l. .. ,. <3) .orl p,l. .... <9J, « «mon",', ''''' , , ' .,. - ) ;
'" "ISS ,~,d " op"''''. '00. "'= ",.I""",,,,
5.",",,,,,,,,y or$ool~. P,,".!:I. S" '"' P'''"'. ' '''''..... " u-- , 0: " 'om<o .,f.
c"" ..;.;" "" ,," "'1>S " "" '''"j), ,"''''''' '''jn1'' I{""... ') .
s.c"mrn"'1 of $, II.,,,, C.",b,,,, • "rl "i""'pi>. ". , )-, 6. ' ... , J", ," ,
II. M. ,6, mol '6J ' ,.. M~ S <",01 "'." ~'. )""; "'''''y I>olk" .... '7.
OK"fK", 'J , ,'. !O. 19. 'O'-J <,, ,,6, '9', '9Jo'.; 'n" ",I<!. ,3.
""'"5. J<t >«...00., , ' J: .ffi~", ~f '''''''101'. ..,""
.., ..... J« ''''10'''' ",.1<,0..",,,,,."" nJ. n). ,,< - It:
","'e <u l, . "I'j , JJ" ."J ,;,.,,,,,y, w,,'''' C".d< n"~"". no: '" .1"
'~JnJ' . '9 • • • <><1 imp',;,1 "'"0"",,,1 " ;"O<''''y
''', 1I ,n,o •. ' H; oI<f<nd '''y. 71- 8. ~. """ p4I41U, J "
'4>,167, in'po>I'" JP: 1""""" on Scno.'. '9)
.n"'kk , ,,1,
J<t .1>4 ,<li<> ...J ~t,("". <' 1
;Q;......I, $opt'o"n". JU

5< ... '",'u, 5<.."". ". 'J. '<= '"umpk. J'9; lIy"n';"" po".....",,,. J06-1;
St,di<>. ,,,,,,,..;1. ,06
d..i" bk w o m.n. ]>6: M .. ,h. H I,
Vilil"'hi<. '97- ]>7. J<' . J9J
St' lIi" •• 1'I<I I""hu,. S<~ 1OIn9' ,pt,,,. ""q. 161. ,6 • . • 11. )9'
St'li,,'. p><".,..,h. 7' - '. 71 _6. '7J. ,". ,pt,;" Jo .. i."",;'. J)'. 161
,ptcu<k" 1><,,,,. ' I. 16. )7 • • 6. 6) . ",
'" "'U'p"'. 'l<n"
St'I'"'. ~n.n«d by o."",othic .uk •. '7"
St,<,",. Jo, n," m.m m',""nm""l. la." mU>ic.I. 91;
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St«'"' of An'k><h. 6'-J. 'Hn'7 . ,n Vn'8o,h", I'"
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St.Hk. J I? <om,,,,.,,, •. '. '9. '9' . ,<606"
SI"f'II'. jlo,6 ,...,.,. '"" s.nm. )6 ... . lIn'7); I«
Ih .. ld>. '0'. " S, '" .1 .. "'," .1,. p'''''n.i«
"'''',. '" '''''urn'
Sic,I,. '<7" JI. '"
'f"""lin~ <Kto!y . J. ~'. 'p. ',0:
, ..,. "', ,.;,«. '" ' " ppl"" "'" ,,)'1<10: orhur. j: m'''pM" . ..
Si ~ib<". I" ,,.,,.11><. >OJ"'"
Silumul'l<l . '07 "'.'Ii,.. ",..i. J" -J. J..
Si, m•. 116. "7n'Jj. "'. '''''''II ,,,nJ,,Jr. 19' ... I, impt.i.l. _'OIl.
li,..""i. '" .. ...d.nI, '0'. U>7. 'I S. ')&. '69. >16. ll' . ., 6,
Ii,.. .... .. ... i"i", .. i. JI J bk>><d. ,,6-7. " '" Anb. ,6,-"
~kn"""" . ,oJ. " j "l"i<I< oown. ,66; Pm;'n. _'0\1.
5imoo""n Go.i•. ' \ '9,nl, ph' Ili<. , ., Lomb"d. '9'.
.in,,,,. "'n,,6. 16, " ., Vili~,,'h". bk>lin8. 109-11,
S; ,mium. " . • 6. 9'. 'JJ""- no . C'IOI;nl i'n . J)1- S. u p,u.«i. )76-"
0""'9 ",nd"d""",,,. V;'i,,,,hic. 1'0:
S;... !>U,. ),""06. I " . J '9' "",,mph>, J"1 C" Qlinl"n """,k<. 1)1-1
SH<"n.nd. J,o\n!6 ..... ,""' •. '" "1""
5;';0.". 1"-' S",iul. l ) . I '. Jl
Sn;nni",. JH ""u,>; <mpt'on. )' . 6' -1. 90. ,,6.
5;,i[". 's! " <; ~,. I). '9. ' ''1: V"'Q.I<>. ,Il
I~""''''A''. '" ,00'u,,1< $,,,,,,,. _1,
,0:>< ••
~~" ... 6~.~. ,.60)0 S"u" ,;u,. ,mpt' '''. ' 9'.". '9Jnll
~"~"I"'. ,';mb-u",mrn,. '7'n'6, S"u,,,i,,,. ""n,,,h; ,';"mph. "'.
~."3'~6<. '!7n,S9 ,nnll)
SI> ... In6. '17n"9. JI ): d.,(, «o" "",q>f",. '''' <""om,
p"doncd. "7 ""q>f,waK:. '" C"..,.,,,", ",b"
s.,;"om. JM S"pirr-n II. popt. J79
Sol,.,.;, .. ,. " . '9. 10] S"pi><n V.popt. 17<>0"7
..I..... ><,." ' " .1.. th,,,,,,, 5«pi><n P",... ,"",. ,I<>. "7 •,I>.
.. II""",; _". )6~n"J '97n )l. "I
Solomon. 8....,,, 1, '"umpk,T<o"Y '.'0 S«ph"" . S, . b , ~Ii" of. lJ7
C .. ,h·8<. '1" S«ph<n. C.. ""," J< lrook T~i"",';.
Solo"",,,. J1'
Soph". Au,u" •. 'OJ.,'
Soph". 5. 0<' •. ,hu«h; Bcn<vmto. "9
'" lJP'U'<i
S,;h,h<>. t7. j'. )6. IJ. 19<>"'. "7.
5<»>h;,.>< P,I,,<. 'J'. , 17 1170,6\. III. "1-,
SoIIo.nioo. 6, ~,<>Ud;"". """''''''Y.
>09<196. '' In,,p,) • . ,.r; A"b ",nqu«'. J,6. 1:'I""'I1'd "I"'na~ .... 'J'

'J7. '». I 5V. '7')" ")1; T."",,,. ""
,num!"". 'J3-9 . ,,0- '. ';<>-'. '6>. 'r "''''''. '!7
'6j. ,~s; ,00 l", IV . ,,0 ; w,,..."•. " {,,"' ,,. ,6F
>0<'>7" '" .I~ <Y,,,,, ..,,,k,, " ..... ... "")0. ",n oJ. J'"~
~r"''' <k-.i",,,~."'. =, h~h". "0 ok<l",,,,,,, •. 'JJ' t<gj~<t< bu, ,, , . ~ ,
'il)· I.. n", z...,,,.... '0' d{",. 'n "... 1u..Jpo~J"". » <=
"""on,u,. It.... )0,n,6 ,i;'..... ~QJ."'~'". '"
Sui",h'l.o. JO"]. J'''''~ . PO J". T,./nNo; C, wlmg"n' "I< .. "'"mph.1 m.. ,.. ",. '"nIl6 hym". JY>' fHN by "'bbu uf P' '''.
-';'unJ". l.uw. ,0, JJ7 n ,,'
s..n ..f, ... J'''''~ . JlI Td,ik 'J'
"'I""'" "'."'" •• ,... J'.)n'1S "I<~"r h. "I"'" .1. ''"''')
"'pr l..n '.
" '-~ T<I..... '))
"'rrh"' ''''''' r'~'''' 1) - '" Ch,i~ .. ". Tdl>. ' "
"" ~ <. ", -,.
Hj""}· T,mh,i... ' H " ' )
C"""'''''",,!,ic: 7. - 1. 'l7. "" «mpl< . """OIl: C>pi,din<J up"<f. ' ).
, ""m y. .",. J"Ii. '''7. 'I'. 'H •. ,, <= ' 0 . J1. ~'. ' 0' . 'O'-"IIj; h~. t"
,huw okfo.,. 0<= o.',"~n'hK. "" J.n"~ "
VKJ~",h". JOj. JlI. J')>: T",,,,n... '-1.
M«u,mg"n . I<J - .: C"ul'n~"n. T,,,ulli.n . F"". 'n"Jo
ll'. lJ!-9' "m y. JlJ -J. JJ3. J9<' '''''''thy. , n' J . ". 11. H. '''.
In 01,. liun"" h,u'gV: 1.1"" 1''')'<' II'n' . O. "9. T\». "'}. 'JJ"'-.
",,,,,, ... V "' ~",hk )0' ,1><"". )1. '~J: ,1>,,,.,,
''''''''y. 0".
".",d . '''''- )....,_.n"'.
)J"Ii .• " 0"- 0. FlO' 1'<,,,,,,,,,,1. W. (.,.. .. ,.
SV<><· "" OJ ,061. '7" Pump<V. '7,nJ4' p , up>.
Sy", b,,;u •. ' )'''77 "''' ",11<",. n<,... '''''''. 9! ; .how of
'ymbok of.ick"V . M . 67 . "'. '''''. '~' . ,h< ,,,,,h,. "''' V""J.I. '""
'")On.,; ,,«moo..l. '''' 1 . '9'.
'J1. O"'Of;",h" . '70; ' " .I~ 0"''':
"" -,, 0<1<,,,,,,, ,",00, '0 Z"",.
,M: '1'<".,1<.
lomb"d'. ")' ->; C .. "hn~"n. PI. Th<b..,~ 'H"'"
]16- 1.J!J ,I\<on". ')0. ,,0. . .. . ,0,
~~.u,r;"". '01",6 '11><",,,,,",, '''''''v !ou tl<"",.
~o.-.ja" ... '" ,<>- U"". ""'7. 9'. '"J'''9'
Sy",.u,h",. J"'I'<. ")- , Con~.,,"". 11 \ "iumph . I), ,,<"V"
Sym m"h u•. Q_ "'",d;'H. ". 0' . "0. ",,,mph.,.; ' ''"",ph.] ",In. " ) - ' j
'"J"'9 "f!o.<.:w.hl>><J ••."
Sy"",,," M'g,,,,," "70"'. 'Hn)J 1'10<00<,.. II. M "o. ,"~ ;" n k;"~.
Svn.<ko. "'n ". "i" mph. lJ1
'1"',1/.,.11"0 '''' . .1.01 T""'-xle,i< n. V;,ig",hic king. J"". "1')
~V"<>k" uf CY'""'" 'W Lh"""" Throd<", ,I\< (;,<11. ,61- ' 4: '00p"" .,
,,,,,. boL , ,. F"",,". "'<"'""'! '" Ge,",."ic
Z<oo', "'"
Syn<"",. ')7. J],nJO '"Hom. <6!:"'""P<' pu'rl<. n<>:
Sy'" 5<-o;uo,h. 'J1"'9 """."""y. '1]: ",Ibbo"""" "'IIh
~uon.n "'n.". ,$,,, <011",,1 "k,,';, y.
'"'t....... ''''. F". '77,,'10\. ",' ,0' - O;JIN;.,i,,; .. ",..- "'"", ,i,.
... ,Jun. ,m l'< ,i.l . "",or " '1)-" >7,"''' ,m""" <"'P<"~ •
T.., . JO) '11; 'mp<ri.1 ,,, .... >1"' m«l.dlion.
T",•. p} ,". 19>: nun", <rty .r", him",lf.
T,,"~""'. Jo,n» 'i0ft9" 11 ...... _, ";"",,. '1' "jJ :
T",u,. "~ . ,...,. ' ;0; "",;,,,, .... '''''-7 ",y') J",,;ty orniltN in ;"" ,'p<>oo "
Rom •• " " "", vi';,,, Rom •.• 7); ofCon",",i", VI', triu mph, '4J'
"iumph" Rom •• nd R.-.,," •• 'H A,M. ~)oJ. ",,, ' ,,dim S,.
Throd«i,opoli,. .~! h"'ono~,, ph y. 'C9!><}6
Throdo". w,f, of Ju"i,,;,o. " 0. Th'op fu ,,,,, Con[;"""u>. 'll . 'Hn31 ,
"J"'9J. ,,6. )9> 1\3 , 11;7"' , ,, 00.,,,,,, s,;.
'Th<odo". wife ofThcophil .. ,. '00"7'. pr<c<.knc<, 1J J "63: ., 1001« for L",
m V , "'9"I'<i' unknown Co'''''''''y
Th,,,.!,,,,. wif< of Joh" I. '10 lI<.,k', .1>70 17'
TI>rod" ... d.ugh'« of Con",",i", 1'h«>rh.",.,. p."~.i.,,,",,,.,, t"umph.
VlIl. [71, [i>.
Th,odOl'. .!"",i,. .00
1'h«>ph. no. <lnpm. wife of l.u VI ,
Th«.!~". 5[. re."d,)·, '7<'; put "ip"" 'OS"9)
in comb... "" ."d Virgm, ""jo" Tlocoph",,,. emp"'''' ,,·; f. of Itom.,,",
,,,""",,,,, y",.my. '7[ 11. '6'/"' 0" 170
Tl>rodm<. S•• o" 'my j, <"' ~~h<iw, T HEOI'HI LOS II UGOUSTOS SU
• •
'O!"'" NI KA S, '09
Th,,,,,,,« S'U""" '0,,,6,. '17"'9. ,)1; Throph,I"" '"'I><l'Ot: "iumph~ rJJ.
"",mon;.1 m,"pho.. '''7"~! ,,6-10. '<><5. 1<>tIn)J . '97"". ,oJ ,
Th,ndo .... H. '19 1<>7n ii . """",,, "", )"". 41 " ,"ubo
Thro<l"r<. Rom'" g'""'" , IIbmrn;tc ••• ,)n"" .noounw
Thro<lolopoli" '7' V",IOI"" )"9. '9J. )60: 10 • .1, '''''':
Tnro<lo,"u, I, )6. 01. 7', 9''' 79. ,0'''9J , 'Jo, m"';'~'" "9
IIJ . ,,6. "9, n. , '9,,,1, 'OO"~<: Thcoph;I", Fro,im,. '1\1. ' !7
,,,"mph,. 4>, . . - ~. fo olS, J(06). n,ophilu" p".."cb , 'In,o
10- 0" ,o/i--<>. "' - " tr iumph, Thou?" . I."",, i""'''' ""1"''''.''9
,,;';m,d 'mphml .. by II"",,;.,."",. Th<uphyl. <l'" S;mo<. tt". <1n\'. O<!.
!J;'''1"''''''.". "J; victmy b"'k,.". 1)O - ,"S9
Th<ophyl.ctu" p,,,;,,,,h. ,"'-'
0" in"" ", "'''qu< ' bud!!",.
lOJ"'<>'>, h'"'g;co l p'oxmioo befo l< Th,,,",, l '
w"" '07' r" ... ~yrK', <" n, n" '<',
TI>< ... lo"ico. 'J!, '''"Il
port,,;, ,,,d E,k""iott f<",v.l. Th.ud<""" 1.)<' , )<'"J6: '''''my
7." ,<" P"" '<"" "'''' f,o n, <oi"'g<, ))1- 9 . • , !
Th.ud.""" II , ) .., k g"" , ,31
co"'p·;g";,,S • .,
Th",J",;", n. " I . "1. '\)Onl. ')""'" Th,ud,h"d •. '9J
";umph" J~, 00. '''. "9, )\6: Thorn" ,I>< St.v. , .. - ~ , '00. 'SO. '91 •
.NV'""", """00: b'p,;'m.1 19j"'9 , '9J"lJ. 0'7
pIOC<Won, 10)"7': " " "'. "< Th"". 'j'o61
Th,,,,,,,,;,,, ,Ioc EI<kI, "<" 'J o. 'JJ-6 Th""""''' , 1 )7. 'J'
Thro<lmiUl Gumm",,,,,, , 7t\n'J'
Th«><l",;u, M,,,ny k, ... ",,,,'6 ,.,
Th""m,,,nd. king. ,6): victory

Thro<lulf, uf Od•• n,. JJ \ . )OJn ,6). 17' 9p"~fJ'Vw, )"" "

~"o""' Me""'""'. '77"'"", ,37 9""pf/""';oo" <J. 111n'47
Throph. "", COnf<llOr: CJo_'!'.phi•. ,hmn" 'vOIy. 'J. '9; ly,,_boc' «I. '11 ;
..... 7'. ,.0. '9''',.: A.M.
J607>; A.M. 6op .• nd M,I.I,,,
J"",. roy.1 V.nd.l , ,6" Lnmh .. d. ,19;
V"'SO'" ",. '~ - 9. ) ') ; M"ovi,,~ i.n.
O\n'OO; A.M. roo< . " ", """IO'" ))o:!" .1., « 110: ~t.'oc
II .M. ""'~. ;"""P"''' Th«>rhyIK'u, ThucydKk, , 6,n,00
5,moc.<t«, '.w- ': A,M . 6<)4. Th"""m . ibn W, k '17
'I'«of"" Con",n",,,, V ,,",,d. 'Jj: ThUli"gi. n,. , I,
A.M. '"'6 ' . ' ~)"7" A.M . 6,IJ. J,tc fI'",-. 'J..,.,ol

Ti!"'';~ •. ''''1''''0'. ') !!;umpho impc,i.l: By"nt'o<. '1, - S3:

Ti!,.,';u, Coo",n ,in,. 9J . 193n.6. By,,"'; .... "" Rom,n. ')" Ch",,;,"
,]r.."" triumph,. 68-9. "9, w;f,. ,n.o)•• ",.",. 67. 'OO-It ). >08- 9.
>0)",,' , nd p."i..: drou,. 9'- '00. '79.,<\6.
",I<>: "",,o'y . '011"'';'1. '1-•. M. »6 ."d """i.,,
<ombin<d ... ;,h "'h«
'''- 'J. 'lJ-7. ' «co,«i. "J"'ll. ,d,b",""". IS. "'. l '. )1.•0- '.
)88, u",d by Melov,ng;' " So- ) . 90' oo01m,"<I<,,· • • S. 110-'.
d"nedl«y. HI, ", ,,I: V,nd.l . '61. ,IJ. '9'\. ,))-1; "",,<li" on •. I>.
lOS; O"'ogoth"'. ,.,6 • • n-I . .h.m. ~_ , ; <"" "no;,y. n. "". ' J>'
"P"""" T~,;<·, "'I"',,,,ri,y 0'" ""'. p"p"""",,. &j . " '- )0:
.ml"'t<><. ,I"
V;,igo,h><. JO"I. <l<r>dong on . '9'\- 7: du","'". ,6.7' .
)l3-'9: M,m,;ng;,n. ]]3 - 9 . J-O<>-" "0-,, ",<1<,,«. •90'j ! . IJJ;
C"oling'.n . )79-1 • • )IJ. )9. : '" .1,. f'«J",n<y. )1 . 4). j9. 91. 'J). ,$";
<ognomio, o\<v"''',um gm,;om : fu", .po!1;ng . n<l m;Ii"'y V><10'Y. ) .
invictu" , vir: or;umph"or; 9'. 'p. 'Jo, G<,m.nk k'"S<lo""
';«0' , 00. ,6; -<i. ,<\6- 7 . '9'-'. '9l - 6 .
oMi. 17. 'J!. )o)n]o )0'-' , . JJI-"7. J)9-". o. )7<-3. )!y.
Ti,u •. " -' j. I"" .. )9' - 0; ;ml"";') ,ct P" ,,,elko«.
lOt' "i""p••Ii,. " ,yOOJJ;j<>inl. )). '9->0. liS. 119.
Tolb .. ,. )oJoI UO-)o. 1)1-. , . IJJ. 'jj-li. 'n.
Tol<do. )00, )O In», )0) . )". )'~-<). n!n'!?: bt< Rom,n. '9 - >0. jJ- ')O;
)"; <oun,;": TI,;,d. )lo; ru..,ili. ""nOI .U<W= . nIl). " - 1. j6-<,>.
)').)>0. ) " . F'f'h. )0"1. )>0. S;"h. ' iI: pmd, lOUt<. "Co",u",onopi<.
w,. '''. T .... I(,h. '''. Si"""n,h . 201-"." RQ"". 'J- '6. !~ . 01-",,,
)2" .,0, "~'. JO' ;" Rome. "-9" emph .. i,ed by
To""",. )0): 'ey~ )T1 «<0,<1 •• :19; p,;n,;p"'. ' .. -19;
Toou. >7on.l . >7Jo60. '91; 'n.i8n;•• M " ' g,n;","",. , Sr. ' ! 9-"'Jo: ou",<I,
".", ",hf "~'''''''. ,,3n,61 Rom, . 01-'00, 0 .., U""PC" Of
Toole,,«. >97. '9!, III bub";",,., 79. _J. 136: prill<;p"'.
To ..... JJ7nll.J4 I. )1'.
In. J9J' rl- '9; PWVI"'''. 'JJ-J. )9' . by
CIo,;'· ";um ph. ]]j- 7 <"",mulde". 'jj - I . JJ6-7:
To"n. ,.",men,,';"'. )J' R'pubh"". ' 0; ,;m;ng. 'i.
t~. ' ''.
/!... <. '9 79. vo. 'Ol. ,y!; ,"pI: V,nd,I,.
T".i>n. ». ". 'S. J" p,n'8y,i<:. 'H: ,6J-6, DUIRu"d'.m. >66-7:
..,.Ii,. J9 O","g01h •. '61.l7'-" I.omb>rd, .
""cic•. ,. " . '9S. )660,6. '1.9- 9j: "'"so,h,. )0'-'):
Tml'. '9) M<to",,,si.n •. HJ - g C"oling"",.
T«.in. 'J JJJ - 7! ; «h;';,I . 'oA. ')7 . HO. n".
TI;boni,n. 119 H'n )b. J7<l: ,,, .1$<0
"eh ; .udi,,,«:
TI;bouo,lion. ,06 ,udien"" bull«.". Vl<1ory;
,.-ib"n,l:"" M",;" •. IJ: Rom,n «remoni.l: endowm""' . • ;«o'y ;
f o,um . !3 id,oIogy. ,;';<OIY: p.",k; ';1k>.
,';mm,li,. 19. ,I, '';0<0'1
T,;tr. H.)7. .b. 111. '9107
'''","p",li, ,i,. Throdtlk. '7) - •. ,So
T,iklinoo of ju"in;,n II. ,.SnJ I . ";."'P"""':Th<od<,ic. '7<; , .......1,....
'""pt''I''' i. 0";",, i",lf'"'.
Tr;klinoo ofll1e Ni ... t<en Cou""' . Ch"km 'g"'. )80; ,. 0",·",.
'oJn'09 Chinlil, . lO"" I""i.",. CIo.i,. ), 0;
Tr;n;1y. 6). '16. )03; f"".
160 "'x,",",. Ch"l,m ' gne. )!o; '" ,I",
T , ;>h'gK", """. 6, 1;1k1•• ;ctolY


"i."'p"." n, ..", '.pl<ndid pm""', f""m i,"i,,,,,., )0), )1]-'1'

'7"'19, b« .. <iqLl< "ymol"ilY, C . ",li"~'.n , H'. )~) : mOlo' of
)0>,.,,6; 1'"1'<",..1" . nn «",moni.1 'pproPfllllOO, )9J
TRrV M PHVS PAR T lll eV>. ' 7
T",,,d<,i.,, 1'"1"1;""',, Con". n.mopl< , v.1 di N ievot.. 'I<>. ly'
>I)m IO . , k .. "i,. J6J
".pl. .... 'j-6. )1 . )7>: "ymology. V,l<n, ...... ] , 9gn79 .•• )
Jo,n16 V. I,n,ini,n I, " ), 11 9
T",I1". cou"cil in , 74"' " V. I,n"" "n II . • ) .• In.'. ~> , ,, 0,
T• • i."".
91 ""'" lY, '"
'"f" , . 9. '7! . • '7 . • , 1 V.I'n'm"n II I. 91 , ')0: ";umph , I~
T urS •• J.oo86 V.I<,i.n, I Sn76
' urm"d.... 6, V. him M,,;mu,. 1)""
Toy, )'9"". 68, '''' . 1", cog!)o!)"n,
<'l~. 1)6 V'nd,I" Il~. ,60. >6' -7. '61. '"' , 11) ,
T ypku... , Groll Chu.<h . n 161.• 6,. >i j , >9')
m v. ",I!. IOy'1. C"o lo n~; . n JI) , )69. )71.
,op".. k .. '!7 J77- 1
'Y""". H"
T, ..o , 16)
VU'ngi,,, •• '!'n">7
och"l<" .numph. l. ') , \7. !7. ",. 17J.
"" Ikli,.,,", oc""'d. "7: ,>if"i.)"
Uldin , JJ >IJ" ,06. ')" "'pi V"nd.1. ,6" '"
U lfLr., '69nu ,I,. ''>'I'''".um: no"u,
Ulm«ugi. ,!) ....h i,.!"'". ) ' . n77
un<lion. '" ,<0"""'" ' ·o'h, ,i ll; , ,06
un if<:><m , '" «"'"m< ,dum; impcrlli. '14' 10),.1 , '99
UII"<iropoli •• ,6, V',,' n,iu' Fun"""u •. p!. ),' - 1
liuroc. )J6r"9 V,n"iu! ofC"do , )bn'J 1
i!II:ool'li",. 'JOrt 116 Vorin., '9)0')
U " n;m. liOn, '7 V<""' Vk,";x. >S
• .h, "li. , JOl V<mn" J ' , " " .S I
Unu" Ep .. <h . jl. Hon.OO V"p,,;,n . ,.nM. 16 7: 'riumph, '4 - 1]
o.h«, j64 v<!I"''' , '" hmlgy
U'p<IIoky T,«ic<>ll , '111.61 V""" ,u," , '17"97.»1 ; I"'"",m,l.
u,u 'p<r~ u'"' p"iuno ;mp<ri.l, ,06. ' 9 •. ')""fM: "m K ,,'.",," , '"~no'
OJ ' '''''; triumph. OV« , lA- '9. , 0- '. ",,,,,"i1i.,,,i•. '" /I'~tv~,;, .. p~~"
"".. "' "'."pAi' p"w.r.. , ..,,,i• .
.. - 6. j _ I. 61. 70, 7J. 91067. 97 ,
[14. '79. [80, ,I I; [riumph .nJ
, i"ory Kk<>l"ilY in",umcn" of. )6,
V<I"n;", 91n7~
'1'-7. [7<>-., '77, 19>; ,,;u"'pl!> vo. "!'p i•• 118. 11Y
"V<I. ro'"porN ", .. ,<111.1 <0<.''''', V.. H. nll,,, •. 86
80- ) .• ! 6: <lfo"" on m<n",I"Y. 6) , Vi. I... . M
'))--1. , '6; <n"'" " I1'" «<om""i.1.
1)),1<>. ><'oldy pun;,ON ,n
v,. iIIl
"cu ,
,l«nn.I;,. '0, ,0. 'Of •• 06
iJY"nli"ln. '16- 1, J90' R"£"", ». Vi"" '" ' ,i"m,""''''' ;n'p<,;,.I , . 0. 6.:
, 3 , U1-): "" l<~oi. ')9: ",y. L Th""hK , ,]3- ! 0: C""lin~'.m. J79.
V,nd.l , 16) - " 0.''''11'''"'' ) 1 ., )'19
T~ri, . .. oid. ''''''. '1": ,ill'" ,,""I,,,, 1'""",", J6r ••. "1
Lom b.. d•• 19)- ' . i.. i,,,,,,, i,"p"ii. ,·i,,," iml"',;. 1 ,i.1<, ,,0: m<"ning of
'9J--.6; V',ig",~,. )0)- 7. ).)->6, 'o,,,,duCl;"" . '0)-<: roy>l, J""J6;

_ .. ,,, J17: .. " • • j,. JJln, ,; ..... _ •.
II' . ..J,~. Jjj.'j. ,,~. JIIo
o 'm. ~ ,. l,li - ,~
V"'; ~ "'hK V". I..... 6, - '. "J..,.,. 'J,n'7•• J,.
VI CTO RI /I AHEIlN/I /lve. <n'l V"dl;"" '1
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