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Disease Pathognomonic Sign Definition Location

Measles Koplik spots an infectious viral Upper Respiratory

disease causing Tract,
fever and a red Gastrointestinal
rash on the skin, Tract
typically occurring Skin and mucous
in childhood. membranes
Forscheimer spots also known Skin and mucous
german measles  Rose- colored macular as rubella, is a membrane
eruptions viral infection that
causes a red rash
on the body. Aside
from the rash,
with German
measles usually
have a fever and
swollen lymph
Vesicular eruptions an infectious Skin and mucous
chicken pox
disease causing a membrane
mild fever and a
rash of itchy
inflamed blisters. It
is caused by the
herpes zoster
virus and mainly
affects children,
who are afterward
usually immune.

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