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MATEO, Eleonor Y.

3:30-4:30 MWF
Work, Power and Energy

Work is done when a force produces motion. And for doing work energy is
required. This energy we get from the food which we eat and if work is done
by machine, then energy is supplied by fuels or by electricity.

A. Work

Work can be done when a force produces a motion. For e.g. when a person
climbs the stairs of an office or a house, work is said to be done as he is
moving against the force of gravity.

Basically, Work done by a force depends upon two factors:

(i) Magnitude of the force

(ii) Distance through which the body moves in the direction of force.

Therefore, Work is measured by the product of force and displacement of

the body along the direction of force. It is a scalar quantity and its SI unit is

Work = Force X Distance Or Work = F X S

- If a body gets displaced by S when a force F acts on it, then
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Work W = F S Cos θ ; Where θ = angle between force and displacement

Note: The condition for a force to do work is that it should produce motion
in an object, i.e. if the distance moved is zero, and then the work done on
an object is also zero. For example, if a man pushes a wall, but there is no
displacement that is wall is stationary it does not move, then, the work done
by the man on the wall is zero. But the work done on the body of the man
himself is not zero. Because while pushing the wall man consumes energy,
his muscles are stretched and he feels tired.

Also, we can take another example that if a man stands still at a bus stop
with heavy suitcase in his hand, he may get tired soon but he does no work
in this situation because suitcase held by the man do not move at all. So, it
is clear now that whenever a force is applied to an object it is not necessary
that work is done. Work is done when force able to move the object.

What happens when work is done against gravity?

Whenever work is done against gravity, the amount of work done is equal to
the product of weight of the body and the vertical distance through which
the body is lifted.

Work done in lifting a body = Weight of body x Vertical distance

W=mxgxh Where W = work done; m = mass of the body,

g = acceleration due to gravity, h = height through which the body is lifted

B. Energy

Capacity of doing work by a body is called energy. Energy is a scalar

quantity i.e. it has only magnitude but no direction and its unit is joule. The
energy required to do 1 joule of work is called 1 joule energy.
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1 Kilojoules (KJ) = 1000 joules (J)

- Energy developed by a body due to work done on it is called mechanical

energy. It is of two types:

(i) Potential Energy

(ii) Kinetic Energy


1. Potential Energy: The capacity of doing work developed in a body due

to its position or configuration or we can say that the energy of a body due
to its position or change in shape. For e.g. Energy of compressed string,
energy of water collected at a height, energy of spring in a watch etc.
- The energy of a body due to its position above the ground is
called gravitational potential energy.
- The energy of a body due to change its shape and size is called elastic
potential energy.
- Potential energy of a body in the gravitational field of earth is mgh. where
m = mass, g = acceleration due to gravity, h = height of the body from
surface of the earth.

2. Kinetic Energy: The energy of a body due to its motion. If a body of

mass m is moving with speed v, then Kinetic Energy of the body is 1/2mv2.
MATEO, Eleonor Y. 3:30-4:30 MWF
From the above formula it is clear that:
- If the mass of the body is doubled, its kinetic energy also gets doubled.

- If the mass of the body is halved, its kinetic energy also gets halved.

- If the velocity of a body is doubled, its kinetic energy becomes four times.

- If the velocity of a body is halved, then its kinetic energy becomes one-

Relation between Momentum and Kinetic Energy

K.E = p2/2m where p = momentum = mv
So, it is clear from above formula that when momentum is doubled, kinetic
energy becomes four times.

Power is defined as the rate of doing work. It is scalar quantity.

Power = Work done/ time taken Or P = W/t

where P = Power, W = work done, t = time taken

Also, when work is done, an equal amount of energy is consumed. Thus,
power is also defined as the rate at which energy is consumed or utilized.

Power = Energy consumed / Time taken

Or P = E/t where P = Power, E = energy consumed, t = time taken

The S.I unit of power is watt (W). One watt is the power of an appliance
which does work at the rate of 1 joule per second.
1 watt = 1 joule/ 1 second Or 1W = 1 J/ 1 s

1 KW = 103 watt 1 MW = 106 watt
MATEO, Eleonor Y. 3:30-4:30 MWF
- Horse power is another unit of power which is equal to 746 watts i.e. 1
horse power is equal to about 0.75 kilowatt (0.75 KW).
1 watt second = 1-watt x 1 second

1-watt hour (Wh) = 3600 joule 1 kilowatt hour (kWh) = 3.6 x 106 joule

C. Work-Energy Theorem

The work-energy theorem states that the work done on an object by the net
force is equal to the change in its kinetic energy: Wnet=ΔEk=Ek,f−Ek,i

Mechanical Energy (E)

The mechanical energy (E) of an object is the sum of its kinetic energy and
potential energy.

D. Conservation and Non- Conservation of Energy

Conservation of Energy
According to the law of conservation of energy, energy cannot be created
nor destroyed, although it can be transformed from one kind to another.
The total amount of energy in the universe is constant. A falling stone
provides a simple example: More and more of its initial potential energy
turns to kinetic energy as its velocity increases, until finally all its kinetic
energy has become potential energy when it strikes the ground. The kinetic
energy of the stone is then transferred to the ground as work by the impact.

In general,
Work done (by non-conservative forces) on an object = change in
object's KE + change in object's PE


MATEO, Eleonor Y. 3:30-4:30 MWF
0= ΔK+ ΔU (conservative forces only)
ΔK = - ΔU
(Kinetic Energy gained = Potential Energy lost)
-ΔK = ΔU
(Kinetic Energy lost = Potential Energy gained)

Conservative forces-are those forces that do work that can be recovered.

Ex. Gravitational force, elastic forces, magnetic and electric field forces
Non-conservative or dissipative forces- are those forces which do work
that can't be recovered. Ex. Friction and other externally applied forces.

E. Principle of Conservation of Energy

Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Only energy can be

transformed from one form to another. Whenever energy is utilized in one
form, equal amount of energy is produced in other form. Hence, total energy
of the universe remains same.

Some equipment’s used to transform energy are:

S.No. Equipment Energy transformed
1. Dynamo Mechanical energy in to electrical
2. Candle Chemical energy in to light and heat
3. Microphone Sound energy in to electrical energy
4. Loud Speaker Electrical energy in to sound energy
5. Solar Cell Solar energy in to electrical energy
6. Tube light Electrical energy in to light energy
MATEO, Eleonor Y. 3:30-4:30 MWF

7. Electric bulb Electrical energy in to light and heat

8. Battery Chemical energy in to electrical energy
9. Electric motor Electric energy in to motor energy
10. Sitar Mechanical energy in to sound energy

Hence, we can say that many physical situations can be greatly simplifies by
understanding about the work. As, it enables us to evaluate force over
distance and time. Also, it gives a broader understanding not just the forces
acting on a given object, but about what happens to that object over the
course of a given journey.

MATEO, Eleonor Y. 3:30-4:30 MWF
Work, Power and Energy

1. Which is not an example of work on the following choices.

a. Pushing a car horizontally from rest
b. Walking up stairs
c. Someone is doing full push-up.
d. A baseball player throws a ball.
2. In physics, work is defined as
a. force times time.
b. force divided by distance.
c. distance divided by time.
d. force times distance

3. The energy of a body due to change its shape and size is called elastic
potential energy.
a. elastic potential energy
b. gravitational potential energy
c. potential energy
d. Kinetic Energy
4. Conservative forces are those forces that do work that can be recovered.
Examples are the following except one.

a. Friction Force
b. Gravitational force
c. Elastic Forces
d. Magnetic and Electric field forces

5. An energy a body has by virtue of its position.

a. Mechanical energy
b. Kinetic energy
c. Potential Energy
MATEO, Eleonor Y. 3:30-4:30 MWF

6. What is the sign of the work done by gravity on a man standing on a

a. Zero
b. Positive
c. Negative
d. Depends on the particular situation
7. A baseball player throws a ball with a force of 10 N. The ball travels 20
meters. What is the total work?
a. 2 Joules
b. 2N
c. 200 Joules
d. 200 N

8. A 30-N block is pulled up a plane inclined at 30° to the horizontal by a

force P of 20 N acting parallel to the plane. A frictional force of 5 N opposes
the motion of the block. If the block travels 15 m along the incline, calculate
the work done by the gravity force.
a. -300 N
b. 300 N.m
c. -225 N.m
d. 225 N
9. A 1.5 kg book is held 60 cm above a desk whose top 70 cm above the
floor. Find the potential energy of the book with respect to the desk.
a. 8.82 Joule
b. 19.11 Joule
c. 8.82 N
d. 19.11 N
10. On problem number 9, Find the potential energy with respect to the
a. 8.82 Joule
b. 19.11 Joule
c. 8.82 N
d. 19.11 N
MATEO, Eleonor Y. 3:30-4:30 MWF

1. The energy a body has by virtue of its motion is called ________.

2. According to the law of _______________, energy cannot be created
nor destroyed, although it can be transformed from one kind to
3. Horse power is another unit of power which is equal to ___ watts.
4. Work is done when a force produces ______.

5. The energy of a body due to change its shape and size is called
6. If the mass of the body is doubled, its kinetic energy also gets _____.
7. _______ can neither be created nor destroyed.
8. The total amount of energy in the universe is ________.
9. The more ______ something has, the more work it can perform in a
given time.

10. The S.I unit of power is ______.

MATEO, Eleonor Y. 3:30-4:30 MWF

1. Which is not an example of work on the following choices.

a. Pushing a car horizontally from rest.

b. Lily is walking up stairs.
c. Someone is doing full push-up.
d. A baseball player throws a ball.

2. In physics, work is defined as

a. force times time. c. distance divided by

b. force divided by time.
distance. d. force times distance

3. An energy of a body due to change its shape and size.

a. elastic potential energy

b. gravitational potential energy
c. potential energy
d. Kinetic Energy

4. Conservative forces are those forces that do work that can be recovered.
Examples are the following except one.

a. Friction Force
b. Gravitational force
c. Elastic Forces
d. Magnetic and Electric field forces

5. An energy a body has by virtue of its position.

a. Mechanical energy
b. Kinetic energy
c. Potential Energy
MATEO, Eleonor Y. 3:30-4:30 MWF
6. What is the sign of the work done by gravity on a man standing on a

a. Zero
b. Positive
c. Negative
d. Depends on the particular situation

7. A baseball player throws a ball with a force of 10 N. The ball travels 20

meters. What is the total work?
a. 2 Joules W = F * distance
b. 2N W = 10 N* 20 meters
c. 200 Joules W = 200 joules
d. 200 N

8. A 30-N block is pulled up a plane inclined at 30° to the horizontal by a

force P of 20 N acting parallel to the plane. A frictional force of 5 N opposes
the motion of the block. If the block travels 15 m along the incline, calculate
the work done by the gravity force.
a. -300 N
W = F * distance cos θ
b. 300 N.m
W = 20 N ( 15 m ) cos 30°
c. -225 N.m
W = 300 N.m or joules
d. 225 N

9. A 1.5 kg book is held 60 cm above a desk whose top 70 cm above the

floor. Find the potential energy of the book with respect to the desk.

a. 8.82 Joule Sol’n: note: height should be in meter

b. 19.11 Joule
U (gravitational potential energy) = mgh
c. 8.82 N U= 1.5 kg (9.8 m/s²) (0.6 m)
d. 19.11 N U= 8.82 Joule
MATEO, Eleonor Y. 3:30-4:30 MWF
10. On problem number 9, Find the potential energy with respect to the
Sol’n: note: height should be in meter
a. 8.82 Joule
b. 19.11 Joule
U (gravitational potential energy) = mgh
c. 8.82 N
U= 1.5 kg (9.8 m/s²) (0.6 + 0.7 m)
d. 19.11 N
U= 19.11 Joule


1. Kinetic energy
2. conservation of energy
3. 746 watts
4. Motion
5. elastic potential energy
6. doubled
7. Energy
8. Constant
9. Power
10. watt (W)
MATEO, Eleonor Y. 3:30-4:30 MWF
MATEO, Eleonor Y. 3:30-4:30 MWF
MATEO, Eleonor Y. 3:30-4:30 MWF

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