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Brief History of NSTP

National Service Training Program (NSTP) started with the passage of Commonwealth Act
No. 1 also known as National Defense Act. An act to provide national defense of the Philippines
penalizing certain violations thereof appropriating funds therefore, and for other purposes. This
is under the government of President Manuel L. Quezon (1935). It requires college students,
specifically males to finish 2 years or 4 semesters of Military Training to be reserved cadets of
the National Defense of the country.

In August 8, 1980, the Commonwealth Act No. 1 was amended to give existence to Presidential
Decree No. 1706 or National Service Law which mandates compulsory national service to all
citizens of the country. It is composed of three main component programs, namely Civic Welfare
Service (CWS), Law Enforcement Service (LES), and Military Service. College students were
given an option to choose one among these components to comply as a requirement of tertiary

After the ouster of President Marcos the implementation of the National Service Law except the
provisions of Military Service was suspended by Presidential Memorandum Order No. 1 of
President Corazon C. Aquino. It became Basic Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) that took
effect on SY 1986-1987.

In the year 1991, the Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act 7077 modified the
Basic ROTC Course to Expanded ROTC Program as mandated. The modification is composed
of military subject in the first year and any of the following components: MTS, CWTS, and LES
in the second year curriculum.

On March 18, 2001, a dead body was found wrapped in a carpet and floating in the Pasig River.
The face was wrapped in packing tape and the hands and face were bounded Body was identified
as Mark Welson Chua, 19 year old Engineering student University of Santo Tomas (UST),
reportedly a victim of illegal ROTC practices lead to a massive protest of the college students
and concerned parents against the ROTC program. Since then, Expanded ROTC program
morphed into National Training Service Program (NSTP).

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