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Full Hydraulic Calculations Computer Printout Page No 1

Submitted by user number Project: Storage Tank Protection - Open top roof
Address: ---
Number: ---
Area ref: Open top tank
Hazard: NFPA 11
Authority: National Fire Protection Association
Source: 3186.4 l/min @ 5.452 bar
Tel: Fax: Printout: 24-July-20 at 11:58

Project Data and Design Parameters

Project name : Storage Tank Protection - Open top roof
Area reference : Open top tank
Address / location : ---
Project number : ---
Installation number(s) : 1
Drawing number(s) : ---
Issue no / date : ---
Designers reference : ---
Project Data File : C:\Users\Maaz\DOCUME~1\MYFHC~1\Projects\Examples\Examp
Hazard classification : NFPA 11
Design authority : National Fire Protection Association
Insurance company : ---
Specified density of discharge : 0.00 mm/min (l/min/m2)
Assumed maximum area of operation : 708.00 m2
Number of operating sprinkler heads : 3
Maximum area covered per head : 0.00 m2
Highest head / nozzle above source : 0.00 m
Number of pipes in system : 19 from 100 to 150 mm
Pressure loss equation used : Hazen-Williams
Fluid : Water
Pipe Data Table : STD_PIPE.PDT
Maximum fluid velocity : 3.16 m/s in pipe 50 55
Volume of pipework and fittings : 2.03 m3
Elbows are welded for : 80 mm and above
Comment : Viking Foam Chanbers Model FC4
Checked by & Date :

Source duty = 3186.4 l/min @ 5.452 bar at node no 50

FHC - Hydraulic Analysis Software - Ver: 1.8.4

By CANUTE LLP - Email Web
Program FHC
Full Hydraulic Calculations Computer Printout Page No 2
Submitted by user number Project: Storage Tank Protection - Open top roof
Address: ---
Number: ---
Area ref: Open top tank
Hazard: NFPA 11
Authority: National Fire Protection Association
Source: 3186.4 l/min @ 5.452 bar
Tel: Fax: Printout: 24-July-20 at 11:58

Operating Sprinkler Heads, Nozzles and Hydrants

Head|Node| Size | 'K' |F l o w|A r e a|Density mm/min|Pressure bar|Heights|Pipe
no | no | mm | factor| l/min | m2 |Req.d Actual| Min Actual| m | no
1 95 520.96 1066.5 236.000 4.49 4.52 4.14 4.191 10.000 9
2 120 520.96 1060.0 236.000 4.49 4.49 4.14 4.140 10.000 18
3 145 520.96 1060.0 236.000 4.49 4.49 4.14 4.140 10.000 19

0 heads are under the required density / minimum pressures

FHC - Hydraulic Analysis Software - Ver: 1.8.4

By CANUTE LLP - Email Web
Program FHC
Full Hydraulic Calculations Computer Printout Page No 3
Submitted by user number Project: Storage Tank Protection - Open top roof
Address: ---
Number: ---
Area ref: Open top tank
Hazard: NFPA 11
Authority: National Fire Protection Association
Source: 3186.4 l/min @ 5.452 bar
Tel: Fax: Printout: 24-July-20 at 11:58

Hydraulically Significant Pipes in System

Pipe|Start|Size Type| L/min | Length VJ|Dir. | Eq.len | Start | Start Frict
no | End |Bore 'C'| Vel m/s |EL T VT|Slope| mbar/m | End | End Static
1 50 150mm S80 3186.4 4.000 0 4.00 0.000 5.452 -0.030
55 146.36 120 3.2 0 0 0.0 7.4 0.000 5.422 +0.000
2 55 150mm S80 3186.4 1.000 Up 3.14 0.000 5.422 -0.023
60 146.36 120 3.2 1 0 90.0 7.4 1.000 5.301 -0.098
3 60 150mm S80 3186.4 2.000 0 4.14 1.000 5.301 -0.031
65 146.36 120 3.2 1 0 0.0 7.4 1.000 5.270 +0.000
4 65 150mm S80 3186.4 1.000 Dn 3.14 1.000 5.270 -0.023
70 146.36 120 3.2 1 0 -90.0 7.4 0.000 5.345 +0.098
5 70 150mm S80 3186.4 10.000 0 12.14 0.000 5.345 -0.090
75 146.36 120 3.2 1 0 0.0 7.4 0.000 5.255 +0.000
6 75 150mm S80 1060.0 2.000 270 9.12 0.000 5.255 -0.009
80 146.36 120 1.1 0 1 0.0 1.0 0.000 5.246 +0.000
7 75 150mm S80 1060.0 2.000 90 9.12 0.000 5.255 -0.009
85 146.36 120 1.1 0 1 0.0 1.0 0.000 5.246 +0.000
8 75 150mm S80 1066.4 1.500 0 1.50 0.000 5.255 -0.001
90 146.36 120 1.1 0 0 0.0 1.0 0.000 5.253 +0.000
9 90 100mm S80 1066.4 10.000 Up 11.43 0.000 5.253 -0.082
95 97.18 120 2.4 1 0 90.0 7.2 10.000 4.191 -0.980
10 80 150mm S80 1060.0 18.000 315 18.00 0.000 5.246 -0.017
100 146.36 120 1.1 0 0 0.0 1.0 0.000 5.228 +0.000
11 100 150mm S80 1060.0 15.000 0 17.14 0.000 5.228 -0.017
105 146.36 120 1.1 1 0 0.0 1.0 0.000 5.212 +0.000
12 105 150mm S80 1060.0 7.000 45 7.00 0.000 5.212 -0.007
110 146.36 120 1.1 0 0 0.0 1.0 0.000 5.205 +0.000
13 110 150mm S80 1060.0 2.000 135 4.14 0.000 5.205 -0.004
115 146.36 120 1.1 1 0 0.0 1.0 0.000 5.201 +0.000
14 85 150mm S80 1060.0 18.000 45 18.00 0.000 5.246 -0.017
125 146.36 120 1.1 0 0 0.0 1.0 0.000 5.228 +0.000
15 125 150mm S80 1060.0 15.000 0 15.00 0.000 5.228 -0.015
130 146.36 120 1.1 0 0 0.0 1.0 0.000 5.214 +0.000
16 130 150mm S80 1060.0 7.000 315 9.14 0.000 5.214 -0.009
135 146.36 120 1.1 1 0 0.0 1.0 0.000 5.205 +0.000
17 135 150mm S80 1060.0 2.000 225 4.14 0.000 5.205 -0.004
140 146.36 120 1.1 1 0 0.0 1.0 0.000 5.201 +0.000
18 115 100mm S80 1060.0 10.000 Up 11.43 0.000 5.201 -0.081
120 97.18 120 2.4 1 0 90.0 7.1 10.000 4.140 -0.980
19 140 100mm S80 1060.0 10.000 Up 11.43 0.000 5.201 -0.081
145 97.18 120 2.4 1 0 90.0 7.1 10.000 4.140 -0.980

FHC - Hydraulic Analysis Software - Ver: 1.8.4

By CANUTE LLP - Email Web
Program FHC

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