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Pogledajte priloženi video. Ponovit ćemo i podsjetiti se pravila za upotrebu brojivih i nebrojivih
imenica u engleskom jeziku. Kraće zadatke imate i u samom videu gdje mozete zaustaviti snimak ,
uraditi zadatak i provjeriti tačnost istog.

Za rad u svesku:

Write sentences with the correct form of THERE IS/ARE and SOME or ANY

(water) There is some water.

(water?) Is there any water?
(not / flowers) There aren’t any flowers.

1.( snakes here) ____Is there any snakes

2. (not leaves / on the trees) _There aren’t any leaves on the
3. (milk in the kitchen?) _Is there milk in the
4. (lemonade) __There is some
5. (not/biscuits in the cupboard) There_are no biscuits in the cupboard.

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