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Beams Antennen fiir Kurwellenfunk Antennas for Shortwave * TROPE se-tecrc cmos x onk6 wrantater Shots 12 U-65614 Minch TH ORSS10S, Fo 105, em lhe for free by Richtantennen fir 14/21/28 MHz) Inhatteverzeichais, Tal Beans Sele Sporckrelco in Richtantonnon WekungsHae 29 Ricwantemnen, lchrisehe Daten, Eravterungon Mefplat, Beschretang 67 Fars Rotary Dipo) 8 Foz 2 Bement Seam tot FBI3 3 Element Beare 113 F552 B-Elnont Goam as Fest 3.Element- Band 16.17 EWSs940 — Enwsilorung 7 Miz 8 FBtse3 — Erwoltrung a FB2-33 Erweiterung 20 FES3s53— Enwoitorung a F828 Mi Boam 22.23 Directive Arrays for 1421/28 Mit Table of Contents, Part Beams Page ‘Treppod Antennas, Mode of Operation 23 Boams, technical Date, Comments 4 ‘Measurement ect up € Description of Tests a ERIS Rotary Dipole 9 B25 2Blement Beam 3o-t D3 8 Bloment Beam 1218 Fass ‘5 Blement Beam 4-5 B34 ‘3 Blement/4 Band 6.17 EWS3c49 Conversion 7MHz 8 ¥BIS>23 Conversion 2» ¥B2533 Conversion 2 FBR>S3 Conversion a M823 Mini Beam 22-28 for free by Cirapped Directional Antennas Mode of Operation eit) PRITZEL is a specialist in the manufacture of trapped enitiband rections antennas fand has, over 20 years, manufactared more ‘ran 108,000 beam storm traps. The quel ty ofthis type of antenna and its relisbility are unchallenged and have long been recog. sed the world over ‘The diagram shoves the effet of the trapped clements ina directional antenna. The traps block thelr owa revonant Frequency, but allow [BE cnengy to pass at frequencies above or bolow. Toy act as frequancy dependent wit ches which may either disconnect the element sections located behind them or render them operations? ‘Teaps consist of an inductor coil and & ‘eapacitive clement (capacitor). Oar traps use Ue opposing suriaces of the inner and outer tubes to fori the eapaciter. The grooved nner tube ie used a8 the former for the eo "The outer tube contains two traps, the trap ‘lasent to the boom feted for the highest Jrequencies, the oubward facing trap is used forthe middle band. Bath traps have no elfet on the lowest frequency band. Their ine ductors reduce the length of she clement by ‘50% and 28% rospoctively, Tie ie = weleome ‘bonvs for ween who only have a limited ‘amovat of space for their directive antenna, Elements with 2 2 traps have 3halfwave resonanoos ‘howe antinodes are lacated a the same point in the middle of the element, “The direction of radiation of exch elements is central, perpendicular to the longitsdined wade Te ‘thus produces distinet eoopling ratios ‘between the elemonts und keeps the main radiation lobe free of side lobes. for free by Sperrkreise in Richtantennen Wirkungsweise ) jist 20m bs hier ~--..___\ FRITZEL it Spezaist ir die Herstebung ven ‘Metiband-Rishtantonnen mit Sporttssisen, FRITZEL hat in 20 iahren mobs as 190.000 Spertkrese in Beamantennen verarbetet. Die ‘Quast und Zuveriasighat loser Antennenatt {st sil langom weltwel bekanri und steht aver Zweite Sponhasve fr 1520 hee Die Zeichnung zolgt hoon dle Wing der ‘Sportteise in don Elomenton oipar Richt. aanionne. Dio Traps specter bet tor Eigcnrceo- ‘nanz, absels davon sind so durcniaesg, Se witken wie frequenzabhangige Schatter, de do ‘infor ine Fogendon Elomontioe abv ‘non oder wor wirksam werden tasson, Sporriveise testehen avs eine Induktvit (Gpvie} und einer Kapazitit(Mondonsate) Bol don Spenkroison unsorer Bavart wd dor ondensater aus den gegentbariogendon lichen des innen- und doe Manterchres ‘godidet. Bas Inncorohr trig gleichzotig don ‘Spulenkoxper, n dessen iller de Indust 3 ineinom Manette stocken zwei sy Boom zeigend det tr das, Irequenzntchste, nach avon dor for das ‘mitdere Band. For das equenzniedere Band sind tolde Sporiveise ducchidssig. Sie votringem dlc ire Induktvtaten do Etemont {ange um S03 Baw, um 15%, Dieser "Nobend! {fk homnt viokn Anwerdorn 2030, ole ur begrenzton Freraum fr ho Bichlantonno zur Vertigung haben, Elemento mit 2x2 Spermkrcoen haben $ Ha ‘wolion-Resananzen, daren Strombauche im _leicnen Punkt in dor Mito des Blomentas Fogen. Die Hauptwittchting éolehor Elemente iat in dor Mite, reohtwinkig zur Langaachse. Das giot dare Kopplurgaverhatnese dor Elemento untereinander und verredet Neben- 2pfol zur Hauptsvahiongskeule. for free by 3 (Directional antennas, technical data ‘Akuve Elemente pro Bane Anza Elements, active In band rumor Ettenent att rembre ‘Akive Boomiange i Boom Length ective for band in use Lenguavr du Boom actif Antennan-Gewinn, Bestworte, o8i784 Galn, best values Gain bisherhandelsobfche Angabe: Gewnn, dB? \elues customary in trade Vor /Ruckw.Vorh, Bostwone, dB rontto-bocleratio, best value Rapp avanvaiiie ‘Yoru sAUckw. Verh, >84B Brelte von..bis MHZ Front-to-Back Ratio, »€8-Width MHz Rapport avanariore, >6d6: Largour, onbo M2 Resonanzon: Freq tmped/SWV MHZ/Obm/t. Resonance: Resonance: ‘Stehwraton-Veth.<2:1-Breitevon.bis, MHz ‘Standing Wove Ratio, «2:1, Miz apport 'ondos statonairos max. Ht-Sandeleistung, SSBCWRTTY, KW max. RtOutput, 4 Comments @ Antenna gain and front-te-back ratio: ‘The amateur radio enthusiast enjoys reading technical data. One day he might require ‘Ue mechanical specifications for assembly, the next he is interested in the expected performance and limitations of his antenna. Technical data are the min content of Countless ham radio contacts and are sometimes the abject of lively discuseion, They ‘mako up a large par af che text. To inerease the value of the information we have selected from au test resulis details that indleate the antenna paramlers more compre: hensively Chan is usually the ease, The following are comments tothe epecficaions shown on the teh: [Not every element snoanted on the boom is active in each band. The numberof stive ele: rents therelore may be Jess than the total aurnber of lements, The expected antensia ‘exin may be roughly estimated from the sumber of active elements por band "The active boom length fies between the first und last active element and is spetied in Jractinos of lazobda (1 Gamtida) « 1 wavelength). Antenna literature quotes the boom Tengths with favourable gain for monoband beams only. Multiband cloments are shorter rand need to be eloser together to reach the same optimal effec. Antenna gain is the most important indicator of a directional satenn’s erforinan- ‘oe. Although this value is extremely difficult to measure ia the shors wave race, it may be approxtiatod simply by eounting the number of active parasitic elements. For this you seed to kno tha eh tine the nuierof parasite elements is doubled, Ger is 3B Increase in gaia. ‘Before determining the gain in this way, it is uaoful to consider that the radiating olemoat itself contains n parasilie element having zero distence and zero gain, Ian actual ‘element is now added, a gain of 8 dd is achieved because the numberof cements has Deen doubled (2 element beam. The “ioeginery element” ean rw be disregarded oaly the realty counta: the three element boam has 6 dBd, the B element 9 JBM antenna gain ‘ead associated with esch parasitic eloment is, ofcourse, a section of boom of approximate. Jy 0.1 Tembds. Antenne gain may also be calculate hy ao alternative cethode*s, The resus are given {in dBY (i= eotropie) and are about 2.2 B greater than the dB va}ues resulting froma relereace to dipole of the same height. We give both values adjaceat to each otber. Unfortucately these two units ave often confosed with each other or aot reproduced in ‘heir entirety, thos giving rae to the dB for advertising purposes, We have listed these under “customary tn trade” to complete our data Value ofthe minor lobss in a given angular mange which often ies diametrically oppoced to the main direction of radiation in this case 180°, The hest values for the front-to-buck- ratio and the antenne gain do nol oar at the same frequency. Those abla to boast of @ high valve for the front-to-back-ratio must admit that they oaly have modest antonna fan at ie pint, "The self.resonance ofthe parasitic elements limits the beam efficiency above and below ‘the drven elements’ resonant iroquency, the from-to back-ratio being 0 4B, Within thie ‘range, frequency roading at 6 dH indicate the spactrom where the back-altervation ‘values of the antenna are between 6 dB and the optimor, ‘Where the reactance is +-0) 0, the resonance of tho beam cloment is indicated. Tho revonant freqzency is given with the elective impedance and the resulting standiog wave ratio, Mennurement was carried ont atthe feed paint of the antenns. The mearurement height was L4m in open space. ‘The points at which the SWI curve interaccts with the 2:1 line enable the "<2:1 SWR ‘width' to be read on the frequency axis. This indicates the frequency range where RP ‘may be applied ta the transmitter end of the enaxia! line without the aid of an antenna ‘eoopler (electra! longth 2/2 or e whale number multiple UnoreoD. ‘The data concerning the maxianum RE ootput is applicable for SWRs undor 21, without ‘using am antanna coupler and in the corresponding mode of oparation. stam Laon WAP. Yat Antenne Det” ABDI Pubicaion No, 72, 1H O87.018 nas empl he cnge of ee paersen tat ecmas svat ep erates Te ant (Birsane tanto ackrten by Yae bana ih 2 yt ed semen ra mgt Goo} aed ‘Eetantnna ote preeienemette specter ra cownan ares torn’ he ibn bes The ha stan apo sre Top Ua Manteka iD, Reva W, Walt, Puech Lan, Grete Vit te Sanaa, B Balkrana Canc Souter DAKE Paseo for free by @ Richtantennen, technische Daten, ‘Aitive Elomonte pro Band ‘Anaate Elements, active in band umbor Eement aout nombre Aiaive Boomlingo a ‘Boom Leng acive fot band in use argueur du Boor actt Antennen-Gewinn, Bestwerte, dBi dB Gain, best vale Gain. Disher handetstbiche Angaba: Gowlnn, 7 exstorary in rade oe? VorwiRickw.Verh. Bestwerte, 8 ‘tont-1o-back- ratio, bast value Report avarwianions| Vorw/Richw.Werh, »64B-Brelte von. cM Frontte-Back Rati, >, WH apport avanvariore, >608-Lazgour, ont ME Resonanzen: Freq.dmped.‘SWY Mbiz/ (2 Resonance Resonance: Stahwellan-Verh. <2:1-Brolie vorbis, MHZ ‘Standing Wave Ratio, <2: Fom..t0, MH2 Rappodt ¢’ondes statonaites ‘max. Hi-Sendeleistung, SSBICWIRTTY, kW max RECUR, Erlduterungen ) ‘Antannan-Gewinn und Vents -Rckwars- Verh: Der Versuch mit der Wahrheit Funkaratoura lesen gorn technische Daten. Einmal werden die mechanischan Angaben flo Montagovoibarciungan boniigh 2um andoron ist io 7u exwaronda Loistung éor Antonne und fauch deren Grenzen von groBem intorasse, Techrische Daten sind Haupinhalie unzehlgar Ama tourtunicVertingungen une manchrnal Gegenstang lsahattor Diskessionen, Sie aehrren in dot vorioganden Sebyi einen baton Raum ein, Um den Informationwart zu arndhen, haben wi 1s Lunseren MoBirrten Angaben ausgewahi, dlo unfassonder as bicher Bis do Antenren. Feremeet darstoton.2u den inks gezaigten Angaten folgende Erkiutorungen: \Nichtjedes am Boom montere Element ist in jeder Band widksam, Desh Sann die Zahi der ‘aktiven Elomanta Kelner soin als deren Gesamtza, Aus dor Zah! dor weksamem Elemente pro Band Karn man don 2u erwartenden Artonnen Gown durch Uborschiag eriten Zwisehen dom ‘reton und iatzton ativan Elomcatlogt die aktve Boomlange, Slo wid in Bruchtolon vos 2.ange- ‘geben (1h = 1 Welerange} In der Antonneniteratur wercen die gewinnglnetigsten Boomiangen ‘ur for Monobandbeams angegehen. Multbandelemente sind kirzer, se mlissen fOr das geiche (Optimum naor susammangerdekt werden, Der Antennen-ewinn ist die wichtigate Aussage Uber die Lelstung einer Richtantenne. ‘So schlorig dieser Wert im Kuzzvelenbereich 2u messen is, so lich ater sich durch ela ‘ches Atzthlon dor aktvan Parastarolomanio annahored bostinman, Datu selto man wissen, das \Verdoppetn der Parasitxclemente bring! jewels 3 dd mob Gewion Furden Stan diacer Gawinreohe ist os hfeicn sich vorzustallen, dai das Suablereloment lochzeitg ein Parastroloment ont, it Abstand O und Gevdnn 0. Wd nun on reales Eloment ‘ozugeflgr, gowinnt man durch dis Verdoppiing 3 did (26tament-Beart). Nun Konnen Sie das “Geiser Elerion” vergessen, es 2ahlt nur nach die Reali. Der 3Eiement Beam hat 6 dB, der ‘SEloment 9 6Be Antonnod-Gewinn, natch gah zu jadom Perec Element noch ein Stick Boomiange von obs 0,1 lambda, Dor Antennen-Gerninn kacn auch otrachet worden’. Die Resultate werdon mit dBi (= isorap) angogebon, si logan um 22 dB hoher, als io d8 aus dom Vergoieh gegen don Dipalmglshar Hohe, Wir geben beide Werta nebercinander an Leldes worden diese Grb8en haufig vewwechset oder unvolsredig wiedergegeben, Davaus ent Wikolton sion “Werke-d', aio wir as “bisher hardeleLbiche Angaben” or Volistancighoat ‘aborautgotthrt habon ‘Wert dor Nobonztptt in einem anzugebondn rickedtigan Winkolberich, der huts symmotisch tum ce Gogonvichtung dor Hauptstaltichtung lot, her 180°. Dio Bostworo fur das Vorw Ruck. Verna urd dom Aniensiom Gouin legon richt aut einer Frequenz. Wer sich et hohan Warten {0r das W-Vernitns bstet, glo auch Zu, da or an dieser Stele einen bescheidenen Anter fee. Gowian binnehmen ru. ‘Oberhalb und unterhal der Srahier Resonane Wid de Beam-Wrkung durch so Elgercesonanzen der Paraitrolemenie hegrena, hier it das Vorick. Ver, © €B, Im Zwischenraum exqoten Froquenzablogungen boi 6 d8 das Spokoum in dam do Antenne eine Ruckwartadampturg hat ik ‘Werlon zwischan -EdB und dem Bestwert. Wo der Blogwidorstand 1-0} 9 wit ist din Hosonanz des Stahler Elomartas angozoigt Dio lesonanzhoquen ist angegeten mit dem Wirksiderstand und dem sich datas ergebendon ‘Stahwelen-Verhalinis. Die Messungen eroiglen im Speisungspunkt der Antenne, Die isis ‘Weshohe bolus 14m, Die Schinittpunkte dar SR: Kurve mit dat 2:1 Line ertauben de Ablosung dor *<2:1-SWR Bree” aut doc Frequenzachse. Sle Kennzeichnet den Bereich in dem die Ht-Leistung ohne Kogperille 2n das senderseliga Enda dor Keaxiaatung abgegeben werden kana (eidkbische Lange lama 2 oder on ganzzchges Vieiaches davon}. De Angabo dor maximalon H-Loistng git SWAs unter 2:1, obe Vorwondung eloos Antara. seppirs, in dor zugeiorigen Betrobsart {atone ds Edens ai ftanachaten Motor ew ap Ato nna Rah ebranuegaitt nani 2 cng Biches anon Atoronco re Vor tsarveratnss es Yasar tty 3 ns lrorny is Barsngon ont Se taraca ot rts atten Prete ee [ecbecn arena nhac sr an a ag 6 Lan Ye unate wn W Waeraton Fee EeEergmch etsy © Gna asso EE Sarde € her ond ater Sacre DANG eg 5 for free by (measurement set up MeBplatz 6 for free by @) Messplatz-Beschreibung ) Gorite und Menautbauten: Vector Analyzer 2PY Vector Analyzer 20 Direkte Anzeige von ‘Spannung und Spanrwngsveshalis ‘Signal Generator SMS2 Phase Impedanz Process Contellr POAS Asritana ‘Parameter ichtkopplor 2PV-23 Rofeitionsfakior, VSWAL Rckfusesmping {ep Frelgetinde sind 3 Madstalon 2ur ‘Gooragungetaktor rating von: Oborvagungsmas Gauppaniautzel tehtaniennen Grupponlautzeitinserang Verthatantennen Dpolantearon ‘Jede gewanschte Dorstellung Tnoae oder logaritnisen, 6 Messlpole for Foldstarhevergloiohe abGOtU odor Nore, polar oder haresisch 2 Laberplitee zur Prateng von Anzeige ‘Sperraeiaon ‘ig! an zwei viorstofigon Ziternan Bains eigen ‘anaiog an zwel Tendenzanceigen Ausgange {ur Sehvetber oder Siohtgerste ure schnols Analogaueadnge ‘Tuner 2PV-E2, 0,8... 2000 Mite TEC-BUS-Ansehtub Der Voctor Analyzer antsprichtin seiner ‘Geunctunkton einem Veetorvoltmeter mit 220i Medkanslen, das selektv nach Betrag ‘ond Phase mit Sein eingebauter RMKrOpeo™ zessar vereintachtkomplexe MeBvorgenge sxtheblch,indem er die gomessone Spannong in jodon gowangehton Parameter unroetret tnd digi! arn Display arson ‘Alle Funktionen dos ZPV sind programmer, as heist, ale Bot eparton das Gerstos kénnen Uber den eingobauton 1€C BUS. Ansohiuf eingastott urd sémtfche Me Borie ‘Ausgulason worden, MeBvertohren zur Bostinmung der s Pars. mater von Antennae ‘io Spannugsquetia tur don Vecior-Anatyz0r Ist ot Signal Gonorstor SMS 2. Der Prozoss- Conttotor PCAS roget do Wetabigute. Mit oi iehtkopplatn und zwe: gleiehiangen Ko- ‘iallctungen sing Messingen m Speisungs punk! Ger Anteaon in Betreeshohe mogleh, Dio Exgobnisee ciner Metaihe Karen liber Orucker oder Potion avsgegoben werden, Eine Pleteréarsteling ist nbonstahond abgootect Im 20m-Amatovrforkband wurden einer ‘Elemont Rehantonne FB2Q ci impadane kurven van 2 Einstetungen dos Strahlors tur en Tolegrato. und Telefoniaberaich autge- zeichnat, sina Darstatung im Smif Diagram, 7 for free by (Bescription of Test Conditions Equipment and Measurement Sot U; Vector Anaiyzer ZV Signal Generator SMS. Process Controller PCAS Directional Coupler 2P¥-8 3 measurement locations in open terrain for the testing of Directional aatenaas Vertical nntennas Dipole antennas 6 test dipoles for the comparison of field strengths 2laboratory benches for tho testing of Trape Batane for free by Vector Analyzer ZPV Direct reading. Voltage and voliage ratios Phase Ienpedance Admittance SW parameters Roflection coeficient, VSWR Retura loss ‘Transmission factor Effective tranamission factor Group delay Group delay variation Choice of presentation: near or logerithmic abaelute or normalized polar or curtesiaa Display: Aigital via two foar-igure numerical dieplays analogue via tw tendoney indicators Outputs: for graphic recorder or visual display unit and rapid ansioge cotpnts ‘Tuners ZPV-B2, 0.3..2000 MHz TEC-BUS Connector ‘The Vector Ansiyeor factions basieally as a vector voltmeter with two test channels hat measures selectively aecording to ‘quenlity and phate. "The integral mieroprooee for greatly simplifies complex tost procedures by converting snd displaying digitally the vollage in every required parameter. Al functions of the ZPV are programmate ie. allits modes of operation may be sot using the inearporated {EC-BUS connector via ‘hich all tose resoles may be solested ‘Test procedures (o determine antenna «-para- ‘The Signal Generator SMS? ig the voltage souree for the Vector Analyzer. The Process Controller PCAS controls the test runs, The ‘use of two directional couplers and two ‘conin| ines of idevticalJength allow mensa- ements ta be made at the antenna Feed point whilst at operating height. ‘Fest man resuite may be obtained from 8 printer ar plotter. plotied example of a ‘Smith diagram is shown below: For a Ele ‘gat FHSS divectional antesna impedance curves resulting from two settings ofthe dri ‘ven element were recoried, one forthe tlegraphy end one for the telephony portion of the 20m amateur band. FB 13 Arte Ne 6132 TS 8 FB13/ Radiator 14/21/28 Mite Gosamitinge 7 40m 0.94 20m CW bbeo'91mm 20m FONE ‘Ansicht von oben ‘Topviow wo der: ‘haut 1-Element Rotary Dipol 14/21/28 MHz FB 13) ‘Technische Angsben, elekirisch ‘Specifications, eectizat Données teamiques,olockique -Aktive Elemente pro Bane Anzati Eloments, acive in band feribor Element dent rome Aktive Boomlénge B Boom Lengts active for bard in use Longucur du Boom acti Antennen-Gewinn, eeiroes aie Dishor handelsibiche Angabe: Gewinn, dB cusbmay in race est Pusege on commeroa orm /Ruckw-Verh. Bestworte, eB Frocito-Back Rati, best value Rapport avenwariere Vorw/Racke-Verh, »848-Brelle von. bishihe Frontto-Gack Rato, »6¢B.Wfdth trom. to, Me apport avanvarire, 3668 Largeur, ene MHz Resonant: Froquenz( Inpodanz / SWV Resonance: Frequeney / impedance / SW Fegonance: Frequence ! Impedance / ROS Stehwellen-Verh, <2:1-Brelte von..tis, MHz Standing Wave Raa, «2:1 tom to, MHz Bando passanto pour Rapport <2:1 ROS, WHE max. HtSendeleistung, SSBCWATTY, KW ax RF Oubpt Puissance acmisstie Nonnwidorstand fir Konslotung a nereinal impedance Impedance neminal 20m-Band —15m-Band —10m-Band 22s0 2210 2210 {413MM 2116 MHz 28.5 Mele 530 sa 580. HIO7SWY 15,18 SWR 1:15 ROS 1308.14.25 2095..21.95 27,80. 2906 14D TOS 1.40705 1.4078 ‘Bit teson Sio auch dio Enlaulorungon dos tachnichon Dator auf don Schon 5,8, 7 Ploaso read comments of tedhnical data on pages 4,6, 8 ‘Technische Angaben, mechaniach ‘Spooticatons, mechanical Données tachriques, mecharsqua ‘Boomiange/B00m Length. ongeut du boem, ‘Boom DirchmoscerOiameterDiamélie, mn Mast-Durchmessen/Diametar/Diamétre | mm Drehradius/Tuming RalusRiyon de Rotation m ‘WindiastWindloas'Charge au vont, 138kmh N Koax-Anschius, ohne Balun it ra Bun rt Goax-Connecton, without Balun with Balun Aaccord du cabo, sane Balun vee Balun, Gewicnunior WeightPolis cy \VersandgewichvShipping Weight Poids de evo! vo Versandmati/Shipping seize Dirpersion de Penvat an for free by 0 a7 20 Lotkabetschuho 80.209 Soldoring Lugs 80.29 Souder annoau 80.20 5 7 re (Fe 23 2-Element-Beam FB 23 x arte, 6252 } a o:2am y , yf i t >>> afte | » eam | | ct B Fottoctor FotasRadieor Se7 ot 20 Nie ta1at sone Seige 780m osama 7648-Wieth fom. to, ME Rapport avanvartre, s662-Largeu, entre MHz Resonanz: Frequonz Impedanz /SWV 14,18 MH 21,18 Mh 20.52 Me Resonance: Frequency / impedance SWR 0 0 20 Fosonance: Froquenee £Impadance {ROS atz9sWy s.04 SWR 1.04 ROS Stohwellen-Verh, <2:1-Brelle von..bis, Nz 1303,,.14,380W 2001.21.82 27,89..20,5 Standing Wave Ratio, «2:1 from... MHZ 18)07,.14.40Fon@ Bande passanto pow Rapport <21 ROS, MHz max. Ht-Sendeleisiung, SSBOWRTTY, KY 1.40708 140,708 140708 max REOutput, Pulssance admissible Nonnvridorstand tu Koasiatoitang a 8 80 50 omina impodaneo Impedance neminal Bito lesen Sie auch dle Erisutsrungen der technischen Daten suf don Seiten 8, 6,7 Please read commonts of technical date an pages 4,6, 8 ‘Techniache Angsben, mechenisch ‘Spoctiations, moctarical Donndes techniques, mechanique scomtangerioom Lengo du boom, m so serene te penarawes —wagengtnet Seun-DacroncerOamor Danae, nm & Rte | Shee ones, NostDuchresserDianeterDameco” nn ® Beet | times Dyfed Tong RadasMayor 0 olaion & ERIS EY ppt erecta. VntascWndoatiShrge a Yon 135k Sto Soest ee re cen {pain oimronhe tm (Qaury Sain as seo so Koax-Anschiv8, ‘ohne Balun mit Lotkabetsciuhe Stevan, Geeta Worm Fo Annes retort sit Balun it soz EanNeiseitlaen 8 bck gel nade tate es oax-Connestion, ‘without Balun ‘Soldeting Lugs SRegdaneestonte wt Satur $0238 “entinn a asurener ft accord du cable, sans Baton Souder anreay Geeta! enneen Dele cnerig he nna ‘avec Balun some Femara rt toog 12m fee pnt gece Sao ee mein a vege Gowichitot Woight Poids tg 7 SSeaasely we Et ‘eign wr nagourhon tee ‘Versandgewict Shipping Weight Warton taco “om Satna tel utangeroct ie Pals co Foner *9 0 Batepmrmntn shear Cured ent VersandenaBerStipping seize: Botan sere iStoetewer peaseregnt eri spp Dimension de eavet am zoras2 — Serieemalee datas mee for free by (Fe 53 5-Element Beam 14/21/28 MHz ) FBS53 Asthob Nr, 6532 Rotlector 14/21/26 Me Gasamiiinge 79m 21/23 Me Gesamiinge § 97m ‘Areichtvon oben Top view ‘yaa den “haut » 21120 Maz ‘Gesaméage 5,38m FDAaRadletor 14721 126 Mile Gecamiage 7 40m beO.adm 20m CW 'be0.91m 20m FONE, for free by Director 147217 28 Miz Gesamianga 7,00, @)_ 14/2128 nz 5-Element-Richtantenne FB 53) Technische Angaben, eletrisch, Speciications cectical années techniques, elctique Aktive Elemente gro Sand Anzai Elements active in band umber Elomont actt| sombre ‘Altive Boomtinge a ‘Boom Length active for hand in use Congueur du Boom act Antennen-Gewinn, Bi/eB3 ain Dishor handelsibliche Angabe: Gewinn, —éB. exstomary in race Crest! usage en commerce Vorw/Ritckw.-Verh. Best Front toBack Ratio, best valua Rapport avarvariere 8 Vorw /Rlickw.-Verh, »648-Breite von, bisMHz Front-o-Back Rao, >B¢8 Width rem..t0, MHz Rapport avantarre, »633-Largour, entre WHE Resonsnz: Froauenz Mspedanz /SWV esonanco: Frequency / Impedance SWR Resonance: Febgunce / impedance / ROS ‘Stohwellem-Verh. <2-Brelle von..bis, Miz Standing Wave Ratio, <2" fom_to, MHz Bando pascante pour Rapport <2:3 ROS, He max. MI-Sendelsistung, SSBCWRTTY, KW max RtOutput, Pulssarce admissible Nennwidersiond fr Konslalotung a ominat impedance impedance nceinal Technische Angaben, mechanisch Specifeatons, mechanical omnées techiiques, mechanique Boorange/Beom Lengthtengeur du boom, Boom Duichmessse DiamateDiarata, mm MastDurchmessorDiamoterOaméte mm Drebradiss Turing Rasius Rayon de Rotation m WiadastWindioadi Charge au vert, $95km N Koar-Anschiu, chine Balin nt ‘mit Balun et ‘Coax-Connection, without Galun ‘wih Balun Racooid du cabie, sans Balun, avec Bata Gewichier WeightPoids Ky \VersandgemichvShisping Welght Pods de renvei rey ersandmaserShipping seize Dimension do orvoi em 20rm-Band 45e-Band 0m-Band 3 4 4 085 0.96 08 87/68 92:7 9217 8s 95 as 8 Ea 6 19,60..1488 2082.24.80 2784.30.30 14:8 MH 2120 Mie 23,99 Weta 470 37.0 230 Hp sw 4.35 WR 135.80 ROS 43,08..14.49, 21.08,.21,48 28,10..20.05 140,705, 140,708 140,705 %0 0 0 Bito oson Slo auch aie Efizutorungon des technischon Daten auf den Seiten 6, 6,7 Please read comments of tacheical data on pages 4,6, 8 ts Mesonengunge fr enaneanen — Winorsherst ca Rabel accan tA So Wdeedaad ms ansocre 0 Gepdatetsne > Unies 250 Se Sw Btn anna ss 33 780 Loikabolschuhe ‘a Uerguns tantra Gat 30.250 Eckpieim@vramcter 13ck Saka snSagen seen, Soldering Loge ‘Ste tea Ent 80239 ‘onda of Messmer ‘eer Souder anneau toate samme Reprodection S070 Freespa see vag ton Dlr eer the eat mg Hester aitace fem ‘eed pont peters Sh aa SH Plat adm mciotce ame ‘tein ar on vl trae r= ey foiaciing ‘hen pation: Wrenn ‘aaron ora capct han longer cd fees” soto) Sharan men ana ‘Sreumftc te otetooes aoesni2 — Seaniewtee os Beams for free by 5 C FB 34 3-Elements 14/21/28 MHz + i-Element 7 MHz-Beam FB 34 ‘Actor 6845, Ansichtvon oben & Top viow Fietlector wo den aut 14/21/28 Miz Gasamiange 775m 16 J /\\\ a FB1DRadtstor Director + EWS 3040 14/21/28 Mite 4412028 Mi Goscritinge 7,06m for free by @ 3-Elemente 14/21/28 MHz + 1-Element 7 MHz- Richtantenne FB 34 Technische Angaben, elekirisch 20m-Band 15m-Band s0m-Band ‘Spesticatons, electica Données techniques, sloctique ‘Aisive Elomente pro Band Anzaht 3 a 3 1 Elomonts, activo la band rnarsbor Eroment att nombre ‘Alaive Beominge Fy 023 ose 48 ‘Boom Leng activa fot band in use ongueur ei Boorn act Antennen-Gewinn, Bi see 77158 82/6 92i7 2210 Sain Diener handelsubiche Angabe: Gewinn, 6B a 8 ° - customary in vase Cost usage on commerce Vor /Ritekw..Vetn, Bestwert, ey 8 6 16 ° Front to Back Ratio, bes! value Rapport evantiaiére Vorw/Rilck-Veth, »84B-Brelte von. bis? 19.54.1480 2oe6..2182 27.00..2870 0 Frontto-Back Rate, >GdB-Wicts tom. to, NZ Regpor aanvanare, s6dB-Laxgour, eave WAZ Resonane: Froquenz impedanz 1 SW 14.0700 2ns5hie 2a,s2 Mz 708 ai Fasonance: Frequency / impedance / SWRA ao eo rary sa econance: Fréquoned / mpécance / ROS 1429 swv 14,04 swR, 14.04 ROS 13,048WR ‘Stehwellon-Verh. <2:1-Breite von..bis, MHz S39R.14950W — 20.96..21,20 27,90.28.4 694.718 Standing Wave Ratio, <2) fom..t0, MHz 1407..14.40Fone Bande passante peur Rapport <2:1 ROS, MHz max. HtSendelelstung, SSB/CWIRTTY, AW 1.40708 140705 140,705 140,708 max AFOUtpU, Pulssonos admissible Nennwiderstend tu Koanalotung a 20 50 9 ey minal mpasance Impedance nominal ‘Bite ioson Sie auch dia Exdutorungon der technischon Daton auf don Sciton 8, 6, 7 Ploaso read comments of technical data un pagee 4,6, 8 ‘Technische Angaben, mechanisch ‘Specications, mechanicat ‘Données techniques, mecharique ‘Soombtinga’Beorn Lengt’Longeur du boom, m_ 50 ‘Weensieewner 1 ettertomemn — Miederhotbertal Boom-DurchimescexiDsameteDiamére, mm 50 Ipegee geese wow Qo asta ear etree ‘Mast-Durchmesser/Diameter/Diaméta mm 50 ‘Gentuceache fo tUniceia 29% ang SW/V-landonste sind rar ie in Bretradiue/Tuming RedlustRayon de Retation © 67 Sm Gres oe ‘SPegebone Srarner Gorton go Wecieiitstonicnare ven, amin 78 fcomermmis * Emwea hone ee, SEekccsc mm aam leeieettormantc, oa Anechit, shoe Batn mt ——tabasahe GE EN ee Bonita Boece ones Sere” Sattar once mB STEETE WGox eet Somes Cac Connton Mion Sokerng tans Senos with Balun $0238 ‘Conditions of eas Kr Rey acon cable sere Baan Seetanrean SER ARIMA ere ne Sieben Sey 1m Remmetarat ay Siac EES Gewicht Weighs 8 Sree aman, Cee cht me eat a Pos ae ene o 8 SEIS sag craton ae VersunomaoSprg 820 eiinor mele, RerGteneeomeme Serna ona SE veel for free by EWS 3040 40m-Conversion Kit for FB33 or FB53 EWS 3040 ‘This conversion kit will extond your FI or FBE3 directional atte a. 8540 antenna to arotatable dipole for 7 or 10 MH, Antenna gain should not be expected, since the M/2U/28 MHz parasite ele _ments ore not ective in that respect, but you can stil impress {your contact station. IF the direxional antenna’ boom is di rested al your QSO partnor's leation, his signal will bo 15 aB _greator than if the ends ofthe elements were divested at in ‘The figure representing the FH8R + EWS 8940 shows the sections of the directional antenna using a dotted line. The cenversioa kit is shoven by a contionoos line. The end tubes af ‘the boam's radiating element are replacod by thicker once sigcpeseemine from the EWS 3040 kit, Tho traps for 14 MHlz are connoetod y to these. Additional invard facing extension cole, which re- fe dace the length of the elements to about 13.4, are found ia 1 the same conduit. The cement is saaled by two cuter tubes ‘omeach side, i ‘The EWS 2040 consis af tho flowing sections: Art.No. Deseription Quantiy O70 24x. 9xH25 Element tube 2 8230 16x1.44850 Element tube 2 1 8092 4440.031240 Element tube 2 | 8121 15x0.94250 Biement tube 2 gia Lix0.9x1240 Element tube 2 N18 11x0.9%280 Blement tube 2 comnetcn# 8199 20m trap EWS 8040 2 59 guyr EWS 3040 sot | 040 Norm clamp 2 8864 self tapping worewe 3.9118 2 B33 4 EWS = FEG4_ Read on ifyou wish to know what influence the conversion has an the good features ofthe FBS3, "The “emaller 2:3 SWR bandwidth? KHL ‘dom 20m Stem 43> © 4501350 200 4501850 Raa FBI ‘The 40m conversion kit EWS 9040 has no negative influence cf any practical significance on the features of your FB3S. ‘Tho dotted lines indiea the antenna sections ofthe FB3S, the continvens lines show the seetions ofthe conversion Kil Beams 18 for free by @® 40m-Erweiterung fir FB33 oder FB53 EWS 3040 ) EWS 3040 ibiokN 8580 ott verse for free by Dioser Erwolterungssatz erganat ve Richtartonne FESS oder FESS ‘ueinem dronbaron Dipol or 7 MHz. Sia iran damit kainen Anton- ‘on-Gewinn erwarton, dann sia Paraskaretomento 14/21/28 Mz siod rar 7 M2 rien wirksam. Sie keen jadoch Dror Gegonstatonsiots ‘ie baste Sone zeigen. Wona Sie den Boom der Richiantecn aut ‘don Standoet vas QSO.Partnere rahon, is eain Signa um 16 dB ‘starker, als won Sie mt den Elemortspltaen aul Ibe zaigon, Die Zeichnung des FERS + EWS 3040 zelgt die Toll der Richtanton- ne noati,cio dos Enwoiterungssatzos mit vokom Stich, Die ‘Enérohre doe straktoncon Elamertos worden orceT! due Srkore ‘aus dem EWS 2049, Daran scnietion die Sparckolse for {4 MHz an, Jim gleionen Gchutzrehy stackan nach auBen hin 2ueatzlicha Spun, dle don Suaiorelekisoh fir 7 M2 veringer, geichzorig ws clo ‘machanigcho Langa aut €3,4m verKira. 2 AuBenlangen aut jeder Sete scuesen das Element ab, Slo ohaiton mit dem EWS 2040 folgonde Tole: ArtKALN Sezelcnnung ienge e070 2bx1,81825 Element Rohe 2 Stick e200 18x1.4850_ Element Rot 2 5082 18n0,Be1240 Element Floar 2 erat 13x0,8%250_ Element Rote 2 aio 110 ,8x1240 Elomont Rote 2 ars 11x0/9x250. Element Rote 2 aga om Sporshcis ESW 3040 2 539 ‘Abspannungen EWS 2040 saz oso Schnockengowindeschalls 12.20 2 Stick 0304 Blochtrobecrwaube 3931, A2 iA ‘Fe + BWS3040 - FB34, Won Sio wissen woven welchen Einfus, sic Exweitezung au die Eigenschalten des FB33 hat, beachten Sie i felgonde Tabelio tur deo <2:1 SWA-Bandbeito, KHz 0m 20m 16m tom Fesa 20 450 1350 Fee 230 200 450 1350 Die dom Enveitorung hat aut a Gbrigen elokrischen Kenran | ‘eis F833 oder FBSS koinen negativen Einfu8 dor prakische Bo- eutung hie Die schrafeten Linton zeigen de vornandenen Flemenie des FBS, Ge ausgezogenen Lisnen kenazeichnen die Tele des EWS 5040, Beams 19 (8 13 >>> FB23 Erweiterung / Conversion FB23 >>> F233 (fi) Dio vor der Erweiterung vorhandenon Eioment lund Boomiate sind durch Raster abgodockt. Freistchend sind ee nou binzugekonvnenen des Erwetorungssatzos gezeigt FB13>>>FB23 FB 23>>>FB 33 ‘ike. 9541 ArholNs, 8542 | | >>> LHL 29m 4 0m 7 a 084m ©. a Ansicht von ober a Retlector ForamRadiator Top view Director 1a 21 728 Mi 18/21/28 Mia ‘vue en ‘haut 14124 128 Me Gesamtiange 7,60 Gesamitange 706m for free by Erweiterung / Conversion FB 33->FB ED) 1 Retlector 21/28 Miz ‘Gesamilange 597m Ansichtvon oben Top view wo én "haut (ie vor dor Erweiterung vethandenen Element: Lund Boomtele sind durch Rast abgedeckt. Froistchond cing dle nou Hinzugekommenen os Exveitorungseatzns go2cigt FB 33>>> FB 53 Artivo Nr 8545 >>> 21/28 Mee Gesamiinge §:26m Boe a FB10/Radistor Director 14/21/26 Me 14207 28 Mie bowel for free by. at MFB 23 Beam SpohwobvO Postion 48,.52mm Balin 1:3 14/21/26 Miz { oe D - MFB 23 eh 34 cm Mni-Rotlecter 142128 Mie Gesemtinge 476m sich von oben Top view wo d'en haut bm Min. Rasizier sa2iize Mite Gosamtiinge 4.20 for free by (@i)_2-Element mini Beam 14/21 (28 MHz MFB 23») ‘Technische Angaben, eektriseh 20m 15m 10m Specifications, eloctica! Aksive Eiemante po Band Anzaht 2 2 2 Elements, activa fo band senor Element ctl embe ‘Aktive Boorlinge: Boom Length actve fo: band in use R ont our, 022 Longuour du Boom act Antonnen-Gewinn, asides 42/2 47728 60738 an bisher handelsObiche Angnbe: Geninn, 38 5 5 5 customary in kad Cost Fuago an commerce VorusRdckw.Verh. Bestwerte, B 2 10 8 Figatto-Back Rato, best valuo Rapport avanaritro VorwJRckw.Verh, »648-Brelte _von..bis MHz 1392...1428 2080...24.42 278... >80 Front i Back Rata, >60B Wah rom. 10, MME Rapport avaavamore, séd8-Largeur.ento MH 14.4 MH 2esa MHz 28,30 Miz Resonance: Frequency !Impedanco | SWAL wa a0 55a Resonance: Feequance / Impédance / ROS. 4 a8.1S¥ 125190 1 IROS, ‘Stehwellen-Vern. <2:1-BreRle, Miz 1410,..1818 21.02... 21,18 274.292 Standing Wavo Ratio, <2, | MHz ‘nde passante pour Aappont «2103, WHE max, HI-Sendelelstung, SSBCWRTTY, KW 140,705 140,708 140705 max RE-Output, Pulgsance asmiesibie Nennwiderstand tr Konaiateltung 2 ey ca 9 nominal mpadance impedance nominal Bine lesen Sio auch cic Bauierungen dor techrischan Datan aut don Seitan 5,6, 7 Plesse read comments of technical data oa pages 4,6, 8 Tochnische Angaben, mechaniach ‘Speciications. mecharicat ‘Donneas techniques, mochanique Boominga’Boom Lengtviongaur du boom, —m Be sonar. Botan tr Rescearlage. don Boom Durchmassar/DiamateDiaméve, cara 0 Hote toe Boden (etn in Speman Se oot DurchmessorDaaetor'Sameto, em 45.52 GRR nn BS aman Sees Srehradius Turning Radius/Rayon de Rotation mm es ness tre Dot Eh Seer ite nareeiocs WindiastWindioad-Charge au vent, t35kmn NN 380 Rostand 2urn oachaben Gor _schait mit anderen Arann und in der EEEEEINET spvconma ecg meat KoascAnsehud, ‘hoe Bala mit Se ieee Setar ‘mit Balun mit PL 289 ‘Erdopebe ra Giondaatser $3 Sick worden, Bite warssten Sie dinoe Ergeb> conn Conoction, stat Balin aes with Balun Conditions of Measurement tor Reproduction Racsord dy cable, sans Balin estore nae wes Delt once ton ren, sans Sain ESEUUSTM ES SSINRERARE TR iieemner* i Eghah ite talfatiegte PENTA Stacie De Samat a ‘Gewicht/Net Weight/Poids: kg 125 olin 1, ‘aha don ighnarond bee Versanagowe'Shipning Weigt fescue sie carte a Sree ben Poids de Fenvol ke 6 Wegicecm ?” sontmay — Rebttareariany avant: poe Vorsancmabo Siping seize ee Dimension de lenvoi dm 26r3K1 Creararnce oo for free by.

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