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Nama : M.

Defma Djumadil Al-Amin

Kelas : XI.2


The review about the biography of Jendral Sudirman this time begins from Sudirman's

childhood, he is the son of a husband and wife, namely Karsid Kartawiraji and also Sitem who

was born on January 24, 1916. Basically, Jendral Sudirman's life journey and biography are full

of twists and turns, because since he was a child he had to feel an orphan after the death of his

father since he was 6 years old. Because at that young age, he has lived the hard life by being the

backbone of the family. Until then he was adopted, after this adoption he was then better

educated, including being taught about ethics and also manners, even though he also lived in

simplicity. Sudirman was also raised with stories of heroism by his parents. General Sudirman is

a child who is full of manners and is also devout of religious knowledge. In the biographical note

of Jendral Sudirman, he is a student of Kyai Haji Qahar, studied a lot of religious knowledge so

that he has good character and is quite religious. When he was 7 years old Sudirman was sent to

a special school for Indigenous people, until he was an adult and took PETA Bogor Military



It is incomplete not to discuss General Sudirman's biography about his educational history. He

started schooling at the age of 7 years, at that time he has entered into an Indigenous school by

his parents called Hollandsch Inlandsche School. But then he was transferred to the school
founded by Ki Hajar Dewantara, known as the Father of Indonesian Education, namely Taman

Siswa School.

Furthermore, in this biography of Jendral Sudirman, . He then continued his final education,

namely the PETA Military Education in Bogor. Sudirman decided to marry his school friend

who is also the son of a batik entrepreneur, Alfiah and has 7 children.


It was told by a student in the biography of Jendral Sudirman that Sudirman was a very fair

teacher and also very patient in educating his students. Known as a moderate and democratic

figure. Previously, he was an active member of the Muhammadiyah Youth group. Until then in

1937 he was appointed chairman of the Muhammadiyah Youth group, at that time Sudirman was

already married. Not only Soerdirman, but also said that his wife was also a woman who was

very active in the activities of the Muhammadiyah women's group Nasyiatul Aisyiyah. Formerly

Sudirman, after graduating from Wirotomo, studied for one year at the teacher school, but due to

lack of funds he has decided to teach in Cilacap at a Muhammadiyah elementary school. In the

biography of Jendral Sudirman, he is indeed known as a very fair teacher, often mixing humor

while teaching, even though the salary he receives is small, relatively small, but still teaches

actively, that is what made him later appointed as the principal of the school even though in fact

do not have a teacher diploma. So that his income also increased 4 times from 3 guilders to 12.5

guilders at that time.


In the final note of the biography of Jendral Sudirman, he died on January 29, 1950 in Magelang.

This sad news has reported live in a special broadcast from RRI.
After the news of grief, mourners continued to fill with mourners, including members of Brigade

IX who served in the neighborhood. His body was then buried in the Gedhe Kauman Mosque,

which of course was attended by a number of Indonesian military elites and even foreigners. As

Indonesian citizens, we should be obliged to know about the biography of General Sudirman,

because he is a hero who used to fight for this nation towards independence. Because it is for her

services that we can enjoy independence to this day.


1. He has lived the hard life by being the backbone of the family.
2. He has entered into an Indigenous school by his parents called Hollandsch Inlandsche School.
3. But due to lack of funds he has decided to teach in Cilacap at a Muhammadiyah elementary
4. This sad news has reported live in a special broadcast from RRI.

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